Lontong Sayur Lodeh with Serunding Ingredients

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Lontong Sayur Lodeh with Serunding Ingredients Lontong Sayur Lodeh with Serunding Overview Difficulty: Easy Servings: 4 Preparation Time: 40 minutes Cooking Time: 60 minutes Ingredients Serunding Lodeh 50 ml Oil 50ml Oil 20g Lemongrass 115ml Water 300ml Coconut Milk 25g Dried Shrimp 2 Pieces Duan Salam 500ml Water 50g Garlic (Asian Bay Leaf) 2 pieces Bean Curd 50g Red Onions 5g Coriander Seeds (Medium Size, Firm) 60g Turnip (Sliced into strips) 5g Turmeric 1 Roll Lontong 80g Chinese Round Cabbage (Cut) 15g Garlic 10g Fresh Ginger 100g Carrots 25g Red Onions 10g Galangal (Peeled and cut into strips) 30g Ginger 10g Turmeric 100g Long Beans (Trimmed) 200g Fresh Coconut (Grated) 20g Candlenut To Taste Salt 200g Palm Sugar (Sliced) 20g Chilli To Taste Pepper To Taste Salt To Taste Pepper 1. Methods for Serunding Step 1 In a hand blender, blend turmeric, garlic, red onions, ginger, coriander seeds, and water, into a paste. Step 2 Melt the palm sugar with water in a pot. Step 3 In a lightly heated non-stick pan, add oil, fry the blended paste and bay leaves for about 10 minutes or until fragrant. Step 4 Add the melted palm sugar and grated fresh coconut. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and stir until well cooked and dry. 2. Methods for Lodeh Step 5 Prepare the cabbage, long beans, chilli, carrots and turnips. And cut a roll of lontong into quarters. Step 6 In a clean hand blender beaker, blend ginger, garlic, red onions, turmeric, candlenut, and the deseeded chilli, until a paste is formed. Step 7 Heat oil in a small pot over medium heat, and fry galangal, lemongrass and dried shrimp. Once they are fragrant, add the blended paste and fry for about 10 to 15 minutes until it turns dry. Step 8 Add water, trimmed long beans, carrot strips, cabbage and firm bean curd. Step 9 Cook for about 10 minutes, then add in the turnip strips. Step 10 Bring to a boil and add in coconut milk, stirring constantly. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and add in the quartered lontong. Step 11 Reduce heat once the vegetables are well cooked. Step 12 Serve lontong hot with serunding on the side. Tips: You can substitute with any vegetables you prefer. Take note of the vegetables’ cooking times. Add harder vegetables first and the more delicate vegetables in the second simmering. .
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