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Men’s Club, Sisterhood, Youth & Children Concerts

Jewish Film Series ! 5774 2013/2014 PROGRAM GUIDE 2013/2014 5774

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Table of Contents CLASSES p.3 LECTURES p.7 Afternoon Monday evenings at 8 PM with Barry Mael Oct. 21 75 minutes before Mincha services, Jewish Music: through Nov. 2, 2013. Study resumes The Sacred And February 2014. The Secular Torah On Monday with Rabbi Malomet with Rabbi Samuel Barth Starts Oct. 7 at 12:12 PM Torah On Tuesdays with Rabbi Malomet Nov.18 Starts Oct. 8 at 10:30 AM Images Of The Past: And Trope In The with Jonathan Ehrlich Civil War Starts Monday, Jan. 27, 2014 at 8 PM with for six weeks, additional dates TBA. Bruce Form On Sundays For Everyone and Mira Starts Oct. 6 at 9:30 AM Katz-Form Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz Dec. 2 Women In Jewish Law Silence and Memory Thursday, Oct. 10 at 8 PM In The Aftermath Of Rabbi Judith Hauptman The Shoah Judaic Classics with with Professor Judith Gerson Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz Thursdays at 8 PM – 6 week sessions Jan. 13, 2014 “The Shabbos ” Starts Oct. 17 The Jewish Afterlife “The Last Trial” Starts Mar. 6, 2014 …And Getting There Gently with Bruce Birnberg Hebrew Ulpan with Ilana Rozett Starts Sunday, Oct. 6 & Tuesday Oct. 8 Feb. 10, 2014 Beginners: Sundays at 9:30 AM Intermarriage: Intermediate: Tuesdays at 7 PM How Do We Respond? Advanced: Tuesday at 8 PM with Rabbi Kerry Olitzky Spirituality And Synagogue Music: The Song Remains The Same Mar. 10, 2014 with Cantor Randall Levin Messy History: Mondays, Oct.14, 28 & Nov. 4 at 8 PM How The Cairo Geniza Has Complicated Our Pre-Passover Workshop with View Of The Past Rabbi Malomet With Professor Arnold Franklin Monday, March 31, 2014 at 8 PM Twelve Angry Men– An Introduction Loretta Flam To The Minor Prophets Memorial Lecture with Rabbi Sara Rich Sunday Morning, May 4, 2014 Mondays, May 5, 12 & 19, 2014 at 8 PM Program to be announced

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Table of Contents SPECIAL EVENTS: CONCERTS p.11 continued Emerging Artists Coffee House CAE Legacy Shabbaton Saturday, Oct.19 at 8 PM Date / speaker to be announced. Featuring folk duo: The Lords of Lichtenstein SISTERHOOD PROGRAMS p.15



Hanukkah Music Program Sunday, Nov. 24 at 7 PM Featuring the JTS Student Cantor’s Chorale Shirainu Concert In Memory of Norman Shiffman

Saturday, Dec. 7 at 8 PM Featuring 12th Night Klezmer Ensemble

Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013 at 8 PM SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE Srugim Israel. Hebrew with English subtitles PROGRAMS / SHABBATON p.13 Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013 at 8 PM Dr. Julius And Ethel Mintz Noodle Israel. Hebrew and Mandarin with Scholar-In-Residence Shabbaton English subtitles Friday-Saturday, Dec. 13-14 Saturday, Jan. 11, 2014 at 8 PM “Lessons Learned from a Lore Germany. German with English subtitles Life of Prayer” Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014 at 8 PM with Rabbi Eliezer Diamond The Law In These Parts Israel. Professor of Talmud, JTS Arabic and Hebrew with English subtitles

Sandor And Suzanne Gross Memorial Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014 at 8 PM Cantorial Shabbaton The Little Traitor Israel. In English Friday-Saturday Saturday, Mar. 8, 2014 at 8 PM Feb. 21-22, 2014 Ashkenaz Israel and Netherlands. English, with Hazzan Brian Shamash Hebrew, and with English subtitles

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Shabbat Afternoon Torah Study Torah On Monday Saturdays, ongoing. Mondays, beginning Oct. 7, 2013 12:15 – 1:15 PM Shabbat afternoon starting 75 minutes before Mincha; goes through November 2, 2013. Rabbi Malomet’s lively Monday Class resumes February 2014. lunch class continues this year with an in-depth look at the Book of Get into the spirit of Shabbat at this lively and Vayikra. Each week we will continue interactive text-based study session. to examine a different text from the third book Barry Mael has worked in the of the Torah, looking for its literary, theological, Jewish not-for-profit world since spiritual and historical messages and its 1982. He is currently the Director of relevance to us today. Join us for a light lunch Kahilla, Operations and followed by an encounter with the travails and Finance for United Synagogue of Conservative travels of the ancient Israelites. Judaism – USCJ. Members attend at no charge. Non-members $10 per semester. Optional There is no fee for this class. lunch is $3.00.

Torah Reading And Trope Torah On Tuesday With Jonathan Ehrlich Tuesdays, beginning Oct. 8, 2013 Mondays, 10:30 – 11:30 AM beginning Jan. 27, 2014 8 PM (Runs for six weeks.) Rabbi Malomet will lead a discussion of ethical, moral, and spiritual issues in the Torah Other dates will be announced. and rabbinic writings. Using Joseph Telushkin’s Contact the temple office if interested in Code of Jewish Ethics as our guide, we will this class. address questions, such as, how should one live? How do we, as Jews, make decisions There is no fee for this class. about the most important things in our lives? What kind of characteristics should we emulate and develop? What is an ideal Jew?

Members attend at no charge. Non-members $10 per semester.

Talmud On Sunday For Everyone With Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz Sundays, beginning Oct. 6, 2013 at 9:30 AM

In this class we will study tractate Ta’anit, which deals with prayer and ritual fasting, usually in the case of drought. The central motif of rain as a metaphor for longing, desire, and loss makes this tractate unusually rich as a source of personal meaning. We also will make extensive use of Professor Tal Ilan’s new commentary on the tractate. Handouts will be available.

