■* ..... w * i!« i! < 1 "J '•• *i ;:m

* / POETRY. STEAMBOATS. RAILROADS. ~ WANTS,LOSTgFOUND INSURANCE. MEDICAL. MEDICAL, medical] the Prat. Found. OFFICE OF THE WYittmJW Montreal Ooean Good Hew* for Steamship Oo, — REDUCEOATES 1 on OATARBH! the Congress st, Thursday a Uafortuan*. Firelight. the Canadian and United States evening, Fur Cape FOR THE Carrying Hails. ON *“T0 th‘ ‘a“e at No., ATLANTIC NATION! li dark JJ“ °,WDer ?F *>y oalling The night and dreary, pr”rin*property ._ The rain tall* thick passengers booked to travelers ««3$ and tut, IMPORTANT “iffiiaaa*: Mutual Insurance And o'er hill and valley and housetop —TO— TO TBM Company, m lm« souunt won A mantle of gloom Is oast. LOST. NEW YORK, Jahbabt 26, 1864. DR. R. Londonderry and Liverpool. Wert, Forth Weft and South Weft. GOODM.E S ton DYSPEPSIA turn T A8T about < But here in this chamber evening, o'clock, a small Leather DiacorsitxD at last. pleasant, Ticket* JJ a Return granted at Beduoed Kates. Wallet, containing considerable amount of Trustees, in oonformlty to the Charter of the All seemeth cheery and bright, money. The Under will be submit the liberaUy* rewwdsd by THECompany, following statement of Tt« flashes W E> LITTLE leaving It at the office of the Preaj. the 81st CATARRH World'* Great Bemedy For the merry firelight P-tiTa. Th« steamship Mokavia* Capt. noviiSdlw its affairs 'on December, 1668; REMEDY, for all the received on Marine Cherokee Over all Its joyous light. will sail from this port tor Agent great leading routes to Chica- Premiums Risks, -VOX- Remedy, Liverpool on SATURDAY, the 10 IS go, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukie, Found, f. on 1st January, 18»8, December, after the ar- Galena, Oskosn, fit Paul, Lacrosse, Green Bay, cember, 1863. >8.214,398 98 Flickering quivering, flashing, immediately St Plumb street, three Gold nval of the ualn of the from Montreal Quincy, Louis, Louisville, Indianapolis, Cairo, Watches For Premiums on Policies not markedoff Dyspepsia and ! Darting to and previous «ay NEABfurther information at Acme -AN Indigestion fro, l assage to and etc., etc., and is prepared to furnish Through Ticket» inquire this office‘ 1st J anuary, 1663, 1,706,602 24 Tne of Perfection! Londonderry Liverpool from novttatz O’er wall and floor and ceiling Cabin (according to accommodations) 866 to 880. Portland to ail the principal citieB and towns m rim ALL the States and at a crimson DtGOfdM, 83ll> loyal Canadas, the lowest rates of Total amount of Marine Premiums, >10,006.0ol 17 Casting glow. and all Payable in Gold or Ita equivalent. fare, neediul information cheerfully granted. Wanted. No po.ioiee have bee" issued upon Life CHEROKEE ® For or Travellers will find it to their to nor Fire Risks discon- INJECTION. On the wall fantastic shadows freight passage applvto greatly advantage as Risks; upon leases ANDREW ALLAN, procure their tickets at the Book-keepor in a wholesale nected with Marino RiskB, It Cures Hay, Rose,and Periodic Catarrh HUGH fc or as a Ceaselessly come and go, B A8\TCA1I0Nestablishment, Copyist. Best of refer- marked off from 1st 6 G. T. K. Passenger Depot. Union Ticket 31 ence Premiums Jan., Office, Exchange St., given. Address "H. F. D.," Press Offlee. tf It COMPOUND While a streak of shimmering firelight 1863, to 81st December, 1868, >7,597,666 56 Cures Catarrh in all its types and stages PNOM BOOTS, BASKS AND LNAVNS. the same Lies on the floor below. To be succeeded by the Steamship Daxabcos (CP BTA1B8.) Lowes paid during period, 8,105,651 04 a„d CHEROKEE REMEDY, the greet Indian on the 17th Wanted. Returns of Premiums Expenses, 1,082,967 48 It Cures Catarrh and averts consumption. Dluetie December. W. D. cure, all diseases Those shadows seem like the 1864. dtl Lri'TLiJj, Agent. of the Urinary Organs, such a* In- STOMACH AND longings Portland, Nov. 2i, Young lady, who resides with hsr to at- BOWELS. Passages tor the Old Line Mail parents, The has tha viz: oontinenoe oi That come and go in my breast, California, by A tend in an office. The situation is and Company following assets, the Urine, Inflasaition ofthe Steamers and pleasant States and State of New York Kidneys Kailruad, may be secured by permanent. at the United room United Stone in the Haunting my yearning spirit Apply States Hoteb Bank and other Bladder, 8trioture, Gravel, Gleet, Gon- International Steamship Company. early application at this office. may2ed& wtf No- *• Stock, City, Stocks, >3,492,631 SO uov21 eoalw* orrhea, and is in Prepared by the Proprietors Qf“Coe?s With an infinite brave unrest. Loans seoured by Stocks and other- Ho Violent Syringing of the Head! especially recommended these Cough SPECIAL STEAMBOAT NOTICE. YORK & CUMBERLAND RAIL ROAD. wise, 1,460,700 00 cases of Fluor Atbus, (or Whit.s in Females. Balsam While on the floor that streak cf LOST. Real Estate and Bonds and 00 firelght Mortgages 198,760 It is prepared In a highly oonoentraled form, the Seemeth of hope the the evening of the 16th between Hall Dividends on Stooks. Interest on THE SENSE OF SMELL ray ONE TRIP PER WEEK. Deering TASTE AND doae one to two WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ONand Uantortn street, a Hold Cross c lined. Bonds and Mortgages and other only beiagfrem taaspoonlnla three Whieh turneth that of large night shadows Tbe Under will meet wiih a liberal leav- Loans, Notes, re-insurance RESTORED. times per day. reward by sundry U “ot *be*nr» forerunner of death Into endless The steamer NEW it at LOWELL fc and other claims due the bn^tSS^i? day. BRUNSWICK, IttMfiMian On and after November 1st, 1861, ing sENTEK'S, Company, »BU*«'»4'le Uto. make her last lor the novl7d f estimated at 61 It is dinretio and alterative in its action; b«n etlTS?R,“t5>n..0f U bu well ^^igEs£|r-wiU trip season, m^^^Htrains will leave aa follows, until fur- Exobange street. 