
Title: Striving to be a Sustainable

Authors: Harace Lin, Chairman , Taipei Financial Center Corporation Yvonne Lin, Executive Director, Hong Kuo Group

Subjects: Architectural/Design Sustainability/Green/Energy

Keywords: Economics Environment Office Social Interaction Sustainability

Publication Date: 2012

Original Publication: CTBUH 2012 9th World Congress, Shanghai

Paper Type: 1. Book chapter/Part chapter 2. Journal paper 3. Conference proceeding 4. Unpublished conference paper 5. Magazine article 6. Unpublished

© Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat / Harace Lin; Yvonne Lin Taipei 101 Striving to be a Sustainable Skyscraper 台北101: 一座永续发展的超高层建筑

Abstract Taipei Financial Corporation (TFCC), similar to most super high-rise developers, has gone through its share of challenges throughout the relatively short span of the building’s existence; from the early days of planning and design, through construction and subsequent management. But after only 13 years of successfully navigating numerous obstacles, the TAIPEI 101 project can already be considered to have achieved its original objective to be truly sustainable. Such sense of success could not be achieved without the integration and Harace Lin Hong-Ming Yvonne Lin accomplishment of three critical aspects – Economical, Environmental, and Social. Keywords: Sustainability; Tall Building; Skyscraper; Taipei; TAIPEI 101 Harace Lin Hong-Ming Taipei Financial Center Corporation 59F, TAIPEI 101, No.7 XinYi Rd. Sec.5 Taipei, 110 , Taiwan tel (电话): +886 (2) 8101 7777 fax (传真): +886 (2) 8101 8949 email (电子邮箱): [email protected] 摘要 www.taipei-101.com.tw 台北金融大楼公司(TFCC)从规划设计初期、实际兴建一直到后续展开营运,在整体建 Harace Lin Hong-Ming is the Chairman and President of Taipei Financial Center Corp., and is responsible for 物并不算长的存在时间中,与其他超高建筑物的开发者一样都经历了各种严峻的挑战。 the investment, construction and management of 不过,度过了13年克服万难的岁月,台北101大楼已经达成了各面向主要目标,成为永 TAIPEI 101. Mr. Lin has over 30 years of experience in real estate development. He is also the Vice Chairman 续发展的成功个案。而成功的背后原因,是因为整合了以下三个重要的因素:经济因 of Hong Kuo Group, that is involved in businesses in 素、环境因素、社会责任。 real estate development, building construction, hotel development and operations in Taiwan and overseas. 关键词:可持续性,高层建筑,摩天大厦,台北,台北101 Mr. Lin has carried a personal mission to “build something that can be passed on “, which leads him to practice sustainable real estate development and operation. 台北金融大楼股份有限公司董事长兼总经理林鸿明 先生,从筹资、建设一直到营运管理,促成了台北 101的诞生和营运获利。林先生个人具备超过30年的 房地产开发经验,同时,他还担任宏国集团副董事 长职务,其事业跨及台湾海内外的房地产开发、建 Introduction 引言 筑规划、酒店营运发展。林先生背负着他个人的梦 想与使命——“盖一栋可以流传给后世的建筑”。 