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ISSUE 7 • 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 • € 3 (SIS. ALV) NEWS BUSINESS SPORT Midsummer Every third Finns’ spend Orienteering in household less on holiday in the dark LIFESTYLE page 15 without digital than others woods Finnish fashion TV receiver CULTURE page 16 page 4 page 10 page 12 “Is Washington the new Moscow?” SAMI SALLINEN gap since Finland’s last offi cial visit only superpower. Both have been In the aftermath of the visit, many to exploit: who receives the invitation, HELSINKI TIMES to the White House, when president critical of the war in Iraq and the newspapers have taken a critical stance from whom, how often – or who, piti- THE LONG build-up and fanfare over Tarja Halonen met George W. Bush anti-terrorism policies of the U.S. to what they see as an orchestrated fully, never receives an invitation.” last week’s meeting between Fin- in 2002. Helsingin Sanomat also re- When Ilkka Kanerva (National campaign to undermine Halonen, while Both the U.S and Finnish gov- land’s foreign minister Ilkka Kan- ported that Bush refused to meet Coalition Party) became the foreign others have congratulated Kanerva on ernments have regularly dismissed erva and the U.S. Secretary of State Halonen during her visit to the U.S. minister in Finland’s new centre- his “triumph” in Washington. speculation of any tension or cool- Condoleezza Rice at the White in May, while fi nding time to host right government in March, he im- Etelä-Suomen Sanomat (14 June) ing in Finland-U.S. relations. Dur- House has produced some colourful the leaders of and . mediately received an invitation to suggested that Washington seems to ing a visit to Finland last week, U.S. sparring in the Finnish media. The underlying argument has Washington. Kanerva visibly en- have replaced the Kremlin as the place Secretary of State for Labour Elaine In the months preceding the vis- been that Halonen and Kanerva’s joyed the warm reception he was of pilgrimage for Finnish politicians: Chao did mention, however, that it, Helsingin Sanomat, Finland’s predecessor Erkki Tuomioja (Social given by Rice at the White House, “During the Soviet era, an invitation to a new era was starting in the rela- biggest and most infl uential news- Democratic Party) failed to main- and even pledged to help arrange a the Kremlin was a positive signal that tions between the two countries. paper, often highlighted the long tain good relations with the world’s similar visit for Halonen. the politicians and parties knew how Condi and Ike – Page 5.


Not a single Swedish compa- Passenger ny agreed to sign the commitment. From the Finnish companies Birka ships pour Line, Seawind Line, and ABP agreed to dispose sewage into of their sewage responsibly. The passenger ships ploughing the Baltic the produce at least 1.6 billion litres of what is known as STT grey water that comes from show- ers, washing machines and kitch- MOST OF the waste water from the ens. The black water from toilets is cruise ships ans ferries still ends up also fl ushed untreated into the sea. in the Baltic Sea. Only nine out of fi f- In a year, the untreated sewage ty shipping companies have agreed produces 460 tons of nitrogen and to process their effl uent on-board 150 tons of phosphorus emissions or to transfer it to an onshore sew- into the sea. WWF recommends that age system, according to the World the shipping lines use detergents Wildlife Fund (WWW). without phosphates if they cannot In April WWF requested the pas- treat the grey water on-board their senger shipping lines for a commit- ships. This would signifi cantly re- ment to stop dumping untreated duce the phosphorus emissions that waste water into the sea. contribute to toxic algae blooms.

station buildings around Finland, Railway which are costing the state 1-2 mil- lion euros a year to maintain. The stations may condition of many of the proper- ties is deteriorating. The sale of the be sold off properties to people who are in- STT terested in renovating them could resolve the problem of how to pre- THE FINNISH state is considering serve the protected buildings. selling off hundreds of disused rail- When the properties change way stations to the public next au- hands, The National Board of An- tumn. The properties are currently tiquities (Museovirasto) would give managed by Senaatti-kiinteistöt. advice to the new owners on how to Finnish youth enter the adult world too early and are the most prone to depression and suicide, according to a new study There are about 270 disused maintain the buildings. comparing the lives of young people in the Nordic countries. Full story on Page 4.

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“The apostles of moderation always rise up like a force of na- ture on the eve of wage negotiations. ... On the other hand, in the beginning of spring during the company annual meetings, the economists are still hibernating after a tough skiing trip … That’s why company owners have not assumed the golden virtue of moderation. There are enough high digit examples of that.”

Matti Litukka, Aamulehti, 14 June.

Facing the “When he wanted something else to think about, he went to a job arranged by his mother Liisa at a day nursery in Valli- kallio. Opting to bring the soft world alongside the hurly-burly of hockey was a big move in the macho ice hockey inevitable community.” Pasi Kostiainen, 15 June, Seura, describing the unusual self- confi dence of the young ice hockey player Teemu Selänne, now a in Iraq Finnish sporting legend. Mikhail Gorbachev served as the leader of the former Soviet Union from 1985 until its collapse in 1991. Awarded the Nobel “It’s possible that you start missing the cigarette smoke dur- Peace Prize in 1990, he is currently president of the Internation- ing a gig when your nose is invaded by the subtle scents of the al Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies sweating audience and the smell of beer splashed on the fl oor, (The Gorbachev Foundation). and when the person next to you is a mixture of sweat, spilled drinks and vomit.”

Aku-Tuomas Mattila, Sue 6/2007, on the effects of the smoking LASHES between U.S. the better? Is there a light at the this apparently constructive new Soviet leadership – with ban at music gigs. Ctroops and insurgents end of the tunnel? attitude for self-serving ends. me as its president – set the throughout Iraq, political While asking its partners to goal of withdrawing from Af- maneuvering in the United THE KEY to understanding the help Iraq, it refuses to do the ghanistan while urging other States over its presence there situation – as it appears today one thing that would real- countries to help in securing “I don’t mind warming up the sauna for her.” and the repercussions of that and as it appeared one, two or ly aid that country: develop a peace and stability. presence around the world three years ago, indeed as it strategy for withdrawal. Matti Tourunen, Baywatch star Pamela Anderson’s grandfa- leave no doubt that the Bush ad- appeared from Day One of the REGRETTABLY, the U.S. gov- ther’s second cousin, quoted in Image 05-06/07. Anderson is ministration's hopes for a turn- invasion – is simple. Iraq is AMERICANS will put increas- ernment chose to forget its coming to visit her roots in Finland during Midsummer. around have been frustrated. occupied by U.S. forces. ing pressure on the admin- own assurances, as it had on istration to do exactly that. other occasions. Instead of “Why aren’t there any Midsummer socks? What else could ex- THE RECENT American troop THAT FACT hasn't been changed Keeping a certain number of cooperating with all respon- press the festive spirit quite as well as birch switches (sauna- "surge" has only increased by Iraq's creation of a parlia- U.S. troops in Iraq for a rea- sible Afghan forces, includ- vihta) and Midsummer bonfi res on the legs of the socks.” the grim statistics of mil- ment, the election of a new sonable period would be ac- ing President Mohammad itary casualties, civilian government or the establish- ceptable to most Iraqis, as well Najibullah, the United States Aino Junnila, 23 April, Trendi. deaths and overall devasta- ment of relative quiet in some as to the international com- favoured the proxies of cer- tion. The U.S. Congress re- parts of the country. Millions munity. But only if it's recog- tain elements in Pakistan. of Iraqis per- nized that the occupation has ceive the oc- ended. Such recognition can WE HAD warned our Ameri- “The bomb was dropped by the then minister “In 1985, it took a change of lead- cupation as be achieved only if normali- can partners about the long- … she wrote that while sitting on the toilet she always makes a national hu- zation of Iraq becomes a true term dangers of playing this good use of the time and sorts out the laundry into different ership in the Soviet Union to rec- miliation. That international initiative, with game, but they seemed una- piles according to colour. I read that part ten times and tried ognize the mistake of entangling fuels sectar- the United States ceasing to ware of those consequences. not to think about the minister on the toilet. My head was ian conflicts, only hand off certain aspects Finally, when Russia backed pounding with the question: Is this how far we, Nordic, omni- the USSR in the Afghan conflict. civil strife and of that effort when it is in its out of Afghan affairs, the potent women are prepared to go? Isn’t it possible to just to sit That new Soviet leadership – with continuing own self-interest. road to extremism was left on the pan and that’s that?” me as its president – set the goal instability. wide open. The "blowback" U.S. WITHDRAWAL from Iraq from those fateful decisions Riitta Pollari , Me Naiset, 14 June. of withdrawing from Afghanistan PRESIDENT is inevitable. But is it not bet- came on a September morn- while urging other countries to Bush blames ter to withdraw when the ma- ing in 2001, in New York and the terror- jor players inside and outside in Washington. help in securing peace and stability.” ists (who, in- of Iraq agree on key issues? cidentally, Those don't merely include how SOME WOULD object that his- luctantly approved funding had no foothold in Iraq before to withdraw without too much torical analogies, whether with subscribe to for the continued troop pres- the invasion) and urges Iraq's pain, but also how to move to- Vietnam or Afghanistan, only ence without requiring a date neighbours and the interna- ward national reconciliation go so far. It is true that every for withdrawal. But despite tional community to cooper- and how to insure peace and confl ict has some unique fea- claims of victory, media re- ate in stabilizing the country. security in the region. tures. But many of their les- ports suggest that the Bush In fact, most of the United sons are the same. team understands its cur- States' international part- AT FIRST, to secure order it rent Iraq policies have run ners – not only members of could conceivably be neces- THINK long and hard before their course. the so-called "coalition of the sary to replace U.S. troops trying to solve any problem willing," but also those who with soldiers from other militarily. Talk of all other THE ADMINISTRATION is re- condemned the invasion – countries whose presence peaceful means as exhaust- portedly considering a 50 are ready to cooperate. would not be resented by ed is often baseless: an al- HELSINKI per cent reduction of troops most Iraqis. Any such troops ternative is always available. in Iraq next year, as well as A CONFERENCE recently held would have to be approved If, however, a great power changing their mandate from in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, by the U.N. Security Council. makes the mistake of entan- combat missions to support agreed to write off $30 bil- The international communi- gling itself in an armed con- and training. There's renewed lion of Iraqi debt. This de- ty's help might also be needed fl ict, it shouldn't make things TIMES interest in the recommenda- cision was supported by to advance the political proc- worse by arrogantly refus- tions of the Baker-Hamilton China, Saudi Arabia, Spain ess in Iraq, which is currently ing to heed warnings of dire Subscribe now! Iraq Study Group, brushed and a number of other coun- stalled to the point of creat- consequences. Get Helsinki Times delivered to aside only a few months ago. tries. Russia agreed to for- ing a real risk of the country The administration has be- give much of Iraq's debt even breaking up. No one should FINALLY, and most important- your home for one year 120€! gun consulting Iraq's neigh- earlier. There is therefore no fear internationalising the ly, it should be understood bours, Iran and Syria. reason to accuse members of Iraqi problem; in the end, it from the start that ultimate- E-mail your contact information (Name, Address, Telephone, E-mail) to [email protected] the world community of fail- would benefi t all parties. ly there must be a political SO EVEN those who like to per- ing to understand the impor- In 1985, it took a change of solution to these confl icts. sist in their mistakes and illu- tance of a stable Iraq. leadership in the Soviet Un- Seek it honestly, thinking not sions are being forced to rethink ion to recognize the mis- just of your own self-inter- or, at least repackage, their poli- THE BUSH administration, take of entangling the USSR est, and look years, not just Next issue is out on 4 July. cies. But is this a real change for however, seems to be using in the Afghan confl ict. That months, ahead. Break through the language barrier

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Contact: [email protected], or call +358 9 689 67 422, www.helsinkitimes.fi 4 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 FINLAND NEWS HELSINKI TIMES

Every third TV household now without a digital receiver

Finnish households are acquiring digital receivers at a steady pace. Families with children and households with middle-aged adults are adapting to the new technology the fastest while single dwellers are the group most likely to still live in the analog TV era.

MIRVA LEMPIÄINEN the cable households were Parkkisenniemi says she 54% of all television house- other TV, or bring the other with a set top box is still well HELSINKI TIMES planning on purchasing a wasn’t happy with the digital holds owned at least two TVs, receiver back from the sum- below 70%, slightly lower than digital set top box over the transformation as it requires but only 20% had more than mer cottage,” she ponders. other areas. By the end of the SOME 69% of the 2.3 million summer or the autumn. This you to buy a new set top box one digital receiver in May. Regional differences in ac- year the numbers should households in Finland with a would bring the total number if you move from an antenna Parkkisenniemi’s parents quiring digital receivers have be about 85-95% across the television owned a digital set of owners of digital receivers household to a cable house- are facing the same problem. levelled out over the last few country, with Northern Fin- top box in May. The fi gure is in the autumn to about 90% hold. “It’s a pretty bad sys- “They might have to buy yet months. In Western Finland land leading and Eastern Fin- 5% more than it was in Febru- in both antenna and cable tem,” she says. another set top box for their the number of TV households land lagging behind. ary according to a study done households. Unlike young single dwell- among 1,546 sample house- The study showed that ers, families with children % of households with TV holds. The study is part of single dwellers of all ages and TV households with two 100 Statistics Finland’s consum- were the least likely to have or more middle-aged adults er barometer, which is con- acquired a digital receiver in are embracing the new tech- 90 ducted four times a year. May. Of those under 35 years nology with wide open arms. According to the con- old less than half owned one. More than 80% of both 80 sumer barometer, a fi fth of Leea Parkkisenniemi, 25, groups had already moved the television households and Liina Hongell, 22, belong to the digital era in May. Tak- 70 are planning on purchasing to the minority in their age ing into account both groups’ their fi rst digital set top box group since they both own a high intentions of buying dig- 60 during the next six months. set top box. Then again, both ital receivers, less than 10% 50 This would create some half received theirs as presents. of these households will be a million new digital house- “I would have never without set top boxes by the 40 holds in Finland. If this fi gure bought one myself. I lived end of the autumn. holds true it means that on- without a television for three Keeping right in line with 30 ly about every tenth house- years and it didn’t bother me the statistics, Parkkisennie- hold, roughly 200,000 total at all,” Hongell says. She al- mi’s middle-aged parents are 20 in the whole country, would so says that after receiving quite the digital enthusiasts. be without a digital receiver her new TV and set top box, “They are already on their 10 by the end of the year. she had them just sitting third set top box,” she says. As of May, digital receiv- around in her apartment for They gave one to Parkkisen- 0 ers were more common in an- the fi rst six months. “I had to niemi, one went to the sum- 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 2 5 tenna households (77%) than wait for someone to come in- mer cottage and one to their 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 in cable households (60%). stall them for me,” she says own household. However, almost a third of laughing. According to the study, Increase in the number of digital set top boxes in households that own a TV, 2001-2007.

Finnish children stop playing too early

LEHTIKUVA / SIXTEN JOHANSSON children’s problems around ing statistics show that Fin- the world. In the case of Fin- land has the world’s second land, the study showed that highest suicide rate among the risk of a child being un- 15-24-year-old girls. Every well increased three-fold if fi fth girl of high-school age the mother went out to work, and every seventh boy have but remained the same if the symptoms of depression. father worked outside the Maria Kaisa Aula, the home. Ombudsman for Children, is This should not mean that calling for the strengthening we blame the mothers but, of pre-emptive mental health instead, we should examine work among young people. what is wrong with the Finn- She also points out that in ish system, according to Jär- Finland, like in other coun- ventie. She believes that the tries, both the distress and results are not connected to the well-being accumulate the sex of the parent as such, unequally on some children. but rather refl ect the estab- Both Aula and Järventie lished roles and everyday encourage parents to be more practices of most families in present and involved in their Finnish society. children’s lives. Järventie The results of the study emphasizes the importance also indicate that the care of children having some calm arranged for school children activities where an adult is while the parents are out present. Aula suggests that working has not been ade- one way of supporting par- quate. It also suggests that ent-child interaction would Childhood in Finland is not always as idyllic as it may seem. working mothers are over- be to create more opportu- loaded. The ideals of the Nor- nities for voluntary activi- HETA LIEVONEN form well at school. They also ish children may produce a that a house will not stand up dic welfare state do not match ties in conjunction with the STT lead more hurried and overly hard-working labour force if the foundations are faulty. the reality of children’s well- school. This would also en- scheduled lifestyles. for the country but have neg- Järventie does not see just being in any of the countries, sure an equal access to hob- FINLAND has the least hap- These are the disturbing ative consequences for the one reason behind the multi- but the situation in Sweden bies for everyone. py youngsters in the Nordic fi ndings of the newly pub- children themselves. faceted distress of the Finn- seems to be the best and in Aula is satisfi ed with the countries and they enter the lished Inequal Childhood The childhood years ish youth. “It refl ects the Finland the worst, according objectives noted in the gov- adult world earlier than their study, which compared the should be protected and the changes in the surrounding to the study. ernment’s programme for Swedish and Norwegian lives of children in the three children allowed to play long- society and how the adults The report of the Ombuds- improving the well-being of peers, according to a new Nordic countries. er, according to Järventie, around them are feeling,” she man for Children in Finland children in Finland. “The pro- study. Finnish children stop According to Professor who believes that the empha- says. was also published last week, gramme is promising but it playing at an earlier age and Irmeli Järventie from the sis on school performance The lack of time spent by providing further cause for is the actions that are deci- their lives are often affected University of , the at too early an age is simply parents with their children concern over the well-being sive,” she says. by excessive pressure to per- busy daily schedules of Finn- dangerous. Her analogy is is a common risk factor in of Finnish children. Its alarm- HELSINKI TIMES FINLAND NEWS 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 5


Finnish committee terms of the resignation. greenlights Nato The opera had been em- response force broiled in controversy over fi nancial trouble and its de- Finland’s parliamentary For- cision to lay off its staff eign Affairs Committee said for two months as well as last Friday Finland should the resignation of Mikko be able to participate in the Franck, the music director. Nato response force (NRF) at A number of opera staff have the same level as the coun- laid the blame squarely on try’s contribution to the EU’s management. corresponding capabilities. Sirkka Hämäläinen, a The committee added former governor of the Bank Finland’s experiences of EU of Finland, said upon her ap- forces had been positive and pointment as the new chair- that participation in them man of the opera in March had markedly improved that the board would contin- Finnish soldiers’ crisis man- ue efforts to clear the work agement prowess. climate, including bringing Finnish national daily in consultants to help lead Helsingin Sanomat quoted the organisation. STT an unnamed high-ranking Nato offi cer as saying that Finland had attended a Extroversion meeting on the future com- reflected on payslip position of the NRF. “Finland could still par- A study published by the ticipate in NRF’s operation University of Jyväskylä in during this year, if decisions Finland last Thursday sug- are made latest in October,” gests that extroversion has Antti Sierla, the Finnish am- a positive impact on earn- bassador to Belgium and ings. The scientists studies Nato, was quoted as saying the effect on earnings of fi ve by Turun Sanomat. character traits, the other Finland, although an ac- four being neuroticism, con- Condi and Ike are on nickname terms. tive member of Nato’s part- scientiousness, readiness to nership for peace scheme, is conciliate and openness to not a full-fl edged member of new experiences. the military alliance. Mem- According to the study, Condi and Ike bers of the partnership have a rise of a single percentage not previously been cleared point in the degree of ex- for NRF operations. troversion on average cor- Numbering up to 25,000 responds with an increase troops of land, air, sea and of about 15 per cent in earn- in Washington special forces, the NRF is to ings. STT carry out evacuations, disas- ter management and coun- Finland to withdraw SAMI SALLINEN ly on nickname terms with icised the use of force in Iraq, cised the war in Iraq is not at terterrorism operations and HELSINKI TIMES Condi, things suddenly could which she said was not based the top of George W. Bush’s act as and initial entry force from Lebanon not seem sweeter for Fin- on international law. Last year, guest list. But so what: has for larger forces. It is expect- “THANK YOU Ike. Now all the land-U.S.relations. Finland’s during Finland’s EU presiden- Finland missed out on some- ed to be able to deploy at fi ve Finland is carrying out prep- sins have been atoned in the position in the world league cy, then foreign minister Erk- thing essential?” days’ notice anywhere in the arations to withdraw its eyes of the Americans and table of high-level audiences ki Tuomioja had an exchange In the Metro newspaper, world. STT troops from Lebanon, Finn- the world. No more fear about with the world’s superpower, with Condoleezza Rice over penned a sa- ish television station Nelo- Tuomioja’s tasteless caps and produced by Helsingin Sano- the issue of terrorism, which tirical fi rst-person account nen reported last Sunday. peace symbols. Dressed in mat before the meeting, is fi - reportedly annoyed Rice and as president Tarja Halonen, Finland joins Nato’s According to the commer- a faultless suit, our foreign nally set to improve. may have led her to cancel a where she concluded, af- battlefield data cial broadcaster, the cabinet minister went and charmed Despite the absence of any visit to Finland. Halonen has ter many sleepless nights of foreign and security policy Condi. ... Welcome Mr Bush, major issues to resolve be- also criticised the U.S. anti- waiting for an invitation to system committee made the deci- in addition to Albania, you tween Finland and the United terror legislation. the White House, that Fin- Finland’s Defence Com- sion just over a week ago. also have true friends here in States, Kanerva’s 45-minute “The biggest noise about land should join Nato – after mand said in a statement Nelonen quoted Prime Finland.” meeting at the White House the lack of state visits has the lingonberries have been last Thursday Finland had Minister This was the tongue-in- has sparked a major debate in been kept up by Helsingin Sa- picked in the autumn. joined Nato’s battlefi eld in- (centre) as saying it was not cheek salute of Iltalehti col- the Finnish press. nomat, which has declared With lingonberries, accu- formation collection and ex- wise to become ossifi ed in umnist Esko Liukkonen to At the centre of the hot itself as a supporter of Nato sations of neo-Finlandisation ploitation system (Bices), a international operations. what had already been hyped debate has been the perceived membership,” thundered and Nato in the air, the Finn- system used in ongoing cri- Mr Vanhanen believes as the “fi rst date” between antipathy of the U.S. leader- Kansan Uutiset on 13 June. ish parliament seems set for sis management operations the soldiers, equipment and Ilkka ‘Ike’ Kanerva and Con- ship towards president Tar- Etelä-Suomen Sanomat (14 some lively foreign policy de- and to be used in future mis- money tied up in Lebanon doleezza ‘Condi’ Rice at the ja Halonen, who has not been June) took a practical view of bates when the politicians sions carried out by the EU may be used elsewhere, add- White House. invited to the White House the situation: “It is easy to un- return from their summer battlegroups. ing that communications With the charming foreign since 2002. During a speech at derstand that the president holidays. “The most fundamental kit and vehicles are needed minister Ike now apparent- the UN in 2004, Halonen crit- of a small country who criti- thing for Finland is that we by the Finnish troops that will gain access to informa- form part of the EU’s Nordic tion that is essential for the battlegroup, which goes on security of our crisis man- standby at the beginning of agement troops. Thus we next year. can better prevent securi- Mr Vanhanen did not con- Circumcision case goes to Supreme Court ty risks from forming in the fi rm Nelonen’s report that operational area,” said in Finland was sending more MIA PELTOLA The Tampere District cause similar operations are the circumcision of boys. the statement Commodore troops to Afghanistan. STT STT Court, on the other hand, made all the time for medical State prosecutor Päivi Georgy Alafuzoff, the chief deemed in July 2006 that the reasons. Considering the cir- Hirvelä also referred to the of intelligence at Defence THE ASSAULT indictment act had fulfi lled the charac- cumstances of the whole sit- working group’s report in the Command. STT Grand fleet of against a Muslim mother who teristics of assault as defi ned uation, the mother’s act was summer of 2004 when she English eels to had her son circumcised by by Finnish law. However, clearly forgivable, according decided not to bring charges an unknown doctor is going the mother was not convict- to the District Court. in a case concerning Muslim Head of Finnish invade Finland to be heard by the Supreme ed. According to the District The Court of Ap- boys who had been circum- National Opera The Federation of Finnish Court. The Supreme Court Court the legal situation con- peal justifi ed its acquittal cised at home. Fisheries Associations says it has granted leave to appeal cerning the case was unclear on the basis that the circum- Currently the Finnish law resigns will introduce about 108,000 in the matter. and that the practice of the cision had been carried out does not contain separate Erkki Korhonen resigned as English eels to southern Fin- The Turku Court of Ap- authorities was inconsist- by a trained doctor, among provisions on male circumci- the head of the Finnish Na- land. The batch is the biggest peal stated in its decision last ent. The court stated that other things. It also referred sion carried out on religious tional Opera last Thursday, in many years. About half of March that the mother was from the point of view of the to a proposal by a working and cultural grounds. The effective immediately. The the eels are to be introduced not guilty of assault when defendant, a circumcision group from the Ministry of draft law on the matter has opera told the Finnish News to the Gulf of Finland, a small she arranged a circumcision carried out by a doctor is no Social Affairs and Health, been held up at the Ministry Agency (STT) that Mr Korho- number to waters around the for her son that was in ac- doubt diffi cult to perceive according to which Finland of Social Affairs and Health nen and the opera’s board Åland Islands and the rest to cordance with her religion. as an assault, especially be- should enact a law allowing for some time now. had agreed not to divulge the lakes and streams. STT 6 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 FINNISH PAPERS HELSINKI TIMES COMPILED BY SAMI SALLINEN ILTALEHTI 15 June SUOMENMAA 14 June EDITORIAL EDITORIAL Tamed and wild wolves It’s worth drumming The European Court of Justice has ruled that Finland’s way of granting wolf shooting licences up support for did not violate the EU’s nature directive but is Finland’s wolf policy correct, asks Iltalehti. the Baltic Sea

LEHTIKUVA / JUSSI NUKARI “THE REACTION to the ruling recent bear chase in the Han- was as expected: the hunting ko waters was disgusting. If Saving the badly polluted Baltic Sea is a major quarters were satisfi ed and the aim was not let the ani- challenge but also an opportunity for Finnish the environmental organi- mal into inhabited areas, it sations were gloomy. ... The should have been shot imme- companies, writes Suomenmaa. wolf population has already diately and not after a long increased to 250 individuals torment. “THE BALTIC SEA is now being burden caused by agricul- and some litters have even However, we shouldn’t called the Sea of Dirt. Accord- ture. This would especially spread to southwest Finland. imagine that animals are like ing to those who use the sea and help the coasts. The predators belong to those in Disney’s drawings. live on the coast, the condition One of the strange things Finland’s nature, whose equi- They are constantly fi ght- of the sea is improving painful- about the recovery of the sea librium they also improve. ing amongst themselves over ly slowly, if at all. The fi rst blue- is that although the exter- The wolves and the bears re- territory and living space.” green algae of the summer have nal phosphorus and nitrogen duce the number of car crash- “The tamed wolves have already appeared.” loading has been reduced by es involving elks. However, also been provoking debate “St Petersburg’s south- almost 40%, the condition of the proper place for the large again. A toddler ended up in western wastewater treat- the Gulf of Finland and the predators is in the woods. intensive care after being at- ment plant, one of the biggest Baltic Sea has still worsened. The animals’ fear of humans tacked by a dog.” projects implemented in the The reason for this is in- should be maintained.” “The dog people should be name of the Northern Di- ternal phosphorous loading. “Prejudices would be re- aware that not everyone is mension [EU initiative], was The phosphorus returns to duced if the damage caused charmed by the sniffi ng and inaugurated last autumn. ... the water from the deep sea by predators would be com- snarling of freely running Money is also being spent on bottom which has become pensated adequately and pets.” the city’s fl ood barrier.” anoxic. Some researchers be- quickly. Our skills in control- “Clearly dangerous dog “For Finnish companies lieve that the treatment of ling the population should be breeds should only be kept in the Northern Dimension is the internal loading depths improved. For example, the the zoos.” an opportunity that should could improve the condition not be missed. New markets of the sea quite rapidly.” are available ... if the compa- “Traffi c in the sensitive ar- nies are awake and seriously eas of the Baltic Sea is con- KALEVA 14 June bid for the contracts. stantly increasing and there is MAIJA LAPOLA Researchers at Finland’s not enough equipment to deal environmental administra- with an oil spill ... According tion evaluate that the condi- to the authorities, it is actual- The fight for clean vodka is coming to a head tion of the Gulf of Finland and ly surprising that no major ac- the Baltic Sea would improve cident has happened yet. minds MEP Alexander Stubb quickly through a major cut Finland has 10,000km of (National Coalition Party). in the sewage overload from coastline to save if an accident Vodka is big business these days and the members of the European The ingredients of grappa, St Petersburg and Poland. happens. The state and re- parliament’s “vodka zone” are concerned about the branding of the whisky, cognac, champagne The researchers also remind gional authorities should have and wine have been restrict- of the need for reducing the the necessary equipment.” drink, which is voted on this week, reports Kaleva. ed by law. Boguslaw Sonik from the Polish National Party defends “DURING its EU presidency last ed its view so that the notice ka and consumes almost the the demand for clean vodka by SEURA 15 June autumn, Finland gained the sup- could be written in small let- same amount. saying that vodka has been pro- JARI KAALIKOSKI port of the EU Commission for ters somewhere on the back ‘We will fi ght to the bit- duced according to the same rec- a proposal that vodka not pro- of the bottle. But at the same ter end in the spirit of clean ipe for 500 years in the country. duced from the traditional ingre- time it has restricted the ingre- vodka,’ assures MEP Lasse ‘Centuries old traditions dients of grain, potato or sugar dients to just grain and potato. Lehtinen (Social Democrat- must be taken into account. beet should be clearly marked, 25 member countries, includ- ic Party). He believes that the This is new colonialism,’ he A thousand such as vodka made from rice. ing Finland, have accepted this battle will be lost. says disapprovingly. Negotiations over the issue compromise. Only Poland and ‘We were promised during ‘In the EU there is a vodka have been continuing through- Lithuania are against.” the membership negotiations zone and a wine zone and in be- stories out the spring between the “The ‘vodka zone’ formed that vodka will receive the same tween them the beer zone which parliament and the commis- by seven member countries treatment as, for example, grap- makes the decisions,’ is Lehti- sion ... Germany has moderat- produces 70% of EU’s vod- pa, whisky and other drinks,’ re- nen’s summary of the problem.” The string of suicides in Kainuu, eastern Fin- land, is a cry for help that we should all listen VIHREÄ LANKA 15 June to, writes Seura. JUSSI KARMALA

