Ohio Soldiers
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ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIERS IN THE WAR of 1812 Publlshed Under .Authority of Law by THE .ADJUTA..~T GENER.AL OF OHIO. 1916. "There is no index to the ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIERS II THE WAR OF 1812." Information £urnished in a letter 4/9/41 to the Burton Collection, from Paul A. T. Noon, State Librarian, Ohio State Library, Columbus. (House Bill No. 572.) .A·N ACT Authorizing the publication and distribution of a roster of Ohio _soldiers in the war with Spain. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Section 1. That the governor, secretary of state and adjutant general be, and they are, hereby authorized to secure the publication, in book form, of a complete roster. of all Ohio soldiers who entered .the volunteer service of the United States in the war with Spain and in the war of 1812; said publication to contain the main items of the record of each officer and soldier, as shown by the rolls in the . adjutant general's office, and in the war department at Washington. They shall begin such work a.s soon as practicable and continue the same until the roster is completed, the preparation, to be under the direction of the adjutant general, and the printing and binding to be under the direction of the supervisor of public printing. For the preparation, printing and binding of such roster, of which·• not more than 10,000 copies shall be printed, there is hereby appropriated, out of ..-.o.y money in the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as :may be ne~essary for the purpose. · _ Section 2. The distribution of said volumes shall be under the direction of the adjutant general and shall be as follows: To each member of the general assembly, ten copies. To the adjutant general, for distribution to the adjutants general of each state and territory, and proper officials of the Ware Department at Washington, D. C., seventy copies. To each state officer of Ohio (elective or appointive), to be kept as a part of the official recorc.s of his office, one copy. To the state library, fifty copies for exchanges, and ten copies to be :re- tained permanently therein. · To- each ·incorporated public library of the state, one copy. To each county recorder, to be by him kept in his office, and transferrec1 to his successor as other public records, one copy. · The remainder of said copies after su~h distribution shall be placed on sale by the adjutant general, at ·a price not exceeding $1.00 per volume. He shall keep a record of such sales, and shall, at the end of each quarter of the fiscal year, pay into th·e state treasury the sum received, until all of said ·volumes are sold, unless otherwise directed by the general assembly; pro- vided · that he shall not sell more than one copy of each of said volumes to the same person. · CHARLES D. CONOVER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. C. J". HOWARD, President pro tem. of the Senate. Passed May 19, 1915. ·A;>proved May 25, 1915.- ':t..,RM K B. WILLIS, Governor. H. B. N-0. 579 Press of The Edward T. Miller Co., Columbus, Ohio._ ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIERS IX WAR OF 1812 Page 142. Vol. I. GENERAL .A.ND FIELD O:F:FICERS )VAR OF 1812-1813. •MAJOR GENERAL ELIJAH W.ADS"\YORTH. 4Tll IHVISION. OJIIO JIILrrIA. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Maj. Gen. Elijah Wadsworth Q. l\I. Gen. Xehemiah King. .Ass't Q. )f. Gen. John Austin :Maj. Benjamin Fappeno Maj. Elisha Whittlesey ::\Iaj. and Insp. G. Pease Surg. Elijah Coleman Chaplain, .Jonothan Leslie A. A ... -{;_ .Josiah )I. .Brown P. F. M. Eliphalet Austin P. W. l\I. James Hillman .Ass't. W. ::.r. Fred K. Wadsworth . Ass't. F. M. James Kingsbury .Ass't ,v. :\I. Israel Robinson Ass't. P. F. )I. Robert Harper Ass't Q. M. Gen. Lewis Hoyt. :A.ss't.• Dep. W. :\I. .las. Quigley Ass't. l'. M. Wm. Ingersol F. :M. Eliphalet Austin, Jr. Hosp. -- Oristes K. Hawley Page 209 Vol. I. BRIG. GEN. ROBERT LL'CAS. SECO~D BRIGADE. OHIO JIILITIA. Brig. Gen: Robert Lucas Brig. Q. l\I. Ezra Osborn Brig. Insp. Wm. Rutledge Judge Ad. William K. Bond :Maj. P. D. Butler Capt. .Jason B. Curtis Page 206 Vol. I. PERSONAL P.A.YJIENTS. Brig. Gen. Edward W. Tupper Brig. Gen. ,John ·wingate Lieut. Col. lJa \"id 8;.nto11 Maj. Robert Taylor 1\Jaj. Isaiah Ferguson :'.\faj. .fosia h )Iott Brig. l\i{aj. Horace Nye l\Iaj. George Adams l\faj. ..\lexanoer C. Lanie:c Maj. Henry Priee l\faj. Charles Wolverton Brig. Q. :'.\I. Robert Sat'l'o.u Brig. Q. :M. W. Marshall Brig. Q. ::\I. James Heaton Brig. Insp. Horace Xye Surg. James Wilson Surg. Reuben. Lamh Q. :\I. 'l'homas Thompson Q. 1\1. Mathew Hewson Chaplain, Elias Dickens Capt. William Prince Capt. R. Westfall Adjt. E. Hutchinson Adjt. .Alexander Brown Sergt. l\!aj. John McCabe Surg. l\Iate, William B. Gould Surg. :'.