TAIPEI 101 is a skyscraper situated in the 台北101这栋超高摩天大楼位在台湾台北 这也是使他能够实践“可持续房地产开发和运作” 市的信义规划区内。信义规划区最早开发 的重要关键。 XinYi Planned District , Taipei, Taiwan. The 于1980年代,占地面积153公顷,并将规 Yvonne Lin District, an urban development project initiated in the 1980s that covers 153 hectares, 划成为台北市的金融、零售与娱乐中心地 Shang Sheng Development Co.,Ltd Unit A, 69F, TAIPEI 101, No.7 XinYi Rd. Sec.5 was planned to be the financial, retail, and 点,展现台北这个大都市的的国际观与活 Taipei, 110 , Taiwan entertainment hub of Taipei, showcasing the 力。(见图1) tel (电话): +886 (2) 8101 9999 internationalization and vitalization of the city. fax (传真): ++886 (2) 8101 6168 台北101的旧称为台北国际金融中心,是 email (电子邮箱): [email protected] (see Figure 1). 一个系兴建-营运-移转为一体的个案,于 Yvonne Lin is an executive director in real estate Formerly known as the Taipei International 1997年间由台北金融大楼股份有限公司投 development under the Hong Kuo Group. Yvonne was educated in the United States and further obtained Financial Center, TAIPEI 101 is a Build-Operate- 资、开发并营运。建筑基地位于在新兴商 her master degree in real estate from the University of Transfer (BOT) project that was financed, 业区,且有鉴于台北市有成为亚洲区域金 Hong Kong. She is devoted to developing buildings sustainably, and is a member of the small LEED developed and has been operated by Taipei 融中心之潜力,经市政府指定为跨国性金 Accredited Professional community in Taiwan. As Financial Center Corporation (TFCC) since 融机构的所在地。整体开发案包含一座 former assistant to the Chairman of Taipei Financial Center Corp., Yvonne has an extensive knowledge 1997. The plot of land is zoned for commercial 101层高的办公塔楼及5层的商业裙楼和5 in TAIPEI 101’s project planning, development, and development and specifically designated as a 层地下楼面,总平面面积达到39.8万平方 operation. location for multinational financial institutions, 米。对于台北市的游客、消费者及企业团 林钰芳女士目前担任上胜开发有限公司执行董事, 该企业为宏国集团旗下的房地产开发公司。 林女 as Taipei aspired to be Asia’s regional financial 体而言,台北101是一座崭新时尚、顶级 士在美国受教育,随后在香港大学取得硕士学位, center. The development is comprised of a 精品的高档写字楼地标。2003年11月,台 专攻房地产研究。 她是台湾为数不多的取得美国绿 色建筑协会专业认证(LEED AP)的建筑专业人士,并 101 floor office tower, a 5 level retail podium 北101 购物中心正式营业,次年底写字楼 致力于可持续性房地产开发。作为前一任的台北金 and 5 basement levels totaling approximately 启用,到了2005年1月间,位在89楼的台 融大楼股份有限公司总经理特助,林女士对于台北 101这栋摩天高楼专案的规划、开发、营运有着广 398,000 square meters of world class floor 北101观景台也正式对外开放营业。 泛的了解。 space. TAIPEI 101 set a new benchmark 无论在设计或兴建阶段,台北101自始便 of prestige and luxury to the businesses, 怀抱著一个长期的目标:以建筑本身来展 consumers and tourists of Taipei. TAIPEI 101 现当地文化与价值,成为世界与台北的桥 Mall opened for business in November 2003, 梁。若要成为一个座永续存在的摩天大 followed by the office tower one year later. 楼,台北101必须将以下三者予以完美整 TAIPEI 101 Observatory, on the 89th floor, 合:1)经济因素,2)环境因素,3)社 welcomed its first visitor in January 2005. 会责任。

