Excerpts from the Japan Country Reader (The complete Reader, more than 1300 pages in length, is available for purchase by contacting
[email protected].) JAPAN COUNTRY READER TABLE O CONTENTS on Carroll Bliss, Jr. 1924-1926 Commercial Attach*, Tokyo Cecil B. ,yon 1933 Third Secretary, Tokyo .a/ 0aldo Bishop 1931-1932 ,anguage Training, Tokyo 1932 3ice Consul, Osaka 1938-1941 Political Officer, Tokyo 7lrich A. Straus 1936-1940 Childhood, Japan 1946-1910 8-2 Intelligence Officer, 7nited States .ilitary, Japan .arshall 8reen 1939-1941 Secretary to Ambassador, Tokyo 1942 Japanese ,anguage School, Berkeley, California Niles 0. Bond 1940-1942 Consular Officer, Yokohama Robert A. Fearey 1941-1942 Private Secretary to the 7.S. Ambassador, Tokyo Cliff Forster 1941-1943 Japanese Internment, Philippines Ray .arshall 1941-1946 Naval Occupying Forces, Japan Christopher A. Phillips 1941-1946 7.S. Army = Staff of 8eneral .acArthur, Tokyo Eileen R. onovan 1941-1948 Education Officer, Civil Information and Education, Tokyo 1948-1910 Japan-Korea esk Officer, 0ashington, C Abraham .. Sirkin 1946-1948 Chief of News ivision, 8eneral .acArthurAs BeadCuarters, Tokyo Boward .eyers 1946-1949 ,egal Assistant to 8eneral 0illoughby, Tokyo Benry 8osho 1946-1910 Japan esk, 7SIS, 0ashington, C 0illiam E. Butchinson 1946-1911 Staff of 8eneral .acArthur, Tokyo 1912-1914 Information Officer, 7SIS, Tokyo John R. ODBrien 1946-1948 Press Analyst, Civil Information and Education, Japan 1948-1911 Public Affairs Information Officer, 7SIS, Tokyo Kathryn Clark-Bourne 1942-1910 .ilitary Intelligence, Tokyo Richard A. Ericson, Jr. 1942-1910 Consular Officer, Yokohama 1910-1912 Economic Officer, Tokyo 1913 Japanese ,anguage Training, Tokyo 1914-1918 Economic Officer, Tokyo Richard B.