104,964 centuries Catarrh parleying for But now on the wall Deo 5. Notee and XIOR has defied the skill of ami scourge; more persons, tho firelight Monday. ther notice: Premium Bills, Reeeivabla 8.278,676 63 Bicians and phy cla,using toe blood, oaosing it to flow In ailita bSth£h^!;ib*Natio,,'•and mule and Tba Sttamer New Ekulapd will X surgeons. No medical work con- fouug, female, suffer lrom 1U Glows with a oontlnne one Leave oaoo River for as Ca.h in Bank, 744,818 88 fading light, Portland, 6.80 aud *9.40 Wanted tains a prescription that will original pnrity and v.gor; thus from the 44,0,11144 other ailments combined. II trip per week, leaving every Thursday, at 5 o’clock A. and 3.40 P. Immediately. eradicate it Nothing removing roMrnhaf toe hi' Li And with a M., M. save Dr. Goodale’s whole system of its and last faint w Remedy wm it no all pernicious eaust s ahich rigor energy given glimmer Leave Portland for Saco at 8.00 A. M. and *h *o engage in alegitimate business, Total amouut of Assets) >9 265,456 32 b^ak rad' system haveinduoeddls- “d total >iee3 ° oally the principle of the indisnofiUon to th«e o“« Bids me a warm C. C. EATON, Agent. 6.80 P. M. whioh parties have made irom Six oeut. interest on the certifi- destroying disease, ud ease, “Good night.” 3.00 and »6to«26a per outstanding the possibility of »nders the stomach to The P. train day by a small investment of from to are cates of will be to the holders precluding relapse. dlsMtSuftJSs”'the powerless 2.00 M. out and the 9.40 A. M. train eiqO *.200, profits paid thereof, No form of Catarrh can CHEROKEE INJECTION is digest food, and has tor its invited an withstand its intended at an ally attendants, And now in the darkened into Portland, will be trains with to examination of some ol the most im- or their legal representatives, on and after Tuesday, searching chamber, freight passenger and no mode of treatment ever afforded such or to Portland and Penobscot River. ears attached. portant new inventions of tile live of which the 2d of February next. power aui■ ant the CHkROKKE REMEDY, ard I sit and muse age; immed.ate relief, or gave each universal satisfaction Headache, Nausea alone, oounect at Gorham for West have never before b en intioduo. d in the New Eng- After rete'ving Three and One half Million Dollara shonld be used in e with that Heartburn, Constipation, Stages Gorham, It penetrates 10 the very seat of this terrible njuuctiou medicine In While adowu the cott’ge chimney. Fall and Winter land States. A rare is here offered for of profits, the outstanding certificates of the issue of diN at Stomach, and Arrangements 1864. Standish, Steep Falls, Baldwin, Denmark, Sebago, opport.n.ty ease and exterminates it, root and branch, all eases of Gonorrhea. Fluor Alius or Whites, General Debility moan. men with small or Cir- 1862 will be redeemed and to the holders there- forever. Gleet, Comes the wind with a desolate Bridgton, Lovell, Hiram, Brownfield, Fryeburg, enterprising large capital. paid the whole culars sent tree. e. jk of, or their legal on and after Tues- [From the Commercial Advertiser, New York.l ItsefTco s are healing, soothing and dsmulceut; le- of System, Louis Clark. THE NEW, STAUNCH AND COMMODIOUS Conway, Bartlett, Jackson, Limington, Cornish, chapman; representatives, Porter, Freedom, Madison, and Eaton, N. H. novl6d2w 22# Congress st. day, the Second of February text, from which date Rote, and Periodic Catarrh.—Dr. R. Good- movlng all het t, chordae and instead Hay, scalding, pain, or At Buxton tor West Ea- all interes* thereon will cease. The certificates to be ale’s Catarrh Remedy, and mode of not pVUela nourishment Of STEAMER LARI' Center, Buxton, Bonney treatment, ofthe burning and almost unenduiatle pain that It heartyh!2£in£iS“bJ?C,*.a lood without the L at the time of and car coped. affords the relief paying penalty in the most LANG, South m.ngton, Limington, Limetlek, New- Wanted. produced payment, only greatest in every variety of “d A Dividend of Per Cent, on exptrieneed with all the »*oniiing dlltr»». oftentimes Irishmen In the Built expressly for this rents, 51e,eld, Parsousfield, and Ossipee Forty is declared the Catarrh, bnt it extinguishes the disease forever, in marly cheap quack injec- Uon. To complete prostra- Irish Wit.—Two riding a Wife and tion t. meet the terrible of this At Saccarappa, tor doutn Windham, East Stand- Gentleman, Daughter, 8 years net earned premiums of the Con pany, for the year all ite types and stage*. Every one well of it. rarages worst of last one of them a speaks ail diseases, wo hast Roxbury house-cum week, CAPT. WILLIAM R. ROIX, ish, Sebago, Denmark and — BYold, good suit of rooms with board. Booms endi"g 81st December, 1st8, for which oerificates prepared Bridgton, Tuesdays, furnished or [From John L. Bee boo. New London, By the nse of the to the other ‘I shall vote for Lincoln for aud unfurnished, for whioh liberal compen* will he issued, «n and after Tueeday, the Fifth of Ct.] CHEROKEE REMEDY and says asma Will commence harFall and Win- Thursday Saturdays. sation will be Jfsssr*. !> orton f Co, and hasn’t he made a dollar DAN. paid. Address G. J., box 2204. April next. CHEROKEE INJECTION—the twp medicines at President. Sure, Arrangement on MONDAY CARPENTER, Supt. Oot. 26th. Gentlemen—The bottle of Goodale's Catarrh Rem- Portland, Oct 81,1864. dtf Portland, oct27tf The protits of the Company, ascer- the same time—all in worth two dollar* and a half?’ The MORNING, October 17th edy yon cent me hae enrol me of the Catarrh of tea improper discharger are removed gold leaving tained irom the 1st of Ju y, 1842, to "COE'S ‘Well and years I a few doses of It to three of and the weakened DYSPEPSIA CORE" I am for Banger every Monday shsrsnay ate standing. gave are other retorted, McClellan. Morning Lost. the 1st of Jan., 1863, ferwh'cb Cer- organs speedily restored to us well In the o’clock. