Unanimous V·Ote Oks Entire Plan .,

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Unanimous V·Ote Oks Entire Plan ., .. :., . .... ,. ··-···· •'' .. , ' rior ~r,l , t,he: i9fy rof... )r . ife L th~t "COVERS THE CAMPUS LIKE THE MAGNOUAS." THuRsDAY, APRIL 20, 1995 i to . ' ' ' . ' ' : ·, ' . - ' . - . ' . ' ~ - . -- . the'I .f¥·· ..· "th>·.;:.·. e ~ ~ J."" • ..1 ..... Trustees pass PPC plan . ·~. Students Unanimous v·ote - p~ote~t.at OKs entire plan ..., ., • BY DANIELLE DEAVER millioninadministrativesavings~ ·c~remony ing from cutbacks and streamlininl . _BY JENNIFER FoWLER of the administration. He also ulcl Yesterday morning the board of $10.7 million will also come from i trustees unanimously voted to imple­ transfer of past years' operating iJMd.: · ~ _-AbOw"rso~tsgatberedonthe ment the entirety ofthe Program Plan­ get surpluses, which had been reiJt.. : ning committee's "Plan for the Class vested as part of .the endowment, 10 ; ~. ot'VfaitCbapel Tuesday aftt%­ noon to ·protest tbe imminent adop­ of2000." use as a one-time fund to start die .. The plan, which has been the sub­ program. 't!o~ ortJ:le Program PlanniJlg Com­ ject of much controversy and debate Theuseofthesurplusfundstollal: _mittf:eS~ ''Plan for the Class of 2000" theprogramisanearlyunprec:edenkd;: .6Y. a v~te of the board of trusteeS in . -- on camP.US for the past two years, their amiual meeting. calls for a tuition increase of $3,000, move by the trustees. ''To invade en--~: which would result in a tuition of dowment is a very sacred step · : The. ~nts.obj~ted primarily to IDd: $18,500 for incoming freshmen in should be done in only tbe most a-~ .n.: to· the plan's computer proposal: and .$l,Q90· tuj.tion inci:ease, as well the 1996 . traordinary circumstances," said Jolin~ sinkr lack ofStudent voice in the PPC's It also includes40new faculty mem-: Medlin, chairman oftheboaniofb'Uil1 bers, seminar classes for all frrst-year ees. Medlin and Anderson said, .propo - sils'-. thei!: · -The protest, organized by a group students, and laptop computers for all money has been put into savings and: entering students. The components of . investments in case ofemergencies or: O(aOOuteightstudents, coincided With . Analda House ever, the Convocation. featuring speaker Members of the board of tmstees me past students demonstrating in opposition to the PPC plan just before the report will be instated in 1996 and unusual circumstances to prevent lhe: ·hm AinoldPahnerandanautograph-sign- convocation Tuesday afternoon. will affect only the entering classes university from having a deficit. : ,uicf ingsess.ion on the Quad with the Dea- arts ideal of free discussion has been his disagreement with the plan. the makeup of the university's stu­ after that time. All proposals in the PPC report are~ Funding for the plan will come from being fully implemented with the ex-: Ure cOn-Jmketball team which drew scores completely subverted." According to McGee, he and dent body. "One of the key issues in a of~olimiunity members, parents and McGee said the Student Govem- Carriker were asked to address the tuition increase is socio-economic a variety of sources, including the ception of line item D5, dealing with: aliimlli. : : · · · ment vote that approved the computer committee by Ken Zick, the vice presi­ diversity," she said."An increase will tuition increase, said John Anderson, faculty salary increases. Item DS rec-: \~t\uiears holding signs stating "Stu- proposal was a show of"false student dent for student life and instructional further an already homogeneous stu­ the vice president for finance and ommended that approximately $1.8: r . dents .for theJife of the mind" and support," citing a petition signed by resources, after he heard of the pro­ dent body." million b~ spent to increase faculty: ·~Riltuq~toaffordahility, return to lib- 700 Stl!dents against the proposal and testors' plans. "He said he thought it Sophomore John Whitmire, who salaries t~ a range equitable to .sala-: . eial arts, return to students" met an Old Gold and Black poll in which would be good to hear both points of initiated the protest idea, spoke to the ries at other comparable universities.~ speeches given by protest organizers 63.6 percent of students polled felt view," McGee said. McGee said he crowd about the detrimental effect InitiallyinameetingMondayl1lOI'ft--c agd impromptu comments ftoin .die the proposal should not be imple­ and Carriker spoke to the group, the C011Jputer proposal could have on in~ Provost David G. Brown sai~ Qn)y• ~:wa~witli_t:oud·qfieets;arld;e'nth'Mi:o:. im.ente<ti:njts ct.Irterttform; · .. · .. ·~ .. among ·.which· wer~ ):epre~ent;rtives . teacher:student relationships and on one-fourth of tt-iat figure woi11ii W. astn. · · · ''I think. our ~'representatives ·have from SG and two truio'tees, for about the classical ideals of a liberal arts planning and the treasurer. spent. He later clarified his remarks 10; The $3,000 increase will be the say that the entire $1.8 million would; nd ''This plan has. been railroaded· failed us,·~ said McGee, who along ·ten niliiutes: education. thrQugh Wake Forest students," se- with senior Doug Carriker met with In a speech to protestors, sopho­ "The administration is trying to sell largest dollar increase in the school's be spent, but that that might not guar-j tate nior Sam McGee said in a speech that the student life committee ofthe board more Alicia Junco said she feared the Wake Forest in the way a business history. · an tee that the goal of having the thirdt mity kicJced off the protest. ''The liberal oftrusteesearlierinthedaytoexpress proposed tuition increase would harm See Protest, Page 5 Anderson also said there will be $1 See PPC, PageS ' 1rce Jl.