

TRI-COUNTY CHRONICLE, Established in 1899 Consolidated CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915 8 PAGES Vol. 11, No. 20 OAkSN CItY ENTERPRISE, Established in 1881 t April 20, 190~ ' ' ...... ~ ]' ,] '~ J I . _M ...... m _ .... WEATHER FORECAST. AIN ST WAR TRAIING 601NO HUNTING? WHO NNS P,, O, & N,? TOTAL [N OLL IEI T. Woek!y ~ we~ther forecaa~ iam~ed by the U. S. ~" .... ~~"~ Bureau, ~r~.~.: ...... ingham Circuit '~o ~'~...... on Ques- Keeler Would Bar It From Michigan ton, D.C., for the week beginning tion of Ownership. Public Schools. B[H[R R[AD THiS AT SCHOOLIS FiJRiH[i{ GUARDEDWednesday,-Seph i, 1915. For the Region of the Great Lakes: Superintendent of Public Instruc- Warmer weather Wednesday and Who owns the P. O. & N. R. R.? LAWS ADD RESTRICTIONS ON GAME WARDEN HAS LIST OF EXCEEDS THAT AT OPENING tion Fred L. Keeler has declared that Thursday will be followed by some- ]?hat is the question up for judicial "DON'TS" FOR NIMRODS. LAST YEAR. he was opposed to any plan whereby SHIPMENTS OF LIQUOR. what lower temperatures Friday and determination in the Ingham circuit military training would be established Saturday in the upped lake region and court,.... in the, public schools of Michigan. "It by seasonable temperatures else- Judge Collingwood on Monday Dealers in Cigarettes Forbidden to Tells in a Nutshell How to began to hear the appeal of that rail- ~N@n-Resident List Shows a Slight De- is all right for colleges and universi- where. The Weather will be generally ties , but it has no place in the public Sell to Any Person Under 21 fair. Avoid Getting Into road from an order of the Michigan crease Owing to Late Harvest railroad commission. In 1911 J. T. school system of Michigan," he said. Years of Age. Trouble~ and Busy Days on Farm. "We know what too much military Wylie & Co., of Saginaw, a lumber training will do for a country. Let us firm, complained that the ~Grand Trunk was charging for switching" teach the boys the policy of the According to Prosecuting lH W HVF,flNF - Deputy Game Warden Charles Hoyt The Cuss City Schools opened Mon- square deal instead of taking" time Smith ? Lapeer County, several laws ["~ "= =~ =-,=L ~,,h has prepared a list of "don'ts" for the over the Pontiac, Oxford & Northern day morning and the total enrollment from their studies to instruct them in affecting the liquor traffic which were t " i|l||lnnrn vr~no benefit of the hunters of Michigan. division; Later the lumber people numbers 347. Of-this number 117 are the manuaI of arms." passed by the recent legislature be-] ~|~|~r]| ~r~ Deputy Hoyt says: went before the commission and in the high school, 65 of .them being came effective last week, ninety days:~ ==~"~"*'-~ =,-=,,,v Don't hunt partridge or rabbits be- charged that the P., O. & N. was resident and 52 non-resident pupils. after the adjournment of our state ~ --- fore Oct. 1. owned and operated as a division of While the total enrollment exceeds legislature. Don't hunt or kill wood duck at any the Grand Trunk Western and that that at the opening of school last it OT FAUltIER The first law and perhaps the one DR. C. E. BARKER TELLS HOW IT time before 1918. consequently switching charges on year, the number of non-residents in of greatest importance puts addition- CAN BE DONE. Don't hunt or attempt to hunt with- logging shipments were against the the high school is not as great. This al restrictions on persons in dry coun- out first securing a license to do so. law. The commission held with them is accounted for by the late harvest BR,[/KS NECl(ll FALLties wishing to have shipped in beer, Don't permit your minor children and the railroad appealed. /and the busy days on the farm. It is whisky or any other alcoholic bever- Practical and Simple Rules of Pro- Don't hunt or attempt to hunt ducks expected that the non-resident list age, says the Lapeer Clarion. The law moting "A Sound Mind In a or waterfowl before sunrise of Sept. will be considerably increased before 1. LIVED A HALF DAY AFTER 'compels such persons to go on record Sound Body" Are Given. many weeks pass. that the railroads may have a com- under 17 years of age to hunt at any ACCIDENT. HE[{[ AND TH[RE The enrollment by grades is: I plete index to all persons who receive time or place, except on your own en- 1st grade, 35; 2rid grade, 36; 3rd i consignments of liquor. Dr. Chas. E. Barker, ex-President closed lands upon which you are regu- grade, 38; 4th grade, 26; 5th grade, Under the new law, before one can larly domiciled. The law does not per- Hiram Goc~lells Falls in Barn Taft's physician, and a noted authori- R(}IJN[} THE THUIVlB 31; ,6~h grade, 24; 7th grade, 18; 8th have Iiquors shipped to him, he must ty in the medical world, is delivering mit them to secure a license, therefore While Making Preparations grade, 22. go before a notary public and take a practical and helpfuI lecture on they cannot hunt. N.on-Resident List. to Thresh Grain. oath ~hat he is of age, is not a drunk- "How to Live a Hundred Years," on Don't trap or attempt to trap fur- -~~N TC~ ~S r tON HAS BASE BALL The f.ollowing is the list of non- ard or a tippler and that he is getting the Chautauqua platform this season. bearing" animals before the season TOURNAMENT SEPT. 6. resident pupils in the high school and the liquor for family use in his home. First he showed by authority that opens Nov. 1. (From Witmot Correspondent.) their township residence: Two copies of the affidavit are made, could not be questioned that it was Don't trap unless you have procured Beatrice Helwig, Elkland. While preparing to thresh Wednes- one of them to be filed with the rail- not at all unreasonable for a normal a hunting license. Crook Picks Pocket of Sheriff; Oth- day forenoon, Hiram Goodells, resid- Benoni Hutchinson, Elkland. road company and one with the brew- boy or girl to expect to live 100 years. Don't hunt partridge from automo- er Items From Our Neighbor- Irene Quinn, Grant. ~" ing one and a half miles northwest of ery or dis~illery from which the liquor biles. It involved eommon sense, reasonable ing Villages. Eliza Leishman, Elmwood. Wilmot, stepped from the separator Don't hunt ducks from motor boats. Etta Thane, Elktand. is obtained. New affadavits are not care, thoughtfulness and will power. to the mow, and as he did so, he Irene Croft, Sheridan. necessary each ~ime liquor is ordered, The first essential was to take plen- Don't kill anything" which the law Beryl Flint. struck his head against a beam. lie the one sworn statement sufficing ty of good fresh air into all the air protects by an absolute elosed season. It cost 27 backers of the chautau- Milford Robinson. )~ was thrown to the floor, a distance of thereafter. cells of the lungs. That would purify Don't kilt song and insectivorous qua at North Branch $2.60 each to Sarx ;Robinson. eight feet. He struck on his head It is exgected the effect of the law the blood and eliminate poisons from birds at any time. meet their guarantee this year. Nev- Leola Schwaderer, Novesta. and shoulders, b~,eaking his neck and Cecil Wells, Kingston. will be to shut off those under age the system. Don't keep in possession, alive or ertheless they are game and are be- Ogle Wells, Kingston. causing paralysis from the shoulders and hard drinkers from getting The pores of the skin were anoth- dead, any game or fur-bearing animals hind the movement for another year. Clarence Travis, Evergreen. down. He lived until ten o'clock in liquor, "but Will give the occasional er means of elim~natio~ of wastes and during closed season without getting Marlette has mere school children Alice Ferguson, Novesta. the evening, being ,conscious and suf- drinker little more trouble than laws Continued on fifth page. a permit to do so from the game, fish than any other township in Sanilac Retta Hooper, (Vanderbilt). fering intensely with pain~ in his :Later,el Howey, Detroit). that have been in effect several and forest fire eommissiOner. county, heading the list with 698. Ar- Gladwin Goron, Etmwood. neck and head most ~ of the time. years, regarding shipment of liquor. Don't take any non-game birds for gyle towoship ranks second with 461, Leroy Harris, Evergreen. Hiram Goodelts was born in the A~o~her law which became effec- Continued on fifth page. and Delaware third with 452 pupils. Christie McRae, Evergreen. sta~e "o~ New York 59 years a~o, but five last week authorizes township MRS, AMASABROWN Evidently the crook who operated Jeanetta McCallum, G~eenleaf. has lived in Michigan since a small Gladys Nicoll, Greenteaf. boards to refuse to grant licenses, with his fingers at the Imlay City cele- Gladys Jackson, Elmwood. boy. Besid'es his wife, he leaves two thus giving them the same right as After Ten Days Suffering with Pa- FIRST NEETING bration was no respecter of persons. Katherine Striffter, Elkland. sons, Andrew of Care and George ,o£ SEPT, 13 villages or cities. A similar law had ralysis, She Passed Away Aug. 23. Sheriff Thomas Dumphy journeyed Marie Crandell, Elkland. WVil~mot, an a,dol~ed daughter ~nd :a~ previously been declared unconstitu- over with the Sandusky delegation, Ernest Wood, Elkland. aged father, who has reached the 83rd -'~iondl. Woman's Study Club to Open Year just to keep his official eye on things,, Lucy Withey, Etkland, ~...... milestone in life and who resides at (From Shabbona Correspondent.) Hazel Martin, Grant. A ~t/ir~t law empowers villages to at Home of Mrs. Jas. Tennant. we presume. Some one picked him curl Mayv~II'e, two brothers and three .sis- Colin McRae, Greenleaf. tax and Iicense saloons in addition to Mary Jane Atkins was born in for an easy mark and lifted about te~ Isabel McIntyre, Grant. ",~'~t :tots. the state tax. Previously villages Brampton, Devonshire, England, Mar. The Woman's Study Club will open dollars from his pocket. The sherif~ Lillian Brown, Austin. Tl~e f u~'m'a~ ser~ce w~s h'e~'~ :st ,eoffld 'tax a saloon only $500 in wet 2, 1838, and departed this life Aug. 13, Zelma McKenzie, Novesta. its club year on Monday, Sept. 13, at isn't saying much about it but we have: the residence Saturday morning" at ,counties, "but now it may be as much 1915. She came to Canada with her. Ruby Watson, Greenleaf. "..... : the home of Mrs. Jas. Tennant. The good authority for the statement that Fern Seely, Elmwood. ".... " ten o'clock, ~Rev. Grant of Detrdit as decided upon but not less than the parents when five years of age. program for the day contains the fol- such is the case. Brown City Banner= Louisa Smith, Elkland. preaching the sermon. Interm, en(t wva:s State tax fixed bylaw, which is $500. She was married to Edward t~Iunt- lowing numbers--President's Greet- The Kingston team of the Thumb. Esther Cridland, Greenleaf...... made at Caro. A bill, which was introduced by ley of Dorchester on Feb. 22, 1859. To Marie Beebehyser, Novesta. ing, Mrs. G. A. Tindate; Talk on League has arranged to hold a series In t~re d-eaCh ,of Mr. Goode~ts, WII- Representative Charles A. Hulse and this union were born eight childl, en Irene McPhail. ~r :. Egypt, Mrs. D. N. Fritz; Lesson; Roll of games at Kingston on Labor Day Neva Johnson. mot loses a man whose exavnldte "it passed "by the last legislature, prohib- and of those only three are teft to - .~ Call, Item relating to Egypt. Monday, Sept. 6. The morning con- Gladys DeLong, Ellington. would be weTl wm~t~n to copy. For 47 :its ~he •reference to any deceased ex- momm the loss of a kind and loving The year book containing the en- test wilt be between Care and Brown Lulu Barnes, Grant. "~ years he had lived "five life .of a Churls-. .president of the United States in a mother. They are James Hunttey of Zella Crawford, Novesta. ~:-'~ tire program has been issued and City. The afternoon game at 1:'15, ~ian and he was a highly respected "Iiquor advertisement. Six Lakes, Mrs. S. Newlove of Speak- F. VanBlaricom, Kingston. copies distributed among the mem- will be between Marlette and Kings- Golds Hoagland. Elkland. ,c~i~en. The ,community mourns ~fis The "prohibiting 'of the sale of er and Mrs. B.F. Pritchett of Fre- bers. The program wilt be a very in- ton. Later in the afternoon, the win-. Marie Martin, Elmwood. sad and sudden 'd:eutla. "Iiquor in lumber camps or Mong mont. Her husband died in April i900 teresting one and includes many help- Continued on page eight. LeIa Flint, Novesta. logging railways in the state is an- and on May 12, 1903 she was united Hazel Bixb:~, Elmwood. ful features. Besides making a study ,0~her law, which becomes effective i:n marriage to Amass Brown of Margaret Hurley, Elk]and. • ~ of Italian pain~'-ing, some phase of Otie Hoagland, Elkland. fh~s month. Shabbona, who still survives her. She 8ROWN-GLARK child study is presented at nearly ev- LIST OF JUROR Wm. McInnes, Evergreen. Besides these laws relative to liquor also leaves two sisters, M~cs. H. S. Florence Ross• traffic, a cigarette bill, introduced by Wait of Sandusky and Mrs. S. Frank- ery meeting. For the social part of Vera Rawson, Elkland. N:ew'ty Wedded Couple ~ViIl :Residue .~'t ~Sen~tor Murford, prohibiting '.the sale lin of P.or;t Huron and three brothers, the club, four aftezmoons far the year For the September Term of Court in Milliard Spurgeon, Elk,'and. Arl¢~deIp h'ia, Ark. are planned to be heId at the homes o'f cigarettes to any person under Joseph Atkins and Richard Atkins of Tuscola County. School Notes. • w,er~ty-one years of age, also became Canada m~d John Atk£~s 'of Shabbona. of Mrs. I. B. Auten, Mrs. G. A. Striff- Conditional examinatioT~s will 'be The home of Mrs. S.elina Bro,~m ,on "effective August 24. A bill similar in Several grandchildren and a host of ler, Mrs. L. I. Wood and Mrs. E. W. conducted Thursday. Houghton St. east was 'the scene of a "its iprovisions was found unconstitu- friends and neighbors also mourn her Jones. The first of these is sched- Ch-cuit court convenes in Care on Three new instructors have heen pretty wedding on Wednesday, Sept. ~iondl and a bill introduced by Repre- death and will miss her for ]~er many uled for Sept. 20 with Mrs. F. E. Kel- Tuesday, Sept. 14, and the jury will engaged in the high school. 