66 TAIPEI 101 was designed and built with a long-term goal in mind, wishing to demonstrate local culture and values, becoming the bridge between Taipei and the World. To be a sustainable skyscraper, it requires the integration of the following three aspects: 1) Economical, 2) Environmental, and 3) Social.

Financial Success The “Curse of ” When it comes to the economics of super high-rise buildings, the “curse of skyscrapers” has become an inevitable topic of discussion since Andrew Lawrence coined the “Skyscraper Index” in 1999. The concept proposes that skyscrapers are indicators of impending economic downfall. This was succinctly summarized by,Thornton (2005, pp58) who said that “First, a period of ‘easy money’ leads to a Figure 1. XinYi Planned District, Taipei, Taiwan (Source: Taipei Financial Center Corp) 图1. 台北市信义计划区(资料来源:台北101) rapid expansion of the economy and a boom in the stock market. In particular, the relatively easy availability of credit fuels a substantial 成功的投资案 increase in capital expenditures. Capital expenditures flow in the direction of new technologies, which in turn creates new industries “超高建筑魔咒” and transforms some existing industries in terms of their structure and 自从1999年间学者安德鲁﹒劳伦斯(Andrew Lawrence)率先提 technology. This is when the world’s tallest buildings are begun.” 出了“摩天大楼指数”以来,“超高建筑魔咒”便成为摩天大楼 财务上不可避免的议题。“超高建筑魔咒”意指摩天大楼的兴建 The investment in building a skyscraper is normally the result of 可能会成为社会经济衰退的预告指标。学者马克﹒索恩顿(Mark confidence fuelled by excessive availability of credit, which occurs Thornton, 2005, p58)在2005年间延续劳伦斯的见解,精辟地 most prominently as major economic cycles reach their peak, after 指出:“首先,一个时期的‘热钱’将导致经济快速扩张、股市 which contraction is a natural and unavoidable consequence. In 大旺,尤其是当信贷门槛过低时,会加速造成资金消费的大量增 that sense, the timing of the decision to build TAIPEI 101 to such an 加。资金消费蜂拥汇入新科技,反过来又创造出新的产业,同时 exceptional height can be argued to support this idea, however, the 改变既有产业的结构与技术。就在此时,全球各地纷纷开始兴建 decision was made with the support of extensive business modeling 超高型建筑。” and sophisticated financial planning. 一般而论,景气循环来到高峰,资金供应过度带来了消费信心, Because of their exceptional scale and complexity relative to standard 这时就会见到超高层建筑开发案的出现。景气高峰之后是紧接着 sized commercial buildings, the duration for planning and construction 的经济衰退,这是不可避免的情况。从这一点来看,决定建设台 supertall buildings are relatively longer. This increases the risk that the 北101的时间是符合上述情形的。但是,该项目的建设决策背后 construction phase must weather an economic down cycle which 也有密集的营运模式考量与縝密的财务规划。 can severely impact the project in terms of project financing. In addition, it is even harder to predict the economic environment and 与一般的商业建筑开发案相比,超高型建筑的高度非比寻常,其 market situation at the time the building comes on line, which creates 规划、兴建阶段也跟着拉长,从而使得风险增加:在兴建阶段必 a serious challenge to the subsequent successful operation of the 须熬过外部经济环境的衰退,而经济环境的衰退很可能冲击到超 building. The developer of a skyscraper must therefore take a very long 高层建筑的财务预算。此外,超高层建筑竣工后必须面临的经 term view in planning for financial success. 济环境与市场情况也很难事先预测,从而使得后续的营运挑战更 大。因此摩天大楼的投资者务必在财务安排上以长远眼光审慎规 TAIPEI 101 was conceived at the height of Taiwan’s technology-reliant 划。 market and broke ground in 1999, coinciding with the burst of the dotcom bubble, as construction proceeded through the 2001 global recession. Taiwan’s economy didn’t start to recover until 2002 (see Figure 2). Careful financial planning and a well thought out project Taiwan Economic Growth development strategy allowed TAIPEI 101 to complete construction in 2004, though the management team dealt with a steep learning curve. 7 Market positioning 6 TFCC has planned the development into three operating units 5 according to local market needs – TAIPEI 101 Mall, TAIPEI 101 Tower 4 and TAIPEI 101 Observatory. Many question the exclusion of residential 3

GDP (%) GDP 2 and hotel components from the development. The reasons for this 1 omission are that residential development under local market practice 0 requires strata title sale, which raises huge concern over safety, -­‐1 and effective management and high quality of operations that the -­‐2 -­‐3 project sought to deliver. In addition, due to zoning restrictions, it was not possible to include either residential or hotel space during the planning stage. Zoning restrictions were relaxed during the Source: Taiwan Statistic Data Book, 2005 construction phase, but by then it was not feasible financially and Figure 2. Taiwan Economic Growth (Source : Taiwan Statistic Data Book, 2005) operationally to include a hotel component to the project. 图2. 台湾经济增长(资料来源 :2005年台湾统计手册)

67 Grade A Office Rents in Taipei City Grade A Office Vacancy in Taipei City 3,200 30

3,000 25

2,800 20

2,600 Rate (%) (NT$/ping/month) 15 2,400 Vacancy Rate (%) Vacancy Vacancy Rate (%) Vacancy Vacancy Rate (%) Vacancy 10 2,200

Achievable (NT$/ping/month) Rent Achievable 5 2,000

1,800 0 11 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 Q1 11 Q1 Q1 00 Q1 01 Q1 02 Q1 03 Q1 04 Q1 05 Q1 06 Q1 07 Q1 08 Q1 09 Q1 10 Q1 12 Q1 00 Q1 01 Q1 02 Q1 03 Q1 04 Q1 05 Q1 06 Q1 07 Q1 08 Q1 09 Q1 10 Q1 12 Q1

Source: CBRE Research, Taiwan Source: CBRE Research, Taiwan Figure 3. Grade A Office Rents in Taipei City (Source: CBRE Research, Taiwan) Figure 4. Grade A Office Vacancy in Taipei City (Source: CBRE Research, Taiwan) 图3. 台北市A级办公楼租金(资料来源:台湾世邦魏理仕研究部) 图4. 台北市A级办公楼空置率(资料来源:台湾世邦魏理仕研究部)

