T W B t V B Uliinr^rBfnr lEorninn «i>r^ -u - ■■■■■■■■■■ , AVBRAOB DAILT CHtOUIATlON The annual meeting and elsctjon tor the Month of September. 1988 THE WBATHBB of officer* of the Manchester Pipe EDDCAHONAI aO B ’S ABOUT TOWN band will be held this evening In FRIENDS OF HOWE ‘BANK NIGHT PRIZE Foreout of U. S. Weather Bunaa. Orange Hall. A supper will be serv­ 5 , 5 7 1 . Hartford S t W Ufaret’i Clrde, DauKhters ed to the members of the band at ANNUAL THUBSDAY Member of tbe Andlt 6:30 o'clock. WORKING HARD • Fair tonight; Tnesday fair u d o f IsabtUa, will elect officer* at the GOES TO KJEUiON BRIDGE Bnrean o f Olrculattona meetioc of the circle to be held at Matteo ClvlUIlo, 61 Darlln the Knlghta of Columbua home on Th* annual meeting of the Educa­ SETBACK WHIST street. Bast Hartford, today gave tional club is set for Thursday al- Uain Btreet Tuesday night A nomi­ notice as permittee for a license to ternooD, October 10, at 4 p. m., in nating committee was appointed at Seek to P refent His Vote S t Bridget’s Hall VOL. LV., NO. 6. (Clasalfled Advertising en Page 10.) sell beer at Oeorge's Tavern, at 41 the auditorium of tbe Nathan Hale Tilhfe Street Mia, Em­ MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) the last tneetlng o f the circle. Oak street Civltlllo Is giving no­ school on Spruce street Reports of Monday, October 7 PRICE THREE CENTS tice of his application in the O ver­ STEAMED CLAMS from Being Cot at Election officers and committees will be sub­ w ith Broth and Batter Sanoe n a heating iystem at the house using columns of The Herald today. mitted end election of officers will ployed at CkeBeyi, Wmt Prizes in Each Section. on Vain street recently purchased 'This tavern was the first to be SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS _ tske plsce. Plans for the coming Also Door Prize. SAUERKRAUT AND FRANKFUKTS by Campbell Council K. o f C., la to opened In Manchester when the. state On Monday. season will be outlined by tbe com­ be replaced by a steam system, a liquor law first became effective. Its mittee chairmen. Hie club, which is $250 Cadi Award. Refreshments Adm. 25c.. T iy One Olaa* of Our new furnace and radiators are being locaUon at Oak and Cottage streets mode up aifnost entirely of teachers BALLANTINE’S BEER Installed. Work has already started. has made It one of the most heavily In the public scboola, will continue YooTl Know At Once It’a the Beet! patronized In the town. NoUcc of Its Spurred by the expectation that Its welfare work among the chil­ Ernest KJellaon o f 44 Village Judge P. B. O'Sullivan yesterday re-opcning will be given soon. friends of the DemocraUo candidate dren, and has already started Its nu­ street won tbe State Theater Bank entered Judgment In favor of James for tax ooUector would conduct a trition classes. ITALY AGRESSOR LEAGUE SAYS Night 8280 last night in tho weekly J. O’Connor, trustee, against Salva­ Miss Betty Harvey, worthy ad­ quiet campaign for their man O. Albert Pearson, supervisor of visor of Manchester Assembly, Order drawing. KJeUson was In tbe tore Cerriglone on property located among friends of Republican aspi­ music in tbe local schools will sing SPECIAL! OAK STREET TAVERN at Prospect and Hackmatack of Rainbow, has been Invited to fill a group of songs an4 tea will be audleiice In the theater when his streets In the amount of |4,348.1S. the staUon of chaplain at the public rants who were unsuccessful for the served. name was called and collected the Vz Dozen 30 Oak Street John Andisio, Prop. Redemption day was set as of Octo­ Installation of Hartford Assembly at nominaUon In the Sept 10 primary, money this morning at the Manches­ ber 21. Christ church parish hall, Hartford, supporters of Collector George H. ter Trust Company In company with Photographs, $3.00 Friday evening of next week. Miss Howe have been-working arduous­ Manager Jack Sanson. • . 4x6 Size 12 Persons Killed in Plane Crash Harvey directs attention to the fact ly to prevent his vote from being DUCE’ S PLEDGE BROKEN All members of the Tall Cedars REGINA PTTAIJA For the Month of October Rangers are asked to meet at the that the next regular meeting of seriously cut in Monday’s town elec­ Only! Masonic Temple at 10:30 tomorrow Manchester Assembly will held tion. Howe has heard rumors of a Three of Crew and Nine Pas­ morning. on Monday evening, October 14. secret combine against him but lit­ PARTY TOMORROW POUCE COURT UGHT VOTE First Actual W ar Photo Rainbow girls who wish to attend tle has been done to Indicate a very The New Studio Demonstration of the „ coirect | the ceremony In Hartford should get noticeable swing away from the Re­ Arrested yesterday. afternoon on CARNIVAL sengers Meet Death in publican nominee. The Republican The Regina d’ Italia society will 9 Johnson Terrace BY ACTS IN ETHIOPIA usage of the voting machines In the in touch with Mother Advisor Mon- Main street by Policeman John J. annual town election Monday by tle. town committee will exert all its hold its fourth annual banquet to­ Cavagnoro and charged this morn­ Wholesale and Retail IN EECD O N 'Officials will continue today until 9 strength to see that George H. morrow afternoon In the Sub-Alpine ing In Police Court with intoxication, Photo Finishing Wyoming— Cause of Ac­ Howe Is returned to office. Club on Eldrldge street. A dinner Week Oct. 7th to 12th p. m. In the lobby of the Municipal It was so cold in Manchester this John Shea, 60, of Westerly, R. I., and It has been rumored that bem o- will be served by Caterer .Urbano War Briefs building. Instruction In operating morning that Ice formed. Water cratlc campaigners have been pass­ O.sono at noon and dancing will be Broad Brook, pleaded gulity, told the Sponsored by the Italian-American H E ^ TODAY the machines will also be given Mon­ left In pans In a chicken coop on court he had 810.50 In his Jeans and cident Not Yet Known. ing around a derogatory story but held from 4 to 9 p. m. with mualc by London, O ct 7.— (A P) — The bat day at the Armory In the entrance North School street was found Glorgcttl's orchestra. The general asked the court to consider his Friendship Club of Rockville SEUSSm WAKRIORS nothing definite could be learned. tlcahip Rodney, one of two BrltlalL corridor. frozen oven when the owner of the Hpwe’s supporters maintain if there public la Invited to attend the dance. financial status when Imposing sen­ MISS PEGGT On the West Lot Located on Kingsbury coop went to feed the chickens this lB*;iuiythlng derogatory at aU the tence. Cheyenne, W yo„ Oct. 7.— (A P) — Only 1,348 Cast at Two warships carrying 16-inch guns, had morning at 6 o'clock. Over fifty attended the bridge Democrats certainly could learn of Judge Rayrmond A. Johnson sus­ Avenue, Rockville . Twelve persons aboard an eastbound disappeared today from her moor­ party given by Chapman .Court, LARKIN It through their Democratic audi­ HOSPITAL NOTES pended sentence on payment of INSTRUCTOR IN DANCE ARTS United Air Liines mall plane crashed OXIock — Few Seem to ings at Portland and reports were MASS FOR A H A C K Order of Amaranth, at the Masonic tor. Howe and his friends consider coats. current in foreign displomatlc quar­ Temple last night, and spent a Complying With Popular Demand, td their death about 15 mlleS west PA R C E OF KNITTING the vote given him In the Republic­ of Cheyenne early this morning. It ters that she waa steaming for the Ieasant time. The winners during an primary as vindication of him In Mrs. R. D. Hughes, of 16 Doane Will Start a Class In New Rides for the Kiddies ^ Voting on Questions — To Mediterranean. 810 evening were as follows: Mrs. street, and Miss Helen Burke, of 88 waa announced at the air lines of­ every way. They feel that the same fices at 7:30 a. m. The Admiralty declined to disclose Minnie Robbins, Mrs. Rachel Tilden, spirit will prevail at the polls Mon­ Homestead street, wore admitted Rhythmic Dancing Italians Occupy Adowa and Consolidate Their Positions; James Forde, Jack Trotter, Robert CO. PROPERTY SOLD The dead Included nine passengers her destination. She is a sister day. and Mrs. Thomas Humphries, 6t New Games for the Grown-ups Adjourn to Saturday Night ship of tho Nelson, flagship of the J. Smith and Harry Armstrong. 39',1 Garden street, was discharged RADIO SERVICE Tuesday, Oct. 8, 6:30 P. M. and Pilot H. A. CoUlson, of Salt Mrs. Frederlcka Spiess and her com­ yesterday. Orange Hall Lake City; Co-Pllot Harold Batty, home fleet, which remains the only Not Likely to Push Forward Agab for the Next Few Mrs. Ro.se Fenton of Old Lyme. Phone 3733 Dancing Each Night From 8:30 to 12:30 first class battleship now In Port­ mittee was In charge of the games.- Miss Ruth Ryan, of 42 Birch o f Denver, and Miss Leona Mason, Formerly of Willimantic, Tuesdays, 4 P. M., Children’s of Salt Lake City, stewardess. A small vote, with few persons be­ land. Miss Ruth Coseo and her assutants Btreet, was admitted, and Mrs. Hat­ Potterton & Krah in the Beautiful Ballroom of the Club Days; Selassie |o Personally Lead Troops to served home made cake and coffee. Purchases Home Here. PORTRAIT RACKET tie Lemleux, of 44 Grove street, Classes. It waa announced that officials of lieved to be splitting the straight Tho new cruiser Galatea, 6,200 “Where radio la onderttood" Music by a 14-Piece Orchestra , the air line were making a check of Rockville, was discharged today. Phone 5026, Manchester party tickets, marked the annual tons, likewise sailed from Portland Miss Margaret Russell of Com- the names of the passengers. Saturday, presumably for the Medi­ I A dm i^on to Dance— 15 cents. town election In the State Armory Battle; Suez Canal Company Declares Waterway Is stock Rood, who recently gave a The Glastonbury Knitting Com . ATTEMPTED HERE Admission to Carnival— Free. The plane was M p Four, which terranean. Tho last British ship bridal shower for Miss Katherine pany, through the agency of Everett left Oi^Iand, Calif., for New York today with the bulk of the voting to bear tho name Gaiatea was tho Peck, will be a bridesmaid at her I McKinney, this morning sold to Mrs FREE PRIZES EACH NIGHT I City at 6:25 p. m., Sunday. It car­ yet to be done. cnilser which first sighted and fired Open to AD Countries. wedding today to Dr. Russell Bcoble, Rose Fenton of Old Lyme, a seven • Free Amateur Show Each Night. ried mall. At 2 p. m„ half way between the upon tho German fleet Just prior to' at Immanuel Congregational church, room single tenement house located Read The Herald Adrs. The sir lines offices said that the Battle of Jutland in 1916. Hartford. Miss Peck Is the daugh-, Chamber of Commerce opening and the closing of the polls, at '418 Middle Turnpike, east. Mrs. flyers rushed to the vicinity of Sli­ 1,348 votes bad been cast, as the By ASSOCIATED PRESS ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Peck of Fenton is the wife of Frank P. Fen­ to lead an army of 120.000 fighters ver Crown, west of Cheyenne, as party workers bringing out the vote The Council of the League of Na­ Hartford and granddaughter of the ton, former town treasurer and rep­ soon as It was first reported, about Berlin, Oct. 7.— (A P )—Germany Into the field sgainst Italy within late Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Wol-| resentative o f Willimantic and well Warns Honsewives of labored to overcome the handicap of will watch American action for cues tions, through Its committee of 18, two weeks. 2:S0 a. ra. that the plane waa over­ cold, raw weather. During the mid eott of this town. known in military circles as he was due. ' In tho Ethiopian crisis, a spokesman declared today Mussolini was the Tbls disclosure was mads aa ru­ die of the afternoon, as the sun captain of the Willimantic company Salesmen Trying Old Game “Wo flew ships all night over the for the foreign office haa made aggressor against Ethiopia In viola­ mors circulated in the capital that Manchester Camp, Royal Nelgh- during the Spanlsb-American war. area but did not find the wreckage warmed up tho town and the work­ known, especially If the League of Italy haa proposed peace terms to ters. No. 2640, will hold its regular ers obtained results with their tele­ tion of Italy’s pledge under the tho Emperor. One of the Imperial . . , ------o ----- I I The Fenton family spend their EFFICIENCY IS NEEDED until after dawn” , said one air Nations orders a against League Covenant. evening, winter* in Florida and while they lines employe. phone calls, tho voting increased. Italy. advisers called the rumors "almost" REYMANDER’S TAVERN This action—taken aa Emperor true, but declined further comment. 7.45 witb Mrs. Mftrg^rct Brown I are absentnh«f*nf they winwill hmsAhave the *%iplace It was reported to the Chamber TO OfficlaJs rushed to the scene by Activity Locking. Because no European nation has Halle Selassie massed thousands of (In Rome, Italian officials said of Arch street. In the absence of remodeled. The house Is one of the of Commerce this morning that a 35 Oak Street auto and began at once to Investi­ The bustle and excitement of Pri­ yet emulated the United States Recorder Rachel Munslo who is III tribal warriors In the north and peace term* were farthest from oldest In the Manchester Green sec­ mld-Wcst company has representa­ tbe smashup after tbe coroner, mary day last month, when use of government In declaring an arms and under care of a physician, Mrs. LOOK! SPECIAL FOR TONIGHT! south of Ethiopia for counter-at­ their thoughts). tion having been built Over 100 tives In this section working the old Paul Worland,'had been notified and the Armory was a novelty, and ac­ embargo against Italy and Ethiopia, tacks against II Duce’s Roman le- Luigi Vincl-Glgiiucct. the Italian Elizabeth Duffy will serve In that [ years ago. It is located between bad started work of extricating the capacity. "portrait” racket which was a tivities of the many candidates made a government spokesman said, the giona—opened the way for the Im­ minister, said he waa not Informsd Parker street and East Center CHICKEN A LA CREOLE COLLECT TAXES twelve bodies from the tangled mass a bee hive of the building, waa lack­ Reich looks to the League’s action positions of sanctions against tbe of such a proposal. street. source of good revenue for followers of debris. ing today os the smoothly working for guidance In such matters. Italians. The Mizpah group of the Wesley­ of the "art" racket for so many Tills Is an old Southern dish It was stated that the Emperoi's And It’s bound to please you. "There was no fire but appar Republican town committee organi­ The League Itael. will hove to de­ The committee of 18, which Is the rsonal army would have as it* an Guild will meet with Mrs. E. H. years. cntly the entire crew and all tbe Moseley, 133 East Center street. zation replaced the varied efforts of cide what It Is going to do on the full council witb the exception of Kckbone 5,000 of his modernly Representatives of the company Italian Hot Sausage SpaghetU and Meat Balls Pull Down Lever No. 11A passengers were kUIed when the matter of sanctions before the Reich Tuesday evening at 7:30. The are ’ said to have called at local a score of party candidates. Italy, held Rome “resorted to war In equipped Imperial Guards. Y, M . C. N o t ^ Soft Shell Crab Sandwiches - Oysters and ClanH on the Half SheU plane hit the second time." Today town officials for the en­ CUBS AND TIGERS TIED can fix Its policy on- the sale of disregard of Its covenants under Ar­ The Emperor was axpectsd to hostess will be assisted by-Mrs. T. I i4. homos, giving the housewife an op­ U. S. NEUTRAUTY LOBSTERS — s t e a m e d CLAMS AND "The ground Is level except for a goods to either of the belligerents, B. Kehler. portunity to "draw" for a lucky en­ suing year will be elected and the ticle XH" of the covenant of tbe take this force toward Dsssye, Just Received Fresh From Cape Cod few small billa. The ship appaient- town wlU decide if it will permit the this spokesman said. League. which lies at a atrategio middle ' The Busy Bees, one of the "Y " largement of a family picture. If the ly struck one o f these right at the There Is no auction sale at the woman draws she usually wins the HOT ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES sale of alcoholic liquor on Sunday Earlier, a committee of six mem- tance in the triangle formed Iqr girls clubs, will hold Its first meet­ peak. THREE-ALL IN THE 7TH; IS PROCLAIMED Addis Ababa, Adowa, and Mount Manchester auction market this af­ and if it will accept the offer of the London, Oct. 7.— (A P) — The Ex­ "lucky" service ticket, entitling her Breaded Veal Cutlet Sandtvichea VOTE "The plane apparently struck the bera of the council reported alnillar- ternoon. The sale yesterday totaled ing of the season, Monday afternoon to the enlargement. The agent se­ Crocodile Sandwiches Ninth School district to give its change Telegraph correspondent ly to the council. Muasa AU. H* was to proceed tbe 88C0.87. The market will be con­ at 4 o’clock. FOR top o f one bill, lost Its propeller and library and recreational facilities to with the Italian forces in the north :flret 80 mllee from Addu Ababa on cures the family picture, usually of en^ne and then bounced, nose first, With the discussion of sanctions tinued again Sunday and on Mon­ The buatpesa men’s gym class wUI some departed member of the family The Best Export and Blue Ribbon Beer the town. BYROOSEYET em Ethiopian area reported today the next step at Geneva, attention Muleback, then to go Iqr ai^tomo- begin Its regular tall and winter against the top of another hill," F R m ilT T IN G CONTEST day. Monday is not expected to bo and returns at a later date with a For a Beer and a Bite To Eat You Can’t Beat Reymander’s! Bald Bill Roar, assistant manager Adoption of a budget and other that Adowa spent a sleepless night for tbe moment waa centered on a big day as it. Is a Jewish holiday periods, Monday at 8:15. They will selection of frames for the com­ business before the annual town His dispatch said Ethiopian irreg­ the declaration o f the directors of Bond Bcpalred meet at the same hour three times Try Us and Be Convinced! for the company at Cheyenne, 15 and last week when there was a pleted picture. miles west of here. meeting will be transacted in the ulars in the hills were 'subjected yes­ the Suez Canal Ckimpany, meeting The road over which the lEmperw Jewish holiday, the sales fell off weekly, Mondays, Wednesdays and Prices for the frames, which are Armory Saturday night. jnericans Are Told That terday afternoon to a merciless in Paris, that this "gateway to tbe or and bis warriors will pass now Fridays. Leo J. Kwash "W e have been unable to deter­ Both Bridges and French A relc. 0 . P. SPEAKERS considerably. of a peculiar size and only suited to mine the exact cause of the acci­ bombing from the air and heavy ma. Orient" roust remain open to all Is being repaired. HaUe Belasat* R. K. Anderson, chairman of tho FOR Cold Weather Interferes will be accompanied by Ras Hulu- the enlargement, vary from J12 to dent. The weather was excellent The cold, damp weather of the They WiO Travel at Own chine gun fire from the Italians. countries. financial drive, has called a meeting 1 .8 or more. Instances of the ap­ and It appeared CoUlson had good morning caused party workers to Clonted Hard Game He reported incessant sniping dur- Only a blockade or an attack by gueta, the moat distinguished Ethi­ of the workers for Tuesday evening, pearance of the picture agents have Hying speed.” b 6th INDICT NEW DEAL other countries can prevent Italy opian general, who, in 1930, saved believe the total vote cast would be the present Emperor from Ras October 8, at 7:30. not been reported directly to the The plane was tbe company’s reg­ smaller than waa previously antici­ of World Series; Chicago Risk On Ships of Warring (Uontinued on Page Six) from using the canal, the directors ONE 5 x 7 The women’s sewing class will Chamber of Commerce but the office TAX COLLECTOR ular eastbound plane Nunffier Four said. Guksa of WoUo dalla when that pated and few believed it would rince raised a rebeUlon and at- meet Wednesday evening at 7:30 desires to forewarn local residents from Oakland, Calif., to New York break the record of 4176 established Britain owns 44 per cent o f tbe with Miss Hibbard in charge. of the presence In Manchester of A CHANGE IS NEEDED FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS City. Nations. stock of tbe canal corporation. The Bimpted to seize the throne. last year, although Interact In the A gun Mixes With Umpire. Ethiopians said that within two ENLARGEMENT Tho board of directors of the “ Y” the "high pressure" salesmen. Pilot a Veteran contest for tax collector spurred the Administration Is Bitterly bulk of tbe rest is owned by nation­ will hold their regular monthl" meet­ CoUlson was one of the veterans VOTING ON TODAY als of France, allied with Britain in weeks tbe Emperor would have in workers In their efforts to bring out his command a total of 600,0no with Every Roll of Film ing Wednesday evening at 7:30. AT THE CENTER of the airmail service. He flew in a large vote. Washington, Oct. 7. (A P ) The favor of sanctions. Dancing classes for children from Phone 3S22-S401 tbe open cockpit days on tbe trans- Navln Field, Detroit, Oct. 7.__ Assailed at Western Rally weU armed warriors plus 400,000 Developed and a Tho voting was more than or­ United States waa fully embarked A convention of the powers in variously armed men. 6 to 14 will begin Thursday after­ (Thl* Advrattoenieiit Paid For By Friends.) dinarily slow during the forenoon, at CAPT-Tangled In a free hitting IN SMALL TOWNS 1888 provides the canal must remain Printed, All for . . . ^ U C noon, October 10, at 3:30. Mrs. (Oontlnaed on Page Three) battle, the Detroit .Tigers, needing today upon a precedent.-ahattering open to all nations, whether at war The members of the Swedish MU- WATKINS BROS., 11 o’clock, after the pol'i had been — Hoover Speaks. Itary Mission have resigned their Evelyn McCarthy Roden of Rock­ open three hours, only 667 persons but one victory to close out the neutrality policy capped by a formal or in peace. ville will be the teacher. Pull The Top Lever commissions in the Swedish army had voted. 1935 World Series, went Into the proclamation by President Roosevelt The newly organized boys’ fife and In c in order to serve Halle Selassie. The voUng operation did not keep seventh inning tied 3 to 3 with the Oakland, Calif., Oct. 7.—AP) — admonishing American travelers to To Head 200,000 Elite Studio drum corps will meet Thursday eve­ (This Advertisement Paid For By A Friend.) the voters in the machine booths PoDtical Leaders m State Ethiopians Mass MOTORSHIP SINKS desperate Chicago Cubs as the lead After three days o f applauding bit­ keep off vessels of Italy and Ethio­ Ras Desta Damtou, the son-in- Boom 8 983 Main St., upstairs ning. October 10. at 6 o’clock. Robert K. Anderson very long, leading election workers pia. law of the Emperor, Is leaving for The next meeting of the Leaders’ swung back and forth today and ter attacks on the Democratic ad­ In the Mountains Funeral Director to believe .hat no more persons than Watchmg Results As w it h the Italian Armies in the Sldamo, Ogaden Province, where he club Is scheduled for Friday evening, usual were splitting their ticket and the Cuba got Into two more argu­ ministration and sawing many As the 17,000 men of the Coast ments with their pet mate. Umpire planks for possible inclusion In the Guard and Chistoms Service took up Field, Adowa, Ethiopia, Oct. 7.— has been appointed commander of October 11. All members are urged Funeral Home, LOOKING FOR A AFTER COLLISION that the straight party votes would (A P )— Italian scouts reported the southern forces totaling 250,000. to be present. George Moriarty. 1936 campaign platform, Republi­ today the task of preventing any to- 142 East Center Street decide tbe election. Many of the Gauge of the New Deal. day the Ethiopian troops were Tbe Belgian MllitaiY Mission Is The Hank Wetherell model air­ voters were also believed to have cans of n western states went home shipments of American arms and leaving Addia Ababa tomorrow. By ALAN GOULD today. munitions to the two embattled na­ massing in tho mountains south of plane club, sponsored by the “ Y". Telephone: omitted voting on the two questions Adowa. Dadjozmatch Bayame Merid, an­ will hold a big meeting on Friday, OH BOY! on tbe machines. Navln Field, Detroit, Oct. 7.— Rally action was along four dis­ tions, diplomats In the world's capi­ other Bon-in-Iaw of the Emperor, Office 5171 — House 7494 Accidentally Strock by Coast (AP)—The warring baseball forces, By ASSOCIATED PRESS Tbe Italian forces which captured FILMS October 18. Other clubs In town of Few Arrive Early tinct avenues: tal’s were busy stud}dng the Presi­ this city yesterday posted outposts with 40,000 men. Is to co-operata each carrying casualties, returned to dent’s triple move over the week­ 'The "small town” elections gave OEVEMIPED AND similar character will be Invited 115.00 GIVEN AWAY TONIGHTl Ten minutes before seven o’clock, 1. The Roosevelt New Deal waa Connecticut political leaders today to assure against counter-attacks. with Desta Damtou in Ogaden. PRINTED to take part In the activities. Guard Vessel Off Montank more than an hour before the polls Detroit today to find near balmy end. From Premier Mussolini came a Ras Emrou, the Emperor’s coua- ‘ weather and a capacity of 48,000 on "Indicted” In a lengthy declaration their first opportunity In nearly a 24-HOIJK SERVICE " Drawing Between 11 and 11:30 P. M. would open, a crowd of two men Besides proclaiming the embargo year to guage partially, at least, tho telegram, read to tbe asaembled in, with 100,000 men has been o r­ waited in front of the building for band for tbe sixth World Series and the warning to travelers— two dered to remain In reserve In OoJ- game. (Continued on Page Two) popularity of the New Deal In this troops, congratulating tbe officers and Point— Crew Is Rescued. the doors to open. steps provided for in the recent neu­ and men for their performance. Jam Province. Film Deposit Box At EDUCATION CLUB The Tigers, leading by 3 games-to normally Republican state. When eight o’clock arrived, about trality legislation adopted by Con- For the first time In years. Na­ Italian officers praised General The government today admitted Store Entrance. ANNUAL MEETING 40 persons. Including two women 2, relied on Tommy Bridges, slim gres—the President went beyond the Blrolt’a action in capturing Ehitlaclo officially that the Italians occupied right-hander, to pitch them Into the tional Issues were Injected In the Thursday, Oct. 10,4 P. M. STEAMED CLAMS Boston, Oct. 7.— (A P )—Word of were in the building, most of them text of that legislation In another campaigns In many of the 149 towns and the surrounding mountain Adowa and Adigrat yesterday, say­ NOTICE the sinking of the British motor- election officials or party workers. championship with a revamped PATERSON FEARS chain by native Italian troops. Tbb ing that the occupation was accom­ Nathan Hale Auditorium Served Sizzling Hot With Butter Sauce and Broth We Are Continuing Our Special llpeup. With Larry French, a south­ move. He declared In a. statement where elections were held today. In Louis Dell wishes to in­ ship, Pronto, by the C^oast Guard In two rows of six each, a battery ^at Americana who engage In other years, the voters have confined chief engagement In this action plished without resistance. KEMP'S Spruce' Street cutter Argo, In a collision while the of voting machines were lined paw. picked to hurl for the Cubs, was the capture of Amba Ougber, It was stated that the evacuation By Popular Request Detroit benched the light-hitting "transactions of any character" with themselves almost solely to local Vocalist: G. Albert Pearson form his friends that he Argo was on Rum Row patrol off against the south wall of the huge either of the belligerents will "do so problems. at 10,000 feet altitude, with a front­ of these two' towns waa made in an BALLANTINE’S Montauk Point, was received by the Jo-Jo White, centerfielder. In favor NEW SILK STRIKE orderly manner according to a.pre­ is now connected with the drill shed. All voters were directed at their own risk.” Republicans, seeing the elections In al attack under the command of ALE — LAGER — PORTER ON DRAUGHT Coast Guard In Boston today. past the checkers tables through of Gerald Walker, a right-handed General Dalmazzo while General arranged plan and that the Ethl^ Selwitz Shoe Jtebuilding Boalori Coast Guard officials said batsman. Policy Reversed which all but 20 of the 160 Connec­ plana now were stationed outside the line of machines and out of the ticut towns participated os an op­ Pesentl’s forces made a flank at­ Shop. they had received a wireless dis­ Herman (Flea) Clifton, substitute Tbls marked a distinct reversal of tack. these points. patch from Lieutenant Commander/ third baseman, was moved to the Union Leaders Say Employ­ policy. In the paat the United States portunity to give the 1936 campaign The native troops were reinforced Uttle Slgnlfloonoe (Oontiniied on Page Two) an early Impetus, banged away at SELWITZ-DELL. PARK TAVERN Beckwith Jordan, In charge of the leadoff spot in the Tiger batting or­ haa argued for the right of neutral by tour regiments of black-shirted A government official aald that Argo, saying an attempt by the Ar­ der, with Walker batting sixth. Just citizens and commerce to "freedom the policies of President Roosevelt Fascists under the command of the occupation of Adowa hod no -RAVIOLI- j Main Street, cor. Pearl St, Johnson Block Albert Tambomini, Prop. go to tow the Pronto to New Lon- TREASURY BALANCE. behind Pete Fox, ers Most Sign New Con­ of the seas." Passionate controversy during the past few weeks. Demo- General Dlamantl. mlUtary algnlflcance and that In ac­ don. Conn., had failed when the Big Hank Greenberg, who had about deaths and Injuries suffered by crata have been somewhat reluctant 400 Prlstsiers cordance with a long-standing plan, to substitute National for local Is Tonight! Also Spaghetti and Meat Balls! khawser pqrted. Washington, Oct. 7.