1, w~n-en her daughter, Mi~s Olive :Ida, ~sentagive "Hulse prohibiting the sale of acts of kindness. soy as ehairman of the eommittee. be summoned to attend on Wednes- was united in marr~a'g~e with :Harry "Gentlemen's Evening" will be cele- day, the 15th. The following are tha Regtflar foot ball practice will com- cigarettes to any person, was defeat- Mrs. Brown gave her he~'t :to God M. Clark Of Croswell. The ceremony brated on Feb. 12 in the form of a jurors drawn: mence next Tuesday, Mr. Leavenwor;th :ed. N:r. ~ulse states that he will urge while in youth and H~ed a true .and was performed at high noon by Rev. official-s to assist in enforcing the faithful Christi n until death. Ten Lincoln banquet. Akron, John T. Barrett. acgir~g" as coach. Arbela, Clarke Blake. It. C. ~Iayward, pa.s:~or ,of ~the B apt£st law,s. days previous to her death she was The following" ladies, elected last Elementary history is being intro- Almer, August Remain. church. The couple were attended by Representative°Hulse says that he stricken with paralysis and from that spring, are the officers: President, duced in the sixth grade a~d physi- Columbia, Wm. T. Stricter. Miss Anna Clark and Cecil Brown, .w:ou]~ ~e :~he next legislature to pass time she was unable to talk to them. Mrs. G. A. Tindale; first vice presi- Dayton, Sampy Wells. ology '~n ~t~e eighth. brother of the bride. Only the im- a law whereby any person who affords The kind look and the touch of her dent, Mrs. E. W. Jones; second vice Denmark, Conrad Mueller. W. "R. I~a:iser was elected tr~mn¢ ,of_ mediate relatives of the bridM couple ~ran.spo~a~ion for one who goes hand was the only way she could make president, Mrs. J. D. Brooker; secre- Elkland, Samuel G. Benkelman. ricer at a special meeting of the board witnessed the ceremony. tary, Mrs. I. D. McCoy; treasurer, Eltington, Theodore Turner. from dry tera'itory to wet to purchase them understand she knew them. Elmwood, Philip Bert. of education Wednesday evening. The bride was beautifully gowned liquor equa~ly liable with the saloon- The services were held at the house Mrs. Jas. Torment;-librarian, Mrs. Fairgrove, Peter Johnson. The b o-ys" ,athletic association has in white net and satin and carried a keeper for ~un'ishment. Such a law Thm sday morning conducted by the F. E. Kelsey; critic, Mrs. C. W. Day; Fremont, Herman Frenzel. elected Everett ~Higgins as president, bridal boquet of white asters and he believes would stop some auto ~own- pastor, Joseph Dibden, and the re- instructor, Mrs. I. B. Auten; reporter, Gilford, Fred Kintner. sweet peas~ The bridesmaid wore Mrs. L. I. Wood; program committee Indianfields, Win. Carpenter and Clarence Travis basket ball manager, ere from carrying habitual drinkers mains were taken to Speaker where Clarence Blasius. Clayton Parker foot ball manager and flesh colored crepe de chene. to saloons ~n other counties and the funeral sermon was preached and --Mrs. D. N. Fritz, Mrs. M. M. Wick- Juniata, Amos Fox. Ernest Wood base ball and 'track Following the ceremony, a dainty bringing" them ~nc:k intoxicated. the remains laid to rest in the Speak- ware and Mrs. I. D. McCoy; reception Koylton, John Paul. team manager. Each manager will four-course luncheon was served. Mr. er cemetery. Mrs. J. B. Ccotes, Mrs. J. L. Cath- Kingston, Henry Weaver. Must Tell Where He Got Liquor. Millington, William Bird. also ac~ as secretary of his team. All and Mrs. Clark left on Wednesday's eart, Mrs. I. A. Fritz and Mrs. N. H. An Opinion most •important to "dry" Tuscola, Gee. A. Trinklein. financial transactions will be conduct- afternoon train for Arkadelphia, Ar- Beyette; lecture course Mrs. J. C. counties was handed by Attorney- Vassar, Frank Tittsworth. ed through the medium of the high kansas; where Mr. Clark wilt super- MARRIAGE LICENSES. Farrell, Mrs. A. J. Knapp, Mrs. H. Watertown, John Day. General FeIlows i~[onday. It is that office. intend fhe Commercial Department F. Lenzner and Mrs. C. R. Townsend. Novesta, Malcolm J. Ferguson. sch~ol~ any man found intoxicated in a public in a Baptist College. Marvin A. Hyde, 60, Colling; Cord Wells, Henry Rickwalt. place may be taken before a magis- Wisner, Herman Enser. The guests from out of the city A. Wood, 59, Pavillion, N. Y. Get your school books and supplies Better Than Paying Rent. trate and required to answer ques- were: Mr. and Mrs. James Clark and Walter Goudie, 34, I~rown City; at Treadgold's. Better values and Fve-room house and woodshed on tions as to where, how and from whom low prices. Kodaks and supplies at Wood's Woodland Ave. for sale $100' down daughter, Anna, parents and sister of Magdaline Dettwiler, 28, Co]wood. Drug Store. he got Lhe liquor, and if he refuses to and $11 a month for 5 years, without the groom, James Clark of Croswelt Milton J. Bender, 27, Care; Ethel answer may be adjudged guilty of interest. This is just like paying and Mrs. A. D. Waters and daughter, M. Rayle, 19, Akron. Get your school supplies at Wood's rent, except that you have something contempt of court. Drug Store. New Fall Styles in hats at Crosby in the end besides landlord's receipts. Leila, of Caron, Saskatchewan. & Son's. Inquire at Chronicle. 9-3-2 Evangelical Bake Sale. Rooms to rent. E. W. Jones. 8-27- For Sale--One exceptionally good For Sale. For Sale or Trade. The young" people of the Evangeli- Cow due Sep.t. 6; also some reg. Seed wheat For sale. " cottage organ, one Art Garland base bUrner, one wood heater., Saturday Maxwell runabout, good running or- cal church will have a bake sale Sat- Get a copy now of Gone Stratton Duroc Jersey pigs about 4 mos. old. ,der. Cheap. What have you ? Geo. Red Rock and American Banner, a at third house north of Bigelow's urday afternoon and evening, Sept. Porter's new book, Michael O'Hal- Robt. Spurgeon. 8-27-3 white wheat. These are varieties ob- H. Widdows, Cumber, Mich. 9-3-2 4, at the Ricker & Krahling Meat loran" at Treadgold's Drug Store. • ~ • • • ~:!~j,~; ~ Hardware. J. C. Farrell. ~aineo from the 2~icntg'a~t ~pez'imelt ~arket. All good things to eat will Price's canning powder and all statmn, East Lansing, and are.tdzghly Lost--A fountain pen on Seeger St. For Sale. be for sale. Mellotone makes old walls new. spices for picl~l'ing and canning at recommended, good yielders and shoi:t Finder please leave at Chronicle office. 40-acre and 30-acre farms near Cass Bigelow sells it. Treadgold'§ Drug Store. stiff straw. Also a small amount of 9-3- City. Fritz & Waidley. 9-3- Horse, 5 years old, for sale. C.L. the Marvelous, a red whea~; grew Robinson. 9-3-2 from ½ bushel sowing 38 bushels this Rooms to rent. E.W. Jones. New fall styles arrived in Doughs For Sale--1500 Wadsworth paving season. D. E. Turner, Phone 132-- Applications for positions during & Rolston Shoes for Men. Crosb~ & 1S, 2L. 9-3-2 brick. Suitable for outside chimneys coming: campaign beginning about Cow For Sale. For Sale. Son~s. or fire places. J. C. Farrell. A good young Holstein ¢¢ow, due Three year old colt. Oscar A:uten...... J • . October lst; 1915, are now being roe Sept. 20.~ John MacKichan. " 9-3-1 Strictly fresh eggs 21c, subject.~to ,~; ~ ceived; if interested, Write or call for 8*6- [ Leather hi~g strap found. Own- .... market' advance.. Stale and stained application blank. L. E. Flink, Mana- . [er may'have same by proving proper- eggs not wanted. L. H. Wood, Cuss ' T~ ger, Michigan Sugar .Co;, Care Pistil. ::•Let Wood develop and print your Spring" wagon f.oy~sate. ~ l~t~:':~F~rgu-[ty and paying :for notice. Alfred ~a~- giCy. ~]-I Day. 9-3-4p 8-13; fiXms: • sOn, Cuss City.. "'::" .... 9~3~lp :: ' SdalL $-27-2 PAGE TWO. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1!915. "'"

CASS CITY CHRONICLE. DO000000000000000000000000 KINGSTON-NOVESTA Published Weekly. o LIVE STOCK. T O*WN LINE. :hAHS o o The Tri-County Chronicle and Cass TO I#,gE o (9 ~ity Enterprise consolidated Apr. 20, Arthur Ashley has been on the sick o° A check in the growth of pigs l° 1906. by mismanagement is unneces- o° list. o° ooooo ° Subscription price---One year, $I. ,I~ N* IS15 FAiR o sary and costly. Early veins are o Mason Leek of Caro was a visitor Advertising rates made known on STATE ~pplication. o° the most economical gains, g at Geo. Martin's one day last week. *x* ~* Entered as second class matter o There is no sense or profit in o Miss Norma Retherford went to April 27, 1906, at the postoffice at o keeping hogs housed up during o .:- TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE..:.° Cass City, Michigan, under the Act BEST HN[} ,Y Caro Tuesday where she will attend o the summer. They should have~'o of Congress of Mar. 3, 1879. o° access to the pens for sleeping o high school this year. -~ LONG OR SHORT TIME * H. F. LENZNER, Publisher. Do or be provided with good shet- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cooper spent o ters and clean beds in the pas- o Sunday at Cass City. 6eneral Manager giaimon , a .w r~ " ~ =% This paper represented for foreign ).~iss !{!!a De!! e~ Abbottstord is o t)on't leave the stmep in a o ":" THE " " ~dvertising by the An~erican Press visiting this week at the home of her g. sAixK- announces Features, o dry, short pastm'e. Give them a °° Association. General offices, New o uncle, George Martin. York and Chicago. Branches in all o chance in a fresh pasture or give 4~* OF E. H. PINNEY & SON *%+* tJ~e principal cities. o° a good grain ration, o Mr. and Mr's. Clayton Lee and chil- .I* K* o Make a study of your sheep o dren spent Sunday with relatives at TO ELEBRATE L,BOI] DAY o° next fall. Lots of men know o° Fairgrove. SHABBONA. o very little about these animats. °o Don't forget the ice cream social at If you keep sheep keep good 6 Organizations .From All Over Michigan Mr. Coleman's Tuesday evening', Sept. Mrs. J. Hay has blood poison in her 0 ones. 0 Invited to Be Present--High Class arm. o° The man who really loves a o° 7. Attractions ,A,r,e Secured For the Big o horse cannot ill treat him. o Misses Ella Dell, Goldie and Lillie # Clark Phillips left for Mariette ~x pos;i~ion, Sunday where he will attend school. o Water given to a horse right o Martin were visitors at Cass City o after grain carries away from o Tuesday. i DON'T Look likea Tramp "Th, e 1'91;5 :Sta~e Fair to be held at Morley Keyworth of Grayling was o the stomach a good portion of o Detroi£, Sept. g ~o 15, will be the Mrs. Curtis Cooper of Riehvilte is here on business last week. o° nourishment before it is proper- o° greatest exposition ~of its kind ever visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mrs. Hugh Gordon and son, Rus- o ly digested, o Your clothes are all right--good enough for ~nyone held in Michigan, ~" declared General o o Ashley. sel, and Loretta Leonard of Detroit Manager G. W. Dickinson today while 000'00000000000000000000000 but they need are visiting at D. Clark's. Mrs. John Sehaas of Cass City vis- discussing the arrangements which ited her niece, Mrs. Earnest Lester, ..~ Mrs. Waldon is entertaining her have been made to s~'ure the best and last week Thursday and also called!!~ granddaughter, Miss Hillman, of highest type of attra~etions for the FINISHING YOUR6 on other friends here. :( Greenleaf. Fair. Dry Cleaning: 8fld Preesing, Mr. and Mrs. McConne] and chil- Relatives from Alpena visited at H. "We have spared no expense to make @ dren, Miss Pearl Genereaux and Miss[-:*4, to make them have that "nifty" look. Lorentzen's the past week. the 1915 Fair the best in the histm:'y HOBS FOB NAIKET Nora Mushier attended the Free i.:. H. Lewis and family of Cumber of the state. There will be features Methodist conference at Snorer Sun-i*~ for the person who likes thrills as well ge were in town Monday. The man who is engaged in pork day. ,:. as educational exhibits, automobile Mrs. B. F. Bates is very sick. growing as a special branch of farm- I Mrs. Lee of Pontiac, who has been i*:* races, better babies' contest, scores of ing and not merely feeding pigs to find Geo. Agar of McHugh has rented high class attractions on the Midway, spending a au outlet for his t':tr'm bYI ro(~udts must few weeks with her i*:* @ the Keyworth farm. horse show and horse races, milking recognize the fact that young bogs up parents, Mr. and Mrs, Coleman, re- :.:. @ contest for girls and various other at- F. McGregory and family were in to six months of age need a growing, turned to her home last Friday. *> Samples traclions too numerous to menttion. i*> Cass City Saturday. not a fattening, ration and that they ,> Farmers Show interest. need feed in judicious quantities, writes Jessie lV[cLennan spent Monday at "Of course the exhibits in the live a hog grower in the iowa Homestead. CEDAR RUN. {: her home. stock and agricultural departments wilt Regular feeding is o~m of the chief es- TaiI r- Sa 8 Suils $35 Mr. Marshall of Windsor is visiting attract the attentfon of the city as well sentials to a steady, unremitting William Webster of Onaway is vis- at Dan Leslie's. as rm'aI residents. Entries are bein.~ growtJa, and three feeds a day are bet- iting friends here. 4+ GUARANTEED TO FIT. made much earlier thnn usual by the ter than two. and while following this Gus Zapfe and family of Pingree Master Rolland tIendriek, who has @ exhibitors, and I believe that the en- I method it is advisable that they be fed spent Sunday at Jam Cook's. been visiting at his grandparents tries will total more ~han ever before. only what they will clean up with ap- R.M. Riley and family, Mr. and The farmers and stock breeders are parent relish. Ahvays bear in mind here, has returned to his home in Bay City. Mrs. Wm. Auslander attended the Ca- taking an active interest in the fair. that the mos~ valuable asset of the *I+ rD fair Thursday. and there will be keen competition in growing pig is about 120 pounds of The Cedar Run school wilt com- every department for the thousands of bone. muscle and vigor, aided and sup- Mrs. J. Parrott of *ass City was a mence September the sixth. dollars whic.h we will award as prizes. ported by a natm'al keen appetite. caller here Friday. "We are making special plans to cele- From the fifth to the sixth month Mr. and Mrs. James Kelknap and We have some very industrious brate Labor day this year. Labor day should be the period of preparation-- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson spent @ farmers these days. They seem to opens the Fair. and we want the labor that is, the time when we are getth~g Sunday evening at Wm. Shay's at Cass forget when Sunday eomes and keep unions from throughout the state to the pigs gradually accustomed to their City. fattening ration. During this period I right on cutting •grain. come to Detroit on sept. 6 and assist us in celebrating the occasion. In ad- have always obtained the best results Our Advice Is: Rev. W. J. Eastlake, who came here dition to all the regular features of by feeding plenty of corn and giving When you feel out of sorts from consti- on business, spent a few days with the Fair, we will have a special Labor the pigs the mm of a field of clover, al- pation, let us say that if old friends. We are glad to hear day program and are now attempting" falfa or cowpeaS. In this way their di- that the family are alt well. to secure a speaker of world reputa- gestive systems gradually become ac- customed to the change of diet. and by Mrs. J. P. Granger and family are tion to give the Labor day address." the end of a month or six weeks they do nod relieve you, see a physician, ead the Advertisements. entertaining her mother, Mrs. David because no other home remedy will. Carney, and brother, George Carney, Sold only by us, 10 cents ...... "...... and niece, Ruth Carney, all of San- ~.. L. I. Wood & Co. dusky. TWENTY EVENS "<~ii" Orville Leach of Elmer spent Sun- day with his father and other friends here. OR RACEPRO[SAN The box social given by the Leslie S. S. at Mr. Cameron's was well at- tended. All report a good time. MichiNn State Fair Purses Mr. and Mrs. John MacKichan en- The Hampshire or Thin Rind hog tertained on Sunday the Misses Mabel Total Over $14,000, is a peculiarly marked breed which, and Nellie MaeKiehan of Big" Rapids its admirers hold, possesses unex- celled bacon qualities. That this and Anna MacKichan of Argyle. breed has great merit as a bacon The Reasons hog is undoubtedly true, but out- < -. HORSEMENARE INTERESTED side of a few restricted districts he < ; Tr=ps In Frenoh. has never gained any special popu- Why the Chronicle's Plan of Handling Auction <*I, & frequent trap in French for the larity as a bacon producer. When his type and blood become better I:$ unwary is the difference of meaning in General Manager Dickinson Says known he is sure to gain a wider Sales Ought to Be Favored by Every One Who +& ~ImiJar phrases. For example, "falre Michigan Short Ship as Well as popularity. The hog shown is a pffre feu" means to fire a gun, while "fair, bred Hampshire boar. Grand Circuit Stables Will Be Rep- Contemplates Having a Sale in This Section du feW' means to light a fire; "tomber *:.+ resented at Detroit. of the Thumb- p~r terre" conveys the idea of falling are in the bes~ of condition to make ~e to the ground from one's own height, The fastest trotters and pacers in good use of all the corn they are capa- whereas "tomber a terre" means to fall Michigan as well as other states in ble of handling. At the end of this FIRST-=~ECAUSE IT IS A DEMONSTRATED SUCCESS. In the past six from any height--in other words, to the central west will be attracted to period they should be well rounded out years, hundreds of auction sales have been advertised in the CHRONICLE to the mutual tumble down and to tumble off. In the State Fair this fall by purses to- and weigh at least 165 pounds. satisfaction of the seller and buyer. Many of those who advertised their sales in the the same way "trailer de fat" means During the last two months, the fin- taling more than $14,000. The speed CHRONICLE have said that on a few articles they have realized enough more than to call a man a fop and "traiter en roi" ishing period, the previously built I4rogram will open the Fair on Labor they expected, to pay all the expenses of the sale. In practically all cases when results to treat him like a king. frame and digestive capacity, in the day, Sept. ~, and continue for five have been compared with expectatiQns the sales advertised in the CHRONICLE have ex- The English bore may be expressed making of which a variety of suitable days. ceeded expectations, in some cases by several hundred dollars. in [{%6 "~rays--7'-u'n raseur" gives tim feeds is so essential, is loaded with fat. General Manager G. W. Dickinson of SECOND--BECAUSE PEOPLE HAVE COME TO LOOK TO THE CHRONICLE idea of an active bore and "une bas- a process in which corn produces the the State Fair asserts that he has *:-+ ~inoire" of a passive bore.