“SUOMUSSALMI, Kainuu. The year and a thousand sorrow- Mental health problems of Finnish travellers morning of the fi rst Sunday ful stories. in June. A young local man Talk, good man, talk! kills his former girlfriend Speak out the emotions, it have increased and then himself. helps! That’s how we are ad- without a care. The earlier There have been twelve su- vised – quite rightly.” depression phase may have icides in less than two years in “There are more than Every year, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs helps about 400 Finns greatly restricted life and Suomussalmi, which has ten enough people talking to who become ill abroad, with over a third suffering from mental health as the mania begins the per- thousand inhabitants. Every themselves on the village son wants to make up for lost day in Finland there are about main streets and on the trams problems, reports Vihreä Lanka. time.” 40 attempted suicides and of this country. Ears are re- “Some locations may trig- every year there are about quired, to whom to talk. ger mental health problems one thousand funeral serv- A fair weather acquaint- “A TYPICAL story goes like Foreign Affairs contacts the why not, travel as well.’ more easily than others. For ices in memory of those who ance from the neighbouring this: a young man suffering family of the patient.” In other words, when the example, in Jerusalem there have committed suicide.” staircase is sitting in the lo- from schizophrenia or bipo- “The problem is with the rehabilitation is not work- are hundreds of people suf- “Insuffi cient regional cal bar for the third night run- lar disorder travels far away, out-patient care, according to ing, the life of an out-patient fering from Jesus syndrome support, inconsistent alco- ning without saying a word. A forgets to take his medica- Timo Peltovuori, executive with nothing to do becomes every year.” hol policies, high rates of un- once talkative colleague from tion, and the illness recurs. director of the Finnish Cen- boring. Travelling is a way “In the EU area it is sim- employment... The reasons work has gone strangely si- The local authorities notice tral Association for Mental to search for adventure. Pel- pler to bring the patient home for individual tragedies are lent. ... Do I dare to ask them the self-destructive, aggres- Health. ... ‘In Finland the care tovuori thinks that patients than in far away lands. ... searched for in the struc- how they are and if every- sive or otherwise strange be- is medication-centred. There suffering from bipolar disor- There are many places where tures of the society, and so thing is okay? Do I dare to try haviour of the man and take is a need for more rehabilita- der are quite likely to go off Finland does not have repre- be it. The structures, howev- to be those ears? Do you dare? him to hospital. The author- tive care. So that a support- travelling. During the man- sentation. ... In these cases er, change slowly. A year goes It’s not necessarily easy, but ities contact the Finnish em- ed person can live normally, ic phase, the patient feels in- the embassy of another EU by and a thousand sorrowful defi nitely easier than halving bassy and the Ministry for study, return to work and, vincible and spends money country usually helps.” stories are born. And another unemployment.” HELSINKI TIMES INTERNATIONAL NEWS 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 7 Cambodia's "Killing Fields" BRIEFLY New Abbas Somalia postpones government opens peace conference trial gets go-ahead door to aid Organisers of a national rec-

LEHTIKUVA / REUTERS / CHOR SOKUNTHEA Palestinian President Mah- onciliation conference in So- been plagued by delays and moud Abbas swore in an malia that was due to start arguments between local emergency government on last Thursday have post- and international legal of- Sunday in a move that could poned it for one month in an- fi cials, although today’s ap- bolster him in his power other blow to peace efforts proval of the court’s internal struggle with Islamist Hamas in the chaotic Horn of Afri- rules removes the last formal rivals by ending a U.S.-led aid ca nation. It was the second obstacles to its work. Japan embargo. The 13-member postponement of the meet- is the major fi nancial backer cabinet replaces a short-lived ing that was intended to of the court, which is expect- unity government Abbas dis- bring together in Mogadishu ed to reveal the full extent of missed after Hamas seized hundreds of delegates from China’s involvement with the control of the Gaza Strip in feuding clans and factions Khmer Rouge. However, no a surge of factional fi ght- across Somalia. The Nation- suspect will be appearing in ing last week. Hamas said al Reconciliation Commit- court for at least six months. it would not recognise the tee issued a statement that French investigating judge emergency cabinet. said several clan leaders had Marcel Lemonde said he Abbas aides said he had requested a delay to choose hoped to have his probes in- issued decrees bypassing their delegates, and the ven- to the fi rst suspects wrapped constitutional limits on ue of the conference had not up some time within the fi rst his powers to establish the yet been fully constructed. half of 2008. “We want our in- emergency government and Foreign diplomats had vestigation work to fi nish as keep it in place without the widely expected the post- quickly as possible,” he said. approval of the Palestinian ponement, even though A worker hoists the Cambodian national flag outside the Extraordinary Chambers of the Court of The most likely defendants parliament, which has a Ha- they are pinning their Cambodia on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. are “Brother Number Two” mas majority. Hamas, which hopes on the conference as Nuon Chea, former Foreign convincingly defeated Ab- the best way to try to se- REUTERS with the court “within a few ing Pol Pot’s four-year reign Minister Ieng Sary, former bas's long-dominant and cure lasting peace in So- weeks.” of terror, which was brought President Khieu Samphan more secular Fatah to win malia, which has been in Cambodian Prime Min- to an end in 1979 by a Viet- and Duch, head of the Tuol Palestinian elections last anarchy since the ousting CAMBODIAN and internation- ister Hun Sen welcomed the namese invasion. Most of the Sleng interrogation and tor- year, denounced the new of a dictator in 1991. al judges agreed the underly- agreement to open the tribu- victims of his “Year Zero” rev- ture centre in Phnom Penh. cabinet as a "coup" mecha- REUTERS ing rules last Wednesday for nal. “Cambodia will not have olution were executed, or died “All the people of Cambo- nism. The U.S. consul-gen- the special court to try Pol a bright future unless the of torture, disease, overwork dia are very much interested eral who handles relations Pot’s top surviving hench- problem is resolved and the or starvation. Pol Pot himself in how the international com- with the Palestinians said men, allowing the long-await- trial is held and they are pun- died in the jungle in 1998 in one munity will have the Khmer Washington would lift a ban Coca production ed “Killing Fields” tribunal to ished,” Sen told reporters. of the Khmer Rouge’s fi nal re- Rouge leaders take respon- on direct fi nancial aid to the on the rise in Peru proceed in earnest. Canadian “This is undoubtedly what doubts along the border with sibility for having infl icted new emergency govern- co-prosecutor Robert Petit, all of the people of Cambodia Thailand. Neither the self- huge damage and how it will ment, clearing the way for Despite increased drug- who has been compiling pre- have been hoping for. I real- styled “Brother Number One” hold them responsible to the the European Union and Is- fi ghting efforts, production liminary cases against the ly hope the trial will begin as nor any of his comrades ever people for the atrocities,” rael to follow suit. Western of the plant used to make co- top Khmer Rouge leaders, soon as possible.” faced justice for the atrocities. Sen said. “I believe the Cam- powers imposed an aid em- caine has risen in Peru, the told reporters he would lodge Around 1.7 million people The $53 million United bodian people have the right bargo after Hamas came to world’s No. 2 cocaine produc- his fi rst formal accusations are thought to have died dur- Nations-backed court has to press for that.” power in March. er. The U.N. Offi ce of Drugs Separately, two Katyusha and Crime said in its annu- rockets hit the northern Is- al report the amount of coca raeli town of Kiryat Shmo- leaf grown in Peru increased na near the border with 8 percent in 2006 from 2005, Lebanon on Sunday. It was while the area cultivated with the fi rst apparent cross- coca grew 7 percent. Annan to head Gates group to border attack since last Analysts say Peru’s rising year's war between Israel drug production is largely and Hezbollah guerrillas in the result of a crackdown in boost Africa food production Lebanon. Hezbollah denied Colombia, the world’s largest any links to the fi ring, and cocaine producer, pushing

LEHTIKUVA / AFP PHOTO / JEFF HAYNES a security source in Leba- more coca growers across JAMES MACHARIA continent. "We are going to non said it was Palestinian the jungle border between REUTERS rely on varieties available in fi ghters. No one was hurt in the two countries. Romu- Africa and not rely on geneti- the attacks. REUTERS lo Pizarro, who heads Peru’s FORMER U.N. chief Kofi An- cally modifi ed seeds," he said anti-drug agency, said much nan said last week he would at the World Economic Forum of the cocaine produced in head a new green group bank- for Africa in Cape Town. "I EU to exchange Peru ended up on European rolled by Microsoft chairman hope in 10-20 years it will be criminal record streets, principally in Ma- Bill Gates to help reverse Afri- possible to double if not tri- information drid and Amsterdam, with a ca’s declining food production ple, agricultural productivi- smaller percentage going to and double output. “I am hon- ty. It is not just a dream, it is a European Union countries the United States. REUTERS oured today to take up this im- dream that will be backed up agreed last week to imme- portant post and join with my with action," he said. diately share information fellow Africans in a new effort The Alliance said it backed when citizens of fellow mem- to comprehensively tackle the the vision laid out in the Afri- ber states are convicted in Stressed Spaniards challenges holding back hun- can Union's Comprehensive their courts. Countries will to smash hotel dreds millions of small-scale Africa Agriculture Develop- also be obliged to respond farmers in Africa," Annan told ment Programme (CAADP), to criminal record requests A Spanish hotel chain is a news briefi ng. The Alliance which seeks a 6 per cent an- within 10 working days, un- running a competition for for a Green Revolution in Af- nual growth in food produc- der the plan approved by EU stressed executives to let off rica said Annan would be its tion by 2015. The group said justice ministers. EU states steam in a fashion usually fi rst chairman. it will try to replicate farms were until now required to reserved for rock stars – by The Alliance was set up changes that boosted agri- provide such information smashing hotel rooms. NH last year with an initial $150 cultural productivity in Asia only once a year. Hotels will allow 30 people million grant from the Bill & and Latin America. The new plan was draft- chosen by a team of psychol- Melinda Gates Foundation During his tenure at the ed at the end of 2005 after ogists to help demolish the and the Rockefeller Founda- United Nations, Annan of- the case of Michel Fourniret, interior of the 11-year old NH tion. The group, which is an ten drew attention to the link a French forest warden who Alcala hotel in central Madrid African initiative, will help Kofi Annan. between Africa's failing agri- police say confessed to nine as part of its refurbishment, small-scale farmers and culture systems and its per- murders in France and Bel- it said. The chosen 30, armed their families across Afri- farmers to strengthen lo- climate. He said the group sistent hunger and poverty. gium. Fourniret landed a job with mallet and hard hat, can ca fi ght poverty and hunger cal and regional agricultural would not seek to spearhead In the past fi ve years alone, at a school in Belgium de- destroy any part of the 146- through sustainable increas- markets, improve irrigation, the use of genetically modi- the number of underweight spite a rape conviction in room building, from bring- es in farm productivity and soil health and training for fi ed seeds, which have been a children in Africa has risen France because his criminal ing down walls to smashing incomes from its base in Nai- farmers, and support the de- controversial subject in some by about 12 per cent, he said. record was unknown there. windows. The demolition will robi, Kenya. velopment of new seed sys- African countries, but would Annan, a Ghanaian, last year EU states have two years to take place on July 3. REUTERS Annan said the group will tems better equipped to work to boost disease resist- ended a 10-year term as U.N. comply with the new legisla- work with governments and cope with the harsh African ance of existing seeds on the secretary-general. tion. REUTERS


Nokia is benefiting from the unprecedented growth of the telecom industry in India. IANS 7 June VISHNU MAKHIJANI

ganic chemicals for fi ve mil- Then, there is the tie- lion euros.” up between the Himalayan “More than 70 Finnish Ski Village (HSV), a 350 mil- Finland could import countries [sic] currently op- lion euro resort US billion- erate in India, up from 30 at aire Alfred Ford is setting the beginning of the decade, up near Manali in Himachal while another 100-odd fi rms Pradesh and a slew of Finn- Nokia mobiles from India! export their products to In- ish companies in the areas dia or operate in the market of environmentally sustaina- through local agents. ble tourism, ecological snow It's not only Nokia that has management, resort devel- The Indo-Asian News Service reports on a possible future of Finland’s national product. managed to establish a foot- opment, ski equipment and hold in the Indian market. best operational practices. For instance, energy major ‘Finland reached out to “FINLAND, the land of No- (from its Chennai facility) for Nokia. The telecom industry exports to India stood at Wärtsilä that started pro- us and made it easy for us kia, could soon import mo- European and US markets in India is growing at a rate 275 million euros, with pow- duction in the mid-1980s, has to connect with their busi- bile phones from India. ‘I can and less expensive ones for like never before, with some er generating machinery and managed to garner a market nesses,’ said HSV managing foresee a day when Finland Asia and the Middle East,’ Pi- three million mobile hand- equipment accounting for a share of 70 percent for its director John Sims of the Fin- could begin importing mobile etarinen told IANS. sets being purchased every major share of the pie at 63 power plants. pro-facilitated effort. phones from India, where No- Nokia, which has plans month. million euros.” Finpro, the Finland Trade After a series of meet- kia has set up a $150 million to develop India as one of its Nokia is not the only fac- “Of Finland's imports of Centre in India, is now work- ings, a ‘matchmaking’ sem- manufacturing plant near major exporting hubs, plans tor in pushing Finland-India 132 million euros from India, ing to diversify the portfo- inar is to be held in India in Chennai,’ said Matti Pieta- to sell four billion handsets trade that currently stands apparent [sic] and clothing lio by encouraging Finnish October followed by the for- rinen, deputy director gener- globally by 2010, a majority at a little over 400 million eu- accounted for 20 million eu- investments in areas like IT mal launching of FINEC or al in the Finnish ministry of of which will be in emerging ros, the balance tilting in fa- ros, textile yarn, fabrics and and communication technol- Finnish Ecological Construc- trade and industry. Asian markets like India and vour of this Nordic nation.” made up articles for eight ogy, infrastructure and lo- tion for India that will focus ‘I can foresee a situation China. “During 2005, the last million euros, medicinal and gistics, retail, healthcare and on developing ski resorts in where Nokia begins sourc- India is strategically a year for which complete fi g- pharmaceutical products for well-being, energy and envi- India.” ing more expensive models very important market for ures are available, Finland's seven million euros, and or- ronment, and forestry.

LEHTIKUVA / MATTI BJÖRKMAN AFTENPOSTEN 5 June Royals land in Finland time was 14 years ago, and The Norwegian tabloid reports how King Harald and Queen Sonja set King Harald claimed he re- membered it well.” foot in the distinctly non-royal republic of Finland, to launch a three- “Finland has recovered day state visit. from economic problems in the early 1990s, and King Harald noted that Helsinki “THE SUN shone brilliant- where President Tarja Halo- of curious Finns were on now is a ‘dynamic city’ infl u- ly after the Norwegian roy- nen and her husband, Pentti hand as spectators. enced by the economic blos- al yacht KS Norge set down Arajärvi, were waiting to re- It's the second time the soming of the Baltic region. its anchor in the harbour at ceive them. royals have made an offi cial Tuesday was mostly Södra [Hamnen] in Helsinki. The national anthems visit to Finland since King marked by ceremonial events President Tarja Halonen and King Harald chat during the wel- The royal couple went ashore were played, an honour guard Harald succeeded his father, to be climaxed by a gala ban- coming ceremony. near the presidential palace, was inspected and hundreds the late King Olav. The last quet in the evening.” HELSINKI TIMES FINLAND IN THE WORLD PRESS 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 9

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 7 June season, will make about $4.5 IRANMANIA 5 June DAVE CAMPBELL million next season with the team close to the salary cap. He's signed through the Wild re-sign goaltender 2008-09 season, will turn 33 Ayatollah Khomeini in August, and has said he ex- pects to be traded. Niklas Backström General manager Doug commemorated Risebrough said Thurs- day that he will keep both of The international news agency reports on a Finnish surprise hit in the them.” in Finland National Hockey League. “Backström has a full no- LEHTIKUVA / MORTEZA NIKOUBAZL trade clause in the fi rst year “A CEREMONY was held of his contract and a limited in Helsinki, capital of Fin- “THE MINNESOTA WILD add- and steering the Wild toward against average (1.97) and no-trade clause in the sec- land, on the occasion of the ed depth and complication to their fi rst playoff appearance save percentage (.929), Back- ond year. He became one of 18th demise anniversary of their goalie situation by re- in four years with an unex- ström shared with Fernandez the NHL's biggest surpris- Ayatollah Khomeini, IRNA signing Niklas Backström to pected performance. the William M. Jennings Tro- es after leaving the Finn- [Iran’s offi cial news agency] a two-year, $6.2 million con- ‘I have to pinch myself. phy for the team's league-low ish Elite League and signing reported. tract on Thursday. It's like I'm in a dream,’ Back- 191 goals against. But Fernan- a one-year contract with In the ceremony, which Backström went 23-8- ström said. ‘I was surprised dez, who sprained his left knee Minnesota. was held in Islamic Cultural 6 with fi ve shutouts in 41 how fast and smooth every- in late January and suffered The 29-year-old Back- Center in Helsinki on Sunday games, taking over when thing went last season.’ a setback that prevented him ström had never played in evening, a number of Mus- Manny Fernandez got hurt The NHL leader in goals- from returning for the post- the NHL.” lim residing in Finland were present. cessity of awareness against Iran's Ambassador to Fin- cultural invasion …”

LEHTIKUVA / JUSSI NUKARI land Reza Nazar-Ahari ad- “Two other Muslims from BORNEO BULLETIN 8 June dressed the crowd on different Finland and Iraq also talked AEMY AZLENA aspects of Imam's life.” about Imam's life and an Ira- “Nazar-Ahari said ‘Imam's nian poet recited his poem uprising was not against a about the late Imam. special group or person, but A documentary fi lm was al- WI members it was against darkness.’ Im- so shown in the ceremony con- am reminded all Muslims, cerning the last days of Imam in Finland Shia and Sunni, of the ne- Khomeini's life.” for ACWW meeting KOMMERSANT 4 June

“EIGHT members from the Brunei Women's Institute (WI) are in Turku in Finland RAO in spat to attend the 25th Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) … a conference held with Finland every three years. It began June 2 and will end June 10. The conference will elect the The Russian daily online website reports on a Executive ACWW and dis- cuss on a number of resolu- Russian energy company and its largest client, tions and recommendations, Finland. which will be implemented by the associations connect- ed to them. “A CONFLICT has arisen be- that the Finnish company The group is led by tween Inter RAO UES, the claimed that the move was Dayang Hjh Marhani bte Abd Russian monopoly electricity due to a decision to raise the Latif, the president of the importer and exporter, and dependability of the electrici- Women's Institute, Brunei its largest client, Finland, ty supply after Inter RAO UES Darussalam. which accounts for more than diverted some electric sup- The participation is hoped half of all its exports. The Eu- plies to domestic use in the to bring ideas to be adapted ropean Transmission System winter of 2005-2006 because and used for any challenges Operator raised the trans- of extreme cold weather. they face in the future.” Marija Serifovic explains her allegedly negative comments about Finland. port fee for Russian electrici- Fingrid holds that the re- ty by a quarter on June 1.” serve system should have a “Experts say that In- capacity of 600 megawatts. INDEPENDENT ESCTODAY.COM 6 June ter RAO UES will have to go To maintain that reserve will ONLINE 5 June along with the new require- cost €10.5 million per year. ment, since selling electricity The Finns want Russia to pay abroad is twice as profi table for half of it. Inter RAO UES Warming Eurovision winner as it is at home. has declared that the new lures speaks out! LEHTIKUVA / PEKKA SAKKI vampires Finland were present at the press conference I answered “GLOBAL warming is bringing The independent website about the Eurovi- to “the” question with irony more warmer-climate crea- sion Song Contest reports how Marija Serifo- … The reporter that “adver- tures to Finland, including tised” my answer as the bad moths that feast on human vic “would never hurt her friends in Finland.” and evil one was thinking blood, according to nature about the sales of the news- researchers. papers only,’ says Marija.” Insect-watchers are spot- “MARIJA SERIFOVIC, this Belgrade earlier this week. “Marija, who is known for ting more and more calpe year's Eurovision Song Con- What the artist herself has her outspoken personality, moths in the Nordic coun- test winner, is being blamed to answer is that she would spoke with enthusiasm about try, which used to be consid- for making negative com- never say anything so racist her experience in Helsinki: ered too cold for the insects ments about Finland and to hurt her friends in Finland ‘To participate in such com- from southeast Asia, Finn- Finnish people during a press and Helsinki, and that she petition was an honour for ish nature magazine Suomen conference in Belgrade on 1st was misquoted solely for pub- me and to win gave me pres- The Finnish Fingrid net- tariff ‘damages developing Luonto reported in its June June. Marija herself says she licity reasons. tige and happiness above all. work has been collecting the relations with the Finnish edition.” was quoted out of context.” ‘All questions in the last All memories that connect new fee. The fee went up to electric industry and means “The species was fi rst “Marija Serifovic was re- month or so are beginning me with Helsinki and Finland €3.50/kilowatt-hour and to the creation of barriers along sighted in Finland in 2000, ported to have spoken badly with question “How was it in are positive and every time I €4.30/kilowatt-hour on June the way for Russian electric- but more than 100 of them about Finland, Finnish food Finland”, I answered a million think about Finland my eyes 1 … a rise from €33 million ity.’ Inter RAO UES has fi ve have been counted since and Finnish people’s looks questions on this subject and are fi lled with tears of happi- to €44.2 million per year. A contracts with Finland. The then, the journal said.” during a press conference in since my two friends from ness …’ ” source close to RAO UES said fi rst one runs out in 2009.” 10 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 BUSINESS HELSINKI TIMES


DAVID J. CORD is Managing Director of Fundior Investment Services Limited. Summer Slow Down

ith the Midsummer holiday this weekend, the W Helsinki business community is preparing for its annual vacation season. Midsummer, called Juhannus in Finnish and Midsommar in Swedish, occurs on the Saturday after the summer solstice. Dating from pre-Christian times, many of the customs derive from festivals of light and fertility involving the longest day of the year. A modern custom marks Midsummer as the unofficial start of the summer vacation season. After Midsummer, people leave the cities and flock to their summer cabins in the Finnish countryside.

usiness does go on during the summer months. B Stores remain open, the stock market still has trad- Finnish households spend an average of 1,450 euros on their summer holiday. Tourists relax on the island of Hainan in China. ing, and customer service personnel will still answer phone calls. But most offices are running with much reduced staff. Often the stock market shows reduced volume. Many small shops managed by sole proprietors shut down completely. There is less need for staff in the summer for many businesses, because most Finns’ holiday budget smaller customers are at their summer cabins as well.

ith this summer season acting as a major impact W upon the labour situation of individual firms, many than in other Nordic countries companies plan new hiring or major projects to be- gin after the vacation time is over. A glance through “help wanted” advertising this time of year shows that A Nordic survey reveals that Finns spend little on their summer holiday a great many organizations plan their staff changes and like keeping their holiday home to themselves. for late summer or early autumn. Business plans often need to work around the summer weeks when many key employees are relaxing at their summer cabins.

