K K is K f Jf ir tf r K if T if K K m iTaT SUGAR96 Test BU- 5 U.S. WEATHER -i v Centrifugals, 4.40c.; J FEW. Jme !3Last v. . Per Ton, $88.00. 88 24 hours' rainfall, T. 5 Analysis Beets, Is. Terrpcrature,max.S0, i If 11 m II It! t! tTiSr : -- --V III It ri I 111 11 II if 11 7 fi II 1 m!ru 70. Weather, oo. ; i3STVP.etiL variable. 'J ft 1 J$ j it jC j jft jft jfl

VOL. VI., NO. 285. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 190S.- - FOURTEEN PAGES. Fntered Ja. 19, 1903, ftt Ilonolnla. Hw, t Class Matter, Cnder Art of ConmM of March .Sa4181. NOW ON THE TRAIL OF THE DYNAMITERS CRUISER COLORADO IS


One of the Big Four Ships Gets Astray in a Northern Fog and Grounds on a Projecting Spit.

4 (Associated Prsss CaWegrims.) PORT ANGELES, Washington, June 14. The armored cruiser Colorado, Captain Edmund B. Underwood, eighteen guns. ; has gone ashore in a fog at 3Qungeness Spit, in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. GETTING READY FOR THE BIG CHICAGO CONVENTION

CHICAGO, June 14. The Hawaiian Republican delegation has been invited to sit with the Californians. Many State headquarters have been already opened, and candidates for the Republican Vice Presidential nomination are flocking to town. CHICAGO, June 13. Sherman of New York is a candidate for the Vice Presidency. There is the possibility of an open fight for the Vice Presidency in the Republican National Convention. KANSAS CITY AND TOPEKA


' KANSAS CITY, June 14. The rivers are rising again and rail- 2? DYNAMITE WRECK AT A. P. TAYLOR'S HOUSE. Advertiser Photo. THE road traffic is tied up. The streets of Topeka are flooded from the overflow of the Kaw river. mnrT?tr a tr t r l 1 s j r - r GL MPSES OF THE ORIENT Jblccksofthiscityarcflooded. Some Hope of Getting Man or Men Who Tried f i '. to Blow Up the Home of Chief IN lnt..MUUUUA3TlLt3 MIlRnFRFD'HK CHII DRFN ,

of Detectives. Japan Times. The monument newly5, mains. was quite beyond description as AND COMMITTED SUICIDE erected by Japan at the foot of Ant- - they (had been buried and scattered in -, various places some being bleached and There is nothing new . in the dis- with the deliberate intention of killing 2ai.han fortress, Port Arthur, in Taylor. ! exposed to the air in the mountains PEABODY, Kansas, June 14. Last night, Frank Good, who closures inade by the exploitation of Mr: j memory of the Russian soldiers who and, other being abandoned to decay today Galleys. was despondent. over his wife's death, cut the throats of his three the ruins at the scene of the dynamite Developments arc looked for fell during the siege is to be unveiled in the of a startling nature. By this after- on the 10th prox. Greatly appreciat- A PUZZLING CASE. children and then cut his own throat. When the bodies were found, explosion of Friday night except sever- noon a report will be ready showing all ing Japan's goodwill toward His Rus- In view of the growing interest in life was extinct. marriage al shingles blown from th roof of the sources of the supply of dy- - sian Majesty's brave subjects by mak- the question of international M available might spme use- under the the furnish dwelling whfch were found namite and giant powder. Threads of ing this posthumous honor the Czar ful material for the study of the prob- - aide-de-ca- - KILLED IN ROLLER COASTER ACCIDENT ebris of the wrecked tank. J clues are being untangled and the best has ordered his Lieuten- i lem. Conscription examination was ! opinion making 'endeavor of the police department has ant-Gener- al Genkross, commander of held in the Kanagawa Prefet tural fIt is the of those - Councilors Hall the other day under . been enlisted that the perpetrator of the Siberian Army Division, and Ma- Jor-Gene- ral of were killed after- the Investigations which it is hoped Matouseivitch, commander ; charge of the commander the Kofu DENVER, June 14. Four people yesterday the outrage may be speedily brought among group one or two at Vladivostok, and seven staff officers regiment. There was the noon the park. They were in a roller coaster which jumped will lead to the arrest of tQ ! Eura-atten- d at the book for thelr crImei to proceed to Port Arthur in order to of twenty-year-ol- d youths one Kanagawa-Japanes- e while running at high speed. parties either today or tomorrow, that Mr Taylor wife have the the unveiling ceremony, His i ian, Tamura, residing in track and his Jap-Gener- al j ?h of that town. Though he is a If the explosion was the work of a sympathy of the whole community in Majesty hiving also ordered Nogi to be present at the func- - ! anese by nationality, he is the child party now under suspicion it: their trouble . and assurances of the Japanese certain tion. The general expects to. start in j of a French father and OtUKOt bILtK DtAD was done with the intention of wreck- - horror which the attempt to "do him a a few davs for his destination. It is mother; and does not understand his premises the Chief of De- -, grievous injury has aroused, have been .aid that the remains interred under I mother .tongue. Tamura passed tne ing the of examination, having a good only; while if it is traced to pouring in on the Chief of Detectives he monument amount to no less than 'medical CHICAGO, June 14. George Siler, the famous sporting man tectlves 20,000 un- - constitution, but the quest'on naa - in all and the laborious task Corbett-Fitzsimmo- ns another party it may be proved con- ever since the news of the explosion - arisen as t the advisability or other- - who refereed the fight at Reno, Nevada, is dertaken by the government of Kuan- ; clusively thai the explosive was used became known, tung in finding and collecting these re- - (Continued on Page Eight.) dead. He was a sporting writer on the local press. TORPEDO TEST THEuLEMME ON FLORIDA CASE LICENSE FORTRESS MONROE, June 14. Further experiments were g undertaken yesterday in the test ; ,Saloon,Man Was Promised a ft of the resisting powers of the ) Rehearing, but Did Not U monitor Florida. A Whitehead ! ' Get It. ft torpedo was launched against her i from the monitor Arkansas and i j was exploded against her hull at of the refusal of the The history ! the waterline. The torpedo con- - . Board of License Commissioners to of the g tained the usual service charge. grant a renewal of the license i j The Florida was damaged, but to Carl Klemme is ' Aloha Aina saloon ft not destroyed. an example of the work of the Board ft I portion of , A to which a growing the ft, PINEAPPLES FOR CHICAGO. public is taking exception. Without j$ criticizing the final action of the Board WAHIAWA. June 13. The CnoIi-dat- -l I'ineapple Company in tixlay in any way in its refusal of the license. picking packing the incidents in the case may be illu and two carloads of minative. pimapphx t be shipped ly th Ililo-ni.i- n way Klemme applied in the regular in Tuesday to Chicago. L. CJ. for the renewal of his license. Priori Kl!"gg of the company will accom- to the hearing, however, in informal conversation with Klemme's attorney. pany the tnj, merit to observe tlie con- pineappU-- License Inspector Fennell stated , that ditions '.f ttansit at.d of th" an adverse report on Klemme would , on a: rival. Trie pni- - are in-in- graael be put in, based on a charge that he n i ording to riperi'.-f-i to th- - had sold linuor on Sunday. The attor ney, A. M. F.rown. then told the in r to i a h Chii u'., in the bet spector that if there was any evidence ft;,h.,j.o. of a violation of the law a complaint way, ought to be made in the regular ft! Jhn Ka.--h. who was arret d on Fri-- $ whereon he. Brown, would withdraw i d.iy for b ing drunk and unable to take as Klemme's attorney and would pros ft care of himself, off in the Ii ecute him in the police court. No ft trict Magistrate's ourt yesterday . charge was made, however. li morning and had sntenc u.r"-nd-d- When the application was read in ii I.art evening ':, ivn as;.fd t th the public hearing before the cominis ft ! station hot;e in a ronditlon - rx-e- doners, the attorney asked that the re- Xi of ir.toxicat: If" had a!.-- port of the inspector be also publicly ft? badly b.at'-n- . He ftit"d that h g"t Tead in order that evidence to meet ft'!r-ir,- n h'e . a r fro'.-- Jalt "4. whatever charges might be contained $ I and that hi- - if? had c; afK'-- iin it might be met by evidence in re i for so doing. He certainly looked a1" If buttal. There were no complaints made he had connected with the bu-ine- s- en.i by anyone at the public hearing, be- - ft iz r, f Tw3 v.ild Kohala mule whicri ! Big yond what complaint might be in the CHEW. is soon ex; tcted here from the report, which was not read. THE AKMOEED CEUISER COLORADO AND ITS (Continued on Page Eight.) mi n n If money is worth saving, our ads are worth reading. IS "Busy June" for us means Money-Save-d for you. We km do not permit goods of inferior quality in stock, on The Specials we are featuring this week matter how low their price.Your guarantee is Money-Bac-R are truly Money-Saver-s. RIBBON SPECIAL GET READY FOR THE FLEET BALL FINE WHITE GOODS s L A new assortment of WHITE NAINSOOK, fine quality, 50c. Fancy Ribbons 35c. a yard. 12-ya- rd pieces at $2.75 a piece. LINEN LAWNS at correct prices. Chevoit Serge Pretty Dresden effects and fancy 24 inch linenjawn, sheer and fine, LONG CLOTH, fine quality, 12 yard to get busy, - soon be here. It's time 50c;- All-woo- Plaids. Time flies, the Fleet will 40c. and yard. pieces at $2.75 a piece. l, 52 inches wide, $1.25 qual- WAISTING LINEN, fine few suggestions of materials suitable for evening costumes quality, 36 MERCERIZED BATISTE, excep- ity, at 95c. a yd. SPECIAL. REDUCTION IX A inch wide, 75c. a yard. tionally fine and sheer, 42 inches EXTRA FINE SHEER LINEN, 36 wide, 35c. a yard. Chiffon Mulls EMBROIDERED USSE in light RADIUM SILKS, new, in white and Ladies' Sweaters inches wide, at $1.25 a yard. good sheer material in dainty pat- delicate colors. INDIA LINONS, extra value, soft Colors, white, navy and red. blue and pink. BOSOM LINEN, extra fine, 36 inch- fine and sheer, 6 yards for $1.00. es wide, 75c. a yard. terns and delicate colorings. 40c. SILK ORGANDIES in all white and ex- $3.50 quality $2.90 CHENILLE DOTTED NET, very NAINSOOKS, LONG CLOTH, IN- INDIA LINON, 10 yard pieces, quality, 30c. a yard. tra good quality, $1.75 a piece. $4.25 quality 3.50 new and stylish in white, pink and pretty floral designs. DIA LINONS, economically priced ' NAINSOOK, fine Table Damask $4.75 quality 3.90 blue. WHITE and sheer, PERSIAN LAWN, extra fine, 25c. light PINEAPPLE SILKS in white, black full width, 20c. a yard. a vard. , Bed Table Damask, full width. 60c. and evening shades. NEW WHITE SILK LISSE with black MAIL. quality 45c. a yard. polka dots. Corset Cover, Embroidery SILK DRESS NETS in white and We want to see our patrons from Hawaii, Maui, Kauai and Kayser's Lisle Thread Gloves CREPE DE CHINES in pretty deli- black, point de sprit effects and Molokai take advantage of Our Specials. Send us your orders. 2 clasp, washable, white'grey, taD, New patterns, correct widths. A cate tints. figured. We will fill them with special care. black and brown, 60c. a pair. variety to select from, 60c a yard.

n Fori sireel , I ..... Financing a Fiancee

Presents and Pastimes in the Halcyon Days Often Cost A f - the Rich, Young Man $50,000 or More.


The clouds that darken the wooing knick-knac- ks that in time will be dec- EMBROIDERY SALE of the ultrarich young men and maids orations in the home sent as the thought occurs to Birth- (for the course of true love seldom the donor. days, Christmas and other gift-tid- es runs without some crucial trials of are remembered, and for these especial We have an overstock and will cut prices 25 per cent and patience) can scarcely be spoken of as occasions anything from a horse to an 50 per cent for a few days to reduce the 'tock. Its a. big having a silver lining; instead they automobile may be the present, or v seem to be literally wadded with gold. from a diamond pin to a tiara, the . Mr. W. T. Somes, Pr6prietor of Bimini Hot Springs Hotel, opportunity for you. cost limited only by inclination. From the moment that a debutante Los Angeles, Cal., U. S. A., writes as follows : "Our hotel build- Christmas also includes the members ing, a flat roofed structure covered with Malthoid Roofing, is Embroideries in Swiss, Cambric and Nainsook, 5c per begins to receive marked attention of the fiancee's family, and by his gift brother-in-law-to-- be situated quite near the large Bimini Bath Houses burned yard and up; in widths z2 inch to 7 inches. from some one of the wealthy young his smallest will that men of her set her path is strewn with judge him. so fiercely the night of November 15th. The wind "carried Much done in way of shingles-an- Corset Cover Embroideries, 16 to 18 inches wide; 35c roses, violets, orchids even is the fetes and blazing red hot cinders in showers to my building, and flowers functions as soon as the news of the simmered Roofing per yard and up. more costly, ardent youth will where they on the Malthoid and went out, for the engagement gets abroad, and for each doing no damage a of small order flowers out of season to be pro- especially grand event a new jeweled beyond number blisters raised on roofing. had fire Swiss Insertions, 7 inches wide, to be used for fronts of cured at any cost to please her lady- ornament is surely forthcoming. New- the surface of the We have one rain since the daily and roof is tight." Lingerite Waists ; reduced from 50c to 25c a yard. ship's fancy. When American Beauty est books are a item, if she be the ' at all inclined toward literature, and roses are $35 a dozen and orchids of interspersed with them are candies as Von Hamm-Youn- g Co., Ltd. - Honolulu. All-Ov- er Embroideries, per yard and up. 50c equally extravagant price alternate a matter of course. If she is horsey in with them in arrival before the be- i i her tastes silver mounted riding whips, loved one has scarcely awakened each crops, spurs, silver things of horsey morn, and when other flowers for per- suggestiveness for writing table and sonal adornment for the lunchen, mantle and diamond pin in horseshoe dinner and dance come later in the shape are showered on her, together day the florist's bill can safely be with an endless number of stickpins neighborhood $1,000 a placed in the of for her ridim? stock in foxhead, horse-hea- d, month. And this does not include uch. bit and spur or other shapes, all bunches of flowers as are given to the studded in tiny twinkling diamonds or occasion, utter fair one's girl friends on the other precious stones. of some luncheon followed by a theater With unlimited means, a good social -- party, or the still more handsome cor- position, the best of health and buoy- We have just received from the dairies a large invoice sage bouquet provided for chap- the ant spirits, what more halcyon days of the best butter we have had in many months and we eron. can exist than those of the newly en- Of course such luncheons are not of gaged? It is then that money counts are offering it as follows : ) frequent occurrence before the engage- only for as much pleasure and delight reamjerySutter, ment Is announced, for the. smart set as may be given to the adored one. CRYSTAL SPRINGS Cents I prefer to be attentive in a less con- It is then that only the best is worthy ...... 35 spicuous way, and the wise mother of being chosen for her, and it is then WHITE CLOVER 30 Cents THAT IS THE BUTTER FOR YOUR TABLE. also does not consent to more than an that the whole universe seems made "play-goin- g" of PARKER RANCH, albs. 70 Cents MAY WE SUPPLYYOU WITH IT? occasional for fear for just two persons in it. Hardly, if f criticism that would surely follow. ever, has any man, however grumpy or SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY There are, however, many other ways soured, been heard to regret those days of making the time pass happily, and of loving and giving, or to count the Metropolitan Meat Company, Ltd. especially in the spring, for with a cost in hard cold unsympathetic cash &. touring car much can be done in the accounts. Telephone 45. G. Q. Yes Hop Go. way of short runs to the various coun- Preposterous as it may seem to those try clubs near by or to some of the TELEPHONE 251. "without the moneyed circle, a conser- well known inns famous for their cook- vative estimate of. what one of the ing, and with fine weather, a merry extremely rich young men would crowd and a discreet chaperon the en- spend on his fiancee's pleasures and amored pair can make up their minds his gifts to in an engagement of. ber r (fflf whether or not they are suited to each six months brings the total to more ilii other, with manoeuvring can and little than $50,000, and if handsome jewels j NEW P enjoy each other's society without are given besides the engagement ring making the others feel in the least the sum is nearly doubled. N. Y. Tri "de trop" or even suspicious that the bune. JUST RECEIVED die is about to be cast. GAS RANGE Each one of these little outings is - not without a pecuniary reckoning, and FARCERS WILL- The "New Process" Gas Range the luncheon is invariably a telephoned MAKE MERRY is the range of universal favor A new shipment of Fancy Writing Paper, Place Cards, selection of the best and most luscious the most economical in the use delicacies the market can afford. Of ! Silk and Leather Shopping Bags and Satchels, Em- wines there are none, unless a Rhine "With the new Alexander Memorial of gas. They are: year new wine cup be approved by the chaperon, athletic field in use next a $12.75, $13.50, $16.00, broidered Belts with and without buckles. suggested under era open for athletics. but it is rarely such will Punahou $17.50, $18.50 Each. circumstances, as conventionality All the money tfcat is used for sup- above all things must be strictly ad- port of the teams is raised by the you on points. And so up the line. Drop in when convenient and let us show hered to these student body and the boys are giving have, and explain the advantages and superiority of the Surelyi among thetrips to be plan- - what ve - "The next Saturday even- T- " T71 C C Japanese Freshman" ' f r Bazar to Ardsley, and' . , v. a A v, ; i:Tri7 ned for is a drive as t . i i tn i near Convent. soon as the coaching season opens a increased expenses! 1 Fort Street, the will be asked the favored few and Those who attend will hear several j W. W. DITJOND & COMPANY, LTD. coach "taken" for the day. Even if new and lively college songs, and the I the man giving the invitations has his fun that the boys have with Lee, the "Jewel" Wood and Coal Stoves and Ranges. own four-in-han- d, the fact that go poor Freshman, will remind many of ing this way is the smart thing to do j experiences in eastern college takes for once over the Come and enjoy the fun with fact that the man's own drag is hand-somera- nd Farcers." ! far better appointed. Seats now on sale at Wall, Nichols When the proposal is finallv made Co., 50c. and 25c. and consent, vwitn parental approval, given, mad extravagance reigns un- A PLEASURE NOT TO BE MISSED You'll Find ... checked, and to the girl, accustomed as she is to costly gifts, it seerrfs as The teacher of a certain school re- y that the new store of the Honolulu Drug Co. on though ceived the following note explaining Aladdin's lamp were hers, so e During the month of March a is a convenient-plac- last, merchant of Honolulu died. The instantaneously is every whim grati- the absence of one of her pupils the Fort street, just above King, most family selected a burial service exactly similar to that given to the fied. The engagement ring is the first day before: to rest when you are shopping. members of the Harrison Mutual Association, and the cost to them of these, and great care is taken if'a "Plese excooze Henny for absents is fitted with all the modern conveniences was $125.00. is desired that the diamond yesterday. Him an' me got a chance It shall be a gem perfection. charrige, fine ; a handsome In May. another Honolulu citizen died, who had been a member of great If of a ride to a funeral in a and a full line of drugs and it's another stone a diamond is Dre-- stay to home as he Harrison Association than an' I let him had place. of the for more than three years. He received the j ferred, for in this matter the bride-to- - never rode in a charrige an" never same service and poods as the first man, but the cost was only $10.50. be is consulted up to a certain point, went to a funeral, nor had many other Our Twentieth Century-sod- a fountain will al- A word to the wise is sufficient. it also is flawless, and of highest price. pleasures. .o plese excooze." .Sacred ways give you a welcome that's hearty, even if it The Special Dispensation continues through the month of June. The engagement rings of both Mrs. Heart Review. n Goelet Gallatin and Mrs. Albert Gal- seems cool. latin are objects of onvy to many an "I would like to see, some novels," older woman, and Mrs. Ham- - Nillson said the pretty stenographer in the LTD. Watrous received as her betrothal ring book store. HONOLULU DRUG COMPANY, a rarely beautiful diamond. "Xes, miss," replied the polite clerk. The Maid Do you believe it's unlucky to get married on a Friday! The The ring is, as has been hinted, only "Here are the novels of the day." Odd Fellows' Building, Fort Street. many offerings jew- you any Bachelor Certainly. Why should Friday be an exception? Black the forerunner of "But, er haven't novels of Abominable eled pins, buckles, card cases, brace- the night? That is the only time I and White. lets, silver vases and innumerable have to read." THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, JUNE 14, 1908. 3

