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11-3-1927 The aC rroll News- Vol. 9, No. 3 John Carroll University

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Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 9, No. 3" (1927). The Carroll News. 17.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Home Support Coming The Carroll News Carroll Saturday John Carroll University T eam Vol. IX CLEVELA D, OHIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927 No.3 HOMECOMING SATURDAY ------~------~ SPEAKER HITS ALL UNI~~:~f~~RIVE i CARROLL WILL MEET LOMBARD NEW AMENDMENTS Students Urged To Join In IN ANNUAL TILT ON SATURDAY Mr. F. T. Addresses Student Body on Issues in Order To Participate In j Alumni Promise Large Attendance for Home- Coming Municipal Election. Asserts De­ Class Sports Alumni Luncheon coming Game. Cheer Club Conpletes Plans fects in Charter Amendments The Carroll U n ion, student coun- A luncheon will be held f or t he For Novelties During Game and cil of the Univer sity, h as again be- alumni at t he Allerton ball-r oom Between Halves In the third of the series of talks during t he dean's lec­ Igun its annual drive for member- on Saturday, N ovember 5. This ture period, on Wednesday, November 2, Mr. Francis T. Is hip. T his week has been designat- will be held p r evious to t he The Carroll Cheer Cl ub, which has recent ly been re- Hayes presented the opposite side of t he question which had ed as Union W eek. The U n ion in- Homecoming g ame with Lombard. organized, plans an elaborate celebration to be held as one been heard the week previous. tnds to include in its member ship Cards wer e sent Tuesday to a ll of the features of the Blue Streak's homecoming on Satur- Mr. Hayes was instructed by . ------ever y student at Carroll. t he Alumni. The charges will day. To date the arrangements are not complete but Nick Father _Smith. He is a graduate of CLUB ST CHARLES It is absolutely essential for par - be a dolla r per p late. Sheehan, president of the club, promises something new and East H1gh school and Western Re- • ticipation in any class activities t hat startling in the way of surprises. serve University. He was instr uct­ or in Political Science at Reserve we belong to t he Union since it Fr. Smith Conducts CARROLL GUILD ~ Gr eatly ent hused over t he r ecord PASS RESOLUTIONspo nsor s a ll t he inter-mural sports which t he St reak h as set so far t his under Professor A. P. H-atton, who such as basketball, indoor baseball, Seminary Retreat sea son a nd anxious to do t heir bit drafted the present city charter of TO PRINT PAPER handball, etc. It is also r esponsible DONATES MONEY i n cheering th e team to grea ter Cleveland. He is now engaged in for t he smoking r oom and t he smok-Rev. Thos. J . S mith, S. J., Dean glory the member s of the alumni this special line of work namely the er s that occur during the school of studies, conducted t he annual r e- will be on hand for t he home coming study of governments and charters. TO BLDG FUND Charter to be Sought year . Odmittance to the latter is t r eat at t he Lady of t he Lake Sem- • game with Lombard. J n order t h at how. ~o Fal'Or For Me)mbership possible only t hrough t he possession inar y. The r etreat began on t h e t hey migh t be present en masse the Mr. Hayes in beginning his lec­ of a "Union Car d." night of Sunday, October 30, a nd a lumni will hold a luncheon a t the ture let it be known that he was in Alliance The officer s of t he differen t classes ended T hursday morning with Mass, Dance Held at Allerton Aller ton befor e t he g ame from favoring neither the Davis Amend­ are dir ectly in char ge of the dr ive in Sermon and P apal Benediction. T he Hotel Nets Thous- wher e t hey will go to Luna P a rk. ment, the Harris Amendment, the A meeting for the French stu­ their respective classes with J ack whole seminar y was included in t he A lar ge number a r e expected to be Freebolin Amendment or t he present dents who are a lso members of t he S heehan, as president of t he Union retr eat, more t h a n on e hundred an d and Dollars on hand. in complete ch ar ge. for ty men being p resent. Fath er government in the form of City Club St. Charles was arranged for To Avenge Defeat S mit h said t h at t he retr eat was 1\'~anager Hopkins. He stated that Wednesday, November 2. This was At t he conclusion of t he Carroll Alt hough t he Lombard team is his purpose was not to praise or de- highly successful. the most important meeting of the Guild Dance held on October 27, a traditionally strong, having set up tract from any of the above named year thus far since it was decided SUPPORTS DAVIS t housand dolla r s was pr esented to a high r ecor d t his season Carroll but merely to point out the defects at this assmbly t~at t~e F r ench Glee Club HaJs has hig h a n d we11-founded hopes of of all and show the necessity for paper would be prmted mstead of CHARTER CHANGES. Rev. M. J. Boylan, S. J ., who ad- ending t he game on top. Some diea Cleveland having a charter worthy mimeographed as in the past. Mr. 1 dr essed t hose who wer e assembled Practiee of · the ~t .,. P.ngth of the Lombar--1 of the name. Truebelle gave a snort talk to those -- - - Iat tne Ailertou. Father Boyland . cts Present CI.ty team may be gathered from its last OntJines GoYenunent present in which he outlined the I n d1 Ali i thanked t he Guild for t he money year 's r ecor d. One hundred and coming events for the future meet- Mana O'er Plan Fr. Winters Classifies He outlined the city government 0 which is to be added to t he J ohn thirty points wer e scor ed to its bp- ings. Prominent among the tenta- • from the time Cleveland drafted its T lk V · I t 0 V · Car roll Univer sity Bu ilding F und. ponen ts for ty-two. This was tive plans is the appointing of a In a OICes n ariOUS first charter in 1913. Previous to committee to take charge of affairs Groupings He expressed the hope t hat t he U ni·- agaid nst extr emely str ong opposi tion that tim ' Mr. Hayes stated, the city for a dance which the members