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It's a Humdinger! Campaign Moves? Into Its Final

It's a Humdinger! Campaign Moves? Into Its Final

\ [Newspaper Devoted ll,<> Community Interest «Hy, Clearly I iilI Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures

XI,—NO. 30 On Friday CARTERET, N. J., PRICK TEN CENT8 ft Fall-Out It's a Humdinger! Shelters Are Eyed Campaign Moves?

i.lAN On Oi'vmn Motion, '..AK Building Feet* are . Into Its Final Lap To lie Waived Here t ,,..11 I1 -.UltH CARTERET — Councilman Ijl 111'' bilg. Thomas Drverin last night 'II' I). jlHUllllK brought up the-subject of fall- Ballot Effective Club; jCouncil .nit r »r.Mtii"]'. jout. shelters and on his motion. ; i>- -llliOIV »ll I Borough Council voted to seek an nmeudment to tlie-buildiriR a ,1(1 tiiMllulied 'code waiving fees of the build- Swing it Election ^ JiBattle at ,..vi decided ing inspector when such Shel- CARTERET — Another elec- Polling District No. i in i .vo-cenU- ters are erected. tion is coming up Tuesday and Polling place it the Cleve- Councilman Deverin also sun- one is close to homo be- land School at i'ershlng Ave- eslertdi tthath . a study be mnde of | cause it is the time of having nue in the Schto] District, for Climax ,, .old wmier tlie possibility of exempting' say on who is goitiK to legal voters r< siding within ove tl11 Iace wnelc 011 live ...Hi. The aver- fall-out shelter property from|» ™ ' P V - General Electio Districts 4, 5, CARTKRET — The Carteret !ir for Deceni- taxation. Every election Is important, and 13. councilmans campaign move* ' ai id February SCKNr. AT OHM . . , Need Safeguards of course, but this upcoming rolling District No. 4 the onliiKili,,,, into priesthood of Rev. William V. Forrest, vicar of St Mark's into its last lap thia weekend, i Sprlnit will Church, held al the Triiiih ( ^ti:•-ilr.il in The councilman said such one has the purely local angle Polling place tit the Carteret •'•<•»'<"). >«;iteil is HI. Kn. Alfred I.. Banyard, bishop of the diocese of New that should make it a mite more M' irui'U'M pre- Jorsry. Others, let! to ri«lit .ire l!e\. Can shelters are springing up ln nil High School at Washington with most of the voters prob- oil Mall, Iniiity, Matawan: Rev. Edward S.vkes. Holy Trinity, ColHn swood- sections and there are evidences Important to those interested in.ide llatly Father fiirn-st; Very Kc\ I.lu.wl ( h.illii K Avenue in thr School District, ably wondering what more cart i. dean of Trinity Cathedral: Rev. Henry T. Gruber; Rev. Canon John \. Van of misrepresentation on the In their community. for legal voteis residing within :, No pains Siint, Trinity Cilhrdriil: Hiv Job be said. ,..I in trucking •His,,,,, (.race Cliur.h, Merehantville; Rfv. William Cook, St. Peter's, Clarksboro part of those who would build Polls will be open at 7 A. M.Qennrrar l Elect ui Districts 6,10, "It has been a humdinger" • nil oracles. Mid Rev. David Pettit, Holy Spirit, Bellmawr, them. He suggested that Bor- and will close at 8 o'clock ln 15, 14 and r ough Attorney John M. Kolib is the evening. Here are the lo- llfau district No. 5 an old-timer commented on prepare an amendment to tlie cations: PolliuffWi.ee at the Nathan, the current election „,-_- ,:li. tarly VFW Here Bids building code, which would Pullinc District Nrt. I Bale Schfei at Roosevelt Ave-hxt has been a remarkably in , number Ftnds $700 In Cash Contest Rules provide that plans for such Polling place at the Wash- I1 d rl ington School at Roosevelt Ave- :i f.ill. shelters 'be first submitted to K.' 3^ a£? !«S|^ *- ^» **" Hut, (hulrcjrali, iSMH Employe who Found the building Inspector who in nue in the School District, for ba i dun formula. New Members tlectlon Districts 7, 8, T^ ^« *• centering an turn would seek approval from l voters residing within add together It Turned Down Offer of a Remird Announced by and 0 {three pott*. OouncUmen John the Civil Defense Director to General Election District No. 1. ... first snow I' * in* District No. 6 liutnick and Walter Sulfyan. see that It meets with proper1 rolling District No. 2 : of days the To Visit Post CAR 11 itHT- John Seaman, was none. Recovering from the Italian Club PuHii i place at the American incumbent Democrats are seek- ... date of the SCIUM] .street. Port Reading,'initial shock, he reported the specifications. Polling place at the Colum- jLegion Memorial Home^ atii the "full three-year "terjns. • CARTKRET Commander bus School at Roosevelt Avenue ng ;ii uncertain. i 'piiiicii work at the US: incident to his supervisor. A CARTERET —j The Italian- Councilman Deverin also IT- ROOM \i It Avenue in rhe School Their runnirg mate OOttncll- ,L4iwreiice Vogt. star Landing in the School District, for legal Metals l( Company one of employees immediate- American Citizen^ Club has an- ported that action on acquiring District, for legal voters resid- man Thomas Deverin seeks tl» htit the moon iPo.st 2314, Vt'tenuis of Foreign voters residing within General ,r.d MB blllton Morinii .ml week carrying a ly made a thorough search of nounced the beginning of the property for a new borough ing uithin General Electioni unexplred term of ^ 'Wars, announced (lie special garage ls expected to be taken Election Districts 3 and 3. Distiirts U and 16. .: can see the. •• fillet Whipped in a plastit baK the area but the wallet was notRoy Barnaba Emblem Contest; Mtylk. who became tat -assessor. post meeting of November 7. to be conducted ^n the school soon. He lauded Joseph Tele- A'JIK Illll JUSl hich iimlaini'd S700.00 m tens j to be found. Opposing them are three systems for the jmpils in the posky and Robert Elliott co- C.irt-.Tel. has been arum .'ed as mi urn- nrt m-eniies. Tlie money was! Finds the Cash Republican contenders, John ! chairmen of the Halloween pa- talion niuht for all eligible 'o be UMII ID t;iki' care of .^ome Shortly after noon, Joseph fifth to eighth grades, Own Halloween Presbyterian Donovan and Steve Trosko Jr. finiinriiii miiiins later in the^Ondrejcak, 208 Grove Street, rade staged by the Recreation veterans of the Borouiih ol t|.lv The emblem to be designed for th»! full terma and Leo U;i Committee last Sunday. The CartereL who may wish to visit io the nature of hi.^Woodbridge a Machinist in the will be used by the Italian- Kuhn lor the unexpired term. cut up an iou in ti Power Department.;Mechanicnl Department, was!American Club as thejv official parade drew a large crowd. Parade Held by Church School the post us .special WUPSU f Charges »r» Flyinf '.:.<• onion Y " :Se.un,iM is sonietnni's required|doing some repair work in the seal on all of their documents. Property owners of Bernard : ! Chawes and countercharges the Post Membership Conimlt- to vm^ :n cramped qiutrterslPower Department, Entrjes are to beisubmitted by Strflpt petitioned for curbing month. Of While jhave teUowed each other in tee in charge of Senior ViepjWh(,n, n and Mttiig. It was referred to School Students Leaders Named :.iitn In the s necessary to .squeeze{working, he( noticed a plastic the children to tfielr teachers. Commander Dsui Donovan and Either black and .wlttfe,V eot- the borough engineer for rapid "lire wauenccs. Just -t;il to uur- 'Junior Vice Commander Louj , lying on the floor. Curious CARTERET The third, CARTERET - More than 85j , ^ conceivable .sub.-.x-t mmn mucli aattentiot n to the valu- ors, may be used; on action. Bboui ery a tlie mud as to its size and shape, he fourth and fifth grades of the meinbiis'of the Churcli 9olioolj.oonnecfc4 with borough aov- il who *ill egcurt them .lbl(, iX.u,|.(,t tn his hjp , picked up ie bag. Unwrapping 9 x Nathan Hale School held their ar • looking forward % the i* .erntrent• hn• s •• tackludtkld, through th* post where theyjltt, w,.m oboul hiK wark yer. t)ie bilg j drawing annual H all owt(ien parade opened the wallet •»hU'J.,fcg^Kat m»y vl«t the soci»l rooms. pool|f0rminw using c marcbins around the. ichuol , pimt-poal repairs to]and discovered the ¥700.00. Un-. Utig-ot Kings'1 otf'Smti ol tad il Ifctiitl th ,„_., _ De- able to find any identifying line for grounds to the delimit and en* wt lhf Power when they will make, a trip to'< Jldjfws nitfj be ohdj m : we arc ;P* bar slid other ij>ciffttional r>nrtmein I papers in the wallet. Ondrejcak 1962. Entries*: joyment of many parents. Miss New York to attend mat- • too, aS they prepare fof'.«t :" uia. any «nd social activities;* Aft(>1. washing up lor lunch..rushed over to the Personnel originality, aptness of ijiought 0i Copper Seen Florence Rubel's class led the incfe on that day. Arrangements if inal volleys most of u'.i. If your Eligible veterans «ekmR toSftimiin unconsciously reached Department with the contents apd neatness.' Prizes will be: CARTERET — The UnttedjmarchinK group with Chris are in charge of the Rev. H.lcome through circulars dis- Moim win- •siablislilh membershibhi p with the;inth o his hip pocket—the walleti first, $25 savings bond; second, States sees ",a substantial droplStamateris as Uncle Si\m ear- (Continued on Page 2) Addtson Woesteraever. Itrlbuted to homes. The cam- I..IIL llSllttl, Star tending Post ure iirued to $10; and third, $5, in the flow of copper raw ma-'""'-ng the American •^ .. _J The Primary Department Pal8n has been waged more e,in expect contact Mr. Donovan at 45 New terials to Japan for at least the Teachers of seventh, and eighth! President Raymond Abazia will be' the guests of Mrs. Kay [strenuously than in many ii-llo* puts York Avenue or Mr. Miehnud. Artists Listed Parish Dinner has announced that the con- next several months.' grades acted as judges de- : '••'.- a little 16 Tyler Avenue, who v ill pro- test is being dedicated, to the This assurance came from the candidates • i a mild v ide them Alth niembership ap- memory of Roy Barnaba. the Secretary of Commerce Edward winners, most, original costume! u program on Sunday morning been increasingly active, in plication blanks mid other originator and chairman of the Erdman to Mayor Stephen Stephen Banko and Jack Weiss, For Nov. 25 Show For Hungarians when Mrs. Amundson's nephew, public appearances -at club pertinent inhumation contest who recently passed a- Skiba. He wrote in response to .prettiest costume Gloria at party rallied, at way. Other committee members a telegram from the mayor. Theresa Mathiia hest Walter GibbonS. who has A iili one lias 350 Members ' ^AIM'KKKT Piepuriitions CARTERET — Saturday, No- flom to are Nicholas Tassinello and foreign looking castuine JohniW^ * ™» * P'^nt)theip r own rallies and in door- A i re will- uu ilndei thl> shoW tO Vl mbtT U is the date of the "The limited availability of TheCar.eret post not stands ' ™ '*"' ' Michael Raccio. production materials for our MiChael, and Cynthia Loniak, uid speak to the members a-|to-door canvassing. '.u on a at nearU 350 members ;,ml has * l'"^"'^'"' H»' "<>lr Name traditional Annual Congrega- bout his experiences and adapt- Race for Governor 1 funniest costume Virginia Re- "si*. raugf fH A [% th The regular monthly meeting domestic custom smelters and nrovi-fl to be one'of the tm.v,t £ ' "' Huly Family tional Dinner of the Hungarian ability. Also holding interest is the Uulll ;l Nmvl1 will be held this coining Tues- ingot makers, Including the posta, Thomas Tiplndy, John il hot 011- |H)S(.S j,, this entire ai-fii. o!fer-j ' ' Reformed Church, "We want to Richard Hanniipple, Super- dav at the cwv Hal1 at 8:30 further idling of workers, con- Georfie and Thomas Mirolsky. :ubematorial race in which " ll inn manv fceiieiiis and social 'I'1"1 op.-nim: ft-ill be,call this our 27th annual affair! ' iten.dent of the Church School, film tinues to be a matter of con- SUver dollars were awarded to James P. Mitchell, Republican, activities to ith members and•i'n"lered by st Occl ChoinThankssiving Dinner", Louis!?.- M. * - sponsored by the has announced the appoint- cern to the Department of the winners. Following the pK- ormer Carteret resident is op- their tinnilk'.- throughout the "f ki and liar-|will play both Hungarian folk To Club Session (Continued on Page 2) donizo. ' Grcm-lsonss and dance1 music. The ;ld<-nls who have recently ino|e<|'nir handed that all new applications beinsjEva Davis and, Lunaim cratic candidate for Borough tuid Norman Tanzman, ( received at this time d« nut bf-|danee numbers t» Geraldine structor of the Folk Dunce Eii-jCoimci] wj|] speak to their il iuckaje». semble of Hungary using ori-! In the freeholder race, An- paving dues until JanuaryiDopko and Michell, Sadowsky, members and yinal choreography. Their pro-| . . „ .. diM-s G. Christensen and John humr and II. 196:), but betfin recciviii!: postltap dance JOHH Boroczewskl La st Pr d T. McCarthy, Republicans are Mrs. Loretia iKir- gram includes such items as the; .. , , ' f • HfPelican can- <• v louud that jbenefito immediutelyl upon ac-Umd soloist (Continued on Page 2) ]****?, John Donovan, Steve n|i|)osing George Burton Jr. 1 with fearbace. Ict'ptance of the membership. jcouski. * I j Trosko, Jr., and Leo Kuhn mid Kdythe S. McAndrew, also spoke on all local municipal- i'inner Carteret resident. level issues to a group of ap- In the independent race for proximately 50. Also speaking (':uicret Council are James : at this session were GOP Mun- fowler and John Abatemarco. icipal Chairman Michael Konci The Gen- ra) Ejection is next and Campaign Manager Char- and all, polls will be les Boncelofr. Tiunowski urged open frtjm 7 A. Ml. to 8 P. M. all present to vote on Election Day for the candidates of their choice and see that a record vote is reached in Carteret on October Renort [Tuesday, He also discussed the true facts and meaning of| "Equal Rights and American- Listed bv J Ism" to those present. CARTERKT — Tlie October The next regular ' monthly report of the Juvenile AW E r- meeting of the club will be held eau, made public today by Pvt, Friday eveiiiny November 10, Edward Cziijkow.ski shows thi.t at 8 o'clock when final plans will, be made for their annual a tutit! of 12 cas;-s handler) by dance which will be held No- the bureau, three of which v. (;'e vember liii in Uethlen Hall. sent to Juvenile Court. There were also sejen minor com- Ojn>n House fluted plaints, j * The JAB ! interrogated 21 it Puhlie Schools buy mid nine girls. Complaints CARTKHKT ~ In observ- included .shoplifting, disorderly ance of American" Education conduct, breaking windows, Week, School Superintendent auto aerials, damaging private Kdwin 8 Quin has announced property and runaway child- that open house will be. held ren. evenings from 7 to 9 on the IJI Juvenile. Court, Judge Al- following (iiiles: domi Appleton sent a boy, 13, November a, Hiuh School; io tin' Diagnostic Center at Bd~. November Vi, Columbus and isim; another boy was sent to Washington Schools, Novem- tlie Detention Home as a dis- |MU, iii thr community Halloween ber 14, Cleveland School and orderly person and a boy, 17, |iiI/.i- iu Katiway aiid SKCUIIU priw November 16, Nathan Hale is awaiting a hearing lor being School. disorderly to a poUoe offioa* FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1961 PAGE TWO alleviate the serious litoation Miss Joanne Nascak is Own existing at our plant because of Hadwsah Chapter Marks I Mission Sunday Marilyn A. Ihlszycki unfair Japanese competition. It 'Continued from PR(!Ml gives us a great deal of con- Wed to Bertlan Perhacs tended in costume »Ju,,, fidence and comfort to realto Donor Night at Session i To be Marked gala evening. i , ", M that we have the support of the Pr w Weds; to Live ik Bayonne CARTERET — Mission Sun- CARTERET — Sacred Heart|groom; Warren Mrak, Carteret, local governing body In our un- •**<> Unto Nni, CARTERET—At the "Donor i Child and the recent declara- day will be observed by the and Lawrence Bachman, Rail- tiring effort* to leave no ave- Church was the scene Charlotte DeBeliBl a as thf CARTERET—In the presence and Ronald Mlslak, Clifton. Nite" meeting held by the Car-«°n granting independence to way, Rlngbearer was Richard nues unexplored In our search congregation of the Hungarian pretty wedding Saturdatd y after- tiest costume of a large gathering of friends coumn at the bride. 'colonlal countries and peoples. Nanchk, Carteret, cousin of the Herbeck and John for a solution to this problem. tcret Chapter of Hadassah In Reformed Church at Sunday noon when Miss Joanne «a- ere; ,f,. and relatives from this borough. Mr. and Mrs. Bernatowlcz Life Membership chairman bride. j funniest costume It Is our hope succesi in thin the Brotherhood of Israel Byna- scak, 25 Main Avenue, became » n II J Miss Marilyn A. Dolossyckl, left for Miami Beach, Fla., by Mrs. Al Mooney announced the services. Dr. Andrew Harsanyl. The couple will renlde In!Brown tmfi nohp'n endeavor will provide the re-gogue, Mrs. Max Oruhin Who j. Membership Party will the bride of Bertlan Prrhacs. .daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Ste-plane. Ufron their return they Psl( up pastor, gave his sermon topic Carteret after a trip to the Po-most original costm™ SI.-rJ warding result of saving the presided introduced the guest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert will reilda at 19 Andrew Street. be held Thursday evening, No- i "A Church's Limitations and conos. The bride wore a black da Fabian, Oiui Fabian v 'phcn Doloszyrki, 19 Skltka Jobs of many Carteret realdenU. speiuer Mrs. David Hurowitz Morris, 2 Locust Street. Rev. Bayonne. The bride wore t vember 30. Professional enter- Triumphs". This sermon will faille dress with white acces- rnne Laura, Jam« BUK'IV- Avenue, this borough, became "We are fully cognizant the of City Who recently re- Andrew Okal performed the beige suit with brown acces- tainment In colorful costumes be preached at 10 o'clock in sories and an orchid. DonnvAndre, best form,,,,' tho bride of Raymond J. Ber- Council lesolutlon wa» the most turned from a years stay in double ring ceremony. sories for traveling. will be provided by Mrs. Ruth English and at 11 In Hungar- A gradaute of Carteret High Irg costume. nalowlcz, son of Mrs. John Za- Influential Instrument In bring- Israel. Mrs. Hurowlte showed Kay of Newark. N. J. who will Oiven In marriage by her Mrs. Bernatowlcz was gradu- ian, Donations toward the mis- School. Mrs. Perhars Is em- leski, Jer.«ey City, and the late In? about the October 27 in-beautiful colored films of Howoffer "A Nlte on Broadway" .ather, the bride wore a gown ated from Garterct High School sion causes of the Hungarian ployed by Shell Oil Co., Se- Stephen Bernatowlcz, Saturday dustry meeting, to consider thin Iirarl celebrates Biblical Holi- Mrs. Joseph Weiss and Mrs of , and Miss Florence Rube;, and Is employed by the Pru- Reformed Church In America waren. Her* husband attended presented a y,. afternoon. The ceremony took grave problem, In the Wash- days and Independence Day. ARobert Seader will present the Chantllly with a Sabrlna dential In.iunmrr Co., Newark, will be received during the of- local schools and nerved two'Dey programtolhr place In St. Peter's Catholic ington offices of the Secretary question and answer period program. embellished with seed as a receptionist-typist, fering. It is request* to make years Ii n the U.SU 8 . NavyN . a |remblyl . Grades Mire Church, Jersey City, with Rev. of commerce, Luther Hodges. followed. n pearls and sequins. Her skirt R Mr. Bernatowlcz, a graduate We trust the meeting In Wash- contributions toward these extended Into a chapel flvp and a large numv Robert J.Roth officiating. Donor chairman Mrs. Philip >lit1 of Ferrta High School, Jersey Hebrew Auxiliary cause8,through the local church Her fingertip veile of Illusion • were present c, Ington will be fruitful and thatjorourr announced the guest in order to Insure uniform Given In marriage by her City, Is employrd by the Colpositiv- e action will be forth-!speaker at the annual Donor Imtall* Officers was held by a crown of pearl 1st Presbyterian p^no narrated J\ sredlt, and crystal. She carried a father, the bride wore a gown gate-Palmolive Co., Jersey City. coming to remedy the *itu-|Luncheon to be held this year CARTERET - The Ladle* klilch opened with ti- of delustered with s Sunday School including prayer book with orchids and atlon." nn Tuesday April 10th at the Auxiliary of the Congregation Junior Confirmation CIBSS will reembroldered scoop neckline itotel Astor in New York City of Brotherhood of Israel Syna- stephanotis. Lists trimmed with sequlm and convene at 9 A. M. Senior Con- will be Ira Hlrschman, former gogue held Installation of new Maid of honor wai *" CARTERET — Rev. pearls. Her bduflant skirt end- Brighter Side flrtnatlon Class will be held Claire Wojlk, Linden, cousin of U. S. Envoy to Turkey who hasofficers, Tuesday evening, Oc- Saturday at 10 A. M., followed H. Woestemeyer, pastor of the.Day" reeled ed In a chapel train. Her three- been on missions to Israel and the bride. Attendants were the by Miss Nappi tober 31, »t the Hill Synagogue. [by Hungarian School at 11. First Presbyterian Church an- Inlch, tier veil of French Illusion was (Continued from Page 1> the Middle East, was also an Misses Kathleen Nascak, Car- Officers selected were: Presi- The Youth Fellowship will nounced that the sermon topic attached to a four-tier crown Japanese balance of payments observer at the Elchman trial. teret: Carol Ann Starkowsky, presented by Mir!,; dent, Mn. Edward Hopp; vice meet Wednesday, 7 P. M., in at 8:30 and 11:00 A. M. worship of Imported hand-cut, crystal and an Increase In the required Mrs. Drourr also announced Rahway, cousin of the bride, as noldler, president, Mrs. Peter Van Wal-the Upper Room of Bethlen this Sunday will be "diving is Soldiers," by Rob She carried orchids and stepha- deposits for imports, may bringIs Wed to the various means whereby and Rita Schall of Sanford. about a substantial drop in the lendael; Secretary. Mrs, SamHail; the Men's Club at the an Act of Faith." suggested by Therein* notis on a prayer book. members may earn credits to- Chodosh; treasurer Mrs. Jack Mains, also cousin of the bride. flow of copper raw materials to same place on Thursday at 8 the text, AcU 20:J5. with Bohdan Maid of honor was Miss Do- ward their donors. Hirsh. and publicity, Mrs. Al Flower girl was Miss Donna Lee Japan for at least the next Members are requested to re- Thr Church School meetg atUnlon soldier, lores Donohue, Jersey City. At- K. J. Sandor Kestenbaum. Andersen, Woodbrldge, cousin several months." The musical prayer "Bless turn their annual dinner reser- of the bridegroom. 9:30 A. M., with classes for allas Confrredat? $MY tendants were the Misses Ber- Hadassah" was read by Mrs. "Mrs, Hopp addressed the A letter also was received CARTERET —Many borough vation cards either using the dies through Senior High. TheBlue and the Orm rmdette Doloscyckl, Carteret Jnck Stein. Pianist was Mrsmeetin. g with a welcome to all Best man was Rudolph Per- from Joseph L. Carney, assist- residents went to Bayonne enclosed stamped evelope or Junior and Junior Hljh Youth Bolnar, "World W,, slater of the bride; Phyllis Ro- Elmer Broun. An original poem the members. hacs, cousin of the bridegroom. gowskl, Carteret: Mrs. Joseph ant to the vice president at theSaturday morning to attend the bringing it up to church on Fellowship group will meet at Robert Davis ps s '•To Israel" written by Miss The Ladles A ixillary Will iUshers were Joseph Ugl, Bon- Siper, Kearny; Miss Rosemarte U. S. Metals Refining Company Sunday. 3:00 P. M., and the Senior Qave His All." ,v Arlene Albert, granddaughter have a joint met ing with the hamtown, cousin of the brlde- jal, Carteret, and Miss Lu-thanking the mayor and coun- ^ The Sunday School and Youth Youth Fellowship at 8:00 P. M.Chervpnak, "World of Mrs. Rose Schwartz was Congregation of Brotherhood le Hoffman, Clifton. cil for its interest, He wrote In Dominic D NaroNaroii Ba^- The Sunday school and youth Tuesday at 1 P. M, all those with Paul Rtirii ... of Israel, Tuesda- evening No- fellowship "Trick and Treat"- TO SERVE DINNER who have made reservations "Honorlnn the Sru!.. • 'Best man was Alexander Pas- part: onne KnneS'John'sandor.'-ad to the enthusiastic group her vember 7, at Hi- Hill Syna- ing for UNICEF brough In ent <1 Bevn'.v IfcTiack, Jersey City. Usher*. "On behalf «r Mr. Towers son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bon-N h CARTERET — A spaghetti |wtn meet at the church. They|* * ber iR n gogue on Peis'iing Avenue $21.53 which has been forward- r 1 Shall Pr evening will ed to the U. S. Committee for sented by Micliiwi n,. Stephen Doloszyckl, Carteret Refining Company, allow me nue, this borough, which took!High School interested in writ- Auxiliary will take place onjto &? the motion picture. and a member of Senior be Mrs. Edward lopp. and Mrs,UNTCEF in New York. The chorus onuMMi-f) , brcfther of the bride; Robert to express our deepest appre- place In the Assumption Catho- Ung Election Day, Tuesday Novem—'King of Kings." The bus will Brown. After the closing of the Radigan, N I n H Doles, couiln of tb# bride; ciation for the sincere efforts lic Church, Bayonne. Judaea. ber 7, at St. Demetrius Com- return to the church at 7 P. M. In a salute to United Nations meeting, refre.6 lments were 17 •^ ftewn Bernatowlcz of Jersey .displayed by the Mayor and The nuptial mass and cere- GETS FRESHMAX POST munlty Center, at Roosevelt since there are 85 paid reier-'^ Plchalskl. i,^;a D.iy, Mrs. Zelman Chodosh, served by the lostesses, Mrs, Chris Stamntmi, w jL City, brother of the bridegroom, Councilmen of this borough to mony was performed by Rev. CARTERET — Miss Barbara Avenue. The menu will Include j rations, it has been necessary Education chairman gave a re-Edward Hopp md Mrs. Al Stokei, Alyce Kniij'. Michael J. Nappl, New York Ayres, daughter of Mr. andsalad, spaghetti and meat balls to arrange for another bus. port on the growth from 50 Kestenbaum. Mrs. Mathew Ayres, Bernard home baked cake, coffee, dln-;Kach person Is asked to bring Elaine Hoy, Doroihv City, uncle of the bride, Susan Kotiler, Dr.'A ] 'member nations in 1945 to 99 Street. A freshman at Wlnne- r rolls, and milk for children.'sixty cents to cover the cost of Given In marriage by her BACK FROM II >SPITAL James Bullch In 1961. She imparted the ln- throp College for Women at Co-chairmen of the affair this Mis. father, the bride wore a gown foimntlon that from its coun- CARTERET - Mrs. Irving n N. Isaacs of 105 Hagaman Rockhill, S. C. has be n elected are Mrs. Albert Marrone and On Wednesday, at 8:00 P. M., of silk peau de sole with a cils of the world's people, have CHOSEN EDITOR THE HOMELIKE atmosphere found in Street, has retu.:ied home after hall representative of the So-Mrs. Florio Zuccaro. Tickets the trustees will meet, scooped neckline outlined with emerged—The universal Decla- nuty be purchased at the door There will be a Fish Fry Fri- the Synowiecki Funeral Home It often Alencon lace and seed pearls. i f Human Rights, The surgery in Ehabeth General cial and Recreation committee CARTERET - M: rat on O day, sponsored by the Senior commented upon by those who select our and long, pointed . Ap- declaration of the rights of theHospital. of Breaceale Dormitory. Hlla, daughter of M: service. Choir. The proceeds will bene- Hlla of 28 Herman A... lllques of Alencon lace and _ flt cholr Tlclc seed pearls adorned her bell Dinnpr - - chosen editor of 1.. skirt which snded in a cathe- pts may be obtained from mm-[newspaper the Nov:r..,:. dral train. A Cinderella crown 'Continued from Page 1' bers of the Choir. None will be at the University m M;, of seed pearls held fer four- famous "Bottle Dance from available at the door. IMISS Hlla Is a frrshma:. tiered madonna veil of import- Birjan" or the dance suite, ed English illusion. She carried First Love". a spray of .stephanotis and Ivy Reservations should be made funeral home, inc. with a center orchid. by members using their reser- vation cards, or by calling the You Will Get.. # |r*rv» Srnow Matron of honor was Mrs. church office. J.A. Fttming, Manogtr Robert Leo Sekel of Bayonne, v The Finest Fuels Available sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Miss Barbara Ann San- \f 'Complete' Parts Service Program dor. Carteret, sister of the Presbyterian v' Life Insured Budget Plan bridegroom, and Mrs. John Ko- \/The Finest Servicemen—(Our bryn. Jr., of Bayonne. Junior (Continued from Page 1> it CMT1IHT AVIHUt » CAtJHIt. NtW bridesmaid was Miss Loretta partment. George Sloan. Men are Trained & Experienced) Calluci, Bayonne, cousin of tfie' The Chinch School is once bride.' afuiin starting a "Brick Fund" Best tnan wat Jack Legott, campaign fnr the benefit of the If You Switch to.. „ N. Tf. tteners were An- !Christian Education Building. Coppola, Port Reading 'They carried a very successful GEO. CHAMRA Vote F6r and Stanley Btyba, Jr., Car- ;campaign for the new Church teret, cousin of the bridegroom building and are enthusiastic- Rlngbearer was Robert Leo ally looking forward to equal & SONS Sekel, Bayonne, nephew of the their contribution in this cam- Mobilh«of A DIT. ot Chodoib Broi & V>n] HUTNICK bride. paign. A reception was held in Bay- Church School classes are Rahwar onne. After a wedding trip to held at 9:30 A. M. each Sunday CALL Kl Bermuda, the couple will reside! morning for classes from Nur- -5450 lAv SULLIVAN at 132 Lowell Street. sery (3 years) through Senior COAL • FUEL OIL • BURNER BALES * SKKVlft | High and an Invitation is ex- McNamara refuses to name tended to anyone in the Bor 24 Lcffertfl Street, Carteret, N. J. individual censors, LAUDED FOR HONESTY: Photo showi John R. Kchein, director of personnel with Joseph ough to attend. /DEVERIN Ondrejcak who found the money and John Seaman who lost It but K«t it back. Why tale c/ionc»i on this humane gesture. Seaman,'investigations, bribed officials! qualify wfiwi you can gtl Finds $700 without looking, dug into ^^"1!^? Come One - Come All! gtnuin* rtd tradtnarktd drejeak's simple act of humani- FAMOUS READING (Continued from Page 1> wallet, pulled out some bills ty takejs on heroic proportions ANTHRACITE? W» havt it. of the plastic bag. He told his story of the discovery to John afforded in this column. Giant Rally R. Bchein, Director of Person- ing, "I don't want your money." You NEEDN'T DO THIS nel, who made one quick phone With all the praise and ad-; call and had John Seaman in miration heaped on him by his; .o make depots wJ»v »«.., his office in a matter of min-friends and fellow employees,! utes. A relieved Seaman was Ondrejcak quintains that he Sunday, Nov. 5thT 5 p.m. greeted by the smiling Ondrej- only did what be was supposed I'S cak. who was. holding on to theto do. In times such as these, at FIREHOUSE No. 1 missing wallet. Overcome by when we hear of Senate Crime Drive-In ' TREE REFRESHMENTS WARR LIQUORS COAL & SUPPLY CO. PUBLIC NOTICE 78$ St. George Avenue VOTE DEMOCRATIC Woodbrldge SERVICE BARBER SHOP HAS MOVED _„ Sponsored by Miitown Democratic Club Call ME 4-0724 Randolph at to our new location at Penning 76 Washington Avenue Carterct Enjoy the Best in Barber Service CARTERET The PEOPLE'S Choice! by Thomas DeSimone , Those Fine USED CARS at NOW IN you can VICTOR MOTORS 1 BANK BY MAI THE LO^ST PRICES ANYWHERE Hie Way To End a Wonderful Evening (PROGRESS! *9t CHEVROLET Oonvortlble. ' '11 FORD filrlim "500", 1-dr. M&tn. Very Clean ,. „ I ISM «00 ml!M . HIM atqnyhourl '99 MERCURY Parklant, t-dr. Hardtop. ' •» CHEVROLET Imp»U ConvutlblM Llk« K«w IMH ,13 to chooM from) |l»l Is To Stop at The Write ?hon«,ofsh)pl«<<»TffWt*nhnit,'nKi)nfitl •98 OLD8MOBILE, 4-dr Hnrdtop. '«1 PLYUODTH Purr Nice C»r »W»5 2-dr. Hardtop |MM '57 FORD Country Squire Station •00 OLDSMOBIUi 4-dr. Hardtop, W»goc tike Hew _„ %t»i 5.000 OrlglnM Miles H385 '57 DOOGB Coronet, 2-dr. Hardtop. '<1 KARMAN OWa, RAH. CARTERET DINER ODB-Owner Car .j_ (US Pur. whit. *M»» '80 OLDSMOBILI J-dr. Hurdtop. '80 PONTIAO Starehlef Super M. Low Mlleagu ..._ 'MM 4-dr Hardtop ..„ r- — BMI OPEN 24 HOURS NO CASH DOWN - featuring -

