Portland Daily Press: November 26,1881
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meDKLLANBOlJil. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MRS. TUCK S MURDER. Published EXPLODING OIL TANKS. SEEKING THE DEAD. MAINE Ut Κ It Ο It x. erery day (Sundays excepted) by the PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, Cal. Ε. C. Blunt'· Repart te the Wnr De- At 97 Ecchakob Stbbbt, Portland. Mi. John S. Baker Convicted of DELAY AND REGRET IT ! Great Reduction Mur- The Pratt Astral Oil Works Near I; r Later News from the Ruins of th partaient. der in the Second Degree. Consumed Fire. WEATHER INDICATIONS. by Brooklyn Orphan Asylum. Col. C. E. Blunt of the United States En- gineer Corps reporta to the War Department Washington, Deo. 20. ATTORNEY GBNER1L CLEAVE*' I.OS» OVER TW'ENTV as follows on the improvement of Maine har- The indications for New *500,000. I.IVES SO FAR HI LOOK ! England to-day are ABtSUmklfT FOR THE STATE. bors: ONLY THREE WEEKS MORE TO LOOK ! oloudy rain or POUTED I.ONT. SECURE GEN- weather, show, variable winds PORTLAND RABBOB. and lower New temperature. York, Dec. 21.—One of the naphth Up'to the 1st of July, 1883, there was availa- Augusta, Dec. 20.—Counsel (or the defence tanks situated nearest the river s.t Pratt's Λ· ble for the imurovement of Portland harbor UINE BARGAINS. tral oil Niwîokk, Dec. 20 —Tonight'* Brook 1 y opened in the Baker murder case this works, which occupied un entire blool the earn of which whs morning. papers say that more bodies were take $10,694.38. applied,,to LATEST MARINE at the foot ot 12th in ex eight NEWS. Id his etree·, Williamsburg, from the partial removal of the "middle ground" in preliminary statement he practically this the raine of the bamed orphan mylar ploded afternoon with a deafening report the lower part of the harbor to a denth of 21 An admitted the today, making a total 80 far, the 1 COAL! Ocean Steamer Ashore. killing of Mrs. Tuck by the pris- Burning oil was scattered in directia Including feet at mean low water at every (or about 30 fett Saturday, October 11th, we threw onr doors open to the and the bodies fonnd yesterday and the death of Siste peopled Moriches, L. I., Deo. oner and did not auk for a milder verdict than entire works were immediately threal meau b;gh water) under a contract made with Portland and 21.—8teamer Olivet, Mary Josephine,20 Tiro of these were foaoi vicinity and invited them to an immense 1400 toue ia ened with destruction before the ai Moore & of inspect stock ot ballast, from 8bielde, England to murder in the second He held that engines at a late boar in the Wright Portland at 13g cents degree. tived. A few minutes after the first afternoon. Workmen ar FIRST CLA8S WINTER CLOTHING which Austin, Baldwin & New went explosioi ► per cubic yard. Under this contract dredniug would be sold at Co., York, the prisoner «ras from a condition of till digging about the debris. The Eagle prices ashore on the off suffering another tank burst just in the rear and thes sayt was continued until much beach here at 5.30 this mora· The ns the 16th of August. 188.'!. below any ever before seen for similar «a. mental two positii of uone of the bodies coald h $5.50 at sent barrels weakness the time of oil goods. $5.50 injz, and will probably be a total wreck. of the killing 10,000 flaming pouriu, completing the contract, under wbich 239,410^ Capt. iuto definitely ascertained, bat from a cursory »u Smith aed the River life on every nook and crevice where it coul cubic in ail were The total Forge saving corps brought by epilepsy. Evidence was intro- superficial view the reporter is inclined to be yards dredged. rescued the crew. The make its way about the yard. The buroin in this harbor to June vessel went ashore dur- duced το show that the had Here that the descent of these little onoslnti expenditure» from 1830 We prisoner been suf- 011 also over have lived to our ing a snow storm and flowed from the yard on the nortl 30, 1881, have been 8400.091 47. With the ap- up Advertisement to No fog. from the disease this tomb mast have been gradual. If the Elevator ! No Dust ! fering or one approachiug it side into Busbwick Creek, and continued t propriation of 830.000 made Julv the had all dropped together they would be likel; 5, 1884, tlie for about two last burn on the surface of the water. Severa of the -'middle to the very letter. years ending April. The to be fonnd together, bat investigation has d< dredging ground" up BOTH ASHORE. small boats In the creek were enveloped an