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I take the liberty of offering for your acceptance, some Letters addressed by different Sovereigns to several Members of the Argyll Family, from the year 1560, to the year 1652.

These Letters have never (so far as I know) been printed, and

I am indebted to the kindness of my friend, Mr. Alexander Mac-

DoNALD, who collected them from the repositories of the Register

OiRce, and, at my request, has had them lithographed and printed for the use of the Maitland Club.

I liave the honour to be, Gentlemen,

Your obedient Servant, ARGYLL.

Edinburgh, January 20, 1840.


1. Obligation by Colin third Earl of Argyll, to Hugh tirs^t F.arl of

Eglinton, 2b. Mail, 1520, . . . . . P. 1

2. Discharge of Casualties by James Earl of Arran Regent, to Archibald fourth Earl of Argyll.—5. Jul. 1553, .... 2 3. Archibald fourth Earl of Argyll to Mary Queen Dowager of Scotland. —12. Aug. 1554, ...... 2

4>. Queen Elizabeth to Archibald fifth Earl of Argyll.— 4. Aug. 1560, 4

5. Mary Queen of Scots to the Same.—31. Mar. 156(), . . 5 6. The Same to the Same.—7. Jul. 1568, .... 6

7. John Lord Herys to the Same.—19. Aug. 1568, . . 7

8. Mary Queen of Scots to the Same.—27. Aug. 1568, . . 9 9. The Same to the Same.—31. Aug. 1568, ... 10

10. The Same to the Same.—28. Apr. 1569, . . . H

11. John Earl of Mar Regent, to the Same.—9. Sept. 1571, . 13

12. The of Montrose and Rothes, Patrick Lord Lindsay, and Robert

Commendator of Dunfermling to Colin sixth Earl of Argyll. —21. Aug. 1576, ...... 13

13. Queen Elizabeth to the Same.—28. Mail 1578. . . 16 14. The Same to the Same.—28. Feb. 1578, ... 17

14.*King James VL to the Same.— 13. Maij 1579, . . 18 15. The Same to the Same.—18. Feb. 1580, ... 18 16. The Same to the Same.—2. Jul. 1582, ... 20 xiv CONTENTS.

17. The Same to the Same.—SO. Aug. 1582, . . . P. 21

1 8. Esme first Duke of Lennox to the Same.—20. Sept. 1582, . 22

19. Queen EUzabeth to the Same.—20. Jan. 1582, . . 24

20. The Sieur de Mainville, of the Bed-chamber to the King of France, to the Same.—9. Apr. 1583, ... 26

21. King Henry IV. of France to the Same.—28. Maij 1583, . 27

22. The Sieur de la Mothe Fenelon, Ambassador from the Court of France, to the Same.—25. Jan. 1583, .... 28 23. King James VI. to Arcliibald, seventh Earl of Argyll.—21. Sept. 1588, 29

24. Queen Elizabeth to the Same.—23. Jid. 1595, . . 31

25. King James VI. to the Same.—S. Feb. 1604 ? . . 32

26. King James VI. to the Earl of Montrose, Chancellor.—9. Feb. 1604, 34

27. King James VI. to Sir Thomas Hamilton of Monkland, Knight, Ad- vocate.—27. Dec. 1606, ..... 35 28. King Charles I. to Arcbibald ]\Iarquis of Argyll.—Jun. 12, 1641. 36 29. The Same to the Same.—9. May, 1642, ... 37 30. Anne of Austria, Queen Dowager of France, to the Same.—8. Jul. 1 644, 38

31 . King Charles I. to the Same.—17. Nov. 1 646, . . 39 32. The Same to the Same.— 4. Dec. 1646, ... 39 .33. The Same to the Same.—23. Dec. 1647, ... 40 34. , Queen of Charles I. —22. Jan. 1648. In cyphers, 41

34.« King Charles II. to Archibald Marquis of Argyle.—14. Oct. 1652, 43

35. Orders by General Middleton to Arcliibald Lord Lorn. —Dated at Ludin Athol, Jul. 2. 1654, ..... 44 36. Letter to his Majestie King Charles II. from luy Loi'd Lorn his friends.—26. Jul. 1661, ..... 45 37. Letter from the Earl of Argyll to his Son, on the day of his Execution. 30. June, 1685, ...... 51 —



1. Charter under the Great Seal by King James III. to Colin Earl of

Argyll, of the keeping of the Castle of Dunoon in Cowall.—18. .Ian.

U72, ...... P. .5.5

2. Letter under the Privy Seal to Archibald Earl of Argyll, of the office

of Keeper of the House of Tarbat.—22. Aug. 1499, . . 56

3. Commission to Archibald Earl of Argyll, of the office of Justice General

within the bounds of the Lordship of the Isles. —26. Apr. 1500, 57

4. Letter under the Privy Seal to Archibald Earl of Argyll, of the office of

Justice General, and Master of the Household.—28. Oct. 1529, 57

.5. Protection to Archibald Earl of Argyll and his friends, during his

absence with King James ^'. in France, and imtil his retm-n.—28. Aug. 1536, ...... 58 6. Letter under the Privy Seal to Archibald Earl of Argyll, of the office

of Principal Keeper of the Forest of JIammyllorne in Braidalbane.

30. Dec. 1541, ...... 58

7. The Testament Dative and Inveutar of the Guidis, Geir, &c., perten-

ing to Archibald Earl of Argyll.—Sept. 1 573, ... 59

8. The Testament Testameutar and Inventar of the Guidis, Geir, &;c.,

pertening to umquhile Lord ColUn Erie of Argyll, &c.. Justice Gene-

rail of Scotland, and Latter Will of the said Erie.—5. Sept. 1584, (Jl xvi CONTENTS.

9. Letter luider the Privy Seal by King James VI., ratifying the above

Testament, &e.—2. Oct. 1584-, . . . . P. 69

10. The Testament Testameutar and Inventarof the Guidis, Geir, Sowmes

of money, and Dettis pertening to umquhill Jane Stewart,

Countes of Argyle, relict of nmquhile Archibald Erie of Argyle, &c. &c.—7. Jan. 1587, ...... 71 11. The Testament Dative and Inventar of the Guidis, Geir, &c. perten-

ing to umquhile Dame Annas Keyth, Countes of Argyle and Murray,

relict of umquhile Coline Erie of Argyle.— 16. Jul. 1588, . 79 THE ARGYLL LETTERS.

1. Obligation by Colin third Earl of Argyll to Hugh first Earl of Eglinton.—25 Maii, 1520.

Be it keud till all men be thir prefent lettres me Colyng Erie of

Argvile, That forfaymekle as ane noble and niychty lord Hew Erie

of Eglentoune hes lent me in my neceffite tlie fowme of fourty pwndis gud ami vfual money of Scotland, To be bwnd and oblill

and be tlie faitlit and trcuth in my body leilie and treiilie byndis

and obliffis me my aieris executouris and affignais that I fall refvvnd

and pay to the faid Hew Erie of Eglentoune his aieris executouris

and affignais the faid foume of fourtie pwndis gud and vfual money

of Scotland foirfaid betuix and the feft of the nativite of our

nextocum callit the fair of Steruelyng but fraud or gyil. In vitnes

of the quhilk thyng to this my obligatioun fubfcrivit with my hand

I have aflfixit my feile at Glafgw the tuenty fyif day of the moneth of

Maij the yeir of Go

2. DiscH.\RGE OF Casualties by James Eael of Arran, Regent,

TO Archibald fourth Earl of Argyll.—Jul. 5, 1 553.


We for plefuris done to ws be our cofiiig Archebald erll of Argyll lord Campbell and Lome promittis of the fyrll caufualitis that hap- pinnis to fall heirof hym to caufe affygne to hym the fowme of fex hun- dreyth merkis monye of this Realme and difcharge the famyn to hym be thir prelentis Subfcrivit with our hand At Falkland The fywe day of Julij Tlie ger of God I"' V and fyfty thre geris. 'c^-^.

3. Archibald fourth Earl of Argyll to Mary Queen Dowager

OF Scotland.—Aug. 12, 1554.

Madame eftir maift hwmill commendatioun of my ferwice I refaiffit gour graces writing togiddir wyth articlis be the quhilk I vnder- ftand gour graces raynd and guid counfell fchewin vnto me for furtht letting of this Interprice and chairge committit be gour grace vnto me

for fuppreffing of the Rebellis of the His : Off the quhilk counl'ell I thank gour grace gretunilie and fall God willing enploy my felff at my power for performyng of the fammyn And to that effect I am

departit of Dunltaffage this founday the xij day of Auguft wyth my

army forthwartth to Mwll quhair James M^Conill and M'Clane wyth

ther haill folkis ar convenit and remanis vpone my cuming And 1554. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 3 quhen we ar all conA*enit, tliane lall tak purpofe to pafs forthwartth vpone the faidis Rebellis and in all our progrefRs gour grace falbc

aduerteift efterwartt : And becaiis it war our prolixt to writ unto gour grace all novellis and purpoffis concernyng this wiage I haif ex- ponit the fammyn at lentht to this berar my ferwitour to quhome it will plefe gour grace to gif credens. And forther committis gour grace vnto the preferwatioun of the lialy gaift. Off Dunftaiiage the xij day of Auguft 1554.