•«0 PQJTU0 Bonnerllie •«0 BUtCK Fresh Seafood J-4i tUrttop i _ Viry Clean •SI rmvnourr Ml Air 4-dr. Mdan. •80 BUICK Laflabra 1-dr. Btdan. Dinners V»n 1«4i. |. Ukt Ntw , „. banking service consult... •«0 MEkilUT UontereT ConT»/tlbl«. '» PORD OaUxie 4-dr. Stdan _ flUt Thick, Juicy 'IT OHIVROLKT B«l Air 4-dr. H»Mtop. "Th, Bmk xcltl, Alt th, Suvku Vtrj Olun , Steaks 'IT PONTIAO 4iUr. Hardtop. 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 OM Owntr —i , Cool Salads 'U DODO* ' I piVI a pinny I 4-dl. Man ___i M» Chops and Roasts 44». Uiux >. - Mi tint •I* amen „ ; . ft* WE *EIJ, — WE SERVICE - WE SATISFY ORDERS TO TAKE OUT HILL PHARMACY OPTIONAL nlmnNi IXTRA OM IOMI CARI Irst Bank NO EXTRA OHAEQI Qg|| ^| 1-2909 "The Hume of Service" I 587 Roosevelt Avenue and TRUST COMPANY REASONABLE FREE CUSTOMER (arteret POROB, N. J. P>IRTH AMUOV, N, J- \ 1CTOR MOTORS, Inc. PRICES PARKING AREA lur Fruuipt Zl-llour 44!> Rtbwiiy Avenue, Woodbridge ME 4-5055 Urlivery Hervice « « i» n r N, (nrroiiTV MITVAL writ, 108 Kooseveh Avenue, Carteret pVPrin A lifelong resident of Carteret, ;, Hnlnlck, 567 Roosevelt1 he 1« a member of the HunRa- Dcvrrin. 28 rjypi Jewish Community News P ,','.',' is seeking hta third Street, „ Kmn, ,,he onp jrlan Reformed Church and Is ,' „„ i he Borough Council, unexplred term regional manager for northern with fellow Demo- New Jersey for the Seaboard ncuinbent Walter Sulll- Finance Corporation. •J.|,Ii nick and Sullivan were tax assessor jmy , A graduate of the Carteret , ; ;,, 1055 and reelected In public school system, Trosko attended Colorado University 11 woodbrldge, Hutnlek Councll and He served In the U. S. Navy as 1 ,,, n resident of Carteret since July 6. ft second class petty officer. .,',.,;',. than 30 year». He Is Part of his four-year tour of "., ,i mid the father of three .'duty was spent during the Ko- rean conflict. ;',;. A labor leader, Hut- iimi president of Pos- He is a member of Throdore! . , IT Local 440. Intcr- RooseVelt Lodge, F. and A. M MOKTON 8. BAUM. Rsbbl | The annual United Jewish ,; Union .of Electrical1 No 219 and Is a trustee for the Cniidle tjKhtlnc fimr frl-i APPe«l Hrlvr will be headed br \fl,-Clb for 15 years Carteret Craftsman's Club. difv Viivembcr 3. i^l P M.. Mrs David Wohlgenmih and lulniiniennt of the 8a- ;Mrs 8sm Ifelns. Mrs. Jet-ry l*o Kuhn iPlicp : n, ,t church, he Is .a Fnd;iv Evrnlnp Unices No- *M act as advisor and if its Holy Name So- Leo Kuhn, 44, of 88 Louis win™] 3. Brotheiiooti of IsraelRat>bl Morton 8. Bhum will ba ment courses l)n :i, i,s n member of the InstitutI e of AmJrW ReSmchift Cet' '? th? ^PUbliran par- 4 4i P M LovliK' Justice 4 45 charge of Community Rela- , Social Club and tHe nndtedte sefiklnK th on f M jtions. In 1960-fil a total of 12,. A resign, „ r f" <' " " ? « <- 950 w , iMijvns Club. AieMdTOtofCurteretforthcl year' unexpired term on Bor- Sabbath Suvlics. Loving; «' contributed and a goa) part 15 ycnr.s. he is „ {ormcr h Council which arose when -. Saturday November 4 !of *3.500 was wt for 1961-62. , i; is presently Police hn th0 Bn , . .niyr In charge of the ZT J ««> o Ed"Thomas Millie resigned to as- ifi:4r> A M. 'jPlcdgesof 13,450 have be«n re-' oh the Bor- sume his tax assessor's post, ml Junior Congfetfd:ion—Satur- •Cived tlius far Please send! July. your checks to Mrs. David •iinnl. ny November 4, 10:45 A. M. Kuhn, a lifelong resident of Sabbath Evening Services —fWohlgemuth, \\ niter Sullivan Carteret, attended Holy Family 30 P.M. Sullivan, 82 Lincoln Tnacher Association. Rrammar school and graduated Trosko and Mrs, Barbara Bnnd. Study Oroqp- Laws and Cu»- A class In elementary wt< seeking his fourth He is a World War n veteran from Carteret High School He oms 5 P.M. 'brew reading conducted by HIP BorouRh Council. Is married to the former Agnes Sabbath End' 8:25 PM. labbt Baum will begin this i!iuii!h Council, aboard the U.S.S. Oberon In Szymborski and is the father of Miss Bertha Venook Sunday Monini? Services — Thursday November 9 2:15 P.M. appointed to an un- the European and Asiatic the- two sons. He Is a communicant' Miss La Rocco Miss Baranowski Wed ovlng Justice 8 A.M. t Brotherhood of Israel. There a $2.00 book fee. To register .in) in 1953 and was aters for three and a half of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Engaged to Marry Sunday Evening Services — .i ihe council In 1955 years. Church and a member of its :45 P.M. lease call Rabbi Baum. Becomes Bride CARTERET — Mrs. Rebecca • * * \>8 .Sullivan and his Deverln is sales supervlsorlHoly Name Soclety- To John Peter Zuback Dally Serving, 7:15 A M.- 1 Venook Kaplan, 109 Lewis The board meeting will be ai.it«'. John Hutnlck, for the Breyer Ice Cream Co. Lovlng Justin World War II, Kuhn Street, formerly of Carteret, held Thursday November 9 at nfl Thomas McWat- He is on the board of directors wa.s a Naval technician and in- Of John Veres has announced the engagement CARTERET— A pretty wed-.niony and nuutial mass, Brotherhood of Israel. Plan* !u April primary to of the Rnrltmi Bay Community During th. past week final structor at Barbers Point Naval CARTERET — Miss Rose- of her daughter. Miss Bertha dingg took placpace ln St. EliasL| Escorted to the altar by her' or paid up membership party Democratic party's Chest and is a former local Air Station, Hawaii. He is a fn tlle th brl w a gown details were vorked out on get- marie La Rocco, daughter of Venook, to Irving Zeller of Jer- Greek Catholic Church Satur-( '; £ * ^ 1 November 30 will be made. A :•: i (»• two three-year chairman of the community f •ing our building construction tool designer and technical spe- Mr. and Mrs. Frank La Rocco,, sey City, son of the late Mr. of with scooped nlte on Broadway will be the chest and cerebral palsy fund- day morning when Miss Csth- mvkllne BIld lotlB sleeV€S Her program u: der way. Weather cialist, with the Concentric 33 Roosevelt Avenue, became and Mrs. Alexander Zeller. neckline and long sleeves. Hei theme of professional enter- i>:» lirelong re»ldentjrR^1"K drives. eiine Baranowski, daughter of permitting we should see the Genr Corporation. Kuhn and the bride of John Veres, son Miss Venook, daughter also bouffant skirt featured brocadi tainers. The Donor Luncheon, ! and was educated Mr. and Mrs. Adam Baranow- bows in back and ended ln a ihell of thi bulldiiiR completed of Mr. and Mrs, John Veres, of the late David Venook was before the :lrst of the year. We Tuesday April 10, at Hotel A«- •crrt school system. 280, Knlnhts of Co- in the metal and machine fields Sr., Ebervale, Pa., in St. Jo- graduated from Carteret High ski, 20 Chrome Avenue, became chapel train. Her «three-tierei tor, will feature Guest Speaker lumbus, Ancient Order of Hi- have been fortunate to receive mid to the former and recently sold a machine seph's Church Saturday noon School and Douglass College. the bridfe of John Petnr Zuback, veil of silk Illusion was held b; Ira Hlrschman. bernians and the American the following major contribu- Toner and" Is the shop which they had operated Rev. Dominic M. Manzo. OSM, She was formerly employed as son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zu- a crown of aurora borealis. She • * • • AD children. Sullivan Lesion. for 12 years. back, 44 Charles Street. The carried a cascade of carnations tions of labor and materials to- officiated at the nuptial mass an Inspector of personnel pro- ward our new structure: com- The Hebrew Men's Club :mr member of the He is a local representative Rev. Augustine Medvigy offi- stephanotls and orchids. and double ring ceremony. grams by the Second U. S. Civ- plete hen:ing system — Sam breakfast will be held this Sinv liniird of Education. Jnhn Donovan and a member of the board of il Service Region. She is a per- ciated at the double ring cere- Matron of honor was Mr», day November 5, at Loving OV( rnors of The bride wore a brocade 'hodoah and Family; trench- in'inirant of St. Jo- John Donovan 42, 7 StHner!« ' Middlesex County ionnel management specialist Robert Pace, Carteret, sister o: Justice. Prize sports films will branrl1 of tne American Bowl gown with a scooped neckline j is and foundation walk—Mid •:;.m Catholic Church, Street, was the Republican - in the New York office of the the bride. Bridesmaids were be shown. lnR and long sleeves. Her bouffant employed in the produce busi- dlesex Concrete Co.. through ;. Miner of Carey Coun- party's choice to seek one ofi Cimgress. Miss Alice Bangs and Mr; * > • skirt ended in a chapel train. eternal Revenue Department. ness in Jersey City, The wed- Abe Neiss and Family; Instal- of Columbus the two three-year terms on Prank Peter, both of Cartere The Hebrew Sisterhood will A pillbox headpiece held her Mr. Zeller was graduated ding will be held December 24, lation of plumbing — Leonan of the City Borough Council, He has been and Miss Barbara Vavarek, be in charge of the annual BOARD TO MEET four-tiered fingertip veil. She 'rom Jersey City Schools and at the Hotel Astor in New York Faiges Plumbing Co. star and Hilltop paired with Steve Trosko. Jr. Port. Reading. Childrens' Chanukah party to CARTERET -r The United carried a cascade of roses with New York University. He is self City. Sam Gevlrtzman and thi A Nicholas Zuback, Carteret be held Sunday December 10 •- ;tnd the Ancient! borough resident for 15 Sisterhood of Carteret will hold a center orchid. fund raising committee havi brother of the bridegroom, was at Brotherhood of Israel, Vrnlnns. years. Donovan is married to its m-xt board meeting on Mon- Matron of honor was Mrs. arranged for a building fun best man. Ushers were Harol< The monthly board meeting 'he Borough Coun- the former Audrey Burke and day. November 6, at 9 P. M. at .Joseph Gil, • Carteret. Brides- drive. Rundle and Gaylord Sohaydi will be Tuesday, November 7, ; has been Recren- Is the father of one son. He Is the Synagogue of Brotherhood maids were Miss Georgine Bar- I-'-inner for several!a rommunlcant of St. Joseph's both of Carteret, and Anthon: !at Brotherhood of Israel. of Israel. Mrs. Peter Van Wal- bieri, Carteret, and Mrs. An- There will be no classes Tues- Rumaii Catholic Church. •oncalves, Linden. landaei will preside. Results of drew Veres, Perth Amboy, sis- day November 7, Election Day Donoviiii is a graduate Following a wedding trip the recent card party will be ter-in-law of the bridegroom. Regular classes will be held on Foresters Will Hold Cartcivt HIL'II Florida and other souther] Headquarters for School and discussed. Mrs. Michael Stet- Junior bridesmaid was Miss Jo- Thursday November 9, because 'tended iiiuior CIIIICKC in P jsko. Mrs Morton Zarrtt andjanne Matton, Perth Amboy, states, the Zubacks will restdi Dance Tomorrow at 749 Linden Avenue, Rahwa; ,of the State Teachers Conven- VITA-VAR PAINTS •Am l)i iy He served iis a firstlMrs. Sam Rchneier will be host- niece of the bride. tion Day. CARTERET — Court Car- ;«i.I in the H. S. Army for|ess.. for the evening. Andres Veres. Perth Amboy, The bride was graduatei teret, Foresters of America will and s from Carteret High School an The weekly charity drive will four Hi:tl a half years durniRj ~ brother of the bridegroom, was hold its Halloween dance Sat- attended Union Junior Colleg ibe dedicated to the United urday evening November 4, at LUMINALL PAINTS Wo!-!(i \S;ir II II,. is a foirniiin'TO ATTEND CONFERENCE jbest man. Ushering were Frank Community Fund. Class Chari- anil Crnnford, She is employed as 15 Charles Street, the Forest- ,Wallpaper and millwrigh1 t in Elizabeth- CARTERET - Mrs.. JoimiLa Rocco. Jr., Carteret. brother ty Monitors are; 1st grade f'.ii "iiti-rs UVH] NO, 715. assistant secretary to the presi- ers Hall beginning at 9 P. M. Painters Supplies Biyei, president of St. Joseph's of the bride, and Mr. Gil. dent of Merck & Co., Inc., Rah- Meryl Stein 2nd Shirley Shlian Refreshments will be served. ,PTA announced that a group The couple will reside 3rd and 4th grade Arlene Lcv- Steve Trusku. Jr. wa y. Music will be by the Debonairs. |Will attend the Amboy Region Perth Amboy after a tour Mr. Zuback, a graduate of itz, Junior High Lewis Kravet Various prizes will be award- Jr.. 32, h Lex-jDuiimil Conference on Novera- the New England states. The the same high rserved|T"e first grade was collection ANGELO MICHAEL 'uli Airnue ed for costumes. Patrick Kehoe l.s fc'i-kiriR oneiber j:i, ;n Old Bridge. Anyone bride wore a toast colored dress three years in the U. S. Army. leader last Sunday. and Dave Lauch are co-chalr^ & SON ut the two thm'-yi\ir terms on WINIUIIK to attend must contact with black accessories and an He also attended the Nationpl * * # men. Chief R«rit# Bud Clark U ttt-tn Washington Avm Bniinu'h Cimnci). !\lr.s. Joseph Ttleposky by Fri- orchid. Academy of Broadcasting. Report Cards will be. dis- Hospitality Chairman. Othet Cirttrtl /TI-I Kl 1 -;. U • Tru.NO mid John Donovunlday. Nuvi-mber 10, for travej Mrs. Veres attended Carteret Washington, D. C. He is em- tributed the first week of1 Committees will be menjbers of ran uimiipusfd for the Hcinibli-'rt'.M'iwilions. .schools and is employed by Qloyed by Rcvlon. Inc., Edison ^November. ' the Foresters Auxiliary plub 48, ijWestint'house Electric Corp., i Edison. Her husband was graduated jfrom Hazelton High School,1 TO APPEAR IN SHOW: The Polka "Quiz Kids," Janet Hazelton, Pa., and, is employed and Francis Marut, who will appear in the show of the by the Willard Dunham Con- Holy Name Society, Holy Family Church, in the High FRIGID WINTER AHEAD!! struction Co., Woodbridge. School, November 16. WALL STREET -FREE- L tub Unit No. 87 of Wm Comes to Carteret Pick-up Son burn to Mr. and Mrs. John $ti?arrett, 55 Roosevelt wishes to announce the beginning of its Annual and Avertue at Perth Amboy Gen- era! Hospital October 29. Household Products sale by telephone — and wishes to thank everyone in advance for their Daughter born to Mr. mid It'i getting difficult to find anyone these Delivery Mrs. Albert Kiyak, 108 Lowell help. Street at Perth Amboy General days who hasn't heard about the advan- Day and Night Hospital October 26. Mrs. Mae Einhorn, President tages of owning stocks, bonds or mutual SERVICE Duughtor born to Mr. andi funds. What's not so widely known is how Mrs. Herbert Smarro, 5 Parkj 1=3(1 to go about investing wisely. Now, Tobey & CALL Place at Perth Amboy General Hospital October 25. Kirk, member firm of the New York Stock Exchange, will conduct a series of invest- Kl 1-6752 Daughter born to Mr. and dtfnncuncina 0fienina U Mrs. Frank Fudor, 11 Grant ment seminars in C&rteret. Avenue at Perth Amboy Gene.r- * »m»*riiln, job In line «wi jave you ptenlj of Urn*, trouble uid money when ill Hospital October 25. ""• "al cold wralhtr hill, which '** urniall will br tudilrnly! Don't l«t the first MARK P. BINSTEIN, registered, represen- r "i I map find yoor c»r unprrp»rrd. Drive In n«n for our «PUhd»y 8 A M. to I P. JW. • SIMfONlZING CARTERET P.S.: Refreshments Will Be Served Opening Day Phone Kl 1-5219 PAGE FOUR nusters John Cody and n,, Troop 44 Holds vioo. Troop Committee man R|ohVd Skillman HM » I s| Deborah Slates \Double Ring Ceremony statant District comm Court of Honor Claus Miller. '• William Show inites Local Couple — A Court of tor for the Imwr WM conducted by Boy dance team, COLON1A-A fashion show, nmt, Troop 44 «t New Dover to the of lonnsnrrd bv Tif-hnrnli 1,-nmip! I3ELIK - The wedding of class of 1958, and is employed Church. told of its of ColorJn. will be held nt Miss Mutgaret Estclle Bchurujby Western Electric Co., Unloa Scoutmaster Hersehel J. T»r- F-ntrh Phiiis Country Cliib.l daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul! Her hutbandU a graduate ol tfT welcomed four boys Into fwrlv SliRcknmnxson Coim-jschuctz, 16 Cabot Place, andiPerth Amboy Hlgn Bcnooi, sna he troop and prestnUd them the Troop's MoWrlVlivi,''' trvCli'b Pcntrli I'lnlns, Novrm-JRonald Peter Korcsmaros, son lattendel Newark College oi an- with tenderfoot badges, neck- The Troop's monkrv im,i il-• n. 8:S0 P. M. !of Peter KOrcsmaros, 311 Good-'glneerlng. He Is employed as a rrlilefs nnd slides. They are recently displayed atthci Prc-r^-s rin ./n to Dcbnmhlwln Street, Prrth Amboy and; draftsmen by NeW Jersey tn- Kenllworth. 'reclcriek T. Morel, D»vid Ed- T'n 'if i. n free. unn-sfctnrlBnlihe late Xtrs. Korcsmaros, wasjulncerlng Corp., Kenliwortn incUm Oary Miller, and Ksn- operable lifnrt^olrmntzrd Saturday In Our "!! for ^l y ipih Woodencheek- one of the obstacles iiw,n,: , l-.in'! caiKT-r, mul rhrst'Lady of Hungary Church, Pcrthh | obstacle race at th? N,, , Amboy. Hev, Stephen 0. Hor- Brouts receiving awards were: District Round- nro Mrs. Milton vath officiated at the double Paid-Up Party Baumgsrdener ahd|Ra.rltan Arsenal' ')»ws'-v. chairman: Mrs. r!nn cerefaony. Maneff, second class members of the Trn'on' IJrsd Sheets and James! adults attended II Ml "") tV-ini"r. vicr rhnlr- Given In marriage by herj attended • Vi'8. Alvin DTII and Mrs. Set for Monday Spenrn\ first class badges: | A Scout meetinp lathrr the bride wnro a gown of, aapehrer, first ai1dJ tickets: ISELIN The final commit- William —"— ""' - at 7:30 tonight at ^.th a merit, Oralri Tarver, cltlxen- -r.. Fdwnri Lynch nnd Mrs.jCJ« Iy oe ^ ^ fof ^ Bteterhood Methodist Church. in the home: August De ••Ins BT«n»n. program book-l"™*"" ™ Beth Sholom Pftld-up member Her-boll_ Vlen and James Kuell, two year ffant skirt ended in a chapel ship dinner Monday WM held Ath Fl service pins; Robert Uchowtd, Trip to Aniuii>,>Hs Mrs. Warner will nlso con- train. Her four tiered veil of,wlth Mrs. Arthur Frlerman. three year pin; and William Imported illUMon was attached Berkeley Boulevard. Mnrnuiirdt, four year pin. Arranged In duct Mie for a mink-col- Mrs. Louis Lewis and Mrs (y( s to a crown of Chantllly lace, leader's awards lared sweater. with soqulns and seed pearlsJMIlton Gerber are in charge of ISEUN - CYO of <• 1 wee celia's Church is i .. Models are Mrs. Edward She carried a bouquet of whlfevnlnlll table and room decorations, P i(1 Cohen. Mrs. Deorce Savnrese, ! On aid Tarver, senior patrol bus trip to the U s !MMrs . BellBll e Klinp and MrsMrs . EEdd - Mrs. Sol Filter, Mrs. William baby roses. leader: William Spencer, assist-jAcademy at AnnapolK -, su-'wnrct 8neri'>*. *-yp'n- anl Gnrbrr, Mrs, Rocco CflRBlflno, Mnld of honor was Y(»'V(i AND Ol.l>: Attended the outdoor pirnir sponsored by the indrpriuiont t ivie Club <»M oloniii at th, ol mia play ant senior patrol: Drew Turn- ber IB The boys wtii •', san Schuetz, Iselin. sister of lh Mrs. Stanley Strenkowskl, Mrs. Members In charge of setting the Junior High School Saturday afternoon. Among the guests was lMt Momlt «>> thf Ml. '" ' * bull, «rlbe; Fred Relght. li- Academy and attend ;, ; Lee Goldfarb, Miss Ssilly Glass, the bride. Bridesmaids were the. p, serving, and preparation of[ David Miller, Chief John It. Kcan, Mayor Frederick M. Adams, and CnmmlUeen.an John Hughes, brarian: Charles Dreeson, Rob- game. Anyone Interested Mrs. Joseph Mansfield, and Misses Paula Schuetz, Iselin," ert IAchowid and James Kuell.jtending should c.i.i the fdod are Mrs. Jerome club president, James Small, Is next to Committeeman Miller. Mrs. M. Placltella. another sister of the bride, Joan patrol leader (tripes: Michael 8kowronski, U 8-702.S Gloria Bmacer, Mrs. Hy Falchook, around moving things on tablet1 Male models will be Ralph Tomezik, Fords nnd Mrs. Albert Klvite, Mrs. Willi- [A REAL GHOST STORY The women all claim to have Cody. Brad Sheets, David Fau* The CYO will hold :•, Hess, Milton Warshawsky, Lee Landi, Perth Amboy. 7 seen the, same ghost. They de- and in cupboards—and, on oc- quler and Douglas Funk, assist- ly dance tomorrow m , am Cohen, Mrs. R. E. Weln- Junior Girls NOTTINGHAM, England—A ( Savage, and Daniel Potdam. Best man was Robert Goldman. scribe It as a ghost with long casion, has been se«n tickling ant patrol leader stripes, and of Lourdcs Hall i , Merle Norman is In charge of local vicar has reported that he Richard Onulard and William rules apply, Membei i : A. Coopertnan, Mrs. N. To Hold Record Hop]has been called In to comfort babies in their cribs. : ; makeup and Frank Testa, hair George Schnauffar and Robert Green, Mrs. C. A, Cohen, Mrs, Women and children are the Marquardt. Instructor badges. must be shown for :i,i.T-' styles. Schnauffer. Welt Caldwell, ISEUN — The Junior Girls',women who claim they have Assisting In the distribution of |The dance starts at Irving Selserman, Mrs. David who have seen the U. S. suggests easing of Do- cousins of the bride, and Stan- Unit of VFW Post held its an-1seen a ghost through only ones awards were Assistant Scout- ends at 11 p M. Ander, Mrs. H. Sell?, Mrs. Syl- nual Halloween party at the Itheir homes. goeslmlnlcan sanctions ley Gontarek, Perth Amboy. via Leibowltz and Mrs. M. E The bride wore a green ,VFW Hall, Lincoln Highway. At YOUR GARDEN ted suit with black and white; Admission is the paid-up the last meeting of the Unit, elected accessories for traveling to! membership_ card._._,, a. nominai l0JTe • THIS WEEK Florida. fee will be charged for guests,;Treasurer. Mrs. Korcsmaros Is a gradu- Mrs. Frierman advises dues' Plans were discussed for ate of Woodbridgc High School, may be paid at the door. i record hop November 24, MOW NEW LAWN When your newly seeded lawn grass is up three or four Inches, it's time to mow it. But don't cut it closer than lUi Inch and a half. That's the late season advice A BUSINESS MAN .of a Rutgers turf specialist, Dr, Henry W. Indyk. He explains that mowing a wiiew lawn at an early stage en- - courages the grass to form *• dense sod. If you don't mow, FOKA your new lawn will produce tall grass plants and thin sod. Letting the grass get too tall Is harmful to the slower germi- nating kinds of grasses. It's particularly important to mow BUSINESS LIKE If you planted a seed mixture w . containing temporary grasses Lancaster Oven Ready" Carve-Right such as ryegrass or redtop. FREE! 30 To avoid damaging the now grass—and old grass, too—be 1st Cuts S&H GREEN STAMPS h *MMM to ywr itanlw itwp «l»ure your mower Is sharp and Slightly High* •MI pwdN* «i V*IMW No. t, 1« 1 properly adjusted, Dr. Indyk ADMINISTRATION recommends. RIB ROAST 65 FUNK & WAGNALL'S tmtwtor Irand LEAVFS DO HARM The turf specialist re-empha- Boneless Chuck Roast ENCYCLOPEDIA sizes t'w point that you may lamrtK lm«l luaHtr Irond Slcrd not be «rond of your lawn next C Nam.-. spring \l you neglect to rake, 55 Bacon 'fallen leaves now. ! Arm Pot Roast Addrtu... Forget about allowing leaves; to remain on lawn grasses bo- cause of their value as ferti- lizer, r Veal Roast Leaves do more harm than C good when they are left on the Veal Roast 45 lawn. They can do a quick job UwcwferVwl SfcwWw U> FREE! 280 of smothering the grass, es- pecially when leaves form a Chops •> 69c k. 79c 89c tlsht mat after a rain. Here's Your Lucky IV Mxnl IbgalofUtt Vdw Saw %\M jL,/ GREEN Dr. Indyk admits it seems like a futile job to start raking Canned Ham 5 1 3.99 leaves While there are so many Game No. 6 Numbers To Play *W> STAMPS clinging to the trees but if you vaJue your lawn you'll keep at Soup Meat 19c with redttnption ol coupons the raking job all fall and into 4 6 12 14 20 22 24 26 32 34 I mn^ir ln»d Uw CM 10 bfc« Sfcnftt •» pirdHW »< VOUIM 1 ' «• J early winter. W«9MI'I lixyiier***- 0*1 M Utni Sloiopi -"" v- ESPECIALLY ON NEWtLAWN Ground Chuck 36 38 44 46 48 50 52 54 64 66 t» Uv>- CM'100 btra S*wp4 wH «10 p««t» Fallen leaves allowed to lie Imiintif Irand Omhi bin SkaqM wM pwekow •! |I3 •' ">'• on a lawn seeded this fall can be especially harmful, wiping Cdves Liver 72 74 76 78 84186 92,94 96 98 T» iTimnnni mm rrnrmnm in: out all your hard work last Au gust or September. The leaves you rake will d .00 FREE I 50 \i the most good if you put them Meal Apple Sauce i In the compost . 10c OH D««l quart E| S&H GREEN STAMPS ( You'll appreciate a supply o You Pay Only jar tompost next season for you Kraft Mayonnaise 59c 1 shrub border or flower garder 32 ox. AST ( If you think you can't get b 3 boli. f|.00 another autumn season with Ideal Prune Juice out sniffing the aroma of burr PrOjrMM 7 oi ing leaves, go stand by someor Tomato Paste 9 t|.00 else's fire. U oi One more thing— what will Hoi or Ragvlar bot, • you do for exercise if you don't Meal Catsup 3 49 " rake leaves? a oi f|.00 cam Meeting in Soviet urges U. S Dele Pineapple Juice 4 friendship. 35 oi Food merchants of New Jersey, like many other small Tomatoes >-**» •*• ^ 3 79« FREE! 100 businessmen, traditionally refrain from active participa- 7 Oi. tion in flections, But this year they see in Jim Mitchell's Ideal Tuna Fish ^^ 3 cant S&H GREEN STAMPS election as Governor the hope of restoring business-like, Evaporated Milk | ^* 79c effective State Government in New Jersey. Food business- 15 oz WWi $10.00 Purchase l COUCOH men believe the election of Jim Mitchell will bring a tew CadilkK Dog Feed 6 85 era of economic growth to the State—for the lasting bene- 16 oi fit of businessmen . . . the customers they serve ... and AHsweet Margarine 3 79c to the general public. Princess Margarine 2 39c A WARNING TO HOMEOWNERS Progresso Olive Oil can no IFYOU PURGHAS FrtncK A warning cry rallied our forefathers to protect Vote JAMES P. MITCHELL for 6ovwfior HOV. 7ft Green Beans StyU their homej from peril. 5! $15.00 OR MOR Most of the perils laced by homeowners ot today Fn«»« tmd Ve^ewfaiej Frozen Foods occur without warning; perils such as wind, fire, ldea| Peas nrrmxm t • •»•»-*^^ ^ ^ iheft, and personal liabil- SO THERE MIGHT BE MORE FOR ALL 4 r 5.9c ity. Call UB for informa- tion about a modern, Ideal Spinach convenient Homeowners Lettuce polity. Ideal Broccoli CSM^II Pears 29c Pot Pies l**f or Tyrkiy 00 With $15.00 Purchase. \ AND Vincent J. Pavese & Co. CoMtomn Kraft Velveeta >k Nam* H»l E»tat< it Iniurinc* I 71 Smith St., Perth Amboj Graces 29« White I HI 1-4IM Apple Pie mtmma. Broccoli U *** *K«c»n W^., Thi. U, Nn. in

