CALENDAR LISTING GUIDELINES •Tolist an eventinPasa Week,sendanemail or press release to
[email protected] or
[email protected]. •Send material no less than twoweeks prior to the desired publication date. •For each event, provide the following information: time,day,date, venue/address,ticket prices,web address,phone number,and brief description of event(15 to 20 words). •All submissions arewelcome; however, events areincluded in Pasa Week as spaceallows. Thereisnocharge forlistings. • Returnofphotos and other materialscannot be guaranteed. • Pasatiempo reserves the righttopublish received information and photographs on The NewMexican's website. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR •Toadd your eventtoThe New Mexican online calendar,visit and click on the Calendar tab. May5-11, 2017 •For further information contactPamela Beach:
[email protected], 202 E. MarcySt., Santa Fe,NM87501, phone: 505-986-3019. CALENDAR COMPILED BY PAMELA BEACH FRIDAY 5/5 Traveler’s Market DeVargas Center, 153-B Paseo de Peralta, Galleryand Museum Openings 505-988-7997 ASea in the DesertGallery Textile Fiestas of Mexico,folk-artexhibit and sale; 836-ACanyonRd.,505-988-9140 5:30 p.m. slide presentation of Textile Fiestas of Forthe Birds,watercolors by Teri Caputo; Mexico... ATraveler’s Guide to Celebrations,Markets, reception 5-7 p.m.; through June 5. and SmartShopping by author SheriBrautigam. Blue Rain Gallery True West of Santa Fe 544 S. Guadalupe St., 505-954-9902 130-F Lincoln Ave.,505-982-0055 New Visions,group show; reception 5-7 p.m.; Paintings by Gary David Suazoand jewelry through May20. by Jacqueline Gala and Michael and Cassandra Dukepoo; reception 5-7 p.m.