Be gour grace hwmille and obedient ferwitour at power,

Madame, James M'Conill is cumin to me and gevis me werray guid wordis and fais that he fall do trew ferwice vnto gour grace and to me at this tyme, and hes defyrit me to be eafy and guid to hym towartt the deliuering of his plege at this tyme he makand faithfull ferwice to gour grace. And A'poun that conditioun I haif promeift to follifl gour grace to be gracioufe and fauorable to hjm. I propofe to put hym to the preiff that his ferwice falbeknawin alwais. The capitane of Dun- bar wyth his hagbutteris come to me to Dunftaffage this fettcrday the xj dayofAuguftand departiswyth me and fall do my devoir for his Interteineyng. To THE QuENis Grace. 4 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1560.

4. Queen Elizabeth to Archibald fifth Earl of Argyll.—

Aug. 4, 1560.

ELIZABETH R. By the Queene. Right trufty and right welbelouid Coufin We greete you ....

. . we haue leene your lettres to our Secretary S' Wyl . . .

. knight with decLaration of the contynuance of your . .

to the furderance of the weale of bothe tlie realmes [of

England] and Scotlaude, which appeerith not onely by the laid . .

. . . . but alfo by the lending of fuche lettres and mefl'ages

hathe lately fent to you by a Ipeciall meflenger. . .

. . . . your geale and conllancye towardis the maintenance .

accorde of our Realme and that, and Ihall not for- get the good will it leeniithe ye beare towardis vs,

trulling ye w . . . contynue therin, and for anfweare to Onelye,

We haue our faide Secretary to write to you our opinion, andJo yow to God. Gyven vnder ourjignett at our Caftett of the 4: of Angiijl the J'econd yere of our rei(])i 1560.

to our right trusty and right welbeloued Cousin the Erle of Arguile.


vii^/n^U^ oi^/o*' .-^T^' y^fe^ tt"^ o^H.rtj;^^'^ .^K^,n y+W^ ^^^V^

^^^ ^ ^5 ,^^;,^^^^ ^^ ^n^q^ JU2^^^ ^.^Z^^


5. Mary Queen of Scots to Archibald fifth Earl of Argyll.

—Mar. 31, 1566.

Traift coufiiig We greit gou weill. We reflTauit gour letter quhilk we

haue coufiderit, toiiart the Lord Boydis pardoun : The Hay of the

expeditioun of it procedit onlie becaus the participatioun of the lait confpiracy and attemptat done in our prefens was not thairin fpe- cialie exceptit, quhilk ge knaw We alwayes myndit to except in geving of our remiffionis, And fa wes the eifeft of the commonyug

had with gou at our commaudiment, quhilk we intend Godwilling fmceirlie to keip without ony alteratioun quhairof ge fall certanlie perfuade gour felfe. • And thairfoir, for gour caufe, and for the gude opinioun we haue of gour faithfull part towart ws, (quhairin we will not doubt,) the faid Lord Boydis remiffioun falhaue pafTaige and be na further ftayit, the participatioun of the laitt attemptat (as We haue faid) exceptit. And likuis as for the Lard of Gormok he falbe I'ett at libertie vnder fouirtie for his gude reull and reentre as the forme is ; bot the fouirteis ge knaw mon be Lawland men and not of the gretaft of oure nobilite, quhilkis ar not commonlie taken fouirties in fie caillis. Quhilk ordour for diuerfe confiderationis prefently We haue obferuit. And doubtis not l)ot ge fall wele allow the fame at our meting, quhilk we erneftlie wyflie mycht be fchortlie. And howfone the oc- cafioun will offer the felf we will not omit to haift the fame. Quhen

Gormok is relevit lat him cum to Ergile and abyde with gow in gour cumpany quhill we be further avifit, for relTonable cauffis as ge will likuife knaw. In this meyntjTne We pray gou interteny familiaritie with Oneill in the beft maner ge can, quherof we thocht mete pre- 6(0 fi THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1658. leutly thus far to aduertife gou, And heireftir ge will mair largelie vnderftand our mynd in tliat and all vtlicr behalffis. We neid pre- fentlie to wrait at na gretar lentb, fen lieirby Ave doubt not ge will perlaue our meanyns quhilk is and fall continew alwayes towartis gow lincere loving and A'pricht, as the ylTue of our proeedingis fall declair, God willing, to quhais prote6tioun We commit gou. At

Edinburg tbe laft day of Merebe 1566.

J Vat euer bis fayed bijur offmy (fud nujud, and that ye fal perfaync, com-

mand my to our hruder.

^our richt (jadjiller, MARIE R. To OUR TRAIST COUSING THE ErLL OF ErGILE.

6. Mary Queen of Scots to Archibald fifth Earl of Argyll

—Jul. 7, 1 568.

Derreft Coufing, We haif wi-ittin to gou laitly Anent our proceid-

ingis, ewer thanking gow of gour greit conftancy towartis ws ; And

now being thankis to God in gud lielth, We tbocht necelTare to ad-

uerteis gow of the famyn, as we beleif gc ar del'yrous to heir thairof.

My lord Fleniyng arrevit heir from Londoun the v. of this Inftant,

And is paft in Scotland Quba will fchaw gou all our affaires mair

amply and at mair lenth nor we think expedient to wryt at this tyme.

To quhome ge fall gif credeit. My lord Hereis lies writtin to ws,

That our fifter the Quene hes declarit to him Scho hes writtin to

my lord of Murraye exprefly That hie vie na forder extremitie aganis ^-^'^^ni[ii(Kj_

itKM^H h C^^^rLjr

«^.--vK <^. r^^

1.568. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 7 gow our fauouraris and trew lubie6tis. Swa committis gow to the proteftioun of God Almychtie. Off Carleill the vij of Julij 1568.

^our gudjijier,


To OURE DERREST Co USING The Erle of Argyle.

7. .John Lord Herys to Archibald fifth Earl of Argyll.—

Aug. 19, 1568.

My Lord, the xviij day of this monethe betuix xj and twelf houris at evin, I rellauit thir vrrittings of the Quenis JNIajefties, quhilk will pleis gour Lordfchip to reflaue, and direftit thame fra me at fyve houris in the mornyng. At tliat fame tyme I relfauit gour Lordl'chipis awin writtingis rcquyring me to cum to Glafgo, declairing that my balling, as ge call it, is the caus of the flay of this haile armie. In my formar writtingis I fchew gour LordfchijJe 1 culd nocht cum throw thay cun- treis to Glafgo without fum gret and fecfuU purpois, for that the gait was bayth far to my folkis, and to fum of thame thre fcoir myle be land and mair, and the maift pairt throw thair ennemeis. I fchew I wald haue bene 'vpone the head of Douglas watter on the xvj day at nycht. And fo detterminatlie intending for till haue bene, vpone the

XV day I reffauit my Soueranis letteris as gour Lordfchip and utheris my Lordishas done, commandand me nocht till invaid naneof hir aduer-

far partie ; Obeyand the fame I ftayit my purpois and na uther balling in this matter. Uther Itay to gour armie I maid nane, bot lend ;

8 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1568. tlie Queuis writtingis to 30W as thay war lend me. My lord I may nocht fa cvnn to Glafgo without I bring gret nowmer of folkis as the tyme llandis now ; and to bring thame, as I haue faid, without ane de- terminatioun to follow fuin gret purjiois I find it nocht wifdome to

doe. Your Lordfchip therfoir will appardone me. Gyf your Lord-

Ichiji with the remanent of my Lordis with gow will lurelie adwyfe

quhat is bell to be done in this wechtie caus, And according to the

Quenis Majefteis commandement, 1 fall tak my part of it at my power

as ony uther man in Scotland of my degre, and nother ball nor hinder

your gud determinatioun with the grace of almychting God, quha haue

your Lordfchip in his bliffit keiping. Off Drumfres the xix of Auguft

1568. 3our Lordfchip to command

with feruice att my jjower H^^

Poft fcript.

I haue fend gour Lordfchip the copie of this

laft letter fend me be the Quenis Majeftie, cjuhilk it

will pleis gow, quhen ge haue red it, to laitt my Lord

of Sanftandrois or fum uther Lordis fe it, to ryve it

and caus deliuer thar aAvne letteris to thame felfis as

thay ar direftit.


8. Mary Queen of Scots to Archibald fifth Earl of Argyll.

—Aug. 27, 1568.

Traift coufing and counialour, We greit gow veill. We haif viider- ftand that my Lord of Huntly hes gottin fum defait, of the quhilk

we ar in greit pane till we heir the veritie therof ; and, hailing gottin mony fair and greit promefes of this realme, thinkis the fame nocht to tak greit efFe6t. We haif refl'awit twa vrytingis fra our filler the

Quene be our fervand James Borthik, writtin witli hir amn hand, and caufit tranflait thame in Scottis ; of tlie quliilkis we liaif fend copeis to my Lord Hereis and the Bifchop of St. Androis, quha will mak gow participant therof, quhairin it maye be confident quhat effeft maye be found to our profit ; for We latt gow knaw the afieurance as we haif it. And feing fcho hes vrittin to ws of fie newis as we thocht maifl; neidfull to aduerteis gow, vald nocht faill to do the

fame ; principally fchawing amangis vthir heidis, that thair is ane cum- panye of Frenfche men outhir on the fe to pas in Scotland, or ellis alreddy arrevit tbairin, at the quhilk fcho is evill content. Alwayis gif fa be that they cum or ar arrevit, ge knaw gour force and babilite, quhilk our faythfuU fubieftis may vfe. It hes bein falfly reportit to hir, that our men hes invaidit and maid flauchter with greit difi;ruc- tioun of houffis on hir bordouris. As it is fchawin ws, tlie princepale

of thay Invaidaris wes the goung Lard of Sefwood ; Nochtwith- ftauding fcho layis the haill burdein on ws and our party allanerly.

