October 13,1881
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ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862·»"VOL, 22 PORTLAND, TUESDAY MOBN1NG, DECEMBER 9, 1884 ηυτιυκΝ. MEETINGS. THE PORTLAND IH1LÏ PllESS, THE NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT TUB INDIAN SOCIETY. ALABAMA CLAIMS. THE SPANISH TREATY. about Dec. 10. The road-bed is In very good Published every aay (Snndayi excepted) by the Maine condition (or business, bac is still uncompleted. Eclectic Médical Society. POKTLAND PUBLISHING Meeting of the ISxfcuiive Comniillee in COMPANT, Judgments Anuoiinced by the Caurl. Proceedingii of the Annual Meeting— Elec- The station etc., at Maine Eoleetlo Medical will hold its building, engine boose, Society At 97 Kxchamgb Sthkkt, Pom-land, Mb. AeiyuNia. tion of Oiflcei'». are (or aud the feta- FOSTER'S THEsemi-annual at the Preble Washington, Dae. 8.—The Couit of Ala- KingfieUl ready occupany, meeting lUuiie, (Special to the Reasons "Why It Should be Rati- Portland, on Wednesday, Dec. It th at 10 o'clock a. Press.) bama Claims, m session today, announced tion buildings at Salem are approaching com- m. Members are requested to take due notice. WEATHER Auqcbta, Deo, 8.—A meeting of tha execc- judgments as follows with interest at 4 per fied. The annual business meeting of the pletion. At West Freeman buildings ma; not Per order INDICATIONS. F. ΒΑΚΚΕΤΓ, M. D., Scc'y. tive cent, from the dates named : be erected until spring. FOREST CITY nov20 committee, Department of Main·, Q. Women's National Indian Association was DYE HOUSE d2w* *o. 108, Peter The building at Strong, tarn table, etc., ha*· 13 Washington, Dec. 0. A. R., for the reception of the National En- Jones, §225, .April 23,186S. held Monday afternoon in the Friend's meet· PREBLE STREET. No. 299, Eugene N. Dillingham, §5û0, March 6, beeu in use (or some weeks. Flag stations at dec9 Town The indications for New England ar< nillT MINISTER FOSTER SAYS sneodtf lleftliîig;. to-day campment, was held at the Augusta House, 1863. ing house. There was a large attendance and several places will be erected another year. TOWN MEETING will be held at the Town generally (air weather, westerly winds, near J] 838, June 1863. Tbe this The was Joseph Welsford, $43,315. 26, ABOUT IT. remarks were made by Mrs. Little road will not be entirely ballasted this (all A Hall, Cape on Dec. stationary evening. meeting fully attended 1,320, Jeremiah Mav 1863. interesting MRS. Elizabeth, Tuesday, 9th, temperature. U. Coleman, §375, 3, but a gravel traiu will be ran (or this purpose DRYDEft, 1884, at two o'clock in the afternoon, to see what and quite animated. Comrade Coombs, of the 15,700. Philander W. L<vk. §845; 1.676, Porter and others. The following are the reports for action the town will take in B. Dook. as long as the weather may permit. The com- relation to TOWN METEOROLOGICAL committee §187: 1,577. I'riah W. Cnrtis, §149; the 465 BONDS due BKPOET. on transportation, reported that the Nnw Dec. 8.—Hm. J. W. year: pany lias expended thus far (or construction Congress St, fulling Dec. 10th, 1884, Jan. 10th and 1.578, Augustine W. Ihisco, §216, and 1,579, York, Foster, REPORT. ^ [11.27 P. SECRETARY'S account about April 1st, 188G. M.] roads ruuning into Portland were ready to Warren Farus worth, $216, <*ug. 11, 1864. Untied S'ates Minister to Spain arrived in tbe 875.000, including the purchase On the of 15, Mrs. a STEPHEN Selectmen reduce their 1,581, Luther Sanford, §295, June 22, 1863. steamer Oregon yesieiday. He left bis post evening January 1883, of locomotive, cars and various items of SCAMMAN,) rates to about half the usual faro. Amelia Qui η ton. general secretary of the 1VKILLOEBY. M. J. S of 1.JS82, Heury B. SrnUîi. §345, May 17, 1861, November to brine here tbe new equipments to date. When the lin· is (ally PEABBI.ES, Cape trunk 25, personally Women's National Indiau Association, addressed a A E. SKILL1N. Elizabeth. Tiie lines were not ready as yet to give 1584, James Kellay, administrator of commercial and it will favor- I have a fall line of Bolding Bros. & Co'e ) of W. the_estate ireaty which lie has just effected meeting in Congres* Square Church in behalf of the completed equipped compare Tior" "Sape Cape Elizabeth, Dec. 3d, 1884. dec4d£t Place of but George Kellay, deceased, $138; 1585, Geo. with with fifteen of railroad in Knitting Silk in all shades. The puri rates, thought that the comrades in tho the Spanish government. "I think," Indians. At the close of the meet- ably any miles only <3 2 M. Kellay, admiulsretor of the estate of James P. mucb-wronged thread Knitting Silk in tlie market. ocl62msi a West would do e*td Minister "tint it is el the utmost ing it was proposed to form in this city an Indian Maine. The location le a very favorable one, "S ° •23 better to make their rates out Kellay, deceased 166, Aug. 12, 1864. Foster, Observation. im uice Aesociatiou to the National Association. wltli and broad carves. Mucb NOTICE. there. 