\ [Newspaper Devoted ll,<> Community Interest «Hy, Clearly I iilI Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures XI,—NO. 30 On Friday CARTERET, N. J., PRICK TEN CENT8 ft Fall-Out It's a Humdinger! Shelters Are Eyed Campaign Moves? i.lAN On Oi'vmn Motion, '..AK Building Feet* are . Into Its Final Lap To lie Waived Here t ,,..11 I1 -.UltH CARTERET — Councilman Ijl 111'' bilg. Thomas Drverin last night 'II' I). jlHUllllK brought up the-subject of fall- Ballot Effective Club; jCouncil .nit r »r.Mtii"]'. jout. shelters and on his motion. ; i>- -llliOIV »ll I Borough Council voted to seek an nmeudment to tlie-buildiriR a ,1(1 tiiMllulied 'code waiving fees of the build- Swing it Election ^ JiBattle at ,..vi decided ing inspector when such Shel- CARTERET — Another elec- Polling District No. i in i .vo-cenU- ters are erected. tion is coming up Tuesday and Polling place it the Cleve- Councilman Deverin also sun- one is close to homo be- land School at i'ershlng Ave- eslertdi tthath . a study be mnde of | cause it is the time of having nue in the Schto] District, for Climax ,, .old wmier tlie possibility of exempting' say on who is goitiK to legal voters r< siding within ove tl11 Iace wnelc 011 live ...Hi. The aver- fall-out shelter property from|» ™ ' P V - General Electio Districts 4, 5, CARTKRET — The Carteret !ir for Deceni- taxation. Every election Is important, and 13. councilmans campaign move* ' ai id February SCKNr. AT OHM . , Need Safeguards of course, but this upcoming rolling District No. 4 the onliiKili,,,, into priesthood of Rev. William V. Forrest, vicar of St Mark's into its last lap thia weekend, i Sprlnit will Church, held al the Triiiih ( ^ti:•-ilr.il in The councilman said such one has the purely local angle Polling place tit the Carteret •'•<•»'<"). >«;iteil is HI. Kn. Alfred I.. Banyard, bishop of the diocese of New that should make it a mite more M' irui'U'M pre- Jorsry. Others, let! to ri«lit .ire l!e\. Can shelters are springing up ln nil High School at Washington with most of the voters prob- oil Mall, Iniiity, Matawan: Rev. Edward S.vkes. Holy Trinity, ColHn swood- sections and there are evidences Important to those interested in.ide llatly Father fiirn-st; Very Kc\ I.lu.wl ( h.illii K Avenue in thr School District, ably wondering what more cart i. dean of Trinity Cathedral: Rev. Henry T. Gruber; Rev. Canon John \. Van of misrepresentation on the In their community. for legal voteis residing within :, No pains Siint, Trinity Cilhrdriil: Hiv Job be said. ,..I in trucking •His,,,,, (.race Cliur.h, Merehantville; Rfv. William Cook, St. Peter's, Clarksboro part of those who would build Polls will be open at 7 A. M.Qennrrar l Elect ui Districts 6,10, "It has been a humdinger" • nil oracles. Mid Rev. David Pettit, Holy Spirit, Bellmawr, them. He suggested that Bor- and will close at 8 o'clock ln 15, 14 and r ough Attorney John M. Kolib is the evening. Here are the lo- llfau district No. 5 an old-timer commented on prepare an amendment to tlie cations: PolliuffWi.ee at the Nathan, the current election „,-_- ,:li. tarly VFW Here Bids building code, which would Pullinc District Nrt. I Bale Schfei at Roosevelt Ave-hxt has been a remarkably in , number Ftnds $700 In Cash Contest Rules provide that plans for such Polling place at the Wash- I1 d rl ington School at Roosevelt Ave- :i f.ill. shelters 'be first submitted to K.' 3^ a£? !«S|^ *- ^» **" Hut, (hulrcjrali, iSMH Employe who Found the building Inspector who in nue in the School District, for ba i dun formula. New Members tlectlon Districts 7, 8, T^ ^« *• centering an turn would seek approval from l voters residing within add together It Turned Down Offer of a Remird Announced by and 0 {three pott*. OouncUmen John the Civil Defense Director to General Election District No. 1. ... first snow I' * in* District No. 6 liutnick and Walter Sulfyan. see that It meets with proper1 rolling District No. 2 : of days the To Visit Post CAR 11 itHT- John Seaman, was none. Recovering from the Italian Club PuHii i place at the American incumbent Democrats are seek- ... date of the SCIUM] .street. Port Reading,'initial shock, he reported the specifications. Polling place at the Colum- jLegion Memorial Home^ atii the "full three-year "terjns. • CARTKRET Commander bus School at Roosevelt Avenue ng ;ii uncertain. i 'piiiicii work at the US: incident to his supervisor. A CARTERET —j The Italian- Councilman Deverin also IT- ROOM \i It Avenue in rhe School Their runnirg mate OOttncll- ,L4iwreiice Vogt. star Landing in the School District, for legal Metals l( lining