Members: $50 per course per semester or $100 per year. Non-Members: $60 per course per semester or $120 per year. Participate in both Talmud and Thursday evening classes for $75 /$150 for members or $90 / $180 for non-members. Pay the full year in advance and get a 10% discount.


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Women In Jewish Law Oct. 10, 2013 at 8 PM

Before this year’s regular classes, we finish last year’s class on Women in Jewish Law with a presentation by Rabbi Judith Hauptman of The Jewish Theological Seminary discussing her book “Rereading The Rabbis: A Woman’s Voice.” This class is open to all.

This year we present two series exploring classic popular works of Jewish scholarship with Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz. We will examine these works along with the primary sources they use, and the meaning that they hold for us as Jews and as human beings.

The Shabbos Goy by Jacob Katz Begins Oct. 17, 2013 at 8 PM (Runs six weeks)

Can my non-Jewish neighbor turn on my lights on Shabbat? What about delivering food to me? From the Babylonian period to the twentieth century, strictly observant Jews have depended on a non-Jew, or “Shabbos goy,” to perform work that was forbidden on the Sabbath. The author traces the role of the Shabbos goy through the centuries. Katz affords the Shabbos goy the central role in this fascinating case study on the larger question of the adaptability of Halakhah to the ever- changing circumstances of life.

Texts: “The Shabbos Goy,” by Jacob Katz, and various primary texts. All texts and sources will be available in handouts or online.

The Last Trial by Shalom Spiegel Begins Mar. 6, 2014 at at 8 PM (Runs six weeks)

Was Isaac really killed in the Akedah? Was he brought back to life? In this fascinating book, Shalom Spiegel traces rabbinic interpretations of the Akedah (the Binding of Isaac) from the earliest sources through the Middle Ages. He begins with the remarkable view that during this period European Jews looked to Isaac as a martyr. This prototypical sacrifice became an inspiration to those Jews who killed themselves rather than convert to Christianity under the threat of the Crusaders. In the plain language of Scripture, God ultimately tells Abraham not to sacrifice (or even harm) Isaac. Yet many aggadic interpretations suggested that Isaac was actually sacrificed and then brought back to life. Spiegel asks how medieval interpretation of the Akedah could have strayed so far from the plain meaning of Scripture, and in particular whether the theme of the redemptive sacrifice of the first born should be traced to Christian influence.

Texts: “The Last Trial,” by Shalom Spiegel, and various primary texts. All texts and sources will be available in handouts or online.

Members: $50 per course per semester or $100 per year Non-Members: $60 per course per semester or $120 per year Participate in both Talmud and Thursday evening classes for $75 /$150 for members or $90 /$180 for non-members. Pay for the full year in advance and get a 10% discount.

Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz has a doctorate in Talmud and Rabbinics from The Jewish Theological Seminary, where he serves as an adjunct assistant professor of Talmud. Rabbi Schwartz is an alumnus of the University Nebraska and holds Master’s degrees in Talmud and in Philosophy from The Jewish Theological Seminary. He was a multi-year recipient of the prestigious Saul Lieberman Fellowship for Talmud and Rabbinic Graduate Studies. He also has taught in the Jewish Studies Department at Rutgers University and at the Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion.


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Spirituality And Synagogue Music: The Song Remains The Same Mondays – Three classes Oct.14, 28, and Nov. 4, 2013 8 PM

Randall Levin What makes for authentic ? Does it take place only in is the Hazzan at the synagogue? What does it sound like inside and outside of a Highland Park synagogue? Does Jewish worship "count" if you don't make a Conservative Temple– sound? Should everyone be singing along? Do you want to know Congregation Anshe more about the melodies we use in congregational services and Emeth. Cantor Levin hails where some of them come from? And what about prayers that are from Akron, Ohio and being turned into popular music – does that count as prayer? We attended Beth El will study the development of congregational singing as a feature Congregation, where he of the traditional Jewish worship service, discuss the difference spent more than a decade between public and private prayer, and examine the emergence of as a soloist in the Beth El overtly religious music in Israel as a popular phenomenon and its Choir. He received his possible effect upon synagogue music in the United States. Bachelor of Music in Vocal Members $36 Performance from the Non-members $40 University of Akron, School of Music before completing Participants in this class receive free entrance to the his graduate studies at Oct. 21 Lecture by Rabbi Samuel Barth “Jewish Music: The the Cincinnati College Sacred And The Secular” – see page 7 Conservatory of Music. Cantor Levin is a past Fellowship recipient at the Aspen Music Festival. As a professional, Cantor Levin has appeared as Pre-Passover a soloist in opera and Workshop: concert productions in More Matzah, Maror, the United States and And More Europe and served as an assistant cantor in several Monday synagogues. Cantor Levin March 31, 2014 is a fifth year student at 8 PM the H. L. Miller Cantorial Rabbi Malomet will teach us more about the Halakhah, School at the Jewish customs and traditions of the Passover Seder and the Theological Seminary holiday. He will give us new ideas for entertaining our of America. children and educating our guests.

Attend at no charge.


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These three classes aim to increase students’ abilities to communicate in Hebrew in a relaxed and fun-filled atmosphere in Ulpan style – teaching Hebrew in Hebrew. Students of all backgrounds are welcome to these engaging and enjoyable classes.

Beginners’ Hebrew Intermediate Hebrew Advanced Hebrew Sundays Tuesdays Tuesdays Beginning Oct. 6, 2013 Beginning Oct. 8, 2013 Beginning Oct. 8, 2013 9:30 AM 7 PM 8 PM

This class covers basic We concentrate on build- The advanced course builds reading, writing, and ing vocabulary through on the students’ knowledge conversational Hebrew, as conversation, reading and of basic Hebrew and focuses well as simple vocabulary. writing. A simple text and on comprehension, creative workbook will help students writing and conversation. master the basics of Hebrew An advanced text will provide grammar while telling exercises in reading compre- enjoyable stories. hension and enjoyable stories.

