United States Patent (19) (11) 4,161,571 Yasui Et Al
United States Patent (19) (11) 4,161,571 Yasui et al. 45 Jul. 17, 1979 (54) PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE 4,080,493 3/1978 Yasui et al. .......................... 260/879 MALE CANHYDRDE ADDUCT OF A 4,082,817 4/1978 Imaizumi et al. ...................... 526/46 LIQUID POLYMER 4,091,198 5/1978 Smith ..................................... 526/56 75 Inventors: Seimei Yasui, Takarazuka; Takao FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Oshima, Sonehigashi, both of Japan 2262677 2/1975 France ....................................... 526/56 73) Assignee: Sumitomo Chemical Company, 44-1989 1/1969 Japan ......................................... 526/56 Limited, Osaka, Japan Primary Examiner-William F. Hamrock Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Birch, Stewart, Kolasch and 21 Appl. No.: 843,311 Birch 22 Filed: Oct. 18, 1977 57 ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data A process for production of the maleic anhydride ad duct of a liquid polymer having a maleic anhydride 62 Division of Ser. No. 733,914, Oct. 19, 1976, Pat, No. addition amount of 2 to 70% by weight, which com 4,080,493. prises reacting a liquid polymer having a molecular 51 Int. C.’................................................ CO8F 8/46 weight of 150 to 5,000 and a viscosity of 2 to 50,000 cp (52) U.S. C. ...................................... 526/90; 526/192; at 30 C. in the presence of at least one compound, as a 526/209; 526/213; 526/193; 526/195; 526/226; gelation inhibitor, selected from the group consisting of 526/233; 526/237; 526/238; 526/272; 525/285; imidazoles, thiazoles, metallic salts of mercapto 525/249; 525/251; 525/255; 525/245; 525/248 thiazoles, urea derivatives, naphthylamines, nitrosa (58) Field of Search ................
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