Als fcho vrytis, thair is fum Commiffionaris to cum heir, quherof the

Deuk of Northfolk is ane. Refen-ing vthir thingis to my Lord Hereis 10 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1568. f|uha will I'chaw gow mair at lenth be Borthikis informatioun, and the reft to this beirar. Swa committis gow to God. Off Bowtoun the xxvij of Auguft 1 568.

Wi fend ^ou a hors fer and giid h/k, ladlk ^e fchal rejcetie. Anif Y had beter ^e Jchoidd noclit ivant. This herar lent mi his for ^ou nfor, bicaus this was nocht redi.

^our richt (judjijler and cujignes,


9. Mary Queen of Scots to Archibald fifth Earl of Argyll.

—Aug. 31, 1568.

Traift coufinge and counfalour, We greit gow veill. Having reflauit goure vrytingis heir gifterdaye be Johne Levingftoun, vnderftanding thairby and by his report goure greit fervency gud will and fordwart- nes ge haif fchawin in this gour laft affembley, Thankis gow maift hertly thairof. 3*^^^ difafembling and ftaying of forder proceiding thairin we cawfit to be for ane gud Intent, confidering our fifteris vryting quhilk we fend gow, the copy thairof wes be the fame in hir gud promefes conftrynit to ftaye gow. Quhairof my lord Hereis hes aduertefit ws, ge and the reft of oure Nobilite wytis him, and is

verraycommowit thairat, Praying gow, nocht charge him thairwith ; for he did na thing by oure exprefs commandiment, being far mair wytit ^

c^^^u^J .Jj;J L^ c^^^jii odL.^' ^/s'-^ f^-^ <^l^

/j,'.-w^r> ^ ^A>,.Ca^vi. I^^e^^ C^^^ ,7,€< ,,>.^-^.^^U, /-


be the vthir party of this cuntrey, that he wes the haill occafioune of

Innormeteis on our bordouris and vthh-is tumultis within cure cun-

trey. We doubt nocht bot 3e haif ah'eddy lene be the copey of our

filler the Quenis laft vrytingis, quhilk we fend to gow be the Lard of

Skeldoune, of the aduertifment fcho makis to ws of the Frenfche

menis cuming in our realme, quhilk we hoip to be haiftely. Referring

all vthir thingis to gour wifdome committis gow to God. OfFBowtoun,

the laft of Auguft 1568.

^our riclit (fud fister and afurcd frind


^ejchalfifarder hfthe injlrudions, bot afur '^ourfelf that ge heuue dun

^omjelf and al our frindes ne letle honour and (jud in onlijchauin ^oitr forduartnes and obediens to my. Y wil nochtfpel tym in Wourdes, bot Y

think miJofar adet to ^ou that Yfchal think on it al my lyf

to oure traist cousinge and lleutenent

The Eele of Argyle, &c.

10. Mary Queen o*f Scots to Archibald fifth Earl of Argyll.

—Apr. 28, 1569.

Richt traift coufigne and counfalour, We greit gow weill. We haif

vnderftand, how that part of our fubieftis, throw fum evill counfale,

has hapnit to cum in danger with our rebelles, quhilk We lament

greitumly, and not fa mekill for ony dampnage that we maye gett

thairthrow, ffor thankis to God our affaires ar prefently in better 12 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1569. eftait nor thay war fen the begynning of ony conference thairon, Bot

is fory of the evill bruyt rynnis thairof. Notwithftanding we haif vn-

(lerftand of gour conftancy towart ws, quherof we thank gow maift liertly, and with the grace of God falbe acknawlegit of tlie fame, nocht doubting bot ge vill contenew thairin to gour greit honoiir and advantage. And we praye gow that on na wayes ge cum to ap-

]joyntment nor convening with the faidis rebelles by our advyfe : bot hakl gour felf far fra thame, remaining ftill ferme in your con-

llancy, quhairof now we haif the provfe : als praying gow verraye efFeauoully, That ge vill afTift menteyne and help our traift coufigne the Lord Flemyng to furneis the caftell of Dumbarten with all viures that may be gottin in ony maner thairto, as ge vill do ws maift ac- ceptabill fervice, and as our traift is in gow, and fall haif releif fchortly to the contentment and honour of all thais that remanis conftant and perfeveiris in thair faythfulnes towartis ws, As thairin ge fall haif na caus to repent God willing, Quhome mott preferve gow. Off Wyng- feyld, the xxviij of Aprile 1569.

Bruder, I am (jled go?< heff nocht enterdfo fuleschli in tak. I prey ^ou com nocht in tel ^ou Mrfrom me, and lieffno conferance with them, for and

^ou knou h(m thei fpeik off the poor Duk huas it coms nocht be him ; bot kip ^oii on dishonord,forfchortli Ifchalfend ^ou wourd htiat ^ou fchal do.

^our richt goodJister and best frind foreuiier

MARIE R. To OUR Richt traist cousigne, counsalour, AND LlEUTENNENT, ThE ErLE OF ErGYLE. .^.-i. to-


11. John Earl of Mar, Regent, to Archibald fifth Earl of

Argyll.—Sept. 9, 1571. REX.

We, with aduife and confent of our riclit traift coufing Johnne Erie of Mar Lord Erfkin Regent to us our realme and liegis, Promittis in the word of a , That, in the craving and vptaking of our malis of the Ibuthe His and Kintyre fra Angus Maconaill of Dunnevaig and

Heftour Maclane of Doward reftand oupayit of all termes bipaft preceding the daitt heirof. We fall \'fe the aduife of our richt traift coufinges Archibald erle of Ergile lord Campbell and Lome, James

Erie of Mortoun lord of Dalkethe chanciller of our realme, and Robert lord Boyd, in fie fort, that the payment of the faidis males reftand of termes bigane fall ftand till thair difcretioun. Subfcriuit be our faid coufing and Regent AT Striueling the nynt day of September and of our Regnne the fyft geir 1571-


12. The Earls of Montrose and Rothes, Patrick Lord Lindsay, AND Robert Commendator of Dunfermling, to Colin sixth

Earl of Argyll.—Aug. 21, 1576.

My Lord, efter our maift hartlie commendatioun. We haue heir be greate and eirneft laubouris movit my Lord Erll of Atholl to condifcend 14 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1576. and aggre vnto the conditiounis accordit vpoun at our laft being in

Glafgw : Bot ane tiling forther is heir coneludit, conforme to my Lord

Regentis will and diredioun, that all captives and prefoneris on ather part fuld be fet at libertie. And vnderftanding that thair is ane

Anguus Makkerun Makvertenis fone, duellar in Kynlochlevin, detenit prefoner be your L. and command in DunftafFage, quhilk is mair nor we knew at our being in Glafgw ; Sa that, conforme to my Lordis grace will mynde and direftioun befoir our progres in this mater, It is lykewyis aggreit, that tlie faid Anguus falbe fet at libertie and fre- dome betuix this and the fext day of September nixtocum, and deliuerit in the handis of the Maifter of Mar, to the end that he may immediatlie efter the faid fext day repair to his Maifter the Erll of

Atholl or quhair he pleis. This we mon effeftuuflie pray your L. to do, as ge half bene conformable in the faidis conditionis, for your

VLvnn quietnes and eife, and for this our fpeciall and eirneft requeft quhairin gour L. fall haue ws alwayis readie to acquite the fame with femblable pleafure. Sa committis your L. in the proteflioun of the

eternall. At Perth the xxj of Auguft 1576.

Your L. richt afTurit at ther pouer,



Further, your L. fall vnderftand, that we haue movit the Erll

of Atholl to aggre to this, that incaife that the noblemen and freindis

can not aggree amang thame felffis, the faid erll is content that \


; ^ y

1578. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 15 my Lord Regentis grace, my Lord Chancellar, the Erllis of Montrois and Rothes, my Lordis Lyndefay and Boyd, and my Lord Commen- datar of Dunfermling be oddifmen and owremen, That quhatfumeuer thai or the maift part of thame decernis to be done, to ftand and abyde thairat, quliairin your L. may not faill to fend ws anfuer in write how your L. aggreis vnto this.

To THE RIGHT HONORABLE LoRD My Lord The Erle of Ergile.

13. Queen Elizabeth to Colin sixth Earl of Argyll.—

Maii 28, 1578.

Righte truftie and right welbelouid Colin, We greet you well. We have bin advertifed from our fervant Robert Bowes, (prefentlie for our affaires there,) how well you are devotid to the maintenance of the

Amitie betwene the King our deareft brother and vs, wherof you doe not let to make publike demonftracioun, which we accepte in lb thanckfull parte, as we fynd our felf bound in honnor to make knowne vnto you the greate contentment we receave therbie, and how glad we would be by effeftis to fliewe the fame. And wheras, to our great greefe, we have latelie founde, that emong perfonages of the bed ellate in that Realnie, and bell hable to ferve the King our good brother, and no lelTe well affefted to the good Amitie betwene our two Crownes, ther bathe bin cauie of difference and contencioun, which by mediacioun of certaine perfons of qualitie are growing to fome frendlie compofition, efpeciallie betwene the Earle Morton and 16 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1578.

you : We are therfore to praie you, forfeeing the evident milchef that is likelie to infue, by the contynewans of the difagrement betwene perfons of your qualletie, in the noneage of a young Prince, that if anie thing offenfive do either remaine, or maie be revived betwene the faid Earle and you, or other of the Nobillitie, that you will vfe our

Mynifter ther as a Mediatour to remove all caufes of fixrther vnkind- nes. And for confirmacioun of a perfe6t reconciliacioun, which we have good hope will take effeft, we could wiflie you to be a meane to the King our good brother, for the calling of the Earle Morton about him, wherin, befidis that you fliall difcharge the office of a chriftian

Nobleman, by yelding the frutes of trewe reconciliacioun, you fliall by furtherance therof to effeft, greatlie advance the Kinges fervice, being a man lb fufficient for governement as he is, wherof he hathe made good tryall. Befides we are to praie you to geve credit to our lervant Bowes in fuche thinges as he fliall deliver to you from vs, touching fuche flanderous brutis as have latelie come to our eares, w'hervnto we alFure you we geve no credit, having a nioft conftant opinion of your finceare affeftion towardis vs and to maintainc good

Amitie betwene the King our good brother your maifter and vs. And fo, good Cofin, We praie God to have you in his blefled keping. Geven

vnder our Signet at our Mannor of Grenewiche, the xxviij^'' daie of

Maya 1578, in the Twentethe yere of our raigne.

