9780521895200 Index.Pdf
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89520-0 - The Renaissance in Italy: A Social and Cultural History of the Rinascimento Guido Ruggiero Index More information INDEX Abel (Bible), depiction in art, 561–2 classics and, 251 , 257–8 Abortion, 129–30 clothing, depiction of, 363–4 Academies, 539–47 consensus realities and, 254–6 , 363–4 Accademia della Crusca (Academy), 541–2 culture and, 251 , 254, 257 Accolti, Bernardo, 452 Dante compared, 253 Acta Ecclesiae Mediolanenesis Eugenius IV and, 275 (Borromeo), 521 Gianfrancesco Gonzaga and, 294 Adam (Bible) on honor, 254–6 depiction in art, 561–2 Lorenzo de’ Medici and, 316 Garden of Eden and, 1–2 , 7 Ludovico Sforza and, 294 , 295 knowledge of, 260 Nicholas V and, 276 naming of things by, 221 , 261 , as painter, 294 266–7 , 423 Petrarch compared, 253 Savonarola on, 489–90 Alberti, Lionardo, 254–6 Addormentati (Academy), 541 Albert of Stade, 21 Adoration of the Christ Child (Fra Filippo Albizzi family, 299–300 Lippi), 307–8 Albornoz, Egidio, 60–1 , 157 , 166 Adoration of the Magi (Leonardo), 350 Alexander III (Pope), 39 , 41 , 270 Adoration of the Magi, The (Botticelli), Alexander the Great (Macedon), 458 , 582 345–6 , 357–9 Alexander VI (Pope) Adrian VI (Pope), 503–4 , 507–8 generally, 278 , 379 , 510 Aeschylus, 397 death of, 355 , 442 Africa (Petrarch), 225 French invasion of Italy and, 404–5 , Agathocles (Greece), 448 , 449 410–11 , 412 Age of the Beloveds, The (Andrews and “New World” and, 427 Kalpaki), 582 Piero de’ Medici and, 401 Age of marriage, 375 , 474 , 478 , 480–1 , 483 Savonarola
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