in- Mr. Richard Collins was the ---- versity would soon be on th e H eights an t he Galesburg eleven swamped government had been run according tend to give in the near future. second speaker on the series At the last meeting of t he Glee as it was impossible at p r esent to t he strong Butler eleven by a 18-0 to a plan set down by the Ohio State arranged by the Alumni Asso- club, the singers wer e dividedd up accommodate all t hose who wer e at scor e. Carroll a lso bowed to t he Assembly weherein cities, towns and Xame Sta ff ciation for the Wednesday Lee- into the various classes of voices pr esent seeking admission. h eavy Lomba r d team last Thanks- vmages, according to thir size, were As plans for the paper have pro- ture. Mr. Collins f avored the as tenor, or bas. Several songs The Dance and combined Card giving but t here is every indication o-overned according to a set plan. gressed so rapidly in so short a time, Davr·s Amendments and at t he e · h t · t t h t hat t he r oles t h is year will be r e- " wer sung m c or us o acquam e P ar ty were highly successful. The ver sed. Then in 1913, an amendment was Prof. Trubelle decided to elect a same time he aid that those members with ensemble singing whole ball room wa s fi lled with card made to the state constitution staff. Those chosen from t he num- who suppor ted the Amend- rather than as serious work. Rev- tables at ten dollar s per t able. Amu iug Sidel!ight whereby these municipalities were Mr. Hinkle, '30 Editor , Mr . Me- ments were support ers of the erend V ictor W inter , S. J., the di- Danci ng was held in t he tiled main Those who r ead t h e last Lombard gl.ven "home rule" that 1·s the r1"ght Caffery. , '29 Assistant Editor , Mr. 1 d h · · d th .7 m r" ll tax wh1"ch would enable rector , e t e sm gmg an e dining r oom. T om Donohue, a f or - paper wer e much surprised and Of Self goverllment to Reus , '2 Literary Editor. Mr . the CI. ty to 1·a1·se the pay Of Cl·ty b . . d . "th h t t tl d t d t h I mem er s JO ine m W I m uc gus o mer St . I gnatius man, pr ovided t he s ar e o r ea e exu tant an- whatever plan they might choose. Truebelle as.ured the students that firemen. and a lot of noise. The meeting did Io r chestr a. n ounce_ment of the ma gnificent Cleveland l·n the n1uni.CI·pal elections an.Y contributions which t he mem- B ··efiy 11e outll·ned the niunl·c ,· pal t h th f rt t th L b 11 no consume muc mor e an o y- The Carroll Guild is composed of r ouncmg at om ard adminis- of that year picked the mayor and hers should give would be kindly political history since 1&91, wh en fi · t ·t · t h d t 's t d t t h C 11 t · t h · council, the councilmen being elected considered. He stres ed t he schol- Cleveland had the manal!"er plan u n- vie mmtu esh ast 1 tlsh e con uchor r elat ives of Carroll men and t h• ·her e o . e arro Teham ln elr - po 1cy o s or en em as muc as . . t · d the growth orne-commg game. e statement from the thirty-three ward of the astic value of wor k of this type. ti"l when it was declared uncon- h "bl d t "ll bt · ffi m am purpose I S o a l h L d 1901 e poss1 y can an s 1 o am e • of the Building Fund. t at om bar p 1 a yed an infinitely city. There were, Mr. Hayes said, In his talk he said that he would stitutional by the State Su'Preme ciency. H e asked t hose present to superior g ame to Carroll was r ead defect in the charter drawn up as devote all the time he possessed in Court as contravening that clau e in br ing as many f r iends a s t hey could CARROLL CHEERS wit h unbelievable surprise until it there were in every other charter. order to make the undertaking a the constitution which states that all persuade to join and g ave t he mthe was discover ed t hat Joh n Carroll Then in 1921, Professor Hatton success but that he expected t hem laws of general nature m ust have f reedom of t he club r ooms. U niver sit y w as not meant at all but and others began a drive which cui- t<> cooperate. Fifty subscr iptions uniform op£ration. T he next meting will be N ovem- SENT OVER OTHER t ha t Carroll College of W isconsin minated in the adoption of the City were immediately secured. All the Co nstitutionnl Convention Iber 3, at 7:30 P. M. was the college r eferred to. P redic- ter . me_mbers of the club teed to t . f 1 d t h t h Manager Plan by Cleveland Vo In 1912 a Co nstitutional Conven- 1ons ar e r ee Y rna e a no sue Profe Sol. Hatton, Mr. Hayes said, bnng at least five addlbona.l sub- lH t . t h J h tion was held for tlle state and the FATHER KLEIST 0 ver Three ' un dr e d ann ou ncemen con cermng e 0 n drew up the Manager charter him- Iscriptions per man. Carroll team will ever be r ead in t he Home iRule Amendment was adopt- self, that is without the help of any 'fo J oin As ociatlon ed. "Since then Cleveland has had TO READ PAPER Attend Junior L ombar d p aper. Incidentally t he one else, or with consulting any A meeting is being arranged the liberty to frame its own fo rm of Dance L ombard paper in an editorial gave other person. Due to this fact, he for the near futul·e and it is ex- government. It chose the mayor Will Lecture Before Classi- voice to t he p anicky plea; "Extin- said, the charter had a great many pected that the members will be plan till fou r years auo when the cal Conference On Sub- " C-A-R-R-oooOO-LL Car·r·oll'." guish John Carroll." From a r ec- defects which will necessarily occur asked to raise their dues. The foun- ord of past Carroll games t his does manager plan, now in operation, wa • f t From over three hundred lusty where one man only attempts to der of the society has had negotia- ]eC t 0 N ew T es t amen n ot on th e surface of a ny other place adopted. throats t he cheer was wafted over complete a work which shou ld re- tions under way by which the club a ppear to be entirely practicable. .f This form of uovernment does not Rev. J . J . Klel· st, u ·rofessor of the ether to let t he w orld know t hat quir e a committee o f men f rom d1 - is to join the Alliance of French A' · "deliver what it promises." :\Ir. G k J h C II U · · John Carroll Univer sity has as man y ferent walks of life to pass on 1t. clubs, which he believes would prove ~ ree • at o n a rro liJVer slty, Send Telegram To Under the charter Cleve 1 an d h as Ia wonderful means of advertising. C'o llin aid. He explained this bY WI- 11 rea d a paper b e f ore t h e oh1· 0 hearty suppor ter s. be n operating for t he past four stating that too much opportunity Classical Conference on November The broa dcasting was t he main Team At Villanova years. was given "for passing the buck." 10. T he subject of t he paper w1!1 f eature a t t he annual Junior da nce .