Ilana Rozett is a certified Hebrew and Jewish Studies teacher and a Master Ulpan teacher. She taught at Solomon Schechter Day School for 23 years and is now a teacher at Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva in Edison. Ms. Rozett teaches Hebrew at several area synagogues.

Members $50 per semester or $100 per year. Non-members $60 per semester or $120. High school and college students are half price. Pay the full year in advance and get a 10% discount.

The Hebrew Ulpan Program is supported by Congregation Anshe Emeth Legacy Endowment.

Twelve Angry Men – An Introduction To The Minor Prophets Mondays – Three classes May 5, 12, and 19, 2014 8 PM

Minor prophet Zephaniah? Habbakuk? It’s likely that you have heard these names, know that they are part of the Tanakh, and that’s where the level of familiarity ends. Examining the Twelve Minor Prophets gives a glimpse into the spiritual struggles and social ills of the Israelites in the years 800-500 B.C.E. and the relevant lessons for us as individuals and as members of a Jewish community today.

Rabbi Sara Rich is the Director of Education at the Center for Jewish Life - Hillel at Princeton University. She received ordination from the New York campus of the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion in 2011. Sara and her husband Ezra Rich moved to Highland Park and joined the Temple in 2012.

Members $36. Non-members $40.


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Jewish Music: Images Of The Past: The Sacred And The Secular Jews In The Civil War Oct, 21, 2013 Nov. 18, 2013

How has the relationship between Jewish Bruce Form and Mira liturgy, including the psalms, and popular Katz-Form are Civil War Jewish music become an unfolding story of historians, re-enactors and shared influence? We will discuss the way living historians. Each is our traditions and synagogue services are member of the Robert E. Lee influenced by the surrounding music of the Civil War Round Table of Central New Jersey Jewish people, both from Israel and the U.S., of Woodbridge, NJ. Mira is an active member in this educational and entertaining session. of the Civil War Living History Weekend at Parker Press Park, Woodbridge, N.J. Bruce Rabbi Samuel Barth serves on the Executive Committee and is also is senior lecturer of Liturgy the Executive Director of the Round Table’s and Worship at The Jewish Civil War Library and Research Center. Theological Seminary. He received his rabbinic On the Union side Bruce portrays Captain ordination from the Leo Myer J. Asch of the 1st New Jersey Cavalry Baeck College in London. and Mira portrays Miss Rebecca Moss, Secretary of the Ladies Hebrew Association As a congregational leader, Rabbi Barth for the Relief of Sick and Wounded Soldiers, developed a reputation for creating religious both of whom were natives of Philadelphia. As services that were deeply rooted in classical their Confederate personas, Bruce portrays texts, in accord with Halakhah, and that also Major Raphael Moses, Chief Commissary of embraced the creative use of Jewish poetry Longstreet’s Corps (1st Corps), Army of and the music of modernity and the medieval Northern Virginia, and Mira portrays his wife, period. His work shows that even the most Eliza Moses, who was active on the home front ancient texts can generate spiritual response in Columbus, Georgia during the Civil War. As and devotion if the context and atmosphere re-enactors in the field Bruce fights as a are well prepared, and the words and music Berdan Sharpshooter, or a Dismounted of modern poets, composers, and musicians Cavalry Trooper, or serves as an Assistant can find enthusiastic acceptance by Surgeon, and Mira reenacts in the field as a congregational audiences . Vivandiere (Daughter of the Regiment). Rabbi Barth served as Assistant Dean of The Forms have been researching Jewish Civil The Rabbinical School of JTS and then for War veterans and the Civil War Jewish ten years as Dean and Vice President for community for over fifteen years. Their research Academic Affairs at the Academy for Jewish has given them the opportunity to speak to Religion, where he taught Liturgy and Codes. numerous Civil War groups. They have been Rabbi Barth pursued doctoral studies in well received at various Jewish organizations Liturgy at JTS and is now completing a and various congregations in the New York and doctorate in the use of the Psalms in interfaith Philadelphia metropolitan areas and a wide worship at New York Theological Seminary. range of public and private schools throughout Members $6. Non-members $10. New Jersey. Their talks have helped to educate people about the many roles played by Jews Participants in Cantor Levine’s class during the war, both in the Union and the “Spirituality And Synagogue Music: Confederacy. The Song Remains The Same,” receive free entrance to this lecture. See page 5. Members $6. Non-members $10.


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Silence And Memory In The Aftermath The Jewish Afterlife Of The Shoah …And Getting There Gently Dec. 2, 2013 Jan. 13, 2014