' Oahu Railway MARINE - - I I TIME TABLE OUTWARD. Tor WaJanae. Waialua, THE SHERMAN'S Kahnka aad EXPERIENCE. Way Sttlono9:15 a. i:X9 p. m. Wireless Is For Pearl aty. Ewa Mill and Way not all that It Is claim- 5 i? ed to be when an army transport gets Stations 17:30 a. m.. 9:15 a. m, ni:H a. m.. 2:15 p. m.. 3:20 p. m, : within range of the big fleet, as was H tn., tf:S0 p. m., p. m. experienced 4 til FOR by the Sherman on her For Wabiawa :15 a. m, an 41 .13 SALE " - last trip home. The following ac- 1 tn. f it INWARD, count of the consternation experienced - v r Kapahulu Lot 11,000 sq. It. Two- - by the Sherman's passengers as they Arrlvo Honolulu from Kabaku, Wai- 1 alua and Waianao t:3S a. nu. I:H bedroom cottage $1100 reached the wireless zone of the war- J p. m. ships while anchored n Magdalena Bay, comes from Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and San Francisco: Pearl City 17:46 a, m.. 8:S a. m, Punchbowl Slope, Prospect street "The fleet's at Magdalena Bay!" t ' shouted 10:S8 a. m., 1:40 p. m., 4:31 pc m Two-stor- y, somebody from deck Lot 75x123. three-bedroo- m the cf 1:31 p. m., "TO p. tn. the revenue cutter Golden yes- Arrive Honolulu from -- Wahiawa--8:38 house. well plant terday in response Lot to a request for "S-S- p. m. news for the passengers a. m. and l trees 4000 who lined Dally. Sunday. tSunday Only. ed with fruit the rail of the Sherman. The mention tEr. of the fleet was signal a groan The Halelwa Limited, a two-ho- ur the for train (only first-cla- ss tickets honored), - "' from the people on the' transport. Manoa Valley Lot 100x150. Two- "Yes, we leaves Honolulu every Sunday at S:2S know all about the fleet. a. m.; returning, In Honolula cottag-- s 2S00 arrives bedroom Please don't rub it in." 10:10 p. stops The was at m. The Limited only fleet a sore subject on the at Pearl City and Walanao. Sherman, which T. K. K. TRIPLE-SCRE- arrived yesterday STEAMSHIP TENYO MAEU. Q. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH. ' Pawaa, King street Lot 75x140. from Manila, and thereby hangs a tale of a wireless war Superintendent-- O. P. A T. four-bedroo- in which Navy Two-stor-y, m house.. 3000 the literally reduced the Army to a whis- rietta when she won the first trans- j L. G. Warren and child. Miss E. Sin- - ' w ...... per. The Army is proud of the Sher- atlantic race was for nine years cap- vmw,,11 air. a.nuj .airs, virejg ana cnua, HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE KOOLAU RAILWAY man's wireless record, and as the tain of the clipper Dreadnaught. In R. C. Stackable, W. P. Miller. Miss troopship neared the Coast and the 1859, while commanding the Dread-naugh- t, Bernice Aldrich, Miss Ailene Aldrich. conversation zone the operator pre- Captain Samuels established Booked to Depart. Honolulu, Saturday, June 13, 1908. TOWARD K1HTJKU. pared to forward through the atmo- the record for a vessel under sail be- Per M. N. S. S; Hilonian, fur San o o o Henry Watertiouss Trust Go,, sphere batch, messages tween Liverpool and Sandy Hook, Francisco, 16. Clarence Dyer, capital. 3 3 3 a of varying June HAMS OF STOCK. Paid Dp.Val. Bid i.lk in importance making the trip days and Mrs. George Augur, Augur. -- from strictly official in nine J. Master B ? ? : business to the flippant "Ah there" seventeen hours. ' Captain Samuels Mrs. L. C. Abies. Kenneth Ables Wil-la- rd t LIMITED. Abies, Mrs. two chil- 0. Brewer & fin 2A0,000 Jioc f i ! I I from some fresh little subaltern to the commanded the McClellan at Fort Marks and : . 9? packet dren, w 14)00.000 : : girl he had left behind him. Fisher In 1S5 and the steamer Lestef Marks, Paul Kuesthardt, , 27 i : : : : was no Fulton between New York and Havre Miss E. Skinner, F. Y. Sullivan, Hw. AfricnltnifcL- - 1,200.600 loo ? Corner Fort and Merchant Streets There mistaking the conver- C Hav Com A Sugar Col 8,8117 95 in 1866. He commanded the yacht Miss Louise Gulick, Miss Craig, Miss loo I I I ?P sation zone when the Sherman enter- amw guu V 1.000.000 ao a4 l ed It. phe . ships at Magdalena Bay Dauntless in its race with the Cambria J. C. Carlson, Mrs A. Barnes. Mrs E. Honomu. 'iO.OOO looi 150 'Km-- Ka- - in 1871 and in its race with the Coronet Frazier, Mrs. E. Gallagher, Mrs. Petrie, 3,000.(iuui On iiii were chattering like magpies. Mare Hall 600 000! loo A.M. P.M. kaoa haaa in 1887. and from 1878 to 1873.'he was Miss G. Whiteman and child, W. P. SOO.OOOi Bishop Trust Co.,Ltd. Island. North Head and Point Loma -- Katmt Kabana.. f.OO 11. 00 1JJ to to of Wilier, Kihel Co a.Ka,ooo: 60 occasionally contributed a brief ac- erintendent the Pacific Mail Olmsted Atwater, William Plan Ltd 3.17 1L11 LiS Steo hip Company, in San Francisco. Horst, Miss Stella Pedro, Miss Grace Koloa 600.000: loo Punalua.. I .It I M knowledgment or stemmed the tide of MeBryde Sac Co Ltd too.ooo ao Haleaha.. 1.00 11.17 1.4 M In 1SS9 Captain Samuels with Captain Webster, Miss Brown, Miss JI fleet talk with a cipher message for M.X. E. uanu sagar Co ,600,000 t8i4 KaluanuL 4.13 11.33 1.M 9 1 Geo. L. Norton organized the Marine Thomas, Miss M. Waddington. Mr. and """MM .,, .... 1,000.000 aoi M JI the commander-in-chie- f. Whenever 4.89 1LI0 LS3 Journal Company, stockhold- Mrs. H. L. Smith, L. G. Kel'ogg. G. D. Ookala 500.009 0 Qauula.. M M there seemed to be a pause, the Sher- its other Olaa Sugar Co Ltd 5,000.000 30 .27 11.81 J& ers being capitalist friends of the for- Bell and wife, H. M. Smith and wife. Olowala Kalpapu LU M man's operator to call Mare Is- 1S0.M0I 100 8.45 S.M tried mer since which time the deceased has J. F. Dillon and wife, Mrs. McKeown Paaabaa Bag Plan Co 1,000.000 50 1BU Lala 1X41 .4t M land. racmc. 500,000 Investments been its president. and child, W. E. Chambers, Miss H. C. loo no Arrlvo "Crash, crash, crash," went the Sher- Pai 750.000 loo 17 Eahulra. 1L00 U.K Ml M .t Wood, Mrs. W. A. Taylor. G. L. Sam- Pepeekeo 750,000! 1 oper- HAWAII SUGAR LIST. loo man's call, and the Sherman's son. Miss Mary Lawrence, Alice floneer. S,75O.0OO 100: 145 TOWARD KAHANA. Mocks and Bonds ator listened Intently only to hear in a The following sugar is ready for Thompson, Mrs. A. F. Boyd, Mr. and Waialna Agrl Co. 4,500 009 100 80 tl a o few minutes not a reply but some aiiutn.. . lOO.OOJj loom r 9 shipment on Hawaii: Olaa, 42.905; Wa-iake- a, Mrs. Scharpe, Miss E. S. Colwell. Miss Waimanalo 8S3.000 lonloO 0 t 6? more conversation from Connecti- 1001 the K. C. McLeod, Mrs. C. J. Cooper, Miss Waimea Sugar Mill 135.000! 50 O S m cut. After a few hours the persist- 17,000; Hawaii Mill. 5500; Ono-me- a. MibCilxahbotti 3 G Real Estate Mortgages 13.000; Wainaku, 21,000; Pepeekeo, Harriette Lay, Miss Eva L. Heusner, Inter-IsHn- d H 8 Co 1.500,000 3 a ence of the operator was rewarded -- 15,500: Honomu. 10.800; 21.000; Mrs. A. E. Tetze!, Mrs. "W. F. Bay, Haw Electric Co.. 600.000 looi with this from the Connecticut: Hakalau. M. HRTilOo Pfd Ku-kaia- Miss I. Pope, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. 1.190,000 100 Laupahoehoe, 18,000; Ookala, S500; u. Co. Com. 88 "Who's that trying to butt in?" Ingrim and child, Mrs. L. Farns- HBT4L 10,375: Hamakua, 21.C0O; Paau-ha- u, E. Mutual Tel Co... 150,000 10 "The Army transport Sherman," the , worth, Miss Farnsworth. Miss Des- Nabiku Rubber Co.. 60.000 23,500; Honokai. 10,000; Kukuiha-ele- Co, loo! operator hastened to reply as he gath- mond. Miss M. G. Kindle, Mrs. M. Tur-ma- n. Nabiku Rubber Aem. Ka-- messages 2100; Punaluu, 18,672, Honuapo, 13,-48- 0. OKaLCo 4.600,000 100,101 1T254 ered up his stack of and Mrs. Van Winkle, W. S. Ward. Hilo B B Co 1,000,000 P.M. P.M. boka balm prepared to send them. Miss Josephine Priest. Mrs. J. A. Pitts, Bonolu'n Brewing A Kahuku.. 9.00 13.40 8.00 to to Hloney to Loan "The Army must go away back and SHIPPING NOTES. Miss Kelley, Miss Werthmueller. vailing tio J.M ... 400.000 8n 21 23 Kate Haw Pineapple Co. ... 400,000 ao Lais 1.55 12.49 8.U I at I jt sit down. The Navy will do all the The barkentine Irmgard will get Ami. Out Kalpapau 4.73 12.57 8 23 VESSELS EM PORT. Bono ataodi&g talking' That was the substance, if awav todav. 6.11 1.02 8.28 J9 ON COLLATERAL OR wording, Connec- (Army Navy). HawTer4po rir Hauulu... M LISTED not the exact of the The steamer Columbian will sail for and Claims) U5.0U0 Kaluanul. 8.87 1.05 8.85 M M ticut's reply. Iroquois, U. S. Moiokai, HawTer4 p C(Be- - PRODUCTIVE REAL ESTATE Kahului and Hilo this afternoon. S.. Carter, fuBdicglSrtjS Haleaha.. 8.00 1.09 3.41 .49 M Some of the messages from the fleet May 1. eoaoooj The steamers Maui and Xoeau Haw Ter p o 1.000.TOOI Punaluu.. 8.83 1.18 8.47 .45 JH cipher, many were not, and 4 ,., were in but tbjp Despatch are to (Merchant Vessels). Haw Ter p o l.or 0.300 Kahann. 11.00 L23 8.58 M .4 j and as the Sherman waited patiently due arrive today Holywood, Br. bk.. Smith, Jnnln, Haw Term pc 1,044,000 j with sugar. Haw Gov't 5 d e 1,800 Connecting at Kahuku with the O. for another opening the operate May 7. Cal Beet Sag ft Kef R, & L. Co.'s 9:18 a. m. train tram listened to messages like this: With the arrival "of the island steam- Irmgard, Am. bkt., Christiansen, San Co 0 p f l.OOO.OOOj p Honolulu. mascot better?" ers and the departure of the sailing 29. Bal kn c 100,000 loo "Is the Francisco, May Hamakua I itck Co Returning, leaves Kahana at 1:88 p. , Bethel Street Billy not to forget that little vessels toda the waterfront will be Mid- 924 "Tell Flaurence Ward, Am. schr., Piltz, Upper DltcbSpo... 200,000! 100 tn.. connecting with tbo afternoon dinner." rather a lively place. way. May 26. Ha Com A Sugar The Co 5 p e train for the city which leave Ka- "The cherub sends his love." steamer Mongolia sailed for the Alice McDonald. Am. schr., Benson, Haw Bugar 475,000 twenty-fou- be- (pe. huku at 2:20. Finally, about r hours Coast yesterday ... afternoon with over Fort Bragg, June 1. Hilo RBCotp l,0,000l JAMES J. DOWLING. Sopt. lialstead & Co., Ltd. fore the Sherman sighted land Mare fifty passengers in the cabin from this Robt. Lewers, Am. schr., Underwood, Hon B T 4 LCo8 p ei 647,000 105 Connecticut: aannxa o p c... ,. 208.000 R. S. POLLISTER. O. P. T. Agt Island wirelessed the port. There was a very large crowd at Port Ludlow, June 3. McBryde 8ug Cot p e a,oowiool 8 army transport try- 100V.' i "There's an been the wharf to see the steamer off, and Coronado, Am. bkt., Potter, San Fran- OBALColpc let AND BOND Sugar Co a p 1,250,000 STOCK ing to break $n for hours. Give him leis were in profusion, i 3. Oaha e. cisco, June Olaa Sngar Co 8 p C 50,000 M chance." Car-vell- a. The Chargeurs Eeunis steamer as Alice Cooke, Am. schr., Penhallow, fac fic Sugar Mill The Connecticut replied: "All riit, Ludlow, 4. Cobb . 450,000 100 min- arrived here yesterday morning Port June Pala 6 p c 1,250,000 00 he can have the track for ten Ho-noip- u, from the. Orient. She is docked at the Defender, Am. schr., Hellingsen, Pioneer If111 Co 6 p C 1 ,500,000 101 m utes." a.ooo.ooc BROKERS people Bishop slip, and will discharge about June 6. This is why the Sherman's eleven hundred tons Hilonian, Am. s.s., Johnson, S. F., abi fleet, and of freight for this 23.125 paid. t28 per cent paid. ruffled at the mention of the June 10. NEGOTIATED only message received port. She sails on Monday for San SESSION SALES. LOANS also why the Franeisco, taking a mail. Columbian, Am. s.s., S-- F., June 10. 9 from the Sherman was a brief aero- Andrew Welch, Am. bk., Kelly, S. F., 25 Hon. B. & M. Co.. 21. Members Honolulu Stock and Baa gram announcing that the transport The steamer Mauna Kea from Hilo BETWEEN BOARDS. and way ports arrived early yesterday June 12. Exchange would be in by ten o'clock. Olympic, Am. bkt., Evans, S. F. via Jfone. morning. She brought the usual fuil NOTICE, SAMUELS' RECORD. list of passengers and a small freight Hilo, June 12. r CO. Caravellas. Fr. s.s., Le Seven, Yoko- At the regular monthly mseting o HAWAIIAN DEVELOPMENT Y. Register gives as follows: 1 horse, Ivautn. 4 boxes The N. Maritime hama, 13. , the directors of the Hawaiian Commer chickens, 4 bags coin, 4 bags taro, 8 June LIMITED. the record of Samuel Samuels, notice cial & Sugar Co., held June 10, 1908 There's a new. fresh, crisp lot packages awa, 9 bags cocoa. 10 cases THE MAJXS. dividend of 80c. per share was declared - - - Managat of whose death has been previously 12 25 F. B. McSTOCKER celery, bags cabbage, bags empty Mails are due from the following payable on July 5, 1908. given, as follows: 27 32 of them just In. STANGENWALD BUILDING Hen- - bottles, packages vegetables, Samuel Samuels, who sailed the empty kegs, 34 pieces koa 42 points as follows: Develop lumber, Let's hear from you. Cable Address: cords wood, 233 sheep, 163 packages San Francisco Per IT. S. A. T. Bu- - METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. P. O. Box 263 sundries. ford, June 14. , DONE BY TRYING. San Franeisco 'Manchuria, Issued Every Sunday Morning by the Per June Local Office, U. S. Weather Bureau. "Nobody can tell what he can 15. Albert F. Afong do till he tries. When a thing San Francisco Per Alameda, June 19. j MARINE REPORT. It Sydney Per Marama. June 24. ttna a J. M. LEVY & CO., LTD. - sa 832 FORT STREET ought to be done the modern a o r 4 r r ur n Malls will depart for the following 38 jpirit mores us to keep working r if inr PHONE 76 (From SanA Francisco Merchant Ex- points as follows: awaj at it until it is done. In change.) the face of this idea the "impos- San Francisco Per Carave"las, June 15. i'l i BROKER Saturday, June 13, IMS. STOCK AND BOND sible" vanishes. Where there's Manila Per C. S. A. T. Buford. 4 7 0.r8 80 71 00 65 San Francisco Sailed. June 13, O. S. If 8 10.02 81 74 6u B June 13. (,J will, there's a way. "If we S. Alameda, for Honolulu. T S 80 2 81 71 T 70 K Yokohama Per Manchuria, June 15. W 10 0 1 7. o: 4 HB MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK could but rob cod liver oil of Seattle Sailed, June 12, A.-- H. S. S. San Francisco Per Hilonian, June 16. t 11 S0.C8 8i 74 oo w MB Alaskan, so.oe 7 7 T I 84 B its sickening taste and smell and for Honolulu. Victoria Per Marama, June 24. r u AND BOND EXCHANGB then combine it with two or Mahukona Sailed. June 10. Am. schr. 8 13 SO 08 80 70 I B urmturi H. C. Wright, for San Francisco. TRANSPORT SERVICI. 7 three other ingredients we should Note. Barometer readings are cor possess the beat remedy in the Warren, In Philippine. rected for temperature. Instrumental world for certain diseases that PORT OF HONOLULU. Thomas, at S- - F. errors, and local gravity, and reduced ' Real Estate are now practicaHy incurable." Crook, at S. "F. to sea level. Average cloudiness stated ARRIVED. Logan, at San Francisco, repairing. in scale from 0 to 10. Direction of So said a famous English physi- Sheridan, Manila, May 11 13. left Hon. for wind l. nrvailincr direction durinsr 24 .Don't Bother twenty-fiv- e years ago. "But Saturday, June S cian Sherman, left Hon. for JU11C I ending 8 p. m. Velocity of Hopp & Co. call up 361 for Str. Mauna Kea, Freeman, from Ha- hours at J. 'v Carrying parcels home, it will never be done," he added. waii and Maui ports. ' wind is average velocity in mnes per a boy. cod liv- TO ARLINGTON. "You can no more turn C. R S. S. Caravellas, Le Seven, LAID REST IN hour. T Indicates trace of rain. 185 KINO STREET. TERRITORIAL MESSENGER er oil into a palatable medicine, from Yokohama with a general cargo Funeral services over the remains of WM. B. STOCKMAN, & Section Director. SERVICE. than you can turn the Codfish to T. H. Davies Co. Mrs. May Ethridge Carmody, wife of a Bird of Paradise." - M. F. Peter. Manager itself into DEPARTED. Pay Inspector John R. Carmody, U S. TIDES, SUN AND MOON. Yet he lived to admit that in Str. Niihau. Onesss, for Punaluu. N., who died at Atlantic City, N. J.. WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION P. M. S. S. Mongolia, Morton, for San last Sunday night, were held at 10 Is II 7. r I Ills Francisco. o'clock this morning St. Matthew's H.I H 'H sisi been ac- at m - J1 ito i "T 4th July NaniwB & Go. the "impossible" had PASSENGERS Catholic church, Rhode Inland avenue 2 o iii g bJE a CONTRACTORS ND BUILDERS complished. It is palatable as near Connecticut avenue northwest. nu- Arrived. honey and contains all the Per str. Mauna Kea. from Hilo and Requiem mass was celebrated by Rev. 'pm. rt p.m. a m p m. eu FIREWORKS! FIEEWORKS! was made M 8 1.21105 5.55 5 17 0 42 1 21 and DRAYMEN tritive and curative properties of Maui ports, June 13. B. Levette, C- - D. Father Buekev. Interment 5H MASONS. CARPENTERS. Arlington. Washington May 3. t' SIZES. Pure Cod Liver Oil, extracted Bradley, Xg Yee Yick. Miss M. Akau. j at Star, r 9 1X0 14 5.47. 7 105 178 42 l.f5 FLAGS. ALL ISO - Magoon BIdg. formerly i f i Room com- Mrs. A. M. Mrs. L. Bailey S. j Paymaster Carmody was Send in vour orders early. Wall, fresh cod livers, Wilson. 2D-- by us from stationed in w 10 1.K 1 7, 0 00 6 12 5.17,8 41 2 29 Co- M. G. O. Honolulu. i ! Nichols - Ltd. bined with the Compound Syrup Kanakanui. Knudsen. Mrs. ) W. Rose and infant. W. E. Wall, S. S. t 11 2.15 I t 0.58 7.00 9 0S! 17 8 43 J.Cl Extracts of I I f Union Electric Co. of Hypophcsphites, Litchfield, H. B. Mariner. Miss A. Me-heu- la. LOCAL OFFICE OF THE UNITED Malt and Wild Cherry. This r 12 2 tO 2 0 1 43 7 it' 9 '8 5 V i 43 3 44 9 BERETANIA STREET. H. M. Kaniho, Mrs. S. Naka. 8TATES WEATHER BUREAU. remedy is freed from the bad Chas. Bellina. K. M. Cheatham, Miss i IS 30 2 2 2 JO 8 08 10 5 6.J8 fc.I 4 51 . Send Your Suit Telephone 315 Honolulu, Saturday, 13, 190. ' i so L. Ward. Miss K. Ward. Mrs. J. D. June - - Dry Cells peculiarities Dr. Frothinghsm a 14 4.03 2 2 3 00 8 !0 .1 80 5.18 6 3 BUe House Wiring Bells is precisely the Koki, Dr. H. I Ross, Jas. Parker, To ths Special attention to Installing private detested, and it THKRMO Z WIU Full moon June 14 at 3:32 a. m. Mrs. K. Kailikini. R. W. Shinele. Miss fm x it' repair work. he wished for. e'5 telephones and general splendid medicine K. Cornwell. Mrs. J. Cornweli.'Miss S. - d o E2iS2 e The tides at Kahului and Hilo occur EAGLE DYEING AND February IS. 1908. g ;r--5 Dated Honolulu. Use it freel and confidently for McPhee. Mrs. A. McPhee. E. TZ. Bet-teli- e. a s k s j about one hour earlier than at 3 CLEANING WORKS Hysteria, Wasting Complaints, Ah Sing. K. Yokata, Mrs. J. 2 B2 JSaeSm 52? 2 --e Telephone 575. FORT STREET. HONOLULU , IRON WORKS Anemia. Blood Impurities, Asth- Cockett. Mrs. Cockett and infant, S. ? s ;: Hawaiian standard time is 10 hours COMPANY. ma, Throat and Lung Trou- Mookini, E. Morii. Mrs. E. Morii. 30 minutes slower than Greenwich ani : Departed. j ; being 157 Pipe. Galvanised bles. Dr. W. II. B. AikinP, Phj j time, that of trc meridian of Machinery. Black - En- Hos- Per S. S. Mongolia, for ?an Fran 1900 S tS- 85 T2 78 Co A8 5 degrees thirty minutes. The time Pipe. Boiler Tubes, Iron and steel. sician to Toronto General cisco, 13. Miss Minnie B. Cottrell, 1:20 p. m., Is June I whistle blows at which Yee Chan Co. 1901 33 C4;84 89 78 .CO 78 4 : gineers' Supplies. much pleased min-ate- s. ; 0 pital, says: "I tm Mrs. W. Waterhouse. Fred Morgan, i the same as Greenwich 0 hours OFFICE Nuuanu Street. T- R- ' to state that the results from wife and daughter. - - Cheatham 1903 29 2j ti 68 8 01 78 S Sun and moon are for local time WORKS Kakaako. and daughter. v. P. Olds and wife. Dry Goods and Shoes o.3;ntr Wampole's Preparation of SO ' for the whole group. A. wife 1903 04 61 70 ?8 .02 84 !I Cod Liver OR have been uni- H. Kidder. E. E. Taylor, and i LAUHALA MATS child. H. B. Horner. J. B. Keating, wife 1904 30 c 6 73 d 65 5 m King and Bethel Street. formly satisfactory; it appealed and daughter, Charles Sohweizer, J. H. BANZAI! 2s 9, 8j m : 4 j Coarse Lauhala to me as being prepared accord-i- n M. G. las ;t .10 6 sb n lanals. F?oee. Miss Kimble. Miss Ida Japanese Importa- Mats for scientific princi- M. Pope. Mrs. E. L. 1908 30 04, fc2 74 78 .00 61 ill2 9 We have the best to correct Farnsworth. Miss Fans, Baskets Farnsworth. Dr. M. E. Grossman and tions in LAW BOOKS increases the appetite 82 j Tapas, Brasses. ples." It 1907 j 9 72 77 T 1t 2 8 SILKS and CREPES, NOVELTIES, digestion o! wife, child and maid, W. H. Smith. and inunences the ! AT EASTERN PRICES Pottery. Harlan Roberts, J. F. Dillon and wife, 1908 jaOjtSj 80 70 .5 T 58 4 8 Etc & foo3-- ; it is delicious to take, vii; AMERICAN and PANAMA HATS HAWAII Mrs. McKeown and child. B. F. Dil- ! i.vge 0.C1; f2 "to"! 78 7c2t 7? i S. HERRICK BROWN & CO. SOUTH SEAS not disappoint yon, and is effec-i-v lingham and wife. Mrs. G. Schumann, !4 n' For Ladies and Gentlemen ' Successor to Wm. C. Lyon Co. CURIO COU from the first dose One bot- Miss M. Schumann. W. R. Schumann, WM. B- - STOCKMAN. Section Director. IWAKAMI, Hotel TL 401 or m - - P. O. Box 400 Young BUS- - tle convinces. At alJ chemista Paul Kuesthardt, Mrs. E. Gallagher, Street 0 I

THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, JUNE 14, 1908; SUNDAY ADVERTISER f Tmt Commercial News EDITOR WALTER O. SMITH 1 SUNDAY JUNE 14 The busy season in the pineapple industry is opening up, and next week the; variou canneries will be in full blast. The crop this season is expected to be a A IN TREES. FORTUNE good one, taking the canning capacity of the plants, enlarged though they have wants to carry a big insurance for your old If vou are a young man who teen for the practical doubling of the output. At the big cannery of the Lift uiom-- pay the premium on a hundred thousand age, haven't enough to Hawaiian Pineapple Company, in Iwilei, some canning has been done, the new Go to the Territorial government and 31 dollar policy, we'll tell vuu what to do. A M J Jfr At 1 machinery having teen started up on Wednesday last. From now on the canncrv Jan on this Island, which nobody is after and which Jt Jr J get some of its high will work, during the days at present, and throughout the twenty-fou- r hours, as you think you can hold, build a can Lc had cheap; acquire as much of it with three shifts, as soon as the rush begins. wire outside to comply with the law and double fence about it with plain A Bungling Job. A large consignment of fresh pines went forward to the Coast on the last growing between the lines this to j barbed wire inside, with cactus or sisal lightly Treated. Alameda, the first big shipment of the season. accidentally start fires and cattle that might destroy keep out people who might Creel What a Week. SUGAR PRICES to the government forester and find out CLIMBING. young trees. Having done this, go The Flying Juggernaut. will do best there and, if the trees can be had Continued satisfactory reports of the steady advance in the selling price what trees of fine finish wood Lee Case. abroad, raise trees The Let of sugar continue to come to the agents here from the selling agents in the East. here, plant them on that traet. If not, get some seeds from m two or On Friday the quotations were 4.4t'c for centrifugals, an advance on the figure from them under the forester's direction in boxes and, when they are of the first of the week .25, and higher by .60 than, the selling price one year ago. three feet high, plant them on your mountain farm. There was no heavy trading in sugar stocks during 261 The forester may advise you to raise koa' or sandalwood or ohia for ties; the week, however, from Central America or some northern shares of McBryde, selling at 4, being the biggest number of shares handled, or he may tell you to get primavera ' representing five transactions. hard wood. In any event, before you are an old man the lumber will be worth 4 case The sales of the week were: McBryde (20) 18, 33, 33, 40, 137 at 4; Onhw from $73 to $150 a thousand feet, and perhaps a great deal more. In the (20), 5 at 28; Waialua (100), SO at 83.50; 25, 60 of sandalwood, it is now sold by the pound in the Chinese market at a fabulous oka (20), at 4; Paia 6s, $1000 jrice. at 100; Haiku 6s, $1000 at 100; Ewa (20), 10 at 27.75, 72 at 27.25. interest, a forest of rare wood is making money for you DIVIDENDS. Like a fund at a annual cost, after the first outlay is made, is not large, On Wednesday last two 1 1 while you Bleep; and its The fact that no great damage was done to the house of Chief Taylor by the plantations declared dividends, the Paauhau paying' in his place. unless you employ a watchman. We suggest the special fence stick of dynamite with which an attempt was made to crush it, points to a 15 cents a share and the Wailuku a 1 per cent, dividend. output, Unlike a life insurance policy, the rate of interest, the dividend of the prentice hand at the work. Dynamite has the popular reputation of smashing At the regular monthly meeting of the directors of the Hawaiian Oomereial rrsH you cut right kind of forest is likely to grow higher annually until the trees things on all sides, but there is another common explosive which shows a greater and Sugar Co., held June ,10, a dividend of SO cents per share was declared, must neces- down; for, as the mainland forests decrease, the price of lumber lifting power in proportion to the amount used. To rend a rock, dynamite payable on July 5, 1908. sarily rise. should be put where it is bound to meet strong resistance; in the open air a OTHER STOCK TRADING. provide for his old age in this way or make Not only may a young man stick or two of it is not nearly so destructive as most people suppose. There One block of 115 shares of Hawaiian Pineapple stock sold on exchange on i age, wishing to help a fortune for his family, but a man of middle or advanced are a good many native fishermen to whom the mere loss of a hand or an arm, Tuesday at 24.50, this being the .biggest sale recorded. Honolulu Brewing anil