lthough PÄIVI ALA-RISKU as soon as you return home,” ers, even though it might be Finn will not have any sum- Business plans often STT A standards vary says Private Economist Tarja fi nancially profi table, when mer holiday at all. In the age need to work around by industry, most Svartström from Nordea. you consider the utilisa- group under 30, the share of the summer weeks Finns get between FINNS spend little money on Balancing the fi nances af- tion rate. But perhaps it’s a people not taking holidays is twenty four and holidays when compared to ter a holiday may sometimes psychological issue – peo- even greater. Almost a fi fth when many key em- thirty days hol- people in other Nordic coun- take a long time according to ple don’t want strangers at of the young adults won’t be ployees are relaxing at iday each year. tries. The average Finn- Svartström, but larger dents their cottage,” Svartström going on a summer break at The “official” holi- ish household spends about in bank accounts are not typ- ponders. all. their summer cabins. day season is be- 1,450 euros on their summer ical. Seasonal variation can One third of Finns are The survey was carried tween 2 May and holiday this year. According be seen in credit card bills, planning a trip abroad this out by Nordea, and more 30 September, but the prime vacation time usually to the survey organised by but Finns do not take sepa- summer. Of Norwegian and than 1,000 people aged 18-65 falls after Midsummer when the weather is nicer. With the Nordic bank Nordea, Nor- rate loans specifi cally to fund Danish people, twice as many participated in the survey in these long holiday periods, the OECD estimates that wegians spend over 1,000 their holidays. Most people holiday abroad. each Nordic country, exclud- the average Finn worked 1,714 hours in the year 2005, euros more on their holiday pay for their holiday from According to the sur- ing Iceland. down 2% from the year 2000. Sweden, in contrast, than Finns. their regular income, and on- vey, this year every tenth has an average of 1,587 hours worked per year. On the There are also great re- ly about 40% have specifi c other end of the spectrum Americans work over 1,800 gional differences within holiday savings. hours, and the European Central Bank estimates that Finland. The most is spent on Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians work over 2,000 holidaymaking in Southern Seven weeks a year HOLIDAYING IN THE NORDIC COUNTRIES hours per year. Finland, where households at the cottage splash out almost 1,700 eu- Finns are still fans of cottag- • Finns use less money on their summer holidays than easonal labour such as students fill some of the ros. The smallest amount of es. Cottage owners spend on other Scandinavians. A Finnish household spends S gaps caused by regular full time workers on vaca- money is spent by households average seven weeks a year € 1,450, while the equivalent figure is € 1,500 in tion. Often, however, the summer seasonal workers fill in Eastern Finland, where the at their holiday home. How- Sweden, € 1,800 in Denmark and € 2,500 in Norway. industries that have a spike in demand during this time average holiday cost is some ever, there is great variation period, such as construction, agriculture and tourism. 1,200 euros. because a third spends less • A third of Finns head abroad on their holiday, while half The long daylight hours and good weather of the The majority of Finns than four weeks at their holi- of Swedes and Norwegians do so, and almost two-thirds of Danes. summer makes this prime time for the construction tend to exceed their holiday day home. industry. Also showing a huge spike in demand for budget. The excess is spent The respondents of the • A fifth of Norwegians intend to spend their vacation in labour is the agriculture industry, which brings in mostly on shopping, food survey estimated that the another Nordic country. Only one in ten Finns holiday in thousands of foreign workers to help pick berries that and drinks. Larger expens- maintenance costs of a hol- the Nordic countries. People from Northern Finland are ripen later in the summer. In the tourism industry, help es, such as travel and accom- iday home are c. 1,300 eu- more likely to spend their holiday in other Nordic is needed to serve the ships regularly docking in modation costs, usually stay ros per year, which counts at countries than other Finns. Helsinki to disembark hordes of tourists eager to spend better within the budget. c. 180 euros per week spent money on souvenirs and see the sights of the “One should plan a week- there. Maintenance costs in- • A third of Swedes and Danes do not know where to “Daughter of the Baltic.” ly budget for the holiday to clude running expenses such phone if they lose their credit card on holiday, whereas avoid the post-vacation fi - as electricity, tax and insur- only one in ten Finns are uninformed. nancial hangover. Holi- ance, but excludes renova- days are intended to relieve tion and fi nancing costs. Source: Nordea [email protected] stress, and it’s not nice if a “Only few owners rent quarrel about money ensues their holiday home to oth- HELSINKI TIMES BUSINESS 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 11 Power from the BRIEFLY Vattenfall TeliaSonera needs a strong joins Finnish and motivating leadership winds of change nuclear queue focused on growth, restruc- turing and value enhance- LEHTIKUVA / JAAKKO AVIKAINEN German news agency Deut- ment.” Kim Ignatius, the sche Presse Agentur (DPA) chief fi nancial offi cer, is to Finlandʼs wind quoted Swedish utility become acting chief execu- energy sector is Vattenfall as saying that tive on 31 July. it was interested in build- Mr Igel became chief ex- fed up of tinkering ing a nuclear power station ecutive of TeliaSonera in with the countryʼs in Finland, thus joining the 2002 in connection with the swelling group of companies merger of Sweden’s Telia and huge potential for keen on investing in the pro- Finland’s Sonera. Jari Honko, producing renew- nuclear country. Finland’s the chief analyst at EQ Bank, able energy. Teollisuuden Voima (TVO) said the decision by Telia- is having built what will be Sonera was overdue. Pres- Finland’s fi fth nuclear pow- sure on Mr Igel had built up er station in Olkiluoto. TVO because of slow progress in SARIANNA TOIVONEN and Fortum have launched acquisitions in Russia and STT environmental impact as- Turkey and the failure of sessment processes on an- the company’s cost-cutting THE WIND energy sector is other one, while Germany’s programme to live up to its calling for an attitude change E.ON has formed a joint ven- aims. STT towards renewable energy. ture with a number of Nor- According to Erkki Haapa- dic partners with the aim of nen, executive director of the building a nuclear power sta- Technopolis says to Finnish Wind Power Asso- tion in Finland. STT expand in ciation, Finland should shift from small wind power units Stora Enso Finnish business park op- to large-scale projects. starts layoff talks erator Technopolis said in a “We are largely construct- statement Tuesday it would ing full-size wind gauges, in Kemijärvi expand its park in Oulu by which only give a feel of the Finland-headquartered pa- building a further 3,500 power plants. The tinker- per and board maker Stora square metres of fl oor space ing should stop because if Enso said in a statement last for about €5 million. Tech- we don’t start to act, others week it would launch statu- nopolis expects to have will,” says Haapanen. tory cooperation procedure the new stage fi nished Au- Finland’s biggest wind talks concerning possi- gust next year. The state- park so far is being con- ble temporary layoffs at its ment added that more than structed in Ajos, Kemi, where Kemijärvi mill because of a half of the premises of the Pohjolan Voima and region- shortage of wood. “The wood new stage had already been al electricity companies shortage has been caused by leased. STT are building a 30-megawatt the short and mild winter in power plant. The challenge Finland, Sweden and Rus- is coming from Germany, as sia, which adversely affect- Finnish GDP growth the energy company WPD is ed harvesting conditions. 3.1% yr/yr in April planning two wind parks in Reductions in wood exports the Gulf of Bothnia, totalling from Russia, particularly Finland’s gross domestic 1,000 megawatts. for birch pulpwood and ad- product (GDP) growth rate “It shows that wind power ditional export duties on stood at 3.1% year-on-year in is becoming more common, Wind turbines in Reposaari, , Western Finland. roundwood announced by April, up from 1.8% in March, in any case. In the worst case, Russia are also aggravating Statistics Finland said in a the foreign actors will take a guaranteed price, or feed-in land’s electricity production. nen. He is also proposing a the wood supply situation,” statement last Friday. Ad- the wind electricity they pro- tariff, for wind power. An EU The capacity of Finland’s 96 wind power zone in the for- the statement added. STT justed for working days, duce in Finland to Sweden, if comparison has shown that wind plants was less than est behind the summer cot- total output rose by 1.9% the state thinks that it’s not the tariffs used in Germany 100 megawatts. tage zone on the coast. The Transtech year-on-year in April. STT worth supporting the power and Spain are clearly more “It’s possible to increase cottage owners would get workers stage plants here,” says Haapanen. cost-effi cient than Finland’s the share of wind power to paid every month and the He believes that the state investment subsidies. 10% in 10-15 years. We have windmills would only take an walkout Metal talks to should speed up the develop- Last year wind power con- massive potential along the area of four metres across in in Finland continue this week ment of the sector by setting tributed just 0.2% of Fin- long coastline,” says Haapa- the forest. About 380 workers of Finn- Talks on a new labour agree- ish rolling stock maker ment between the Finnish Transtech walked out last Metalworkers’ Union and Friday. Jouni Lämpsä, the the Finnish Technology In- Forecasts often underestimate growth chief shop steward, said dustries ended fruitless last the walkout was a pro- Wednesday. The talks stalled PÄIVI ALA-RISKU cast prize has gone to ETLA, Small differences one per cent difference af- test against what some em- over the level and structure STT The Research Institute of the matter fects the national economy ployees regarded as the of wage increases as well as Finnish Economy. It succeed- All the research institutes signifi cantly,” says Pehkonen. employer’s arrogant atti- on the length of the agree- ECONOMIC forecasts of- ed especially in forecasting and banks forecast roughly tudes toward shop stew- ment term. STT ten underestimate econom- economic growth and invest- the same fi gures. Last year’s Wrong again! ards. Markku Blomberg, the ic growth. Estimates about ments. Nevertheless, ETLA’s growth predictions differed Economic forecasting is not Transtech chief executive, growth in Finland were too prediction about last year’s only by one per cent. The mar- diffi cult, but being right is. baffl ed, said it was the fi rst Britain’s 3i low in fi ve years during the growth rate was 3.8% when gin is wider if something un- History is full of examples time he had heard the claim. buys Finland’s past decade and too high in the actual rate turned out to expected happens. where the predictions have STT three. Last year’s forecast be 5.5%. “For example, the 2001 gone wildly wrong. Eltel Networks was also on the lower than According to Pehkonen, terror attacks caused uncer- Forecasting economic British equity and venture the actual growth rate. exports grew faster than ex- tainty. Some thought that growth in 2001 was especial- TeliaSonera capital fi rm 3i said Tuesday it The University of Jyväsky- pected which explains the the attacks would not af- ly diffi cult. At the beginning of says Igel to leave had signed a deal to buy Fin- lä has compared the forecasts low forecasts. “Forecasting fect economic growth, oth- the year the Bank of Finland land’s Eltel Networks from of nine Finnish research in- exports is typically diffi cult. ers thought they would, and forecast growth of 3.9% but Finnish-Swedish telecom- Industri Kapital, TeliaSon- stitutes and banks over ten It is hard to know how world it showed in the differences by the end of the year the fore- munications operator Telia- era and Eltel’s management years. The results show that trade will develop and how between the forecasts,” says cast had slumped to just 0.4%. Sonera said in a statement for an undisclosed sum. El- forecasting is a diffi cult busi- the Finnish companies man- Pehkonen. In fact, both fi gures were that Anders Igel, the chief tel said in a statement the ness. The average predic- age abroad,” he says. Individuals, companies wrong, as the actual growth executive, would leave at transaction was subject to tions about economic growth Domestic consumption, and the public sector need rate turned out to be 2.6%. the end of July. “When as- competition authorities’ have only matched reality in on the other hand, is easier to economic forecasts to sup- Even bigger mistakes were sessing TeliaSonera’s stra- approvals. Eltel builds and two years. predict. port their decision-making. made on the eve of the re- tegic options going forward, services telecommunica- “Forecasts are only edu- “Earnings and productiv- That’s why the percentages cession in the 1990s. The re- the board concluded that the tions and electricity net- cated, justifi ed views about ity usually rise 2-3% per year. matter. search institutions predicted company is entering a new works. With 2006 sales of the future,” says Professor People spend almost all their “A one per cent difference growth for 1991 but the re- phase and will benefi t from about €765m, the company of Economics Jaakko Pehko- money on consumption, so in the economic growth fore- ality was grim – the Finnish a new leadership,” the state- employs about 8,200 people. nen, who was handing out domestic demand is relative- cast means 1.6 billion euros in economy shrunk by an histor- ment added. STT the annual prizes to forecast- ly easy to forecast. Also in un- money. When you think about ic 6.2%. The forecasters were “Thereby, to further im- ers last week. employment and infl ation the how much of the sum goes to wrong by a whopping eight prove the spirit and commer- This year’s economic fore- margin of error is quite small. the public sector as taxes, a percentage points. cial drive in the organization, 12 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 SPORT HELSINKI TIMES Orienteering among the hill goblins

Hill Goblins, Seven Brothers and a weekend in the forests of deepest Ostrobothnia... It can only mean one thing: Jukolan Viesti.

LEHTIKUVA / MIKKO STIG EGAN RICHARDSON Miika Hernelahti of Ka- HELSINKI TIMES levan Rasti thought it was a challenging course. “The ori- THE JUKOLAN VIESTI, the big- enteering was not all potter- gest orienteering event in the ing about, there was some world, was held last week- serious running too,” said end in Ostrobothnia. Named Hernelahti after his fi fth leg. after the village in Aleksis His team mate Simo Mar- Kivi’s iconic 1870 novel Sev- tomaa found it diffi cult to get en Brothers, the competition to grips with the course at attracted over 13,000 com- fi rst, but still pulled through petitors this year. Uniquely to give Gueorgiou a good lead among orienteering competi- at the fi nal changeover. tions, Jukolan viesti starts at “I didn’t run very well at 11 p.m. and takes place over- the beginning in particular night, so the early legs are but luckily I had no trouble run by men wearing head- fi nding the controls. I took lamps, scampering through some minor risks at the end the dusky night looking for of the leg in order to make their control points. sure our anchor could take Kalevan Rasti won the off alone,” said Martomaa. competition this year’s com- The event was held in the petition with a strong per- town of Lapua in Ostroboth- formance after a diffi cult nia, close to Mount Simpsiö, start. By the time anchor Thi- which provided some topo- erry Gueorgiou took over for graphical variety in the vast the fi nal leg, his team had re- coastal plain. covered and he only had to A weekend spent run- ensure that he made no mis- ning and navigating through takes. In the end the mar- the forests with the help of a Orienteering on a summer night - competitors at a control point during the Jukolan Viesti. gin of victory was over four map and a compass is a Nor- minutes from the Norwegian dic speciality, with a strong tend the bigger orienteering events are huge, and they This year’s Jukola mes- leg for this year’s winners. team in second place, Halden tradition especially among events, which have become a were acknowledged in a typ- sage described the folk leg- Sportspeople who can tell us SK. the military. staple of the Nordic sporting ically Finnish way after the end of bishop Hemming about hill goblins are all too In the women’s Venla Major Ernst Killander of calendar. No doubt Killander race. The Jukola Relay mes- on a mission to suppress the rare. Viesti, Asikkalan Raikas the Athletics As- would have been pleased as sage is read out every year might of the hill-goblins. On The next big orienteer- won by seven seconds from sociation is regarded in the punch had he been in Lapua and this year it was dedi- his way “he was forced to ing events in Finland are the the Swedish team OK Skogs- Nordic countries as the fa- last weekend to see the 59th cated to the Forest Manage- take repose on a rock that Kainuun Rastiviikko and the falken. It was the Päijät- ther of modern orienteering. men’s Jukola Relay and the ment Associations, who have was henceforth to be called Finn5 meets, both in July. For Häme club’s fi rst Venla Viesti Killander attracted 220 peo- 30th women’s Venla Relay to ensure that all the correct ‘The Bishop’s bench’.” more information on orien- victory, although they have ple to his fi rst event in 1918, events. permissions and ownership It was read out by Tommi teering in Finland, visit the been victorious four times in a big achievement in his day. The organisational com- issues are cleared up before Tölkkö, fi ve-time Jukola win- Finnish Orienteering federa- the Jukolan Viesti. Now thousands of people at- plexities of big orienteering the event can be planned. ner and runner of the third tion’s website at www.ssl.fi .

Hamilton leads third consecutive McLaren 1-2 with USGP victory sudoku LEHTIKUVA / REUTERS / CARLOS BARRIA Finland’s Kimi Räikkö- nen’s rough spell at Ferrari 374 continued with a disappoint- ing, uncompetitive fourth 589 place fi nish, three seconds behind his team-mate, third placed Brazilian Felipe Mas- 13 sa. Räikkönen is now 26 points behind champion- 38 ship leader Hamilton and for all practical purposes can be counted out of the title race. 672 4 935 Meanwhile, Renault’s Heikki Kovalainen contin- 47 ued to dispel rumours of his F1 demise with a distant fi fth 37 place fi nish, some 41 seconds behind Hamilton. For the second race in succession, 361 he both qualifi ed and raced more competitively than It- 817 aly’s Giancarlo Fisichella, his vastly more experienced SOLUTION ON PAGE 17 team-mate. Lewis Hamilton celebrates a second consecutive victory, with probably many more still to come. In two week’s time, the F1 circus returns to Europe ELLSWORTH WHEELER anapolis Motor Speedway. Alonso on the fi rst corner. and the French GP at Mag- HELSINKI TIMES Hamilton took the cheq- However, the super smooth ny Cours. Last year’s race uered fl ag 1.5 seconds ahead Briton used his racing savvy was won by Ferrari’s Michael SEND US MCLAREN’S British star of Alonso for his second con- to win the corner and main- Schumacher with, Fernando Lewis Hamilton signalled secutive win and McLaren’s tain the lead. On lap 38 Alon- Alonso, then a Renault driv- a new era of F1 domination third straight 1-2 fi nish, so again attempted a passing er, fi nishing in second place, FEEDBACK with a convincing victory stretching the rookie’s lead move into the fi rst corner fol- 10 seconds adrift. Nonethe- over his Spanish team-mate in the F1 World Champion- lowing the long, ultra-fast pit less, with young Hamilton, and two-time world cham- ship to ten points. Start- straight, only to be rebuffed still on a learning curve, now pion Fernando Alonso in the ing from pole position on a once again by his sensational clearly establishing his su- United States Grand Prix hot race day, Hamilton got young team-mate, who went periority with each pass- info@helsinkitimes.fi held at the hallowed grounds off to a good start, despite on to victory at the 4.1km In- ing race, who is going to of world autosport, The Indi- the enormous pressure from dy track in 1hr.36:09.065sec. stop him? HELSINKI TIMES LIFESTYLE AND ENTERTAINMENT 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 13

LEHTIKUVA / AFP PHOTO / ROSLAN RAHMAN Singapore seeks tourists

Singapore wants to boost its tourism industry and is betting on casinos and other imported entertainment to lure millions more visitors.

SARA WEBB freedom of expression. In May, Singapore also that it was Singapore’s image REUTERS Singapore has now snagged the rights to host as “a hot, sleepy backwater, scrapped its decades-long Formula One racing. “They full of colonial relics, crum-

LEHTIKUVA / ARKISTO “ARTIFICIAL tourist creations ban on casinos. It is building want to send a message that bling houses, and old habits” can work,” said Tony Wheel- two gambling resorts, one Singapore has changed,” said that lured him to the city- er, co-founder of the Lonely of them including a Univer- Christopher Wood, CLSA’s re- state in the late 1960s. While Planet guides. “Disneylands sal Studios theme park, even gional strategist. “They have Theroux portrayed the city’s all over the world seem to pull though they are not partic- to have more than shopping raffi sh side with its prosti- in the crowds. And the casi- ularly Singaporean. The ca- centres. Formula One is a bril- tutes and seedy nightclubs nos, given the propensity for sinos are due to open in the liant idea. But nobody in Asia in his novel Saint Jack, much the Chinese to gamble, will next three or four years. does culture well. Japan is the of that was torn down or probably be a success.” The government wants to only place in Asia that has it. scrubbed clean in Singapore’s Perhaps Singapore’s big- double the number of visitors There’s nothing cultural hap- frantic rush to modernise. gest handicap is its lack of fa- to 17 million a year by 2015, pening here now, zero.” While westerners want mous sights. For many years, while nearly trebling tourism history and culture, Chinese it prided itself on its innumer- receipts. Its new attractions Burying old Singapore and Indians see Singapore able shopping malls, and pro- could well succeed in pulling Some Singaporeans have as a beacon of modernity moted its annual “Singapore the crowds, economists say, their doubts, fearing the so- and effi cient infrastructure, Sale”. Abroad, it is often bet- particularly given Macau’s cial impact and risk of crime in stark contrast to many of ter known for its authoritar- experience. After the former brought by casinos. Hans Asia’s chaotic cities, says tour ian ways – it executes drug Portuguese enclave of Macau Hoefer, founder of the Insight guide Geraldene Lowe. “The offenders, crushes political opened up to the big U.S. ca- Guides, says that the casinos government builds these fer- opposition and bans the sale sino fi rms, it proved so popu- will only attract a niche mar- ris wheels and resorts that of chewing gum. Cultural- lar that its annual gambling ket of gamblers, not tourists. you can get anywhere. Why ly, its development has been revenues hit US$7 billion last Paul Theroux, the novelist not promote the culture we Asians want to see Singapore as a beacon of modernity. crippled by restrictions on year. and travel writer, once wrote do have?” Die Hard best action film FRANK MASI /TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX REUTERS – HELSINKI TIMES Hard With a Vengeance, fol- lowed in 1990 and 1995. TOP 20 Films DIE HARD, starring Bruce In the fourth fi lm, Live Free Willis as tough-as-nails New or Die Hard, McClane takes on The most watched films in Finland in 2006 were: York cop John McClane bat- an Internet-based terrorist tling terrorists, has been organization that is mounting 1. Matti – Hell Is for Heroes (Matti, FIN) named the best action fi lm a digital attack on computer 2. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (US) ever by Entertainment Week- networks. 2. Casino Royale (GB, US) ly magazine. The fi lm has created a 3. The Da Vinci Code (US) The magazine has unveiled huge hype on the Internet. 4. Ice Age 2 (US) a list of top 25 action movies It is unlike many of the oth- 5. Cars (US) spanning from Akira Kurosa- er big summer movies, which 7. Jackpot (Kummelin Jackpot, FIN) wa’s Seven Samurai (No. 6) to feature fantastical elements. 8. FC Venus (FIN) the 2004 computer-animat- Pam Levine from Fox says the 9. Chicken Little (US) ed fi lm The Incredibles (No. hype “confi rms that there’s 10. The Devil Wears Prada (US) 25). Space adventure Aliens a real hunger in the market- 11. Garfield 2 (US) followed Die Hard in the No. place for a straightforward 12. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch 2 slot with action movie without the and the Wardrobe (US) Raiders of the Lost 13. Borat (US) Ark at No. 3 and The Road gimmicks and CGI.” 14. Brokeback Mountain (US) Warrior and The Matrix at No. With John McClane, the 15. Miami Vice (US) 4 and No. 5, respectively. fi lm has a “relatable” hero that 16. Memoirs of a Geisha (US) But it was 1988’s Die Hard, audiences have been familiar 17. Over the Hedge (US) in which John McClane bat- with for nearly 20 years. He is 18. Promise (Lupaus, FIN) tles terrorists in a Los Ange- also the “least tech-savvy guy 19. Jade Warrior (Jadesoturi, FIN-CN-EE) les high-rise, that blew the in the world,” Levine says. “He 20. Man Exposed (Riisuttu mies, FIN) biggest Hollywood fi reball. doesn’t need to know about The movie made Willis a ma- computers to kick ass.” Source: The Finnish Film Foundation jor movie star. Two sequels, Die Hard 4.0 opens in the- Die Hard 2: Die Harder and Die atres on 27 June. Old-school hero John McClane (Bruce Willis) is back after 12 years.

Director Moore fears Radiohead: the ballet and the album film seizure after Cuba trip LEHTIKUVA / EPA PHOTO ANP LEHTIKUVA / REUTERS MIRVA ANJALA U.S. citizens are generally HELSINKI TIMES barred from going to Cuba, unless approved by the gov- BRITISH Radiohead is set to ernment under a broad trade make their dance debut when embargo imposed since 1962. a ballet soundtracked exclu- Moore travelled to Cuba sively by them will make its with three volunteers who premiere at the Edinburgh worked in the ruins of New International Festival. Cho- York’s World Trade Cent- reographer Stephen Petro- er after the Sept 11 attacks. nio has chosen to set Ride He said the volunteers were The Beast to their music. Ac- now suffering health prob- cording to the Scottish Bal- lems and struggling to get let, Petronio has selected fi ve Radiohead singer Thom Yorke appropriate treatment un- tracks spanning Radiohead’s der the U.S. health care sys- career to “complement the the same time that Radio- et period guitarist Ed O’Brien REUTERS Canada because he fears the tem, so they decided to see layered complexity and pri- head is to launch their new announced in an Internet U.S. government will try to what kind of care they could mal nature of his new work.” album. The band has been posting on 13 June that the FILMMAKER Michael Moore confi scate it after part of it get in Cuba. The ballet will be performed working on the follow-up to new record is nearly ready. has stashed a copy of his lat- was fi lmed during an unau- at Edinburgh Playhouse 18– 2003’s Hail To The Thief for est documentary SiCKO in thorised trip to Cuba. 20 August, hopefully around over a year. After a long qui- 14 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 HELSINKI TIMES

Helsinki City Map


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i r Linnank.g57 2 50 Wal- k r Torkkelin- Hansaterminaal a ka i 1 Hummelviken e n 10 Nurmen tie lininkj n 17 Saka- 10 rantatie k 36 14 i c 5 - n 5 KALLIO 14a

1 L ke P.koulu Stadi- 13 k V o s 6. Kajan 19 12

in o p

k 2 mäki Lintu-

n 2 7 rink n l

14 onp 9 n 8 1 8

a 7 t .k 15b

alhallank 1

u i a 3 6. Kesäranta l 46 t j 3-1

M i 24 52 2 a 33 u linjen Fjärde17 linjen 2 2 lahden- 23a senk BERGHÄLL n p Par- 2 P L 10 Töölön k 32 28 2 10 36

n 6 onk ä in aukio 51 m . a Karhu- e varikko nty e 14 L u tul 10 Sairaala a P. Nurmen ä n n Agricolank t j ruk 2a k M 3 3 r uk- 8 Museo 1 Toiv t 5 P puisto 4 8 a n nt 2 1 a 3

7 i L Alppikatu h e ik 3 Andra 8 . 18 Koulu 3a d d 1 1 Mänty- 2 k

i 27 t Kai-5 13b 5 n e i 1 Eläin- r a Mänty- 12 8 I 4 5 e 5 3 1 Eino Leinon k 17 mäen- 19 12 nk H g n Ensi linja 22 P.koulu e StepUp nt 50 20 Ruu- tarhan 1 a 9 mäki 6 28 2 kj u g Humalistonkatu6. 12 8 kenttä 1 Viides Älinja 5 na rentie huvilat 1b 15-9 s- kukj engerkuja o a n n 4 n Show School 21 Humal- sa Tölö 1 1 Neljäs 10 P 4 ja l linjen 5 135 e 26 2 4 s a a 4 Bro-

luodon v R Kirjasto Pk Kisa- i Castréninkatu 4 15 16 sä Kaikukatu a M 68 Koulu P ä 41 k u 8 a F 5 n15 halli 18 17 nrn P. l 2 puisto 6 ä s 15 1 r g u P. k o t i 16 1 Rajasaari r l Tope- - esulankatu l Asukasps Kolmas Väinö Lintulah- e t s N. e e 11 s 56 n 11 2 9 1 n g k liuksen k 10 7 t 1 6 3 e 9 e Ilolanps Suonionk Tannerin k n n ä iu p ie linja r 7 l 8 9 Sörnäisten Råholmen 2a 24 9 e Sibe- s puisto g H 8 kenttä 5 Topeliuksenke Ooppera holmsg 20 Humal- c g b a 5 4 1 Haapaniemenk2 p lius- a i Toinen t 11 8 19 t S 5 1 n lahden h a 10 a 6 40 33 7 4 parken n n 60 Linjat 2 linja 5 e 14 laiturit 5 1 r e Kallion 6 V 7 1 15 Kaupungin- Porthaninkatu 1 e 4 6 17 Pannu- a 56 5 p5a Hanasaari a Sibe- virastotalo 1 t Hel-is s 8 l Töölön 56 Linjerna teatteri 3 eh ä kakun- 9 ja 2 linja 8 5a i 2 a liuksen i Tope- sairaala 1 i m 5b puistikko Hanaholmen 11 P. k o t i s n 15a 14 E 4 R Humalluodot 1414 65 Töölönlahti ntarha 1 Näkinkuja e Näkin- 30 läi 10 puisto lius- n 5 Sibeliusg 1a 17 12 n r 18 n 27 Portha- Hämeentie 12 10 2 H N.p k puisto 7 u g parken 3b t 6 36 n Tölöviken nin1 .t 1 1 Hakaniemen

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8 Töölöntori Hesperia- n.k M keskus Hakanie- ran 8 5 k o- 4 Sandelsink 1 parken Saarin.k 1 5 13 18 9. t 3 a mentori e saaren- 8 menk ta

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. 3 17 2 vuor 3 6. D b ö n ö T 1 6


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n 6 .

