Peking Review in 1983
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Vo!. 26, No. 13 March 28, 1983 NhAA.e A CHINESE WEEKLY OF NEWS AND VIEWS o Third World Role in Globol Economy o Populotion ond Employment proved to be indispensable to a tlaDDrness:-. m.c. f s.c. TETTERS "block-stricken" reader. This also desrre was so for your article on Suri- (m.c. : material nam ("7 attempted coups 3 consumption in s.c. : years," issue No. 7). spiritual civilization) Ftancis Shieh Y. M. Van der Hoeven Upper Marlboro, Md., USA "Events ond Trends" Lopik. the Netherlands I am interested in several topics I like reading the articles in raised in "Socialist Spiritual Civit- "Events and Trends." Although "Spirituol Civilizotion" ization" (issue No. 40, lg12), It those articles are brief, they cover may be the most important article important news. They are short I was impressed by the article I have read, as it deals with prob- and pithy, clear and definite. The entitled "Two Spiritual Civiliza- Iems which are even more acute topics are diverse; the contents, tions" in your Novemher 22, l9B2 in West European countries. Here sweeping and issue (No. is gratifying to I allude to some Marxist political the subjects, all en- 47). It parties compassrng. learn that China is stlessing so- in Western Europe which cialist culture and ethics for the publicize socialist civilizatic_rn but I read carefully the article optimality for one-fourth of the Pay attention almost exclus jygly "Mexico is hard up economical- human race. to material matters. They ignore ly" (Spanish edition, issue No. 50. that it is impossible to build a so- 1982) and I was also fascinated by I hope you will continue your cialist society'*'ithout socialist Peng Zhen's report on the dlaft of efforts tor people to have the morality. Some parties have prop- the revised Constitution in the proper outlook in life and to have agandized that socialist cirriliza- "Articles and Documents." the right awareness for morality. tion is merely material civiliza- tion, and spiritual civilization is Jose Luis Diaz Mira As a scholar imbued with ideals less important. Madrid, Spain and ideas, I would like to see fine examples respected, loved and X. Salvador Ribadomar emulated in China. Unfortunate- Cambados, Spain Iy. I have noticed the credo of "Zhao discusses Sino-US re- "money is be-all and end-all in Groin Problem lations" and "Zhao meets US life" in the minds of the r,r'orld journalists" people. Articles dealing with grain in "Events and They have forgotten the problem Trends" (issue No.7) gave a good true meaning of life, i.e., to con- in developing countries and clear picture o{ the essential tribute to humanity. interest me. The article (issue issues involved. No.47, 1982) advanced facts which When I lectured in China last are well-thought-out analysis. I The Dutch press and television .summer, I modified the Equation agree with your view of the fu- presenteal a different painting; of Happiness (published by World, ture, but I lack confidence in a that of a perfectly reasronable US Economic Herald in Shanghai, short-term solution. and rather vague or meek China. 1981). I wish to add spiritual civ- gap Once again, Beijing Reuietu ilization to the following: The between the poor and rich countries is still widening. Beijing Reoiew is fascinating and reinforces othcrs' views. Maurin Georges Crest. France Understonding Chino Forthcoming Beijing Reoieus is important to us who have not had the chance CHINA'S PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY to visit China; Through your magazine, we learn of the geog- raphy, history and development (in English) of the People's Republic ol China. In short, we can under- stand China's territory, residents, One of Chino Knowledge Series in which o past, present and future.... leoding Chinese geogrophei ond his colleogues discuss the country's physiognomy with speciol Kamabu M. Jerome reference to form production. Kivu, Zaire A reference book indispensoble to librories Yugoslovio ond Chino ond Chino students os well os geogrophers. The most important articles for me are the ones about the friend- ship between Yugoslavia and Published r_9!F!9N .U.v tAN_cuAGES PRESS, Beijins China. Our two old Distributed by CHINA PUBLICATTONS CENTRE (GJoliShudionl have friendly relations. P.O. Box 399, Beijing, Chino Ivan Slothanfr Belgrade, Yugoslavia BErltNG HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK Population and Employment Policies and measures to effectively solve these two REVIEW social problems are indispensable to China's modernization Published every Mondoy by programme. The eighth article in our "Chinese-Type BEIJING REVIEW 24 Boiwonzhuong Rood, Eeiling Modernization" series (p. 17). The People's Republic of Chino Daqing Today Vol. 26, No. t3 Morch 28, 1983 The Daqing Oilfield, the biggest of its kind in China. CONTENTS has continued to display a hardworking and enterprising