--London cheapest gains. Notwithstanding that FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS OF SALES. The success of the CHRONICLE'S plan of been assured by scores of horsemen Saturday Review. t:orn has been the object of much crit- advertising sales has naturally led people to expect that an auction sale in this section that they will have their strings at icism by theoretical hog feedersi yet will be advertised in the CHRONICLE, just as they expect that the rural carrier will Detroit during the Fair, and close com- The Spendthrift. the fact remains that corn and water deliver their mail. petition in the twenty races on the The applause that accompanies the will produce more economical gains program is expected. THIRD BECAUSE OF ITS SMALL EXPENSE. We make a uniform charge for ~pendthrift never has a cash value.-- than mixed feeds. Mixed feeds may Not only will the Michigan ~ Short our service in reaching practically all the people of this section, that is but a little above Judge. produce slightly greater gains, but the Ship Circuit be represented at the State what used to be charged for sale bills that were read by only a few of the people. -:-¢~ quality of the pork is not so good. and Fair races, but it is expected that the loss from shrinkage on the road to FOURTH BECAUSE IT PUTS THE SELLER IN TOUCH WITH HIS BEST .~.~:. many of the Grand Circuit trotters aml market is greater than is the case with AVAILABLE CUSTOMER. The CHRONICLE goes into practically every home in Cass ¢.~ ~.~ pacers will compete for the purses corn, fed hogs. City and the surrounding territory. The people naturally look to the Chronicle to learn .:o¢~ which have been hung up. How many pounds should the pigs about auction sales. If a man in this section of the country wants for his own purposes .~,¢÷2e 2~ "The State Fair is for the people of weigh when they are eight months old? any tool or live stock advertised in any sale, he knows just where to go to find it. He .**,,~q+ i~i Michigan," declared Mr. Dickinson, CASS Well, that depends upon the man him- .:, "and we want the Michigan horses rep- will be prepared to bid what he believes the article or animal is worth, because he has ***o¢~ self. My ideal is the 300 pound hog at resented at our races. While some use for it. There will be no element of speculation in his bid. With the old plan, the .:.¢. eight months of age, but my ideal is Grand Circuit horses undoubtedly will people in the immediate neighborhood were the only ones who knew of the sale, and they ,:o¢~,Io¢. CITY quite a way from my present achieve- be brought to Detroit this fall. a ma- would generally bid because they hoped to buy something cheap. #**~,'0 meats. I think I do well when I have 2e .;o jority of the entries will be made by FIFTH--BECAUSE IT AVOIDS HAVING TWO AUCTION SALES IN THE ,;..:÷ Michigan owners and drivers." a bunch of pigs that average about 265 BANK pounds at tlmt age. This is a mark that SAME NEIGHBORHOOD ON THE SAME DAY. The CHRONICLE makes dates for ~,¢÷ Half Mile Track Used, any careful and intelligent feeder the auctioneers and practically all of them report the sales they book to this office, :!,,:÷ The races will be staged on the half should be able to reach. which is the recognized auction sate headquarters. If we find two sales are booked for ,~,¢. mile track, thus assuring the specta- of I. B. Auten. the same locality on the same day we can and do at once take it up with the parties :i '¢~ tors of a better opportunity to see the Rape For Hog Pasture. interested, and arrange for a change of one of the sales, thereby avoiding spoiling both ~':~ Established speedy equines. The entries for the Rape can be seeded any time from sales. ~ ~:,~ 1882 State Fair races will clos:e Aug. 24. early in spring until late summer. It The race program the first day, Sept. takes from six re ten weeks for it to SIXTH BECAUSE THE CHRONIcLE'S PLAN REACHES ALL THE PEOPLE ~¢0 0. includes the 2:30 trot, 2:20 pace, 2:24 get large enoua'h to lnake very much OF THIS SECTION WHILE THE AUCTION BILL REACHES ONLY A FEW IN •~i~.:,~ pace and 2:08 pace, Purses of $600 pasture. During the ho~ summer THE IMMEDIATE LOCALITY OF THE SALE. ~'~¢~ each will be awarded in all events but months it STOWS somewhat slowly, so SEVENTH BECAUSE THE CHRONICLE CONTAINING THE AUCTION ~'4~ Pays 4 q5 the 2:24 pace. which will be a $t,000 that if seeded late in July it will not ADVERTISING IS LAID AWAY AND PRESERVED IN THE HOME WHILE THE .:i~¢~ stake. make much pasture until the latter BILL IS SUBJECT TO THE WINDS AND RAINS AS IT IS TACKED ON THE ~:~ The $1.000 purse event the second part of September. But fl'om then on -FENCES AND TREES. ,:~¢,, day is the 2:18 pace. The winners in until late in tim fall it will make the Quarterly interest on cer- the 2:12 trot, 2:16 trot and 2:14 pace best of hog pasture. There is an abun- tificate of deposit. will receiye $600 purses. dance of moisture in the ground at the The Chronicle's Method of Advertising Auctions i,~. The $600 events on the third day are present time, and for that reason the Money to loan on Real Estate the 2:10 pace. 2:16 pace and 2:15 trot results will probably be better than is endorsed by the leading auctioneers. ~,~. for three-year-o!d speedsters. One ~u~ual. The ground should b.e plowed thousand dollars will be distributed and worked down to a fine. seed bed.-- Safety Deposit Boxes among the winners in the 2:18 trot. Kansas Farmer. For Rent. The 2:12 pace and Do4.:_ trot are $1,000 THE CASS CITY CHRONICLE i":*,g. events on Sept. 9. Six hundred dollar When Horse is Overheated. purses are announced for the 2:20 pace Watch your horse. If he stops sweat- G. A. TINDALE, Cashier and 2:22 trot. ing suddenly or if he breathes short and The 2:14 trot is the $1,000 purse race quick or bf his ears droop or if he B. AUTEN, Asst. Cashier 11. on the final day of the horse racing, stands with his legs braced sideways ;± , N while the $600 events are the 2:22 pace, he is in danger of a heat or sun stroke 2:10 trot and free for all pace. and needs attention at once. CASS CITY CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3:,, I915. PAGE THREE.

OAK BLUFF. ¢. H. S. Wickware and Paul ° Cooper went to Detroit, returning in the POULTRY o auto with Marc Wiekware on Fri- Be Good to Your Land EGGS day. Mrs. C. D. Striffier and sons, Stan- Think not upon the past; it is gone. Or It Can't Be Good to You. ley and Kenneth, closed their cottage W]sety~ im,pro.xre the present; it is yours. $ and went to their home at Cass City @~ forth to meet the future with No land in Tuscola County or Michigan, can stand Saturday. brave and manly h:eart. FALL WORK WITH TURKEYS. Love keeps the cold out better than a continuous "cropping" without destroying its fertility. Mrs. Perry and granddaughter, cloak. Wide Range and Variety of Grain Feed Edith, left for their home in Oxford ]~t serves for food and raiment. Every bushel of grain that you raise, and sell from your --Longfellow. Are Main Requirements. Thursday. farm takes awav lust so much fertilifw K~m~e~h %Vie!


Mrs. Peter Diamond, who has been 00000000000000000000000000 L. A. Maynard of Kingston was a The local schools opened Monday. "'0 0 caller in town Monday. W~n. Shay was a Caro visitor the guest of relatives here, returned to her home in Saginaw Thursday. AUTOMOBILE OOMPANY'S B N[I TO oo LOCAL ITEMS o Mrs. A.A. Hitchcock returned Wednesday. o o D. A. Graham of Vassar was the oooooooooooooo0ooooooooooo from Kalamazoo, Monday. Hazen Carson was a Saginaw visi- guest of his daughter, Mrs. E. W. Miss Belle Parker of Wilmot was tor Monday. PLAY AT MICHIGAN STATE FAI Gladys Hayward has returned from Jones, from Saturday to Wednesday. Pt. Huron after a month's visit. the guest of friends here Monday. A. M. Kelley made a business trip Miss Frances McGillvray returned Clifford Edg~ertdn started for De- to Caro Tuesday. Miss Lena Gallagher expects to go home Wednesday afternoon from a troit Tuesday with his motorcycle. T. J. Brand was called to Detroit ~2..:.:.~..<< :<~N~i?'-".;:-.<~,~ ~' } x.'....%.:. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :q:::::::: :: to Highland Park Monday for the weeks' visit with friends in Bad Axe, Tuesday by the illness of his sister. school year. I. B. Auten and family motored to Saginaw and Detroit. Lapeer Sunday to visit O. K. Janes. E. F. Kreiman returned to Saginaw Mrs. O. W. Nique and daughter, Henry Wettlaufer of Detroit greet- after spending a short time with rela- Eleanor, of Decker Visited with Cass Miss Ersel Wallace visited in Pon- ed friends in Cass City Monday and tives here. h::::::::-:+ "~ City relatives Monday. tiac and Detroit during the week end. Tuesday. Mr. Wettlaufer is driving ~. F. Benl:e!mau T^}.~-- * ~, :~'ii~ Ye;a K~ima~ h~4t Pr;~ny tc aud a {~; n. p. ~o~e roac~ster. kelman made a business trip to Sagi- go to Marion today to begin her work visit relatives in Detroit and Port Hu- Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Blankley of naw Wednesday. in the public schools there. ron. Sylvania, Ohio, motored to Cass City Miss Nina BrcWebb goes to Birm- Mrs. G. W. Landon entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mudge ex- and are spending two weeks with the ingham Saturday where she will Thimble Club at her home Wednes- pect to move into the Tindate resi- former's sister, Mrs. S. Champion. dence next week. teach school the coming year. day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wood and Miss Myrtle Orr started Tuesday Mrs. A. McGillvray visited with J. H. Striffter and family, Mr. and two daughters, who have been guests for Glendive, Montana where she will friends in Atwater and Ubly two Mrs. O. W. Nique and daughter, of Mr. Wood's mother, Mrs. Mary teach school. On her way she will days this week. drove to Etkton Sunday. Ford, left Monday morning for their visit friends at Mihvaukee. F. E. Kelsey attended the bean Miss Jennie McGregor left Monday home in Birmingham, Alabama. Grey Lenzner °returned home Sat- dealers' convention in Saginaw a few fbr Barryton, Mich., where she will Masons are placing the brick on the urday evening after spending a week days this week. make her home with relatives. G. A. Strittler residence on Grant St. FORD MOTOR BA,~,. with his uncle, Sahmel Lenzner, in Misses Edna Brown, Kathryn Mc- A. A. Jones exhibited a long potato The brick are the Greendale Rug Detroit. Larry and Catherine Fritz drove to vine at the Chronicle office Saturday. variety, the first of the kind to be THE Ford Motor band, one of the peer of any industrial musical body In musical organizations which the United States. It is in California, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martus and It measured seven feet in length. laid in this section of the state. Gagetown Sunday. will furnish music at the Mich- where the musicians went by special ~[r. and Mrs. F. J: Nash, sr., motored The Presbyterian Missionary so- Mrs. Lloyd Reagh underwent an op- Announcements have rt.ached Cass igan State Fair at Detroit train to attend the San Francisco ex- to Bad Axe where they visited friends ciety met with Mrs. W. H. Murphy eration for appendicitis at Pontiac City of the marriage of Clyde Lutz, Sept. 6 to 15, is composed of fifty-six position. The band will visit several Thursday and Friday. Thursday afternoon. Thursday. She is recovering nicely. a former resident here, to Miss Ads employees of the Ford factory. [['he cities in the west and will return t~ band. which is supported and uniform- Detroit just previous to the opening of Miss Edith Mead is enjoying a va- Miss Sadie Rumble of Deckerville William Bien left Thursday for Leipheimer, on Thursday, Aug'. 26, at ed by the company, is considered the the State Fair. cation from her work at Jones' Gro- was the guest of Mary Yakes for sev- Topaz, Ontonagan county, to teach Sharon, Pa. They will reside in that cery. She is spending a week or ten eral days this week. the upper grades in a 10-grade school. city. days in Detroit and Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powell of Glad- Burr Gowan left Monday for Bad Alex Duneanson left Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. John Schwah~ and win spent Sunday and Monday at the Axe where he is conducting a general afternoon for Mr. Pleasant to enter niece, Miss Marjorie Hess, of Sebe- home of E. W. Jones, refreshment stand at the Bad Axe fair upon his second year as principal of waing were guests at the home of H. this week. the Mt. PIeasant high school. He ii August 24, 1915 F. Lenzner Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lillian Yakes went to Detroit Mr. and Mrs. P. S. McGregory, commences his school duties next Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bingham and Saturday morning after visiting her "- Notice." Helen MeGregory, Ola Kreiman and Tuesday. little daughter of Muskegon, who have mother for a short time. Miss Dollie Garnham motored to Elk- Miss CeeiI Krapf left Wednesday ~i An adjourned meeting of The Farm Produce Co. been the guests of relatives here and Mr. and Mrs. Mills and Mr. Gar- ton Sunday. morning for Davison to fill the po- at Gagetown for several days, re- butt of Appleg'ate were guests of ~i will be held in the Town Hall at Cass City, SaturdaY, sition of instz-actor of Latin and Ger- turned to their home Monday morning. John A. Sandham Friday. Miss Clara Clough returned to her ~: September 4, at 3:00 o clock p. m. All stockholde s home in Toronto Monday after spend- man in the public schools of that Mr. Bingham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thos. Sandham and Mrs. Me- ing nearly a week with her sister, Mrs. city. This is Miss Krapf's second .~: should be present. ~ J. W. Bingham, of Gagetown accoom- Phee attended the home coming" pic- Bruce Brown. year there. partied them to Muskegon where they nic at Gagetown Tuesday. ~: THE FARM PRODUCECO. Roy. and Mrs. Gregory are the The Purity Council met at the home }.~ • PERRY, See. ~* will visit for some time. Mrs. Caroline Thomas and three parents of a baby boy, who was born of Mrs. Wilbur MarshalI Friday af- Mrs. Morley Wickware and two daughters were guests at the home of Wednesday. He has been named Gus- ternoon. There were twelve present. children, Miss Katherine Miller, Mrs. Dr. A. N. Treadgold Sunday. Agnes Wiekware and Stanley Wick- tave ~Robinson. At the close of the meeting, all en- Miss Marion Treadgold returned to ware started Tuesday for the west Clifford Gracey left Thursday for joyd the pot luck supper and ex- her home in Port Huron Friday. Mrs. after a visit with relatives here. Mrs. Hotchkiss, Colorado, where he has pressed themselves as having" had a E. Treadgold accompanied her. g. Morley Wickware and children go to accepted the position as superinten- .~'ood time. ,:. g, Mrs. E. F. Kreiman and daughter, their home in Valiers, Mont.; Miss dent of schools. Treadgold's D~ug Store has installed Ola, expect to return to their home ° Plenty of School Books and Miller goes to i~aynesford where she Mrs. George MeCrea and two chil- a U. S. stamp vending machine. A in Saginaw Monday, after a visit with -- .I: will teach school; while Mrs. Agnes dren of Owendale were guests at the nickel dropped into the machine will Mrs. Kreiman's mother, Mrs. Hugh Wickware and Stanley Wickware go home of Mrs. McCrea's mother, Mrs. deliver either two "twos" or four :i: Supplies McColl: to their home in Bison, S. Dak. R. Orr, for the week end. "ones'" as the customer desires. The Arthur E. Brown, a former student machine works on the jitney plan e. left after the rush of school opening. If your boy or girl ¢" Mrs. Catheart was hostess at a tea of the Cass City high school, entered only. are not barred, but for Mrs. Giles of Lapeer Saturday. ;*~: will be late in starting to school this fall remember we ~: upon his new duties on Monday morn- they fail to produce results. Being Twelve ladies were the guests and can fit them out complete in whatever Mud ing as principal of the Watrousville near the post office, the machine is •.I, of text book g** refreshments were served. schools. proving to be a great convenience to e* or supplies that they may need. * Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ficken and son, George Hoagland returned to his the man who wants to mail a letter Ralph, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. * ARE YOU home in Elba Monday after spending and finds the stamp window closed. John Wagester of Linkville spen~i:Frl- two weeks with his uncle and aunt, An absence of 20 years from Cass day at the home of It. F. Lenzner. