WESTERN MENU 28-2 October 2015 Monday TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Brown Rice Brown Rice Pizza Day BBQ Chicken Pasta day Chicken Paties with mushrom gravy Beef masala Green school salad Grilled Green school salad Vegetable cube cutney Fruit BBQ vegetarian Vegetarian Paties Vegetable jalprezi Brown Rice Green school salads Capati Green school salad Fruit Fruit

5-9 October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Mexican food Brown rice Pizza Day Pork with black bean Pasta day Chicken boritos Chicken Green School salad Brown rice Green school salad Guacomole Fried nodle Fruit Silk sweet with vegetable Fruit Tomatoes salsa Sweet Tempe Green school salad Bean spicy Green school Salad Fruit Green salad Fruit Fruit

12-16 October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Beef burger Brown rice Pizza day Brown rice Pasta day Potatoes chip Green school salad Fish and chips Green school salad Vege Burger Vegetarian curry Fruit Cap cay vegetable Fruits Green school salad Corn friter Sweet tempe Fruit Vegetable sote Green School Salad Green school salad Fruit Fruit 19-23 October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Brown rice Sushi Pizza Day Brown Rice Pasta day Beef rending Green school salad Green school salad Baby bean vegetable Green school Salad Potatoes Fruit Fruit Pork BBQ Fruit Vegetable steamed Vegetarian bake caseroll Green school salad Green school salad Fruit Fruit

26-30 October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Grilled chicken steak Mushroom Pizza day Brown Rice Pasta day Mash potatoes BLT Sandwich Green school salad Thailand sea food curry Green school salad Vegetable sauté Green school salad Fruit Papaya salad Fruit Green school salad Cassava chips Vegetarian curry Black bean salad Fruit Green school salad Fruits Fruit INDONESIAN MENU 28-2 October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Brown Rice Brown Rice Brown rice Pasta day Ayam sisit tomat Telur fu yung hai Ikan teri medan Sayur urab Sayur bulung srombotan Beberuk terong timun Brown rice Tempe manis Tahu manis Sayur plecing udang semangka krupuk Tempe goreng Fruit Ote ote sayuran goreng Sambal Sambal Buah

5-9 October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Brown rice Brown rice Brown rice Brown rice Brown rice Ayam kare Pindang cakalang ayam Plecing jamur Babi genyol Kare tempe tahu Sayur lodeh krupuk jagung nangkat Sambal ijo Tempe tahu goring manis Sayur oseng oseng Tempe manis Sayur singkong Semangka Krupuk Semangka

12-16 October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Brown rice Ayam panggang Ayam panggang Ikan teri sambal kacang Sambal hati rempelo Sayur urab Sayur urab Sayur bejek Sayur tahu santan kemangi Krupuk tempe goreng Tempe bacem Tempe bacem Sambal goring Sambal Semangka Krupuk Krupuk Krupuk Krupuk

19-23 October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Brown rice Brown rice Brown rice Brown Rice Brown rice ayam Ayam Ikan tepung Daging Ayam goreng Krupuk Cap cay Sayur terong Tahu manis Tempe Sayur oseng oseng Tahu santan Sambal kecap Sambal Tempe goreng Semangka Krupuk

26-30 October 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Brown rice Ibrown rice Nasi goreng Brown Rice Ikan mujair goreng Soto babi Tum ayam Telur ceplok Semur ayam Sayur pelecing Ote ote Sayur pepaya Semangka Semur tempe tahu Tempe Krupuk Sambel goreng Sayur oseng oseng Semangka Tempe manis