spirit. AII enterprises throughout the country are en- LETTERS couraged to emulate and Iearn from the Daqing example (p.23). NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 A Sino-US dispute 5.9 EVENIS E TRE.NDS The increasing importance of the developing countries Fewer groin-growers in rurol in the world economy shows that economic development of oreos the third world is essential to the future prosperity of the New low Protects seo life world (p. 13). lnternotionol tourism dis- cussed Second'sociolist ethics month' US lsolated in the UN hits Dongxiong Londslide Washington can blame no one but itself for its growing CountY Hu Yoobong meets Yugoslov isolation in the UN. The Reagan administration has re- delegotion peatedly t-rpposed the third world countries on a numbel Foreign MinistrY Press briefing of world issues (p. 12). Chino's rePresentotion to US over orms soles to Toiwon Changes in Rural Areas UN owords Chino's PoPulotion d rive About 100 million peasants in China have switched INTERNATIONAL 10-12 from grain production to other occupations, a sign that China's traditional farming is moving the direction of OPEC: Price ond Production in ogreement modern agriculture. This has also brought substantial Middle Eost: The Lebonon incleases in the peasants' cash income (p. 5). negotiotion s The United Stotes: lncreos- When One Enters ingly isoloted in the UN Developing Countries' Role in Middle Age World Economy 13 Chinese-Type Modernizotion (8): Adapted from a novel- Populotion ond EmPloYment 17 ette by Shen Rong which Doqing Oilfield Todoy 23 won a national top prize FROM THE CHINESE PRESS 26-27 in 1981. the feature film At Mid.dle Age depicts the CULTURE & SCIENCE 28-30 discrepancy between the ART PAGE 3l important contributions oI middle-aged intellectuals and their poor working Disrribuftd (hino PuUitotions h and living conditions a Centre (GlDJl SHUDIAil), social problem which -has P. 0 . Bor 399, lhiiing, Chino already attracted the at- 5ulrrription pri(er I I y!!r ); lunrolh ... 1.t12.00 ll5l...lrStl3.00 tention of China's leader- tlcw Zolond..llZ.$Ir.00 UI.......!-6.E0 ship (p. 28). Comdo......(on.3l5.(X) Young workers in DaqinB. Photo by Zhou Youma -----------1 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS able for the Chinese Govern- Sino-US dispute ment to deal with the legisla- A tive, judicial and administrative departments In your opinion, how can the statement has not been general- of the United dispute between China and the ly accepted and is not a uni- States separately, still less that United States on the Huguang versally recognized principle it should accept the unilateral of judgment Railwaysi bearer bonds+ be set- international law. The domes- of a US court on a dispute between tled? It seems that if China ap- tic act adopted by the United the two coun- tries. disputes between pears in court, or entrusts law- States to change its attitude on- Any the yers to make clear China's po- absolute sovereign immunity two countries can only be sition in court, the issue would has no legal effect on other settled through diplomatic channels and not be difficult to resolve. Why countries. Foreign states have the Huguang Rail- ways bearer have you categorically rejected no obligation to accept another bonds case is no exception. such a solution? country's domestic law which violates international law. The Chinese people cannot China is a sovereign itate and accept the US request Furthermore, the so-called that Chi- should not appear in court. na act according judicial Huguang Railways bearer to US procedures. Why Sovereign immunity from bonds werd issued in 1911 by should China the jurisdiction appear in court or entrust law- of any foreign the Qing government with a court is 3r,ers to explain its position in a long-established, uni- view to obtaining loans from a versally court? The Chinese Govern- accepted principle of consortium of foreign banks on ment has made repre,sentations international law which China the pretext of constructing the incontestably to the US Government a enjoys. It is in Guangdong-Hankou Railway so on violation of the principle of as maintain number of occasi.ons and its to its reactionary position international law and the Unit- rule. It also is a long<stablish- is clear. We maintain that a jurisdic- ed Nations Charter that a US ed principle of international US court has no peo- tion over a sovereign district court named the law that odious debts are not to state. ple's Republic of China the de- be Succeeded to. The Chinese fendant, issued Government has a summons to made clear to the US the Chinese Foreign Afte-r long years of arduous Govern- Minister ment that should and, ignoring struggle, the Chinese people the US side, the fact that the in defiance of international Chinese overthrewf the old regime and law, Government had de- attach properties of the peo- livered a number of notes to established a new government.