1st Cavalry Division Association Non-Profit Organization 302 N. Main St. US. Postage PAID Copperas Cove, Texas 76522-1703 West, TX 76691 Change Service Requested Permit No. 39 SABER Published By and For the Veterans of the Famous 1st Cavalry Division VOLUME 69 NUMBER 4 Website: www.1CDA.org JULY / AUGUST 2020 This has been a HORSE DETACHMENT by CPT Siddiq Hasan, Commander THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER year different from We thundered into the summer change of command season with a cavalry Allen Norris any other for most of charge for 3rd ABCT’s change of command at the end of June. Our new First (704) 483-8778 us. By the time you Sergeant was welcomed into the ranks at the beginning of July at a key time in
[email protected] read this Cathy and I our history with few public events taking place due to COVID-19 but a lot of will have moved into foundational training taking place. We have taken this opportunity to conduct temporary housing. Sometime ago Cathy and I talked about the need to downsize. intensive horsemanship training for junior riders, green horses and to continue Until this year it was always something to consider later. In January we decided with facility improvements. The Troopers are working hard every day while that it was time. We did not want to be in a retirement community. We would like taking the necessary precautions in this distanced work environment to keep more diversity. Also, in those communities you have to pay for amenities that we themselves and the mounts we care for healthy.