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Transatlantica, 1 | 2014, “Exile and Expatriation” [Online], Online Since 09 July 2014, Connection on 29 April 2021 Transatlantica Revue d’études américaines. American Studies Journal 1 | 2014 Exile and Expatriation Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/transatlantica.6804 ISSN: 1765-2766 Publisher AFEA Electronic reference Transatlantica, 1 | 2014, “Exile and Expatriation” [Online], Online since 09 July 2014, connection on 29 April 2021. URL:; DOI: transatlantica.6804 This text was automatically generated on 29 April 2021. Transatlantica – Revue d'études américaines est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Exile and Expatriation Dossier dirigé par Catherine Collomp et Isabelle Richet Introduction Catherine Collomp and Isabelle Richet The Exile Experience Reconsidered: a Comparative Perspective in European Cultural Migration during the Interwar Period Renato Camurri Hirschman’s Choice: Exiles and Obligations of an anti-Fascist Jeremy Adelman “Our Life Was Divided in Many Facets”:Anna Foa Yona, an Anti-Fascist Jewish Refugee in Wartime United States Stefano Luconi L’américanisation d’un intellectuel français : le cas d’Yves Simon (1903-1961) Florian Michel (Neither) Expatriates (n)or Immigrants? The American Colony in Paris, 1880-1940 Nancy L. Green The “Irresponsibility of the Outsider”? American Expatriates and Italian Fascism Isabelle Richet “Relief is a political gesture:” The Jewish Labor Committee’s interventions in war-torn Poland, 1939-1945 Catherine Collomp American Jewish Mobilization in France after World War II: Crossing the Narratives Laura Hobson Faure Reconnaissances An Interview with Ron Rash Frédérique Spill Deux entretiens avec Colum McCann Cécile Maudet Trans'Arts Weegeedu 26 mars au 18 mai 2014 Galerie du Château d'Eau (Toulouse) Muriel Adrien Transatlantica, 1 | 2014 2 Tiki Pop : L’Amérique rêve son paradis polynésien, musée du quai Branly, Paris, 24 juin-28 septembre 2014 Commissaire d’exposition : Sven Kirsten Gwennaëlle Cariou Kamau Daaood in Bordeaux: A Report on His Residency, Edited by Sophie Rachmuhl “sound moving / skyward:” experiencing the oral poetry of Kamau Daaood, a Griot in Bordeaux (March 23-April 12, 2012) Nelly Mok Vision as OfferingInterview of Kamau Daaood Monday April 9, 2012, by Nicole Ollier and Sophie Rachmuhl, edited by Sophie Rachmuhl and Kamau Daaood Nicole Ollier and Sophie Rachmuhl Actualité de la recherche The Nations Within / Les Nations dans la nation Université Paris 7 - Diderot, 15 novembre 2013 Augustin Habran Isabelle Montin : « Le Retour du travail : travail et société chez John Dewey » Paris, 6 février 2014 Clotilde Nouët Journée d’Études internationale « The Politics of Visibility in the American West » Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, 21 mars 2014 Claire Cazajous-Augé and Céline Rolland Nabuco Colloque international « Transferts, transgressions, transformations : évolution de la ville américaine / Transfers, Defiance, Alteration : Evolutions in American Cities » Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon), 10-12 avril 2014 Clément Lévy, Nathalie Roelens, Sandrine Baudry, Zeenat Saleh and Marta Alvarez One-day symposium “Memories of the Civil Rights Movement / Mémoire(s) du mouvement pour les droits civiques” University of Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, February 28, 2014 Wendy Harding Comptes rendus Will Hermes, New York 73/77. Des Ramones à Philip Glass, cinq ans au cœur d’une ville en feu traduit par Stan Cuesta, Paris, Rivages Rouge, 2014 Claude Chastagner Célia Camoin, Louisiane. La théâtralité comme force de vie Paris, Presses de l’Université Paris Sorbonne, collection Lettres Francophones, 2013 Nathalie Dessens Romain D. Huret, American Tax Resisters Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 2014 Alix Meyer Catherine Armstrong, Landscape and Identity in North America’s Southern Colonies from 1660 to 1745 Farnham, Ashgate, 2013 Carine Lounissi Transatlantica, 1 | 2014 3 Laurence Gervais, La Privatisation de Chicago Paris, PUPS, 2013 Dominique Crozat The Unendorsable Frank Zappa Paul Carr, ed., Frank Zappa and the And, Farnham (Surrey), Ashgate, 2013 Bernard Genton John Carlos Rowe & Eric Haralson (eds). A Historical Guide To Henry James. Annick Duperray Lauren Kroiz, Creative Composites: Modernism, Race, and the Stieglitz Circle Mathilde Arrivé Isabelle Alfandary, Le Risque de la lettre. Lectures de la poésie moderniste américaine Andrew Eastman Juliette Nicolini, Gilbert Sorrentino, l’œil d’un puriste Béatrice Pire Alan Bilton, Silent Film Comedy and American Culture Yves Carlet Will Norman, Nabokov, History and the Texture of Time Agnès Edel-Roy Philippe Ortoli. Le Musée imaginaire de Quentin Tarantino David Roche Jeffrey