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3 i kenttä

38 m v k 2 5 20b

s seig 17 u ni a 20 6

s 10u 3 u a 2 puutarha M v Pk M d 2 9. 7 e v 40 1 29 6. n .penger l 40 3b Museok ae 6 3 Kruun. Tervasaari 36 n Botaniska trädgården Snell- 3 29 n 8 Gsk m j

n 2 k 8

a t 2

28 e

4a a a 8

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1 I n ik Te

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i 13 t s mink.kj ik kannas - u Mikaelsg

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n e 14

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a 11 tatalo

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e 23 ä Kaisaniemi 16 k 16 38 H J 19 7 10 13 Hietaniemen hautausmaa 15 Museo . 15 1 Rauhankatu e 7 3 Manner- n Arkadiag 13 4 11 Ritarikatu 6 Pohjoissatama N 5 7 c 31 7 1 Sanduddsgatan 9 14 Sandudds kyrkogård n 26 heimin- 1 a 16 Paasi- Vuori 13 Arkadiankat 7 15 k h 21 aukio 10s 19 Norra hamnen P.koulu nk 71 u cklundi 22 16 8 O kiven- tik i kkokatu ä n 2 r 4 11 Ki K ra l 6. Pos a Mariankatu R 8 a aukio 24 i 11 1 4 r t 1 8 t e 6 ge i 7 vink 24-22 2 2 Rautatientori K 10 6 ir Perhon- u Annank4 2 Mannerheimintie9 1 B 19 ka 19 M 18 1 20 Vedkajen t 56 41 M. Koiviston 35 PohjoisrantaHalkolaituri l u 9 n 3 k 3 1 4 3 5 6 aukio i 9. i tiekatu 10 ri Lapua 6 Jaa 110 kV 5a e 42 5 k 5 3 Meritullinlaitu Kaivokatu9 7 n 2 Keskuskatu o 3 H3d iet 23 3 6. 2 ani b 8 kon 12 1 tusk 6 eme 4 n

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2e 1 M.aukio Pohjoisesplanadi 5 KAMPPI pintori kou57 3 Kauppatori KESKO 5 13 LaivMeri- 2 4 Anneg 622 2 5 Lin- 4

Sairaala 16 13 9 3 Kr t 14 Lapin- Unions- Kolera- u nanps kas.p KAMPEN 21-19 1 2 .k 8 2 25 uu Lyypekin- 3 27 Kauppiaank 3 14 11 Lönnr. Kanava- 10 2 Kalevagatan21 Eteläesplanadi47 an- 2 - 9. 13 j laituri Sjukhus 6. 40 4 allas 8 4 4 lahdenkatu ps 14 Eteläranta nuvuorenkatu 3 6 terminaali 2 2 k Marian 4 3 Eriksgatan 2a Erottaja 20 1 Malminrn 19 - 3 Georgsg 6 9. 1 ri i Lapinlahdent Pk 7 Laukkas. 1a 3 a - Ener- sairaala Työ Lasten- 19 Fredrikinkatu23 14 KAARTINKAUPUNKI Nordic Jet Line laitu 1 7 Pu 8 E Kappeli 2 20 6 Ank. Me in giakj ne 36 3 Erottajank 3 2 r r 2 Lapinlah- g miehenk9 kuja 2 lehto 20 3 6. i TALLINKH o g Maria 7 4 4 4 j a It 45 Lin k Ortodoksinen Lastenk. 2 1 n a 4 r 1 44 n

3 t ämerensola 7 n lip 1 Lasten den ps 4 i n

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a Suomen sjukhus 41 1

7 ögbergsg 5 K6 9. k

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iS.ks 5 maa puistikko 31 41 10 4 M 12 a

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1 3 j Sul. Ruoholahdenk9 tusas. Magasinskajen mak 7 sin a1 1 1 aukio katu 25 16 a n Pikku- 2 Ruoholahden silta Hietalahdenk 36 k 15 9 2 22 2 van- 11 tan 7 E. Makasiini9

S 3 12 F Mastokg r 2 47 28 16 Gräs- Päs 7 Gräsviksbron 21 37 e 38 4 at 16 5 8 an sin kj g 13 abians 1 n Porkalag 10 20 4 27 arde 11 15 kin- Kal9 37 6 Makasiini- 1 1a 4 44 Eteläsatama eTallber- 3 rtink Katajanokan Roobe 2 viken 14 Köy- P. 27 Porkkalankatu 4 terminaali

18 26 2 17 9. Itäme- 6. R 25 1 4 11 Län- 20 Gräsv. k 35-33 Bulev 26 1 terminaali 1 10 7 2 3 43 2 21 24 16 2 Södra hamnen 9. 268 32 2b 24 15 rentori 11 Rusok- 26 11 L 2 u 55 48 5 M4 K. A. F. 3 Eeri-50 1 32 33 6 Bernhardin- 21 7 23 1 a o Viking Line San- kikj 3 1 aukio 23 Ruoholahti 37 g 6. 4 Olympialaituri Östersjög 5-1 Ullanl.k23 katu i Loisto- 2a 1 Itäm.kj 2 Harmajank 8 2 Bang 1 h v 13 4 12 50 Gsk2 Silja Line nikj 1 Ka- 1 S 35 suu- 6. 30 32 Kaar- s 15 Koper- ämerenkatu 5 nikuk- It 1 19 kj o 2 16 sent a 5 3 9 Fred 2 18 18 2 denpun.k is 7 27 Koulu el 20 2 2 g kaisl.kj 31 Sineb.k 7 Kaapeli-30 26 la 61 Puna- tinkj A s 6. 4 Sini-

a 2 1 4 r

i Lönnrotink UudenmaankatuRoobertinkatu g

1 takj 19 25 Johannek- e

n Santakatu hd la t 7 41 k

puisto k 43b i

2 n 20 . S.kj 6 notkon k k 4a Hietalah- Korkea d 3 56a senpuisto l 6 12 40 Kasarmikatu 2b ä T n 3 r 52 12 Valkosaarenkari Ruoho-6 2 362 Bulevardi e l P.koulu n 3 1 29 ammasaa- Kellosaarenk9. e iksg a m dentori 44 r r lahden- a 3 Iso34 8 Kirkko Tähti- re Kellos.-4 t n 47 Albertsgatan39 i

8 R.lahdenps n 1 Ratakatun n Blekholms- Valkosaari

tori r 3a 46 18 Fred- Gsk i 1 tornin

e nlaituri Kaapelitehdas va 15 5 t a a 13 puisto r 1 den- kana- a r 15 k

5 holah- n rikintori 11 3 vuori grundet Blekholmen

r Ruo- 10 g n n PUNAVUORI u ranta a Kabelfabriken 11 2 42 56 5 16 J.rn e 1 1 e 43 J.kj 11 e t 2 19 v Johan- - 7

5 Sillilaitur i

k Leikkips a 7 O r. d 14 1 5 t Tam Kellosaaren n 12 2 3 s H t RÖDBERGEN 3 t - 1

Tamma- - 5c Ki Koulu a neks. 5 .ranta Olympia- 4 ä s hHieta- u masaa7 - 1 3 L 1 k P. k o t i i a a Sinebrychof-4 4 1 saaren- o ullaajankj e lahden- v. 8 terminaali Jaala- a Selk l 5 10 P. k o t i 5 vuorenk 8 1 masaa2 g t a fin puisto u 25 6 Tam aukio 4 11 t meren-piha T 14 allas 6 t Tarkk'ampujank4 anta rannan- u 1 9 s i 13 a 12 Ullanps Silja Line renr 2 18 p 2 k henk7 7 41 18 6 1 14 7

puisto aalaranta9. p p n g Tähtitorninkatu11-9 Ullank 9 J 10 13 H 3 21 e 2 Muukal. e L17 i Mallask 8 4 3 S. 2 e r 31 -

14 ta e k 1 1 o 1 Valko Länsisatamank lah 23 u e 20 3 Kaivopuiston väylä saa Selkä- 4 1 S Hietasaarenkuja de v 18 i 20 r 4 re Ruoholahti j n l a 3 Jääkärink 6 2 Brunnsparksleden n

a 2 6 s

1 a m a 15 Mess meren- k itu Pun i 10b 2a 23 8a E lm Hietalahti 43 r 7 17 37 Pyhän

ri Perämiehen e 5 2 h i Gräsviken p 1 Kankur 6 puisto u n T M 31 8b Henrikin Messitytönkatu o Sandviken 102 Vuorimiehenkatu1b yt r e 30 p 10 e .kj k 11 6 Neitsyt- aukio Myll 5 10 4 7 miehenkatu Vuori- 1c 1 2 u Busholmskajen 8 3 Raatimie- I l Teh- e tä n Luoto 22 a 9 Bergmansg puisto 1d i 2 1 Laivapojankj L2 a 36 - 13 k 12 mieh.ps Iso Puistot2 n ioli s S 12 Puukeskus Oy 10 taan- 18 e l n i 26 6 l 1 Klippan

L.- 27 ink 3a 1a 3 t 23 k s S P.koulu n a n

aukio r 182 Sepänkatupuisto 35 6. 5 n 6 K rö 31 u tensg11 a a

k t P 5 Por.

P henk 5 1 a 5 1b 12

Kirkko n 4 j a ULLANLINNA sga 1a u 8 ms u brik t Laivapojankat11 6 19 23 Fa 10 12 i k 6 5 23a u Uttergr j k 26 25 ULRIKASBORG - s 22 t 16 Kapteeninkatu 7 12 n 22 Neitsytpolku o o L15 a 26 iv 7 12 1 v k Horn. a a 1 Tehtaankatu K n t 3 ä j 1 20 7 r i t L3 t 4 Eiran e 6 1 h a g a 4 5 Huvilakatu Neptu- L10 t 8 Laivu Pietarinkuja katu 5 il a u 42 ti Kap- S tnuk fel n puisto 7

- 1 15 e t 3 Munkki- 1 1 el t Huvilakuja 6 Ö 4 M i 2 - d in-6 11 2 ans t 13 19 s n M saarenkatu E eh - Pietar Kaivopuisto L14 senkj Sper R bin derint Stor t a 8 Tar- 5 n 1 Hylkeen 1 1 Puistokat4 r 14 47 - 8 i in 14 j kintie el 4 8 Brunnsparken ot a 29 5 18 a g t an- t 3 k 5 monkj jänk Herne- tu M n 6. rinkatu a Allén 6a 17 . P. k o t i l Laiv A Utterkajen k E 1 11 6 Oi 2 8 2 aukio 17 l 2 k E 1 2a l saarenka Docksge e C t é a 2 23 8 arustajank r h EIRA f n v n V k 3 Piri- i r o 1 3 -4 adste- k h LÄNSISATAMA u 3 ri nankj tankj e 4 m .A 101 KAIVOPUISTO Pi a n r J . 3 4 2 1 1 s Sauk j Itäinen Vaihdek tank1b t 2 A ikatu a p 5 u s Kapt.kj1 t- v k Mer BRUNNSPARKEN Kylpylän- VÄSTRA HAMNEN Tulli- ie 2 1 yytä- Birgi ä t Saukonlaituri rdin c r terminaali 2 talaiskj 8 Fredrik Meripuisto Meritori Ursa aukio Kontti- g Hels.nie- e Birgit- 1 29 2 23 E 3 n menps W Stjernvallin 1b onnokankj terminaali 1 talaisk1a h o 2 r d Matala- 5 E Ha atan puisto e i Länsi- 2 1 ira vsg 4 n 3 se st st Saukonnokka o 2 terminaali salmenkj EiranrantaPyhän randen rö Kaivo- Utterudde nkj K P m 3 1 sg MerisatamanrantaMerisatama 1 puiston- a 2a Birgitan 8 4 pp Uunisaarenin 4 l 3 e 2 puisto Ursinin kallio t ranta l n Sk Havshamnen ie L9 i L8 e 10 o 11 k Poseidoni s d a salm a 1 n 10 5 iv a ä L5 5 4 Munkkisaari i n re r a Jätkäsaari n H 1 Sirpalesalmi g äsaarenlaituri . L 2 kj Fordin k3 Pohjoinen Uunisaari s tk 6 Munkholmen Busholmen m ä Norra Ugnsholmen ökajen l J Eteläinen Uunisaari 4 a L7 o Munkholmskajen t Sirpalesaari Södra Ugnsholmen 13 h Melk n d 12 Harakka a Flisholmen n L6 r a Pihlajas5 i n Stora Räntan Särkkä aituri S 3 Luonnon- re Liuskasaari Uuninsuu suojelualue Långören Oceankajen 4 .k a Valtamerilaituri a Skifferholmen Melkinl Sammonlaituri es Sampokajen n M 7 r e H 5 Luonn.s.alue Hernema- 11 3 6 Hernesaari rssundet Munkkisaaren laitur Hernesaaren4 1 talankÄrtholmen jäähalli Luonnon- Särkänsalmi Hernesaa 2 13 suojelualue Ärth 18 olmskajeren laituÄrtholmsstranden Lauttasaarenselkä Helikopteri- Drumsöfjärden n ri kenttä HELSINKI TIMES LIFESTYLE AND ENTERTAINMENT 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 15


You can admire a midsummer bonfire at Seuraasari in Helsinki. Midsummer in the city Spending an urban Midsummer can be full of delights.

ROBIN DEWAN in order to catch the sum- man’s Passage, will be per- devised, most of which have ing logs and maintain their in the city, the glorious Finn- HELSINKI TIMES mer solstice magic. For ex- formed during the festival. to do with one’s love life. The balance while they stepped ish midsummer celebration ample in Helsinki, those who What is perhaps Finland’s Seurasaari midsummer hap- along the surface rolling the is calling. HEY, HEY, where’s everybody remain in the city during this most celebrated wedding al- pening is full of such activity log underneath. Profession- going? To the great outdoors, time have a number of su- so takes place on this day in which you can witness or, if als as well as amateurs will Seurasaari of course! And no wonder – perb opportunities to join the the old church on the island. you are so inclined, take part be on hand to demonstrate Midsummer event the Nordic summer is short festivities. After the ceremony, the hon- in. If the light and tempera- log headstands, acrobatics Tickets: adults €13, free and sweet, and juhannus The Seurasaari Open-Air orary couple is rowed across ture are just right, you might and, yes, lots of slips into the admission for children (midsummer) is no ordinary Museum is the place to head the bay to light the main even catch a glimpse of the water. under 12. holiday. for the largest and grand- bonfi re. Dances begin, other auspicious will-o’-the-wisps In addition to Seurasaari, www.kolumbus.fi/ During this extended est midsummer happening smaller fi res are lit, and the across the bay. a smaller midsummer fes- seurasaarisaatio weekend a powerful mag- in the city. The event takes merrymaking continues un- One display that you are tival is held on the island of netic draw overtakes most place on Friday 22 June and til the wee dawn hours of the not likely to miss, nor forget, Mustikkamaa. Another more Mustikkamaa Finns, causing them to fl ock the programme features tra- midnight sun. is the curious craft of log roll- low-key gathering with a Mustikkamaantie 3 South of Kulosaari, to their countryside cottages ditional Finnish craft demon- The longest day of the ing. This Finnish amusement good view to the Seurasaari c. 5 km from city centre en masse. Relaxing in the sun strations, costumes, dances year in many cultures is as- stems from the days when bonfi re takes place on Hie- surrounded by nature in full and, later in the evening, the sociated with fertility and logs had to be fl oated down taranta beach. Hietaranta bloom is a marvellous choice, annual massive bonfi re. This Finland is no exception. the river to the mill. Men Whether you take the high Hiekkarannantie but not absolutely necessary year a musical play, The Post- Many charms and spells are would stand on the fl oat- road out of town or stay put

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Fantastic Subway coupon (This offer can not be combined with any other offers or Sub Club cards. One coupon per customer. Coupon is valid until 15.7.2007 ) 16 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 CULTURE HELSINKI TIMES Pioneer of modern ceramics RAUNO TRÄSKELIN CARINA CHELA HELSINKI TIMES Fashion designers New Arrivals – Starring RUT BRYK (1916–1999) was Finnish Fashion, Design Fo- one of the reformers of mod- rum’s summer exhibition, ern ceramic art and design in presents the young design- Finland. Bryk studied at the ers and visionaries of Finn- department of graphic de- ish fashion along with the sign of the Central School of main developments in this Arts and Crafts in Helsinki, fi eld. The exhibition explores graduating in 1939. She went what is today’s luxury design to work at the Art Depart- or street fashion, how does ment of the Arabia factory in creative design differ from 1942. luxury and what is essen- At the turn of the 1950s, tial in Finnish fashion. The Bryk began to work in prom- designers tell of their own inent colours. She creat- starting points and ways ed her own primitive lyrical of working. The exhibition and fi gurative visual world gathers an important group that has been regarded as of young Finnish fashion de- containing allusions to the signers, most of whom work Italian masters of the Ren- for the international mar- aissance, the cubists of the ket. Participants include Aki early 20th century and Marc Choklat, CTRL, Samu-Jussi Chagall’s surrealist land- Koski/Marimekko, IVANA- scapes of the mind. In the helsinki, LAITINEN, Dan- 1960s, Bryk began to make iel Palillo, Minna Parikka, architectonic, mosaic-like Rinne Niinikoski, Hanna works with tiles, in brown- Sarén, Saint Vacant Foot- ish or extremely light tones. Rut Bryk: Suistamo (detail). 1969. wear, Anssi Tuupainen/ Many of these works are in Turo Red Label, Tiia Van- public spaces. One of Bryk’s Puuvilla cotton mills in the the international Vallauris ce- Chapel, 1972), City in the Sun well-known designer Tapio hatapio and Jarno Viitala/ best-known large works is 1960s. ramics competition in 1972. In (Helsinki City Hall, 1976), Tree Wirkkala, Rut Bryk travelled a Nanso. The New Arrivals ex- Jäävirta (Ice Flow), which was After 1949 Rut Bryk held 1954 Bryk was awarded a diplo- (Bank of Finland, 1981) and The great deal and was well versed hibition runs from 15 June to completed in 1993 and placed several solo exhibitions both in ma of honour at the Milan trien- Coming of Spring in the North in world art, but she enjoyed the 2 September. at the offi cial residence of the Finland and abroad. She partic- nial and in 1972 she received the (Embassy of Finland, New Del- silence of Lapland just as much. at Män- ipated in numerous exhibitions Exempla prize in Munich. She hi, 1985). The exhibition Rut Bryk – tyniemi in Helsinki. held by the Finnish Society of was also awarded the Pro Fin- Bryk’s later works em- Ceramics at the Design Muse- Alongside her ceramics, Crafts and Design. landia medal in 1962, the Finn- ployed less and less colour. um displays the artist’s oeuvre Rut Bryk worked in graphics Rut Bryk was also an inter- ish State Design Prize in 1974 The fi nely attuned mood of the in broad perspective, from her and designed textiles in her nationally recognized artist and the Medal of the City of Hel- works was based on the play of graphic design of the 1940s to early period. One example of and designer who was award- sinki in 1978. light and shadow, glazed and her large tile works of the 1980s. her fi ne colourism is the Sei- ed many prizes. She won the Alongside Ice Flow, Bryk’s unglazed, with emphasis pro- The exhibition is on display from ta collection of fabrics, which grand prix at the Milan trienni- best-known public works are vided by individual plates of 15 June to 23 September. she designed for the Vaasan al of 1951 and the grand prix at Gethsemane (Sipoo Funeral colour. Like her husband, the

ALEKSI NIEMELÄ All that jazz UPI / LEHTIKUVA Over 200 artists perform on the Espa stage in the Espla- nadi Park during the sum- mer – the free concerts belong to the summer milieu of Helsinki. For the 7th time the Jazz Espa festival will be serving up gems of jazz. Almost every day for four weeks starting on the 2nd of July there will be jazz ses- sions from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The artists on the Espa stage include Timo Kämäräinen, Alexi Tuomarila Tri, Geor- gios Kontrafouris, P-säädin Filming Mannerheim Antti Kujanpää, Innkvi- sitio, Eero Koivistoinen CARINA CHELA budget of 12–14 million euros, Music Society, and Severi HELSINKI TIMES the fi lm would be the most ex- Pyysalo. pensive production in the his- IT IS GENERALLY thought that tory of Finnish cinema. Finnish director Renny Har- Even if the Mannerheim An art retreat lin’s career has seen better project has taken years, Se- Jarmo Jauhiainen: Pirkko P. 1998. Located in the heart of the days. However, the seemingly lin has said that securing the Finnish Lakeland and in everlasting feature fi lm project funding has actually been less close proximity to the mag- about the life of Carl Gustav diffi cult than expected be- nifi cent Punkaharju ridge, Emil Mannerheim, Command- cause Mannerheim seems to Loud and quiet people the art centre Retretti is er-in-Chief of the Finnish De- be as well known in Russia as unique in that it has galler- fence Forces during World War he is in Finland. However, full- CARINA CHELA Jauhiainen’s exhibition is al- Mind, Over Medicated or Wal- ies both above and below II, is slowly moving forward. er details about the funding HELSINKI TIMES so signifi cant because the rus on Dry Land, are indica- ground. It is also considered Markus Selin, the produc- and current status of the fi lm photographer himself suffers tions of Jauhiainen’s intimate, one of the largest art centres er of the fi lm, celebrated the have been refrained from the JARMO JAUHIAINEN’S pho- from schizophrenia, bringing yet humorous approach to the in the Nordic region. Retret- 140th anniversary of Man- media. tography exhibition The 1.5% his own experience of the ill- subject. ti’s main summer exhibition nerheim’s birth by announc- Renny Harlin who will be – Loud quiet people is about ness to the exhibition. The Finnish Central Asso- features one of the best- ing this month that the fi lm’s directing the movie is current- schizophrenia, a mental dis- The black-and-white pho- ciation for Mental Health has known artists in Finnish script is currently been trans- ly working on a thriller called order which affects 1.5% of tographs of the exhibition supported the exhibition. In its art history, Eero Järnefelt lated into Russian. This sug- Cleaner, starring Samuel L. the Finnish population. The have been taken between work the association empha- (1863–1937). The retrospec- gests that the story will be told Jackson. According to the pro- exhibition wants to gener- 1998 and 2007, and they are sizes the importance of exper- tive comprises more than in two languages. The original duction team of Mannerheim, ate discussion on the cur- shots of people that the pho- tise acquired through personal one hundred works span- screenplay by Heikki Vihinen the fi lm should start shooting rent state of mental health tographer knows. They have experience. The 1.5% – Loud ning his entire productive is in Finnish. Mannerheim in its at the beginning of next year. care and point out that even been taken in places that quiet people is on view in the period and includes many present form would be a Finn- Mannerheim will be the fi rst though schizophrenia is a se- are signifi cant to the per- Finnish Museum of Photogra- works on show for the fi rst ish-Russian co-production, but movie Harlin directs in Finland rious illness, those affect- son photographed. The titles phy from 21 June to 29 July. time. Järnefelts works are this has not yet been offi cially since his breakthrough Arctic ed by it can be rehabilitated of the works, such as Outpa- on display in Retretti until confi rmed. With an estimated Heat (Jäätävä Polte) in 1986. and many do ordinary work. tients Department, State of 28 August. HELSINKI TIMES WHERE TO GO 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 17

MUSIC THEATRE AND DANCE THIS WEEK'S PICK Wed 20 Until Wed 20 Janne Maarala: The Joy Of Jazz Kalevala dell’Arte Jazz pianist Janne Maarala’s This Comedia dell’arte play is The Lakeside Blues Festival concert consists mainly of Maa- inspired by the arch types and rala’s own compositions, ranging mystical stories of Karelia. Co- from beautiful and sensitive bal- media dell’arte is a demanding The 30th Lakeside Blues Festival will take place in Järvenpää lads to fast and energetic pieces, genre that requires fast action, from jazz waltzes to Latin Amer- mastery of the mask technique between 27 June and 1 July. ican rhythms. and the ability to plunge in to Villa Aino Ackté, 19:00 the world of the arch types. The- Järvenpää, a town of 37,000 inhabitants is located about 40 RIIKKA SUNDQVIST Tullisaaren ulkoilupuisto, Laajasalo atre Metamorfoosi association km north of Helsinki. The first Lakeside Blues Festival was Tickets 10 is a theatre group specialized in held in 1978 and since then the festival has grown to be one of masks. The actors of the associ- the leading blues festivals in Europe although it is still the only Tue 26 ation represent various national- world-class festival in Finland arranged by a crew consisting Riders on the Storm ities and therefore you can hear completely of volunteers. The members of this group have Finnish, English, French and Ital- been gathered from the legen- ian in this play. dary rock band The Doors. The KokoTeatteri The official “Blues Street” will be opened on 27 June. Along music is based on the band’s 12/13/14/15/17/19/20 June 19:00 the street one can find live music from midday to evening dur- old hits. 16 June 15:00 ing the whole festival. There is also plenty of programme for Kulttuuritalo, 19:00 Unioninkatu 45 children as the event is renowned for it’s image of being Sturenkatu 4 Tickets 12/8 a festival for the whole family. Tickets 47 Wed 20 In the evenings the music continues at four clubs with dozens Wed 27 Iskelmäradio Dance of performers. There is also a Jump Pavillion offering enter- Classical Pearls Dancing event organised by Teija Mäkelä, viola, and Jaakko Iskelmäradio. Performance by tainment for people who also want to dance while Luts, piano, play Beethoven and Paula Koivuniemi. listening to music. Franck. Esplanadi Park, Espa stage, 16:30 Villa Aino Ackté, 19:00 Free entrance. The main concert of the Lakeside Blues Festival is held on 30 Tullisaaren ulkoilupuisto, Laajasalo June beginning at noon in a park by the lake Tuusulanjärvi. Tickets 7.5 Wed 20 The main concert includes performances by J. Karjalainen Län- Argentinian Tango nen-Jukka, Keb Mo, Billy Boy Arnold & Jody Williams, Wed 27 An opportunity to dance tango, Johnny Winter and Super Blues Band. Keke Club valse and milonga outside the Pelle Miljoona plays Bob Dylan Kamppi shopping centre. The and Sweatmaster plays Misfits. event is organised by Amigos Nosturi, 17:00 del Tango. The Lakeside Blues Festival, Järvenpää Telakkakatu 8 Narinkkatori, 17:30-19:00 Wed 27 June to Sun 1 July Tickets 6 Urho Kekkosenkatu 1 Tickets for the Main Concert 54/49 www.elmu.fi Free entrance. Tickets for festival Clubs 10/7 Tickets for the Jump Pavillion 5 Fri 29 to Sun 1 Mon 25 & Mon 2 Free entrance to the Blues Street. Tuska Open Air Metal Festival Day Dance J. Karjalainen will perform songs from his Lännen-Jukka album in For the 10th time, the Tuska fes- Dancing event organised by the main concert on 30 June. tival will bring together some of dance school Studio High Heels. See full programme at www.puistoblues.fi the most appreciated hard rock Kamppi shopping centre, 5th and heavy metal bands from Fin- floor, 13:00-15:00 land and abroad. Urho Kekkosenkatu 1 Kaisaniemi Park Tickets 4 Until Sun 5 Aug Design Forum Finland Until 21 Oct Mon 25 & Mon 2 Three-day ticket 75 10.ax.fi Erottajankatu 7 Åland – Ahvenanmaa! Yoga for men in the Olympic One- day ticket 38 Tue 26 & Tue 3 Ten artists connected to the Mon - Fri 10:00-19:00 The exhibition hopes to give an- Stadium www.tuska-festival.fi Senior Dance Åland Islands. Sat 10:00-18:00 swers to some of the frequent- Aijäjooga is yoga for real men. Folklore Centre Tomtebo, Amos Anderson Art Museum Sun 12:00-18:00 ly asked questions about Åland Men don’t have to have any ex- Sat 30 12:00-14:00 Yrjönkatu 27 www.designforum.fi and Ålanders by offering glimps- perience of yoga in order to par- Maria Gasolina, Posteljoona ja Tamminiementie 1 Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00 es of the past and present of the ticipate. ystävät Free entrance. Sat - Sun 11:00-17:00 Until Sun 2 Sep Åland Islands. Olympic Stadium, 18:30-20:00 Maria Gasolina will make you www.kolumbus.fi/ Tickets 7/5/3.5 Nordic Artist Couples National Museum of Finland Paavo Nurmentie 1 shake your hips. seurasaarisaatio www.amosanderson.fi The exhibition leads visitors into Mannerheimintie 34 Ticket 8/6/4 Club Liberté the world of artist couples, tell- Tue - Wed 11:00-20:00 Kolmas Linja 34 Sun 1 to Sat 7 Until Sun 26 Aug ing of the interaction of creative Thu - Sun 11:00-18:00 Mon 25 to Sun 1 Tickets 6 Tanssiteatteri ERI: Vapauden Helsinki School individuals and their colourful Free entrance on Tuesdays at Helsinki Pride Vanki In this exhibition we meet sev- family lives. 17:30-20:00. Helsinki Pride is the biggest les- Sat 30 This chamber opera is based on en new artists from Helsin- Gallen-Kallela Museum Tickets 6/4/0 bian, gay, bisexual and trans- George Michael the lives of former Finnish pres- ki University of Art and Design Gallen-Kallelan tie 27, Espoo gender (LGBT) event in Finland. George Michael celebrated his ident Risto Ryti and his wife and the seven artists from the Mon- Sun 10:00-18:00 OTHERS The theme of the 2007 event is 25-year career as a pop musi- Gerda. Dance Theatre ERI was previous generation who have Tickets 8/4/0 “From Tolerance to Equality”. cian last year. founded in 1989 by the well- had the greatest impact on the www.gallen-kallela.fi Fri 22 The main organiser is Helsingin Hartwall Areena, 20:00 known Finnish dancer-chore- young artists. Midsummer Bonfires in seudun Seta ry, a Helsinki LGBT Areenakuja 1 ographers Tiina Lindfors, Las- The Finnish Museum of Until Sun 16 Sep Seurasaari organization that works active- Tickets 79/49 si Sairela and Eeva Soini. The Photography. Cable Factory Company: Top Secrets of Seurasaari Midsummer Bonfires ly to promote the civil rights of www.hartwall-areena.com group quickly became known Tallberginkatu 1 G Finland are organised for the 52th time sexual and gender minorities. for their original and impressive Tue - Sun 11:00-18:00 Company is a design duo es- by the Seurasaari Foundation. At See full programme at www.hel- Mon 2 to Tue 31 dance performances, both in Tickets 6/4 tablished by Aamu Song (b. the roadside and in the festival sinkipride.fi Jazz-Espa Finland and abroad. 1974) and Johan Olin (b. 1974) grounds old-fashioned crafts- Some of the best Finnish jazz Risto Ryti Hall, Huittinen Until Sun 26 Aug in 2000. Covering a wide spec- men, log rollers, Finnish folk Sun 1 musicians perform free at the Risto Rytin katu 70 SPEAKERS: Portraits from the trum of art and design, Company dancers and musicians will per- Handicrafts demonstration: country’s longest jazz festival, Tickets 30/16 Collection of the Parliament of designs clothes, shoes and vari- form in the traditional Finnish Spinning wool offering an ideal way to enjoy Finland ous functional articles, as well as midsummer style. Tens of bon- Folklore Centre Tomtebo, 12:00 the hot weather and cool music. EXHIBITIONS The exhibition gives an opportu- spaces, public furniture and in- fires are lit from 9 p.m. onwards. Tamminiementie 1 This annual summer jazz event nity to view a historically signif- teriors. Company will fill Kias- Seurasaari Open-Air Museum www.kolumbus.fi/seurasaari- has become a fixture in Helsin- Thu 21 June to Sun 29 July icant collection of portraits. The ma’s Studio K with the project Tickets 13/0 saatio ki’s summer ever since its inau- Jarmo Jauhiainen: The 1.5% – Parliament’s art collection in- called Top Secrets of Finland. www.kolumbus.fi/seurasaari- guration in 2000, when Helsin- Loud quiet people cludes 33 portraits of Speakers Museum of Contemporary Art saatio ki was an official European Cap- Jarmo Jauhiainen’s black-and- of both the Diet of Four Estates Kiasma. Studio K, 2nd floor. ital of Culture. white photos from 1998-2007 and the unicameral Parliament. Mannerheimineukio 2 Fri 22 Esplanadi Park, Espa stage, 16:00 tell about schizophrenia. The artists are well-known mas- Tue 10:00-17:00 Midsummer Dance Free entrance. Finnish Museum of Photography ters such as Albert Edelfelt and Wed - Sun 10:00-20:30 Laura Carita with her orchestra. www.jazzfin.com Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 G Eero Järnefelt. Tickets 6/4 Linnanmäki, 19:00 & 20:30 Tue - Sun 11:00-18:00 National Museum of Finland www.kiasma.fi Tivolikuja 1 Tue 3 Tickets 6/4/0 Mannerheimintie 34 Free entrance. Nanci Griffith (USA) www.fmp.fi Tue - Wed 11:00-20:00 Thu 21 June to Sun 30 Sep www.linnanmaki.fi Nanci Griffith, “the Queen of Thu - Sun 11:00-18:00 Time of The Storytellers – Folkabilly” and her Bluemoon Until Sun 1 Tickets 6/4 Narrative and Distant Gaze in Sat 23 Orchestra. Hannele Romppanen: www.nba.fi Post-Soviet Art Midsummer Fun in Linnanmäki SUDOKU Savoy Theatre, 20:00 Mullan Alta Kiasma’s exhibition continues Tomu Poppi & Romu Rokki SOLUTION Kasarmikatu 46-48 Romppanen’s exhibition deals Until Sun 2 Sep the dialogue with contemporary Linnanmäki, 14:30 & 17:00 Tickets 45 with the invisibility of death and New Arrivals – Starring art from the former Soviet Un- Tivolikuja 1 SUDOKU the limited empathy in our so- Finnish Fashion ion. The perspective of the ex- Free entrance. SOLUTION Until 30 Aug ciety by means of photography, The summer exhibition of De- hibition will be extended to en- www.linnanmaki.fi Organ Night and Aria festival video and installation. sign Forum Finland will analyse compass Central Asian coun- SUDOKU Late-night concerts in Espoo’s Gallery Muu fashion and Finnish young fash- tries, where the formation of a Mon 25 SOLUTION medieval cathedral are held Lönnrotinkatu 33 ion and shoe designers. New Ar- new national identity in the re- Guided Art Historical Tour in throughout the summer. Top art- Tue - Fri 12:00-17:00 rivals will dive into the journey gion is informed by a rich cul- the Central Campus of the Uni- SUDOKU ists sing and perform, accom- Sat - Sun 12:00-16:00 of a garment or a shoe from idea tural tradition. The exhibition versity of Helsinki panied by choirs and orchestras www.muu.fi to designing and production to will display mostly installations, The University of Helsinki is from Finland and abroad. marketing and to the Finnish photographs and videos from an essential part of the past 374319572684 Espoo cathedral Until Sun 1 and international catwalks. The approximately a dozen artists. and present of Helsinki and the 257684193589 exhibition also presents the up- Museum of Contemporary whole country. The guided walk Kirkkopuisto 5, Espoo Kyllikki Salminen: Paintings 46819357213 Thursdays at 20:00 or 22:00 Kulmagalleria and-coming designers of Finn- Art Kiasma through the University campus Tickets 25/12 Porthaninkatu 17 ish fashion, many of them work- Mannerheiminaukio 2 area introduces the impressive 59372684138 www.urkuyofestival.fi Mon - Fri 12:00-18:00 ing in the international market. Tue 10:00-17:00 university environment near the 672672841935 4 935 Sat - Sun 12:00-18:00 Visitors are able to watch vide- Wed - Sun 10:00-20:30 Senate Square. 18493572647 Free entrance. os of fashion shows and the de- Mon closed The tour starts in front of the www.galleriakulma.fi signers’ stories in the exhibition, Tickets 6/4 University main building, 15:00 94135726837 get involved in discussions about www.kiasma.fi Unioninkatu 34 735268419361 fashion and get to know fashion Free entrance. photography and styling. www.helsinki.fi/taitu 817826419357 18 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 TV GUIDE HELSINKI TIMES



