3rd International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2010) 6-8 September 2010, Bautzen, Germany A Layer Model of Sound Quality Jens Blauert 1, Ute Jekosch 2 1 Institute of Communication Acoustics, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany 2 Chair for Communication Acoustics, Technical University Dresden, Germany
[email protected] Abstract There is indeed a wide agreement that − in congruence with Sound-quality is a complex and multi-layered phenomenon the classical trialism of soul, body and mind − there are three [1]. When analysing or modelling the formation process of basic kinds of percepts that our perceptual world is essentially sound-quality judgements, a variety of quality elements and composed of. Following [7], they may be denoted feelings, quality features [2] have to be taken into account, whereby the things and concepts. actual relevance and salience of each of them is situation dependent. In this paper, we present some ideas with the aim • Feelings (e.g., hunger, fear, pain, sadness, joy) are of structuring the quality-formation process into different lay- linked to processes inside the human body (incl. ers according to the degree of abstraction involved. Depending subcutane ones) and they usually are also perceptu- ally localized just there. on this degree, different sets of references and evaluation and assessment methods have to be employed. • Things (sensations) are percepts which are related to Index Terms: sound-quality assessment, abstraction level the sensory organs. In audition we usually call them auditory