The Taipei office rental rate peaked during the late 1990s and early 台北101于1999年破土动工之际,正逢台湾市场对科技的仰赖程 2000s (see Figure 3), with a vacancy rate below 5% (see Figure 4), which 度的高峰时期,紧接着却是网路投资泡沫化和接下来的2001全球 reinforced the decision for TAIPEI 101 TOWER to provide international 经济萧条来袭,但那时建筑工程还在进行中。直至2002年(参见 grade A office space for multinational corporations. Prior to the 图2),台湾的经济情况才开始好转。幸好台北101的规划策略完 opening of TAIPEI 101 Mall, there was no shopping center of its scale in 善,财务安排也健全保守,才能使得大厦在2004年顺利完工。不 the market to provide a world class shopping experience. Although the 过这过程对经营团队来说仍是重大的挑战。 planned floor area of retail space only met the average minimum size 市场定位 based against international benchmarks this is because the size of the 台北金融大楼股份有限公司依照在地市场的需求,规划出三个营 land limited horizontal expansion and consumer spending behavior is 运单位:台北101 购物中心、台北101办公大楼、台北101观景 normally discouraged in retail facilities of more than four stories. All the 台。曾有许多人质疑,为何不将住宅功能与旅馆功能纳入大楼空 above defined the mixed-use puzzle of TAIPEI 101. 间内?其原因是本地市场的住宅开发需要能以所有权区分方式销 Operation 售,这样会带来极大的安全、管理及营运问题,不利于本项目 TFCC runs the building with its very own Three-In-One business 追求健全营运与完善管理的目标。而且,由于土地使用分区的限 model to take advantage of the balance created by the individual 制,台北101在规划阶段还无法纳入住宅与旅馆机能,等到兴建 characteristics of its three revenue generating units. Each business 工程展开后,分区使用的规定才开放,此时从财务与经营管理面 sector compliments and adds value to the others to synergistic effect, 来看,已经不适合附加旅馆功能了。 generating more combined revenue than would be achievable if they 台北市的办公空间租金在1990年代末期及公元2000年初达到高峰 were operated separately. The company understood the business life (参见图3),空屋率低至5%以下(参见图4),这也是台北101 cycles of the three segments – profitability was first achieved with 大楼采取纯办公空间设计的主要原因,并定位为跨国企业提供顶 the Observatory; followed by the Mall, and finally the Office Tower. 级的商务环境。台北101购物中心展开营运之前,全台湾并无类 While the Tower took a longer time to build up its occupancy level, 似规模、且能提供超高品质的购物空间。虽然,台北101购物中 the Observatory has been generating income since its first day of 心的楼地板面积,仅达国际标准的最低平均标准,主要因为其基 operation, which helped the balance sheets in the early days. The 地的面积有限,而一般来说楼层高于四层的卖场会使消费者的购 retail section benefits from the tourists attracted by the Observatory, 买行为降低。这些因素决定了台北101空间规划的现况。 while also providing amenities to the office workers in the Tower, however, it still took time to break even. A case of agglomeration has 营运状况 occurred, where three units become a single mass of attraction. With a 台北101善用三个营运单位的特性,予以整合、互补之后创造出 perfect mix of space for businesses and services, TAIPEI 101 became a 独特的“三合一”营运模式,也使得三个营运单位之间相互支 destination in its own right, accommodating a range of end-users and 援、各自加值,使得“三合一”模式下创造出来的营收,远大于 providing multiple experiences. 分开营运可能产生的结果。台北101充分掌握了市场区块的景气 循环,观景台是第一个获利的营运单位,接着购物中心也传捷 Being the world’s tallest building, providing a new class of product and 报,最后办公大楼也出现佳绩。办公大楼的出租率要经过较长时 having an exceptional management team wasn’t enough to ensure 间才能上涨,不过观景台则是在对外开放之初就带进营收,对台 the financial success. Although it was already an international icon, 北101初期阶段的营运绩效产生很大的贡献。至于购物中心的绩 the tragic incident of 9/11 in New York and 9/21 Earthquake in Taiwan 效也因为观景台所吸引的人潮而跟着水涨船高,在另一方面,在 brought out fear in the public’s mind; TAIPEI 101 strived to establish 办公大楼内工作的上班族又因为购物中心提供的设施而享受便 an identity to attract and retain the right office tenants. Furthermore, 利,不过购物中心的营运还是在一段时间后才达到损益平衡。 TAIPEI 101 Mall being the first of its kind to appear in Taiwan 在“三合一”的营运模式下产生了极佳的整合范例:三个单位总 experienced difficulties in the early stages to create an optimal tenant 体组合出单一的磁吸效应,拥有完美的办公与服务空间组合,各 mix to serve the market. Since opening, TFCC has constantly striven to 行各业的客户在此共享丰富多样的经验,也使得台北101成为台 evaluate, enhance and in some cases reposition TAIPEI 101 in terms of 北市必游景点。 building performance, end-user value proposition, and branding. The hard work finally paid off in its 6th year of operation when TAIPEI 101

