Souq Waqif Spring Festival Gets Off to a Colourful Start

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Souq Waqif Spring Festival Gets Off to a Colourful Start BUSINESS | Page 1 SPORT | Page 1 Qatar deals Uzbek account for 33% of Istomin outbound rocks INDEX Mideast DOW JONES QE NYMEX QATAR 2, 16 COMMENT 14, 15 ARAB WORLD 3 BUSINESS 1-12 M&As in Australian 19,707.21 10,941.43 51.39 INTERNATIONAL 4-12 CLASSIFIED 9 2016 -97.51 +61.28 +0.31 ISLAM 13 SPORT 1-8 Open -0.49% +0.56% +0.61% Latest Figures published in QATAR since 1978 FRIDAY Vol. XXXVII No. 10339 January 20, 2017 Rabia II 22, 1438 AH GULF TIMES www. 2 Riyals Souq Waqif Spring Festival In brief gets off to a colourful start QATAR | Reaction Qatar condemns attack By Joey Aguilar and Extreme Swing, among others. Staff Reporter At the Souq Alley, several shows and on Mali military camp attractions are also expected to enthral Qatar has strongly condemned and visitors such as the Blue Drummers, denounced the attack that targeted n array of cultural perform- Alien Percussion, Toy Soldier, Rainbow a military camp in the northern Mali ances and stage shows yes- Parade, Orange Drummers, and Venice city of Gao, killing and wounding Aterday marked the opening of Group. dozens of people. In a statement this year’s Souq Waqif Spring Festival, Abdul Aziz Nasser Theatre (Mirqab issued yesterday, the Ministry of which will run until February 2, from Hotel) will host a separate ‘Kids Show’ Foreign Aff airs reiterated Qatar’s 3.30pm to 10.30pm daily. daily at 7.30pm from today to Febru- rejection of all criminal acts which The opening salvo saw groups of ary 2 while Majlis Al Damah features a contravene values and principles male and female performers from Qa- ‘Spring Championship Damh’ for pro- of humanity, and aim to destabilise tar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Oman fessionals and amateurs. security and stability. The statement entertaining a large number of specta- Art lovers and artists will also have also reaff irmed Qatar’s rejection tors with traditional songs and dances. the opportunity to take part in some of violence and terrorism in all “Our aim is to continuously promote of the activities at the Souq Waqif Art their forms and manifestations.It and highlight Qatar’s rich cultural her- Centre from 4pm to 10.30pm. expressed sincere condolences to the itage in such festivals and events,” an “Souq Waqif is a popular tourist spot government and people of Mali and organiser told Gulf Times. for both domestic and foreign visitors. the families of the victims. Page 4 He said visitors will have the op- We organise and host festivals that portunity to watch several cultural promote Qatar as a family destination,” performances and shows on stage at said the organiser, stressing that they AFRICA | Politics various locations within Souq Waqif also off er authentic Arab and Qatari New Gambian president throughout the 15-day festival, includ- cuisine. ing a musical parade and unique pres- A similar event is also taking place at takes oath in Senegal entation led by an all-female group. Souq Al Wakrah where visitors receive a Adama Barrow has been sworn in The festival is also hosting enter- unique treat from a variety of perform- as Gambian president in Senegal’s tainment shows daily at a dedicated ances, as well as attractions while sa- capital, Dakar, after weeks of stage, featuring several popular Arab vouring the winter weather. political impasse. “This is a day singers and artistes. With the opening of several restau- no Gambian will ever forget,” said The organiser noted that the popu- rants and shops, Souq Al Wakrah has Barrow after he was sworn into lar dolphin show has returned to Souq seen a huge increase in the number of off ice at Gambia’s embassy in Dakar. Waqif’s amusement park (Al Ahmed visitors who want to spend their free The inauguration comes after an Square). Shows take place between time with their families especially dur- escalating political standoff triggered 4pm and 5pm and between 7pm and ing the weekend. by Yahya Jammeh’s rejection of the 8pm. “Before, Souq Waqif (Doha) was too December 1 presidential election Al Ahmed Square is hosting crowded with people because celebra- results. Barrow had been scheduled eight different games from 4pm to tions were concentrated only there, but to be inaugurated in Gambia, but 10.30pm for visitors, particularly now, Wakrah receives nearly the same the ceremony was jeopardised by children, as well as amusement (fun volume of visitors,” said a restaurant Jammeh’s refusal to give up power. and thrill) rides such as the Crazy employee who was previously assigned Page 4 Frog, Ranger, Caterpillar, Crazy Fire, at Souq Al Wakrah. Page 16 Roving performers at the 15-day Souq Waqif Spring Festival, which opened yesterday in Doha. PICTURE: Shemeer Rasheed EUROPE | Disaster Avalanche buries hotel in Italy; dozens missing Qatar denies receiving invitation A huge avalanche swallowed up a luxury mountain hotel in central Italy Chance of light rain, drop after a series of strong earthquakes to attend Syria talks in Astana rocked the area, burying up to 30 people under tonnes of snow and QNA invited. The talks, arranged by Moscow, debris, off icials said yesterday. The in temperatures forecast Doha will include offi cials from Russia, Iran, authorities said just two bodies had Turkey and the United Nations, and been recovered. Parts of the roof comes as US president-elect Donald and a row of windows were the only here is a chance of light rain in until Wednesday (January 25), accom- places besides poor visibility in the atar has denied receiving an Trump prepares to take offi ce today. sections of the four-storey Hotel the coming days, followed by a panied by fresh to strong winds blow- early hours of the day due to fog. invitation to participate in the Moscow, which has supported Syr- Rigopiano still visible after the wall of Tspell of strong winds and a no- ing at speeds ranging from 15 to 25 There is also a chance of scat- QSyrian crisis talks to be hosted ian President Bashar al-Assad in a mil- snow smashed into the resort early ticeable drop in temperatures in the knots. The wind speed may go up to 35 tered rain in off shore areas towards by Astana, capital of Kazakhstan this itary campaign against Islamic State on Wednesday evening. Page 8 country, the Qatar Met department knots in off shore areas and the Met de- the north along with hazy and cloudy month, an offi cial source at the Minis- and US-backed opposition groups, has has said. partment has also issued a warning for conditions at times, according to the try of Foreign Aff airs said. pushed the Astana talks with help from In Doha, the mercury level may dip high seas, observing that the sea level weather report. The offi cial told Qatar News Agency Iran and Turkey. ARAB WORLD | Off ensive to 10-13C next week in view of the may exceed 12ft towards the north. The detailed report says hazy to (QNA) that the Reuters’ report citing However, Tehran has said it opposed US strikes in Libya kill expected conditions, according to the In addition, a noticeable drop in misty/foggy conditions are likely in an offi cial at the Ministry of Foreign any US presence at the meeting. weather report. the mercury level is also likely during some inshore areas at fi rst. This will Aff airs yesterday on Qatar receiving an A decision on whether to attend the more than 80 IS fi ghters In a statement yesterday, the Met this period as the minimum tempera- be followed by cloudy conditions at offi cial invitation to participate in the talks will be up to the new Trump ad- More than 80 Islamic State (IS) department said “beautiful weather” ture is expected to range between 10C times along with a chance of light rain talks is completely untrue. ministration. militants, some of whom were is expected in the coming days as the and 13C in Doha and less than that in in some places. Meanwhile, Reuters, quoting a State The Pentagon said in a statement believed to be plotting attacks in skies will gradually become “partly external areas. The windy conditions Visibility may drop to 2km or less Department offi cial said yesterday that yesterday that a US air strike killed an Al Europe, died in US air strikes on cloudy to cloudy at times” from today will add to the chill factor, the weather in some areas in the early hours of the United States is reviewing an invi- Qaeda leader in Syria on Tuesday. camps outside the group’s former until early Monday (January 23). There offi ce has said. the day. The minimum temperature is tation to attend upcoming talks on the Mohamed Habib Boussadoun al- North African stronghold of Sirte is a chance of scattered light rain dur- The Met department has urged peo- likely to be 11C in Abu Samra and 16C Syria confl ict in Astana. Tunisi, a Tunisian who was involved in in Libya, the US said yesterday. ing this period, especially on Sunday, ple to be cautious and avoid venturing in Doha today. Yesterday, the mercury “We did get an invitation and it’s un- “external operations and has been con- “These strikes were directed against January 22, the forecast states. into the sea in windy conditions. level dropped to 9C in Abu Samra and der review,” the offi cial told Reuters, after nected to terrorist plots to attack West- some of ISIL’s external plotters,” US Then, a high-pressure ridge is ex- Meanwhile, today’s forecast says 10C in Karana, while in Doha (airport Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov ern targets,” was killed in the strike near Defence Secretary Ash Carter said.
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