bequeath some thousands of useful trees. They n his posterity, might wisely it represents the premature-explosio- of it. Blank-Blan- k is a different proposi- Malting dropped another point during the week, a sale being made on Wednesday 1! would never come amiss. tion. That sends things flying. You will never see those men on the dredger at 22, while the latest transfer, on Saturday, found the price 21. The various' L 1 try to release too big a mouthful of coral rock from the dipper with Blank- - transactions for the weekweref l! Blank. If they did, dipper and all would go. A stick of dynamite placed on Hon. B. & M. Co. (20), 5, 25 at 22, 25 at 21; Haw. Pineapple Co. (20), 115, 10 the coral and covered with some soft mortar merely breaks the lump, leaving at 24.50; I.-- I. S. N. Co. (100), 15, 10 at 116; O. R. & L. Co. (100), 12 at 101. Retreat the machinery intaet. Mil Sounding Their Only MAHUKA SITE MONEY. By John H. GreuseL Evidently the man who was after Taylor knew nothing of this. Like the After being held up for the greater part of the week, the purchase money two Portuguese who to Consul-Gener- al tried blow up Canavarro, he thought that for the Federal building site was paid over to the vendors of the various proper- the explosion of dynamite close to the outside wall of a bedroom would do the of the Republic is passing in final review. The total ties on Friday. The delay was due to the nonpayment of a small amount of The Grand Army business for the occupant. But it didn't. It merely broke the glass and frac is now 620,000. This figure is obtained as follows: The taxes. Those who shared in the distribution of the $104,497.50 were: number of survivors tured the clapboards. In Taylor's case, the force wasted itself largely on the t last official enrolment, made by the pension authorities at "Washington, June 30, C. W. Ashford, attorney for W. M. Manuka and Auioi Mahuka.... $ 1,645.73 watertank that stood almost against the lightly-bui- lt cottage and upon the back nine intervening months, there Kinney & Marx, attorneys for Bathsheba M. 1907, was 644,338. Deducting 2500 a month, for outer staircase. Allen.."...... 6.389.27 were 22,000 deaths. Kinney & Marx, attorneys for Bethsheba M. Allen, et al 2,798.79' I see no reason to think that the person who-se- t off the bomb did it for HC. Old is dying off at the rate of 90 a day; but the death losses Holmes & Stanley and C. H. Olson, attorneys for Estate 20,248.27 The Guard any less cause than homicide. Risks like that are not taken for fun. Chief Austin month are often higher. In 1906, Grand Army survivors died to the Holmes & Stanley and C. II. Olson, attorneys for Bishop Museum... 31,091.70 for each Taylor has had many threatening letters; the criminal classes hate him, and it 29,208; and in 1907 the loss was 31,201; for the year that closed June Castle & Withington, Holmes & Stanley, and C. H. Olson, attorneys number of is possible that, now that the machinery of justice does not work as it ought the death rate will be unquestionably between 35,000 and 37,000, if not for H. Waterh ouse Trust ,Oo.y anl J. O. Carter, trustee for 7ohn 1, 1908, in support of the police, certain men feel that they may do anything to Taylor Republic now have reached the average age ' Cummins , 17.323f.6S higher. For the old soldiers of the with impunity. of 63. At that rate, the deaths will come faster and faster still; and within 6 II. E. Cooper, attorney for J. F. Hackfeld, trustee 10,353.34 years the noble army will be all but a memory. (Continued on Page Five.) ten One of the afternoon papers thinks that the "public is inclined to take the Had the soldiers of the Civil War not been mere lads in their teens, the dynamite outrage "lightly." Of course! Plenty of people do not like a sue- - would ere have perished from the But the Union Grand Army long this earth. (Continued on Page Five.) was saved literally by boys boys in their teens; and many had not even reached their teens. Small Talks as statement seems, is indisputably borne out by the i Startling this it j official records: The Flag of the Chesapeake 0 There were 2,778,309 enlistments, as follows: p HIGH SHERIFF HENRY You are likely to have some surprises yet in the (iYT'Kmite case. , At the age of 10 and under... The Outlook. At the age of 12 and under 22a "SCOTTY" MESTON I think I'll move along to Seattle, where a License At the age of 14 and under.... 1,523 (tmnussion couldn't live a minute. The good work of eliminating American history myths At the age of 16 and under 844,S91 from the fabricated A. A. ISBELL I expect, before long, that our wireless station will get by patriotic logographers still goes on. The latest case in point is the story of At the age of 18 and under..... 1,151,433- messages from remarkable distances. the bloody combat in Massachusetts Bay, June 1, 1813, between the American ... i 1 At the age of 21 and under 2,159,793 T. P. CUMMINS You won't find me saying very much about polities' from n ' frigate Chesapeake and the British frigate Shannon, in which the American fell Twenty-tw- o years of age and over...... 618,511 now on. I intend to keep busy building roads. r alei a prize. Deeply mortified patriots consoled themselves for the disaster with Adding the number under 21 and over 22 is, 2,159,798 and 618,511 that fabulous excuses; it was an unequal combat, hopeless from the start; the Amer- W. J. COOPER There is acting material among the Oahu College youth enrolment the total was 2,778,309, semi-mutino- to be seen on the Opera stage. ican crew was mostly of landsmen, foreigners at that; they were us tha ti'ght House are some very old men in Grand Army of Republic; and But there the the for overdue prize money; they were just out of a debauch on shore, PAUL SUPER Honolulu is going to have the Moody of South Africa is all the more reason why losses will be exceedingly high in that the death which had left them in a drunken stupor; under such conditions "Captain Law- luie as well as the fleet. Don 't lose sight of that. the years near at hand. There will come a time when the last call will be rence bravely faced his doom." Set afloat on the stream of tradition, this sooth- COLONEL SAM JOHNSON Work has been held back for a time in the responded to each month by no less than 5000 of the brave heroes of '61; for ing story is still current, and has even found place in a text-boo- k used in the mahogany forest, but I expect to start things moving soon. already that figure has been touched by one-ha- lf and over, and is growing with Naval Academy at Annapolis. Professor Stevens, now occupying Jthe chair of alarming rapidity. SURVEYOR WALL There were seventeen acres of real, active fire in Naval History in the Aeademy, has'lately in the New York Times exposed its .: requires little argument to support the statement just made; and the the pit at Halemaumau when I was there last Sunday evening. It if utter falsity. For instance, less than five per cent of the Chesapeake's crew reader is of a mathematical turn of mind, let him go to the standard mortuary J. E. HIGGINS T hear that Andrew D. White, former ambassador to Ger- were foreigners. Her first lieutenant, Ludlow, mortally wounded, declared tables of the life insurance companies and determine for himself what is the "it many, expected to visit Hawaii la?t year and may yet make the trip. was a gloriously fair stand-u- p fight." The victor was worse hurt than the van- expectancy of life for men of the ages set forth. M. MARTIN our quished. Constant working at the pumps was needed to get the Shannon to JOHN I think esteemed Board of Supervisors has trouble t Here are startling official figures pointing to the rapid vanishing of the enough of own without taking over responsibility Halifax with her prize. But here fire, directed higher up, had not only crippled its for the liquor licenses. Grand Army: the Chesapeake's sailing and steering gear, but had slain or severely wounded P. C. JONES Admiral Yery has gone to Newton, Mass.j a town I know NUMBER AND AGE OF SURVIVORS PASSED ON BY COMMISSIONER well,' and where there are mapy distinguished people. D. ' her principal officers, so that a boarding party from the Shannon easily drove Gorhain Oilman, . OF PENSIONS WARNER, TO JUNE 30, 1907. formerly of .Hawaii, .has his home there. the leaderless crew below and captured the ship. It was all over . in less than two-thir- Age Survivors Age Survivors Age Survivors fifteen minutes, in which time: 227 men had fallen, of them on the A. L. C. ATKINSON What is all this talk about reporters not being-allowe- d 62 13,381 75 4,253 88. ....127 Chesapeake. But it was the first time that the flag of an American frigate had to go around with Secretary Garfield. I am on that committee, and I never 63.. ...11,665 76 3,528 89. 60 fallen to an enemy, and popular indignation demanded a scapegoat. As. some- heard of any permission being refused them yet. 64 11,282 77 2,496 90. Lieu- ....36 times happens still, an inferior officer beeame the victim. Acting Third SECRETARY MOTT-SMIT- H No slight was intended in the or. tolawaiians 65. 9,483 2,099 91. gun-dec- k ;.....,. 78... tenant W. S. Cox had been stationed on the below. Rushing up with matter of -- the Garfield committee. John Lane's name was on the list, but he 66.. 9,243 79 1,786 92. 24 his men to repel the boarding party, he saw Captain Lawrence desperately has gone East. The members were picked at random. 6,819 80 ...2,031 93. 11 him like case carried him 67...... wounded, and did what Nelson's captain did for in C. D. LI7DIN My fender only struck Colonel Hawes' walking stick, which 68 5,209 81. .1,287 94. 8 steerage he found the hatchway shut against down the ladder. Rushing back, he held toward it. He fell down. I was trying to go behind him at the rate 69 3,1Q9 82 1,129 95. 2 him. At hatchway he encountered an overwhelming downrush of the another of four miles an hour, but- - he stepped back and. I had to jerk the car around, S.302 83. 753 96. 5 gave up struggle. On his way he had fired his cannon, the ; 70...... beaten crew, and the quickly to go in front. i 71.. 5,881 84. 636 97. 1 last shot of the Chesapeake. Yet the court-marti- al sentenced him to be "cash- VIGGO JACOBSEN Will not somebody, pray, take pity on Cummins 72.. 5,112 85. 436 98. 5 iered with a perpetual incapacity to serve in the navy of the United States." the building on Fort and Merchant and have at least the remaining tatters of the 73 . 4,409 .86. 378 10S. 1 This was the only honor lost in the affair, a loss shared by the nation in an in- awnings removed? Papa Cunha agrees with me that it ought to be done, andi 87. 230 justice like that done to the Russian Admiral Nebogatoff, condemned to prison no one in all Honolulu keeps his own property more orderly and Never in the world's history, before our day, was a nation saved by youths for preferring surrender to hopeless odds rather than to be sunk with all his cleanly than he. In faith, he would make a useful member of the Civic Federation. ji in 1 heir teens. In the stirring year3 of Father Abraham, these boys came for- men. The Chesapeake seems to have been what sailors call a "hoodoo" ship. ward by the tens of thousands, in response to the call to arms. She ran aground repeatedly; in 1S07 she had disgracefully submitted to be forci- JOHN SMITH I don't know who is responsible for the wording or print- - -- ' ing the signs Beach War expenditures reached $6,000,000,000. bly --searched by the British frigate Leopard; the fight with the Shannon was of at the Park, but I want to enter a protest. Over the of dressing-roo- m . During the war, 67,000 were killed in battle. her first and last. Her name was given not long since to the midshipmen's door the men's the signwriter has not only put the word which is a vulgarism grates The records also show that 43,012 died of wounds. training-ship-, but the ill fame of it as a name of evil omen effected a change "Gent," that and not entitled to official recogni- Disease claimed 224,586. of the name two years ago to Severn. It was a witless wish that called on tion on the part of the Board of Park Commissioners, bui the painter has And 24,872 perished from other causes. -- Mr. Astor, who had purchased her old flag for $4250, to restore it to the country spelled the word "GENTs." There were 250,000 wounded in battle. which desires to forget her. Whatever his motive in depositing it where it will Between all these dread disasters, it is a wonder that even a remnant of the nevermore float in American air, he did the proper thing. Grand Army of the Republic survives; and it should ever be the pride and pleasure of this American Republic to remember the debt owed to the boys of '61. The Future of Hawaii Happily, all soldiers who have survived "forty years after the close of the The World Today. war" (to quote the language of the law) are now entitled to a "service Sherlock Holmes pension." New York Tribune. For how many years more than three score of them have envious eyes, patriotic eyes, prudent, far-seei- eyes, patriotic eyes of earnest and wise Americans rested upon Hawaii, that outpost of Americanism, peeing in it the Idle Epigrams M. B. Ponn Yan, N. Y.: Who was Sherlock Holmes? key to the protection, preservation, progress and eternal prosperity of our twenty-fiv- e i Hour Conan Doyle's famous novels. The hundred miles )f Pacific coast? And yet, in all these years (up to now), not Sherlock Holmes is the hero of original of this wonderful character is a professor at Edinburgh University. an adequate fortification of any kind has been placed there, nor has a single Autre temps, antress moeurs. At one time it was the habit of actresses to Conan Doyle, telling his friends how Sherlock Holmes came about, says: "Sherl- effective step been taken to make available the one perfect, landlw-ke- harbor needle-wor- while away the "waits" and intervals with k and crochet-wor- k, but ock Holmes is the literary embodiment, if I may so express it, of my memory within thousands of miles in any direction Pearl Harbor, a few miles down now 'a more intellectual occupation is resorted to. At the Aldwych Theater, of a professor of medicine at, Edinburgh University who would sit in the the 'roast from Honolulu. , London, for instance, the woman section of the "" company pass patients' waiting room with a face like a red Indian and diagnose the people Hawaii needs Americans. Both Pearl Harbor and Honolulu Bay will be away their time in putting down their views of theatrical life in the form as they came in. before even they had opened their mouths. He would tell them taxed to the utmost with shipping, and within a few years there will be two of epigrams. their symptoms, he would give them details of their lives, and he would hardly large commercial cities there, and a populous, busy, wealthy State looms in the In a recent competition of this nature, the following epigrams by Miss ever make a mistake. 'Gentlemen,' he would say to us students standing near future behind them. There are great possibilities to be taken advantage Ellaline Terriss were regarded as the best that were submitted: around, '1 am jot quite sure if this man is a cork cutter or a slater. T observe of and threatened dangers to be averted. It is Hawaii's easy destiny to be- Art An understudy for the weather in conversation. a slight callous or hardening on one side of his forefinger and a little thickening come the headlight of Americanism on the Pacific, but she must be strengthened Work- - A disease which is neither infectious nor contagious. on the outside of his thumb, and that is a sure sign he is either one or the by men as well as by forts; she must have a safe harbor and more of America The Stage A place for illusions and a cure for them. other.' His great faculty of deduction was. at times, highly dramatic. 'Ah,' back of it if we hope to hold the key we coveted so long and forgot as soon as Marriage A dilapidated castle haunted by spooks Divorce aid Alimony. he would say to another man, 'you are a soldier, a officer, and we possessed it. She must have aid, not hampering, from America. Success A mystery to your enemies and a disappointment to your friends. you have served in Bermuda. Now, how do I know that, gentlemen? He came Congressional paternalism has imposed some laws upon the new Territory Audiences Collections of human beings with a habit of expecting their into the room without taking his hat off, as he would go into an orderly room. which are oppressive and dangerous. It is always a serious proposition to legis- money's worth. He was a soldier. A slight authoritative air, combined with his age, shows late upon problems of which we have no real conception making laws upon well-know- n actor-manage- Sev-mo- Since Miss Terriss is the wife of that r, Mr. ur he was a officer. A slight rash on the forehead tells me be theories instead of facts and has made several blunders in its efforts Hicks, her definition of "manager" would be rather interesting. wa3 in Bermuda and subject to a certain rash known only there.' " to regulate Hawaii on principles which obtain through the States. .... ,W - , 1 - ,..,-- M. HIT. V .rim n., ,,- - J fr jfryy., :r:,:,rlf. l.l miHIIMIHW V


I' , ,1 1 7 . . . 1 Why buy t - ' 8

" such costly . ? a V ?z ' . j handicap?

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high-powe- The strong, r, light-weig- ht Franklins give you everything you can get in any heavy auto- mobile except needless trouble and wasteful expense.

air-cool- The ed Franklin engine gets more power out of its fuel than any other gas engine ever built. The Franklin wood frame, aluminum bodies, cast-aluminu- m parts chrome -- nickel-steel drive-sha- ft in fact the entire light-weig- ht construction is stronger than the ordinary heavy construction.

The Franklin 95-mi- le record on 2 gallons of gasoline ; fne y 15-da- San Francisco to New York record and the 39-ho- ' v-- ijr .... . , Chicago to New York record prove an efficiency sustained jower and endurance such as never was by any ' demonstrated other " ' automobile. " - i : j J Demonstrations by appointment. Any Franklin dealer will gladly show you. An hour's ride will tell you more than we could - Advertiser I'hoto. y 2 HAULING MORTARS TO DIAMOND HEAD. describe in a hundred pages. bystander H. H. FRANKLIN MFG. CO. l DANCING FLOOR TO lGAMES N -A- GUE the Syracuse, N. Y, (Continued 'rom Pasre Four.) Members Association Licensed Automobile Manufacturers There will be two good games of I BE MONSTER AFFAIR eessful detective, as Burns of San Francisco is finding out to his cost, as Hatter baseball on the vacant lot of the O R. learned in this city, and as the man who routed the Molly ilaguires was long & L.. Co. this afternoon and a large ago taught. Certain kinds of men some of whom man jury boxes now and crowd is looked for to watch the Nip- was yesterday by the fleet then take even the gravest offences against the law "lightly." In a case It decided pon boys play bail. on arrangements to like that of dynamiting Taylor's home, the men to spread the lightsome spirit committee ball The first contest betveen the T. M. dancing platform Waikiki farthest would be the criminals themselves. Then Taylor's personal rivals and erect a at B. A.'s and the Kachos will commence SO feet by 150 feet, quite the biggest enemies would make as much "light" as possible and the usual run of mutton-head- s at 1:30 p. m. These teams look to be E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. ever been would fairly exude persiflage at their pores. But serious people do not thing of its kind that has very evenly matched. attempted in Honolulu. look at the advent here of Mining Federation methods' of assault upon the Igarashi, who can do good work in AGENTS floor will be erected, on the Mo-a- na peace authorities with any spirit more light and airy that indignation and The the box, will twirl for the Init:als, Hotel aide of the stream between very alarm. They are apt to wonder whether the sporadic case will make an epidemic. Seaside hotels, the while Utaka, considered to be a the Moana and v 0 v stream being bridged over. Beside the good man behind the stick, will be at dancing in the new pavilion there will the receiving end. It is going to be the liveliest week or ten days, when the fleet gets here, be dancing oni the floor of the two Tabuchi, the Kachos' catcher, has re- that Honolulu ever saw. The personnel of the fleet is nearly twice that of the Just in From hotels mentioned, which will be bril- signed one of the pure white population of this Territory. . When a transport is here with a full liantly illuminated for the occasion. from the team and Superintendent of Public Works crack players of the Japanese Athletic regiment, the cars have few empty seats, and the downtown restaurants look Campbell has agreed to attend to the Club will take his place this afternoon. like beehives. But what is coming is the numerical strength of from sixteen to construction' wors of the big floor and In the second game the two leaders twenty regiments. There will be' as many as four regiments on shore at a Philadelphia