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, my neighbors, and they eay it has oured them 1 full and H» waited army. When we tificates were issued, amount to >14 323 830 vigor strength. and we pledge oir reputation our Returning, will leave Ball read Wharf, foot ol out of be- have now half a bottle left and wonld not take a upon statement, wint into If he came to a Wodneaday afternoon, a oarriage. Adui tonal from 1st Jan., 1863, to 1st when we it will Virginia river, he State .treat, and Of Canada. tween thousand dollars for it if I oould not more. For lull a say Portland, every Tuesday Friday ON Exohange St. and Emery St., a pair ot 1864, procure particulars get pamphlet from any dru, was the man to wait till it at for or as far as Gent's Boots. The January, 2,630,0 Dr Goodale has discovered the true cause o always dried up be- Evening, lOo’clock, Bangor, the Under will be suitably rewarded surely store in the or ioe will Catarrh, and an country, write us and we will mail jore he made us cross and when we to permit, connecting wlta ihs Eastern, Bost- WINTER ARRANGEMENT. by leaving them with JOHN E. DC W k SON, oor- Total for unfailing remedy to cure it. it; got profits 21} years, >16,958,880 Yours free to a lull Poiitively Core the Wont of the of on a Maine and Portland, Saco If Furtemout Rail- ner of Exohange and Milk Sts. oot29tf truly, Johh L. lirni. any addreas, treatise. You, swamps the didn’t he The Certificates previous to 1862 have New Chickahominy, roads. from Boston and Way Stations, leaving Bea- redeemed London, Conn., Juno 9,1863. wait there three weeks for them been by oash, 11,690,210 Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, «2 bottle, or not in a to dry up, ton ar 3 o’clock P. M. agsaseggn On and after Monday, Nor. 7,1864, per year—not In a month—nor In a week—but Wanted. Price shall and when he found The Boat will touch at Bel- •hHeSSBh*trains will run daily, (Sundays *1. Send a for Dr. R. Goodale’s New three bottles you see Its benefloial at once they wouldn’t do it, didn’t Rockland, Camden, except- Net earnings with the stamp for *1. influence imme> &st, W and euj uum .uniter notice, as follows: SITUATION as Salesman a remaining Pamphleton Catarrh—ite mode of treatment diately, and tbe take he back right out of them ? He’s the man Burksport, lerpon Hampden, both by young man oi on 1st Jan., 1864, perfect day you it. To you who bar* ticketed Company >6,263,670 and rapid core. Price, CHEROKEE INJECTION, <2 per botUo.or lived lor years upon tirabam for life to ways. Passengers through to and from DP TRAINS. A experience. Satisfactory referenees. Apply. order of the Board, Bread and plain diet, me, long him.’ Boston, Delta, Box 606, Post Offioo, Portland. By Dr. R, GOODALE’S Office and 76 Bleeker who dare not eat any thing the Lowell, Lawrence, Salem and Lynn. Leave Portland for ootlSdtf W. TOWNSEND Depot, three bottles for SS. least-wise hearty— Soutn Paris and Lewiston at 7.40 JONES, Secretary. street, one door west ot New flrst, because tbe Dootor has For more extended information, apply to J. O. A. M. Broadway. York. ordered the olainest Also Island Pond, connecting there with NORTON A food, aud for fear the Kendrick, toe local agents at the various Co., Sole Agents. H. H. HAY, Agent Sent to address on secondly diatreaa it causes_ “Votfor I Bangor; trains for Montreal and the West, at 1.26 P. M. by Express any receipt of the Pay ?”—The other day, a Dutch- landings; the Depot Masters of the P. 8. A P for Portland. rising and souring on your stomach, wesay sit down DOWN $300 KAIWAVIH. to eat as man in Cincinnati was severely thrashed Eastern and B. k M. Railroads; Abiel Somerby, TRAINS. trustees: June 3.1863 June 3-dly prico. your dinner, hearty a meal aa you wish. by Central wharf, or his and while Portland; Lang k Delano, Boston, or Leave South Paris at 6.46 A. M., and Island Pond around the Grand Trunk John D. Dav'd Lane, Policies unfailing lor Bliermitorrhes, Semina, of bottle, upon your shewing that our statemcat there is some tame Is not correot. though authority for putting a Bangor, fco., arriving evening. •procured by Weakness, NooSurnal Emissions, and all disease, trains from and CAPI SIC medicine is cart belore a horse, I know of none for Skowhegan, Augusta Bath are POND HOUSE The powerfril but harmless, and whilst put- New Screw Co dne t, J JOHN W. caused such ss Loss of England Steamship Portland daily at 2 P. M, and on Mondays HUNGER, Agent, Attention U respectfully invited to oar unrivalled by self-potation; Memory, a single teaspoonfui wiil at once relieve the ting one before an ass.” train THREE MILES FROM PORTLAND. dy.Lec- from Augusta and Bath is dne at 8.20 facilities for in Universal Lassitude, Pains in tbe Bsok, Dimhess of tio sufferer, the whole bottle would not SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. No. 166 Fore street, bead of Long Wharf, exeoatlnc materially onlj^a Vision. Premature old Weak Difflen injure him, as it is entirety vegetable and contains trains leave Portland The public are respectfully informed that Age. Nervee, ty Freight daily at 7 A. M, and PORTLAND, MR, ■o opiates All classes ot disease that have their ori- Annual The and fast is dne at 3 P. M. it Is the Intention of the that of Statement splendid Steamships Proprietor THE BEST STYLE OF THE Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness, Eruptions gin in a disordered stomach and are WlL1.A&D,and this House shall be kept a first-class road June3—w2w&eodtojan29 ABT, bowels, dispel- CHE8A.PEAKE,Capt otaob Cokubctious. on the Face, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Consump- led ia the same instantaneous way, by the use ot OF THE POTOMA V, Sherwood, will, Bouse. capt. At Bath for >icest and all tbe direibl caused de- until lurther notice, run as follows: Stages Rockland and Thomaston oon- J Sappers served. Every of tion, complaints by nect with trains Oot. 19—Sm 1HTISK11 ATKK\ description Western Massachusetts Ins. Go., Koeve8town’s Wharf, Port.and,uvery WEDNES- GEO. W. MUKCH. AL parting from tbe path ot nature. DAY and at 4 P. and leave At Augusta Stages for Belfast connect with each OOE’S DYSPEPSIA SATURDAY, M., Pier train. This medicine is a simple vegetable eztraot, anc OTJRE! OF » North River, New York, every WEDNESDAY PITTSFIELD, MASS., At FOREST Fire Insurance ! one on which can as and SATURDAY, at 8 o’clock P. if. Skowhegan Stages for Norridgewock, Anson, AVENUE HOUSE Company BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. we rely, it bas been usei ia our Fever and Mad* In with the Solon and Madison connect with trains. Ague, Sick-Hcadache, Sickneee at tkt compllanca Laws of Haine. These vessels are fitted up w th flue accommoda- FORMERLY XHOWS AS THE s Of New York, Office 118 Broadway. practice for many yea's, and, with thousands treated, tions tor EDWIN November 1,1884. passengers, makKgthis the most speedy, NOYES, Superintendent. it has not fhlled in a si ins’ante. Its eurative Stomach, Constipation, Heartburn,Colic Paint safe and Nov 24.1824. nov/-8-tf gle comfortable route for travellers between McClellan in or house, powers havt bean sufficient to vlsto ever tbe Stomach Bowels, Vomit- New York and Maine. *8.00, includinv CASH CAPITAL gain y Dysentery, Parage with Hew $1,000,000. Our Establishment is tarnished with all the all Fare and State Booms. He-opened Furniture & Fixtures, ap most stnbbon case. ing, a Faintness and Lassi- Capital Stock, paid in, <150,000.00 MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. I. feeling of tipods lor wa ded by th-sline to and from Mon- jm. WARREN, President. proved Over treal, WINSLOW & To those who have tridtd with their constitution tude, Want of Appetite, Surplus Capital <96,333,48 Quebec, Bangor, Bath, Augusta, Eastport and THAYER, Pro prleloif. HAMILTON Vice 8t. Joan. BRUCE, President. until think themselves the reaeh of SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. they beyond will not and eannot exist where the cure Unvested aa via Thei MODERN is used — follows, Shippers are requested to send their to the A public are informed GEORGE W. MACHINERY, we would It removes the freight respectfully SAVAGE, SeoreUry. medioal aid, say. Despair not! tue CHEE- disease by removing the eauee n.e steamers as as 3 P. M. on tbe that OCBathat this spacious, convenient and well InC. S. 6-28 Bonda,rained 00 early day they HE like Alcoholic Bitters which cover np your bad teut at.$25,876 leave Portland. UMMIH Trains leave Portland, Grand Trunk RJALH known House, situated at OK CUBE will restore you to health and vigor, In Massachusetts State Bonda, rained at.. 18,416 71 And our collection of logs for a few moments by their eObota For or for Lewiston and Auburn, at a id after all dootors have failed. exhilarating In Hank Stocks, rained at. $8 lO freight pas >age apply to HIM Portland Board of Reference»: quack Beware ofaacb remedies or 265 8c s9B^3d£Station, MORRILL’S beverages, but in lh.it In Railroad and Gee Co valued at. EMERY FOX, Brown’s Wharf, Portland. CORNER, plaee nse a that will Stocks, 1,676 00 For and intermediate stations at has Jons B. Brown ft Flktohbb For fhll a circular from remedy restore the diseased Loans on of real H. B. CRoMWKXa.*. CO., No. 48 West Bangor 1.26 P. M. Sjmiiiri'rom Portland, been re-furnished and Is Son, Hrbbbt, ft Co. particulars get any Drug funotioDB to their normal Mortgages estate 96,815 01 Street, Libby ft condition, and aet in mo- New York. Rbtobmino—Leave Lewiston at 6 20 A.M., and ope* for the reception of and Pleasure- H. J. Co. Jobn Lynch ft Co. Book and store in or write the who tion Loans on collateral securit ee, “. 48.618 90 Company Fancy Types theoonntry, Proprietors, the entire hnman mechanism in har- Deo. 1862. arrive in Portland at 8.30 A. M. Leave at Parties. attention will be to The perfect Cash on band and in 6, dtf Bangor Every given the oom- undersigned having been Aornt will mail free one a •monjr. and Banks,. 9 007 72 7.30 A. M and arrive in fort of appointed to any desiring the same fnll upon principles synonymous with well in bands of Portland at 2.15 P. M. guests. and Atiobn&y lor this is now Cash agents and in fraudtu, .. 14,268 17 Both Company, prepared Will bear favorable with establish ctellned phyaelogioal laws. iWsuoh will he the ef- these trains oonneot at Portland with trains for BF“The Cars from Portland half hour. to issue comparison any treatise in pamphlet form. Personal property and other inveetments, 8,210 97 every Policies on Insuiable Property at current ment in the Boston. WINSLOW & THATEK. rates. city. BOSTON Price, 82 or threo bottles for and INDORSEMENT Freight train leaves Portland at 8 A. and re Oct. 10—dtf per bottle, SS, Total 48 M., Westbrook, Portland Office, 166 Fore Street. Abbetb..$246,232 turning is dHe in Portland at 1 P M. forwarded by express to all parts of the world. Stages connect with trains at JOHN principal stations, W. HUNGER,Agent. Bold all COE'S DYSPEPSIA LIABILITIES. daily lbr most of the towns North and East BRADLEY'S by respectable druggists everywhere. of this HOTEL, June Business and Professional CURE, Losses adjusted and due. none. Famous line. 3,18M.—dtf. Cards, and Jaques’ — OF — DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO Immediately we ou claimed and Raven’s-Wing THB instantaneously, pledge unpaid. $7.0 00 C. M. MORSE, Supt. word us men ofhonor—our reputation as Fharmace- ', reported and unadjusted,. 00 Waterville, November, 1863. decl4 |Of every variety, style and cost, BOLB PBOPBIBTOBB, utiata—our favorable 6,980 GENTLEMEN’S American and PARTICIPATION. aoquaintanoe witiffthe people aa K. H. President. European Plans-, proprietors of the World-renowned Kellogg, feb8 eodfcwly No. 69 Liberty 8t., New York. "toe** Cough J.N. Ddmsi, Sec'y. PORTLAND, SACO St PORTSMOUTH Cor. of Commercial & India Sts. Portland Mutual Fire Insurance PRINTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. Bottom," If it ia used according to ou direction., whioh may be found with each bottle. Sworn to Not. 1st, 1864, before me, Dress Boot RAILROAD. House to We add below toms testimonials Henry Chickering, justice of the Peace. Dlaeking. A ..This situated direotly apposite Company. DU. J. HUGHE from our neigh- Trunk B. hora and to whiou we Railroad Depot, and bead will issue townsmen, ask you oareful l/.^.lHthe..(-rai‘y equal to the imported black rsasgUgq es. ROOMS, TESTIMONIALS, WW^wwvtion. foot of Canal street janeifrjgm ?