68 broke-even. Since then operative profits have experienced over 50% annual growth (see Figure 5). TAIPEI 101 Operation Revenue Repositioning of the Mall Holding its highest status in the retail industry and wishing to increase rental yield, TAIPEI 101 Mall went under a 3-year phase out period to $3,000 replace the lower rental F&B outlets with high-yield retailers. Starting in $2,000 2010, “Project A” was launched – a bold approach to turn its sky plaza $1,000 into a unique sanctuary for luxury fashion by turning retail convention $0 on its head and housing some of the world’s largest ultra-high end ($1,000) flagship stores (See Figure 6) 4 levels above ground. Upon completion ($2,000) at the end of 2012, TAIPEI 101 Mall will have re-invented itself and set a ($3,000)

new standard of world class shopping experience in Taipei. (Thousand NTD) Before Tax Revenue

Source: Taipei Financial Center Corporation World’s Tallest Leed Platinum Figure 5. TAIPEI 101 Operation Revenue (Source: TFCC) 图5. 台北101营业收入 (资料来源:台北金融大楼股份有限公司) Design with green features Although the concept of sustainable development wasn’t as popular 单靠“身为全球最高建筑、提供顶级空间、拥有精锐经营团队” in the late 90’s as it is today, the forward-thinking design team utilized 这些因素尚不足以确保营运的成功。当911恐怖攻击事件发生 the latest available technology and designed TAIPEI 101 to be energy 后,加上台湾的9.21大地震,社会大众对高楼感到恐惧,因此台 efficient and eco friendly. The project adopted double glazed Low-E 北101努力争取认同,并争取适当的承租户租用办公室。另外, curtain walls, installed a comprehensive and sophisticated Energy 台北101购物中心开风气之先,是台湾第一个真正的购物中心, Monitoring and Control System and energy saving lighting fixtures 初期的挑战在于如何达成最佳的业态组合来迎合市场需求。从开 to reduce energy consumption. Rainwater and grey water collection, 始营运至今,台北101不断努力改进、调整甚至重新定位台北101 treatment and reuse systems were also installed to reduce potable 购物中心的业态、对承租户提供的价值以及品牌建立等事项,最 water use. The building structure was also designed with a wind 后终于在开幕后第6年开花结果:台北101首度损益两平!并且每 damper to maximize user comfort and reduce the quantity of steel 年营运利润有超过五成的成长率。(参见图5) needed during construction. 购物中心全新定位 Green operation 身为零售产业顶级通路的龙头地位,台北101为了增加租金营 From the beginning of its operation, environmental protection was 收,展开一项为期三年的重整计划,用高收益的精品大店取代租 very much in the mind of the managers. It is the first non-smoking 金较低的餐饮空间。2010年起大胆推动“A计划”,将室内广场 office tower in Taiwan. Waste recycling and reduction program was 重新塑造成高档时尚商品的圣地,彻底翻转零售业的传统,以地 carried out with dedication and was imposed upon all its tenants. 上四楼的高度引进全球旗舰名店进驻(参见图6)。待A计划于 Energy saving efforts through the years paid off well, in four years, a 2012年底执行完成后,台北101购物中心将脱胎换骨成为台北市 20% saving was achieved. In seeking LEED certification in the existing 具有世界级全新的购物体验的场所。 building category, TFCC had to work with over 90 tenants and over 10,000 people in the building. It was a tremendous job to finish all the necessary retrofit projects, collect data and compile documentation. 全球最高的LEED白金级绿色建筑 Investment paid back by energy saving 符合环保设计规划 The US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and 回顾1990年代,可持续发展的概念还没有被普遍接受,但当时的 Environmental Design for Existing Buildings (LEED EB) certification 设计团队便以超越时代的先进思考,才用最新技术,将台北101 process is like a “health check” of the tower to verify the building’s 打造成一座节能又环保的超高建筑。整幢大楼采用双层隔热玻璃 overall performance. US$2 million was invested to go through retrofits 帷幕,又有大规模的精细能源管理监控系统,采用灯光控制以降 to earn the highest standard of LEED EB certification. With guidance 低能源的消耗。至于雨水及污水的收集回收再利用,更减少了自 of consultants, TAIPEI 101 was awarded with Platinum (See Figure 7) 来水的使用量。在结构上则使用了风阻尼器,可增加使用者的舒 after two years of work. The retrofits achieved annual energy savings 适感,降低钢材的用量。 of around US$700,000 per annum resulting in a return on investment 环保营运概念 within three years. 从营运初期至今,经营团队始终将环保议题常存于心。台北101

