Andy, Charles, Datten, Ddoe, Doron, Gaenq Harry
Thls GditiottpublbtEd in tte tJX h 2tr5 by wir.d B€f6, an irprint of BooL! Ltd, IfE O{d Driry, &@f Rd4lrtriplow, Crlrbridge SCE7RG crull wiz.rdoi.mboo&r co.ut www.konbookaco-uL,/wiz.d Sold ln the LrK Eulope,South Aftica and tuia by Fab€rand Fab.r Ltd.,3 Que6 Eu.E, toldon wClN 3AU or tlEir a8€nb Distrlh||€d ln d|e t K EI|Iope,Soudr Af,ica and Asia by Tothc Warlocksof klirnrnjaro: TBSLtt., PmdnSDbElbutidl Cs|t€, ColdleslE Roa4 Andy, FradnSGr€e! Colche8terCO7 7Dw Charles,Datten, Ddoe, Doron, Gaenq Harry,|fi, Iohn,Kclly, Thi! €dtdon publlrhed in Aurtsalia in 2005by Mark, Roger,Sean dnd Torry. A.I€n {nd Unwin Pty.Ltd., PO Box E500, Specialmourrtain, specitl guys, 83Aletlnd€i SeEt Crows N€lt l.lsw z)65 sptial nefiorig Drlributed in C'nlda by PqEsin Boof6 C.dirda $ Etlintdr ArErs Ed, gdte Zn, T.r.nro, Ontrrio M{P 2YJ ISBN I E{O{66[jZ I Texl (opydtht @21(b hn Uvtttstul€ IUurtr.tionr copydtht @2m5 Martln Md<enna TIl! autllor and afiirt ha!€ arG€rt€dtl€ir Erorallighb. No patl of dJr book duy b€ rcproducedin any tud! or by any trEaftt, wtlfiout prior FEdssior in wrtdng tEr A'e Publi6hs. ],}P€retthg by Handr tttGet Prind and bound in th€ tJK by Cox rnd WFnan Ltd., Reading CONTENTS FIGHTING MONSTERS 7 ADVENTURE SHEET BACKGROUND 16 EYE OF THE DRAGON FIGHTING MONSTERS Before embarking on your adventure, you must fust deternine your olam skengths and weaknesses. Use dice to determine your irritial sKrLL, STAMINA and LUCK scones.On lra8es 14-a5tEreis a AdtEntare Sheelwhich you may use to !€cord the details of an advmture.
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