/• ~ "~ — ~ -__ PA0E wvi ______Who_ Seek Your Vote Tuesday, November 7

H;i iUKKK M. ADAMS IK) WAI.TKR ZIKI'OIO ID) M.ivuralty C.inrtid.itr ROBKRT M. VOttKI, Mayoralty Candidate MAYNARD B. WINSTON HERMAN ( . FAI.I.ON SIMON K1IOK1.KA ,, -nl(-nl of Cnlnnia, Mayor First Ward ID) JOHN P. IUT.HES .1OSEPH A MANZIONF, ( Mr. Zirpolo, a resident of Co First Ward (R) Second Ward (Di ! Sernnd Ward IRI nR itArni r. BARONE ,,!,„,, is 12 year old, Ilr In A native of Woodbridge, Mr. Mr. Winston is 41 years old Third Wiird (R) Third Ward ricler Kiwanls Club, for the purpose of helping he serves as chairman of the of Local 660, IBT and saw tor of Laymen. Amboy Dis nel Public Library; memher stituting many modern prac- Company, Mr. Hnghe* Is a in the Air Force for tWe \v,,uill>ruli!f I.odre of Elks, capitalize small business con- Sanitation Committee. five years service in World of the lions Club, honorary tices in the school system. trict. graduate of St. Peter's Col- years — Dr. Barone rwelvel \ , rir,iri I^uIon. Woodbrldw cerns. He Is a member of the War II. Mr. Fallon is a mem- member of the Avenel Fire M P He has served as Sliairman lege. his Bachelor's detrer at Rut* Board of Managers, Roose- ber of the William .1. War- Companv and president of Ti,«n-hip Jaycees and Mld- of the Mental Health Cam- Kers and earned hit Master1! velt Hospital, chairman of ren Association, Lafayette the PTA for two years. He is dl™-x rounty Bar A.iiocla- paien. Red Cross Education degree and Doctorate at the the Mental Health Drive, Instates Civic Association and a member of County and lllm >V has participated in Committee, Boy Scout and Awards Majle University of Pennsylvania. trustee of Middlenex County Second Ward, 7th and 8th Slab Bar Associations. .cm i, major t'und drives In I'nited Jewish Appeal. He is At present he is chief chemist Heart Fund, member of Jack- Districts Democratic Club. UnmiiirKUe Township, Re. an Army veteran and a mem- with American Cyanamld son Fund Committee. He Is fie was a Democratic County l,,rr tniivinic to Colonia, Mr, ber of Congregation Adath By Cub Pack 33 Company. former Dirrrlor of I'erth Committecman for four years \iluuv » is a long-time resi- Israel and Middlesex County Amboy National Bank and and served as chairman nf WOODBRIDGE- At a meet- Hftit if Sewaren where hla Bar Association. former consultant to the C>ov- the Mental Health Drive In ing of Cub Pack 33 a htilloween DIMIIHT still reside*. ernmi-nt of Puerto Riro on the Fords area. party was enjoyed and prizes iiriuiiizntiiin of that coun- awarded for best costumes to try's ntail .food distribution Stephen Berko, Bruce Epen- system. steinex, Dirk Janni and Debia Pitchell Achievement award.- weie presented by Many Pitchell actiiiR cubmaster. to David KreiRcr. James EblhiR. Leonard Williains, Dick Younc. Neil Petty. Robert Sidillow. Ray- mond Gil!. Kevin Pitchell. Bruce EppusteintT, Diek Janni and Chris Arrow. Also Barry Johnson Gte(: Jaeyer. Prank Banfield. Tim! DAVIlt T Mil.1 ,!•« • Costrllo, Richard Costelln. Rob- Fifth Waid '!:, ^eil Deter. George Bahnt, Rob-' JOHN II. McISAAC (R) Mr, Miller is rnmiilHiiiK Mis jest Belkowski, Charles Frank, first term on (lie Town Com- 1 Assembly Candidate Ken Fiank. Paul Gcrbei , Louis Mr. Mclsaae, a Co Ionia mittee. He served as finance Listort, and Bud Silkowski chairman and is now chair- resident, is 35 years old. He Tlie Puck recently visited RICHARD .!. HUGIILS D) man of tin- police committee, is a graduate of Wagner Col- iWest Point Military Academy' Candidate for Governor He is a member of the Board lege and ha» done advance JAMF.S P. MITCHFI.L iK) ]witli Cadet dress parade being; of llea'th and Woodhridi;? work at University of Pitts- ' Mr Hughes, former Superior Candidate for (ioveruor I the highlight of the day. They Court Judge, who has Parkins Authority, lie is a bunch, A Navy veteranran, >dle u the Former Secretary of Labor late also planning to award lacking of top Democrats in- W.il.TI.R C. (iARVAN member of the Boanl oi Di- served as chairman •MS* in the Eisenhower Admlnis- !prizes to three boys selling the Senator Case Committee, tot cludinfr President John F. I ration, Mr. Mitctfcll has I MM. A MrMINC, Jr. Fifth Ward, ilnd.l rectors of Colonia Civic Im- Kennedy. Mr. Hughes re- \ OK MAN 1ANZMAN lit) most candy during the annual l''i onontic Development, H* M.i^i'il a vigorous campaign. I uurlh Want 1R1 Mr. (iurvan, an employee of provement Club, member of signed from the bench in Assembly Candidate candy sale. assisted in the election cam- General Eisenhower visited A rr.il rMate broker, Mr. the Pennsylvania Railroad VFW and American' Legion 1957 t« resume private prac- Seeking reelection to the paign of David T. Miller and New Jersey recently and HriniiK roldn on Oak Tree for the past 'VI years, is 47 and member of the Board of tice. Assembly, Mr. Tanzniun lias lohn Kvanko and was a cam- Kuail Kclin. Hr U 32 years FMIRV years old. He is a hifth school Trustees of the Inman Ave- Perth Amboy General Hos- backed Mr. .Mitchell. established a fine civic rec- paign manager for Senator "Id iiul has an A.B. degree Fifth Ward il)| graduate and attended City nue Republican Club. Mr. pital and trustee of the em- ord. A partner in thr firm the 1960 •mi Rutgers Inlvrrslty. Hr Mr rmm, ;>(). Fast Cliff College of New York, He has Miller, who is 36, received his ployee's Pension Fund as well Supports Salary Two (Umjireftutions Hold, Colonia, is ,i nuunfac- B.S. desire frtfm New Jersey nf Jacobson, Goldfarb and as co-chairman of Special election i f.inner Woodbridgr High been active politically, serv- Mr. Melsaac is married and tuririR engineer with West- State College, Trenton. He Tanzman, he has been en- Gifts Division in the current Increase for Teachers Plan Joint Service vh-i leachrr and fei a mem- ing us chairman of the Shan- the father of two children. inghouse Flerlrlc Corpora- on il'ised in the real estate busi- S4 million expansion pro- WOOBRIDGE Wood-! ISELIN ••• Services will be lit-r "I (hr Board of Directors ley for Senator Club in the ! resides Wendy Road, Co- He has waged a vigorous tion and is .IIMI associated io llnd is ness since IM8. He is mar- gram: member of Board of bridge Junior High School PTO,held at Congregation Beth "I Miilillewi County Board Township, chairman of the j "'^ employed as an campaign, appearing at meet- with Maura Motors, Wood- ried and the father of two Directors of I'erth. Amboy- executive board voted to sup-|Sholom, 90 Cooper Avenue, "' Kr.illorj. He wag I960 Fred Brausr for Assembly ': insurance adjustor. children. Mr. Tanzman is a ings throughout the county. bridge. He attended Newark Carteret Chapter. Red Cross: port a new teachers' salary^jointly with Temple Beth Am. 'iiiiniMn nf the Retarded Club in Middlesex Counly I ~~ ' ~ sradiiate of New Brunswick 1'nlvfrsity, Newark College of charter member Woodbridge 'guide when the group met withjcolonia tomorrow at 8:30 P. M. i lulilr.n\ drive and serves and vice chairman of the \Cluthl 0"Hills Clltb Ilicli School and studied at K.nglnrering and Seton Hall Lions Club. Mr. Tanzman al- 'VKiuive director of the Wayne Dumont Club fur TOUR PLANS COMPLETE Mrs. Herman Flavin, 12+ Grove| Nathan Roth, president, ai\- lv Rutgers University and In- so served on the Jackson lin ( hamber of Commerce. I'nlnrslt.v He has been ac- 1 WOODBRIDGE—Mrs. Stan- Avenue. ;nmmced the next general raeet- Governor in tin Township. Plan Animal Dunce diana I'niversily. He has been family Fund Committee and H> »,iv iiri of the organiirrs tlvr in Colonia civic, fratern- Mrs, i Bloom and Mrs. ing will be held November 18,. P Me was first chairman of the ISELIN - Thr Chain O'Hills .i member of the Township Mas appointed by Mayor ley M. Berinstein, publicity '•' thr Ivlin Uttle League. al, charitable and political John Cassidy, membership co-iat which time there will be a Fifth Ward Republican Club; Woman's Club will hold its an- Planning Board since 1954 Adams to represent Wood- chairman, announced -fina] organizations. a Republican County Com- and served .is its chairman chairmen, reported total mem-'nomination and election of two nual Square Dance November bridge Township on the Com- plans have been made for Em- hershlp enrollment to date is additional vice presidents. niitteeman; chairman of Co- 18, 9 P. M at the Masonic from 1955 through I960. The mittee for the Kast-West to tour Koos tonia Main line Club, mem- Iblem Club 351 632. The first class to achieve: The next Sunday morning •Mid Club Women Temple Hall, Green Street, new Master Plan and Zon- Freeway. He served 27 months Brothers store, Rahway,' to- ber of the Colniiia Hills Tax- ing Ordinance were adopted 100 per cent parent enrollment j breakfast is scheduled for No-' Woodnridgr, with "Uncle Geo- in the Coast Guard during morrow, 7 P. M. Mrs. Henry Ivember 26, it tend Luncheon payers' "Association. He is a while he was chairman. He will receive a *5 prize. Westbury Park News rge" Ulrich and his orchestra World War II, He holds mem- Cohen is chairman oi the af- The group will meet early in! On November 28 the Board of, member of the Police Re- is also chairman of the Bar- calling the sets. bership in several Real Estate fair which is open only to mem- December with Mr. and Mrs.'Directors will meet to discuM Mrs. Wil- serves, and served as secre- ron Library Board, member Mrs. Chester GlowinsM, Organizations, Nationally and jbers and their friends. There is Harvey Weinberg, 524 Lindenilssurs witli the Religions Com- tary and treasurer of the of the Board of Governors of chairman, has announced tick- in the County. no admission chjarge. Avenue. Imittre' "" . Woodbridse Parking Authori- ets are now available from any C°l0nm W0nV Cow. Worth Street and ty for two years. were models In a all' d member of the club Refresh- md Mrs. ments will be served MENTAL KF/IWRDATION The public is Invited to at- President John F. Kennedy|tPIlc( ! f ~ President*' Club of in crM>ni-|lms appoint* d a committee to' 1 SUPPORT THE CANDIDATE OF YOUR CHOICE HiMrlrt, New Jersey ; • t,irt.hci iiv Sundayy ^tudy the problem of mental P.AID-HI' PARTY of Women'.* S)ll U(.Mi and.i'etardation This type of men-j COLONIA^ American Jew In Short Hills children. Hose ami Joseph, till disease affects 5,000,000 ish of Middlesex County will hqld a dessert' "'•V D. Keller, state Wt,Kt nempsti-ad. U.n Island, Americans. .strikes over , 600 • -crctiiry, and Mrs. ,,f Mr {tittles as many children as polio supper as its paid-up member wert Saturday ••u- BY VOTING YES FOR CHARTER STUDY were !•' Forzano, and is steadily increasing. ship affair November 5. 8:30 Weinheimer. Jr., nd Mrs, jOsi;|ih P. M. at Temple Beth Sholom •'•-inct vice pre»ident.|Wortn street, rfhe primary objective will be •'•'"• of federation , ~ research into the causes of Cooper Avenue, Iselin. Mrs. Let's see if we can giv«- our <'I»TU'ly i mental retardation The panel '•|ll"'s lir.st Federation If there had been drunken!includes physicians scientists, ship chairman. announced ing a charter study; thev Hani the IMS( "overiniuulal structure possible lu help give the pulilic the most ""v wru b*> held January'di'ivins in the days of the Tenjeducators and social scientists I there will be entertainment "•: M(.|nber» were also'Cfliiimiiiidijii'iits, there would ii effective, efficient ami economical service possible — You can help by voting yes for charter study and ' ' llf 'he dessert card'have befn eleven 11 Kims Brothers. Rah-i —Portland me.) for the following outstanding citizens who have offered their services to make this study. • ' "i nary 9, 1982 i Evening Express HADER'S IN PERTH AMBOY PAINT SPECIALS a ^rnilf- L entunj Flat I Flati Gloss White $075 $|75 2 Gal. Gal. Outside White 75 Christian Stockel Kenneth Statlin Mary Connolly David Paviovsky Edward Keating GREINER Titanium Base Gal. Do Not Forget To Vote Yes For Charter Study In FUNERAL HOME 2 V. GB1SINER, Director The Question Area Of Your Ballot Otherwise The *• Green Street RADER'S Wallpaper and Painter's Supplies Vote For Charter Commissioners Will Not Count. 378 State Street VA 6-3639 Perth Amboy Paid for by Citizens' Committee lor Chartei Study in Woodbndgf Township- Jn&eph PAGE SIX Troop's BirtluUty Among Democratic Candidates Roast Hepf Dinner AlURlIli tO Meet Planned by PTA\ , Marhed by Seoutt WOODBRIDOE - Officers' J^CXt I UeSQaV ISELIN — The troop's birth- and board members of. Our J day and Founder's Day was cel- I-ady of Ml. Carmel PTA met Hi; WOODBRIDOE—The Wood ebrated- at a meeting of Oirl the parish school and dlscussed|br)d({(, A|umni Association Scout Troop 12 with each pa- plans for a roast beef "UPPer. w.n)ph ])M gponsored vwgl|,y trol entertaining the other with Nnvrmbrr 11 from S until 7:30 footba], ^muetn dur|ng the n skit, a game and a song. I- M. in the parish hall. ,past two yoar, wln make an Birthday cakes were supplied chairmen were named u iol-|cffort to secure additional as- by Kar^n Cooper and Valarle l,Ws: Mi^. lames Simon, kltch-slstnnc(, from var|0U9 loea] Turek. Mls Ell(fP ne '•» u Breza roafit ic organlMUoM to make Mrs. Warren Bess is leader, l,eef; Mrs. John Arva. tatf?;•„,,„ , seBSOn s affa1r biBMr am) assisted by Mrs. Wayne Travis, Mrs. John MahalKo. serving. bett than fver er Mr*. John TeffenhBit and Mrs. ariSiSMr '***«**£%<*?*•Bernard Llllien. Troop accomp- Bt pd t0 la Mr S eve lishments so far this year in- riren December 17 and one for °,°" ^ u ' ' clude a bicycle trip to Merrill tlH. adults December 16. Christ-•<>>»'"• 106 Blanchard Avenue, Park, Celonla, a day-loriR hike nm candy I. bring sold by all Awnel or Mrs. Oeorge Feaster, in Watchung Reservation, and h 139 Atlantic Avenue, Menlo a supper cook-out I m ... park. Mv. MarkulJn holds the I.K;HT FINALLY? office of vice president, while Battlsta offers' "conservative" WOODBRIDOE — John Mrs. Feaster Is the organlza- platform for city. Christ, of the State Bureau of lion's secretary. Traffic Safety, has Informed The next meeting of the lock, yew (Taxus> and the Mayor Frederick M, Adams Uumnl Association will be held pines that have two or three that action will be taken to- Tuesday, November 7, at 8 P, needles In a cluster. ward the Installation of a traf- M at the Wootfbridge High (JI II»O 1 ItUKilAM I IslHVAKI) CltAttlKI. fir light at the Intersection of Srhool auditorium. Graduates KIM ASMMIIIIIV 1 nr Assrmbly Florida Grove Rosid and New and iion-graduaten who have Hnmswlck Avenue. attended the local high school - — - --• are eligible for membership In the comparatively new organ- ization IHiEENS SHEDDING? IHiNCARIAN-STYLK DINNER: Excellent Hungarian dishes were trrcrd by Iht Amerlran Mungnrhn ( i|j, iirday night in the llumtarian Reformed 'SIR) '.ifliiaupjy NO WIIKAT I (MI HI, [ii-n.s turning yellow, then Ken McAfee. Por th, t,ni(, 'iimvn. 3. Who holds the record for Unllpd Slalrv Keep culm. the longest field goal? i > Lou situjpn on.* wtBnb ^ ;hni> I.IIP advice of Dr. Groza ' > Bert Rcchlchar \\n\O Sninrn H. Davis, Rutgers ex- ( i Pat Summeral ' 1 Paul ,500 000 Ions nf ; '.•'ision plant disease specialist HornuiiR. JOB TRAINING BEGUN can wheat who is thr author of a leaflet How to score yourself: 4. What college did Andy Ro- The Kennedy Administration Mark your choices 1-2-3-4 ; The COIHIQMI ciillrd "Kvevereens Lose Their bustelll. the Giants' AU-NFL IULS benun a limited training States over the .., heaves. Too" You get ten points for a cor- end attend? i ' RutRfrs \ t program under the 1961 Area'-M Planes to y . lie wrote it to explain some- rect first pick, five for a second, Notre Dame ' ' Michigan u t three for third and one pointl Redevelopment Act. pooled Amen, , 'hniK that happens to f every ( ^Arnold. p ll; evergreen every year. for a correct fourth choice. 5. Name the one player who The program has begun at :> werwared gurpriji<'he .d ;, . Watoh your evergreen and CLARENCE K. I-OFGREN Twenty Is average; 30, good; |•did not attend college before Huntlngton. W Virginia, cen- Presldenfrrltn t,, -. 40, very good; 50 is perfect. 'entering the NFI, i > Johnny 4 you'll see that it stays green all GETS TOP I'OST: Clarenw venr simply because it does not- jThls week's Sport Quiz pertains!lUnltas ( i Daddy Lipscomb ter of West Virginia's long - ?rade Confciv:», R. Lofgren h.is been elected to football. depressed soft - coa) mlntngifcMln« to b(1 "';,ii, •. lose all Its foliage at once. The! vice president of Swift & Jim Brown ' i Alex Web JOSEPH C. DORKN EDYTHE S. MrANDREW industry. There Is one out of, " ~ GEORGE I,. BURTON, JR. plant produces new leaves or Company nitli jurisdiction 1. Who is the oldest active ster. For Assembly lor Freeholder For Freeholder needles every.year and some ofj over dairy, poultry and ice player in the National Football j ten miners out of work. Secre- ^'° COMPl.IMl.Nr tary of Labor Goldberg hat the old inside ones die and fall! cream department*. League? ( ) Charley Conerlyi Sports Quiz Answers: THE HOK&t: to the ground. ( ) Lou Qroza ( > Bobby signed an $135,000 agreement Farmer: "Let n,v chairman announced. Resi- WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. Re- on Main Street, near Route 9 The life of an evergreen leaf Lofjroii was manager Layne ( ) Olno Marchetti • c provided for retraining of per- friend, that hoi M dents are urged to vote and becca J. Layden, Manhattan overpass. vanges from one year to six.de of Swift ice cream plant 2. Who quarterbacked the sons In this area by mid-1962.'much as I do then attend the sale. Mothers Avenue, Avenel, was treated at ••ending on the species. Among in V.judbridsi' from 1952 to Bears to their famous 73-0 play-; pjoujv > Friend: "Wei;. iii of the kindergarten classes will Perth Amboy General Hospital CAKE SALE SKI "rergreens that drop their year- 1957 when he became iieau off victory over the Redskins? U] Laos seen moving closer to body else: you n.. bake and help with the sale, for lacerations of the forehead FORDS — An Election Day old leaves or needles are of the company's dairy and ( )Johnny Lujack i I Sid, -B 9S Reds. i»ell him some da;. poultry department with and knee after her car figured cake sale will be conducted by Mets and Colts pay $3,650,- laurel, holly, white pine and headquarters in the Chicago In *p accident with another the PTA of School' 25"ln the all- 000 for 45 players. arborvitae. vehicle operated by William E. purpose room from 9 A. M. Trees that hold their itreen General office The new vice Evans, 29. Alden Road, Avenel. until 4 P. M. Tuesday, Mrs. U. S. farm production near needles three to five years or president ha* been with Swift The accident, happend Monday Gerald Glick, ways and means record level. more include spruce, fir, - since 1929. 1895 CHRISTENSEN'S 1961 'The Friendly Store1* See the Chevrolet Golden Annfrers&rr Show— CBS-TV-Frid»y, Nov. 3,8:30-9:30 p.m. E.S.T. fora limited time only PLAYTEX SCHEVYH u' • GOING GREAT GUNS! WILL

to try any

ChttUll NtoH i!)0 Sport Coupe- ami Ihi re (in H more 1 Mfdttf, juit at nifly, uhcre this one ctnnt from living featuring* This one was on the road lo success right If you're looking for sfiim'bi'li/B at its Sunday best—drop from the start. You get a new Hind of solid in at your Chevrolet dealer's and join the celebration. Join in Chevrolet1! 50th simplicity blended with the economy and It's Chevrolet's golden anniversary year, ai)cl this new Anniversary celebration Chevy II is making it a year to remember, here's Body at your dealer'g now— dependability you know you can count on by Fisher comfort that makes many a [ull^ize car By picking up a special stretch-ever elastic from all the Chevrolet family. Beneath the wonder how it's done-room for sfr solid citizens, bag order form from your . . . a fuugal 4- or satiny 6-cylinder and baggage, in all sedans and two-seat wagons. And, dealer, you can order» thanks to new Mono-Plate rear springs, you get a*emark- "Golden Anniversary b,...... « (there^s a choice in most models) Album LP recording 9 spandex elastic made without rubber ably smooth ride that rivals much higher priced cars. that's downright mtaerly on gas. Nine new- of favorite American Yes! Playtex will actually poy you $1.00 to try the new Ploytex Living Bra with «. Ployux Livirtg B'<> sized different modos ... sydaiis, wagons, songs from Chevrolet for just $1, (For your convenience, many dealers will have the hardtop and conveiiiblt. Like to see and nylon or collon-Oc alburn for sale in their showrooms.) Stretch-ever Spandex elastic. Playtex makes this offer because they know 42( try one? It's easy... just follow the cruwdis. oupi. Whit*, 3?A t" ' ANewWorldofWorth that you'll always wepr a Playtex Living Bra after you try the first one. $3.95.D»iw»,$'00

Stretch-ever Spandex elastic is made without rubber. So now you can machine tB b. PloytM Living l9n9'" "' wash the new Playtex Living Bandeau bra witrj detergents and bleach , with •IpH'C ma9ic " It won't yellow, pucker or stretch out. And it lasts up tp three, times longef for « imooth buii i' liM. WhiU, 32A to than an ordinary bra. So iright now, buy any white Playtex Living Bra and . $6.95. And new '* Playtex will tend you $1.00. But hurry, offer good for short time only. o , 32At«.4iC, *Uwd at point* of gr«tto* tfraln whert H count* mod. $1.00mo.«.

Cheiy II 3UU Three-Seat Station- H'u Chety U N ftrthlnj 'nrtyltn Bt.mt; 88 of Cmteret standard form of questionnitre d: ninnittf ftlnns Mid cen- b* aeeured from the 8erntarv""of Mitnct (I) In > WMMrlWl ; (irtU(irtoUoo n A»em»; runnlnirunnlnt thencthe itt) StSouthh- - - • nn ^^// P«rty Monday tht Board, Carteret High. School alont Hi•idd Not'Hotsi Qnta to HnBlBf *"» " t •*>« Pw*hl«i Artnue 10 and pars ihv Street, a native of - from Avtaut; tbtnet ill Korthtrlt tlrat "ot and Mtptt str««U te ihe plteejWortnerlj night for on« of the explorers. Building during business hours w •vlin was to bpcomc an "M held riti,,,! School visited the pmhi>. A»enue w Ho««tTtit Aft («*»*« b«|lnnlii| "— '- • N»- Ron»l!J4011llH The Board or iducatton retervei n lili/.rn November New York the right to reject nny and all Thursday. nd t0 W |T ny :,riflny nt his home. vislt*d the United vut. hmiA .• tv, " * ' " 'n'ornislltlti The W»B neWv at the the beat Inttreat of the bidder the mornin siiscn, a carpenter " » Veteran Hall. J KOMBAS, •• JIS a comrnunlcant or berg of gulded tou oi IM me parents were tnvited to thej J, O'BRIEN. Otrttret Board Joseph's B.C. Church.'society iptrty also a visit was made by, ! employed by construe- respects classeijthe Bea Explorers of Wood-! NOTICE tnut for the past - to the »Centra• ) | bridge. Post Commander Al hereby g tbmM (I) Southtrti •loBt ''l.erly slon* center fin' of of TVKI menu*: Park cafeteria and picnic —«•> Boards •"1 out to iht Miner i at of •h«nr» m Snuthi'rlv motu said otn- PaKkaa and John Mlrto ... Carttret Bl't'i line or Trie; Avenue tn the where the children hud lunch, 1 1 , ;IVPS his' wife, Mrs. CARD OF THANKS sented Ronald with a gift and thtplicep i hanlnifter desiintMd on line of Chntnni fl'reet tbenrt During the lunch period they TUBDAT HQI ss «ET aiS-*"- -- Westerly Bl'nna wri rfrter ilnt Vilds NIlMn; two JOHN pELEai he was also honored with A one TUBDAT. HQVIWBtR lind an opportunity to visit the between ihe hovire of of Cntwiui Strrei tn ibr taarerl; Mrs. Agnes Eak of We wisi, t year service award by Mr. Klsh runt nf •»• Mil* of th» l.»na iranrn ei our si,,, various nnlmals at the'zoo Olvimon of ine central R«i:rotd of \mi)oy and Mrs. Rita ? 'e thanks ithe Skipper. . 6llllIlAL relatives.

In tlip pa.M ihr rontart*

gn«rln. ttuu, Hiufeh, |u»dl to your best advantage. ""1" l»>-fid«i,. „ ,.t..r,h *'"".d> p.itm.rl.d by (hi lOlh Our deliveries will oe CRABIEL TANZMAN DOREN BRIGIANI ;"" l'«n Ihi 1,|, right on the dot. . and' our prices will make sense, too! For Freeholder: George I. Burton Jr. • Edythe S. McAndrew MIDDLESEX PRESS 18 GREEN STKKET K r « a XIAFEDE WOODHKIUUK on auytnmg ME-4-H" Vote Democratic! — Vote Line 'B' . SAVINGS time Ju«l cull. (Paicl for by Middlesex County D«iiexratl«j Committee) 14241 PAGE TEN unday at Christian Science and Westminster Pei- Senior Choir, Friday 8 to 10 :hool Superintendents, last TUPS mrch services. Contume Party 4:30 P. M.-6:30 P. M Scriptural readings In the lenlor High Westminster Pel- I day. lesson-Sermon entitled "Adam Church Sfehool, 2nd Wednes-,j ISEUN - jwshlp. 7:00 P. M-9.30 P M. nd Fallen Man," will Include WORSHIP idult BlblB Study, 10:00 AM day. iese words of St. Paul (I Party Monday: Seuluu, third Mon- White Church Guild, second !or, 2': day. 8:00 P M. Ladles Aid sec- and fourth Mondays "Now we have received, not members in costume ,ni I ad the strength '•i' i- TOGETHER md and fourth Mondays, 8:00 Ladles Aid Society, second ie spirit of the world, but theiPatlng in a grand marc), M. Brownies, every Monday and fourth Wednesdays. rirlt which is of God; that we Each Brownie made t*,, THIS WEEK it 8:45 P M. Women's Association, first illtht know the things that are more candy-filled party Z " for your life... Tuesday: Deacons, first Tues- Thursday :eely Riven to us of God at a previous meeting >, ' ,'' day, 7:30 P M. Women's Guild herself and the other , Cancer Dressing's, first ana Vhlch things also we speak. d Fourth Tuesday. 8:00 P M to^eveu H '- third Wednesdays. ot in the words which man's MpUal fnr 8t, Anne's Unit, first Mon Wednesday: Junior Chob Choir Rehearsals NEW DOVER Boy Scouts. Fridays. 7:30 rtadom teacheth. but which the THK CHt'RCH OF lay, 8:00 P. M. :00 P. M Senior Choir. 8:00 [olv Ghost teacheth; compar- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Chonc;l, Wednesday 7:45 METHODIST CHURCH M. Refreshments Wero s,,. JV.SV9 CHRIST St. Margaret's Unit, first M. CIIt'RCH OF AVENF.I. P M. 690 New Dover Road. Edison OUR REDEEMER IR spiritual things with splr- nd ghost story was rend v'. Florida Grove Road R«T. Albert R Sweet, Pirtot Wednesday, 8:00 P. M Thursday: Trustees, second :unl. But the natural man re- * 621 Woodbrldgr Avenue Junior. Wednesday 6:45 P. M LUTHERAN CHURCH cacli troop partlelpatlnK „ .h UnpHinvn Episcopal Churchwomen, first Thursday. 7:30 P M. Girl elveth not the things of the •ound effects. h ' Avrnrl 8:30 A M.. Early Church and M Fourth Street, Fordt •vi (h.irlfS S. MarKnulf. Th IV. Jo^pn Hcnfnn Mimslrr Monday, 2:00 P. M. Rirhafd H«nji,u Organlit WOOUBKIUOE GOSPEL Early Sunday School, Mt Cldon a. Stntai Iplrlt of God: for they are Pallor Trinity Altar Guild, fourth 'ARTY HO8TS | ainday Monuag Worship.! CHURCH 10 A M. Church School and Scouts, ever; Thursday. 7:00 I Organists: Eddie Jacobson ihncss unto him: neither Rpv Pohprl V fli'tirum. Th M, Thursday, 8:00 P. M., can he know them, because ISEUN - Mr. » 10:30 A M Corner Prospect Avenue and 11:30 A M., Hunday 8chool M. land Mist Barbara Fritsche nd Mrs Sund.iv Trinity Younf People's Fel- ,hey are spiritually discerned." »ard Turek, 245 East fi,, Sunday School, 9:15 A M. Ridgedale Avenue 7PM Youtn Group. Friday Boy Scouts, 7: JO Matin Service 8:15 A. M Qhllivh Worship, P. 9. 10 and lowship, every Sunday, 7:00 This citation wl)l be among Place, were hosts at "„';." Rev Petet Bur[tii. Putot M. Main Service 10:45. a .1 A M. ST. CECELIA'S CHURCB ST. ANTHONY'S R. C. . M. .hose read from "Science and 9:15 A. M.. Sunday School Saturday: Couples Club, sec Holy Communion "'?£**? f°r th"lr «-Iiilcl.'- Sufidny Schoot, i», 10 and 11 hcVn CHURCH Trinity Girls' Friendly So Health with Key to the Sorlp- Hid mends. Quests W» P H,,. for all ages, finest Barenat, ond Saturday, 8:00 P M First Sunday 10:45. T L.M. . • 'tot. John WUui Paitor :lety, second and fourth Tues- ,uren" by Mary Baker Eddy George Sunday Misses 6:30, 8:00.!superint«ndent.' Adult Bible Port Reading OCR L&DX Of PEACB Third Sunday 8:15 MRXUTII, 81niiSpir.ition, 8 P. M, R«». sunl-.Hui Mlloi, partot . lay. 6:45 P. M. p, 2031: "Spiritual perception liuba, Prank L8:45. 9:15 9:;!0. 10:00. 10.1b.;class at saftle hour> teacher CHURCH Sunday School and Bible ,I,,A:. Senior High Fellowship, 7 R Sunday Masses, 7:00. 8:00. Trinity Cub Scout Pack 34 New Brunswick Avenue, Fordt out the possibilities of Lovadesky, L 10 45. 11:00 H 30 and 12 noon | u^n Ernst llasses. 9:30 A M ». M. 9:00. i' :00 and 12:00 noon. Den Meetings, Thursdays, 8:30 Bn. Jonph BnotowiU, P»rtor Selng, destroys reliance on roseph DICotta, ftn Of Isi-ii' Weekday service Nursery Is provided Weekday Masses at 8:00 A. M M.; Pack Meetings, fourth Sunday Masses, 8:00, 9:00, .aught but God, and so makes • Junior Huh Fellowship, 7 8:00 A M ST. JOHN'S 6:00 P M., Senior youth Novena In honor of St. An- Monday, 7:30 P..M. 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. and 12 man the Image of his Maker hi ?. M. EPISCOPAL CHURCH deed and In truth. groups. thony each Tuesday at 7:15 Trinity Senior Choir Pmc Inoon. FIRST BAPTIST CHITICH TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH dee, Thursdays, 7:30 P. M. Weekday Masses, 8:46 and Sewaren '7:00 P. M., Evening Gospel P.M. Advertisers' ; Markrt and Hljh PtfifTer Boulevard and Saturdays, 2:00 P. M. A. M.; Friday, 6:45. 8:00 andJoseph Thomson, Lay Leader Service. 'ARKWAY JEWISH CENTER • Perth Amboj KroehmallJ Avenue ISELfN ASSEMBLY OF GOD Trinity Junior Choir Prac- :45 A, M Sunday Service 11 A M Holy Perth Atoboy Rabbi Ih«Mlor» tuidtn MT. fttn Rowiltnsk ST. JOHN THE BAPTI8T CHURCH tice, Saturdays, 9:00 A. M. Monday Communion, first Sunday each Friday Evening Service Dictionary 11:00 A M.. Momins Worship rutor: Joseph K B»sldn Norena, 7:30 P M. month, 11 A M.. Rev William 10:00 A. M., Sunday School ORTHODOX GREEK v 48 Berkeley Boulevard School 25. Fords, 8 P. M • 9:45 A. M., Sunday School EVANGELICAL AND Mala Choir Rehearsal, 8:00 Powel. celebrant. (for ages CATHOLIC CHURCH belin, New Jersey 6:15 P M. Youth "^ - U*y. WlllUm Klrij, Putof REFORMED CHURCH M Sunday School 9:45 A M, Broad and Division Streets Society, first WlowshJp. 11:00 A.M., WOBBWP Service. Perth Amboy Sunday Services; M JamM Street Altar-Rosary Choir Rehearsal, 8:30 P. M 7:30 P M, Communion Senior 9:45 A M., Sundsj School Woodbrldft MB 4-174 Monday after first Sunday at each Thursday Students Tour RCT. Stephen Sedof, Futor pli: leW Nursery open 10-12 for chll- Sunday Matins, 7:00 A. M. for all ages. MT. Utlto fcry, Mlnliut 8:00 P M. 11:00 A. M., Communloo Sun- dren birth throusb, 3 11:00 A. M. Morning worship: Holy Name Society, second ST. JAMES' R. C. CHURCB 7:00 P. M., Evening Worship Early English Mass, 8:00 A M. Order of Sunday Services: lay, first Sunday at easfc iChurch School, 9:00 A.M. Junior Church conducted in 10:00 A. M. Sunday Scbool Monday after second Sunday Amboy Avenue, Woodnrldge United Nations Wmth. JEWISH COMMUNITY Vespers, Saturday nights and lower auditorium by Mrs. WU- 10:00 A. M. English Service at. 8:00 P M. at a«f Mifr. chirm o. COLONIA — Colonia Junior > «" MeCorriitln. P»«tor " Wednesday, 8 P M, Prayerj CENTER OF COLO MA [before holidays at 7:00 P M Ham Klrby 11:00 A. M. Hungarian Tnetday Ri;v. honild J. Rrlll]r High .School ninth-graders com- Meeting 518 Inmsn Annue Children's Holy Communion 7:45 P. M, Evening Goepe I Service. . PTA meeting third Tuesday JUilrttnt Putor memorated United Nations Day • bnik wwiiiwr h. Rabbi Dtrifl Sclwtaftia irst Sunday of every month. Service. 7:00 P. M. Youth Fellowship of each month at 8:00 P M. RCT WUIUm Root, by visiting the UN headquar V *• »»«*• ind UMU ol IT. JOHN VUOTTCT CHTRCH iulituil Putor Services Friday night at 8:30 8:00 P. M Tuesday: Cottage First Sunday of the month— Thursday ters In New York. your bank, ioth«Ai.c.,uJi. Colon!* Junior Hl(b School ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Prayer Meetings. Sunday Masses: 6:45, 7:45 8unday School 10:30 to 12 1:30 P. M. Ladles Aids Society Female Choir Rehearsals On the day of the tour. th< *e wamlnw ill rKOrdi ,ni BCT. WilMt BidiJwon. pMtor Avcnel 7:45 P M. Wednesday; Bible 8:45, 10.00 and 11:00 A. M. Junior Services Saturdays Monday: Religious Training 8:00 P. M. 1981 Nobel Peace Prize was Rtt. WlUlua 1 Kokonlo. Lssstut •«T. John Vafan. Pastor Study. Novena services every Tuei "ports Mcmvy lor . com- from 10:30 to 12. |2:30. Confession! awarded posthumously to thi Putor 1 Weekday Masses 7:30 A. M 8:00 P. M. First Monday ol day, 7:30 P M. Utod • Masses are held at the Co- Hebrew School Tuesday and Tuesday: (First) Lorantffy Every Saturday 11 A. M. un- late Dag Hammarskjold, ,for Sunday Masses 7:00. 9:00 month: Teachers and Workers til noon, 4 to 8 P. M and Weekday Masses, 7:00 •innilitlon. Ionia Junior High School every .Thursdays 3:30 to 5. »nd 5 to Guild, 7:30. mer United Nations Secretary 6:30 p M .0:00, 11:00, and 12 noon. Conference. jto 9 P M., and sometimes!7:30 A. M. Sunday. Masses 6:45, 7:45, 8:45 Tuesday: (Second) Officer General. And whttn ftft* mditor u (1^ Confessions Saturday. 4-5 8:00 P M. Second Monday Ion days before Holy Days of •:«. 11:00 and 12:15. Con-! miST CONGREGATIONAL land Elderi. 7:3

