After the New Kid (Douchebag) has completed his final battle he goes home with Professor Chaos (Butters) and sees his parents sitting on the couch. His parents started kissing and go upstairs. Douchebag and Butters talk about the evil side of being a villain. The New Kid as always doesn’t say anything, Butters ask ‘’New Kid let’s be villains or something else of a bad guy?’’ Douchebag nods yes. It’s really late in it is bedtime for Douchebag he goes to bed and dreams about the days he already been through first Kingdoms and Elves and now Super- heroes he thinks about what he can do more with all of his new friends in South Park. He wakes up the next day and he receives on his phone a message from Cart- man and he writes ‘’Douchebag, Douchebag you need to come quick to my house we have a new idea to play with the boys come quick this is an emergency .’’ (Cart- man hangs up the phone) Douchebag doesn’t hesitate and runs to Cartman’s house. When he arrives at Cartman’s house he saw Cartman arguing with Kyle and Stan about what they are going to play next because, The New Kid had saved South Park twice now and the boys really want to play with Douchebag. But they knew that Douchebag had a name but he never talked he just played along with the other fourth graders. They began writing everything down that come up what they can play with all of town. They write everything down on a whiteboard and they go for a vote across town. All kids had 2 days to choose between Cowboys and Aliens and if you didn’t vote you wouldn’t be counted on. All of Coon and Friends voted for cowboys but the Freedom Pals voted for aliens so it was already a tie. Douchebag could make a difference if he voted for aliens or cowboys but he didn’t know what he wanted so he wanted to chose next day because he was tired. While Douche- bag walked home Cartman whispers in Kyle’s ear ‘’what a fucking asshole’’ Kyle laughs quietly. Clyde walks up to Cartman and says ‘’Cartman I’m done being your servant FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID GAMES I’M GONNA PLAY ALONE!!’’ Cartman says ‘’CLYDE FUCK YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF I HOPE YOUR MOTHER DIES AGAIN IN THE TOILET!!!’’ Clyde runs crying away to his house and Cartman laughs out loud and says ‘’HAHAHAHAHA what a little baby’’ The night falls and everyone is going to sleep but Douchebag is not sleep- ing he is awake he is still thinking about whether he choses aliens or cowboys. It’s morning and Douchebag hasn’t slept wel and has bags under his eyes. Coon and Friends and Freedom Pals come together in the school gym and count all votes of town. Cartman counts and cheats a little by putting 10 votes for cow- boys in the jar in the hope he can win with a higher number then aliens. Douchebag chose nothing and wants to go play whatever the other kids are playing. The votes are counted and the kids are going to play cowboys The Freedom Pals are raging and Kenny says to Cartman ‘’YOU CHEATED YOU FUCKING BITCH’’ Cart- man says “KENNY SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR NOT COOL ANYMORE GO AND PLAY WITH RATS YOU HOMELESS PIECE OF SHIT.’’ While the kids are fighting with each other Douchebag is sitting on his new phone texting with Wendy and they are planning a date at City Wok but Douchebag doesn’t talk and is really shy with a girl. The kids are finally done fighting and it’s getting dark out- side. All the kids are going home and Douchebag is really late because he is still texting Wendy. He gets a call from his dad and he picks up the phone and his dad says ‘’Sweetie do you know how late it is? It’s past your bedtime mister COME HOME NOW IF YOUR NOT HOME IN 5 MINUTES YOU WILL BE GROUND- ED!!’’ Douchebag runs home and he just makes it in time. His parents are sitting on the cough with a stopwatch and they say ‘’Okay mister you go right to bed and we don’t want to hear a single word from you tonight.’’ Douchebag goes to his room and falls asleep. The next morning Douchebag hears screams outside he steps out of bed and looks out of his windows. All of the kids are fighting on the streets. They play as aliens, cowboys, dragons, superhero’s, pirates, knights and everything they ever played before. Douchebag doesn’t know what to wear now. He thinks and thinks and finally knows what he is going to wear. He’s getting undressed and is only wearing his underpants know. Suddenly the underpants gnomes came and are helping douchebag also. Jesus also came and says ‘’My child I will help you in this unnecessary battle.’’ Suddenly all famous characters came and help Douchebag. Mickey Mouse and all of Disney, The Smurfs, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Man- BearPig, Woodland Critters, Canada and all imaginary characters in whole of South Park. Douchebag Storms through his door and attacks all of the kids fighting on the streets. Douchebag sees Cartman shouting to The New Kid. He shouts ‘’Douche- bag come here and help me I’m in danger and the kingdom is falling.’’ Douchebag looks at Cartman and attacks him. Cartman falls on the ground and is critically wounded. Douchebag fights his way all the way to Tegridy Farms and arrives at the master of the fight Randy Marsh. The end battle begins and Douchebag uses his extreme ass powers to win te battle but, Randy is way stronger then Douchebag thought. Randy fights with his Tegridy Weed and makes Douchebag stoned with all of the air filled up with Weed. Douchebag blows the air away with his amazing ass powers but suddenly his ass explodes and all of the kids see the explosion and give up there battles and pray for King Douchebag. the person with the most friends in all of South Park has died by a explosion in his asshole. All of South Park come together and mourn about The New Kid and all of South Park will remember what Douchebag did for amazing things in South Park and will always be the kid with the most friends on Facebook, Coonstagram and Twitter. Wendy is crying a lot and misses Douchebag so much but then Douchebag’s ghost appears next to Wendy and says to Wendy ‘’Wendy don’t be upset I always will be there right in your heart.’’ and his ghost fades away while Wendy is still a little bit confused what just had happened but she knew that she had to go along with life and make Douchebag proud.