OHB-Unternehmensstruktur ➤ OHB Technology AG Karl-Ferdinand-Braun-str. 8 28359 Bremen, Germany phone: +49 (0) 421 2020-8 Fax: +49 (0) 421 2020-613 OHB Technology AG in Figures
[email protected] Annual Report 2009 www.ohb-technology.de ➤ Glossary The Group EUR 000 VisiOnary. 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Revenues 287,164 232,473 218,801 163,147 113,829 Total revenues 321,818 260,029 223,340 185,699 117,057 Calendar of events in 2010 EBiTDA 31,659 28,736 25,903 27,936 19,325 Annual press conference and release of annual report for 2009, Bremen March 18 EBiT 20,771 18,708 17,486 20,428 14,080 Analyst conference, Frankfurt/Main March 18 European. EBT 18,039 16,092 18,373 21,982 13,745 3 month report/analyst conference call May 19 net income for the period 14,860 8,998 12,478 12,016 10,687 Annual general meeting, Bremen May 19 Earnings per share (EuR) 0.96 0.61 0.84 0.81 0.72 6 month report/analyst conference call August 11 9 month report/analyst conference call november 9 FlExiBlE. Total assets 441,905 328,104 315,011 287,494 266,269 Analyst presentation at Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum, Equity 98,125 81,362 81,541 79,104 59,214 Frankfurt/Main november 22–24 Cash flow from operating activities 32,596 9,353 4,382 –6,511 –27,679 Equity investments 14,681 16,260 20,053 6,876 8,899 COnsistenT. thereof capital spending 120 1,520 4,331 1,378 3,809 Employees on December 31 1,546 1,284 1,189 823 795 The Stock EUR 000 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Closing price 11.20 8.00 13.59 11.55 7.70 year high 11.35 13.92 15.45 11.89 10.60 year low 5.85 4.82 9.65 7.40 6.50 Market capitalization at year-end 196 million 119 million 203 million 172 million 115 million number of shares 17,468,096 14,928,096 14,928,096 14,928,096 14,928,096 AnnualReport 2009 • OHB Technology AG OHBTechnology OHB Business Structure ➤ OHB Technology AG Karl-Ferdinand-Braun-str.