PREVIEW OF THE OFFERINGS There is And there's a BONUS for Storing Early! Jim. born in Elizabeth, lived in Carteret, owned Rahway grocery Wednesday, Nov. 1 — Thursday, Nov. 2 only one stores, as he climbed to high executive posts with fc. H. Mary am 10:00 A. M. to 5:00 P M. » at Bloomingdale's. Macy's sales total well over half a billion dollars .s WELCOME DIVIDENDS Labor Secretary he handled a budget larger than that of New Jcwy Phone: KEllogg 1-3461 are being paid 3% WAGON His opponent tries to belittle Jim's earlier ownership of stores in^ On your savings from November 1st — on rapid climb. What's wrong with being a store owner, who deals *•>'•• your money saved in your account people instead of political bosses? Abe Lincoln went from odd ions |« President; Al Smith from newsboy to Governor and Harry Truman rom by NovembeiJ 15th! storekeeper to President. 30 years of experience fostering good will in Jim ran in an open primary against two well known Senator.- life. business and community J.F.K.'» wins in open prir^rie* helped htm to win the nomination ^ For Information on Los Angeles, where the New Jprse* boswa deserted him In spite oJ tm* Welcome Waton in desertion, Jim's opponent has) been imploring J.P.K. '<>r helP • COLONIA Regular saving makes earnings mount fast, BUT, they mount • AVENEL faster when you save by the 15th! Extra dividend d»y» are The independent Newark Star Le^er said Octobef 20th that Mil ^ • ISELIN days . . . yours every month at First Savings. has the know-how, the broad experience and equipment |*to lead a ^ & state administration-one that will, tackle the jolj with o»raR Prom the start, make yoar wedding an occa- Call orous sion ol long-remembered good taste jinu dis- and judgment that come only (rom tolid experience." tinction. Invitations set the tone of forpiaK per- ME 4-8355 j fection. Choose your own paper and styling If you teside in The Ledger stated his opponent "cannot match thto experlf«<* ^ from our complete selections. Consult us on government rating having served neither in the executive ^ leg" 8 ' any problems. • WOODBRIDGE ,• SEWAREN side of Government," "Quality... Worthy of the Occasion" • PORT READING ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION The Newark News, October 22nd, said: "On the score of his ^ t FORDS integrity and experience in government, we think Jam«f F. M In Per$ Amboy: 339 State Street* the man for the job.1' MIDDLESEX PRESS CALL ME 4-2759 In Woodbrfdge: 535 Amboy Avenue (Independent-Leader Building) ON NOVEMBER 7th, AS .FREE AMERICAN^ LET US VOTE I In Edison: Amboy Avenue at Fifth Street 20 Green Street, Woodbridge CARTERET' INDEPENDENCE AND SOLID EXPERIENCE. RESIDENTS Cl«r» Barton Swtloa Telephone •Home Call for M MErcury 4-1111 £.4-9340 "WHERE FIRST IN THE NAME MEANS YOU" Paid for by in*e«n**t Mitchell Sums PAGE ELEVEN Sarah A\T8 TICKKT. DUAL JOBS fo THRAT OT DIVORCF The Labor Department ha» Up The Issues DEN\TR - Mrs. uertrudt iuggeited that workers holding Hunter. obtained a court NEWARK—James P. Mitchell down several Jobs are not rob- order which directed her bing fellow tollers of a chance Republican candidate for Gov- estranged husband to relin- St. Francis to Be oinor, today summed up the to earn a living. quish her Reason ticket to the The results of thi CUP Subject of Talkthree major Issue* ln this UnlvfMity of Colorado foe I8ELIN—Rev. Mm on ••ethics."rxp'erie°ncn nt Lftl nip and economic growth." **!!?", f »r Ooldberg said, "to the The former Secretary sue is wking t reooncUta-'mMon that the unemployment gyrup in<1 iU|rftr .tion aaying that r. tendance at could be solved by prohibiting biitw. i Labor reviewed the Cathollc football fames wiih her hus- extra Jobholdlng. boil gently, about 6 mln- will be agu«7 IV«t the egti well. 'Add f of« R O r nt J lnCd U a New jersey- h,t liquid, rtlrrlni con- Society, Monday 8 -. Add the vanilla. Put u g u hT ^: l ° ' ' will be "St. Cri5 Py tm t Ol uld u ',M| tmt| In pwtry lined The Rosary and turnout of votors mind • • • ^ >» ™»^ «o th» [',:•:•• tti mixture and cook f, '"55 unemployrd or of little Interwt 8:30 P Day> next TuesdRV , iniitei. M i " ' Mr. Hunter i« seeking a di- to them " (1 n aid that "Jlml voroe charging !iU wife with - - of will be our next ^wprt Potato Pie mental cruelty. Tiity have been Economic upheaval b.v Na* he the voters who rniirrlexjalnoejna»^ wr anRerert SjTians. ;p, mashed iweet to his candidacy will will be given complete the Job by KolnR to H ,<•; slightly beaten will be the twnth,, poifa•• BRINGS BAMA Alon Mav,f bands from Menlo Park By ,-ip of brown ragar well Menlo Park and1, "The machine BOSK., recog-j Mr«. William Qulnri'i band . irkod eMeMnn- .nlzlnK the end of their ! ;•. spoon Milt will forcr out every sure boss- vmpoon cinnamon controlled vote Election Day • .-.ispoon ginger • ;irpnon allspice i HI milk JUST PARAGRAPHS sherry melted but- nre '"r Case V o'd-fftMiioned boy n.vd "W(! can0 "'v lose this Fir w Wing hi» teacher an apple tluM by default-by not K lined pie pan and to the lls aa a good *11] offering but we P° '" the Senator de- minutes In an oven 450 iuppo.e the modern lad would-""«" theo reduce heat to ll y.1 "ir we fail to vote, those of vr snd bake 25 to 30|thing nR r S STlM. Ih " '" * f us interested In putting effici- longer O tca ent, effective, economical gov- - Ohio State Journal "nmpnt In Trenton, then we Company. ,mir Cream Wafflet ^,77"^ imil!'t accept the awful prospect :i; nour cream uunt D»r« |thiu we have handari over our 'Starring role In Walt Disney's An American soldier , 'State to the same political ever were any. Nlkki la a male- 8ay hft "Th"Th e CCastaways." mute (an Arctic dog with a Theatre Party Plant .:••• (lour J1'1™' disappointed when ">"«•* who handpicked Jim HOLLYWOOD NEWS i!i>».poon« melted but- flrst ot tCft MiHl( 11 [Slight wolf strain) and Neewa .1 » ,. ^P '1 ' '" opponent," Senator Bill Holden ha.; asked Made by Auxiliary - nr margarine. Lome Greene and his three Van i is a wild bear cub. an English home. Hla hostess Case said, j Johnson to work with him in i<(innn baking powder jTV sons, Dan Blocker, Michael j When Just a pup, Nikki lsj SUN—The Ladies' Atiril- didn't dare tell him it w«' Mitchell declared that the,. , "Eagles Ply Alone." The film- and j lost Dy his master when their i 1»ry of Iselin Volunteer Fire Landon Pernell Roberts ing would take place in Europe 1 standardMn canoe overturns ln the rapids Co. met at the Green Street Mix, -London Opinion the State Government "Is have begun their third year in and Hong Kong. not in the northern Canadian Pirchouse anl made plans for a t yolki. Stir In •JusJ t a matter of moral princl- "Bonanza," one of the topCo-starrin- g in "Six Black woods. At the time of the ac- theatre party at Menlo Park v.rh has been lifted Horses" are Dan Duryea and 1 cldent Nikki is tied by a leash Cinema November 18 for the powder. Add Audie Murphy. This is a Uni- to a wild bear cub, Neewa, annual birthday celebration. '••rtPiilnn and wilt.; can do no;book. versal International production. Appealing in all of Jerry whose mother is dead. Tentative plans were dU- liich ha* been mixed of any level of f1(; Nomination of officers Is "The Errand Boy," now being]North" is a Walt Disney special throughout the film. The cub scheduled for the next meetingi To WRITE Aftom ?o /// -r/iem p, .krri Btinana* _""^" rraiwript the fnrerunner of corruption. filmed. designed to please the animal chooses to sleep ln a tree and [November 8, 8 P. M. at the^ Of, TftOtE FIRSTS Tllls rove Tou.i in n " '" P !» bnHer or mar- year-old performer has Joined| There will be much praise for slceplns at all and there tion will be presented. 5 the cast headed by Hayley Mills' the stars, Nlkki and Neewa.| tugging between the two. Refreshments were served by T BJR//EP irvi lemon Juice and Mauilce Chevalier for a|two endearing actors it of adjustment Mrs. Leo Qennerelli, Mrs. Her- comes when they set out for ME TITLE "•n orange Julcr TemJ^n °" M.ih.mnilMi-.itions breediiiK padded bert Gunthner, Mrs. Robert OF >o(in« irMpd orange ! • their daily nourishment. ThJumpere . Mrs, Howarl Hammett F/R9T The Kaiinwha pavrolls, political favoritism GLAMOR GIRLS !cub is a vegetarian and lags •• r>n rind i 'towai Reporter'Biid wholesale disregard foi and Mrs. William Knott. back when the pup is ready <•'•<"•" timial standard of con- for a chase •••w from bananas. J erhap, dun ,„ ,)u,)ljc 0{flce to catch his meal of came. "T.V flatter or nan rramps nuke tiuir cli.tlw • tic MMH muft be buned in BAND JtLHEARSALS lMt Eventually ".ilnlne lnirredl-nt^ »" incredible time." says Sov Jersey the roppe breakbss ISEUN—The Military Band | >inpi">is With tht*: an institution official. The rea- 'My administration will not and they are free, bill they of VFW POST now consists of 1 S have become such good friends two parts, the regular band •> "0 mlnuf'i In P <"> for this may be that a'sluke flown contractors and 1 PRI-COLD WEATHER i..,.-r Bomb a hugr I'l;-> reason you never sec any finals, rwionsiblr for the im- •va;-on. the Canadian woodlands and All members practice together puhires of angels with whl.sk- partial administration of jtis- color adds much to Its charm. on all other Wednesday*. COMPLETE ers. HoneychlU1, is becaase most tlce. tn become political mis- tnen who gft there makv it on- MonaiU's ior one party. Printed Pattern !» by a elose sl>«ve. -»y udminlstration will not BIG CAR COMFORT AT COMPACT PRICES The U. S Coast allow I'P kind of low ethical; ; GAS HOT WATER Guard ^Magazine stamhrdi which rotulnni's trad- •"" ~— ' ;:IR mdxi'ships for political: P»p» Isn't So Bad MIH' ' The avrraje man Ls neither On the ciuestion of the state's HEATING SYSTEM as clever as his wife thought .economic health, Mitchell said '62 LARK lie u&s when rtiey acre en- his administration will fostei FOR ONE FAMILY HOME Kaned, nor as much of a dud u "a new era of economic growth ENDURANCE-BUILT >he thinks he w now that they which will provide Job.s. and »re msrrlcd. tax revenues to help meet the LabWuwnt need for new school fa- J. ARTHUR APPLEGATE, INC. Noy/ $ cilltles, highways, recreational F'RftBABI.Y -BAA BOO" facilities, and other state serv- 363 Division Street Perth Ambpy Only •'Whafs the idea of the |,,M that determine how good 550 Green; having French lessons?" Spw jfTsey (, ln which to live. • ln«a» Is. W«U rtibu "Thry have adopted a Fiench [0 p!gy anj to work." baby, and want to understand Evary Item It Bund Ntw,.. what lihe says .when she begins Cuba prt's.vs drive for llt- "Golly! Are there any books you DON'T have?!" to talk." rracy of workers. 75,000 BTU On Flrtd B«iltr (Fictory wind ind tutmbUd) Haavy Oauga In Call Iron Sadioni Air Cuihlon Tank CHARM SCHOOL Home-Made Gam Chowder — at - Automatic AtrValvt and Rahway's Newest Dining Room Drain Cock in Improving A,S,M.E.RaliafValvt / Face, Figure. Mak»"-u|), Circulator Tharmoirat and all other control* Fried Fish Dinners 68 Llmar Ft. Bmboard Radiation Penwiiality, Posture, Fresh Fruit or Shrimp Cocktail 100 Ft. VCopptr Tubing To Take Out - Every Friday! Weight Reducing, and Assorted Relishes Fill Out This Coupon and Mail Phone In Your Order - ME 4-0743 Hot Rolls and Buns Modeling. Soup DuJour - For FREE Heating Survey! The CHARM SCHOOL HANDERHAN'S Roast Turkey PlumbUi 4 Hull*! : SEA FOOD MARKET — or — Illrtt Ni. 1 M I irn i«l«n>t*d In FTM H*t!ln| tvrvty CALL MErcury 4-9119 96 Main Street T&££S" Woodbridge / Hickory Smoked Nim. • ! !>attern920}.: Mtuai' Oiblet GraVy Cranberry Sauce Mimt '••'•1 (10, 12); Medium . rKwt Nt.. •'•': I«rge (18, 20).'All Dellcioiis Oyster Stuffing ' 100-lb. I TkM T» CtHi . • • : »r.t, 30-lnch fabric. Candied Yams Yellow Turnips Peas , FIFTY CENTS in coins (or Dessert Mints, Nuts rr ,r,/' " ->

PAGE THIRTEEN Practical Nurses Have Graduation WOODBRIDOE — .Qntdmi- tinn exercises were held ut the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical High School last; Friday with five Township res- irli'nts completing the one year 'course in Practical Nursing. [They received pins and adult technical diplomas from the school and will take the Suite Board Examinations Kiven by the New Jersey Board of Nurs- inR during November. After successfully passing this ex-! III IMI Slf A<; \|\; >|k M , amination they will be licensed „, , s ; is th, n, Practical Nurses. l.,,.i,r V:.H.-». In.-.. ;. hiink '""" "' P^W hrr rys. ;.fl,r death, to th, Kvc Fnunda- «.ll r»nlln,M- f..r (I,- r h thr AmonR the local «raduates rrst ,,f this «,,.k M, nl,, ' M T* """'""'" * »"""^i.lR, l.ions Club. Tho drive 1 MiS S ft were Miss Helen Emory, Mrs. J S 'I''' "'"Tl' ?"" '""^^ '* •«"*••» Husband, and Miss Constance McCloud, all of Avenel: Miss Marjory Smith, Sewaren, and' : FOURTH ORADE ON FULL SESSION: Above IK Mrs. Albert EdeMcln'n Fourth C.radr In Its new classroom In School Miss Karen Mraz, Fords. 11, Woodhridfte, which went on a full-day schedule thin werk. Robert M VORPI, Board o( Education member, founht for They completed 16 weeks of the conversion of the room for classroom purposes which permitted the elimination of split newiion in that nmde. theory at the Woodbridf>e school and received their clinical ex- perience at Perth Amboy Gen- eral Hospital, Perth Amboy, Hospital Emergency Room Chruch Women Middlesex County Hospital for the Chronically 111. North Brunswick Rehabilitation Hos- Plan Services pital, North Brunswick. Roose- Only for Real Emergency velt Hospital, Metuchen, and WOODBRIDOE—Mrs. Spen- the New Jersey State Hospital, PERTH AMBOY — Perthlsevemly 111 Expensive techni- cer p. Green, chairman, an- Trenton. Amboy General Hospital is ap-cal equipment and medications nounced the Woodbridge Town. pealing to the public to use theare kept on hand and prime ship Council of United Church Miss Mary Konyk, RN , As- ; hospital's Emergency Room hospital space is reserved so'Women have completed plans sociate Director of NursiiiR jonly In case of real emergency, thai lives may be saved and for World Community Day Service at Perth Amboy Gen- j Hospital director Robert S. suflninc alleviated quickly. itjServlcej s tomorrow, 8 P. M., at eral Hospital, was guest speak- iHoyt has Issued a statement just dorsn't make sense to have!'h CCongregational l Churchh, ;er. Mrs. Janertt Lund, principal j explaining the necessity for a valuable service like this used'Barron Avenue. of the school presented diplom- .his and ureing people to see nn it isn't necessary. i Tne guest speaker will be as, and Miss Jeanette Obertz, their own physicians about the "In spite of this," Hoyt said,iR«v. Joseph T. Houranl of the R.N., instructor, presented the' minor illnesses or injuries "the number of non-urBent!Wfstfll?1d Presbyterian Church. pin to each graduate. Miss Hel-1 which they are now bringing caws coming into the Accident^Rev- Hourani was bom in Delr en G. Kindt, R.N., instructor,' to the accident ward. Room M mowing, and there |s;Mimas, a village in South Leb- Jrcsided at the affair. mon Hls to "We have a highly skilled now a danger that they will - P'c will be "Free- Mrs. Madelin Fazeku.s, chair-' staff on Emergency Service," monopolize facilities and per- dom to Know." man of the education commit-! Hoyt explained, "They are ac-sound to the extent that when The Coraliers of the Women's tee of the Licensed Practical! : •11 customed to caring every the critically ill or serious case Association of the Avenel Pres- Nurse Association of New Jer-MRS. BEATRICE I. MOLEEN month for hundreds of victims dnes arrive the staff may beibyterlan Church will sing sev- 1 sey, Division 2, presented a one !ll - Mil I - Ml I (HI I.I. — ('iinimitlii'in.iii liilin llu li •. i!i:: i of automobile and other acci- handicapped in giving selections accompanied by - Him is -.rin ;ihove slinking hands with the lte- year membership in the organ- HONORED: Mrs. Beatrice I. i! iil>riiHiii>ri.il (MiKlid.il!1 ill I In- rc.ir »f the lnuiiiiii.il hiiihiun; dents, and for people taken!proper care. Miss Brenda Kurtz at the or- •Miml.iv illii- in, A crowd of nhiiiit 400 heard ization to Mrs. William Hus- Moleen, 22 Lillian Terrace, gan. . ',,il •,!•(.ik. ill llu- plinlii. from Icfl In risht; Jolm Mrlvi.u M!!i',,!\ CUKIMI.IIC: .Mr. Hughes, Mr Mitchell, Simon band for her high scholastic VVoodbridge, marked 30 years :;.•, -.,.,1.(1 Ward CUKIIII.IIC < nimiilttmiun l)»viil Nifiila. ;u,ky. who heads the Mitchell lor Gov- The ushers will be Mrs. Earle achievement. of service with New Jersey Potwin and Mrs. Robert Wahl- ernor drivp in Woiidliridce. The Nurses' Alumni Associ- Bell Telephone Co. yesterday Miss Judith Ungvary gren. Mrs. Eugene Kurtz, chair- ation of the Middlesex County at an open house in the man, and her committee will llolalin Vocational and Technical High Elizabeth central office. serve refreshments. A question ? 'Slec-Muchanie Nupliuh Croup Receives School presented a one year An operator in the Eliza- and answer period will be held. membership in the the Licensed beth traffic department, Mrs. Weds Joseph Coleman Mrs. Green advised those who Practical Nurses Association of Moleen is a member of Eliz- have not given their gifts of -inn Success ^ \ Service Awardsof New Jersey, Division 2, plus abeth Council, H. G. McCully WOODBRIDGE—St. James'l Maid of honor was Miss Hel- school supplies to their own /Mi SatunjaY orning en Piar coustn of the brlde a five dollar check to Mrs. Syd- Chapter, Telephone Pioneer* Church was the setting Satur- . church key women wa astod to i'l-i Tin fust Woodbridge, and serving as VVOODBRIDGE Bervice ney Yatrofsky for her high of America. day morning for the wedding of. Wnririhririep and senrinir n.< bring them to this service to be .•••* system "! WOODllHIIXit - Mb- Ki-tnul-- MM v. lu;lii iiluc sun awards were presented to 27 scholastic standing. |dedicated. These will be dtotrlb- •:.• n, sx> thul Miss Judith Ann Umrvary, brother of the bridegroom.. •in B Muchitnic and Paul F. 'utl1 imik i-iniai and black I'tnployees of the Valentine Fire This year's class initiated a uted In Latin America where •: Hi'1 finty will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. After a tour of New York /•;. Brick Co., Division of A. P. new award which consists of a efforts are being made to In- I-I inn in Hit' Do- Sl(C Wr'i" umwd in muirnu Hughes Rally Frank J. Ungvary, 61 Coley state the couple will make their Mis Sice L'ntduatcd from Glwn Fire Brick Co. yearly monetary award to a Street, and Joseph J. Coleman, crease educational opportuni- . I:.is proven sue- Samrduv monuiiK in St. Jame w- Hi Peterson, Jr., general home at 28 Livingston Avenue, ties. K SchooScho l and i s member of the September class son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Avenel. For traveling the bride \:!lun Donnelly, church by Rr\. Donald » ,mpioycn by in Practical Nursing for excel- 1 Purolntor Prod- manaRer, presented Frank Bo- Held Sunday Coleman, 16 Ireland Avenue, wore a slate gray dress with •uioil. said y<'«- iiHlly who Off,cwll.j at thr un.v "int Railway. Her hus-kft i Peith Amboy, and Johnjlence in Nursing Arts. A walnut Fords. Rev. Donald Reilly per- Car Out of Control, PORT READING - After a black accessories and an orchid . ., . double niiR ceremony and ivle- l)llI)d BlsiitniuV' d Prrth Amboy Kazarda, Jr., Fords, with goldjplaque with room for the re- formed the double ring cere- corsage. w j hird Ward motorcade Sun- 3 Land in Hospital •Si-lioul and -niduatrd »l*hes n recognition of com- cipients name and year of jrrad- mony. The bride, graduated from ; M CiUllo com- ».u.od ihi- Nupiml Mass. ^ ^^ ^^ 25-years of service with lay afternoon, a rally was held WOODBRIDGE — Three uation was presented to the The bride, given in marriage Woodbridge Hinh School and is fi'-day wssion The bride is the dutitihirr ul ,,,,,,:1| .md 'ivclmica] Hi(!h the company. Columbus Hall, in honor of persons were treated at Perth school by the class president, by her father, was attired in a employed as a .secretary by At- other Dhn P. Hughes, Republican Amboy General Hospital Sat- " Jurors m,d John MuchitiHc. school. P.-rth Ambov. He is c'm- anniversary awards in- Kenneth Gallimore, to be pre- torney Robert M. Vogel, Green cll p andidate for re-election In thegown of Chantilly lace featur- urday when the driver of a car .i Strphuno re- ,„ M(K)[.r Av,.,me lin[1 Ml. SUr ph.v.d by Geiim.1 Cable Corpv ^_ d the following: sented in September. ng a scalloped neckline and Street. Her husband is a grad- The Thirty-five years: Charles hiid Ward. lost control of the vehicle and is the son of Andrew Sin-. H93 Aa»hoy. full skirt. Her imported three- uate of St. Mary's High School, Pillik, Woodbridge, and Paul Speakers included John Mc- hit a pole on Woodbridge Ave- to detec- 'Parker Street, Pert!: Amboy, tier silk cloud veil fell from a Perth Amboy, attended Seton JuHasz, Hopelawn. ', saacs, candidate for Assembly; nue, Sewaren. Juvenile djvls- fLofC.Danice ;oronet of seed pearls, and sheHall University, and Is employ- Twenty years: Joseph Mancz, ayor Fred Adams; Carl Flem- Taken to Perth Amboy Gen- 'r with the Tico Persons Hurt carried a white orchid and ed by Stern and Dragoset, Given ii; marruiKe by her , ™, , | iSewaren. lg, for Town Committee from eral Hospital by the Wood- 1 / r itephanotis on a prayerbook. Woodbridge. father, tin bride won A waltz In I ICO-lMr l,ra$ll\ Fifteen years: William W. To Be Saturday he Fourth Ward; Mrs. Lee bridge ..Emergency Squad wen u '"• V°"";lenKth KDWII of Cham illy lace Pierson, Charles Clemensen, 'aggioni, Republican County Paul Buccalo, 18, Market Street. me patrol-,wlth iSped ppar, .lrlm A |)|llir] WOODBRIDGE — Two per- AVENEL — Plans have been Emery. And we are out to beat Iselin, lacerations of face and A'ltli uur prob Ralph M. Cinicola, all of Perth completed for the annual fall ice Chairman, was master of her veil of im- SDII-S were Injun^ m a two car,Amboy; Joseph MinBtai Keas. :eremohles. Emery Honored Adams, Garvan, and Miller in released; Miss Doris Golden, equip- 1 dance of the Avenel Council, inirrst'ction o^bey: Steve Magyar, Port Bead- Mr. Hughes spoke of the past this election." 18, Central Avenue, Sewaren, Knights of Columbus, Satur- lacerations of right eyebrow IKI Cutter Avenue,[ing; John Szabo, Fords; Steph- day night at St. Ellas Church wo-year record of accomplish- on a piayi-r book. SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE and abrasions of trie hip and Kurds, Tuesday jeri R. Sabine, Colonia; Robert hall, Carteret. Music will be ents of the Republican Ad- At Breakfast Maid of honor was MiiMel- .Seifriz, Freehold; Steve Toma- ministration and outlined plans SEWAREN — Open House released; Raymond Isenberg, furnished by the "Night-Caps." COLONIA — George Emery, 17, Michael Street, Iselin. lac- vin H.hn. Old Brkter. ,,.,r of skovicz, Steve Vargo, Frank r the future. will be held at the Sewaren Available . H.irvey Spector. School Street, Other council activities plan- Democratic party candidate in erations of face and abrasion* thr bridt-. Best Dancsecs, and Louis Boka, all Announcement was made of School, November 8 frdm 1:15 Piter ned for November include All of wrist, admitted for farther •I of Woodbridge. he new Republican Head' the Fifth Ward, was honored until 3:15 P. M. Everyone Is Souls Day service^; Knights treatment. j Ten years: Josef Kramer, [uartfers on Woodbridge Ave- at a breakfast reception given welcome to visit. ::>i 'the bridegroom. wilj meet at the CYO hall to- ''P - Just in jnckup truck (invt'ii bv Alexan- iAnastaciq Lopez, Ramon Men- e, Po>t Reading, opened dur- by Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Fen- >' lulyrested. no 1 tii-i- Hci'fisynii dez, and Juan Guzman Santi- morrow, 7:55 P. M. Saturday nocturnal adora- ng the past week. This is in nelly, McKinley Avenue. Speak- •'•'"• More will- be " iago, all of Perth Amboy. ddition to a headquarters al- : tion will be held at St. Mary's ing to a group of neighbors >:i pay next WINDOW'S SMASHKD BDUI Schmidt iind Hernsy-; Flve years: j George Torhan, Church, Perth Amboy, 4 to 5 eady in existence in Avenel. Mr. Emery said: Ckwjie im-chuck wti, takm to the;Hopelawn; E.yerett Feight, PORT READING A. M. Mrs. Frances Neves and her •uid coiisump- Uijli/., of G & G Wrldmn Co. I'rrth Amboy (ifinTal Haspilal!woodbridgL>; (ftaza Lukacs, Bel- "My opposition is David Mil- On November 18 a memoria! ommittee were in charge of l!'' bcvcraVt-s oivcarti'ii't Street, reported to I'u- h> St.'John's Kir.si Aid Squad. . Norberto Perez, and John ler, the Republican party can- [vrd Mass for deceased members wll h# refreshments. l! iireniises andltrolmun Patrick Devlin yester- 'nic lormer was iieiited f"f;Warga, both of Perth Amboy; didate, and! Walter Garvan be held at St. Andrew's Church 1(1 consumers onjdity thai four windows wiv coiitusioiis of the loivhcad aiul; j j Vargas, Newark. TRICK OR TREAT? Miller's disillusioned former nn UBn 7:30 A. M. November 25 a com- 11 I'K'inlscs'during [broken in the plain. Three win- a *hoiildi'r injiu and ailmitted FORDS—Arthur Casef, Mil- campaign manager. Is Garvan memorative service will be held 1 AM. to 8 dows m a parked truck were Hi'rusymecliuok exainined led Lane, reported to police foolish enough to think that he Motorcycle Officer at/ Holy Spirit Church, Perth can win the election by paint l»w. also broken. ri'iili'iist'd yesterday that a store dummy, Ainlboy, 2 P.M. dressed as the "Headless Horse- ing his name on signs with my Injured in Accident In Regular meetings will be held man" was stolen from his running matefs, Walter Zirpolo' WOODBRIDOE — Motorcy- tonight and November 16, 8 porch. The dummy was valued The official Democratic ticket cle Officer Robert Egan, 32, P. M. at the CYO hall, ,t $75. ' in Colonia is Zirpolo and Hoy Avenue, Fords, son of Po- lice Chief John R. Egan, was AGREE ON DEBATE injured last Thursday, when ISELIN—Dr. Ralph Barone's When You Buy A his motorcycle hit a! pool of li- challenge to a public debate quid asphalt, evidently dropped has been accepted by his Re- "Quality Value" LatelModel by a truck, sending the vehicle publican opponent Carl A skidding about 25 feet, j Fleming, Jr. and will probably Officer Egan was taken to take place Monday. Mr. Flem- -PLUS- Perth Amboy General Hospital ing has made the stipulation where he was treated for abra- that "one person assist me In CADILLAC sions of the; forehead, multiple presenting the facts and I At York Stage Show - "BELLS ARE RINGING" contusions of the leg, hip and grant my opponent tile same (ALL FOR $16.00 PER COUPLE) elbow. right." Morton Motors ... AND SEE THEM THROUGH! i You Can Be Sure That Only A You'll find a personalized First Savings Home ELKS NIGHT a| f Mortgage Loftn will provide you with a practical, NEW CADILLAC low-cost plan that leads directly to debt-free Offers Greater Value! home ownership—easily and surely with pay- Meadowbrook Dinner Theatre ments fitted to your nepds and purse. . . . The diicnmtnaflng motorist, who prefers the utmost in CEDAK GROVE, ^fEW JERSBV duality and value, can quickly—and economically, fulfill a desire to own and drive a Cadillac by selecting from our excellent assortment of Cadillac 1959, I960 and 1961 Friday, November 17th, 1961 Cadillacs, Now available at reduced prices during our autumn salet Sponsored by Woodbridgt-,H.P.O.E. No. 2116 Extra-Special Values Now! • Seven Course Dinn* Served at 6:^0 P. M. ExdMtWM 1961 Cadillac Executive Cat Substantial Savings. , AND'LOAN ASSOCIATION • New York Stage Show at 8:00 P. M. 288 Madkon Avenue, Perth Amboy In Perth Amboy In Woodbridge • Dancing fa»mlfc3y_P. M- to 2:00 A. M- (Home Offltt) (AijocUU Offlcc> MORTON MOTORS 338 State Street 035 Amboy Avenue CADILLAC SALES & SERVICE In Edison 299 New Bruuewiek Avenue (AwocUt* Office) . Amboy Avenue at 5th Street •scar Perth Amboy HI 20100 / (CUn Barton Section) of attack, that we do little to encour- Report from Washington age the enslaved millions behind the Iron Curtain. Letters to the Editor American Airline Inaugurates h Of course, there is no point In our Unlike other taxes^we pay, we %fp JrWemt Editor . . an obviously planted question total of municipal state encouragement of all-out revolt at the usually have the opportunity Independent-Leader by some high school senior re- bonds now out Is nearly fifty Luxury Travel Across the AUantii JBcaton moment. The Russians would crush The Woodbridge Independ- cently, he very properly got an- billion dollars. to approve or disapprove It di- that, as they did in Hungary* But we ent-Leader Is doing a fine Job gry at the Inferences that he The most alluring thing rectly. This Is probably why By KDWARn II. S!MS ;rrom London to making the public aware of the wasantt-Neirro. The Interracial about school bonds to Investors it seems more painful than WASHINGTON, D. C, - Few You board the (Carteret JIMSS could encourage all to look forward ne«d and uritnoy for the CommittjirAgalnst Dlscrinunl- Is the fact that their yield 1J others, of us realise how different say .bout six "p eventually, to an uprising which United Fund campaign this nfttion/of which I am a mem- free from federal Income tax The amount of interest we crowing an ocean is these days. therthere threfe: year. If more peopte would ber, has Investigated numerous Interest rates on most school have to pay on our school That Is, how different It Is to- and Ohirlw I Qnf«7 would win freedom and genuine de ipeak out and support It pub- siWanons of discrimination bonds range from 3 to 4 per boiids depends on our commu- day, compared to how It was first Editor and PubUeht* mocracy for all the people. In fact, If Ilcly, w« know It will bt mio- whlcH have run wild In the cent. For Instance, the cost of nity Itself. Our record of pay three years ago I <'Oi'ltt we don't hold out this hope to them ctufuL Meyner administration. We are the property In Colonla that ment, our Industrial base, our You don't have to go back and his own Very truly yourt, so convinced that Mr. Mitchell the school board wishes to buy attitude toward schools, our more than three years—before while rJrdi BJIMD HUM* " lite urna Itrttt with moral support, the spirit of free- FftUJK R. BLOOM will help all of us that we have is $229,000. The total Interest administration, our long term the Jets, The Jet* have made come the ;; tfoAdkriln Mr* dom may be further and further sub- seairoad street unanimously endorsed his can- at 4 per cent over the course plan, and our debt structure. for smoother flying. That's the trays—cavlar, rkt u.rwr.1 rtiM nbiiart «r*ui Sewabn. Niw Jersey didacy, which Is not something of a twenty-five-year bonl is- If the over-all local debt al biggest difference. But they lobster. sturr«d Ml BooMnll »Mlt# U dued in the years to come. done lightly. sue would amount to something ready exceeds 10 per cant Of have also halved the flight time eggs a la rusw, Cirum MM 1 Editor / It is my fervent hope that in the neighborhood of 1100,- the actual (not assessed) value en route. Thus the six hours in cream and Strasbourg 000. Add this to the original crossing the Atlantic today are p all Jerseylks, regardless of of th*, taxable real estate be- WOODBRIDGE PPBLJIBINO race, color or religion, will vote cost and the amount becomes only half the hours required I hop* *m «M find space to hind it, we will have to pay There Is plent ,0 CbarlM I Qr«|ory, PrMidnt Debt Climbing Fast $329,000. formerly by conventional air- print What I hart written be- for Mitchell. New Jersey needs high Interest. The difference eluding the i»ie Lawrence P Campion, him badly. But that's not all. This land In a bond Isue for say 1900,000 liners, and each of these hours P«rs) and as you „,„, New Jersey state, county and mu- low on James P. Mitchell and passes faster than formerly, Vice President and Treasurer hit feelings about people of my LEON WILCOX Is swampy. How much fill dirt of one (1) per cent Interest bites into the darkn^ „- nicipal debt has more than doubled in race. Newark, N. J. It will require before actual amounts to $65,000. The latest wrinkle In first western iky, chasing »f.,'. B| WTM IS MBit DM «**T a past decade. James P. Mitchell la a bona construction is anybody's guess This Is a big 1 per cent; It class travel is an Innovation by suni Soon your dlnn gabieripthia r»tt» »» ami, latmMag Mldwood Way Then there is the matter of one of the two U. 8. airlines fids and true friend of the Ne- could build two more class You have a choice of ,v M* m> M.«i ib wauns. 0411 um building a new road, and hiring flying the Atlantic — TWA. «.u. niifi* ««B)M ky ami, u •*•». UI nt* The combined debt of State Govern- groes. I am president of Orey- Colonla, N, J. rooms in a school. The people tr«es—broiled sirloin. ia HIUW Editor new buses and drivers to han- TWA has Inaugurated a pas- thermldor. stone Park Local 1385 of the of Woodbridge Township owe •au; ment, the 21 county governments, 567 American Federation of state, Independent-Leader dle the more than BO per cent It to themselves, as well as senger service for first classen double thick iftmi, „ of pupils. Add all these figures that Is unique; the highlight Is municipalities and 575 school districts County and Municipal Env Dear Sir: their children's future, to in- of sole, roast duck m t ployees, AFL-CIO, and we all The principal source for and before you even start con- vestigate Into the school board's a first-run movie. It's called at the close of last year's business struction you are very close to, know the pushlng-around that financing new schools comes proposal to purchase this un- Roy id Ambassador service. There »re iiPHris .• If not over, a half million totaled $1,35)6,000,000—more than one members of my race have taken from a pool of investors' funds desirable site In Colonla. Here's what a (last class salad, imported fnmi v dollars. and one-quarter billion dollars — com- under the Meyner administra- In New York, Chicago, Ban Sincerely yours, flight via TWA would be like. 'Continued on P,v, ; tion. We had an opportunity to Francisco, and the banks in our A bond is like a bank account RICHARD A. TOMfl Fofe Tuesday pared with $660 million in indebted- speak with Mr. Mitchell and we nearest big town. The keepers In reverse: we pay the Interest Each year at this time, newspapers ness in 1950. are extremely pleased with the of these funds are usually and with bonds, this slow re- October 28, 1961 Ideas he has to eliminate dis- friendly enough when school payment of debt and Interest 76 Inman Avenue run editorials urging those eligible to The figures, compiled by the New crimination once and for all boards approach. They want to comes, year by year, from local Mr. Charles Oregory, Idltor 129 Yean of Service be sure and cast ballots as one of the and not through "tokenism." buy bonds; it's their business property taxes. This kind of tax The Independent-Leader Jersey Taxpayers Association in con- When Mr Mitchell was asked and It is a big business, The Is very blunt, not a bit subtle Woodbridge, N. J. to oar Customers prime duties of a good citizen, Invari- nection with its study of "Spending Dear sir: ably, it is pointed out that In the iron and Taxes" In the State, show that In the past couple of weeks — • — curtain countries people do not have I have been reading about the local government debt rose from $584 Under the Capitol Dome Democrats and Republicans on free elections, something we just take million in 1950 to $1,224 million on what they are going to do, for granted. when they are elected on No T. L WATSON & CO. December 31, last. During the period By J. Joseph Grlbbfis vember 7, 1»«1. "Good luck" to ESTABLISHED 111! It is all true. We do owe our town, county debt climbed from $97 million the candidates that are elected to $151 million; school debt from $172 After they are in office, let's see our state, our country the obligation TRENTON — Overshadowed County clerks will be elected the general election ballot next them do some of the thing! MONROE A. WElAiM to vote, for the decisions of the men million to $761 million and municipal by the Governorship race lead- in Ocean, Passaic, Union, and Tuesday will be a referendum they promised the people of ing up to next Tuesday's genl Warren counties, while sheriffs to assure continuity of the New Woodbridge Township. Instead KeaMnt Partner elected to office affect us all. debt dropped slightly from $315 mil- ral election is Republican or will be seated in Cape May, Jersey Government at the of doing a lot of talking. State level In case of a nuclear MEMBIX NIW TOM Mitt lion In 1950 to $312 million last year. Democratic control of the Leg- Hunterdon, Snlem and Somer- In this week's paper, "The attack. . AMERICAN 8TOCK EXCHANGES the campaign, locally, has waxed islature during the next two set counties, surrogates will be Shopper," the Democrats had hot .during the past two weeks. It is State Government debt rose from years. named in Burlington and Mer- Endorsement of the referen- a letter in which they said that $76 million in 1950 to $172 million on At the present time, the State cer counties and members of dum by the voters would per- Mr. Hutt, the Township attor- Pertl Ankiy Natlnil Baik Binding Indeed unfortunate that some of the boards of frefliolders will be mit the Legislature to establish Senate is 11 to 10 Republican, ney, asked for a raise In salary, At the I Corner* HI t-?6Mi candidates involved personalities in July 2, last, the close of the State's while the General Assemlby is elected In all 21 counties of the a list of qualified temporary for the Mayor from $2,000 to State. the campaign, instead of sticking to fiscal year. New Jersey voters face two controlled by the Democrats by iumla for government posts $12,500, and $10,000 to aU the II TEAKS IN PERTH AMBOV state bond issue proposals totaling a 32 to 25 margin. There are va- Pour questions will be solved who would fecn'ti until a new Committeemen, As for the the Issues. Name-calling never won an cancies in Atlantic, Camden, by the voters mhen they entre (Continued on Page i«> ' (Continued on Page W election. $100 million at the November General and Essex. Ten Senate seats are election booths. First is whether Election. at stake in next Tuesday's vot- $40,000,000 in bonds should -_ Go to the polls Tuesday. Vote for the Ing and candidates are off and sold to finance 7 projects need- running in Atlantic, Berpen, ed to relieve State institutional | candidates you honestly believe will Cumberland. Hunterdon Mer- overcrowding Next will be a w provide you with the best government. Peace Corps Booboo cer, Morris, Ocean, Passaic and $60,000,000 bond issue to pur- * Sussex. Hunterdon County, chase frreen seres, or lands forJ Above all, we urge you to vote "Yes" A young woman of 23, from Fox- where voting Is reported close future recreat ion and conserva- on the Charter Study. In the senatorial race, holds the tion purpose*. Santa Will Soon boro, Massachusetts, has thrown a key to control of the Senate. Third on the ballot will be a monkey wrench Into the Peace Corps The entire 60 seats of the proposed amendment to thej programs In Africa. It was Innocently General Assembly are also sub- State Constitution authorizing Dependability ject to the whims of voters at the Legislature to set up an' done but it is just what some people next Tuesday's balloting. For|emergency State Government 8 Dependability 1* a trait In. human feared might happen. the first time, voters will cast in case of disaster caused bj]| ballots for three less Assembly- enemy attack. Fourth, voters "BLAST O7F" beings which Is often underrated and which should be cultivated by every The young lady wrote a postcard to men in Hudson, and three less; will decide whether amusement ^ a friend in the United States and it in Esser. This years these six! games of chance should be per-:R young man and woman—and others, Assembly seats tfere reallocated mltted at any agricultural fairifi with too, for that matter. expressed her surprise at the primitive by the Reapportionment Act, or exhibition promoted by an 5 way of life in Nigeria, where she had which gave one additional each approved association. « to Bergen, Middlesex, Camden,! The' polls will be open fromig Today'i young men and women can been sent. She wrote that "we" had no Union, Burlinrton, and Mon-;7 A. M. to 8 P. M. and 3.023.384 take a Job or leave it, and be fired from idea of what "underdeveloped" really mouth. Control of the General voters are eligible to eajt bal- the lots. i one job and find another, and can means and went on to describe such Assembly will hinge on *234,500 voting in Essex County. REFERENDUM: — Third usually find a way to obtain enough, things as people following normal money to get by on, one way or an- bathroom habits in the street! other. All of this is good, except for For 1600 Members of Our The card was found unmailed by Know Your Representatives the fact that an easy life does not some Nigerians and a furor arose. A The best citizen is an active citizen, one who is alert necessarily build character. rally of a thousand Nigerian students and goes to the source to secure the best possible in- 1961 CHRISTMAS CLlli formation The best representative is one who cooperates We have seen that soft, easy living was held and a resolution passed ask-i with b}s constituents and Is ready and eager to receive has prevented America's youth from ing that the 35 Peace Corps students their views from the U. S. be expelled from the Herewith are the names of your representatives. Keep being good physical specimens. Recent tn touch' with them country as "agents of imperialism." test* involving both American and (J. S. Congress European boys show that the Euro- This sounds like a communist-pro- peans are in far better physical shape SENATE moted stunt but it will be used all Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr., Senate Office Building, Corps program. Washington 25, D C. Home— 345 Elm Avenue, Rahway qualities of self-sufficiency and de- I»»r your added convenience, we have two <»ffi<"r- - pendability as widely as these char- And that brings us around to the HOUSE OP BEPBESENTATIvks question of what we can expect from Representative Peter Prellnghuysen. Jr.. tRi. Plfth Con- t<» MTve you. You may open your 1%2 (.hri-tm.i- acteristics are developed in tougher gressional District. House i Office Building.. Washing- • times, r the young Americans sent to under- ton 25, D. C. Home—MorrUtown i Uali at either office. (Woodbridgr or l-flin) developed countries. Americans are Perhaps It is better to have the easy the world's worst diplomats to begin State Legislature STATE SENATOR times and the advantages that go with with. Now we are taking young Ameri- John A Lynch. New Brunswick ...Put YOURSELF on : them rather than tight times. It is cans, who have never encountered the MEMBERS OP ASSEMBLY : nevertheless desirable to see the pres- squalor and filth of these backward Norman Tanzman, Woodbrldge SANTA'S CHECK LIST! ; ent generation develop the quali- and tribal countries, and expecting J. Edward Crabiel, Mllltown Joseph Doren. Dunellen ties of reliability and dependability them to convert the natives! When next year's Chrfstmas shopping timt i> ; which so many older people seem to Board of Chosen Freeholders It is expef ting a lot. ' l 'round, how would you like to receive a nice fat «••*-• ' have. It will be noted that many of Karl B. Metzger. President. Rutgers Onlverslty. New to pay for a,ll gifts? It's easier than you think \\\\< ; the top executives in the business Brunswick Qeorge L Burton, Jr., 19 Agate Road. Lawrence Brook you save the Woodbridge National Bank! Chri.sti:;,-. !: world are far more eager to perform Physic^ Education " ^^ Village, New Brunswick. ; & personal service for a small profit Kdythe S. Me Andrews, New Brunswick. Clijb way! • «. Physicafl ||education is receiving Joseph R. Costa. 133 Hillcrest Avenue. Edison. than many of today's youngsters, jffho greater atterition In the public schools Thomas H Lee, 140 front Street. South Plalnfleld. Members payini t l.»« a week for Mty weeks receive » "'" seem to lack the fire and the will to George Otlowskl 841 Kennedy Street. Perth Amboy. and leading educators go so far as to William J. Warren. 875 Main Street. Fords. Members pwlnj $ Z.M a week for n«y weeks rtwiije » I»<'•"" please that are so necessary if one is say that health of school children to stay on top during both good times Woodbridge Township Committee Member* paying $ S.aa « week for fifty weeks re«eivc S l^i^ should be placed on a par with their lim and bad. mental development. MAYOR—Frederick U Adams, Colonla Members paying f 5.M a week for fllty we«lu r*wive I "•'•> FIRST WARD—Charles Molnar, Woodbridge Members paying HIM a week for flfly weeks rwelv'e f ju^"1 The emphasis is not misplaced. Maynard Winston. Woodbrtdgs Khrushchev's Weakness Wtyle the schools of this municipality SECOND WARD—Joseph Nemyo, Hopelawn paying «2«.M a week for fifty wwks recehe »l.oo«.»" Leon Blanchard. Fords The weak cmnk In communist arm- have shown signs ot realizing the vital TpIRD WARD—Robert Jacks, Avene) ™d in Nikita Khrushchev's armor importance of proper physical devel- John Hughesi Woodbridge FOURTH WARD—Thfmas J. Costello, IselUj is the fa< and truth, that commun- opment for pupils, the surface has Datid Nicola, IseUn ! ism suppresses the peoples of the, satel- been scratched, not cultivated, and FIFTH WARDWohn Branko, Colonia I lite countries. It is the worst form of there exists vast room for a more com- D»vi.pro- Presldeat of Borough Council—Walter Sullivan NATIONAL BANK mer away at this theme. We should, COUNCILMEN * ducing athletes, and embrace* all on the contrary, constantly demand Thomas Derfarin Walter Sulllvao means of building healthy bodies for John Hutnlek John rrZurUla that Russia withdraw from the east- healthy minds. It ia Intended to offer Alexander Such Adam SymboraU ern European countries and that free BANKING HOIKS: supervised athletic opportunities to Tiwit-li of Edlsoi MAIN •OFFICE elections In all these countries b« held. every boy and girl in the school sys- MAYOR—Anthony Id. Yelencslcs MONDAY Thru THURSDAY Cor. MOOKK AVE. & Prwldent of Council—Nell A. McDonald » A. M. to Z r. M. WOOUBRHKiK, N. •» Years ago we laid something along tem, by which they will be encouraged COUNCILMEN this line but we are so defensive these to participate in games and acquire William F. Album Frank J. Takaos FBIDAY 1 A. N. to I F. M. ISELIN OFFICE days, and some are misguided enough full benefits that flow from competi- Bernard 3. Dwyer Or. William Tolb Mutter r***$ U—t,t Ijfttwa ud 1412 OAK TREE BOA1>. William N. Margolu WalUr a Wood " Dcpodt laniruc* Corporation ;' fear Russia's reaction to this line tive sports. ISELIN N. J ««~l^^ TH> PAO5!« FIFTEEN Group To Organize Monday at 8 COLONIA-An oiRaniz leetln* of Colonin Chapter of Women's American OUT. v,-mh,T ^ ,8 ,, ' «'vu, to hr prrsmtod b, St. John Viannr, Holy Nan.* Union now boasts 68,000 mem- Mllllr r urW ,!„, Marian Cwtrlliino. IV«y Jmnlru*, l|p|rll" RPI1"n,r ' ,,,L 1 " .'" "T' ' «. •»»"« Mb*". Patricia bers In all major cities of the rvs.inilrn. (hlldrrn and yinm* nilu]|s mlly atlrnd u ,"v Vrmb«niv llaikett. delegates be sent forlp"orts °' the LPPR"e of Wo- Holds Election the full three days next year men Voters. Mrs. Frank ISELIN — Election of offi- Mrs. Irving Elan, recently White, mass medin chairman, cers was held at a meeting of appointed School 17 represen- reported a l'aii Accepts School Bond Referendum Women Plan Unit list of .he Mothers' Club of Boy tative to the Board of Educa- pro- Scout troop 48, at the VFW tion, reported additional class- for adults ('( Post. rooms to relieve overcrowding Is also available. New Cubs fo j}(> liXpiai,mi to PTO To Aid League and split sessions were urged Members were trfauked by .i rL :