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martus, and oth- City revealed to J. P. Howe of Rands- Mrs. Etta Kaufman, who has been Boys and Girls, Attention! .:. GOING TO, er relatives. • . burg, Californ~i~, many changes in 4* the guest of friends at Cass City and . Roy. and Mrs. Jesse W. ~Hamb.lir~ the tox~m where he began his business Caro for several weeks, Ieft Tuesday We have just unpacked over 150 copies o I boys' and glrl:g' ...... attended the wedding of Miss Laura :career. Mr. Howe was the senior -:... for her home in Minneapolis, Mihn, member of the old firm of Howe & SCHOOL? :,'.,:Hamblin and James Jonson at Superi- - or, Mich. They expect to return Mrs. Eva Maharg has moved into Bigelow, hardware merchants, and is 25c BooKs iI home Saturday. her new home which has just "been now visiting his former Bartner, N. ° { completed. This is the first residence Then we have what Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crocker and lit- Bigelow. Mr. Howe made the trip to be erected in the Seed Park addi- These include the tle son and Mrs. Julia Neindorf and east during the middle of August and you want, for we tion. says. that all the country east of the •"e '~ children, who have been visiting at ol- Boy Scout, Motor Boat Boy, Boy Aviators, '~ the home of John Crocker, motored to Miss Ruth Benkelman was able to Rockies suffered from the excessive "*I* ¢* have spared neither their home in Saginaw Sunday. return to her home Saturday from rains. He estimated that in but one Ranger Boy, Motor Boat Girl, Girl Avi- the hospital, where she underwent an acre in twenty was the grain harvest- Mrs. E. R. Morrison of Buffalo, N. time nor pains in operation for appendicitis some time ed at tha~ time. The Thumb country ators, and Camp Fire Girl Series. Come -1¢ Y., who has been the guest of Mrs. A. ¢o ago. is more fortunate than in many sec- selecting our Books N. Treadgold, teft Tuesdayfor Marine ¢, in and see the books and make your selec- tions in states farther west where the City. From there she will travel to Mrs. T. L. Tibbals and daughters, ¢* ~t. crops suffered more than here. for all grades and the Duluth on the boat of which her hus- Belva and Anna Bell, returned Mon- tion while the stock is complet& band is captain. day from Brown City where they More Locals on Page Eight. #. -**** best assortment of g¢ spent a week with relatives and Miss Ethel Striffter went to Caro friends. Saturday to accompany her uncle and Bicycles and tires at cost. G.W. g . aunt, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Clark, on an H. R. Wager returned Monday from Goff. 8-27-2 Pt. Huron where he visited his father !:: TreadEoid's Dru , Store I auto trip. They started Sunday who is very ill. He is over 70 years of Tablets morning and are visiting in Carson For Sale--One driving horse, mare, --w~f', Lake Odessa, Ionia, Grand Rap- age and there is little hope for his 10 years old; also buggy and harness, recovery. ids and other places. They wilt be all in good condition. Write or inquire of Rev. G. W. Scott, Argyle, Mich.8- away about a week. Mrs. Angus ~zcGillvray visited *:- Pencils .In 20-3 ~,~,mreaa~o u~ ~'a entertained with friends inAtwater from Wednes- Miss Vernita T,~ ;_1 =_ *I~ %** to While there she at- **** .I÷ her cousin, Miss Marion Treadgold, at say rrmay. Rope and cutting part for all kinds ~~s~;.r ~- ~~.~~uesaa - evening at tended the funeral of her cousin, Nor- a ¢3~rd of machinery. G.L. Hitchcock. Ink man Mcisaac. which thirty guests were present. **** ***÷ Dainty refreshments were served, J.C. Corkins left Thursday morn- Three mowers, one side rake, one g~ ¢÷ eons~s*~n~ of fruit salad, wafers, ing for a visit with friends at Detroit second-hand mower, and one new hand * ÷:÷ roller for sale. G.L. Hiteheock. .,° Children I Pens *:" grape juice, ice cream, cakes and [ and Ypsitanti. At the latter place he 4* ~I- ~:~.:. mints. expects to attend a reunion of the 4+ Fresh stock of Dutch Process Pure ":'.... Wear -'-':" *:* Roy. Hayward was compelled to Corkins family. White Lead and Raw Oil. G. L. Hitch- ¢. Rulers "~ dismiss services in the ]Baptist church ~ John E. Winter, a former superin; cock. #, Sunday morning when the back part tendent of the Cass City Schools, will o" Glasses o "1÷ of the church dropped sevetal inches be at the University of North Dakota Go to Wood's Drug Store for Slates *:* below the front, caused by a beam in next year. He will teach Education Blatchford's Calf Meal. ":'.:. These *.,.:.* #* the floor breaking. Fortunately the and Psychology. Registered Lincoln ram for sale or damage was slight m~d none were in- Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bliss, Mr. and exchange. E. E. Dewey, R. R. 3, Cass Days Copy Books jure& Services will be resumed next Mrs. John W. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. C. City. 8-27-2p *:"¢÷ Sunday. D. Striffler and Stanley Striffter and q, 4÷ The Priscilla Club were entertained Miss Clara Dolwick were visitors at See Treadgold's for all school Book Bags ÷~" at the home of Mrs. Ira D. McCoy in Wenona Beach Sunday. books and supplies. Than ever before. You see them everywhere. . **** honor of Miss Olive Brown Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard ~ug~'-er'on We serve a 25 cent meal that~can But it isn't a sign (as many people suppose) that :~i :~ Most of the time was spent in com- and son, Robert, Ieft Wednesday not be excelled anywhere or by any- there are more eye defects among children than there ":- Book Straps *~'.~. piling autobiographies of the mere- morning for Detroit where they will body. Others tell us so, and we are used to be. e. ~**~ bers. The Club presented Miss Brown visit friends. Mr. mugu~'~-er%n expects telling you so. Try one. Schwaderer's .:~ with a cut glass cream and sugar set. to enjoy several league games while Restaurant. 8-13-4 It means that there is a better recognition of the ~.1 and in fact ÷:. Ice cream, cakes, coffee and salted in the city. value of Glasses than formerly, e. ~:" nuts were served. Thrifty, shrewd, careful people O÷=. The r~ ~ ~ .~ ..~ A. Clifford Edgerton returned the make it a habit to read the Chronicle School studies are a tax on the eyes. The holding . everything ¢. ~ae~s~ young ~eov~e met with first of the week ffrom Detroit. He liner ads. Do you? These ads are of book at unusual distance from the face is an indi- . Mrs. Arthur Jones ~r~as evening, has decided to pursue a course in the money savers and money makers. .~÷~÷ where a shower was given~_~_._f°r :Miss Detroit Cll-o--ege Keep your eyes on them. cation of trouble, and Glasses are the proper relief. ¢.*I÷ of Medicine and will needed for Olive Brown. Several you need our services you can't come too soon. ":* weamng jour- leave within a few weeks to commence Caroline Fenn-Bigelow, Instructor in If #. neys were taken, which provided his studies there. Voice and ~ iano. *~÷ muck amusement. After the enter- School. *:* Mr. and Mrs. David Law and Mr. Mrs. Bigelow is now making ar- -1-tainment, refreshments were served. rangements for the coming" season be- ÷1" 'and Mrs. J. A. Renshler and daugh- R* ¢÷ Miss Brown was presented v, ith soy- 1 ginning the 7th of Sept. Persons de- ii_-t" A ® H o Higgins o" #~ al pieces of silverware, ter, Irene, left Wednesday morning siring instruction should enroll at -° once. Sight Singing, Musical Histo- -I *:~ Mr. and Mrs. John CaldwelI autoed on a ten-day automobile trip to Jeweler and Optometrist xa&,x~ r5% H~ymo~y~ Rudiments, Instruction .:.~* to Harbor Beach Saturday morning to[ Saginaw's_at the'~'-* to Music Teachers, etc., given upon *;* meet their daughter, Miss Adah, who and Detroit. They will enjoy a few application. Ensemble work a spec- ~ has been attending summer school at ua~s state fair. ialty. Mrs. Bigelow employs no _ i i~÷ Ann,Arbor, and Miss Lura Dewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allard, former methods but those approved by stan- Drug Store dard authorities, has had five years a ,.~ who has been visiting in the Uhiversi- residents here and now of Caro, ex- of advanced training in Voice and cass city ~ity city. The young ladies made the pected to leave yesterday for Walker- Piano including a three years' course ~ trip from Detroit to Harbor Beach by ville where Mr. Allard has accepted a in Albion College Conservatory of boat, Miss Caldwetl leaves tomor- position in the Canadian automobile Music with a year of special work for teachers. Studio over Middleton's Read the Advertisements. row to teach in Bay City. plant of the Studebaker Co. Confectionery Store. Phone 30. cAss CITY CHRONICLE, FR:IDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915. PAGE FIgE

!GOING HUNTING ? HOW TO ~lv *&e condition df one's mind had much [IT C | lllKgl[J BETTER READ THIS ONE HUNDRED: YEARS to do with one's living a long and use- have no new program to announce, no Y. r. A. take Sale ful life. The prime thing was cheer- new gospel to preach, no, new sensa- llUlUd II! I|l Hltl|lL! " fulness. And very very fortunately tions to spring. Nor have we anything i ' ] Continued from first page. Continued from first page. Saturday Afternoon cheerfulness and happiness did not de- startling to say what we are going" to ' "-- " t scientific or ;educatignal purposes with- poisons. Wearing ftannMs tended t~ pend so much on outside conditions do. It is better to do it than to talk Under the auspices of the young .... ,.^, ~, ~ O.nski~red lout securing a permit to do so from clog tt~e pores. This eouk~ be over- Ob~rvauun ~a, ,o ~ ~ t o. as upon conditions within one's own about doing it. A high sounding people of the Evangelical church , ...... ,__ ,the secretary of the non-~ame bird come hy a few moments of vigorous ontrol. And if one had the right con- manifest is often followed b;y a weak at the meat market of kicker & Imp0rzant U[llt Dy /hil IFl{~ !commission" exercise. Or it could be to a large ex- ditions making" for cheerfulness with- campaign. It is not improper, how- Armies En aoed. I Don't use headlights for hunt!at tent overcome by brushing the skin Krahling. Come and buy. in him, he would soon find that .out- ever, to recall some: elementary facts. l deer or have them in your possession night and morning vigorously with a side conditions would shape them- This church tries to represent certain ..... tat any time. coarse brush, for about two minutes. selves so that they would minister to ideas. It stands for a certain type of 'DIFFERENT Don't kill but one deer during one The third means of elimination of one's happiness and cheerfulness. He Christianity. We are very much dis- ..... ~ t season. bodily waste and poison were the Coming Back to gave these five rules which, if fol- satisfied with o~r selves, but we are l Don't kill deer until Nov. 10. bowels. And inattention to them, es- German Ca:~ AVe Light,or Than ~he I :;~,*~ de~r b,, the w,÷er lowed, would immediately oroduee very much satisfied with our ideal. ]dl! 9eciai]y ~he disea~ ~f c~-~>[[patK.~, Cass C:"" Mich. cheerfulness: For instance, we believe h~ the spirit French, Who Employ Motor ~,apa- j Do~f~ kili a fawn wid~ a spotted was the source of breaking down (1) Cultivate the habit of looking realization as distinguished from the ble of Drawing Light Trailer [coat. physicaIly of men and women who on the bright side of every experience. secularization of it. Our creed neither With a Number of Men and 1 Don't try and ship partridge, killed should be in their prime. He deetared United Doctors Specialisl (2) Accept cheerfully the place begins nor ends with philanthropy. It a Kite Equipment. I during 1)iunting season, as they must that there yeas no reason whatever that is yours, believing it is the best simply includes that. Our business is Witl Again Be At The -~- l be carried as open hand baggage in why anyone should suffer from consti- possible place for you. with hope and inspiration. Our Alpha • The observation car is:: an impor' lsuCh a manner as to be readily seen pation. He recommended the follow- (3) Throw your whole soul and and Omega is God in Christ. We pre- GORDON TAVERN rant unit at the front. Both sides make land inspected ...... ing five things and said that doing extensive use of it, says the Scots- I Don't take any brook trout of any spirit into your work and do it the fer to take: thi~gs qu,etly not noisily. them would cure many people in a man. The Germans seem to prefer a best you know how. ~We are not easil:~ carried away with car fitted with an extending ladder, tkind after Sept. 1, as the season closes month's time, and the most obstinate (4) Form the habit of doing little every wind that blows. We have no. after the manner of a fire escape, and i at that time this year. ease of constipation in six months' acts of courtesy and kindness to all disposition to be up to date, because Tuesda the observer, perched on the rungs of Don't guess at the law. Get a copy. time. Here follow his five rules: those who touch your life each day. for one reason there are a great many the ladder, is raised by engine power Don't take more than 25 ducks in (1) Every morning, as soon as one (5) Adopt and maintain a simple, dates, and many of them are not to a height of about thirty-five feet one day. can after arising, sip a cup of hot September 21 childlike attitude of confidence and worth being up to. An old truth is far from the ground. The altitude is mod- Don't take more than 50 ducks in water into which hz s been put a quar- trust in God as your Father. better than a' modern humbug. Popu- est, but on the plains of the western one week. ter to a half a teaspoon ' of salt. The Dr. Barker said that if one would larity is no sign either of Divinity or theater it makes much valuable infor- Don't kill more than six partridge salt is for cleansing. Five minutes One Day Only marion obtainable. The French faithfully follow--every day--the sim- sanity. We are rather old fashioned in one day. after drinking the hot water drink a Hours---10 a. m. to 8 p. m. method is more elaborate. ple exercises which he recommended as a church and enjoy being so. We Don't have in possession more than glass of cold water. Man-lifting kites replace the extend- to promote thoroughly breathing, and welcome to our services everyone. The 15 partridge at any one time. (2) Before dressing, and-while ly- Remarkable Success of These Talent~ ing ladder, and the observer is car- Don't kill more than 25 partridge in to exercise the liver and kidneys and cut and quality of ~he cloth make no ed Physicians in the Treatment ried in a basket suspended below the ing on the bed or on the floor on the any one season. the abdominal muscles, open the pores difference. We are trying to be co- of Chronic Diseases. kites, and views things from a greater back, take about seven minutes time Don't kill squirrels before 1920. of the skin, and would follow his di- workers and co-workers with God. altitude than the German observer. for exercises, simple ones, which ex- Offer their Services Free of Charge rections as to diet, using common There is plenty of work to be done The French system involves the use Don't kilt prairie chickens at any ercise the abdomen and muscles; such sense in doing it all, and follow the and we invite you to help us. If you The United Doctors, licensed by the Qf a substantial motor vehicle, capable time, they will saon be plentiful as raising the feet to a perpendicular; enough for an open season. five rules named above, if they were have no church home and this style of State of Michigan for the treatment of drawing a light trailer, and the two holding the feet to the floor and try- of deformities and all nervous and young and in good health, they had a a church appeals to you, we invite you t:ogether provide accommodation for Don't kilt more than 25 woodcock, ing to raise the body by muscular ef- chronic diseases of men, women and a sufficient number of men and for right