Andy, Charles, Datten, Ddoe, Doron, Gaenq Harry

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Andy, Charles, Datten, Ddoe, Doron, Gaenq Harry Thls GditiottpublbtEd in tte tJX h 2tr5 by wir.d B€f6, an irprint of BooL! Ltd, IfE O{d Driry, &@f Rd4lrtriplow, Crlrbridge SCE7RG crull wiz.rdoi.mboo&r co.ut www.konbookaco-uL,/wiz.d Sold ln the LrK Eulope,South Aftica and tuia by Fab€rand Fab.r Ltd.,3 Que6 Eu.E, toldon wClN 3AU or tlEir a8€nb Distrlh||€d ln d|e t K EI|Iope,Soudr Af,ica and Asia by Tothc Warlocksof klirnrnjaro: TBSLtt., PmdnSDbElbutidl Cs|t€, ColdleslE Roa4 Andy, FradnSGr€e! Colche8terCO7 7Dw Charles,Datten, Ddoe, Doron, Gaenq Harry,|fi, Iohn,Kclly, Thi! €dtdon publlrhed in Aurtsalia in 2005by Mark, Roger,Sean dnd Torry. A.I€n {nd Unwin Pty.Ltd., PO Box E500, Specialmourrtain, specitl guys, 83Aletlnd€i SeEt Crows N€lt l.lsw z)65 sptial nefiorig Drlributed in C'nlda by PqEsin Boof6 C.dirda $ Etlintdr ArErs Ed, gdte Zn, T.r.nro, Ontrrio M{P 2YJ ISBN I E{O{66[jZ I Texl (opydtht @21(b hn Uvtttstul€ IUurtr.tionr copydtht @2m5 Martln Md<enna TIl! autllor and afiirt ha!€ arG€rt€dtl€ir Erorallighb. No patl of dJr book duy b€ rcproducedin any tud! or by any trEaftt, wtlfiout prior FEdssior in wrtdng tEr A'e Publi6hs. ],}P€retthg by Handr tttGet Prind and bound in th€ tJK by Cox rnd WFnan Ltd., Reading CONTENTS FIGHTING MONSTERS 7 ADVENTURE SHEET BACKGROUND 16 EYE OF THE DRAGON FIGHTING MONSTERS Before embarking on your adventure, you must fust deternine your olam skengths and weaknesses. Use dice to determine your irritial sKrLL, STAMINA and LUCK scones.On lra8es 14-a5tEreis a AdtEntare Sheelwhich you may use to !€cord the details of an advmture. On it you will find boxes for recording yoursKILL, STAMtNAand LUCKscores. You are advised to either record your scorea on the Adoentarc Sheet in penciL or make photocopies of the page to use in future adventurea. Skill, Stamina and Luck Roll one die. Add 6 to this number and enter this total in the SKILL box on the AdtEnlure Sheet. Roll both dice. Add r2 to drc number rolled and enter this total in the sTAMINA box. There is also a LUCK box. Roll one die, add 6 to this number and ealteathis total in the LUCKbox. For reasons that will be expLained below, SKILL, sraMINA and LUCK scores drange constandy during an adventure. You must keep an accurate lecord of thesescores and for this reason you are advised either to write small in tlrc boxes or to keep an eraser handy. But never rub out your Irifral you Thesequence of combatis then: may be awarded additional SKILL, srAMtNA and r. Roll both dice oncefor the (reature. Add its sKrLL LUCK points, the6€ totab may neve! exceed your score.This botalis the creahuet Attack Stlength. Izr'lrZlscores except on very aarcoccasions, wh€n you z. Roll both dice once for yourself. Add the number will be fu|stflrcd q| a particular page. rolled to your current sKI LL score.This tota.lis your Attack Strmgrh. Your SKILL scoreleflecb your swotdslEnshiP and g€neralfighting expettise;d:le highet the better. Your 3. ff your Attack Strqrgth is higher rhaJtthat of the STAMINA score rellects your constifution, creature,you havewounded it. Proceedto gtep4. If Senetal the your will to survive, your detetriination and overall creahuet Attack Skength is higher than yous, it fiheeg; the higher your STAMINA9core, the ldBer has wounded you. Proceedto step 5. If hh Attack you will be ableto survive.Your LUCKscore indicates Skengrh totals are the sarne, you have how naturaly lucLy a p€lson you are. Luck - and avoided eadr other's blows - start the next Attack Round magic- arefacts of life in the fantasykingdom you ate flom Etelr1 above. about to eplorc, 4. You have wounded the creature. so subkact 2 poinls ftom its srAMrNA score.You rray us€ your Batde6 LUCKhere to do additional danage (seeover).' Thecreature has wounded You will often come acrosspages in the book whidt 5. you, so subkact2 points rrom yotrr instuct you to fight a creature of Eomesort. An own STAMINAscore. Again, you may useLUCK at (s€€ option to flee may be given, but if not - or iI you this stage over). dtoose to attack the creatue anyway - you must 5. Make the appropdatieadiushEnts to either the qeahrle's rGolve the batdeas describedbelow, or your own sreutrve scorcs(and your Luc K scoreif you usedluc K - seeover). FLst lecord the creatu.te'ssKrLL and srAMlNA 7. Begin the next Attack Round by retuming to your scores in the first vacant Monster Encounter Box cu:EentSKILL score and repeating steps 1-6. This o yolltr AdoentnreSlvet The scoleofo! eachdeature sequencecontinues lrttil tlrc STAMINAscore of are giv€n in the book each time you have an either you or tlre oeatule you arefighting hasbetn encounter. reduc€dto zero (death). t Fithtint More Than One Crcalure UstngLu*ttBattbs If you come acroggmore than one creaturein a par- On certain pages of the book you will be told to Test ticular €lrcounter,the instruc'tionson that page will yoi/r ltct and will be told the cons€quencesof your t€ll you how to handle the battle. Sometimesyou being lucky or unlucky. However, h batrles, you will t!