— (AP) —The hoped to return to the game despite Americans and about restrictions on The attackers captured 400 Ethi­ tbe Ethiopians Intended to make f The dispatch indicated the Argo the fact this Is Tfom Kippur, the day tract or a Walkout. sues, although everywhere through' opian prisoners. They were not their main stand in mountain posi­ PLAIN GARMENTS position of the Treasury on October American trade preceded thla coun­ out the state they have waged vigor­ had taken the crew o f the British 4 was: of Atonement for the orthodox He­ try’s entry Into the World War. regular soldiers and the Italians re­ tions which they consider impreg­ ous campaigns to hold or Increase craft aboard, In the face of men­ brew race, found that his arm was The warning to travelers was ported that in many cases they nable 40 milea south of Adowa. BIG FREE PRIZE TONIGHT acing wind and seas. When last Receipts, 880.353,630.71; expendi­ the gains they have made since 1930 CLEANED and PRESSED tures, 883,568,786.88; balance, 81.- not fully recovered from the injury Paterson, N. J., Oct. 7.— (A P )— found Ethiopian civilians In the line The Ethiopians themselves did 100% BALLANTINE’S BEER sighted, the dispatch said, the Pron­ he suffered in the second game here. New fltiike clouds gathered today of their advance. In many coses, ^ot appear greatly Impressed by the to was awash, kept afloat only by 769,123,703.58; customs receipts for (Oantlnned on Page Two) (Continued on Page Six) tbe month, 84,058,439.72. Greenberg appeared in practice but over the silk mills o f the Pasaalc they said, these civilians kept work­ Adowa occupation since the vlllags her cargo. is mainly of mud construction and For Receipts for the fiscal year (since Marvin Owen remained at first vmley aa union leaders ruehed ing their fields. Lieut.-Comroander Jordan report­ base for the home team. plana for a general walkout Although much of the Italian with only aentlmental and historical July 1), 81,048,982,684.40; expendi­ ed the Argo slightly damaged. Big Chuck Klein, whose home run broad allk workera. power lies In airplanes and motor­ Importance. Charter Oak Tavern tures, 81,060,730.868.11, including 120 Charter Oak Street Pull The Top Lever Struck Accidentally provided the margin of victory for . WlUlams. union ized flci . equipment, the . cavalry 8957,695,847.84 o f emergency ex­ His message to Boston Coast the Chicagoans ybsterday, was again aaid that unieaa employers aign a Hospital’s Bahy No. 10,000 has been used to considerable ad­ Guard headquarters set forth that penditures; excess of expenditures, in the Cub lineup, with Freddie new agreement to atabliize wages vantage between Adowa and Entis- Slower Advance $ 1 . 0 0 the Pronto, hailing from Bridge­ 8911,748,183.71; gross debt, 829,459,- Lindstrom on the bench. Lindstrom worWng conditions tho ticup clo, especially for contact work. Next Few Days town, Barbados, was accidentally 997.270.94, a decrease o f 81,887,067.- burt a finger in the fourth game. Within a week or two. Gets a Good Start in Life ’Die roads north of Adowa still •truck Saturday night whUe shift­ 75 under the previous day; gold Williams charges genetal Infraction are crowded with reserves moving Rome, Oct. 7— (A P) —An Italian government spokesman said today ing Its position, apparently to es­ assets, 80.433,022,447.74. (OonUnned on Page Two) of tte w ^es and hours contract ef- up to the front. cape the surveillance of the Argo. Atter the 'strike o f 1933. Italy’s troops would consoUdate their FOR TRANSPORTATION Chicago, Oct. 7.—(AP)—If the islster, Mrs. Margaret Epplg, donat- In the zon between here and tbe RANGE and And We Call For and Deliver The prow of the Argo struck the The contract bos several months frontier, the troops ore finding a quickly-won positions In Northern Pronto’s stern, according to the re­ to run but employers declared It tempo of his cries meant anything, ®d_a handsome baby carriage. good deal of coolness among the Ethiopia and might not advance oa the Garments. port, and the British craft began to was voided last year when '• the a baby boy In the Lewis Memorial The city of Chicago, in the per­ civil population. The cIvlUana’ spectacularly for tbe next few days HDOL FUEL OIL leak badly. workers walked out for two weeks hospital told bis mother today how son of Mayor EMward J. Kelly, chieftains retired with the Ethio­ as they did during their drive on came forth with a christening robe. Adowa. C all Working under difficult condl- in s j^ ^ t h y with a nation-wide he won Chicago’s "baby race” pian troops and left instructions Crystal White Range Oil Phone 7100 Today tions, the report said, the Argo TOWN ELECTION textile tie-up, Efforts to secure re- Cardinal Mundelein rals^ the with their citizens to offer- passive Fascist sentiment at borne baclb. which brought him a big bank roll, ante with a promise of appropriate ed the army in Us program of mak­ placed a collision mat over the bole n e\ ^ o f the contract have been a college education for his more dis­ resistance to tbe Italians. (%eck up on all your wearables and have them in the Pronto’s stem and Iiegan fruitless. scholarships to cover the child’s ed­ ing sure of holding Adowa, scene of Try Tydol and You’ll Buy Tydol! tant future and a cardinal’s bless­ ucation. Wherever the Itallims have enter­ cleaned while this low price special is in effect towing tbe Pronto towards New Spora^c strikes have flared and ing. ed villages their receptions have Italy’s humllatlng defeat la 1896. RETURNS With tbe promises made, they all Crowds which marched behind London. The Coast Guard boat was died in the 600 miUa of thla aectlon The baby, bor nto Mr. and Mri. been much the same. Prompt and Efficient Service. 3322 or 3401 able to make Uttle headway with settled down to wait. Each day a band playing patriotic music lost B ^ u s e of the unusual interest fai the results of the Vor M v m l m on t^ paat. About Albert O’Dowd at 7:46 laat night, Tbe people come out to meet her tow against tbe northeast gale half o f the 8,000 normally employ- saw six or seven more babies. At them headed by their priests and night bore banners proclaiming: Town Election today THE HERALD will give returns was "No. 10,000" at the hospital. midnight Thursday. "No. 9987" had and, at 1 a. m. today, the hawser ed are reported to be Idle at pres­ The child, named George Francis carrying gifts consisting chiefly of “Adowa Italian Again." "Adowa parted. by telephone for a period after the polls close. ent. arrived. Two more were added Sat­ Italian Forever." “Adowa Today, U. S. CLEANERS started life with money bags In his urday. wheat and other foodstuffs. They HEADQUARTERS The Pronto was abandoned, Polls at the Armory close at 8 p. m. 'The general membership of the flats. make low bows In presenting them. Addis Ababa Tomorrow." Boland Oil Co. awash, off Montauk Point, N. Y., ptaln goods division, Paterson dis­ Slaters at the hospital were agog Demonstrations throughout' tha Returns will be available at 8 :45 p. m. His birth at the,, opportune time Sunday morning, their expectancy the dispatch stated, and the Argo trict, American FederaUon of Silk carried a 81.000 ifurse which was Kingdom reflected the nation’s re­ Phone 6320 and, DYERS proceeded towards New Lamdon Workers, voted Saturdsy night for was realived—at 7:46. Cardinal Emperor To Lead joicing over the capture of Adowa. , DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMMITTEE The Herald win furnish results until 10 p. m. Cardinal Mundelein's Idea some Mundelein, the nurses said, waa on 1 836 Main Street with the British craft’s crew, which the postponed waUcout. A strike time ago. HI* Eminence gave 85()0, In many cities tbe demonstrattons had been taken aboard under ex­ DIAL 5121— 5122— 5123 committee of 22 was named and hand soon after tbe baby’s arrival Troops In Person were linked to manifestations o f and F. J. Lewis, the -hospital’s to take part in a ceremony. Addis Ababa, Oct. 7.— (A P )— tremely hazardous conditions. empowered to make preparations founder, matched his gift. friendship with France. George Francis’ father is a street Ethiopian sources disclosed today and set the date o f the strik^. Not to be outdone, the cardinal’s car motorman. that Emperor Hails Selasaia pi»n« 1 .(OaaUaasd am Faga SIsl . Itf RSKALU, m k s ( MOOTJAY, OCrOBigR 7,

Fox made the catch backing up near MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 ,198&, the woreboard. SIX PERSONS DIE One ran, three hit*, no error*, one ^Headed for Vvar* Italians Jest n le ft were more coptsa available. n a.&NEUTRAUTY was widely used. Silk l^xhibit Draws Attention thought to have been a revivlnc in­ TIGERS: Cochrane grounded to fluence. IN CHICAGO BLAST Cavarretta and was tossed out a* REAL PURITAN SERVICE "It was one of the rare privileges TRADING IS QUIET In connection with the copper French came over to take the throw of the church members to gather IS PROCLAIMED together and sing the Psalms. It boost, principal smelters advanced at flrst. Gebringer dropped a hit the price of lead .10 of a cent a By ASSOCIATED FRICB In short left that Galan tried to seemed to have the potent power to IS FOLLOYYED IN CHURCH bold them together to love. Judge ON STOCK MARKET pound. Asad Gas and Elec A make a shoe-string catch on but Ko Ceremony As JnsHces First Reports Placed Dead at Sewell efften speaks of being moved Am Sup P o w ...... missed, it went for a double. Gos- BY ROOSEYELT Cent States Eleo .... to tears by the slrglng.’’ F3e Into New 11 Million lin grounded sharply to French ami by wagon or sleigh. The children Cities S erv ice...... 75; 28 Ininred; Mnch Oehringer was trajmed between sec­ (OoBtinDsd ^ m Pag* Om ) Center Church Parishioners walked. In summer many children European Situation Has No Clt Serv., pfd ...... ond and third. Cavarretta lifted a high fly to Ro- gerent nations; Rev. Watson Woodruff, pastor and the institution of the lodge at the not seem to stimulate cither excep­ bonds of Alabama Water Service many employes were in the building. "Thanksgiving was the great fes­ No noo4i to oih Iriondi for o toon, whon you mltted more than 100 attorneys to gsll who made tbe catch near sec­ congregation in connection with the Sub Alpine club on Eidridge street tional buying or selling. Various Co. waa offered today by a banking Later It was established that prob­ "Now, therefore, I, Franklin D. Tercentenary services throughout tive day ot the year, the red letter con e** $300, $100 or >#•» froin m I praetlea, and adjourned until next ond base. Hack smashed a hard yestertoy. The observance began silkworm cocoons betore feeding the motors, steels, chemicals, rall.i and syndicate at 96 and accrued interest ably 40 ware in the building et ths grounder squarely at Oehringer Roosevelt, President of'the United tbe State of Connecticut. Members day of tbe season. In the morning, Attracting a major part of the en­ f rompl, Mrvko . . . onJ Monday. Then the real work will be­ with a chicken and spaghetti dinner delicate strands into power ma­ specialties found nrode.it followings to yield 6.32 per cent to maturity, in time. and wo* tossed out at flrst. States of America, acting under and were called to worship for the morn­ attendance at divine worship. In the thusiasm of the thousands of people for gains of fractions to a point or 1957. I for ropoymtM. Coen to. wHh . •#*»*•••, gin. by virtue of the authority vested in afternoon, feasting and friendship by Osano at noon, at which Aldo chines, the flrst process in the pro­ The Glldden company la located at No runs, one bit, no errors, one ing service by the blowing of a Col Paganl was the toastmaster. Speech­ who have throfiged the State more. When the nine justices, wearing left. me by tbe said joint resolution of onlal conch shell, the scriptures and family reunion. duction of the bolts of beautiful’silks ««*>«* l*i«| black robes, filed solemnly through 1840 North Leramle avenue. Adjoin­ es were made by a number of the Armory in Hartford for the Tercen­ Wheat slipped back under profit Bankers Trust Co., of New York, wS «• »• wvM **• *SM«M TIGERS: Walker hit the flrst Clongress, do hereby admonish alU were "lined” and the congregation "But let us take up some of the on display nearby. three crimson-draped entrances, ing It are bulldlngi bousing the guests, among whom were business tenary Industrial Eheposition is the taking. December corn exhibited pitch to right for a single. Rogeil citizens of the United States to a y was seated in tbe church auditorium topics that suggest themselves in de­ More than 80.000 school children trustee, announced that $146,200 Room 2— fitnte Thoator they saw a packed marble-columned Nubian Paint and Varnish Company tail. There are so many that I men of the town and heads of vari­ Silk and Rayon Ehchlbit. of Connecticut have visited the Ex­ strength. Colton waa listlcsa. principal amount of Denver Gas A To lo p h o n o S430 also lathed ths flrst pitched ball for stoln from travelling on any vessil they did In Manchester and In Bonds steadied, with U. a. Govern­ 752 Main Street chamber filled to Its 300-seat capaci­ and the Holland Paint and Varnish this part of New England for 100 can treat them but' briefly. First, ous Italian organizations. A grand Japanese workers are s'hown un­ position which will continue through Electric Light Co. bonds have been Company subsidiaries. It was first a bate hit to left. Owen bunted of either of, tbe belligerent nation] ment securities showing considerable ty- contrary to tbe provisions of the sold years. after tbe Puritans came to the Meeting House. The Puritans march was formed about 4 o'clock winding threads of silk from real Saturday, October 12. drawn for purchase out of sinking reportsd the explosion occurred In along the third base Una and RogeU Improvement. Italian bonds moved Hours bMore the noon convening wae forced out at second n Hack's Joint resolution; and Connecticut.' never called it a Church. Accord­ and dancing occupied the remaider fund assets at 105 and interest on those plants. ing to tbe Puritan way of thinking up. Leading foreign currencies Nov. 1. time, persona were lined up waiting lightning throw to Jurges. Owen "I do hereby give notice that any Rev. Watson Woodruff did not of the time. Read The Herald Advs. a chance to enter the chamber. Many William F. Dozier, a laundry truck prepare a sermon for the historical the church was the body that wor­ Mrs. Minnie Montie, president of only live minutes out of Cheyenne. were higher in terms o f the dollar. driver, said he was knocked to the reached flrst and Walker stopped at citizen of the United States who shipped in the meeting house. Also, Shares of Spicgcl-May-Stcrn got were unable to get In. third. It was a flelder's choice. service yesterday but gave an inter­ the society, received a handsome “When Colllson did not land after WESLEYAN GETS $50,000 ground three blocks away by the may travel on such vessel, contrary esting account of the customs of the the Puritan disliked the word "Sun­ up 4 points and others with lesser Use Private Elevator Bridgei grounded aharply to Hack to the provisions of the said joint chair, to which the socle', IS minutes, we sent other planes out The Justices put on robes In the Among the barbaric tribes tecrulted In Addis Ababa and dis­ force of the explosion. early members of the church in day” and seldom used the word. to try to locate him,” said Hoare. advances Included Cflirysler, General and Owen was forced at second. Like cadet* on * lerk. rether than warriors headed for a srlm bal- resolution, will do so at his own ties contributed: The Italian Ladles robing room at tbe rear of the court, patched to the borders to defend Ethiopia against Italian Invasion "I wax stepping out of the truck,” Manchester and elsewhere in this "Sabbath". He called it the “Lord’s "They flew until dawn before the Motors, Stewart-Warner, U. S. Steel, Hack to Herman but Bridges beat tlesround. these nattily-equipped Italian loldlers smile rheerfuliy risk." Day.’” Aid society, Eleanor. Duse Lodge, BY FRANK WEEKS’ W IU having entered the building through were fierce Irregulars ol the type shown above— Moslems from he said, "when there was a terrific section. In accordance with the cus­ Daughters of Italy: Gulseppe Maz- wreckage was sighted near the Bethlehem,-Allied Chemical, Mon­ the relay to flrst as Walker scored. as they bayonet "Emperor Halle Solaaale" In emgy They're pan Already Felt santo Chemical, Du Pont, Santa Fe, a private garage, and reached the the Interior of’ the country. Joining the native hordes mohlllted explosion and I found myself on the tom of 1638 or thereafter, the con­ "Tbe flrst meeting houses were zlnl Lodge, .Bons of Italy, and the brow of a hill, just east of tbe Silver Clifton grounded to Jurges and *1 a new, large rnntinsent of |l Diice’e fiKlillns men dlapairhed N. Y. Central, American Telephone room by a private elevator removed by Halle Gelnssle, two typical gnarled warriors are pictured lust pavement. 1 looked up and saw huge The effect of this proclamation on gregation arose yesterday upon the simple, square log houses with clay- Italian and Sub Alpine clubs. She Crown radio beacon. Fbrmer Governor of State Rc- ' before leaving fey.the Ogaden front,. Bridges was forced at second, Jur- from NapIce to the Baal Afilran front where war la raxliix. the ships of Italy has yet to be cal­ approach of the minister to the pul­ fllled chinks. They had thatched Plane Demolished and Consolidated Gas. The metals KEMP^S, INC. .from the crowd. In the old days In clouds of smoke coming from a geat to Herman. also received from Regina D’ltalia bers Middletown Universit.v; hulldlng three blocks away. The sky culated. Despatches from New York pit, the women sat on one side of roofs and oiled paper for windows. •The plane was demolished, but and utilities, along with a number Est. 1922 the Capitol building, it was neces­ One run, two hits, no error*, oan the church, the men on the other society a bouquet of beautiful carna' Other Bequests. Tel. 5680 sary for them to elbow their way was covered with flying wreckgae." quoted shipping men as saying that They were latched on the inside and tiona. ' all the bodies were in such a state of others, were about unchanged. left. aide. The congregation sat during had benches for pews. Tbe one in that they could be Identifled. Appar­ American Can dropped a point. : through the throngs which filled the The blast rocked a territory al­ the effect of the Italo-Ethloplan FIFTH INNING the singing and stood during tbe Haverlll was 26 feet long and 20 Mrs. Monti expressed her thanks ently, tbe ship crashed from a low Another upward push In the price torrldors. most a mils square. Freight ears on quarrel already had been felt on pre­ to her friends for their fine gifts and Middletown, Oct. 7.— (A P )— Two Cube: Jurges poled a long fly to WEDDINGS TO SERVE CAFETERIA vious trips, of the Italian line’s two reading of scriptures, which, were feet wide. There are none o f these altitude, indicating that the pilot of export copper to 9.10 cents a . • Headed by Marshal Qrecn, the youth of the country with the future a siding adjoining the building were read and described by the pastor in to the committee who successfully bequests to Weateyan University, to­ Fox. French singled sharply past big express liners, the Rex and Con­ existent. proljably had begun a descent to pound, the best level since 1931, members —with Justice Hughes burden of taxation; that the princi­ blown apart; several dozen automo­ Gebringer. Galan fanned on a caUsd the Colonial way. There were no “As the Colonies grew in wealth carried through the affair, and all te de Savola. First class cabin lists make his regular landing at taling 380,000, are Includci], ln“ the brought forecasts from followers of Four October SpecisJs hading, entered the courtroom be­ UGHT VOTE ples of the Democratic platform had biles parked in a lot nearby were SUPPER AT CHURCH musical instruments, ho choir and and members, they built better and who contributed fruit and other third strike. Herman bit a home Cheyenne. will of former Governor Frank B. the metals that it will not be long hind a heavy plush curtain at the been repudiated; that "the greatest flattened out; an aerial passageway Announce Engragement on those trips were described as the church deacons sat in front ot bigger sancturiea. Judge Sewell, gifts. run Into the left fleld bleachers scor­ smaller than usual. "However, our Investigation has Weeks which was filed for probate ijcfore the 10-cent rate makes its A timely olfering: of four utility pieces ■fear of the bench, and dividing into National debt In history" and "jug- leading from that building to several ing French ahead of him. Klein Mr. and Mra. Leonard Aceto of the pulpit, facing the congregation most viilued journal keeper of 'the not been sufficient yet to make any C:ncsrdia Lutheran Women to While all officials here> remained today. appearance. While military demand designed for practicability as well as iffroups of three, went onto the I N E E a iO N gling" the dollar were Impairing others and at least thrqe small near­ lashed a single past QsbrInger. 186 H Oak street have announced during the entire service. The dea­ 18th Century, called them good, definite decision as to the cause ot , Weeks, governor of the state be­ has been an important factor in lift­ ■.pench. All in the court room stood. National credit; that industrial un­ by brick buildings were destroped. Hartness lifted a fly to Goslln. the engagement of their daughter. Serve Home-Prepared Food.s silent, observers here and elsewhere cons announced the offering and the roomy, meeting houses. ‘Ihey also the crash.” style. pondered several questions, among congregation passed by the plate at tween 1909 and 1911, died Wednes­ ing the export price, improvement in lA ft e r tbe crier bad delivered his rest and subversive activity had been Richard Bourgerle, working on the Two rans, three bits, no errors, on* Mlsa Antoinette Aceto, to l^ymond Thursday Night. were square, usually unpointed — At Camp Femow Hoare said weather and flying day, industry, not only in the United them: the pulpit and deposited their con­ often with a belfry often without a .'♦X)yei, Oyes,” admonishing all with Increased by recognition of a nation second flood of an adjoining build­ left. Camposeo, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Jo- conditions "apparently were excel­ Relatives and several Middletown Stntro but in other countries, was H E ^ TODAY 1— To what extent wiU American tribution as of old. bell. They must have been similar, lent” at the time of the crash. Be Sure To Get Yours Early! : business to give their attention, the (apparently Russia) "whoso princi­ ing, was knocked down and dazed TIGERS: Cochran* fanned. ssph Camposeo of I4I Center street. Lawrence Walmsiey, an instructor institutions benefit by the terms of A cafeteria supper will be served exporters of raw materials and other A t the close of the service, when for many a contract specified ‘like Pilot Colllson, Hoare said, had bourt and the audience took tbalr ples call for the overthrow of repre­ by the blast. As he elambtrsd to his Oehringer grounded out. Herman The announcement was made at at Camp Fernow, has been trans­ the will. The Wesleyan bequests Oonttaoed from Page One) a party given at ths home of Mr. Thursday evening at tbe Lutheran goods to Italy refrain from ship­ tbe Blessing had been said by the in every detail to the Lynn meeting about, 7,000 flying hours to his heats and the session was opened. sentative government;” that "par­ fast, he said, screaming, blood-cover­ to Cavarretu on the flrst pitched Ck)ncordla church by the members pastor, tbe congregation remained ferred to Camp' Lonergan at Volun- aro a 328,000 trust fund for the es­ ed persons ware staggering from the ball. Goslln lifted a pop fly to Hart­ and. Mrs. Aceto Saturday evening ments because of the President's ac­ house’ or 'like the N. H. meeting credit. The ^urt received a number of mo- sons known to be 'anlagonlstlo to of the Sewing Circle. This is the standing until the ininlster bad left bouse.’ town. Mr. Walmsiey will conduct a tablishment of one or more scholar- ‘ m&a then took a recess until next building through the Armory street building. Ho said he saw one man nett In front of the plate. to a number of guests from this and tion? (shipments to Ethiopia are "Colllson was one of our veteran door. the American form of government" first supper of the kind the women the church. Then the congregation class in Journalism, and will assist •ihliw and an equal amount to be Monday. lying on the ground with a one-ton No runs, no bits, no errors, none other towns. Mrs. Aceto used a negligible). _ "The third form of meeting house pilots and had an exceptionally fine Handy A t the rear of the building the had been placed In hie office, and ■ decorative scheme of pink and workers have attempted, and they filed slowly out of the church, the In editing the Camp Paper. Mr. record,” said Hoare. known as the Frank B. Weeks visit­ Members of the famllias of the flywheel on top of him, left. 2.—What bearing, if any, will the with a steeple—often painted white SPECIAL! Republican workers labored In the that private Initiative had been green. Refreshments were served should be successful if a variety «>f men first, followed by tbe women Walmsiey Is to be commended for Co-Pilot Batty had been with the ing professorship fund. Justices occupied reserved seats in "throttled." A chaplain from a nearby lire sta­ SIXTH INNING embargo on munitions shipments —has so many representations THIS WEEK ONLY! right hand comer while tbe Demo­ and dancing waa enjoyed. dellcloua home-prepared foods and ’ and children. ' throughout Connecticut that it needs his excellent work in editing the air line two years, Hoare said, and A sl.stcr, Eleanor Cooper of Provi­ ; the room, while in the audience were Rap Farm Policy tion administered last rites to the CUBS: Demaree grounded out, and the warning about other trans­ The old records of the Center Con- "Fernow Forum." dence, R. I., receives 340,000 in trust, crats had headquarters In ths op­ Rogeil to Owen. The Tiger short­ low prices is any attraction. no description. had a good record. ANY many persons prominent in Wash- posite comer. The Indictment also included con­ dying. actions have on any sanctions (finan­ spregatlonal Church which have been Leon Lyon, leathercraft instruc­ a nephew. Dr. Wilbur S. Weeks of stop made a beautiful throw after On* may assemble a hearty meal cial and economic pressure) which "Tbe flrst meeting houses were Hostess togton official circles. demnation of the Roosevelt farm at a moderate price from the follow­ kept Intact for 160 years, were tor, is to be transferred to Camp Marion, Mass., receives 310,000 and First to Vote getting the ball In deep short. Ca­ the League of Nations may decide to built in the valleys with dwelling PLAIN DRESS Oasea Before Court policy which was declared to have BIG TRANSPORT PLANE ing dishes: baked beans, macaroni shown yesterday at the morning Robinson at East Hartland. During CRIPPLED CHILDREN’.S 330.000 in trust and a niece, Helen Supernumerary Policeman Lester varretta grounded out, Gebringer to apply against Italy? service. The records of the local houses clustered about them. When LEADER IS VISITOR : Many believe the administration E. Behrend who had been guarding lost foreign markets for American CUBS AND TIGERS TIED and cheese, waffles. Frankfurters, danger passed the houses were his short stay at Femow, he has W, Parker of Danielson, receives ,DRY CLEANED may seek a constitutional amend­ Owen. Hack lashed a long hit Observers had pointed out that church, found to be one of three the door against a rush that did not products and to have caused food against tha scoreboard in right field meat loaf, salads in variety, rolls, found to be too close for a farming successfully organized and conduct­ 320.000 and 328,000 in trust. ment to augment Federal power if IS REPORTED MISSING even though the League Imposed thus preserved In the State, were AND PRESSED materialize, and Helen B. Jacque- jirlcea to increase to “ almost prohlbl- for two bases. Cochrans want out cak» and coffee. They will begin community. Then it became the ed a class in leathercraft. Members Honoring Judge Paul H. King of Middletown bequests include: , the New Deal legislation Is held tlvo levels.” THREE-AUINTHE7TH; economic sanctions against Italy, photostated and bound and will be 350.000 to the city to c.itablish thu $ 1.89 mln, were the first to vote. to talk to Bridges. Jurges bounced to servo at 8 o'clock to accommodate on file in the State Library. fashion to build them, when possi­ of his class have won prizes on their Detroit, Mich., Federal Referee In ^constitutional. Already before the As Moderator William J. Shea de- A balanced budget and "restora­ to Clifton and Hack was tagged Searchers Can Find No Trace tha business as well as the "church their effect would be lessened by the ble, at the top of a long, steep bill work in a number of fairs, and have Weeks park fund; First Church of court are four cases chaUenglng the people. fact that Italy could go on maintain­ The address of Rev. Watson Bankruptcy in East Michigan, and Christ, Congregational, 36,000; Dis­ dared tbe polls open, George H. tion" of the balance between legisla­ FREE-mniNG CONTEST out. Hack started to retrace nis of Plane Last Reported Neat' Woodruff at the morning service There waa a reason for this. The received orders for some of the J«lldlty of the AAA, TVA, the Waddell, secretary of the Board of tive, executive and Judicial branches steps and for a moment it looked as ing unrestricted commercial and French and Indian War lasted items. He also organized an "Arts President of The International So­ trict Nurse As.ioclatlon, 310,000; S O < the Great Salt Lake. financial relations with non-League yesterday, follows in part: An attractive all-metal B*»khead Cotton Act, and the sec Selectmen, moved to adjourn the of the government were at the head though he had ducked under Clif­ "No account of the Colonial Con­ long time. The meeting houses were Club", which has definite plans for ciety for Crippled Children, Inc., Middlesex hospital, 310,000; St. One Day Service If Desired. uon of the National Recovery Act business session of tbs meeting to of the declaration of principles. (Oontlnned from Poge One) ton's lunge but Umpire Morlarty powers. Whether the American ac­ necticut would be complete without used as watch towers. Also, it was the winter months. Miss Constance Leigh is arranging Luke’s Home (for aged women), stand with three trays. providing for condemnation of lac Saturday at 9:18 p. ro. In the Ar­ ruled bs had been tagged. It was M ACKAY CO. DENIES tion would tend to strengthen nnv a land mark for travelers coming $1,000; First Methdist church, •Many Items In the Indictment" of Salt Lake aty, Oct. 7—(AP) — reference to the religloue life of its Dr. J. Lawrence Campbell report­ a supper meeting on Tuesday eve­ Handy for serving—can . for alum clearance projects. mory. Otto Nelson, deputy Repub­ the New Deal followed along lines of The weather was much warmer another opportunity for tbs Cubs to The briny waters of Great Balt Lake League sanctions was a question dis­ people. The story of Colonial Con­ out of the woods by the many bridle ed for duty as Camp Surgeon this ning, October 8, at the Newington $3,000; Y. M. C. A „ $8,000; Middle­ lican registrar of voters, seconded Mr. Hoover's speech, which contain­ but skies were slightly overca.it. protest Morlarty’s ridings and they were scanned by aerial searchers to­ cussed among unofficial observers. necticut carries us iuick to England paths and the Puritatu loved post week. He fills the vacancy caus­ Home for Crippled Children, of sex County Historical Society, $2,000 Peerless Cleaiung be used for many other.;) the motion. There was no debate The batting order: REPORT OF WALKOUT sightly location. ed the moat caustic .criticism he has made the moat df it before going day for signs o f a palatial transport 8.