Bulletin of Nepal Hydrogeological Association, Vol. 5, September 2020 Acharya S, Rijal ML, 2020 Distribution of industrial effluents in groundwater and surface water in the surroundings of Lumbini Sugar Industry, Sunwal, Nawalparasi, Nepal Shanti Acharya1 and Moti Lal Rijal1* Central Department of Geology, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal *Corresponding e-mail:
[email protected] Received: 20 May 2020/Accepted: 28 August 2020 ABSTRACT Industrial effluents are one of the major sources of water contaminants for both surface and groundwater from different types of industries. Among them, the sugar industry is a type of industry in which the present study is focused. The sugar mill is one of the agro-based industries in the world. Sugar industry is seasonal in nature and it operates only about 3 months in a year when a huge amount of effluents is released to the nearby water flow systems. The study is emphasized on the current status of water quality and effluent impacts around Lumbini Sugar Industry (LSI), Sunwal. The study mainly focuses on the measurement of in-situ physicochemical parameters that includes pH, TDS, EC and DO, and as well as data gathered from the laboratory analysis of the chloride (Cl-), sodium (Na+), sulphate (SO42−), phosphate (PO4 3−) and potassium (K+), BOD, COD, TSS, oil and grease content of samples collected both from shallow tube-well and also from the stream in the surroundings of LSI. In this way, the present status of industrial effluents in surface and groundwater were investigated. The industrial effluents were higher around its disposal points in both types of surface and groundwater samples and their concentrations decreases as we move further away from the effluents discharge location.