to expect to live for a hundred to come and worship with us. Wilson or jack snipe, black-breasted fort; drawing both knees back to the children, offer to all who call on this the whole of the kite equipment. years. "But the trouble is you won't PASTOR. trip consultation, examination, ad- and golden plover arid yellow legs in chest and return to the floor; abdo- When the apparatus gets to work, one season. do what I advise you, and what your :vice free, making no charge what- minal breathing exercises. lever, except the actual cost of treat- the first series of kites is sent up, and Don't kill rails, coots and gallinules own common sense tells you is the to these is connected a wire rope, (3) Eliminate meats absolutely SCOUT NOTES. ment. All that is asked in return for before Sept. t6, as it is a violation of right thing to do. Many of you wilt these valuable services is that every which forms a temporary aerial rope- from the diet for six months, in seri- try it for a few days. A small number person treated will state the result Way, and on which is run a little the federal taw. ous eases of constipation, and eat By Scout Scribe. Don't kill waterfow~ after sunset. will stick to it for a few weeks. But obtained to their friends and thus trolley with the basket ear attached. meat not more than twice a week in prove to the sick and afltieted in ev- in all human probability not a dozen Boy Scouts, attention! There will The trolley is drawn up by means of If you do you will violate the federal less serious cases. ery city and locality, that at last will stick to it for six months. Those be a Scout meebing next Monday night a second series of kites, and the two law. (4) Eat cereals such as cracked treatments have been discovered that who do will follow it up for years, be- at the schoolhouse. Asst. Scoutmaster are reasonably sure and certain ia series are both controlled by the Don't catch more than a total of 25 wheat, green vegetables and fruit. He engine power of the car, through spe- fish which may be composed of the fol- cause they will know the benefits. Why Kaiser will be there and wilt take their effect. recommended parsnips, carrots, beans These doctors are among America's cial winding drums, the arrangement will not the rest of you ? Because you charge of the meeting, starting it on lowing species: White bass, calico peas, baked potatoes (never fried po- leading stomach and nerve specialists being similar to that employed in con- are quitters. And if I could look at his arrival and disregarding how many bass, crappies, perch, wall-eyed pike, tatoes), spinach and lettuce. Fruits and are experts in the treatment of neetion with captive balloons. rock bass, blue gills, sunfish. You your back, I would find a streak of are present. It has become necessary chronic diseases and so great and won- By using engine power, the cable he suggested were oranges, figs, rais- cannot take 20 of each species. yellow where your backbone ought to to absolutely disregard the old quorum derful have been their results that in connected to bothseries of kites can ins, grape fruit, apples, baked or in many eases it is hard to find the Don't take more than 10 black bass be." as the membership has changed ma- be drawn at the rate of 600 feet per sauce or eaten out of hand. If one's king the basis at per cent change with dividing" line between skilt and mira- in one day. minute, which has the double advan- stomach were add, it was a good it. Come prepared for a full discus- ele. tage of making it possible to pull the Don't keep any black bass in your Diseases of the stomach, intestines, thing to eat a few raisins or a fig or sion of all the past year's work, as liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, observer down quickly out of any possession of a less length than 10 CHURCH NOTES. two at meals. If one ~ould do it, it our new year starts October 1. Re- spleen, kidneys, or bladder, rheuma- danger from gunfire that may arise, inches. would be very helpful to drink at member however there will be a chair- tism, sciatica, diabetes, bed-wetting, and of allowing a sufficient air pres- Don't take more than 35 trout in one Evangelical Church~ tape worm, leg ulcers, weak lungs and night the juice of two oranges. Bu% man there to limit unnecessary argu- sure to be concentrated on the lifting day. As the union services closed with those afflicted with long-standing, if one's stomach were acid that could ment as much must be done. The surfaces of the kites to prevent a sud- Don't keep in possession any trout last Sabbath evening', regular servi- deep seated, chronic diseases, that not be done. records of members~flp, dues, inven- have baffled the skill of the family den fall. of a less length than seven inches. ces will be held at the Evangelical (5) Drink from eight to ten glass- tory of Troop property, rules and physicians, should not fail to call Don't try to inform anyone what church both morning and evening on Deafness often has been cured in sixty Tends to Increase Tire Bills. es of water every day. statement of Stand finances will be _/ the law is unless you know, as it may Sunday, Sept. 5. days. "The things that happen to automo- The kidneys had their part to per- there. A new scoutmaster, election of get them in wrong. According to their system no more bile tires in races ought to be warn- form in eliminating wastes and pois- Presbyterian Church-- officers and plans for 1916~will be de- operations for appendicitis, gall :ing enough to all users that speed is ons. But if one did not breathe prop- The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian cided. We have applications for mem- stones, tumors, goiter, piles, etc., as these diseases are treated without op- ~,expense," says an expert. "High PASSED EXAMINATION. erly, or suffered constipation, or the Church will hold a bazaar the first of bership several months past which ,~peed very often, defeats its own ob- eration or hypodermic injection. pores of the skin were clogged, then December. Work will be comenced must be considered before others are 'iject because so much time is taken They were among the first in Amer- The following is a list of those who the duty of eliminating the surplus .next Tuesday afternoon at the home presented, Our old year is so near ica to earn the name of "Bloodless ~out to replace tires which are used were successful in passing the recent poisons and wastes was put upon the oLMrs. C.E. McCue. All ladies of Surgeons," by doing away with the up by the friction. its close that anyone who remains at teachers' examination held in Sanilac kidneys, with the result that they were the congregation are urged to be home, thinking "there will be no meet- knife with blood and with all pain ia "It should appeal to the private the successful treatment of these dan- county: seriously overworked, So that these ,owner that driving excessively fast is present. ing if I'm not there" will be deceived. gerous diseases. :.bound to shorten the life of hls tirem Third..... Grade° organs finally broke down, and one ~Christian Science-- Our Troop has never been so we!! If you have kidney or bladder suffered from Bright's disease or dia- two ounce iMak!ng a road race out of a touring J. Ford Parkin, Peck; Ida S. Vogel, Christian Science services are held equipped and prepared before as ' now. troubles bring a bottle of your urine for chemical analysis and i trip will have that effect beyond a Cuss City; Orval L. Thompson, Shab- betes. in the rear room of the Sheridan Make next year a banner one. : doubt. That is one lesson racing telI~ bona; Hazel M. VanConant, Peck; He strongly opposed meat eating as microscopic examination. Building, next to Farrell & Town- State Fair tickets are here. No matterwhat your ailmentmay be that cannot be dwelt upon too strong- Horace Kaake, Sandusky; Helen a habit, claiming that once a day was send's, every Sunday morning at 11 no matter what others may have told ly for the benefit of the general auto- Loughren, Carsonville; Catherine the limit of meat eating, and twice a you, no matter what experience you o'clock, and on Wednesday evening at A CORRECTION. mobilist." O'Shae, Tyro; Marguerite Potts, For- week would be better. have had with other physicians, it will 7.'30. All are welcome. ))e to your advantage to see them at estville; Gertrude Dean, Brown City. Dr. Barker poured it into the patent Varnishing ~he Automobile. The subject for next Sunday, Viola Demode received first prize ~once. Have it forever settled in your Second Grade. medicine and drug-taking habits. A great many ear owners have come at the Cass City Fair on the best 5th mind. If your case is incurable they He stated that Dr. Metchnikoff, the September 5, will be "Man." to appreciate the importance of var- Mac Elliott, Sandusky; Ona M. grade relief map of South America. will give you such advice as may re- ~ lieve and stay the disease. Do not nishing, and, if necessary, of both Foote, Argyle; W. A. Irving, Palms; noted Russian physician, was the best M. E. Church Jennie E. Cullen, Deford; Mac M. Wil- authority in the world on questions af- W. A. Gregory, pastor. put off this duty you owe yourself or ,painting and varnishing, the car dur- Girls and Love. friends or relatives who are suffering Ing the middle or late autumn. Some- lis, Deckerville; H. Olive Wightman, fecting the length of the human life, On Sunday next we recommence our One of the authorities recent!y was because of your sickness, as a visit at times a coat of color and a coat or Sandusky; Frank R. Pagel, Sandusky. and his studies had made a great con- regular mmming and evening services. asked whether a girl can love two men this time may help you. two of varnish applied in the autumn tribution to scientific knowledge of Morning at 10:30. Administration of at the same time. Probably not. But Worn-out and run-down men or women, no matter what your ailment, will save a lot of thoroughgoing paint- that subject. Dr. Metchnikoff's at- Holy Communion by Revs. J. W. Fenn she can give a sufficiently lifelike imi- ing repairs which otherwise might be PINGREE. consult them. It costs you nothing, tention was attracted to the little and W.'A. Gregory. All our members tation of the passion to fool both of the necessary a few months later. It is Remember, this last free offer is kingdom of Bulgaria, where with a are expected to be present if possible. men.--Philadelphia Ledger. for this visit only. of the utmost importance that the ex- Irvin Cooke visited his parental population of 5,000,000 there were, ac- Married ladies come with their hus- ceedingly sensitive and delicate colm Evening at 7:30. "The Road to Hap- home Sunday. cording to the census reports, over The Chronicle, one year $1. bands and minors with their parents. coats be kept amply protected by var- piness" is the subject of the pastor's nish. inSeveral are breaking the Sabbath 4,500 people who had reached 100 sermon. This will follow along the order to obtain their crops. years of age, and some of them were l lines suggested by Gov. Ferris' proc- Motor Ambulances for Indian Troops. ] Mr. and Mrs. Samuel O'Camb were 130 yea~s. In other words, he found lamation designating Sunday, Sept. 5, A fleet of motor ainbulances, to gu.ests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. that in that little country there were as Thrift Day. • which the king, Queen Mary and Chas. Doerr Sunday. more centenarians than in all the rest Have you done v0ur duty by the Queen Alexandra have each contrib- of Europe, with over 4,000,000,000 Ben evolences ? uted one vehicle, is being got together Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waun and two Thinking about selling chi~¢.ren of Snover visited Mr. and people. Dr. Metchnikoff spent over a ] Conference meets at Port Hhron for the special use of those Indian year in Bulgaria and found a singular soldiers now fighting with the allies Mrs. Wm. Phetteplace. Sept. 15. absence of diseases that affected the your house? ~-ho are wounded or fall sick. In Lon- Little Master Jack Phetteplace, son Dr. I. A. Fritz expects to attend the rest of Europe, and found that long don, too, a subscription is being raised of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phetteplace, has conference, having been elected as life, that is 70 to 80 years, seemed to with the object ~ of presenting a num- a slight attack of bronchial pneu- Lay Delegate from the Cuss City and To get the greatest cash value for her of motor ambulances to the em- be quite the normal. Then he began monia. Bethel churches. press of Russia for the use of the to search for the reasons why the your property you should make sure ~ounded cavalry in the Russian average of life was so much longer Baptist Church-- that it looks in first-class condition. ~rmy. The Chronicle, one year, $1.00. there. It was not due to climate, for The building committee will have the neighboring territory possessed everything perfectly safe for servi- Repainting makes a world of difference the same climate. After thorough in- ces next Sunday. We hardly need to in an old house. vestigation he satisfied himself that it be reminded of the natural consequen- ces of having a church closed; both AVIATOii WHO WILL GIVE FLIGHTS was due to what the Bulgarians lived A clean, fresh-looking house sells on. They eat very sparingly of meat, spiritually and financially. Let every and their staple food is cereals. But member realize t:neir personal re- quicker and commands a higher price [}ALLY AT IYiICHi{}A STATE FAIB there is one peculiarity of their diet sponsibility to their own church, for than the dingy place. The cost of the denominational loyalty is a mighty • which is entirely different from that paint has been known to come back of any other people. They are exceed- step toward unity. ilii il}iiii!! ilii!iiiiJ!i ii ingly fond of and eat large quantities The Sunday School will hold its ten to one because of the greater de- of Iobbered milk. Dr. Metchnikoff session at usual hour next Sunday sirability to the purchaser. and we hope that every member will "2:: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: found the germ which produces sour y, iiiii!iiiiiiii!!iii!i @!'ii ii!ii!milk and butter milk and found that be present and help to carry the work it was the enemy of germs in the along successfully. If thinking of selling, think also of iii body that destroy health, and helped Morning sermon, "Paul's Vision of painting and use "High Standard," the ::::::::': :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: the growth of germs that promote the Christ." Evening" sermon, "Jesus :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: paint made to give best results. health: Therefore Dr. Metchnikoff con- Christ and the Workingman." eluded that people can promote health For 34 years the Baptist church has and long life by eating sparingly of been preaching" the gospel of Jesus meat, plentifully of cereals and vege- Christ in Cuss City. We have experi- !,s~:.:..~ ~::::<+:::2.:::!:!:'~!~ # tables, and advised drinking butter- enced many valley experiences, spirit- ually and financially. Perhaps no ex- N. Bigelow ( milk in plentiful quantities. Dr. Bark- er endorsed the adwce, and said he perience has so sadde~ed oar n~a~ drank it every day, and had in his own than seeing" those who once professed and Sons ~'~HE Patterson Aviators will not sengers. A special patriotic program diet come to eating meat but twice a to walk with us,, walking with us no ]] only present the battle in the will be given by the aviators on Chil- week, while he ate plentifully of more as a church. Yet amid all such clouds at the Michigan State dren's day as well as the day the old cereals, cooked vegetables and green experiences our hearts rejoice because UP-TO-DATE SINCE '88. Fair, which will be held at De- soldiers are guests of the Michigan vegetables, such as lettuce, cabbage, of the faithful few, the salvation of troit Sept. 6 to 15. but will give other State Fair management at the big ex- etc. souls and the financial condition of exhibition flights and will carry pus- position. In conclusion Dr. Barker stated that the church. After 34 years of preach-