—Does the President's modiflea- and tbe struggle for religious and ed by the resignation of Dr. Gross. which she Is Superintendent. A c­ and the Russell library, $3,000, . purposes — book stand, and a handful of ayes imanlmouely directed at the administration. Cubhs (N) Detroit (A) back to the field. plane, missljig with Its crew of three tion of the traditional American civil liberty. The men and women "Church raising was a great ceptances are from all over tbe postponed action of tbe remaining Galaa, If. aifton , 3b. event. Each citizen was required Tuesday night Mr. Schenker, pro­ ABOUT TOWN Fred Seaton of Manhattan, Kas., No runs, one hit, no errors, one since Early Sunday morning. policy insisting upon "freedom of the who formed the Hartford and New State, from officers and directors Works Co. lamp stand, plant stand, items in the warning for the meet- Herman, 2b. Cochrane, c. left. Union Telegraphers Say All to take part in it. Nalls were fessor of History at (3onn. State Co) chairman of ths Kansas Young Re­ Private and commercial planes seas” and the right to trade with Haven Colonies were exiles for con­ lege, delivered a very interesting and of the Connecticut Society for Crip­ etc. Clomes in three color Due to the cancellation of moat off ‘ns- Klein, rf. Gehrtnger, 2b TIGERS: Fox filed to Galan. and a number of boats were as­ Radio Stations On West belllgeront nations apply only in the science sake. They wanted freedom scarce but logs and lumber and men pled Children, of which Miss Leigh Office and Plant: the business at the Manchester Pro­I. In final preparation for the elec­ publicans, read a letter from Gover­ Hartnett, c. Goslln, If. Walker's high fly was grabbed by and later horses were contributed timely lecture on European affairs. nor I-andon which said "extrava- sembled today in a sysiomatld Coast Are Tied Up. present situation, or Is it to set a to worship God. Their religion waa After Prof. Schenker's talk, the flrst is Executive Secretary; from prom­ fo^aby’s Cold 93 Wells St. Manchester combinations: duce Market because of the Jewish tion day, the Board of Electors, In Domaree, cf. Fox. rf. Jurges near the box. Rogeil dropped search for the big ship, owned by precedent for future policy 7 of supreme importance to them. cheerfully. Also there was tbe con' inent representatives of bench and a special session Saturday in the gnneo and waste in public spending" tributlon, unfortunately, of tbe in' moving pictures of the winter sea­ Proved best by two holiday, the total amount of bust Cavaretu, lb. Walker, cf. a long hit In the left field corner for the Standard Oil Company of Cali­ That topic has been discussed and And it is of great interest to us. bar; from State Departments con­ offlos of Town Clerk Samuel J. threatened the Nation with destruc­ Hack. 3b. Rogeil. ss. New York, Oct. 7.— (A P )—A com­ evitable barrel of rum. son were shown in the Recreation generations of mothers. PHONE 4838 naca conducted yesterday was two bases. It was a ground rule fornia. argued over a period of years with­ "The Center Church is a Puritan cerned with work for crippled chil­ Black - Red - Ivory • ilQ.SS. The sales record^ were Turkington, made three more now tion. Jurges, sa. Owen, lb. plete tleup of Mackay radio stations Hall. For Free Delivery Service. double a.i a spectator leaned out of Fear was expressed by pilots that out definite determination, but the church. Moreover, the growth of the "A ll kinds of notices, regulations dren; and from other organizations mostly for cauliflower. The high per voters, two women and one man. All French, p. Bridges, p. the lower boxes and tried to grab on the west coast and on Long population of Connecticut for 200 and bills were posted on tbe church Camp Femow's basketball talent We Operate Our Own Plant! the air liner—supplied with several President's statement withdrawing and individuals engaged or Interest­ V APO RUI crate for oaullflower yesterday was throe registered with a political Vmplrcs; Plato, Quigley, (NL) the Ijall. Owen singled sharply to Island was claimed today by the years was out of the flrst colonies doors, for it was not only the meet­ turned out for the first practice of You Should Act Quicklyl thousand dollars of special appara­ this government's protection from ed in such humanitarian activities. ♦1.08-aad the low, 98 cents. A t the party, two becoming Republicans, first McGowan. (AL); second left for his first hit of the series, tus In addition to standard equip­ American Radio Telegraphists' asso­ around Hartford and New Haven. ing place for worship, but also the the season at the Community House opening of the market this after­ the other affiliating with the Demo­ GALE SWEEPS VESSEL SUrk, (N L ); third, Morlarty. (AL). scoring RogeU with the tying g*in. ment— had plunged Into the lake. ciation and immediately denied by any travelers or shipments is the There were few accessions by em- place to hold town meetings. at Plainfield, Four of last season's noon there were 30 or more trucks crats. The appearance o f the umpires and Bridges fanned. Those aboard were: a Mackay official. flrst concrete action that has been ' Igration—as there was constant "I wish there waa time to talk team were on hand for this workout, and it was reported that the price Two of the three now voters could ONTO PLYMOUTH ROCK the announcement of George Moriar- One run, two hits, no errors, one R. S. Allen, 36, pilot, Oakland, The association, which called a taken.' emigration to Massachusetts. Tbe about the pulpit, which was elevat­ along with several new men. It is was well above the high of yester- not be made at the earlier sessions ty’a name through the loudspeakers left. Calif. strike of Mackay operators Friday, result is that anyone whose an­ ed and reached by a narrow flight anticipated that the team will be Smoking day. because they had not then lived a was a signal for an outburst of boo­ SEVENTH INNING O. A. Lens, 36, co-pllot, Alameda, asserted that 14 of 18 operators at cestors were living here in 1838 can of stairs and about the evolution of much stronger and faster than th year in Connecticut while the third ing by the Detroit crowd despite the CUBS: French fanned. Galan Calif. the Southampton, L. 1., station and probably trace their ancestry back the pews and the ceremony of rat­ team last year. Last season, the newcomer did not become 21 years Plymouth, Moss., Oct. 7__ (AP)— Manchester Lodge, A. O. U, W, The schooncr-yacht Manana of Bag fact that the arbiter's arguments grounded out to Owen, unassisted. George C. Anderson, 28, mechanic, the entire crew of 11 at SayvlIIe, L. FEDERAL JUDGE TO SPEAK to the early Hartford and New ing. BuL let us pass on. team captured the championship of o l' until after the last regular meet­ chiefly had been with the Cubs. Herman smashed his third straight Alameda, Calif. Ij, had walked out. it claimed fur­ Haven Colonies. So we are really will hold a "Candidates Night” to­ ing of. the board. Harbor, N. Y., with five men aboard, "The most grotesque, tbe most the league at the Plainfield Com­ Stand There was a short conference at the hit to left for a single. Klein Last reports received at 2:02 a. ther than service on the west coast J talking about our ancestors this extraordinary figure in the early night at the lodge hall. In the Balch The results of the special session narrowly escaped destruction today FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN munity House. and Brown block with a musical as a nortlieast golo swept the craft lato after the band played the Star grounded out to Owen, who scooped m. yesterday when the flyers gave was at a aUndatlll from 9 o’clock morning, or somebody’s else an­ Connecticut Church, was the Increased the number of new voters cestors. JAMES S. THOMPSON program followed by dancing. Each through a granite breakwater in Ply­ pangled Banner. up the ball near first base agid step­ a position of IS miles nortbsan 6t last night until 3 o’clock this morn­ ‘tithing’ man. There is something mads this year to 304, of whom 187 "What of these church and re- Capt. F. A. Res. Comdg. member of the lodge may bring two mouth Harbor and hurled It high and SThere was a alight delay to permit ped on the bag. Salduro, Utah, about 48 minutes fly­ ing, the hour for which the last re­ unreal, absurd, incongrous about were men and 147 were women No runs, one bit, no errors, one ing distance from Salt Lake City. port waa available. Hartford, Oct. 7__ (AP)— Judge .llgious customs? It has been the this man, with a long stick, appoint- prospecUve members. Arthur Gal- while 108 registered as Republicans dry, about 18 feet from Plymouth the removal of photogr^hlc equip­ $ 1.79 Iw t is chairman of the committee ih Rock. 1 " ment from the field. 'The crowd left. Twenty-one minutos later the Salt The Mackay spokesman, in deny­ Paul H- King of Detroit, president custom in many quarters to make ed to keep nodding Puritans awake. and 92 became Democrats. of the International Society for Crip­ fim of tbe Puritans; to regard them charge of the program. The men aboard the craft declined roared az the Tigers romped out to TIGERS: Clifton grounded out, Lake Airport received a request, ing the Ueup, said that all sUtlons Yet it was undoubtedly an almost 1 2 PERSONS KILLED 8fi Years Old. Votes Jurges to Cavarretta. Cochrane presumably from the same plane, for pled children, Inc., will speak here and their social and religious usages universal custom. Evidently sleep­ Mrs. Elizabeth Veltch o f 24 to reveal their Identities, but flshor- their places. were operaUng on full schedule with A very handy type First Inning dropped a single In short center. landing conditions at the field. The the exception of polnt-to-palnt serv­ twloo tomorrow on his way to a New and beliefs as secular and astonish­ ing in church in Colonial days was A dental clinic for pre-school chll- Church street, mother of Registrar men who came to their aid said one ing and queer and at times ridicul­ loKf first cost dren will be held at 9 o'clock tonor* CUBS: Oalan hit briskly through Gebringer lifted a high fly to Cavar. information was given. No plane ar­ ice at PorUand, Ore. Shlp-to-ahore England and Canadian conference of a besetting sin. Perhaps it could be IN PLANE CRASH / smoking stand Veltch and who will be 88 years old of the owners told them his name retta who came half way to the rived. ~ the society in Boston Thursday. ous. To me a term that describes explained in this fashion. A lu g e ^ morning at the Health Center on Christmas day, voted late in tbe was Stleger and that be was in the tbe box. The boll glanced off service at Portland, however, was plate for tbe catch. Goslin ground' Avlators skimmed the lake sur­ normal, be said. Federal referee in bankruptcy for them far better is 'heroic'. part of the congregation waa used with tray. Smoke­ Haynes street and a tonsil clinic at forenoon. publishing business. Bridges’ leg but RogeU came in fast "Their social .)^d religious cus­ (Oontlnned from Page One) 10 o'clock. to pick it up and throw him out at ed out, Herman to Cavarretta. face and searched the surrounding "N ot more than five or six men at Eastern Michigan, Judge King is to to outdoor life. 'They crowded into a / Years o f savings less cigar and ciga­ Accustomed to walk from her The 49-foot craft beat its way Into No runs, one hit, no errore, on« mountains yesterday but found toms were never static. They were small church on Sunday, to tbe home to the South Methodist church first Herman bounced out. Bridges •ny fltfttion wslkod out," thu Muckav address a supper meeting in New­ Plymouth Harbor last night and left. nothing that would give a clus to ington. Miss Constance Leigh, su­ of changing, forward-looking, ag­ winter time sealed tight. The mountain run when alrmnll opera­ rette dispenser. Thy usual Monday evening bridge, in "ten minutes." she at first plan­ to Owen. Klein lifted a high foul to official said. tions were In charge of the govern­ anchored. - As the wind Increased the plane's whereabouts. perintendent of the home, an­ gressive, determined and they oxygen was soon used up. The ser­ whist M d setback party will be held ned to walk to the Armory but was in force this mnmiRg, the yacht Owen in front of tbe Chicago dug- emerged or evolved more rapidly ment. Black or Ivory. out. Although tha water of tbe lake la nounces that those unable to be mon waa long drawn-out. Physical ^ i g h t at Bt. B rtd ^ t'i parish ball. prevailed on to accept a ride. dragged Its anchor and was swept extremely buoyant because of it* in 300 years than about any other drowsiness is bard to fight against. He led the search for the ill- Tv/elye prizes and a door prize will Otoee At 8 P. M. No m o b no hits, no errore, nona SCHOONER GOES AGROUND GREEN DENOUNCES PLAN present at the dinner may come as historic group. fated United Air Lines ship that through a narrow opening In the salt content, airmen eald tbe plane late as 7:30 and still hear Judge Yet Puritan consciences were bo awarded and refreshments will The polla will be open unUl eight granite breakwater and onto tbe le ft probably would have been lubmerg- "They started rude buildings of tender about reverence and respect crashed in the Wasatch mountains bs served. King. Dr. Benjamin G. Horning o’clock tonight. Any voter In line at small, sandy beach upon which rests TIQBR8: Clifton houneod to ON DESOUTE SHORE ed immediately if it struck tbe water logs with benches for seats. due the Minister and the Lord's 18 miles west of Salt Lake a ty in See Our Attractive Window Display. that time will be allowed to cast bis Hack and was thrown out by a TO FORM LABOR PARTY 'Will represent the State Department "They assembled at the blowing a storm In March 1934. Before to­ Plymouth Rock, landing place o f the with any great force. of Health. house—hence the ‘tithing man.’ ballot. Pilgrims in ICIO. stride at first. Cochrane lined a hit of a shell or the ^eating of a drum day’s tragedy, that was the only The plana waa on the way hers to Judge King will speak at Hotel "We do not work as hard as they. As the voting ceases, ths specta­ to left for a single. Gebringer sin­ Coast Guards Unable lo Reach carry Harry D. Collier, vice preel- for the single reason that they had serious accident the line had experi­ Dcqths Last Night tors will be admitted to the balcony gled ebarply to tbo Inflcld on the Head of A. F. of L. Tells Dale- Statler Thursday at 9:30 a. m. Miss Our sermons are shorter. We know enced. HARTFORD NUN DIBB Ship— Is Believed to Have dent of tbe company, to the coast. no church bells, for more than 100 the value of the tonic of fresh air and counting the reeulU will begin. flrit pitch 4 ball. Klein momentart- ffates at Parley It la Fostered Leigh Is to preside at a Connecticut years. For many years they went Names of Passengers Been Abandoned. Ckiltlsr arrived here by train from wherever there is a group gathering. . Richmond, Vs— Taiewsll M. Car­ The winners will bs knowp consld- ly Juggled_ iggled the boll biril butta t recoverecovered In New York, by Radical Elements. f round table discussion. armed, for savages lurked on the Besides Pilot Colllson and the co­ Utility rington, i8. prssldsnt of ths Loaf arably earlier than after the prima­ Hartford, Oct 7.—(AP)—SIsUr timeJrae to keep CochraneOoehrana from going James L. Goodvidn o\ Hartford, outskirts of the villages and wolves “A feature of Connecticut church pilot and stewardess, United Air ry wheOi the large number of Re­ Mary Bernadette Maher, of the Sis­ beyondMyond second. OoellnOooHn poppedpoppi to Boston, O ct 7.— (A P )—An un­ life was the noon houses—or tbe Line officials at Chicago announced TnoMoo AssociaUon ot ths United Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 7.— (A P ) president of the (Tonnectient Society roamed the forests. publican aspirants complicated the ters of Mercy, a teacher la paro­ Jurges. Fox bit safely dowidown the identified two-masted schooner, ap­ for Crippled (Children, will speak at Sabbath Day house. These might the following nine passengers were chial schools of Hartford diocese — President William Green opened “When that danger was past, be seen 180 years ago standing be­ ^ Santa Barbara, 6uif__ Eugene R. reeapltulatlon. third base line for a doubledoi ceoring parently at>andoned by her crew, REWARD IS INCREASED a dinner meeting at 7 p. m. there were still many problems, killed: einee 1883, died at S t PeUr'a con­ the 68th annual convention of the side the church, a long, low one- Stand wraaseUi, retired chemical manufac- Cochrane and aendlng Gebringer to tossed helplessly today on tbs deso­ many discomforts. There waa no G. H. Miner, Park Lone hotel, vent here thie morning. She woa third. Walker was Intontlonally American Federation of Labor to­ story stnicture, perhaps 28 feet long Chicago. member bom in New York City, and was at late, etorm-Bwept shore of No Man's FOR OFHCERS’ SUYER ^ a y of heating the churches in the and 12 feet wide with a fireplace (With Ash Tray) «F tte War Induatrias Board. O .P . SPEAKERS pasaad to flU tha basai. RogaU Land where a turbulent sea and day ■with a speech in which he de­ ter and ministers often had 'to C. H. Mathews, Jr., Pittsburgh. one time eleter euperlor at Sacred rolled to French and Oehringer wae nounced a proposed labor party as and chimney built in the middle. J. Cushing of Los Angeles. • C hlcag^E dw ard Colman Moore, Heart convent New Haven. Funer­ menacing rocks defied Coast Guards ADDISON _ reach in their overcoats. In severe DO, muaidan, composer, author and forced at the plate, French to Hart­ who sought to reach her. the desire of a "forelign capital." weather the women carried heated “Tbe furniture consisted of a few Roy R. Baine, on route from Salt IN D ia NEW DEAL al services will be Wednesday in S t nett, $2,350 Now Offered for Arrest newspaper music crlUc for a quar­ Twice, Coast Guardsmen braved "No organisation meeting on for­ stoves—or hand warmers or foot chairs, a table with a Bible upon it, Lake a t y to Chicago. ter century. ^ Peter's church. Hartford. One run, three hits, no errore. and Conviction of Bridgeport The auto owners have received a few iron utensils and a few dishes. Vincent Butler, of San Francisco. the running sea and high wind but eign soil can tell the American Fed­ warmers. $ ^London—Sir Frederick Hymen three left. notice to come to Pease avenue, This was the Sabbath Day house. Miss Juliet Hillman of Pitts­ 1.75 (OontlDiied from Page One) were forced to turn back after get­ Murderer. eration of Labor what it should or . "Some of their church customs we Qowen, M, composer and conductor CXIMMANDER DDES SECOND INNINa ' should not do,” he declared. Middletown to have their machines "Certain members of the congre­ burgh. ting in sight of the stricken croft are trying to visualize for you to­ who published, nearly 300 songs, CUBS; Hartnett fanned on d Bridgeport, Oct 7.-r-(AP) — Inspected. The registration fee la 28 day. Below tbe pulpit sat the dea­ gation would come early and start Mr. Crandall, en route from Oak­ of Issuez on which the westerners which lies on tbe seaward side of the The labor head drew thunderous cents. This means a round trip ot duets and piano pieces. Landgrove, Vt., Oct. 7.— (A P )— oaUed third strike. Denuuee lifted There's | 2 .^ in It for anyone who applause from tbe delegates with an cons, facing the congregation. Tbe a fire each winter’s Lord’s Day. land to New York. A big item everywhere— expressed a willingness to do battle Lieut. Clinton P. KendaU, 48, com' a high fly to Fox. Cavarretta lash­ Island—an Isolated spot south of thirty-two miles. Helen Warren, a company em- next year. can bring about the arrest and con­ anti-war declaration; congregation was seated according Here the half-frozen congregation you'll want one for plant, TOO LATE TO a.ASSIFY mander of the Naval Coast Guard ed a bit down the first base line. It 's Vineyard with only on* viction of tbe slayer of two police­ to their age, rank and social condi­ p^ye, of Chicago. 2. Republican Party principles "I know I give expreasion to the hurried after the morning service. Academy at New London, Conn., glanced off Owan's glove and was family and no means of communica­ men here during a radio store burg­ tions and they kept the seats for a_ In this warm room, before the blaz­ Mrs. Cathcart o f Portland, Ore. lamp, smoke or book stand. WANTED— 31,600.00 first mortgage, were declared to include a balanced tion with the mainland. heart* and minds of the Nation’s TJie cause of the accident cannot died suddenly o f acute indigestion rolsplayed by Fbx, who was chargad lary. working men and women when I year, the men on one. side, the worn-' ing fire, they ate their cold pie, Attractive black and ■ E Win Phy 8 percent State National budget and reduction of the yesterday at the home of W. W. with an error as Cavarretta ran to Coast Guardsmen from the Gay The Bridgeport police Square Club Sn on the other: the servants In tbe doughnuts, pork, brown bread and be determined, company officials property. « mUes from Men- cost of government. Head and Cuttyhunk stations put say that labor will say to our gov­ Tear. said, until the Department of Com­ chrome fini.sh. Faulks where he was visiting. second. Hack grounded out, Gehr- Increased tbe municipal and private ernment: “Under no circumstance cheese and drank cider out of a pew­ weeUr. Good eecurlty. Address 8. Former President Herbert Hoo­ ingery to Owen. out during the night in a power boat "In singing the verses were given merce conmietes its invutlgation. Ueut, J. E. Roland of the Coast rewards previously offered by |260 must we be drawn into this (Italian- € } c e ^ ie f ter mug. Then the sermon came B. A. H., Herald. ver, titular head of the party, de­ No nws, one hit, one error, one which was nearly swam j^ as they yesterday at a special meeting. Out by a leader, a line at a time and To Start Probe r Guard came today for the body Ethloplan) conflict.” under review, the blble waa read and At Chicago, Harold Crary, vice- nounced the present administration which he will accompany to Wash­ left. navigated the vfle miles through the It has been b w l y more than a HEKE i^anted by the entire congregation. they returned to the church again -SPECIAL- in scathing language that caused his On the proposed labor party, he AND They had no books. They sang the president of the company, s^ d the ington for burial in the National TIGERS; Owen fanned. Bridge* darkness. They were unable to get week since Patrolman Wilfred said: for the briefer afternoon service. investigation will start immediate­ 1,800 bearers to burst into frequent TOMORROW ^ j^salma. They did not know a holt cemetery at Arlington. bounced a high one through tbe box, near enough to the vessel to see her Walker and Sergt. Thomas P. The Sabbath Day house ■was locked ly- applause. Herman grabbed it on the run and name and were forced to return be­ Kearney went to their deaths under "The American Federation of dozen different tunes. Their sing- PenKmal Notices Labor, in my Judgment, will back and unused during the week. Pilot CoUison reported at 2:17 a. 4. The name of A lf M. Landon. threw to flret for the putout. Clifton fore their craft flUed with water. the fire o f an unidentified gunman, tog without musical training and $1 g o Smoking Stand OOUNIBSS IS SUED such a party when the crystallsed without an Instrument must have ■'Church music ih the Puritan m. that be was flying at an altitude Hi' budget balancing governor of Kan- fanned. The cutter Faunce went down this as they answered an alarm for a communities was a problem and was of around 11,000 feet and that bis J L Black and chrome: portable smoking CARO OF THANKS EM. once more was bfought before No rani, no hits, no errors, none morning from New Bedford ta t waa store break. opinion of the workers is that their tacn agonized discord. Because tbe New York, Oct. 7—(AP)—Baron­ Bible said that the evening and the the subject of endless discussion as plane and tbe weather were O. K., .’’ ’If*' extend our tbxnke to the naUon as likely to draw consid­ left. unable to aid the craft as she lay Supt. of Police Charles A. purposes can be better served by an s ^ d . Has smokeless dispenser for ete Irlendi end nclchbori, ess Maude B. von LeldersdorS of Independent party. toorning were the first day, they it has been ever since. In the May­ Crary said. The accident occurred ’■ ii** kindness shown durlnz tbe erable support at the nominating THIRD INNING pounding in the heavy surf. The Wheeler baa appealed to the slayer's flower came a few copies of Ains­ directly on the course and examina­ cigars and cigarettes. A most practi­ Greenwich, answered a suit for a •The American Federation of rammenced their observance of tbe •M*'* ‘he deith Of convention. _ CUBS; Jurges cracked a single Faunce reported the schooner's accomplice to "eome forward” and worth's Metrical Version of, the tion o f the wreckage showed the Call Today t’or A Free Home Demonatratioii. cal type. Needed in every home. SBT d*sr mother and zrendmotber clothing bill today with chargee that Latar will not be coerced into that Lord’s Day on Saturday at sunset. New Deal Indicted^ to center. French fanned. Golan's decks deserted as huge waves broke reveal his companion's Identity, A t that hour all work was laid Psalms. Ainswortii was in many plane was Intact when it struck, W* “ iP?!**}*"** those who donated the the articles were "grossly overpric­ promising a "dlstlncUy leas severe” -w ill not take that action because Buy Yours Now! a * of th eir esrs, sad those who cent Tbe ''indictment of the New Deal" sharp grounder got past Gebringer over her. Rsidc. Quiet reigned throughout the ways the greatest o f the Holland said company officials. The weath­ ed and out o f all proportion to their penalty than If tbe police catch up some order comes from a foreign er was good. the beautiful norzl ptecee. approved by the delegates Included real value." for a scratch bit and Jurges raced to Coast Guards rapressed the be­ pommunlty. Separatists. He was cultured, edu­ jjHr.^^nd Mrs. Michael Gorman and charges that: representative gov­ in some other way. capital directing the workers of this The accident was the first to the Tbe lult, in Supreme (Jourt, was third. Herman lashed a hit to lief the‘crew abandoned the vessel _ "On Saturday night, as in Scot- cated and talented. The Puritans The Manchester Electric Company ernment was being destroyed "by right eooring Jurgee. Galan was Wheeler warned that if voluntaiy country to form an Independent last 28,000,000 miles of fljring by Hazenow and brought by Walter W. Haas as as­ and probably reached the island and. there was family worship and were Psalm singers and nothing luurpatlon of legislative powers," by surrender were not forthcoming poUtlca] party." else. United, Un equivalent of 160,000,- signee of Henry BenW, Inc. He called out at third on Fox's fine safely. If this was the case it would 'cllgious instruction in every home, 778 Main St ^ Phone ------5181--- ^ ' and Mra Edward Dumore and attacks on the Supreme (%urt and throw to Clifton. Herman remain- from the fugitive within a ebort Green said organised labor would to the Lord's .Day everyone went "The first book printed to New 000 passenger miles since the last seeks to coUect 38,388 for marchan- be some time before their where­ time, police will Die a John Doe accident on tbe United Air Lines, by propaganda: that an "orgy of ad at fleet baae ae the Cubs put up a abouts would be known. carry the fight for a 6-hour day and p church, Fatalies living at a dls- England wa-s tlie Bay State Psalm ; ^ V e d Maria. dlse delivered between April 6, 1984, warrant charging him with murder officials o f the company said. spending' was endangering tbe big protest Klein smashed tha first The Faunce planned to return to 8-day week to every city, town and ance brought their lunch and spent Rock. It was edited by three KEMP’S, INC. and March 15. 1933. and being an accessory after the Hoare aald Pilot CoUlson bad pitch CO a line to deep right and the island later in the day. ' hamlet, as its solution for industrial s t a t e he day. Massachusetts minister*. It wasn't recovery. 1 "The Elders came oa horseback. radioed the airport here for groimd 1 «* good as Ainsworth’s tat there wind information when his ship was Furniture and Music MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, UUNN„ MUNUAY, bCTOBEK 7,198S. aiANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 7,19801.

