The New-Ham. Pshire
- - the new- ham.pshire Volume 69 Number 46 Friday, April 6, 1979 Durham, N.H. Trustee hill passes ·House By Michael Kelly Keene State. The state House of Represen Lessard's bill proposes that tatives_ passed a bill Tuesday students at each campus elect one allowing University System trustee on an annually rotating students- to elect -their student schedule. trustees, but killed another bill to Currently, student trustees are increase the number of student appointed by the governor, after trustees from one to three. being nominated by student HB 355, which calls for students . governments at the three cam in the University System to elect puses. student members to the Board of Morrissette said he ·plans to - Trustees, passed by a voice vote. continue to fight for three student If passed by the Senate, the bill trustees, · but several other will almost certainly be signed rep res en ta ti ves, including into law by Gov. Hugh Gallen, Lessard, said such a bill stands who has publicly committed him little chance of passing the self to it. Senate. State Rep. Leo Lessard CD Lessard also said, however, Dover), one of the · prime that he has no objections to even sponsors of the bill, said he was tually raising the student confident his bill would be ap trusteee number to three. proved by the Senate. "But you have to take this one But an embittered Rep. step at a time," he added. "At U.S. Senator and Republican presidential hopeful Howard Baker hit the campaign trail Richard Morrissette (D this time, his (Morrissette's) bill yesterday with a speech to 450 in the Strafford Room of the MUB.
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