¢*¢* ¢* *I°I* ¢* ¢* ¢~, ****¢°*** ~ *I,,~, ¢, ¢, ~t.@ ¢, ¢.0 .:, ¢. ¢, ¢, ¢, .~,¢, ~U¢. ¢, ~ ¢, ¢, ¢, ,~,¢. ¢, ,~} ¢. ¢, ¢~, ¢, ¢, .I,¢, .~ ¢, ~ DEFORD. ¢, ¢, ,I, DETROIT NOBNTEDPOLICE WiLL IVE EXHIBITION Loose grain, bad for farmer, bad AUTUMN 1915 for thresher. DRILLSAT TRE NIRIGAN STATERIB, SEPT, Cream test down. Watery grazing. o:. .~ 6-15 No damage here by frost on 27th. ¢. We Invite Your ,I, .... Beans rust, potatoes blight, cupes die. ¢. ¢* ~.i:.~::...... '"""::::i::~:::::i::':" The farmer must pay with promises. Inspection Better off than if war was on. ..u ,I* ¢, *I* The wet seasons ever bring a crop of 4* -*I, of large weeds and huge trouble over ,,r.,. ~% urams a~ sure a~ mec~on t~me mung'~4 much jaw wabbling and hand shaking. %** Oar L nes 4* He was the king of berry pickers and sighed for the fruit of the brier. ..~ of Hence he hiked eastward 'till he came ~, ,.u nigh unto {he forest of a civil man ¢. *I, who owns soil along" the shares of ,~, Trimmed and ¢, :~.>2:::.vd:>.:::::::::::S::.g::::::::::.~:::!:::!:!:!~.~::.:.. Mud Creek, where he gathered the ~....:~`~.:~i...i~i~i~i~i~:~i~i!i~i~i..:....i.~i~i~!~!~!~.~ii~i~!i~!~::~!!!~:~:~:~:~::...... thimb!e berry long guarded and watched by the females of the house- ¢. Untrimmed Hats 4, : : =;; ~ :~ hold in expectant joy. He stripped ¢, **** the bushes and went home with the ETROIT mounted police, one of the best drilleaorganizations of its kind in the United States, will give exhi- ill gotten gains. The female owners Friday and Saturday, bitions of rough riding as well as cavalry drills duriag the State Fair, which wilt be held at Detroit Sept. of the fruit went forth to harvest (i to t5. The Detroit police have been one of the most popular attractions at the Fair for several years, and September 3 and 4 D in addition to the exhibition drills every afternoon the mounted officers will participate in the afternoon and enough for~a square with cream and evening horse show. sugar and behold the delicacies were -- $ "nix." Then, oh, then! g. MANY ENTRIES IN THE Mr. and Mrs. Moshier are in rather g* Mrs. F. D. Woolman poor health. They are going down the WED FOWLAN@ DAIRY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIALDAYS western slope of life and show it .':":'* Cass City MICHIGAN STATE FAIR plainly now. Old Mrs. Sweet accidentally fell flSR ARET8 BE WiLL FEATURE down stairs last week receiving pain- Assistan¢ Superintendent Asserts ful injuries. ~rarmers Are Greatly Interested Jesse Sole is unable to do manual In the 1915 Exposition, SR{}WRAT FAIR THE STATEFAIR labor as yet. °.:." FI our and Feed re [. Harold McCracken of Detroit is George II. Brownell. editor of Brow- here for a two weeks' visit. He works nell's Dairy Farmer and assistant su- at the Cadillac. Sells Flour, Feed, Chick Feeds, Bran Vai0us K 0f 6am iNs perintendent of the dairy department 8omelhing; Dilferenl Every One of the Michigan Stale Fair. declares Schoolhouse of Di~. No. 6, frl., and Middlings, Oil Meal, Etc. Don't that entries in hi~ deI)artment sur- Kingston, repaired and in comfortable forget we pay pass all I>revious records. 0t the Ten flays, condition. School commences first "Dairymen from throughout the Tuesday in September with Miss Ruby state, as welt as nm~ufacturers of dai- Nesbitt as teacher. CASH FOR CREAM Every Day o ry machinery, are displaying unusual WILL Fred Crittenden and William Hicks interest in the 19t5 State Fair," as- ADDRESSES BE GIVEN, left Monday for" Canadian Northwest * C.W. NELLE~ * where they will harvest and freeze State Board Decides to Allow Fish ¢o Prominent Men on Speaking Program. their feet for a month at least. Be Displayed In Aquariums at Big Friday Will Be Michigan Day~Gov- We learn that George Roberts kin- Exposition, Which Will Be Held at ernor Ferris and Congressman Kelley dred were ~-athered together on the De'~roit, Sept. 6 to 15. Expected to Be Present--Old Soldiers When You Have Special Day, 29th to the number of 39 souls. Two exhibits which will be of spe- Old Mrs. Dau~l~erty in company cial interest to sI)ortsmen will be fea- Every day will be a feature day at with her daughter-i:n-law, Mrs. Peter Build a Home tures at the Michigan State Fair, the Mi(:higan State Fair. [~ Your Money W Daugherty, were out Sunday railing . which will be held at I)etroit Sept. 6 G. W. I)ickinson, genera~t manager of on old settlers. The elderly lady is to 15. the big exposition, which will be held~ quite smart yet despite the weight of Everyone who owns a home pays for it , ~. ~V. I)icliinson, general ll~tll~t~er at l)erroit Sept. t; t'o 15. announces that 89 years, 33 of which" she has' spe~ in "by the year." There is no other way. ,of the big exl)osition, ailnOllllCeS that beginning with the grand opening there will be some special attraction f~r every this locality. the Michigan Fish Conllnission will The building cost is the first payment. oae of the ten days of the Fail.'. We hear that a man whose home Then there is the cost of repairs every year. have a big display qt the Fair. while The exl)osition will open on, ~tbor an exhibit of live wildfowl has been was near Wihnot named Goodetl or day, and addresses upon the great Goodale wh6 fell from a roof era bar~ The house that requires least patching ,obtained from New Jersey. role labor is playing today in the' p r~g- on the 26th injuring his back, died and altering will give you best house-value. r, To Display Fish In Aquariums. tess of the United States will be, gh:en that night. Funeral was at Wilmot on The originaI dollar's worth is worth a dol- The fish will be displayed in large by prominent men. the 28th. Deceased was about fifty lar longest. aquariums fhrough which wqter will Special Day For Old Soldiers. years old and leaves a wife and fi~mi: Tuesday will be Patriotic and O)l;tl be flowing at all lines. [tere wilt be ty. ~earty fifty varieties or species of fish, Soldiet~' day. The Patterson aviatoas including the beautiful speckled trout, will present a patriotic program with~ Ah, September draweth nigh, wlien Spend Your Building their aeroplanes, and speeches will be. several kinds of bass, pike, sunttsh. every good housewife will try to make: given. Special fireworks will bring the perch and other fish found in Michigan home comforts without allay by d~Mk- day to a close. Dollars Wisely waters. GEORGE H. RROWNEI~, ASSISTANT SUPER- fag ~p the pumpkin pie. Wednesday will be State Grange A feature of :he exhibit wilt be a INTENI)ENT OF l)AIR~ DEPARTMENT. Buy the right kind and quality of building mater- day, and Thursday will be Gleaners" display showing the various stages in serted Mr. Brownell while discussing ~lay. Men prominent in the two 2arm~ ials. Then you'll have no regrets, no useless repair ex- the life of a trout from the egg to the the plans which are be~g made to ere" organizations will deliver ad- SANDUSKY. pense. full grown Esh. The Fish Commission make the State Fair the greatest ex- dresses, and sl}ecial exerciseswill be. has many l)eautiful specimens of rain- Quality does not mean mere "showiness." Qual- position of its kind ever lml:d in the at~'ange~l and presented by the orders. l~ifs~ Jura Bissett, who has spent bow trout. ity refers to the backbone of the material--the sound, middle west. "There wiB be features Friday will be Michigan day. Gov- the summer months at her parental The fish exhibit will be shown under this year which wilI attra:ct the atten- e~'~mr Ferris will make an effort to be ~ clear, strong, uniform fiber and texture of the lumber, ihe grand stand, and carpenters and fro,me here, expects to leave Wednes- tion of all farmers, a~(I ~i:ryme~ es- p:resent, and Congressman P. H. Ket- brick, cement, etc. plumbers are now arranging the aqua- day for Detroit From there she will pecially. "Every man who, has a few ley is also expected to attend the Fair riums in which the fish will be placed. go to oByne City where she will teach That is the quality you want--backbone quality. dairy cows sl~0ul(I :tttm!r,el the Fair. ca that day. Other men prominent in Members of the Mi('higan Fish Com- schoo~ the coming year. It is the only quality that will insure you real house- which will be hehl at I)etre,it Sept. 6 to tire slate and nation wilt be speaker~. mission who decided to make an ex- value the pleasing, Comfortable home that lasts 15, if he wants to become acquainted Saturday will 1)e Children's :~nd Boy Ed. Die..inson of Ca~s City was the qdl~it at the State Fair are ~V. J. Hun- wilh the latest impr(~ved methods, ~(,~r Scouts' day. Aiq*rol)riate exercises guest o~ f_.'~euds h~,e a couple of days. longest at least expense~a daily source of satisfac- saker, Saginaw, chairlnan Fred Pos- conductin~ tim dairy lmsi~ess.." will, be given by the chihlren. V:~rious I'ast we~k. tion and bringing full value if you want to sell or rent. tal, Detroit, qnd aohn C. Mmm, I{ough- contests have been arrau~'ed for the ton. Win. Symons and family expect to B:~y Scouts. aml prizes will be awnrd- move to Detroit this week where they K Cement Pond For Water Fowl. SIX NATIONAL CATTLE e~I. AthIetie events and tournaments wilI make their future home. Take Plenty of Time to 'Swans, storks, mudhens, ducks, CLUBS OFFER PRIZES. for boys and girls will also te:~ture geese, pheasanls and various other va- Saturday. Miss Florence Bradley of Croswelll rieties of wildfo~q and game birds Sunday is to be Aviation day. 'l'h~ was a caller in town Wednesday on Look Into the Matter of Quality found in North America as wett as Eu- Special Awards Will Be Made at Patterson aviators will dive. dil) ami her way to Shover where she ~attend' See and know every build- rope and Asia will be displayed in an Michigan State Fair. drop headlong" toward earth with their nomicaI in the long run the ed the Free Methodist conference. ing' material you buy. kind with backbone quality inclosure near the Dairy building. A aeroplanes and give a thrilling dem- and reasonable price. You similar exhibit attracted considerable onstration of warfare as it is being N~rs. M. L. Moon was taken to Bay Come to our store and see The importa})ce of the 5Iich~an the different grades of mat- will readily see and feel the attention a year ago at the Fair. but e~rried on over the battlefie;ds in Eu- City where she underwent a critical Stair Fair cattle exhibit is reveaIed by erial. We'll show you the dif- difference. You will be sur- will be much larger this year. A ce- rope. Mrs. Joall Cuneo. falnous auto operation Wednesday. Her life seemed the fact that six national cattfe, breed- ferent grades of material that prised at the big difference ment pond 10 by 20 ;eet is being con- driver, will compete in a one mile r~ce to hang in the balance for a time after in quality and the small dif- ers" associations have offered specia~ are so "awful!y cheap" and, structed for tlm water fowl which will against "m aeroplane. She will also ference in price. premiums and-qwards for prfze win- ~e operation, but she is gainirrg: rm~. therefore, so awfull'y expen- be brought to Detroit by William Cook make an effort to lower the dirt track sive" in the end; also the :ring (.attic at the l)i~- expositibn which Mrs. Moon is the wife of the pastor of Let us help you. This puts & Sons of Scotch Plains, N. J. records for one, five and ten miles. grade that is the most eco- you to no obligation. will l}e held at Detroit Sept. (; to, I5. the M. E. church at Sandusky. Auto Races Sept. 13 and 14. The American Shorthorn Breeders" OIlivene Saddoris will celeb:ra£e her association offers nearly $400 ~n spe- Monday will be ~. C. T. Tz'. day. STATE FAIR AUTO SHOW, birthday Monday, August 30, by hav- cials in twenty-six different classes. Prominent members of the union will ing a party in the aftmmoon. CASS CITY LUMBEI AND TO BE GREAT SUCCESS. These prizes are included with the pre- give addresses. The auto races ~tt miulns which will be awarded by the open on the second Monday. Louis Mrs. Ellis entertaine8 the members Disbrow, Farmer Bill Endicott and COAL COMPANY Practically All Companies to Be Repro- State Fair. making a totaI of more of the Harmony class of the M. E. several other noted pilots of space eat- sented at Exposition. than $1.000 that will be distributed Sunday school at her home Friday• among" the prize winner~ in the Short- ing" machines will race on Monday as evening. horn class. In addition special prizes, well as Tuesday, which is designated G. ~r. Dickinson, general manager of inclndin.a" sih'er cups. qre awarded by as Detroit day. Mayor Marx ~II is- ° the Michigan State Fair, asserts that the American Shorthorn Breeders' as- sue a proclamation requesting the citi- practically every company in the Unit- sociation to the owners of the best zens of the metropolis to attend the ELMWOOD. ed Stares whict~ builds m~torcars will l,ull :~nd heifer calves less than a 3"ear Fair on Sept. 14. be represented at tim auto show to old and owned by exhibitors who have Wednesday will be Canadian day William Webster of Onaway is be held in comwction with the big ex- not previously exhibited Shorthorns at and the grand finale. On the closing visiting at Wm. C. Burse this week. the State Fair. day many residents from across the position at I)etroit Sept. U to 15. Earl Seely of Toledo is calling on "The latest models will be on exhi- The Ameri,.an tIereford Cattle Breed- border are expected to attend the big Elmwood friends this week. bition, and prospective purchasers will ers" association offers special cash pre- exposition and note the progress made ....:. The Purpose of an have an opp O1" tll~ ~" ~It yx to get. a line on mimn~ totalin~ $200 for the best speci- by Michigan in the industrial and agri- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burse, Mrs. all the new (:reattons of tile manufac- mens of its breed in tweh'e different cultural world. W. W. Hargrave and William Web- turers severa! months before the auto ebtsses. ster were callers at T. G. Wood's .:.:. Advert/seme, t shows in New York and Chicago," said Liberal special premiums are offered Autos to Be Exhibited. Sunday. 5If. Dickinson. by the American Aberdeen Angus According to General Manager Dick- Breeders' association for prize winners Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson moved "Building of autos on the grounds inson, the exhibit of automobiles at the in tweh'e classes, to Cars Monday. will be another [eature which will at- State Fair will be much larger than a The American Jersey Cattle club tract attention. The Ford Motor Com- year ago. The manufacturers of Wm. C. Burse had the misfortune again will award special I)remiums, but pany Band will render concer~s in the pleasure ears as well as motor trucks to run his auto in the ditch while announcement of them will not be automobile building. I believe that are anxious to display their models at passing a rig Saturday evening. No made until later. the State Fair, where they will be in- the auto show will be one of the big one was hurt nor was the automobile *.'4 Special premiums for the grand spected by thousands from Sept. 6 ~ttractions of the Fair." damaged. champion cows of their respective to 15. l~rppct~ wUl he fl~ral'ded hv the Ayr- While Joe Leishma~ wa~ ~aki~g i~ a.; Features For Midway. shire Breeders' association and the Old Soldiers at Fair. the sights on the fair ground Thurs- The State Fair Midway will be big2 Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders' associa- General 5{anager Dickinson announces day someone helped themselves to his get and better than ever this year, ac- tion. that the old soldiers will be invited good robe and raincoat which he cording to General Manager Dickin- A special prize of $100 will be award- to attend the State Fair again this had left in his buggy. son, who has alreaa:F completed ar: ~ed to the Michigan'- cattle associations year, and one day will be set aside for rangements for several of the attrac- for the first fifty !~edd of pure bred the veterans ,of the civil war. Tents Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Guilds, Mr. tions, The shows will be high class cattle. If 100 or more are shown by will be provided, ~:Iie!,e the veterans of and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Miss Lillie ~nd clean and ~,iI1-...,... be>. worthy of pat- an association this award will be'in- the eoattict may cbn;~:ene and discuss Chapel and Fred Wright spent Sun- ~onage. Creased tO $300. old time~ ~: ..... day at Ashmore. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915. PAGE SEVEN.