Your Loving Cousin,


14. Queen Elizabeth to Colin sixth Earl of Argyll.—

Feb. 28, 1578.

Right trufty and right welbelouid Coufin, We greete you well. We haue alwayes repofed fuch tnifte and confidence in your forwardnes and good inclinacioun to enterteyne the good amity betwin vs and the King your foueraigne, that we doubt not you will alwayes fhew your felf conflant therein, by the continuying of your good officis be- twin our two Crownes. And for that there is now occafion olferid, to make ibme particular triall therof, about the matter of th'intendid matche betwin your faid foueraigne and fome forrein prince, whereof we haue receauid foundry aduertifmentis, We praye you to haue a care, that nothing be therein, without our preuitye and knowledge, the fame being a matter of fuch weight, and that towchith fo neere the ftate of both realmes, wherbie as we fliall^e encouraged to con- tinue our accuftomid care and good meaning towardes that realme, fo fliall you be affurid for your owne particular to winne no fmaule

intereft in our fauour ; jjraying you to gene credit vnto our fervaunt

Bowes in that which he fliall further faie vnto you towelling this matter in our name. Geuen vnder our Signet at our Pallace of

Weftminfter, the lafl of February 1578, in the xxj* yere of our raigne.

Your loving Colin and fi-ind,


To our right trusty and right welbelouid CosiN Thearle of Arguile. c 18 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1579.

14. King James VI. to Colin sixth Earl of Argyll.—

Maii 13, 1579.

Rycht traift Coufing and Counfalour We greit you hertlyweill. Vnder- ftanding the kepars of the houfc of Brydik in Arrane to be willing to rander the fame, thair lyffis faulf, for the cryme of the diffobedience of our charge to rander the faid houfe and caftell. We will gow tliairfore in our Name to grant thame the faid condicioun, letting thame depart with ther awin propre baggaige, Saulffing the mvnitioun and viftuallis being within the faid houfe and caftell, quhilk ge fall cans reffaue vpoun Inuentair, and be preferuit to our vfe, Placeing our feruitour

Niniane Stewart as keipar of the faid houfe and all thingis reflauit thairin, quhill the farther knawledge of our mynd and plefure. Thus

We commit gow to God. At our caftell of Striueling the xiij of Maij 1579.

JAMES R. to our right traist cousing and Counsalour the Erll of Ergile.

15. King James VI. to Colin sixth Earl of Argyll.—

Feb. 18, [1580?]

Richt traift coufing and counfallour, We greit gow hartlie weill. Being

come at Goddis pleafour to this eftate and age, and having many /





great and wecbty materis in hand, fpecialie concemyng the honour

and iiiretie of our perfoun and eftate ; the intertenement of peax,

amitie and gude Intelligence with the Chriftiane and com-

mounwealthis, our neareft nychtbouris freindis and allyais, quhais

ambaffadouris and minifteris frequentlie reparis to ws ; the repreffing

of the thevis and diforderit perfonis ; and governyng of our gude and

peaceble fubie6lis in gude tranquillitie, peax and iuftice : It is maift

requifite that we haue the gude avyt'e and concurrence of our nobilitie,

and tliat the occalionis of grudges diiplealburis and querrellis Hand-

ing amang thame, quhair throuch thair cummyng to ws and reman-

yng quietly in our company is oftymes hinderit, be taken away ; firft

be alTeurance, and thairefter, fa fone as conuenientlie it may be, be fynall and perfyte concord, quhilk is our cheifeft care prefentlie, and

hes bene of a lang tyme bypaft : Quhairvpoun We haue takin occa- iioun to direft to gow our feruitour M"' Peter Young our elemofinar to communicat to 30W our mynde committit to his credite, and to defjTe gow in our name, that ge faill not to repaire heir vnto ws againe the xxiij day of Februare inftant. Swa remittand further to his credite, We commit gow to God. From Halyrudehous this xviij of Februar



16. King James VI. to Colin sixth Eael of Argyll.—

Jul. 2, 1582.

Richt traift coufing aud counfallour, We greit gow liartlie weill. We haue refauit gour letter towardis fome particuleris of goui- awne, the fpeding quherof we haue delayit and remittit to gour awne prefence,

(juhilk we will earniftlie requeift gow to let ws haue at our burgh of

Perth the viij or ix day of this inftaunt, quher your remayning fall not be abone xxiiij houris, gif gour health or Tther occupacioun may not fpair gow with ws any langer. The occafion that movis ws to fend for gow is weill wechty, importing baith our furetie and gour awin, as we haue willit our rycht traift coufing the erle of Arrane

to notifie fum part vnto gow be his letter ; Thairfore as ge tender baith the ane and vtheris we will requeift gow not to failgie to meit

ws the faid day and place, quher ge falbe acquentit mair amplie with

thir materis. We man in this meane tyme remember gow of the deir

doggis, quhilk be our vtlier lettir we requirit gow to fend ws, the

tyme drawis neir quhen they fould be direftit away ; Thairfore we

pray gow, to recouer ws famony as may be fparit within gour boundis,

and let thame be brocht with gow, or dire6tit with fome of gour

awne therfter, as ge will do ws acceptable and gude pleafure. Thus we

commit gow to God. From Sterling caftell this fecound day of

July 1582.


to our richt traist cousing and counsallour The Erle of Ergyle our Chancellar. 1582. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 21

17. King James VI. to Colin sixth Earl of Argyll.—

Aug. 30, 1582.

Rycht traifl coufing and counlalour, We greit gow Weill. We haue refoluit be auife of the Counfell prefent with ws, to tak ordour for the quieting of the trublis laitly fallin out, be a Conventioun of a gude nowmer of our eflattis to be aflTemblit at Edinburgh vpoun the

twentie day of September nixtocum : quherfore we require gow efFec- tuuflie, that ge will nocht faill to be prefent with ws at Edinburgh the faid day, in peaceable and quiet manor, accumpanyit onlie with gour

lioufliald ; that be gour prefence and gude auife, this mater, being in the felf fa wechtie, may be ordourit and fetled to the plefour of God,

our obedience, and the commoun tranquillitie of our realme ; and that ge keip this diett preceiflie as ge will declair gour gude affec- tioun to our feruice and do ws acceptable plefour. Thus we com- mit gow to God. AT Perth the penult day of Auguft 1582.




* ] 8. EsME FIRST Duke of Lennox to Colin sixth Eakl of

Argyll.—Sept. 20, 1582.

Monfieur, Jay refeu la lettre quil vous a pleu mefcripre, mais Je nay point veil voflre liomme. Toute fois Darkinlas a pris la peine de me venir vifiter, par lequel auec voflre di6te lettre J'ay efte affeure de voftre conftante amytie envers moy, de laquelle Je nay jamais doubte et aufly Je vous fupplie humblemaut de croire que celle que vous ay promife vous fera gardee inuyolablemant. Je mafu: :)is toufiours bien que lie vouldries jamais ajirouuer la thraifon qui a efte faifte au Roy, laquelle Je regrette extrememant, non pour men particulier, mes pour le hafard auquel eft fa IVIagefte, Laquelle, fy Dieu ne luy ayde, lera mife entre les mains de ceulx qui ne defire pas fa conferuation.

Quent pour ma part Je fuis fur mon embarquemant pour men aler

en France fuyuent ce que fa Magelle a efte forcee de me conmander

de faire. Ilz iiiont acufe de beaiicoub de cliofe par vne requefte quilz

prefautire a fa magefte a Scaintielianfton ; ce q'ayent entendeu, Jay

ofert par my Lord de Herife de comparoiftre deuent tous les eftas

pour eftre juge par lieulx fur tous les poinftz de leurs acufations.

fens demander aulcune grace ou refpid ; ains que JeftoiS content

* The Earl of Lennox was appointed " Capitane and keiper of bis Majesteis Castell

of Dumbartane" 29 Jul 1580—" Capitane and Commander of Iiis hienes gaird during

bis Majesteis will" 5 Mar. 1581 —Created Duke of Lennox 5 Aug. 1581 —He died in France December 1582. His son Ludovick succeeded him, and on the 23 December

1583 is appointed " beich and grit Chalmerlane of this realme and first gentilman of bis " bienes cbalmer joynand baith the saidis tytillis and offices in ane —and on 24 Nov.