\ ovorates Co mmission Rector Present At Councilmen might be elected from be "Colometry as Applied to the New held at t he Ho!lenden hotel. Al­ A telegram having over one hun­ tbe \Vest Side who lived on the Ea t Testament."' t hough many were observed to step What Mr. Hayes advocated was a dred and seventy signatures of Car­ near the microphone rather expect­ charter commi ion omposed of men D. U. Dedication Sicle. He attacked the P. R. voting The conference is holding its an­ roll students was sent to t he foot­ antly n one dared to shout in to it. not intere ted in politics as such, but as too compli ated for the average nual meeting on November 10-12, in ball team at Villanova, F riday, Oc­ voter and thus a affording too much Cleveland. The gatherings will be H owever, t h e whole crowd grouped in Cleveland as a civic being and in Rev. M. J. Boylan, . J., attended tober 28. The telegram was read to a round t he microphone a few min­ the progress of the city. This com­ the Golden of the University chance for crookedu ess. held at the Hotel Cleveland, and at t he team just before the game by u tes befor e broadcasting ceased and mission, if it i cho en will during Detroit, at which even buildings Xon-Partr Vo tln ~ the Women's College of Western Re- Coach R a lph Vin ce. In addition to under t he leadP.rship of John Mar­ the period of one year alloted by the were formally dedicated to t he Another indictment d1·awn up I serve. t his telegram two shorter ones were tin a nd Louis :c'ergut, gave a fine law, perhaps and undoubtedly in a "furthering of r eligion, education ag-ai nst the present form was the ------­ sent previously. Every man wh o demonstration oi how roue!, noise shorter time, draw up a charter for and good citizenship." The e build- non-party clause. ?\'lr. Collins as- ger form as necessarily "tyrannical" signed the telegram contributed a t hree hundred can produce. T he mo t the city. This charter would not be ing have been erected on an en- serted that while he belonged to the and a having all the ar""ument for dime to defray the expenses of send­ popular cheer seem,,d to be "a bunch the fiction of one man or a group of tirely new s ite seven miles from the Democratic Party he was forced to it that monarchy has. In advocating ing it. The long wlegram follows: of the boys were -whooping it up," politicians but the work of men r e­ old University and cia ·es h ence- admit that his party had been lulled the mayor form be compared it to "Men of Carroll, our faith is with ceiving suggestion from any and all forth will be held in the new build- to slE-ep by political plums distrib- the national federal form which bas and its shrill companion. Charles you. We 'know the odds but we can who were intere ted in the com­ ings. uted by the dominant Republican been found succes ful for the coun- Winn of Joh nCarroll played a vio­ see you fight, fight fighting for dear munity and civic progres . This Bishop Gallagher pontificated at Party; thus preventing many vices try at large. After his talk Mr. lin solo and John Beljon tickled the old Carroll. Show the old stuff, committee is composed of m en who t he Jubilee Ma and Father Cav- and abuses from coming to light be- Collin offered to an wer any que - ivory keys. team. You've got the fight. You've under tood the needs of Clevelanrl, anaugh, C. . C., former president cause a n ore:anized minority is 'Pres- tion which a nyone might care to The Junior committee reports that got t he pep! March, march down Mr. Hay s aid, and who are willing of otre Dame, delivered the ser- ent to watch. ask him. Several students took ad- the dance, financialiy es well as so- that field; guard Carroll's honor. to work toward that end. mon. :\Ir. Collins denounced the mana- vantage of the offer. cially was a success. Don't fail us old gang of ours!" Page Two THE CA RRO LL NEWS Thursday, November 3, 1927 " Who 's Who " Gesu Parish t o "America" Now on A llescrlptive Reply "'"\'ho urrendered to Washing- Hold Bazaar Sale, Sc Per Copy Hodge Podge ton?'' ··corn wallis." Gesu Parish, under charge of Anyone who wishes to get a con­ cise and intelligent summary of "'And Howe!" It w-tai,ly look• d good t<> "' " ll•g• .,t tog•th" '" th• Father Rudden, will hold a bazaar m•" ,._I weekly events f rom the Catholic fair sized crowd at that Wilmington pre ed purpose of showing a team on Friday and Saturday, November For RESULTS Advertise game. If there was anyone in that or a friendly college that they are view point, has only to ask for a 4 and 5, on its property on Wash­ subscription blank for the AMER- crowd who didn't hink Can-oil had "for them," a radiation of in the CARROLL NEWS ington boulevard, in Univ~:rs ity that old fight we are so proud of, noise occurs which brings ICA from Bill Casey. This Jesuit I Height , for the benefit of a new magazine, the Catholic Literary Di­ there was no doubt in hi. 01· her arne results as a T. r. "Buy Farr The Be t" gest, is being offered to Carroll men mind on the subject after those me­ grammar school and church. at a special student price. morable few moments when the • • • The property of the parish ad­ cleat of our linesmen dug up the GLEE CL B WAR joins that of John Canoll Univer­ chalk of our goal line for four The announcement in the sity. Pretty Expensive stands against the Quakers' furious attack . It is a fact that those of ARROLL NEWS that the The parish has been holding its us who for one reason or another Club was to produce Gilbert and ul- religious services in the University Oregon State College, Corvallis, livan's "PI AFORE" in the near can't get out on the old _g-ridiron and Heights town hall, and school is still Oct. 4. - (PIP) - The maximum future has caused a big disturbance fight for our Alma Mater often come bein held in a double hou e on Sils . amount used by a woman at the col- Lorain Ave. and W. 26th St. among the members of the club. The g lege during the last school year was home from a game suffering almost association has broken up into two by road. A temporary church a nd ; $106!1 and the minimum was $321, as many injuries as the players. It There's always "something camp . The one side in ist that the school, which will be opened soon, according to recent figures. 