Hani I 2 Robertëve 1989 – 2019

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Hani I 2 Robertëve 1989 – 2019 Hani i 2 Robertëve 1989 – 2019 Arti i Rezistencës / Rezistenca e Artit The Art of Resistance / The Resistance of Art Prishtinë, qershor / July 2020 1 Titulli / Title Hani i 2 Robertëve 1989-2019 Arti i Rezistencës / Rezistenca e Artit The Art of Resistance / The Resistance of Art Autorët / Authors Merita & Fadil Dragaj Redaktor / Editor Shkëlzen Maliqi Lektor / Proofreader Anton Berishaj Redaktor i gjuhës shqipe Albanian language editor Gazmend Bërlajolli Redaktor gjuhësor në gjuhën angleze English language subeditor Alexandra Channer Përkthyesit / Translators Alexandra Channer, Fadil Bajraj, Plator Gashi Dizajni dhe përgatitja teknike / Design and layout Luan Tashi Fotograf / Photographer Kastriot Dragaj Në ballinë të librit / On the book cover “Pas Guernikës 1 / Post Guernica 1”, 1996 Mehmet Behluli Të gjitha të drejtat janë të mbrojtura me copyright © All rights reserved by copyright © [email protected] 300 kopje / Printrun 300 copies Shtypi / Printed by Prograf, Prishtinë Botuar nga / Published by Hani i 2 Robertëve në bashkëpunim me Missio Cult 2 për Anikën Gjelosh Gjokaj, vizatim / drawing, 1998 3 Përmbajtja / Content PARATHËNIE / JUBILEU I HANIT TË 2 ROBERTËVE....................................6 VENDI QË MA KUJTON BABAIN....................................................................74 PREFACE / JUBILEE OF THE HANI I 2 ROBERTËVE.....................................7 THE PLACE THAT REMINDS ME OF MY FATHER.......................................75 S’MUND TË SHKRUHET HISTORIA E ARTEVE PA HANIN.........................12 WILLARDI I KOSOVËS....................................................................................76 THE HISTORY OF ART CANNOT BE WRITTEN WITHOUT THE HANI........13 THE WILLARD OF KOSOVO...........................................................................77 SI U BË KËNGA “KOSOVA CALLS FOR PEACE”..........................................14 NA MUNGON HANI........................................................................................80 HOW THE SONG “KOSOVA CALLS FOR PEACE” WAS CREATED............15 WE MISS THE HANI........................................................................................81 NË GJITHË ATË AMULLI, ERDHI E BUKURA...............................................18 JEPI MUNDËSI PAQES...................................................................................82 OUT OF STAGNATION, EMERGED BEAUTY.................................................19 GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.................................................................................83 HANI I REZISTENCËS, HANI I ARTISTËVE...................................................22 HANI MA KUJTONTE VJENËN E ZWEIG-UT.................................................84 THE HANI OF RESISTANCE, THE HANI OF ARTISTS..................................23 THE HANI REMINDS ME OF ZWEIG’S VIENNA..........................................85 HANI, NJË UNIVERS MË VETE......................................................................24 HANI I DY DIPLOMATËVE, LAJMËTARË TË PAVARËSISË..........................86 HANI, A UNIVERSE.........................................................................................25 THE HANI OF TWO DIPLOMATS, HERALD OF INDEPENDENCE.............87 CAFÉ DE FLORE E PRISHTINËS...................................................................26 QYTETËRIM DHE ELEGJI...............................................................................88 CAFÉ DE FLORE OF PRISHTINA...................................................................27 CIVILISATION AND ELEGY..............................................................................89 HANI ISHTE KULT............................................................................................28 DHEMBJE DHE KRENARI.............................................................................94 THE HANI CULT...............................................................................................29 GRIEF AND PRIDE..........................................................................................95 VENDI QË I JEPTE SHARM KRYEQYTETIT..................................................32 TAKIMEME NJERËZ TE TË CILËT MUND TË MBËSHTETESH.................96 A SOURCE OF CHARM FOR THE CAPITAL CITY..........................................33 MEETING PEOPLE ON WHOM YOU CAN RELY..........................................97 SHTËPIA LARG SHTËPISË.............................................................................34 DERË E MADHE, E HAPUR PËR ARTISTË.................................................102 HOME FROM HOME......................................................................................35 A DOOR WIDE OPEN FOR ARTISTS...........................................................103 AJO “DIÇKA MË SHUMË” E