Colonel Jones will, look after the As-ah- in the league, the i Jrs. and the time, and if you, my dear reader, expect to get a seat in a car or a hack or a decorations. Tokiwas, will cross bats. chance to eat during meal hours in a eafe, or a glass of soda Water or beer, or On July 17 there will be a grand Both teams have been practising that is it is a recent arrival from and reception for officers at Wai- to get near a cigar stand or a fruit store or to enjoy elbow room on a sidewalk ball hard and should put up a good article & a kiki, in the two hotels and the pavilion of or to engage a bed in a hotel, you are a lot more optimistic than I am. Patriotic Laird, Schob Co.'s factory peo- of ball. Yoshio, the crack pitcher between. Tickets will cost local the Tokiwas. who pitched winning .ball we all are, we are going to heave a sigh of utter relief and thankfulness Golden P.rown Vici Kid, with flexible ple five dollars each and will be on !s against the Kachos last Sunday, will one-thir- hand-turne- sale this week. when the fun is over. Honolulu is a small town to have 4hirty-thre- e and d d sole, three eyelet?, and be seen in the box today and Isami cent, will be behind the frtickJ per added to its' population at one fell swoop. An excursion of four Price $4.50 Cuban heels. LOCAL BREVITIES Last Sunday Yoshio struck out eight hundred people upsets things a bit, but just think of sixteen thousand. Gosh! men and only gave one pass, and while 8 fC, will fur- he was in the game,' from the third to The Kawaihau Glee Club The knocking-dow-n of Colonel Ilawes by an automobile in this town is not Carmen's dance the ninth innings, did not allow his Co., Ltd. nish the music for the surprising. Anybody can be knocked down that way here without half trying; Manufacturers' Shoe June 20, at the K. P. hall. opponents to score. Telephone 282. Ma-no- for automobiles are run at a rate and in a manner which, to a pedestrian, looks 10; i Fort Street. There will be a meeting of the a Improvement Club on Monday-evenin- g BUSINESS LOCALS. most dangerous. Did you ever see a "sliofur" slow up perceptibly when going June 13, at Judge Cooper's around a corner into he knows not what! Did you ever see one stop as he ap- house. The Fleet waists on sale Monday at proached a car from which people were alighting! Hardly! There is a per- you forget we beg to say that Whitney & Marsh's. devil-wago- Iest emptory "honk! honk!" and the n chases between the passengers for the Carmen's dance, June Ad- tickets A furnished house is wanted. and the curb. It is a sheer case of get out. of, the way or be run oyer! At 20, can be obtained from all conductors dress P. O. Box 174. night these street locomotives often race; and on the broad avenues they let and motormen. Mony saved by buying at Sachs'. Henry C. Meyers, deputy auditor, and Shop there tomorrow. out every ntch and whiz by at the speed of an express train. I have seen judge of the Court of gin-soak- ed P. L. Weaver, A woman general house- antos after midnight entered by a 'ot of roysterers, and then ensued have been reap- white for Nights Land Registration, work is wanted. See classified ads. a flight to the beach that was fairly meteoric, only the Providence which is sup- These Grand pointed for the coming term. two-seat- ed condi- posed to watch over children and drunken men saving the crowd from annihila- Leavitt, who was to A surrey in good Dr. Bradford tion is advertised for sale in the class- tion. I don't know how this sort of thing is going to end, but I suspect, if have preached at Central Union this ified column. our wild men from Borneo keep running their juggernauts as they now run morning, found that he would have to to the man with an sail in the Mongolia yesterday. Those desiring a cottage at the beach them, the Legislature will pass a license law by which a machine, once deprived Haleiwa presents great attractions well-furnish- ed n, or a large, house, should F. J. Sullivan and Edward Worthing-to- of its license for cause, will not be allowed on the streets. road down is, pood, and as good coming full-fledg- s e L. B. Kerr, Alakea street, without auto. The were duly initiated as ed although delay. Elks on Friday night, their The Lee Let Off case turned out about as I thought it would. this the back, The meals are excellent and the service the best are as yet in the velvet. A Honolulu High School pin, class "I antlers to C. 406th or the 497th day?" inquired the Chinaman's attorney wTilh mock solici- to be provided over 1908, has been lost. Return J. Special cars are McCarthy, corner Hotel and Bethel 498th replied cheering grin, possible. the main line of the Rapid Transit free tude. "I think it is the day," His Honor with a of charge for those who remain at the streets. and in this propitious fashion the ease started off in eourt. From the outset Carmen's dance later than the regular See the list of speeials-tha- t are fea- it was a delightful joke, this trifling accusation of bribery sustained by three Sachs' for this week. They cars. tured at witnesses, an event fully as humorous in its way as the Hatter easies were. Only BIDGOOD, Manager. specially good quality at spe- ST. CLAIR A decree of divorce was yesterday are of Matheson's, against Saadakl cially low prices. a small part of the evidence for the prosecution, particularly Mr. pranted to Sekl Ejima evi-oen- as most ce Kjima; and Lehttanul Mitchell, who Fancy Dresden and plaid ribbons, was ruled in; what seemed to the laity the impressive part of the II has been deserted by her husband, ",0c. quality, now 35c. at Sachs'. was ruled out. For three days the Advertiser seemed to be the culprit James Mitchell, was also given her pleasantest place to go these at the bar; and then the case turned on some minor variations in the memory The cane or freedom. bright moonlit nights is to Haleiwa, two to secure which confusion of detail the case had been pro- wanted lie advantageously for them, and are adaptable for either fine. of witnesses, haj The Sons of the American Revolu- where the meals and service are the longed beyond a year. That was part of the joke where the laugh came in These will now be thrown open for settlcmentXbut under what condition Secretary Gar- roads good con- fi tion expect to entertain best ever and the in from the County Attorney. Finally this legal divertisement reached the jury not as yet been announced. , field at their annual banquet Wednes- dition for. motoring. day evening June IT. Bunker Hill day. & Co.'s where, I hear, some such luminous finding as this occurred: "Say, fellers, let's MONEY FOR EXHIBITION HOLDINGS. '.. the Just in from Laird, Schober The banquet will take place at a golden brown vici kid, with soak them reformers good and hard. Whatter we care whether the Chink Although Lad been thought generally that the bill allowing Hawaii money o factory, it niverslty Club at ciock.. hand-turne- d eyelets, out to the Thwing crowd any- flexible sole, three is guilty or not? We'll hah J it Eichards and for a building at the Alaska-Yuko- n exposition, to be held at Seattle next yearr night of the card tourna your shoe. The last and Cuban heels. Just way. What 're you givin' usf We don't need to shake no dice on this verdict. turned down by Congress, a certified copy of the appropriation bill ment of the Pythian Sisters will be on Shoe Co., Ltd. had been commencing eight Manufacturers' 1 move and second that we let Lee Let go. All in favor of that say aye. The the Governor shows that $2.",000 has b-e- made available for that Monday, June 15, at now in the Harrison received by when the An investment ayes have it. Gee, how dry I am!" is expected the commercial bodies here o'clock. This is the nistht Mutual Association will bring big re- purpose. With this as a nucleus it that prizes will be awarded to the winners. years. during the Wouldn't our jury system give the Goddess of Justice the pinkeye? And begin work to see that Hawaii is properly advertisM at the exposition, i games. , turns in later Join will r Refreshments after the special dispensation. Harrison Mutual doesn't the present jury list fairly shriek to the jury commissioners for revision? which is held in a district from which the Territory has much to expect ia the the Toyo Ki-se- n S. Asano, president of Association, Kapiolani building. ; passenger on .the way of reciprocal trade. Kaisha. was a The Regal Shoe Store will have its REjfxTKI). Mongolia, passing through yesterday. evening, KAIIAOKI mm li con- first opening on Wednesday COMMERCIAL NEWS f He is on his way to the Coast to 10:30. in local contractors for the building of new garrisoa Pa- June 17. from 7:30 till Don't The bids put by the I sult with E. H. Harriman. of the see fine shoes rejected by the Federal authorities steamship mat- fail to come and what accommodations at Fort Shafter have been cific Mail Company, on $3.50 and $4. (Continued from Pure FourJ K. K. is are being offered for as being too high. Two bidders submitted figures for the whole work, Luea ters. He denies that the T. embroidery fTolmes & Stanley and C. II. Olson, attorneys for Mary E. Foster 8,619.04 for tne purchase of the A. Blom's, the popular Bros, W. G. Chalmers. Their figures were: Lucas Hros., $i:i,047; Chalmers, negotiating big reduction sale Kinney & Marx, attorneys for John Emmeluth.. 27.62 and Pacific Mail liners. store, will hold a of embroideries all this week. Prices $182,575. The Knights of Pythias will hold REAL ESTATE WAKING UP. for sections of the works were put in by other local firms. Thera lodge room cut 23 per cent, to 50 per cent. Don't Other bids services their money-save- s memorial at miss this sale. It's a big r. There-i- a growing demand for real estate reported among the dealers and were no bidders in San Francisco, where tenders had been advertised for at th this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services the jo:nt.y by uanu increased inquiry for places to rent, some of the letters received being from same time as here. will be conducted Widow-jabot- s L' of Wask-ingto- n. Lodge No. 1. Mystic Ixdge No. ana Merry Widow bows, Merry mainland. There have been a number of sales during the week, the biggest Quartermaster Captain Humphrey forwarded the figures by cable to S. Fort-stre- Wm. McKinley Lodge No. All a big assortment at Sachs'. which was a $10,000 deal .put through for C. M. Cooke for the et premises receiving an answer that all were rejected as being too high. This will families are expect serve ice knights and their The Seaside Hotel will formerly occupied by C. J. Fishel, the vendors being the Honolulu Tobacco Co. work for some time. ed to attend, and a cordial invitation and cold drinks, be- delay the cream, sherbets MISSION. is extended to the public. sides tea and coffee and bouillon, at the GARFIELD'S MOVEMENTS OF SIIIl'I'ING. mathemat- An offer of the position of tables on the grounds this afternoon, The government departments are busily preparing statistics for presentation The week has been quiet on the waterfront, except for the local vessel. ical teacher in the Honolulu High at the regular downtovfn prices. on Tuesday. The. to Guy to Secretary Garfield, who will arrive on the battleship Maine The American schooner Geo. E. Hillings, for Eleele, entered at th Custom IIoum School was yesterlay cabled Select your materials for your fleet hopes visit Springs. The re- Secretary will be here for only twelve days, but in that time he to here, bringing coal from Newcastle, and two big freighters arrived from th Stevens of Colorado ball costume at Sachs". affecting tirement f J. H. Donagho to accept Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, and possibly Kauai. lie will look into matters Coast, the Columbian and Hilonian, and the sailing vessels, the Andrew Welck College immigration, possibly the schools. He is, as Mongolia was only liner for th a position in the faculty of the "Well, sir," said the old gentleman labor, corporations, land and and and the Olympic From the Orient, the the of Agriculture and Mechanic -- ris are .you doing round stated by the Acting Governor, "coming here to look over the estate and see week, while the departures for the Coast were the Mongolia, Nevadan an vacancy High School indignantly, "what leaves the in the again f I thought that delicate how it is being run in its own interest and in the interest of the country as a Mr. is a Harvard man here Nebraskan. staff. Stevens hint 1 gave you with my boot just as and has been conducting private would whole." you left the front door last night - ' men, the clashes 'at Colorado Springs. He is I don't like WJiile here he will meet the business and will probably address "Bo you think people should be punished for gambling at the rarest" "A give you to understand that Vashingtm highly recommended. vou won't have you coming here." members of the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' Association. lot of them are by having their money taken away from them." 'It did." said the young man who was KAPAA LAND QUESTION. Star. . CHECKER CHALLENGE. "after" the daughter, as a look of mingled admiration came over The question of exchanging government lands at Kapaa with the Makee Noah Ilirani issue a challenge to pain and And when you proposed she gave you a sweet answer? Dick Ph his face; "but I thought I would come Sugar Plantation and the oj'ening up of the lands received by the government Tom .play any oue in Hawaii at checkers. Tom Ah, she said Dick No, she "Fudge." 'Arrangements for a match may be and ask you " "Ask me what?" for homesteading, has fallen through, the plantation refusing to accept the con- did, indeed. "Y.?" to join our foot- made 'by addressing Phillip Kaauwai, "Tf you wouldn't like ditions of exchange as laid down by the Governor. The lands the plantation Chicago Daily News. citv. ball club." Stray Stories.

n A r i'i "i f I


there were present Mr. and Mrs. Ro-die- k, Mr. and Mrs. Focke. Miss Wal- ww-apj- i pgiw 11 mmamm wwwi S'IWL mm i THE ker, Miss Cordelia Walker. Alexander Gift Walker, Captain and Mrs. Fuller, Geo. ft&if, Fuller, Acting Governor Mott-Smit- h and Mrs. Mott-Smit- h, Mis Paty. Mr. save y and Mrs. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. WHITNEY MARSH a Cooke Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bode, Mr. and lone Mrs. E. A. Ross, Miss Lorna Iaukea, Id ha.nct Mr. p and Mrs. Gay, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. first Wilcox, Captain Gregory, Mr. ;r, McBride Kidrf and Mr. C. M. V. Forster. t A8 R. W. Shingle, who has been visit- ing on Hawaii and Maui, returned in The the Mauna Kea yesterday. at The Carters and Gaits will spend a DATS IN HONO-- i month at the Volcano in the near f u- - sm LULU. 8 i ture. FI i I1 Mondays Punahou, Manoa Honolulu society will be augmented Heights College Hills, Ma by the arrival of the ladies of the At kiki. lantic fleet. Same are expected in the Tuesdays Walklkl, Kapiolanl Buford and the Thomas will bring Park, Kaimuki and Palolo. others. Wednesdays Nuuanu and Puu-nu- L ji j i m Above Nuuanu bridge, The marriage of Miss Mary Quintal first and third Wednesdays; and Mr. William Andrade at the Cath it below, second and fourth. olic cathedral last Wednesday was one Thursdays The Plains. of the prettiest wedding3 ever held at Fridays Town and Hotels. the cathedral. The church was taste- have arrived. See our china, Saturdays KalihL fully decorated with palms and art on sale were posters,' painted groom was by place cards, flowers and belt-buckl- es. flowers. The attended Can- Girdler, Cooper, W. H. Mclnerny as best man while Window Display. Miss Langton had charge of the Doris Alice Alice gave away. dy booth, assisted by Misses Ballen Spalding, Gladys Rycroft, Alice Bond the bride's father her tyne. Kennedy and Wadman. The and Almeda Townsend. Among those were red streamers and present were Mrs. George Carter, Mrs. Society was out in large numbers at decorations exhibition of fancy dancing by the la i flowers and the stock-in-tra- de can- Achilles, Miss Achilles, Mrs. von Holt, the Only $1.25 A piece popcorn. Mrs. Andrew pupils of Mrs. Gunn's class at the dies, almonds and Gait, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. evening. The Lemonade booth was decorated McGrew, Mrs. Paul Isenberg, Mrs. Moana Hotel last lorofj with golden shower. It was in charge Will Kinney, Mrs. E. Ross, Mrs. Wa-terhou- se Sr., Mrs. Waterhouse, Paymaster' and Mrs. Brooke were en of Miss Morgan, assisted by Misses Fred by Gar BULli'l Alice Smith and Bond. Cold Misses Waterhouse (3), Mrs. W. O. tertained at dinner Lieut. W. Shaw. Fay and Mrs. Fay on Wednesday j 3 tea, pineapple cider and grape juice Smith, Mrs. James Judd, Miss Agnes land rHE were the offerings. Judd. Mrs. Laura Wight, Mrs. Gecrge evening last. SDK Ice cream was sold in the big tent Renton. Mrs. Fred Carter. Mrs. Moore, Tul-loc- Mr. and Mrs. Olds who have been I ephone h, Mrs. A. Lewis, Mrs. Albert Judd, by Misses Low, Wilcox. Mover, guests city several weeks Mutch. Misses Misses HartweiU. Mrs. H. Waterhouse, in the for Peck and Lucas left in Mongolia yesterday. The Garden Fete at Punahou was as and McCorriston sold cakes and Miss Nora Sturgeon, Miss Carter, Miss the I O. M ss Hard-awa- y. . J J I as such things always are. cookies. Babbitt, Mrs. J. Carter, Deputy pleasant disguised China- Miss Ward, Miss Wight, E. WJSutton, the Assistant not so large Sidney Jakins, as a Ella General, receiving the con- though attendance was ts, Attorney is ron! the man carrying pole-baske- sold Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Clive Davies, Mrs. Si and many on as It deserved to be. grab bags. George Davies, Mrs. Rycroft. gratulations of his friends . the announcement of his engagement o'clock af- The wide and shady lawn had pretty The Dancing booth was screened by J Oberlin, Haleiwa about three in the Mi Spanish was to Miss Alice B. Carpenter of ternoon and remained there for din- little booths here and there and a big palm leaves. A dance The new residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ohio. Mr. will leave for the given Miss Smith, assist- Sutton ner, dancing afterwards to the music tent sheltered the Ice cream patrons. by Henrietta Waldron will soon be completed and Coast the end of this month for his Kilohana Art f ed by Miss Muriel Gibson. Carroll ready for occupancy. Au- of the Haleiwa quintet club, returning one of the buildings a place was Mc- vacation and will be married in Near Low, Marion Austin and Clara J J J his to town by moonlight. Those who took palm for dancing. In charge of gust. He will return here with enjoyable League Notes screened with leaves Lean. The music was The fact of the funeral of the late bride to reside. part in this affair were Mr. What was known as the Punahou Miss Alice Bond. The clever little Prince David taking place on the 21st . and Mrs. Jas. A. Kennedy, Mr. and girls and Miss Ver- postpone- booth was decorated with blue and yel Center also danced has been the cause of the The Carters are rusticating at their Mrs. Fred J. Lowrey, Mr. and Mrs. non Tenney sang accompanied by Mrs. ment of fair and poi luncheon to Geo. F. Renton, Prof, and Mrs. Grif- Upon taking the present League low bunting and streamers; also with the beach place at the other side of Dia- Art Herzer. have been given by the Iolani Guild mond Head for a few weeks. fiths, Mrs. C. Hedemann, Mr. C. K. building, the entire interiors were re- flowers. Burnt work, class and school 2C - will of St. Andrew's cathedral.'- It take 8 Hedemann, Miss Alice Hedemann, Miss modeled and renovated. i!r. k'ppn. th banners, writing paper with the Puna- The engagement of Miss Muriel place on the 27th inst. Erling Hedemann, Mr. Edmund Hede-- 1 Mrs. Cleghorn, the niece of Governor 'Government Inspector of Buildings, is hou seal, cushions, Punahou hat-ban- ds Freeth to William H. Campbell has v Cleghorn, will leave for the Colonies mann, Mr. Harold Castle, Mr. 3, A. i j- r r m on the building committee, and he has been announced. Mrs. Bickerton and Mr. Spencer ji - t and flags were sold. Miss Vera Da the first of next month. repeatedly pronounced one of J J J 0 Bickerton have gone to their Waikikl -- o.- it the mon was in charge of the booth, as place for a while. asspmhlv hnildine's in . Judge and Mrs. F. M. Hatch and The circling of the island by auto- nedy.r.Mr. Lewis Renton, Mr. Allen :hJa nt fanf tVwi by Misses de Bretteville, Hede ! sisted family are to spend several weeks in is- - becoming one of Renton, Mr. L. Hoogs. Mr. Alan becoming pop- mobile fast the F. nf thp wi mhtlra aECllra Walking parties are or ' mann, Ballentyne and Howatt. the Adirondacks before returning to out-of-do- j Lowrey, Mr. C. McCandless, moonlight nights. The most popular of all events J. Miss their, friends of this fact as the League ive'i The Fancy Work booth was decorat- Honolulu. ular these fine among society folks, bubblers ar- Irene Fisher, Miss Grace Webster, Miss Pali. Diamond Head and Moanalua the expects to occupy its present quarters pepper boughs iand J Ji J . ranging to make Haleiwa for lunch. Foster, Miss Carmen Clowe. a ed with Poinclana Morn- roads are in good condition and pop- for at least two years more. Why Announcement is made by the organized by Mr. S tJ ? reela. Miss Doris Girdler was In ular routes for pedestrians! A party this week, these scares should arise in Honolulu charge, assisted by Misses Townsend ing Music Club of their first artist's Mrs. James Kennedy, consist- Day so often is mystery. recital, which will be given 20th and .. Kamehameha was a busy one at a For several Ine-ma- rt Rycroft. June twenty-seve- n, who had a jolly years rebuilding and at Young Hotel by a charming and Paul Isenberg celebrated his ed of Haleiwa over eighty visitors during after the of the Opera booth had palm decorations. the i party, in six cars, left House fire, The Art well known violinist, Miss Julia. at his Waialae placexon Thursday last outing. The the day, most of them going down by after the similar reports It was In charge of Miss Alice Spald- by luncheon for about thirty of his Honolulu in the morning, taking autos. Among them were Mr. and were started at regular intervals. ing Gilman. The articles Klumpke. Although an American girl, a and Cornelia most spent abroad, friends. Besides the host and hostess lunches with them. They arrived at Mrs. Albert Afong, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. of her life has been Besides Dr. and Mrs. Humphris, Mrs. Is principally in of " C ' Henshall, Mrs. F, B. Whiting." and it the heart the f j? jf Jf? t? f? fl ' & & Waterhouse who took the part so ably artistic circles of Paris that she has of Queen won distinction. family of Mrs. C. C. Cooke family the of Hearts in "Mother The four Mrand and Goose" and Mr. James Wilder will be sisters have startled the world with and Mr. W. C. Love spent Thursday at 17 - seen to great advantage in "Lady their accomplishments. The eldest. An- Haleiwa. Fortune." na, was the favorite pupil of Rosa 8 So1: Bonheur, and has become a noted por- Morgan, painter. Dorothy, astrono James E. Geo. W. Smith, If the lanai were only ready one of .... trait the . M, von j, mer, was woman to Chas. Hustace, Jr., H. Holt Admiral Sperry's suggestions would We are offering yon the op- the first receive and Attorney A. Lewis autoed to Ha- have been carried out in 8 (or ana advance. The her doctor degree sciences leiwa 11th. drillshed, is or ealetj portunity of getting Aiatnemaucsj sorronne on the because it not too near the ai ine in 8 5 ships, with dozens of tents on its cam- Paris, and has since been directress of pus, is place sports. 3ENR ' an important branch of astronomical Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F. McTighe cel- the for the The e market building should be research (which was begun by Sor-hi- ebrated the fifth birthday of their lit- converted White Goods tle son, Cyril, also th? departure of into a beautiful large lanai, dancing . M. ijf Kowalski), for the national Observa- should be every tory of France. She Is now continu- Miss Desmond of San Francisco, at in order evening and :; 1ft our guests be allowed to enjoy one of c h. ing her husband's work Dr. Roberts thtir beautiful home, "Iolanda," on the most i fine material who was a p:oneer in photographing Young street, finely beautiful Hawaiian customs, the house being an in a lanai. nebulae and left negatives the meas decorated with colored incandescent entertainment J. d; urement of which, with a special in- lights, and the American and Irish For Evening Costumes . strument invented by himself, is the flags holding a prominent place. Among another meeting, at which they could SONS work of a lifetime, and more. 1ft those present were Hon. J. W. Robin- have their revenge, and one of the The sister who is now, with her hus- 1ft son, Hon. J. A. and Mrs. Hughes, Mr. ladies would specialist was scrawl her name and band, a in Paris, the 1ft and Mrs. John Walker, Mr. and Mrs. address on one of the cards they had first worman interne in the Paris H. Gehring, Mrs. Capt. J. R. Parker, playing hospitals, and won distinction over been with, adding the day and Lisle Thread this Capt. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kevan, hour for the renewal of hostilities. De four hundred male competitors. Grube,' youneest, violinist 1ft Mr. Strom, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cards would seem to be returning The Julia, is the Mrs. Capt. S. Thompson, Payne, whom Honolulu is to have the pleas- Miss to their original use, for after years program con- Miss Desmond, Miss Hughes, Miss M. of gentle seclusion they find themselves ure of hearing. Her will Thompson. Gloves, etc, sist of the Grieg Op. 8, of which a written over in all kinds of ways and v Paris critic said she played "with an 1ft J jt unceremoniously sent by post. - Three inches and a by two inch- fartlstic conception- which won con r. half J J J tinued applause from crowded es and a half is supposed to be the The program of the vocal concert to roi At the hall" proper a suite of Ries. the Vieuxtemps Fan- - f size for a lady's visiting card, be given in the Bishop Hall, Oahu MONEY-SAVIN- G PRICkb tasie Appassionata, and a grouy of says Etiquette Up-to-Da- te, and three College, on Thursday evening, June 25, save money maller things. inches by one inch and a half kor a will be published this week. The songs It's easier to 1ft gentleman's. , than is to make it, if you miss Aiargaret tjiarKe win accom- to be sung, in each part of the pro- it pany There varla-1- 6 how. Miss Klumpke and Mrs. Alan have been some slight gram by Hon. Paul Isenberg, will be know White will assist at the concert next tions in size, however, in ladies' fE One way Is to buy things cards much appreciated. Saturday evening. be- - of late, and tendency to c f cheap. their is Ifi ; come smaller and smaller. Small cards Among those who are spending the Notice the prices In our ad. Mrs. LUTOS I s Howard Hitchcock's "at home" are more convenient to carry; but the week's end at Haleiwa are E. O. White on page two. I In honor of Mrs. A. R. Wood and Miss ed - size looks the best style? and family of six, his two eldest sons 1 Lillian Sargent of New Tork. was . .5 man ( a j Some people assert that the first having just returned from the Coast; most charming event. The hostess was i visiting cards originated from playing Mr. Mrs. in receiving by Mrs. and Kirk Porter, Mrs. Lee assisted Charles . in the days when ladies used Todd, Mr. Cooper and Mrs. Gartley conducted the and Mrs. A. aD. Larnach, to stake enormous sums on 'Faro" and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cooper, and many cfnrori U.S. Sachs Dry Goods Go., Ltd. guests from the door. The tea table "Pope was presided over by Mrs. Ernest Wa- 'f. Joan." others. KLUMPKE, THE VIOLINIST. exciting i i The Store with the Money- - terhouse and Mrs. Pratt. Among the MISS JULIA At the end of an evening )R HOX Back Policy young girls who assisted were Misses ot the players would clamor for' (Additional Society Notes on Page 8.) A ic Pic Nuuarv t jdt'Mme Mol ONOLULU, H. T. Te'j s to on : Clothin ; Tailoring INVITE inspection of a well selected line of a Called ; WE i AGENTS FOR :AU1 The latter with the fashionable Kimono Sleeve. Bunting and Flags Bin l The Skirts are exclusive patterns. No two Arnold's Goods For Fleet decoration , we -- e are ev alike and the very latest inthe eastern market. ething nt; safe-guar- the new 4 have in stock Bunting and 1 hey are a d for st the bu'. new thir v New plain Cotton Pongees, Fancy Figures Standard Flags, sizes: beautiful Children against colds. Pins. T f i and Cuf 1 and Madras Shirtings. Various shades jof 5 in exqut i; 4x6 x8 6x9 feet Baby's health will be bene- I Rf Cotton Poplins, 8x12 12x18 16x24 " fited by wearing them. 5 13 Hotef .