1591 is made " grit Maister of bis Majesteis Esquierie and haill horsis, &c. &c. 1582. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 23

deftre juge a toute la rigeur que les lois defcoffe me pouroift con-

danner, felon les preuue quilz pouroift faire centre moy ; mais II ne

lont pas voulleu, encore que par leurs requefte lis offroift de me le

maintenir en ma face fur le peril do leurs vies et bien. Et quent pour

ce que leglife fe plaignoit de moy, eftant a Liflebour Jay aufert aux

myniftres par le di6b Lord de Herife, le Laird detrakuoys, le preuoft

de Liflebour, que filz vouUoift mettre par efcript ce que dont Ilz

difoient que Je les aurois aufenfe, que Je leurs renderois refponfe par

efcript, et que ce que Je aurois fai6t Je lauourois et leurs dirois

larefon pour quoy Je laurois faift ; ce que Je naurois faift aufly Je

leurs dirois fi Je le favois qui fauroift efte ; et que apres que lis cliolifet

fis myniftre, lis gentilzhommes, le prevoft du di6t Liflebour, et cine

des plus honneftes hommes de la difte ville, et que leurs efcript et ma

refponfe fufet mife entre leurs mains, et que ce que les dixhuift

trouueroift que Je aurois ofenle, que ce quilz ordonneroift que Je

deuerois faire pour les fatiffaire, que Je le ferois. Mes Ilz ne mont

Jamais voulleu randre refponfe. Voyla les ofres quay faide, lesquelle

II me famble eftre fy refonnable quil ny a liomme de bien en efcofle

quil ne die que Je ne me fois mys en tout deuoir de ce que la refon le requeroia. Mais puis quil ny a aultre remede Je fuis content de man aller en Franfe. Toute fois Je feray prefente vne requefte aux eftas a cete conuention, laquelle fera fy equitable que Je mafleure que me feres cet honneur que de tenir la main quelle me fcoit acordee. Et touchent laucation de mon partemant, croyes Je vous fupplie que ce neft point par faulte de courage, comme Jay efperanfe de le vous faire paroiftre auent quil fcoit pafque ; et le vous manderay fytoft que ceray en France, ayent efperanfe quil coutera la vie a dix mille Lomme 24 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1582. qui ne font pas efcofois ou noftre maiftre fera vange de la thraifon que long luy a faifte, et fil nen debourfera pas vng double ; et que Je luy feray paroiftre que Je luy fuis fidelle ferulteur, et que Je ne le laiferay en cete aduerfite, ny mes bons amys. Quent II vous plaira de niefcripre, donnes voz lettres a niylord d'Oglwy ou au cappitaine de cete place ou a laird de Mynto, et ceulx la me les feront tenir feuremant, ou a laird Kilfayt. Et pour la fin de ma lettre, Je vous fup- plie humblemant de vous affeurer que Je vous demeureray tent que

Je vyueray tres fidelle amy, et quaues toute puifenfe de me conmander, ny ayent rien que Je puife faire pour voftre feruice que Je ne face

daufly bon ceur que Je vous baife humblemant les mains : Prient Dieu,

Monfieur, quil vous ayt en fa fcainte garde. Du chafteau de Dumbar- tane ce xx*^™*^ jour de Septembre 1582.

Voftre bien bumble et fidelle amy a vous faire Teruice.

A Monsieur Monsieur le Comte darguil.

19. Queen Elizabeth to Colin sixth Earl of Argyll.—

Jan. 20, 1582.

Right truftie and right welbelouid Cofin We grete you well : The

care we have hitherto had and do ftill continewe, of the fafety and "^ /J 1 1


' / ^ 1 rt I ^ W

' ±133 hA Ti

1582. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 25 well doing- of our good brother the King your Maifter, and the weale of his eftate, moveth ^s to efteeme and favour thofe noble men and other his fervauntes about his porfon, that fliewe themfelues well aftefted to the mayntenaunce of the ftate of relligion, the furtheraunce of his fervice, and continewaunce of the good amitie betwene the twoo Crownes. Among whom having many waies heard veary good reporte and great commendacioun of your forwardnes and good in- clinacioun in all theife three pointes, we could not but perticulerly let you vnderftand by our owne lettres, how well we do thinke of you for the fame, and thintereft you have thereby wonne in our fpeciall favour and good liking of you, which We nothing doubt, l)ut that you will geve vs caufe to continewe ftill towardes you, by your conftant perfeveraunce in your good zeale towardes God, and dutie towardes the fervis of your Prince, wherby you lliall dil'charge your confcience towardes both, and winne thereby, both to your felfe and to your pofteritye hereafter, that reputation that apperteynetli to a man of your calling and qualitie. Geven vnder our Signet at our

Manour of Richmond tlie xx"^ of January 1582, the five and twentietli yeare of our raigne.

Your Lovinge Cousin,


20. The Sieur de Mainville Gentleman of the Bedchamber to

THE King of France to Colin Earl of Argyll.—Apr. 9, 1583.

Monfieur, vous voyes afTes parceque Monfieur de Douii & moy vous auons mande par le feigneur Jihan Grahame, Combien voftre prefence fai6t befoing Icy, et celle des aultres feigneurs qui font mandes, telle- ment que Je jienfe que celluy qui feroit pareffeux a venir pourroit eftre accule a bon droift d'avoir non feullement abandonne le bien mais avoir fai6l le nial des affaires de ce pays. Cell pourquoy Je vous fupplie bien humblement vouloir faire en forte que Monfieur de

Glenkerne n'encoure point en ce niauuaix credit, mais quil vienne a

cede conuention neantmoings cequil a defia mande au roy ; Ceque

Je m'afure quil fera pour voftre authorite, si a ma priere il vous plaift luy en efcripre, et luy enuoyer celle que Je luy efcrips. Je vous baife bien humblement les mains, & prie Dieu,

Monfieur, vous donner en perfaide fante, hereufe & longue vie.

Donne Edinbourg ce ix^ Jour D'apuril 1583.

Permettes moy Monfieur de baifer les mains a

Madame en ce bout de lettre.

Voftre bienliumble a vous obeir et feruir.

MAINEUILLE. A Monsieur Monsieur Le Compte d'Arguil. 1583. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 27

21. King Henry IV. of France to Colin sixth Earl of Argyll.

—May 28, ] 583.

Moufieur Le Conte, Au retour du feigneur de la Mothe Fennellon

Confeiller en mon Confeil deftat, & du feigneurde Maigneuille Gentil- homme ordinaire de ma cliambre, Jay receu les lettres que m'auez

efcriptes, et par luy entendu leftat ou il a laiflTe toutes chofes pardela,

& la bonne aflfeaion que vous auez a la manutenacion du Repos qui y

eft necefTaire bounne auflTy a la conleruacion & fortifficacion de lanti-

enne amitye & alliance qui eft entre ceftuy mon Royaume et celluy d'Efcofle, dont je vous fcay fort bon gre, Vous priant de perfeuerer en cefte bonne volonte, auec afleurance, que le Roy voftre Maiftre nentrera jamais en amitye et alliance qui luy Ibit plus vtille et cei- taine que cefte cy, comme fes predecefleurs lont experimente, et laduenir le fera encores congnoiftre. Je ftiis bien fort aife audemourant du bon debuoir que me promeitz fere pour la Reftitucion des vins & baftel appartenans a aulcuns marchans mes lubieftz qui leur ont efte prins & depredez par quelques pirates efcoflbis. Je vous prie de leur en faire fere telle .Juftice & fatisfaftion quilz aient occafion de fen

loner, par ceft chofe que Jay en finguliere Recommandacion. Et a ce propoz Je vous diray que Jay nagueres faift fere Railbn, & ordonne paiement eftre fai6t a vng Efcoflbis de lappretiacion & eftimacion

qui a efte faifte d'vng ften vaifleau qui fut (fe di6t II) prins par le feu Strofly pour fen feruir en fon veoiage de mer, comme

Je feray fere des aultres prinfes qui viendront a ma congnoiflance

eftre faiftes par mes fubiedz fur ceulx d'Efcofle ainfy quil conuient a 28 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. ]583. lamitye & alliance fi eftroiae qui eft entre ces deux coronnes. Priant

Dieu, Monfieur le Conte, vous auoir en fa fan6te et digne garde.

Efcript A Paris le xxviije Jour de May 1583. HENRY. A Monsieur Le Comte d'ARGYLE.

22. The Sieur de la Motiie Fenelon Ambassador from the Court of Fran'CE to Colin sixth Earl of Argyll.—

Jan. 25, 1583.

Monfieur, J'auoy defire de vous pouuoyr bailler en prefance cefte

aultre lettre que le Roy trefchrestien mon feigneur vous efcript. Et

a ceft effeft J'auoy prie le Roy voftre fouuerain quil luy pleut vous

efcripre, et a ceulx de fa nobleffe de venyr en ce lieu, atfin de vous

pouuoyr expoler a toutz ce que fa Majefte trefchrestienne m'auoit

donne en creance pour vous dire. Mais voyant la longueur qu'on vze

en cella, et que J'ay trouue vng fi oportun meffager comme ceftuy

cy qui vous va trouuer, J'ay bien voulu vous fere tenyr par luy ladite

lettre, par la quelle vous comprendrez affez la bonne et droifte In-

tention que fa JNIajefte trefchrestienne a vers le ferenifsime Roy fon

l)ou fi-ere, et vers vous, et les de fa nobleffe qui eftez des

plus principaulx d'Icelle, et vers le bien de I'Eftat, et de luniuerfel

repoz, et conferuacion de toutz les gens de bien du Royaulnie, dont

efperant que vouldrez trefuolontiers aflifter cefte tant bonne intention

de fa ditte Majefte trefchrestienne, Je n'adioufteray rien dauantage

a fa dite lettre que ce que pourrez entendre par ce feigneur prcfent 1588. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 29 porteur, lequel i^'eR trouue en cefle court a mon arriuee. Et prieray aufurplus noftre Seigneur, apres auoyr falue toutes voz bonnes grades de mes humbles trefaifeftionnes recommandacions, enfemble celles fil vous plait de madame la comtefTe, q'uil vous donnt et a Elle,

Monfieur, En trefparfaifte fanfte treflongue vye, Et tout le bien & prosperite que vous defire. Don Edinbourg ce xxv^ Jour de Januyer fellon la nouuelle computacion de France et xv^ fellon lancienne 1583.