06:00 News Review BBC News every hour 06:00 CNN Today 09:10 News 08:00 Golden Girls 06:30 Witness 06:30 World Business Report A European breakfast show that fea- 15:05 Holby City 15:00 The Wedding Makeover Forced Repatriation. Inspiration- The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- 16:10 Diagnosis: Murder 16:00 All in the Family al and provocative stories providing around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews 18:31 Yes, Minister Gloria is Nervous. a fresh and informative insight in- from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. The Writing on the Wall. With his 16:40 Days of Our Lives to the world’s key events as they im- don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International own department under threat, Hack- 18:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show pact on the lives of ordinary people. overnight in New York. World Busi- A round-up of the day’s global busi- er looks to the introduction of Euro- 20:30 Gay, Straight or Taken? 07:00 Riz Khan ness Report will give you everything ness news with focus on internation- pean Identity Cards to save them. 21:00 Dirt Interactive show letting viewers di- you need to start the working day. al business and market trends. 23:00 Wire in the Blood (CERT 15) 23:30 Wanted rectly question world leaders, news- 07:30 World Business Report 10:00 World News Shadows Rising. Tony suspects that 00:30 Footballer’s Wives makers and celebrities, address- News bulletins on the hour, featur- a serial killer is at work when the ing issues impacting lives around ing the latest international news bodies of two young girls are discov- 01:25 Married… With Children the globe. from around the world, financial up- ered. Meanwhile, the stalker of TV 01:55 Hitchcock Presents 07:30 Crossroads Europe dates, sports, weather and special celebrity couple Jack and Amanda Muslims in Spain. Second of a four- reports. Vance appears to be dangerously es- part series on Muslims in Europe; 10:30 World Sport calating his actions. British crime se- SUBTV Justin Webster examines Spain’s un- A comprehensive review of sports ries based on McDermid’s novel The easy relationship with its Muslim news from around the world, includ- Wire in the Blood. 07:00 Tiny Toons population. ing all the key highlights, profiles 00:35 Euronews Journey to the Center of Acme Acres. 08:00 News Review and interviews with the newsmakers A series of earthquakes wrecks 08:30 Listening Post and stars of sport. Hamton’s and Plucky’s homes, and guides you through 11:00 Larry King TV2 they eventually fall into a big crev- the global news divide. Lois & Clark. SUBTV at 16:55 Global talk-show featuring inter- ice in the ground. Buster and Babs 09:00 101 East views with high-profile politicians set out to rescue them, and find that and top entertainment figures. 11:35 Happy Days Hosted by . Leather Tuscadero. 1/2. the earthquakes are being caused by 12:00 Business International some center-of-the-earth gremlins. 09:30 Everywoman 07:45 Sport Today 13:20 Spendaholics 13:00 World News Asia A weekly magazine show that takes All the latest sports news and results Part 3/10. a critical look at the universal issues from around the globe. Andrew Stevens presents the latest 15:40 Laurel & Hardy – The Best Of affecting women around the world. 08:30 Kill Or Cure? financial developments in the Asia- 15:45 Daffy Duck 10:00 News Kill or Cure? goes to the Gambia to Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- Daffy’s Southern Exposure. 10:30 Inside Story investigate the latest vaccines being nomic and financial trends. developed to fight TB - a complex 14:00 World News 19:00 Touched by an Angel 11:00 News At the end of the Aisle. The angels 11:30 Riz Khan disease which appears in many dif- 14:30 World Sport ferent drug-resistant strains. are invited to witness the joining of 12:00 News Audrey Carmichael and Scott Mor- 09:30 HARDtalk 13:00 News gan in holy matrimony… or not so ho- Stephen Sackur talks to newsmak- 13:30 The Fabulous Picture Show ly matrimony. While Audrey has been ers and personalities from across FPS brings our audience face to face blessed with angelic visitations and Boston Legal. MTV3 at 23:30 the globe. with film makers, features the best knows for a fact that God exists and of world cinema and Hollywood, and 10:30 Talking Movies loves her dearly, she has no qualms 07:35 Animaniacs tells the stories of people passionate Tom Brook presents all the latest about marrying a man who does not about film. news and reviews from the US cin- share her faith. In fact, Scott not on- 16:55 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures ema scene with reports from Holly- of Superman 14:00 News ly doubts the existence of God and an- wood and New York. Chi of Steel. 14:30 Witness gels, but he scorns the beliefs of those 11:30 World Business Report 17:45 Late Night with Conan O’Brien Forced Repatriation. who do. The difference between their 11:45 Sport Today 18:30 E! Entertainment: True Hollywood 15:00 News beliefs would be a minor problem, if 12:00 World News Today Story 15:30 Listening Post not for Audrey’s promise to preach the 13:30 World Business Report word and testify to God’s love. Pink. 16:00 News 13:45 Sport Today 19:45 Mr. Bean 19:30 Desperately Seeking Sheila 16:30 People and Power Animated series about the adven- 20:30 The Simpsons Tunisia Human Rights. What hap- 14:30 Asia Today tures of the hilarious Mr. Bean. The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons. pens and what matters in the world The daily current affairs programme 21:00 Spies Like Us involves People and Power - what it aimed at viewers across Asia with An action comedy about two bum- is, who has it and who wants it for in-depth reports from BBC corre- 30 Days. MTV3 at 20:00 bling government employees who better or worse. spondents and interviews with lead- MTV3 ing players. think they are U.S. spies, only to dis- 17:00 News cover that they are actually decoys 14:45 Sport Today 09:10 Hollyoaks 18:00 News for Nuclear War. Directed by: John 15:30 HARDtalk 15:00 World News Asia A British youth soap opera depict- 18:30 Witness Landis. Starring: Chevy Chase, Dan 16:30 Fast Track ing life in a fictional Chester suburb Gypsy Witch. With Romanian witch- 16:00 Your World Today Aykroyd, Steve Forrest, Donna Dix- craft facing a ban, surely a spell The series with the latest news A programme that keeps viewers of Hollyoaks. about travel, from the industry it- on, Bruce Davison, William Prince, could put paid to that? Rodica is the from around Europe, the Middle East 17:05 Hollyoaks Bernie Casey. USA 1985. self to the latest deals and destina- and Africa updated with breaking leading witch and fortune teller in 17:35 Center of the Universe 23:55 Late Night with Conan O’Brien Romania and is busier then ever. tions, with the most current informa- news, the latest global stories and Good Parent Bad Parent. tion on flights, holidays, and advice weather information. 00:45 The L Word 19:00 News 18:05 Fashion House Lies, lies, lies. Bette greets Tina’s for people travelling on business or 20:30 World Business Today 19:30 Inside Story William’s Story. pregnancy with apparent delight de- for leisure. A round-up of the day’s global busi- 20:00 News 20:00 30 Days spite her work problems with the 17:30 Asia Today ness news with focus on internation- 21:00 Riz Khan Jail. In the series Morgan Spurlock gallery and trying to keep her job. 18:30 World Business Report al business and market trends, eco- takes the concept of the 30 day ex- Jenny’s continuing lustful relation- 21:30 Crossroads Europe 18:45 Sport Today nomic developments, stock market Muslims in Spain. periment, from his hit documentary ship with Marina endangers her life 19:00 World News Today trading, bids and take-overs. Super Size Me, to a whole new level 22:00 News with Tim when she visits her old col- 20:30 Our World 21:00 World News Europe with one hour documentaries chron- lege professor, Nick Barashkov. Jen- 22:30 The Fabulous Picture Show Our World features some of our fin- Finnuala Sweeney presents the lat- icling the events experienced by vol- 23:00 News ny confides in Barashkov about her est News programmes on current est financial developments in Eu- unteers or Spurlock himself, as they involvement with Marina, while Tim 00:00 News issues around the world. The pro- rope, as well as giving an analysis of lived 30 days immersed in a life- thinks Jenny’s cheating on him with 00:30 Inside Story grammes will showcase BBC journal- economic and financial trends. style very different from their own. Nick. 01:00 News ism at its best with programmes that 21:30 World Business Today For the final episode of this season, 01:30 Witness expose and evaluate global topics. 22:00 World News Europe Spurlock took it upon himself to live Gypsy Witch. 21:30 HARDtalk for 30 days as an inmate in a jail. 22:30 World Sport YLE TEEMA 22:15 Sport Today 23:00 Business International 21:00 C.S.I. New York 22:30 World Business Report 00:00 World News Necrophilia Americana. 22:30 The Apprentice 19:55 Jazz Legends 23:30 Asia Today 00:30 World Sport Jazz Singers. Ramsey Lewis’ guests 23:30 Boston Legal 23:45 World Business Report 01:00 CNN Today today are jazz singers Al Jarreau and A Whiff and a Prayer. 00:30 HARDtalk Kurt Elling. Part 2/13. 01:30 World Business Report 00:30 Chelsea Handler Show

Our World Pink Darcey Bussell (1969 - ) is Britain’s Alecia Beth Moore (1979- ), better known best known ballerina. Her many roles as Pink, is an American 2-time Grammy include Masha in Winter Dreams, Award winning singer-songwriter who Princess Aurora in The Sleeping gained prominence in 2000 when she Beauty, Odette/Odile in Swan released her first album, the R&B based Lake and the Sugar Plum Fairy in Can’t Take Me Home. The pop-rock based The Nutcracker. In 2006 Bussel M!ssundaztood was released in 2001 announced her retirement as a and became her biggest seller to date, principal dancer at the Royal Ballet producing three top ten hits in the U.S. Spies Like Us in London because of becoming Her third album, Try This (2003), failed “too fat.” She retired from ballet on to match the success of M!ssundaztood. Austin Millbarge (Dan Aykroyd) is a geeky code breaker for the Pentagon aspiring 8 June 2007 with a performance of After taking a break, Pink released her to escape his under-respected job to become a secret agent. Emmett Fitz-Hume Mac Millan’s Song of the Earth. In a fourth studio album I’m Not Dead (2006), (Chevy Chase, on the right in the photo with Aykroyd) is a wisecracking pencil series of personal interviews with the which has been successful worldwide. pusher who takes the civil service exam under peer pressure. The men meet dur- BBC’s Louise Minchin, Bussel gives a Tonight E! Entertainment presents the ing the test, and an unnamed intelligence agency decides to enlist the two and unique insight into the world of bal- true story of Pink. promote them to the ranks of GLG20, Foreign Service Operatives. What the two do let, and explains why she is retiring E! Entertainment: True Hollywood not know, is that they are agents only to act as decoys to draw attention away from at the peak of her powers. Story a more advanced team. Comedy directed by John Landis. USA 1985. BBC WORLD at 20:30 SUBTV at 18:30 SUBTV at 21:00 HELSINKI TIMES TV GUIDE 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 19



06:00 News Review BBC News every hour 06:00 CNN Today 09:10 YLE News 07:25 Capertown Cops In depth look at the day’s news from 06:30 World Business Report A European breakfast show that fea- 15:05 Holby City The Canadian animated series goes Al Jazeera’s international news cent- The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- 16:10 Murder, She Wrote on a break. ers. around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews 18:31 Last of the Summer Wine 08:00 Golden Girls 06:30 Witness from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. 19:00 How to be a Gardener 15:00 The Wedding Makeover Gypsy Witch. With Romanian witch- don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International Part 8/16. BBC gardening series Series ends. craft facing a ban, surely a spell overnight in New York. World Busi- A round-up of the day’s global busi- continues next week with second 16:00 All in the Family could put paid to that? Rodica is the ness Report will give you everything ness news with focus on internation- season episodes. The Baby. 1/2. It appears that Glo- leading witch and fortune teller in you need to start the working day. al business and market trends. 00:15 Euronews ria may have her first baby in an Ital- Romania and is busier then ever. 07:30 World Business Report 10:00 World News ian restaurant. 07:00 Riz Khan 07:45 Sport Today News bulletins on the hour, featur- 16:40 Days of Our Lives Interactive show letting viewers di- All the latest sports news and results ing the latest international news 18:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show rectly question world leaders, news- from around the globe. from around the world, financial up- TV2 The Horror and the Beauty of Age- makers and celebrities, address- 08:30 Fast Track dates, sports, weather and special ing. Oprah’s guests Diahann Carroll, 11:35 Happy Days ing issues impacting lives around The series with the latest news about reports. Geena Davis and Nora Ephron reveal Leather Tuscadero. 2/2. the globe. travel, from the industry itself to the 10:30 World Sport how they fight against getting old. 12:00 Animal House 07:30 The Fabulous Picture Show latest deals and destinations, with the A comprehensive review of sports 20:00 Tuesday Night Book Club news from around the world, includ- 12:55 Joy of Living FPS brings our audience face to face most current information on flights, 21:00 Criminal Minds with film makers, features the best ing all the key highlights, profiles Broadway star Margaret Garrett holidays, and advice for people travel- 22:00 4400 of world cinema and Hollywood, and ling on business or for leisure. and interviews with the newsmakers (Dunne) has spent her whole life tells the stories of people passionate and stars of sport. working to support her sponging rel- 23:55 Trailer Park Boys (CERT 15) Conky. about film. 11:00 Larry King atives. When she meets carefree 08:00 News Review Global talk-show featuring inter- Dan Webster (Fairbanks), she learns 00:25 Distraction 08:30 Everywoman views with high-profile politicians how to have fun for the first time in a 01:25 Hitchcock Presents A weekly magazine show that takes and top entertainment figures. romantic music comedy directed by a critical look at the universal issues 12:00 Business International Tay Garnett. Starring: Irene Dunne, affecting women around the world. 13:00 World News Asia Douglas Fairbanks Jr. USA 1938. SUBTV 09:00 Listening Post Andrew Stevens presents the latest 15:40 Laurel & Hardy – The Best Of Richard Gizbert guides you through financial developments in the Asia- 15:45 Porky Pig 07:00 Tiny Toons the global news divide. Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- Animated movie by Chuck Jones Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow. Buster 09:30 Crossroads Europe nomic and financial trends. from the year 1942. is finally snared by Elmyra, and the Muslims in Spain. Second of a four- All in the Family. NELONEN at 16:00 14:00 World News 22:35 Family Brat Camp bunny leads a big part series on Muslims in Europe; 14:30 World Sport Part 3/4. prison break of all the cute animals Justin Webster examines Spain’s un- 09:30 HARDtalk 15:00 World News Asia 23:25 Third Watch she’s captured, but is himself re-cap- easy relationship with its Muslim Stephen Sackur talks to newsmak- 15:30 Global Office tured. Not quite enough of an idea population. ers and personalities from across Bringing the lowdown on the lat- for a full-length episode, eh? 10:00 News the globe. est business and management issues MTV3 07:35 Animaniacs 10:30 Inside Story 10:30 Our World and ideas, with techniques for the Of Course, You Know This Means Going beyond the headlines and to Our World features some of our fin- international executive. 09:10 Hollyoaks Warner. the heart of the news of the day. We est News programmes on current 16:00 Your World Today 17:05 Hollyoaks 16:55 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures get the Inside Story from some of issues around the world. The pro- of Superman A programme that keeps viewers 17:35 Yes, Dear the best minds in the Middle East grammes will showcase BBC journal- The Eyes Have It. from around Europe, the Middle East High School Reunion. and beyond. ism at its best with programmes that 17:45 Late Night with Conan O’Brien and Africa updated with breaking 18:05 Fashion House 11:00 News expose and evaluate global topics. news, the latest global stories and There’s Got To Be A Morning. 18:30 E! Entertainment: 101 Incredible 11:30 Riz Khan 11:30 World Business Report weather information. Celebrity Slimdowns 19:30 Kitchen Takeover 11:45 Sport Today Part 3. Slimming down with Teri 12:00 News 19:30 Global Office Host: Paul Roseby. Restaurant: La Hatcher, Whoopi Goldberg, Matt Da- 13:00 News 12:00 World News Today 20:00 Your World Today Porte des Indes, London. Restau- mon and Nicole Kidman. 13:30 Sportsworld 13:30 World Business Report rant’s Chef: Meherndsh. Guest cook: 14:00 News 13:45 Sport Today Peter, a writer who enjoys Indian 19:30 Test Drive My Girlfriend 14:30 Witness 14:30 Asia Today food. British kitchen reality show. 20:00 House of Boateng Gypsy Witch. The daily current affairs programme 20:05 Men in Trees 20:30 The Simpsons 15:00 News aimed at viewers across Asia with Buddy System. Lisa the Skeptic. 15:30 People and Power in-depth reports from BBC corre- 21:00 ER 21:00 Love On The Rocks Tunisia Human Rights. What hap- spondents and interviews with lead- Breach of Trust. Series ends. pens and what matters in the world ing players. 22:30 Thing Called Love 22:00 Sex and the City involves People and Power - what it 14:45 Sport Today NEW SERIES. Paul Nicholls stars Evolution. is, who has it and who wants it for 15:30 HARDtalk as hopeless romantic Gary Scant, 23:05 C.S.I. Miami better or worse. 16:30 Talking Movies a painter decorator from Notting- Money For Nothing. 16:00 News Tom Brook presents all the latest ham, on a quest to find real love in 23:55 Late Night with Conan O’Brien 16:30 101 East news and reviews from the US cin- a BBC drama series. In the first epi- 00:45 The L Word Hosted by Teymoor Nabili. ema scene with reports from Holly- sode Gary, who has been completely Lawfully. Trailer Park Boys. NELONEN at 23:55 17:00 News wood and New York. devoted to his childhood sweetheart 01:40 Last Man Standing 18:00 News 17:30 Asia Today Mel, ends up sleeping with some- one else, after a boozy night out on 18:30 Witness 18:30 World Business Report the town. Tin Soldiers. Norwegian UN soldiers 18:45 Sport Today 20:30 World Business Today YLE TEEMA traumatized by their time in Qa- 19:00 World News Today A round-up of the day’s global busi- 23:40 28 Days Later (CERT 18) Four weeks after a mysterious, in- na return to base camp in the Leb- 20:30 Click ness news with focus on internation- 20:35 Massive Engines curable virus spreads throughout the anon to figure out why they are still The programme for everyone inter- al business and market trends, eco- Airplanes. Part 5/10. haunted by their past. ested in the internet and new media. nomic developments, stock market UK, a handful of survivors try to find sanctuary in a science fiction horror 21:00 The Age of AIDS 19:00 News Whether its e-commerce, new devel- trading, bids and take-overs. film written by Alex Garland and di- Part 2/4 of a gripping ‘’Frontline’’ 19:30 Inside Story opments and products, or gadgets 21:00 World News Europe documentary. Granada production. Finnuala Sweeney presents the lat- rected by Danny Boyle. Starring: Cil- 20:00 News and games, Click looks at the tools that will revolutionise business and est financial developments in Eu- lian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Brendan 21:00 Riz Khan personal life. rope, as well as giving an analysis of Gleeson, Christopher Eccleston, 21:30 The Fabulous Picture Show 21:30 HARDtalk economic and financial trends. Noah Huntley, Megan Burns, Emma 22:00 News Hitching. USA 2002. 22:15 Sport Today 21:30 World Business Today 22:30 Sportsworld 01:55 The Munsters 22:30 World Business Report 22:00 World News Europe 23:00 News Rock-a-bye Munster. 23:30 Asia Today 22:30 World Sport 00:00 News 23:45 World Business Report 23:00 Business International 00:30 Inside Story 00:30 HARDtalk 00:00 World News 01:00 News 01:30 World Business Report 00:30 World Sport 01:30 Witness 01:00 CNN Today Tin Soldiers.

28 Days Later Crossroads Europe - Muslims in Spain Jim (Cillian Murphy, in the photo) wakes up from a coma in a London hospital to find the A four-part series on Al Jazeera hospital deserted – as well as the rest of the English tries to take a look at the city. By degrees Jim comes to learn that in the problems and promises of immigra- past 28 days, a blood-borne virus has been tion. Hosted by Al Jazeera presenter released from a research facility and swept Elizabeth Filippouli, Crossroads across England, Paris and New York, killing Europe takes a look at the dynamics many and turning the rest into murderous Joy of Living of this new monolithic and monore- zombies. After coming across a handful of ligious Europe, through the eyes of uninfected people, Jim and his companions go Joy of Living is an old-fashioned 1930s musical comedy by the director Tay the people who live there, through to Manchester, where they hear the uninfected Garnett. Garnett himself has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, like both filmmakers who know the terrain. In are gathering. But they have more on their of the movie’s starring actors, Irene Dunne and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (in the Spain dozens of mosques have been hands than just zombies... The director, Danny photo), and the co-starring Lucille Ball. Before her retirement Irene Dunne had closed down in recent years after Boyle, and the writer, Alex Garland, frequently been nominated 5 times for the Best Actress Academy Award, but never won. It fierce political and public opposi- call their movie a post-apocalyptic horror and was hoped by many that she would receive an honorary award after her retire- tion. Spain’s Hidden Mosques, by zombie film, commenting that some scenes ment but the Academy never presented one. But as Dunne herself once said: filmmaker Justin Webster, explores are specific references to George A. Romero’s “No triumph of either my stage or screen career has ever rivalled the excite- the country’s uneasy relationship original Dead trilogy. USA 2002. (CERT 18) ment of trips down the Mississippi on the river boats with my father." with its Muslim population. MTV3 at 23:40 TV2 at 12:55 AL JAZEERA at 09:30, 21:30 20 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 TV GUIDE HELSINKI TIMES



