fi* ! CAsS C ITY CHI ONICI E. TRI-COUNTY CHRONICLE, Established in 1899 Consolidated CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915 8 PAGES Vol. 11, No. 20 OAkSN CItY ENTERPRISE, Established in 1881 t April 20, 190~ ' ' ........ ~ ]' ,] '~ J I . _M .............. m _ .... WEATHER FORECAST. AIN ST WAR TRAIING 601NO HUNTING? WHO NNS P,, O, & N,? TOTAL [N OLL IEI T. Woek!y ~ we~ther forecaa~ iam~ed by the U. S. ~" .... ~~"~ Bureau, ~r~.~.: ........ ingham Circuit '~o ~'~....... on Ques- Keeler Would Bar It From Michigan ton, D.C., for the week beginning tion of Ownership. Public Schools. B[H[R R[AD THiS AT SCHOOLIS FiJRiH[i{ GUARDEDWednesday,-Seph i, 1915. For the Region of the Great Lakes: Superintendent of Public Instruc- Warmer weather Wednesday and Who owns the P. O. & N. R. R.? LAWS ADD RESTRICTIONS ON GAME WARDEN HAS LIST OF EXCEEDS THAT AT OPENING tion Fred L. Keeler has declared that Thursday will be followed by some- ]?hat is the question up for judicial "DON'TS" FOR NIMRODS. LAST YEAR. he was opposed to any plan whereby SHIPMENTS OF LIQUOR. what lower temperatures Friday and determination in the Ingham circuit military training would be established Saturday in the upped lake region and court,.... in the, public schools of Michigan. "It by seasonable temperatures else- Judge Collingwood on Monday Dealers in Cigarettes Forbidden to Tells in a Nutshell How to began to hear the appeal of that rail- ~N@n-Resident List Shows a Slight De- is all right for colleges and universi- where. The Weather will be generally ties , but it has no place in the public Sell to Any Person Under 21 fair. Avoid Getting Into road from an order of the Michigan crease Owing to Late Harvest railroad commission. In 1911 J. T. school system of Michigan," he said. Years of Age. Trouble~ and Busy Days on Farm. "We know what too much military Wylie & Co., of Saginaw, a lumber training will do for a country. Let us firm, complained that the ~Grand Trunk was charging for switching" teach the boys the policy of the According to Prosecuting lH W HVF,flNF - Deputy Game Warden Charles Hoyt The Cuss City Schools opened Mon- square deal instead of taking" time Smith ? Lapeer County, several laws ["~ "= =~ =-,=L ~,,h has prepared a list of "don'ts" for the over the Pontiac, Oxford & Northern day morning and the total enrollment from their studies to instruct them in affecting the liquor traffic which were t " i|l||lnnrn vr~no benefit of the hunters of Michigan. division; Later the lumber people numbers 347. Of-this number 117 are the manuaI of arms." passed by the recent legislature be-] ~|~|~r]| ~r~ Deputy Hoyt says: went before the commission and in the high school, 65 of .them being came effective last week, ninety days:~ ==~"~"*'-~ =,-=,,,v Don't hunt partridge or rabbits be- charged that the P., O. & N. was resident and 52 non-resident pupils. after the adjournment of our state ~ --- fore Oct. 1. owned and operated as a division of While the total enrollment exceeds legislature. Don't hunt or kill wood duck at any the Grand Trunk Western and that that at the opening of school last it OT FAUltIER The first law and perhaps the one DR. C. E. BARKER TELLS HOW IT time before 1918. consequently switching charges on year, the number of non-residents in of greatest importance puts addition- CAN BE DONE. Don't hunt or attempt to hunt with- logging shipments were against the the high school is not as great. This al restrictions on persons in dry coun- out first securing a license to do so. law. The commission held with them is accounted for by the late harvest BR,[/KS NECl(ll FALLties wishing to have shipped in beer, Don't permit your minor children and the railroad appealed. /and the busy days on the farm. It is whisky or any other alcoholic bever- Practical and Simple Rules of Pro- Don't hunt or attempt to hunt ducks expected that the non-resident list age, says the Lapeer Clarion. The law moting "A Sound Mind In a or waterfowl before sunrise of Sept. will be considerably increased before 1. LIVED A HALF DAY AFTER 'compels such persons to go on record Sound Body" Are Given. many weeks pass. that the railroads may have a com- under 17 years of age to hunt at any ACCIDENT. HE[{[ AND TH[RE The enrollment by grades is: I plete index to all persons who receive time or place, except on your own en- 1st grade, 35; 2rid grade, 36; 3rd i consignments of liquor. Dr. Chas. E. Barker, ex-President closed lands upon which you are regu- grade, 38; 4th grade, 26; 5th grade, Under the new law, before one can larly domiciled. The law does not per- Hiram Goc~lells Falls in Barn Taft's physician, and