DEFORD. reached before their turn came. Then there was the inforr~ation line. These Dircctor . names and dates and initials correct-- The respected blacksmith of Deford, ready to put right in the paper with- HELPFUL HINTS ire Extravagan George Roberts, who has been mar- DR. M. M. WICKWARE, out editing. That other line over to sou pay the price of good shoes, and ried to his wife forty years, welcomed Physician and Surgeon. Office in the left was waiting to contract for ~rn. B~t it is the height of exwava- Pleasant Home Hospital. Residence 32 of his children and grandchildren advertising space, while others were to buy shoes cf inferior quality, for two blocks south of Cootes' hardware Sunday.I They came mostly by auto pushing their way to the cashier's ~-ou get {a only present appearance, store on Seeger St., east side. Office from Saginaw, Bad Axe, Mayville and days: Wednesdays, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. window to pay their bills before the Cradle r,~ade of Gas Pipe and atinuing worth. Detroit and were all present but the Saturdays, 1 to 5 p. m. discount period expired. Oh yes, it a Clothes Basket. eldest grandson at Avoca. Mrs. Rob- to buy good shoes, was pretty soft for the old man, pretty DR. IRA D. McCOY erts was surprised with a purse of soft! Then, suddenly, the editor sat University of Michigan graduate, money. Amass Roberts, Frank Rob- up and rubbed his eyes. The office Kied of Sheridan Hotet, Cass Glty. OiJce nest; Roberts, beLn k~o0er5s broughL doorway. "Boss, there's a man out- and the next day; that keep their shape, days--Wednesday, 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 their families and Burton his wife. protect the feet, and give iasting satis- side says the press won't run till he p. m. Saturday, 1:00 to 5:00 p. m. Persis and Fern helped to entertain faction in every regard. bits the money for the last order of the guests. We tan the leather and make the shoes, F. L. MORRIS white paper. 'Nether feller says the and every process is so ordered as to Graduate of Detroit College of Mrs. Schmuhl entertained Miss Del- plate can't get here this week, cause make Rouge Rex shoes Medicine. Two years' work in Har- la Jameson of Care. there's been a wreck on the railroad. mee~ your needs. per Hospital. Office 1~ blocks south Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Sharp are en- It don't make no difference 'specially, No. 450 is a model for this season. It is 8 inches high, of New Sheridan, Cass City. Tele- tertaining Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker and 'cause the pressman threw a gimmick has a bellows tongue all the way up to keep out the phone No. 62. dirt. Uppers are made from black broncho stock of their children, George and Donna, of in the phylux and the doofiddle's excellent wearing quality. Also, made in t~n No. 452. DENTISTRY. Port Huron. strained so the press can't run nohow. Write for descriptive book and nearest dealer'$ name L A. Fritz, Resident Dentist. John Reed was operated upon at Circulation man's quit 'cause he says Office over Treadgold's drug store. Ann Arbor Aug. 25th. He is prepar- folks ain't readin' newspapers no HIRTH-KRAUSE COMPANY We solicit your patronage when m ing for a second treatment. more, an' the advertisin' fell off this Hide to Shoe Tanners and Shoe Manufacturers ~eed of dental work. week forty percent. That ain't all--" The cradle illustrated has all the ad- GRAND RAPIDS I~CHIGAN Ix~kof quuty ~ *,,~z Sot, Mr. and Mrs. Tedford visited Kings- vantages of any rocker cradle, and, be. But the editor would hear no more. P. A. Schenck, D. D. S., ton Sunday. sides, it is much easier for the mother He fired an ink bottle at the devil and Dentist. The preacher heard so much about to take the baby from it while lying kicked the cat. He hadn't worked but Graduate of the University of Mich- Sabbath breakers that he bought one. in bed, as the supports run under and igan. Office over Wilsey & Cathcart's ten hours that day, so he was full of cause the basket to tip toward the store, Cass City, Mich. Mrs. V. J. Hufton was the surprised pep. Then he scratched his head and bed. one Tuesday when about thirty ladies wondered how the dickens he'd fallen It is constructed of a clothes basket, H. P. LEE, Undertaker came together at Dr.' Merriman's to asleep during office hours. With that several pieces of three-fourths inch pipe and two two-way side outlet tees, and Funeral Director, Cass City, celebrate her birthday and present he put on the ball and chain for eight says Popular Mechanics. The standards • Iich. Calls answered day Or night. her with an elephant bank filled with hours more and then went home and are thirty-eight inches long, ornament- Phone No. 15. Mrs. H. P. Lee, Li. coins. slept the fitful sleep of the lazy man. cense No. 1351. ed on their upper ends with brass bed- Mrs. George Bell and the girls are Pretty soft[ post balls. The spreader is foi~y-four in Royal Oak where Mr. Bell is work- inches long. Each extension for the Ao J. Knapp, Funral Director inf. suppor~s is thirteen inches long, bent and Licensed Embalmer. Mrs. Knapp, as shown, and fitted with a caster on Lady Assistant with License. Night Dan Cole spent the week end with and day calls receive prompt atten- his wife and returned to Royal Oak the lower end. About six and one-half inches from the upper ends of the tion. Both phones. Tuesday. standards holes are drilled and hooks Mr. P.eed's sister returned to Mus- fastened by riveting the ends of the ketch Tuesday. hook material. These hooks hold tim ends of the ropes attached to the sides vl~ The young people surprised Mar- There is nothing in character so mag- i T. L. TIBBALS, ~'~. jorie and Ethel Bell Tuesday on their netic as eheerfulness. of the basket. The inside of the basket Optometrist. ~:~ I-Iave you had a kindness shown? is given a coat of white enamel paint. leaving the vilIage, and gave them a Eyes Tested : Glasses Fitted i~ Pass it on. token of remembrance. 'T was no~ given for you alone, CASS CITY, MICH. ~" Pass it on. Canning Sweet Corn. Mrs. Livingston entertained her For canned corn cut the kernels off niece, Mrs. Strathting', of Detroit over ONE PORTION DESSERTS. the cob with a sharp knife, scraping the week's end. out the pulp. Fill into the can a little Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gage and Mr. For the children who cannot have at a time, pressing it down firmly until the milk overflows the can, Add a tea- and Mrs. Gee. Spencer motored to Ox- the heavy rich desserts that the older H. G. LEAVENS, 2 people enjoy, the spoonful of salt. When all are filled and Better Than Ever ' ford Sunday. "Bi er Attorney at Law :~ following simple place the cans in a boiler and cook +> The Ladies' Aid Society will hold dishes wilt be half an hour with the covers laid loose- i Office at the~ Imuse,, one block 4-'***a special meeting for business at the easy to prepare ly on. Remove from the fire and seal. Battle in Clouds :~ south of Chronlcle office. ~.. home of Mrs. Ji R. Lewis Wednesday and most whole- then cook two hours longer. The pre- next, April 8, at three o'clock in the some. Any fruit liminary cooking permits the corn to The Patterson Aviators will give a thrilling demonstra- swell without endangering the cans. afternoon. fluff which is pre- tion in armored aeroplanes of this new and terrify- which may burst if tightly sealed from pared by adding ing warfare. This battle will be produced nowhere else TIME CARD. Rev. Vo J. Hufton accompanied the sugar and fruit the first. Succotash is canned by first remains of Hiram Goodell to Care pulp to the white of an egg and beat- half filling the cans with green lima in Michigan this year. " P., O. & N. Division~ Saturday for interment there. ing well, is a dessert usually v:ttrac- beans, then filling the remainder of the can with corn, pressed down firmly. Casevilte train ar ...... 7:10 a.m. Wilbert Bruce was home Tuesday. tire to children. Prepare the fruit Automobile Races Pontiac train ar ...... 11:20 a. m. pulp if an apple by grating or scrap- ,Add a teaspoonful of salt to each can Caseville train ar ...... 3;10 p. m. ing, if a banana by rubbing through a and cook like corn. Noted drivers of space eating vehicles will attempt to Pontiac train ar ...... 7:58 p. m. PROBATE NEWS. sieve. shatter dirt track records. Night automobile racing, an Snow Pud+ding.--Dissolve two tea- Smothered Steak. D. & H. Division~ innovation which is attracting thousands to the racing In the matter of the estate of Eliza- spoonfuls of gelatin in half a cupful Buy a piece of round steak, cut about courses in the east, will be inaugurated at the t915 State Bad Axe train ar ...... 7:05 a. m. beth Spencer, late of Fremont, de- of hot water,, add three tablespoon- two inches thick; place in a pan, lay Cass City train lv ...... 11:25 a. m. fuls of sugar and one and a half ta- three or four thin slices of bacon and ceased, no claim being presented, or- Fair. Auto races for women drivers will be featured. Bad Axe train ar ...... 3:05 a. m. blespoonfuls of lemon juice; stir un- a small onion, sliced, over the top and Cass City train lv ...... 8:00 p. m. der was issued closing hearing. tit the sugar is dissolved. When it is dredge with salt, pepper and flour. N. J. Vanpatten, late of Vassar, de- cool enough to be well set, add a lit. Add no water. Keep in a hot oven Harness Horse Races Foreclosure Sale. ceased, order Frank North adminis- fie to a time to a well-beaten white until the bacon is well browned, then Default having been made in the trator. of egg, beating until the whole is cover the meat with boiling water, put Michigan's best trotters and pacers are entered in the payment of money due on and secured Carl C. J. Schultz, late of Denmark stiff. Turn into a wet mold and serve on a lid and simmer on the back of 20 events on the race program. Purses totaling over by a certain mortgage, dated the 5th township, deceased, Carl W. A. with cream. the stove for two or three hours. When $14,000 are offered by the State Fair. day of February, A. D. 1914, made Schultz of Richville was granted let- Baked Caramel Custard.~Put two ready to serve remove tile steak to a and executed by Elizabeth Pelton to platter, thicken the gravy and pour E. H. Pinney and Son, a copartner- ters testamentry. tablespoonfuls of sugar in a small over the meat. Every bit of an other- ship, consisting of Elijah H. Pinney Estate of George P. James, late of saucepan, place over the heat and stir Auto vs. Aeroplane and Edward Pinney, and recorded in constantly until the sugar is melted wise tough steak is good. Care, deceased, final account allowed The most daring of the aviators at the State Fair wilI the office of the Register of Deeds for and a light brown in color; add two the County of Tuscola, Michigan, on and residue was signed. thirds of a cupful of salded milk and Cream of Asparagus Soup. compete with the driver of the fastest auto. A woman the 13th day of February, A. D. 1914 In the ma~ter of estate of Ann pour the mixture over a slightly beat- Wash, trim and scrape the stalks of driver also will race with the aviator. in Liber 135 of Mortgages on page 440 Elizd Reavey, late of Care, deceased, en egg; stir in a few drops of any one bunch, cut the "heads" one inch upon which mortgage there is claimed the Will admitted to probate and Rob- long ,and boil separately till done, then to be due at the date of this notice for flavoring, add a dash of salt, strain in- ert P. oReavy of Almer township was to a custard cup and place in a pan drain and set aside. Cut the res~ into Better Babies' Contest principal and interest the sum of Four inch pieces, cover with one and one- Hundred Thirty-eight Dollars, Eighty appointed executor. of hot water to bake in a slow oven half pints of boiling water and cook In addition to the speed contests there will be numer- Cents and the further ~um of One G. R. Armstrong, deceased, Arbela until firm. until very tender, adding a pinch of ous other noteworthy attractions including a large Hundred Two Dollars, Thirty-one final account allowed and residue Orange Trifle.--Soften a teaspoonful Cents for taxes paid by said mortga- salt and the juice of one small onion. tractor demonstration, four-day test for dairy cows, signed. of granulated gelatin in a tablespoon- gees upon the mortgaged premises, ful of cold water, then stand over hot Strain and mash through a sieve, add Perrien Aldrich, Care was appoint- builders' exposition, Boy Scouts" congress, fireworks, being the taxes for the year 1914 and water until melted; add a half cup- a pint of hot milk and half a pint of paid under the terms and conditions ed guardian of Clarence R. Arm- cream, thicken with butter and flour night horse show, a bigger and better midway, and as provided in said mortgage and that ful }3f orange juice and a quarter of a strong, minor, of Car0. cupful of sugar; pour the mixture on rubbed to a paste, add the asparagus superb displays of the products of Michigan's farms the whole amount claimed to be due heads, season to taste and serve with the well-beaten white of an egg and ~: and factories. upon said mortgage is the sum of toasted croutons. Five Hundred Forty-one Dollars beat thoroughly; cool and beat until NOTHING TO DO. Eleven Cents. Now therefore notice is spongy; place in a small mold and hereby given that said mortgage will serve with cream and sugar. Removing Cooking Odors. Building Auto in Ten Minutes be foreclosed by a sale of the mort- The paper had just been "put to Stuff the hollow of an apple which Here is a plan that is very useful gaged premises at public vendue to for removing the disagreeable odors Autos will be made on the Fair Grounds. This exhibit bed" and the editor leaned bdck in has been cored with dates, figs or the highest bidder at the front door of cooking from a room: Take a few will show actual factory scenes, demonstrating how of the Court House in the Village of his chair and stretched. Nothing to nuts and raisins, and bake as usual. The little people find this a most en- pieces of brown paper and soak them Michigan's industrial plants keep up with the great de- Care, Tuscola County, Michigan, on do now, he thought, "until next week." in saltpeter water. Remove them and Monday, the 27th day of September, Pretty soft! "Wonder if tohe fish are joyable dessert, and it is especially mand for automobiles. A. D. 1915, at one o'clock in the after- wholesome. Serve with cream or plain. allow them to dry. When necessary biting down on Yaller creek?" He noon. The said mortgaged premises A slice of bread with the crusts re- take a piece of the paper so treated. settled back, put his feet on his desk place it on a fiat tin and put a hand- are described in said mortgage sub- moved, soaked in any fruit juice and Machinery Displays ful of dried lavender upon it and ap- stantially as follows: The South half and wiggled down comfortably. This served with cream and sugar is a of the Northeast Quarter of Section ply a light. The aroma is very re- Most modern types of farm machinery, including gaso- thing of being an editor was just about quick and dainty dessert to prepare Eleven, Township Number Thirteen, freshing and-. agreeable and will quick- right. All he had to do was to loaf for the little people. line engines, cream separators, silo fillers, and other North Range ,Eleven East, being the ly do away with objectionable remind- around all week poking his nose into time saving inventions of mechanical experts will at- Township of Novesta, County of Tus- ors from the kitchen regions. cola, Stal;e of Michigan. Said prem- other folks business, then, when pub- tract the attention of Michigan rural residents especi- ises will be sold as aforesaid to satis- lication day came, a couple o£ hours Making Jam. ally. The display in the machinery building will set a fy the amount du~ on said mortgage at the office did the trick. Funny how and the costs of foreclosure. In making jam it is always well to new record for size and the interest it will create. hard some fellows had to work to Dated June 24th, A. D. 1915. If. grease the bottom of the preserving E. H. PINNEY & SON, make a living. Well, it showed, after pan with best salad oil before putting By Elijah H. Pinney and Edward Pin- all, that brains counted. The man with in the fruit. It prevents the jam from Automobile Show ney, Mortgagees. merely muscle to take him through burning. Also add a Iump of butter BROoKER & CORKINS, about as big as a walnut for every six The State Fair automobile show will be larger than a Attorneys for Mortgagees. life had to strain and sweat and labor pounds of fruit, putting it in when the year ago when the automobile building was almost Business address, Cass City, Mich. for a paltry pittance, but life was good 6-25- to the man with brain. People strug- jam comes to the boil after the sugar filled with the latest models of cars of all sizes, power / s has been added and let melt. By the gled to help him get along. He was and prices. The 1916 models of all the leading automo- way, one should never let jam boil bile companies will be exhibited. Many People In This Town recognized as the motive power of after the sugar is put in till it has real- never really enjoyed a meal until the community. He was respected. ly melted or the jana will go thin. we advised them to take a People gladly allow him to lead in / •~~===m Dyspepsia thought, and were willing to con- Mending Gloves. Don't Forget the Dates Tablet tribute to his support even if he When mending a glove, if you put didn't work for it. For instance your finger into a thimble and then before and after each meal. Sold only there was the long" line of persons into the glove you will find mending by us--250 a box. waiting" to subscribe, their money in quite an easy task, especially if the L. I. Wood & Co. their hands and anxiety in their faces hole occurs at a seam, it is an easy matter to keep the thimble firmly un- for fear the circulation limit would be der the hole. This p,an prevents ~ric~ People Say To Us ing the fingers, and a much nester darn "I cannot eat this or that food, it does will result. not agree with me. Our advice to Take a all of them is to %ake a Pickled Blackberries. $~ Dyspepsia "Do you think a man should divide Makes strup of three pounds of su- his earnings with his wife?" gar and a pint of vin6gar, bringing it T~blet Tonight "Yes--if she don't get it all first."--St. to a bdil. Drop in the berries and cook before and after each meM. 25c abox. It will act as a laxative in the Louis Globe-Democrat~ till they are tender: then seal in jars, L. I. Wood & Co. morning no spices being required: L. I. Wood & Co. The Chronicle, one year, $1.00. The Chronicle, one year, $1.00. PAGE EIGHT. CANS CITY CHRONICLE,FRIDAY.~ :SEPTEMBER 3, !915.