Why, in the aftermath of the Shoah, did most survivors Most of us prefer not to contemplate not speak about the catastrophic past they recently our own mortality. We do, however, had endured? The proverbial silence about the like to laugh about it, listen to music Holocaust that characterized the postwar lives of about it, and watch movies that do it survivors and the American Jewish public in general for us. There is no issue that stirs up appeared to be both widespread and also virtually as much emotion as death and dying. complete. Yet whether survivors chose not to speak, Although every birth comes with a spoke about the Shoah only to other survivors who limited warranty, we often avoid such could better understand what they had experienced, discourse until we are confronted with or were actively silenced by others when they spoke the inevitable. remains a contested question. This stimulating session will cause This lecture seeks to provide a more nuanced and you to laugh, to cry, and to ponder the ultimately more accurate understanding of trauma and meaning of life…and death. It offers a silence with respect to the Shoah. Professor Judith multi-cultural, multi-media exploration Gerson discusses her research on Jewish survivors of “the world to come.” from Germany and focuses on the memoirs they Bruce Birnberg is wrote, documenting the various ways in which they the Executive Director both remembered and seemingly forgot their pasts. of the Stein Hospice She examines the occasions when survivors spoke in Somerset, N.J. and when they kept silent, ultimately challenging the Before that, he idea that speech and silence are opposites. This served for 17 years as Associate lecture concludes with a discussion of how to unravel Director at JFK Family Medicine the relationship between silence and speech, Residency Program in Edison, New demonstrating that even within apparent silences, Jersey. In that faculty position, he erasures and omissions, there is speech about and taught Family Medicine resident remembrance of a traumatic past. physicians a sophisticated psycho- Professor Judith Gerson is on social curriculum, which included the faculty in the Departments of end-of-life issues. He has published Sociology and Women's and on this and other subjects in Gender Studies and an affiliate professional journals. His faculty faculty member in the Dept. of appointment was through UMDNJ- Jewish Studies at Rutgers University. She is a Robert Wood Johnson Medical School recipient of a residential research fellowship at the as Clinical Assistant Professor in the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the U.S. Department of Family Medicine. Holocaust Memorial Museum, and co-editor of Mr. Birnberg is a graduate of the Sociology Confronts the Holocaust: Memories, City University of New York. He Identities and Diasporas (Duke University Press, received a bachelor of science 2007). Professor Gerson is currently completing a degree in psychology from Brooklyn book on German Jewish forced emigration during the College and a master’s of social work Nazi era. She has received awards from the American degree from Hunter College School Sociological Association and the National Science of Social Work. Foundation to conduct research on the sociological perspectives of life during and after the Holocaust. Members $6. Non-members $10.

Members $6. Non-members $10. p.8

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Intermarriage: How Do We Respond? Feb. 10, 2014

Intermarriage is among the most crucial issues facing the North American Jewish community. But the only response, especially to those who come from other religious backgrounds, is a resounding "Welcome." Join leading expert Rabbi Kerry Olitzky in what promises to be a provocative and inspiring presentation on how to respond when you learn that your adult child or grandchild plans to marry someone of another faith. This session will tell you how to open your home, your community, and your heart.

Rabbi Kerry Olitzky is the executive director of the Jewish Outreach Institute, the only national, independent organization whose mission is to reach those unaffiliated and those who have intermarried. Named as one of the top fifty rabbis in the United States by Newsweek, he is the author/editor of numerous books that bring the wisdom of Jewish tradition into everyday living. His most recent publication is Jewish Men Pray (Jewish Lights Publishing).

Members $6. Non-members $10.

Messy History: How The Cairo Geniza Has Complicated Our View Of The Past Mar. 10, 2014

What were the materials from the Cairo Geniza, a remarkable trove of medieval Jewish manuscripts that came to light at the end of the nineteenth century? Altogether, the Geniza contained a staggering 250,000 texts, including autographed masterpieces by such celebrated authors as Moses Maimonides and Judah Halevi as well as thousands of letters and documents reflecting the daily lives of ordinary Jews. Through a consideration of texts both sublime and mundane, we will explore how the Geniza has transformed our understanding of the past, overturning in some cases long-held assumptions about Jewish society in the Middle Ages.

Arnold Franklin is Associate Professor in the Department of History at Queens College, CUNY. His research focuses on Jewish society in the medieval Islamic world, and he is the author, most recently, of This Noble House: Jewish Descendants of King David in the Medieval Islamic East (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012). He received his undergraduate degree from Harvard College and earned his doctorate in Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University.

Members $6. Non-members $10.

Loretta Flam Memorial Lecture Sunday Morning, May 4, 2014 Program to be announced.


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Special Event: A NEW TORAH

The dedication of a new Torah scroll is one of the most important moments in the life of a congregation.

Join us Sunday, November 17, 2013 as we celebrate the addition of a new Torah to our synagogue

To participate in the writing of a Sefer Torah is one of the greatest mitzvot a Jew can fulfill. One who writes even a single letter in a Torah, or supports the writing of a Torah through an act of generosity, fulfills this sacred obligation.

On Sunday, November 17, 2013, we will have the opportunity to complete the writing of a new Sefer Torah. Each one of us will be able to inscribe our place in the scroll that will be lovingly used for generations to come.

Dedication Opportunities

The entire congregation is invited and encouraged to participate in the mitzvah of writing this Sefer Torah. With your generous gift you can choose a dedication that will forever be meaningful for you and your family. All dedications will be acknowledged and recognized in a meaningful way. Please select one or more dedications that touch your heart. Your gift will help strengthen and sustain our Temple.

The Tabak Family will honor Torah Adornments Special/Holiday Aliyah the memory of beloved • Torah Portion Breastplate $360 each member Harriet Tabakz’l with • Torah Crown • Rosh Hashanah Verse the gift of a Torah. • Pointer/yad • Yom Kippur $180 each • Torah Rollers • Simchat Torah Those of us who were • Wimple/Belt • Pesach Hebrew blessed to know Harriet $18,000 each* • Shavuot Name Tabak, zikhronah livrakha • Holiness Code $118 each (may her memory serve as Books of the Torah • Priestly Blessing a blessing), knew her as a • Genesis Word $5,400 each* doer dedicated to her family, • Leviticus $54 each our synagogue, and the • Exodus Moshe’s Blessing Letter (Adult) Jewish community. • Numbers of Each of the $36 each • Deuteronomy Twelve Tribes Harriet cared deeply about $10,000 each* $3,600 each* Letter others and devoted her (Children) significant energies to our Heart of the Torah Weekly Portion $18 each community. To Harriet, the • B’reishit $1,800 each Temple represented an • Sh’ma Chapter of the extension of her family and • V’ahavta Torah her home. There could not be • Last Word-Yisreal $720 each a more fitting way to establish • 10 Commandments her legacy than to honor her

$7,200 each* memory with the writing of a

*Dedication of $3,600 or more may be paid over two years. Sefer Torah.


