The Daily Egyptian, April 06, 1984
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 4-6-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 06, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 69, Issue 131 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 06, 1984." (Apr 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • Oldest human ancestor discovered CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - anJlrupulogy's ''black MIe" as probably the most famO\i/l fonil Mu!;eums of Kealya. It was aJId chimps is at least 5 milli(lD The discovery in Africa of a 2- there was 00 clearly acceptable find of recent picked up near Lake Baringo Y€8n old. It could be 5 million inch-long jawbone fragment evidence til rill in the bum'!n Pilbeam said that it.,. newest about 140 miles from Nairtlbi in and 1 :TeaTS old, or it could De 10 has pushed the history of faraily tree. discovery, though far elder than northern Kenya h'o' -:iptaiam millil'n. We ::on't know." mankind 1 million yean closer Researcilers said TbtlI-sday Lucy. may be of the same Chepboi, a fossil tllV,pector on The fl)l!sil - which is still In to the misty era when human that they had !()Imd in Kenya a specl\~s - a short, small the staff of the Kenya Kenya - was dated by looki~ ance!ton broke awav from the piece of a lower .law, complete brailWd b'A upright being who museums. at nearby animal bone!!! al1d apes, rese81'CMrII My. with two molars, of a hominid roamed Amca a very long time One of the more interesting rocks. The fossil from a creature from this period. ago. questions, Pilbeam said, is just that lived 5 million years ago is "Until 1M discc'very of this "What is Important about this when the humanids split with \~bed a." the oldest remains specimen, the oldest fossils jaw piece is that it is both the apes. Y'~t ~ of a direct human where everybody would agree clearly a hominid and It seeDUI One exotic.' way of estimating forl'~ar, or l)ominid. Until that they are hominids were 4 to be reasonably dated al :; ~ time of this split is ger.etic no ... , :he oldest such bones million years old," said David millioo yean," Pilbeam said. analysis. By comparing the foond were 4 millioo yean old. Pilbeam, a Harvard an "That pushes the oldest un blood and genes of people and Sclentist~ generally agree thn.pology proCessor. ''That's OOtlbteci hominids back another the apes, some scientists have that more thlin 3.5 millioo years AU8tralopithecus afareruris, the nlillioo years - not very much, concluded that the division ago, the lincestors of the ~ies to which Lucy beloogs, but it's 25 pt'i-cent more." occurred as recently as 4 moderh ilpes split with but she berself is a millior. The fossil, \~jled the Tabarin million years ago. bumanity's ancient grand years yoonger thaD that" hominid, was found Feb. 23 on The latest disccrrery, Pilbeam Gas IIlYS you're I mDHoa years parents and went their separate 'lbr.;.!artial skeletoo 01 Lucy, an expedition SI)ODSored by seid, "would show that the last IIder thaD you thought you were evoIutiooary way. This period is uncovered in Ethiopia iD 19'71. is Harvard and roe National common ancestor of llO"ninids - lIDless yoa'r! • ereatloalst. Grad council backs grad faculty review Daily 8y Joim St'!Wllrt 'Egyptian member is granted Graduat'.! Staff Wri.... Faculty StatU8 I, which a11ow:§ them to chair doctoral Friday, April 6, 1984, Vol .•, No 131 A committee to be appointed dissertation committees, it by tbe Educational Policies cannot be revoked. Barbara Committee wiD decide whet"er Hansen, dean of the Graduate graduate faculty should be School, said she would dissolW! reviewed every five years to the body which curently grams determine appropriateness in graduate fafutly status, the directing student research, Faculty Membership Com accordin, to a Graduate mittee, which she Council resolution passed acknowledged was not formed Thursday. in accordance with Graduate The couDcil also passed School policies. resolutions for new con A new com"littee will be centrations iD master's degrees formed to take its place, and iD behavior analysis and members and the committ..>e's therapy and in technology. The role will be decided by the council also urged that mt're Educational Policiell com· institutional funds go to M!)f"ris mittee. Library. Currently, once a faculty Senate OK's Salvador aid WASHINGTON CAP) - 'Ibe The matruy Republican-eontrolJed Senate supporttn 01 the amendments approved $61.7 million in charged that Reagan is t:rigg£r. emergency milit1l" aid for EI happy and leadiqJ the United Salvador and $2l millioo to States elOller to war iD Central JU8tpwyiR'arou~d assist anti-leftist guerrillas iD Amf!ri~. Nicaragua Thursday afte.. "Tbe Senate bas voted for The PIli M. Alrla. ~ CoaIl .ouca• ., Sa""', prom1le to provide dear Dies wHIt beating hilck a week-lc:tng series wider war in El Salvador, Thanday" ....., ....ther to proride • free &emperaa.res ill die .... 