ir 1 1 I V



Diamond Heads Lose Exciting Contest After Bruner, Indigo, Naniwa. Abdine Vice Captain's Eleven Beaten and Artie W. to Race in Interesting Cricket It Having Practically Sewn UpTwo on Maui. Match. New Players. r I,-'- ;! X. WAILUKU, June 13. The Gloriou A very Interesting game of cricket Fourth at Kahului will be fittingly ob- was played at Maklki yesterday after- Nearly an hour after the advertised Chillingworth scored on the play. E. served by the best horse races held noon between chosen by th time and with the crowd howling for Fernandez was brought home by Louis' for a number of years at SpreckeU captain and vice captain of the Ho- the ringing up of the sacrifice. Davis died short to first. Every detail is being arranged ; nolulu Cricket Club. There was a curtain, the Kams TYya ... W T- - . : e Park. ! flttl, t goodly muater players and went to bat in their game against the . for by the executive committee and no of the after th - enj-yb!e- . noon's sport was most neaas. ne was expense bt-in- g L1 lianiuuu aeiay caused Vannattc did likewise, sending the for is spared to make the Victory rested with the captain's by non-arriv- al mer the of some of the to third! Kalimapehu connected, track fast and the stands ciean and team by a margin of 37 runs. Kam players and it was well on to scoring Hamauku, Vannatta petting attractive, and it all points to the fact The vice captain's men took first 4:30 p. m. home on third's error. Reuter flied to were when the final Innings was first and Kalimapehu the executive have done and are doing whack and dismissed for a total was thrown out 120. (23), (20) and concluded. The second game between third to work well. As already stated, the of Brown Beardmore catcher. Miller and McKenzIe THE GLADYS their Grant (20) were the highest mcorers for li the St. Louis and Punahou was post- both registered hits and Lemon's two-bagg- er purseH are larger than for several the side. Other double-figur- e men wer poned owing to the rain. Had it been scored the former. Lemon was She is racing the Kamehameha round the Island of Oahu for the Governor's Cup. years, larger out trying to bag. and the wisdom of giving Bailey (14), F. R. Wtthington (12) and Vayed it would have been aihue third (13). after six In the sixth Hamauku scored on a purses is proven by the fact of having Mr. Extras two-bagg- fell to o'clock before the spectators left the er by J. Vannatta who must Honolulu horses come here. Another The bowling honors of the side ground. It is distinctly up to the be regarded as a decided acquisition to Wina'iivjrt wrc 2 kntt Catt, who captured four wlcktts for J -- one arrived last Saturday, a trotting small cost of 2t runs. League to start its games at the sched- the team. f J?OUMO OAHU6 the got horse, the property of Mr. Wm. Lucas, Anderson and Cation won the g.irno uled time. Tedious delays affect the The Kams busy again In the eighth. Lemon went out to first. Jones who will make some of our local cracks for the captain's combination, scoring gate receipts appreciably. re- got a hit and Bill Vannatta reached H Y.C. G step fast to beat her. No doubt more T3 and 6" runs, respectively, before Two new men broke into the game first on first's error on which Jones Honolulu horses and men will follow tiring without dismissal. Catt was yesterday. J. Vaanatta played third scored. Hamauku's hit advanced Van- by every Claudine from now until race next highest scorer, with 17 runs to bag for the Kams showed up natta to third and J. Vannatta was time. A very large crowd of specta- his credit. . ft and well given first on error, Maclean and Jordan did the damago with the stick. H. Chillingworth that baseman's tors were present at the track the be- Brother Bill scoring. ginning of the week to watch the with the ball for the vice captain' ft handled the initial sack for the Jewels. Summary: team, two wickets apiece. work-ou- ts of the different horses, and taking ' ' bowling analysis: ft He made a couple of unfortunate er- KAMEHAMEHAS. they were well repaid for their trouble. The score and rors but showed promise of being a Carey's pacer worked a couple of VICE CAPTAIN'S ELEVEN. man AB R BH SB PO A E Dan useful to the team on some future 5 1 1 0 2 3 0 style, and Dan promises ?r occasion. Miller, ss heats in fine W. Brown, b Catt 3 5 0 0 mane with green ribbons. igue Costello has gone to Mackenzie, If to braid his R. A. Jordan, b Catt -, work at Pearl 4 0 1 Naniwa, Elko, 3 re- Harbor and in Lemon, cf.. 1110 0 0 Artie W., Abdine, J. B. M. Maclean, c and b McOill.. future the Jewels will 5 1 10 G. R-- , and several 5 the have to do without his services. Eddie Jones, c 2 18 10 Carey's colt, H. S. Beardmore, b Catton AV. Vannatta, 2b. 5 1 1 0 1 3 1 others were put through their stunt B. Wlthtngton, c Catton, b Lamb 12 i, JFemandez filled his place at second F. is 4 2 2 0 13 1 C to gratification cf the spec- CaU, 20 has yesterday and H. Chillingworth went Hamauka, lb :.. much the E. Grant, b J. Vannatta, 3b.. 4 0 1 tators. It is stated on good authority H. Bailey, c Catton. b Anderson.... II the to first in Fernandez place. 12 12 5 The Diamond Heads started off with Kalimapehu, rf.. 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 that Jack Gibson of Honolulu will J. M. Tucker, not out ulu. 0 0 or to partici- b t mcy a rush, the score being 6 to 0 in their Reuter, p ..3 0 0 4 2 bring either three four H. White, c Flddes, Anderson.... the war-hors- e C sure favor at the end of the second innings. pate In the races, also that T. Andrews, b Anderson 4 home igue They looked to have the game sewn Totals 39 7 12 3 27 12 Bruner will be here to take R. Quarles. b Catt up. In the fifth, however, the Kams DIAMOND HEADS. a few purses, and that he will have Extras 1 ters companion Indigo, which Vhy took a new lease of life and with the R BH SB PO A E which are being arranged for the de- for stable crowd cheering them like mad, rolled AB YACHTS will try conclusions with Elko; should 12C lulu Olmos, If 4 0 1 0 C RACE lectation of ringlovers during the visit up 7 in innings, win- come, race between him and the Runs fall of each wicket One for eral runs the last five E. Fernandez, 2b 21 of the fleet. he a at ning game by score of 7 to 6. ... game mare Elko would prove to be 13, two for 37, three for 43. four for era the the Evers, ss 342222301 0 0 2 1 0 seems Kams need AROUND OAHU very interesting. A pony race has been 73, five for 79, six for 110. seven for orts It that what the Louis, 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 is some hot coaching and lots of shout- rf MAJESTIC TO GIVE added to the already published 116. eight for 119. nine for 120, tea Davis, c 4 0 0 0 9 0 1 ed encouragement. These things work- MANY BONUS FILMS program. for 120. ed wonders for the nine yesterday for H. Chillingworth, The race for the Governor's cup, over CAPTAIN'S ELEVEN. Urs. 0 0 up- lb 4 0 7 0 2 T the Kams played one of the best a course round the Island of Oahu, held ! ibly . W. Chillingworth, The Majestic Amusement Co., which MAUNA KEAS R. R. Catton, retired ther hill games in the face of big odds under the auspices of the Hawaii Yacht J. H. Fiddes, c Brown, b Beardmore ever p 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 Orpheum, S3 t : hich has been witnessed in this has its headquarters at the PLAYED BALL Anderson, retired be .City. S. Chillingworth,, ' Club, started from a point in th$ har- R. ady is entering on the last week of its C. McGill, run out i . was in 3b 4 1 0 0 2 5 2 bor yesterday afternoon. J. Reuter rare form again and engagement making special most Interesting games S. c Brown, b Maclean 17 the third innings in which he J. Fernandez, cf4 1 0 0 1 There were only two starters, the and is a One of the Catt. after 00 b-- d c Wlthlngton, b was up pitched for patronage from now till closing of baseball that has ever been played D. L. Withington, touched for three hits, Gladys and Kamehameha. - i of time.- . , Brown I a pretty game. ' Totals 31 6 3 2 27 10 5 In Hilo took place on June 11. between uld At 2:20- - p. m. the Kamehameha The usual three changes a week will L. Stevens, c Maclean, b Jordan... 0 Bill Chillingworth was weak after KAMEHAMEHAS. the Mauna Keas and a picked Hilo The innings. were crossed the line before the firing of be given, but double the number of films M. Monsarrat. c Brown, b Maclean I h f) the fourth Eleven hits nine. b 2 the ofi in in- 123456789 the guns, will be presented at each show, thus D. L. Withington. Jr., Jordan.... made him four consecutive 0-- starting and had to recross, hundred spectators witnessed c Runs 0000410 2 -? making an entertainment unequaled at Several A. Lamb, absent nings, he being practically knocked out losing two minutes thereby. the same and after the dust had risen 1 of the box. B. H. ...t 00006203 112 any other theater In town. was over score stood E. Melanphy. not out -- rand the battle the rted DIAMOND HEADS. The yachts were well together off Despite these mammoth attractions, Extras :ing In the first of the ninth Olmos caught 3 to 0 in favor of the Hilns. Bill Vannatta in left field, tho ef- Barber's Point. the price of the show will remain the showed up well and far 123456789 The steamer nine 157 fort beinsr a magniflctnt one. ' The Gladys has a handicap of half same ten cents for adults and five should win game. ? of Runs 2400000006 and wl'tket One for The rootinsr of Jack Doyle was a an hour. cents for children. The lineup was as follows: Runs at fall of each B. H 1300000004 3 121, 150. feature of the game. The way he The race is being favored with a fine Hilos Lyman. G. Desha, S. Desha 20. two 131. for four for SUMMARY. fr 1..2. seven for 1X, caught and held the large, furry ears breeze, and a new record for the trip The annual meeting and election of Todd, C. Brickward. Williams. W. Ah j five for U2. six for Two-ba-se 1S7, for 157. of the players and public was a cau- hits Lemon, W. Vannatta, is likely to be made. St. Asso- Hip. Medelros. Andrews. eight for 154. nine for ten race Kameha- officers of the Louis Alumni auld tion. It is not too much to say that J. Vannatta. In the last year the will morning 1C Mauna Keas Macaulay, C. Lynch, J. BOWLING ANALYSIS. Chillingworth, 2; meha won ciation be held this at the he won the game for the Kams. It is Bases on balls Off from the Gladys, which had o'clock in the Union street rooms of Lynch, Jarrett. H. Kahu. G. Say, H. Captain's Eleven. rumored Doyle is writing base- Reuter, 3. a handicap of half an hour. There and that a the association. Ikeway, Makeona, Williams. B. M. ft. W. Avge. ball hula which will be rendered at the Sacrifice hits Louis, 2. was a little less than a minute's differ- had 48 1 38 1 3. ball , park during the visit of fleet. Joness ence between the time of the two boats. R. Catton the Passed ball 4 .& and The scoring started in the second Struck out By Chillingworth, 7 by The cup which is being raced for is catt 2 2 s. 1 13 1 15.0 half of th first with the Jewels oper- Reuter, '8. a perpetual trophy offered by Governor J C. McGill 30 lng ating. Eddie Fernandez hit and a Carter, and at present held by the Ka- The Law and Order Man A. Lamb 1 600 ?ars couple of stolen bases and a sacrifice mehameha. J. H. Fidd 12 0 7 1 ".( Ives by Lout soared him. Evers got a II. P. Eoth, It. II. Rvcroft and James R. Anderson ..... 30 1 17 2 550 and pass and went to second on a sacrifice, Jaeger are the committee in charge of It was a Law and Order man ina small suburban town. Vice Captain's Eleven. coming home on an error by the the race. And this is the tale of his going up and the tale of his coming down. B. M. R. W. Avge. pitcher. a respeetahle - 30 1 23 2 11.50 up good lie was a most respectable man, and led life; J.- R. M. Maclean t to The Heads kept the work in p. 42 0 34 1 34 00 the next innings. W. Chillingwcrth The Waikapus are the leaders in the He was diligent in his business, and oledient to his wife. Beardmore aha BOXING BOUTS W. T. Brown 4 1 35 1 35.00 f 23, walked and Sam o' that ilk reached Maui Baseball League. His neighbors all respected him, and his children loved him duly; n " 1 0 r y. S. Grant on err-- by second baseman, j , Sunday-scho- ol Sunday-sehoole- ngs first an And he taught a elas in without being 25 0 3 2 15.00 Chilly Bill scored on J. Fernandez hit, ' big Hilo races THIS WEEK R. A. Jordan - Entries for the stake But it happened one day that he came home on a specially early train . be Olmos fannel and E. Fernandez con- cios,e on June. 25. nected and scored his namesake. Evers And caught a tramp who tried to decamp with a lady's watch and chain. TODAY'S SPORTS. got on pitcher's error and S. Honolulu is to have some first-cla- ss he ran him in; Gold at Country Club. to first The steamer Mauna Kea sports Unaided did he arrest that tramp, unaided boxing and wrestling exhibitions this regret to "say, his triumph and trouble begin. a. m. the baseball team. And at that point, I League Bulletin v. Para- and the next. gathered all around; Newspaper hlte Vitality week His neighbors gathered to praise him, and they from dise: Star v. Mercantile. League sons Weakened The first four-ba- ll tournament Local experts will be matched with And they told him that such a man as he was infrequently to be found. grounds, 1 o'clock. ast; v. mng Impoverished Blood ever played in the Territory will take glove and mat artists from the battle- And they got t'j a Law and Order League and made him president, Kaplolani league Reliance T Lee on Country Club's links to- Waves; Highlands v. Twilights. Read Ayer's place the ships Maine and Alabama, due here And told him to go on his glorious way, and on that way he went. Tidal ach, what day, commencing x 10 a. m. Two Kajioianl Park, afternoon. at week, some lively bouts are iany Sarsaparilla did prizes are offertd. this and It's impossible quite to tell the good that man went in to do. Seaside League Sweet Violets v. (I assured. Ptarlichts: Ptciflos v. Starl.nes. Oil well-know- he certainly we'll enumerate a few. for a n Rut of the things did. tank grounds, afternoon. winds will The affair will take place in the barber-shop- s, It is expected that adverse He shut the saloons up one and all, and the Sunday Kacho v. Y. M. B. 8.) missionary, prevent the Hawaii making a fast building on King street situated in Jajvjnese Lras?ue city And he sent an aged druggist to jail for selling extract of bops; A.: Tokiwas v. Asahl Jr. Atkinson passage to San Pedro. what used to be known as Indepen- who writes : He stopped fast driving on all the road, and, rot content with that, Park afternoon. dence Park. This place can accommo- 1 1 ' was for many yean There will be no Riverside League He had a teamster arrested for hitting a mule with his hat. if "I date si'Ctators and is ideal for r sufferer from boils and baseball games until alter the funeral He rebuked a lady cyclist who apjeared in a bloomer rig; I L S a the purpose for which It is to be used of a like of Prince David. he might had her arrested, too, if her husband hadn't been big. other eruptions tomor- And have Th ring will be constructed shop nor nature, caused by the impover in- He fixed it so that on Sunday mom at neither bar Th- - match race between Lean! Girl row and several hundred chairs ished state of my blood. My Could the smoker get a cigarette or even a trdld cigar. and Makftala, which was to have taken J stalled. appetite was poor and my system a place yesterday afternoon, was post- It was in this hall that Martin For a boy who was stealing apples, ho got ten days in jail; w , --rff T . 4v " good deal run down. Knowing the poned till some future date. Denny and Wily Armstrong boxed Which also he got for another boy who was fetching his father's ale. 7. eight or nine years ago, in the presence at dime a point, ralue of huge crowd. He abolished poker parties and whist a played against the of a joint. Had the Saints .It is not known who the boxers and And the local club disbanded when he eaJled it a gambler 's Puns yesterday, they would have been nothing he nndone Jimmy wrestlers aboard the battleships are. In fact, there was nothing he didn't do, and left without the services of En Sue. has received they; sua. AVER'S CSood but word been that fill hii town became the moralest town that existed under the old Williams and Soarcs. r!n! are of good class und able to take care f 2. of anvthine thev may run up against; And then h just suggested in a delicate sort of way Sarsaparilla If you would spend a pleasant after-- 1 in ,his mH,k of woods. (That he thought the Law and Order League ought to notice his work some day; newspaper J noon. taKe in me iwm'imh Sailor Roberts will take care of the So they got u, a ,nan nl.eriptioiJ. for somehow it Wfell League games ball park. by observation of the good it had done at the wrestling end of the program He will virtuons league wasn't nourishing quite so well, challenge any middleweight aboard the: - . to others, I began taking it. My appe- And they gave him a testimonial, engrossed m the height of art, first The Falama Athletic Club will hold Maine and Alabama. tite improved almost from the special meeting morning at 9:30 Young Nelson will be the boy match-- ; That all might see that only he had the good of the town at heart. im- a this general health t , dose; then my o'clock at 350 School street. ed to bx the bes-- lightweight that Thev gave it with beautiful speeches, those few staunch men and true i excellent. good proved, and now it I the ships can produce. He is In j (H it ,? t)n,rrtood thev were so blamed good thev were necessarily few. and being U v feel a hundred per cent, stronger, Irwin P. Kimball of the Honolulu shape and is eomident of able told Lim he was the l est of men. and he knew it without a doubt; to Ayct's Sar- distinction of run give a good account Of himself, who-p- v' I attribute t!iu result Iron Works has the And the speeches were made and the lemonade was drunk and our man went out I rjcommend with ning the first motor boat at the beach. ever he nviv t ike on -- i saparilla, wlikli Cassidy Murphy and Piatt, the two men from For he heard the p puiace gather and he heard the populace stout. 1 J confi leace as the best blood medi-cia- o He occupies a cottage in the v all around the Fort Shafter who rvcentlv boxed at the . devised." grounds and runs his boat oh that was a great assemblage out in the pnbae sous re ever requently. Orpheum and eave such general sat- - . bay there, visiting the hotel pier known how the town had grown if he had not seen it there. now made, A Sarsa- It is said that' other motor isfaction by their willingness, are He would never have As tier'. six-rou- wen, 7 parilla contains no alcohol. boats have been ordered at the Coast booked for a preliminary. if0 saw the druggist the barber there; he saw unshaven and a more attractive looking bout it 5aw. the humble vendor of beer, and several othersand then ; There ara manv imitation would be hard to find. 'w a soor(l of willing hands, and his eheeK began to pale. HILO LEAGUE. a- wi?,, bv- The winner will proVal'v be eiven , - Sarsaparillas. ) why. set him a rail, 4 -- s "h without telling and atrtde Following is the standing of the main event during the stay of the f t.ny hoited hin Be sure you get Ayer's." teams in the Hilo Baseball League: tieet. Yes. they took that too. loo virtuous man, the tnor.il township's pride, is intention of the promoters on humiliating rail they gave him a painful ride; by Dr. J. C. ;,er & Cj , !, Sts., U.S.A. p. w. ret. It the nd the Tn9ni lo? l. - B. J. FCSTEE Mooheaus S 0 l.M0 of the Independence Park scheme to: tj,ev AvtX Bjm- s ticket to Somewhere Else, and they saw that he jot sport, s ATZB-- PItLS. ttte best Umij Iuw. Hilos S 4 .500 give the public good, clean and,. Third-b:en!- n. of the - t&ere, too plentv show will- e Xauiwas ... 8 5 ,375 of it. This weeks to the things they used to do. Culo-g- Xiue. L S a preliminary to some swell cards And went placidly back on their moral track KOLLISTER DRUO CO.. AGENTS. II. A. C.'s... 1 7 .125 be

A 1 in r it ?r 8 THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, JUNE 14, igo8. California, who is returning by the , Mongolia from the Philippines, where Sunday Advertiser he has been to inspect the school sys of on (Entered at me ronomte m uu""i tem behair of the government, was T., aa Becond-claa- a matter.) a visitor at Wahiawa yesterday. He H. SOCIETY went down by automobile as the guest Published Every Sunday Morning of Mr. John Carden of the Board of By the Education. Mr. Carden's other guests large dining were M. M. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD.. The scene in the hall on the trip Prof. Scott and during ex- John Carden, Jr. Ton Holt Block, 65 South King St. at the Moana last night the hibition given by the clever little pupils im Miss Thomas of Wahiawa has re- . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: of Mrs. Mary Gunn's dancing class was city, per turned from a year at school on the Delivered by earner In a gay one. Some scores of children. mainland. month ' from little tots to young girls, were J lift Jailed to any address for one year to the United States or lemwry present, as participants in the events Honolulu Temple No. 1 Pythian Sis- Hawaii 3.00 and as spectators, while about the hall, ters, will hold the last meeting of the f card tournament tomorrow evening at four deep, sat the proud fathers, the Castle hal!, corner Beretania avenue happy mothers and the interested and Fort street. An ice cream social Reward friends of the little ones on the floor. will be an interesting finish to the $25 affair. The exhibition was a decided success, Jfl 4 4 4 Will paid by the HAWAIIAN winning much ap-- LTD., for the arrest and the little dancers It is reported that officers of the CO.. by grace conviction of any person found stealing nlause for themselves their Big Four, since their return to the Advertiser from ad- ful and clever evolutions and their Coast, have found fault with Hr no-lu- lu copies of the winning a large hospitality. They were not enter- dresses of subscribers. own pretty selves, and C. S. CRANE. amount of praise for their teacher. tained as much as naval men used Manager. Without exception, every number of to be. The same complaint was made the sixteen on the program was good some years ago by the executive of- THE BUSINES MAN'S and enjoyable, but especial mention ficer of the Chicago, who said that the OPPORTUNITY can well be made of a few. The Center flagship would be a long time in re- children, Margaret and Helen, danced turning here. She has not been back beautifuly and appeared in three num- since. i own. Kibling, a J & J bers of their Edith - - in pink, danced her Lieut. Case, who was at Camp- Mc- ii slim little fairy Kinley before the present command to visit the crater while it is in intense eruption. 8r way into the hearts of the many who arrived at Fort Shafter, has been as applauded, and Miss Thelma Murphy, corps pos- signed to the instruction at West in a bathing costume, received Point. Major Van Vliet and the other ioro!l BEAUTIFUL sibly the most applause of all. soon an especial officers of the Tenth will leave BULLm One. number that made Alaska and go into garrison at In- hit was the- - Highland Schottische, dianapolis. is to city Lieuten- - BUTTERFLIES Helene It that danced by Kinau Wilder and ant Garrett will take his Honolulu Steamship Mauna will leave Morgan, dressed in Highland costume, bride. The Kea Honolulu while "Down in Georgia on Camp . "We for .4 .4 are ever on the alert of dainty h we only Meeting Day," by a chorus Society was out in force . at Oahu something new. And coons, who cakewalked, was an- get new things that will in- little College on Friday evening to witness FRIDAY EVENING, 19th the other good thing. Two of these the amateur production of "Pride and JUNE terest the buying public. Among Miss received are "coons," Miss Rosie Herbert and Prejudice," which was so acceptably the new things Just Tenney, improvised an ac- beautiful BUTTERFLIES In Wilhelmina rendered by the members of the Oahu and will the companiment to Helen Center's buck College Dramatic Club. Those who return Belt Pins. Waist Sets. Scarf came in a Buttons, all enam- and wing dance and for composed the cast were Miss Alice Pins and Cuff of the applause. eled in exquisite colors. share Hopper, Miss Doris Taylor, Miss Helen The minuet, which ended the exhibi- North, Miss Edith Smith, Miss Cor- MONDAY MORNING, JUNE tion, was given by a number of Mrs. delia Gilman, Miss Uernice Smith, Miss 22nd j. Gunn's class dressed in court costume, Doris Girdler, Miss Alice Cooper, Miss il mqho. and was very pretty, while "The Gladys Rycroft, Miss Maud de Brette-vil!- e; a 113 Hotel Street. Honolulu King's Guard," taken part in by Messrs. Edmund Arnold, Richard number of young Hawaiian boys, Catton, Watson Ballentyne, Kenneth for the ROUMO TR i royal and yellow, Roth-wel- l, dressed in the black Winter, Reynold McGrew, Guy il was unique and clever. Jack Guard, Rexford Hitchcock. This covers every necessary expense of the journey. HOI Mrs. Gunn looked after the young Soren Hannestad, Alfred, Young, Hu- FRESH SEEDS dancers, looking very attractive her- ron Ashford, Howell Bond and S. V. OF ALL KINDS self and dressed in impersonation of Jakins. - ' BULBS AND PLANTS a pink rose. J , grown- "The people cf Honolulu do not appreciate what the conditions the i , Following the exhibition the Anticipating a busy social season, the are at volcano Mrs. Ethel M. Taylor ups danced. Klamp home is being enlarged arid re- of Kilauea, if they did, the steamers running to Hawaii would not be large enough to The program and those who took arranged. ! YOUNG . BUILDING part were as follows: carry the passengers goiisg to see the stupendous sight now visible there." March By the Class The Dunnings entertained at dinner I ! Irish Jig last week for Mrs. Ewell, Major and ill. So writes a prominent, disinterested gentleman of Honolulu. Highland Schottische Mrs. Wadhams and Mrs. McKinnon. 1908ISTYLES Kinau Wilder, Helene Morgan J J Song and Dance "Tommy Atkins Miss de Lartigue will close her danc- M For particulars apply to ViJ and Dolly Gray" ing class for the season at Mrs., yon --And- ....v.. Margaret Center, Helen Center Holt's next Friday evening. The en- The King's Guard. tertainment will be in the form of a PATTERNS Song "Down in Georgia on Camp cotillion and will be participated in by SPRING Meeting Day" the coming fathers and mothers of the 1 Maypole hamlet. W TO SEEN AT Henry aterhouse Trust Company, Ltd NOW BE Dorothy Smith, Linda Arendt, Emily v . Pi Cooke, Dorothy Waldron, Peggy Kamehameha Day saw the Moana-lu- a IV. V. AH ANA & GO,, LTD. Wilder, Marie Davison, Edith Mor-- golf links and the Country Club ton, Bertha Harris, Alma Ferge-so- n, well patronized by golfers and picnic FASHIONABLE TAILORS Leinani Chillingworth, Irm-gar- d parties. - - 52i U KING ST. Phone Brash, Louise Watkins, Dor- fc w othy Mutch, Blanche Arendt, Lydy The engagement is announced of Miss Hum- v Mutch,1 Helen Ingham, Marie Edith Jones of San Rafael and Mr. capital sentence with an air of resig-- ! r phreys, Pearl Hough. George Cooper, who is connected with THE KLEMME ration, but when the final moment Buck and Wing... Helen Center the English diplomatic service in Siam. came Chuichi and Ichi displayed great Song and Dance "It's Nice to Have Miss Jones is a sister of Mrs. Robert consternation and turned almost mad a Sweetheart" Renton Hind. LICENSE CASE with frantic efforts to get rid of the Virginia McCarthy, Pearl McCar- 8 fc? warders who led then to the scaffold. thy, Alice Hastings, Dean Winter, Mrs. Dr. Augur was the guest of They had to be taken to the scaffolding Kaeha Ingham, Carol Low, Hazel honor at a rose luncheon given by Mrs. (Continued from Page One.) . by sheer force. Ak'no allowed herself WDL Buckland, Margaret Center. L. L.- - McCandless on Friday last. Mrs. Chairman Ballentyne stated that he to be executed quietly. till your 1 shoes are altogether beyond Tenney. - rfirl r&frSiTrl pvnpflipnt Soloist Vernon Augur and her son, Maurice, are leav- nnt it a that thft repair, because then there will, be Dance Varsovlenne ing for the Coast in the Hilonian to, inspector's report be given publicity, ADVERTISED LETTER LIST only one thing to do throwv them Song "Betsey, the' Belle of the make a trip through California. but promised the attorney and Klemme away. Letters remaining uncalled for in Bathers" Thelma Murphy that they would be notified and given the Bring them to us, and we'll make answer charges j Fine! Wreath Dance The McClanahan bungalow in Manoa an opportunity to the general delivery for the week ending them good as new for wear and Thai's . Dorothy Smith, Thelma Lindley, was the scene of a most enjoyable when the matter was considered in June 13, 1908: looks. Ahrens, executive session. Relying on this Helen Center, Irene Laura picnic supper on Thursday, at which Alexander, Mrs Tnbron, C V Low, Violet Lucas, Margaret Mc- Mr. and Mrs. George Davies were the promise they waited for the notifica- Men's Soles and Heels $1.25 Gladys tion to come to them. C H Hoods, Mrs H Our Soda Man hears that Carthy, Kruger, Kulamanu hosts. Among the guests were Mr. and Albright, G W Jose, Mrs McWayne, Minnie Ingham, Alma Mrs. F. M. Swanzy, Mr. and Mrs. The only notification either of them Ladies' Soles and Heels $1.00 sixty-nin- Alexandre Johnson, Miss H exclamation e times Fergecon, Kibling. received, however, was that the appli- H Edith Richard Ivers, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit consid- Auldrich, W Kaley, F H ..Margaret Center Wilder, Mr. S. G. Wilder, cation for a renewal had been If irtlrrt wi a flay. Danseuse and Mrs. ered and refused. No opportunity was Arneson, Mrs Kerr, Mrs W E Oxford Mr. and Mrs. Clive Davies, Mr. and given them to hear the complaint or Butler, Pierde O (2) King, L M There 's a good reason for The Fairies Mrs. H. Focke, Mr. Walter Dillingham, to reply to it. Beatty, Mrs H O Lane, Gandall mm Kibling Alma Fergeson, Edith Dr. Cofer. When asked later why the promised Bauer, George H Lee, Miss Bernice Union Street near Hotel it, but you won't know what apS 01 Minuet notice had not been sent out to either Barnes, Wm Phillip Madden, Mrs E ' our Lena Kekumano, Niau Rosa, Wi- Following a pleasant precedent es the applicant or his attorney. Chair- Briscoe, Mrs Partridge, Mrs it is till you have tried nona Burnette, years ago, the College Wallace, Madeline tablished a few man Ballentyne stated that as there Brandt. Mrs F E B gave , on Thursday Innovation Fountain. Violet Lucas, Margaret Restarick, Club a breakfast had been no secretary at the public Cool?y, M B Pendergast. McChes-ne- y. morning Lyman place, Waikiki, Mr Ermine Morton, Lillian at the hearing no record of the promise had Chapman, Mr Popowitz. Milan M Hazel Buckland, Eya Taylor, to the girl graduates of Oahu College been kept and it had been forgotten. and the High School. Clarke, Mrs Roberts. Miss Madeline Ross, Ruth Soper, Henry Klemme feels that an injustice has Cockett, Mrs K Emma Reduce Alphonse Rosa, Places were set for sixty at the .L Burnette, Francis been done him. Cooke, C F Ruse, Miss D A Abel, Piatt Cooke, Clarence Mc- tables which were lavishly decorated On Friday his license, for the re- 4ST golden Cummings, Miss Smith, Mrs Wayne, Harold Morgan, Tutie with shower. While full justice mainder of the license period was ' Your Weight was being done to the excellent menu Maria ' Spencer, Mrs Houeh. Kenneth Wallace. Willie transferred to Mrs. Bertha Klemme. Dowst, Henry Raplee set before the guests, a varied pro from whom he been divorced. F Hattie Morton. Cummins, Herbert gram couege songs has David, Pome Taite, A (2) An absolutely harmless flesh HOLLISTER DRUG CO. Berg, Donald Lewis. of and informal Other licenses granted on Friday were: Mrs. J speeches was carried out. Louis Warren, Encore Saloon; S. Ozaki, Gram Thompson, L M reducer. v & colleges from were Welles- - Thomas, The dance and band concert at Hale-- The heard S. Kojima, Kwong Chong Lung, Hop David. John John ley, Smith, Bryn Mawr, Vassar, Chi- Mac-farla- ne Davis. Miss Annie Turner, A H LTD. iwa last niuht was a exeat success. Hing, Lovejoy & Co., Chung Min. cago, Berkeley and Oberlin. and each & Co., Lewis & Co., Ltd., and Edwards, Alfred Walters, Mrs N The arrangement for moonlight con W-iker- , upon ua speaker dwelt some characteris Matsuda. all wholesale: S. Ozaki, Wa-ial- Ellis. Miss Maria Mrs G S Grundmann's certs and dances at the popular nos-- tic feature of her own college. The nave Saloon: M. Saiki, Aiea Saloon: Fassoth, Mrs John Weldon. Mrs Clara teiry been completed ana auring Vassar daisy chair, the Wellesley tree Young Forster, R W White, C G summer they will be vogue. M'ana. and Seaside Hotels and the the day, and the Berkeley bonfire, were Waiki'-- j Inn, hotel licenses with Sun- Gallaive, Mrs Wise. R V Obesity Tea each described graphically to the "e- Co Williams, George Sec day privileges. Hawaiian Wine Henry H R. Carter will entertain njoyment of all. Mrs. J. M. Whitney, Haight, Glen Wright. Mrs Kuku retary Garfield at dinner at the Pacific representing Oberlin. the oldest coir No ill effects; prompt on Tupsdav veniner. Ral- - llanna, DrTH results. Graduate Club Jnde lege, presented the club with a beau- G. GLIMPSES JOSEPH PRATT, Or? J lou will give him a Japanese evening tiful Oberlin banner of scarlet and OF 50 Cents a Package. Tiaay. gold. Postmaster. S & J The president of the College Club, THE ORIENT 11 P i ctures Malor snil Mrs S W nnnnin? have Mrs. Isaac Cox, acted as toastmistress, Classified Advertisements hivnmo miito anient bnrsphnpk rlilprs introducing the speakers with her and are to be seen frequently on theii usual ease of minner. Her first and (Continued from Faee One.) II Benson, Smith & Co., travels. last words were in behalf of her Alma wise of enlisting him in the ranks. WANTED. ... Bryn in- NICELY-FURNISHE- D l Mater, Mawr, for besides her It is no easy affair to train him proper- A house, by a LIMITED Judge and Mrs. Will Whitney chape troductory remarks in praise of her necessary discipline reliable party. P. O. Box 1T4. 2S5 college, program by ly and exercise Artistically roned a party of young folks at the she concluded the over him except through the assistance Hotel and Fort Sts. Young Hotel Wednesday evening quoting the following ver.ce, special WHITE woman for general housework last to go Wellesley, of an interpreter, but then a at an enjoyaDie aance. "I don't want to 'nterpreter could not be hired for a at Wahiawa. Apply 403 Beretania - Leland Stanford's much too far, emergency avenue. 2S5 Framed J go any college. Eurasian soldier. Such an IT' The Misses Ailene and Bernlce I won't to being quite unprecedented examin- If I can't go to Bryn Mawr." the Aldrich of Kauai sailed for San Fran- program, ers were perplexed what to do and SITUATION WANTED. cisco in Mongolia They The informality of the the consequently to the yesterday. freshness of the morning hour and the have decided submit GENERAL blacksmith. Apply E. will probably remain on the Coast in- the matter to the War Minister for definitely. beauty of the sea. combine.! to make decision. Graves, Tel. 1431, Helen's Court. 2S5 t 1 the occasion a del:ghtful one for the Quality J College Club and its guests. EXECUTIONS AT OSAKA. J: 4 FOR RENT OR LEASE. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Dillingham were has always been our chief aim. among the departing passengers in the On Tuesday afternoon the execution FOUR houses, all furnished. One on Mongolia yesterday. CARD OF THANKS. of three condemned cr'm'nals was car- Beretania avenue, handsomely fur- We never lower prices by low- Pacific Picture Osa- . w We desire to exorest our pratitude to ried out in the Horikawa Prison, nished, including piano; grounds ering quality. One of them is a man called Chui- Summer visitors are beginning to ar- those wh have helped us during our ka. beautifully laid out with fruit and The rut in quality is always rive Mr. time of affliction the doctors and chi Tabata, who committed a cruel shade trees. Three on Co. at Wahiawa. and Mrs. nearly two years ago. The Kalakaua greater in price. Framing Charles L. Rhodes have the Culman nurses, the friends at St. Elirnlieth 's. murder avenue, frontisr on the ba?h: good than the cut Xa-ma- l ka other two were oi women named Ichi cottage for two weeks. Last week they Miss Mry Parker. ?.!r. and Mrs. bathing. Aptly to L. B. Kerr. Ala-k- et Kanui, othe-- s Minogata and Akino Kawahara, the NUUANU AND HOTED STS. had as week-en- d guests Mrs. F. W. and all who have street store, or on the premises. former being fifty-fiv- e years old and N. and Mrs. tendered their svnipathv and aid. 2S5 A. Sanford Carter Cross. This week the latter sixty-si- x. These two had the guests been Miss Gwendo- JAP. IAO, Optician, Bcston Building. their have ,7X0. K. COOK. appalling cruelty of murdering no less ' STEINWAY & SONS lyn Blair. Miss Louise Lucas and Mr. than eleven infants In less than two LOST. Walter G. Smith. I, HTGH School pin "H. . 'OS.' SPRAINS QUICKLY CURED. months in 196. Under the name of c'as II AND OTHER PIANOS. .! fc adopting child-e- n they persuaded sev- Return to C. J. McCarthy. THAYER PIANO CO., , Ms. James D. Dole gave a dinner Bathe the parts freely with Cham- eral parents to give them their infants tulin-ship- FOR SALE. party last week home in Wa- ab- ex- SMALL ei enameled breast- at her berlain's Pain Balm and give them with large amounts of monev as - 4 ftjawa to a number of guests. solute rest, and a quick cure is certain. pense of upbringing. They dispatched pin, either on Fort street or Punahou TWO-SEATE- D surrey. in good conoi- For sale bv Benson. Smith & Co., Ltd., the lives of the babies and appropriat- car. Finder return to Pleasanton tion. Pacific Guano and Fertilizer Prof. Robertson of the University of Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. ed the money. The three received the Hotel and receive reward. 8061 Co., Ka'.ihi. 2S5