r GOLDBLATTS in Rahway 1 and • Hundreds of Wonderful OUT Convenient' Mussels, Scungilli, Baked Clams, Calamari GIGANTIC >•:;.... LAY-AWAY "You've Tried The Rest^ Now Try The Best" ••A Christmas Gilts! OPEN DAILY EXCEPT TUESDAY Christmas A Small Deposit Will Keserve Any Item Until t'hristrow. -I THOMAS JOSEPH FROM 4:00 P. M. TO MIDNIGHT iiftlng Your Credit 1^ (Jo»d! NOW! For Orders To Take Out Diamond Kings and Pins COSTELLO Rextyled and Kemuunted HALE- I . Expert Watch »»d Funeral Homes Call FU 8-5500 WATCH MART Jewelry Repsirlni! '"(• III*. ,.•,..,_ JEWKLKY THIS COUPON WORTH Now Going On! GOLDBLA1TS Green St. & Cooper Ave. State ft Center 8t& i SHOPPING RahWKV'a OWwi IC Btubliiiwd Jeweler lB«lin, N. J. Perth Amboy, N. J. 25 TWO for ihe price of One 27, COLQNIA 84 Ea.t Cherry Street 7 TeLLI HI 1-0075 On Any Purchase Over $1.00 BAHWAY GOOD FROM NOV. 2-9 1 i (l|1|> , " 'mi 8 p. M. Tel. FU 8-1*6' h<- •'•hum. and PAGE SIXTEEN

Arrestt of those under 17 What right, nuy t ask, haajnouncement — If It was made amendment* or they are In the tlet for the maintenance of in- $14.84; North Jersey Tralnlnr Nassau inn, a Democratic Primary In Wood- School, Totowa, $1778 to totaled 190 this year M com- •on. bridge Towiutiip although he anyone to Chang's this appoint-'— I have no facilities to learn." process of being adopted. digent patient*. $18.55;' Johnstone Training & pared with 134 In the same ly has II.M here since 1943 until ment? It seems to me that un-; And then again, how could The State Constitution pro- Within a short time, the State Conservation Research Center, Bordentowtt. month* of lait year; 17-year- District is —you guessed It, 1961. der these conditions the third [you. a newspaper editor, read so'vides the Senate President House Commission is expected grand award wlnnn SEWAREN NOTES would take over the reigns of $17.78 to #20.02. and Arthur olds rolled up a total of 8,145 for Who placed him (n the Dem- district of -the fifth ward has badly both in your reporter's to Bpprove the following week- Delaware-Mew government In the event of the in the 1S61 half yew ai com- ocratic Party? Could no representation at all, I article and in the letter that ly payments for indigent in- Brisbane Child Treatment Cen- It have Governor's death. Next in line pared with 7,077 In the I960 pe- By MRS PERCY AUSTEN been Ed Seyler who has so , have been a Republican all'Mr. Hutt sent to Mr. Tanzman? mate care: ter, $18.76 to $2198. itlon awards progrum u ls ls the Speaker of the Assembly, YOUTH ARRESTS: - The riod. Persons IB years of age 499 Writ Avenue "successfully" masterminded my life but I do not condone obvious that Mr. Hutt Is Greystone Park State Hospi- practices (such as this. The fact'refil"''itlriK tn«t legislation be and there the ohaln of succes- State Division of Motor Ve- received 11,109 summonses as Sfwurfn - ME 4-2701 the Democratic Organization In tal, from |18.76 to $20.65: against 9,457 in the correspond- claimed as Cranberry ii,,a that I am such, means I am Introduced to allow toWnshlpUion ends. hicles reports during the first —Next Sunday at 11 A, M. in his town that urider his lack of co 1 Trenton State Hospital, for reg- ing months of last year. Week by Governor Mov,,, not trying to dump the Repub-! n™Itteemen to receive higher Unde"----r presen- t constitutional six months of 1961. there *u a T leadership th,e Democratic Par- ular care, from $22.75 to $25.27. WO United Rtat,>s P|,v 8t. John's Church. Rev. Wil- provisions, legislative vacancies In total arrests, speeding was ty's membetehip on the Town- Ucan party. I do say this, let salaries. Yet, In your editorial and for criminal care, $18 20 to slight decrease in summonses Woodrow Wllsnn ni.rt i liam F. Forrest, rector of St. state thal Mr Hutt lr w ean be filled only by election. the Number One offense, ac- ship Committee has shrunk i as free Americans vot« for y°» - W« » $20.23! Ancora State Hospital, Issued to drivers of all ai*es for Mark'* Church. Carteret. will usGOO as D Republican, who I am .terprcting an already extoting In the Judiciary, only the gov- counting for 58,808 of the sum- from nine lh 1059 to five in g $20.61 to $23.73; Marlboro traffic law violations I" New College of New „j,. •"•leurate his first Holy Com- tatute as permitting an ln ernor with the advice and con- monses Issued. The New Jersey rv munion service since his or- as permitting an ln- 8tate Hospital, $19.53 to $21.00; Jersey. Princeton Un'vei-siiv II sent of the Senate, may appoint Neuro - Psychiatric Institute, However; an increase waa Turnpike was the scene of the j New Jersey dination on Saturday, October r;ir\ss" '=[Township which ls not applic- members of the supreme Court, most arrests: 14.850. «laim~ he Is what | Walter Garvan. Princeton, $38.08 to $42.91: shown among those 18 years of 'ated medical 28, 1n Holy Trinity Cathedral. able to Woodbridge Township, Superior Court and lower JERSEY JIGSAW: - Polls In HI I Trenton. All parishioners are not as have no Vinetand State School, $13.86 age and younger. Total arrests Wlvr $4,089,000 In fetf..,,,, To make !t clearer to ym courts. tre 4,395 election districts of urged to attend the service to of want fm" ~ to $15.06; State Colony; Wood- numbered 198.084 compared under terms of the urn'. "." J.iilMr. Hutt nays there ls no law The amendment, which will New Jersey will remain open we ihould bine, $14.56 to $15.96; State with 198,914 for the same period Act ... A river Sifl'r welcome the RPV. Forrest In the devil j Mayor. so may allowing higher salaries and : call for no expenditure, ls ,you don't know, I will be onejvote for Adams, 'but let us get Colony, New Lisbon, $13.27 to lof 1980. from 7 A. M, to 8 P .M. next way Department ,, .parish. to raise tho broad enough to create com- the many Democrats lnjgood men in there, if we Tuesday — General Election ilacsd 78 parcels nf ,„„,', plete, workable emergency gov- salaries, Day. . • . Automobiles have In 15 counties bnri< e,, \., .' one by one. ernment* at all levels. sy "the Vay7it looks how like! As ft reader of The Wood- PACKTON.Y. By Alan Mavtr killed 803 persons In JNew Jw- Tolls and salvaged about v, rld VOTING:—New Jersey's 3.023.- Mayor they have succeeded in repliedb »e Independent-Leader, one nry since January 1 last. . , . 000 for thr Rtate. K',. 384 registered voters are urged The State Department, nf Edu- j November 7th ing my wife: that la the reasoA.has a right to ' — J* m/l CASfY STIM9IL (oroblem.1 of larpp cltifs \K,J Cordially, editorials. The editor writes an by Governor Robert B. Meyner cation announces 1.281 stu- t the 4n>h ,i.,| House, and the Senior Guild for this letter. and other high state officials A$ MA/fASBR, me HO. YORK Sincerely. jedltorial when he has re- dento are attending college with conference of the NMW ],.' will me•* day, elecWon day. worthy charitable cause. carry out programs," he said. water supplies. . . . Aopllcatlons Plnei region, . . . Th, The members of my post, andi which you asked certain ques-! My faith in fair play will be have been filed with the Federal tlons about a letter Stewart reaffirmed when I see this let- "This ls the concern of every Board of Dentistry rr<> I as their commander, wish you Government to secure $108,000 cured a high penalty Hutt wrote to Norman Tanz- ter In your newspaper next one of us. We cannot delegate a speedy recovery—and a most) to study New Jersey Ptnelands for a telephone opcrato- „ Editor's Letters man, and wanted to know an- week. it. We have only ourselves to, (Continued from Edit Pagei successful fund-raising drive. blame If, In our very own dis- and $95,850 for a development jsey City who made f,,:-.. Sincerely yours, swers to these questions. The Sincerely, plan for Ocean County.... The Mayor of Woodbridge I have trict, we allow the choice of our for a client. . . . N™ ,ji-,( Murray Plecli. Commander reason I was shocked was be- CHARLES K. FREER1CKS New Jersey Civil War Centen- to go along with Mr. Hutt, that cause on the very same page In j committeemen to so by default, receive almost n.nnnnnn ,.,_ the Mayor should receive $12,- Woodbridge Twp. Mem. Post, so that a hand-picked man nial Commission plans a his- phone calls a day which •< tJ No. 715 the lead story there was an ex- tory workshop on December 9 at 500 per year, As for the Com- tensive report by your own re- WashingtonReport speaks for us In the county 'in talking In the natinr mitteemen, I say they should Jewish War Veterans of the councils of the party. United States of America porter answering all your ques- , (Continued from Edit. Page) get at least $1,500. It ls at the district level that tlons. Is it conceivable that the and fresh fn.[ti cneesei ice WOODBRIDOE PUBLISHINO CO The salary they receive now 2 Shadowlawn Drive the whole sequence ls set In mo- ls based on a population of left hand column doesntjenowj crcam and champagne to con- tion; the county committee de- 18 GREEN STREET Colonia, New Jersey what the right hand column ls meal. 14,000 people (in 1943). Today October 22, 1961 doing? "I did it on my own." ciles who ls to represent you in WOODBRIDQE. N. J. By this time, half the flight! you have about 80,000 people Mr. Charles E. Gregory Township Attorney Stewart M. the Legislature, and the sev (three hours* is over. You are I..n . Woodbridg, e Township, . . , an.. d' Independent Leader Hutt told The Independent- eral county committees P Enclosed please find $4.00 for one-year It ls not an easy job for tneiDear Sir Leader yesterday. Mr. Gregory.1 over mid-Atlantic and settle gether choose those who subscription to: candidates in office, whether. how can this imply that Repub- back In the big reclining chair, stand for election to the high- they are Republicans or Demo- It seems that the Republican !elther t0 • INDEPENDENT-LEADER members of our Town Commit- iicanroV'D;m«rate"VugVe7te"d . "lax, smoke or snooze est state offices, including the crats. tee have forgotten that we live this? Pretty soon there's entertain- governor who, in New Jersey, 1* • CARTERET PRESS I thank you. In the good old U.S.A. and are But, perhaps the most statement. A first run movie! From the one State official elected by! • EDISON TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEACON Yours truly, trying to use questionable, ling thing about your column a tiny recessed projector hidden all the people." JOHN T. McGANN methods to win in the coming was your own admission thatat the top of the rear section LIVING: — The hl?ri cost of. To be sent to October 12, 1961 election. you didn't know the facts and of the first-class section, the living ls striking at New Jerseys 1 Dear Editor: Case in Point: They sent a had no way of knowing facts reels begin to turn and the ac- state Institutions and causing NAME Re: Democratic Candidate! representative to my home with1 other than reading what your;Won ts seen on the screen up concern among State welfare; officials. for Mayor of jan ultimatum telling my wife, 'own reporter said were the front. Tiny, light earphones al- ADDRESS Woodbridge Township who ls a district poll clerk, 5th facts. I have yet to see some-low you to listen or deep, as Commissioncr John W. Tram- body write an editorial using you prefer. As a lifelong Democrat, I Ward, 3rd District, that she burg, of the State Department TOWN _- was rather surprised by this would have to put an Adams the words "Lacking facilities, (To be Continued) of Institutions and Agencies, candidacy because In connec- and Miller sign on our front for more careful research, I has recommended that the' tion with any of our party's, lawn or she would lose her Job think I should point out that] State House Commission ap- activities over the years I had as a poll clerk. superficial Inquiry leads to the 19-Independent prove a new schedule of rates conclusion ... the law as i! for indigent Inmates which are never even heard of this indi- My wife was appointed by ! vidual whom I am expected to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strubel, understand It... the informa-! Capitol Dome paid by counties. • support. GOP committeeman and com- tlon which comes to me here' Under the law, the State So 1 decided to do a little mitteewoman of the district. , if my understanding is cor- (Continued from Edit Page) House Commission, headed by checkiiiffand I soon found outlThey *'pre electet* to the Re" rect ... as far as I can under- election could be held. Thirty Governor Meyner, fixes the per why-he was not known to republicans of the district in stand the reaction of the states already have either]capita rate to be paid State in- as a.Demoerat. The reason wajAP^ Committee to such an an-'adopted such constitutional stitutions by the various coun- veryifcimple. He never voted Ini Announcement! *Jn Uadluon flow

Some color combinations seen m new collections are striking. Blue with red on a1 knit dress with cardigan or WPERIAL OF 1962 black with red is very good.! Gold accessories with black is I chic. Off 'white caa be used with any number of colors or, with black. Two accessories! should match—no more. JOE STERN Many of the newest suits are trimmed with fur or lambs —jackets are collared and in RETURNS AS NEW OWNER OF some cases lined with fur. Hair is definitely not in curls If one wishes' to be in fashion— Permanents that give body but are brushed In soft waves or' straight is the new trend in! hair-dos. i Is very much to the1 Avenel Liquor Store fore for hostess gowns that are to be worn at small supper, parties. Crepe is in favor also - Featuring — Printed Pattern Nationally Advertised Brands

A forthright challenge to everyone THANKSGIVING AHEAD! who plans to buy a luxury car this year For Your Holiday Enjoyment, We Have a Fine Selection of In a few days, you will receive a personal invitation to drive a 1962 Imperial. Not the usual vague "see your dealer" ... but a specific challenge to compare your own car with the best Imperial we've ever built DOMESTIC snd IMPORTED At your convenience, a dealer in your area will deliver a 1962 Imperial to you , . . for a thorough comparison-tour that you conduct by yourself. WINES - WHISKEYS We believe anyone planning to invest from five to seven thousand dollars in an automobile is entitled to thefunembroidered facts right from the car itself. Naturally, our dealers explain the advantages of torsion-tar suspension ,., CORDIALS - BEER LET US DELIVER! tell you how the alternator Applies current even while the engine idles ... quote engineering data on tiu superior of our new transmission Fart FREE Delivery ... and answer any other question you ask about Imperial. But you can find out only^o much about Imperial by mere listening. We Will Wrap-up Your is just part of our To give the facts substance and meaning you must drive and compare. "Good Old,Days Treatnunt So, when our invitation arrives, take us up on it. It obligates you not Gift Wrappings Early at all, And whether you eventually buy an Imperial or not, you'll never forget that once you drove a car which handled and accelerated and thrilled as a great oar is supposed tb. <

ven though our Invitation may lomchow miss you, an Imperial com- parison-tour may easily be arranged by writing on your letterhead to; General ' Manager, Imperial Division, 12200 East Jefferson, Detroit, Michigan. SIZES

