Trhc Cabct Rats Breakout!

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Trhc Cabct Rats Breakout! Congratulations to the Class of 2000 Lotal Wwktiid Weithcr Farwiit; Friday - Hi: 64 Lo: 52 Partly Cloudy Saturday - Hi; 61 Lo; 27 Cloudy Sunday - Hi: 46 Lo: 26 Partly Cloudy trhc Cabct VOLUME LXXXIX Friday, 21 February 1997 ivl umber 15 News Briefs Latest Report on Coed Plan World Col. N.M, Bissell'61 Chainnan of Executive Committee Rats Breakout! Assimilation Plan Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese leader who opened the doors of com- The \'M1 Officc of .'Admissions re- munist China to a global market, but ports a continuing increase in the number remained vehemently anti-demo- Class of2000 is Formed of applicatioas for the of 2001. We cratic, died from complications of have currently received 797 applications, Parkinson's disease and an infected .AppRiMinately 500 of these hav e been of- lung on Thursday. He was 92. fered appointments. This repiesents a 25% over last year. We have received Ten were indicted on charges 37 applications from fcMiiales and offered of bribery and corruption in a South aiipomuiients to 20, F ive of the feinale af>- Korean scandal that led to the demise plicants have reserved spots for next fall, of Hanbo steel. The company ulti- '•"his number should increase in the near mately bore a $6 billion debt. Chief futua-. Open House programs have been Prosecutor Choi Byung-kuk stated well alteiided by botli m;ile iind female pros- that those indicted included 3 aides pcx'ts, ITic next program is scheduled for of Kim Young-sam, president of sev- 21-22 March and currcntly 120 prospet1.s; eral prominent banks, and Hanbo have registered to attend. Of Uiese, 15 are steel founder Chung Tae-soo. female prospects. Our goal to visit colleges to review On Wednesday, State Depart- their procedures and les.s<ins learned corv ment spokesman Nicholas Burns an- tinues, A VMl learn (4 faculty staff & ca- nounced that the US will donate S10 dets) visited Norwich this week from 11- million in food aid to North Korea. 14 Kebruarv'. Another team (2 faculty/staff Floods in 1995 and 1996 led to an & 4 cadets) will travel to New Mexico Mili- enormous food shortage. The UN tarv Institute (NMMl) fi\)m 22-26 FebiiJ- World Food Program, which is coor- ar>'. At the same time consultants are being dinating the fund raiser, is asking for invited to VM1 to review tnir plans and view S41 million in aid. Japan and South our systems in action, A team fixim NMMl Korea are also collaborating with US (Comii-uindant plus 3 cadets) will visit VMl efforts. from 15-18 February and LTG Winfield Scott fonner Superintendent at the US Air Force Academy (USAFA)andNMMl will US Secretary of State be at VMl fhim 18-20 February, By con- Madeline Albright called for a re- ducting numerous reviews and fact finding duction in Western forces in Europe missions we hope to validate our concept on Thursday. Albright's proposal and improve our plans to assimilate women stated that Western forces may still into the Corps in the fall of 1997. modernize weapons and restore forces if necessary. Russia was con- On Thursday, February 20th. the Rat Mass fought their way up Breakout Hill to become the Class (>/'21101). Special Hreakout issue lo come next week. At present the Superintendent has cerned over NATO's alleged expan- approved iipproximately 30 policies. Those sion into former Warsaw Pact nations policies appnwed are with counsel for their and the cunent 4 to 1 ratio of soldiers final review and recommendations. There caused by the CFE (Conventional are approximately 27 policies still being Forces in Europe) treaty. researched and developed 1 should note LTG Scott Offers Words of that the number of policies continues to grow as we continue to review and reseeirch On Tuesday,a Peruvian areas of interest. 1 lowever, the fact that we mudslide in the Southeast Andes re- have a policy does not necessarily mean a gion left 33 dead and at least 100 oth- ers missing. change, only that we hav e reviewed a spe- cific area and found that a change is or is Encouragement During Visit not required. We will make only those An estimated 30 Muslim guer- right." He applied this statement lo the changes that are necessary for safety and rillas bearing swords, daggers, and as- Chris Hobbs '97 commandant for the New Mexico Mili- SeiUl was not afraid lo ad- situation the Citadel has faced, and health rea.sons. sault rifles killed 33 Algerian villag- News Writer tary Institute between 1983 and 1987. mit tluil there are going to cadets who ers, including children, in the border This highly decorated officer is now re- feels VMl has hud the advantage ofaii objccl to women coming lo VMl. A review of construction projects town of Kerrach, near