mere pravenUon of a premature out­ policy Indlcatea th« outgrowing of A A A beodachet. Secretary Wallace and Administrator Chester Davis led UlSlp CMFS lA d ffOOC I MuttAra i «e .a ADVEKTlBalHBNT— AUVEKTiHEStENT— break on the Continent folly and the ascendency of reason couple will make their home in this • • -■h That anythlhg of any real effect Inclusion in the proclamation of thla retreat to tbe bills. s s . city. Foremost on the agenda waa the Min NeLYORK Miss Mabel M. Boothroyd, daugh­ to protect Ethiopia from Italian ships of Ethiopia as well as of Italy problem of A A A and the consumer. ROCKVILLE ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Booth- PUliUBHEO By THB aggression Is In any degree likely no feBRALD PRINTING COMPANT. INC. may cause some smiles, since Ethi­ Wallace rammed home tbe point to rowd, of Oaynor Place, and Sven A. U BIsaen S.roct one can now believe. Even the re­ opia, being land-lockcd, has no ships. a largely farmer-minded groufi that Tourists seldom look "behind .latorea. Wholesalers, Jobbers and Anderson, of Ashland, N. H., son Manehaatar. Conn. Inalatence on scarcity and high tbe aceoes” of Hanbattoa night restaurant buyers throng tbd streets of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boulanger, of THOMAS FBR0U80N port of the Council Committee for But such Inclusion Is not at all silly. life, as Paul Harrison has done in examining tbe one box of each lot Oanarat Manavar the placing of blame In the Italo- It is unlikely but not beyond imag­ prices would eventually wreck the Franklin, Mass., were united In mar­ Ever^nwiiere You Go __ Founded Ootobai I, 1111 AAA. a eeries of three nnnenal "In New left open for their inspection. POLLS CLOSE AT 5-JO, riage at tbe home of the bride on Ethloplan rumpus Is to be present­ ination that before this war is over FOR A LIMITED B a r g a i n H o u n d He said the prograra nniet be Vork" eolnmns. This la tbe are- Tbere'e no haggling about prices, Saturday afternoon by Rev. H. B. ond. PuMlahad Every Evaninv Except ed In such equivocally diplomatic Ethiopia might acquire a seaport made a flexible one, not Just a and the commission merchants do Olmstead, rector of S t John’s Epis­ Sundaya and Holldaya Entered at the MEEI1NG TOMORROW language aa to be capable of half a and ships. She might-buy a corri­ check-writing p rocess, and that not praise their ware;. Ta^e 'em or FREE! TIME ONLY copal church. Poet Office at ManchHBier, Conn., aa By FAVL HARRISON leave ’em. There are no guards, Second Claaa Mall Matter. dozen Interpretations, now or later, dor to the Red Sea from Britain or farmers mustn't be encouraged Miss Laura Boothroyd, sister of either, becauce almost never la any­ the bride was bridesmaid, and Oscar Women Are Praising to demand programs which and already Premier Laval of Francs France— she might even, as a mil­ Now York, Oot. 7.— The city-that- SUBSCRIt^lON RATES wonJd cause oonsumere to turn thing stolen in Washington Market. Now that the weather Is getting simpler freezing process. Thera Expected Business Session Ad­ Anderson of Laconia, N. H., brother One Tear, by mall ...... M OO It permitting It to become known lionth chance, capture part of Eri­ This la because It Is not the custom against them. never sleeps turns gourmand by A COMPLETE SET OF ATTACHMENTS snappy, unless you are careful, are no moving parts to wear or journment W ill Be Taken of the groom, was best man. Fol­ Per Month, by m ail...... I 00 to have thieaea arrested; they’re SInrIa Copy ...... $ 01 that whatever "sanctions" are Im­ trea from the Italians and thus send Tbs conference was presented with night and abaorbs mountains p< you’ll find yourself with chapped mak; noise, so It is economical to Until Tomorrow Night. lowing a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Delivered one y e a r ...... M 00 posed upon Italy must be adopted beaten, instead, by a gang of ^dgi- WIU U GIVEN FREE TO Anderson will reside at Ashland, her flag afloat. Such things have results of a great national survey fopd-stuffs brought here from four­ lantes. hands. To prevent this, get a bot­ run. A tiny gas burner is all the with acreage-production estimates teen states and nineteen foreign tle of that grand Mascal's Lotion at power plant that an Electrolux N. H. Quests were present from MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED cautiously and with a careful view to to be considered, BACH PURCHASER OF THE NEW on the bases of: 1. Soil conservation Quinn’s. It's only 39c. a pint. needs. Stop In at the Manchester Today is election day In many of New London, Hartford, Roxbury, PRESS avoiding offense to the sanctioned Mr. Roosevelt’s attitude toward countries. Barging In Gas Company and see It. the towns of Tolland county, and Maas., Franklin, Mass., Winchester,' The Aaaoclatad Praaa fa exoJuaivaly and good farm management. 3. Pari­ A ll this happens at Washington entitled to the uee for republieetion government neutrality Is evidently a good deal Out of tho murk of the Hudson Mass., Laconia, N. H„ and Elling­ ty prices. 3. Normal consumption. Market, on the lower west side of When you are baking a rich cake in addition to casting their votes for of all aewa dlepatehes credited to It Because there are still millions of more definite and clearer In his own river come strings of bargee loaded ton. or not otherwiee credited In thia Some of the tables showed star­ Manhattan. Where sprawling that takes a long time to cook, To remove a tightly screwed-on town officials, the usual town busi­ people in the world who cling ics- tling discrepancies. A A A 's Job, itr -with freight and refrigerator cars sprinkle salt over tbe bottom, of the bottle cap twist a. large rubber band Cord Party Tuesday paper and elao the local nenra pub* mind than some of his other posi­ blocks of produce stores form tbe ness meetings are acheduled. Tbe llahed .lereln. officials were told, was to compro­ rushed here from California, Geor­ oven and you won’t need to put pa­ around It. It usually gives enough Burpee Women’s Relief (Dorpa will perately to the belief that the League tions. For which the country may largest wholesale exchange In the polls In the town of Vernon opened All rlfhta of repuLlicatlon of mise them on a sound basis. gia, Oregon. The bargee tie up at PIMICA per In your pan. “traction” to do the trick. Another hold a public card party on Tuesday Is the one hope for the avoidance of world. Daytimes you’ll Tlnd only ^ VACUUM CLEANER apeolal diapatchra herein are alao re* very well be thankful. two. of the Weet Street piers, and method. If the cap is of thin metal. at 5:30 this morning and will close afternoon at 2:15 o’clock In the O. A. •erved. The figures are being kept aocret watchmen there, along with bat at.S:30 this afternoon. another world debacle, and because tbe cars are opened and unloaded Colors are very rich In tone this Is to heat it slightly with a match. R. hall with Mrs. Mary Champagne In fact, all bonds at the conference tallons of sassy cats. Nothing hap­ M OTOR DRIVEN BRUSH It is expected that aa usual tbe Full aervlce client of N E*'A Service, It baa become convincingly obvious JUST A ROORBACK were sworn ta secrecy. pens until midnight, when the whole by armies of men with band trucks. season, aided by tbe Italian Renais­ It will expand enough to unscrew as chairman of the committee in Inc. Only accredited members of the sance, influence, which la so strong­ easily. ‘ annual business meeting wiu be call­ charge. tb.it this Is an utterly false hope. It district comes to life with a shout — ed to order this evening and adjourn­ Exclusive In Hartford and Vicinity With the New Meth od Laundry The political leaflet distributed at Produce Exchange are permitted on ly stressed In the fashion picture for Attending Convention Publlaher'a Repreaertative: The has become a serious question a shout of the first auctioneer. Ltarn bptt> the new EurekaU ed until Tuesday evening, as has the piers. No sales there la less than fall. Green, blue, many tones of Knitted fashions, which have long Mrs. L. H. Chapman la represent­ Jullua Mathews Special Axcncy—New doorsteps throughout the town Sat­ Few New Yorkers and even fewer been the custom In the past. One of whether the League as It now stands a carload lot, and generally It is powerful ’MACHINE-ACTION" wine, royal purple, gold all In the held sway in the sports and sppeta- ing the Rockville Emblem club at Tork. Chicago. Detroit and Boston. urday night, attacking the candi­ tourists ever see this beehive and tho matters to come before the Ver­ and has stood ever since the Man­ Health and Diet from five to twenty carloads. church window tones are evident tor mode, step into a dressier Class the Supreme Convention ot the Em­ hear its bedlam. One reason Is elimitMta tiresome "ARM-ACTION" non business meeting will be to act MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF dacy of tho present tax collector, Motor trucks roar in from as far ^vlth black, of course, a first choice. for the coming season, being shown blem clubs being held In Greenfield, churian affair is not for more of a that slumming parties are not wel­ upon tbe Selectmen's budget for CIRCULATIONS. had Just one definite quality— its away as North Ckirollna. The noise from your vacuum cleantng. in elaborately knitted and dressy Mass., today. Mrs. John N. Keeney, menace to world peace than anything Advice comed, since they only get In the next year. Other articles call for way w d distract the freight han­ of them, the whistles of the tuge, _ Simpler, more efficient! That is versions that are sfnartly different president ot the club, is unable to at­ The. Herald Printtna Company, Inc., else; whether or not the old frank anonymity. It was not precisely By UR. FRANK McCOT. action on the appropriation of money dlers. A few coarse gibes from the curses of sweating stevedores ^ h a t the owners of Electrolux say and most attractive. tend the convention because of Ill­ aasumea no dnancial reaponalbtlity the kind of a document that anyone to meet current expenses, for Memo­ for typoffraphtcal errors nnrenrinx In system of alliances and balance of tough characters are enough to dis­ and the toneless, unintelligible chat­ about this wonderful refrigerator. ness. Others from Rockville attend­ ter of the auctioneers make you for­ rial Day and for the W ar Memorial; adverttsemenia In the Mnnchcatar power is not a safer dependence might have been expected to sign courage almost any sightseer. But » A 5 0 It Is a silent, efficient kitchen helper ing the convention are Mrs. Ray­ Evening Herald. VALVULAR LEAKAGE get that it la three o'clock in the also to see If the voters will author­ personally; but It might have bqcii I can't Imagine why artists don’t ONLY ■^*= DOWN because it operates on an advanced mond Hunt, Mrs. John Coleman, than this fake association of nations OF THB HEART morning, and that millions sleep. S QiSlsrNrAjaLA ize the Selectmen and treasurer to Mrs. Mary Burns, Mrs. Mary Brown MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 anticipated that even such a collec­ come here In droves to record the within which the rotten old The produce business Is precarious BALANCE EASY PAYMENTS negotiate and execute notes or re­ and Mrs. Patrick Johnston. tion of charges, rumors and street A subject which I find of Interest rich colors of fruits and vegetables, newal of notes In whole or In part and secret diplomacy of pre-war the painted carts, smoky form lan­ all the way. Farmers gamble on Wins Championship "FALL OF ADOWA” to many people is the subject of for the "Bridge Appropriation", so days la operating as polsonously as gossip would have borne some sort terns, yellow electric bulbs over­ weather; commission merchants For the third successive year, A r­ valvular leakage of the heart. At gamble on prices; retailers gamble called, and to act on a resolution per­ thur McFall of Union street has won , A bit later wc ahall prbably learn ever, and under camouflage. of signature- say that of the Demo­ head, browned truok-growers. pasty- 3 CLEANING PRINCIPLES LEAFLET AHACKS one time, the patient with a leak­ •on the public's fickle tastes. A lot of Daily Accident taining to state aid highways. the city golf championship. In a 36- cratic Town Committee— aa a slight faced peddlers, hundreds of market ^taat actually happened at Adowa. ing heart valve was not given a men, though, beginning humbly, In Ellington the town meeting was hole match played on Saturday at hopeful prognosis, but today wc employees all in long white butcher It aeems to be reasonably certain Indication of a minute degree of have made fortunes In Washington to be called to order at 2 o’clock the Coggswcll Course. McFall won LOCAL MILK DEALERS know that with the use of a sensible aprons and wearing old straw SENT TO YOU ON Report 'tiiat the spraddling little village, good faith. The complete absence sailors. Market. There’s Max Loef, the can- TAX COLLECTOR this afternoon, subject to adjourn­ over James Farr of Rockville, 6 arid treatment, tho patient with valvular teloupe and honeydew melon king, 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL AS OF SATURDAY, OCTOBEUl 5 ment until Tuesday evening at 8 Manchester milk dealers are of willingness. In any quarter, to 6. Ho will be presented with a sli­ 'aiWiose importance lies entirely In its heart trouble will probably be able who began as an East Side pushcart 1934 1935 o'clock. A t their town meeting the Positively no obligation. ver loving cup suitably inscribed. having long been a caravan station, somewhat apprehensive lest rcaclcr.? stand sponsor for the eleventh hour to carry on many of his ordinary ac­ Rural Existence peddler. Most of the Chirllfornla 11,808 . Accidents...... 11,291 citizens of Ellington will be asked to la MOTOR DRIVEN BRUSH-btsle prlo. 331 . Fire Delays Traffic ^ now In the hands of the Italian of this newspaper may have been roorback stomps tho device aa not tivities. Frequently; when only a Wagons and private trucks begin and Colorado growers soon were T ry it — then decide. dple fot iosCRoclY removios lint* hair .... FataUtlea...... 829 act upon their budget for the next moderate amount of damage has Passed Out Saturday Night; 10,014 ...... In ju ries...... A fire In a pile of rubbish and only Ritlle but slightly slimy. to 'converge on the market at mid­ shipping ^Irectly to his firm. thrttds. 9,655 year and also several articles having t^irmy, having been occupied Sunday led, by the Herald's editorial com­ been done, the patient finds It pos­ KILLED debris from the Crystal Lake hotel night. These are the small farmers to do with road Improvements. One which burned several months ago ^^renoon. Alao that the Immediate ments on the milk bottie situation, sible to improve so that he will be. SPECIAL TRADE-IN 2. **HIOH.VACUUM” ~tMB(c priodpU for 173 . ... Pedestrians .... 159 from Long Island and New Jersey, Strange Language Is List of Questions Based of the most important of these rends and which had been piled near the to the belief that they are Included able to do anything that he likes reroovios deeplf embedded fine dirt, llic 164 . .... Occupant...... 166 i ^ t r y of the invaders was unop- with their brocoll, cabbage, turhips N o rostrums made of piled-up ebscnce of **Hish Vecnom'* In old clceocn as follows: To consider and act Wendell cottagea, tied up traffic and and the prognosis in such cases la OFFERI 4 . .... Bicyclists...... 4 .jj^osed, and that the Ethiopians had among those special Interests .which and such. Italians and Belgians, crates, auctioneers are selling fruit expltlflf whr floor coveringf ere often Mm* upon the matter of "Works Progress caused one way lines of traffic yes­ quite favorable. mostly. I talked to a man named Trade in your old cleaner rated with embedded dirt. On Rumor. 32 . . • •. Children • • • •. 40 ^ n e elaewberc— ^Just where the Ital- we have referred to as anxious to In the pier sheds. One Is a short, Administration Project Proposal" terday afternoon. The Crystal The purpose of the heart valves Is Braglo and his 10-year-oId son 299 ...... Adults ...... 289 BEH IN D bespectacled man namcn Al Bennett, now. Special cash allow­ submitted and recommended by the Lake 'Volunteer Fire department was 1 commanders would probably like strangle the paper bottle movement to keep tho blood from flowing when they came up with a load of 8. MECHANICAL DISTURBANCE-bailc INJURED who holds tho record for selling fif­ ances and exchanges principle for dUlodgint embedded grit and Selectmen, September 18, 1935, rela­ called and found It necessary to run know. for their own profit and which are backward. When the valves are celery. "W e work the garden; we 2,817 . . . . Pedestrians .... 2,208 TH E SC E N E S teen cars of peaches In 28 minutes. dirt An unsigned leaflet bearing 10 tive to 12 miles of "Farm to Market hose across the highway In order to damaged, they allow a portion of eat the supper; we go to bed; we 7,627 . .... Occupants...... 7,280 the potential beneficiaries of the Another Is Robert Thomas, 76 years questions pertaining to the record Roads" and cutting brush; and if pump water from Crystal lake to r£ IN Iho blood to seep backv/ard and tbit get up eleven o'clock and drive to PHONE AT ONCCI DON'T DELAY! TKiS GREAT SPECIAL 170 . .... Bicyclists...... 167 old and the grizzled dean of leather- approved to provide for necessary price fixing power granted to the is what is meant by the term, ot Tax Collector George H. Howe 1.746 . .... Children ...... 1J547 the fire nearly 1,000 feet away. The market; we go back and work the lungers. They speak too rapidly for appropriation therefore. Now, so long ago as Saturday Milk Administration under the Milk "leaky valve." garden ..." OFFER IS GOOD FOR UNITED TIME ONLY. ACT QUICKLYI was passed around town under cov­ 7,992 ...... Adults ...... 7,748 firemen placed boards across the me to understand a word; or perhaps er of darkness Saturday night. Most The voters In the town of Tolland Control act of this state. ArASHIN6TO^ The yalves of the heart may be 276 . . Age Not Stated .. 365 hose and permitted one way traffic. oming. It will b « remembered, ap- Pretty soon the big, fast "mush­ they use too many unfamiliar terms. ot tbe leaflets were distributed by win be asked to act on the request , — 8Y RODNEY OUTCHER— • harmed by an Inflammation of the room express" trucks begin to roll The cause of the fire la unknown, but ^Sirently dependable news sources at Frankly It never occurred to us endocardium which Is the mem- One thing I noticed: many prices an employee ot a local Insurance of the state of Connecticut for a It was feared that It would spread In from the n;ushroom cellars of right of way near the White school; Addla Ababa reported, though un- that any reader of this paper would bronce which lines the heart. Pro­ ore quoted in "shillings”, meaning agency In hla automobile assisted to nearby cottages. It vras extin­ New Puzzle Faces U. 8. In Staying Westchester. Their cargoes are twelve and a half cents. Nobody by two boys. vision before us, and tbat Is the en­ they win consider the annual budget i^jgldally, that the Italians had al- bably the greatest common cause of guished late Sunday afternoon. draw any such inference. The Neutral... .War Is Not War With­ valuable and are carefully guarded. seems to know quite why, except It A direct attack on Tax Collec­ actment of the Townsend Plan Into and take action on deeding the state dismembered that no such claim was this kind of Inflammation Is rheuma­ Goods of all kinds are piled high WATKINS ► ^i^fWdy made thli unopposed entranceoperations of independent dealers out a Formal Declaration, .tir. makes a convenient unit for bidding. Phone 5171 tor Howe political observers here a legislative measure.” And from of Connecticut a right of way on the tism. and that form of rheumatism along the sidewalks before the Jtitonmen the made village. by the But Italian It will headquar­ also be such as those of this town are exact­ Hoover’s Donhle Out for President occurring chiefly during childhood. Toward dawn the city peddlers predicted that the last minute Official Bulletin No. 2S: It is not tbe west side of Tolland street. —for a Moment----- A A A Takes anonymous maneuver would be a Intension to prohibit any citizen Parent-Teachers’ Meeting ters in Eritrea. Indeed such re- ly what the Herald seeks to have Is notorious because of the damage m T E FERA DIRECTOR Good Look at Itself. ' It may do to the heart valves. How­ boomerang In today’s town election from becoming a candidate for any The Longview Parent-Teachers 'ports as came from the Italian aide protected from the machinations of ever, valvular leakage may be due and that Mr. Howe would be easily office. That Is an unalienable right association will hold a meeting this Jbdlcated that Mussolini's men had those great combines whose fixed By RODNEY DUTCBER to other causes, such as: Overeat­ elected. of Every American citizen. How­ evening at the school in Longview WOMEN VOTERS GUEST |sineountered tmexpected realatence purpose la the elimination of the Manchester Herald’s Washington ing, wrong food combinations, which One of the questions asked In the ever the Townsend organization has and all members are asked to enroll. ;Sad were a good deal behind their Correspondent produce irritating amounts of gas leaflet admits in itself that it Is but one purpose at the present time, The new- programs In charge of Mrs. competition of the smaller dealers— CONNECTICUT based upon rumor and a close peru­ which la the passage of tbe Town­ Mi.ss Eleanor Little to Address schedule of progresa. Washington, Oct. 7.— Tho strong In the top of the stomach which In A. E. Chatterton will be distributed and whose eventual monopoly of the sal of Uie contents Indicates that send Bill, and has made the follow­ at thia time. Leafrue Council Meeting On American determination to stay neu­ turn Induce pres.sure against the ^ Quito apparently Addis Ababa milk business of the state and na­ tbe entire context la based upon ing ruling: Townsend Clubs must tral may be complicated by the pos­ heart, and a toxic condition of the A feature of the evening will be ‘‘The Merit System.” 'was well prepared, before the event, hearsay. No factual material is not be used at present to further tion la sedulously encouraged by sibility that, officially, there will blood stream which causes continual TERCENTENARY an illustrated talk by Roy E. Jones irritation of th^ valvular structures, contained in it since it Is but a list the election of any one to any posi­ for the retreat of the Ethiopian such legislation os that under which never be any more wars. of Storrs, assisted by Mrs. Jones. and whicb at the same time often of questions. tion by means of political speeches Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones have trav­ Miss Eleanor Little, state director forces from the mudbuts of Adowa Just as the custom of leaving call­ One question hints that only "In­ being made In the' Clubs, or any B A G O’ W A SH is the talk of Hartford and Burroutiding towns. In the home . . . at this state is now operating. leads to the formation of focal In­ elled extensively, and the program of tho Federal Emergency Relief welt prepared for at least twen­ ing cards tends to fall Into disuse, fection occurring at the roots of side" officials knew of a discrep­ other type of political activity wlth- will be of interest to all. Administration, will speak on "How the theater . . . in the downtown shops . . . at the bridge club . . . women are piaia- It appears that if local dealers tho modern tendency among nations ancy In the accounts laat year and ty-four hours in advance of the op- the teeth. In the tonsils, or In the A social hour will follow the busl- the Merit Symtem Really Works” at have any objection to the paper bot­ Is to dispense with formal declara­ sinus cavities. overlooks tbe fact that tbe Demo­ ‘” l'tras??hat"l have made clear the S n a ° “ the state Council meeting of the ing it to the skies! Because BAG O’ W A SH fills a demand long made by Manchester eration itaelf that somebody, either and of the National Oreanlzation V?