ARGUMENT FROM ILLUSIONILLUSIONSSSS into I have unwittingly ruined my country. President Wilson, upon passage of the Federal Reserve Act, 1913 REALITY Website under construction E-mail Alec for regular updates
[email protected] 1 My views without prejudice, all rights reserved Alec McGregor of the family Cairns Through my research, all Information, is in the Public domain. Well it will be after you have read it. As Gandhi reminded us, ‘The Earth has enough for everyone’s needs, but not for some people’s greed.’ 2 CONTENTS Introduction 4 Bank of England 8 Democratic Societies 11 Certificate of Birth 15 Your Strawman is being traded 20 Housing 27 Why Bankers get billions and people get debt 31 Ownership of the Federal Reserve 40 IMF 60 How to curb the population 67 League of Nations / United Nations 77 In the year 2525 79 One World Order 81 Conclusion 88 3 Introduction Born on the 2 nd February 1948 AD, Flesh and Blood, pure, innocent, and without any foresight into the journey I was about to embark on throughout the remainder of my un-natural life, due to the fact that what should have been was not. Neither did my Mom and Dad for that matter have any inclination on what was evolving, I do not believe they had the slightest idea of how they had been manipulated, into a system of entrapment. And in an era with nearly zero inflation, why should they, the standard of living was acceptable, even with all the screws being tightened by the progressive few, “You know who.” I remember whilst growing up, my mom used to send me to the corner café for ticky soup greens, yes we were still on Pounds Shillings and Pence then, Decimal Dan only came at a later stage, that was the changing from the Imperial to the Metric system.