1656, Franc's U, Cope and Tliomaa P. Cope, firm port that we should ratify this treaty. auxiliary taiy grades ■S3 *a 3 S The was received with favor. The iirst of Cope Brothers §&07; 1657, Theodore Julius, The great question with us now is the econo- proposition freight is awaiting transportation, and consid- of the Tru&tee* I steps iu were then and there Special Wcctiiijf of 0»k After the committee on hotels had made a $205, Oct. 9, 1862. mic to organization taken, erable of have Grove questi n, improve our foreign markets and qnanties lumbering supplies Academy, iii Fatuionlh. 2149, Lemuel administrator of the estate twenty-one persons, whose hearts had been been (orwatded paitial report, tho executive committee Joyee, and anything that cau bo dune iu tbe direction touched during the past week. stated of Lemuel 7. by the earnest appeal of the speaker, be- the members of Whitmore, deceased, §600, Sept. of new markets for our is came Several important operations are to be com- ; Γ|10 the corporation known as and Block 29.93 44 -8 w that if they could not secure all the 1802. providing products members. A cabled the isiand,.... spare au incalculable benefit This will the menced in the great wooded townships, which | Trustees of Oak Grove Acafiemy, in Mass...., 29.81 4 2 —11 vv 2£04, John L. 12. 1864. treaty open During tirst twelve months the Association a Boston, rooms at the hotels that in to Pauno, §243, Aug. but (or ! Falmouth, corporation duly established under the Me 29.r 1 32 w reporting the 2263, Ellen up to our agriculturists and to our manufac- grew but slowly. On the completion of its second this railroad could not be made avail- laws of iheState of Eaetport, —14| Clark, ûçceateJ, #155, Aug. IS, it has j Maine and having a place of bue· Mt. Washington.. 29.66 6 —1 NW National Encampment, the council of admin- 18H4. turers a very considerable market and one of year tifty-four members, and there are rep- able except at ralnoas exnense of team trans- inees in Falmouth, in the of John resented in its executive board twelve of Λ into County Cumberland, Portland, Me 29 69 40 —12 w istration would not deem 2549, Sloane. surviving partner of the firm which we will have a monopoly t.i the exclu- churches, portation large passenger travel the and State ot Maine. it advisable tu hold of William eight different dénominations. Greeting. Albany, Ν. Y. 29.97 39 -10| NW and John Sloaao. 18, sion cf all natioue. Ko one can banting grounds o( Northern Franklin and virtue of a warrant the $2,984, Aug. European We have held since sixteen By therefor, this day issued Now Vork, N. Y„ 3u.0G 40 VV nineteenth annual encampment at Fort- 1864. organizing, regular, Somerset counties is the to me, a member of sairl compete with us. At this time, too, when our three and three anticipated coming corporation, by D. O. Philadelphia 30.14 42 -11 NW land. 2966, Robert H. Glaee, $490, Sept. 9,1862. suecial, public meetiu^. a justice of the industries are all the evils oi over An address delivered Mrs. in year via the new and direct route. With Moulton, Peace within and "for paid Vv a^hingtoB, D. C. 30.16 42 —13 NE 2968, Charles Prentiss, (Jharles suffering by Quinton the County of Cumberland under The §887; Prentiss, and are to much it is of Free Street economical management tbe road cannot (ail the provisions of Charleston. 30.39 55| Ε committee then adjourned to meet in executor of the will of Adam P. production depressed vei«try Church, January 29, Section Prentiss, §1,777; to a 3, Chapter 40 of the Revised Statutes of ► Chas. most that we should secure this awakened fresh interest in the work of the Asso- prove and an important Jacksonville, Fla. 30.28 51 4 Clm December whan the Prentiss and Joshua C. Learned, adminis- opportune good property, the State of Maine 1, M. Stone its such Portland, 22d, hotel trator of and at the cl< se of the tea new (eeder to tbe Kiver and Henry Savannah. Ga·. .. 30.28 51 —7 Ν the estate of Andrew M. Friuk, deceased. opening for our productions. Iu addition to ciation, meeting Sandy Maine Central member and under such oaaiumtee wil! nauxes were added to its list of members. authority hereby give Cincinnati, Ohio.. 30.34 41 —2! VV maie their final report.