Case 1-18-45284-nhl Doc 471 Filed 12/21/20 Entered 12/21/20 15:06:15 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In re: Chapter 11 SEASONS CORPORATE LLC, et al., Case No. 18-45284 (nhl) Debtors.1 Jointly Administered ORDER CONFIRMING DEBTORS’ AND COMMITTEE’S JOINT PLAN OF LIQUIDATION The Debtors and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the “Committee”) having filed a Joint Plan of Liquidation, dated August 17, 2020 (ECF #417), together with an accompanying Disclosure Statement of even date (ECF #418); and the Debtors and the Committee having thereafter filed an Amended Joint Plan of Liquidation, dated October 30, 2020 (the “Plan”) (ECF #438), together with an accompanying Amended Disclosure Statement of even date (the “Disclosure Statement”) (ECF #437); and the Bankruptcy Court having entered an Order (ECF #440), approving the Disclosure Statement and scheduling a telephonic hearing to consider confirmation of the Plan on December 8, 2020 (the “Confirmation Hearing”); and the Plan and Disclosure Statement having been transmitted to all creditors and other parties-in- interest as evidenced by the affidavit of service on file with the Court (ECF #446); and no objections to confirmation of the Plan having been filed; and the Confirmation Hearing having been held on December 8, 2020, at which appeared Nathan Schwed (Counsel to Debtors), Kevin Nash (Counsel to Creditors Committee), Rachel Wolf (U.S. Trustee), Joel Getzler (Debtors’ 1 The Debtors in these Chapter 11 cases, together with the last four digits of their federal tax identification numbers, are as follows: Blue Gold Equities LLC (7766), Central Avenue Market LLC (7961), Am sterdam Avenue Market LLC (7988), Wilmot Road Market LLC (8020), Seasons Express Inwood LLC (1703), Sea sons Lakewood LLC (0295), Seasons Maryland LLC (1895), Seasons Clifton LLC (3331), Seasons Cleveland LLC (7367), Lawrence Supermarket LLC (8258), Upper West Side Supermarket LLC (8895), Seasons Property Management LLC (2672) and Seasons Corporate LLC (2266) (collectively the “Debtors”).
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