Company one of employees immediate- American Citizen^ Club has an- ported that action on acquiring District, for legal voters resid- man Thomas Deverin seeks tl» htit the moon iPo.st 2314, Vt'tenuis of Foreign voters residing within General ,r.d MB blllton Morinii .ml week carrying a ly made a thorough search of nounced the beginning of the property for a new borough ing uithin General Electioni unexplred term of ^ 'Wars, announced (lie special garage ls expected to be taken Election Districts 3 and 3. Distiirts U and 16. .: can see the. •• fillet Whipped in a plastit baK the area but the wallet was notRoy Barnaba Emblem Contest; Mtylk. who became tat -assessor. post meeting of November 7. to be conducted ^n the school soon. He lauded Joseph Tele- A'JIK Illll JUSl hich iimlaini'd S700.00 m tens j to be found. Opposing them are three systems for the jmpils in the posky and Robert Elliott co- C.irt-.Tel. has been arum .'ed as mi urn- nrt m-eniies. Tlie money was! Finds the Cash Republican contenders, John ! chairmen of the Halloween pa- talion niuht for all eligible 'o be UMII ID t;iki' care of .^ome Shortly after noon, Joseph fifth to eighth grades, Own Halloween Presbyterian Donovan and Steve Trosko Jr. finiinriiii miiiins later in the^Ondrejcak, 208 Grove Street, rade staged by the Recreation veterans of the Borouiih ol t|.lv The emblem to be designed for th»! full terma and Leo U;i Committee last Sunday. The CartereL who may wish to visit io the nature of hi.^Woodbridge a Machinist in the will be used by the Italian- Kuhn lor the unexpired term. cut up an iou in ti Power Department.;Mechanicnl Department, was!American Club as thejv official parade drew a large crowd. Parade Held by Church School the post us .special WUPSU f Charges »r» Flyinf '.:.<• onion Y " :Se.un,iM is sonietnni's required|doing some repair work in the seal on all of their documents. Property owners of Bernard : ! Chawes and countercharges the Post Membership Conimlt- to vm^ :n cramped qiutrterslPower Department, Entrjes are to beisubmitted by Strflpt petitioned for curbing month. Of While jhave teUowed each other in tee in charge of Senior ViepjWh(,n, n and Mttiig. It was referred to School Students Leaders Named :.iitn In the s necessary to .squeeze{working, he( noticed a plastic the children to tfielr teachers. Commander Dsui Donovan and Either black and .wlttfe,V eot- the borough engineer for rapid "lire wauenccs. Just -t;il to uur- 'Junior Vice Commander Louj , lying on the floor. Curious CARTERET The third, CARTERET - More than 85j , ^ conceivable .sub.-.x-t mmn mucli aattentiot n to the valu- ors, may be used; on action. Bboui ery a tlie mud as to its size and shape, he fourth and fifth grades of the meinbiis'of the Churcli 9olioolj.oonnecfc4 with borough aov- il who *ill egcurt them .lbl(, iX.u,|.(,t tn his hjp pocket, picked up ie bag. Unwrapping 9 x Nathan Hale School held their ar • looking forward % the i* .erntrent• hn• s •• tackludtkld, through th* post where theyjltt, w,.m oboul hiK wark yer. t)ie bilg j drawing annual H all owt(ien parade opened the wallet •»hU'J.,fcg^Kat m»y vl«t the soci»l rooms. pool|f0rminw using c marcbins around the. ichuol , pimt-poal repairs to]and discovered the ¥700.00. Un-. Utig-ot Kings'1 otf'Smti ol tad il Ifctiitl th ,„_., _ De- able to find any identifying line for grounds to the delimit and en* wt lhf Power when they will make, a trip to'< Jldjfws nitfj be ohdj m : we arc ;P* bar slid other ij>ciffttional r>nrtmein I papers in the wallet. Ondrejcak 1962. Entries*: joyment of many parents. Miss New York to attend mat- • too, aS they prepare fof'.«t :" uia. any «nd social activities;* Aft(>1. washing up lor lunch..rushed over to the Personnel originality, aptness of ijiought 0i Copper Seen Florence Rubel's class led the incfe on that day. Arrangements if inal volleys most of u'.i. If your Eligible veterans «ekmR toSftimiin unconsciously reached Department with the contents apd neatness.' Prizes will be: CARTERET — The UnttedjmarchinK group with Chris are in charge of the Rev. H.lcome through circulars dis- Moim win- •siablislilh membershibhi p with the;inth o his hip pocket—the walleti first, $25 savings bond; second, States sees ",a substantial droplStamateris as Uncle Si\m ear- (Continued on Page 2) Addtson Woesteraever. Itrlbuted to homes. The cam- I..IIL llSllttl, Star tending Post ure iirued to $10; and third, $5, in the flow of copper raw ma-'""'-ng the American •^ .. _J The Primary Department Pal8n has been waged more e,in expect contact Mr.
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