Update on the Corona Pandemic in the Republic of September 11, 2020

As of today, the Finnish Public Health Authorities announced that 0 new death have been confirmed within the last 24 hours due to the Coronavirus. Since Covid-19 reached Finland the total mortality rate is now 336 people. 8 512 people have been confirmed infected and 0 people are in intensive care. Finnish Prime Minister is moving to work remotely from her official residence, writes Svenska and Hufvudstadsbladet, among others. The work continues as usual. The reason is that she may have been exposed to someone nearby who carried the coronavirus and the teleworking is a precautionary measure. The information about a possible exposure came via their new app Coronablinkern, confirms the Prime Minister's communications director for Swedish Yle. CoronaBlinker is a mobile app developed to inform users about possible exposure to the coronavirus in their immediate environment. For safety's sake, Sanna Marin will be tested for the coronavirus but is well and symptom-free, writes Svenska Yle. In recent days, the has renegotiated travel and entry restrictions due to the corona pandemic. Previously, you had the limit for voluntary quarantine if you traveled from a country with less than 8 per 100,000 corona infected and now that limit will be raised to 25 from 19 September to 22 November. Travel to Finland is therefore now allowed from the European countries Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Cyprus and Liechtenstein, the government announced during a press conference about the new rules at a press conference on Friday morning. From outside Europe, travelers from the Vatican, Cyprus, Thailand, New Zealand, Uruguay, Australia, Georgia, South Korea, Japan, Rwanda, Canada and Tunisia can also come to Finland. However, Finnish citizens will not be subject to an entry ban. Those who come from countries where the cases are more than 25 per 100,000 inhabitants must show a negative coronation test when they arrive to Finland. The test must not be more than 72 hours old. Exceptions may still occur.


For them, quarantine is still recommended. To shorten this quarantine period, an additional negative corona test is required in Finland, but the person is recommended to isolate himself for at least 72 hours. “Those who come from countries where the cases are below 25 per 100,000 inhabitants do not have to show a negative coronation test. Tested travellers from countries with more cases are welcome only if the result is negative,” says Minister of Communications Timo Harakka. The only Nordic country where the situation is so bad that the cases are over 25 per 100,000 inhabitants is Denmark. Other European countries where quarantine recommendations still apply are the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Austria, Greece, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, France, Slovenia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic and Hungary. These rules also apply to China, the United States and Russia. Finnish citizens and residents of Finland do not have to show a negative coronation test when returning from countries where the corona cases exceed 25 per 100,000 inhabitants. For them, quarantine for two weeks is still recommended. Minister of Trade and Industry Mika Lintilä points out the importance of being able to open up and "travel as normally as possible under the prevailing circumstances". “We hope to promote business, transport, tourism in Finland and the situation for Finnair by opening up,” adds Timo Harakka. The corona crisis could hit Finnish industry harder in the autumn than in the spring. Staff cuts over many years have also weakened the industry's opportunities to compete in an international market in the future. Finnish companies are investing significantly less in product development now than ten years ago. In 2010, the state began to reduce its support for cooperation between universities and companies by EUR 250 million per year.

Created by: Crisis Committee Monitoring and Taking the Required Procedures Regarding Coronavirus in Accredited Countries by the Embassy of Libya - Sweden Stockholm: September 11, 2020