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The Lords Of Lichtenstein

The Lords Of Lichtenstein Saturday, Oct.19, 2013 at 8 PM

Brothers Dan and Noah Rauchwerk are Holmdel natives who formally joined forces as an acoustic folk duo, The Lords of Liechtenstein, in 2007. Together Dan (guitar/banjo/vocals) and Noah (ukulele/piano/percussion/vocals) write songs in an acoustic tradition, incorporating elements of folk, reggae, and funk. The Lords’ simple yet catchy melodies draw an audience into accessible lyrics that inspire with powerful social and emotional commentary.

The Lords have released three CDs in the last three years, including a concept album on the African food crises, Economics of an Empty Stomach (2011), and, most recently, a quirky, multi-faceted LP entitled Siberia (2012). Learn more at

Dan is a Rutgers grad (Go RU), and Noah is an NYU student.

About the origins of that LoL name. Dan explains “The name resulted from an obsession that we’ve had with Liechtenstein ever since our dad returned from a trip to Western Europe in the ’90s and told us about the country. We think it’s hilarious that you can buy a house in Liechtenstein only if you already own a house in Liechtenstein, horrifying that women didn’t have the right to vote there until the 1980s, and downright bizarre that you can rent out the entire country for corporate functions. The place is just one big conundrum.”

Our New Emerging Artists Coffeehouse features small table and chair seating in an intimate setting. Wine is included in the cost of admission. Cheese plates, coffee, and dessert will be available. Open to the Public.

Tickets: $20 in advance (before Oct.10), wine or coffee and BONUS cheese plate or dessert included OR $22 at the door, wine or coffee included. Reserve tickets at


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Special Event SHIRAINU JEWISH MUSIC CONCERT In Memory of Norman Shiffman

12th Night Klezmer Ensemble Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013 at 8 PM

12th Night Klezmer Ensemble was born in 2009 as collaboration among creative musicians trained at the world’s leading music conservatories. The all-Israeli ensemble established its own unique language, style, and sounds, influenced by Klezmer masters of our time. After years of individual performances being featured in festivals and media worldwide, the ensemble members joined forces to bring traditional Jewish music to the forefront of performance. 12th Night Klezmer members are Elad Kabilio, cello; Avigail Malachi-Baev, clarinet; Kobi Malin, violin; David Segal, double-bass; and Daniel Dor, percussion.

12th Night Klezmer seeks to reclaim the authentic Klezmer rhythms and colors from their original Eastern European sources and to bring back the unique expression of joy and sorrow that made Klezmer music so approachable and popular. Under the mentorship of Klezmer masters David Krakauer and Giora Feidman, 12th Night Klezmer recreates the spirit and sound of Klezmer music with its own original twist! Check out their music at

The Shirainu Jewish Concert Series is presented in memory of Norman Shiffman. Norman was a scholar who researched Yiddish culture, poetry and writings, a playwright, an author of short stories. He was a passionate lover of music and initiated the Shirainu Jewish Concert Series to encourage people to understand their heritage through music.

Tickets: $20 in advance (before December 2, 2013) or $25 at the door. Reserve tickets at

Special Event HANUKKAH MUSIC PROGRAM Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) Student Cantor’s Chorale Sunday, Nov. 24 at 7 PM


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7 th Annual Dr. Julius And Ethel Mintz Scholar-In-Residence Shabbat

Friday, Dec. 13 – Shabbat Dec. 14, 2013 Lessons Learned From A Life Of Prayer

Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Eliezer Diamond

Eliezer Diamond, a rabbi and an associate professor of Talmud at the Jewish Theological Seminary, will share his insights on the words of the siddur and the experience of tefillah while also engaging us in conversation about our own davening experiences.

On Friday evening, following Kabbalat Shabbat, join us for a Shabbat dinner*. Dr. Eliezer Diamond will speaker after dinner.

On Shabbat morning, Dr. Diamond will speak about prayer following Musaf; and on Shabbat afternoon, Rabbi Diamond will conduct a discussion on prayer after a lunch.

Seudah Shelishit will include a D’var Torah by Rabbi Diamond.

Eliezer Diamond is the Rabbi Judah Nadich Associate Professor of Talmud and Rabbinics at The Jewish Theological Seminary. Dr. Diamond teaches courses in rabbinic literature and introductory, intermediate, and advanced Talmud studies.

Dr. Diamond is the author of many popular and scholarly articles, including a chapter on the rabbinic period in The Schocken Guide to Jewish Books and articles in The Reader's Guide to Judaism. He is the author of Holy Men and Hunger Artists: Fasting and Asceticism in Rabbinic Culture, Oxford University Press, 2003. The book provides a thorough reassessment of the role that asceticism plays in rabbinic Judaism, suggesting that asceticism is more pervasive than is generally thought.

Dr. Diamond is currently editing a commentary on Yerushalmi Pesahim written by the late Professor Louis Ginzberg as well as a book on prayer.

Dr. Diamond has taught in a variety of settings, including Stern College, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the 92nd Street Y, and several Ramah camps. Dr. Diamond was ordained at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University and received his doctorate in Talmud from JTS.

*Times and cost of Friday night dinner to be announced.


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5th Annual Sandor And Suzanne Gross Memorial Cantorial Shabbaton Friday, Feb. 21 – Shabbat Feb. 22, 2014 featuring Hazzan Brian Shamash

On Friday evening, Hazzan Brian Shamash will lead Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by a Shabbat dinner,* discussion and singing.

On Shabbat Morning, services will be led by Hazzan Shamash.

After a Shabbat Kiddush lunch, Hazzan Shamash will speak about his music and during Seudah Shelishit Hazzan Shamash will lead us in .

After the close of Shabbat, the Melave Malka Concert will feature Hazzan Shamash, including instrumentals.