commissioners' line will be com- Coal Screened Hand ! prisoner's father, sister, brother and physician, veloped the fact that they are found in layer finished, thus toy burned. The shock occasioned by the two ex the for this harbor. Dr. H. C. and widely distributed. The uaf pleting existing project We have sold Levenaeller, who treated Baker plosions broke in tbe windows of all houses ii presumption you Suits, Overcoats,Ulsters, Reefers and urally is that a number mmt have dropped io KBNNEBUNK BIVBB. Trousers while in the State Prison, testified in regard to the neighborhood. The building of the Wil the Two Schooner· to the blazing mass from each floor as the fir In the by single garment for less money than we Job the Goods in Leave Portland liamsburg gas light on the improvement uf Kennebunk river, Wow i4 tEic time to mahc this. The defence rested their case at noon. company opposit undermined its rafters. When did dro the your side of 12th street shook so violently that i they project orginally adopted consisted in the Quantities. l'rfi-nds a Christmas Present Harbor Nearly in Company At 2.30 this afternoon Herbert M. Heath to the fierce flaming floor, they erection of two that waa thought it would fall. This building wa naturall; granite piers at its mouth, to Do you ask we have done will crawled as far as from the a why this? We will explain. Not keep theiu warm. « all and counsel for the in the Baker murder also in great from the flame away possible grex afford permanent entrance to the river, and through prisoner danger spreading centre ot heat-—the boiler. If not because we were see uie before and big this be th of a wharf a short distance for the se- love, but from business motives purchasing, AND trial, entered his He held the heat was intense, while the noise u above, philanthropists, ARE WRECKED ON PEAKED upon argument. trae state of affairs, the bodies are more likel of vesoels when detained alone. tbe seething flames could be heard blocks awa curity by tides and that the purpoee of tbe at the time of to be fonnd in the extreme and as fa HILL· BAR. prisoner Soon the flre had coutrol of the rive corners, storms. In 1870 aud 1871 these piers were ex- complete as possible from tbe boiler. These ex'erio tended and the killing was and not rape, thus re- f>ide, and was its towar repaired, and the wbarf was also adultery, slowly eating way corners not have yet beeu examined, and im This was ducing the offence to murder in the second de- 7<rst street. Explosion followed explosion an repaired. proj-ct modified in 1»7β, less all signs fail they are to hold the to masses of u likely object being afford a channel of navi- Pkovinchtown, Mass., Dec. 21.—The three At a burning material were carried we were overloaded Witb CHA8. H. gree. further defence, th· plea of epilep- large contingent of charred corpses. gable width from the mouth of the (ioods. a-id a .river to O'BRIOH, away for long distance tbe wind up mastad schooner Carrie M. Hoi* tic by Twi of the bodies recovered are thasi Richardson, insanity was put in, but was not much re- Thousands of spectators in tbe heav today Kennebunkport, a distance of about one mile, gathered of adults. to be c The weather had been too brook, of Portland, Rocklaud for New York, lied op. The of his rain and stood under They ara sappoeed those and of not less than four feet in depth at warm, there had been too much delivery argument occu- dripping umbrella Mrs. political Mary Uallnan, wh mean low 13 feet at meau too loaded with lime, struck on the outer Peaked an watching the great A McCarrointfc^Mrs. water,or high water. excitement, many people out of employment. In ol pied hour and a quarter. At hia close At- toonflagration. dividiu, were in the when*KIDoccurred In 1883 the consequence wail had been erected in the yard to building "government whart" was repaired which oat trade had been dull. COIL Hill bar at 7 o'clock last night at low water. General Cleaves commenced his preven This evening it was said that there jobbing Our stock was immense and DEILER torney argc- the tire from going beyond it, bat by tbre *wfcwy« day labor aud purchase of materials in open Her crew of six men were rescued 102 boys to be accounted for. It is believed The fare of must be reduced. We dare not oiler our a by life boats ment for the prosscation, at five o'olock the great heat cracked ο lb» wbarf, 340 feet in goods at sacrifice in or near cloairg this wall * however, that many of the misting ones wil with from Peaked Hill and High Head stations ui> o'clock.