Voftre bien fort humble et obeiflant a vous fere feruice.

A Monsieur Monsieur le Compte d'Arguil.

23. King James VI. to Archibald seventh Earl of Argyll.—

Sept. 21, 1588.

Richt traift coufing, We greit gow hartlie weill. The fame occafioun that moved ws to tak panis in our awin perfoun at the bordouris git continewing, and a number of thevis fugitives lying out and daylie 30 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1588. making incurfionis to the trouble of our gude fubiedis, We are movit to interteuy ane ordinar force aganis thame thir thrie nixt monethis,

And to that efFeft mon burding gow and your fi-eindis with four hundreth able footmen with bowis, or fa mony as may be with hag- buttis, the ane half to ferve for the moneth of 06tober nixtocum, and the vther half for the moneth of November. Quherfoir We defyr gow effeauouflie, all excufis fet apart, That ge faill nocht to cans the firft tua hundreth with fufficient Leaderis and prouifioun for xxx dayis be in Edinburgh i^ioun the xxviij day of September inftant, quhair we have appointed the Laird of Caddell to be thair commander, and to reffave and convoy thame to the place of feruice ; and befoir the laft day of 06tober that ge gar the vther tua hundreth, lykewais

providit, releiff thame, as ge will do acceptable pleafour and gude

feruice, and will give ws a pruiff of that affeftioun ge beir to the

furthering of our feruice, according to the lovable cuftome of

gour forbearis : Letting ws vnderfland be gour anliier in write with

this bearer quhat we fall certanelie lippin for. And fa We commit

gow to God. AT our caftell of Striuiling the xxj day of September 1588.




24. Queen Elizabeth to Archibald seventh Earl of Argyll.—

Jul. 23, 1595.

Right truftie and right wellbeloued Coufin, Wee greet yow hartelie

well : AVee haue vnderftoode fo fullie by our feruant Bowes, of your great care of fueh thinges as he of late hath recommended vnto yow, that wee cannot any longer forbeare to acknowledge the fame by our owne lettres, thereby to affure yow, that fuch is our contentment to find yow alfwell the lucceflbr of your noble fatheris love and good will to our Eftate, as the Inheritour of his fortune, that Wee are more and more defirous to vnderftand from yow in fome particular, howe

Wee might demonltratc our defire to pleafure and gratefie yow, being- one, whofe aftions haue confirmed to the worlde, not only your con- ftancie and faith to your Soueraigne in tyme of greatefl tryall, but alfo your Judgement in difcerning clearelie, howe diflionorable it would be for any man of noble bloodd to yelde the leaft counten- ance and affiftance to fo bafe and malitious Rebellis. Lett theife lynes therfore ferve wee pray yow for this tyme, and for forae other particuler giue faith to our fervant Bowes. And where Wee vnder- ftande that your Coufin Maclane is much at your devotion, and one of power and commandment in thofe lies of the Northe.

Wee doe defire yow, that he may find by yow, howe well yow are dif- pofed towardis vs, which wee doe knowe will much dire6le his courfes, and for which Wee wilbe found moll ready to requitt him. All which wee doe the more recommend to yow, becaufe Wee are informd, that our deareft Brother the King of Scottis did deale with yow for 32 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1604? the fame in the prefence of one of our owne feruantis imployed in

Bowes his abfence. Yeouen, at our Mannor of Grenewich, the xxiij"" day of Julie in the xxxvij* yere of our Raigne 1595.

Your most Assured Lovimje Coujin,


to our right trusty and right avelbeloued Cousin, the Erle of Argile.

25. King James VI. to Colin seventh Earl of Argyll.—

Feb. 8, [1604?]


Richt traift coufing and counlallour. We great you wele. Being

credibillie informit that the Lard of Auchinbrek, your coufing and waflall, hath as yit maid no redrefie of the oppreffionis and wrongis

committit by him and his complices upoun our fchirreff of Bute, and

the fewaris and tennentis of our awin propir landis within the Yle of

Bute, quhilkis partlie wer confeft and partlie provin aganis him in

prefence of ws and our Counfale thair, and quhilkis your felfF become

cautioun aftit in the buikis of our Secreit Counfale to fie redreffed

and fatilfeit ; bot in forder contempt of all law and iuflice continewis

ftill in oppreffioun and committing reiffis and fpoylis upoun our laid

fchirreflf and tennentis, to thair great trouble and wrak. Lyke as the 1604? THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 33 faid Lard of Aucliinbrek hath uot yit found that forme of cautioun injoynit to him be ws and our Counfale, anent the keping of our peace and gude ordour in that our cuntrie. In refpe6t quherof we haue direftit our lettre to our counfale thair, to tak ordour with the faid Larde, by directing out chairges aganis him boith for redrefTe of the faid fpoyles, oppreffionis, and wrongis ah-eddy committit be him in that our Yle of Bute, and finding of fufficient cautioun for the indempnitie of the faid fcliirreff and tennentis in tyme cuming.

And thairfoir fence ge are bimd be aft of Counfale as his cheiff and maifter to mak him anfuerable to our lawes, con forme to the gene- ral! band, that ge faill not, as ge will anfuer to ws upoun gour dewi- tie and alledgeance, to entir and prefent him as ge falbe requirit thairto, befoir our Counfale, to be tackin ordour with by thame as thai fall think expedient. And becaus we will not fuffer fie enor- miteis and oppreffionis to be committit vpoun our awne puir ten- nentis, that pais ws maill and dewitie, without examplar pvnifche- ment. We haue thocht g-ude heirby to gif gou warning, that in cais we heir any forder of thair oiDpreffioun or truble, We will impute the blame to gou, and provyde fie remeid as fall not fl:and with gour contentment. And fua wifcheing gou to judge how hardlie we con- fait of fie vyld oppreffioun of our poore tennentis, all the reft of our cuntries and dominionis being fo quiete as thai ar. We bid gou fair- wele from our Honnour of Hampton the viij of Februar


26. King James VI. to the Earl of Montrose Chancellor.—

Feb. 9, 1604.


Right trufty and welbeloued Cowfen and Counfellour Wee greete yow hartely well. Wee liaue confidered of the feruice of the Earie of Argyle, and finde it fuch as deferueth not only high commendation but fpeciall rewarde, whereby others may be encouraged to vndertake the like. And therefor it is our pleafour that yee enforme the reft of our counfell there, both of our good mynde towardis him, and con- tentment which wee haue of his feruice. How and in what mea- four wee are to recompenfe the fame wee haue not yet thought good to aduertife yow nor them, afwell in refpeft of other weighty aiFaires which wee haue in hand, as alfo becaule our Secretary of Scotland is fhortlie for our feruice to be here, to whome wee will at full com- municate our refolution in that point, whome wee fliall likewife eom- maunde to imparte the fame vnto yow. Thus wee bid yow farewell.

From our Pallace of Whitehall the nynth of Februarie 1604.

To OUR right trusty and welbeloued COWSEN AND COUNSELLOUR THE EaRLE OF Montros OUR chauncelour of our KINGDOME OF SCOTLAND. -^ tjr- Q^i^c^ 9r^H,^.' .^pA^ <^jy /n^ i'^ ^^„.rcM2^,4 \XU^^

b la -/v« *

<» ^/^if If*


27. King James VI. to Sir Thomas Hamilton of Monkland,

Knight, Advocate, 27 Dec. 1606.


It is our fpeciall pleafour and will, that the fummoiindis and proces of forfaulture intented at your inftance as our Advocatt aganis

M'Cloyde of Hereis for cei-tane fpeciall crymes of lele ma- jeftie and treafoun fpeciallye libellit in the faidis fummoundis, be con- tinewit in this nixt enfewing feflioun of Parliament of that our king-

dome, and that no proces be led tliairin at that fefRoun ; bot the famine continewit in the fame force and effeft to the nixt enfewing

Parliament thairafter : Quhairanent thir prefentis falbe to you a fuffi- cient warrand. Gevin at our Pallace of Whitehalle the xxvijth of

December 1606.

To OUR right trustye and weilbeloued coun- SELLOUR Sir Thomas Hamiltoun of Mounk-

land knight our Aduocatt in our kingdome op Scotland. 36 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1641.