**' Miss F;lth Buckmin- tle It is not a very deeply seated one tions of war. Another contributing cause la cratic party's auditor should have stand of the National Organization Connecticut League of Women Vot­ the correspondents or some one giv­ been as much acquainted with the In regard to official club action In ater la chairman of tho committee In housewives . . . a laundry service whose cost can actually be figured before our route- and la baaed on uncertainty as to Consequently, according to rules wcaltness of the heart muscle, which charge and she will be assisted by ers tomorrow, October 8, in New ing them military Ups, made a mis­ of International law, Italians might so often Is found with the general facts as anyone, yet remained si­ any election. Individual members Haven. Miss Little, who has bad how the small dealer could adjust Mrs. George Brigham. Mrs. Frank man calls for the bag. A money-saving service without a catch in It I Plus laundry kill any number of Ethiopians on \ oaknoss of low blood pressure. lent. have tbe entire right to endorse wide experience In personnel work take of a full day In the zero hour of Another question suggests that Busher, Mrs. Henry Aberle and Mrs. himself to its use and on some sus­ A s a result of the above causes, whom they pleame. We shall be both in government agencies and In aervice of typical New Method ace-high quaiityl the evacuaUon and sprung the an­ Ethiopian soil and aUIl not bo at "towm officials” attended a meeting Russell Boucher. war. the volves become Inflamed, and in notified from headquarters whenever private Industry, will discuss the picion ae to Its practicability rather In a law office In Glastonbury to Old Fashioned Service nouncement of It as an accomplished healing, scar tissue may form. Such the time Is ripe to exert our political operation ot tho merit system in hir­ than on any self-interested desire to When the attack came It waa care­ discuss the question when as a mat­ strength. There was a large attendance at (act while hard flghUng was still scar tissue deforms the delicate ing public employees. The League fully explained at the State Depart­ ter of fact these persons who con­ the Tercentenary service held In the defend the glass bottle from compe­ valve, causing roughening, thicken As to "partisanship", perhaps 1 of Women Voters is engeged in a going on In the broken terrain about ment that this government didn't cocted tbe questionnaire could have "Mother" church at Vernon Center tition. A spokesman for the local Ing or shrinking. The heart' will try do not Interpret It aright; but for nation-wide campaign for trained the town. recognize the African flghUng as learned from The Herald that the the club to endorse officially a Re­ last evening. A t the service, the personnel In government. Miss Lit­ Here’s The Way It Works dealers told the Herald: “If the pa­ war. This fact complicated applica­ to compensate ifor damaged valve meeting was held at a law office in congregation waa seated according It was such things as this to which and certain changes will’ occur In publican or a Democrat candidate at tle’s talk is scheduled for 4:16 p. m. per bottle proves to be a atep In ad­ tion of the new neutrality acL Hartford and was not attended by to the old custom, the men on one other parts of the heart structure. tbe primaries would seem to me to at the Lawn Club. We referred early laat week when we town officials but by persons repre­ side of the center aisle and the wo­ vance and a means to the end of a It was made clear that tho United This process of compensation means enter the field of partisan politics, Members of the League's state warned our readers sgalnst expect­ States probably would follow tho senting the bonding company and and as Mr. Spless Is a Republican men on the other side. When the bo^d of directors, the presidents lower consumer price, without reduc­ that another part Increases In power the present collector's family. Still ing accurate reporting of this war. League of Nations lead— If the to make up for tho inefficiency of candidate and we arc Republicans, offering was taken, the heads of ana visitors from tbe local Leagues ing the return to tbe milk grower or another' question refers to hiring a and wc both voted for him, I do not Every condition Is unfavorable League decided this was a war— the Injured valve. There arc, un­ families and others went forward will attend the state Council meeting "clerk of his own choosing" when see that we could be accused of any adding unduly to the dealer's ex­ and apply embargoes. doubtedly, many thousands of peo­ and placed their gifts on the com­ which will be held from 10:30 to Anything like opportiuilty for per­ as a matter of fact tbe town of biaaed action. In taking a stand pense in doing business, we will wel­ But we are In no way bound by ple with valvular leakage of the munion tabic, in contrast to the 8:00 p. m. at the New Haven Lawn Manchester allows but 3200 for against Official endorsement by the sonal checking-up on rumor by the League decisions, and international heart who are unaware of the fact, present custom. One Deacon from Club. come It What we. are primarily clerical assistance and practically club of bis candidacy, or that there correspondents Is lacking; except­ law Icavea tho way open to any ad­ because tbe heart makes up so per each of the churches participating The morning sessions will be de­ interested In la the largest possible forces a collector to get clerical as­ Is much point In the resentment fectly for the defective valve. occupied the scats of the deacons at voted to business and a conference ing of course those who are with the ministration which In the future de­ sistance from hla own family or evidently felt by the anonymous volume of consumer use of fluid Some of the possible symptoms of the communion table. of all delegates, led by Mrs. Edward invading army, and the extent to cides to Ignore conflict and carnage from friends. writer. I am glad that he or she milk, and anything that contribute! with the pretense that all Is serene valvular leakage are: shortness of The summons to worship was S. Robinson of New Haven, on "Can which their censored reports are to One question begins "Is it not ru­ favors tho Townsend movement, and sounded by the Boys Drum <3orps the League Work More Effectively to putting the cost of milk beyond and peac^iil. breath, particularly following llttls mored?" giving thought to a rea­ I am glad to say that we feel that he .depended on, now or later, may exertion: a tendency to tire easily from the (bounty Home. There was Through a Concentrated Pro­ Recall "Peace" In China sonable reader that the entire mat­ Mr. Spless will make a valuable reaob of the consumer, whether It a slight bluish tint of the Ups « r special music under the direction of gram?". Mrs. L. H. Bigelow of Old aasily be Imagined. When the Japanese were killing ter is based upon rumor, as It no delegate to the National Convention, be the character of the container or fingernails; heart murmurs, which Mrs. Henry Larsen, organist at the Lyme will preside at a finance lunch­ thousands of Chinese In Manchuria doubt wjia. Another question and that the campaign for funds to Hailing of the capture of Adowa church, and Mr. McAlplnc, organist eon at 12:45 p. m. After luncheon autocratic consumer price-fixing. Is and around Shanghai a few years are blowing sounds beard by the hints that an efficient collector scnl him meets with universal ap­ as a tremendous achievement and aa examining doctor when he listens to at the Union church. An bid melo- the delegates will act on the pro­ against our Interest" ago. Secretary of State Stlmaon re­ would have collected back taxes. proval, and Is being well subscribed a vlndieaUon of "Italian honor" the heart action; numbnesa of the dlan used by the church 100 years posed budget for the League for marked that the twro nations were Many are today asking the quea- and supported. Thank you. Mr. This same spokesman pointed out hands and feet; and perhaps a cough ago was used to lead the congrega­ 1935-36 and proposed changes In tbs after 40 years, is good stuff f o r ^ n - "In a state of profound peace." The tiqp, "Could a Democrat or any oth­ Editor. that the Manchester Milk Dealers or feeling of suffocation in tbe cbesL tional singing, and a duet with the program of work. An address by aumptlon by Musaoltni'a home folks, other nations of the world agreed. er collector have collected Cheney ______KATHERINE DeF. HARDY Mrs. Ruth M. Dadourian of Hart­ were entitled to the credit of having When the patient has developed Brothers’ tax this year?” and Is 88 School Street, melodlan and violin was given by but as a step in the winning of the The International law of It this trouble, I strongly advloe that Mrs. Larsen and Walter McClatchy. ford, retiring state president, will obtained from the old Board of Milk waa that there hadn’t been any that a question of efficiency? Oct. 4, 1935. precede Mias Little's talk. w ar it is not a great deal more slg- a careful diet be used and it is Im­ The fact that no group accepted The Scriptures were read by Dr. Control the concession of the right violation of the Kellogg treaty portant that be avoid those foods George S. Brookes, pastor of the A dinner at 6:00 p. m. will ho Blflcant than the capture of one the responsibility for this leaflet OVEB-DRAFTS followed by a speech by Mrs. Royal to rebate a cent a quart to purchas­ until both nations declared war which tend to produce flatulence. Union Congregational church, and Abyssinian mule. Adowa Is, rela- rather proves to the unbiased read­ Manchester Herald-, G. Whiting of Weston, Mass., sec­ or a atate of war. The general dietetic regimen I have the prayer waa offered by Rev. Ho­ ers of three quarts instead of to pur­ HARTFORD” er of It that the authors were either Manchester, Conn. ond vice-president of tho National Uvcly speaking, but a step from the Perbapa the point Isn’t important. found to be the best includes the use afraid to disclose their Identfty or Gentlemen; mer Olnhs. chasers of ten quarts, as was the of one-fourth of a pound of lean League of Women Voters. Eritrean border. It is of no more But It offers a chance for a lot of ashamed of their act. As a taxpayer and one very much Carnival This Week case in other districts of the state. diplomatic sidestepping and pbenag- meat dally, the use of three or four A solid maple bedroom exclusive Arrangements for tho meeting strategic value than any other interested In our puplic expendi­ The Italian American Friendship are being completed by Mrs. Edith Thla, aa reflecting their disposition Ung. slices of Melba toast, stewed fruit tures, I feel that wc are entitled club, owmers of the <3heerio ballroom, Sfuare mile on the edge of a broken, and one or two eggs doily, the re­ $98 V. Cook of New Haven, a vice-presi­ to sell at as low a price aa possible. This la Too Good to Shush through the columns of "TTie will hold a carnival at Its clubhouse mainder of tbe diet sbould consist dent of the state League, and Mrs. ehtrcmcly difficult country which Your correspondent finds himself 3 PIECES With W^atkins for the Tercentenary OPEN FORUM Herald" to an explanation of all starting this evening, and continu­ It Is not the Manchester dealers of salads and cooked non-starchy George Parmly Day, president of must be taken, and held, a mile at a unable to suppress thla story: over-^drafts shown in the table on ing evenings until the 14th. There vegetables. In mild cases, exercise tbe New Haven League. or the small dealers of any com­ A man in New York who makes OLEAB8 STAND IN PRIMARY Page 12 of tbe Annual Town Re­ will- be many features Including an time— and there are tens of thou­ Is beneficial, however, and exercis­ munity to whom the Herald Is op­ frequent business trips to Washing­ Editor The Manchester Herald: port, excepting charities, county and amateur contest for at least one ap­ sands of them between Adowa and ing regimen should be started slow­ Today I received an anonymous ton bears a closer facial resemblance The Hartford is a Colonial group selected by Watkinfl stock corporation tax and wrater de­ pearance and other winners In this posed. Quite to the contrary. ly to avoid over-fatigue. letter which I quote, as it explams Addis Ababa. The Job In front of partment. city and nearby places will appear. What we strenuously object to Is the to Herbert Hoover than any other Fog those Interested In tbe sub­ for exclusive Tercentenary showing . . . at a special Tercen­ Itself, and to which I desire to reply tfea Italians is something Uke that known human being. No group of officials any longer The various club members will be In Overnight A. P. ject of Voliralar Leakage, I haye 'Dttbllcly, as It may serve to clear establishment of a state control over tenary price I Here’s furniture you can truly be_ proud of for has any right to disregard definite charge of the booths. There will bo Men’s Shirts Hand-Finished Upon Request which confronted them In the Camlc Not long ago he and a friend were prepared on article along this line any misapprehension In the minds an Important industry through law.s celebrating at the Cotton Club, cen­ it is furaiture with historical background . . . lasting style limitations placed upon their bud­ dancing each evening In the ball­ News Alfe)s during the World W ar— multi­ and I suggest that you send for it any others who feel as does my gets by tbe tax payers. I am not that moke it possible for an auto­ ter of the capital's "little Harlem.” if you have been told that one ot unknown correspondent. The letter room, music being furnished by a 14- plied by hundreds. And the case and quality . . . at a surprisingly low price. ; Interested In the over-draft of chari­ plece orchestra. cratic official or board, to fatten the Almost midnight they had conducted the heart valves Is defective. Write foUows: Waterbury— The scheduled ten- in These Services, 12*/2C each v4th which the defenders slipped ties because tbat la not a controlla­ Meetings till of food monopolteu of the ex­ themselves with sufficient exuber­ to me in care of this newspaper, ask "W e elected Mr. Spless In the ble item and even If It were, I would round, non-title boxing match be­ prortdes a sample of the dlffi- ance to cause them to be bounced for the article and enclose ten cents primary In spite of your letter. He Mrs. Alma Dittrich of Grand ave­ tween light heavyweight champion pense, of the consumer public. It is made in New England by New England craftsmen not want to do anything to take nue will be tbe hostess to the Past cSUcB which II Oucc's armies are out. and one large, self-addressed en­ does not need your endorsement, but Bob OUn and Bud Mignault of , Men Who Are Accustomed To Wearing New Method Velvet-Finish from our leas-fortunate citizens the Chiefs’ club of Damon Temple, No. 4, The New York man found a wood­ velope. ,. . . of New England hard "ixick” maple. How better could you may be the first to expect him necessities of life. Brooklyn, Mass., which waa to have edrtain to meet with in overcoming of the Pythian Sisters, at the meet- NEUTRALITY en box and mounted It at tbe corner we recreate the charm and quaintness of New England to assist the Townsend Movement. Cordially yours, been held here 'Iliursday night, was the resistance of a people who have You do not know the difference be­ Ing to be held this evening. The called off. , ' Shirts Will Accept No Others! of 15th and U streets. He announced . QUESTION AND ANSWERS pieces? WILLARD B. ROGERS. n m r yet known a conquerer. The Presidential proclamation hla candidacy for president of the tween non-political and non-parti­ meeting will be called to order at New Haven— George Zvonkovie, 8 o’clock. United States on a platform calling (•fTeakettle” Tea) san". Nole: Tho over-drafts Mr. Rogers 45, of Branford, injured by an auto­ warning Americana from traveling Cornelia Circle for tbe closing of the Cotton Oub. Question; Miss Miranda T. asks: Enclosed with the letter was a refers to are included In the "Know mobile early Sunday morning was I LEAGUE A MENACE on vessels of either party to tlie "W hat can I use instead of the bev­ -The Chippendale brackets on dresser base and chest newspaper or magazine clipping — The Cornelia Orcle wlU hold its reported In'a critical condition at Two colored policemen . cams to The Budget” series being published erages so commonly taken? I find a letter from Yakima Washington first -meeting of the season on Tues­ Grace hospital. Telephone ENTERPRISE 1300 Without Charge Italo-Etliiopian war, authorized by the scene as be thundered on. But hla. are distinctive; the ttvo small drawers in the dresser un- In Tbe Herald. This particular weeks ago there wras some that in m.v case, the accepted drinks which strongly urged the member­ day, October 8, at 2:30 o’clock. The Wolcott— Six Waterbury persons tbe Neutrality act, marks the aban- friend restrained them, saying: Item will be covered later In the •I^ b t sign, for the first time since with meals make me very nervous usu^. Mirrors have a restraint that reflects true Colonial ship of Townsend clubs to vote for meeting will take place at Inspira­ were hurt, none seriously. In a colli­ donment of the moat serious of all “Don’t yon recognize Herbert series. It A b dicated in the cose of Japem and yet I crave something warm as feeling, being ornamented on the top only by typical jig-saw- candidates favoring the Townsend tion Point, Tolland, the summer sion between two automoblleai sources of danger of Involvement in Hoover when yon see him? Give a verage, especially in cold Plan, which, I suppose. National home of Dr. and Mrs. W . B. Bean of Hartford— Dean Everett V. Meeks aqfl Manchuria, that the League of SHOT BY MISTAKE whatever extension of that war may him a chance. After all. this weather." The bed has finely turned posts and gracefully curved Headquarters will expect us to do in Stafford Springs. The subject will of the Yale School of Fine Arts will «II(|{^(SW'ld]gbt actuaUy, at the spur doeent happen veiy often." Answer: ’You might try subsUtut- the elections of '36. be chairman of the Judges’ commit­ eventuate— the tradlUonal Inalatence head and footboard. An old tavern table inspired the dress­ Exclusive Newark, N. J., OcL 7— (AP) — be "Summer Reminiscences.” td^nelf interest on the part of Its The oops promptly devoted tbem- tng "teakettle" tea. This Is pre­ The letter I received was rather Weddings tee for the big tercentenary parade on 'Treedom of tho sea." ing table! Police detectives detailed to watch a selvea to keeping back the crowd, pared by adding a small amount of A limited edition of these Sheraton fancy chain amusing In view of the fact that my frequenUy robbed theater at 409 Miss Luella Clark Hale, daughter here Saturday, it was announced. New Bfethod Laundry powerful members, Britain and Assumption that the nation must which soon amounted to nearly 200 cream to a cup of hot water. Tbe husband and I each supported Mr. Springfield avenue, were shot and of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Hale, of 27 Hartford — The turn of 36,000 w _ HARTFORD F f^ c e , begin to. function as an ac- people. have been made for us e :clusively. You won't stand back of the right of every resulting drink la pleasing to many Dresser base an'd mirror, single or full size bed, and a Spless at the Primaries by voting seriously wounded today by a mem­ Davis avenue, and Leslie Denley, son yearly wUl be.made available to the iuit force for tbe preservation of N o one knows how long this might people and will be found acceptable find them elsewhere in tbe country for they for him, which we-were very glad to State Board of Fisheries and Game American to go anywhere and every­ ber of tbe radio aquad who opened of the late Lewis B. and Mrs. Denley, ” ^ I in tbs world. It Is now quite have gone-on If a couple o i girls on a cold day. choice of high chest or dressing table with mirror, $98. were reproduced from the originals owned by CO, as we both regard Mr. Spless fire, mistaking the officers for rob­ of this city, were united In marriage and Connecticut State college by the Launderers 7 Dry Cleaners where at all times, that whoever In­ hadn't come along In a ear and invit­ with much friendship and admira­ bers. on Saturday afternoon at the home United SUtea Bureau of Biological traarent that this stirring of the Mr. C. Elmore W atU na Each of tbe originals tion. . terferes with that right does so at its ed the speaker for a ride down town. ( b Junket Good Deeaertf) Detective Walter Aah waa hit In of the bride’s parents. Rev. Dr. Survey for wUd life research and Leigue's ,conscience was solely in has a different picture on the back splat, so similar work. It waa announced. For free telephone oerxloo from Mancheater, Glastonbury, Windaor, Himtbury nnd Farmington Call EnterprlM 1800. own peril and that the United States He said good night to hla audience Question: Mrs. Mollie S. inquires: The membership of Townsend the left Bide under the heart, and his George S. Brookes, pastor of the Mbalf of ppace among tbe greater and accepted at. once. "Does Junket with a quart of milk we’ve copied the Idea, using typical Tercente. Clubs are perfectly free to vote for partner, Albert Seltzer was hit In Union Congregational church, per­ New Haven — A W P A project miwt be ready to go to war in bis colling for the establishment of 30 lowers of Shizope alone, and for AAA Looiu Itaelf Over (which m a:.es-« custard of a real nary subjects, such as tbe Old Stote House, any candidate whom they favor, but the right aide of the neck. Seltzer’s formed the ceremony and the couple behalf— this transcend! the bounds thick conslatency) m&ke a good as a club wo cannot ^ v e official community centers In 18 Connecticut « l y such a period of time ss may Taking precautions against pub- Webb House, Nathan Hale SchooUiouse, Pitkin condlUon was so grave that it was were unattended. Relatives and of reason. Yet It has always here­ food used as a dessert?" WATKINS support at present to any candidate feared be might not live. towns and ciUes will be forwarded frienda were present at the ceremony 4lit tbe convenience pt those gov- Uclty, about SO of the highest olTl- Glass Works, etc. Hand painted to order only. In local election. I quote from Offi­ to Washington for approval soon. tofore been more or less maintained clals in A A A recently had a secret Answer: Junket is a good food The ahota were allegedly fired by from Springfield, V.istol, Hartford. and makes a good protein to be at A4ANCHESTER. CONN- cial Bulletin No. 3S "N o Townsend Hartford—Gov. Wilbur L. Cross, (flmente which are so busily ma- three-day week-end at the old Radio Patrolman William Maaelko, Manchester, and the members of the a principle. That it has now used In place of meat, fish or fowl. Twenty.4iight Fifty. Club meeting should ever be used delivering a tercentenary addresss dpulatlng League action for the Weather Bureau station at Mount who entered the theater at the re­ families. A reception and dinner been definitely rejected as a national If used as a dessert, only a very to further the political ambitions of at the Center church, lauded the quest of a special officer. Max followed the ceremony. Following Weather. Va., to diaenss various small anumnt should be eaten. any one person. W e have but ono Seidel. work of Thomas Hooker as a politi­ on unannounced weddnlg trip, the cal leader. Herald Advertising Pays— Use It •F ' . . . 1 -I’AGE s i t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN- MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 ,198R. MANUHlfiSTEH EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 ,188IW

FUinvlU*, Portland, Praatoa, Shal- ton, Staniford, Weitport, and Wind­ Action Picture From War 2^one PYTHIANS TO CONVENE at tho Gilead Hill school: Gloria, Jo­ SEEK DEGENERATE ham. T? DAILY RADIO PROGRAM STATE C O U IX ALUMNI seph, Charles and Yolanda Barrasso, NaugatucH.wUI not elect town of- Chlorine in Dishwater Shirley Fish, Theresa, WUfrad. Ger­ FIYEAUYOFATAUnZS flcera until May 193S. New Ix>ndon '■V IN DURHAM OCT. 14-15 77te Herald Whatnot ald and Marian Modge, Norman Ly­ had Ita election September 9, and MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 (Centnl and Eastern Standard Time) TO DINE ON FRIDAY man, Lawrence Perry, Douglaa, Bea­ REPOmiD n STATE ASCHPSUYER Coicbeater, October 1, both KOlng , Reduces Infection Risks N otion program* to key and basto chains or groups thsroof unleu spect- trice and Wilbur Porter and Harold Rraubllcan. ned; coast to coast (o to o) designation Includes all avallablo stations. At the Bolton farm of TbomaaYthe make-up error too seriously. In White. Tomorrow, Waterbury decides Its Programs subject to chance without previous notice In advance. P. M« Expect 1800 Members-of Order NBC-WEAF NETWORK Cent. Bast. Bentley, principal of the Hollister the days when tha old Now. York Graduates Living in Vicinity Mrs, E. E. Foote, accompanied by most bitter contest in years, with Milwaukee. Oct 7.-(A P)-Put a.away more bacteria than tbe hand to Gather for 69th Annual Herald devoted much of tte columns of Hartford to Have Annual her sister, Mrs. W. B. Hibbard, of Four Deaths Week Prerious Mayor Frank T. Hayes lighting off littlettle chlorine In the dishwaterdlahnL-nfa.. tr.Tmethndto method. BASIC Basti weaf wler wee! wtte 6:30— 6:30—Press*Radio Ntwa — ba> Convention. and Robertson schools, live four ten- Over the Week-End— Fliat Seven Year Old Girl Found wjar wtag kyw whlo wtbr wre sic: Jack Armstrong—midwest rpt webks-old white ducks. Just arrived to ship news and tbe movement of State N i^ t Dinner. Manchester, spent Wednesday at the the combined forces of a stronger cut down the respiratory diseases When chlorine was added, the soap wgy when wcao wtam wwj wsal; Mid; 6:65— 6:65—Vanished voless — eastt ships in and out of New York har­ WUllmantlc Camp Ground. Death Saturday Mominff. Republican and Independent Demo­ krd wmaq vrcfl who wow wdaf Miniatures—Dixie: Piano—west at their growth. They merged from . • . . ' • e#i- ■ r * which cause 30 to 45 ner cent of In the water and <•“«the food particles MIDWEST—wood wire * 1:45— 0:45—Herbert Foote, O rgan- bor the make-up editor suffer^ At the annual meeting of the Sun­ Hanged in Garage; Kg cratic opposition. ^ c.-inaumed much of the dlslifectant NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj w est Durham, Conn., Oct. 7.—Alson J. four eggs which had been placed un­ .some embarrassing momenta when Storrs, Oct. 7~Scveral hundred Hartford, New Haven and wlba kstp webc wday kfyr cret cfcf 6:00— 7:00—Myrt and Marge — east; Smith Lodge. No. 66, Knights of der the responsibility of a Rhode day school of the GUoad Congrega­ -.-ik : American deatbr ^ xhe chlorine ,so lost varied with the be discovered that be bad placed Connecticut State College Alumni By ASSOCIATED PRESS Bridgeport will hold their elections ffovenlmant experiment same eoap under different condl- SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wls wjas Buck Regere—midw. rpt.; Oreh—w Pythias, and Pythian Temple will Island Ked hen. ______tional church the following officers Man Hnnt Is On. November S, and Meriden, Decem­ wfla-wsun wlod wsm 'wmo wsb wapl 6:15— 7t15—Virginia VerrlM, Vooala be hocts to 1.800 members of (he all of one day's obituary notices un- living in Hartford and vicinity will were elected for the coming year: Five violent deaths, all the result showing this was repo.ted to the i ttona ^ conoi wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre S;J0— / ! » - a ln... iln ’ Sam------— 'basic: ' Within less than ten weeks any | der the head of "Passed Through ber 3. America Public Hcaltb Association! It waa found by trial that with woal ktbs klhs wsoo wavo wtar Knicknaekt—T,....■weat: Orchet.