1en do is no joke to sit up half of every club hould be true to its public and new' in "Farr's Clothes" - ­ Saturday night nursing strained will provide for the purposese of the not spend as much as shown by the have bona fide girls for the feminine they're not made up in bulk lungs, sore throats, and head aches John Martin parish for a few years. burgets handed in to the student caused by vocal football playing. roles in the operetta. The others loan committee. 'I'h e average amount half a year ahead like other They tell us that John Gallagher re- hold that a good deception, if well The big butter and egg men from held the tradition of "The Flaming spent by a man is $54 1.55 against ready-to-wear. cites a few Jines of Homer to the carried out, is no deception at all. I Oil City where they sell for eighty Youth." So thrilling and so power- $544.29 for the co-eds. men he "takes out" in a game. After The only argument, worth mention- cents a dozen and men are men. modern - Willamette Collegian. · ~. ing, which the former can bring up IThis smili ng Irish face has been a ful was his speech on thi watching Jack clip one or two of ~ hi is the resulting increase of member- familiar sight within the halls of question that we have heard that he opponents we think it would be more appropriate if he recited a line or so ship in the Glee club, if their plan our Alma Mater for the past six almost convinced himself that he For Malted Milk of Tennyson's "In Memoriam." Some is carried out. The other side has years. Or has it only seemed like hould reform. His only vice is say- a Jot of good arguments for their si.x? The e years have not been in fair co-ed near us at the Wilming- ing "And how." For the sake of hi 1 and I ce Cream ton game exclaimed, "Oh dear! 1 plan of using boys in the feminine idleness, but J ohn has given the relations with the fair sex \Ve will role but they are having a hard greater portion of his time to Car­ 'vish they wouldn't let that Archie not list his virtues except to say Go t o Lewis make the touchdowns for Car- time, in spite of all Mr. F le i. hman roll activities. He ha been and is that he is the most pleasant man on F ARR'S CLOTHES, Inc. roll. He tun so fa t everything is say , to prove that eating two cakes the of our prize cheering the Carroll Campus. 4277 Pearl Road of yea t a day i going to raise the squad, that famous "league of na­ all over before I know what is hap- His amibition is high but if he Alpha voice of the fair heronies. tion " Irish Martin, Dutch Hergut Open Monday, T hursday and pening." has but one-tenth-and we are sure • • • J and Avellone. In thi capacity he Satur day Evehings he has-of t he pep that he has help­ Pharmacy • • • was in trumental in contriving J,.\l'IIS KlD (~Ult: D ER CAESAR something new in extracting healthy ed to instill in the Blue Streak he'll 2346 Lorain Ave. U nited Bank Bldg. Poor Ed Grieder, the chairman of Looking over the liberetto of Is hout from the football audience. get there. All right fellows a big l I!.....------...._! the Junior dance committee, led a "PI NAFORE" we find that a cat is By his initiative the Carroll Cheer­ one for Irish Martin! One! Two! '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~ dog's life tho e few days before the supposed to appear in one act. As ing Club or the Tri C. was again re­ Three! dance. He tells us that he received there are no cats in the neighbor- organized and is putting forth vali­ information that the Hollcnden had hood due to the activity of the bioi- ant efforts at all the games. For RESULTS Advertise WIN! burned down, fifty times; that Jack ogy department we suggest that Fr. However hi s genius a a football in the CARROLL NEWS Horwitz and his collegians had all Winter's "Cae ar" who i , by the player has Jain dormant or at lea t a New Kibler Suit di d or been killed, thirty times; way (the only soprano in the club) hidden durino- his entire college ca­ a N ew Kibler Overcoat that there were at lea t ten other be drafted into service. It would reer until the Carroll-Wilmington photo En uraving anri private an·oll dances on the night be easy enough to change the lines game. We are at a los whether to a New Kibler Topcoat of the twenty-eighth; and that at from "It was a cat" to "It wa a class him with Stuheldreher or Nick Etching lea t seventy-five students told him dog." After his training in thi Alh·ock-unless he is in a class by FREE! the 28th was Carroll night at the play we might end him out to himself. N ame Kibler's New Department Allen theatre or somewhere else. Hollywood a a ri\·al for Strong- Nor i the ability to make other s T he Loua n That wa bad enough but when at heart. If he puts it over, Carroll yell and cheer themselves hoarse e f or Young Men I Cleveland's big Kibler Srore wants a suitable lea t a hundred more asked if he could build two or three univer itic the only saving grace of t~i . ,young ['EngraVin g C 0 had heard anything of a Canol! name for its new College Department • • . Can • • gentleman. He has the g1ft of the I • you name it? Junior dance at the Hollenden on the REAL SPIRIT golden tongue. His oratorical gen- twenty-eighth, he almost lost his ius reached its zenith last May in 1656 E . 