~cruiti!tent strives for raCial diversity . ~ . ·~ SG secretary BY ELIZABEm greater integration of the faculty and student body. They dents are, for the most part, attracted to the university ~ta D. FisHER Ow Gow AND BLACK REPoRtER sought to increase the number of black students and because of its academic rigor and reputation. faculty, said William Starling, the director of admissions The primary obstacle to the increased enrollment of : :Ihe:QJii:yersity began as an institute dedicated to the and financial aid. black students is cost Wade said high-achieving black pegs Shorty's ea~fi~il:Of southern white !Ilales. But now, after years ·"Diversity is really impOrtant because the campus students are in demand at many prestigious institutions o:f.spcial:change, many members of must reflect a cross section of not where they may be offered larger scholarships than theciinimunity champion the impor­ only the nation, but also the state," those available at Wake Forest. "Beyond the Gordon tance of racial diversity~ said Ernest Wade, the director of mi­ and Reynolds scholarships, other scholarships do not as No.1 goal "Walre Forest should be a good nority affairs. He also said North allow us to compete with other schools," Wade said. vegetable soup," said Dolly Carolina has a high black population Freshman Lilly Bekele cited the present racial mix as McPhers<in, a professor o.f English. which the university should mirror. It an added deterrent She said the percentage of black Bv HEATHER MAcKAY · Racial:4iversity is a primary goal is hisjob to recruit black students in students on campus was "the thing that turned me off, Ow GoLD AND BLACK REmRlER in the recluitment of faculty and stu­ order to achieve this objective; very much so." dentS,. according to administration To encourage black student Bekele also said other students m~y think she was Sophomore Tina Schippers, the recently elected officials. RElATIONS interest in the university, the Office accepted only because she is black and the university Student Government secretary, aims to promote better Iii 1986, the first of two Race Re­ ofMitiority Affairs offers special pro­ needs to fill a quota. "Some may think that my spot is not communication between SG and the rest of the univer­ latipns Commissions· created by . grams, such as weekend visits and as deserving as theirs, that I am here to fill a quota, that sity, including the student body, administration and President Thomas K. Hearn, Jr. established the goal of day receptions for prospective students. Wade said stu- See Race, Page 5 · faculty, as well as follow through - .. on existing SG projects during her tenure. First and foremost, the four VOters approve change in BSA legislator clause new Student Government offi­ cials want to get the Shorty's BY BRIAN J, UZWJAK. never been used, allows the Black Stu­ renovation accomplished, Enri-ca IN CmEP dent Alliance to appoint a member of Schippers said. "We've already the BSA to the legislature if a black is formed a plan to follow to en­ Three-quarters of. the students who not elected. sure this is achieved," she said. voted in TUesday's election approved a The revision, approved by 76.9 per­ She said thatSG wants to get the 5. llJ.~ure that would change the consti- cent of voters, provides that the BSA funds raised as soon as possible Schippers tutional provision which ensures that_ a . nominate three candidates to fill the and hopes to break ground next summer. blac~ student will· always serve in the·· seat. Mter the candidates are named, the One of Schippers' important campaign issues was Stu4ent Government Legislature. SG Committee on Committees will se- increasing communications between SG and the stu­ 111C election to determine the compo- lect one of the three nominees. dent body. "After all, the strength of any government sition -of next year's Student Budget The comrilittee looked into the provi­ depends on the input of its constituents," she said. AdVis9cy Committee, Judicial Board sion at the behest of several students, Schippers said she feels it is important that students aild Honor Council also included rerer- Smith said.
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    Concordian FEBRUARY 14, 1997 THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF CONCORDIA COLLEGE VOLUME 7, NUMBER 67 Primary narrows presidential field to two Amy Ladd will be decided next week. what I expected," he said. Alleckson and S {rebel, howev- "We're excited about the pri- The losing teams, although no er, are confident their platform is The vote count News Editor mary results," Alleckson said. longer directly involved in the both aggressive and realistic. The primary ballots have been "Nonetheless, we're still going to race, have all chosen to endorse "I think our platform is solid — Alleckson/ 616 cast and counted. The Student keep the ball rolling." the Gilbertson/Sorenson cam- it's built upon solid ideals. We will Strebel Gilbertson agreed, noting that paign. According to members of be committed and we will get Association Presidential and Vice Sorenson/ 539 Presidential teams Eric Alleckson/ "It's just going to have to come the teams, platform goals affected things done," Alleckson said. "We Betsy Strebel and Jeff down to Wednesday." the choice for endorsement. have a very aggressive platform in Gilbertson Sorenson/Adam Gilbertson are on The third and fourth place "[Alleckson/Strebel] don't that we have a broad-reaching Haggerty/ 132 their way to Wednesday's general teams of Blake Haggerty/Roger seem to go beyond anything they plan that is realistic and will Grisim election. Grisim and Mark Stansbury/Justin don't think is possible," Grisim accomplish goals." Stanesbury/ 129 Eeg, received 132 and 129 votes said. "Gilbertson/Sorenson are a Strebel agreed. Nine hundred and twelve stu- Eeg dents, 33% of eligible voters, respectively, while the write-in little more aggressive in their plat- "We know this campus, and we voted in Monday's primary.
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