Portland Daily Press: December 06,1864
■* ..... w * i!« i! < 1 "J '•• *i ;:</ $ fc ... ... '/ f tf-.Ji £?* ,U ■,.{*' V'-#" ;• *'*■-»■*-" ... __ ~ij fiiftit ~~~ " mmam*aa=am,IBSS 11 '— ..— ■ -.*■■- Mg _. ., —— VOLUME IV. TUESDAY PORTLAND, MORNING. DECEMBER 6, 1864. WHOLE NO 75-2 ---- —_ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, mence and rudeness. As an historical paint- er and a humorist Carlyle has scarcely an ; CLOTHING. MERCHANDISE. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CAKDb. JOHN T. OILMAN. Editor, MISCELLANEOUS. equal; a new intellectual region seemed to published at He. S2f EXCHANGE STKKKT.by open to me when I read his “French Revolu- To Grocers* EDWABD H. N. A. & CO. tion.” But his philosophy, in its essential HHDS. GVAOALOUPB MOLASSBS, a Maine Bonnet REMOVAL! BUBGIN, Notice to FOSTBK J. E. FERNALD l 1 <7i3 WHOLJC8A L* Ship Owners, is masses SON. I nice for For eale by Bleacher;, DBALXm IB principle false. He teaches that the JL U article retailing. 309 —AMD— Oct 81—2m C. C. MITCHELL fc SON. Oongres Street. l ax Portland DAilr Fxxssli published at 88.00 of mankind are fools—that the hero alone is Merchant PORTLAND ... NATHAN per year In advance. wise—that the hero, is the destined Tailors, MAINE. GOULD, Meal and is therefore, Corn, Sliror>m<F I rHRilAinKoTAT»PR*sB published every Thurs- master of his fe'low and that their Apples. Flour, Nlercliantiii 82 in men, only And d»y morning,at 00per annum, advance; 82.26 Dealers in BBL8. Choice lost reoeived and Merchant within six and salvation lies in blind submission to his rule OAA Appples, Lace & Tailor, Also. Ground Bock Balt. If paid months; 82.60, if payment bu ZUU lor sale Straw, Leghorn Bonnets beyond the year.
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