55th St. Three grand prizes are offered for the best name mind. The school owes a debt of grati- t he oratorical contest where he up­ suggested. If you don't ~e t the first prize, you tude to Dug Maclvor for getting may win the second or thtrd. Irs easy-read the • • • Lowe' theatre to advertise our rules below and get your suggestions in at once. ARROLL IVE · D. C. 1 E games. The same is due to Bob P RIZES AND RULES OF CONTEST A D A WHO Koeckley and Mi lt Sherwood for the Furniture, Rugs, The citizens of Cleveland living in help they gave in getting W JAy to Club, Class and Frat 1ST Patzs- A KtBLBR Scrrr. 2Nn PRtzs..:...A KtuLaa OvaacoAT. the vicinity of An el road and Su- broadcast the Junior dance. That is Stoves 3RD PatzB- A KtBLBR ToPCOAT. perior avenue, N. E., haven't quite the spirit we want around school. Pins a Specialty 1. All contestants 3. In case of a tie recovered from the shock they re­ It's the spirit that i going to put must submit their sug- for any one of the prizes ceived the other night. It seems gest ions together with offered, prizes of equal Carroll on the map, actually and R eidy Bros. the reason for their selec- that about eleven-thirty on the eve­ figuratively. tion upon Entry Regis· value will be given to ning of Oct. 20th, they were sudden­ &Flanigan E. C. BOCK rration Cards which have all contestants ti eing. ly shaken from their beds, windows been provided for the 4. All Entry Cards For RESULTS Advertise 11730-34 Detroit Ave. purpose. must be in our hands were battered, pictures knocked m the CARROLL NEWS Main 0915 854 Rose Bldg. 2. All contestants before December 1st, from the walls, and tables upturned Corner Hird Ave. must be of School age. 1927. by the force of a violent explosion, the origin of which is unknown. On T here are no other rules. You can win as easily as the the two previou Saturdays similar other jet/ow. Entry cards contain detailed information .w-c~rn Arnold Wilhelm E lmer J . Wilhelm on how to proceed. Get your entry card now. Apply disturbances with the arne disaster­ to Contest Manager, 2nd Floor, Kibler Store-at once! ous re ult had been reported by W est Side Printing House people living around Woodland and ~~ods 245 E. 105th street. This last quake, 15 Store to Serve You 2329-31-33 Abbey Ave. EUCLID AVE. however, coming at that hour of the Atlantic 0048 Atlantic 0049 night caused quite a furor and the -'?.. scientists of the city were asked to investigate into the causes. Much ,JtLJ.H.A.JOJ1_ Evergreen 4170 study wa done and many theories were given out in the scientific mag­ 1'-7 ~----.,-~ azines and at various clubs in t he The Student city but all wa in vain, the real High Grade Pastries cause of the di turbance remained SIX STORES The Horten Dairy Co$ hidden. The editor of thi column, 2836-42 Lorain Ave. and Health however, has a theot·y which he 105-6 The Arcade "The Better Milk'' thinks olves the problem. It is bas­ Euclid-105th Mkt. Arcade A delicious food confection such as good ice cr eam makes Euclid-46th Mkt. Arcade ed on this theorem of practical phy­ 14800 Detroit Ave. 4900-4918 Denison Avenue for health and happiness. That parents and teachers in­ sics: "When a bunch of lively col- dorse this idea is shown by the ever-increasing use of 1800 Coventry Rd. Cleveland, Ohio The Arata Company f!AkElfS HYGRADE Fine Candies, Chocolate , Cigars Tobacco and Be t Home- Made Ice Cream in the City 850 Broadway Cleveland, Ohio .ICE CREAM Beginning, Sunday, October 30 Most of the schools choose Baker's for events at school and E. A. SCHAEDEL ROBERT McLAUGHLIN Presents so it is in the home. Hy-Grade is made from the purest and richest of milk and Je eler and Optometrist The Thrilling Comic cream. It is a builder of health. 3024 Lorain A venue Mystery Play 0. P . Schaedel, Optometrist Telephone, l\Ielrose 1965 The Garfield 2344 ~~"': ~~~'~ Painters and Dectorators I Baker Evans Ice Cream V'.#~~.J_____ (!)t1. 10555 Euclid Ave. ''The Gorilla'' _.. nr. E. 105th , Company ESTABLISHED 1 92 WE ST DY TO PLEASE With May Collins and Emmett Vogan , , ~------'V_A_L_L__ P_AP __ E_R __ A_ N_D__ P_ A_IN__ T_ S_T_O_R_E______! I ~======~ ~~4~6~0~7~D~e~ru~·s~o~n~A~v~e~· ~~~-.-.-.-.-.~C~le~v~e~la~n~d ~.~O~h~io~, Thursday, November 3, 1927 THE C ARROLL EWS Page Three

wa no compari on to make. The studen t. '" --- ~ Library Notes rHE CARROLL NEWS failed to live up to their own predictions . i Campus Chats !' There were probably fifty students at the l To facilitate the borrowing of Publi hed f ortnightly by the students of John Carroll Union tation-not more That little number L-~------~------~-· book,.;. the libraraian has decided 01 University. Editorial and Bu iness Offices, West 30th out of a pos ible two hundred. Where were While wandering, boo ks in hand cheme had on one fellow we han• in the fullow'nr:- system: C'anls Urt' and Carroll Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. the others. We don't know. Some, of cour e, and hand · in pocket, acr oss t he mind. placed on the top of the ~·ani cata­ h a ve real excuses, work, etc. But the major­ campu., ·we found our elf face to • • • log whit-h arc to be filled in a.· di- Subscriptions-$2.00 per year -n'hen t he reporter for one of our reclNI on tht• card. Tht'l' i1< n place ity could have attended and should have at- face wi th a freshman. That i very unusual occurrence we know, da il y paper wanted to find out the for the name and author ol thl· Editor-in- hi r______Claude Herman, '28 tended. ·when arroll left Cleveland to play since the poor youths always run tatu. of the pre:;ent generation in book. for the bt,ok numbl'l' whi ·h Associate Editor______John Lavelle, 29 ~\IIarqu e tt e three y ears ago there wa an out- fo r the neare t shelter at sight of an regard to smoking and drinking in will ht' found in the upp('r ldt han,! Literary Editor______Cyril J. Reuss, '28 b urs t of enthu iasm that has never since been upper class man and they can be our colleges, he asked the views of corm r of the <:atalogue card, and or the name of tht' pcr~on who A st. L iterary Editor ______M1c. h ae1 Ph'll.1 1p s, •28 rivaled The team that year wa given a r eal seen peering hom