14V4-24V4 es*r•ORATION Printed 1'atterp 9*18; Hall' Avenel Liquor Store SlieaH'A. 16Vi. 18%, 20tt, 84%. Biis 1«V» requires "Vk AMERICA'S MOST CAREFULLY BUILT CAR yards 45 Inch fabric. 145 AUFNFI STRFFT AUFNFI N. J. Send FIFTY CENTS in coim for 145 AVENEL STREET AVENEL N. tins pattern—add 10 cciiu for each p»tutn for first dm milling7 5«na Opeii Monday thru Saturday to 170 Newip»per P»«er« 'IVpt. MAURO MOTORS Inc. Telephone 2J2 W«t lfoli St., New York II. NY. Our New Fall-Wintjrr Fwh- mm in ill si« rwiKtii. Stint .15# 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. ME 4-2074 uxliy. 611 Amboy Avenue Tel. ME 4-4100-1, ME 4-1651 Woodbridge yds Club PAGE SEVENTEEN Essay Discussion ;FM 1 AWV AI ii m-f tins The Woman's Club 1 ions," will be tllp fr.ituiTd: iii FdipMiiwn Home and tonir nl (lie OiiCR Hiiubbot. ., in cniiduct Tntf Days -" nf IHl I'll. Hi R •ilOdl 10 ifi'-i l-'riday ('•.rultlR scivicrs nl . , ,is public Library to- thr- Parkway .lavish Onlpr to '•• fli'i"" 1 rlinK i>nr- moi HIM . .1 toiitiirrmv WitH Mrs. :I;IIIIH H^ follows: , i ii RS chalrhian, RS- The talk will hr dclivmd by S'.'ve ,«a- , ,. \ir.s. James Clement. • Mr. 'Dipottorc Sanders and will • '* ni'-i. Mrs. nwludf n discussion nt ;i iron)) , nviin-^chnirman, of .1 ilin Ed- of r-..s;iys (Irnliiiu wit|i modern h iiTli-uHis boliffs rolntin:-, in tin1 ill lake i, in' located on Cor- 2fllli century. i; ,l' 1 17 Hrl nil i;P- ..,,.( serves Fords, Hnno- 'l'l:i' lll'Ulj formed Youth, t>" mtidc to M'j. f ,.;, :. > y find part of E'll- 5i Hret-j niui, by ,'• ,,ii.isliH) Is free Bnd f'd lIn1 shiic for dip Vi'iir us. , , ,-, U'rll'S Of this BITfl follow.-.; JWT MitPlld, privi- (1 ' \ ,l!Hl «BM1'' RUC- Monday, Tuesday, |n>n> Brn<:r Rank, flT.-i vu'P H '-ld No\rmlKr 30 «' ,i, v ;,„(! FrldBV from 1 Woidi'iit: Chnrlps iBofidaimy,. serum) vice president and mom-; fur und"r the •I M Thm^dfiv from n tn n:i-hui •![ Mrs. RnfTo, ;IIKI Satnrdav from 2 bnslup rliairman: Marly Pluv-j i: ' in. third vice prcsldpiil, unri ir.(lnct"d December 5, " Membership card ,.t ihe school, i WHS recenflv l.'^'ied liroRiniii o h ii I r in H n : Philtpj RothlHic. tie••isiiiVf. and Mark i n nnmed for the IliM-hnrn Burhrnskl. * vuiiiy wove Mrs. Pet- \rriuie. Edison, Boudiinny, ctin'pspotidins! M-C-' rctary. '•.<. \'r.-- John Timko, M.-,t Nelson. prnRViim Micimel Bobal. ,,f ihe dill) annouiv- The next nireUnn will be lidcl FLAWING ANNI'AI. I'FTK.: Above arp members nf ;i stamp workers! for v Miller of Avenel will NovPinbpr 12 from 6:45 P M rr! I'liiiiiinttce of R'nui B'rlth plannini; thr I mirth anniiiil Ni>\i nibi'i will bo Mrs. Edward ,!, the maklnu of mo- until 9:30 P. M. at the. lionip ANM'AI, IM.WI l( lt\M K - :unlinu dimrc Saturday at Metiirhrn Jewi-.li (iininiutiitv Tylnr. Mi-i, Miehnel Baumley, mi-etimt November 8, of Jcfl Mikhel, 1 Mercer Street, Saturday nichl at l'hupnlx firovr thr ( cnler. I.ell tu lifiht, Mauricr Sendler, clmlrman; Sliel- \!is Victor Ballnt in the library. Door Kords-flara Barton Boys Retail LcaR11o took p.^T Menlo Park Terrace. Anyone president: Mrs. .Inhn Chizmadia, Wi am Y< tman (hin (inttfried, vice prfsldrnt and Gforice H"b«rni»n, presi- Miss Mary Fee. principal, I or awarded by Mr. and AtrU ™ '" " - »n*««'nt: Mrs. Gene Antol, vie,! within the a&es of 13 to n in- announced the week of Novem- Thnm;is .lairo. I terested in joining may nttend dent. Stan Rosen will serve as auctioneer. Onr «f the pri/es awarded at the dance will he a week's stay nt a ber 5 Is American Education . "'""'• "'-»»•<•••; imrnaoi rerraro, secretary, and John this meetlnc Mi will sponsor a spa man, Mrs Stephen Mi-dees M 1 - wn al "lp ni"ild "hie sp;itf fashionable Miami Beach hotel. Proceeds will he u*ed fur Week und parents are permit- : ::ieiieon iind dinner at lalile sPiiti-rl left to rij-ht: Mrs. Antol, Mrs. Yelclicsirs, Mrs. Yet- the Youth Program and other activities ted to visit classes at anytime Fdison; (-hirf Jnhn ,, ,^ M^lZiSl^l"! VJSL?™ °~"- ^ ^^ Mayor AnUu,^ Wi^. iponsored by v November 9 for the Woodbridue; Secretary of State Edward J. Patten, Orville Macan Auxiliary Brui B'rith. duiiiiR the week. f ihe library. Mrs. ana llinm;is Jago. A hot dog sale will be held H;u:iiiskl, chairman. Sale Set Tomorrow' November 19. Dark horse win- . .1 luncheon will MENU) PARK TERRACE—! ner was Mrs. Szalay. Attend- ance award was won by Mias n,: until 2 P. M. an^Churcd h t« Have \Miss Beverly A. Tobias Church Women The Ladies Auxiliary of T.,B*n ia B'rith Groups- ' mi S to 7 P. M. Fink's class. The nevt meeting Planning Bazaar Nulty Ppst, American Legion,! ri j / A ,, „//«•» T\nr\t*G will be November 30 with moth- . tnee of the American g to : the art. department ( will hold a rummage sale to-IOCS f /OT AUCllOn X/llfltt? ers of the second nrade studenU A-' f FORDS — The Women's So- morrow, 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. at as hostesses. :i n display of paint-i FORDS-.Rrfcf±V. Weds Resident of Maineciety of Christian Service of the American Legion Hall Ber- FORDS — Thr Raritan Val- |::>- library and store'Pastorp . Our Redeemer a Wesley Methodist Church will ry Street, Woodbridgc. lodge president; Sheldon Gott- i" inid:iy, several mem-!ical Lutheran Church, KORDS — At a double ring white orchids and French car- sponsor a Holiday Bazaar, No- Mrs. R.D.Schmidt, publicity iley L(ld(!f'' B'niu B'itlT Mehtfried, vice-president; Albert Cub Pack Tours Dairy an exhibihibit and nouncedd there will be erm and Nuptial Mass nations. vember 11, with Mrs. Norman chairman, announced there will'and""*. Riiino""""t ' Chapte"'"' r *"""'B'nai' |Kless, I' n charg" e o"f refiesh" " - \>: a '•fr,()rt! •' """ iiuuuui muss B'rith Women met at the home iments; Norman Goldberg, fund Farm Enjoys Picnic t>s ireti ,jSaturday In Our Lady oof PeacPeace Attendants were Mr. anBecd k and Mrs. Andrew Matusz be aa white elephant table KI by the American,shower" for the children 0 clSthi of Mrs Edward Kaplan to plan raising chairman; Mrs. David AVENEL—Cub Pack 41 par- A:1 ! church, Miss Beverly Ann Mrs. Alfred B. Schlosser, Rah- as co-chairmen. lSthing, books, , shoes •['•-ssional LeaKiip at Bethlehem Lutheran Orplian- Tobias, daughter of Mr. and and hats for sale. Coffee and [the fourth annual auction jBregraan. Ramot Chapter pres- ticipated in a picnic at ROOM- tr." way, brother-in-law and sister!! Chairmen of boothbooths were . State Plaza ftudltor-aue Home, Staten Island, tlirr Mrs. Eugene S. Tobias. 13 I/p- were :danee, to be held Saturday at ident: Mrs. Sheldon Gottfried, velt Park after a tour of the b?; f th bid d doughnuts will also be sold. i.us. Anyone Interpst-.next two Sundays. All the chil- ihi'-ih Avenue, bpcarne the bride of the bride. Edward Tobias, named as follows: Mrs. Lester the Metuchen Jewish Com- vice president; Mrs. Lewis Leh- Walker Gordon Dairy Farms, K! •I'.diriK may contact dren of the Sunday School asi , „, „. Fords, brothpr of the bride, wasjMiller and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, 'd Wllll;im munity Center with Russ Lo- rer, hospitality chairman; Mrs Plalnsboro, -ki The art drpart-'well as members of the church i W J- Bouford, son ofuslw V: r. jbaked goods: Mrs. Alex Marcy candro and his orchestra play- wet at the library!will brlnft food.stuffs to ih^'S?1'- iind Mrs" Willifim Boufcu-d. J. W arren David Solomon, Mrs. Edward| Contestants winning prize* at f For traveling to North Caro- and Miss Edna Nielsen, aprons ing for danclnti. Kaplan and Mrs. William Les-jtne 'l were AlAlleln NNel,l sodd a no. church, which not be/Fairfield. Me. Rev. Hn::h linn the bride "chose a beige,and fancy work; Mrs. David cr c cel Roniim (ifficiated. (>roUft Meets Monday Stanley Rosen will be aucse- r in charge of merchandise; i * ' contest: William Pos- Molnar, presl- ln «las-s containers. sheath dress with black acces-,KirIcup. white elephant; Mrs. The bride, given in PORDS — William E. Helle-|tioncer and the highlight of the and Mrs. Seymour Gitlin. tele- siel, marshmallow game: Dana and Mrs Enctl ypar "" tllc Lutheran sories and a white orchid. They|John Holt, «rab bas; Mrs. by her father, wore a i will be the of phone squad. Fisher and Richard Gano, sack • 1 publicity chalr-''chun'nM of !lu' Metropolitan' Nebt'l attended Saviour: cratic Candidates Ni.uht". An "WlllllWn Vrr elbow length veil of EiiRlishlln the FJ. S. Army. He returnedjiserved at 6 P. M. under the An;Maui-ice Sandier, men's chair-i Husband—"Let's try a bun-' Asked by .the irate cop, :i'.'-i tnift of the Past ye done to invitation has been extended to one ol the illusion was atUchcd to a cor-'fi-om active duty m Germany in'direction of Mrs. Andrew Nil- man; Mrs. Henry Karger and:t4alow, dear; then you wont "Where'* the tire?" the pretty the Candidates .seeking election Mrs. Newton Moss, women's,always be hearing' burglars miss replied, "Why. officer, in onet of pearls and rhine.stom-sJJuly He will return to activcj.son and Mrs, Hans Olscn. on Municipal and County level. Shmt Hilla. Mrs,! and she carried a cascade of duty at Port Bram?, It. C. j Working in the kitchen will chairmen Georpje HobermanJ moving about downstairs." :your bie beautiful eyes." iniitly servlnu as' me. •f th*1 Past PrMi- "•be Mrs. John Christoffmen. Coke Sale Planned 'Mrs. Leon Nelson, Mrs. Edwin Fords Girl is Church jVaiiEmbiirsh, Mrs. William!1 .:imm L. . For Election Day, 'Kjer.sgaard, Mrs. Andrew Sor- P''ke concerning the, enson. I ui in IJIOS at a pro-' FORDS-Mrs. Robev' Schieib -d bv the Internn- t)l'blloU" chairman, 'as anBride- of Rah way Man Mrs. Gcorne Prick is chair- nounced the PTA of School 25 man of waitresses to be assist- IS THE COMMUNIST TIMETABLE •;fms Department of w111 eonrillct a cakr S!llp thl> \cd by Miss Donna Miller, Mrs. Cub whlV'h featured '" FORDS--Our L.tdy of Peace bal. f.dison \ all pullX)M rMm fr m 9 A M Nancy fai-a-;EillP1. -Nielsen, Mrs. Joseph St. t- of the Meals for ' ' " -,Churdi was the setting Sunday,bro, Fords; .,...„ ...n.ic ^,,,aiM. film "Peo-'intl1 *P M on Ell><'tlon Day-!aflernoon for the marriage of'New Brunswick, anMand MISeA Inzaiia.rpLinda 1Prre j^rs. Robert VanEm- .November 7. She urged alljMi.ss Roscmane Sandra Ver-j^aniquis, Nixon bui'Rh. Mrs. Thomas Soobridge, Mrs. Russell Bizaro and Mrs. residents to vote and then at- rella, dauchter of Mr. and Mrs. Serving as best man was Jon FOR WORLD CONQUEST tend the sale, pothers of th'Ifiamuee l Verrella, 10 Jackson Qulnn. Rahway. Ushers werej Alternate workers are Mrs. Kindergarten students will bnkc; Avenue, and Albert Lewis Wells, William McKinley Robolle'"""- Alvar Peterson. Mrs, John •Mmouncement has and sell the cakes. J1186 Stone Street. Rahway. Dennis MeNulty, Parlm; Ed- Frederickson, Mrs. Mina Lar- tl of the birth of a Mrs. Frank Lamatlno, presi-jThe double rinp ceremony \uis>arri Verrella, Ford.>. brother sen, Mrs. Lillian MacLean, 1 • mary, (o Mr. and^ent. altendcd the New Jersey performed by Rev. Alan Bor-jol the bride, and Gerald Wells,:Mrs Danid s,UiSSf.ri Mrs Jacob 1 A. MahiRue. HAState Convention for PTAs atsu i;, pord.s, instructor at Seton brother of the bridegroom and Qf ON SCHEDULE? ••-. Tuesday mor-Atlantic City. Mrs. Murray i Hall University, cousin of the Richard Gatierfbotii '", ' I&11UVP and Mrs. Clarence mv Memorial Hos- Splvnk. Mr.« Sydney FcmberR.tbride, way. ot "-'- !a!iu'iie Is the for- Mr.s. Kd-v.ird Larisi and Mrs Given ln marriace by her. After a trip to Florida, the M of Schrc:b wer.- thevot;ns dele Grace fa;ner, the brido wore a gown couple will Inc." at 70 Jackson/ liiri KtinitrVP1^ att-ndinii. Add It Up.. .The Recent Record k !of peau de sole with a scooped|Avenue. For travcLn^, the britle!^'1*"" lJll""I5CB tit cklirir, lonR sleeves and aTi: wore a beine suit with toast ac- eni|ii:-e bodice. Her seml-prin-'ccssories. I iMScapablc. * .The Speed Frightening 1 *' ^** i"«««*"1C dnni-Gondola Marriagece-s .styled skirt, featuring ap-i A sraduati of Edison Hwh!' [phques of Alencon lace and School, Mrs Wells is emplo.vedj AVENEL -- The Avenel In- iseed pearls and rn.sq petal poufs.as a .secretary by the American.^.pe,^,;,^ club by unanimous W49 China Im back, fxtendi'd ililo a cathe-jConstnitlioii Company, Mc-|vot,e of its membership has en- So le m n ized Salu rda y iriral train. A coronet of seed-tuchen. He: husband graduated,horsed Joseph A. Manzione jpeails and crvMiil drops; hr Id from Rahway Hmli School and -rhird Ward Democratic candi- 1951 Tibet Tiie marriage of.Vaitas. Curteret, was u-l.' her four-tiered veil o silk illu- the New Jersey State Police date for Township Committee '!-" A. Ooiidola,; After Nuvi'inuir 15 the C'luple . and , ^m-i-u^i 1()lli sni a ijjuquet Academy \ member ot theijt Was annouced by Stephen 1918 M; and Mrs. John will be at home at 11 drove ,,|'orchids Neu Jeisiv Army Nutionalicoh k. .president. 1954 N. Vietnam : 1 ors y H.i6 Woodbridse Strer', Smni'isct. For tra'.elinc \\K William Mar u.-o. New Guard, hi; is an olticer ot the jn niaki'iiE the announcement By skillful use of propaganda and mass terror,' J a l ius I^nnt, son of to Florida, the bride el'. ,Hiun.swiek. w,\.- nr.ud of honor Union County Young Demo-^j,. cohorsky slated that the the Communists seized control of Russia. Lenin 1961 Cuba Innni, 128 FU\tonJ.vellow suit with black act1*-- Bnde.snwrtffs u- Mis.- Arlene crats. He is employed by thejt,nriOi.sempllt'of Mr_ Manzione set the Communist timetable in these Words: '''undue, and the sortes |>nri white chrv-anthe- wvils. Rah .1 .[i.T (If Geiii'nil Ci-^ar I i Company, New;!l local attorney, was "based on "Fiist we shall take Eastern Europe. Next the 'n was solemnised mums. bridegroom: Mis Jeanne York Citv. .ii thorough review of the qual- masses of Asia!" IHB VHtT MDHJFE, the dbtrawmietB i—i»|u \fe • In thpPirnt. Wrs ij;Uini attended Perth '. ifications and ability of the re- Church. Wood- Amboy Hmh S spective candidates." parts of Africa and Latin America. It Alex Nemeth.!from Drake's Buslnes: He added that "Mr. Man&i- So far the Comrmmist tknotabfc it rmnbg cm schethte* I iveii m marriage New Brunswick, nn Couple Married tine's background, his long- i: (How can they be stopped? What can a private citizen do* 'i. we a-cham- tary- at jf ;istmi*F>!1»re-:s, time a-ctive and successful par- II Look at tW one big problem spot for Cpmmumsm—Eastern "f satin and luce Metiich'n. ticipation in community proj '"Ii a Sabrina neck- fcts, his lemonstrated knowl- Europe! Here, over 5 million people have defected to the Free WorW. MrMr . lMJ „ wnKlDnc^ Leremony l«ng[th;H1 hSc!,m),j,nullla,,, .^tended edge of Township matters, and Here the Communists are vulnerable. Here yon can help—by «p- knt had a paneled back. in the U S Annv Air Force' Hi ihe First BBaptist Chin h, Perth Beveny Martin. South Plain- ottice he seeks." " What does it do? Every day, to 80 million captive people behind '•'" length veil was 11 die Iron Curtain, it broadcasts the plain truth ... religious services 1 Is a n el'Ctron'' " c tcflmieiai' a' Amboy, Mis.- Alice U. C) Bert/, field, and Mrs. Albert. Okeson a locust flower Industries. Meluchni. mi Jolin B. Klkn \'., re linnet! Statt'ii Islajnd Flower girl wa.Sj,BKOVVMKS IN.IOV PARTY . . . the real news of the outside world. H keep thejje people from she carried a spray: in inaipa.m- by Id v Peter Mis.s Sharifn Luke, Ovid, New' HORDS--A Halloween party succumbing to Communism. It keeps aiive their beief ki the Free KowulcHuk I York, 1949 :iil iwaj enjoyed by Brownie Troop Wortd... their friendship for America. Bioadcasting from 28 trans- m Lucovltz, Stel- Girl Scouts Enjoy The bride is jthc ol Serving a.s best man was Jo-ji4u at the home of Mrs. John Lenin's prophecy was fulfilled by Stalin! By t of honor. mitters, RPE reaches over W? of these pebple. Halloween I Mr. ajid Mr.s. IAmi uliert/. 102 seph Aiuto Menlo Park, Ushers|yanik. u

the bride those aa boolckee|)C1. by W. % Grant strongest link with the Free World! butter cookies dress with matching , Distrtbu&on Center of descents. Her liered bo Com )any But Radio Free Europe needs money now U^cominue its important i a lur juclcel and an Edismli HtM. husband graduated 1 mission. It is privatsly supported and depends on individual Ameri- back and • lirom Woodbridge High Schoo! Patrol 2 Mrs. .Elko, a graduate oljund served in the U. 8. Navy cans. Your help is needed. Will you help stop the Communist advance? Perth Amboy High School and He is employed by, the U. B ... Give tn dollars?... Give five dollars?... Or whatever you can! Pelt and Tarrant ColnptometeriPost Office, Fords.

planned the carnations and babies' .nd Rnmes which included the with a center otchid. 1961 3an-Can done by Jeannej Pet- Maid of fcwior was irson WOODBRIDGE LUMBER C Lean afco sakr: "We shall RADIO FREE EUROPE FREE CIST AND SUBURBAN UKMVEKX 1 United Stales ... it will full Ifke an < Tlw Awricow PMpb * Cowwter-Votwto Commnnum . "COOL OFF" AN ESTIMATE ANYWHERE — fruit kite our hands!" Now holding Cuba, the hJb fn* fw*» *M4 Sac mz, DM Vm* H Y. Quality Keeps Us in Business Is pfcwi to carry out their gnkis At Btfiiu, Ljut, AJtiu, twa Latiu Aaxvk*4 • Building Materials • Qoon & Windows I4il '"'"Ving, kid! Where • MUlwork • WaUbourd • Hoofln* • Knotty Fine Published as a public service in cooperation with The Advertising Council bv you they have • Insulation • Kitchen from • Moulding tablneU • Beer • Hardware ^ Flooring .. Tavern, Inc. • Wine • Paint • Plywood Woodbridge Publishing Company Corner WUllam A N#w Stwat • Llquor DOING IT YOURSEUT L«t iu UITIM you on o«» MErcuty 4-0125 18 - 20 Green Street ME 4-1111 Woodbridgc IN. J. mm • Sandwiches ccmtrucUon, attention ud WOODBR1PGE 437 Rahway Ave.. Woodbridfe ^>«i npttn. "Betty and Joe"—I WE 4-9738 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1961 PAGE EIGHTEEN BOSSISM - ONE PARTY RULE 5 Years Behind the Closed Doors — 1000 Yes Votes - Not One No RESULTS, NOT PROMISES:

,000,000 Spent on Roads In Three Years

Dangerously Inadequate 20 Year Old Fire Equipment TWO PICTURES IN ONE. Our Industrial ;ir.-,«, Oinuing ,,|| nim,,:lnj,.s M l4i Carteret by one party rulers. NOT ONE. Two came !«« \r(rs I,,.),„,'. "Jt" beeam* mayor became private owners of first great land grab m•, i',,,"'" THE CLOSED DOOR-—behind uliicli Hie mie i>arl> rulers nuke the dfcl- them. A new Company i« being let In which pays JITS per luuir n,, "v," itinns. Thij is all (he public sors of its got eminent in aelion. Five years — y pay for production worker* In New Jrrtey Is S99.00 per week. I he Hi.s. i,' ""1,000 Yci voles for Ilir bosses. Not one No vole \«r the prnple. Citizens wait- inn to find out what will happen nr\t lo the borough. learned about (hli Company from In* newipaper ttorlrv SECOND rn \\\ Taxes Up 33% —Shows all the water pumpers in the borough that meet minium,., standarlls of N. i, Firr Underwrltrnt. NOT ONE. iH'r have tun :u ,,',', \ Services Down 33% antiques—should h»ve three and one-half under |;> yrarv ,,I,I

$3,500,000 Land Grabs By Private Owners

$17.76 Tax Fraud

Illegal Council Meetings ANOTHER CLOSED DOOR — The Nathan Hale School,;ird gate which the RECREATION DEPARTMENT'S 11)1 A Or A r'INK IM.U \i:i \ Recreation Department and Horough Council refused to open this summer dangerous Raping hole In fence. NO SIIADK. ( hiUlien <\\\\\\j. .iniiinu i to the small children. Four children were hit by c .irs while being forced to No "Minutes" ing of games they might play. Recreation Department's self IU.HM I ; play in the streets. Whj wouldn't (hey open the locked gate and let the since eirls. adolescents and adults are forgotten pcuiile in nrrt idnn \w children in? to brliiK imagination to program and extend coverage lo 10H ul of present25rt. Vital Decisions Made Behind The Closed Door'

Part - Time Mosquito Control

Six Rubber Stamps

HAIM'Y MOSQIITOS BRKKI) HKKE IN' CARTKKI I In I960 the Borough Council bought MIOW plows. When the snows came, the TROI, IS A I'AKT-TJMF JOB — One party boys >a> 11 H'ii plows didn't fit borough trucks. Result — $40,000 of your money down th,e MOONLIGHTING NO-TIME JOB FROM THIS PICTURE. VV> *ay, this klimilil l»- drain on snow removal. We doubt if they'll use the plows this year, either. year round job. Then this brerdinf holr would be dry. ami t.ill . Taxes up 33'It Taxes to be approximately double in 1961. One party rule costs be cut. IF THEY CANT BREED, YOU DON'T HAM U> Ml come high. AH it costs to change is your vote. Fjooded Streets REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES JOHN DONOVAN — Age 42. First Sergeant in U. S. Army, four years serv- ice in World War II. A private contractor and master carpenter, member Local 715. Married to former Audrey Burke, has one son now in high schpol. Attended Junior College in l'erth Amboy. Member St. Joseph Roman Catholic ,000 iii Lawyer Fees Churoh. Was discoverer of the $11,76 tax fraud beins perpetrated on cir- teret taxpayers. STEVE TROhiKO, JR. — At S2,. Steve is youngest executive in Seaboard Finance Co, Is youngest to hold position of Regional Manager, Northern New Jersey. Has 13 offices, more than 10(1 persons reportins to him, Entered I'. S. vNavy from Colorado University during Korean War. Served four years as SPOILS SYSTEM Petty Officer. Married former Eleanor Pry, has oiu child. Member Hun- garian Reformed Church. Lifelong Carteret resident. LEO KUHN — Technical Specialist and Designer with Centric Gear Corp. ' Age 46, lifelong resident of Carteret. Holder of patents In metal and machine I shop fields. Recently sold machine shop he and his Mother ran for 12 years. | Graduate of Holy Family Grammar and Carteret Hith Schools. Former semi- pro baseball1 pitcher. Served at technical training instructor with Navy 'n CAIITEUET HAS WOUHT HOVDS IN NEW JIK>rV I- HAVEN'T YOU HAD ENOUGH? 1 Pacific In World War II. Married to former Agnes Stymborski, has two son^. Hi^AI.'. Cnuld br. Probably will I* atler firkl frer". N»n- ""• , 1 Member N. J. Department of Conservation and Economic Development. Mem? PATCHES- hurriedly put ov*r hol« — tu hold out until ^i"' ^ h«r St. Joseph's Rqman Catholic Church. Otie party boys hprnl *l,00«,fl00 on ro»d» »lnce l»S». (<>>' ESf exists where borouih ro»d inspector »l»o P«W •» w"ril" iwv, ruads. 50', of roads repavtd or retopptd In l»«l »"f 'llM'' ,' or tt*o year. ago. Uem'i prumUe only MORr. <>f PLATFORM PLEDGE Partners Against Bdssism TO END—RECKLESS SPENDING, TERRIBLE ROADS, SPOILS SYS- 1 TEM, CONFLICT OF INTERESTS THAT MEANS TERRIBLE PHANTOM INDUSTRY O Democrats used a PHANTOM INDUSTRY to try »<» ll'( ^'''i TO CHJANGE—FORM OF GOVERNMENT SO ONE-PARTY RULE IS borough into building more homes on Industrial ground v FOREVER ENDED. Republicans of bluflinK about mi industry we sought to br»i-; TO CREATE—AN INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION TO ATTRACT HIGH. Said there wasn't one. HERE ARE THREE WE WAMM» PAYING COMPANIES. SCREEN OUT, CHEAP PAYERS. ACT AS BRING TO. FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Foster Wheeler—New DivUion—Lost to Livinsstoii; TO APPOINT-*-A FULL-TIME ROAD INSPECTOR, J*AID ONLY BY Devenco—An engineering firm, not too well known in t»|s :1"'' THE BOROUGH'AND NOT ALSO BY CONTRACTORS FOR SAME is same caliber us ,\1. w. Kellogg & Merritt t>ar>m)in Scott ROAD, AS NOW. UreveMligh-payiug Electronic company in Motor Held- TO RAISK-THE LEVEL OF FIRE EQUIPMENT TO MINIMUM SAFE^ move to New Jersey in \Wl, ' TY LEVEL NEEDED. TWENTY-YEAR-OLD ANTIQUE WATER ONE IS liONi:. THERE ARE STILL TWO TO (JET NOW *" PUMPERS TO BE RETIRED. KNOW WE WEREN'T H|ilFFING-WE WERE RKAL1A »M> • TO BUILD-A NEW FfRfillOUSE IN WEST CARTERET—AND A NEW VERY CONSERVATIVE TO KEEP OTHER ON Til -BALI ( | > ' FIREHOUSE IN 1963 IN CARTERET PARK—WITH EMERGENCY M STKVI: FROM STEALING IUKSE COMPANIES FROM OUR Ir«-*« " HOSPITAL AS PART OF- BUILDING. 1UOSKO, JH. ING, KNOW NOTHiNCi SLEEPY HEADS. End Bossism - and Rubber Stamps - Elect Citizens Vote Line A All the Way I J1AI A t Uf i 1I .-O. .K- •B- .y . .-.CHARLE . . •. ... i .- S. • rG • . Vil~\BONCtLtl M I ' i- I V 1 , L, H 1*1 ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1961 PAOE NINETEEN Democratic Progress-Keynote in Carteret 1CCOMPLISHMENTS UNSURPASSH) IN FIFTY YEARS MULTI MILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRIES SIX MILLION DOLLARS IN BOROUGH IMPROVE- COME TO CARTERET MENTS AT NO COST TO THE TAXPAYER The phenomenal Industrial growth of Carteret of these industries have brought to Carteret employ- :-in(i the Democratic Administration has made ,-tcret the leading community in Middlesex Coun- ment for its people, more ratables which result in Through the able and efficient, tireless Demo- lower taxes for you, the taxpayer. Never in the borough's history has there been Today there is more centralization of diversified cratic administration of borough affairs, this govern- These industries have made possible borough im- permanent improvements without any cost to the lastly within the limits of Carteret than any other ing body brought to the people of Carteret $6,000,000 iiiiiuinity of its size In the Stale of New Jersey. provements such as new schools, fine parks, play- taxpayer by any administration. v grounds, added fire and police facilities. in permanent improvements without it costing the Industry does not come to a municipality unless , heads of industry are convinced that there i's Borough administration has done everything pos- Carteret taxpayer one cent: The Democratic Administration, Councilmen nid business administration of municipal affairs. sible and will continue in the fight to bring about a good alliance between desirable industry and its pro- NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE, $3,500,000—no local Today, Carteret is the home of nationally known Hutnick, Sullivan and Deverin, deserve your vote of gressive government. tax required; PORT READING OVERPASS, $1,000,- • iv Continental Can Company. Metro Glass Com- 000—no local tax required; FEDERAL LOW-COST confidence for their untiring efforts toward the in- ,\. Lion Match Company, Hudson Pulp and Paper Councilmen Deverin, Hutnick and Sullivan, who ; have worked for Carterefs great industrial growth, terest of the people of the Borough of Carteret dur- . ,:..m Company, Reichhold Chemical Company. All PUBLIC HOUSING, $1,500,000—no local tax re- deserve your vote on Election Day. quired. ing their past tenure of office. Police Department Turnpike Entrance Greatest Accomplishment Eliminated Hazardous Railroad Receives Highest Rating The Democratic Administration in Carteret today points with great pride ,-iilurccment agencies throughout the State of New Crossing at Port Reading .uvntly rated Carterefs newly departmentalized Police Another great forward step in the life of Carteret and In nl as one of the finest in the State and satisfaction to what it considers to be the greatest single accom- the lives of the residents of Carteret was achieved by this • the combined leadership of Councilman Hutnick, plishment made by any administration in the past 50 years. A magnifi- Democratic Administration—THE ELIMINATION OF THE (••immissioner for the past five years, and Chief Mak- PORT READING CROSSING. r.irUM'pt's Police Department was recently departmen- ,:,;<> specialized fields: Juvenile Aid Bureau, which has cent turnpike which runs the length and breadth of New Jersey is now Republicans, Independents, Democrats and all leading , •i-mendous job with any juvenile problems that de- newspapers have lauded this administration for accomplishing Caiteret; new Identification Bureau established; De- accessible in all directions from Carteret. this great measure. The Port Reading oveipass, eliminating a iiureau has been expanded; specialized courses under tremendous railroad hazard, had been coming to the people .yes of F.B.I, and New Jersey State Police attended by This great interchange at Carteret which is now a reality and which is of Carteret for 35 years. It took a forceful and intelligent Democratic administra- ; ; !• ot the excellent placing of Police Officers in Car- no-longer a matter of promises actually opens Carteret's door to the ;ay. an officer can roach any home within 45 seconds tion to achieve,this accomplishment. iviiiR a call, providing the local residents with greater Councilmen Deverin, Hutnick and Sullivan, men who as- election than they ever received before. vast economic markets of the East. sisted in this accomplishment, reserve your vote of confidence. : :^h efficiency of the Police Department is a great (Promised by Republicans But Performed by Democrats) I.I Councilman Hutnick, who has been Commissioner Since this turnpike became a reality, heads of nationally known indus- department for the past five years. iniv through a true alliance between the Police Chief tries look to Carteret in order to locate their facilities here. • C.immission that this fine result could be obtained. Planning Board • linen Hutnick, Su'Uv^n and Deverin deserve your This is the greatest accomplishment in 50 years because it will bring to Miifulcnce for their .•« !endid and unassailable records The citizens of Carteret today should be proud that $ plan-' .. •• Mlelit. Carteret ratables which will reduce your taxes, it will bring to Car- ning board was presently named by the Mayor and-Qpundl, HTCI hy Republicans But Performed by Democrats) consisting of able, intelligent men. Men chosen from Wpolitl- teret more favorable employment for the men and women of Carteret. cal parties, dedicated to drawing a master plan for the long-r range future land development of this Borough. Republican party today criticizes the turnpike interchange and in their This great step in the zoning structure of the Borough of- iirleret Recreation Program Carteret will be further assurance that your property values! typically uninformed way, say "it just happened to be located in Car- will be protected. • . - unled as F'nest in the State (Promised by Republicans But Performed by Democrats) teret . • t^ Recreation Program has bei a expanded to the ! ;i.l phases c' •creation have be.'n completely pro- '••• -"••ample of > only recently was a magnificent If these uninformed Republicans examine the record, they will find that .. niirade pro ig enjoyment aivi pleasure for young Traffic Safety Enforced i.;ke in Carleret. a parade second to none in the this interchange was being considered for Edison Township and for the •Vw Jersey. Notwithstanding the fact that the State of New Jersey re- fused to approve signal lights controlling serious intersections !t' rreation Program of Carteret has been lauded by City of Linden at the time the turnpike authority agreed to build in Car- f near schools, the Democratic Administration took the matter • "- 'nc sports world as the finest in the State. within their own hands and provided signal lights at the seri- • -md.s of children and adults have participated in this teret. ous cross intersections, at the intersection of Cypress Street ti:n>uph the years. Only recently a new phase has and Washington Avenue, and at Washington Avenue and •'"I to the program, with the construction of tennis This great accomplishment is the result of forceful, able, and intelligent Roosevelt Avenue (known as Brady's Comer). 'iic Carteret Park arer.. 1 This is another example of the interest this Administration 'f tins fine program ha&manifested itself in many leadership working tirelessly for the interest of Carteret until this in has in the safety of the general publio and particularly the •"•iinly in the diminishing of instances of juvenile children of the Borough of Carteret. •:•->• bv giving youngsters worthwhile and wholesome '-or their spare time. terchangeibecame a reality. This was accomplished during a time when CouncUraen ;-"ian Sullivan has been the leader of this great Hutnick served as Police Commissioner and was the primary ;';t! program for the past six years He has been sup- Gjuncilmen Deverin, Hutnick, and Sullivan who serve with this great moving force behind the installation of these signal light*. •• Councilmen Deverin and Hutnick. These men de- : Councilmen Deverin, Hutnick and Sullivan deserve your "te of confidence for the great program they have Democratic Administration deserve vour vote of confidence. vote of confidence on Election Day. '•