"" NEWGREENL~'Ar_, ~v. - I'--~-~--! ~ ------l und lilO of E 50 ft lot 1, blk 2 FOX .... :::. ,:* :?~w' : ~ " ~.-'*'~ .... *-, .- ...... --, The construction of the new h~..~l,~gl~r C~.~ .$900.: Emanuel Rohrbach wmted near .~ ..... ~ ~'~ ;:'~ ~ ;:~ -'~ hess shop is progressing nicely 'ttn~]-: I-L:~,T~,:!Cranc~elt and wife toE. H. Shabbona. Sunday " ,7+-* .... + der the management of Contractor/Pmney and Son, nw ~/~ of se 54 sw 54 A ...... • ~ _ ~ , . mort x~onro~cn, wno nas been lli, ~5 T ~ "~ '~ * Harrison of Bad Axe of ne ~A and ne ¼ of nw ¼ section 15 ..... ~:~" ~ ~ ~ e ~+ • ~-~,., ~ ...... IS some oe~her again. ~: ~/I/f~/'~ m ~ t e~ ~ ~ ,;" Kenneth McRae zs making prepara- " " r " • .... +:" ** ...... A. I:fagke and Wife to W A Haske Sa ah McGfllway o~ Jackson ~s vzs- .:, V V UUIW~d[@ ~:

•lons ¢o place hiS house u on a Wall. • " "-" ,- ,- - , * P and Wife e V~ 07 ~,~ ~+ ^* ~*-- ~z ~^~ ltmg fllends and rela~ves here. ";- / ¢,. Mr • and M~s.- Petel • Deckei- and ...... Mrs Ctaud Re t i " ~ " •*, -- -~ • I;10/3 1 L~liIOTd ~'ib. • o s recovering, xrom -2 ~ +;+t family of Ubly were callers at Mrs. - ~ . • : • , .~ + Ehza Fox/co E; ttammond, s ~ lot an opelatmn at ~he hosp~taI. ~ "" ~e Mary Decker's ~ Tuesday "" " • !~i • 1, blk 4 Maywlle, $175. Mrs. James Greenleaf visited with .;* M~ss• Nzva" Gable of Cass City" was B . B . T~"ader to J. E. Ewald. tot 15 Cumber fri~,d~ ¢~,,~ ~'~-~,, +, ~ ..... *:" ~e ~'uest o~ Mrs, A**so~, Karr v~ver b!k '2 Smith's add 'Care $!. day. Sunday. C.J. Dunn to Wm. E. Dye etal, w Mrs. N. Bigelow is the guest of The elevator will be ready for busi- 30 acres of e % of sw ¼ section 15 National her*' sister,,' ~M,r~,. Gee• Brondige, of ness in ten days. Vassar, $1. Pontiac. ..: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Popham and H. Bardon and Wi~e to B. DoLvick Joseph Fmatchey attended the bean son, Gordon, and Mr. and Mrs. David and wife, n % of sw ~/; except section dealers' convention at Saginaw the Ward of Kinde were auto guests of 21 Elmwood $5,000• Boy's Suit first of the week. Sam Popham Sunday. E. Harver and Wife ~to W. W. Low, q~ Mrs. Win• Kile, who was on the Mr. Alfred Hempton left Saturday lot 10, blk 36 Fos~oria. road to recovery, has suffered a re- for Pontiac where he expects to be Amos Debolt ~ F.U. Ratz, w ¼ of lapse and is again quite ill• MADE UP FROM employed in the Oakland auto works. e ~& of nw ¼ of sw ¼ section 13 Ak- ron $225. Miss Margaret Striffier leaves next The Williams Bros.' Pickle Co. HIGH GRADE B. D. Partlo and wife to Lewis C. Monday for Manton where she wil! ]aid off ninety men Tuesday on ac- Truax, pt sw ¼ of se 54 :section 29 teach in the public schools• count of shortage of crates. CLOTHS. Akron $75. Mrs. G. A. Strittter and son, Irvine, George Hillman, who has spent the D. Morrison and wife to B. J. Dyer returned Friday evening from a visit last two years in Colorado, returned and wife, lots 2 and 3 and pt lot 1, blk with friends at Manitowoc, Wis. home Thursday. 4 Cleaver's add Gagetown $2,000. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rieker and son, Tailored to please the boy and satisfy the most exacting parent. Miss Carrie McGregor of Palms is James, were guests at the Gee. Rick- the guest of her cousin, Florence Duf- q, Our $5.00 Blue Serge Norfolk gets the touchdown every time. q~ HERE AND THERE er home near Owendate Sunday. tt, field, this week. AROUND THE THUMB Miss Doris Palmateer leaves to- Christy and Colon MeRae have com- The Woolwear Boys' Suits simply bucks other lines out of the game. morrow for Vassar to assume the g menced their studies in the Cass City @. high school. Continued from first page. duties of teacher in a school near that hers of the first two games will play village. John and William Duffield spent for first money which is $30. On ac- @ Sunday with E. Duffield of Grant Cen- Mrs. Wm. MeBurney returned Boys' Suits from $3.00 to $7.50 count of the hotel being closed, the ter. Wednesday from Brown City where ladies of both churches will serve she visited at the home of an aunt Miss Mary McLellan was the guest meals to the ,base ball fans. for a week, ~weater~. We have the most complete line of Sweaters ever shown. of her sister, Mrs. Brace Wheeler, Hon. and Mrs. A. E. Sleeper are to last week. Gov. Ferris, in a proclamation, has Jersey Sweaters in Maroon, Navy, Oxford, priced at 50c, $1.00, $1.50. have a new $30,000 residence in Bad named next Sunday as "Thrift Sun- The Moonlight Club spent Satur-[Axe. Work on the new building has day" and calls on ministers and oth- Either turtle neck or button neck. nay' evening" in a very unique manner. ~been commenced. When completed ~t ers "co observe it. They were conveyed by four horses will be the finest and mos~ expensive Our Jersey Sweaters never fai! to safis~'. and wagon to the home of Mr• and home in Huron county. Fred Lawson and Mrs. Charle~, MorrelI and children of Argyle were Mrs. Win. Taylor where they enjoyed • A fatal accident occurred in Colfax ][n the heavier knit coats we simply have the goods that please. We have the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Roar- a, marshmallow roast, after which the township, Huron county, in which bach Wednehday. them so we can show them with pleasure at any time. joy-seekers played games and finally Norman McIsaae, aged 55, was killed. returned to their homes at an early He was returning from Bad Axe after Mrs. P. O. O'Rourke and son, Ralph, Boys' shoes are one of the heavy questions just now. We will help you solve spent the first of the week at the hour. ( ? ) dark; and it is thought that he was the problem. Mr• and Mrs. Earnest Hillman spent kicked in the head by the horse he was home of her sister, Mrs. Gee. E. Kit- Sunday in Shabbona. driving. chen, of Evergreen. Since Wednesday morning twenty Mr. and Mrs• Frank Barnes of Lan- masons have been employed by the sing and Mrs. Joseph St. Mary of BEAULEY. Covelt Construction Company, and Care were callers at the home of Jas. have been rapidly building the first Greenleaf Wednesday. Farrell & Townsend Co. Ella Harder of Brookfield has been story of the court house. The first Warrer~ O'Rourke retuimed home visiting relatives here for the past story is faced with cut stone, backed Tuesday after spending a week at year. by three tiers of brick. Mr. Covell the home of his grandmother, M~is. Miss Norene Heron left last week stated that in ten days the first story G• H. Copeland,. of Ubly. NOTICE OF MEETING OF TOWN- for Grand Rapids where she will at- mason work would be completed, in- Mi~. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell and SHIP BOARD. tend high school this year. cluding the inside partitions. The ma- daughter, Grace, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. D. McDonald leaves for De- sons employed are from outside San- To Whom It May Concern: Gee. Cclling of Colling were guests i: ":" troit this week where she will visit dusky and they would not work on the Be It KnoWn, An application, in at the home of Howard Lauderbact writing, by Miles Dodge and 8 others, her sons, Wellington and Alva, and job if nonunion men were hired. They Sunday. on August 5, A. D., 1915 was filed their families. work eight hours a day at 65c per I Mrs. Arthur Blair and ,~ue with Albert Hunter, Co. Drain Com- o°° New Vacuum "°° Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman are re- hour.~Sandusky Farmer. ~'*~ son missioner, Tuscoia County, Michigan, Th t James, of Birmin g h am,'~ Alabama, praying for the locating and estab- joicing over a young son born to them e Free Methodist conference Of/were the uests of -" - :~ , .... 1 g the ~ormer s lishing of a drain therein designated Tuesday, August 31, at Pleasant the eastern dzstmct of Mmhzgan waS lcousin ' Mrs J E Seed ..... as follows: in• session last week at Snover. More l the, week " " • , ~ne nrs~ o~ Beginning at a point on Cass river, Home Hospital. .I¢ -I, than 300 ministers and their wives / _ _ " Township of Ellington, Section 12 at " Cleaner and °° Miss Alta Turner is calling on Dr M, the grey gelding race horse the outlet of Cedar Run Creek, thence friends here on her way to Roscom- were in attendance. Bishop Fall of of Dr Wm Mort is of Ga etow New York officiated * o . " • " g n won running northwesterly through sec- men to visit h~r father. All are glad ..... l nrs~ pmee in the 2"30 pace at th B bions I and 12, Ellington Township, While Chas. E, Lee, of Owendale, I ...... ~ " _ e ad thence northwesterly, thence north, see you Atta. ~xe ~mr we~nesaay. .:, @ was returning from an auto tour with l easterly through sections 35 and 26, '" Sweeper +°+" Some of the Beauley people attend~ his family, his auto was run into by a Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Campbell and Elmwood Township to its terminus, ed the ice cream social at Greenleaf truck, near Pontiac, and Mr. Lee suf-I daughter' Marg'aret, returned Tues- Section 25. Also a branch commenc- .:. ol- Saturday ~vening. They report a ing about 60 rods northwest of the oi- ,l- feted injuries that made it necessary Iday evening from Detroit where they southeast corner, section 35, Elmwood ,.u ÷.'~ good time and good ice cream. ~o fake him ~ a hospital, spent two weeks visiting relatives ÷.~ *I, Township, thence running northerly oI~ °:* Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore, Mr. and A certain farmer, not far away, who and :friends. ,, about 125 rods, thence easterly .I- ÷~ through Section 36 Elmwood Town- Mrs. C. E. Hartsell and daughter, is a regular patron of Chicago cata- l A subscriber writes: On reading ship, thence easterly about 60 rods in Marion, called on Mr. and Mrs. Claude log house~, !s quoted as having made t°f the railrdoad accident in last Section 31, Elkland Township. That Hinman Sunday and also attended the prediction that within the next ten lweek's paper, I was reminded of what said drain will traverse the townships 4. .I~ of Elkland, Elmwood and Ellington. church in Unionville, years North Branch will be entirely [a good man was telling us last winter Be It Further Known, That on the , ~r: and Mrs. Luthf,y (~arroll and off the map as a trading point. If o~ his travels. He sald he had trav- 14th day of Sept. A. D., 1915, a meet- chfldrgn, Narn~g and Edith, of Ro- ~his should prove true, your farm and eled by rail ten thousand miles or ing of the fownship boards of the ineo al'e calling on old friends and those of your neighbors will slump in more and had never met with an acci- townships of Elkland, Elmwood and *I* +:÷ Ellington will be held at residence of value at least fifty per cent.~North dent of any kind, had never been de- *I~ g* ~relatives this week• They arrived Jas. Walters, Sec. 35, Elmwood town- ,I+ q* Monday evening making the trip in Branch Gazette. layed or had been late for the train. ship at two o'clock in the afternoon their new Maxwell car. It was a wise legislature last winter He said he always read the Travel- for the purpose of determining the I that provided a rat bounty of 5 cents er's psalm before starting on a jour- purpose of determining the necessity l ~ary E. Hartsell, youngest daugh- of such drain and whether the same' :i: + for rats that were killed after Augugt ney. It is the one hundred twenty- +I, **** ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hartsell, is necessary and conducive to public 20th. Because of the unfavorable and first." 4* , .I. was quietly married to Claude G. Mar- health, convenience and welfare; at +I~ +"* the spoiled crops the farmers will be such meeting all persons owning tin, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. A. Doerr, their son, able to partly compensate themselves lands liable to assessments for bene- *I+ *:* Martin, at the M. E. parsonage at Herman, and daughter, Elizabeth, re- for their losses by killing rats. Just fits, or whose lands will be crossed by Bad Axe by Rev. Gilette Wednesday, turned Monday evening from a de- said drain may appear for or against take them to your township clerk and -:- -';" August 25. The happy couple will lightful five-day automobile trip said drain proceedings. Used together or separate. One get your order on the county treasur- Given under our hands this 28th day take up their residence on the groom's through the eastern part of the state• er. They will lighten your heavy tax of August, A. D., 1915. farm, better know as the Richard They visited Care, Saginaw, Flint, "° handle for both * this fall. Minden City Herald• H. L. Hunt, Township Clerk Elk- Parr, jr., farm. Their friends wish and Pt• Huron, foLowing the river land Township. ¢.. ¢+ them a pleasant voyage on the matri- thrgugh St. Clair Flats to Detroit, M. P. Freeman, Township Clerk The Logic of It. Elmwood ToWnship. monial sea. thence to Pontiac, Utica, Romeo and The Yale freshman year was proving Robt. Spaven, Township Clerk E1- home to Cass City. They were ac- *I. ¢o too expensive to father, so father decid- lington Township• companied as far as Detroit by Miss 9-10-1 ed to have a "heart to heart" talk with ARGYLE. Pearl Doerr and when they reached Johnny, home for the week end. Wedding Bells. @ ~ *I* "Now, son," said he graye!y, but af- that city the Misses Cecil Doerr and The M. E. Ladies' Aid meets with Leta Breckenridge joined the party. Wedding bells should not ring be- fectionately,- "your mother and I are fore invitations printed at the Chroni- .I* Mrs. Jas. McNaughton this week spending just as little as we possibly cle Printery on special high grade ]+4* *I~. Thursday. can. I get up in the morning at 6:30, What the Band Dfd. stock have been sent to your friends. *I- ¢,~ oi- .:. Mrs. Jas. Pettinger, who has been and I work until after 5. But, son, the ' Here s a heading in this paper which If the charming bride to be will hon- or us with a visit we will gladly visiting friends in Wadsworth, re- money just won't go round at the rate says, 'Badly Mutilated by a Mounted + To appreciate this cleaner, you + that your expenses are running. Now, show her specimen cards from which !°.I~ ¢.-:- turned Monday. Rand.' " to make a selecti6n. I ask you, as one man to another, what "What was the name of the piece School opens Monday, Sept. 13 with do you think we had better do7" + should see how easy it does the o':" the band was mutilating?"-fYonkers two teachers. Those who desire to For a moment Johnny's head was Statesman. CASS CITY MARKETS. take up ninth and tenth grade work buried in thought, and then he replied: Gass City, Mich., Sew..,9 1915 .o work. For sale at ° are thus enabled to do so. "Well. father, I don't see any way out Buying Price-- i + + Io .:. Mrs. Ella Marshall and Mr• and but for you to work nights."'-New -~ Wheat ...... 95 York Post. Nothing Doing. Oats ...... ~m~w) 30 Mrs. Tyo of Cass City called at A. Beans ...... 2 80 + • ® ~,+ McLean's Monday. +° C 0 LENZNER'5 ".:+° Reading History. Rye ...... 82 i:~ + The friends of Clark McKenzie are He who reads history learns to dis- Barley Owt ...... I 00 Peas ...... 1 25 sympathizing with him in his sad be- ting~ish what is local from what is Oorn (selling price) ...... 95 + Furniture Store o+ reavement. universal, what is transitory from Baled hay~No. 1 Timothy ...... ~t4 00 Mr. and Mrs. Bond and baby are what is eternal; to discriminate be- No. ~ " ...... 13 00 tween exceptions and rules, to trace No. 1 Mixed ...... 13 00 visiting relatives in and about Argyle. Eggs, per 4oz ...... 19 the operation of disturbing causes, to Butter, per lb. 20 The Cumber chicken pie supper was separate the general principles which well attended and a success fnancial- Fat cows, live weight, per tb ...... 4½ 5 are alway~ trt~e cud everywherz up= ~teers, " " ...... 5~ 7 ly, $30 being added to the church plicable from the accidental circum- Fat sheep, " " ...... 3 funds. Several from ~Argyle were stances with which in every commu- Lambs, " " ...... 6 7 present. Hogs, " " ...... 6~ The Chronicle Printery for nity they are blended and wifh ~hich, Dressed hogs ...... 8~ Dressed beef ...... 10 Wonlte Stantz--l'm sul~msed to eat REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Calves ...... 6 8 a sirloin steak In the eafe ~ae, eh? Hens ...... 11 the best quality of work at u~ start ~!n~ that par~ Broileru ...... 12 Rich. Mam Ducks ...... 11 ar 3, blk. bereh Geese ...... 6 prices that are rig;ht. 5 4ol)sr Turkeys ...... 14 HI~es ~r~en ...... 10