Figure 6. TAIPEI 101 Mall – Project A (Source: TFCC) 图6. 台北101购物中心 -项目A(资料来源:台北金融大楼股份有限公司)

69 是全台湾第一栋禁烟的办公大楼,并致力于废弃物减量、回收再 利用措施的实施,请求全体承租户一起配合。种种节能的努力, 终于开花结果:四年内达成了20%的节能目标。台北101大楼为了 取得LEED绿色建筑认证,须获得90多家承租户及1万多名员工合 作,进行改装、资料归集与文件编纂的工作,终于顺利完成这项 庞大的工程。 节能回收投资 美国绿色建筑协会的“能源与环境设计先导 – 既有建筑类别” 之评分认证过程,宛如针对台北101大楼整体绩效所作的一场健 康检查。为了争取最高等级的LEED EBOM认证,先后投资了2百 万美元进行整修改善工程,经过2年的努力,在专家顾问的协助 下,台北101终于获得LEED白金级别认证(参见图7)。经过改善 之后,台北101所节省的电费,与原先的营运状况相比,每年足 足节省了七十万美元,仅仅在三年的时间内将所有的投资收回成 Figure 7. LEED EBOM Platinum Plaque (Source: TFCC) 本。 图7. LEED EBOM白金认证(资料来源:台北金融大楼股份有限公司) 台湾首个环保租约 Taiwan’s first Green Lease 台北101大楼为承租户提供更健康的工作环境,室内空气品质的 TAIPEI 101 now provides a healthier working environment to its 改善尤其明显,大幅降低因为室内空气品质欠佳而造成的负面效 occupants, especially in its indoor air quality so that negative impacts 应如病假、出勤率、身体不适等。从另一个角度来看,这样也提 caused by poor indoor air quality such as illness, absenteeism and 升了承租户之员工的工作效率。台北金融大楼股份有限公司身为 discomfort are minimized and the productivity of occupants is 出租人,不断鼓励承租人齐心参与环保。就在台北101荣获LEED increased. As a landlord, TFCC also encourages tenants to participate in 建筑认证之后不久,台北101最大的承租户安侯建业会计师事务 its environmental efforts. Soon after the receipt of its LEED award, the 所 (KPMG) 便宣布与其续约,签下一纸为期十年的“环保租约” building’s largest tenant, KPMG, renewed its lease and signed a 10 year 承诺,展现了该集团持续投入绿色生活的决心。 ‘green lease’ to show commitment and alignment in joining TFCC in 也因为台北101承租户们都愿意共同努力,将永续环保的观念传 green practices. 递给社会大众,使得环境品质能够进一步提升,污染及资源浪费 The occupants of TAIPEI 101 also help transferring the knowledge of 的情形跟着减少,大楼造成的温室气体排放量也降低了。同时, the benefits of sustainability to the broader society, expanding the 台北101也对外界提供“绿色导览”,将自身的经验与各种团体 ability to further improve environmental quality, reduced pollution, 分享,以此提倡绿建筑的精神与永续发展的观念。 resource wastage, and decrease green house gas emission associated 对产业带来正面影响 with building use. TAIPEI 101 also provides a “green tour” to share 参与LEED计划的顾问指出,自从台北101成功获得LEED白金认证 experiences with organizations and learning institutions to promote 启发并激励了台湾其他的大楼业主与开发商,使他们也开始展现 green building and concept of sustainability. 出高度意愿做环保。如此一来,亚洲的环保意识及整体成功也将 Impact on the industry 得到持续提升。环保建筑界一致认为,台北101成功地成为绿色 According to the LEED consultants of the project, there has been a 建筑,提升了绿色建筑的标准,此举将对全球商用房地产带来极 huge surge of interest in Taiwan by building owners and developers 大的影响。 since the successful LEED Platinum certification of TAIPEI 101. It inspired and encouraged them and it will continue raising awareness in the environmental and bottom line success throughout Asia. It is 社会责任 further believed by the green building community that greening of 认同的形成 TAIPEI 101 will strike significant changes to the global commercial real 台北101已经成为台湾的地标,因此更肩负着重要的社会责任。 estate industry by raising the bar higher. 台北101不单单是一栋建筑,更是城市的中心焦点。一开始,人 们对台北101感到恐惧,因为它是全球最高楼,却座落在地震不 断、台风频繁的地区。也有些人震慑于台北101与其承租户的华 Social Responsibility 丽形象地位。但台北金融大楼公司成功引导了台北101的品牌演 Forming an Identity 化,今日的台北101不但已成为台北市天际线的焦点,更融入了 Being a landmark in Taipei, TAIPEI 101 bears huge responsibility socially. 每一位都市成员的生活记忆。 It is not only a building, but also a focal point for the local community. 台北101外墙照明采用七彩的彩虹色调,搭配每周七天加以变 Initially people were scared of TAIPEI 101 as the world’s tallest building 化。每年元旦台北101推出叫人目不暇给的烟火秀,更是台北都 in an area of active earthquakes and frequent severe typhoons. Some 会居民迎接新年时不可或缺的共同仪式(参见图8)。台北101善 people were also intimidated by the prestigious image of the building 用自己的高能见度,以“点灯”活动与城市居民进行沟通。例 and its tenants. TFCC have successfully managed the TAIPEI 101 brand 如:2009年超级台风莫拉克,是台湾近年来灾情最惨重的一次, development so that now it is not only an accepted part of the city, 台北101在大楼楼体点亮“Taiwan加油”,为灾民们加油打气, but is arguably the heart of the city. 也带给全体民众来自高空的温暖。 The exterior lighting of TAIPEI 101 uses rainbow colors indicating the 今年适逢民国101年,台北101在2月14日情人节当晚邀请101对情 day of the week. The people of Taipei have acquired a new tradition to 人将自己的浓情蜜意用LED灯光在台北101的四面外墙“点亮你的 welcome the New Year with TAIPEI 101’s spectacular firework display 爱”。除了点灯,台北101也以熄灯的方式来参与世界自然基金 (see Figure 8). It takes advantage of its high visibility to communicate 会的“地球一小时”串连活动,提升社会对于全球气候变迁的意 with the people of Taiwan through the ‘Light Up’ campaigns, such as