Blida. Three On Tuesday, the 18th of Feb- tired, and lives extra year to W ith regard to the media, he pointed reflects the following status: Barracks hundred people have been killed in ruary, Lieutenant General Winfield with his wife in prepare thor- out that if an academy messes up with (Showcis and toilets each stoop) — Complete recent massacres and bombings in Scott visited the Virginia Military In- Col o r a d o oughly, "VMl female integration or honor, they are I August - On schedule, Cormack Field Algiers and neighboring towns. Eight stitute after being invited to speak on Springs, Colo- is handling all over you. Scolt reminded cadets Mouse (SlKiwers/dressing room) Complete guerrillas were killed by security the matter of VMl's ongoing assimila- rado. things in a to take into account that females are 1 July - On .schedule. Security lighting on forces. tion program for women. Scolt smart manor," different from males, both physi- the post Complete 1 Augiist - On sched- Scott carries an impressive has based his Scotl stated, ologically and emotionally. Cadets ule, Cocke Hall mudifications (5 phases pri- referring to the shf>uld make women feel welcome. oritized), .Separation of pool access/entrance In an attempt to increase the biography with him. A native of Win- life on three ar- e o m p I e \ This is where he called for the need way - complete 1 April, Showers - Complete Russian role in the present US-domi- chester, Virginia, he was recruited to eas of impor- i preparations of strong cadet leadership. While the 1 June. Dressing Rooms - Complete I Aug, nated Middle East peace talks, Rus- play football at VMl, but opted to go to tance. First, he and planning administration should set the attitude, Cocke Hall corridors - Spring 1998, Ofiices sian President Boris Yeltsin met with the University of Virginia for a year. has always VMl has uiH the cadets theniselv es have got to en- and classrooms - Spring 1998, Hospital Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat at Scott then transferred to West Point, tried lo be a 'E derwav. lorco the standards. (Examination Rixjms) Complete. the Kremlin on Tuesday. Israeli where he was a four year starter and good Christian. The new positions for the Assistant Prime Minister Benjamin played on two nationally ranked squads. Secondly, he -Seoll admilled that VMl Commandant Assistant Director of Cadet Netanyahu is expected to arrive in Out of West Point, some of his first as- has tried to be "VMl has would change with ihe admission of Affaini, PE instructor and an additional Moscow in March signments in the Air Force were in Ko- the best family o great repiita- uomen, but they could he positive rea. While overseas, he worked in the man possible. lion in biitii the clianges, depending on how things couaselor pt>sition are being armounced and U.S. centralized command, and with Finally, he has military anil are handled. Respected leadership rex-ruiting is underway LTG Scott in front of Jackson Stalia United Nation contingencies. Later tried to always civilian sectors from within the Corps needs to step initial ceremony in Cameron National Scott went on to become the tenth su- do his best at whatever task confronted of society," .Seott said, adding, "what up and set the stage for the future. 1 lall on 11 March will kick off the training perintendent of the U.S. Air force Acad- him. further he stresses the philosophy, you do now is \ilally iniportanl lo the This will allow \'Mlto build on it's and infoniuition sessions. Gen. Bunting, emy. Most recently, he served as the "If you're going to do something, do il retention of that reputation " reputation and progress forward. luid other key iastitute officials aixl cadet Two LS Army instructors in leaders will emphasize the importance of the continuing saga of sexual ha- the sessions and the scheduled orientation rassment at a Maryland training fa- activities. A follow-on information brief- cility have been cleared of charges. Cadets Visit Coed Corps at Norwich ing will be provided to smaller gR>ups on Two other instructors, Sgt. Isiah 25 March, tw o w eeks later. Training semi- Chestnut and Sgt. Nathaniel Beach the assimilation of women in the fall of live intemiingled together. In tlie o|-)eration single barracks ;uid a class system." nars iuid discussioas will be scheduled for Gardner Mundy '98 were given alternate punishments to 1997. oflheir bamicks, luilike VMl, tliere iuv no The comniitlee's activities at sinall mixed gniups of faculty/staff and ca- News Writer the court-martials they originally Norwich assimilated women into t;ietie;il officers, dmsion iaspecUirs, or guiial Norw ich included a tour of their facilities dets (appmximately 20-25 personnel) dur- faced.
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