• ' '! '"'NiiM'd by Republicans But Performed by Democrats) PROMISED BY REPVBL1CANS RUT PERFORMED BY DEMOCRATS (Promised by Republicans But Performed by Democrats) RE-ELECT ABLE, COURAGEOUS AND CAPABLE MEN Walter Sullivan is a lifelong resident of Thomas Deverin is married to the former Lillian' John Hiiiiiii'k is seeking hu> third term Carteret, and was educated in the Carteret Coughlm and is the father of ihree children. He was on the Bui-oiiBli Cuuncil, running with fel- born in Perth Amboy and attended schools there, He ts 1 School System. He is married to the former low incumbent Walter Sullivan. Hutnick a sradmite of St. Mary's High School, Perth Amboy, and i,iid Sullivan were elects in 195$ and re- Catherine Toner and is the father of two attended extended sales management and business rn|n- rlt-cieil in 10&B. children. Walter Sullivan la a former mem- djimiiit courses at the Research Institute of America. Bum m WootlbridBL-, and educated in ber of the Carteret Board of Education. A resident of Carteret for thje pnst 15 years, he li • W. odbridiic School System. Hutnick Has former member of the Board of Education. He Is a l,,ni it rodent of Carteret for mgre than A communicant of St. Joseph's Romaul communicant of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church •ID yenr.s if Is married, and the father of Catholic Church, he is a member of Carey and is a member of its Holy Name Society and Parent- i«u I'hildirii. A labor leader, Hutnick has Council 1280, Knights of Columbus, He is Teacher Association. hern pn-Nidont of Foster Wheeler Local a member of the City Line, Lone Star and He is a World War II veteran of the U. S. Navy, hav- 440 international Union of Electrical Hilltop Social ClUts, and the Ancient Order ing served aboard the UlS.S. Oberon in the European Workers. AFL-CIO for 15 years. of Hibernians. and Asiatic theaters for tpree and a half years. \ communicant'.of the Sacred Heart Walter Sullivan was appointed to an Mr. Deverin is sales Supervisor«for the Breyei Ice Church he is a member of its Holy Name Cream Co. He is on the board of directors of the Raritan sm-u'tv' Hi- IS a mt|mber of the City Line uiwxpired term In 1863 and wa« electedao the council In 1955 and 1958, Bay Community Chest Foundation and is a foimer chair- Lml Chib and Slovak'Citon. Club He man of the community chest and cerebral ulsy fund- ,, an active member of the Knights of C|- While on the Borough Council Sullivan liislng drives. / I has been Recreation Commissioner for He is a member of Carey Council If30, 'Knights oj j,,lm Hulinck is presently Pol c-e Corf- several years. Columbus. Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Ameri- ., 'sSioner in charge pf the police! comitift- lU The people of farteret need a man with can' Legion. t . ]i ihe«Uorou«h Council. ei 4) Walter SulUvan'i experience to serve on1 Because of his exceptional business sense and skill His enviable record as a Councilman for WALTEK SDIX1VAN tin- Borough Council. THOMAS DKVEIUN he is well qualified to serve on the Council. the past MX Years deserve* your support. IO1IN UllTNICK CARTERET NEEDS THESE MEN OF PROVEN ABILITY VOTE LINE 'B'-ELECTION DAY-NOVEMBER 7, 1961 PAID Full BY CAK'miET DEMOCRATIC" PAGE TWENTY I. 1961 strong sunlight for long periods 61 AMOR GIRLS at a time, trying to get a sun- 4-H Beaverettes tan. Many of us wear sun- ISELIN PERSONALS HEALTH and BEAUTY that do hRrm to our -: CLASSIFIED : eyes. RATftS — INFORMATION Elect Officers Indiscriminate use of drops $1.00 for 15 wnrih Deadline for arts TIIC«I - The 4-H Beaver- It \s easy to take good health can be harmful. However, we - By Alice Cuthbertson were Ralphjpallendo, Sr, Mr. 4c each adiimnnnl w»rd in v M for lh» samp ™ .*•' and Mrs. CSuendo, Jr., Vincent met with Mrs. Lloyd for granted and fall to appreci- think nothing of using n cer- 1B06 Oak Tree Road ettes ifi ndvnnc* mihllimii,..publication. " '"'''its Isrlln Caliendo and Miss Diane Bere- Harayda. Talmad^e Avenue and ate the great gift that it Is. tain eyedrop that a doctor has Oool health Is certainly our —Tlie VFW Post Team wkh, Newark, and Mr. and elected officers as follow*: prescribed for a friend, without NOTK: NO CI ASSIHFD A»S TAKKN OVKK Plln* i most prized possession, because : participated In the Halloween Mrs. Walter Brady of Sonora President, Diane Harayda; consulting a doctor. MUST BK SF.NT IN. without It we could enjoy very paradp In Carton-l Snturday. Avenue vice president, Suzanne Boh- Wht-n you set Into any kind Good health is. Tfv Telephone MF.rrnry 4-1111 —The Clnwr Leaf Chapter —St Cecelia's regular week- leke: secretary. Carol Cl»ko; of trouble with your r> - worth taklns care of. of Sweet Adelines. Inc., will ly confirmation; class for pub- treasurer. Judy Lobb; assistant don't delay Rettlim in touch treasurer, Donna Elliott: news It Is true that most Ameri- with your optlmbloislst. For the Sponso' a dance November 11 lic school children will be held IIKI.P WANTCl) • t RP.AI reporter. Nancy Qurneak and cans take better care of their lay Individual it is very impor- E WANT,,,, * at (he Berry Street headquar- Saturday morning at 9:30. Al- MALE OR FEMALE tar boy candidates will meet at hospitality chairmen, Donna automobiles than they do of tant to know the principal ters ot the American Legion ONCE AGAIN Wodbrldce Dancing from 9 11:00 A. M. In Our Lady of Elliott and Karen Le'Ssuls. their oodles. We continuously functions of the three different EASY TO LEARN light work nverlond our digestive systems classifications of people dealing WE ARE AUK,..;! P. M. to 1 A. M. Lourdes Hall. Saturday. The A report on the candy sale (earn S35-$50 per week, SOLD OUT OF (i\ih- nlid often with the wrong kind In optical equipment and treat- 1 H S( -—-There will be a meeting of boys are expected to have all|WBS gjVPr, and it was spare time . Write Rawleigh, ment, Frist we will mention the We Have many ma\Wl : Girl Scout leaders of St. Ce- the responses on pages 1 and 2 Inoimced that Judy Lobb of food. We tax our nervous' Dept. NJJ-Ufl-tlBO, Chester, ny.stem.s and seek relaxation in medical doctor who treat* eyes, your property may br ,„.,, K]2 celia's tonight at 8:30 In Our memorized by then. sold the largest quantity Pa 1012-11'23 they are looking for . " over-Indulgence of alcohol In operates when necessary, and Wl IJkdy of Lourdps Hall. —Mrs. Felix QalasSo, Good- date. Kladiy look ov:r your n,,,,,, „, many rases In the pursuit of fits glasses, the optonwlogist. —VPW Past Pishing Club Is Plans were made for future .E IIKI.P WANTED • Ktve you a suRRnslerJ y,,| ,,-. rich Street, Is a patient at Rah' good time many people stay upiNext we have the optometiist, ( SterttnH its winter spason. go- business meetings with demon- NO.obligation JACKO I\fx, way Memorial Hospital. until the wee hours of the or one who measures the po»- |WOMEN WANTED for factory '. Wg all out for cod, halibut, strations; 4-H window display ESTATE MiENCY inn "., ul —The regular weekly choir mornlng, and rob themselves of rrs ot vision and prescribes work. RoliilliiR shifts. Apply fhttins and lin. Chairman of and sood grooming to be the Street. Perth An- ny ' rehearsal of Iselln Assembly of prescrlptlon glasses. Then we Metro Glass Co., Mlnue Street, the trips is Angelo Tavormlna topics nf discussion. imnortniit sleep. nnnn titod Church will be held as have the optician, or one who Cartel ft. There are openings for new Anyone who has suffered a usual tomorrow at 7:15 P. M. Tonleht the girls will meet at Tiakes or deals in optical Roods. 11,2 membt-rs. Prizes are to be -^Representatives at the PTA Mrs, Harayda's home. bad spell of Illness and recov- •warded. Convention in Atlantic City ered their health will do every- CORRESPONDENTS for Wend-! SAI.K .'.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. thing In their power to protect SOME WKDniNG last week were Mrs, Harold •MUZZLING" bridge proper and north end fjcank, Lincoln Highway, were their Rood health. BOURNEMOUTH. Enqland—! B-FLAT TENOR SAX()PnnNF I LHotta, Mrs. O. E. Orllly, Mrs. TO BE STUDIED of Edison wanted by daily nosts at Sunday dinner to Mr. © mi. «i«f F«n«iit S A wedding that will be long re- Very good conditim c'i]| VPI Harold Kline and Mrs. Henry A Senate Armed Services Eyesight is one of our most newspaper. Write Box 180. c/o . And Mrs. Alexander Cuthbert- membered is that of Alan Far- 4-9403 after 4:30 P. M Welman, from PTA School 15; sub-committee, headed by Sen- "No wonder you're a financial failure—can't evet important senses—many people his newspaper. son and children, Richard and well and Gillian Scare. They 10 2f.-l! Mrs. Carl Luna, Mrs. Frank ator John Stennls (D. Miss.), spell 'bankruptcy'!" feel that it is their most lm- 11 2 Maureen, Oak Tree Road. Syke and Mrs. Hamilton Bil- povtant sense. However, It is finally got through the cere- . —Mrs. Theodore Callendo, E. W study charges that the THREE MATCHING Uvi' lings, Jr., of PTA School 24. taken for granted and abused mony but had these interrup- PART-TIME. Telephone solici- James Place, and her guest, Pentagon censors military cri- ROOM TABLES, in,, .,,' tics of Communism. The action The show will feature ori- to an alarming degree. For ex- tions: tation work from your own lamps, sewiiin machine ! | Mrs. Walter Kronert of Trouble . Hat Fashion Show iis approved by the committee was, ginal creations by Miss Jenny ample, we read in poor light, The bridegroom fainted on home. Can easily earn $1.00 to, solid walnut dining inom ;,',.." Woodbridge Oaks, attended the WeTe not worrying about read in the wrong kind of light, the altar, the best man re- proposed by Senator Strom Set by Sodality Klein of Elizabeth who has $1.50 per hour. Call Mr. FriedJture. Boys suits, sizes .' ,iMC1 \ I ftisrtlon show and luncheon that loudspeaker that can be vanity often keeps women from ceived a head Injury when he Thurmond, a South Carolina studied for many years in Paris. ME 4-1111. |llke new. Other rmso'ii,,.,',','! \ itven by the Ladles Auxiliary heard four mile*, It is the one ISELIN - Blessed Virgin A few selections will be offered wearing glasses they badly passed out; a bridesmaid col- 11/2 items. Call LI 9-4VM Of the Teamsters Union at Es- Democrat. that can be heard four apart- One of the cases cited by!Mary Sodality of St. Cecelia's for sale. need; we seldom think of eat- lapsed In the aisle: a choir boy •ex House. Newark. ments away that concerns us. Senator Thurmond is that of;Church, will sponsor a hat Admission price includes re- ing food reported to be good fainted during the ceremony, PART-TIME. Wr are now —Mr. and Mrs. Theodore -^Christian Monitor Science for eyesight. and services weir Interrupted CHE8T • ON - CHEST. d , Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, fashion show at St. Cecelia's freshments. The door priae to tinlnlnn women for part-time r Oaliendo were hosts at a fam- four times while four guests 1 Lourdes Hall. November 12, be awarded will bo one of Miss During the summer, particu- work In an interesting fashion bed, spring HIM ma'i-.., • ily gathering In celebration of A * P taming! rose for half- who was removed from com- Klein's hats. larly, we expose our eyes tolwere revived. field Applicants must b/over Excellent condition fi(ji MK ,J| year. mand and admonished. 4:30 P.M. Mrs. Kronen's birthday. Quests 18 snd able to work 2 to 3 eve-f*5 nlMKS per week. Provide own|_ 1! l| transportation. For personal • interview call from 9:00 A. M. - to 12:00 Noon — HI 2-6414 or BRICKLAYER AND MASON I FU 8-6987 or KI 1-4282. Jtaropean experiencepncedd 10'26-ll/2^UkUMd bomb shelters MALE HKLP WANTED DIRECTORY Call FUlton 1-9306 iColomai. BUSINESS 9/31 -U MEN & WOMEN MRS. SUSAN - Render and! WITH CARS Advisor on all affairs Openl OR ''a-TON TRUCKS dally. Call HI 2-9671 • Sewing Machine Service Deliver telephone directories Adding Machlies - Coal & Fuel Oil Funeral Homes Locksmith Photography Roofing ft Silling - In WoodbridRe, Carteret IF YOUR DRINKINO haj M.| and surrounding areas. come a problem, Alcoholics! Give A Gift That Has Anonymous can help you CaBI F Q^H D S LUMBER"CO. WOODBRIDGE KEY HOVANEC FULL OR PART DAY BI 2-1S15 or writ* P. O BoJ ADDING MACHINES A Henry Jansen & Son / FUEL OIL & LOCKSMITH SHOP Sewing Machine Service ATTRACTIVE RATES 253, Woodbridge. PROMPT DELIVERY Tinnlnr and 11 2-11 3d) .50 AUTO, BOMB Lifetime Guarantee! WK REPAIR Inquire Immediately *39 Automatic "Keep FlUed" Service CUNKRAL Sheet Metal Work 1 Authorized Ac«nt MN and SON HOMES OFFICE KEYS PROFESSIONAL STUDIO SUifM - Phalf - White - N«chi 9 A. M. — 5 P. M. HAVING TROUBLE with your DUPLICATED, tnt WestlnthoiiH • New Home ! sewerage? Electric Smroot- for Free Established 19Oo PHOTO Rooflni Mttal Cellini sm Oil Burner SAFES SOLD. t Kldrlrb - Domestic - and 411 |R. H. DONNELLY CORP er removes roots, filth, «and SMITH - CORONA We will' also Ukr ntn pictures Service to Our 424 East Avenue and Furnace Work foreign Make Machines Elks Lodge 1914, Highway 21 and stoppage from clogged Typewriters Customer! Lawn Mowers Repaired in the front of "ur Christmas JTSfis Perth Amboj, N. J. Rotary Blades Balanced tree for Photo Christmas Cards Metuchen, N. J. pipes, drains and seven. No WOODBRIDGE 8awt Sharpened at no extra cost. 588 Alden Street Please Do Not Phone digging, no damages - rapid OIL 23 Ford Avenue KI 1-9187 BUSINESS MACHINE 10/26-11/2 and efficient. Call Tony'i HEAT Fords, N. j. Paint Specials! ! Woodbridge, N. J. FRANK HOVANEC CO., LTD. plumbing and Heating, ME fr Interior Flat Walt* (In oil) 657 Roosevelt Avenue REAL ESTATE 8007. 250 Amboy Avc.. Woodbridge COAL • LUMBER ) Phone per r,allon _. IJ.U Telephone MKrcurj 4-1246 FOR SALE 11 Ml 3«| (Ncit to Turnpike) BUILDING MATERIAL VAllej 6-0358 Interior Flat Whit* A Colon CARTERET, N. J. SALES & SERVICE (Latei) per (allon _ U& HI 8-0180 AVENEL — 50'xl50' on Tappen ANTIQUES Tel. ME 6-0010 Special Exterior Whit* Paint Street (block 845-A, lots II COAL and Good Quality. Water Softeners and 14). Write: Kovats (owner) I BUY AND SELL ANTIQUEaJ LUMBER CO. Heating-Air Conditioning per gallon ™_ US 26 Pin Pack Road, Rldgefield glass, china, furniture, bric-j •|| Mt KINO OEORGE RD., FORDS T. R. STEVENS Beautician iit AMBOY AVENUE Roofln' and Sheet Metal Work Conn. a-brac, etc. ME 4-5057 Id. MB 4-10M SALES 10-I9/11-16*' 11 2-11 34 WOODBRIDGE 685 ST. GEORGE AVE. Try Th« QUALITY KEATING Open Daily g A.M to j PJit WOODBRIDGE SERVICE Latest LET US & AIR CONDITIONING CLOSED SUNDAY ALL DAT Repain RENTALS by Give a Camera or SuppUet for Hair &olve Your o( all Water Softener Salt Health and Beauty Christmas Designs Music Instruction Buy now at our low prices, and Typet Soft Water Soap Created HEATING PROBLEM Join our Lay-Awaj Plan. Time Sirlmmlni Pool Supplies K&O HEATING payments. Far more than anything else plex procedures Hinrvtr. S bi from GAS - OIL - ELECTRIC Ask Us About Onr Tree Film Plan SERVISOFT (other than your complexion) many cases the an.*™.; '.o Service to Complete Alr-Condltlonln( WARM AIR or HOT WATKB Peter & Janet Kipert Developing & Printlnf OF WOODBRIDGE your teeth are responsible for problem may be qui:. simple Warm Air Heat For example, from ten, »hd Heating Installations Free Estimates - Time Payments Srrrlce on All Types of Films Industrial Eihaust Sjittm 921 St. Georje Avenue your good loolfs. It Is true that Quick Lamination t Photoitat Stella and Aach Motor Guardi Woodbridce people with very good teeth and are too long lor ,ui atir,ir'.:ifl KEBOSENE Serried •rOR FREE ESTIMATES beautiful teeth take them for|appearance or ptopc- Beauty Salon MILANO ME 4-2MS or MI t-SZU 26 Melnzer St., Avenel, N. J. Call ME 4-1815 granted and even abuse them. be skillfully filed to i In a matter of minute ME 4-S150 MErcurr Music Studios GALLARD'S PHOTO Your teeth are responsible Service Stations _| for the younger or older con- Priitiig your keth nitty ,w>i •>• 4-1400 Avenel, N. J. 547 Amboy Avenue tour of your face. They deter- lect, but you like il".'ii •-- Coal & Fuel Oil Home Improvement Woodbridge, N. J. mine the pugnacious Jaw or the they are. If this is lunty yo Call ME 4-36SI sadly receding chin. They even'you will need to do You Too SAVE MONEY determine whether you wllljthe proper care ol TOWNE GARAGE 09 DESERVE THE BEST AVENEL with a local contractor ME 4-8344 smile at all or whether you will egular dentist visiif We Will FRAME ATTIC J. t. Gardner A Son devolp the aging habit of pull- r foods. FUEL OIL Oil SERVICE COAL 4 OIL CO. ing your upper lip dovihi over| (lor 2 rooms and bath) Classifieds 826 Rahway Avenue, Avend 185 AMBOY AVENUE your teeth when you imlle. Meiico expropn.i'.f A:r. plus 6" Insulation Also con- sn-owned tract struct dormers, rec rooms, Leara To Play The Bring Results Woodbridge Many older people who h»Ve extensions, porches, garages MErcarjr 4-154* had unsigntly teetil all their Delicatessen lives have to be taught to anile EUREKA WILLIAMS LOWEST PRICEB FOR QUALITY PIANO-ORGAN W*Tt BpccUUsU In after a dentist has capped thetr Nothing Down— Flrit Payment S Month* ACCORDION Plinblng A Heating - • BEAB WHEEL ALIGN teeth. If you don't think an at- pl-MATICi MAT SHOPPE Call Now - FD 8-3373 Private Instruction! by MENT ud BALANCE tractive smile is Important, Just Qualified Teachen. BBAKE 8EIVICI PRINTING II think how many songs have Advertise 611 Rahwaj Aventw THALER INSULATION been Written about the effects Oil HEATING EQUIPMEiNT Beginners and Advuieed Woodbridg* & ROOFING CO. ui a smile. FREE ESTIMATE Students Accepted. DIAL (Op». WhIU Cturtak 1659 Church St Rahww We/ are told the emotional Call ME 4-5446 Skii Divlig benefits of cosmetic dentistry WARR • SALADS at Thetr Bert Authorised ME 4-1111-2-3 are no startling that pie cap- Your • SODA FOUNTAIN Sales & Service ping of sunslghtiy teeth have COAL & SUPPLY CO. • FRESH BAKEKT GOODS WtLLLOOKATMWJR. actually helped emotionally dis- 785 f\. George Avc, Woodbridge CONN ORGANS SKIN DIVEVG HEATING WITH TRAINED • Announce- turbed people get well more CALL ME 4-0724 Open 7 A.M. to H:5» r.M. K1MBALL PIANOS KNOWING EYES rapidly. Few of us have nbt had GET Is The Best Business INCLUDING. SUNDAYS AND WE WILL the experience of having a JARDOT 6E HAPPY From SEPTEMBER ments friend say that they could not Closed WednewUj All DM RESULTS IWDEEOTD To NOVEMBER understand why mother and ID the IT'S WISE TO ORDER PIANO COMPANY Warmest and CluneM Waton ADVISE • Business father did not do something Drags At Itab lima about their teeth when they Jewelen Woodbridf* DnwnMntor tub pai were young, OPEN DAJLY 10-1 — 1*9. ll-l Etfolator L'niu Cards ' DeiitlsU and orthodontist* have all kinds, of newly devel- Business RAYMOND $49-95 oped techniques up their NOW! • Billheads sleeves. Today, Implanting, Guaranteed Lebigh Movlig & Tricking Guaranteed (or Ou TMt ml JACkSON Plat Frtt lafftj COMTH transplanting and replanting of a teeth wll soon be the order of Free CUSKS On Dtrlaf ~ • Letterheads NUi OR OH 95 and SON ALL WORK the day. Quite often dental cos Move "IDEAL WAY" Theory at "The Reef metlcs are the results of com STOVE ^U FULLY GUARANTEED! Phone Hl-8-3914 Even Monday NIU »t I;M • Programs PEA Druggists FU 8-1667 CMASLO TACU I ME4- AGENT NATIONAL VAN For the world's Inert Service LINES Hone Improvemeit COAL 88 Main Street GOLDBLATTS PLUMBING i 1738 I Equipment "(top In er tall im St Gwrge Are., Atenei ^ HEATING V ME 4-0071 • Signs Woodbridge, N. J. bbwajfi OMtst UUbUahcd BUCK 1 Q 5500 Itm&n l-« Roonu - $10, m, Kt • 667 HAKRElt. AvLNut. MODERNIZE S-( Rowm - m. W. ISO, CALL TODAY COAL IO' TeUpbOM MErcun 4-0514 U last Cherry Street The RAHWAY YOUR HOME Directory 13.1 No Job Too large Partial or Complete OALLOM Ful Oil Uqier Stores REEF erfmlvm Oil 8CUBALAND or Too Small Bath Rooms, Kitchens National prices Start Brand Ceramic Tile, Vanities, 24-Hour JOHN J. BITTIN8 FREE ESTIMATES Service on Telcpbou VErcury 4^.1889 Etc. ill Maket ol At Low •» Bomeri WOODBRIDGE UK 4-4380 Older Homes Our lur last Service MIDDLESEX $7.00 Liquor Store, lie. Specialty Just i Oiu *Um HI) 6-0059 Avenel Ca> tadta* S*rrtcK) ttomvti? Bruag Results WoodbrldK* CRAFTSMEN Activities Avenel Junior Women's Club AVENEL - A board of ell-, AVKNFX - - "P.ilrintiim." A rectors meeting was held by! plmse of thr stntc project of Sisterhood Congregation B'lial' 1.1m Junior Membership Oe- Jacob at the Avend-Colonia parlmcnt (if tl:<" New Jersey Jewish Community Center. Htilr Federation of Women'* Mi's. Jules Isler, chairman of >i. was liir Mioject Of a I.IK; recent Pun Fair reported inr Woman's Club of Ave- the affair a huge financial I mret:ns The women caipe success TII ns American historical li'iur-s Mra Sidney Nochlmson, ways and means vice president, an Ii. conjunction with the nounced the rummage sale theme, pamphlets on "How to which started Monday is still M.-ht Communism" wen) dit- under way at Irving Street, j tnhntrd by MTS, Donnld Roder. Railway. Today's hours are 91 chuii man She also urged A. M. to 7 P. M. Tomorrow Is ln-iubeis to exercise their the last day and hours will be! ;•! tvilCKr and right to vote at fl A. M. to 4 P M. the nenrrtil election Tuesday, According to Mrs Abe Ln- In reporting on the prefl- pldus, a bingo party Is .sched- deiits' eoim«ll meeting held It uled for November 29 at the the home of Mrs. John LtO- Colonla School 22. She will be jnmx, Mountainside, sixth dto- assisted by Mrs. Nathan Lc- itiiit advisor, Mrs. John Egan. vlnsky and Mrs. Jack Green- Jr.. president, announced Ut* span. slrirl music festival Will be A children's party Is being inil ii Mrs. James Man, vice planned with Mrs. David •evident also attended the Oruber in charge. Mrs. Harold outictl. Meltz, vice president of mem- A poster, urging safety at bership, announced the paid- alloween, was made by Mr». up membership party will be 1 Atkins, art chairman. 11A 23 Outlines held November 21 at 8 P. M. at MAKES INITIAIi DONATION: Mnyor Freclr rick M. Adams Is shown making the first con- Eyeglass frames and old Perez- Tornambe WeddingljLihrary Board the center A fashion show tribution to the. Sister Kenny 1 miiidation Fund, while Mrs. Rimrll Mnudy, Colonist, chair- ewelry Is being collected ty conducted by Mrs. George Mil- man of the fund drive, looks on. The Major has accepted the honorary chairmanship •Irs. Anthony P. Graham, ler and Mrs. Daniel Potsdam for the campaign. rallle chairman. She also will Fetes Wukovetz will highlight the evening. .ccept mittens, gloves and St. Anthony's A report was made by Mrs AVENEL — A marked in- :ood, used boots for the chil- ^ )KX)1 23 will present a1 Isaac Drescher on her atten- PORT READING—Miss San- held her veil of Illusion, and' crease In circulation has been ren at the Overbrook School dance at a social-action confer- Deb Ball Junior Group Society Plans or the Blind. Touch and feel duration program at dra Aim Tornambe, duughterUho carried a cascadei of gladi- noted at the Avenel Public Li- l lth ence in New York. Mrs. Elea- woks will be made by members of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tornambe,jolus with an orchid. brary, was the announcement' -8 nor Roosevelt and Morris Laub or blind children. 10 HUh Street, Carteret, and Mil Id of honor was Miss Rita at the recent meeting of the were speakers. Rummage Sale H P.M.A film, "Ten to Ouida. Carteret. Bridesmaids Led by W. J. Lakis, Jr. As a part of the stata project Board of Trustees of the local Mrs. Abe Kramer, organlza will be shown. A dig- Ramon Perez, son of Mr. and|were Miss VlrRinla Fisher, Car- WOODBRIDOE—Plans were 'Pour Plus One", Mrs. Graham tion vice president, announced WOODBRIDGE — Further on the subject of chil- Mrs. Manuel Perez, 130 HoHy|terH, and Mrs. John Trotto library. Adult books are receiv- made for a rummage sale, No- will be In charge of making Mrs. Leonard Leiberman has plans for the Holly Debutante tiiat age group will be Street, were united in marriage;"11'1, Mi^s. ing a larger turnover due large- vember 9 and 10 at a meeting table covers for blind children. Ann Trotto been appointed chairman o: Ball to be held December 28 T.one interested ln at- ly to the good selection of of the Ladles Aid Society of the These covers will feature zip- Saturday afternoon at St. An- cousin of the bridegroom, both the nominations committee at Scotch Plains Country Club volumes now available. Avenel Council First Presbyterian Church. The ers, and button holes, r.'.p program Is asked thony's Church. The double- of Port Reading. Joseph Nardl She will be assisted by Mrs will be made tomorrow night sale will be held at the church ;yelets and shoe strings to help ,ki Mrs. Button, ME-4- ring ceremony was performed' Cartei-f-t, cousin of the bride- Attendance at the Library by the Woodbridge Township 1 Ralph Alter, Mrs. Lloyd Gan from 9 A. M. until 5 P. M. and .he youngsters learn to dress by Hev. Stanislaus A. Milos. '"groom' , wa"'"s" bes'—t' man, Ushe"- —n Workshop and Seminar held Business and Professional To Meet Nov. 12 non, Mrs. Bernard OUner and from 6:30 P. M. until 9 P. M themselves. Bean bags will be ,.• -s to the annual con- were Paul Tornambe, brothe; recently at Lakewood was re- Women's Club at its meeting In Escorted to the altar by her Mrs. Meyer Trachtenberg, AVENEL — Congregation Thursday: from > A. M to 5 P made for recreation and dean, >f the New Jersey juf thi> bride, and Sam Nardl ported on by Mrs. Michael the Independent-Leader Build- father, the bride wore a The group's regular meetln B'nai Jacob will be host to the M. on Friday. Anyono with used stuffed toys will be sent .f Parents and Teach- of Carteret, and John jPetras and Mrs. Andrew Gali- ing. of, Chantllly lace adorned with will be Tuesday at 8:30 ?M Community Council November items for sale may bring them or their enjoyment. I v Atlantic City last Trotto. sin. rhlncstones with a fitted bodice A melodrama, "The Finger oi 12 at the Avenel Community to the church between 2 anl 4 Birthday cards were sent to 10 C0U Ie w111 Miss Ruth Wolk, Deb Ball • | Mrs. Robert Walsh, and IOIIK sleeves Her bouffant;..I' P reside at the The next children's matinee Suspicion" will be featured, ac chairman Center at 0 P. M. Daniel Pots- P. M. and 6 to 9 P. M. Novem- the patients at the New Jersey Holly strret announced that Mrs. Rleh«rd_KUri8.) skirt terminated lii'a cathedral] address. movie will be held at the Ave- cording to. Mrs. Martin Lltinger Indsor J. Lakis, Jr., has ac- dam, the local congregation's ber 8. itate Home for Disabled Mrs. Perez attended Middle- vice president of programming. i,-;i Pryor, Mn. Richard j train. A crown of seed pearls nel School 4 auditorium Satur- epted the chairmanship of a community relations chairman,! Devotions were led by Mrs Soldiers, Menlo Park, by Mra. :. Mrs. Jacob Kotenz; County Vocational and day. The film will be a Bowery unior Committee. Mr. Lakis, George Yates, chairman of the Technical High School, Wood- 1 in charge. Mrs. Joseph|Edward "potter" who" also Told ! - Joseph Kolenz, Pro- Boys comedy. December 9 was ill shortly name his commlt- Herzfeld will arrange hospi- about the 15 Great Hymns b: veterans and armed forces de- ,i!;d conferences cover- brlclcc, and graduated from the scheduled far the annual Ave- Election Dinner tality. partment. Forty one crossword Park Beauty School, Newark. ee, which will also serve as a Doran K. Antrim. A shower fo: : plumes of P.T.A. actl- Miss Judy Cole nel Library's Christmas movie ,ag line, The congregation will spon- the gift table for the coming puzzles were sent to the NIKE She- is emplyed by Kevin, Inc., and more than an hour of ap- < : •• attended. These in- Immediately after election, sor a non-sectarian boy scout bazaar was featured. Hostessei Base, South Amboy, Mrs. Yatea Kclisn. propriate Christmas films and riitinbershlp. program- Plans Complete meeting will be called by Wal- troop Thursday evenings at the were Mrs. John Kreuer, Mrs reminded members there is t> Named Director cartoons will be featured. ;>uiYtit-educatlon, treas- | Her husband graduated from WOODBRIDGE — The Trin- er Zirpolo, chairman of the center. Fred Schwenzer and Mrs. Ed- need by the veterans in hos- h s hoo nd pitals for foreign and com- liil.rity, legislation, safe- WOODBRIDGE-Mis. s Judy, W^W* ™« . , f L? The resignation of Francis ity Episcopal Church will have ,dvertising committee and Hebrew school meets weekly. ward Trost. empl cd 1 memorative stamps. r-.Uinn, budget and ft-Cole has been chosen to direct^. °y Wukovets, treasurer, was ac- its annual election day dinner rfayor Frederick M. Adams Beginners class Is held Thurs- [)lvl s 011 0( National Dairy tical'.li. mental health,!the Circle Player* production of - ' cepted with regrets. Mr. Wuk- and gift sale for the benefit of tiairman of the floor and days at 1:30 P. M. with Rabbi SCOUT ELECTION . und library, civil de 7 p )ducts ishers committee. The youth cooperation de- '• Waltz" of"the' Toredor' 'to" be " C"''u- Carteret. ovets is being transferred to the building fund, November 7, Philip Brand as teacher. WOODBRIDGE—Girl Scou i.d others. 1 partment, under the chair- November 17, 18. 24\ Caracas, Venezuela by the Gen- In the new parish house, Rah- A meeting of the Debs will be The Oneg Shabbot following Troop 50 at a meeting last wee] manship of Mrs. Bruce McKee, executive board will'und 25. at the playhouse, Mar-jwi.:. :„ /V/>«P/I//>#J ral Cable Company. Charles way Avenue ^.Trinity Lane, 5 :alled during the Thanksgiving tomorrow night's religious serv- held election of officers as fol is saving common stamps for ft '.v.dnesduy at the home-tm Terrace and Ruhway Ave-, __ '. Cloldt was named treasurer. to 7 P. M. dinner will be •ecess, when another rehearsal ices at 8:30 P. M. will be spon- lows: Katharine Asbury, presi mission, It was announced a Charles Barry, 55 Cozy nue. fly Brownie Scouts A farewell dinner In honor1 served buffet !e and will in- or the cotillion dances will be sored by Mr and Mrs. Hy Farer dent; Paulette Lasko, vice pres contest will be held among the- 1 elude turkey, vegetables -,eld under the direction of •I'- 8 P.M. i A native of New York City, WOODBRIDGRDG E — BrowniBownie of Mr. Wukovets, was attended in honor of; the birthday of ident and publicity; Dolorei local Brownie and 0irl Scoutt Cole by Mrs. Petras. Mrs. Gallsln salads and rnest Dubay. hfir daughter Rhonda Beth Hennlnger, secretary; Susai |troops to see Which girl saves graduate of Troop 20 presented a short skit 1 Mrs. All Debs who have not as yet Brooklyn College. Lens a stu-lin which two new" gli7s,""susa~n'Mrs. William Kuzmiak, Mr. Wedemeyer, ind by Mr and Mrs. Sidney Rak, treasurer; Patricia Simon the most stamps for the club by iad their picture taken for1 "rizes are Awarded dent of the theater she attended [BauniKartner and Mnry Hoz-j and.Mrs. Daniel Levy and Mr. Mrs. Jojeph Kubldka and Mrs ^Jochimson in honor of their good cheer; Wendy Gallipoll April l. Prizes are to be Pfirfv tne American Academy of Dra-jjan, were Invested into the Cloidt. Mrs. Levy, president, David hair are co-chairmen ;he program book are asked to wedding anniversary. music chairman. awarded. Mrs. William Benson Is in :ali Urban's Studio, ME 4-1047,! -maliJ,™...c. AA*m . an.„,

People enjoy themselves more Can give you when their minds are at ease. If financial matters are your problem, see us for services that free you to make a bigger, mt>re confident bid IMMEDIATE DELIVERY for the things you want out of life. SHIRT LAUNDERING SERVICE on all NOW DONE ON PREMISES! • New Lay-Down • Musing Buttons Replaced • ^g&cd inFUii^ic • Boxed for Storage '62 Chevrolcts • Prompt Service • Expert Workmanship "You Can SEE The Difference" Join our ... CORVETTE BANKING IIOUKS: Mondij-IBuridir » A.M.-3 P.M. rrid« t AJI.-I TJI. CARS... CHRISTMAS Safety for Savings Since 1889 LAST CALL FOR '61 LEFTOVERS . . . JUST A FEW! CLUB The PEBTH AAfllOY m h,veth e GODENY CHEVROLET AND SHIET LAUNUKBEHS for & carefree holiday next Savings Institution ! Begin saving som« of mm Atiior, HUUUUI 354 Amboy Avenue c? W(tek in ft thrtlty M1MMU MBUM KtOUT 30 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret batata,,, am, ^JO,,,^ Thw,-, WOODBRIDGJE » ub puu tht.fi tajor«4 to fit ;fc-RVlCE TO SAVERS iilNCL I 8 (., >l)Ur Pocfctbook and purpose. Phone Kl 1-5123 "Convenient Drive-up Servioe" FRIDAY NOVEMRRH 3. 1961 PACE TWENTY-TWO Unbeaten Frosh 11 Speaking About Sports By MRYKK Win Sixth in Row Recently Detroit Mayor Louis C. Miriani doffed