Brian Baruch Shamash, a rising star in the cantorate, takes you on a compelling journey of Hebrew prayer, with a rich tapestry of musical styles and settings. Employing his great knowledge of authentic Ashkenazic and Sephardic music, he uses his stunning voice to illuminate the meaning and beauty of prayer, as he creates a bridge from ancient to contemporary settings of t’fillot.

Hazzan Shamash is an accomplished concert and recording artist who excels as an energetic leader and conductor of vocal and instrumental ensembles. He also enjoys both composing and arranging music for schools, concerts, and services. Hazzan Shamash has unique and original ways of finding the voice in each of us and the energy and desire to communicate his pride in and love of Jewish music and prayer to his listeners.

Brian Shamash is the Hazzan of the South Huntington, Jewish Center in Melville, New York, a position he has held for nine years. He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in music from the University of Maryland and the University of Miami, respectively. He is a member of the Cantors Assembly and the Jewish Ministers Cantors Association.

*Times and cost of Friday night dinner to be announced.

7th Annual Congregation Anshe Emeth Legacy Shabbaton Date and Program to be announced.

After Kabbalat Shabbat, join us for a Shabbat dinner* followed by a talk by our scholar-in-residence. After the Shabbat Morning Musaf service, our scholar-in-residence will give a talk. Shabbat afternoon after Kiddush lunch, the scholar-in-residence will speak. Seudah Shelishit will include a D’var Torah by our scholar-in residence.

*Times and cost of Friday night dinner to be announced.


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Sushi & Sake In The Sukkah Poetry Party

Monday, Sept. 23, 2013 at 7 PM Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2014

Enjoy sushi, sake, and snacks as You're a poet, and you don't even know it until we discuss which female ushpizim (guests) you join us at our party with pizazz. Serving we would like to invite to our sukkah. snacks that start with “p.” ...... Farm-To-Table Cooking Demo Cabaret Comedy Night Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013 Saturday, Mar. 1, 2014

Featuring local fall foods with assistance from Join us for a celebration of Elijah's Promise culinary school and the music, dance, singers, magic and much more! Highland Park farm market. Delectable desserts and wine will be served...... Sisterhood Book Discussion Sisterhood & Hadassah Joint Mtg. Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013 Laughter Is The Best Medicine The Lost Wife by Alyson Richman Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2014 ...... Annual Dinner Sisterhood Book Discussion And Fashion Show Sunday, Mar. 30, 2014 Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013 at 6 PM When We Danced on Water Join us for an evening of fashion, food and fun. by Evan Fallenberg ...... Paid Up Membership Dinner Annual Sisterhood Friday Night Musical Congregational Dinner Theme Friday, May 2, 2014 Monday, Dec. 9, 2013 Join us in a food feast Join us for a sing-a-long featuring your favorite That is cooked by our Broadway show tunes with some specially very own sisters and is delicious! written for this evening...... Annual Installation And Neshama Annual Mitzvah Day Awards Dinner Sunday, Jan. 12, 2014 Monday, June 9, 2014

Speaker from Women Aware will focus on A memorable event and an opportunity to collecting clothing, toiletries, books and games honor women who have given so much to for victims of domestic violence. the Sisterhood and Temple community...... Tu B’Shvat Kiddush And Sisterhood Book Discussion Sisterhood Shabbat July 2014 (Date TBD)

Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014 Tomorrow There will be Apricots by Jessica Soffer ...... p.15

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Holiday Wine Fundraiser 4th Annual Aug. 1 through

Sept. 30, 2013 Sunday Need Wine for the Jan. 26, 2014 Holidays? Then you can help our Men’s Club! w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w From August 1 through September 30 just World Wide Wrap drop off or mail in your receipts from Pino’s Breakfast Program Wine Cellar in Highland Park, and Pino’s will make a donation to our Temple. Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Golf Outing Men’s Club Shabbat פרשת תזריע Sunday, Sept. 22, 2013 Parshat Tazria at 1 PM at Tara Greens Saturday, Mar. 29, 201 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 3rd Annual Passover Cake And Wine Sale Steak & Scotch April 2014 In The Sukkah Sunday, Sept. 22,

2013 at 5 PM w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Man & Youth Yom HaShoah Of The Year Yellow Candle Dinner Distribution

Wednesday, Apr. 23 to 27, 2014 Nov. 13, 2013 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Wine And Cheesecake Tasting Evening Of Dinner, Comedy, Saturday, May 17, 2014 Music And Dancing

Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Monday Blood Jan. 20, 2014 Drive June 2014

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w p.16

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8 PM




IRA KIZNER: [email protected] OR 732-979-5124

JERRY TRUB: [email protected] OR 732-501-1643

THE TEMPLE OFFICE: 732-545-6482


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We provide a variety of programs and activities for our youth. The following programs help lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning and commitment. For details, e-mail us at [email protected].

Torah Time Shabbat COHORT Group Age 1-Kindergarten Teens 7th grade and up

On Shabbat mornings, children sing, play Every Shabbat in the Youth Lounge, teens meet games, and join in activities related to the in an informal and welcoming setting with . Parents are invited to leader Danielle Cohen to discuss the parshah stay. The children read from the Torah and of the week, moral dilemmas, chaggim and enjoy a snack. On holiday mornings, they learn other thought provoking questions. related traditions and songs. Refreshments (of course!) are provided.

Torah Time is led by Dr. Marlene Herman, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Preparation recipient of the Women's League for The congregation at HPCT-CAE includes Conservative Judaism Baalot Mitzvah award many non-pulpit rabbis and Jewish scholars. for education and the Keter Shem Tov award A number of them are available to help from New Jersey Region of United Synagogue. prepare your child to chant the Torah and Mini-Minyan and to deliver a d’var Torah. Rabbi Grades 1-3 Malomet will meet with your child to explore the true meaning of this milestone. Every Shabbat and Holiday morning, children in grades one through three gather in parent- Hebrew High School led groups to hear stories, sing songs, and Grades 8-12 discuss the weekly Torah portion. This program is offered for post-B'nei Mitzvah Junior Congregation students. Classes meet each Monday evening Grades 4-6 at 5:30 PM, and include pizza and salad. The Fourth- through sixth-graders discuss how the program covers a blend of current events weekly Torah portion ties in with contemporary through a Jewish lens and is focused on tough issues in their lives. They test their knowledge questions Jews ask, taught by Rabbi Malomet. with trivia contests and games of Jewish For more information and registration, contact Jeopardy. the temple office at [email protected] or 732-545-6482.