€at them as a single monster; sometimes always have the option of using your LUCK either to you will fight eadl one in turn. inflict a more serious wound on a creature you have just worutded, or to minimize the effects of a wound Luck the creahEe has just inJlicted on you. At variou.s tim€s during your adv€ntuE. either in lf you have just wounded the deature, you may Test battles or wh€n you comeacross sifuations in which yolr Lucft as des.riH above. If you are Lucky, you you could either be lucky or $lucky (detailsof th€se have inJlicted a severe wound and may subract an are given on the pagesthemselves), you may call on exha 2 points from the ceahre,s STAMTNA score. your LUCK to make the oukome more favourable. However, if you are Unlucky, the wound was a mere But beware! Using LUCKis a rirky business,and if graze and you must restore 1 point to the cteafuae,s you are lrlucky. the resultscould b€ disastrous. STAMTNA(i.e. instead of scolint the nornal 2 points of datrage, you have now The procedurefor using your LUCKis as follows: rcll scored only r). h^rodice. If the nunb€I rolled is equal to or lessthan your current LUCK xore, you have been lucky and the result will go in your favour. If tre number rolled is higher than your crrrent LUCK score,you have becnunludy and you will be peoalized. of doing 2 points of danage it has done only I ). If you are Unlucky, you have taken This procedtue is known as Testifigyour Luck.Fach a more serious blow. Subhact1 extra sTAMTNApoint. EBteyou TestWr Luc,t,you must subtract 1 point from your current LUCK score.Thus yote will soon Remember that you must subhact 1 point ftom your realize t|at trte more you rely on yorE LUcx, the LUCKscorc every time ,Jou T6t yout Lutk. more risky this will become. ReetoringSkill, Staminaand Luck Luck skill Additions to your LUcr scoreare awarded tluough the Your sKrLL score will not change trrudl durin8 your advmture when you have been particularly lucky. advmtue. Occasionally, a page riay give insEuc- kils are given on the pages of this book. tions to inc€ase or decrease your SKILL saore. A Remember*lat, as with 5KILLand srAMlNA, vout Magic Weapon E|ay increase your SKILL, but femem- LUcx scoremay never exceedic Inifiz] value unless specfically ber that only one weapon can be used at a time! You inskucted on a page. camot claim 2 sKrLL bonuses for carrying two lvlagic Swords. Your SKILL gcore can never exceed ib ltrift:al Altemative Dice value unless specifically instructed. If you do not have a pair of dice handt dice rolls are printed throughout the book at the bottom of Sttmina the pages. Flicking rapidly through the book and Your srAMrNA score will drange a lot durin8 your stoppingon a pagewill give you a random dic€ roll. ff you adventuE as you fight moDstetE and undertake need to 'roll' only one die, rcad only the 6rst printed arduous tasks. As you near your goal your STAMINA die; if two, total the two dice symbols. level may be dangerously low and battles may be particllarly risky, so be careful! Your backpack contains enough Provisions fo! ten meals. You may legt and eat at any time except when engaged in a Battle. Eating a meal restoreo4 srA MI NA points. When you eai a meal, add 4 points to your STAMINA. Remember al6o that your srA MINA score rlay never exceed its InitrlzJvalue ur ess specificaly in6bucH on a Page. at ADVENTUfiE SHEET MoNSTERENCoUNTER BoXES lsrAMrNA llLUjI I s*ia= lssu. i BACKGROUND Naturallt you are excitedto hea.rabout the heasure and offet him another drink in the hope of gaining moneinformation. He go€son to tell you of his five. year searchfor a metlehigh solid gold dragon wifh jewelled eyes.He describesin detail how he finally found the underground labFinth you are always inter' ttrat led to tlle Like any seasonedadventurer, goldendragon, ested to heat nrmours about gol4 diaflonds and hidden treasu.r€,UnJortunatd you have been down He tells you of all the monsters he killed in the on your luck recently and you are struggling to earn labyrinh to rcach ftat dragon, and how he even the few coppet piece ne€ded for lood and lodgings entered the room in wftidr it had been hidden for You are hoping that your luck will soon change.
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