06:00 News Review BBC News every hour 06:00 CNN Today 11:05 Enchanted April 16:10 All in the Family 06:30 Witness 06:30 World Business Report A European breakfast show that fea- A drama comedy directed by Mike The Baby. 2/2. Mike and Gloria’s ba- Tin Soldiers. Norwegian UN soldiers The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- Newell. Starring: Miranda Richard- by is finally born. traumatized by their time in Qa- around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews son, Josie Lawrence. England 1991. 16:40 Days Of Our Lives na return to base camp in the Leb- from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. 19:30 Midsummer in Saaremaa: Georg 18:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show anon to figure out why they are still don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International Ots night 19:50 The Pink Panther haunted by their past. overnight in New York. A round-up of the day’s global busi- Jassi Zahharov, Marko Matvere and 20:00 The Lion Man ness news with focus on internation- 07:00 Riz Khan 07:30 World Business Report Jari Sillanpää go on stage in a Finn- 21:00 The Silencers (CERT 15) Interactive show letting viewers di- 07:45 Sport Today al business and market trends. ish-Estonian Midsummer concert In the first Matt Helm movie, we rectly question world leaders, news- 08:30 Talking Movies 10:00 World News with Modern Fox and Young Philhar- see agent Matt Helm (Dean Martin) makers and celebrities, address- Tom Brook presents all the latest News bulletins on the hour, featur- monics on the Saaremaa Island in coaxed out of semi-retirement by an ing issues impacting lives around news and reviews from the US cin- ing the latest international news Estonia. Finnish commentary. attractive ex-partner. Action come- the globe. ema scene with reports from Holly- from around the world, financial up- 22:00 4:50 from Paddington dy based on a novel by Donald Ham- 07:30 101 East wood and New York. dates, sports, weather and special A friend of Miss Marple’s sees a ilton. Directed by Phil Karlson. Star- Hosted by Teymoor Nabili. 09:30 HARDtalk Extra reports. woman being strangled in a pass- ring: Dean Martin, Stella Stevens, 08:00 News Review Each week HARDtalk Extra will profile 10:30 World Sport ing train through her window. When Daliah Lavi, Victor Buono. 08:30 People and Power the personalities that make the news, A comprehensive review of sports police cannot find a body and doubt 23:05 Murderers’ Row (CERT 15) Tunisia Human Rights. What hap- leading figures from the arts and en- news from around the world. the story, Miss Marple enlists her The handsome top agent Matt Helm pens and what matters in the world tertainment, scientists and overnight 11:00 Larry King niece to go undercover. Crime drama dies a tragic death in his bath tub involves People and Power - what it success stories. HARDtalk Extra asks Global talk-show featuring inter- movie based on an Agatha Christie - and the women mourn about the is, who has it and who wants it for why the spotlight fell on them. views with high-profile politicians classic. Directed by Martyn Friend. loss. However the death is just faked better or worse. and top entertainment figures. Starring: Geraldine McEwan. for Helm’s latest top-secret mis- 09:00 Everywoman 12:00 Business International 00:20 Euronews sion: he shall find Dr. Solaris, inven- A weekly magazine show that takes 13:00 World News Asia tor of the Helium laser beam that is a critical look at the universal issues Andrew Stevens presents the latest powerful enough to destroy a whole affecting women around the world. financial developments in the Asia- TV2 continent. Directed by Henry Lev- 09:30 Sportsworld Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- in. Starring: Dean Martin, Ann-Mar- 10:00 News nomic and financial trends. 11:35 Happy Days gret, Karl Malden, Camilla Sparv. 10:30 Inside Story 14:00 World News My Fair Fonzie. USA 1966. Going beyond the headlines and to 14:30 World Sport 15:45 Bugs Bunny 01:05 The Ambushers (CERT 15) the heart of the news of the day. We 15:00 World News Asia Animated movie by Friz Freleng. A government space saucer is hi- get the Inside Story from some of Enchanted April. TV1 at 11:05 16:00 Your World Today USA 1942. jacked mid-flight by a powerful la- the best minds in the Middle East A programme that keeps viewers 18:15 Mega Structures ser beam under the control of evil and beyond. from around Europe, the Middle East Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge. Part 3/4. An Jose Ortega, who then rapes the fe- 11:00 News 10:30 Click and Africa updated with breaking inside look at the planning and engi- male pilot, Sheila Sommars. ICE The programme for everyone inter- 11:30 Riz Khan news, the latest global stories and neering behind creating some of the sends agent Matt Helm to Acapul- ested in the internet and new media. co with Sheila to recover the saucer, 12:00 News weather information. greatest buildings and machines ev- Whether its e-commerce, new devel- under the guise of Matt taking fash- 13:00 News er made. Production: National Ge- opments and products, or gadgets ographic. ion photographs of beautiful mod- 13:30 Everywoman and games, Click looks at the tools 22:45 Shanghai Noon els. Matt is temporarily side-tracked, 14:00 News that will revolutionise business and Jackie Chan plays a Chinese man falling prey to the seductive charms 14:30 Witness personal life. who travels to the Wild West to res- of enemy agent Franceca Madeiros. Tin Soldiers. 11:30 World Business Report cue a kidnapped princess in a com- Directed by Henry Levin. Starring: 15:00 News 11:45 Sport Today edy western directed by Tom Dey. Dean Martin, Senta Berger, Janice 15:30 Crossroads Europe 12:00 World News Today Starring: Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson, Rule, James Gregory, Albert Salmi, Muslims in Spain. Second of a four- 13:30 World Business Report Lucy Liu. USA 2000. Beverly Adams. part series on Muslims in Europe; 13:45 Sport Today 00:35 French Beauty Justin Webster examines Spain’s un- 14:30 Asia Today A documentary film by Pascale Lam- easy relationship with its Muslim The daily current affairs programme che examining the riddle of feminini- SUBTV population. aimed at viewers across Asia with ty in French cinema. France 2005. 16:00 News in-depth reports from BBC corre- Shanghai Noon. TV2 at 22:45 07:00 Tiny Toons 16:30 Listening Post spondents and interviews with lead- 07:35 Animaniacs 17:00 News ing players. MTV3 20:30 The Simpsons 18:00 News 14:45 Sport Today 19:30 The Screening Room Reality Bites. Focusing on the most important 18:30 The Fabulous Picture Show 15:30 HARDtalk Extra 21:30 Smith and Jones names in global movie-making; from 22:15 Solaris FPS brings our audience face to face 16:30 Our World A troubled psychologist is sent to Doses / Boat People. A special epi- with film makers, features the best Our World features some of our fin- Hollywood to Bollywood, Cannes to sode directed by Kevin Billington. Iran, Africa to Australia. Hosted by investigate the crew of an isolat- of world cinema and Hollywood, and est News programmes on current 22:00 Sex and the City Myleene Klass. ed research station orbiting a bi- tells the stories of people passionate issues around the world. The pro- zarre planet in Steven Soder- La Douleur Exquise. 20:00 World’s Untold Stories about film. grammes will showcase BBC journal- bergh’s remake of Andrei Tarkovski’s 23:55 Late Night with Conan O’Brien Courageous filmmakers tell intimate 19:00 News ism at its best with programmes that award-winning science movie clas- stories of society’s most vulnerable 02:05 Planet Rock Profiles: The Dark- 19:30 Inside Iraq expose and evaluate global topics. sic. Directed by Steven Soderbergh. members. Gritty, powerful tales that ness A critical look at Iraq, a platform for 17:30 Asia Today Starring: George Clooney, Natascha open our eyes to a world that is both politicians and experts to express 18:30 World Business Report McElhone, Viola Davis, Jeremy Dav- disturbing and captivating. their opinion and provide viewers 18:45 Sport Today ies, Ulrich Tukur. USA 2002. 20:30 World Business Today YLE TEEMA with a fresh perspective in a dynam- 19:00 World News Today ic format A round-up of the day’s global busi- 19:30 HARDtalk Extra 20:00 News ness news with focus on internation- 17:35 Summer Music: Juice 20:30 Kill Or Cure? al business and market trends, eco- 21:00 Frost Over The World Legendary Finnish artist Juice Le- Kill Or Cure? has been given exclu- nomic developments, stock market Sir returns to the glo- skinen and Slam performing on the sive access to the laboratories, sci- trading, bids and take-overs. stage of Esplanadi Park in Helsin- bal stage with some of the biggest entists and vaccine manufacturers names in world affairs and enter- 21:00 World News Europe ki in 1980. who are working against the ‘molec- 21:30 World Business Today 20:00 Henry Rollins Show tainment. ular clock’ with a range of new tech- 22:00 World News Europe 20:25 Jazz Legends 22:00 News nologies to prepare an effective vac- 22:30 People and Power 22:30 World Sport Part 3/13. The great guitars: guests cine to fight Avian Flu. Pat Metheny and Jim Hall. Tunisia Human Rights. 21:30 HARDtalk Extra 23:00 Business International 23:00 News 00:00 World News 23:20 Rock Masters: The Eagles 1973 22:15 Sport Today Rare footage from an acoustic con- 00:00 News 00:30 World Sport 22:30 World Business Report cert in California on the very early 01:00 World News 00:30 Everywoman 23:30 Asia Today days of the legendary Eagles. 01:00 News 23:45 World Business Report 01:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Midsummer Global Edition 01:30 Inside Iraq 00:30 HARDtalk Extra in Saaremaa. Emmy award winning late night chat TV1 at 19:30 01:30 World Business Report show with Jon Stewart.

The Screening Room French Beauty Hosted by Myleene Klass, The Screening For those who ever wondered the Room is CNN’s new monthly movie show perception of female beauty, tonight’s that brings you the inside track on all documentary re-examines the status aspects of the movie business around the of French beauty in a contemporary globe. This month the show heads to the context. We meet the grandes dames 60th Cannes Film Festival to meet Ange- of the French New Wave - Jeanne lina Jolie about her latest film and to talk Moreau, Catherine Deneuve and Bri- to director Ken Loach, last year’s winner gitte Bardot, but also the new faces of of the Palme d’Or. Also, Myleene meets Juliette Binoche and Audrey Tautou. Matt Helm Lounge a piratical Johnny Depp (in the photo) The film concludes that French and celebrates the release of Pirates of beauty these days is part genuine With the success of the James Bond films, American producers soon became eager the Caribbean: At World’s End with the pulchritude, part cosmetics advertis- to find an American counterpart for the British super spy. Enter Matt Helm, the hero show’s top 10 quest films. Finally, in an ing, and more than a little hype. But of 27 novels by Swedish-born author Donald Hamilton. Four films depicting the exclusive interview CNN talked to 60’s the film supplements its critical mes- escapades of Agent Helm were made in quick succession, all starring the legendary screen siren-turned-activist Brigitte sage with a marvellous procession Dean Martin. The first three films, The Silencers (1966), Murderer’s Row (1966) and Bardot about Cannes, her career and of beauty moments, in film clips and The Ambushers (1967) will be shown tonight on Nelonen, with The Wrecking Crew her recent work promoting the humane festival footage. Directed by Pascale from 1969 airing Saturday night to complete the series. In the above photo, Martin treatment of animals. Lamche, France 2005. shares an intimate moment with Stella Stevens in The Silencers. (CERT 15) CNN at 19:30 TV2 at 00:35 NELONEN at 21:00 HELSINKI TIMES TV GUIDE 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 21



06:00 News Review BBC News every hour 06:00 World News 17:15 Monk 12:30 Kept 06:30 Inside Iraq 06:30 Our World News bulletins on the hour, featur- 22:00 Charles II - The Power and the NEW SERIES. Meet Jerry Hall. A critical look at Iraq, a platform for Our World features some of our fin- ing the latest international news Passion (CERT 15) Super model and the ex-wife of Mick politicians and experts to express est News programmes on current from around the world, financial up- Part 4/4. Jagger begins her search for a kept their opinion and provide viewers issues around the world. The pro- dates, sports, weather and special 22:55 Inside The Actor’s Studio man by bringing twelve unrefined with a fresh perspective in a dynam- grammes will showcase BBC journal- reports. Tonight’s guest: Jennifer Lopez. young Americans to London, Eng- ic format ism at its best with programmes that 06:30 World Report land. The guys must show their lev- 07:00 Frost Over The World expose and evaluate global topics. Offering the world’s broadcasters el of commitment to Jerry by swim- Sir David Frost returns to the glo- 07:30 Click a global forum from which to report ming across the Thames River. Later, bal stage with some of the biggest The programme for everyone inter- the news ‘as they see it’ to the rest TV2 they present Jerry with gifts to prove names in world affairs and enter- ested in the internet and new media. of the world. their worthiness or risk being the 22:35 After The Sunset tainment. Whether its e-commerce, new devel- 07:00 World News first man to be left behind the velvet An action comedy directed by Brett opments and products, or gadgets rope. American reality show. 08:00 News Review 07:30 World Business This Week Ratner. Starring: Pierce Brosnan, and games, Click looks at the tools 14:30 Moonlighting 08:30 The Fabulous Picture Show Review of the week’s business and Salma Hayek, Woody Harrelson. that will revolutionise business and 16:40 The One FPS brings our audience face to face political developments. USA 2004. with film makers, features the best personal life. 08:00 Quest A chef falls in love with a woman of world cinema and Hollywood, and 08:15 Reporters Richard Quest travels the globe try- engaged to a hockey player and is tells the stories of people passionate 08:30 The Happiness Formula ing to find the secrets of excellence asked to cater the wedding in a ro- about film. Scientists say happiness can actual- in today’s world. MTV3 mantic comedy directed by Ron Lag- 09:00 Riz Khan One on One ly make people healthier. Happiness 09:00 World News omarsino. Starring: Richard Rucco- Hussein Fahmy. Riz Khan interviews seems to have a protective effect, 09:30 The Screening Room 10:45 Disney Classic Cartoons lo, Meredith Monroe, Gabriel Hogan. the man who’s been the blue-eyed giving us some protection against Focusing on the most important 17:25 The Simpsons USA 2003. boy of the Arab movie industry and a cardiovascular diseases and cancer. names in global movie-making; from 17:55 Harlem Globetrotters: The Team 18:30 Desperate Housewives UNDP Goodwill Ambassador for the Hollywood to Bollywood, Cannes to That Changed the World 20:00 Grey’s Anatomy Arab States, Hussein Fahmy. Iran, Africa to Australia. Hosted by A documentary investigates the 21:00 Breakfast at Tiffany’s (CERT 15) 09:30 101 East Myleene Klass. basketball team Globetrotters’ im- Audrey Hepburn stars as that dar- Hosted by Teymoor Nabili. 10:00 World News pact socially and culturally, as well ing, darling Holly Golinghtly in the 10:00 News 10:30 World Sport as their lasting effect on the NBA. all-time romantic movie classic di- 10:30 Everywoman A comprehensive review of sports Featuring interviews with basketball rected by Blake Edwards and based A weekly magazine show that takes news from around the world. players, celebrities and politicians on a novel by Truman Capote. Star- such as Samuel L. Jackson and Hen- a critical look at the universal issues 11:00 Larry King ring: Audrey Hepburn, George Pepp- ry Kissinger, the movie also shows affecting women around the world. Global talk-show featuring inter- ard. USA 1961. how the Globetrotters continue to 11:00 News views with high-profile politicians 00:20 The Wrecking Crew (CERT 15) serve as “Ambassadors of good- 11:30 Inside Iraq and top entertainment figures. In the final episode of the agent will” and touch audiences around Helm action movie series, the count 12:00 News 12:00 World News the world today. Teamworks Media, has stolen enough gold to cause 12:30 World Sport 13:00 Frost Over The World USA 2005. a financial crisis in the world mar- 14:00 News The One. NELONEN at 16:40 13:00 World’s Untold Stories kets so I.C.E. sends in the ace spy 14:30 Riz Khan One on One Courageous filmmakers tell intimate to stop him. Directed by Phil Karl- Hussein Fahmy. stories of society’s most vulnerable son. Starring: Dean Martin, Elke 09:30 Extra Time 15:00 News members. Sommer, Sharon Tate, Nancy Kwan. In-depth interviews with the stars, 15:30 101 East 13:30 Art of Life USA 1969. coaches and the power brokers in Monita Rajpal offers a fresh look at 16:00 News the world of sport. the finer things that life has to offer. 16:30 Assignment Earth 10:30 Earth Report Damming the Mekong. China’s con- 14:00 World News The final episode of BBC’s flagship 14:30 World Sport SUBTV struction of dams on the Mekong environmental series with more sto- 15:00 World News River causes problems for people liv- ries about the people on the front 15:10 E! Entertainment: Teen Idols ing downstream. line protecting our living planet. 15:30 The Screening Room Teen Idols of the 90s. Leonardo Di- 17:00 News 11:30 Middle East Business Report 16:00 Quest Caprio, Shannen Doherty, Jason 18:00 News 12:30 This Week 17:00 International Correspondents Priestley, Spice Girls, Backstreet Top news journalists and media fig- 18:30 Listening Post 13:10 The World Uncovered Boys, *NSYNC and all the other un- ures from across the world meet to What is being reported by world me- The World Uncovered is a powerful forgettable ones. discuss the current news stories. dia and how? Richard Gizbert guides international current affairs strand Saved. MTV3 at 00:55 18:00 MacGyver you through the global news divide. which confronts strong, hard-hit- 17:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: 00:30 Miami Vice 19:00 News ting stories that affect peoples lives Global Edition 01:20 Planet Rock Profiles: The Dark- 19:30 Crossroads Europe around the world, including exclu- Chat show with Jon Stewart. 19:50 Carmen: A Hip Hopera ness Muslims in Spain. Second of a four- sive investigations into the most 18:00 World News Carmen (Beyoncé Knowles), a se- part series on Muslims in Europe; contentious global issues. 18:30 Inside Africa ductive aspiring actress, seems to Justin Webster examines Spain’s un- Reports on African political and so- bring trouble everywhere she goes. 14:15 Sport Today YLE TEEMA easy relationship with its Muslim 14:30 The Record Europe cial issues from host and But when a hard-nosed cop falls in population. CNN correspondents in the region. love with her, trouble cannot be es- An in-depth look at the politics of 17:00 History: Churchill’s Bodyguard 20:00 News Europe presented by Shirin Wheeler. 19:00 World News caped, especially when a tough criminal investigator is also after 00:15 Monty Python’s Flying Circus 21:00 Witness Special 15:10 Imagination 19:30 Art of Life Carmen. A movie remake of the clas- 00:45 I Walked with a Zombie Tin Soldiers. Norwegian UN soldiers Who Cares About Art? All over 20:00 World News sical opera, filled with world famous A young nurse, Betsy, comes to the traumatized by their time in Qa- the world in museums and gal- 20:30 Global Challenges R&B and hip hop stars. Directed by West Indies to care for Jessica, the na return to base camp in the Leb- leries there are people guarding Features reports focusing on the en- Robert Townsend. Starring: Beyoncé wife of a plantation manager (Paul anon to figure out why they are still great treasures. People who often vironment, communications, educa- Knowles, Mekhi Phifer, Mos Def, Rah Holland). Jessica seems to be suf- haunted by their past. spend their days in silence watching tion, health, poverty and agriculture. Digga, Wyclef Jean. USA 2001. fering from a kind of mental pa- 22:00 News and protecting the art from great 21:00 Quest 22:25 Die Hard (CERT 15) ralysis as a result of a fever. When 22:30 Inside Iraq swathes of humanity. This film tells 22:00 World News Police officer John McClane ends up Betsy falls in love with Paul, she de- 23:00 News the tales of 5 such people. 22:30 World Sport taking on an Internet-based terrorist termines to cure Jessica even if she 16:30 The Happiness Formula 00:00 News 23:00 World News organization that is systematically needs to use a voodoo ceremony to 00:30 Assignment Earth 17:30 Earth Report 23:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: shutting down the United States in give Paul what she thinks he wants. Damming the Mekong. 18:30 Middle East Business Report Global Edition an action movie directed by JohnMc- Movie directed by Jacques Tourneur. 01:00 News 19:15 Sport Today 00:00 World’s Untold Stories Tiernan. Starring: Bruce Willis, Alan Starring: Frances Dee, James Ellison. 01:30 Riz Khan One on One 19:30 Extra Time 00:30 World Sport Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia, Alexander USA 1943. Hussein Fahmy. 20:10 The World Uncovered 01:00 World News Godunov. USA 1988. 21:30 Reporters 01:30 Inside Africa 00:55 Saved 22:10 Imagination NEW SERIES. Paramedic Wyatt 23:30 Middle East Business Report Cole deals with his gambling addic- 00:30 This Week tion and troubled relationship with 01:30 The Happiness Formula his girlfriend in an American dra- ma series.

Imagination: Breakfast at Tiffany’s Who Cares About Art? The author of Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Tru- All over the world in museums and man Capote, had originally picked Marilyn galleries there are people guarding Monroe to play the role of Holly Golightly but great treasures. People who often Paramount Pictures instead chose Audrey spend their days in silence watching Hepburn (in the photo) to play the part. and protecting the art from great Capote was also upset with the changes swathes of humanity: from sticky Paramount made in the screen version of his Harlem Globetrotters: The Team That Changed the World fingers, dirty feet, camera flashes, novel. Instead of a remembrance of Holly, and ignorance. Who are these people, the narrator ends up convincing Holly to Harlem Globetrotters is an exhibition basketball team combining athleticism and where did they come from and why stay in New York with him by making her comedy to create one of the best-known sports entertainment franchises in the world. do they do it? This film tells the tales realize that, like her and her cat, they belong Created by Abe Saperstein in 1927 in Chicago, Illinois, the team adopted the name of 5 such people, some of whom have to each other. As a whole, the film translates Harlem because of its connotations as a major African-American community. Over the tragic personal stories and all of some of the material from the book elegantly years the team has played more than 20,000 exhibition games in 118 countries, mostly whom began not caring or knowing and word for word. On its own, Breakfast at against deliberately ineffective opponents. During the 1970s and 1980s in addition to much about art but who now feel that Tiffany’s is a wonderful film that has stood the their touring and playing, the team featured in tv series and specials, including appear- spending their days surrounded by test of time and remains a classic. Directed ances in live-action variety shows and several Hanna-Barbera cartoons. Tonight the the world’s greatest masterpieces has by Blake Edwards. Starring: Audrey Hepburn, team is presented in a Teamworks Media documentary. USA 2005. been their salvation. George Peppard. USA 1961. (CERT 15) MTV3 at 17:55 BBC WORLD at 15:10, 22:10 NELONEN at 21:00 22 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 TV GUIDE HELSINKI TIMES



06:00 News Review BBC News every hour 06:00 World News 09:05 William & Mary 11:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show 06:30 Everywoman 06:30 Kill Or Cure? News bulletins on the hour, featur- 10:05 Moving North - 10 Short Dance 13:00 Moto GP: Great-Britain, 250 cc A weekly magazine show that takes Avian Flu. Kill Or Cure? has been ing the latest international news Films 14:15 Pimp My Ride a critical look at the universal issues given exclusive access to the labo- from around the world, financial up- A collection of dance films from 14:45 Moto GP: Great-Britain affecting women around the world. ratories, scientists and vaccine man- dates, sports, weather and special Scandinavia as a result of a two year Live broadcast from Moto GP race in 07:00 Witness Special ufacturers who are working against reports. project – Nordic Dance for Camera Great-Britain. Tin Soldiers. Norwegian UN soldiers the ‘molecular clock’ with a range of 06:30 World Report – that aims to combine the talents 16:00 King of Queens traumatized by their time in Qa- new technologies to prepare an ef- Offering the world’s broadcasters of Nordic choreographers and film 16:30 Everybody Hates Chris na return to base camp in the Leb- fective vaccine to fight Avian Flu. a global forum from which to report makers to create diverse, innovative Everybody Hates Playboy. the news ‘as they see it’ to the rest and moving shorts. anon to figure out why they are still 07:30 Fast Track 17:00 All in the Family haunted by their past. The series with the latest news of the world. 14:15 Diagnosis: Murder 17:30 Glitter about travel, from the industry it- 07:00 World News 08:00 News Review 15:05 Murder, She Wrote Pop star Mariah Carey plays Bil- self to the latest deals and destina- 08:30 Crossroads Europe 07:30 International Correspondents lie Frank, a shy, young, mixed-race tions, with the most current informa- Muslims in Spain. Second of a four- Top news journalists and media fig- girl who is eager to get out of her or- tion on flights, holidays, and advice part series on Muslims in Europe; ures from across the world meet to phanage to become a big star. And for people travelling on business or Justin Webster examines Spain’s un- discuss the current news stories and surprisingly she ends up being one! for leisure. easy relationship with its Muslim offer a critique of the week’s events. Tragic comedy directed by Vondie population. 08:10 The World Uncovered 08:00 Quest Curtis-Hall. Starring: Mariah Carey, 09:00 Listening Post The World Uncovered is a powerful Richard Quest travels the globe try- Max Beesley, Tia Texada. USA 2001. international current affairs strand What is being reported by world me- ing to find the secrets of excellence 20:00 Fear Factor which confronts strong, hard-hit- in today’s world. dia and how? Richard Gizbert guides 21:00 The Manchurian Candidate (CERT you through the global news divide. ting stories that affect peoples lives 09:00 World News around the world, including exclu- 15) 09:30 Inside Iraq 09:30 Art of Life In the midst of the Gulf War, soldiers A critical look at Iraq, a platform for sive investigations into the most Monita Rajpal offers a fresh look at contentious global issues. are kidnapped and brainwashed for politicians and experts to express the finer things that life has to offer. sinister purposes in a thriller from their opinion and provide viewers 10:00 World News Glitter. NELONEN at 17:30 the director of The Silence of the with a fresh perspective in a dynam- 10:30 World Sport Lambs, Jonathan Demme. Starring: ic format A comprehensive review of sports 17:15 Monk Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, 10:00 News news from around the world. Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum. In an Liev Schreiber, Kimberly Elise, Vera 10:30 101 East 11:00 Larry King odd lapse of judgment, Monk finds Farmiga, Jon Voight. USA 2004. Hosted by Teymoor Nabili. Global talk-show featuring inter- himself in the wrong apartment, try- 00:00 Century City 11:00 News views with high-profile politicians ing to make dinner for his late wife. NEW SERIES. In 2030, a law firm han- 11:30 Riz Khan One on One and top entertainment figures. The authorities, rather than pressing dles difficult cases that reflect the times Hussein Fahmy. Riz Khan interviews 12:00 World News charges, place Monk in a psychiat- in a new American sci-fi drama series. the man who’s been the blue-eyed ric asylum for observation and evalu- The Manchurian 12:30 World Sport 01:00 Hitchcock Presents boy of the Arab movie industry and a ation under a psychiatrist named Dr. Candidate. 13:00 World News UNDP Goodwill Ambassador for the Lancaster (Dennis Boutsikaris). NELONEN 13:30 Global Challenges Arab States, Hussein Fahmy. 18:45 Inspector Morse at 21:00 Features reports focusing on the en- SUBTV 12:00 News vironment, communications, educa- 23:00 Get Up, Stand Up. Revolutionary 13:00 Witness Special tion, health, poverty and agriculture. Music Part 3. Since the early 20th centu- 13:15 Batman Tin Soldiers. 14:00 World News The Calyface of Tragedy. 14:00 News 09:30 The Record Europe ry, musicians have come together in An in-depth look at the politics of 14:30 World Sport 15:00 Quantum Leap 14:30 Assignment Earth the name of human rights to fight Europe presented by Shirin Wheeler. 15:00 Inside Africa 8 1/2 Months. Damming the Mekong. China’s con- war, hunger, corruption, oppression, 10:10 Imagination News magazine programme featur- AIDS, apartheid, and Third World 15:50 MacGyver struction of dams on the Mekong ing reports on African political and Final Approach. River causes problems for people liv- Who Cares About Art? All over debt. From single songs passed by social issues from host Femi Oke and 17:15 Mountain ing downstream. the world in museums and gal- word of mouth to star-studded, mul- leries there are people guarding CNN correspondents in the region. timillion-dollar benefits, activists On the Beach. 15:00 News great treasures. People who often 15:30 Art of Life from Joe Hill to Bob Geldof have 18:00 One Tree Hill 15:30 Inside Iraq spend their days in silence watching 16:00 World News spoken up by singing out, drawing I’m Wide Awake, it’s Morning. 16:00 News and protecting the art from great 16:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: together disparate groups of people 19:00 Summerland 16:30 People and Power swathes of humanity. This film tells Global Edition with unforgettable verse and uni- 20:00 Smallville Sultans Blue Dream, Life After Oil. the tales of 5 such people. Emmy award winning late night chat versal harmony. GET UP, STAND UP Trespass. What happens and what matters in 11:30 This Week show with Jon Stewart. serves as a timely reminder of the 21:00 Croupier the world involves People and Pow- 12:30 Extra Time 17:00 Late Edition potent role music has played in a An aspiring writer is hired as a er - what it is, who has it and who In-depth interviews with the stars, In-depth analysis of Washington century’s worth of political protest. croupier at a casino, where he real- wants it for better or worse. coaches and the power brokers in politics. 00:00 Euronews izes that his life as a croupier would 17:00 News the world of sport. 19:00 World News make a great novel. A crime thriller 18:00 News 13:30 The Happiness Formula 19:30 Global Challenges directed by Mike Hodges. Starring: 18:30 Witness Scientists say happiness can actual- 20:00 World News TV2 Clive Owen, Nick Reding, Nicho- Mourning Their Daughters. Un- ly make people healthier. Happiness 20:30 Art of Life las Ball, Alexander Morton, Barnaby solved murders of women in Guate- seems to have a protective effect, 21:00 Quest 20:50 Mr. Bean Kay, John Radcliffe, Sheila Whitfield, mala leave relatives feeling betrayed giving us some protection against 22:00 World News 23:00 Doctor Who David Hamilton. England 1998. by the government taskforce having cardiovascular diseases and cancer. 22:30 World Sport 23:45 Terminal City 23:40 Last Man Standing limited success in finding the killers. 14:15 Sport Today 00:30 The X Files (CERT 15) 19:00 News 23:00 World’s Untold Stories Part 3/10. A woman diagnosed with 14:30 Earth Report Courageous filmmakers tell intimate breast cancer takes over an ailing re- Roland. 19:30 Inside Story The final episode of BBC’s flagship stories of society’s most vulnerable ality show, turning it into a hit as her 01:20 Love On The Rocks 20:00 News environmental series with more sto- members. Gritty, powerful tales that body and life begin to change. Series ends. 21:00 Crossroads Europe ries about the people on the front open our eyes to a world that is both Muslims in Spain. line protecting our living planet. disturbing and captivating. 21:30 Listening Post 15:05 Have Your Say 23:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: MTV3 YLE TEEMA 22:00 News 16:30 Dateline London Global Edition 22:30 Everywoman 17:30 Kill Or Cure? 00:00 CNN Today 09:55 Biker Mice from Mars 14:40 Monty Python’s Flying Circus 23:00 News 18:10 The World Uncovered 13:35 Joey 17:00 Race – The Power of an Illusion 00:00 News 19:15 Sport Today Joey and the House. The Story We Tell. Part 2/3. Produc- 00:30 Inside Story 19:30 Have Your Say 19:30 New Adventures of Old Christine tion California Newsreel. 01:00 News 20:30 The Happiness Formula The Other F Word. 19:00 Gone With the Wind 01:30 Witness 21:30 Earth Report 20:00 Beauty and the Geek American all-time movie classic in which Mourning Their Daughters. 22:30 Dateline London 22:35 Taken a manipulative woman Scarlett O’Hara 23:30 Reporters Series ends. (Vivien Leigh) and a roguish Rhett But- ler (Clark Gable) carry on a turbulent 00:30 Extra Time 00:20 E-Ring love affair in the American south during 01:30 Dateline London The General. the Civil War and the Reconstruction. Directed by Victor Fleming. USA 1939.