For children 6 weeks to 5 years

Nurturing child care, enriched by Jewish values !


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Srugim Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013 at 8 PM

Director: Laizy Shapira

"Srugim" (the title refers to the knitted kippot worn by modern Orthodox men) follows a Noodle group of 30-something modern religious Saturday, Dec.14, 2013 at 8 PM singles in Jerusalem as they navigate the Director: Ayelet Menahemi frequently contradictory worlds of contemporary Israel and traditional observance. When a Chinese woman working for an Israeli flight attendant is suddenly deported for Viewers of faith will appreciate the sympathetic overstaying her work visa, language difficulties portrayal of a religious lifestyle brought to life prevent her from explaining that she has a on the screen. At the same time "Srugim" young child with her. The flight attendant, works for general audiences because its twice-widowed after Arab-Israeli wars, has protagonists are so undeniably human. In a been merely going through the motions of light and comedic way, it manages to seat the living. She decides to reunite the child – modern Orthodox feminist, the yeshiva student, nicknamed "Noodle" – with his mother. A and secular Israelis around the same Shabbat touching comic-drama in which two human table, presenting that as a possibility rather beings – as different from each other as Tel than a punch-line. Aviv and Beijing – accompany each other on a Unrated, suitable for all ages journey back to a meaningful life.

Remarks by Shayna Weiss, a doctoral Remarks by Shirly Bahar, a doctoral candidate at NYU in Israel Studies. She is candidate at the Department of Hebrew and writing a dissertation on gender segregation in Judaic Studies at NYU. Her research focuses Israeli society and blogs on representations of on Zionist and Jewish cultures in contemporary religion and gender in Israeli television and Israel, with an emphasis on visual culture. cinema. Israel, 2007, 100 minutes, color, Hebrew and Israel, 2008-09, color, three 23-minute Mandarin with English subtitles. episodes. Hebrew with English subtitles. $6 donation suggested $6 donation suggested


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The Law In These Parts Saturday, Jan.25, 2014 at 8 PM Lore Director: Ra'anan Alexandrowicz Saturday, Jan. 11, 2014 at 8 PM Can a modern democracy retain its core values Director: Cate Shortland while imposing a prolonged military occupation Left to fend for themselves after their SS on another people? Ra’anan Alexandrowicz officer father and mother, both ardent Nazis, conducts a postmodern investigation into the are interned by the Allies at the end of World legal system that has governed Palestinians in War II, five German children undertake a the West Bank since the 1967 War. The finer harrowing journey that exposes them to the points of military law that govern the West reality and consequences of their parents' Bank are discussed by the very people who actions. Led by the eldest sibling, 14-year old shaped it. Behind them, we see archival and Lore, they set out on a journey across a newsreel footage of General Moshe Dayan at a devastated country to reach their grandmother beach in Gaza, then-General Ariel Sharon in in the north. After meeting the charismatic the West Bank, as well as arrests and trials of Thomas, a mysterious refugee, Lore finds her Palestinians. world shattered by feelings of both hatred and A commanding and compassionate analysis of desire. In order to survive, she must learn to a unique legal system that few people really trust the one person she always has been understand, this film won both Sundance Film taught to hate. Festival’s World Cinema Grand Jury and Lush cinematography and an evocative, Jerusalem Film Festival prizes. haunting mood infuse this unconventional Remarks by Jason Gosnell, a graduate of exploration of the legacy of the Holocaust. the Rutgers School of Law who has clerked for Remarks by Martha Helfer, Professor of both the Presiding Judge of the New Jersey German and Chair of the Department of Superior Court Appellate Division and the Germanic, Russian, and East European Chief Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court. He Languages and Literatures at Rutgers also has worked as a transactional associate in University. Her book The Word Unheard law firms in both Israel and the United States. analyzes latent anti-Semitism in German Israel, 2011, 100 minutes, color, Arabic and literature and culture. Hebrew with English subtitles.

Germany, 2012, 108 minutes, color, German $6 donation suggested with English subtitles.

$6 donation suggested


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Ashkenaz The Little Traitor Saturday, Mar. 8, 2014 at 8 PM Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014 at 8 PM Director: Rachel Leah Jones

Director: Lynn Roth Ashkenazim – Jews of European origin – are Israel's "white folks." Like most white folks in Palestine in 1947, just a few months before a multicultural society, they do not think of Israel becomes a state. Proffy Liebowitz, a themselves in racial or ethnic terms because militant yet sensitive eleven-year-old, wants by now, "aren't we all Israeli?" nothing more than for the British to get out of his land. He and his two friends spend their This humorous and moving film follows a group days plotting ways to terrorize their occupiers. of young women and men as they reconnect with their Ashkenazi roots. Assaf forms Then one evening, Proffy is seized for violating "Ashkenazi Identity" to promote a cultural curfew by Sergeant Dunlop, a British officer. revolution in Israel. Tammy creates an electro- Instead of arresting him, Dunlop deposits him Yiddish sexy cabaret. Itamar, always ashamed back home, and a friendship ensues between of his Ashkenazi roots, falls in love with Olga, the two foes. Proffy, whose own father is cold a new immigrant from Russia, and returns with and distant, looks to Dunlop as a father figure. her to the lifestyle of his European ancestors. Dunlop, lonely and poetic, admires the spirited What makes these Israelis look back with boy. They find lots to talk about in their longing at their Ashkenazi history, and can they meetings, which Proffy must keep secret from bring some of their forefathers’ lost Jewish his friends and family. When Proffy's friends European culture to the Middle East? discover that he has been meeting the detested enemy, they report him to town Remarks by Harriet Freidenreich, officials and Proffy is brought to "trial" for being Professor Emerita of History at Temple a traitor. Based on a novel by Amos Oz. University in Philadelphia. She has taught a wide range of courses in women’s history, Remarks by Hillel Gruenberg, a doctoral Jewish history, and European history. Books candidate in History and in Hebrew and Judaic she has written include The Jews of Yugoslavia Studies at NYU, specializing in Israeli and (JPS, 1979) and Jewish Politics in Vienna Zionist history. (Indiana University Press, 1991). Israel, 2009, 88 minutes, color, in English. Israel and Netherlands, 2007, 72 minutes, $6 donation suggested color, English, Hebrew and Yiddish with English subtitles.