70 “Don’t Give Up, Taiwan” in 2009 in which TAIPEI 101 became a beacon of hope and inspiration to a people trying to cope with the aftermath of super typhoon Morakot, the deadliest in Taiwan’s recorded history. This year, which is the 101st year of the Republic of China, TAIPEI 101 also enabled 101 couples to declare their love via the LED lighting displays on the 4 walls of TAIPEI 101 tower on the night of Valentine’s Day. The building also turns its lights off to participate in the World Wildlife Fund’s global Earth Hour campaign, raising awareness of climate change. It also hosts an International Climbathon, an annual charity fund-raising event. Through years of communicating and dialogue with the city, TAIPEI 101 is now totally embraced by the citizens as its symbol and icon. Urban revitalization TAIPEI 101 embodies the drive to continually elevate Taipei as a city. Since the inception of the project, through construction and subsequent operation, it has fostered the development of the surrounding neighborhoods and districts, as well as accelerated the creation of an international central business district. The success of this development has directly contributed to the prosperity of the city as a whole. Visible through most windows in the city of Taipei, the change in skyline adds character to the city and provides new identity to the community. Figure 8. 2012 New Year Firework Display (Source : TFCC) As an iconic building on the world stage, TAIPEI 101 has become 图8. 2012年新年烟火秀(資料來源:台北金融大楼股份有限公司) Taiwan’s window to the world, and invited the world to realize the existence of this tiny island on the world atlas. It is a must-see for 识。另外,台北101每年主办慈善国际登高赛,为非营利机构募 visitors and tourists of Taipei, which also adds an international flare to 款。透过多年来与城市市民的沟通及对话,台北101已经得到台 the city’s unique traditional culture and lifestyle. 北居民普遍认同,也成为台北城市的代表象徵。 TFCC understands that corporate social responsibility requires more 都市更新 than just donating money to charity. It embodies a broader meaning, 台北101是持续提升台北都会的动力。自从台北101开发案完成以 pertaining to fair and beneficial practices toward employees and 来,建筑本体的兴建工程与后续的营运管理,在驱动了附近区 the community in which a corporation conducts its business. TFCC 域的发展,加速国际商业中心区域在此形成。台北101的成功案 views this as a reciprocal social structure in which the well-being 例,直接促成台北都会整体的繁荣。无论在台北市哪个地方,只 of the company, its employees and other stakeholder interests are 要抬头往窗外望去,大概都能看见台北101的雄姿;台北101重 interdependent. 新画出台北市的天际线,为其增添风采,也成为附近地区的新地 标。 台北101做为一栋全球性的指标建筑,不但在国际间肩负着“台 Conclusion 湾之窗”的角色,也吸引全球游客前来认识台湾这个蕞尔小岛。 Surpassing economical, environmental, and social norms give TAIPEI 游客来到台北,不能不造访台北101,也使得台北市在原有的传 101 a sustainable business model, which is reflective of the concept 统文化与生活特色之外,更增加了顶尖科技与国际化氛围。 of espoused by the Triple Bottom Line, introduced by John Elkington 台北金融大楼股份有限公司知道,企业的社会责任并不局限在慈 (1997). It is believed that for a business to be sustainable, it cannot 善捐款,反而该有更宽广的意义。企业在自身所处的环境周围, constrain its focus to constant maximization of monetary profit, 对于员工、对于邻近社区都应树立品质保证、有益人群的商业行 but instead must adhere to the principle of achieving the triple 为。台北金融大楼公司相信这是一种互利互惠的社会架构,在这 bottom line, and finding balance between financial success, social 个架构下企业本身、员工与其他相关团体之间的利益是相互依存 responsibility, and environmental stewardship. The design, operation 的。 and management of TAIPEI 101 was not specifically planned in accordance with the concept of the triple the bottom line, however, TFCC’s business model has nonetheless achieved this balanced 结语 approach towards sustainability. 台北101超越及整合了经济、环境与社会面向,创建出可可持续 index was revisited in a Barclays Capital’s report led by 性发展的商业模式,这种作法恰好忠实反映了学者约翰﹒埃尔金 Lawrence in January 2012, stating concern that the Skyscraper Index 顿在1997年间提出的“三重获利”。一般而论,企业若欲求永续 continues to show an “unhealthy correlation” between building super 的发展,便不应该一味追求利润的极大化,更应该坚守“三重获 tall buildings and an impending financial crisis. The report warns 利”原则,亦即在企业获利、社会责任、守护环境三者间求取和 investors to pay particular attention to China and India, where 53% 谐与平衡。虽然台北101的设计、营运及经营管理在一开始并非 of all the world’s skyscrapers are currently under construction. Future 针对这三种面向的原则出发,但是台北金融大楼公司的营运模式 developers must bear in mind that due to the size and scale of these 恰好符合三重获利的理念,均衡地追求可持续性的经营。 projects, there is absolutely no ‘quick money’ in the investment of super 2012年1月间,由劳伦斯带领的团队在巴克莱公司提出的报告 high-rise building, and must plan accordingly to persist through the 内,将摩天大楼指数重新予以修订。该报告指出,摩天大楼指数 initial pain. TAIPEI 101 didn’t break even till its 6th year of operation, but