a noted authori- R(}IJN[} THE THUIVlB 31; ,6~h grade, 24; 7th grade, 18; 8th have Iiquors shipped to him, he must ty in the medical world, is delivering mit them to secure a license, therefore While Making Preparations grade, 22. go before a notary public and take a practical and helpfuI lecture on they cannot hunt. N.on-Resident List. to Thresh Grain. oath ~hat he is of age, is not a drunk- "How to Live a Hundred Years," on Don't trap or attempt to trap fur- -~~N TC~ ~S r tON HAS BASE BALL The f.ollowing is the list of non- ard or a tippler and that he is getting the Chautauqua platform this season. bearing" animals before the season TOURNAMENT SEPT. 6. resident pupils in the high school and the liquor for family use in his home. First he showed by authority that opens Nov. 1. (From Witmot Correspondent.) their township residence: Two copies of the affidavit are made, could not be questioned that it was Don't trap unless you have procured Beatrice Helwig, Elkland. While preparing to thresh Wednes- one of them to be filed with the rail- not at all unreasonable for a normal a hunting license. Crook Picks Pocket of Sheriff; Oth- day forenoon, Hiram Goodells, resid- Benoni Hutchinson, Elkland. road company and one with the brew- boy or girl to expect to live 100 years. Don't hunt partridge from automo- er Items From Our Neighbor- Irene Quinn, Grant. ~" ing one and a half miles northwest of ery or dis~illery from which the liquor biles. It involved eommon sense, reasonable ing Villages. Eliza Leishman, Elmwood. Wilmot, stepped from the separator Don't hunt ducks from motor boats. Etta Thane, Elktand. is obtained. New affadavits are not care, thoughtfulness and will power. to the mow, and as he did so, he Irene Croft, Sheridan. necessary each ~ime liquor is ordered, The first essential was to take plen- Don't kill anything" which the law Beryl Flint. struck his head against a beam. lie the one sworn statement sufficing ty of good fresh air into all the air protects by an absolute elosed season. It cost 27 backers of the chautau- Milford Robinson. )~ was thrown to the floor, a distance of thereafter. cells of the lungs. That would purify Don't kilt song and insectivorous qua at North Branch $2.60 each to Sarx ;Robinson. eight feet. He struck on his head It is exgected the effect of the law the blood and eliminate poisons from birds at any time. meet their guarantee this year. Nev- Leola Schwaderer, Novesta. and shoulders, b~,eaking his neck and Cecil Wells, Kingston. will be to shut off those under age the system. Don't keep in possession, alive or ertheless they are game and are be- Ogle Wells, Kingston. causing paralysis from the shoulders and hard drinkers from getting The pores of the skin were anoth- dead, any game or fur-bearing animals hind the movement for another year. Clarence Travis, Evergreen. down. He lived until ten o'clock in liquor, "but Will give the occasional er means of elim~natio~ of wastes and during closed season without getting Marlette has mere school children Alice Ferguson, Novesta. the evening, being ,conscious and suf- drinker little more trouble than laws Continued on fifth page. a permit to do so from the game, fish than any other township in Sanilac Retta Hooper, (Vanderbilt). fering intensely with pain~ in his :Later,el Howey, Detroit). that have been in effect several and forest fire eommissiOner. county, heading the list with 698. Ar- Gladwin Goron, Etmwood. neck and head most ~ of the time. years, regarding shipment of liquor. Don't take any non-game birds for gyle towoship ranks second with 461, Leroy Harris, Evergreen. Hiram Goodelts was born in the A~o~her law which became effec- Continued on fifth page. and Delaware third with 452 pupils. Christie McRae, Evergreen. sta~e "o~ New York 59 years a~o, but five last week authorizes township MRS, AMASABROWN Evidently the crook who operated Jeanetta McCallum, G~eenleaf. has lived in Michigan since a small Gladys Nicoll, Greenteaf. boards to refuse to grant licenses, with his fingers at the Imlay City cele- Gladys Jackson, Elmwood. boy. Besid'es his wife, he leaves two thus giving them the same right as After Ten Days Suffering with Pa- FIRST NEETING bration was no respecter of persons. Katherine Striffter, Elkland. sons, Andrew of Care and George ,o£ SEPT, 13 villages or cities. A similar law had ralysis, She Passed Away Aug. 23. Sheriff Thomas Dumphy journeyed Marie Crandell, Elkland. WVil~mot, an a,dol~ed daughter ~nd :a~ previously been declared unconstitu- over with the Sandusky delegation, Ernest Wood, Elkland.
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