behind t he hole. a young- man who was earning- his wi>·hcg to withdraw the book Tn Alumni Editor ______Patrick Cooney, '29 s nd-off. Why not the same now? in the lace curtains if t hey can get way through chao! by preaching in one of the country churchct< near fill in this information, the borro' - 'ports Editor______Jack Mulcahy, '29 So after thro,ving away the other editorial clo'e enough to the !act curtains to Oberli n. If anyone knows anything <'r will ha,·e to look up the' btlOk in we d ecided w e would write another and this peer f rom behind them. But ala, Business Manager ______Edgar Grieder, '29 funnier than that we have an old the card catalog and M't' "hl'th. r time w e wouldn't contrast, we would compare and Ala ka, ince the sale of onions Ad verti ing Manager______John Gornik, '30 plug hat we would like to give to thC' book is in the library. a nd ee if w could find out which was more in Bermuda has nothing to do with the de erving per on . The n hag a certain numb,•r the porch of a West Side home and was im­ dance will be held on Thursday in Art , dre s a few of the fellows up stead of Friday due to the change with guns and bandanas, and use of card: like that to enahlt• tlw bor­ pale d on on a fence picket. It was not the Liberalism of schedul e. the smoke house a the exterior of a rower lo find cithn the book he i' strange way in w h ich the man died that looking- for or :-;omcthing on th We cou ld not co ntain our eh·e> good old fashiom~d gone-to-the-dog~ Bertrand Russell, outstanding Engli h :ame subject. caught our attention It was the thought that longer, we burst into tears and cried western aloon. There is quite a philosopher an deducator, who is making a he might have been saved. out to the high heavens to protect few ways of gaining publicity if one The ~e<'Ond catalog i~ knn\\ n a. th shelf list. Thi~ is an·unged num::or­ lecture tour of American colleges, declared: The fire engines , that i one company in the poor working gi rl from such is will ing to take the chance. "If you cannot liberalize the student there is small wage!<. :--low while on the • ically by the numhPr on the left­ going to the fire were stopped by the red traf­ hand cornC'r of the eanl. Thus all no hope for America. Liberals in the United subject of wag-es for working girl~ What we would like to know , is fi c light. One fireman ·was about three f eet book.· of tr;n·el an· ll!Tllll!;t'd undt>r States need realize that America dominates the we II talk about t he fell ow at the thi . If t he building ever caught away from the man as h e fel l and tried to glee club meeting who pe r-i ted in fi re, who would get out first, the Lhe numbers between !HO and !ll!J. world. To liberalize the world. Liberal el e. push him away from the fence. The fireman singing a few bars from the "Wed­ profs. or the fellows? The . tud nts If a Cl'rtain dl'partml•nt of knnwl where feel this keenly and it explains t h eir in­ erl;..c is requil'l'

FOURTH STRAIGHT TIME 20-6 1 Team Beats Streak ~~::.~:~::a~~;s:::::~~~~~~E~~a~ &-- IC 11 H 0 ld Ed · Fi . t H lf' 7 0 0 1 t A- 1 game. It was mer ly a case of Lewis Races Seventy yards for Touchdown R . . G arro s ge In Is a ' - n y 0 Ithe heavier team and the team with After Catching Brickman's Pass."Gaul's ematntng ames Lose Out Before Ons~aught of Strong (Conti nued on Pnge ix) Line Plunging Big Feature at Luna Park Pennsylvania Team I - -- in Carroll Victory After holding off t he huge Villanova eleven through the f OpposinQ" greater part of three quarter of last Saturday's game Coach Once more the Carroll Blue Streak met the enemy in Records O "-' Vince's Blue Streak went down t o a 20-7 defeat. It was the shape of the Wilmington College eleven, and once more Teams Show Carroll' first setback of t he sea on. the down state machine took the short end of the score. Strength Imitating his old t utor 's example Harry Stuhldreher one of Carroll played a plunging game and after the Quakers had the famous Four Horsemen of Notre Dame started his second worked several passes for a touchdown put the lid on tight In the three remaining games or ' team against the Cleveland outfit. Carroll gave a demonstra­ and romped through the visitors' forward wall for a 20-6 the season Carroll will meet Lorn- tion of heads-up football , outplayed t he Villanova seconds, and victory. in two minutes scored a touchdown and amassed the extra Wilmington came to the Carroll!)------bard, St. Vi ator a nd l)avis a nd E l- poi nt . Stuhldreher inserted his fi r t team post ha te with in- stamping ground well armed with a LEWIS WORRIES kins. All of the contests will be t ructions to pass the Streak off its feet. wonderful pass a ttack and for a OPPOSING TEAMS staged at the Luna Pa rk Stadium. Throughout the greater part or ------A glance a t the past r ecords of the first half the Pennsylvania eleven@m 11 to replace those who had used t ime it looked as though Carroll was all of their strenath in tiring the We have noticed wi th great sati s- these various teams will give some had the ball in the air. The passes in for a tough day. The invaders r t· d h . • t that were meant to Sl)e!l easy vic- levelander , Villanova went over ac ton an roue JOY .• 11 a one, idea of the strength and cali ber of kept the ball in the air practically Ar hie Lewis, left ha lfback for the tory for the Blue and White were for its hard earned victory. all t he time that it was in their Blue Str eak, is one constant worr y the elevens which com_e to Clevela nd not so good. however. :\JoGu ire, No one could ay that the Carroll line did not distinguish itself in the. possession and were rewarded by to opposing teams. as guests of the Streak during ::'\o- playing the game of his life for Car­ seeing a goodly number of the tosses P owerful drives m ight bring vis- vember. : r oll, was the proverbial stumbling completed. But Carroll's line charg- itin" elevens within striking di s- Last year Lombard played an Iblock. fo r Stuhl_drell r_·s men_· He ed hard when the goal line was tance of the Carroll goal, •but it's a eight o-ame schedule fo!