that, you know." If pressed to be ex plicit and give the two sides, he will GOING FOR THE say: "Well, you see this prosecution by spreckels and Heney and that crowd has hurt business, and this town has lost millions of capital by it. It ought REFORMERS to be stopped." If the questioner will repeat his in- quiry for the two sides of the case for hours he will never hear anything more The San explicit. He will hear that the Spreck- Francisco Reform els family is very wicked. He will Pendulum Swings hear that Heney is an outsider. He will hear that Burns peeped through Backwards. holes ,to get proof of the guilt of some grafting officials. He will hear at- tacks upon the prosecution for hours, he will hear apologies for the grafters (Advertiser Correspondence, Copyright and for grafting as long as he can lis- by Frederic J. Ilaskin.) ten, but he will never hear that a SAX FRANCISCO, May 29. The guilty official who takes a bribe, or a corrupt business man who gives one, majority of the people of San Fran-- y ought to be punished in accordance with cisco are good, honest folk, who are the statutes in such cases made and Qstill heeding the voice of that civic provided. conscience which commands the city This campaign is not without sys- tem. to purge itself of the guilt of stu- A series of dinners was given in the the homes of some of social leaders Euef-Schmi- the pendous corruption of the tz of the city, at which the whole conver- era of graft. But civic consciences, sation was devoted to the campaign of like human consciences, are sometimes stifling the voice of the civic con- to be lulled to sleep sometimes to be science. Every weekly paper in the city, religious and all, with one excep- befuddled by false issues. One of the tion, is either attacking the prosecu- blackest crimes in the history of gov- tion or remaining silent. ernments is now beng attempted in This campaign in the sacred name of the city of San Francisco. is the "business," which seeks to make the It people forget, is entirely independent effort to make the people forget the from another campaign conducted by guilt of the grafters by falsely repre- other defenders of the grafters. Threat- i senting the purposes of the prosecution. ening letters are their weapons. The The story of the shameful prostitution chief witness for the prosecution. of the power of office by Mayor former Supervisor Gallagher, was the bchmitz and his the administration, intended victim of an assassin, who en- SIGNS AT PEARL HARBOR. :; story of the wicked boss rule of Abe dangered lives of, seven other per- story the Kuef, the of the downfall of the sons by dynamiting the house where : grafters from high official position Gallagher lived. Whether this plot was I 1 these things have been torn to every United Railroads did obtain the right that of the people. It will be the fau't laid by persons interested in the de- to American who reads a newspaper. fense or not not been proved, string overhead trolley wires over of men In high standing In the com- has but city by munity, be- But not even San Francisco realizes the prosecution says it will prove it the streets paying bribes tt the men of wealth, men who to the fnll ejtfent the meaning of the city officials. lieve themselves to be honest. It will eventually: argument Is busi- present campaign of innuendo which evi- The heard in the be the fault of business men who think The grafters who turned State's ness and financial section of the city, it crime for city official to aims to restore some of the chief crimi- dence ami wore granted immunity in is a a force among bankers and merchants, that a saloon to buy whisky from the con- nals of the black era of graft to their order to get proof of the crimes com- old position of respectability, and to Calhoun ought to be permitted t" go cern In which that official is interested, mitted by those "higher up," are con- free because he has done so much good who see no wrong in a destroy the men who have been fight- demned in the roundest terms by the but transaction ing to bring the grafters to justice by for the city. This great service was by which a "business" man gets a men who apologize for all the other that ha. consolidated the street railway valuable franchise by bribing those covering them with unjust infamy. grafters. Boss Ruef confessed, it will Newspapers, Jiank presidents, "re- lines, watered the stock enormously, same corrupt officials. Of course not be remembered, and was promised im- was paid a huge fee for the service all of San Francisco's business men are spectable" citizens, men of high social munity if he would tell all he knew. position, and even men of high church and is reaping the financial rewards engaged In this campaign to defeat He refused to testify in court to facts usual in such cases. justice practically the men in engaged, in a cam-Ypai- gn but all Hawaiian position are actively which he swore in the grand jury room. Two other men have also done some- the conspiracy are business men. Souvenirs and of abuse and ridicule which has He broke the immunity contract him- Heney and thing for San Francisco, one of them, If San Francisco's conscience is still- f for its victims Francis J. self. Now that he is , no longer a be- r of Rudolph Spreckels, has furnished the ed to sleep by the campaign now Jewelry his associates in the presentation prosecuting witness he has the sym- money to carry on the prosecution of ing waged by the criminal rich and i the criminals who debauched the city's pathy of the very "business" men who the grafters. His motives are attack- their defenders, if the prosecution of honor. At the same time they apolo- were lately denouncing him as the au- ed, pas- men guilt and IMr. Calhoun declares with the grafting criminals fails because of gize for some of these whose thor of all the evil. Furthermore, the sion that he is being persecuted by this campaign then the cause of muni- is as well established as is the fact of breaking of the immunity contract is Spreckels out of personal malice. The cipal honesty in America will be given the existence' of the men. charged against the prosecution. other servant of the city who has done a blow from which it cannot recover Desperate efforts are being made by Mayor Schmitz walks the streets a much is Francis J. Heney. He has in years. But if the people of San business men who believe themselves free man. He was sent to the peniten- worked two years as the chief prose- Francisco listen to that conscience honest to create a sentiment in favor tiary, but. after waiting until the cutor of the graft cases without pay which is still speaking, if they will of dropping the prosecution of these statute of limitations prevented an- and without hope of financial reward. send a few criminal politicians and a criminals because the "reports of the other indictment, the Supreme Court The services of Heney and Spreckels few criminal business men to prison trials in the newspapers will injure the of California liberated him because of are not mentioned in those financial then American cities will look to San reputation of the city with people a technical flaw in the indictment. In circles where "business" is sacred. Francisco as a leader. It is for San abroad." They seem not to remember defending this decision, a judge of the When Heney first undertook the Franciscans to say. WRAPPING PAPER, that the outside world expects the Supreme Court, in a signed newspaper prosecution he warned Spreckels that honest people of San Franeisoo to bring article, cited the precedent of a case all these things would result. He pre- Acting Governor Mott-Smi- th denies the criminals to punishment. They in which a Chinese who had murdered dicted that when the prosecution failed that there has been any intention of BAGS, TWINES seem to forget that if these grafters another Chinese was permitted to go to stop with the labor union culprits slighting the' Hawaiians in the person- PAPER go scot free that other grafters are sure free because the indictment failed to and went "higher up" that they would nel of the committee asked to arrange to . arise and pursue their careers in set forth the fact that the murdered find men of wealth and social position for his reception. The committee was confident expectation of the protection Chinese was a human being! In the arrayed against them, that enmity picked hurriedly without thought of of the respectable business element of same article he admitted that it was would be engendered, that assassina- offense to anyone. the city. common knowledge that Schmitz was tion itself was to be feared. Spreckels Some of the newspapers in San Fran elected mayor, but that the indictment did not turn back. He had tried to American-Hawaiia- n Paper & Supply Co., Ltd. cisco ridicule everv move made by the I dian "t say so. The testimony, of form a committee of wealthy men to oisrrict attorney ana nis assistants. course, showed that Schmitz was mayor. back the prosecution but he was un- $100,-00- CORNER FORT AND QUEEN ST8. They impugn the motives of Rudolph 1 ut the Supreme Court walked through successful, so he put up the first 0 Spreckels, "who made the graft prose- Heney went to Wil- this microscopic flaw in the indictment. himself. work. Manager. Telephone cution possible. They gloat over the Patrick Calhoun, the president of the liam J. Burns, a secret service detec- GEO. G. GUILD. General ill. difficulties thrown about the prosecu- United Railroads, is the storm center tive, went out and got the evidence. tors by the hosts of thugs hired by the of the affair at the present time. He The guilt of the grafters and the brib- grafters of .the Ruef stripe. 'They is a descendent of Patrick Henry and ers has been proved over and over laugh at the arguments advanced by John C. Calhoun, and he uses the elo again, but the convict'ons are not to E POWJ those who are seeking justice. They quence of both in asserting his con- be had. Qautinaud's Cognac cartoon and lampoon Prosecutor Heney stitutional rights. He declined to be The situation in San Francisco to- A Medicinal Brandy. and Detective Burns. sworn when called before the grand day is frauarht with great danger to The only preparation that The first thing one of the self-style- d Jury. He declined to answer questions the city and to other municipalities in Blackberry Brandy "respectable business men" says to sked in the trial of another officer of the nation. When the grafting was will remain on the skin Always useful in the Tropics. the stranger within the gates of the his company, but he carefully abstain- brought to light men said. "Look - during day Rye Whiskey city is: ven, mere are iwo suit- i ed from refusing to answer on the what a libor union set of officia's did." a full in thl Gibson's he asked answers might in- now thing changed. The Straight from the Distillery. this graft question." If is ground that his But the has In to name the two sides he replies: "Of criminate him. He has been demand- majority of the people of this city be- climate. The effect is course Ruef and that gang of labor ing trial for some time, but the pros- lieve the guilty ought to be punished stantaneous and pleasing. above are absolutely essential to every family. union 'officials were pretty bad, but then ecution is not going to get to his case whoever they are, and they have said The is graft in every city. Tt is until the underlings are disposed of. so at the polls. But If the guilty are CHARLES METER, New York. there the LEWIS & COMPANY, LTD. human nature. San Francisco is no Whether or not the prosecution has not punished, if the grafters and Manufacturer. H(irse than any other citv. There al- - acted wisely In delaying his trial, there bribers. go free, whose fault will it be? 169 King Street. Family Wines and Liquors. Telephone 240 V--t BENSON. SMITH A CO. v labor . wavs will be sraftm2. can t help I nn be no question of the fact that the Not that of the unions. mmmmm to UNDERWEAR, GREAT SALE mill L haii to IIJVII fl El 11 fl I f II fl II II if If tl illltlfitiil OF THE HATS and CAPS contained in their three stores and we are going to sell tt By a happy transfer of coin we secured from the Rosenberg Bros, the stock of clothing, hats, caps and underwear $xo.oo. Many others are cut even deeper and some not quite so at a shade above the actual cost to close it out. Suits bearing the Rosenberg selling price of $16.00 are sold by us for has-- an opportunity in years for men and boys to get suits as low as we deep. There is a bargain in every article, tremendous value coming back to every purchaser. There not been are offering these. The materials, the styles and the making are as good as will be found in any custom tailor shop. . . MEN'S PANTS MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS Lisle Thread Shirts , Reduced to. .$1.50 . .50 c Men's Pants Shirts Reduced to. Balbrijisian Shirts . 2.25 i 1 . .75 Colored Lisle and Cotton ( . 2.45 . .90 Balbripgan Shirts . 2.75 300 t .$1.15 Mesh Underwear . 3.00 .$1.50 A FULL LINE OF UNDERWEAR AT REDUCED PRICES. tt . 3.40 1 1 SUITS tt . 3.85 STRAW AND FELT HATS BOYS' WASH MEN'S Wash Suits Reduced to 190 . .50 t i tt 2.25 Straw Ilats Reduced to. tt MEN'S .WOOLEN SUITS 1 . .65 i 2.75 tt 4 i tt tt . .75 i n 3.00 tt 1 1 tt tt tt Full rahioned Suits Reduced to $ 7.50 tt tt tt 1 1 .$1.00 , a a ft ' 9.00 11 . 1.25 BOYS' SHORT PANTS 1L50 it tt tt . .60 is ii it " " Reduced to. . .75 Pants Reduced to. it tt 12.00 Felt Hats .$1.00 . .75 " . .95 it tt tt ti 12.50 . 1.25 13.00 tt it tl i .$1.15 ii tt it 1 1 tt 1 1 . 1.50 15.00 it 1 1 . 1.35 ,( it it " it tt 1 1 . 1.75

a ALAKEA CD) Tl7 i 1 1 'tTo THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, JUNE 14, 1908. 10 -