*■***■ Compan ing made by Day & Martin. daily, (Sun- Office No. 103 Middle Street. From the Pastor the u*»» x copied) as follows: 5 8treet. of Methodist M. Church, Mad- WHOLESALE CHARLES Pres. No. Temple Greatest Wonder GROCER8, Leave Portland for Boston, at 8.46 A.M. and 2 JO HOLDEN, ison, Conn. of the Silas Pierce A Co. EDWARD Age Emmons, Danforth and p HALLOWELL HOUSE SHAW, Secy. I meed Feb. 16—dfcwtf he oan be consulted and with have Coe’s Dyspepsia Cue In my fkmily. Wa*on, Pierce A Co. Soudder, L»»ve Boston lor Portland at 7.80 A. M. privately, and 2.80 the utmost confidence the at &)! and oan willingly testify to its value as a E. T. Farrirgton, I. W. Munroe A Co. p B E O’P E N E D ! BLANKS AND BANK CHECKS,' WHERE by afflicted, medicine. Hair Restored to lot hours daily, and from 8 a m. to 9 p. m Ussav Giouio, Faster Iff. K. ebuoh. Gray its Origi- Levi Bartlett A Co.)Conant A Sanborn, at 10 00 A-M- “d Dr. H. addresses those who are under the Madison, Conn., June 1864. Wm. Stearns A Co. Carter, Mann a Co, 5 ({'®f,'r®J£>0,tamouthf°rrorUa,1v°^aYiUer. ao The took u new not be foreclosed Is the most pei loot Hair Banewer in nse. nov23isdlm ana complete in all its orMoL.eees; se.zed by the Collector of tbe Di by reason or the non-paymest oi POSTERS, cury. _ department. The stand is of bonds or I«a ortant rne ol the best in Port- trici Portland and Falmouth on the thirtieth da/ any coupons not so presented. If they are to Travelers. should use Peruvian Hair Bkoeh land, being suited to and last at filed with either one Everybody Family Country Trade.— of July past, Portland in said District ol us, before the 14th of Janu- While on the RBator. Beware Hand-bills, Shop-bills, UA V £ tun IT1UKN L £. oars, my stomaoh bo. qf Imitatimt ■' Call lor Peruvi- Dissolution of Apply at 146 C'ongresa street. A Libel One Tieboe or n# xt, it will be in season. Program- Journeying Copartnership. eot34 against Molasses; One ary oame badly severe an tta r and receive no B- reel deranged, causing pain in my KegeaeraL.r other. heretofore or Sugar; one Barrel Molasls and Lewiston, November 14,1864. All who have committed an •» cess of any kind, bead. Had It been on Jones k Bat wholesale copartnership existing under the the water it would have agents, 170 Washington st name and firm of A Davis is Two Bags or Sugab; seized by the Collector of Skth May. Trustees of whether it he the solitary vioe of youth, or the sting- been called THE Drase this day dis- For Sale. ) mes, Circulars, sea-sickness. A lady sitting bv me Boston; Also Weeks k Potter, Carter, Bu-t a Co solved mutual the District of Portland and Allbn Hainkb, Third rebuke of confidence in maturer years. by consent. All persons indebted te Falmouth, on the elev- } Mortgage ing misplaced knowing my conoition, reached out a bott.e and oth -r». At wholesale by k Co. Port said firm TWO story House and Lot, situated on Po t- enth of .ast at Philip M. saying’ Sheppard are requested to Bettle inn with day August past, Portland in said Dis- Stubbs, ) oiA. K B.Co. “take a swoliow." X did so. and in less land. Atre'allL. C. Gilson 14 Market ediately land street, with Stable and otber nov IBeodtd And of SEEK FOR AN ANTIDOTE IN 8BASON. than u/e Square. A. Davis at the old who is to ad- A outbnildings. trict. plain printing every description. Also, minHtee trouble v as k stand, authorized Also two lots my ended. The medicine was Short Waterkoubk, oor Congress Middle st., all matters of adjoining containing abent A Libel Three Barbbis or and f just the firm. eight against Molassrsu Buie Figure work, executed neatly, and on The Pains and Aches, and Lassitude and Nervous ‘■Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure,” and from the efieot It and dealers nor 24—d3m* thousand feet. of had generally. nov23dljn square Enquire N. STEVENS, One uaruel or Sugar; one Boat, follow are the DRAKE A DAVIS. No. 47 Oars, Ac ; Hall’s terms that cannot ihil to Prostration that may Impure Coition, upon Stomaoh, and what 1 have learned ol It Portland street. june9 dtf seized the Collector of the District Vegetable satisfy. to the by of rortland the Barometer whole system. •luce. X think it must be an excellent to* snd Faln.uth on the filth of remedy U. day August* last p“8oast Do not waitror the consummation that is sure to fol- Sea sickness and S. Marshal’s Notice. A Card* in said Distriot. Dyspepsia. To Let. in Portland SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. low. do not wait for Unsightly Ulcers, for MRS. 8AMUKL United of _ FIELD. States America, i A. Davis A Cloyes Brothers having purchased the An Information against one Chest or Tea One Disabled Limbs, for aosb of Madison, June 1864. Offices, or in ever Stores Nos. The best Preparation for the Hair. beauty 30th, District of Maine, bs. f stock and taken the stand ft'OlIR single snitee, Barbel or Sugab; one Barrel or Molacbes- and formerly occupied by A 162 and 164 the Inter- THE DAILY PRESS Complexion. to Monitions from the Hon. Ashur Exchange Street, opposite Foub Barbels or Floub; One sag orComs- will immediately free the head from dandruff, New Drake A Davis, would solicit the t- national House. on tho premises to HOW MANY THOUSANDS Haven, June 28th. 1864 PHSUANTWare, Judge of the United States District tour. respectfully p Apply I wo Sacks or Salt; seized by the Collector 01 the IT restore the hair to its natural oolor, and Printing Office has one of Boper1 Improved Calorie CAN TESTIFY TO Messrs. C. G. Clark ft *lthia Jy* L. produce Co.—Gentlemeni desire ^nd fur the District of MaiDe, I stive ronige of both firms at the old where we BEOWN. District ot ras'amaquoddy, at Houiton in a new where it has falleo off. It will THIS B Y Y to make known the hereby stand, do__A. sa d Dis- growth stop for motive UNHAPP EXPERIENCE. almost instantaneous edket- of pub.ic notice that the Libels and on the fifth of Engines power, and is furnished with following Inhrma shall be known by the firm name of Davis triot, day August last paat the tailing out 01 the hair, in a few days, if faithfully ‘•Coe's Dyspepsia Cure," in cases of cholera lions have been Hied in said f Cloyes men troubled with in a morbus. Court, viz To Let. An Information against Two Horse*. Two applied, and it will turn Ghat Hair to its and You^g emissions sleep, I had been for feur A Libel Two Brothers. A. original improved costly Presses—Cylinder andPlaten— twenty honrs purging at tbe agaiast thousand cigars, seized Davis, now Two Sa sor color. complaint generally the retult of a bad habit in and occupied by ns. Possession given Wagons, Harnesses; Nine Chests Stomach bowels, every fifteen minutes. 