· a total of br oke throu""h tlme after time to b d d h th St k' 5 1· d ' smother the passer before he could Leather threatened and serious disaster was a a y w en e r ea me oes fi · d h d ·ed 1 a verted. not hold. At such times Lewis . ve wms, an_ ra n up _on e un 1 j_ get rid of the ball or to hu rry him and thirty pom ts whtle tts opponent I so that the heaves were wild. As a The Carroll offense worked ri es to the occasion a nd playfully kicks the oval out of da nger. were scoring Corty-two. The Ga les- r result of his efforts Carroll inter- Coats smoothly throughout the contest. Let an ambitious back attem pt to burg eleven played the strong But- cepted mo t of the th rows. Villa- G au! made repeated thrusts at the nova tried some se,·enteen or ei""ll- r d d · d to h run over Archie's position and "0, ler team on a muddy and extremely Leather Coat are the me an average SIX yar s eac teen pa ·es and completed two. 1 Le · d E d.. f d wh a t damage." But when the gia nt slow fi eld a nd came throug h with a n best possible protec­ P unge. W1S an re tcs oun Car roll's touchdown came within rttl diffi It · d. th d halfback really enjoys himself is 18-0 victory. Carroll went down to 1 tion against b i t i n g ~nd e afte;ut:e ~~~~~~ n:ot . e g:~n; when he has the ball tucked com- a 24 -0 defeat at the hands of the Ill. the first two minutes of play. It fo y under his a rm and is run- team last yeat· and enters the game was evident from the outset that winds. There's a new there was little doubt what the Carroll was better than the team Style 288 outcome would be. ning rough bod over would-be tack- Saturday to avenge that setback. thrill waiting for the that Stuhlclreher started. The Vince- One of the brightest moments of lers. Yes, Archie's idea of a good ·St. Viator a l.s o won five victories men played hard and the Pennsyl­ student who has never t he game came in the third period time is to hug tbe old leather under out of eight tarts last year . 'rhis Collegiate when after a series of passes Wil- one arm and run. outfi t, which is anotbet· product of vania machin e fu m bled. Lewi . Ca r­ worn one ! mington held the ball on the Car- Archi e stops for no ma n. at least the state of IlL. tied with DePaul for roll 's streakiest Streak, recovered a Black hor e leather '. ft"dmestern Co nfe t· ence " t" tle .n loose ball and ran twenty yards to Grain $25 r oll one yard Irne. Two line plunges no one ma n. If, of course. some four the ·' " " 1 On coats sheep lined __ _ netted exactly nothing, an end run or fi ve tacklers wind their arms th e 1926 season. Such teams as the Vi lla nova two-yard mark. Black or tan Black horse leather coats the next play Gaul hit center for a lost fi ve yards and a pass was a round him he mi"ht consid er top- Loyola ( h i. ). Lombard, Co lumbia This m.:fo rd is exactly touchrl own. Brickman passed to I grounded in the end zone. Carroll ping. He's like the Limited. he only (Dub). Valpa ra i o a nd :OePaul ap- I ~l~~~e~-~~~~ ------$30 L wi for the eventh point. The the style you yo ung took the lea ther on the twe t d makes necessar.'' stops. In peared on the Viator card. Cordovan color horse bide n Y an I rish maintained the lead through- m en d emand! In addi­ was not bothered thereafter by the view of this fact, as well as the fact Davis a nd E lk in s, the team that out the first half. tio n we are mighty I $35 Quaker s' most valiant efforts. It ha t the number on his jersey is 20. meets Car roll on Thanksgivi ng day, careful in fitting you. ~~~~~~~=~~~~ ---- J Weight • re i 1 '~ on Stt·eak Black horse hide coat, · apparr ~-~~~20. __ LP ~~ : .:~~~~~i-n~t~~il?i .~v e take this_ opportunity ' to dub him goes in for such opponents as Army, Finding that he could gain noth- l wool lined- ~o ch ...... L. T ...... Bone c- utter The T wen beth Century.' :">Javy, Georg-etown, W. Va. Wesleya.n, $6 to $8·50 reversible __ _ _ $22.50 i-riek~a01r ek c·c)· .L.CG...... ~ Iet ca lfe :">l ew Yo rk ni ver ity. West Virgi ni a m g on passes. Quarterback Kucso G · • Y · • • • • • · · · · · · · · John. on a ltered the Villanova attack in uch Bro>vn Pony fur coats ,aJiagher · · · · .R. G...... D•·a k S Q ~ U. A team that can even thinkJ of &o nnerk · · · · · . R. '1'. · · · · · · · l·'or•·an<·e torey ut or a way as to profit to the full extent 1 'c'"ak nma·n· · ·. ·.·_·_-_R_- _E_'·. ·.·.·.·_·_·H·. .· wr--"en_mmle'~,. igning gam e with such as these is • linf:JI - ~~~~ ------$60 Brl 1 by the superior weiaht of his team. 1 Lewi;s ...... L. H ...... Bennett Lombard Ga"--e good. La t yea r. a lthoug-h Davis \l q1J~ltqu· .v ErediCs ...... R H ... (C. I Willia ms 1 111 a nd E lkin s lost to the Army team Shootin"" play after play at the Car- Our Eidt Cuv•land Shops ] 7:rl Euclid Avenue 299 Euclid Avenue THE W B DAVIS CO Gaul · · · · · ··· · · .F ...... Yan Kane1· roll tackles. it wa merely a matter 1140 E uclid Avenue 312 Superior Ave. John arroll. . .. u 7 7 6-20

DEW DROP INN The McGorray Bros~ Co~ BV SPECIAL APPOINTMENT Highest Quality Food Funeral D irectors OlJR STORE IS THE at Lowest Prices 3040 LORAIN AVE. Corner Jay Avenue and West 25th Street l------4 Telephone Melrose 1971· ([h~~tet J~ouz~ OF CLEVELAND J.P. BROGAN The character of the suits and overcoats tailored by Charter House Grocer will earn your most sincere liking. 117 holesd/e-Retail-Telephone Service Cleveland's Exclusive University Shop Socond In 2805 DETROIT AVE. Floor Bakers Rear Superior 1513 Superior 1514 Euclid at Ninth Page Six THE C ARROLL EWS Thursday, Novemba:' 3, 1927

