Lime Rock Gazette
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L 1M E R 0 C K GAZETTE. DEVOTED TO COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY RICHARDSON & PORTER. Tpiihs, $1,50 in Advance, $1.75 in six monllis $2.00 afleiv-Adverliseinenls inserted al Hie ciisloniarv prices VOL J- LAST—TIIOIIASTOV, TlllltSO AV 1IOILVIA«L O< TOK I it 15. 1840 AO. »». i.j_ - xi u f c i . b.w rjw vjwcyxayztt i TIlC Relllllied Pastor. *,o,n v*cw> nn,l 0,1 *Gc morning of the 'themselves together for family worship.— from nine o’clock in the morning to three 'Aint I a man now. Miss Tabitha, I ’d only, however, who knew the former level- twenty-second of the same month he look- Ho was told that twenty missionaries might I in the nOcrnoon; and from live to nine in like to know ,’ said Jotliam , rising with ness o f the spot. Ct will be recollected By many ol otn renders, that (,d ,|p0„ ,bc s|,(( of England—on the find employment there. the eveninu. There were twelve hundred spirit and putting his hat on his head, ‘ I f The Lieutenant, who had c ritic a lly the Kcv. Mr. Vomroy, Tastor ot the livst ( j following day ho landed. He wished to; Mr. l’omroy enumerated the places of | persons composing the convention, about I aint a man now. and a whole hog o f a watched the manoeuvring of the men, grognltonnl Church ol Bangor, lelt his people see ns much of the land of our fathers as interest ho visited in the Holy Land.— nine hundred of whom were clergymen, one too, I think it darned strange.’ congratulated the Orderly on the perfec- sonic sixteen months Since, for an European possible— a land that should lie dear to ! Sidon, Sarepta, Tyre. 1 Io alluded to the from all parts of Europe anil (lie United ‘ As to the hog part, there is no dispute lion o f their drill. tour, for the benefit o( His health. He returned every American. Every thing there from prophecy respecting Tyre, and the re- States, and all holding to the same funda about that, said I ahitlia, coveting up the T in latter looked him in the eye, nnd to the city on Tuesday, 2!hh alt. The following Devonshire to Dover, reminded hint of markable manner in which it had been mental religious belief. I luring the whole last brand in the ashes. knew by the slight curl in the muscles of Report of the services, on the resumption of his his own land. All the way lie saw names , fulfilled. The Island part was now in- session there was not a shadow o f d iffic u l ‘ W e ll, it that s the way von treat me, his fare, that he ‘ ‘smoked” the new tae- Pulpit duties with the people of his charge, common in New England, and many of habited by a few poor fishermen. He ty, notwithstanding the many different de la li, you may go to grass, and get a Inis- tics; so touching his cap politely, lie : Sunday October 1th, ns given by the Bangor the identical names of members of his passed through tho N orthern part o f G al nominational views entertained by the hand where you ran, lor what I care.’ asked the officer, if, when they cooked Mercury, will he found interesting. congregation. There were many of the ilee, a most beautiful country with hut members. There wns otic thing, howev ‘ I hank you, Jothnm. Now go home their game he would accept a slice ? Alter the voluntary on the organ, (Miss i same customs also. England was, a coun-. few inhabitants. Went to Dan—the er, which pained hint to think of, and that like a good hoy, anti tell your inaiuma , ‘ ‘ I f the cook in vour mess seasons it Sylvester presiding,) the following hymn, "'U d'stinguislicil lor its benevolent inst.- sources of the Jordon—Mt. Hermon— was American Slavery. It troubled the not to let you slay away o’ nights, vou , earefitlls, and it’s not overdone, I wouldnj ■preparedJ by the poetess, Miss •Hannah • ■ ••E. tutions, itsits rchnementsrcnncmcnts wealthwea l and power. Mt. Tabor—Little Hermon—Gilboa— convention—it troubles the world it j may get lost.’ j mind tasting it,” says the Lieutenant. Gould, of Newburyport, for the occasion, ,'l.t ’* ',ns lts Guilts ns well ns virtues.