Gone With the Wind Moving North – 10 Short Dance Films Gone with the Wind, a novel by Margaret Mitchell, was published in 1936 and was the Four years ago, the co-operation of winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. The 1939 Nordic Centre for the Performing film adaptation did even better, winning 10 Arts and five national film produc- Academy Awards and being dubbed by the tion companies supported by film American Film Institute as the fourth best institutes, national broadcaster American film of the 20th Century. Today the and European, Nordic and regional movie has become one of the most popular funding, resulted in a series of Nordic films of all time, and the most enduring dance films. The ten films create their Croupier symbol of the golden age of Hollywood. The own world, an atmosphere and a casting of the two lead roles was a complex, mood far removed from the stage, ex- A croupier is a casino employee who takes and pays out bets or otherwise assists at two-year endeavor and many famous or soon- ploring movement and space through a gaming table. In general, a croupier works only for the salary and does not have a to-be-famous actresses were considered for the camera’s viewfinder rather than personal interest in the outcome of the game. In Mike Hodges’ neo-noir movie Clive the role of Scarlett, including Katharine Hep- a proscenium arch. The selection Owen (on the right in the photo) stars as a croupier. Owen plays writer Jack Manfred burn, Irene Dunne and Lucille Ball, whereas presented on Finland’s national who finds himself drawn into the casino world, and his job as a croupier gradually for the role of Rhett Butler, Clark Gable was an broadcaster TV1 has surprising visual takes over his life. His relationship with girlfriend Marion begins to deteriorate and almost immediate favorite for both the public treats and the content is imaginative, one gambler in particular catches his attention: Jani (Alex Kingston, on the left), and producer David O. Selznick. thoughtful and humorous. whom he starts to see outside working hours - a serious violation of casino rules. YLE TEEMA at 19:00 TV1 at 10:05 SUBTV at 21:00 HELSINKI TIMES TV GUIDE 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 23



06:00 News Review BBC News every hour 06:00 CNN Today 09:10 YLE News 16:00 All in the Family 06:30 Witness 06:30 World Business Report A European breakfast show that fea- News in English as a part of YLE 16:40 Days Of Our Lives Mourning Their Daughters. World The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- morning TV show. 18:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show events and the people they touch: around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews 15:05 Holby City 20:00 The Bachelor Rageh Omaar presents this powerful from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. A BBC medical drama series follows Bachelor is going after true love, documentary and insightful debate. don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International the lives of surgeons, nurses, oth- this time in Paris. An American re- 07:00 Listening Post overnight in New York. World Busi- A round-up of the day’s global busi- er medical and ancillary staff and ality television dating show revolv- What is being reported by world me- ness Report will give you everything ness news with focus on internation- patients at the fictional Holby City ing around a bachelor courted by 25 dia and how? Richard Gizbert guides you need to start the working day. al business and market trends. hospital. women. The bachelor goes on a se- you through the global news divide. 07:30 World Business Report 10:00 World News 16:10 Diagnosis: Murder ries of dates with the women and on 07:30 Inside Iraq 07:45 Sport Today News bulletins on the hour, featur- 18:31 Yes, Minister each episode women are eliminat- Would diplomacy resolve the sectar- All the latest sports news and results ing the latest international news The Right to Know. For Sir Hum- ed from the contest. At the end of ian conflict in Iraq and ease rising from around the globe. from around the world, financial up- phrey, the roar over a threatened the show, the bachelor is to pick one political tension in the Middle East? 08:30 Our World dates, sports, weather and special badger colony proves there are some woman with whom he would like to 08:00 News Review Our World features some of our fin- reports. things that are better for a Minister continue a relationship. 08:30 Riz Khan One on One est News programmes on current 10:30 World Sport not to know. 21:00 Six Degrees Hussein Fahmy. Riz Khan interviews issues around the world. The pro- A comprehensive review of sports 22:25 Get Up, Stand Up. Revolutionary A New Light. Laura’s perception of the man who’s been the blue-eyed grammes will showcase BBC journal- news from around the world, includ- Music her deceased husband is changed by boy of the Arab movie industry and a ism at its best with programmes that ing all the key highlights, profiles Black and Proud. Part 4. Meet such a video she receives. Steven is urged UNDP Goodwill Ambassador for the expose and evaluate global topics. and interviews with the newsmakers proud blacks as Paul Robeson, Ms. by a younger woman to mix busi- Arab States, Hussein Fahmy. and stars of sport. Dynamite, Billie Holiday, James ness with pleasure. Mae seeks help 09:00 Crossroads Europe 11:00 Larry King Brown, Stevie Wonder, Gil Scott- in locating an old acquaintance from Muslims in Berlin. Third of four parts: Global talk-show featuring inter- Heron, Curtis Mayfield, Nina Simone Carlos, who’s also in a difficult case. Filmmaker Mariam Shahin explores views with high-profile politicians and Steel Pulse in the fourth part of Roy plans a surprise for Whitney, the uneasy transition of German and top entertainment figures. a music documentary series. with startling results. Muslims, from guest workers and 12:00 Business International 23:35 Euronews 22:00 Las Vegas students to German citizens. 13:00 World News Asia 23:25 OZ (CERT 15) 09:30 Assignment Earth Andrew Stevens presents the latest 01:05 Hitchcock Presents Damming the Mekong. China’s con- financial developments in the Asia- TV2 struction of dams on the Mekong Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- River causes problems for people liv- nomic and financial trends. Cutting It. SUBTV at 22:30 11:10 6teen SUBTV ing downstream. 14:00 World News A Canadian animated sitcom set in 10:00 News 14:30 World Sport a gigantic shopping mall follows an 16:10 DragonBall Z 09:30 HARDtalk 10:30 Inside Story 15:00 World News Asia ensemble cast of six sixteen-year- 16:35 DragonBall Z 11:00 News Stephen Sackur talks to newsmak- 15:30 Art of Life old friends as they try to make it ers and personalities from across 17:00 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures 11:30 Everywoman Monita Rajpal offers a fresh look at through their first part-time jobs of Superman Everywoman marks Internation- the globe. the finer things that life has to offer. and life as a teen. 10:30 Kill Or Cure? Return of the Prankster. al Women’s Day, a global event con- 16:00 Your World Today 11:35 Happy Days 17:45 Late Night with Conan O’Brien necting women all round the world Avian Flu. Kill Or Cure? has been A programme that keeps viewers Bye Bye Blackball. 19:30 Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D- and marking their achievements. given exclusive access to the labo- from around Europe, the Middle East 12:25 Laurel & Hardy – The Best Of List 12:00 News ratories, scientists and vaccine man- and Africa updated with breaking Highlights from the early days of the 20:30 The Simpsons ufacturers who are working against news, the latest global stories and legendary comedic couple – Stan 13:00 News Miracle on Evergreen Terrace. the ‘molecular clock’ with a range of weather information. Laurel and Oliver Hardy. 13:30 Sportsworld new technologies to prepare an ef- 21:00 Surface 13:50 Airport 14:00 News fective vaccine to fight Avian Flu. 22:00 Sex and the City 14:15 With the Animals 14:30 Witness 11:30 World Business Report Games People Play. Guest star: Jon 14:50 Mega Structures Mourning Their Daughters. 11:45 Sport Today Bon Jovi. Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge. Part 3/4. An 15:00 News 22:30 Cutting It 12:00 World News Today inside look at the planning and engi- 15:30 People and Power 13:30 World Business Report The last episode of the second sea- Sultans Blue Dream, Life After Oil. neering behind creating some of the 13:45 Sport Today son. What happens and what matters in greatest buildings and machines ev- 14:30 Asia Today er made. Production: National Geo- 23:30 Daddy’s Spoiled Little Girl the world involves People & Power - 23:55 Late Night with Conan O’Brien what it is, who has it and who wants The daily current affairs programme graphic. Rerun. 00:45 Buffy, the Vampire Slayer it for better or worse. aimed at viewers across Asia with in- 15:45 Creature Comforts depth reports from BBC correspondents Bad Girls. 16:00 News 16:30 6teen and interviews with leading players. 16:30 Crossroads Europe 14:45 Sport Today Muslims in Berlin. 15:30 HARDtalk 17:00 News MTV3 YLE TEEMA 16:30 Click 18:00 News The programme for everyone interested 17:55 Harald Oscar Sohlberg 18:30 Witness 09:10 Hollyoaks in the internet and new media. Whether Summer Night – The National Gal- God’s Businessmen. World events The Barchelor. 17:05 Hollyoaks its e-commerce, new developments and NELONEN at 20:00 lery of Oslo, Norway. and the people they touch: Rageh 17:35 Quintuplets products, or gadgets and games, Click 21:00 Rock Masters: Queen 1975 Omaar presents this powerful docu- looks at the tools that will revolutionise The Helbergs. mentary and insightful debate. Concert footage from Hammer- business and personal life. 18:05 Fashion House smith Odeon, London 1975. Bohe- 19:00 News 19:30 Art of Life 17:30 Asia Today Rehearsal. mian Rhapsody, Killer Queen and all 19:30 Inside Story 20:00 Your World Today 19:30 Who’ll Age Worst? 18:30 World Business Report 20:30 World Business Today the other Queen hit songs. BBC Pro- 20:00 News 21:15 Police Academy 6: City Under duction. 18:45 Sport Today 21:00 World News Europe 21:00 Riz Khan 19:00 World News Today Siege 23:40 Henry Rollins Show Finnuala Sweeney presents the lat- Our favourite policemen are called 21:30 Everywoman 20:30 Fast Track Tonight’s celebrity guest: Ozzy Os- est financial developments in Eu- together to deal with a gang that 22:00 News The series with the latest news about bourne. Musical guest: Ben Folds. rope, as well as giving an analysis of is robbing banks and jewelers. Us- 22:30 Sportsworld travel, from the industry itself to the USA 2006. economic and financial trends. ing their various talents as well as 23:00 News latest deals and destinations, with the 21:30 World Business Today their extraordinary luck, the crooks 00:00 News most current information on flights, 22:00 World News Europe stand no chance against our men holidays, and advice for people travel- 00:30 Inside Story 22:30 World Sport and women wearing blue... Direct- ling on business or for leisure. 01:00 News 23:00 Business International ed by Peter Bonerz. Starring: Bubba 21:30 HARDtalk 01:30 Witness 00:00 World News Smith, Leslie Easterbrook, G.W. Bai- God’s Businessmen. 22:15 Sport Today 00:30 World Sport ley. USA 1989. 22:30 World Business Report 01:00 CNN Today 00:40 Will & Grace 23:30 Asia Today I Never Cheered for my Father. 23:45 World Business Report 00:30 HARDtalk 01:30 World Business Report

Rock Masters: Queen 1975 Crossroads Europe: Police Academy 6: Muslims in Berlin City Under Siege Queen was an English rock band formed in 1970 in London by Brian May, Roger Mariam Shahin is a Berlin- City Under Siege is part six of a 7-part comedy Taylor and Freddie Mercury, with John born filmmaker of Palestinian movie series spawned by the huge financial suc- Deacon (all in the photo) joining the descent whose father first came cess of the first Police Academy movie directed following year. Queen soon rose to to Germany as a student. In the by Hugh Wilson and starring e.g. Bubba Smith, such prominence that now it can be programme Shahin looks at the Kim Cattrall and G.W. Bailey (on the right in nominated as Britain’s most success- uneasy history of Turkish and the photo) in 1984. The movies depended on ful band of the past three decades. Middle Eastern immigrants, many low-brow humor, based on simple characteriza- For its musical diversity, multi-layered of whom feel German but find tions and physical comedy. As with many similar arrangements, vocal harmonies and their allegiances questioned, espe- movies, the story is that of a group of underdogs incorporation of audience participation cially after 9/11. While some young struggling to prove themselves while various into their live performances, Queen people experience hostility at all stereotypical authority figures try to suppress used to be regarded as one of the most and often use their Islamic identity them. Although the Total Film magazine said accomplished rock acts on stage. Tonight as a way to rebel, others say they in 2004 that making more than one Police their stage charisma can be experienced do not experience harassment and Academy was the eighth “dumbest decision in again when BBC Rock Masters presents appreciate efforts to create greater movie history,” the simple comedy of the movies Queen on stage in Hammersmith Odeon, understanding between the two should be enjoyed as relaxing holiday entertain- London 1975. cultures. ment. Directed by Peter Bonerz. USA 1989. YLE TEEMA at 21:00 AL JAZEERA at 09:00, 16:30 MTV3 at 21:15 24 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 TV GUIDE HELSINKI TIMES



06:00 News Review BBC News every hour 06:00 CNN Today 09:10 YLE News 16:00 All in the Family 06:30 Witness 06:30 World Business Report A European breakfast show that fea- News in English as a part of YLE Archie, the Babysitter. God’s Businessmen. World events The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- morning TV show. 16:40 Days Of Our Lives and the people they touch: Rageh around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews 15:05 Holby City 18:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show Omaar presents this powerful docu- from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. 16:10 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Jack Osbourne: No Fear mentary and insightful debate. don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International A popular, long-running mystery se- Jack gets spiritual in Japan, where 07:00 Riz Khan overnight in New York. World Busi- A round-up of the day’s global busi- ries starring Angela Lansbury as a he joins the Tendai sect of Buddhist A live interactive show letting view- ness Report will give you everything ness news with focus on internation- mystery writer and amateur detec- monks for their 1000-day journey ers question world leaders, news- you need to start the working day. al business and market trends. tive Jessica Fletcher. Originally the of prayer. makers and celebrities, addressing 07:30 World Business Report 10:00 World News series aired for 12 seasons from 1984 21:00 Bad Girls key issues and trends impacting lives 07:45 Sport Today News bulletins on the hour, featur- to 1996. SERIES CONTINUES. New epi- around the globe. All the latest sports news and results ing the latest international news 18:31 Last of the Summer Wine sodes of the 8th season begin. Brit- 07:30 Everywoman from around the globe. from around the world, financial up- Magic and Morris Mini. In the focus ish crime series. Everywoman marks Internation- 08:30 Click dates, sports, weather and special of this legendary British TV sitcom, 23:25 Starsky and Hutch reports. al Women’s Day, a global event con- The programme for everyone inter- written by Roy Clarke, is a trio of re- 00:25 Hitchcock Presents necting women all round the world ested in the internet and new media. 10:30 World Sport tired men whose differing views on and marking their achievements. Whether its e-commerce, new devel- A comprehensive review of sports life have provided comic tension for 08:00 News Review opments and products, or gadgets news from around the world, includ- all 28 seasons of the show. It makes 08:30 People and Power and games, Click looks at the tools ing all the key highlights, profiles Last of the Summer Wine the long- SUBTV Sultans Blue Dream, Life After Oil. that will revolutionise business and and interviews with the newsmakers est-running comedy series in the What happens and what matters in personal life. and stars of sport. world. BBC Production. 17:00 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures the world involves People & Power - 09:30 HARDtalk 11:00 Larry King 00:45 Euronews of Superman what it is, who has it and who wants Stephen Sackur talks to newsmak- Global talk-show featuring inter- Lucky Leon. it for better or worse. ers and personalities from across views with high-profile politicians 17:45 Late Night with Conan O’Brien the globe. and top entertainment figures. TV2 19:30 Australian Princess 10:30 Fast Track 12:00 Business International 20:30 The Simpsons All Singing, All Dancing. The series with the latest news 13:00 World News Asia 11:06 6teen about travel, from the industry it- Andrew Stevens presents the latest 21:00 Project Runway 11:35 Happy Days self to the latest deals and destina- financial developments in the Asia- Requiem for a Malph. 22:00 Sex and the City tions, with the most current informa- Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- The Fuck Buddy. 14:40 Cirque du Soleil tion on flights, holidays, and advice nomic and financial trends. The world famous Canadian Cirque 23:00 C.S.I. Miami for people travelling on business or 14:00 World News du Soleil (Circus of the Sun) shows 23:50 Late Night with Conan O’Brien for leisure. 14:30 World Sport what would happen if the pow- 00:40 Crossing Jordan 11:30 World Business Report 15:00 World News Asia ers erupting from the Sun gave new 01:30 The X Files (CERT 15) 11:45 Sport Today 16:00 Your World Today skills for the people on Earth. Pro- The Erlenmeyer Flask. 12:00 World News Today A programme that keeps viewers duction: CBC International. O.C. MTV3 at 20:05 13:30 World Business Report from around Europe, the Middle East 18:50 Spendaholics 13:45 Sport Today and Africa updated with breaking Part 4/10. A reality show devoted to YLE TEEMA 14:30 Asia Today news, the latest global stories and a viewer who struggles with an awe- 09:00 Assignment Earth The daily current affairs programme weather information. some debt: someone addicted to 20:30 Profession - Cartoonist Damming the Mekong. China’s con- aimed at viewers across Asia with luxury holidays, beautiful shoes, ex- Art Spiegelman. Art Spiegelman struction of dams on the Mekong in-depth reports from BBC corre- pensive cosmetics or endless din- (1948 - ) is an American cartoon art- River causes problems for people liv- spondents and interviews with lead- ners. These viewers are given the ist, editor, and advocate for the me- ing downstream. ing players. opportunity to experience a dramat- dium of comics, best known for his 09:30 Sportsworld 14:45 Sport Today ic make-over by two experts: Jay Pulitzer Prize winning comic mem- 10:00 News 15:30 HARDtalk Hunt is the lifestyle specialist who oir, Maus. In a documentary he tells 10:30 Inside Story 16:30 Kill Or Cure? provides money-saving tips, while a about the birth of his best known al- 11:00 News Avian Flu. Kill Or Cure? has been psychological coach, Benjamin Fry, bums: Maus: A Survivor’s Tale and In 11:30 Riz Khan given exclusive access to the labo- aims to uncover the hidden causes of the Shadow of No Towers. the spiralling debts. 12:00 News ratories, scientists and vaccine man- 21:00 History: Churchill’s Bodyguard 19:45 Junk Brothers Winston Churchill has come to be 13:00 News ufacturers who are working against The Brothers Steve and Jim Kelley seen as one of the greatest prime 13:30 101 East the ‘molecular clock’ with a range of new technologies to prepare an ef- seek out curbside treasures which ministers ever. And one man knew 14:00 News fective vaccine to fight Avian Flu. Spooks. MTV3 at 22:30 have the potential to be made over him better than any other - Wal- 14:30 Witness 17:30 Asia Today into stunning pieces of furniture. To- ter Thompson - Churchill’s body- God’s Businessmen. guard. BBC documentary series tells 18:30 World Business Report day the brothers give two tables new 15:00 News lives as players’ dream tables. the compelling story of the former 18:45 Sport Today 20:30 World Business Today 15:30 Assignment Earth 20:10 Life Begins Scotland Yard detective Thomp- 19:00 World News Today A round-up of the day’s global busi- Damming the Mekong. ness news with focus on internation- son accompanying Winston Church- 16:00 News al business and market trends, eco- ill everywhere during his 18 years of service. 16:30 Everywoman nomic developments, stock market MTV3 17:00 News trading, bids and take-overs. 22:55 Summer Music: Dave 18:00 News 21:00 World News Europe “The Finnish Bob Dylan” Dave Lind- 17:35 Complete Savages holm on stage performing such 18:30 Witness Finnuala Sweeney presents the lat- 18:05 Fashion House songs as That’s all right mama, Cat Ending the Violence. World events est financial developments in Eu- Do You Take This Woman. fish blues, Rollin and Thumblin’, and the people they touch: Rageh rope, as well as giving an analysis of 20:05 O.C. Johnny B Goode and Sitähän se kaik- Omaar presents this powerful docu- economic and financial trends. The End Isn’t Near, It’s Here. Se- ki on. Live footage from Pori in 1985. mentary and insightful debate. Jack Osbourne: No Fear. 21:30 World Business Today ries ends. 19:00 News NELONEN at 20:00 22:00 World News Europe 21:00 Cold Case 19:30 Inside Story 22:30 World Sport 22:30 Spooks 20:00 News 20:30 Talking Movies 23:00 Business International Part 2. The team uncover connec- 21:00 Riz Khan Tom Brook presents all the latest 00:00 World News tions between racist ring-leaders, 21:30 Listening Post news and reviews from the US cin- 00:30 World Sport politicians and mass killings of im- 22:00 News ema scene with reports from Holly- 01:00 CNN Today migrants. The gang have sophisti- 22:30 People and Power wood and New York. cated equipment to protect them- Sultans Blue Dream, Life After Oil. 21:30 HARDtalk selves from electronic infiltration. 23:00 News 22:15 Sport Today Tom is forced undercover, and re- 00:00 News 22:30 World Business Report cent recruit Helen pretends to be his wife. Soon nothing goes like it was 00:30 Inside Story 23:30 Asia Today planned. BBC crime series. 01:00 News 23:45 World Business Report 00:30 HARDtalk 23:50 Bones 01:30 Witness Mother & Child in the Bay. Ending the Violence. 01:30 World Business Report 00:45 Will & Grace

The X Files Summer Music: Dave Kill Or Cure? Avian Flu Writer Chris Carter’s personal philosophy Finnish singer, songwriter and guitarist The world stands on the edge of a flu is spelled out literally in the episode Dave Lindholm (1952 - ) is known for alter- pandemic, according to the world’s tagline: It’s a cold world out there, one nating Finnish and English as his language, leading experts. The results, they where enemies wear a friendly face and switching between a solo career and bands predict, will be catastrophic: millions even a friend can be suspect. The Erlen- like Ferris Wheel, Rock’n’Roll Band, Pen Lee, of deaths, economies and civil soci- meyer Flask opens with a car chase that Bluesounds, RunRuns, 12 Bar, White Mid- ety in chaos. The last catastrophic follows with police beating up a suspect night and his latest trio Canpaza Gypsys. flu pandemic was in 1918, just after a la Rodney King, leading FBI agents Ever since Dave started his professional the Great War. It’s estimated it killed Mulder and Scully (Gillian Anderson, in career in his late teens in the late 1960s, between 50 to 100 million people, the photo) to a scientific lab encompass- he’s been called many names, such as an more than twice as many as who ing a secret which could provide proof of idiot, a motor mouth, a tender balladeer, a died in the war itself. Almost 90 a government conspiracy. Chris Carter merciless avenger, a heartbreaker, Finnish years later, the avian flu strain H5N1 mixes elements from “Bladerunner,” Bob Dylan and Finnish Hendrix. His most could do exactly the same thing. Kill “The Fugitive” and “Apocalypse Now” popular Finnish nickname, Isokynä (Great Or Cure? has been given exclusive to draw a dark and forbidding picture as Pen), perhaps tells something about his access to the laboratories, scientists the first season of the cult scifi series The talent with words as well as his nation-wide and vaccine manufacturers who are X-Files comes to an end. Directed by R. recognition. YLE TEEMA’s Summer Music trying to develop a vaccine before W. Goodwin. (CERT 15) series presents Dave on stage in 1985. the pandemic arrives. SUBTV at 01:30 YLE TEEMA at 22:55 BBC WORLD at 16:30 HELSINKI TIMES TV GUIDE 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 25