0. Saaday•• freDa wm of De,!Ilocratic attacks {)Il secret war in Nicaragua and the cc.cer& ill die Old Mala Man. Friday _. lIl(We tina•• die lrea, ~ raID. President Reagan's Central briI* 01 war iD Hooauras," Sea. American policies. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., The vote was 76-19. The said iD a closing speech. measure now goes ~ the AdmiDistratioa supportel!tl Court uses ballistics report Democrat<ontrolled Hcruse, said the amendments wouWI whicb meets on Tuesda'" make it more difficult to stem • l!'8ving only three days iD which risio¥ communist tide in a as basis for Peltier llearing to complete congressional region ooIy a few buJw.tred mils actioo 00 the biD before a lo-day from the U.s. bfIrder. "1:,rlDgs Into question the After the shoot-out, Peltier Easter reeesa that begiDs April The Senate rejected 51-44 an W'<!ight, if not the truth, of the Oeoi to Canada. The FBI traced 13. amendment by Sea. Carl Levin, expert testimony linking bim to Vancouver, 6ritish The Senate also rejected 5O-M D-Mich., saying that IlOIIIP' 01 the Tbe 8tb District Court of casings to the Aft-IS." Ellison Columbia, and won his elE au amendment by Sea. James $21 million for the rebels Appeals iDSt. Louis has grantee! haa said that government traditiGD mainly on the basis of Sasser, D-Tek4., that would fighting Nicaragua': leftist an evidentiary bearing to documents will prove that the·. an alfadavit of an Indian bave required cong~iQnaJ goven mt!llt could be spent to convicted murderer Leooud FBI knew that there was a woman named Myrtle Poor action befoce teu:!porarJ u.s. support those wbose ayowed Peltier based tID ballisHes difference in the c:asinp iD late Bt·ar. whl) claimed to be military installatit..... in 800- purpose i& to overthrow that evidence, an at~ for the September 1975.. Peltier's girlfriend. duras could be made per government. imprisoned leader of the Ellison said that be wanta to manent. The amendment would American Indian Mo.,ement obtain government docum«ltB Poor Bear', aftaday!t stateCI also have ba~d use of the It ..u the third time in two l said. which have been withbeld from that she saw Peltier foboot the installations for anything but days that am",ndments to South Dakota lawyer Bruce previous~. He said ageats and was largely training exercises. mminate or eurrail funds for Ellisonsaidoodatehasbeellset that of the 11,000 documents, respclIl1ible for Peltier.. coo. Four Republicans joined • the rebela bad been defeated. for the bearing, and he hopes to 6,000.. bave never been victioo for the ~ munfers ia Democreta in .upporting Critics oppose the IJid to the ale the time to study floverD- examined. 1977. She tried to retract her Sasser', amendment. Sasser rebels on ground. that the ment documents wbicb have Peltier boepn serving h.'"'O life statements at Pdtier's trial and said several (1~P senators United States ~ It" be :;ecentiy beeoIJI.e aVRilable. sentenen in the Marioc W8lio denied a cbance to testify. "indicated they wanted to YOte aeeking to ~ aaotber EvIdence linking Pelt!« to au Federal Penitentiary about 1 for my amendment or were gcwemment. The ad , AR-15 semlautomatie riUe used years ago. Poor Bear a;aid abe signed the seriously eonsideriDIL it and ministratioo maintains that the to kill two FBI agent' iD 1975 Peltier has adtrItted par affadavit fDerin1Jnating FeUier ei.anged tl1eh. minds at the last aid is to Itop the Nicaraguam .. im~ental iD Peltier's tlcipating in tbe .~uot-out on after FBI 3gentB threatened to minute.'· from funneling Soviet and conviction. Ellt.on Hid that ,JuDe" 1975. _ PiDe Ridge take away her daughter if abe The Senate also rejected CUban IL~ to lettJat imurgeDts iDformati_ acquired through Reservation, So• ..;(b DakGt.. did not cooperate. Three other amendmeDts to delete or curtail eJaewbere iD Central America. Ibe Freedom of Informatioo Ad that left two FBI agents ana an Indians made similar daims. the $21 million for the anti· Tbe Senate also beat badt discOWlts the tie bet~ American India.. dead, bllt but the federal judge over Ni~gua n!beJs and to cut the efforts to cut funck for EJ Peltierand the murder weapon.