— Carmel. He gave a beautiful description troubles this people and will trouble them , Jothnm pressed his hat on his head The Orderly winked, and they sepera- wastvm» finelylioelv sungsnn.r byl.v thetin; choir under the didi- ! Dial giant that these two nations may of the delightful scenery about the sea of until it censes to lie. The influence of I harder than ever, nnd telling Tali that . led. It was refreshing to an old enm- rection of Mr Additon:— never he involved in war with each other. Galileo, where Christ loved to wander. this convention is vast, and w ill lie left to shc might go to “ Tinker town,” for all I paigner, just to see how ‘‘gutter snipe,” It would be one o f the greatest m isfor the cnii of the world. It wns declared THE PASTOR’S RETURN, It was in the spring of tho year, and he him, he left the house,— giving one proof, j ‘ ‘short-horned e lk ,” and ‘slow deer,’ were tunes that could befall the world.” lie saw the lilly of tho field spoken of by by the German ministers present, to be at least, contrary to Shakspenre, that a disposed of that evening in the mess l’rcsh incense, Lord, to thee wc Barn— never had been in company with six E n Christ, in full bloom; nnd other flowers the greatest moral achicvmcnt mi record. man may be endowed with a tongue, ami which executed the above described We lift oar song to thee, glishmen at a time, during his tour, that of the country. lie saw a pile of stones The convention closed, and M r. P. left yet not lie aide to use it so ns to win a strange ‘b ill; nnd ever a fte rth e t night For this, oar Pastor's sale return, some one or more did not mention a where Capcrnium wus. But where Betli- for this country, ‘ ‘and so, at len g th ,” woman withal. it been a a by-word, when a volunteer From realms Beyond the sea. lather, brother, sister, son or daughter in snida and C horazin were, is uncertain. said lie, ‘‘by the grace of God, here 1 tun was ■ ■ moving in a zigzn g lasltion To thee, whose mercies never fail, America, and enquire for them, thinking, Here and there he saw the long black again.” THE BARREL MOVEMENT. that i.o was practising the Legion i new New honors would we pay, perchance, he might have seen them. tent of the Bedouin Arab, surrounded by During his journey his conviction hnd inarch, •ailed ‘ the lia rrcil movement.” Again to hid thy servant hail I After spending the summer in England, his horses. H e remains here for a sea become deeper than ever of two things. A Sketch of Camp Life on the Rio Grnuilc. fSt. Louis Reville. Within thy courts, to-day. he went to Antwerp—thence to the little son nnd is then away. First that the Gospel is tho remedy, nnd kingdom of Belgium. The religion of H ere he found the following short po and only remedy for the sit tiering under A (’nick Sti’iiiiiboiif. Thy gilt of grace, and kindly spared IIY SOLITAIRE. this kingdom is Catholic; the King, how em, written nt the Sea of Galilee, by an which humanity groans in every land.— Through num'rotis changeful years; ------- Tur. propensity of ninny people in the ever, is profcscdly Protestant, and there eminent Scotch clergyman, which lie Nothing else is or cun he. H e could lie long our griefs and joys hath shared, AA hex tho St. Louis Legion wns e n -j W est and South W est, to til ing into cir- is more religious freedom in this country read, with line effect, to the audience. speak o f the dreadful, hcnrt-sickcuing eatnped on the Island, at the month ol the culation words of recent local coinage— And soothed our doubts and fears. degradation that existed in the land of than in any Catholic kingdom upon the THE SEA OF GALILEE. Brazos Santiago, the hoys began, for the most of them o f not the most graceful text- The faithful shepherd lends thy (lock continent. our fathers. There are the greatest Where green the pasture grows, How pleasant to me, thy deep blue wave, first time, Io feel the inconvenience ol uvt>—jg on the increase, anil ought to he Front Belgium he went to France— a wealth and deepest degradation, side by ‘‘Uncle Sam’s” fodder arrangements—not cheeked. Words and expressions, un- O’er shadowed By the Living Rock, Oil Sea of Galilee ! side. The Gospel must do its work there. great nation with many noble character that they expected to find ‘‘chicken fix meaning nnd vulgar, that would blush to Whence sweet salvation flows! For the glorious One, who came to save, Second, the affairs of the world—partic istics. It showed a noble sympathy in ings” every m orning; hut they at least acknowledge their origin, are now very Hath often stood by thee.