TV1 TV1 TV1 TV1 09:10 YLE News 09:10 YLE News 09:10 YLE News 14:15 Diagnosis: Murder 15:05 Holby City 15:05 Holby City 15:05 Holby City 15:05 Murder, She Wrote 16:10 Diagnosis: Murder 16:10 Murder, She Wrote 16:10 Diagnosis: Murder 17:15 Monk 18:31 Yes, Minister 18:31 Last of the Summer Wine 21:30 A Murder Is Announced Mr. Monk and the Marathon Man. Jobs for the Boys. When Jim turns to 19:00 How to be a Gardener A murder is announced in a news- 22:00 Daniel Deronda a banker to rescue a doomed build- Part 9/16. Alan Titchmarsh guides paper to take place on October 5th, NEW SERIES. Andrew Davies’ sump- ing project, he soon discovers it us how to learn to think like a gar- 7 PM at Little Paddocks cottage. tuous adaptation of George Eliot’s takes two to QUANGO. dener. BBC series. The people living there have no idea last and most ambitious novel, Dan- 22:55 Wire in the Blood (CERT 15) 00:30 Euronews what the ad is about, so Miss Marple iel Deronda, charts a love story set 00:20 Euronews must turn up to solve the mystery. in Victorian high society. Part 1/4 of Detective movie directed by David a BBC mini series. TV2 Giles. Starring: Geraldine McEwan. 22:55 Inside the Actors Studio TV2 UK 1985. 11:06 6teen Salma Hayek. 11:06 6teen 11:35 Happy Days 23:40 Euronews 11:35 Happy Days Grandpa’s Visit. TV2 From Hell 12:00 Adoptions 12:00 Animal House 11:35 Happy Days TV2 In 1888 London the legendary Part 4/13. A childless couple wants 15:40 Laurel & Hardy – The Best Of 15:45 Bugs Bunny murderer Jack the Ripper hunts to adopt two children at the same 15:45 Porky Pig 17:35 Close Encounters with Keith Barry Animated movie by Bob Clampett. time. American documentary series. A Warner Bros animation by Frank Part 4/10. the unfortunate prostitutes lead- USA 1942. 12:55 Close Encounters With Keith Barry Tashlin from the year 1937. 22:35 Pitch Black (CERT 15) ing horrifying lives in the city’s 18:20 Mega Structures Part 3/10. 16:26 6teen An action scifi movie directed by ITAIPU Power Plant. Part 4/4. Hav- deadliest slum, Whitechapel. The 13:20 Spendaholics David Twohy. Starring: Vin Diesel, 22:35 Family Brat Camp ing more power than 10 nuclear charming Johnny Depp stars as a Part 4/10. Rerun. Part 4/4. Series ends. Radha Mitchell. Australia 2000. power stations, the ITAIPU power troubled clairvoyant police detec- 15:40 Laurel & Hardy – The Best Of 23:25 Third Watch plant in Brazil has supplied the sec- tive investigating the murders in 15:45 Daffy Duck ond largest city on the planet with MTV3 Daffy Duckaroo. zero-emission electricity since 1984. a thriller movie directed by the MTV3 10:45 Disney Classic Cartoons 16:26 6teen 19:10 Creature Comforts Hughes Brothers. The story is 18:00 Formula 1: Qualifying Session 19:00 Touched by an Angel 09:10 Hollyoaks 23:30 The Beguiled (CERT 15) based on the graphic novel series French Grand Prix. Highlights from I Will Walk With You. 1/2. Monica 17:05 Hollyoaks While imprisoned in a Confeder- qualifying. of the same name by Alan Moore meets Tess in the desert, at the same 17:35 Yes, Dear ate boarding school for girls, a Un- 19:35 61* and Eddie Campbell that was bus stop where she began her job as a 18:05 Fashion House ion soldier cons his way into each of caseworker. It is from there, the place A baseball movie directed by Billy published in 10 volumes between 19:30 Kitchen Takeover the lonely women’s hearts in a thrill- where her first assignment began, that Crystal. Starring: Barry Pepper, Tho- 20:05 Men in Trees er western directed by Don Siegel. 1991 and 1996. Starring: Johnny she will take on her final one. First half Starring: Clint Eastwood, Geraldine mas Jane, Anthony Michael Hall, Ri- 21:00 ER Depp, Heather Graham, Ian Holm, of the 2-part final episode. Page. USA 1971. chard Masur. USA 2001. 19:45 Mr Bean 22:30 Thing Called Love 22:25 Die Hard 2: Die Harder (CERT 15) Robbie Coltrane, Ian Richardson. Animated series. 23:55 From Hell (CERT 18) An action movie directed by Fin- USA/ England 2001. (CERT 18) In Victorian Era London, a troubled MTV3 land’s best reason to be proud, Ren- clairvoyant police detective investi- ny Harlin. Starring: Bruce Willis. Thu 28.6. MTV3 at 23.50 MTV3 gates the murders by Jack The Rip- 19:30 Formula 1: Free Practice USA 1990. per in a thriller movie directed by Al- Highlights from France. 17:35 Center of the Universe 01:15 Saved bert and Allen Hughes. Starring: 22:40 Twister 18:05 Fashion House Johnny Depp, Heather Graham, Ian TV weatherman Bill Harding (Bill Pax- 20:00 Maradona, the Golden Kid Holm, Robbie Coltrane, Ian Richard- ton) is trying to get his tornado-hunter NELONEN The rise and fall of one of football’s son. USA/ England 2001. wife, Jo (Helen Hunt), to sign divorce 12:00 Kept greatest stars - a player whose skill 02:15 The Munsters papers so he can marry his girlfriend on the playing field is a marvel to Melissa. But Mother Nature, in the 13:00 Moto GP: Holland, 250 cc watch, even if you’re not a big fan. form of a series of intense storms Live broadcast from the Moto GP Maradona, The Golden Kid chronicles NELONEN sweeping across Oklahoma, has oth- race in Holland. the life of Diego Maradona, the Ar- er plans. Action drama directed by 16:00 Pimp My Ride 16:00 All in the Family gentinean football phenom once vot- Jan de Bont. Starring: Helen Hunt, Bill 16:30 Mysterious Island ed FIFA's football player of the centu- 16:40 Days Of Our Lives Paxton, Gary Elwes, Jami Gertz, Philip An adventure movie based on a nov- ry. The documentary traces the now 18:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show Seymour Hoffman. USA 1996 el by Jules Verne. Directed by Cy legendary journey from his impover- 20:00 Tuesday Night Book Club Endfield. Starring: Michael Craig, ished beginnings to the bright lights Series ends. Herbert Lom, Joan Greenwood, and big money of football stardom. 21:00 Criminal Minds NELONEN Michael Callan, Gary Merrill, Beth Directed and written by Paul Saa- 22:00 4400 16:00 All in the Family Rogan. Britain/USA 1961. doun, Benoit Heimermann and Jean- 23:25 Trailer Park Boys (CERT 15) 20:00 The Lion Man 18:30 Desperate Housewives Christophe Rose. Arte France. Camille If You Love Something, Set It Free. 21:00 One Night at McCool’s (CERT 15) 20:00 Grey’s Anatomy 21:00 C.S.I. New York Ricky, Julian and Bubbles discov- Every man has a different recollec- 21:00 The Animal Greta Garbo falls in love with 22:30 The Apprentice er a mountain lion in their marijuana tion of the beautiful young wom- A crazy comedy about a small, wimpy Robert Taylor in a drama classic 23:40 Boston Legal field eating their weed. an who wreaked havoc in all of their Marvin who doesn’t have what it 00:40 Chelsea Handler Show 23:55 Distraction lives during one heated night in a takes to fulfill his lifelong dream based on the 1852 novel and 00:25 Hitchcock Presents crime comedy directed by Harald to be a cop. Marvin’s luck chang- play La Dame aux Camélias by es when he’s critically injured in a NELONEN Zwart. Starring: Liv Tyler, Matt Dil- Alexandre Dumas. Directed by lon, John Goodman, Paul Reiser, car accident and a deranged scien- George Cukor. USA 1936. 16:00 All in the Family SUBTV Michael Douglas. USA 2001. tist secretly uses animal organs to 16:40 Days Of Our Lives 17:00 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures 23:15 Bitter Moon (CERT 15) rebuild him. Energized by his new Sat 30.6. YLE TEEMA at 20:50 18:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show of Superman An erotic thriller based on Pascal parts, Marvin leaves his weakness behind and achieves instant fame as 20:30 Gay, Straight or Taken? 17:45 Late Night with Conan O’Brien Bruckner’s novel Lunes de Fiel. Di- rected by: Roman Polanski. Starring: a supercop. Directed by Luke Green- 21:00 Dirt 18:30 E! Entertainment: 101 Incredible Peter Coyote, Emmanuelle Seign- field. Starring: Rob Schneider, Col- Celebrity Slimdowns 23:30 Wanted er, Hugh Grant, Kristin Scott Tho- leen Haskell, John C. McGinley. USA Part 4. Madonna, Sharon Osbourne 00:30 Footballers’ Wives mas, Victor Banerjee. France/ Brit- 2001. and Paula Abdul are presenting their 01:25 Hitchcock Presents ain 1992. snacks. 19:30 Test Drive My Girlfriend SUBTV SUBTV 20:00 House of Boateng SUBTV 17:10 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures 20:30 The Simpsons 17:00 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures 16:45 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 21:00 Holiday Showdown of Superman 18:00 MacGyver Blackpool – Dubai. of Superman 19:30 Desperately Seeking Sheila 20:30 The Simpsons 00:30 Miami Vice 22:00 Sex and the City Sabah Series ends. 21:30 Smith and Jones 23:00 C.S.I. Miami 20:30 The Simpsons 22:00 Sex and the City 23:50 Late Night with Conan O’Brien YLE TEEMA Sabah is a story of a smart, at- 21:00 Say It Isn’t So 23:50 Late Night with Conan O’Brien A young bachelor finds the love of 00:40 The L Word tractive Muslim woman, whose 13:20 Africa Live: Concert Against Ma- his life but mistakenly believes her to 01:35 Last Man Standing laria passion and independence has be his sister in a teen comedy direct- YLE TEEMA A documentary by Mick Csáky from been dulled by 20 years of duty to ed by Jame B. Rogers. Starring: Chris an afro music stadium concert in Klein, Heather Graham, Orlando YLE TEEMA 17:20 Summer Music: Dave her loving but demanding family Dakar in 2005. On stage: Angelique Jones, Sally Field, Richard Jenkins, “The Finnish Bob Dylan” Dave Lind- leading a more conservative Arab 20:35 Massive Engines Kidjo, Salif Keita, Tinariwen, Awa- John Rothman. USA 2001. holm on stage in Pori in 1985. Pumps. Part 6/10. Chris Barrie in di, Corneille, Baaba Maal – among lifestyle. While Sabah’s spirit isn’t 23:45 Late Night with Conan O’Brien the amazing world of pumps. 20:00 Henry Rollins Show crushed, it has certainly packed its Guests: Ozzy Osbourne and Ben others. 00:35 The L Word 21:00 The Age of AIDS Folds. USA 2006. 17:00 History: Churchill’s Bodyguard bags and taken a small vacation. 01:30 Quantum Leap Politics. Part 3/4 of a gripping docu- 18:00 The Age of AIDS But things start to change when mentary series. 20:25 Jazz Legends Part 4/13. George Duke, Lee Rite- 20:50 Camille Sabah receives a picture of her YLE TEEMA nour, Markus Miller. A movie story of a Parisian courte- father taking a young Sabah for 22:30 Rock Masters: Queen 1975 san, Marguerite, who falls deeply in 19:55 Jazz Legends a swim in the ocean. Inspired by 23:30 The Leopard Man love with a promising young man, Part 3/13. Pat Metheny and Jim Hall. Kiki Walker, a nightclub performer in Armand Duval. When Armand’s fa- the picture, Sabah sneaks off to 21:00 Sex and the Silverscreen New Mexico, takes a leashed leopard ther begs her not to ruin his hope of go swimming on her 40th birthday. Sex and the Silent Film. With the in- into the club as a publicity gimmick. a career and position by marrying There at the pool she meets a man vention of the motion picture cam- Armand, she acquiesces and leaves Kiki’s angered rival scares the animal named Stephen. Their attraction era, movies became the most graph- and it bolts. Soon people are mauled her lover. However, when poverty ic and commercially exploitable form and the countryside is combed for and terminal illness overwhelm her, is obvious and Sabah’s life begins of artistic expression yet. Part 1 of a the loose creature, but Kiki and her Marguerite discovers that Armand to get more than a cool dip in the 6-part documentary series. manager begin to wonder if may- has not lost his love for her. Direct- pool. Directed by Ruba Nadda. 22:00 Sabah ed by George Cukor. Starring: Greta be the leopard is not actually re- Starring: Arsinée Khanjian (in the Movie directed by Ruba Nadda. Star- sponsible for the killings. Directed by Garbo, Robert Taylor, Lionel Barry- ring: Arsinée Khanjian, Shawn Doyle, Jacques Tourneur. Starring: Dennis more. USA 1936. photo) and Shawn Doyle. Jeff Seymour, Kathryn Winslow. Can- 23:40 Summer Music: Dave One Night at McCool's. O’Keefe, Margo, Jean Brooks, Tuulikki Wed 27.6. YLE TEEMA at 22:00 ada 2005. Fri 29.6. NELONEN at 21:00 Paananen. USA 1943. 00:00 Monty Pythons Flying Circus 26 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 TV GUIDE HELSINKI TIMES



TV1 TV1 TV1 15:05 Murder, She Wrote 09:10 YLE News 09:10 YLE News 17:15 Monk News in English as a part of YLE News in English as a part of YLE Mr. Monk and the Billionaire Mugger. morning tv show. morning TV show. 18:45 Inspector Morse 15:05 Holby City 15:05 Holby City 23:10 Get Up, Stand Up. Revolutionary 16:10 Diagnosis: Murder 16:10 Murder, She Wrote Music 18:31 Yes, Minister 18:31 Last of the Summer Wine Black and Proud. Part 4 of a docu- 22:25 Get Up, Stand Up. Revolutionary 21:00 Archangel mentary series. Music Archangel follows Oxford historian 00:05 Euronews Part 5. In a documentary series we Fluke Kelso (Daniel Craig), on a dan- meet among others Bob Geldof, Band gerous and thrilling race to uncover Aid, Eric Clapton, Bad Religion, USA the dark mystery behind the alleged TV2 For Africa, Queen and Elton John. secret diaries of Josef Stalin. A new 20:30 Concert For Diana – Live from 23:40 Euronews BBC miniseries based on a novel by Wembley Robert Harris. 22:00 Green Wing It’s 10 years since the tragical death TV2 of Princess Diana of Wales, and An award-winning British television Princes William and Harry hold a 11:06 6teen comedy set in East Hampton Hos- memorial concert tonight at Wem- 11:35 Happy Days pital was created by the same team Jersey Girl behind the sketch show Smack the bley Stadium, London. The chari- 12:20 Laurel & Hardy – The Best Of Pony. ty concert is held on July 1st, which Highlights from the early days of the Raquel Castro is a clever little Jersey Girl in a comedy movie directed by Kevin Starring: Tamsin Greig, Pippa Hay- would have been the Princess’s 46th legendary comedic couple Stan Lau- Smith. USA 2004. wood. Talkback Production. birthday. On stage in the live broad- rel and Oliver Hardy. 00:10 Euronews cast we see artists such as Elton 13:50 Airport Sun 1.7. NELONEN at 21:00 John, Duran Duran, George Michael, 14:50 Mega Stuctures Beyoncé, Rod Stewart, Kanye West, ITAIPU. Part 4/4. Rerun. P Diddy and Tom Jones. TV2 15:45 Creature Comforts 22:35 Doctor Who 11:35 Happy Days 16:26 6teen 23:20 Concert For Diana – Live from 12:00 Supernanny Wembley A British reality television program MTV3 features Jo Frost, a nanny who in each episode helps a family with MTV3 09:10 Hollyoaks children who are uncontrollable or 13:00 Joey 17:05 Hollyoaks excessively naughty. Using a variety 15:00 Bachelor 17:35 Quintuplets of methods, she helps to show par- A commitment-phobic man goes in 18:05 Fashion House ents ways of disciplining their chil- search of a bride including his fed-up 19:30 Who’ll Age Worst? dren and maintaining order in their girlfriend to inherit his grandfather’s 21:15 The Fast and the Furious (CERT 15) households. She is noted for empha- $100 million inheritance in a roman- An undercover cop infiltrates an un- sising praise and positive encour- tic comedy directed by Gary Sinyor. derworld subculture of Los Angeles agement when dealing with children. Starring: Chris O’Donnell, Renée street racers looking to bust a hijack- 14:55 Cirque du Soleil Zellweger, Peter Ustinov, Brooke ing ring, and soon begins to question The world famous Canadian Cirque Shields, Mariah Carey. USA 1999. his loyalties when his new street rac- du Soleil (Circus of the Sun) shows 18:00 Formula 1: French Grand Prix ing friends become the prime sus- what would happen if the pow- Highlights from the Grand Prix race. pects. Action drama directed by Rob ers erupting from the Sun gave new 19:30 New Adventures of Old Christine Cohen. Starring: Paul Walker, Vin skills for the people on Earth. Pro- duction: CBC International. 20:00 Beauty and the Geek Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Series ends. Brewster, Rick Yune. USA 2001. 15:40 Corneil & Bernie Archangel An animation about the adventures 22:40 Murphy’s Law 00:35 Will & Grace of a genius talking dog, Corneil, and Set in contemporary Moscow and the frozen northern town of Archangel, the his dog-sitter Bernie Barges. NELONEN 2-part drama revisits the stark landscape of Communist Russia. The series takes NELONEN 16:26 6teen place over four days in the life of a maverick academic Fluke Kelso (Daniel Craig, 18:50 Spendaholics 09:30 Red Bull Air Race 16:00 All in the Family in the photo) who attends a conference about the newly opened Soviet Archives. 16:40 Days of Our Lives A British reality show tries to brain- NEW SERIES. wash some of the modern day ma- His colleagues sneer at him behind his back for his radical views on the telling of 18:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show 12:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show niacs. 20:00 Bachelor history but Kelso doesn’t care. One night, a meeting with a former Stalinist body- 14:00 Married… With Children 19:45 Junk Brothers 23:25 OZ (CERT 15) guard leads Kelso to the uncovering of one of the world’s most dangerous and 16:00 King of the Queens 20:10 Life Begins 16:30 Everybody Hates Chris 01:05 Hitchcock Presents best kept secrets. What starts as an idle inquiry soon turns into a dangerous chase 16:55 Everybody Loves Raymond across night-time Russia in a BBC series based on a novel by Robert Harris. MTV3 17:25 Milk Money SUBTV Tue 3.7. TV1 at 21:00 A movie comedy directed by Richard 17:35 Complete Savages 17:00 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Benjamin. Starring: Melanie Griffith, Ed 18:05 Fashion House Harris, Michael Patrick Carter, Malcolm of Superman 20:00 Hustle McDowell, Anne Heche. USA 1994. 17:45 Late Night with Conan O’Brien Reruns of the second season epi- 21:00 Jersey Girl 19:30 Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D- sodes begin. Sex and the Silverscreen After his career is sidelined by an un- List 21:00 Cold Case expected tragedy and a personal 20:30 The Simpsons Six-part documentary traces the continuing battle between filmmakers and 22:31 Spooks blowup, a single man must take care Guest voice: Jay Leno. censors over the depiction of sexuality in American films, from the earliest silent 23:50 Bones of his precocious daughter in a ro- 21:00 Surface films to the present day. Celebrity narrators, such as Dan Aykroyd, Lara Flynn 00:50 Will & Grace mantic comedy directed by Kevin 22:00 Sex and the City The last of the 6th season episodes. Boyle, Melanie Griffith and Sydney Pollack, provide the voices of the past as well Smith. Starring: Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, 22:30 Cutting It Raquel Castro, Jennifer Lopez, Jason as read important letters, anecdotes, speeches and proclamations documenting 23:30 Daddy’s Spoiled Little Girl Biggs, George Carlin. USA 2004. the clash between sexuality and censorship. Directed by Frank Matin. 23:55 Late Night with Conan O’Brien NELONEN 23:30 Century City 00:45 Buffy, the Vampire Slayer 00:30 Hitchcock Presents 16:00 All in the Family Sun 1.7. YLE TEEMA at 15:05 16:40 Days of Our Lives YLE TEEMA 18:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show SUBTV 20:00 Jack Osbourne: No Fear 21:00 Rock Masters: Lynyrd Skynyrd 21:00 Bad Girls 13:15 Batman 1975 15:00 Quantum Leap Lynyrd Skynyrd on stage in London, 22:00 My 100,000 Lovers aka Sex Addicts 15:50 MacGyver 1975. On the playlist, among oth- A documentary explores the lives of 18:00 One Tree Hill ers, the hit songs “Sweet Home Ala- sex addicts. Production: Five. 19:00 Summerland bama” and “Freebird.” 23:30 Starsky and Hutch 20:00 Smallville 21:40 South Bank Show: Jamie Cullum 00:30 Hitchcock Presents 21:00 100 Women 22:30 Henry Rollins Show A romantic comedy directed by The punk legend’s guest tonight SUBTV Michael Davis. Starring: Chad is American comedian, actor, writ- Donella, Jennifer Morrison, Erinn er, and producer Bill Maher. Musical 17:00 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Bartlett, Steve Monroe, Chene Law- guest: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. of Superman son, Juleah Weikel. USA 2002. 23:00 Basket Case (CERT 18) 19:30 Australian Princess 22:45 Mad About Animals A young man carrying a big basket 20:30 The Simpsons A documentary follows activists in the that contains his deformed Siamese- Guest voice: Helen Hunt. animal liberation movement over a pe- twin brother seeks vengeance on the 21:00 Project Runway riod of a year, during which they talk doctors who separated them against 22:00 Sex and the City about their ideals, feelings, and activ- their will in a cult classic mixing to- 23:55 Late Night with Conan O’Brien gether comedy and horror. Directed ities. Directed by David Modell. Eng- 01:25 The X Files by Frank Henenlotter. USA 1982. land 2006. 23:45 Last Man Standing 00:35 The X Files YLE TEEMA 21:00 History: Churchill’s Bodyguard The Fast and the Furious YLE TEEMA 22:25 Summer Music: Badding Rauli “Badding” Somerjoki’s (1947- An undercover LAPD officer Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) infiltrates an under- 14:35 Monty Python’s Flying Circus 1987) most famous songs include 15:05 Sex and the Silverscreen “Fiilaten ja höyläten,” “Paratiisi,” world subculture of Los Angeles street racers looking to bust a hijacking ring. Sex and the Silent Film. Part 1/6. “Ikkunaprinsessa,” “Tähdet, tähdet” Soon he begins to question his loyalties when his new street racing friends With the invention of the motion pic- and “Laivat,” most of which were become the prime suspects. Action drama directed by Rob Cohen. Starring: Paul ture camera, movies became the most translations of English rock and ev- Walker, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Rick Yune. USA 2001. graphic and commercially exploitable ergreen songs. YLE TEEMA presents form of artistic expression yet. this legendary Finnish rock singer live (CERT 15) 18:00 Concert For Diana – Live from Green Wing. on stage in various concerts from the Mon 2.7. MTV 3 at 21:15 Wembley Tue 3.7. TV1 at 22:00 1970s and 80s. HELSINKI TIMES WEATHER 20 JUNE – 3 JULY 2007 27

Wed 6/20 +8 Finland info +14 MIDSUMMER +10 – Saturday 23 June, Midsummer Day is a public holiday. Wed 6/20 Thu 6/21 Fri 6/22 Sat 6/23 Sun 6/24 Mon 6/25 Tue 6/26 – Most shops and offices will be closed on 23 June and may have +16 shorter hours on Friday 22 June. +21 +21 +19 +19 +17 +16 +16 – Alko On Friday 22 June stores will be open 9-13, and are closed +17 on Saturday 23 June. +16 +32 +32 +33 +34 +35 +35 +35 – Grocery stores: In Helsinki, on Saturday 23 June only the super- +20 markets located in Asematunneli (station tunnel under Kaivoka- +31 +30 +30 +31 +33 +31 +29 tu) are open, with shorter hours. +19 – Railway and Public Transport: On Friday 22 June trains, busses, +29 +26 +23 +26 +29 +30 +29 trams and metros operate according to Saturday schedules, and Thu 6/21 on Saturday 23 June according to Sunday schedules, with some +31 +34 +26 +20 +37 +40 +33 exceptions (see www.vr.fi/heo/eng/aika/fjuhlapyha.htm and +12 www.hkl.fi). +29 +24 +23 +24 +19 +18 +18 +15 Wednesday 20 June – Tuesday 3 July +23 +21 +21 +20 +18 +17 +17 Alko. The only store to sell alcohol stronger than beer and ciders in Finland +13 is Alko. Alkos are normally open Mon–Fri 9–20, Sat 9–18. On Sundays Alkos +32 +35 +30 +32 +30 +26 +24 are closed and around holidays the opening times may vary. You can check the +16 opening times from Alko’s service number: 020 711 712 (Mon-Sat 8-21). +16 +36 +36 +36 +37 +38 +40 +40 Banks and Money Exchange. Finnish banks are usually open Mon-Fri 10- +16 +16 +20 +21 +18 +17 +14 +15 +18 16:30. Money can be exchanged also in the Money Exchange office Forex at the Helsinki Railway Station Mon-Sun 8-21 and in Esplanadi Park Mon-Fri 9-19 and +15 +32 +32 +38 +37 +29 +23 +35 Sat 9-15. Dental Care. Helsinki City Dental Clinics are open Mon-Fri 8-15. Some of the Fri 6/22 +41 +39 +38 +38 +40 +41 +39 clinics stay closed the whole summer. Tel. 09-310 5015.

+14 +25 +22 +22 +21 +20 +17 +18 Emergency Number. 112. +17 +25 +17 +20 +20 +23 +21 +23 Grocery stores. Food and daily essentials can be bought from supermarkets and smaller grocery stores. Finland’s biggest grocery store chains are Alepa, K- market and S-market. Normally grocery stores are allowed to be open Mon-Fri +15 +21 +21 +21 +19 +16 +15 +16 7-21, Sat 7-18 and Sun 12-21. Kiosks, petrol stations and small stores may stay open longer. +17 +27 +30 +30 +30 +30 +29 +27 +16 Health. Helsinki City Health Centres operate a summer schedule from June un- +29 +29 +28 +31 +33 +35 +31 til the end of August. Open Mon-Fri 8-16. Children in urgent need of medi- +18 +13 cal treatment at night (22–08) should be taken to Lastenklinikka’s Emergen- +21 +21 +21 +23 +28 +27 +21 cy Department, tel. 09-10023 or 09-4711. Treatment for adults is available +14 at night and during the weekends at the Malmi or Maria Hospital’s Emergency Department, Mon-Fri 16-22, weekends and holidays 8-22. Malmi tel. 09 10023 +19 +18 +17 +19 +19 +19 +20 or 09-310 6611. Maria tel. 09-471 63466 or 09-4711. Telephone Health Ser- Sat 6/23 vice is open 24 hours in every day of the year, provided by experienced nurs- +26 +28 +29 +29 +30 +32 +33 es. The service costs the price of a normal telephone call. For information about +13 health, illnesses or health care services in Helsinki Metropolitan Area call 09- +22 +22 +22 +22 +22 +22 +22 10023. On the Internet, see www.hel.fi/terveyskeskus. +18 +20 +21 +21 +23 +27 +28 +21 Helsinki Times. Next issue is out on Wednesday 4 July. The paper can be bought from R-kioskis, as well as from Akateeminen Kirjakauppa and Suoma- +17 lainen Kirjakauppa. Helsinki Times can also be subscribed. +19 +29 +28 +28 +29 +29 +30 +30 Libraries. Public libraries in Helsinki are usually open Mon-Thu 10-20 and Fri- +19 +36 +34 +34 +34 +34 +34 +30 Sat 10-16. Helsinki’s city library Kirjasto10 (Library10) in the centre of Helsinki (in Postitalo, Elielinaukio) offers Internet access and good information services +20 +18 +24 +24 +24 +22 +23 +21 +19 in English. It’s open Mon-Thu 10-22, Fri 10-18 and Sat-Sun 12-18. +20 +22 +15 +22 +24 +25 +30 +30 Market Halls. Fresh vegetables, fish, meat, bakery and dairy products are sold at the old traditional market halls near Helsinki’s harbours. Wanha Kauppahal- li (Old Market Hall) in Kauppatori (Market Square) and Hakaniemen kauppahal- Sun 6/24 +21 +21 +20 +22 +18 +15 +16 li (at Hakaniemi Market Place) are the most popular. Both are open Mon-Fri 8- 18 and Sat 8-16. +6 +29 +24 +20 +21 +23 +18 +19 Museums. Closed on Mondays. Detailed museum information in English at +12 +27 +26 +29 +24 +28 +31 +30 www.a5.fi/lehdet/museoesite. +22 +18 +15 +19 +13 +20 +20 Post. Post offices are usually open Mon-Fri 10-18. Stamps are also available +10 from kiosks and shops. The orange post boxes can be found everywhere around +16 +23 +20 +20 +20 +21 +20 +19 the city. +15 Public Transport. Busses, trains, trams, metro and the Suomenlinna ferry oper- +13 +11 +11 +14 +14 +12 +12 ate in Helsinki and its surroundings on weekdays mainly from 5:30 until around midnight. On weekends the public transport operates from 6:30 until around mid- +16 +16 +26 +26 +27 +26 +27 +20 +14 night with fewer departures. Night busses operate extensively on weekend nights +15 until 4:00. Public transport in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is organised by YTV +31 +29 +29 +31 +32 +31 +30 (the Metropolitan Area Council) which offers detailed information about timeta- Mon 6/25 bles, routes and ticket prices, also in English, atwww.ytv.fi. NOTE: The metro will +25 +21 +33 +23 +22 +22 +26 run with 8-minute intervals from 3 June until 4 August. Passengers in the direc- tion of Mellunmäki must change trains in Itäkeskus. As an addition to the metro, +7 buss 99 will operate from 4 June until 29 June every four minutes between Rauta- +30 +30 +28 +30 +29 +28 +28 tientori and Itäkeskus during morning and afternoon rush hours. +12 +20 +19 +18 +20 +15 +14 +15 Information on Traffic Exceptions. You can get exception info on Helsinki City Transport (HKL) to your mobile phone by sending an SMS with the message HKL +10 +17 +19 +16 +15 +16 +15 +13 TRAM, HKL TRAIN, HKL FERRY, or HKL METROE to the number 16 166. In a re- +12 turn message you will get information about traffic exceptions concerning the +16 +16 +16 +15 +13 +12 +13 respective vehicles. With a message HKL INFOE you will get the current traf- +11 fic exceptions of all vehicles that are a part of the service. The price of an SMS is €0.25/message. NOTE: The service is available with the connections of Son- +32 +32 +32 +29 +30 +28 +28 era, DNA, Elisa and Saunalahti. You can also read the exception info on the Inter- +13 +12 net from HKL’s home page www.hkl.fi or the Omat lähdöt timetable service www. +10 +26 +28 +23 +25 +26 +24 +19 omatlahdot.fi.

+20 +16 +17 +17 +15 +15 +20 Railway. The Finnish State Railways (VR) operates the long-distance and in- Tue 6/26 ternational railway traffic. Timetables, ticket prices and other information are +30 +30 +27 +21 +26 +22 +21 available also in English in www.vr.fi. +8 VR Telephone Service: 0600 41 902 (€1 + local call charge) Tourist Information. Helsinki City Tourist Information & Convention Bureau of- +14 fers free information about the city and its sights, events and services and pro- vides brochures, maps and other material free of charge. The office is located in +9 Wednesday 6/20 Esplanadi Park, Pohjoisesplanadi 19, and is open Mon-Fri 9-20, Sat-Sun 9-18. +13 Tel. 09-3101 3300. A smaller Tourist Information is located in the Central Rail- way Station at the Hotel Booking office. From June to August visitors are also served by Helsinki Helpers, teams of guides that patrol the streets in the city +12 3:52 am 10:49 pm 2:18 am 12:19 am centre.

+15 +13 4:00 am 11:03 pm Have a suggestion for Finland Info? +14 Let us know by sending an email to [email protected] 3:41 am 11:11 pm Compiled by Mirva Anjala. Issue 7 20 JUNE - 3 JULY 2007 035535-0725/26 Helsinki Times tel. +358 9 689 67 420 Price €3 Editor-in-chief Alexis Kouros Editor Laura Seppälä Subeditor All articles, pictures, adverts and Dream Catcher Oy fax. +358 9 689 67 421 12 month subscription €120 Riina Kivijärvi Editing and proof-reading Sami Sallinen Edito- graphics are subject to copyright. Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 B [email protected] ISSN 1796-8321 rial team Sami Sallinen, Mirva Anjala, Robin DeWan, Carina No reproduction or reprinting is 00500 Helsinki Advertisement enquiries www.helsinkitimes.fi Chela, Egan Richardson, Pekka Pöyry, Anni Syrjäläinen, Jukka allowed without permission from Finland [email protected] Viskari, Timo Kurki, Mirva Lempiäinen ©Dream Catcher Inc. a week in pictures


Hamas fighters stand over a picture of Pal- estinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the customs hall after they captured Rafah cross- ing border between Egypt and the southern Gaza Strip. Abbas dismissed the Hamas-led Palestinian government and declared a state of emergency as the Islamist group’s gunmen routed his last forces in Gaza and seized ef- fective control.



People cool themselves in a pond on a hot day in Quetta, Paki- Members of Collation for Anti Child Labour (CACL) release pigeons Two Taiwanese models demonstrate their LED light clothing dur- stan, where temperature reached 41 degrees Celsius. to mark World Day against Child Labour in Multan, Pakistan. ing a photonics festival in Taipei.



Oyster farmer Royden Whitten pours a mixture of Viagra and cal- Director Michael Moore (left) autographs a box of candy follow- Investigators search for evidence in and around the wreckage of cium into a tank of oysters at a processing centre, about 50 km ing the premiere of his latest film Sicko at the Bellaire Theater in a Police bus at the site of a bomb blast in Kabul. A powerful bomb north of Sydney. Australian oyster farmers and entrepreneurs are Bellaire, Michigan. destroyed a police bus in the heart of the Afghan capital, killing infusing a mixture of crushed Viagra and calcium to tanks of oys- more than 35 people, police said, as the extremist Taliban move- ters, aimed at the Asian market, to enhance their supposed aph- ment claimed responsibility. rodisiac qualities.