$6 donation suggested


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Help support a rich cultural life in your community. Be A Film Series Sponsor!

Benefactor $500 Includes free admission for two to all Temple programs, Now featuring ticket-free sponsor admission. including classes, lectures, films and Shabbaton dinners. No need to save tickets and Does NOT include special events such as music programs. remember to bring them. Star $360 We keep track of each Includes four admissions to every film in the series. sponsor’s free admissions. Producer $180 Contact the office at Includes two admissions to every film in the series. 732-545-6482 Director $54 or visit Includes one admission to every film in the series. to be a film series sponsor.

Our Thanks to Last Year’s Film Series Sponsors

Benefactors Producers - continued Directors – continued

Beth and Mark Brownstein Linda and Henry Salmon Bonnie and Ed Guttenplan Dr. Eric Flam Drs. Amy and Steve Sue and Sam Kamens Bonnie and Sheldon Schonfeld Reva and Dr. Irving Kaufman Freidenreich Drs. Eva and Theodore Stahl Diane and Judge Barnett Dr. Rochelle Henner Brenda and Roy Tanzman Hoffman and Roy Marantz The Men’s Club Sue and Brian Kheel Sally Klinger-Rogers The Temple Sisterhood Judy and Stephen Lerner and Skip Rogers Linda and Al Tondow Susanna Levin Joanne Rosenberg Lisa Zimmerman Muriel Federman Levine and Dr. David Siegman and Seth Gross Carolyn and Dr. Robert Metz Barbara and Stephen Parkoff Joan and Stuart Mitnick Directors Carol and Henry Teitelbaum Dr. Leora and Albert Mitzner Judy and Dr. Steven Richman Ada and Lew Bloom Drs. Rachel Modiano Linda and Ted Choplick and Jonathan Ehrlich Producers Phyllis Chudnick Martha Moskowitz Susan and Dr. Phillip Baron Barbara and Arthur Cohen Phyllis Novick Dr. Leslie Fishbein Cathy and Ira Cohen and Murray Sternberg and Zoltan Kemeny Nanette and David Cohen Judith Petsonk Gittel and Justin Footerman Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein and Stephen Eisdorfer Dr. Ora Gourarie and Dr. Marc Weinstein Sandy and Stanley Ravens and Udi Shorr Pam Dorman and Irma Rockoff Anne and Dr. Allan Greenberg Dr. Jerome Langer Linda and Phil Schmidt Lila and Dr. Ted Gutowski Elinore Ehrlich Amy Shakun Dr. Frima Fox Hofrichter Ruth and Lawrence Fineberg Marcia Shiffman and Lawrence Hofrichter Dr. Debra Goldstein Dr. Susan Slusky Helene and Dr. Robert Knee and Barton Weinstein Drs. Judy Swan Gayle Brill Mittler Susan and Dr. Mark Green and Michael Hecht and Uri Mittler Dr. Renée Gross and Stuart Feinblatt


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Be A Program Patron

Our synagogue offers a rich variety of exciting adult education programs and cultural events. These programs are made possible by donations from generous patrons. We urge you to become one. Contact the office at 732-545-6482 or visit

Sponsor Opportunities Thank You To Last Year’s Sponsors BENEFACTOR - $500 OR MORE Benefactors Includes free admission for two to all Beth and Mark Brownstein Temple programs, including classes, Dr. Eric Flam lectures, films and Shabbaton dinners. Bonnie and Sheldon Freidenreich Does NOT include any special events Dr. Rochelle Henner and Roy Marantz such as music programs. Joanne Rosenberg and Dr. David Siegman PATRON - $360 Barbara and Stephen Parkoff Includes free admission for two Judy and Dr. Steven Richman to all lectures and one class each Sally Klinger-Rogers and Skip Rogers semester Carol and Henry Teitelbaum

SUPPORTER - $180 Supporters Includes free admission for two to all Susan and Dr. Phil Baron lectures Dr. Renée Gross and Stuart Feinblatt

SPONSOR - $54 Sponsors Includes free admission for one to all Ada and Lew Bloom lectures Barbara and Arthur Cohen FRIEND Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein and Dr. Marc Weinstein Any other donation amount Elinore Ehrlich

*Last year’s Sponsors of the Jewish Film Ruth and Dr. Eugene Gottlieb Series and Sponsorship opportunities to Susan and Brian Kheel support the Jewish Film Series are listed Susanna Levin on page 22. Muriel Federman Levine Gustine Matt

Carolyn and Dr. Robert Metz Martha Moskowitz Judith Petsonk and Steve Eisdorfer Irma Rockoff Esther and Ray Sabin HIGHLAND PARK CONSERVATIVE TEMPLE Linda and Phil Schmidt Congregation Anshe Emeth Amy Shakun 201 So. 3rd. Avenue Barbara and Dr. Peter Schild Highland Park, NJ 08904 phone 732.545.6482 Friend Lola Kamp

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