Einboden, Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature in Middle Eastern Languages Jacqueline Jondot Lena Hill, Visusalizing Blackness and the Creation of the African American Literary Tradition Kathie Birat Jennifer L. Roberts, Transporting Visions. The Movement of Images in Early America Richard Phelan Transatlantica, 1 | 2014 4 Exile and Expatriation Dossier dirigé par Catherine Collomp et Isabelle Richet Transatlantica, 1 | 2014 5 Introduction Catherine Collomp and Isabelle Richet 1 The essays gathered in this issue offer new perspectives on transatlantic relations between Europe and the United States. They deal with specific, other than labor, forms of migration. Generally constrained by political forces, exile evokes a forced abandonment of one’s homeland, while expatriation, on the contrary, indicates a chosen movement across borders, springing from a diversity of motives, be they economic, political, intellectual, cultural or personal. 2 Yet these two notions have more in common than is generally perceived. If always decided under constraint, exile also represents the choice of freedom over silence and oppression; on the other hand, expatriates often feel compelled to leave their country by a dissatisfaction with its dominant political or cultural order (Reagan Wilson, 1991; Loyer, 2009, 368). In addition, the two notions belong to the common semantic field of the circulation of people and ideas beyond the limits of the country of origin. They should be understood as a trajectory and a process leading to the construction of fluid and multiple identities (Groppo, 2003, 21). Their juxtaposition brings forth a blurring of the economic and political categories by which migration movements are generally studied. And dealing with smaller numbers than the labor migrations of the 19th and early 20th centuries, exile as well as expatriation studies often evolve around individual cases whose itineraries escape the broad categories of mass class identities, and the politics of integration and/or assimilation. Even though exiles, refugees and expatriates, like labor migrants, are also pushed or pulled by political or economic forces that sway their destinies, they are usually well endowed with cultural and social capital, which enhances their possibilities of mobility and enterprise. 3 These papers offer vistas on the United States as a place of arrival for European exiles, but also as a place of departure for Americans abroad. This multilateral approach provides new case studies which revise, complement or refine previous analyses on several aspects of American/European relations. In particular, they allow for a view of the United States not just as the land where immigrants were destined to fuse in the legendary melting-pot, but as a stop among others on the transatlantic circuit, a part of the transnational space created by the “multinational flows of people, ideas and goods” (Iriye and Saunier, 2009). Transatlantica, 1 | 2014 6 4 The essays focus on a particular time span, the interwar years and World War II, a period that witnessed vast movements of people across the Atlantic, and they all try to grasp this diasporic experience in its specific historicity, i.e. in a context dominated by multiple struggles between dictatorship and democracy, oppression and liberty. It was also a period during which the United States did not always find it easy to adopt a principled position, as exemplified by its sympathy for the Mussolini régime and its reluctance to welcome the Jews fleeing German Nazism and Italian Fascism. 5 For obvious reasons, the Jewish experience of displacement figures prominently in these essays although the ethno-racial dimension of the Jewish exile was often combined with intellectual and/or political motivations. Concerning the question of American attitudes to the admission of refugees during the Nazi years, the authors are well aware of the historiography on the specific political, economic and administrative conditions which inhibited the United States from fully playing its traditional role as a land of refuge at a time when it would have been most necessary (Wyman 1968; 1984; Breitman and Kraut, 1987; Feingold, 1995). They are also well aware of the vast literature on the significance of the intellectual migration that took place “above the quotas,” allowing the presence of a European elite in the US and thus creating the possibilities of cultural transfers and hybridization (Fleming and Bailyn, 1969; Hughes, 1975; Krohn, 1993; Timms and Hughes, 2003). The papers presented here do not reverse these accepted paradigms but offer new perspectives to apprehend the general panorama. As a counterpoint, two essays in this collection explore the Eastward migration of Americans who had chosen Europe as
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