28. King Charles I. to Archibald Marquis of Argyll.— 12 JuN. 1641.

Argyll, I am informed that one Lietennant Colonell Stewart im-

ployed lieere (as it is sayd) by the Earle of Montrose, lies deponed

something of his dealing with Traquaire, and that by him I flionld

banc giuen afsenrance of dispofing of fome vacant Places, to such

perfones as was joined in a kite Band with the E. of Montrose, there-

by insinuating that my jurnic to Scotland was onlie desyred and pro-

cured by JSIontrose and Traquaire, and lykewais that my intent there

in is rather to make and forder parties, then to receaue from, and

giue contentment to my Subjefts : Now fince that (by the grace of

God) I haue refolued of my jurnie to Scotland it makes me the more

curius, that my aftions and intentions, be not misconceaued by my

fubjefts there : Therefore in the firft place, 1 thinke fitt to tell you

that I intend my jurnie to Scotland for the satling of the affaires of

that Kingdome, according to the Articles of the Treatie, and in such

a way as may establish the affeftions of my People fully to me ; and

I am so far from intending dioision, by my jurnie, that I meane, so to

establishe Peace in State, and Religion in the Churche, that there

may be a happie harmonic amongst my Subje6ts there : Secondlie I

neuer made anie particular promis, for the dispofing of anie places in

that Kingdome, but meanes to dispose them, for the best aduantadgeof

my scruice, and therein I hope to giue fatisfaftion to my Subjefts : And

as for my Letter to jMuntrofe, I doe auow it, as fitt for me to wryte,

bothe for the matter and the ]ierfon to whome it is -nTitten, who for ' 'Mt^i'ftrlsTi^'ZSf^



anie thing I yet know, is no wais unworthie of fuch a fauor: Thus

hauing cleered my intentions to you as my particular seruant, I ex-

pe6t, that as occafion may serue, you may helpe to cleere thofe mis-

takes of me which upon this occasion may aryfe : Lastlie, for the

preparations for my cuming home I doe ratlicr mention it, to fliow

the constant resolution of my jurnie, then in anie dout of your dili-

gence therein : and fo I reft

Your afseured frend

Whythall the 12 OF June 1641. CHARLES R.

29. King Charles I. to Archibald Marquis of Argyll.—

9 May 1642.

Argyle, this is a tyme, wherin all my seruants, that ar able and will-

ing, will haue occasion to fliow them felfes ; and (according as they now apeare) will approue themfelfes worthie, or not, of my fauor amongeft whom, as it is well knoweii your power wants not to feme me, lb by your large expreffions, at my laft being in Scotland, and hauing, by fome reall teftimonies, fliowen the eftimation that I haue

of you, I cannot dout of your reddinefs ; and therfor I haue raoft particularly commanded this bearer Mungo Murray to acquaint you with the occalion of this next Counfell dayes meeting, as lykewais, which way I expeft your feruice therein, of which being confident, that I lliall haue a good account, I reft

Your moft afteured frend


30. Anne of Austria Queen Dowager of France to Archibald

Marquis of Argyll.—8 Jul. 1644.

Monsieur le Marquis d'Argyll. Le S' Gray, baron de Scheues qui a este men domesticque, desirant se retirer en Escosse, et m'ayant faift prier de le gratiffier de ma Recomraandation vers Vous, Je la luy ay

bien volontiers accordee fur la confiance que iay que Vous le fauori-

serez de vostre bienveillance par ma consideration, non seulement

comme Originaire d'Escosse, estant filz dun naturel Escossois, Mais

encor comme nay en France et esleue a nion seruice : Vous afleurant

que la faueur que vous luy ferez me sera si agreable, que ie prendray

tousiours a plaisir de vous faire paroistre les bons fentimens qui m'en

demeureront : Je prie Dieu cependant quil vous ayt Monsieur le

Marquis d'Argyll, en sa seure garde. Escrit a Paris, le huiftieme

Juillet 1644.

ANNE. A Monsieur Le Marquis d'Argyll. 1646. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 39

31. King Charles I. to Archibald Maruuis of Argyll.—

17 Nov. 1646.

New Castell, 17 Nm. 1646.

Argyle, I fliall not treble you with publike bufineffes, not douting but that you will doe according to your profeffions, wherfor this is only to recommend a particular to you which is concerning the ad- mittance of the Earle of Traquaire to his place in Parlament, defyr- ing you to further it what you can, which will be a courtoify much eftimed by

Your most afseured reall constant frend


32. King Charles L to Archibald Marquis of Argyll.—

4 Dec. 1646.

New Castell 4 De. 1646.

Argyle, I fend you heerin clofed my Anfwer which I haue refolued to fend to London, refering you to Will Murray for fhowing you what use I expeft you lliould make of it, in order to his feruice who is

Your most afseured reall constant frend CHARLES R 40 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1647.

33. King Charles I. to Archibald Marquis of Argyll. 23 Dec. 1647.

Carsbrooke 23 Decern: 1647-

Argile, housoeuer, heere to fore, you and I haue differd in Judge- ment, I beliue now that the prefent state of Affaires are fuch, as will make you hartely embrace my Cause, it being gi-ounded upon thofe

particulars that were neuer in question betweene you and me : and for those things wherein you and I yet may be of feuerall opinions, I haue giuen such satisfadion to the Scots Commifsioners, that with confidence I desyre your concurrence in what hath beene agreed betweene them and me, knowing your zeale to your Country, and

your many profefsions to me : as this bearer will more at large tell you, to whom referring you I rest

Your moft afseured reall constant



I defyre you to beliue whatsoeuer

Traquaire will tell you in my name.

For the Marquis of Argyle. 1648, THE AR (n L L LETTERS.

34. Henkietta Makia Qpeen of Ch.\rles I. :'::' Jan. Hihs.

Addressed in Cyphers thvs:- ' ' Wf.f: ^: ^o^ ^i ^02. :

r-n-xj: ^^ pi: (fp.: -v.- pv : 6y: cv t<).'-^-ta.6^fy:ff:/l://,^.

04- ^' ^2.' a.: A.'Y': l^.-J: ft^:a:^: ^2/-/^/

7- • (jy: jfj : j^/ !. 2: A. i/l /^ Li"^: t^: ^:p: l/f:^^:/i:J?

^^': c;4-' A: ^J.- 6y: u^:p.\g^ ^ '//-' Q^- £^ aMi4.r^ yo: t^s

c: A: 1/22: 1/7: tS"": K'^./^i. a: 'i^^ c: /vy. y. '/:*',- ^^- (p: 'J.

O^: /i: ^: /Y^.' /a: a.- ^Z//' Cc>: Ui bi'li: 'T': t/23:^: t^:i^:yr:

' ^ ^"^ }^^-^: H^4ayr7nj Jfr f- ' (j^: fz: (f'l/ ^uz /lJ-mynjt r :J 'L

c^'- uo: ^: w.-ti-'M-j^. &2: u.r-- ^t-- b-7:p6i A:Og.d: 4.J: jf^,

{a. ire/2ifc- Jc^': H^/d^::^)"- /<>f:^-':*'''f-^:^^''^:^-z:M.-^^<.^e^

'cnrti/ d: IV : A: ^^2.: f/:4': ^-i-o: c: C2;^: ty: aU2: _T.V

-tlo i>2'2 ' /'. q: u^: a u^ l^6: j.d , a^iu. yz.- c^y /c^: ^^' If -yt?^: 42 THE AKGYLL LETTERS. IMH.


J£4V, nu^fi^ C/^ 1652. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 43

34. King Charles II. to Archibald Marquis of Argyll.—

14 Oct. 1652.

My Lord,

Since both by my absence and ill fortune, I want occasion and meanes to put myselfe in any probability of giving you foe reall an acknowledgement of thofe respe6ts to ray person and affeftion to ray

Interefts you have soe cffedively shewed att my beeng in Scotland, as they deierve ; I iliall herewith defire your Lordfhip to be satisfied with the thanckfullnesse I shall ever conserve in my minde towards you, untill feme good oportunity make rae as capable, as I fliall be ready, to shew my felfe really

Your Lordfliips

Moll affedionnate frend

to ferve you


Haghe this 14 of Oct. 1652.

For my Lord Marquis of Argile. 44 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1654.

35. Orders by General Middleton to Archibald Lord Lorne.

—Jul. 2, 1654.

You are heereby authorized and commanded to place a Gamfon iu

Caftle Keth home, and to defend and keepe the fame to the utmoft of your power for his Majefties fervice agaynft all oppolitions what-


JO. MIDDLETONE. Given under my hand At Lud

in Athol, Jul. 2, 1654.

For the Right Honorable Archibald Lord Lorne.

You are heereby authorized and commanded to place a Garriibn in

Alahalader, and to defend and keepe the fame for his Majefties fer-

vice to the utmoft of your power agaynft all oppofition whatfoever.

JO. MIDDLETONE. Given under my hand At Lud

in Athol, Jul. 2, 1654.

For the Right Honorable Archibald Lord Lorne. :


36. Letter to his jNIajestie (King Charles IL) from my Lord LoRNE HIS freinds.—26 Jul. 1661.

Moll Gracious Soveraign,

The fone of Crefus having been dumb from his nativity, yet notwith- ftauding when in a battle he perceaved a foldier ready to flieath his fword in his fathers bowells, his vehement zeall for his fathers pre- fervatione burft afunder thefe tyes which fo far had bound up his tongue from fpeaking, and made him cry out for fafety to his dear father. The lyke affection have laid a force upon us the Cadets, kinf- men and branches of the houfe of Argyle, having of that fudden de- folatione and calamity that is com upon that houfe to break of filence, and in all humility, to reprefent to j'our Majeftie the conftant, uninterrupted, inbred loyalty and fidelity born by our Cheifs and our fore fathers to your Majefties royall predicelTors, which they have teftified by the performances of many notable fervices in ages paft.

As in the year of Chrift, 1155, when that grand rebell Somerled did confpire againft his foveraign Malcome the 4th called the JVIay- den, raifed a great army of Iflanders and others, made a horrible devaftatione over all the main land of this kingdome, Gilchrift then

Earle of Angus, being fent by the King againft him with ane army, was eminently afifted by our Cheif, his freinds, and followers

Somerled the rebell was overthrown, and forced to flie to Ireland, wher gathering a new power, returned with lyke hoftility, as before, was fubdued upon the river of Clyde, fuffered due punifhment at

Glafgow, for his proud treafonable attempts. 46 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1661.