\fate, Walter Buel Surg. Mate, James Wilson Surg. l\Iate, Ahle Slarbrook Surg. l\Iate, ,roses A. Fer-·is Drum Maj. James Richardson Fife l\Iaj. Jacob Ste,vart Q. )f. Serr"L Jh~---- -:,,.,ler Private, John l\!cDonnell William Lytle Page 207. \Loi. I. Brig. Gen. James l\'lenary Col. John Ferguson Col. John ::\IcDonald Col. William Keys Col. Daniel Collier Col. · ,James Stewart Col. Allen Trimble Col. Jacob Noel Col. l\lills Stephenson lfaj. Benjamin Daniels :\faj. Geo .. Edwards )Iaj. John Lewis Capt. Andrew Canell Ensign Robert Stephens Page 208 Vol. I. Brig. Gen. S. Perkins Lieut. Col. Wm. W. Cotgrea ve Lieut. Col. Tho1:1a~ Kirkpatrick Ueut. Col. Mills Stephenson :Maj. R. Beall l\Iaj. .Anthony Pitz( r Maj. E. Whittlesay Surg. Albron T. Crow Brig. Q. 2\1. Leyman Austin, Capt. William l\IcConnell Capt. William S. Drn ke Capt. Robert :'.\IcElwain Capt. Joseph R. McClure Capt. William Morrow Capt. George Yoakin "l-taplain, Joseph B.--:.rl;r<': Lieut. Thomas Ewing Lieut . .Tacob Wtsecawere Licut. William Missn'.!r Ensign .John Brown Surg. 2\fate, s,,_muel :\lcKeehan '5urg. Mate, John :McCullough Private, William l\Iorrow FIELD 0:FFICERS, STAF}~ :XOT GIVE1'¥. Page,, llS Col. A. Butler- Page 193 Col. Campbell Si Col. John T. Edwards ,, 1:)6 Col. Samuel Finley ,, 16 Col. James 1\:IcPherson ,, (14 Col. A. Root 93 :Maj. Andrew H:rerly 78 )faj. William Ward II 235 Maj. Womeldorf GENERAL AND FIELD OFFICERS. Staffs Not Given. Vol. 2. Page 244 )Iaj. Gen. Wm. H. Harrison Brig. Gen. Edmund ::uunger Page,, 4 Brig. Gen. Simon Perkins ,, 363 Brig. G~n. John Wingate ,, 397 Brig. Gen. Robert Lucas ,, 244 . Colonel Alexander Ewing ,, 132 Colonel John Furgeson, First Regiment. ,, 381 Colonel Samuel Findlay, First Regiment. ,, 9i Colonel Gano, First Regiment. ,, 105 Colonel William Key, First Regiment. ,, 119 Colonel .Tames :Mills, First Regiment. ,. 229 Colonel .James l\Iiller, First Regiment. ,, 95 Colonel John l\IcDonald, First Regiment. ,, 174 Colonel Jacob Noel, First Regiment. ,, 111 ... Lieut. Col. John Riddle, First Regiment. ,, 239 Lieut. Col. Feron Holt, First Regiment. ,, 394 Lieut. Col. Robert Bay, First Carnlry. ,, 244 l\Iajor Paul F. Butler. ,, 244 Major Willinm Beatty. ,, 244 l\Iajor James Colwell. 244: Major .Jerome Holt. ,, 24-1 Major Thomas Moore. ,, 211 l\!ajor George Adams, First Regiment. ., 113 l\Iajor George Ed,vards, First Regiment . ., 195 l\Iajor Jacob Myers, First Regiment. ,, 398 Major Samueil Connell, First Cavalry. •• 395 1\Iajor Israel Dawson, First Ca,alry. THE WAR of 1812 Because of war having been declared, President Madison issued instruc ~ions to Governor Return Jonathan Meigs of Ohio, on April 6, 1812, to assemble the Militia at Dayton,· Ohio, to be drilled and prepared to march to Detroit. By the end of the month more than the required number of men had been enrolled. Early in May these troops were fairly equipped and had chosen their Field Officers. · The President had commissioned Governor Hull of Michigan, _as Brigadier General. General Hull arrived at Dayton, Ohio, on l\iay 25, 1812, and left with his troops, June 1. ' According to the records in The Adjutant General's Department at Colum- bus, Ohio furnished for this war 1759 Officers and 24,521 Enlisted men dis- tributed as follows: First Regiment Infantry, 108 Companies. ~t-o,Jnd Regiment Infantry, 85 Companies. Third Regimeu" Infantry, 56 Companies. Unassigned Infantry, 185 Companies. Assigned to U. S. Infantry, 5 Companies. Mounted Infantry, 25 Companies. Cavalry, 13- Troops. Artillery, 1 Battery. ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIERS IN WAR (,i, 1812 e· 219. Vol. I. ROLL OF C.AP.T. NATH.ANIEL :MASSIE'S MOUNTED COMPAI\f'. (Probably from Ross County.) \ Served from l\Iay 1, until .May 1 ~. · 1813. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Soldier. Rank and Name of Sold1er. apt. Nathaniel Massie Lieut. James Menary Ensign Samuel Wilson ergt. .Alexander Menary Sergt. John McDonald Sergt.- Gustavus Wilson orp. Henry Kiewsley Corp. Meredith Parish Corp. John Dunlap - Privates. Privates. Privates. ~Armstrong, John Bukman, Abraham Blackstone, John Brown, George Beckman, William Bryan, George mmins, Hermandez Cary, Isaac Cochran, James ble, William · Camble, Dunning Cochran, David H. _wson, John Dunlap, James Dyer, Robert dwards, Jam~s Elliott, David Ford, William unston, Thomas Gray, James G. Goth, Jacob edges, Enoch Hamilton, John Hemphill, .Andrew mk, John .Jenkins, Samuel Kilgore, William "y ent, William Loyan, Samuel Ludlow, William • , »:orris, John )la thews, Alexander l\Iorgan, A.ma ~~.-lh fontgomery, Hugh licCraken, Isaac :\le.Arthur, Duncan fcCullough, John l\IcCoy, DL"\:On l\fcLain, Alexander 'arker, William Porter, George Russell, Reuben cckhold, Joseph.