' r-- ? 1 1 LI IL ill 111 illvvl 11 II II II II 11 If you need anything in the way California Enterprise Owned and Managed by a of Clothes for informal dress Woman. occasions -- times when a Prince One of the most successful ranches in California is owned and is managed by Miss .Katherine Walsh. Albert Frock the correct Like a good many other people now-livin- in the "West, Miss Walsh' was thing, we'd like to show forced to leave her native state in you the East because of ill health. Being told to live out of doors and forced ftirty 3 Tut'- - "'V'iw how well we can supply you in by necessity to earn her own living, she selected to raise frogs for the market, and now not only owns one of the most picturesque ranches in Hart Schaffner & Marx Contra Costa county, but supports in comfort her mother and the two child- ren of a dead sister. - . "The net profit of my froggeries for last year was something over $1,800," xmrnftm mmm rA Miss Walsh told the reporter. "I sold fine clothes. We have Full three thousand dozen frog legs in San Francisco and that was the amount cleared. They were all shipped alive Semi-Dre- ss to hotels and restaurants, and the Dress, Tuxedo, as price received was from $1 to $8 a dozen. Of course the price of frog legs. like that of every ether variety of well as the smartest lot of Sack game, depends on the si the season. CHEERFUL, CANNIBALS. by Suits and . Overcoats you ever green frog of California Copyright 1908 "The native Hart Schaffner Si Marx is very small, and while the legs are delicious in taste, they bring much less money than when the native frog saw. is crossed with the large Eastern frog. According to epicures the very bes frog for the table is the cross be- ' - tween the California and the Florida , is carefully N species. When the stock. selected this cross produces exception- ally handsome frogs to look at and so deliciously flavored as to put to blush FOR GOOD CLOTHES the finest Parisian product. THE STORE THE FTJTTJBE GAMBLING JOINT. s Mv fros-erle- cover ten acres of When the Raiders Arrive, Cut the Eope. land and are four in number, besides the small pools where the tadpoles are kept until they are large enough to Elks' Building, King and Fort. - - - Telephone 65 1 . be put with their older relatives. Tes: it is absolutely necessary to keep them divided according to size, as frogs are about the most cheerful cannibals one f could imagine. The t "Anything of own kind, from a SGf his tadDole ud. Is fair game for a large frog that can catch and swallow it. They are not at all particular about ...Youthful Vigor one gulp being able to swallow it at either. Indeed, they are perfectly content, if they can get a portion of f Book Telling How to Restore It Given Free their victim within reach of the di gestive fluids, to sit placidly with a part hanging out of their mouth until I bar discorered the secret of room has been made for it inside. nd how to restore it strength FROGS ARE GREAT TRAVELERS without tht w of drugs or medi-ins- s, In spite of every precaution the sometimes get out. I wani erery man who suffers large frogs will power, drains or 'weak- When thev do it seems that instinct from lost directly to tadpole ness of snj kind to read my free leads them the I,re-stor- e morning the runaway 100-png- e book, which tells how nools. In the strength and Tim with Nature's froo- - is found wearing a placid smile remedy. of contentment, unmistakable evidence So man should go through lifa that a sufficiency of tadpoles have been a weakling just because doctors and stored awav in the miwdst of him. their drues have failed to cure. "T now have all my ponds and pools Drugs are poisons, and poisons don't give strength. surrounded by close board fences three Ton need something that assists Nature. My feet in height. No, the frogs cannot new Electro-Vigo- r does that It puts new life, Jump so high, but if by chance a energy into every organ. "When every part of your broom, a garden utensil, or even a body bat U the "energy it needs there can. be no' broken branch is left leaning against weakness. . th fence, the frogs seem to discover t-l A dainty, delicious substantial, It doej hoi cost muck for a cure by my method. some miraculous manner and at is it in teas and evening You" pay one price for my treatment, and that once, using it as a gangplank, set out l H 7 for Sheens, of weak men, . all you pay. I have cured hundreds world. - Hllrfy, A suppers. Always appetizing and Electro-Vigo- r to see the l.',4- ffrrn ' and have the evidence to prove it. great by nature has never failed. . 'They are travelers V" readytoserveonamomenfsnotice. I "After two months' use of your Electro-- gor and soon after moving my stock to I ly regained my lost power, and am feeling are never t I have thou- this place I had an amusing experience. "7 ";V MftfkX wise housekeepers strong and well again. I would not take a p( sand dollars for what your treatment has done As it was not possible to have banKs Without a suppV of for " about my first froggeries, I had fences ..WM. H. ALLEN, bought this ranch, 283 San Carlos ave.. San Jose, Cal." built, but when I Vnder your treatment the losses have stopped as all the ponds had high banks, I my power is returning, my health generally has no necessity and .. , T , 1 .... T (1 v thought there would be .V:P a 1 fur - improved greatly, ana leei uciwi -- 1 , years. for the fences. f j Colusa, CsL KOBT. D. YOUNG. "A few days after we moved in I i; Food Products was awakened . early one morning by s gardener and invited to come out to rneet unforseen emergencies, Eleetro-Vigo- r hss proven to be all the $&jr age look frogs. seemed as if ' I you claim for it. In spite of my and at the It - , Our bonVlrt "Good Things to Eat" sent free on requt. me a - of World. I am past eighty it has given M.D. the whole place was covered with them Send live 2c samps for Libby's Big Atlas the j j new lease on life. I will vouch for your S. G. Hall, were .", any time. IS 02 Fillmore Street, They had climbed the banks and treatment at FRANCISCO. were Kept ; JOSEPH SMITH. SAN your off on their travels. We Santa Crus, Cal. Please send me, prepaid, entire morning sweeping I 100-pag- busv Jii!?Ii;ibby.McNeiuiLibbr free e illustrated book. the fl CUT THIS OUT them up with brooms and dustpans Cut out this coupon now, and mail H Name nr.i diimnin? them back into the to me. I'll send my 100-pag- e illustrated ponds. book of information, together with price Address of treatment, closely sealed, free. . GROWTH OF TADPOLES. "The nools for my tadpoles are never more than a foot deep, and have ce ment covered bottoms. The frog pools are deeper, and the bottoms are cov ered with mud, in which the frogs bury The themselves during the winter. "All mv pools and ponds are so per fectly drained that an overflow is quite impossible, and in case it becomes nec essary all the water can De let ore within a few minutes. They are ail, nnrnis nnrt nools. covered with a green lacework of algae so thick as to re mass, fol- - semble one unbroken but the Offer to the Trade Their Mill Products, including the water under this growth is fresh and lowing celebrated tsranas: pure. "So lone as a frog remains at home "GOLDEN GATE" "SPERRY," "DRIFTED SNOW," he does not need to be fed at all, as he L.tjAt. bUUNLJ K1WU, forages for himself and gets all that MAFLt oniu, he can digest from insects and from and other Family and Baker Flour. Also the spawn of his pond. The tadpole seems to prefer a vegetable diet, and BRAN, SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, ROLLED BARLEY, and gets his chief dish trom tne aigae. n the famous CAPITOL MILLS CEREALS. is not generally known that frogs have teeth in the upper jaw, and that the The Sperry Products have been for over fifty years the tadpole's horny beak is almost as sharp oi tne coast. as the bill of small birds. stanaara quality lor racinc When properlv cared for, which, sc far as I have been able to learn, con- sists in keeping the frog in one pond. frog produces from 5000 to S000 eggs hs DISTRIBUTORS Ask your Grocer for them. a season. Of this numoer aooiu inree-fourt- can be counted on to reach ma turity. Robert Innes Lillie, The egsrs first appear on the surface iY,a scum, large rf water as a stickv & to- - t ... r- ;r, act of jumping, RESIDENT MANAGER. clusters of them being gathered serves ..j' nmM t it!i aiwavs in the for air. His tail j with a envelope. If and on rubber boots, short SKirt, and a out he soes." n a propeller, Honolulu Office: Hilo Office: vou tne irouoie to wau-- juu both as a rudderand and go to work. take be snapped off by one of jumper EXCUSE. Robinson Bldg., Queen St. Spreckels Bldg., King St will sf e this mass presently separate if it should "When possible this work is aone ai HEE enemies that seem to re- a the numerous and a larga four-year-o- ld was spending intn individual elobules. which turn Quickly grows nisht with a lantern A tiny black as thev increase in size. beset all pollywogs it flector in a boat. As the boat is push- away from home. again. light is r.ieht knea When the little pollywog at last out ed from place to place the t bed-tim- e she knelt at the -- and inquisi- prayers, ex- emerges he has gins tnat supply mm As it gets older it loses its tail thrown on the water and the of her hostess to say her necessary begin to sprout, first the hind frogs come up to see the season. prompting. Tn- - Ju.loe Was your chauffeur guilty in this acvMentf The Prisoner with the air for his health its legs tive pecting the usual troubling him to those in front. When "Thev are very quick and it requires B. unable to hop ner honor; the victim was run over in entire compliance with the or.ii- - and comfort without lees and then Finding Mrs. - vour r,n good frog catcher. Y - T size I skim them Hrti skill to be a come to the surtace. niie m un they are of sufficient net out, she concluded thus: re ed can t nance 5reen Bag. staee his food is the jellylike substance up with a long-handl- dip and put The chief secret is in putting the Please, God, 'scuse me.. I larger relatives. over instead of under the frog and let- prayers, and I'm staying that has enveloped him. them with their inexperi- member my any. vou spoke to father, did you tell him vou had $300 in the possible for me ting him jump into it. The lady who don't know ,,nlTv when DEVELOPMENT OF TADPOLES. "Of course, it is not will invariably slip the with a -- 1U ue always man- enced catcher George Yes. Aiony mu wuai. sayT ueorge lie borrowed fellow loses his gills to do all the work, but I frog, and, of course, he Home Herald. tankt "Later the little most of frogs for ship- - net under the Bits. and must come' to the surface every age to catch the VI J JL V


Examination by Torture

The Third Degree as Administered by the American Police.

From The Outlook. o

On the 16th of May a man, his wife, Spanish Inquisition," and in any im- - - and a maid-serva- nt were found mur- - Partlal history of the trials for witch- craft in Germany and in New England, dered in their home in Freehold. New Their te5tlmonto the inutlIity of ex Jersey. A Hungarian by the name of amination by torture is corroborated Zastera, a farm hand employed upon by Professor Muensterberg in his re- - the place, discovered the bodies, gave ceny published volume "On the Wit- - ness alarm, was on suspi - Stand." the and arrested arfi nQ Jonger y thumb. cion of having himself committed the screws, but the lower orders of the murders. The immediate ground of sus- - police have still uncounted means to and you and your collar limp picion was his statement that he had make the Prisoner's life uncomfortable. are and to break not heard the shots, and at downPhIS lenergy. least three A rat put secretly ' must have been fired. According to into a woman's cell may exhaust her ''g as rags; wnen your mouth and the account in the New York Times, nervous system and her inner strength f throat Zastera was first shut un in a dark tm she is unable to stick to her story. some The dazzling light and the cold-wat- er cell for hours, and then sub hose and secret blow still seem to are the only dry spots - the on you and you mitted to a searching personal examin- serve, even if nine-tent- hs of the news- - ation conducted by successive relays paper stories of the "third degTee" are .3 - of detectives, who kept up the inqui- - exaggerated. Worst of all are the bru- given cruelty are very, very thirsty, there's just one Biuon throughout night, allowing ta' shocks with fiendish I the to the terrified imagination of the sus-- i nim no sleep. The conclusion of the pect. Decent public opinion stands proceeding, in the early morning, is firmly against such barbarism; and thing to do thus described by the Times: this opposition springs not only from sentimental horror and from aesthetic . nnally the vest that had been worn disgust: stronger, perhaps, than either oy oneppara was put on mm, m nis Cf these is the instinctive conviction left hand the skirt worn by the dead that the method is ineffective in bring-- servant was placed, while he-wa- s told in out tne real truth. At all times DrinR to lay his right hand upon a Bible that nnoent men have been accused by the had been opened at random. He had tortured ones, crimes which were never already said that he was a Catholic, committed have been confessed, in- - pointed out to him what would famous lies have been invented, to sat- - become of his soul according to Cath- - isfy the demand of the torturers. Under olic teaching if he swore falsely. Zas- pain and fear a man may make any tera remained standing in this position admission which will relieve his suffer-'n- g, for twenty minutes. Then he took a and, still more misleading, his mind seat on a sofa, evidently in deep dis- may lose the power to diseriminatJ be- tress. tween illusion and real memory. noticed that some of the blood Professor Muensterberg abundantly from the servant's' skirt which had demonstrates the truth of this general got m his hand had marked a verse statement. He recounts special cases In the Bible. Looking at it closer, he irt which accused, under the mental saw three little smears of blood. torture of the "third degree," have "There's blood on that verse," he made detailed confessions afterwards said to Zastera, "and do you know proved absolutely false in one case by what the versn is?" He then read the reappearance of the.sunoosedlv mur it to Zastera. It was the one hundred dered man years after the confession: and ninth verse of the One Hundredth and he eiue'dats the psycho'ogical will freshen and Nineteenth Psalm, which reads: principles which lead 1 he' expert to an- It you up please your palate and quench "My soul is continually in my hand: ticipate ..that a week mm, or a man .IV. yet do not forget the law." "That weakened by hous of "fiendish cruel- 'I vV--.--.--l applies to what I have told you about ty" to the imagination, will break your thirst as no other liquid will. your soul," said down, accept as his own the story The prisoner then read the verse for which the stronger nature is seeking himself. Then Mr. asked sharply; to impose upon him, and. under a quasi-hyonrvt- ie "Weren't you in the p irlor when Mrs. su.egesf'on. will both repeat it and believe it to be true. Sheppard came downstairs?" - "Yes. I was." said Zastera. I If we- are to adopt the Latin meth-- 1 "And you killed her?" od and examine the accused, the ex- Delicious Refreshing Wholesome "Yes," said Zastera, barely above a amination should be fairly conducted, whisper. not by the "lower orders of the police," Wp Art nnt rnnph far tho npnnrflrv of but by a judicial officer, in open court. this narrative in its details; we reprint an .wW an honest attempt to as Thirst-Quenchin- g' It as we find It. But it is a dramatic certain the truth, not to win a victory illustration of a method now much In' b coercing a confession The "third use by certain of the detective police, desre ned-- ? onl' be. nwn to and known under the euohemistic an- - be abhorred by all fair-mind- ed men. pellation degree." The and more abhorred because t is never of the "third on GET THE GENUINE method i inhuman, Illegal and unless, practised the rich or the influential. poor friend-nee- ds The third degree is inhuman: that but only on the and the no If th oour(t havf not, the u" demonstration. - put The third degree is illegal: It violates thorlty under a '& the plainest and most fundamental ftof,to examination by torture the r.r Ar!.,co the legislatures have no more sacred and 5c. Everywhere o ehaii '0 rp. no more immed'ate duty than to coni quiredtiito criminate himself; that the that authority and call for Its examination of the accused shall be In Prompt exerc.se. The methods of trial open shall have the aid of Spain in the sixteenth century and court: that he n nineteenth have no of counsel: and that he shall not be f R'a the subjected to torture. Every one of Place in America. these prineiplps is violated by the "third" degree." Mental torture I? no JACK LONDON'S AID. physical counsel Sew" 5- better thm torture: are indebted to Jack London, the is denied; the examination is in secret: and no brutal ingenuity is lacking to noted writer, for his volunteer services coerce . the accused to testify arainst n aiding us to make Savitar a success, himself. Says the Court of Appeals of Mr Lontlon has been traveling for some New Yorfc "To be admissible, State: .,fy, time past through the islands of the or suspected of crime must be volun- - Pacific. Because of his profession, that EXCLUSIVE - ' ,3 m 1 1 1 . tary. fa'r'y obtained,... ana not prm-uir- 0t a naturalist, ne always nas ms eyes by inquisitorial compulsion or otner o fo &ny eilrj0H3 or eccentric ani- - extorted improper means." Statements might pass under his notice. BOTTLERS by the "third degree" are not volun- nial that tary, are. not fairly obtained, and are He has been more than successful on procured by inquisitorial compulsion. his last trip and we are happy to say proves The third degree is useless: it that he has made us the recipient of guilt of the ac- nothing concerning the interesting creatures. Present cused; it proves onlv the brutality and several bottlers of leverages of Mil Flavor not permit us to the incompetence of some of the mod- space docs describe ern police methols. Centimes of his- - these animals in full, but we can assure iffrf all Y. M. C A. members that tliev will organiza-th- e worthiness of confessions wrung Nm he more than proud of their accused bv torture. The curious ! tion from the fact that all will have chance to see these most curious hich-ha- afraid, and The- - I Bring your friend. There will be a full a reader may find superabundant evidence the l Among them are That-o- f otingest- - and-smalles- t- horse-i- n jllawaii. I moon a l:owl. of this in Dr. Lea's "History of the creatures. and full lemonade r S3 si 55; If I umlHllik


is so valuable for the kitchen because it is so pure, so rich in butter-fa- t and natural quality. It saves shortening, and gives every thing a better flavor. Its pure, uniform quality has given it the first place in public favor. MADE BY BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO. Ask your grocer for it. Theo. H. Davses $k Co.,Ltd. DISTRIBUTORS. I ; ti CITY TRANSFER CO. jas h love.

IVORY-CA- B London News. v BAGGAGE IN AN VEE'S WORKSHOP. Illustrated OfScc Opp. Union Grill. Phone 152.

; i Jj n 4 THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, JUNE 14, 1908.

If it does not, stop a moment and think how long

mm m. 1 it has been since it has been cleaned -- ' or oiled. mm r No doubt you refer with pride TT tXTTT.T. CCrMT. TO TTTTS. to the fact that

i has ? Hogrode, the Alotonst Arresx tnai peuesinan, bur-h- i o o"""s - Ky it not been in the watchmaker's hands for years and when it finally does stop, or loses time, you cannot understand why it is. GOOD SHOW NEEDS ) We'll tell you the reason and it is this: No matter GOOD ORCHESTRA . how fine or how expensive the movement is, after VcandyV running constantly for a year or so the oil becomes Editor Advertiser: According to the gummed Crystallized Pop papers the Hon. Joel Cohen Is bringing and dry, and after that time the pivots run on Corn a first-cla- ss theatrical company from bearings the Coast with Richard Buhler as lead- dry and then it's only a matter of time when ing man. the watch is ruined. A. Y. CAFE Honolulu people enjoy good shows French and Turkish immensely but they also enjoy good Why not appoint us the guardians of your watch. music and the Orpheum management should consider that three-fourt- hs of Twenty years of experience is at your service. Nougat the audience do not leave the house X between acts, but keep their seats and Our motto is "GOOD WORK naturally have to listen to the orches- tra. We guarantee watches repaired by us to keep "When Mr. Cooley and Co. were here last it was simply a torture for any time'and our charges low the lowest. person to sit out the intermission and are as as listen ' to whatever ragtime or other the large conductor of the orchestra felt like tearing off. Why not get a good orchestra or a fine talking ma- chine and have people enjoy good mu- sic while waiting for the curtain to , rise? It was a pleasure to sit in the VICT Opera House Tuesday and Thursday nights and listen to Mr. Vierra's little orchestra of six pieces. New rags. marches and dances were introduced H. F. WICHMAN & CO., LTD. and also some selections from the old master's were played. There is no way out of, it. A good Leading . orchestra is always a step towards suc- Jewelers. cess of the show. If Mr. Cohen is really bringing a good company down here he had bet- ter furnish music equal to it and peo- ple certainly will show their appre- Don't borrow your fun ciation by their frequent attendance. a Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for the Have your own. Have it at home. Have Victor. space in your valuable paper, I re- - A small payment down and easy payments gives you main, yours, the A THEATER GOER the grand soloists; the great bands and ochestras; ...... - a world of popular ballad singers ; the comic song hits MOSBY, THS GUERILLA. ere's a melody and fun. nt to- Colonel John S. Mosby, an assistant tell you all about the easy-payme- plan We'll United attorney in the Depart- morrow if you'll call. States ment of Justice at Washington, who Thought gained fame in the Cvil War as a BERGSTROM MUSIC CO., Ltd. guerilla, underwent a surgical opera- tion in a Washington hospital a few ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. days ago, and being seventy-fou- r' years old some of his friends are naturally For You. nxious. Others, however, recall his CSWK experience of ten years ago and are hopeful on that account. At that time f he was thrown from a buggy at Char- lottesville, Va., where he 'had gone to Sir witness the performance of a play written by his son. His life was at that time despaired of, but when his ) iff mmmhm is former followers celebrated their an- f 11. 110 j nual reunion a few months later at the Eutaw House, in Baltimore, ha ai message If inter- sent them an encouraging ) t mm mmHl n you are from San Francisco, where he had gone to practise law. It was on that ested occasion that a speaker who had in clothes. Useful in every home and a souvenir of Hawaii. Made served under General Stuart and had ) I ladies of Church design left the regular command to join Mos- - fflf ft by the Methodist from by Pastor's C bys men spoke of the veteran as a tC 8 wife and sold for the benefit of the church fund. 2c ' fr' V daredevil history ' i i '-'- who would "rank in f S ''.'iVWi'l!:. ? P Fl'4 i Si "5 with men like Sumter, Pickens and I f Made of koa wood of convenient size to pack in Marion. Hancock would not accept his a trunk. Well finished in every way. sword in surrender, but would havts Economy truly means treated him as an outlaw, but Grant recognized him as a soldier." N. T. getting for the least out- Tribune. complete lay what will do you the $3.50 FISH INVISIBLE IN , SLEEP. most good. If fit and "That file fish is asleep," said the at tendant. style and long wear all "How do you know?" the visitor to the aquarium asked. "But I can't see superior to othersare him. by the way." Coyne Furniture Company, Limited "That's how I know. He, like many good for you when it other fish, changes color on going off. Awake he is mottled with brown and comes to clothes, you will Alexander Young Building. dark olive green, a handsome, som berly splendid object. Asleep he is a be interested in our pallid gray; with darker wings and tail, a ghost of a file fish, practically invisible. "Many of the weaker fish, especially ii)(!ipiii in the tropics, have this ability to Stein-Bloc- ti Models By blessing of the righteous changp from a bright to a pale, vague " the hue when they sleep. Thus they sleep and- - the city is exalted; but the tax safely. Otherwise their slumber would for Spring Summer end between a bigger fish's jaws. payer keep it fit to live in." "A wonderful natural dispensation, isn't it? Suppose you were a criminal, being pursued hotly, and whenever you & As correct as the claims of the public grew dead tired you could throw your- self under a tree and doze off, con- for the purity of our soda scious that in your sleep no one could water. We see you?" Philadelphia Bulletin. have all flavors and some others not TWO OF A KIND. included in the general run. "Come, come," cried the brusque and hustiing real estate man. "why do you pay rent when- - you might own a Water home?" Consolidated Soda Works Co., Ltd. "I I don't pay rent," replied ; the startled stranger. G. S. LEITHEAD, Manager. "Then you own a home?" with the belle of lhe evening, he ask- "N no." ed if he might have the pleasure of rOM LM " UB30R Y strange. your company start-in- ? Telephone 71. "That's May I ask her for a waltz then business?" up. J. ABADIE - - - Proprietor j "I'm a real estate dealer." Cleveland "Much 'oleeged," was the fair one's Plain Dealer. reply, "hut I reckon not. These yea Ladies' and Gents' Washing Done First-clas- s. round' dances turned my stomach onct, Gloves and Ostrich Feathers. can not live but a week longer wizout you!" "I!?ally, duke? Now A dudish assistant of the Palace an I'm 'fraid I might spile yer Silk Made Cleaner a "I Hotel a Wool and by New French Procesi. how can you fix on a specific length of timet'.' "Ze landlord fix on it, miss; had vacation last month, and clothes." Charges while gone happened to attend a coun- "The nawsty thing!" said the dude, reasonable. Give us a trial. not Louisville Courier-Journa- l. I." ,,.' try bell. Becoming very much struck with a shudder, as he told of it. 58 BERETANIA STREET : : : : : TIIONE 1491 IIIIll V