HANIT...............................................................38 PRIVILEGJET E MYSAFIRËVE TË PËRHERSHËM....................................106 THAT “SOMETHING SPECIAL” ABOUT THE HANI......................................39 PRIVILEGES OF THE REGULARS...............................................................107 HANI SI HIPOGJEUM DHE HAPËSIRË TOPOFILIKE...................................40 NË SHËRBIM TË MEDIAVE.........................................................................110 THE HANI AS HYPOGEUM AND TOPOPHILIC SPACE................................41 AT THE SERVICE OF THE MEDIA................................................................111 KAFE-GALERIA E KOHËZUAR NË HISTORI.................................................42 AMBASADË E POLITIKËS DHE E KULTURËS...........................................114 THE CAFE-GALLERY FROZEN IN TIME........................................................43 EMBASSY OF POLITICS AND CULTURE....................................................115 TYMI I LUFTËS SHIHEJ NGA HANI...............................................................46 ISHTE SHPRESË...........................................................................................118 THE SMOKE OF WAR VISIBLE FROM THE HANI.......................................47 IT WAS HOPE................................................................................................119 QENDËR E JETËS KULTURORE....................................................................48 GALERI UNDERGROUND...........................................................................120 CENTRE OF CULTURAL LIFE.........................................................................49 UNDERGROUND GALLERY........................................................................121 HANI SI RRËFIM I LIRISË...............................................................................50 STREHË E DEBATIT DHE E PLURALIZMIT POLITIK.................................122 THE HANI AS A STORY OF FREEDOM..........................................................51 SHELTER FOR DEBATE AND POLITICAL PLURALISM...........................123 IKONA E QYTETIT ME TË CILËN MBURREMI.............................................54 GANI BAJRAKTARI - NJË ART QË DUHET ZBULUAR................................124 ICON OF THE CITY OF WHICH WE ARE PROUD.........................................55 GANI BAJRAKTARI - AN ART TO BE DISCOVERED...................................125 OAZË E KULTURËS.........................................................................................56 GANI LLALLOSHI - HAMALLI.......................................................................126 CULTURAL OASIS............................................................................................57 GANI LLALLOSHI - HAMALLI.......................................................................127 BABI IM XHEMAILI NË HAN..........................................................................58 ÇERDHE E ZHVILLIMIT................................................................................128 MY FATHER XHEMAIL, AT THE HANI............................................................59 HIVE OF ACTIVITY.........................................................................................129 PJESË E IDENTITETIT TË KËTIJ QYTETI.......................................................60 GURUJA IM ARTISTIK...................................................................................131 PART OF THE IDENTITY OF THIS CITY.........................................................61 MY ARTISTIC GURU.....................................................................................132 NJË VEND I NGROHTË NË NJË BOTË SHUMË TË FTOHTË......................62 VENDI I MENDIMIT TË LIRË........................................................................134 A WARM PLACE IN A VERY COLD WORLD.................................................63 FREE THINKING PLACE..............................................................................135 SI RICK’S CAFÉ E KAZABLANKËS...............................................................66 HAPËSIRA QË NA JEPTE INFUZION...........................................................136 LIKE RICK’S CAFÉ IN CASABLANCA............................................................67 A SPACE OF LIFE-GIVING INFUSION..........................................................137 HAPËSIRË PËR TEATËR DHE FILM..............................................................68 VENDI KU ‘U KTHEVA’.................................................................................138 THEATRE AND FILM SPACE..........................................................................69 THE PLACE WHERE ‘I CAME BACK’..........................................................139 ORA BIZARE....................................................................................................72
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