1 went by the collector if the District of Portland and Fal- F.H.Cloyes, or ffom the most celebrated tnated and a cure war- STOEE Tea-, seized by the Collector of the Distrio ot It is not like other preparations, the hair makers. We have In con- youth, scientifically, perfect into yourdrug store to some on the last nov23dlm G. H. Cloyes. immediately. making ranted or no made. procure brandv as I muth, eighth day of October past at Port- a Front Office in Machias, on the day of September last and but will make it charge had been told Also, Hanson Block. twenty-filth dry brasby, moist, soft, and stant nse one of HOE'S LARGE CYLINDER always that it was a good reinadv lor land in said District dtf past, at Gouldsboro in said District. Sold all the Hardly a day pastes but we are consulted by one 1864 J»»* H. J. LIBBEY A CO. glossy. by Apothecaries and Medicine Dysentery. My pallid fooo and my Au Inform. >tion against ten crests of tea and Portland, Dec. 2d, A Libel Ihirthsn Dealers in this or more young man with the above disease, some ol w|SV«,aI To the Senate and House against hundred Cigars- city and State PRESSES, capable of throwing ofT 8500 Sheets once attracted tne attention ol the clerk in twenty-seven half chests of tea, seized of Representatives of the One One One W. F. whom are as weak and emaciated as though they char.*, b> State Boat; Basket; Blanket; >eized PHILI.IPS, 1*9 Middle Street, Wholesale onoe ‘what Is the the Collector of the of Maine. g Wood for an had their friends d “**.,*? matter V 7 District of Portland and Fal- Sale. by the Collector of the Distriot of Portland and Fal- tor the State. oct81 evdSm hour; one of Adam’s Power Presses—the best the consumption, aud by suppos “J**1I have vour re- Agent replied. been fbrtwentry-tonr hours vomit, mouth. on the seventh day of October last at undersigned, petitionsrs, humbly acres of Pine mou' 03 the siEteenth of to have it. All such ca-es yield to the proper aud past, thev eight Wood on the stump b, day October last voast at ug and purging, and 1 am unable to Portland i said District. Tillyquest that may be incorporated and made at book press in the world; Adam’s and Potter’s Past correct oc urse of treatment and in a short time stand or walk, ABOUTGraves Hill, will be sold at a Portland in said District. only fkom weakness and An a b dy politic, to be oalled the Yarmouth Westbrook, bale of Forfeited Goods this deadly sickness at my stem. Information aga net one cask of whiskey, haptr bargain. An Information One are made to rejoice in perfect health. Mb and located at in the against OneForc-Sail; Jib;One Machine Job Presses; Cased completely prostrates me." He a hot- seized bv the Co'lec*or of the District of Portland Company, Yarmouth, County of rnc Collectors District Buggies’superior Pres; produoed of Enquire FEANCIS B. HANSON, at Geo. H. Fore-topmast Staysail; Upper and One Low- Onici, or Portland tie of Coe’s and oa the Cumberland, lor the purpoB'' of Dyspepsia Cure, saying, ‘‘take a large Falmouth, nineteenth day of November manufacturing Babcock’s, Federal Strtet, or of ASA HANSON er Fore Topsail; One Upper and One Lower Main and Falmouth, Adams’ and Union large Hand StancAng MIDDLE AGED MEN. swallow of it is paper, and doing all to such man- Presses, that; now 11 o'clock; taken another instant, at Portland in said District. things pertaining head of Borlin Wharf. oote dtf One Upper ana One Lower after dinner.” business. And as in bound Topsail; Mizzen -Jap- Portland Nov. 1864, are men at the of A Libel against twenty-four bags of rags; ufacturing duty will and One seized 1, Presses, and all the machinery necessary for a well There many age thirty who are tail; Spanker; by the Collector ol following described merchandise From the moment I took that first ONE HUNDRifiD AND everprav. CHARLES D. BKOWN. having troubled with too evacuations from the dose of the EIGHT WOOL SOCKS, OR HOSE; the Distriot of Portland and on frequent medioine dec3eod3w and others. Billiard Table Falmouth, the twen- THEbeen forfeited for violation of the Revenue appointed office. often a my sickness at stomsch was gone- its efieot A LOT OF OLD LEAN, BRASS AND for Sale. of bladder, sccompanied by slight smarting or COPPER, seizeu ty-flith day Ootober laetpast, at Portland in said Lswb of tbs United States, notice of saidBeiz- was instantaneous. In an hour I eat the Collector the FIRST rate Billiard public burning sensation, and weakening the system in a my dinner »i,h by of District of Portland and Fal- Table, with marble bod; District ures ha been and no claim The Dally Press Job Office Is believed to be as well as a relish as Subobon General’s office, 1 ing given to said goods manner the cannot account for. On good ever hungry man partook, (ar I mouth, on the twenty-fourth of October last A alBO two sets ivory balls and a set of and An Information against One Piece patient examin- day November 1864. points, of Cassimere having been made, they will be sold at auc- a was well cleared ont of food.) and followed a past at Portland in said District. Washington, 2fi, ) everything pertaining to a well furnished table. and publio furnished as any similar establishment in the State. ing urinary deposits ropy sediment will often De by Medical MghteenHundred Cigart; seized fcVtbeCol! tion at the Old Custom House, at this on of cure. 1 have not suffered a ▲ Officers of not less th >n two Will be sold on liberal terms. port Wed- found, and sometimes small particles of semen or teaspoonful partk-'e Libel against three thousand seized to