" J high glasses used for a " T " I in the sometimes t? ' f. 9? ji ' able to do it without a touch of stiff- - o W i si si" C sT aT a? sT af sP V. i ffs anu in no lime vour air will be . I the plates upon which the glasses are The Secret of Longevity placed enhance the pretty effect. This, uitra'ed Dishes Some Refreshing - . . .. ; - : . proud and haughty 5 course, for the service of indi- ." , . , of is c o , v v ilXVTin your carriage, for that is the wrong ! vidual dishes at formal luncheons. j t in ' way to walk, besides it Is silly and I If our epoch of living at a rapid rate of overwork, certain people, tired of For the home table the salad may be ces existence, in will only Impress the wrong people. seek death an enigmatical repose, still more numerous are those who, prepared in the bowl in the same man- thing jM j$ vegetable Another which one should be J j j j j jt Jt jl j j j j ji j ji accommodating themselves to their situation, only ask to prolong, life as much ner as the usual lettuce and careful of In practicing this exercise mixtures. It Is always better to make MINT BEVERAOK. as possible. In order to satisfy some of my reader, whose ardent desire is to - is the position of the shoulders. it soon before serving, and the dress- Do Wash and pick from stems a live on forever, enjoying excellent in-- not carry them too far back, for th health, I shall point out the means which ing should be added last. All th i j handful of fresh mint Imvm; bruls appear to me most cold. this will throw the figure out of Its the certain to enable people to live long, says the Paris edi- gredients must be correct line. and steep in water kept Just at th tion of the New A little chervil vinegar added to the York Herald. If short women would practice this J boiling point, a handful of leave t a dressing is a great Improvement when a tumblerful of water, for a few min- In healthy man the organs have a normal - j they would soon find they look working. Brain, heart, liver, combined with the estragon and tarra- that utes, kidneys, ' two or even three Inches taller. strain and bottle the decoction, stomach, perform their functions in the measure necessary for assuring gon, a small portion of each being used. cork, and set on Ice to cool; when cold, their integrity. From this there results a balance, an equilibrium, which is dis- Too much vinegar is bad for any salad, J CAUSE AND CURE OF PIMPLES. set in the refrigerator until wanted, turbed by the absorption of an excitant of any but is ruinous to the delicate fruit Except in a few Instances pimples then a little cracked Ice and sugar to kind. salad, the flavors of which must not : are by Alcohol, tobacco, late hours, act on caused internal disorders of taste may be added. This Is excellent the brain and are reflected on the heart. be killed if the dish is to be a success. some kind. The system should be for a disordered stomach, or where dis-acs- Angina pectoris often is due to no other cause. Spirits, moreover, cause es cleansed by drinking from eight to clear water can not be taken to quenck of the liver. Overeating brings about lesions of the stomach and the kid- HOUSEHOLD NOTES. twelve glasses of water a day. A diet thirst. neys. It may be said that by reaction all the organs successively become af- 47V should be practiced until the pimples LEMON SHERBET. are fected as soon as one of them is diseased. Hot sunshine will remove scorch. removed, and the food should be To one quart of boiling water add simple and wholesome and the pores the quice of five lemons and one pund The secret of longevity appears to me to lie in the regulation of drinking should be open by warm- - A' package or envelope sealed with kept a bath of sugar: let atand until cool, then and eating, in the diet. Let people who desire to live long make every day. Add and enjoy life white of egg cannot be steamed open. strain. one pint of water and a point of being sober. One can not at the same time enjoy the pleasures of the A salve which will help to heal the commence freelng, when half fr ten pimples fs made as follows; After all.udd two well-beate- n whiten of eggs (yable and those of remaining a long time among one's friends. Opium and Even delicate glass can be safely, land whipped ' irritation has disappeared get a good a pint of aweetened liasheesh may afford their users golden dreams, but their devotees must not hope washed in very hot water if slipped in and stiff complexion brush and a pure cream. to have a long career. edgewise. j bland soap. Scrub the face every day STRAWBERRY SHERBET-On- e 1 I absolutely deplore the abuse of foods and liquors that are swallowed with warm water and rinse afterward quart of strawberries, one quirt "grass in In a lit- under the pretext of acquiring And does not al- Saturate stains on children's several clear waters. Rub of water, sugar to taste; mix. and strength. the doctor himself cream night ways dare to react pinafores, eti, in paraffin and then ITS tle cold at If the skin freejte In molds. Before froten hard, against this belief of the public. If he should decide on - put into the washtub. feels rough. add the well-beat- en white of one- eg, saying to his patient: "You will take only from 400 to 500 grams of solid food The salve Is made of beta naphthol, mix welt with a large spoon and leave 24 5 oil 5 drops; in hours and will, drink only 500 grams of wine and water," the patient Burnlng oil is spread by water. To j grains; of camomile, in the freezer until ready for use. The would at once say: "But, doctor, you wish to see mo dead. It is, on the con- extinguish it throw down flour, sand ointment of benzoated oxide of zinc, sherbetmay be molded by freezing in 1 ounce. Use on the surface. , a brick-shape- d mold and Is sent to th first-cla- ss or prevent trary, the generous wines, liquors and strong meats which will re- earth. The idea is to thej plac- spreading. FAT REMOVING EXERCISES. 1 table In that form, with fern leaf establish my health." And a discharge in regular form would oblige the doctor oil CROWN OF LAMB. smaller on An excellent and highly effective ed on the platter, and a to cede his place to another, who, no longer able to stem the current, would Have the meat man fix the crown, on top of the brick. Starch should be mixed with soapy wrap oiled paper exercise for. the removal of abdominal allow himself to then the bones in . ICED TEA. float down with it. water, for thus the linen will have a and set in pan to roast as for ordinary fat Is taken as follows: Lay flat on one-four- th black Yet it was his diet which permitted the celebrated Cornaro to enjoy a green more glossy appearance and be less cut of lamb; when ready to serve, the back on the floor and place the A mixture of anl three-fourt- hs green tea Is good; for old age. After having'led a very intemperate life till the age of 35 or 40, this likely to stick to the iron. heap with cooked peas which .have hands at the sides. Catch the toes under something to black, English breakfast may be ued. Venetian noble, who lived in the last century, paid for his excesses by an almost been seasoned, and arrange latticed and for green, young hyson. Allow a Clotheslines and pegs will much potatoes for a garnish keep the feet down and keep the knees constant state of suffering, of which the digestive tract was manifestly the last well to un level teaspoon of the mixed teas fn longer if they are boiled ten min- stiff. It is catch the toes In point, pains in slow for BERRY CHARLOTTE RUSSE. edge dresser, as there each cupful wanted. Early tha etarting the stomach, intolerable thirst, fever, insomnia, utes when new. Is a good plan to der the of the freshly boil- It Make a sponge cake batter, and bake Js danger being moved by morning have the water Badness, irritability. repeat boiling occasionally. no of this pot put In the in a buttered border mold; when par-jtii- e ing, scald out the and the con- exercise. 'boiling; wa- After having unsuccessfully tried all the resources of pharmacy, he was tially cooled unmold on lace paperl a hrpath slowly tea; over this pour freshly Taki deen and rise ter, as many cupfuls aa one desires. vinced of the insufficiency of medicaments against a state of suffering and ex- It is not generally known, but to napkin and ice with a boiled icing, to a sitting position. Lower the body, prevent burning, place a Cover closely; let uteep (not. boll) for haustion, which left him almost without hope of cure. Cornaro desired his cakes from made by cooking one cup sugar and slowly expelling the breath. Be care-litt- le a pitcher, tins, one-quart- er five minutes, then strain Into bran at the bottom of the cup of water until syrup fuj not to overstrain the muscles while eteep-in- g doctors to give him a final opinion. They told him, with much wisdom, that save a grumbling cover and set to cool. Longer This will lot of and spins a thread, then pour slowly onto practicing these movements. color, la not his disease, which had resisted all remedies, might yet give way to dieting; that vexation. ' stiffly two eggs; will give darker but the beaten whites of SPASMODIC EXERCISE HARMFUL. so wholesome. Boiled tea Is not fit to diet was the anchor of his safety. He resigned himself, not without regret and I beat until cold, then add one cake of ' extremely bene- drink. When the tea Is quite cold, put not without effort, to follow this advice. Badly stained decanters and flower unsweetened chocolate, which has been Regular exercise is ficial, but spasmodic attempts at ex- Into the refrigerator. If wanted In a In consequence he made it a rule to take every day only 32 ounces of solid vases may be cleaned with a little di- - melted over steam, set the pan over hurry, net the pitcher Into which it l tea-kett- le ercise are useless. Exercise should be good way; when Ice-wate- r; luted hydrochloric acid. After using the is a every- strained Into a bowl of but food (about 30 grams) and 14 ounces (420 grams) of wine, divided into four cen-ough- ly taken moderately the same aa acid be sure to rinse very thor-- . ready to serve score the cake, fill aa wenk-en- s the thing else and never to excess. do not add Ice to the tei, that parts, each composed of three ounces (90 grams) of aliments and of three and a with clear water. j ter with hulled berries, piling sweet- - serving, fill glasses with ' may injured over- it. In tall ounces (115 grams) of new wine, old wine being harmful for him. ened, whipped cream on top; garnish One. be easily by of ta 15 half exertion, especially after a long period cracked ice. add a nllce lemon His food consisted of bread,, soup, yolks of eggs, to which he added some-- Equal parts of turpentine and am- - with berries, may each glass, and pour In the tea. Sugar I A walk, not monia will paibt out clothing. TOAST, of indolence. which may added individually to taste, imes a little meat. Once he tried, at the instance of his friends, to increase take of ASPARAGUS ON be long, but which is taken regularly be even if hard and dry. Saturate the j thorough-spo- Thia tea will not disturb the nerves. one-sixt- grit by rinsing t quantity of his food by h. He was immediately upset and forced Rem0ve all every day with some object of inter- the as often as necessary, and wash ends-of- Remember, tea must notjboll. ,y and break off the tough whUe f est in view, does a great deal toward -- to come down" to his former figure. And, even then, as he advanced in years, soapy i with warm water. xie in bundles and stand in boiling keeping one in good health. t' diminished this light menu somewhat. " " he water, cooking until tender. Drain HOW TO AVOID FLAKY SKIN. 1? if T l If K K What is encouraging in Cornaro 's example is that he was not only enabled To iron silk sprinkle the articles to free from water". untie, lay on nicely jf be ironed water, At thia time of the year a rough, to live with a very small quantity of food, but to live pleasantly and for a with then roll them toasted bread, pour about it a cream nrrc tr tightly in a towel. After this it Js sauce and garnish with slices of hard chapped and flaky skin is due to hard long time. easy to iron out. the creases. Do notf b0jjed eggs, water, Impure soap, and careless ex- is Nevertheless, I must admit that, in my opinion, in order to be healthy, it use a very hot iron, as silk quickly dis- - CREAM SAUCE. posure to the winter winds, and to Eat diet. will not to say what colors lack of the use of some good, pure not necessary to follow so rigorous a I undertake 1 Melt one tablespoonful butter; when table-spoonf- cold cream. v J J J J J Jl of food it is advisable to take, or specify the nature of those foods ceases add one ul jt j qnantitv it to simmer few simple are persistent- difficult me to indicate whether To clean a white belt make rather flour; well blended add If a rules SCOTCH MEAT PIE. which should be preferred. It is equally for a thick paste of cream of tartar and when ly followed the skin can soon be made beer or cider, if the white is preferable to the red. What to one cupful hot milk, stirring constant- Cut a round ateak Into small pieces wine is better than cold water and rub the belt well with ly; season pepper, when soft and smooth again. one be forbidden and other recommended? it. Leave for an with salt and Never an and dredge with flour. Into a frying thing about tew and coffee; should the hour and then rub creamy remove from fire. wash the face for hour piece suat with a mixture of before or going out in wind. pan put a little butter, a of And as for intellectual work.'the embarrassment is now still greater, one alum and fuller"s after the put In in equal parts. Next day brush Soften water by means a pinch and a nmall onion. When hot having a more supple than another. Here only general earth the of quickly both individual the belt with a clean soft brush till T jT J4 ? K of borax and substitute a good, pure, uteak and fry brown on. traced, each one of us being able to present particular indications. sides. Then cover with water and i i rules can be all the powder is removed. Rub again and mild soap for the one which you a words what precedes, I shall say: you wish to cook slowly for two hours. Add more m Thus, to summarize in few If with some coarse oatmeal to which a' Health and Beauty I have been using. enough. i add- 5 flour to gravy if not thick Put I I live long, if, like Cortiaro, you desire a green old age, freed from wretchedness, little powdered whiting has been Use plenty of cold cream on the face fc biscuit ed. tP 0 remove roughness into a baking dish; make a rich li give a light task to each of your organs; make them all work, but do not over- to the and flakiness top a It is marvelous what can be and to make it smooth and soft. dough for the and bake. Put stop at the first sign of fatigue, and as for diet, which is of major cup In the center to keep the crut work them; Pillow cases will have their useful- achieved in the way of fine carriage Never go out without protecting the remember that too much food is harmful, and putting in practice prolonged begin- from falling Into the gravy. importance, ness if, when they are by bothering about the proper way to face from the wind with plenty of the teaching of the Salerno school you will be sober and will always leave the ning to show signs of wear, they are cold cream and powder. Here Is the DATE PUDDING. hold the chin. eggs and table with a slight appetite. unstitched at the bottom and, before proper, way in which to apply them: Cream the yolks of four being seamed up again, are folded so Prove it to yourself by standing Gently three tablenpoonfula of powdered su- Without being able to assure you that by acting in this manner you will rub the cream into the skin that the seam at the side now goes loosely for a moment, letting the chin until every spot Is thoroughly covered gar, add a few drops of lemon extract years, T am convinced that you will be free from the i live more than a hundred down the mifT3le. In this way one se- take care of itself, and notice how the .and leave it on for a few minutes, so and half a pound of dates that have 1 majority of the. ills that afflict poor humanity. cures the whole case, getting an equal chin sticks out. the shoulders droop, that the pores can absorb all that thoy been stewed until tender, drained, the H amount of wear. and the abdomen protrudes. can contain. With a soft, old linen pits removed and each date cut Into endive, apple and chopped nuts, Then draw in the chin and notice away four pieces. Just before baking stir t? " ture of cloth wipe all that remains and t? the cucumber pulp' being used and the MAKE STOVES SHINE, how the entire body will change its tightly dust the face over with a pure in the whites of the eggs that have shell neatly reclosed so as to present Mix blacking position; the shoulders will straighten vegetable powder. The powder will been beaten stiff with a pinch of salt Salads with either cold coffee finely minced 5 Dainty Fruit the appearance of being untouched. or turpentine and apply to stove with and the abdomen will be drawn in. stick to the cream and stay on until and a tablespoonful of The cucumbers should be packed in a The old fashioned baexboard to candied orange peel. Turn immediate- , . v v v - - brush or soft cloth. blacking washed off. j . kt bed of fresh cresses and chopped Ice. After which our grandmothers were strap- ly a buttered pudding dish and with stove brush until polish is dry, , With such care and an occasional into Fruit salads are taking the place of Canned fruits put up without sugar ped no doubt gave them a stiff and steaming open up bake in a quick oven for twenty min- A most of the rub briskly with flannel or woolen to the pores arid sweets and ice cream at are all desirable for' sal.d making, and stilted manner of walking and sitting, soften the skin the roughness will soon utes. Serve with a hot, foamy sauc. springtime luncheons. The mangoes, pear cloth. The final rubbing with cloth fashionable the tropical the prickly gives a polish which no hard labor but it certainly was effective, for if be removed. KENTUCKY POTATOES. fruit salad is not only refreshing and and the pomegranate serve to add to you will get out the old family album with can produce. potatoes and slice thin-P- ut delightful to the palate, but pleasing flavor, only a small quantity of brush you will see your grandmother BORAX FOR GREASY SKIN. Pare raw the but that a layer In a baking disk, to the eye, for the coloring of the vari- these last should .be used, as they are and grandaunts were as straight as One of the greatest of complexion buttered strik-iV- C salt, pepper and a ous fruit gives opportunity for rather too rich and mealy to suit all SOME USES OF SALT. arrows, poised annoyances is a greasy skin. Soap and season with with perfectly chins tablespoon of minced onion. Dredge f arrangements. tastes. The melon being unobtainable Salt used in boiled starch will make and heads. fails to remove the grease, powder xow strawberries are plentiful at this season, canned melon rind is it glossy. stays on but a short time, and the on a little flour and repeat the layers that Practicing a careful walk about is full. Pour In enough fo they are utilized in this used with good effect cut up with cold Salt added to vinegar will clean room light weight book face generally has a greasy, unclean until the dih the markets brass one's with a hot milk to come nearly to the top 'manner, and strange as it seems, to artichoke oottoms and large pitted or copper. balanced on the head will aid wonder- look which is disfiguring. fruit on the table cherries canned without sugar. of the dish, cover and bake. It will meet this familiar Salt sprinkled on carpets when fully in improving the carriage. This condition is due to an unusual quart. the usuil accompaniment of salads are effectively served in sweeping brightens Maybe you stiff, secretion of fatty matter, by the skin. take at leant an hour to bake a without im- Fruit the colors and think it looks rather cream and sugar, it has met with glass punch cups, packed in shaved ice keeps down the dust. but if done right you will soon be There is a simple remedy which, it is COFFEE KUCIIEN. in the new form mediate popularity every claimed, is a sure cure for this afflic- Set a plain bread sjonge over niht. and is combined with nearly tion. It is a saturated solution of In the morning mix a cup of suar other fruit in the list.' borax, to be usde instead of soap. tablespoon and twe specially excellent with a of butter, A grapefruit is a 1,1,1 " rr w-l- l pur- it S prfi-y- TilHTPTpT"! 1 LXd,,iftwjr ti Wash the face with borax night and beaten egss; mix thoroughly. aiJ addition to strawberries. For this f ""H h pMWwj morning, allowing to sponge ma of grape- it remain on for the and enough flour to pose the core and fiber the several minutes, and then wash thei soft dough; rstisins may be added. fruit is removed after the fruit has being loosened face in rain or filtered water. Roll out as oft as may lo hanlled; been halved, the pulps pans again Then in usual manner. It is claimed that the borax, a mild put into and let rise from the sides the spread on UKar, and are then placed in the cen- alkali, unites with the minute globules melted butter, The berries of to form a soap, and cinnamon or ground nuts. Hake in ter of the grapefruit and the whole is fat thus th; on ice until very face is both cleansed and freed from moderate oven. allowed to remain greasy appearance. cold. A French dressing is added at its Tiiis solution ORANGE JELLY. also has another delightful the table. result: Soak two level tablespoons of gel.i-tin- e de- It frees one from humiliating Ingenious cooks are constantly that in one-ha- lf cup of cold water for vising all kinds of new combinations affliction a red nose, or redness of half an hour. Pour on two cups of and ideas in the fruit salad line, but the knuckles. boiling water, stir until the gelatine II a setting of lettuce or romaine leaves FLAT CHKST CAN BK DEVELOPED is entirely dissolved, two table-- of the dish. add is the favorable foundation Skipping running in open ! spoons of lemon Juice, one cup of added, one dain-t- v and the Chopped nuts are also air or near an open window will soon orange juice and one and one-quarU- T and. simple salad being made from cups sugar.' molds, peel remain- develop and broaden out a flat and of Strain Into small oranges sliced thin with narrow or the peel of halve of orange and slice, these being arranged chest. ing on each The best way to dilate the lungs and chill. Serve with whipld crura. on leaves and sprinkled with lettuce - i chopped walnuts. expand the chest is tt perform exer- BREAKFAST ML' K F I N S. Orapefruit. al'igat.ir ani' ro cises whi. h will increase the depth of j Exce!U..t breakfast muffin are made maine leaves make anotherrr refreshing respiration. by breaking two eggs In a bowl and combination. ApUs co'-Vn- e with beating well, then adding a pinrh of nearlv everv other fruit, b '.t are best GLASS STOPPER. salt and by degrees three cups sweet J v.-t- e'.ng find m:! V'tnnaise. this miik and one quart flour in which I t- - put a drop Ft one of the rtrst frrit salad win To Io.sen stoppers, of we!! mixed teaspoonful bak'ng wn edge stop- three favor seve-a- ' sea n aao. and kn sweet oil amund the of tne powder. Beat mixture very hard per. place near this as Wald i f Then the bottle the anil nearly fill gem pans which have - " scop it becomes warm when a A irettv way t serve it is fire until pef-- well grcas-- and bake fifteen or red-chock- ed apple with a wooden out the inside of a lisht blow instrument twenty minut'-- s in a hot oven. outside form of on side of the stopper generally thotu injuring the each AND BEEF. the fruit. Then replace the app.e will loosen it. If, however, it should SPAGHETTI ii'i chopped with celery, the core part be- 11 x not. 'repeat the oil and heat applica- Take one pound of chopped beef and ing entirely removed. When arr' tions until The resistance same amount of chopped onion and they form a Add one cup spaghetti blossoms are l 7 of glass jars that refuse to open, can fry brown. of open of OUE BEST SOCIETY." , th-- n dainty decoration for the rart be overcome by setting th-m- ton broken in small pieces, one ran tomatoes, a Iittl rod pepper and one carefully As picture,! in the photographs from Newport. Tuxedo. Ardsley. Lenox, Cedarhurst. etc. downward, in an inch or two of hot of Cucumbers may be opened water. teaspoonful salt. Cook half an hour. and filled the same way, wun a 14 THE SUNDAY ADVERTISER, JUNE i4 1908.

"""""" " 3 O O TTt" O ZS3 cwv O CSSM O Cap O CBSTO O CSSSS O CCTI c'-:- r OC B czsd csa n Sizes Vx Sizes I u Regal Shoes Have i 0 o I i n HERE'S THE MOST INTERESTING ANNOUNCEMENT AND THE BEST KIND OF : if GOOD NEWS FOR YOU. u I O n I THE OPENING WILL BE

O A ! Wednesday Evening, June 17th

FROM 7:30 TILL 10:30 O'CLOCK. O


O ' 1 I $3.50, $4.00; Custom Special $5.00 H ARE HERE 1 There never was a footwear event in Honolulu more important to those after style, fit and O n n... satisfaction than the arrival of the Summer models in REGAL SHOES. 'CJr They are the handsomest shoes ever shown in Honolulu. You'll say so when you see them. 4 I I $3.50, $4.00; Custom Special - $5.00 .We've the same styles that the best dressed men and women in New York are wearing- this season. 0 0 No matter whether you prefer styles that are somewhat pronounced or the more conservative Sizes I models, you'll find a REGAL that suits you. You're sure to get a perfect fit in REGAL quarter X Sizes li sizes. The materials used in REGALS are of the highest quality. The uppers are cut from the choicest leathers, such as King Calf, King Kid, and Heyl's Patent Calf. All the linings, facings and finishing materials are regular custom made grade. ' Genuine Oak-Bark-Tann- ed Sole Leather is the foundation on which these shoes are built, and it costs the Regal factory $600 a day extra to put this unsurpassed leather into every pair of REGALS. You won't get this kind of stock in any other shoes selling at REGAL PRICES. The most skilful shoemakers in the world are employed to build REGALS, hand-wor- k being used at every point where it is actually superior to machinery. As a result, REGALS have every detail of fine finish usually found only in made-to-ord- er shoes. We want every man and woman in Honolulu to call and inspect these SUMMER REGALS. I We're proud to show them. Experienced shoe salesmen are at your service, and they will take pleasure in assisting you to obtain exactly what you desire. WE WANT YOU TO SEE WHAT REAL LIVE PEOPLE CAN DO WITH REAL LIVE SHOES.

McCANDLESS BLOCK, CORNER BETHEL AND KING STREETS. Q$3.50y $4.00; Custom Special $5.001 i $3.50, $4.00; Custom Special $5.00 nf -- lor" lor iq Q 3 CH3 O CT30 CZ) CZ33 GE223 SO O C a q r e q err There is no CHURCH SERVICES TODAY. U i: waste heat ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL Restarick, 7, 9 and 11 a. m.; Simpson, 7:30 p. m. SPECIAL SALE OF in a. ST. CLEMENT'S EPISCOPAL Usborne, 7 and 11 a. m. ST. ELIZABETH'S CHURCH (Episcopal) Potwine, 7 and 11 a. m.; 7:30 p. m CENTRAL UNION CHURCH Scudder, 11 a. m.; Westervelt, 7:30 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH Ke,v. Ernest Cooper, of London, 11 a. m.; Crane, 7:30 p. m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH MeKeever, 11 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Felmy, Sunday school, 9:45 a, m.; gervice, m 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. KAWAIAHAO CHURCH Parker, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Pears, Peaches, Apricots, Egg Plums, EAUMAKAPILI CHURCH Special Children's Service, led by Miss Florence R. Yarrow, 11 a. m., and regular service, Lono,, 7:30 p. m. PORTUGUESE EVANGELICAL CHURCH Soarea, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Green Gage Plums, Cherries. CHINESE CHURCH Thwing, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. REORGANIZED CHURCH OP LATTER DAY SAINTS Waller, services morn- ing and evening. 3 Pound Tins, Regular Price 35c; J.i sitis ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL Services at 6, 7, 9, 10:30, 3 and 7. Your kitchen ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST (R. O Kalihiwaena, Clement, Pentecost, 8:30 a. m., always cool and high mass, sermon, collection, Sunday-schoo- l; 4 p. m., rosary. CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART (R. C.) Marquesville, Punahou, Clement, Reduced to 25c pleasant when 11 a. m., high mass, sermon, collection; 3 p. m., rosary, Sunday-schoo- l. ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHAPEL (R. C.) Waikiki, services at 9 a. m. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST 767 Kinau street, Williams, 11 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Room 1, Elite Building, 13 a. m. SALVATION ARMY 10:30 a. m. and 6 and 8 p. m. SEAMEN'S CHAPEL Alakea street, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. y TEMPLE SPIRITUAL ISRAEL 2S0 Beretania street, 8 p. m. . PHONE 22 C L GASES ROMANTIC CAREER V IS USed. H Ign Mtt I niartiini ttti n tm miiiiM niw nrTiwri iimhM!, nMniiiiiiiwnr imiiiit, itt imir ihiiwiiimi limwiMOTiiii MiillMir mmmumMmi 11 ijflil r w FOR JUDGE OE BOLT OF BLANCHE ARRA L struction; 7 p. m., Portuguese sermon with benediction. With a desire to have the criminal Madame Blanche Arral, who is short- Tuesday (special) 9:30 a. m., solemn Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd. business now before the courts cleared ly to appear here, is a Russian prin- requiem mass for the' repose of the up at the present term, a number of cess. Her first husband was Prince soul of late Prince Kawananakoa. the cases set for trial before Judge Sergius Peschkoff, a Russian aristo- Christi, Bishop Street Robinson have been transferred to Thursday Feast of Corpus Judge De Bolt's court. Judge Robinson crat. She herself comes of an old day of obligation. The services at the OFFICE SPECIALTIES having only four left after the court French family, her father having been cathedral as on Sundays. Solemn pon- Silk Kimonos, Parasols and Fans, s is through with the case now before it. a count. Born at Brussels in 1S74, she tifical mass at 10:33; 7 p. m., Solemn This Is the case of criminal assault on was the youngest of a large family. benediction of the blessed sacrament. u CASH REGISTER. a little girl at Waialua, for which youth gaint Augustine on the Beach, Wai- Cotton Crepe and Matting, Fancy Manuel Maurice is being tried, and it From her earliest she exhibited great of music, very soon dis- kiki. Sunday 9 a. m., low mass with p TYPEWRITER. is likely that it will last well into this love and English sermon. week. played genius performance. Napkins. ADDING MACHINE, a for its Thursday 8 a. m., low mass and p There are two important cases left When ten years old she won prizes singing. 1 Judge 1 U1VE0GSAPH and for Robinson, one being a charge both for singing and playing of murder, against two Japanese, and at the L G10BE-WERNICK- Music, By BAND CONCERT E the other the extortion case against Conservatorium of Brussels. MATINEE Eugene Duvauchelle, on which he has the influence of Prince de Chimay, the AT MAKEE ISLAND I m, SAYEGUSA been twice indicted, the case running president of the jury at the Conserva-toriu- SHOTEN back into the early history of the pres- the young artiste went to E SUPPLIES ent official administration. Paris to study music in earnest. Mar-che- si The Sunday band concert will be at Nuuanu Street above Hotel. The caes transferred to Judg. De putting the final polish on her Island at 3 p. m. Following is CARD SYSTEMS education. Makee S Rolfs jurisdiction are: Wakamoto, program: embezzlement; Isichi Matsuda, embez- At the early age of fifteen the youth- the zlement; Louis James, burglary, first ful singer made her debut on the oper- PART I. Office Specialty degree; Tong Kong et al. gambling; atic stage at the Opera Comique, in "The Old Hundred." Hawaiian Ah Pung, gross Ah i the name part of Mignon. She scored cheat; Chuck et ' Overture "Don Giovanni" .... Mozart al. gambling; Kuaiwa, assault and a triumph that placed her fame as a n battery; singer and an actress on a strong Priest's March "Athalie" JI Ltd. Masuda. violating fishing I itlful;-- Company. rights: Shibata. gambling: foundation. Since that time Madime's ; Mendelssohn J. K. Clark, j ? assault and battery; Mahuyama, gam- career has been a long record of suc-- "Pilgrim Chorus and Evening Star" Cut J bling. She stayed at the Opera w agner j xqu I 931 Fort Street - Icess. three years, appearing in leading Selection "Jerusalem" Verdi i i for men, women A meeting of the members of the St. parts in big opera all the time. PART II. I and children. Guaranteed quality, College Louis alumni will be held this Vocal Hawaiian Songs.. Ar. by Berger ! , good material and fast color. Ten Cents a Pair. Ex-- 2" V'- is To Enjoy the Day morning at Dreier Hall for the election CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL. "Reminiscences of All Nations" S of a board of I tra quality Window Curtains going this week at 50 directors for the coming Sunday 6 and 7 a. m., low masses Godfrey ORDER A RIO FROM year and to complete arrangements for I Cents a Pair. holy 9 a, Fantasia "Gipsy Life" (new) attending the funeral of the late Au- with communion; m., low ft mass Raymond The Club Stables gust Dreier, whose remains will ar- with singing and Knglish sermon; Processional March "Edina" (new).. 1 1 Nuuanu below Hotel rive here tomorrow on board the S. S. 10:30 a m., high mass and natives ser-- Hume AHOY, St Main 1M Manchuria. 1 jL Phono moxi; 3 p. m., rosary TORT STREET and native in "The Star Spangled Banner." 'mmmm mm bmm chh nmmmm mw tan hmw himilt i If 51