Appendix a Opengl Function Reference
Appendix A OpenGL Function Reference The graphics routines of OPEN GEOMETRY are based on OPENGL. In order to use OPEN GEOMETRY you need do not need to know anything about OPENGL, but still it may be interesting to get a more profound insight in the background of the OPEN GEOMETRY class library. If you want to use OPEN GEOMETRY for a certain specific task, you might feel the need to adapt some of its drawing and shading routines. In this case you will need to know a few basics about OPENGL. Therefore, we give a very short description of the most important OPENG L functions. Of course, this list is far from complete. If you need more information, please refer to "pure" OPENGL books (e.g., [1], [17], or [36]). We have sorted the routines according to the following groups: 1. Coordinate Transformations glFrustum, glLoadldentity, glLoadMatrix, glMatrixMode, glMultMatrix, glPopMatrix, glPusbMatrix, glRotate, glScale, glTranslate 2. Primitives (Lines, Polygons, Points, ... ) glBegin, glCullFace, glEdgeFIag, glEnd, glFrontFace, glGetPolygonStripple, glLineStrippIe, glLine Widtb, glPointSize, glPolygonMode, glPolygonStrip pIe, glVertex 3. Color glClearColor, glClearlndex, glColor, glColorv, glColorMask, glIndex, glIn dexMask, glLogicOp, glSbadeModel 622 Appendix A. OpenGL Function Reference 4. Lighting glColorMaterial, glGetMaterial, glGetLight, glLight, glLightModel, glMate rial, glNorma13 5. Texture Mapping glTexCoord, glTexEnv, glTexGen, glTexlmage2D, glTexImagelD, glTexPa rameter, glEnable 6. Raster Graphics glCopyPixels, glDrawPixels, glPixelMap, glPixelStore, glPixelTransfer, glPix elZoom, glReadPixels, glRasterPos A.I Coordinate Transformations Whenever you write OPENGL code, it is important to have an understanding of how coordinate transformations in OPENGL work. In particular, you have to think about the order of the transformations if you apply several in a row.
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