—Dixie order anu Its auxiliaries to pay hen which had hatched qut a bevy of Hell Gate Today.' attend the State Night Dinner ol Superintendent, Miss Edith EUls; as­ or automobilq accldenti, occurred In MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir kghl 6:45— 7:40—Boake Carter's Comment homage to Its Grand Chancellor, sistant superintendent, Andrew Connecticut over the week-end. h_er^ today by James G. Cumming, | soapy water, the washing of sue- PACIFIC—kgo kfl kgw homo khq kfsd 7:00— 8:00—Guy Lombardo — basic: chicks would have checked them out the Hartford, Connecticut Local ac­ Seattle, Oct. 7 (AP)—A sadlsUc M. D., chief of the Bureau of pre­ Francis E. Korn of Durham and Its cording to announcement made by Hooker; secretory, Miss Alleno War­ Four persons were killed by auto­ cesslve dishes might add to con- ku r kgu kpo kez kga kjr kya keca The Land O' Dreamt, Music—west —sent them packing, on their own. A five-legged pig was bom last mobiles In the state the week-end killer who hanged seven-year-old ITALY IS AGGRESSOR ventable Diseases, Department of talmlnatlon until the utensHa carried Cint. East. 7:60— l:30^Plck and Pat, Comedy- Grand Chief, Fannie Mitchell Clark, But not tbla^ Biddy and not these Corwin P. Hawkln.s of Hartford an'd ner; treasurer, Kenneth Bails; Health, Washington. He Is a east: The Harmonettea—midwest ^ of Waterbury, on October 14 and month In a Missouri town. If tha pianist. Miss Olive Warner; superin­ previous. Sally Kelley on a garage door was more contamination after washing 4:00— 6:00—Ai Pearce and Odno 7:46— •:45—E. Karan, Organ—mldw; ducks. Ntver does the old girl let pig's owner doesn’t watch out tbs Miss Sollle Croll of Hartford, Co- brother of the U. S. Surgeon Gen­ than before. 4j3(^ 0:30—Tom Mix’a Western Skit 6:00— 6:00—Theater of Radio—c to e IS. sTbla quaint old New England her quacking white famUy get more Chairmen ot the Hartford Club Com­ tendent ol the primary class, Mrs. The accidents began early Satur­ hunted here toda}’ by police detec­ LEAGUE DECLARES eral. 4:46— 6:4S—Sam A Dick, Adventure# 8:00—10:00—Wayne King Oreh.—to e village will be the scene of great AAA wlU have him In JaU sure as mittee. Tha dinner and meeting Robert Foote. It was voted to hold day morning when Richard Cobb, For machine washing to disinfect 6:00— 6:00—Flying Time for KIddlea 8:60—10:8^-The March of Time—to c astlvlty when the Grand Lodge than three feet away from her. shooting. tives, shotgun squads and volun­ The dishwater menace applies the rinse water ahould carrv 6:16— 6:16—Eddie South A Orchestra 6:45—10:45—Manhattan Choir Program Ducks ot a brood habitually stick WlU be held at the Edgewood Coun­ Rally Sunday October 13. Mias 20, a Yale senior from Cleveland, teers. (Conttnned from Page One) alUte to homes and restaurants. Ex­ chlorine. ' 6:30— 6:30—Press-Radio News Perlbd 10:00—11:00—Abe Lyman Orchestra- Knights of Pythias meet here. The try Club a t Cromwell at 7:00 p.,m., Ruth Kinney, Miss Stella Spak, Miss was killed to Bridgeport and Cart 6:35— 6:35—Carol Dels, Song Recital east: Myrt A Marge—west repeat complete program has Just been an­ close together at all times, and these October has been an eventful Anderson, 47, lost ^ life to a Wa­ Investigating officers said the periments reported today were made For hand washing of dishes the 6:45— 6:45—Billy A Betty—weaf only 10:30—11:6&^erry Freeman Orches.— white fellows move about like a well Friday, October 11, wltli the princl- Allcne Warner and Miss Charlotte . girl, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. only In restaurants. ' 6:00— 7:00—Amoe ’n' Andy—east only nounced by the committee consist­ month for C3ilef of Police Samuel G. al addreea delivered by Dr. Albert Warner are In ebargo. terbury crash. Cobb was thrown Masses gathered In front of the report offered a three "compart­ 6:15— 7:15—Uncle Ezra Radio Station east: Pick and Pat—west repeat: ing of H. P. Ryan, general • chair­ drilled squad In close formation Gordon who, with Mrs. Gordon, cele­ out of a car which collided with an­ ' Albert H. Kelley, was criminally at­ French Consulate and raised up ■The diseases, spread by knives, ment” method. The first, a hot wa­ 6:30— 7:30—Education In the News Johnnv Hamp Orches.—midwest with the Red close on their webbed Rf. Jorgensen, recently appointed Mrs. Clifford Perry, Mrs. Norman tacked before she was slain last forks, spoons aiid plates, include, 11:00—12:d0—Leon Belateo Orchestra * man; A. J. Libby, secretary, .and‘J . brated his silver wedding anniver­ President of Connecticut State Col­ other machine and Anderson was vivas for France and Premier Laval, ter rinse to take off the food par­ 6:46— 7r45—Frit# Crisler—weaf only 11:30—12:60—gsymour Simon Orchts. Franklin Bailey on the advisory heels, cocking her eye flrst a t her sary Saturday. Warner. Mra. Bertha Hubbard, Mrs. driving a car which hit a pole. night. Coroner Otto H. Mlttlcstadt together with their cheers for Italy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza, ticles, second, Chlorine water com­ 7:00— 6:00—Hammerateln Mualo Hall lege. Profeasor Andre Sebenker of A. H. PosL Mrs. L. F. Twining, M ra and Detective Captain Ernest Yoiis scarlet fever, measles and the res­ 7:30— 8:30—Margaret Speaks Prog. NBC-WJZ NETWORK board. charges and then a t the horizon in October IS, 1908, he was appointed tbe CoUega history department will Peter Cbristlano, 10, of Norwalk, Premier Mussolini and the Italian partment for washing, third chlorine g:00— 6:00—Gypsies Concert Orehest. 3:00 p. m. October 14, ISO past precaution against any conceivable Kellogg White and Mrs. Charles attributed the killing to a degener­ arjny In Africa. piratory troubles the public thinks water for rinsing. S:30— 9:30—Grace Moore Prog.—to o BASIC*— Bast! wja wbx*wbxa wbal by tbe Selectmen as a patrolman. also address the Alumni. Fish were recent callers to WlUl- wat^kllled Saturday night to that ate. 9:00—10:00—Eastman Concert—also c wham kdl.c. wgar wxya wlw wsyr wmal chiefs of the Pythian Sisters will perU to them. October 4, 1900, he was elected Connecticut State Night woe In­ city when he walked across ths While Fascists celebrated the vic­ of as traveling mostly through the By this method the dishes are ex­ 9:30—10:30—National Radio Forum wfll; Mid: woky wenr wls kwk koll have their annual meeting and ba­ Nor Is this solicitude unrequited, mantlc. Detectives had as their main clue tory, officials watched for develop­ air. , constable for the first time. stituted by the Alumni Association Boston Post Road and was struck posed to chlorine eight to 12 min­ 10:00—11:0O—Dance Muelo—east: Amos wren wmaq kso zaar In the Town Hall presided over Apparently the ducks pay scant at­ October 5,1910, he was married. Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks Jones and by a oar. a man's large handkerchief which ments a t Geneva where they be­ In 46 restaurants. Including both utes. Whether this method should *n' Andy—west rpl. MIDWEST-wmt wood wire of the College Just a year ago. &Ioro was tightly knotted around Sally's 10:16—11:15—Leonard Keller OroK. by their Past Chief, Viola Hoskins, tention to their doting foster-parenL October 14,1811, he waa appointed than 35 alumni clubs In various Mrs. Robert Foote spent Thursday to Edward Jones, 66, of Hartford, lieved sanctions might be voted better and poorer types, the exam­ be satisfactory. Dr. Cummlng'a re­ 10:80—1l:3(^OIen Lee Dance Orches. NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj of Hartford. but tbe other day when Mr. Bentley, Hartford. also was struck while crossing a neck and lashed to a metal knob on against Italy to holt Its warfare iners found an average of 50,000 to port said, should be determined i 10:45—11:45—Jesse Crawford, Organlet wlba kstp webo wday kf^ orot efcf by the Selectmen as chief to succeed towns and cities to New the garage door when two policemen 11:00—12:00—Luigi Romanelii Orchet. SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wla wJa* 6:00 p. m., banquets In honor of deciding that this thing bad gone John F. Sheridan. well os to distant parts Miss Margaret Lewis, R. N., of street Saturday night and died the In Ethiopia. 100,000 bacteria per spoon, after extended tests In the restaurants. wfla-waun wlod wsm wmo wsb wapl Francis E. Korn, grand chancellor, about far enough. Imprisoned tbe Middletown, who la connected with following morning to Hartford hos­ discovert her body. C. S. Arms Embargo washing. 11:30—12:30—Dance Mualc Orchestra wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro try, participate in the program. Din­ Recently beer glasses bavs be CB8 WABC NETWORK at the M. E. church; at the F ^ian hen in a little coop, the ducks went A Michigan surgeon recently re­ ners ere held by tbe majority of the the Connecticut State Department pital. The child's grandmother. Mrs. Al­ The United Statca' arms embargo When chlorine was used properly washed In chlorine solutions In a woal ktbs kths wsoo wave hall In honor of Fannie Mitobell fred Coolldge. called police after caused Italy no anxiety, officials in the washing and rinsing, spoons BASIC—East: wabc wado woko wcao MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kglr kghl on a prompt and determined hunger moved a bolt, a nut and a washer local clubs a t which members of the of Health, was a collar In Gilead, Helen Carlson, 31, of YalesvlllA few places, by a two-compartment waab wnac wgr wkbw wkre whk wjr Clark, Grand Chief ot Waterbury; strike. They wouldn't eat supplied State College faculty and other Thursday afternoon. was killed In that village Sunday Sally disappeared from the hallway said, because this nation bad not showed from two bacteria to none. method. This, the report atated, wdro wcau wjaa wean wfbl wapd wjsv; PACIFIC—kgo kfi kgw komo khq kfad from the brain of a man. of an apartment where she was kUr kpo kez kga kjr kya keca supper to the Past Chiefs’ Associa­ provender and they wouldn’t hunt There was a ptraon who could prominent guests address the alum­ Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Twining, Mrs. afternoon when the ear to which been buying arms from America. -But the technique of using the may disinfect the glasses provided Midwest: wbbm wfbm kmbo kmos tion In the Congregational church. ohe was a passenger hit another playing. They observed cheerfully, on the chlorine and what kind of chlorine whaa kfab krnt Cents East. bugs In the gross. They wouldn'L in make a machine out of bit own ni clubs. A. H. Post and Aleck White spent they are left long enough In contact EAST—wbns wpg whp wheo wlba wfea 7:80 p. m., under Marshal Albert fact, move. Four abreast they took bead. Tbe purpose of State Night, ac­ machine and then struck a tree. Four hours later Patrolmen Perry other hand, that President Roose­ to employ required a study of sev­ with the chlorine water—probably wore wicc efrb ckao wibz wmaa weag 4:60— iiSl^The Singing' Lady—aaat S. Hanson the parade conslsth^ of Friday momtng at the Twining cot Hackler and F. E. Tinsley. Inves­ velt's proclamation of the embargo eral months. Machines waqbed DIXIE—wgat wsfa wbrn wqam wdod 4 :4^ 6:45—Orphan Annie—east only up a position In front of tbe barn Like the smart youngster whose cording to Alumni President Slverett tage at Coventry Lake. needing several minutes. klra wrsc wdsu wtoo krld ktrh 6:00— 6:00—U. 8. Army Band Concert 208 units of tbe Knights of Pythias, door and there they remained, now D. Dow of West Hartford, is to take tigating garages behind the apart­ would mean no arms from America kcsa waeo koma wdbo wbt wdae whig 5:15— 6:15—To Be Announced Pythian Sisters, Uniform Rank mother bragged he made a table and Mr. and Mrs. Norton Warner en­ ment building, opened one of the for Ethiopia. A tank, one of the scores that played a vital part in the Italian advance Into Ethiopia, Is shown moving towrard the foe line, in this first picture wdbj wwva wmbg wsjs wmbr wala 6:30— 6:30—Press* Radio Newe — ba* and then quacking dolefully.' Biddy a choir up out of bis own bead and the College to the Alunmi a t least tertained the following at a setback ktul kgico wcoa wdne wnox kw’kh Bio; The Singing Lady—mldw. rpL KnlghU ot Pythias, DramaUc Order on her ]>art retired to the darkest once a year. Plana are made at the doors and the body, knees touching It was to the League of Nations of action rushed by plane from the front to Rome, telephoned to London, and then radioed to the U. 8 . Flanking the steel monster are seen : — 6:65—Charioteers—wja only Knights ot Kboraason. bad enough wood left over to make party at their home Thursday eve­ the ground, came Into view. that Italy's man In tbs street looked MIDWEST—wgl wmbd wlin wlbw kfh 6 35 corner of her coop and devoted her­ a footstool. meeting for the conduct of local ning: Mr. and Mrs. WUllard Sher­ Sk/oSufferers marching soldiers ahu a machine gun detachment, as they went forward In the bills above Adowa. wsmk wkbn wcco wsbt ksoj wnax woe 6 :4^ 6:45—Lowell Thomas — east: 8:00 p. m. tbe.entertainment will alupanl affairs during the year and find ready rtlief from Itohing of oo­ Had Been Strangled for the next developments. War Briefs wowo Orphan Annie—repeat to midwest be In the Industrial Building ot the self utterly to mourning. If the same surgeon I* Intoreated man of Colchester, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Captain Yorls said the autopsy He hoped that the Francb Cab­ I SUSPECT HUSBAND ' MOUNTAIN—kvor kls koh ksl 6t0( ^ 7:0(^DInner Concert Program Finally Mr. Bentley, deciding he In further cranial exploitation i discussion centers about posslblll- liam Owen and Edward Raymond of ze ms, rashes and similar ills. In the' COAST—khj Ifoln kfre kol kfpy kvi 51I6— 7:15—Capt. Tim Healy, Stampe Fair Aseoclatlon. Dancing In tha Ues of assisting the State Cfollege In M p te gsntlB medloation of « showed she had been criminally at­ inet would back Premier Laval In a kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb kgb 8:31^ 7:30—Lum and Abner, Comedy Town ball 9 to 1 a. m. Halls and has sc o i^ a fielding error, let Biddy can supply him with the names of Amston, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd FogU, tacked, struck a savage blow on the stand against application of sanc­ years on the 4th, and Mr. and Mrs. Continued from Page One) 6:45— 7:45—Dangerous Paradlae. Skft ouL She hot-footed for tbe regular several persons, operations on whose Its development. It is estimated that Norman Warner, Charles Plnnoy of Chauncey Squiers 11 years, also on Cent. East 7:00— 8:00—Fibber McGee and Melly buildings are being decorated for more than 1,000 Connecticut State head and then strangled. As Torls tions by the League. IN DEATH OF WIFE 4:30— 6:30—Jack Armstrong—ea only; 7 : ^ Stf^Parla Mueical Bvaning the occasion. All Pythians and bong-out In the shade of the bam. heads might produce more wheels Gilead, and Louis Miner of Hartford tentatively reconstructed the crime, Must Tighten Belt COLUMBIA the 4tb. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Dawson—Dials; The Truth- but before she turned tbe comer of Alumni gather at this annual sute Ing the night by survivlDg tribes­ west 8: ^ 6:00—Weekly Minatrela Show their families and friends are invit­ than there are In Wheeling, W. Vo. Night observance. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake Resinol Lyman celebrated their 16th anni­ the girl was lured or snatched from If economic sanctions were re­ In common with a great many Local Stocks N. Y. Stocks men. 4:45— 6:46 Og. Son of Fire — east: • 16^ 6:60—Three Aet Radio Drama ed to attend. the building tbe ducks beard her and coffee were served. versary on October 1, by taking an Knight A Cuekooa the hallway, taken some distance sorted to, be remembered n Ouce's Actual casualties from this fire Bailey and Neumllltr—west 10:00— 11:00— D o ro th y La m o u r, Sopran o 9:00 a. m., October 18, the Grand throaty clucking, broke out Into such A man mayt be Iaeeused of having other churches In ConnectlcuL, Sun­ automobile trip for the day. and Adams E x p ...... 'away and then returned to the gar- admonition that be m utt tighten hla day, October woe Colonial Sun­ (Furnished by Putnam It Co.) ...... 7t4 were slight, he reported, but kept 8:00— 6:00—Buck Rogers—east: Bsa> Spots Negro Quartet Lodge of the Domain will convene a choms of quacking as might have a little Scotch In him If he falls to 6 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clarke were Alaska Jun ...... Woman’s Body Is Found trice Osgood. Piano—west A Dixie Noble and Oreheatra . age, possibly dead or unconscious. belt day. In place of the usual bell that Central Row, Hartford, Cenn...... 15H the victorious Italian forces from 8:15— 6:15—Bobby Benson — east: In the IndustHal Building for their been produced by a hundred ducks stand treat at tbe bar or U be falls OONOREGATIONAL WOMEN’S Chief of Police William B. Kirtley The capture yesterday of Adowa married on the 2nd of October 22 Allegheny ...... lltOO— 12:00— Sh an d or and H it V io lin Instead of four, and waddled hell­ GILEAD RALLY IN WETHERSFIELD coils people to worship, a drum years ago. sleep. Og, Son of Pfre—midwest—To Be 11:08— 12:0S— G riff W ltlia m a O rehaatra annual convention and election of to stand at tbe bar. : took charge of the search. was described by a government Allied C b em ...... 167H Floating Off Boston; Cou­ Announced—wut 11:30— 12:30—A I L y o n s and O reh aatra officers. bent to meet her. In ten seconds spokesman as the “high moment waa beaten by Raymond I^man, Two bard white frosts this week I P. H, Stocks Am Can ...... Hebron Orange, No, 111, held Its He described her death as “a most and Aubrey Winter and deorge ...... 140 V4 Djibouti, French Somaliland, Oct. 9:00 a. m., the Grand Temple the customary dally bunt, Biddy A contributor, asked to name tbe regular meeting at tha Gilead hgU, The seventh Annual Rally of tbe i fiendish crime." of Italian history." have about finished the gardens for Am Com! Aleo ,...... 25Ii supervised, was on and happiness Hartford District of the Council ot CbampUn guarded the doors with this year on the Green. They es­ Bank Stocks 7.—(AP)—F.ench troops will leave Pythian Sisters will convene In the seven wonders ot Manchester, the Tuesday evening, October 1. Tha While officers and volunteers "Ever since I was a child, I had their muskets. The men sat on the Am Home Prod ...... 32% ple Had Had Trouble. 7:00—^Mayfair Orchestra. Town Hall for their tnnual conven­ reigned again. other day, replied without hesitation, Congregational Women of Connec­ beard of the Indignity of Adowa. 1 caped the frosts of a few weeks ago I Asked Am Rad St S ... here tomorrow for Derldawa, Ethi­ flrst and second degrees were con' p ulohe OOUHOOKO* d o p o n d o h u swarmed through the nelghterhood, ...... 16% 7:15—Stamp Club. tion and election of officers. Tragedy impends, however. Those "The Board of Selectmen." ticut will be he'd In the Congrega­ l.ntn«r^ oofoloo lot man and w p> cannot announce the capture with­ right and the women on the left, as which got gardens In lower sections Cap Nat Bank A Trust 17 Am Smelt ...... opia, it was announced. today, to ferred on a class of four, bliss Anne searching for the slayer, the mother was the old custom, which was Conn. River ...... 4 ...... 61% 7:30—Lum and Abner. 11:00 a. m., there will be a Joint four ducks are destined to grace the Clark and Philip Clark of Amston, tional church, Wethersfield, Wed­ man. ■jJarlad asspiepaa map bot- was kept In ignorance of her daugh­ out emotion," he said. of tbs town. Some of the dahlias Am Tel and Tel ...... 138 protect French lives and property memorial service In the M. E. nesday, October Ifl. The morning ■•w up *• S180 on thairthoir pancnal even in force when the Columbia In the gardens of Mrs. H. W. Porter First Nat Bank ...... and the Franco-Ethloplah railroad Hull. Mass., Oct. 7.—(AP) — The 7:45—Dangerous Paradise. Bentley's Thanksgiving board. And Sandy Beach Sadie thinks the Bradford Smith of Hebron and notSs Tho only eoot laIs •a ahavga al ter's death. "Adowa henceforth will never be Am Tob B ...... 100% WTIC 8:00—Fibber McQea and Molly. church across the Green presided what will poor Biddy do then, poor session will open a t 10 o'clock, the throo pot ooni a manUivinthf Uilftp*alJi- church was established. Of course Htfd. Conn. Trust .. . center there. mysterious death of a 30-year old members of tbs Olrls Friendly socie­ Harry Sampson of Gilead. The next Detectives began a vigorous ques- anything but Italian territory." and Mrs. George Champlln, being Am Wat Wrks ...... 15% Hartford, Conn. over by the Rev. George 8 . Brookes Rev. Eugene M. Buehong leading oov onnuMs on th o unpaidnpald h ^ tn a a . there was no organ music, but the In rather sheltered places are still Hartford National___ Fresh French colonial troops, mother was the subject of police In­ 8:30—EJvening In Paris. thing—oh, what will poor Biddy do ty of SL Mary'a church, are the regular meeting will be held October T ho oooffSM M onthlpf taofft ^ t l O O , Uoning of residents In the nelghbor- As for casualties In the advance Anaconda ...... 22 % 80,000 W. 1040 a. C, 282.8 U. of RockvUla, the Grand Prelate of then? the opening Worship Sendee. Mrs. ! from Eritrea to the North Ethiopian choir led the congregation In sing­ In full bloom, and are a moat beau­ Phoenix St. B. and T. 1 about 1,000 strong, will arrive here vestigation today. 9:00—Greater Minstrels. "Belles of St. Mary's,” about whom 15 and tbe third and fourth degrees top Rid Ui 10 loonthlyp papmonta ia "nood. The officers said one man, ing two old hymns, which were Armour, III...... 3% The partly clad body of Mrs. Ida Travelers Broadcasting Service 9:30—Princess P at Flayers. ConnectlcuL It Is requested that no one read people are alwajrs elnglng over, tbe Lansing Lewis of New Haven, Presi­ onlptfeB.o n lp tl.e O . whose name was not disclosed, re­ city, the spokesman said there was tiful sight. Insurance Stacks Atchison ...... at the same time with large suppliee 12:30 p. m., dinner will be served yvlll be conferred. dent of the Council will speak on Full lapaymanl map ba sRodo at anp lined out by the pastor, the pitch ...... 44% of munitions and war materials as Goldman Baker was found floating Daylight Saving Time 10:00—Ray Knight's Chickoo Hour. these paragraphs to either Biddy or radio. Mrs. A. H. Post, Mrs. L. F. Twin­ tlmos lharabp t aduolng total okatpa ported he bad visited the garage no official Informatigp, but "of Aetna Casualty ...... 86 89 Auburn ...... 87 to the lOiighta of Pythias In the "Opportunities Ooenlng for Church propoitlonatalp. course there cannot be war without being given by a tuning fork. The the colony's frontiers are being rein­ about nine miles from the Boston 11:00—Time, weather; baseball the ducks. Or even let them see ing, Mrs. Charles Fish and son, Cal­ about 8 p. m. and the body was not choir aleo sang one of the older PUBLICITY’S LIGHT Aetna Fire ...... 54% 56% Aviation Corp ...... 3% waterfront yeste'day. Several houra Scores. Flower building. The Pythian Sla­ this newspaper. We don’t feel any Women” and President Robbins casualties." TURNED BY NAZIS Aetna Life ...... forced to meet any eventuality. A Pennsylvania lunch stand pro­ vin, were callers at the homo of Mrs. Wolcott Berstow ot Hartford Sem­ IDEAL FINANCINO there a t that time. hymns. The pastor preached on 28% 30% Balt and Ohio ...... 13% later her estranged husband, Solo­ Mondays October 7, 1085 11:05—Esso News Reporter. ters will dine In the main dining too darned sure they couldn't read prietor has been charged wtto adul­ Sally's father Is a member of a The news of the capture, after 89 ON GER.MAN ARMY Automobile ...... 36 38 Bendix ...... Hundreds of Europeans are rush­ P.M. room of the Tot.ti Hall. A. L. Frink In Andover, Wednesday inary Foundation will have as tbe years of waiting, came too late for "Peculiar people." The church com­ ...... 22 ing to Djibouti from all parts of mon Baker, 35, was taken Into cus­ 11:10—Cocoonut Grove Orchestra. IL terating hamburg. Perhaps be put afternoon. ASSOCIATION. Ina pharmaceutical flrhi. mittee and truatees eat below the Conn. General ...... 36 38 Beth Steel ...... 37% tody by Boston police, questioned, 4:00—^Women's Radio Review. It Is expected this 69th annual I sublect of an address and Devotion­ Room 0, t(uoico.v lijituing the monster celebrations that Fasc­ Berlin—(AP) —^The completeness Ethiopia. 4:30—Girl Alone. 11:30—Rockefeller Center Rainbow some hamburg In IL The following had perfect attend­ Besides her parents, she Is sur­ pulpit facing the congregation, In Hartford Fire ...... 74% 76% Beth Steel, pfd ...... 103 photographed and fingerprinted and Room Orchestra. convention will close Its session by When the Rockville Journal, in its al Service "Tho TimelesaneM of 848-858 Main Street vived by a baby brother. ist Black Shirts had planned. of the secrecy distinguishing thd Hartford Steam Boiler 72 75 Borden ...... 4:43—Grandpa Burton. 6:00 p. m. ance for the month of September, Christ." Phone 7281 Young Fascists, however, parad­ the persons of H. W. Porter, C. E...... 23% then turned over to Hull police pend­ 12:00—Sbondor. Thursday Issue, printed biographical With an antl-notse campaign on In Hunt, Henry Hutchins and William flrst nazl rearmament steps now National Fire ...... 72 74 Can P a c ...... 9% London, Oct. 7.— (AP) — The ing an autopsy today. 5:00—^A1 Pearce and his Gang. ed. Rome and others of the largest characterizes the publicity given Archbishop of Canterbury, who has 12:08—King Edward Hotel Orches­ sketches of two candidates In town Now York last week-end while he Wolff, as was the habit of the old Phoenix F ir e ...... 87% 89% Case (J. I.) ...... 83% Medical Examiner John G. Swee­ 5:30—“Dick Tracy.” tra. election today In Its Obituary col­ cities behind brass bands, carrying certain aspects of the German mili­ Travelers ...... 585 603 Corro De Pasco .. been taking a moat active interest In 5:45—Sam and Dick. was In the big city, Joe Spivis bad flaming torches, pictures of 11 Duce time deacons. When It was time tary forces...... 60 ney after a cursory examination of umns, It probably didn’t mean to In­ to go without eating soup and didn’t VOTING ON TODAY for the offering, the people came to Public UtlUtiee Stocks Ches and Ohio ...... 43% the Italo-Ethloplan conflict^ was the body said tbe head shows signs 6:00—Wrightvllle Clarion. and caricatures of Emperor Halle Whole shelves and display win­ Chrysler ...... called to tbe foreign office today 6:30—^News. SOUTH COVENTRY sinuate that tbe aspirants were at all dare wear his new ^hoes, they Selassie. They shouted In Joy and the altar and put It In the plate In­ dows of almost every Berlin book­ Conn. Elec S e rv ...... 52 56 ...... 73% that a blow might have caused a dead. But the Journal shouldn't take squeaked so. stead of having an usher collect It Cock Cola ...... 246 ten minutes after the arrival of For­ skull fracture and that the left ear 6:40—Gema from Memory. IN SMALL TOWNS sang war songs. store are filled with volumes on Conn. P o w e r...... 42% eign Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare. 6:45—"Strange As It Seems." Mrs. Bertha Cour completed the as Is the modem custom. There soldiering. Publications use thous­ Greenwich, W&Q, pfd. 55 60 Col Gas and Elec ...... 