lector of tho District of Portland and ■ cigars, service, who have been Apply Faimou h on nesday, Dee- 7, If64, at 11 o’olook, A. M to wit Those will or of inoonveuienoe since 1 took the the Collector oi the NOTICE.years’ honorably dis- WM. J. the lourteenth ot sending order from the country may on albumen appear, tbe color will be of a thin remedy. by District of Portland and Fal- MCDONALD. day Ootober last pari, at Portland 8 Bris Bbl. rely Its action was so so and desit e to receive appointments as Mir- Sugar—1 Molasses—1780 Cigars—1 mi kiah hue, again to a dark and wondertul and immediate, mouth on th tenth day of November at charged. No. 125 Federal Street, under U. S. Hotel. in said District. changing turbid instant, m the Trunk, containing 7 Bottles 1 Bottle receiving prompt attention. that I oould believe the evidences oi Portland in said gtons or Assistant Surgeons U. S. Army sept21 dtf A Thirteen Brandy, Wine, appearance There are many men Who die of this hardly my own District. Zibet agaiast thousand 1 1 of senses, and I desire make now organic *i at are in- four hundred package thimbles, piece Cotton, 2 paokages Of the is to pui.lioly knowa thi »* 8eizur®« were for breaches of the laws d Corps being Washington, Cigars; One hundred and We execute all orders in the shortest time difficulty, ignorant cause, which the 4wWTTio.h vited to forward their twenty-five pounds of containing silk and liunigs. possible foots, that the whole world may avail themselves f the testimonials, ■ United States, as is more set forth applications, JSutmegs ; Three hundred pounds of Cloves I. find a particularly and evidence of to the Five WASHBURN, Jr, Collector and in the neatest and best manner. 81CQND 8TAGE Its use. Like bread, it thouid plaoe In in s Aid Li be s and a service, Sbrgeon General, OF 8EMINAL WEAKNESS. every Informations; that h^ariBg ana K. lt*m: b? th» Collector novldlawt sale one’s house, and I believe that no one should trial will bs h\d without delay. J. BARNES, SPECIAL NOTICE. of the °L°**-[a,Ti.caDistriot of 8??ea go thereon,at Portland in said District, Passamaquoddy, on the twentv- We will do all kinds of as well and as * cure in (ton home without a bottle of it in his on the Second dtc2cdlwiben2aw3w Surgeon General. printing perfect rucb cases, and a away pocket, Tuesday cf December next, where an> one may obtain information in to in 8ai<1 Sale ol Land* and Timber lor the luH ar d healthy restoration of the or where It oould be qulokiy made available. persons interested regard Benefit and as as othor establishment urinary organs. therein, may appear and shov friends to be in D8trldty0f8ePtemb*rl**tP**l,atiaa8tport promptly, cheap any Persons who cannot GEO. L. ANY supposed Hospitals at or near An ol Normal Schools. personally consult the Dr Truly yours, DRAKE. can k® wherefore the sam SKINNER'S PULMONALES Information against can ■SSI?.* a?y Bhown, Washington, by addressing Thirty-Two Boxes rf in the City, County of State. do so by writing in a plain manner a description ^ <*oaree<* *nd of immediately relieve Coughs, Friction or Lucifer Matches, trizeu by the ( ollen. Lvhd Office, of One III* te disposed accord Agent Ind. Eelixe their disease, and the appropriate remedies will qf Twenty-five. ing law* Colds, Hoarseness Losgof voice Dbpt., tor of Internal Reyenne for the Bangor I All orders V. 8. Christian Com., D. C. Firet Collection September 18,1864. for Job Printing mast be directed te be forwarded immediately New th“ Bronchitis, Lassitude, Thirst, Washington, District of Ma-ne, on the pursuance of the Aot entitled "An Aot, for Haven, July 11th mu N°‘ eighteenth day OfNovem the All strictly confidential and will Mb. Cob—Jfr.—Having been and o the first friends at or her Instant, at Portland In said IN establishment of Normal the Daily Press Job Office, Bo. S2J correspondence troubled with the every symptom Any inquiries regarding near City Distriot. Schools,” approved Exchange street, be returned If desired. for some or ‘"“Va^cSey s ot CoLsumn- Point, Va.. be addressed Which seizures were forbrsaohrs March 2», 1848, and the farther ol Dyspepsia eight twelve month, ih.v* Ueput’' Marshal, Gist, of Maine. f*tag Pulmonary may ofthe laws ofthe report Council Portland, He. Address, DR. J. B. HUGHES, taken fhe nsoal kindsof dl4dnov29 't.oa. are in form H C. United States, as is more made August 15th, 1864: the Land will medicines, which have They white, Houghton, Agent, Ind. Relief Dept., particularlv set forth in Agent oiler No. 8. Temple St., [corner of Portland. d”e of a for U. 8. ( said Libels and tor eale at auetion, at the Land Middle] J“w /oar advertisement of a modi- wafer, and as suitable Christian om., City Point, Va. Informations; that a VearinV»nd publio Office in Ban- The Job Office Is under the personal supervision XT* Send Stamp lor circular, *?* *2*21 the infant in the as a trial will be had thereon at on Tuesday, Miroh at 12 o’cloek cradle pa- Prompt answers will be siven to all di- Portland, in said Din. gor, 14,18«6, noon, tient of inquiries on the First all the title and interest which of the senior proprietor, who Is the Tbe ar,t 16 (‘he three eoore years *nd rected as above. TH08. X. HA Y trlot, Tuesday of December next where right, th9 State has, CITY PBINT- «h of Ju^e’Tth^f 1I i°ln® dr°l» Steamship Bohemian! ten. 88, undivided t00k’ relievtd m« on# Orator* and all who over- any persona interested may appear and show being one half, owned lu c mmon with EB, and is himself an rainutt. Chairman Army Com., P. P. hi. C, A. cause, experienced practical work- or fo“r but the vocal receive can be shown, wherelbre the same proprietors of township* numbered Sixtee R .nge Electic Medical times, hare had no _. organs novSdtm lfany should not man, and Infirmary, 11«fei1],*br^e tbeir use. FI and employs only well-skilled mechanic “y *t0,n*eh *ince the Wrecked at Portland. instant relief by Sold by all Druggists bo deemed forfeit and dispoeed of aocording to law cron, (16 R11) sixteen. Range Twelve, (If R In taking Dated at West irom the East line of this of belore'1 e°uld “0‘ eat a Prepared by E. M. Skinner, Chemist, 27 Tremont Portland this twenty-second dav of No! 12) the S ate in th department his work. TO THE LADIES. 