71 it is looking forward to healthy constant growth in revenue. With the 持续显示了,在“兴建摩天大楼”与“接着出现金融危机”两者 integrated 3-in-1 operating model and healthy financial background, 之间,存在着一种不健康的相互关连,这种现象值得担忧。报告 TFCC creates an all-win situation for stakeholders of TAIPEI 101. 中特别提醒投资者应关切中国与印度的状况,因为目前全球兴建 It is also important to understand that sustainable building is more 中的超高大楼,有53%集中于这两处。日后有意投资超高层建筑 than plugging in green features in concrete blocks. Developers 的开发者都应该明白,这种大幅度、大规模的开发案需要长时间 must seek to integrate both people and planet, with profit gain. 才可能实现利益,绝无“快速回本”可言,每一位开发者都必须 Without the interaction with people, there would be no business, no 撑过一开始的阵痛阶段。以台北101为例,该大厦直到营运第6年 meaning to the development, and furthermore squander the planet’s 才达到损益两平,不过目前的营业额可望持续增长。台北金融大 resources. Additionally, the ripple effect of the triple bottom line of 楼股份有限公司有坚实的财务背景,又有整合完善的“三合一” an international icon can further create a larger impact, which could 营运模式,为台北101的投资人创造出一个全赢的局面。 further inspire the world. 重要的是,永续建筑并非单纯意味着在混凝土材料中强加上环保 特色。开发者应当以顾及人性及爱护地球的角度着手,为企业获 利。若没有人群的互动,企业就不可能成功,并且开发案不但没 有意义,更可能变成地球资源的浪费。而“三重获利”在国际地 标上所產生的涟漪效应,将进一步在全球激发出更大的效益及启 发。

References (参考书目): LAWRENCE, A. (1999). The Skyscraper Index: Faulty Towers. Property Report. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasertein Research, January. THORNTON, M. (2005). Skyscrapers and Business Cycles. The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 8(1), Spring Issue, pp..51-74 ELKINGTON, J. (1997). Cannibals with Forks: the Triple bottom Line of 21st Century Business.Capstone, Oxford: New Society Publishers Barclays Capital Equity Research, 2012 Skyscraper Index: Bubble building. Hong Kong: Barclays Capital.