ly, exploring a n unpopul ar cor ner of Patronize Our Advertisers . Dance! Musical Notes I CARROLL TEAM I ''ALMEIDA" a nd. elecor-chem- The Sophomore dance of Notre ph ysica ~ c h e 1~i str y -::======~ In this the fir t run of the column, 1 t ry, h1 patwnce and mdustr y have NEW HOMES-$8500 Dame College will be held on we will try to give some idea of the Armistice Day, • ov. 11, a t the HAS FffiST LOSS ACCUMULATOR been magnificently r ewar ded. I Wade Park Manor. Music for work of the Musical Department. the occasion will be furnished by Reverend Victor iVinter, S. J., has (Continued from Page Five) (Continued from Page Four) Carroll sure did show t he Villa- been director and conductor of the the mo t re erves winning a bard chlor ine or bromine froth a t the end Walt Easton's Or~hestra. The fi ~ht . ::>lot only Carroll but entire of charge; but this may probably be nova t eam that. the Str eak can play committee, which is in charge, musical department since 1914. He Cleveland can feel justly proud of remedied by careful con truction. football with the best of t hem. -~Q Mary Rita Shea, class president, plays almost every musical instru- the Blue Streak. has completed the arrange ments Its qualities are a high electromo- 'I~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ment and gives the lessons to the Villa nova- 20 P osition Car ro11 - 7 and promises a very enjoyable Caufie ld ______L. E. ______Sapp tive force, relatively large s pec ifi c boys of the orchestra himself. Each H a rkins ______L . T. ______McG u ire evening. As usual, a large num­ capacity, high energy efficiency, low Vail ------L· G ______Meyers ber of Can-oil men are expected of those years the orchestra has Milne ______c ______Storey Hillen ______R. G. ______Ga 11 "4!'he r cost of construction, small weig ht to attend. presented a concert at some down- Reflecting Whe lehan ______R. T . ______Meilcarek and volume, great durability, suita­ town auditorium with world famous H e nry ______R _ E . ______Gowan nucc'' ______Q_ ------Brickma n bility for every kind of storage bat­ soloists. The artists who have been Conti ______L . H . ______E redics Donahue ------'!=f.,_ H . ______L ew-is tery work, absence of chemical ac­ "WE" presented are Eddy Brown, Allen Mdlansen· ------F·------Gaul tion in open circuit, and well night Reliability Villanova ------.0 0 13 7- 20 McQuae, Elly Ney, and last year perfect reversability. (Conti.nued from Page Four ) Carroll ------7 0 0 0- 7 Subs tit ution Villanova: McGo wan f or I n conclusion a few words must success of t hat journey depends upon Salzedo, the harpist.· Cnu'1 eld. Gillespie for Conti. McCoy (or the equipment which each and every The pr esident of t he or chestra Hillen, Brooks for Milne, McAndrew s for be said about the inventor of this Through our 30 stores !n 25 principal one of us carries with him when he Gillespie, Slane for Danohue, Ga ul for Vail, new accumulator. The Reverend is Frank Suhadolnik '26, and the Pessalano for Whe lehan, Conlin for H a r­ u leaves college with a degree tucJ...-ed kins , T oomey for McGowan, L om asney for Edmundo Almeida is 34 years old, cities !Brrorw ning Kin eaten to the m en Henry , Conti fo r Slane, Ku"'!O for Giava.n­ away under his arm. Will t here be concert master is Aloysius Rules, nuci, Fay fo r Kucso. J ohn Ca rrol: Kennert and was born at Salamanca, Spain, and young m en of the nation in every case co-operation between a senior at St. Ignatius Hig h School. for Galla~,eh e r, Gallagher (or Ke nnert. on 6th March, 1893. After receiv- Touchdowns-McAndrew" (su b for Con­ t he man a nd his training? There After the long summer rest t he t io) D onahue. Melansen, GauL P oints af­ ing a good secondary education in to uchdown o rdan Me lansen, Lewis his native city, he joined the Jesuit will be providing there has been t he orchestr a began pr actice , on Sep­ ( pass) Browning-King clothes, for instance, embody proper super vision in t he building tember 29 and has continued on Refe r- Keyes (Leh;.,rh ) . Umpire--lse n­ Order in 1908. He then went berg ( Vl!if­ ing in the business world. This is One of the new activities of the forts. On his death-bed, gazing at evident in the light of everyday com- Orsical department is the Glee Club, his signet ring, "Auspice Maria," he Portrait mon reason. A man who is careless directed by the Conductor of the could find satisfaction in his tri­ Photographers lfi nqttQ butltutllzft • :11llftJ a.. , &@] in gaining the fundamentals of a Orchestra. The Club meets every umphs for the church. profession will be just as cereless in Friday night at 7:30, and the stu- When, at a ripe old age, A.l'ch­ applying these fundamentals to the dents are asked to attend. Last ' bishop Latour retired from active Wm. J. Guest l}romning King profession will be j ust as careless in meeting there was a crowd of thirty work in the great diocese which he &-

Height of futility and loss of en- ! Superior 2935 and 2036 ! ergy is: Tel ling hair-raising story to a bald-headed man. +..., _ _.. ___...... _...... - ...t. Grad Shirts FRIENDS! AND In high school days, many friendships are established which last a lifetime. Let the United Bank become a friend of yours during high school days. It would mean a friendship Track Pants worth keeping for a lifetime. Students and instructors in Cleveland's high schools are cordially fnvited to bank here. 75¢ each Some of the principles that have aided us in secur­ The United Bank ing and holding desirable patrons are as follows: West 25th and Lorain Opp. West Side Market Giving sincere personal attention to the printing problems Fine ribbed co t to n of cu tomer -and solving them in a practical way. Producing printing for advertisers that impels attention Shirts and Slipovers; and brings results. Randolph 4629 John Potokar, Prop. sleeveless styles. Producing a atisfactory job of a rush order. Giving cu tomers the benefit of savings thru low overhead; White drill track pants thru big and therefore economical purchasing power, and the careful supervis ion that obviate co tly leak . Double Eagle of heavy quality, double adjustable waist bands. Some printers may quote a lower price now and then­ but none of them render more consistent and dependable Bottling Co. service at cost nearer actual value for the work performed. We manufacture all kinds of Soft D rinks and Serve Nothing but John ~ feckes the Best Sons The Prompt Printing and Publishing Company Superior 0640-0641 The Daylight Plant 2 14 Detroit Avenue 6517 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio West 25th Street