5,«il .^°f'i!.1fbon*b C of at a *®*‘etimee bo more than three or street, roston. H. H HAY, cor Frte and Middle vember, A. D. 18«4. * A. QUINB^ unty Aroostook, minimum prloe cf thirty DB HUGHES nvites all Ladies who nouthfulisSoithJl? tour rants acre for either or particularly without me. THh£ a&w strew, suppeying agents. sep27 ecd&eow6m OR. ORLAND’S LIVER U. 8. Deputy per both traets. Terms Cash. need a medical adviser, to call at his rooms, No. ft distressing lor the arras? PILLS, Marshal, The Portland V. WOODRUFF. January 10,1866. purchase nov22d!4d Diet, of Mainq, ISAAC R. CLaRK, Daily Press, Temple Street, which they will find arranged for Respectfully,_J. of tbo The Great the Piles! SeptlO— lawtd Land their 1st—of the wreck Hull and EnrinM th. Remedy for Agent. The espeoisd accommodation. largest dally paper east of and are Now Haven, June Uth, 1864. Iron Steamship Bohemian, of about S N S Boston, having Dr. H's Electic Renovating Medicines unrival- Mr. ,on. iTGr all humors larger circulation than in Cob—Dear dtr.-The bottle of .fo the / now ire or may then lie, in about eradicate from the blood, and Maine all the other dailies in the ed in and virtue regulating ail Dy.pcj Qve fathom, State Copartnership Notice. efficacy superior Medioine I received from you, gave instantaneous water, about half a mile from the shore OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PAINTED THEYare a good family purgative. Military Agencies. iity Is Female Their action is speoific and oi Caue E i nnderf hare this combined, published at the Offioe in Fox irregularities. relief. I only used it when my food distressed 3 to 6. For tho Piles Orland's rol igned day formed a copart- oertain ot relief in a short time. me. zabeth. opposite Broad Core .about eight nles Directions.—Doer, wing State Agents for the relief ol Block, 891-9 producing It was about like two from Pile Ointment should be used Biok THEnership under the name and style of FLING A Exchange Street, every morning— it invaluable in all cases taking doses to-day, one >o> the city. THEand onnoed Soldiers, will promptly and LADIES will find of ob- then other AT H VDSOI C. O. WHI TTEMORE, and have taken the store Sunday at remedies have morrow, every day, increasing the quan- 2d—of all the remaining porfon of the >S, Prepared by CHAMBERLIN, Portland. obeertuh, famish any information, eithor formerly excepted, *8,00 per annum. structions after aJi other teen tried in and cargo that Pnion 25 personally occupied by Hen y Fling, Ns. 91 Commercial tity nl food decreasing the medioine.until ! wae may be found in or arround the week, Cbntw. For sale by Druggists gener- or and assistance to street, vain. It is vegetable, containing in oou.i.tin. No. 27 by letter, soldiers and their where intend Commission and purely nothing enabled to eat without taking at all. of Iron and Market Portland. ulY- novlbeodlm they doinga Whole- the least to the health, and may bo anything My Knees, Bar Iron, Sheet Iron, other Square, friends; lale business in W. injurious taken oase was an extreme one, suffered Teas, Tobacoo, I. Goods, Gro- with safety at all times. having for seven goods. nav22eod2w ceries and Provisions. perfeat years. I now consider myself cured, and using Col. Beqlamiii H. Sent to auv part of the oouutry with full by Tenders to state the pric in cash, gold raine. that Hinds, HENRY directions only on© bottl© of m©dioin© in th© the F FLING, addressing DR. spaeo of two parties are to for each lot, separate 278 by HUGHES. The dose was wil.ing give Street,.Washington, D. O. STEPHEN WHITTEMORE THE MAINE STATE Street, corner months. a teaspoonful. ly. and the or tender if Tripe. Tripe, ! PRESS, No. 6 Temple ef Portland. par y parties if any whose Tripe Portland, July 8,1884. Middle, Ellbb 8. Aitm. aooepud, or with HIS delicious art-e’e of food Col. Robert K. dtf mustpay deposit the underspend, may be obtained at PHOTOGRAPH Corson, rhe in New not te'er than Jar T ,be ROOMSj largest paper England, eight is nary 20th, of Twenty percent, on kit by hair bbl., quarter bbl or 183 Walnut pages, Bold by Druggists in oity and eountry, every, oV'LSiul B.bl Street, Pa. W ooiwult one of their otth' ir bids; a further sum of tweiitT tbo ‘oanul'ac* or Philadelphia, The Cheapest published every Wednesday, containing all the where. otberwli.SpllA?i"onit0 urer, by mail, 101 Agency own sex.J;m*T A lady of experience tBb’v *° “d the balance In or,ler• promptly attendee to Middle E. sews mall and in constant attend- «fir0«n»?h*(f*l>e£reon or DoviSd6*.4W at., Col. Frank Howe, all olasses of by telegraph, important reading »Poe- Price $1.00 per Bottle. 1W. before Maroh 1 1866 C. W. BKLKNAF. oolleoting oialms arisingg fromrom janl dftw.y 194 r)Bthe war is that of the natter. Marine List, Market of the JAMES G. FABMEB, PORTLAND. Broadway,.New York City, Bepouts, Ac., Orders by mail, from either dealers er eonnunert, % Press, at the * M°-10 Pay or nevSdtf Oot. 24—d/w. Dally following prices, viz :— promptly attended to. Portland, Kov 29,1864, SUIu}B£!d Prisoners. ‘MAINE WAR CLAIM Dentistry* ASSOCIATION,1 CLARK Notice. Haglsospy.sae year, Invariably undersigned have associated themselves for C. G. & CO. Kepairad tnd Mad. to Boarding. THE and will the Ordw.TT XSas SS has been In advance.„.58.00 P^Hotof Dentistry, continue WhoUtmU Druggiett, Hew COE k N. DOW admitted umoe Haven, Come., FDK8 MoCAXiLAB’S as a Front Booms, furnished or unfur. lately occupied by Drs Bacon k Breslin, No. to firm #f J. DOW A SON. 17 0«t, 27—lmd Ho. 96 Kiddle FtKDEBICKpartner tbe PLEASANTnished, with Board, to let, at 77 Free it. Free street. Elbbidou Bacoh, Bt. WHIT Chlrge* If. A. FOSTER & Co., Pxofxiitom. Proprietor*. Nor it, 18M. 2aw8w moderate. aseSdlw* Hubby Kimball. Bold in Portland by W. V. dawly Portland June 1, 18M. dtf Phillip*, g. a. Her,T Pertlud, Oct U, 1«M. ootateodftr I »d all other dealer*. mar*h»*odlyfo