12% and nose were bleeding when Coast was one particular In which the Coml Solv ...... 17% The archbishop, in an address Guardsmen took the body from the 7:00—Amos "n’ Andy. enumeration of school children, tbe ands of words to tell about maneu­ Hartford Elec ...... 68 70 Cons Gas ...... Saturday, criticized Italy, "for this 7:15—Gordon. Dave and Bunny. number In tbe south pariah being are s]iendlng a short vacation at (Conttnned from *>age One) Suez Canal Co. Puritan custom was not followed. In vers of quasl-milltary groups like Hartford Goa ...... 42 46 ...... 27% water. Mrs. Graham's Tea Room. that there was a fire In the furnace Cons Oil ...... 7% unprovoked aggression” and said Last Seen Friday 7:30—Carmen Roselle, soprano, 231, and In the north parish, 120. Recreation (Center Neutral Concern and the congregation didn't-have to the brown abirts. do., pfd...... S3 Cont Can ...... "our hearts are sickened at tbe 7:45—Jack Says, "Ask Me An Miss (Mtherlne McKnIgbt has en­ Mrs. S. B. AUen and eon, Rich­ when Gov. Wilbur L. Cross became Pictures are numerous of aemy, SNETC o ...... 119 ...... 85 Mrs. Baker was last seen alive (Eastern atandari* rime.) ard, of Norwood visited her sister, the flrst Democratic chief executive Paris, OcL 7.—(API—The Suez shiver all through the sendee. In­ 123 Com Prod ...... 61% thought of the beginning of this Friday night, Commissioner of Pub­ other." tered the School of Pbhdcal Thera­ Items of Interest Canal directors'met today for a re­ adequately warmed by foot warm­ navy, and air corps heads. Large Manufacturing Stocks Del Lack and West senseless slaughter—these people of 8:00—Honunersteln's Music HoU. peutics connected with Yale Univer­ Mra. T. W. Graham and family in nearly a generation. )Osters are offered for sale. show- ...... 13% lic Safety Henry Stevens of Hull sity at New Haven. Thursday. Half of Electorate port from International lawyers, un­ ers and extra clothing, but there Am Hardware ...... 25 27 Du Pont ...... 129% Ethiopia, backward according to our said. At that time, be continued, 8:30—WlUlam Daly's Orchestra. New York, OcL 7.—(AP)—With was no complaint heard on that fng the various kinds of uniforms— standards of civilization yet proud 9:00—The Gypsies. Mrs. 3, LeRoy Sohweyer under­ Monday The 149 towns which elected town derstood authoritatively to conclude a subject that a few months ago Am Hosiery ...... _ 25 Eastman Kodak ., ...... 152% she left her home in Malden to caU the World Series over, the networks went an emergency operation for officials represent little more than that the canal could neither be score, the day being cloudy and ex­ Arrow H and H, com .. 28 SO Elec and Mus ...... 6 of their own ancient life — being on her husband for money to sup­ 9:30—Grace Moore. will give the biggest share of their The boya’ boxing class will mset baffled native Germans. mowed down by a great and care 10:00—Contented Program. appendicitis at the Windham Com from 6 to 6 o'clock. half of Connecticut's electorate. Of closed to Italians nor blockaded to tremely chilly. One publishing firm has a new do., pfd. 107 — Elec Auto L ite ___ port their daughter. When . Mrs. next Saturday atteraoon to football. Mrs. Lucy Clarke, 97 years old, Gen Elec ...... fuUy prepared machine slaughter." 10:80—The Travelers Hour—Julius Two games will be described, Min­ munlty Memorial hospital late Tuee The men's boxing class wiU meet these, most of them rural communi­ check warfare In Ethiopia. series of 62 textbooks for recruits, Billings and Spencer., % Baker failed to return Saturday day night. BUCKINGHAM from 7 to 8 o’clock. ties, Republicans now control llfl. An official atatement published by Columbia's oldest inhabitant, closed Brass .'...... 53 55 Gen Foods ...... Mrs. Rose Goldman, motber of Mrs, Nusaman, director; with Marie nesota vs. Nebraska on two net­ her Columbia home Friday and reserve forces, and laymen dealing Healey; Modem Symphonic Choir. Mrs. Frank E. Hull Is with her The women's gym class will meet Democrats 32 and the Taxpayers' the company said it would be Im­ v/lth subjects like military trans­ Case, Lockwood and B 175 Gen M otors...... Addis Ababa, Oct. 7.—(AP) — Baker, notified Malden police. works. WJZ-NBC and WABC-CBS, The Buckingham church waa rep­ from 7 to o’clock. went to her daughter's house, Mrs. __ 11:00—News. daughter, Mrs. N. Scarle Light In 8 Party one, Danbury. possible for the directors to take any portation, sanitation, communica­ Collins Co...... 120 Gillette ...... Americans here were today looking Stevens said the dead woman’s a^^Iow a vs. (Jolgats on WEAF- Hartford. Mr. Light la convalescing resented In the Glastonbury Tercen­ The men'-i gym class wlU meet Three cities, Bristol, Torrlngton decision on closing of the canal by May Burton of WhitneyvlUe. Mrs. Colt’s Firearms ...... 38% Gold Dust ...... for a place to burrow in the event of family said Mr. and Mrs. Baker II :15—Leonard Keller’s Orchestra. Clarke has been spending the sum­ tion, camouflage, engineering and 40% 11:30—.Glen Lee's Orchestra, from a serious operation performed tenary parade Saturday afternoon, from 8:16 to 9 o’clock. and Norwalk, voted tor city as well "sanctions." gas defenad. Eagle Lock ...... 24% 26% Hudson Motors ... air raids. filed cross suits of divdrce last Tunlng in tonight: about two weeks ago. by Herbert E. Mitchell of Bell streeL A plunge period for men wlU fol­ as town officials. Waterbury, now "The company la a commercial mers here In her old home, but will Fafnlr B earings...... 76 Int Harv ...... Cornelius Van H. Elngret, United week. Each charged cruel and 11:45—Jesse Crawford, OrganlsL WEAF-NBC—7:15, Uncle Ezra; make her home for the future with Magazines are Increasing tbsir 12.00—Mldn.—SUenL Tbe Ladles of tbe Methodist He secured a hack and harness low the gym class. Democratic, holds Its city election Arm, and therefore neutral," the circulation by accounts of anti-air­ Fuller Brush, Class A. 8 11 Int Nick ...... States charge d’affaires, ordered abusive treatment 8, Ted Hammerstine’s sliow; 9, church entertained tbe Ladles Mis­ which was decorated and drawn by The early plunge period for men tomorrow, while the other big cities, statement said. "lU neutrality is her children. She is In remarkably craft measures, how soldiers live, Gray Tel Pay StaUon Int Tel and Tel .., bomb-proof shelters built for bis Baker, formerly In the Navy, Is a Gypsies; 9:80, Grace Moore; 10:80, good health for her age. 18% 48% Radio Forums, Stewart McDonald; sionary Society of the Congregation­ horses. will be held from 7 to 8 o'cIocIl among them Hartford, Bridigeport. recognized' by the Constantinople soldiers' songs, requirements for Hart and Cooley ...... 110 Johns Manvllls .. countiVmen, following the lead of printer in a commercial printing of­ al church and friends at the Metho­ Tbe women’s plunge period wlU New Haven and Meriden, will elect There waa a pageant in the Meth­ military service, and the like. — Kennecott ...... fice. Found a t bis home In the Dor­ 11:35. Jeese CrawfonL organ. The Buckingham Paront-Teachsrs convention of 1888 and specifically odist church In Willimantlo Sunday Hartmann Tob. com.. 4 the British and Germsma, but ran in­ dist church Thursday afternoon. association hod a decorated float. be from 8 to 9 o'clock. later in the year. maintained by Article 282 of the do., pfd...... 30 Lehigh Val Coal ., to trouble. chester section of Boston be said he WABC-CBS—7:80, Singing Sam; About fifty attended. Rev. John The bowling alleys will be reserv­ In more than a score of towns, the evening, to open the week of Teach­ Int S ilv er...... Lehigh Val Rd .... had not. met bis wife Friday night 8, Guy Lombardo; 8:80, Pick and Edwin D. Reed and Louis Searone Versailles Treaty, therefore guaran­ er Training classes that will be held AFGHAN WO.MEN PREFER 19 22 The soli about the American lega­ Pat: 9, Radio theater, “The Wren;" Pearce offered prayer and gave an secured an old school bus and Mr. ed for the girls’ gym class Isague liquor question appeared on the bal­ teed by the Covenant The canal, FROCKS FRO.M EUROPE do., pfd...... 69 72 Loew’a ...... tion Is soft and filled In with rubble, and knew nothing about her death. WDRC address of welcome, followed with from 8 to 10 o'clock. lot In some form. Some of these in that church for the Sunday Lorillard ...... Tbe woman's body was identified 10:45, Manhattan choir; 12:80, Pro­ Le'Valley used bis horses which were therefore, remains open." school teachers in that vicinity. Landers. Frary & Clk. 44 46 and not sturdy enough to support 225 Hartford, Ooun. 1880 gram from Hawaii. remlniscenses of bis early associa­ used several years ago on this bus. The women'B afternoon bridge communities voted whether to per­ Simultaneously, a movement In fa­ Kabul, Afghanistan — (AP) New Brit. Mch., Com.. 12 14 Mont W a rd ...... durable walls. While he hunts for by Harry Goldman, a brother. tions In South Coventry. 'The hymn party at the West Side Reo will mit the sale of liquor on Sundays In Rev. A. W. Melllnger of Columbia Nat Else ...... Daylight Saving Time WJZ-NBG-t7:16, Captain Tim Tbe Buckingham church bad on vor of negotiating quickly with Pre­ was In charge of It, and the Colum­ Fashionable dresses from Parts and do., pfd...... 75 firmer ground be offers his stone Healy; , Fibber McGee and MolUe; "Blest ba the-tig that Binds", was start play at 2 o'clock. Prizes will hotels, restaurants and clubs. The mier Mussolini for settlement of his London are rapidly ousting from Mann At Bow, Class A Nat Cash Reg .... residence to Americans If protection 8 sung by all, with Mrs. W. H. Arm­ old fashioned service Sunday morn­ be awarded. bia people taking part in it were 6 0 Nat Dairy ...... 8:30, Pickens Sisters and others; 9, ing. others were to decide whether to controversy with Ethiopia gained Clayton Hunt. Jr., Vlrgln.'i Collins, popularity the traditional clothes do., Class B ...... 1 is needed. Monday, October 7, 1885 Minstrels: 10. Sen. B o ^ on "The strong at the piano. A social hour Taeeday permit the sale of liquor, beer only, ground after the Italians reached worn by Afghan women of tbe North and Judd ...... 27 Nat Distill...... COUPLE, SOON TO WED, P. M. followed, after which a lunch was Bralnard Bell Is a candidate for The women's swimming classes or no sales of alcoholic beverages of Carol and Jans Lyman, Merton upper classes. 29 N Y Central ...... U. S. and the present war crisis;" their Adowa gcal. Wolff and Margaret and Paul Mel- Nllps. Bern . Pond . . . . 24 26 Addis Ababa, OcL 7.—(AP) — An ic 4:00—Visiting America’s Little 12:30, Lyons orchestra. served, of fruit salad, rolls, cake and Second Selectman on tbe Republican win meet as follows; 7 to 7:45, be­ any kind at any time. The Influential newspaper Petit The queen of Afghanistan dresses Peck, Stow and Wilcox NY NH and Htfd . House. ’ coffee. ticket. He Is a graduate of the ginners; 7:46 to 8:80, intermediate. Ilngar. almost entirely In western fashion 4 6 North Amer ...... unofficial and entirely unconfirmed GIVEN SURPRISE PARH What to expect Tuesday: In all of the towns holding elec­ Parlslen Issued a strong appeal to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hunt were Russell Mfg...... 25 rumor said today that Ethiopians 4:13—Chicago Variety Hour. WEAF-NB(i—1:48 p, m., NBC Mies Evelyn-Wilson has obtained Glastonbury High school and the W edneed^ tions, the sale of alcoholic beverages the League of Nations, declaring It and her lead Is now being widely Scovlll ...... Packard ...... 4:45—Do, Re, Ml. a position In tbe WPA office In Massachusetts Agricultural coUege. Tha women’s handcraft class will was not permitted today. dinner guests Friday at the home of followed. 28% 20% Penn ...... recaptured Adowa after a bitter Music Guild; 5, Page boy's drama, Hartford. meet a t o'clock. was. not too late for negotiations. Mrs. Hunt's sister, Mrs. Chester Stanley Works ...... 29% 31% counter-attack, taking five Italian Miss Ruth Hanson and Ray­ 5:00—Manhattan Matinee. "The Chimney;” 8:15, Hymn Sing­ 2 Cool, brisk weather throughout "The League Council la free In its Standard Screw ...... Phlla Rdg C and I 6:30—Jack Armstrong—AU-Amer- ing. There will be a special service at The women’s afternoon bowling Wlnsoi- of Johnston, R. I., In honor 115 Phil Pete ...... officers prisoners. mond N. Field Are Honored HELPS FORM AID CORPS club will bowl a t o’clock. the stats aided in the drive of party Judgment of the facta of the situa­ of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt's 26th wed­ A WOMAN’S ANSWER do., pfdq guar...... __ lean Boy. the Congreratlonal church Sunday 8 workers for a big vote. 102 Pub Serv N J ...... WABC-CBS—Lois lxing*s Hour; AND IS FIRST ’PATIENT’ Tbe women’! gym class will meet tion,” the newspaper said. ding anniversiuy. Smyth Mfg. Co...... - - in Party at Miss Hanson’s 6:45—John Quinn—Songs of Ire­ 4:45, Three LltUe Words, trio; 6:16, morning, vatb a historical address One of the closest elections In Boone, Iowa—When Mrs. Guy 48 Radio ...... land. by Rev. Charles G. Johnson, and* old from 7 to 8 o’clock. New Oommlttoe October would seem to have been Taylor and Fenn .... — 85 Home. Benay Venuta. Fort Worth, Tex.—(AP) — Jos years was forecast for Norwalk, "If It can propose recommenda­ a favorite month for weddings a Hoover walked Into Traffic Court Torrlngton ...... Rem R a n d ...... 6:00—Yankee Network News Serv­ WJZ-NBC—3:15, Hunt meet a t time music by the choir. The men’s life-saving class will now Democratic. Four candidates 83% 85% Rey Tob B ...... ice. There were about fifty ladles Moore and Walter Franklto last meet from 7 to 7:46. tions, It can also entrust a new com­ few years ago with Columbia peo­ voluntarily and pleaded guilty to Underwood Mfg. Co. . 71 73 HIS EXCELLENCY - Rolling Club; 4:30, Fascinating winter Induced their fellow em­ were In the fleld for the mayoralty mittee to resume the work of con-' ple, especially the flrst week, as five driving through a atop light, she ex­ Safeway Stores ... Miss Ruth M. Hanson of Union 6:15—Bobby Benson and Sunny Rhythm; 5, American Medical As­ present at tbe gathering hold in the The men’s non-swtmmers class now held by State Comptroller Union Mfg. Co...... 4 6 Schenley DIs ...... P.avmond N. vestry of the Methodist church ployes to a cereal mill to organUe a win meet from 7:46 to 8:30. dilation begun In the trl-partlte con­ couples, all living on or near the plained, 'I t Just happened." U S Envelope, Com... 80 Jim. sociation. first aid corps. Charles C. Swarts, a Democrat. The ference at Paris. Green, have had anniversaries this The mayor excused her after re­ Sears Roebuck .... Field, were pleasantly surprised yes­ 6:30—^-Hartford Public Schools Se­ Wednesday afternoon. After an Oaooe Attraction majroral candidates are Frank 8 do., pfd...... 122 127 Shell Union terday aiterncuo oy a party ot tnelr opening hymn tbe Rev. John Pierce Recently Moore fell against a Friday, OcL 11—Dancing to the "The day after the Italian entrv "'eek. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lyman marking, "It only goes to show you Veeder Root ...... 56% B7H ries—Fred D. Wish, Jr. 440-volt switch and was the first Ctack. Democrat; State Rep. Wil­ were married 81 years ago on the never can tell what a woman will Socony Vac ...... friends and relatives' from Spring- flJ^5—Ihe Soaplne V^alera, made a few welcoming remarks m from 8:80 to 12:80. Music by liam J. Lyons, Republican; Arnold Intoa_ Adowa,A _ At-t things__ are much easier . aa.. Whitlock (Soil Pipe . . . 2 South P a c ...... field, Agawam, Hartford, New D ia DENVENUTTS BAND and a social hour was enjoyed. Re­ person to need aid of the new eoips. -Jebard Benvenutl and hla li-pieee Freese, Socialist, and Albert M. from the viewpoint of prestige than 4th, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hunt 25 do.” J.B.Wirma Co. $10 par 40 60 7:00—Myrt and Marge. Franklto said It saved bis friend's hitherto." South Rwy ...... ; Kaven and this town who gathered 7:15—D ^ o Boys—Gordon, Dave freshments were then served by the life. orchestra featuring Miss Ann Wel­ Pohlman, Soclalist-Laborlte. St Brands ...... at Miss Hanson's home. Red and ladles society of the church. come, vocalisL The National Union of Veterans, and Bunny. AT REC FRIDAY NIGHT In Torrlngton, the Republican In­ St Gas and El .... white was used as a color scheme, 7:30—Singin' Sam. There were five tables In p)ay at You take no chances with cumbent, Mayor Ernest E. Novey, representing 920,000 men, and the St OH C a l...... and a large bell In red and white the whist given Thursday night by was opposed by State Senator Peasant Front added their voices to Italian Troops Using Big Field Piece 7:45—Boake Carter. St OH N J ...... was suspended from the center ot 8:00—Lombardo Road. Dick Benvenutl, popular Orches­ the children of the South street ’CiCi 1 r'S G ETTIN C; TO HI AM Francis W. Hogan, Democrat. T^o those being raised against sanctions, Tex C o rp ...... ; the room. school. The prizes, all of which Socialists were represented by a sending a telegram of protest 8:30—One Night Stands with Pick tra leader, and hla band will return Timken Roller Bear (Jhorus singing was led by Her­ and Pat. to the Recreation Center this Fri­ were donated by Mrs. Benjamin **C0LDMKLT TEST PROVES city Ucket for the first time In the against any'such action to Premier Trans America .. man Montle with Mrs. Edward Mon­ CJarpenter, were awarded as fol­ history of Torrlngton, the slate be­ Laval at Geneva. 9:00—Lux Radio Theater — Helen day evening after making many ap­ MTHIUCITE REST HOME FUa Union Carbide .. tis at the piano. A buffet lunch was pearances at the leading dance lows; Ladies first, Mrs. Georgs ing headed by Kenneth Furmin, Hope for Settlement served and many beautiful gift Chandler, John Beal, George Faw- leading Cour; second, Mrs. Paul Brady; Old American Hava yon noticed, in a home mayoral nominee. Union P a c ...... ; cett In “The Wren". pavlllonalavlllons and baUroomsballrooms In NNew e- „„Eng.h»- % lu e c o a l Hopes for a rapid settlement of Unit Aircraft ... were presented to the-bride-to-be. thlrt. Mix. E tta Cole; gent's first, heatsd by ■nbitltnts fuels. Out the Italo-Ethloplan problemi were Lf 10:00—Wayne King’s Orchestra, land during the past summer season. Natnan Jacobaon; second, Eufena at timet your anklet are cold G. O. P. EXPECTATIONS Unit Corp ...... 10:30—March of Time. Some of tbe spots that were played considered In French general Opinion Unit Gas Imp ,.. AIXYN WOODWORTH DIES at were: Wildwood Park. KUUngly, Bdgerton; third, Ernest Squires. C u sto m while the upper part of your AMERICA’S FINEST ANTHRACITE Hartford, Oct. 7.—(AP)—Repub­ to have been Increased by President Thompsonvllle, Oct. 7.—(AP) — 10 :45t—Manhattan Choir. Refreshments of sandwlchea, cake body It wsrinr Thit it due to lican state leaders expect tO(uy's U S Ind A le ___ 11:00—Yankee Network News Serv­ Conn., Lakewood Park, Waterbury, Roosevelt’s em^Argo on ahipments of U S Rubber .... Allyn Woodworth, 60, known Conn., Rau's PavlUoh, Crystal Lake and punch were served by the chll eeld air piling op on the floor elMtions In 149 communities to American arms and munitions to the ice. dren. ■TT TAKES nerve to face a charging bull A split-second too show a voting trend In their favor. U S S m e lt...... throughout tbe Connecticut valley as 11:15—Abe Lyman’s Orchestra. and Mansfield Grove, New Haven, during the time when the burner belligerents. U a S te e l...... a tobacco buyer and one of the Conn. Wherever this leader ap­ Miss Helen Sykes. Miss Hattie it abut off by the thermosutie tlow In dodging and there’s a big chance of being tossed The result, they say, may Indi­ The President seems to have 11:30—Jerry Freeman’s Orchestra. Albro, Miss Mary Burgoyne and cate a party resurgence based on Vick Chem ...... largest tobacco growers In-the town peared with his orchestra he was’ controL With fnelt of thit type and gored bjr death-dealing horns. But it’s fun for tho placed hla “neutrality" .at the serv­ Western Union . of Enfield, died a t bis home here to­ always received favorably and had Mrs: Van R. Bennett motored over opposlUon to the New Deal that ice of the League of Nations and day. He bad been ill about three the Mohawk Trail Thursday. the heat mutt be off on otaUeff. toreador—taking chances is in his blood. w l be refiected In the state and West El and Mfg to play return engagements. Tbe annual meeting of the Na G Mora M aytea an fa nse than any But with anthracite the fire National elections. Great Britain to help them end the Woolworth . . . . months. Death was' due to a com­ Although hs bag played at tbe warfare In Ethiopia, said the liberal plication of diseases. Uian Hale 4-H Poultry clfib was other wssbw, w henever woman _een he regulated'—tpeeded op It’s thrilling to toko chance*—but not when buying fuel I^mocrats are making no claims Elec Bond and Sbar ISirb). Recreation Canter In the past, Ben­ evening at the home of think of wsshers, they think of of Increased strength, nor are they newspaper Oluvre. Mr. Woodworth was born in Euf- venutl' has increased the personnel or slowed down grad- There’s one fuel you can buy without risk—‘blue cool’. Its ROBKR.T l_ERDY COCHRAN WUUam Graham. The following of Df sytag, becauN It U tbo stondsed of L oslly — to ihti you amceding success for the unusual The noted commentator Pertinax COfM IN BOCHE^TEB field but bad resided here since 1912. WBZ-WBZA o Ills organization and now h ss"ll fleers were elected for tbe coming Republican organization activity in wrote In L’Echo de Paris that thr He was a former director of the Springfield — Boston men and a girl singer. Miss Ann Wel­ all wsehcrvalno. Ths one-piece, cMt- ’ ctn btvs tome heat blue color tells you that you’re getting the finest Pennsyl. The Governor of Nebraska Hartman Tobacco Co,, of Hartford. year: PresldenL Francis Franz: alamfaum tab keepe tha water hot the towns|, Importance of tbe proclamation lay Rochester, N. Y, Oct 7.—(AP)— Daylight Sating Time come, whose winning personality vice-president. WUUam Graham: St an llmet—Jnit at vonia Hard Coal • • , cleaned^ screened end sized by up-to* 'T am quite sure the Democratic In the fact that It first recognized Smiling, quiet Robert LeRoy He is survived by his widow and and style of singing Immediately far an entire waehfas. The (Tyrstalor much or at little at It was free^g in Rochester early two children. sawtary and trqasurer, Joseph date methods, to give you warm, cozy rooms all winter at Party will enjoy considerable suc­ ahead of the League, that Italy and today as tbe mercuiY slipped to a Cochran, governor of Nebraska, o.- makes a Wt with the crowd. An­ ^ t ; record-keeper, Nathan waahfag action is fast and geatls. kyou wsttL cess In today's election because of Ethiopia were at war, and second­ ten Is at his desk before a. m. . . Funeral aervicea will be a t 2:80 P. M. other feature of tbe band la their Tha marvelone KoDcc Water Re­ lowest cost Play safel Always order ‘blue coal’ . . . Ask for ly; new all-time record tor the date of 6 White. C. r; MUes, state extension .. constant Improvement In the small­ 32 degrees. The previous record runs tbe day’s “grist" through the p. m., Wednesday with burial in Suf- 3:46—King's Jesters. novelty man. Tony Ciato who will poultryman from CSonnectlcut State mover hea eodoead, aelf

BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Both Barrels SENSE and NONSENSE r By MARTIN ONE T>\\N(b \S SO R E— VNE GAuS •P /! OP WW WVNO — AMO.'VA^ VAORE \ Some men are so constituted that HlkOE TO STANO OP TOP OOP Hubby (stumbling upstairs at 3 1 OP WEn.TVK. IAM50ER 1 &c they can pull a dirty trick In the a. m .)—The old gray mare ain’t I R\&WS'.THE MORE VNEOO. THE morning and go to prayer meeting POOR W.\0 -O P MORE. WE’RE EX.PECTEO TO OO - ytoO V. V\OH*.*b\CK A.NO what she used to be— T W tR E IN TVL'E ? in the evening. , Wifey (peeved)—No; but the I ANO K V-OT OE CREOfY VNE GET RDVERriSE ^ WW.OERNESS, SAV. white mule still 1st ANO BE 0\CTATE0 \N O R «\N 6 LYKE HOVN'S I am rich—qulta rich—and stlU I PAONE. AEOOT ‘ 'TO.yoo — HopeleM Novice (apologetically HONEV ”— VOO - Aye! 'i'ax the rich aad make ’em I 5^TOMACH ULCER, gas palnsl In­ 1934 DELUXE 2 DOOR Ford, ex­ are fundamental and the other to his caddy)—I took up this game b r o t e _ pay. merely to pracUse self-control. digestion victlma, why auffcr? For ceptional good condition. Must sell. FOR SALE—4 COWS, 1 calf, 100 modern. Do you know, 1 think Tou see, though Pve but thirty qulcli relief get a free sample of Price right. 250 West O uter streeL 9 OR RENT—ROOM AND BOARD, ^ Y o u r that s a good thing?. ^ Caddy—You ought to have gone bu. oats, 100 bu. com, about 8 ton furnished and unfurnished apart­ cents. In for caddying, sir. Udga, a doctor's prescription at hay. Must be sold to satisfy Su­ "When people Itegin to think Pm rich! Tea—in tsperlenct. Arthur Drug Stores. ments. Cali Centennla, Apartments. and worry about the way to in­ VEAA’ HUUSEHULU SERVICES perior Court. I have full authority 4131 or 4279. terpret God and our own souls, to make any and all sales and they C h i l d r e n F in t Soldlsr—What makes the “A good name is rather to be I OFFERED 13-A it shows the matter Is keeping chosen than great riches.” And | aijtumobiles kuk b a l e 4 will be satisfactory to the court. FOR RH3NT—FOUR room tenement, By Olivm Roberts Barton alive in their hearts. None of ua August Sllkofsky, 110 Broad street, all modern Improvements, 93 Char­ thsra's no tax on a good name, UPHOLSTERING SPECIAL until BY NBA S6HVICC Vn C.' c t o fix It. All the preachers know slthsr. Oct. 20th $14.95 Club or Coxwell Manchester. ter Oak street Apply Shoemaker that no one can fix It to every­ FOR SALE—1932 Chevrolet car, in chairs recovered. More than 30 Shop, 701 Main street. I heard an interesting ar^. one’s satisfaction. But 1 agres gcod fabrics to choose from. Mat­ ment the other day concerning with Katharine here, that you It would ba far more comforting Father—Get your leather jheket best condition. Telephone 4898. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, tress and box spring renovating the teaching of religion to yquug have to have some start when to the average man if his doctor off, young man,'and come with me! all Improvements, garage, 26 Walk- you’re little. What if thought would write his pruorlptions in Bon—You are not going to Uck 1935 CHEVROLET sedan, 1934 Ford Stay satlsOcd with our better up­ ONE-TWO CXDVER KITCHEN burn­ children. Three motJiers, all up 4>iw«aYa$As$avKis.wft T.igl5au.avAT. jsedan, 1934 Victoria coupe, 1933 holstering. Your guarantee. Busy ei street, rent reasonable. George does .changer It changes all tha English and send b u bill In Latin. me, arc you father? er with hot water front $14.95. on their reading and kware of the oonervilie I5y r'ontaine Fox Willys coupe, 1933 Willys sedan, since 1922. Terms, cash or $2; $3, $4 Murdock, 30 Walker street Ume about everything. , Anyway Father—I am that; didn't I tell Easyway oil burners guaranteed 3 influenc6fi in the world tod&y, you this morning that I’d settle 1932 Willys sedan, 1931 Ford coupe. weekly. Manchester Upholstering I am going to teach Davy about It was during the impanneling of years $9.95. Burners molded on FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ each had a different idea about it. with you for your bad behavior? Colo Motors, 6463. Co. Phone 3615' faith and truat and good If I can. a Jury rsosntly that the following FbR THE PAST 25 YEARS AUNT EPPIE HOG6 HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO ^ ■separate bases. Benson Furniture ment, with all improvements, cor­ “I won’t send Mary to Sunday I think the world ia atarving for colloquy occurred! Bon:— hut I thought It was I OUR BOARDING HOUSED and Radio. “Home of Good Bed­ ner Cooper and Summer. Inquire 60 school,” one remarked. “I’m not a little faith In aomethlng bealdea Attorney—Are you a property only a Joke, like when you tell THROUGH HER CELLAR DOOR By Gene Ahem FOR SALE—1930 Dodge panel ding.” truck, 3-4 ton, in good condition, Cooper street Tel. 4287. going to have her get a Jumbled Itaelf." bolder? grocer you'll settle with him. MOVING— TRUCKING- idea of what it’s aU about. It $25.00 for quick sale. Call 8584. We might get under the words Proapectlve Juror—Yes, sir, STORAGE 20 FOR SALE—VARIETY of ilsed fur- FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene­ makes me shiver to hear friends of these young women and do \Attorney—Married or single? niture. 9xI2 ru g., Vacuum cleaner. ment, 97 Mather street, $15.00. There are people ' who think a I O H .G T ^ T CA.ESA.-P.J PERRETT A GLENNEY INC. local tell about tho funny things their some thinking ourselves, those Prospective Juror—1 have been IIA USED TO 61 Mather street Robert J. Smith, 963 Main street youngsters say in their prayers." public office is just a nice place to O F A L L -P L A C E S WELV-I and long distance moving. Dolly among ua who are perplex* married for five years. loaf. They get this from seeing a I SP«2nS BEFORE Telephone 3460. “Well,” said another. “We about this problem of religion Attorney—Have you formed or CHOOSE TO JiUMP CNEP., WHAT'S expreas to Hartford. Ovemigbt FOR SALE— TWO PIECE up­ learned that way. If we hadn’t, expressed an opinion? lot of office holders who are now | THE eYE$*’- service to and from New York. Tel. for our youth and iltUe folk. holding down the chairs. IT WOULD BE HEP. TH\S 9 Manchester holstered suite, with wood trim at maybe we never would have be­ Prospective Juror— Not for five BUT 1 DRAW 3063, 8860 or 8864. top and bottom. In good condition. LEGAL NOTICES 78 lieved anything. And sven if years, air. HEAD/-fc—.UfA—— vt— Evening Herald $10, Kemp's Incorporated. they don’t get a clear idea of Gerald—Bo your wife made you I h m p - c t h a t THE UNE ON ^WHW TO TO *a LIQVOR PBRMIT what it's all about, they sense If calling names wlU help this install television in your office? THING GOES PROGS CLASSIFIED PUBLIC PASSENGER NEW AND HIGH GRADE used NOTICE OF APPLICATION something. It can b« straighten­ country on the road to recovery, Harold—Yes, she used to be my | RETTAEAT-^OR* _ furniture, stoves, rugs, bedding eta. Thl« la to give notice that I, Mattao ed out later." motations— stenographer. OUT OF advertisements SERVICE 20-A ClvltlUo of St Darlln atraat, Eaat considerable progress has been P€MA\N TO BATTLEV, m o s t ^ Bargain, piicos. Cosh or credit Lap. Hartford, Conn., have filed an applica­ “Then why not waltT” observed made during the last month. HERE / Count «U avorase words to a Uno. IN ADDITION TO SILVER LANE pen's, 25 Main street, Hartford. tion dated Oct. 4, 19JS with the Liquor tho first. “I wish my parents had One trouble with the disagreeable 1 Initials, nuinbsrs and abbrsvlatlons There has been nothing funda- Bus Line, De Luxe Bus for lodge Open evenings, free delivery. Control Commleelon for a Tavern let me wait. 1 otlU have a hard menUUy new in crime in the loat Tenderfoot—Did you have to things people say about us is that a | saeb count as a .*ord and eompoand party or team trips, we also offer 8-0167. Permit for the eale of alcoholic lot of them are true. words as two words. Mintmam cost la .liquor on the premleee of 41 Oak time trying to get eJl the wrong toousMd years. The only newness have a lot of practice before you price ol three tinea. V passenger sedan livery. Phone etreet, Manchester, Connecticut. The ideas I absorbed then to fit in Is in the methods employed. could shoot the ashes from the Line ratee per day for tranalant 3063, 8860, 8864. buBlnens le owned by Matteo CIvltlllo with my ideas now. One day I'm —Austin H. MacCormack, Comml*. cigar in the mouth of a man etand- ad a. tCffecIlT# March ITs IPIT WANTED—TO BUY 58 of 61 Darlln etreet, Eaet Hartford. one way and the next day another. sloner of Correction, Now York. Ing 60 feet away, as you do in your Conn., and will he conducted by Mat- I can’t get any fixed view in my wild West act? Flapper Fa n n y Says; Caah Charge HELL YOUR JITOK NOW—Highest teo CIvltlllo of 61 Darlln etreet. East I.U.«.PAT.OPr. • ConaecuUce Uaya 7 otai I ota REPAIRING mind about anything. All I know Two-Gun BUI—Practias! I should 28 prices. I buy Uve poultry, Wm. Os- Hartford, Conn., aa permittee. All our Congresses and LegUla- t ^naeotttUa Dayi • ota It eta is that I try to believe in a God.” tures are not worth shucks if they remark. I guess I spilled a couple of 1 Day ...... see.I lleOtal II ota \ ACUUM CLEANER, gun, clock, trinaky, 91 Clinton street Tel. 6879.- MATTEO CIVITILLO All ordara for Irracular lassrtlona New Approach to Religion cannot make this land safe for pe»i dozen Chinamen while I was learn­ will be charged at the one time rate. lock repairing. Key mAltlng etc. The third now spoke up. “Sun­ pie to Uve in. ing that little simple trick. Broltfawalte, 62 Pearl streeL Special rataa for long tarm avary WANTEDr-ROOMS— day schools go about it different­ — Chief Judge P. B. Crane, Nem day adVirtlalng giva upon requeat. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD ly now. They teach things that York Court of Appeals. This feUow MussoUni certainly / Ada ordered for three or alx days BOARD 62 at Manchcater. within xhd for the throws a mean monkey wrench. and stopped before tbs third or fifth HELP WANTED— District of Manchenter. on the 6th children can understand and don’t day will be charged only for the ae» day of October, A. D., 1933. try to expound the catechism to It does no good to say that tha FEMALE WANTED—A SUNNY room, on babies." Customer—^Thls milk Isn’t tnal number of .iraes the d appear­ 35 first floor, with board, central loca­ Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esa. actual deficit U a bllUon less than good ed. charging at the rate earned, bat Judfcc. ][][ "I think you can be religious the President fancied nine months any more. tion. Telephone 3784. ao allowance or refunds can be made CHRISTMAS CARDS, 100 percent Estate of Chauncey B Ellsworth without church and Sunday ago. It is like a man going into Farmer—I know it, mister. Our oa six time ads stopped after Che profit selling marvelous folder late of Manchester. In said District fifth day. 21 dcrouRcd. ' Z / i C.C.U schools,” the first young mother debt $500 to buy an auto and tell­ oowB haven't been contented since No “till forbids": dlaplay lines not $X assortment Gift Wrappings, APARTMENTS— FLATS— On itiOtlon of The Hartford-Con- remarked. ing us he saved $300 because he did they tore down that sign with the aold. Everydaya. 'Bonuses. Experience necllcut Trust Compan.v* executor @ “ So do I, in a way,” put in the not go into debt $800. handsome bull on it. Tha Harald will not reaponalblo unnecessary. Request samples. TENEMENTS 63 Or.OEUED:— That six month's from CTRAIOHT from the fashion aaloni comes this design. It features second. “But I thi^ that church —Henry H. Curran, director. Na­ Cor mors than one Inoorreoi Inaertlon the 5th day of October. A. D.. 1935 tie of any adyartlsement ordarad for Rainbow, 16V Park Row, New does something. It keeps things tional Economy League. Born* people are never satisfied York. FOR RENT—HEATED Apartment, and the same are limited and nilowid in t.l.L .1° *°''® *■ * *ly'® note.'adding more than ona time. three large rooms and hath, second for tho creditors within which to ‘ otherwise attractive shirtwaist frock. Make It of thin going. If there had not been until they find out something to The inadvertent omlaaton Qt Inoor- bring In their claims against said es­ make them dissatisfied. floor, rear. Purnell BIdck, 829 Main wool' satin or crepe. Patterns are sited 14 to 20 and 32 to 42. Sise any church . ail these years, and Color rules our Uves. Sixty-five root publication of advartlalng wHI bo CHRISTFAS CARDS. 100 percent tate, nnd the said executor *s directed 16 requires 2 8-4 yards of 54-inch fabric. wc had depended on the flowers per cent of our knowledge comes rootlfla' only by eanoallatlon of tho street. Apply Q, E. Keith, Keith to give public notice to the creditors ehnrge mads tor the aarvloa randered. profit selling wonderful 21 $1 as­ and trees to teach us about our through our eyes. And our eyes Patlcht—Has you been a dentist Furniture Co. to bring In their clnlma within .said STRUCTIONs'fiS and 8TEP.BY.8TEP SEWING IN. very long? All advartlaamanta moat conform sortment. Gift Wrapping, Comic, Unio allowed by posting n cot>y of this a;lrlts and good will to our take in color. in stylo, oopy and typography with ^O U LL CATCH \T, Everyday boxes. Bonuses. Ehcperl- ONE AND TWO ROOM apartments order on tho public sign post nearest NAME V THW N E \ W p e R. ’ ‘ ® MENTION neighbors, we might be believing —Le Roy Scarlett, color psycholo­ Dentist—No. I used to be a ateel ragalatlona anforeed by tha pubtlsh- ence unnecessary. Request samples to the place where the deceased h'St in ten thousand sinister devils in gist. riveter, hut I got too shaky to work iL AAAiCDR— AND ars and thty raaerva tha right to Just reflnisbed. To see them call on dwelt wJthIn said town by publishing The FALL AND WINTER PATTERN BOOK, with a comDleta on high buildings and bridges. •dlt. revise or lojeot any oopy con- Schwer, 107 Westfield, Mass. Jensen, Johnson Block. Office 709 selection of Julia Boyd designs, now is ready. It's 16 cents when every room in the house. nldered obJeoUonable. the same In some newspaper having a- W E -d o n 't , Main street Phone 6070—7635. clrculatJon In said protiate district, purchased separately. Or, if you want to order it with the pattern “People have to believe some­ Some people mock tho possibUl- CLOSING BOURS-Claaalfied ado to thing. They always have. 1 tles o f Fascist growth here. They What la needed at this time of ho pahllabod same day must ba ra- v.ltliln ten days from the d'lte of this above, send in Just an additional 10 cents with tho coupon NNEAN PROCb! DOGS— BIRDS—PETS 41 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, on order. 4*100 return make l) this court think we would all be so super­ are the same people who dismissed the year Is some weather-so satis­ / 0 - 7 «t«MiviWA««iiviei.iwa T.an«.aaF»T.o«. nalvad by II o'clock noon; Saturdays of Uie notice given. factory that people won’t talk so M ill A m. Ridge street, vacant Oct. 16th, mod­ stitious it would be dreadful. If Hitler as “silly'' 10 years ago. CANARIES, BUPPUES, troplMii WILLIAM 8. HYDE .) JULIA BOYD, 103 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK some people think we are super- —Harvey O’Connor, speaking be- much about It. TELEPHONE YOUR ^ h , aqiiarlums, supplies, bull ter- em. Inquire at 25 Spruce street. .. 193.’>. bo P 0 6 6 E D SILENCE SMITH/ nnd tho same are limited and allowed for the purpose of “bucking up” INDEX OF FUEL AND FEED 49-A Adults. 29 Cottage street for the creditors within which to Daily Health and thinking right. bring In their claims against said es­ HIMMELSTOSS, CCASSIFIGATIONS BOR RENT— FOUR i-oom flat up- tate. and the said executor Is dlroctoj W is e IN THE Rlrthn a a a 4 aW4A*.a a di.a a a.a aa a a a a d aas A FOR SALE — SEASONED hard statrs, rent reasonah.'e. 437 Center to give public notice to the creditors Today we know that develop­ WAYS OF THE BnengemanU d|.aA...a^aainia«aa^ B wood $7 cord. Telephone 4269. street. Inquire downstairs. tn bring In their cl.-ilma within s:ild Service ment of such situation demands ^Jhrflagaa aa.aaraaam;aMa«aaa««artm G time allowed by posting a copy of this WORLD DOES NOT ordoi* on the public sign pi st nearest a complete study of the physical Dantha aaaaaaaaarSMawaakaadBMdd D HARD WOOD $4.00 a load, hickory in tru de o n his Cud at Tbaaka B FOR RENT—MODERN six room to the plnco where the d»:censnd last condition of the person concerned, la UamerUm V for Are place $5.00 a load. Call tenement, all Improvements.' In­ dwi-M wiililn snhl ‘ own ard hy pub­ RE.AL REASONS BEHIND of his personality, of the environ­ f r ie n d 's thoughts. Loat and Feund ...... 1 Roeedale 37-12. Leonard L. Glgllo, quire at 216 Oak street lishing the saiun in some newspaper NERVOUS BREAKDOWN ment in which he lives, nnd of tho Anoanneamanu t Bolton. having K circulation In proh.ite pTOplc who surround him. Paraonala ...... i district, within ten days from the Malady Demands Full Study of Vic­ A nervous breakdown represents Antamabtlan FOR SALE—HARD WOOD for fur- date of this ojdcK'and riturn inak*» tim, His Physiroi Condition, Per­ Aatamobllaa for 8ala ...... 4 to this court of thr notlo-? given. a variety of conditions. It may be Aatomobllaa far Exobanga i nnee $4.60 per truck load. Wood Wn.LIAM .*<. HYDE sonality, Environment, and Per­ Just a case in which the person is Ante Accaatorlaa—^Tlraa ...... t s<-ld for cash only. L. T. Wood Co. sons About Him. H-lfl-7-36. unable to pleep, gets tired easily Anta Rapalrlng—Painting ...a T Phone 4496, FOR SALE and is unable to concentrate. Auta gchooli ...... $.A By DR. 5IORRI8 FISHBEIN WASHINIiTON TUBBS Autoa—Ship by Trneb t 6-ACBE FARM—Barn, chicken AT A COURT OF PRORATE HELD PRECKLKS AND U18 FRIENDS By Blnaserl By Crane OUT OUR WAY FOR SALE—HARD WOOD atove at Manchester, within and for the Editor, Journal of the American Next it may be a form of hys­ By William Antoa—For BIra ...... • coop, 6*room house; teria, with inability to perform n r s A \ H ^ ' COMA QUEEK! SWOOSIE FINDA qnragsa—Saratoa—Stornga ...... Id length, delivered In town. Edward Bolton Main Rond.# District of Manchester, on tho 6th Medical Association, and of A PIRffTE) MY gosh! MAYBE (t l DIDN'T VTHERE ft IB. AW-W-U Motoreyolaa—Blcpolaa ...... 11 J. Holl, 865 Main etreet. 'Telephone day of October, A. D.. 1935. Hygeia, the Health Magazine various functions, simply because TUtNK THAT 1 JUST.A**. oi Aim \ ■ 1 -1 - GULP T - y STOP TCAS(N(j Wanted Antoa—Motoreyolaa it Present WILLIAM 6. HYDE. Esq., the person concerned Is convinced CHIST»)^0A BURIED TREASURE! CHIST.MTHEPES ANOTHEC. JUST AS PLAIN THESE V '-VE NEVER 4842. 80-ACRE FARM—7-room Colo­ Judge. OF VOU, a I HER LIKE THAT/ Baatneaa and l>nfeoalanal garrloao in his own mind that he carrot f.t h o s e s c r u b s a r e LOOKATTHAT WD AS DAV— A GIRL QUIET, . Bnalneii Serviota Offend ...... It nial bouse, large bam, chicken Estate of Sarah McConnell late of If you have never known the feel­ NANCV/ SAT IM A MANS t h o s e t h in g s ALL KINDS OF HARD WOOD, coops, trout brook running Manchester. In said District, deceased. do so. SITTING ON A b a s h f u l LAP-I-MEVER Houaebold Bervloee O ffered ...... M-A ing of being nervous or mentally SHCWIM0 THE RK3HT GO* ITS NimY cook// T VOUV£ BEEN MAMS LAP. AND AREN'T ALWAYS llullding—Contraotlng la elabe, kindling, hickory fireplace through farm and bounded by The Administratrix having exhibit­ Third, it may be a nervous con­ LITTLE WILL-OULP- T R U E - MINE Floiiata—Nurie.-lea ...... || and white birch. Chae. Staye, tele­ ed her administration account with ill, and you always feel adequate dition in which anxiety ia the chief s w r it plektiy o f HE LOOKS LIKE A DECEIVING HE'S CHUCKING THINGS Funeral Dlrectora ...... ia rl^'er on the c u t . 0 O O i\ f\ said estate to this Court for allow­ / 1 ^ ^ - ' I'D SMACK SHOWED THAT phone 3149. Exceptional bay ai to every situation In which you symptom, with tear, palpitations of U S — THE HER UNDER THE IS— UH- Htating—Plumbing—Roofing IT ance, It is fire AMD CASH SECOND COUSIN fO TR U TH WILL HIS HANDS, 1 WAD POTS AND Inanrnaea ...... n OKDEUED:— That the 12th day of find yourself, you may discover it the heart, restlessness, and a la»'4 !! CHIN/ HE HAS WHUT'3 IF WE EVER Mlllinary—Oreeamaking ...... it October, A. D., 1935, at 9 o'clock fore­ is difficult to understand the sig­ of power to make decisions. O U T ~ H A -r MIS MAT ON, SO TM AT BAGS OF GOLD/ Moving—Trucking—S.oraga .... to FOR REN T noon. at tho Probate Office, in said A WHIRLWIND .7 WA-MA/ J CHLJCKBO MV 1 th in k th e y were GARDEN-FARM- nificance of the condition called Beyond these forma of nervous IT MUST BE <1)UT ABOUT Public Paaeenger Berrioa ...... tO-A Mancliester. bo and the S4ame is as­ CW IN -1-1- .LAUNDRY Painting—Papering ...... |i DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 Two Furnished or Unfurnished, signed for n hearing on the allowance 'nervous breakdown." conditions, there are various IN A PARK— TWAT STILL OH. THOSE Proteeilonal Servleea ...... t l heated rooms In private family. of said administration account with In fact, you may even argue forms of insanity and, finally, ac­ ^ tl i»u «Y stA itavicr ihc. t. m. aca u. t. tat. orr. i-OOKS LIKE A WATER Repnlrlng ...... tg TEA LEAVES FOR SALE—A -1 GREEN Mountain Near the Center for baslnees peo­ said estate, and this Court directs the with the person who suffers with tual changes in the nervous sys­ TREE IS DEEP? Tnlloring—Dyeing—Cleaning .... t« potatoes; white or yellow globe tur­ ple or teachers. Administratrix to give public notice this condition and may try to make ^ BOSW/ Toilet Ooode and Service ...... t l to all persons interested therein to tem, with paralysis, inflammation (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) wanted—Busineac S e.T loe...... t l nips. Delivered. H. Warren Case, appear and be heard thereon by pub­ him feel that it is all his own of the brain, and such disorders. Buckland. Telephone 8643. fault. You may say If he will only At last tho Tinics' feast was o’er. Eilnenflonnl lishing a copy of this order in some The average man who talks when brave Scouty said, “Where’s Counea and C la u e a ...... t l newspaper having a circulation In 'buck up" or Just think right, he 'Oh, 1 Just can't cat any more”, — Stuart J. Wasley said District, five days before said about nervous breakdowns usually Duncy? Why,,we’ve left the lad Private Initrnetloa ...... tl will feel right. behind. g d o fo d ...... »....a ...ll- ■ V Inanranoe — Bm I day of hearing, and return make to means the conditions first de­ said Dotty, as she left the table. “I Inanranoe — Beal EsUte this Court. Actually, however, tho combina­ "I guess he didn’t want to hike. Mnelnl—prnmntle ...... State Theater BifiMlng tion of physical and mental cir­ scribed, in which loss o f sleep, easy am sleepy, now. i/a.SIC,VOU CAN im a g in e t h e SUPPBlSE Wanted—laitrnetlaa ...... I WILLIAM 8. HYDE fatigue, inability to concentrate, Real exercise he doesn’t like. I have OF THOSe ON CALAMITY ISLE. , ___ Flnanctnl TeL 6648 - 7146 Judge. cumstances is such that tho person “ ’Course, after this, I realize, 1 a hunch Just where he stopped. He To Rent: H-ld-T-IB. with the nervous breakdown slm- and lack of power to make deci­ Banda—etocka—Mortgaged . . . ( sions are the most significant shouldn’t take much exercise, but I won’t be hard to find. Buelneii Opportunltfei ...- r ., .. I will have to walk around and keep Money to Loan ...... 1 SINGLE HOUSES; factors. HOT ZlGGEiy DOG! ^LOOK! GOLD! IMGO^ 7 and awoke, somehow.” “ Come, Coppy, I’ve a dandy plan. _Uelp •ad .fItaatloM 60 Scarborough Road, 7 moms, Nervous breakdowns are not lim­ HaJp Wanted^Female ...... | ited altogether to high-powered "Well, take it easy! Do not run, We will surprise him, if we can. itXAH-OWCH ^^ECes^FEiG^f^'^y ------^------^ ^ G O L D / f SILVER.' Help Wanted^Male ...... | tile bath, lavatory and oil burner. and then no real harm will be done", We’ll find a farmer whq will let us RehKVKDiBLOW vu t_____ Salesmen Wanted ...... |f. 66 Porter S t —8 rooms; two tile UNDER business men, to clubwomen under X! WARNING severe strains with activities, to the farmer said. “I know Just how borrow Just one cow. Then up to KICK ME Help Wantad^Male or Famala.# 17 baths and lavatory, and oU burn­ NEW MANAGEMENT you feci. I’m filled, myself. HbUR WHISTLE Agenda iVanted ...... 17-A er. social leaders, or to statesmen. A Duncy we will sneak and scare him DOWN A Sttuatlone Wanted^Femala II 26-32 Birch Street DO NOT PURCHASE A NEW CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE child in school may have a nervous “I guess I ate the most of all. You till he cannot speak. All this is WE BETTER PABBir Situations Wanted—Male ...... |f see, you’re .short, and I am tall. You kased on my guess that the lad 1s Employment Agenolee ...... 27 Scarborough Road—6 rooms; SEEN THE breakdown, as may also a retired SEE IF HE'S HOLE!, tile bath; oU burner, One 3-Room Apartment, $15. millionaire with nothing to do. do not have much room for food, sleeping now.” U t t dtaek—P en —PanMry—Vehlelea you’re such a little elf. OKAT! pege—Blrde—P eu ...... at PLATS: One 4-Room Apartment, $20. The lazy, delicate, and refined They got the cow and started ouLi Uve Stock—Vehlclea ...,,..,.'1 . at Steam Heat S5.00 Extra Per ^ NEW DODGE SIX Soon Scouty heard wee Coppjf Poultry and Suppllea ...... at 65 Durkin St—6 moms; fumaoo person who enjoys poor health’ or “I would suggest we all whlk Month During Winter. WTTH its SUPERFINE APPOINTMENTS! b e eccentric musical genius, aa shout, "Gee, you were right. There’S Wanted - Pete—Poultry—Stoak 4a heat and garage. round and see what sights are to be Duncy. sound asleep sprawled in Fat inie—MInclUBaaae well as the . tramp, the dnmkard, found. Just trail along. I’ll lead the d u p l e x HOUSES: It’s Spectacular! some hay." Articlec tor Salt ...... at REUABLE REALTY CO. or the drug addict, may be victims way, and 1 will not walk fast.” ^ e t e . and Acceaaorlea ...... ! aa 162 Center St.—6 moms and “All right, the next thing we will So0 Superintendent On PremlsMe of nervous breakdown. “Okay” , one of the Tinics cried. Building Materlnla ...... aT garage. 186 Temple Street TeL 7-5119 do is try to make this big cow moo” Ojnmonde— Watebea—Jawalry . . ai Ordinarily all these cases repre­ “We’tl try to keep right by yhur 18 Winter S t —6-)moms, Steam Call for Information Schaller Motor Sales Inc. sent what one leading authority in said Scouty. “I’ll bet Duncy Jumps Bleotrical Appllancea—Radio .. at sloe. Of course, I will not promise and tries to nm away.” Fuel and Feed ...... !"a i-A heat and garage. A i 7:80 P. M. 634 Center Stretet diseases of the mind has called you how long I’m going to last." Qnrdar — Farm—Dairy Prodneta M Chestnut S t —4 rooms and bath. “human nature working under diffi­ They hiked a little wa>a, and then Houaebold Oouda ...... t l culties.'’ (Duncy Is startled out of slnm- Machinery and Tcola |t HEATED APARTMENTS: the farmer stopped and chuckled beriand in the next stor}’.) Muelenl Inttrumenta ...... gg Office and Store ^ u lp m ect ta ,T 4> t *M 6Y xiA anroiTiwc. 118 Main S t —3 rooms, tUe bath, EARS TOO S(DQN. *n«*»«iiyiet.»ia io-t J Bpecl^a at the ...... it fireplace; electric stove and re­ ALLEY OOP What Would You Do? fcJALKSMAJM SAM W anted-T o Buy ...... t l frigerator fumlehed. Hot water ______By HAMLIN oh, W'^ell, Skip Itl throughout the year. Bv Small ■aoBia—«aard —Uotala—Renarts —AND, NOT FAC BEHIND. BUT I t h i n g l o o k s l ik e ' ^ __ Raatamvanta 995 Main S t —Reconditioned 'OH -1 WISH I KNEWy JU S T W HAT~^^ ARE OH,rM RRMLY CON­ ' s a v ^ t h i s b r i g Rooma Without Board ...... it 4 t h e LAST STRAGGLER 'VEAH..IM ] Jr 's HELD T*GB.THER M l X , I SAID -THIS c a n ^ X CAN'T HEAR A WORD rooms, bath,, private entrance; MADE THAT NOISE IT SOUNDED 'ito o WANTED VINCED YXI CAN Suae MAKESA _ A M 'r V A S A y - - O U : Boardara Want-d ...... IN TH E PARTV, COMES ALL RIGHT- RUB ggR BAWDS, BUT 1 MACXJM SURe MlAKBS A II I a c c o u n t a T h ' MOise HACK IS g iu atry Board—R o to r tn ------. to suitable for Doctor, Dentist or . s o m e t h in g lik e DINNY - BUT — TO SHCW t a k e nr My t g jT T A G e r T& H o T e c l o t t a AJoise. H B (a,p. HecK OF A RACKeT'i & ‘***T*****’“ “ ** ...... dl Attorney's office, or an apart­ ALL m a k i n ’ [ ■ Waatad—Roomd—Board ...... ft VePW, DEAR - 1 DON’T KNOW J i JU S T A H e y ? m ent RISHr. TOU THAT , BUT IVI NOT SURE F=n- ypii Baal Bdtata Far Bant l!i\ WHAT TO DO — /LnUE NUMB Apartaaa^ Flata, Tanamanta.. tl Rear 995 Main S t— 4 moms, bath % KID? I CAN StX) KWeWWHATTD BuaUaa, LoaaUoaa for Rant la etc.; garage. a r o u n d R.R. , Houaaa for Rant ...... Z * H TA K E DO WITH IT If f STA-noU tubnrbaa for Rant aa OFFICES TO RENT at 865 Main Bummer Homes for Rant . . . J I u Street THE e d g e s ' rr If Wanted ta Rant ...... ^ Rani M a t a Fat gala e Apa^aat Balldlng tar Bala ... m Bostnaas Property tor SaJa . . . . . la t . . Farms and Land for Bala ...... ! tI ® N AND ON, CLUTCHING THE HAPLESS Houaaa tor Bala I gg E D W A R D J. ALLEY OOP IN ITS TALONS .STREAKS Raaort Prepsrty lo r Bala I . . . . , ; ga "THE HUGE FLYING UZAPO, WITH iubnrbaa for BaU ...... DINNY, KING GUZZLE AND THE Raal Batata for Bxobaega a Waated—Baal ■afita HOLL ENTIDE MOOV7AN MALE POPULATION Anetlon—L o n l Wnttsan 865 Blaln St. t IM HOT PURSUIT — UBbI Natlaaa H ^ t w 8YI u. a ssT. orr. Mffii rK-