his jacket and stepped up to a lane of a new bowl- CARTERET -ThrC|1]r ing center in the Detroit suburb of Allen Park. reshmen are still roll 11 Top Teams Win in c J While 1,600 spectators watched, Mayor Miriani Blues Lose To high speed. picked up a shiny, 16-pound ixiwlitig ball, took The team coacned bv u, Fri. Night Mixed SPewak, a8Si.,ted by ,,,, *'. Pare/ul aim and rolled it down the lane. He South River, 13-7 ™ln.made It 8-0 by ,*„,.£'• A fourth CARTERET — The two top knocked down nine pins. CAHTERET • H'Vdrt touchdown an B great earns remained Intact as both laln^gainst Tno tt curlier In thr •eglstered two game triumphs defeat With thr ceremonial rolling of the first ball, a "dill line rolling over South Riv In which the South River n the Carteret Lanes Friday big 20 to 7 score Thi new spectator sport, professional league bowling, (.•inn held Ctirlrri't three times Night Mixed League. The first River Pronh were •e 8oi made its Detroit debut. To the delight ol the open- mi Uii' one ynrd line enabled place Coffee Mat took three unbeaten. ' llir Hnms to upset the Blues. rom Walt and Gene's while The Carteret team win b, ing night fans, the Detroit Thunderbirds went on !:i-7. it ml snap an impressive he second place Greenwalds active this week hj.t w „ „ to defeat their opponents, the New York Gladiators. i«n-Miimr winning streak held Insurance took a pair from two remaining ,,„,„ , wns SPhn's Sport S.hop. t)f The Thunderbirds and the Gladiators arc two of In- thr lorn IN. The closing 1U most surcr«u, ' 'ilnycnl crowd of l!800 The only three game winner son In the hlntorv of fr,,., the ten t°ams representing cities around the coun- funs ii the Cnrtcret stalrium was the Carteret Lanes over the football. ' " Superior Burners. try in the new National Bowling League. .fl-'ld. Carteret scored in th In ilic openlna period Car- The weekly honor roll In ilurted Harold Christensen's period on an 80-ymd d Before World War II. bowling- alleys often were icivt scored H tourhriown when Joe 8lco ran for 30 vn Hii7n- Brown plunRcd over 236, Andy Letso's 213, Lou 81- smoked-filled, unattractive places, catering chiefly pos' 211, 8. Synosky 210, R. the 6-yard line and ' 1 'from thr South River 6-yard to men; some were operated in conjunction with ANOTIIFR PRI/.K WINNKH: Second pri/r in the float division at thr C'artoret parade was awarded to .lohn Ktii.nnwski'* [line Bnrnpy WlPRolinskl made Urban 209, R. Pamr 307, Paul Tlndroskl rolled three lndentl- the extra point. pool halls. Since the war there has been a boom rnrket displ.i'.v Thr display held ronslderablp attention nf those who lined the borough streets. the extra point with a place- ran for the extra poir.;' spare men to plve the Blues a 7-0 ad- cal score* of 182-182-182 for a in construction of modern, air conditioned bowling vantage. patch award, »nd Marge Pas- Carteret tallied twin South River made it 7-8 In tor rolled 21ft anl a big 517 set. •econd period — or . centers, catering to women and even children, as from Harry Burton to ,i Tough!Klein's5&l(l Packers Lose the second period when Ed Ma ,,„ , who covered SO yards i, well as men. The increased leisure time available sielnlckl went through righ The play w set ,„, i,, to many Americans has helped the sport's popu- tackle on a line play. Kolibas Tavern as BarronTeam Holds Slim Lead foTo p 1st Game, 27-18 covered fumble bv i larity. So have televised matches between indi- In the third period £arten> Rlckprt who also ttit>-r>-> CARTERET—Cnrteret faces CARTERET — Klein's 5 and CRTERET — The Packers rolled to the South River 1 paw and recovt-i ^ vidual bowNng stars. yard line on a 34-yard punt re Ties for Lead its toughest opposition of thr! 10 continued with a clqan sweep Team Btandinps: lost their first game of the fumble. turn by Ken Richter and a The ABC estimates that 30 million people now season tomorrow afternoontovcr Frank Bronws to maintain W L season to the Eagles 27-19, in CARTERET — Kollbas' Tav- sustained 38-yard drive to the The third and fnm!i t when the Blues travel to its two same lead in the Car- Duerscheldt Ins. .. 17 7 the Recreation Touch Football ern gained a tie with Leo's Inn bowk at least occasionally, a Wo increase in the South River 1-yard line. Her down cams in the sanv ; Woodbrldge to meet the Bar- teret Lanes Women's League as Cross Keys Rest. 15 9 Leag'ie, Class 'A' division Lo- for first place in the Commer- dus Crodup and Lou Grandell South River concentrated its on a pass from K»\n, \\•'• past five years, ons in their annual contest. the second place Ideal Liquors Qulgley Esso 14 10 jciat and Industrial ptn Inon as combined their efforts to score defense in a gallant style on , Ralph Antonello to ti,,. "- The Barrons are rated a 6 also won two games from Shop- Petco Plating 14 10 they won a)1 tnrM all the ooints for the winners.! Its own croal line nnd repulsed line, with Ralph Owners of the National Bowling League fran- .o 1 favorite to win. but the pers Bakery. Other three game Fireside Realty .... 14 10 against Ideal Liquors while the -Mayer* arrow the Blurs three time before chises are gambling more than 15 million on the :ajteret forces are confident wins. were recorded by Jomar Oliver's Tavern .... 13 11 Crodup got three touchdowns St. Demetrius Men's Club At • ' Carteret lost the bull on downs Slco ran for the extm ;,,, hey will give Woodbridge ''a Homes over Alys Dress Shop Iseiln Lumber ... 13 11 and the extra point, while rented Leo's Inn. South River scored »>: , theory that many of the people who like to bowl and No. 14 Dudkas over Treat Tills practically sent Carteret's •iin for their money". Mlele Excavating 13 11 Orandell scored one touchdown John Oural with a 345-574 touchdown in the fm.i Shoppe. and two extra points. Crodup stocks downward for the rest will also be willing to pay their way in to watch The WoodbrldRe team has Oak Tree Drugs 12V2 11>'2 i\nd Walt Olnda with 563 were t*r. Two game victories were scored once on a kickoff return. of the too much for Ideal Liquors. oiled up 113 points this season Majestic Lanes 12 12 The score bv period^- matches between teams of professionals. The out- turned In by Hudson Protective Turco and Relford teamed up South River «131 Mike Bodnar led St. Demetrius n running up a tremendous St. George Phaim. .. 11 13 Carteret - • •• n lay includes the cost of building or renovating of four wins, one loss Agency over No. 9 Reskos, Bill's Mauro Motors 11 13 !to get all the points for the, ENDS - Smutko. Blam.L,th 206-206-199 for a fine auditoriums, some of them seating up to 5,000 and one tie game. The Blues Gulf over Port Reading Esso Clccone Welding 11 13 I losers. Turco scored twice andjChmura. „, !of 610, while Lou Butkocy led nave won two and lost four, and Tony's Shell over No. 6 Wlshbow Brothers .. lO'/i 13'b- once and the extra; TACKLES • - StroumtsosJi^.,, wlth 575 persons and player saiaries for the six-month 135- but have shown tremendous Vitcavage. Duffy TW 10 14 Point. Troziak. Gasik. Davis. Slen The Hill Bowl tied St. t match season ending next April. mprovement in the last three Big series were rolled by LIU Oak Tree Cleaners .. 9 15 : Score by periods: metrius for third place « they Dafgek 175.189.198 for a total Iseiln Shop-Rite 7 '17 [Eagles ...... 6 7 7—27 GUARDS — Csatilrl, Bevac- swept Taml Contractors, with games. qua. Jawldzik. Caslk. Krezes- Cities represented in the league in addition to The comparative records of!of S62. Marge Russo 177. 188 Town .Pharmacy 9 15 Packers 0 6 7-19 Tony Calabreie rolling a big Detroit and New York are Dallas, Fort Worth, the two teams follow: [and 168 for a 533. Vera Stra- ISELJN — Duersche In the second game in 208 for the winners. Hijjh Series St jcapde 173, 161 an 175 for a 509 A CENTERS — Koziatek, Mio- Sltar's Shope-Rite also swept Comparative Records surance defeateTQuigfeyi Es-!' ' ™mi>etitton. the Vikings CARTERET — F,\n\ -• Kansas City, Los Angeles, Omaha, Mmneapolis- CARTERET HIGH land Helen Kelly 156, 181 and won thelr thlrd duszewski. its match as Andy Letso rolled ••(I i so in three straight games tol same,of the BACKS — Dustal, Zyzkow- iew high three-ifniiii- •; St. Paul, San Francisco and San Antonio. E. Brunswick 7 ! 171 for 508. season to tie tlio Packers for a 576 set against Mattel's Sun- 0 take over undisputed possession ski, Chikelden, Maglelnicko. 250 in toppine the ;ir Matawan 25 the lead with a 38 to 12 wal- oco. V of first place by two lengths in Dustnl, DnimrijBit, Przybylko. mark held by the H < Metuchen 13 loping of the winless Steelers. In the final matches Sammy 0 the St. Cecelia Knight* of Co- Dulskl. Kenyo. ' seven pinns. As s IP-I; 25 Roselle Park 14 Wes White scored three times Ray's won two from the Car- Is The Ideal Liquor Holds American Bar lumbus Bowling League. The Carteret 17) fvo's took three can:' • 7 Sayreville 6 three defeats dropped the Gas-for the winners, one on a kick- teret Amoco and Strollers Bak- — Sisko, Koby, Taylor,ipry" he Hits and Misses T.'i Communist Timetable Four-Came Pin Lead 7 South River 13 off return of 60 yards. Richie! >e J. and O Chiera scored two touchdowns;1^'11- ither three gnmi' MII,:V The Insurancemcn were led by television five. fontex over the Comcb CARTERET — Ideal Liquors Defeats Almasi and Saginero also scored for TACKLES — Nagy. Kamien- For World Conquest 46 78 Al Canevari's 540 set. Two game winners ::: holds a bis four-game lead over Won 2—Lost 4 CARTERET — Led by John- the winners. Chiera had two ski, Carney, Wiegolinski. R.C.'s over the T! ]• Scheno's Cities Service in the ny Schimpfs 230-212-615 set Paced by Vic Golia's 608 set and Geore Buchak GUARDS — Markowitz, Kas- On Schedule? WOODBRIDGE HIGH itones over the S(ui'«- and George Wasilek's 574, the extra point. For the cur. Hill, Porzio. Add it up. 1949, Tuesday Nibht General Demo- 19 Jefferson 7 Spouses, Sad Sack1: nv. American Bar' team defeated and combined wth Dick Punk;sjlosers ,t WM ntrik'vtrutfa CENTER — Wadiak. cratic Leaiuic. Ideal Liquors 7 Union 6 Rambling China. 1951, the Almasi Trucking, winning 200 and George Rickerhauser's BACKS — McMahon, Man- Five Spares and the Sh-,rl 13 Plainfield 14 two touchdowns that accounted Tibet. 1954, scored a two game victory, three games and dropping Al- 201 the Cross Keys Restaurant I jtie, Phillips, Richter, Brown, Strikes over the Nehi's N. Vietnam. 6 Linden 6 combinnnmkinae scorecHd turtwno ui^rrtt'ifrvictoriecs i ' Bill Koltbas bowled a while Scheno's won by :i sweep trmsi's into second place, per- Score by periods: iSwingler. and 1961, Cuba. So 46 Perth Amboy 6 game of 195. The lmnnr : centage wise. over Petco Plating. Vikings 13 12 Score by periods: far the Com- Len Scheno hit the honor Trenton 12 iluded Cliff Grecnt>M v : Caruso's Five hold third Pete Pryslak's 213 game was Steelers .6 0 Soutn River 6 7 oil with a mark of 208. ° ° —!3 Drummond 201, J rw munist time- place on a twa-game win over I instrumental in averting a Rumbfing 113 51 iCarteret 7 0 0 0—7 R. LagO 201. Clark Or- table is on schedule! But in Eastern The,team standing follows Guy's Electric on Nick Caruso's lutout for the Platers. The Won 4—Lost 1—Tied 1 I Touchlowns: Brown, Magiel- 228 and J. Lynch :ID. Europe you can fight Commu- W 575 and Bob Yakubisin's 570, iuble win helped Cross Keys WHkB.Z. liism through Radio Free Euro/pel main within Ufo games nicki, Zyskowski. Ideal Liquor 18 The pants and pullovers lhatjwhile Guy Womelsdorf rolled Mail your contribution now to: ie leaders. SBears Upset by PAT: Wiegolinski (kick* Recreation parade draw Scheno's Cities Serv. .. 14 have been so popular for at- ""572" for the losers. Dulski, . Tony "Doc" Cicala had the Although Mike Sisko hit a| arge crowd of participants at RADIO FREE EUROPE FUND Muller Agency 13 home entertaining are to be 2 set, high for the night, on Officials: Balesterri, Deter- Darabs Win J to Box 1««2, ML Vernon. N. Y. followed this season by mnrelonly 600 set as he led Mullers thousands lined sidewalks Hill City Cleaners .... 10 .mes of 217, 230 and 165, the Giants, 26-18 ing, Berman, Catale, Sayreve. jwatch Carteret youngsters hav< PuUuhed la a public service in eo-op- 15Jfeminine and more sophistl- Agency to a sweep over the CARTERET — The Bears Tony's Shell 9 elin Lumbermen lost two to their fun. The warm weathei traiim wi(h The Adxtlising Council Don's Construction 9 16 cated costumes. Economy Aluminum Corp. with e Fireside Realty quintet. BUI lost their first game of thei HoldBipLfaJ a 601 total. season to the Giants by a score helped make the annual affai: eavy, shooting 200 in the first George Murdock rolled 597 of 26-18, but still lead the a huge success. Committee ex CARTERET — D;n .ii- ;ame, helped to equalize one of pects even a bigger and bette: all three game.'. ". for the Gold Jewelers and Matt Recreation Touch Football isko's big games. parade next year, Builders U) maniU" ' Hdzielak rolled 575 for Lou's .League, Group 'B' division, by Football League same lead in the Cm!••:•• [Tavern, but the match went to Miele Excavating won a pair]a ,ull game_ The Giants were Senior basketball leagues are the Gold Jewelers, two games rom Oliver's Tavern on the CARTERET — The Packers making plans for the comin, iLeague. All the ut!-.••: ed by Bill Eagan, who scored (ncored two-game vn'<>:.> to one. • .length of John Miele's 203 ;hree touchdowns,, one on a and the. Vikings are all tied up season. Teams have signed new Joe Pendlck rolled 570 for ame. Pat Rog^n's 235, high for first place in the Carteret players and many changes 1 eluding Slovak Cluh " • un of the entire field. Miller and Al'5, Academv A :• Mara's Polishing and Plating :ame for the night, was need- icored on a 6-yard run and al- Recreation Department Flag line-ups will even the league id to salvage the second game Football League, Class A' di- VBA.'i and Sums I ,:.• and Fred Roman 573 for Kay's so made the extra point. Den Notices will be published as tc |li: Restaurant, with Mara's win- Ciccone Welding also took vision, while the Bears hold the I time and place for meetings. ette over Lord Mi«'* 1 Kulick made the final extra ning two games. wo games from Wishbow point for the winners. Smith No. 1 position in the Class 'B' i Top teams In the Rec (lag Steve Biniewtt? -!•';'!'• division. honor roll with a so•:•• Tony Perraro's 571 and Lou irothers, the hard luck team scored twice on passes from football leagues are expert Othen were R Pa':xK Genovese's two games of 200 if the league. Mike Mastran- Dennis Morton and Green Team standings follow: encing losses. Packers lost the] gave Almasi Tavern a two- elo's 210 and 201 games CLASS 'A' first game in the Class A leagu SlCfl, 200. Andy O;i:•. ••• • scored on a 40-yard run to ac- f game win over Stan's Tavern. oupled with Q. Angeline's 203 Standings u of November 2 and the Bears also lost in th Ed Ozatkowslci W M-.- count for the 18 points for the 1 In the final match the Idea: :ame in the second game was W Class B league. Teams kowltz 220. TPd B;-:-.' more than sufficient to offset osers. Joe Malek, Jr 22Z V: ••'• Liquors won two. games from Score by periods: Packers 3 1 playing better ball and .. , DON'T BE ACutter's Amoco. iarold Schuebel's 202. Harry Vikings 3 1 night's games should be good 200. Phil Straus 13—26 lahlll's consistent 583 set was jiants 0 6 01 M6 an(i Walt Prosek of the American Bears 12 6 0—18 Eagles 2 2[ones With perhaps more upseta.CaPP * Barr had the high game of the ot enough to aid the Auto In the second game in Group Steelers 0 4 fqr the top teams. i206 night with a 246 tally. 'arts' team. B1 competition, the Colts shut CLASS B' High school football team Mauro Motors, paced by Ted out the Rams by a score of 12; Standlnn as of November 2 lost to South River ii to 7 In November 13 at .V.i'l. Jleksiak's 209 in the first to 0, and evened their season's w the last period. Team was sur-son Freshmen lu1. ;ame, took two games from Bears record of two wins and two 3 11 prised by a stubborn defense by scheduled for FYi'i.i Eagles in Lead Duffy's TV. The Repair Men GianU losses. A passs ^rom JohnnJohnny 2 South River. A few costly mls- 17 at home. were led by Mike Tirpak's 514 Colt* . 2 2 takes and there went the ball Tomorrow'* (f«»" set. Klndzierski to George Hasek InUSMRLoop gave the losers their first score Rams 1 3 game bridge will DISH Towne Pharmacy and Oak Opponents , tin''1' ' and Bill Schnorbus Intercepted - | Freshmen keep on winning, Tree Drugs both took twi CARTERET — The Eaglei a pass to get the other score, [Colt* 12—12 beating an undefeated South team and have <-.:. games from Iselin 8hop-Rite 11 took the lead in the U.S.M.R Score by periods: 'Rams o_ glRlver team 20 to 7, with a fine game to Plaint- Handicap Bowling League b; and Majestic Lanes, respec 'crowd coming to see the game. by 1 point. Could t» winning three games over thi lively. Next Freshmen game will be and i lot of scon:- Bombers, Using Al Prongay's 202 to Last week the Pilot Plan good advantage, the Oak Tret won three games over the Tank Cleaners managed to take one High School News SHER House. Two game winners wen game from St. George I Phar- the Ski-Boys over the Giante macy Dick Coburger's 932 for bridge Erection Shop over the Mali the Cleaners and Ed Ration's Wooc By DOROTHY STEIN courtesy to her fellow students • • • Office and the Raiders over thi 520 for the Druggists led their' and teachers. BUY ONE! Pents. teams. The Carteret Chapter of the vs. M* Frank Kuc hit a 247 and RlbicoH asks jobs for Cubdh ational Honor Society fat- November 13-13 lias been A Portable Dishwasher g 574 series, refugees. tended a one day seminal at named Student Council Week TERET Farleigh Dickinson University, in most high schools. Curteret's CAF Richards signs 3-year pact to; Nuclear test ban is stalled at ,t Rutherford, New Jersey Student Council will try to plan be used in any kitchen build Houston. IU.N. Nine members along with Miss many 8. O. activities during BROADCAST lchey, advisor, and Miss Gib- hat week, Including us annual ley, took part in a discussion ake sale, meetings, assembly! flSimply roll to sink and attach PAUL'S GRID PICKS in current events. The chapter Kram, and dance on No- SATURDAY at 5 ember 17. (Gamef to be flayed Saturday! is now carrying out a tutoring to faucet program every morning for in- Delayed Broadcast Following RUTGERS Favorite terested students. , The Annscott News editors E3 Holds 12 place settings. Woodbrldge over Carteret ,and advisors have been Invited Asbury Park „. " Freehold to attend a one day seminar for FM Sulth period French I Club high school newspaper editors AM ®Pre-rinses, washes, rinses and LJnden _ " Thomas Jefferson has elected its officers for the PlaJnXteld ™w " New Brunswick and advisors on November 21 coming 'year. They Include at the Home News office in dries j-automatically. Edison ^, " Union Raymond Blallk, president; Springfield 11 North Plainfield ., New Brunswick Afternoon dis- Play.by.Play by Art Michellne Hila, vice president; cussion groups have been ED Dishes and glasses cotne Westfield " Hillside Barbara Brown, secretary; Cranford • Roselle „_ planned for the purpose of ex- and Cliff Haycock of WCI'C Micheal Holden, treasurer. changing experiences and views sparkling clean. Scotch Plains . " Rahway This and EVEET GAME this Highland Park " Middlesex ... relative to Individual schools' At this Friday's assembly, we publications. Speakers Include broiifht U» TOO HI CommnoitT Piscataway , _.... " Bernardsville Berrlce by: Red Bank Catholic — " Middletown . had as oui guest, a representa- Hugh Boyd. Publisher of the BUY A DISHWASHER Manasquan ..^_ " Matawani tive from the State Troopers of Home News, John K. Quad, Ex- AT • Brick Township __.. " Red Bank ... New (Jersey. The trooper gave ecutive director-editor, Wilson an enjoyable Uik on the duties Barto, Staff Reporter, and r& MOLNAR ELECTRIC CO. YOUR FAVORITE STORE I South River L ,, " East Brunswick _ Trenton „_,...__ r Perth Amboy training, and adventures of our fessor Richard Hlxson from the Woodbrldge, N. J. Metuchen __. . M Berkeley Heights .. State Troopers, Rutgers University School of Journalism. Dorothy stein and PUBLIC SERVICE Clark " Roselle Park South Plainfield _— " Watfihung - 18 The-Courtesy award for the Oall Blotwlnskt, co-editors, Mi- STERN & DRAGOSET ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY Montolalr " Wes); Orange 40 month of October went to Bar chellne Malwltz, News editor, bara Brown, a Junior. This and Mr. Rlch»rd TAXPAVtNQ SERVANT OF A QRKAT STATE " Record to dale: Won 94, Lett 1«, Avenge; Jtt award was given on the basis REALTORS faculty advisor will attend the Woodbridge, N. J. of Barbara's politeness and seminar. L THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 10R1 mate joe Kollar's otre Dame Passes Doom the end aone. fumble in Bears tackle the Colonla Kagles »„„.„ »t nine o'clock at Merrill Park nunter Holy Cross in Flag L • ' - Wind lip peMay the iseUn Westburyl WOODBRIDGK — Joseph Woodbridge Sophs Romp to 38-0 ,„, stimdlngs: College »t»r. « Ue the WWoodbridgo e Lions at 10. Hog an, the Hunter Safety I imtrrn Division eedy J 80 , *'„*?« ,!? °hn Council Instructor, announced Soccer Team this morning that the final phase of the annual safety ,1111 , 3£? To Make Home Debut Victory Over Thomas Jefferson Hnli course will be held tomorrow down to a 12-0 reversal to a WOODBRIDGE — The WOODBRIDOE — Playing morning at the Civil Defense by far its most impressive game Western Division hard fighting Colonla Eagle Woodbridge Hungarian soo- bulldlijg on outer Main street. of the current fall season, the the .scoring act early In the first and later Johnny Macilusn In- Iclub at Merrill Park, eer team is scheduled to period when Charles Mactolek instrumental In holding Thom- The course Is a necessity for | Woodbridge High School Soph- tercepted a Tee Jay pass and as Jefferson l After a scoreless first hall, make Iti home debut in the all hunters seeking their Initial omores, coached by Herb Hol- scooped a Tee Jiiy fumble on[returned the bull 30 yards for scoreless were quarterback Tom Barcellona New JeracV Slate Leftgne the visitors' 20 yard line, and Tony Buccola. John Mucaluso. ('loss license In the state of New Jer- loweii and Lou Kuhn. romped the Barrons' final touchdown Charles Maclolek, Harry ; college sot the Eagles rolling when he Sunday afternoon opposlnr a sey. A test will be given at the to a 38-0 victory over Thomas frdhi there, rambled Into the of the afternoon. threw a 'Jump pass to his right end zone, Richie Smink's kick Schwsrtr and Fred Kaerorow- Delayed by tw6 itronf Dlederkrani elab from conclusion of the course and Jefferson in a one Bided game The Barron* defensive stars skl. , ii;vv rained out schedul- end Jay McManus, who snared Trenton, The game will itart only those passing the examin- Plnyed at the local stadium. for the extra point failed. E I the ball and raced 28 yards for ,-,.., (he St. John Vlanney promptly at 2 o'clock, r" ation will be eligible for a 1981 The yomig Barrens got Into Woodbridge turned an Inter-; ,1 Fhi:: Football' League re- a touchdown. The score *e- license. cepted pass into a touohdown mained jI-0 when Greg Hayes John Hercteg, the team's ss midway through the Initial perI- Fords Bearcats Drop 6-0 i failed In his bid for the extra secretary, disclosed the fact iod. When the ball was hauled! games py (point. that the Hungarian club has down on the 30, two plays car- \ ,yivnl Avenue field. it 20-13 been reorganised and has a use of the sliotgun and safety Quit* as Grid Coach Kaxtern Division, No- Midway through the fourth measures while In the field. On rled the Bairons to the four, future games desire to post a more Impres- from where Bill McQueeney hit Decision to County Team ,;.,< sliced a pasalnj show .. cnnira schedulescneduled period, Bob Woods Intercepted sive record than latt year's Sunday afternoon from 1:30 to SOUTH RIVER - William I Denny, whose teams had a 187-pay dirt on a dive play. Smink's ,.K WJ i» 29-7 decision over for Pennsylvania Avenue field an Iseiln pass and raced 47 team, which finished In third 4 P. M., a firing course will be WOODDBBiDa&-Hard luck ders drove down to the 10 yard 1 99-25 record accurate kick made It 13-0. citiss. will be played at the new Co- yards down the sidelines for place In the final league given along With the final ex- during ht» continued to plague the Fords strip, from where Joe Boeczi, years on the p* om where ;• cijoi. the Irish quarter- lonla Junior High School foot- another touchdown. The tally standing!. aminations. the job,, resigned as With time running out In the PPed thelrthelr aa t8lenu-d runnerrunner Mv d the In p« three touchdown ball site from now until the froze at 13-0 when Doug Den- {he South Klver High football opening quarter. Woodbridge r™ ^ ^° I ii -- "* close of the season. nis' attempt for the extra point An invitation ha* been ex- ihniiijf the (tame, two to coach. Dissatisfaction with the drove down to the lour yard ourth game of the season In remaining distance to pay dirt. failed tended to the Woodbridge EAST-WEST CONFMCT cooperation received from the stripe to set the stage for Gene e . .luiiiiwm and one to Phil High School soccer team to the Pop Warner Central Jersey The score remained extr6-0a whepoinnt , ir. Johnson got on the Colonla's big guns were Bob , President Kenned-y. sees no school board was the reason Daley, who fent the rest of the Brunswice t 8 k byredH a 0-0 rscort ofe thfailede . attend Sunday's game as liven by the veteran mentor, IST^ on a fumbl: le !!! " i «*** «>* ^e extra point :.,; end later In the game Jardot. Pete Carle, Greg Hayes guests of the Hungarian Club [easy or early halt to East-West way on a quarterback sneak. 3rd Straight and Bob Woods. collisions "which have pushed Denny's biggest gripe 1» that Smink's kick for the ertra point The Bearcats threatened 1A i M nruig aerial to Phil management. Both Fords and New Bruns- the fourth period when Richie : !,.•. Notre Dame added Two games are scheduled mankind to, as he views it, the the boys on his squad have to dropped Thomas Jefferson fur- wick resorted to defensive foot- walk 1 !i miles before and after . -"•>• •«*"•-,ix:wuLewisi interceptemtercepieda aa paspass oon nhw» :,l)tirmnl points to Its to- for Saturday morning In the gravest danger point in all ther behind, 20-0. If pants are worn they should practice each day "I don't ball and as a consequence, the own 15 and scampered 70 yarfe ', FMdle Oraboaki nailed For Giants Junior Division at Fords Park. oe wide and long and history. A 22 yard pass play from Mc- worn think It la right, but the school scoring was held to a minimum, all the way to the New Bruns- , ,ii. r ball carrier In the The Woodbrldge Giants meet with a blouse. The talks he and Secretary Queeney to Johnny Qulnn ac- 1 Junior Division board refuses to do a thing counted for a touchdown in the It was evident early In, the game wic• k• 15- wher• e •he was brought me iselln Steelers In the first ~ o"*f "»»«Stat>e tvuiRusmk nuvhav«e mhad with down from behind. At this trrllcln velve 8 1 1 about It," Denny said. second period. The score re- that a break would finally de- T Bamc at nine o'clock and the .^ * 8 t gown has a R" * *! Foreign MlnisMinistet r Gro- point the County Seat team miss accounted (or Its Woodbridge Giants velvet and ls worn myko in th mained 26-0 when the kick for |dde the issue and it did when - Iselln Packers engage the CoCo-- ad ta w with i the e laslast t fefeww weeks liii-n Kenny Hilarwyk Colonla Titans Dow Finstcrwald placed sec- the sacred Heart eleven recov-.held firm to protect their six Ionia Tltans in the second a wWte eotton biouse, have failed to produce immedi- the extra point failed. . ,1 75 yards for a Isclln Packers ond to Doug Saunders In the ered a fumble on the Fords" 25!point lead. 2 at 10. In the Intermedl- ate hope of achieving agree- Woodbridge clicked for two yard line. Coach George Hart's MI and passed to Bob- Iselln <9ers 1956 Canadian Open, the 1958 scores in the third period. Jlm- 1 D'vlsion, the Port Reading'rrom New York, scientlstsjment on Berlin, Kennedy told With the ball resting wlthintcats travel to Sayrevllle Sunday :|, for the extra, point, Iseiln 8teelcrs recent news conference. 0 th Sfrom ™ r'clced clear vl™ °< »»» fords' endlafternoon to meet the :.f.va. the top team In Division tne first from one yard outgone, the New Brunswick grid-'vllle Bombers. vrn Division with two Intermediate • uncorked a multiple - W •.hicli roared to a 4«-7 Iselln Viklng.-i 2 r MarquetteMarqutte.. Co.orua Eagles 2 Woodbridgdge ColtColt*""* ™ 2 Donnellyy hit MarquettMaquette Pt. Beading Bears game wheh n hhe ln- 1 WHO ARE THE POLITICAL BOSSES? iselin Wst'by Lions pass tthrowh n 0 b 1 u.as and sprinted / FORDS - The Woodlirldge 40 ;iay dirt. , *- Giants made It three straight ilcats1 mo*t outsUnd- In the Junior Division of the See And Read For Yourself... Here Is The ACTUAL STORY of on the field was Recreation Flag Football ci.mifl. scoring three League by defeating the Iselln . nil jaunts of 40 and 49ers at Fords Par*. i ,(i on a 20 yard pus1 Woodbridge gave a demon-1 REPUBLICAN BOSSISM •, Gonzalez returned stratlon of It? offensive strength 1 y:irds and Jackie In the first period when tackle (I off his right tackle Bucky Bretheriok: smashed his; i:

|1 J runner brewed l!6 yards for a ' third quarter, score. A successful quarterback I off a Bps- sneak for the extra point llllx evened it up »b 1-1- ' Ks KOOD I : The combination of Morales 0RDEE TO BOARD ' China is looking to Czmyr, on a1 pitch-out play.

fourth quarter, and as a 'result, the 24 yard scamper for ii Ported ln:a SCqrt- handed the cilts if 13- 'l)ai 1 representa.^ e(tyt, jerry Kadash ran the !«•', Govern-^janl point over to drop the Fd C»na- Bf-ars orhind by a full seven authorl-!po;nt. , , °"lj' lar8« slilP-i Latf in the.' fourth frame VQffE '"'at for 1S63 but'po,t Ktadllig drove down to s l( i finance them. |(he Wuodbrldte two, (wm 1 t'ttlamltlei" were where Tom Cor-pola crossed the M'|1KHH agricultural I final at ripe on a quarterback t:'i; lust two years;sneBk. The ull important extru l|;lnill LINE < their summer|point was made when Frank !cundarl recovered his tcain- Tournament Listed j" 's Schedule 1 :1 TUESDAYl TUESDAY 'NSWICK --. A 23 TIIL' Scarlet, which nad ail '"Jail schedule, ln- 1JI-1O record a year ago, will be ''"lk'i'uUoii In a captained this winter by Joel 1 '"unwment. wasau- Osofsky of Bayonnc, a 6-4 " Hutgcrs by Albert .senior forward. NOV 7 th "• director of tth- NOV. 7th ( KNfTRAL JKKSKV D !|l t GaOL'P IV CONFERGNCK ,' ; ' , under Couch ' STANDINGS VICTIMS OF REPUBLICAN VVVUiK ~ F1UKI) FOR SU1MM)KTIN(J GARVAN ,;""• will Inaugurate Team W L T af ;»'' St. Joseph's of ''' »"d Mh Asbury Park 4 0 0 Linden 3 0 » U ''ompet0 In a two. ;,•""';;*• tourmmunt In Edison -• 1 ° Woodbridge * l CONDEMN BOSSISM: Vote For WALTER C. GARVAN . ",- with Albright, l -»

couple complete wtth!Oraba.shi. Carol \,er aiT candidates for reelection. this community has ever had." voters to make certain that a j On behalf of the Iselln Citi- Job well begun by this RepuWl- CYO Sponsors skull, voo-doo stick, and shield: jMaurei. Judith LywrZftw Groun Honors "Our door-to-door canvass second prize, »10, to Joyce ^?Rn?; Jn Mothers llrat- Admlnlptratlon in Wood- i!! Awnrris vvrir presented to hrldRp Townsn|P Bn(j ild "2 CUYS" Vduoblt Robert Roehm. Gary Roach, M|( M]. particular Laurence Rnnch. Craip O.ssen-" for fort, Harold Hart. Robert Cron, TRADING STAMPS I Mlchrte] Hnmlll, Richard Cuth- For Cub Pitch !So, 48 UVI "2 MM" HUM tertflon, Richard Rapp. Dennisi _, , , , Sana, Thomas ReeX James1 ^E«N - The lenders of mtv MT. ua mS Towell and Robert Bennett. Cub Pack 48 will meet Monday . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Luna, w with Mr. and Mrs, Herbert arc Commltteeman and D Uflmill, Avon Terrace. •lias Ifother respectively, received Den Mothers are needed. HOURS: MTUMINANr Another Den Mother has left MPARTMBn tour-year pins, the organization, leaving the OPEN DAILY AND ELECTION DAY TILL 10 „ For attendine the Cubaree, pack with only five den moth- OPEN SATURDAY TILL 11 June 10, at Merrill Park, boys ers. Ordinarily thre are eight OPEN SUNDAY TILL 8 Route 9, •ere presented with necker- den mothers In the Pack. Many chiefs as follows: boys must be turned away, be- Robert Teffenhart. Louis Se- cause to do a job well, a Den panski, GreRory Orolss, .Henry Mother can only take charge of Clements, Domlnllk Savasta, limited number of boys. Any- Ronald Gornlck. Robert Black. one Interested please call Earl Harold Hart, Anthony Policas- Ossenfort, Committee chair • ARMOUR STAR - SWIFTS PREMIUM • tro, Louis Babato, Fred 8llbon,|man. LI 8-8737. Robert Boehm. Steven Rte-L dardi, anl Thomas Rees knwth& t A Halloween skit was pre- T,.f ° sented by Den 1, Mrs, Donald irm nobody's fool." Walter, Den Mother, directing. "Cheer up, boy. Maybe some- As part of the Charter pres- body will adopt you" entation the Cubs repeated the Cub Scout Promise. The Cubs held their annual ABOUT YOUR HOME Halloween party Friday at the '2CUYS •Jlrst Presbyterian Church, Oak In most sections of the USA. Tree Road. the gardens are in a very un- Games were played and re-attractive stage. However, in freshments were served. Silver order to be happier over next dollars were given for prizes to spring and summer's results, Robert Teffenhart, Jeffrey La- now is the time to put in some Marca, Ronald Gornick, George hard work and planning. Maxwell, Vincent King, Glenn Make a compost pit, which is ete Davis, William Trenery. Mi- very easy and an important ehael Hamill, Laurence Roach, I "must" for impoverished soils. •nd Robert O'Connor. Simply dig a pit one to three " Cake Mixes feet deep and five or six feet In diameter, depending on the amount of compost needed. Ar- fc Yellow S Devil Food Holiday Plans range alternating layers of mi l n . ileavesie , weeds, stalks and ma- re. Add to this a quart or so Made by rostI* a good commercial fertilizer. J lot „„ i Moisten and turn frequently. 19 oz. pkg. ISELIN - George WaylettjA]]ow thoroUgh decomposition for was named Civil Defense Chair before using, man and Joseph Zabresky, Post start new beds at tnis time Adjutant at a meeting of Iselin,by incorporating manure and V™ Post- I bone meal deep in the soil and The dinner given the Little allowlng the soil to remain League Champs, sponsored by turned until spring. Also, put the Post, was a complete suc- wood ashes on beds to be dug cess. Chairmen were Hugh;next sprjng Gilroy Joseph Zabresky and Perennial" borders should be SPRING WHOLfOHLY Mrs. Gilroy, assisted by Mrs. LAWB mulched after the ground is LKSOf Charles Weinschenck, Mrs. S 1 frozen or very, very cold. Somei A. Devlin, Mrs. Walter Rechko, reliable mulches are buckwheat Mrs. Zigmund 8molen, Mrs. hull5i leafmold and peat moss. John McTighe Mrs. Edward In many pavts of the country Dziombak, Mrs. L. E. Hull, Mrs.;it is or soon wU1 te> rose. Joseph Strasser and Mrs. Jo-)plantirg tlme Good piants Rib lamb Chop seph Zabresky. t be chosen ^ the flrst Plans were discussed for a| lace to have . rewarding Christmas party, New Year'sjblf)Oms Reraember> nol aU va. •in Lamb Chops Eve party and a minstrel show. rietles are ^m bardy. ^ect The next meeting of the PostLhe variete which experts will be November 9, at 8:30 P.M.jhave found can stand youl. cli. mate. Good, strong varieties BONUS SPECIAL LON(? ISLAND-U.S. #1 GRADTA FINAL HOP .IN SERIES are not often bothered by in ISELIN — The last in the sects or diseases. Japanese eiSStU, FUUVi-GAUONRUG current series of Teen Hops will beetles are not attracted to red foe held Sunday at the VFWones quite so much as to the Post home. The band featured light-colored ones. i SHAMPOO will be "The Nlte Riders." The Be sure to choose bloomers' AND 22 OUNCE CAN OF C VFW Teen Committee, epon- because they are just as easy sors of these hops to the keep;to grow as the shy varieties, WAX REMOVER the teen-agers busy. Minimumiand a lot more fun. Consider Me for attenling is 13 years.[the kind of foliage the plant The dances are held from 2 toihas. Look for good, sturdy FREE 8 P.M. I stems and thick, shiny leaves, Bisscll rug shampoo, the choice of Mrs. Home* maker.. . twice the cleaning power of other leading brands. Safe for all rugs and carpets. POTATOES^ HOUSEWIVES! Odorless, non-toxic, non-flammable. With $2.00 •-i • * NEW PRICE POLICY LIST S3.98 food purchoM at the I" • JFJ>URCHASED KPARATIkY $2.69 WESSON OIL 24-01. 38*01. MAJESTIC LANES • PRODUCE DEPT. • 4*£ per GAME Every Monday Afrrniiw WCfONJUl, OOC thru Friday till 4:30 P.M. PDA DEC ML0«U, (Except Holidays i lOAtniEMT itch .49* Open Bowling Every Night— • nozm FOOD DEPT. • CaU VA 6-6800 BOWL FOR FUN AND HEALTH—KEEP IN SHAPE—ENJOY AN AFTERNOON AT THE Sweet Potatoes s 125 fl PIROGIES isE 33' MAJESTIC LANES LETTUCE p ssl4c PECAN TWIRlSr, 33' Route 9 & Penn, Ave. Hope^awn, SI, 11 OAKY DEPT. • Just a Mile North of Edison • EAT MOR CAKE DEPT. • Mayflower Waffles *» WI STEAKS GrqntfDuchtM pit*. PUMPKIN PIE x 49' CHEESE CAKE S n47' t FRESH BAKED CAKE DEPf. •

Crumb Squares Ea. 38c Danish Pastry Strips Ant* mm. E« 4gc ORANGE JUICE«' 29' KEEP UP WITH YOUR ANGEL LOAF - 35' HOME TOWN NEWS 2 GUYS' SWISS SLICES W 68' CHICKEN BARN CLIP AND MAIL THI8 COUPOfl TOUAI LIQUORS • WINES • BEER WESTON COOKIES « JA( '• i ! i CQN^ADINA-ROUND • btt«t(#*kiM • Fwl|t IM CMUM 2rM*t7 WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING COl 18 GREEN STREET .^BLENDED WHISKEY WOODBRIDGE, N J. SWIFT'S GOLD CREST • Enclosed please find $4.00 tor one-yeai SCOTCH WHFSKY subscription to: TOMATOES • INDEPENDENT-LEADER BRANDY • CARTERET PRESS TURKEYS • EDISON TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEACON LARGE c To be sent to: CAN COV'T. INSPECTED NAME •••2 OUYS'. "CHICICIN BAIN", "CK Btt a. our o«i private brar.4 • Tha« mmmum rtut* pfku an on Alt witji iha Ntw Jwwv AK OVEN READY . OPtN DAILY Tl KtJaOSfO SUNDAYS Ib. ADDRESS - » Uqunr *M only at GoriWd, Ktany. Totomi. No. Ui^m, Wgodbridg^ t, 10 TO 22-US. IOWN food MM Mtcim UMI Ho*. 4. Wa HW U hr T

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