Unrau V National Dental Examining Board, 2019 ABQB 283
Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta Citation: Unrau v National Dental Examining Board, 2019 ABQB 283 Date: 20190425 Docket: 1801 12350 Registry: Calgary Between: Bernie Unrau Plaintiff - and - National Dental Examining Board - Jack Gerrow, Canadian Dental Association, Ethics Board, Attn: Alberta Dental Association, re: death threat by Brian Ruddy etc., AB Health c/o Foothills Hosp., Rockyview Hosp. Ethics and Complaints Officer, CND Human Rights Commission, Office of Ethics Commissioner of Canada, NSDT c/o Gov’t of Canada, NAIT, City of Calgary - Legal and Corporate Security et al, US Dep’t of Justice/FBI re Amblin, Amazon et al, copyright infringements, lawyers misbehaviour, political prejudice judge, theft of IP Defendants _______________________________________________________ Reasons for Decision of the Associate Chief Justice J.D. Rooke _______________________________________________________ Summary: Unrau filed a Statement of Claim that made bald allegations which did not reference any of the eleven named Defendants specifically, but, nevertheless, sought $5 million and impossible remedies. The Court, on its own motion, initiated a Rule 3.68 “show cause” procedure that required Unrau to identify a valid basis for his action. Unrau made no reply. His lawsuit was struck out as an abusive and vexatious proceeding. The remaining issue is whether Unrau should immediately be subject to ongoing court access restrictions by a vexatious litigant order. This requires that the Court evaluate Unrau’s litigation conduct, and determine whether Lymer v Jonsson, 2016 ABCA 32 is a Page: ii binding authority that requires an additional court process prior to imposing indefinite court access restrictions. Held: Unrau is, and should be, immediately subject to court access restrictions by a vexatious litigant order, that declares him to be a vexatious litigant.
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