In the year 1306, that renouned Prince King Robert Bruce,

Ihortly after his Coronatione being routed at Mefiin near Perth by

Sir Emery Walleine Leivtenant Generall to King Edward the 4th of England, and forfaken of the moft part of his freinds, his Queen being taken, made prifoner in the tour of London, his brethren putt into death, and the fmall remander of his army, which condufted him, being again routed at Strathphillan by John IVI'Dougall of Lome defcended from Somerled ; our Cheif at that tyme Sir Neill Camp- bell, with a moft conftant loyalty adhered to King Robert in his great extreamity with his kinfmen and followers, condufting him firft to Argyle, then to Kintyi-e ; and from thence (being ftill followed by the faid John,) unto the Ifle of Rachrine near Ireland, where he wintred, and was preferved for a tyme, untill he remafled fome forces, returned the nixt year to the Ifle of Arran ; and from thence landed

in Carrick, furpryfed the Caftle of Turnberry ; from thence went to

Invernefs, by the montanous way ; and ever after did profecute his

Aiftories with many wreftlings, till in end he routed Edward the

2d of England, called Carnavan, at Bannockburn, near Stirling,

delyvered Scotland from a long and cruell bondage, gott in Stirling

Caftle, and all the ftrong holds of the land, being always ftrongly

afifted by Sir Neill Campbell our Cheif and his kinfmen, upon whom

that renowned Prince beftowed his royall fifter Lady Marjorie Bruce

in marriage, pat many favours and marks of his princely love upon

him, and his houfe and children.

It was alone at this tyme, in September 1308, that thefe thrie

valiant knights. Sir Neill Campbell, Sir Alexander Seatoun, Sir

Gilbert Hay, made Indentouris, yet extant, fublcryved with ther hands 1661. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 47

and fealled with ther fealls, at the Abbay of Canibulkemieth, did bind themfelves to ftand to tlie outermoll in defence of ther fove- raign King Robert againft all deadly, as the Indentei' bears als well

French, Engiifli, as Scots.

King David Bruce I'ucceiding to his fathers crown, a child of fevin years old, in the beginning of his reign, anno 1332, then Edward

Balioll, afifted by many Engiifli and French, and many Scots alfo, did ulurp the crown of Scotland, and therafter fupjjorted by Edward the

3d of England, forced King David to flee to France, for fafity, (his partie in Scotland being brought fo low,) or to have loft all the ftrength of the Nation, except when none durft avow King David to be king. The firft chack to ther ufurping authority was given by the

Lord Robert Stewart his Majefties royall prediceflbr, who then was very young ; but in that great extreamity faithfully afifted by our

Cheif Sir Collen Campbell and his freinds, who by force invaded the caftle of Dunnoone in Cowell, took it in by aflault. Ther good fuc- cefs was fortunat, and lb well improven by the regents of young

King David, ftill afifted by our cheif and his freinds, that in end, they eftabliflied King David on his Throne. For the which fervice, this generous and kynd Prince beftowed many evidents of his royall bounty upon our cheif, as his evidents yet extant doe bear, as the heretabill keeping of this Caftle, with a yearly penfione for the fame ; as alfo he did create, John Campbell fon to Sir Neill, Earle of Athole.

King James the firft, of eternall and blefled memory, being 18 years detained prifoner by the Engiifli, his uncle Robert Duke of

Albany, and his tone Duckc IMurdoch, had in the opinion of all men fetled themfelves in the pofTefiion of the croM'n, never mynding to 48 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1661.

James, oi* bring liim home yet fuch was tlie hereditary ranfome King ;

and inbred loyalty of our cheiff, Sir CoUeu Campbell, that notwith- flanding of his alliance of his cldeft fone, Sir Duncan, in marriage

with Lady Marjory Stewart, Duke Roberts daughter, yet he rather

improved ther opportunity of freindfliip to the advantadge of his

Soveraign, then to his of his alliance, and privat refpe6t, and never

ceafed till he broght them to condifcend to the ranfoming and re-

eftablifliing of King James on his fathers throne.

King James 2"^ in his young years being redacted to great flraits by

the banding of many great men againft his authority, om- Cheif, then

Collen Earle of Argyll, did adhere moft conftantly to his Soveraign

Lord, laying out liimfelf to the outmoft for bringing doun lb danger-

ous a rebellion, and fettling the Croun in fecurity to his Sovereign.

His Sone alio Earle Archebald dyed feighting valiantlynear his Sover-

aign Lord and Prince James the 4"" in the fatall day of Floudon.

Neither is it to be over paffed that King James the o"* in his

years, as he was to take the goverment in his own hand, was

plunged into many difficulties, being crofled in his defigns by many

nobles of the greateft power of this Nation, notwithftanding our

Chief, Collen Earle of Argyle, flood conftant and firme to the man-

tainance of the royall authority, and in end was made leivtennent

generall of all the fouth flip-es ; in which fervice afifted alwayes with

his kinfman and freinds, he fo behaved himfelf, that within few dayes he

brought all the enemies either to abfolut fubmiffion, or then to

betake themlelves to banifliment out of the realme. For which fervice

this king putt a high mark of favour on that. The Charter of his re-

ward, beareth thefe words, For holding the croun upon our head. 1661. THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 49

Queen Maiy, mother to King James the 6*-^ of happy memory, efcaping prifon out of the caftle of Lochlevin anno Domini 1568, being forfaken (for the moil part) by the Nobilitie, in a moll dan-

gerous, backflyding tyme ; yet our Cheif, then Archebahl Earle of

Argyll, retaining his ancient inbred loyalty of that houfe, was not

wanting to her in her great extreamity, and was generall of her army, adhering ftill conftantly therafter to her partie, till fuch tyme as her foue King James came to be of confiderable age and underftanding, from whofe authority therafter he did never fhrink.

Wee fliall not vex yom- Majefties patience by making mention of many horrid infurreftions and rebellions of Iflanders, and remote mountanous men that have been broken, deftroyed and overthrowen by our Cheiffs and ther freinds, and how many notorious malefaftors and cruell oppreflbrs have been brought from ther ftrong holds and

inacceffible places, otherwayes hardly to be overtaken without great

blood fliead and expenee, and yet have been overcome and brought

by our Cheifs to ther condigne punifliment. Yea we may with all

confidence and credit avow, that never any of our cheifs, of the houfe

of Argyll or other Coufings or Cadeitts have been tainted to this day

with the leaft mark of dyfloyalty or diffobedience to ther foveraign

, the kings of Scotland ; but by the contrar they have alwayes

been raoft willing, to fett themfelves for bearing doun the infollencie

of the remote rebellious lawlefs men, which is much occafioned by

the remotnes and diftance of thefe places quher we live, far from the

lawes and Juftice, the horror of rocks, woods and mountains con-

tributing much unto this. Let the mod ancient of men be confulted,

and all the progrefs of the hiftory of this Nation confidered, and all 50 THE ARGYLL LETTERS. 1661.

that we Lave faid fliall be found to be certain and unanfwerable.

This moved the wyfeft of Princes in his tyme, King James of happy memory, to give this teftimony of our family, that it was the foundeft and moll loyall family to the croun of Scotland that ever he knew.

And now, Sir, when your facred Majellie, after fo many fad fuf- ferings, hes foe fully tailed of the fweet mercy of Jefus Chrill, who hath lifted up your head above all your enemies round about yow, by a miracle of unexempled mercy, and when yow are, nixt God, over thefe kingdomes, when fo Sir it fliall be your glory to be lyke unto

God, whole mercies are over all his works, remember our Cheif, now in his low condition, with reference to his old progenitors ,and us his poor kinfmen ; and as we have allready faid, lett the moH ancient and prudent be demanded, and let your regifters and records be looked, and try, if ever any other family of Scotland hath done to

your Majellies royall progenitors foe many acceptable fervices in fo

many ages, conftantly continowed without any crack, backflyding or

remiffion ; then fliall it be no greif to your Majeftie, nor offence of

heart, that yow have not rooted out fo loyall and fo ancient a family,

who in moft backflyding tymes have fl;ill retained our loyaltie and

integrity, and it fliall be our dayly prayer to our God to make unto

your Majeftie and your royall pofterity a fuir houfe ; and this we doe

all fubfcryve upon the knees of our heart, and our tears in our eyes,

as your Majellies

Moll humble and obedient Subjefts & Servants.

26 Julie 1611. I

I (d: 1685. THE ARCxYLL LETTERS. 51

37. From the Earl of Argyll to his Son on the day of his

Execution.—30 June, 1685.

Edinhur(fh Cajtle 30 June

Deare James 85.

Learne to feare God it is the only way to make you happie heere and heerafter Loue and refpeft my wifFe and hearken to her aduice the Lord blefs you. I am

Your louing Father


For Mr. James Campbell.



1. Charter under the Great Seal by King James III. to Colin Earl

of Argyll, of the keeping of the Caftle of Dunoon in Cowall.— 1 8 Jan.


Jacobus Dei gratia Rex Scotorum Omnibus probis hominibus tocius

terre fue clericis et laicis falutem. Sciatis quod commifimus, ct tenore

prefentium committimus dilefto confanguineo noftro Colino Comiti

de Ergile, Domino Lorn et Cambell, Magiftro hospicii noftri, cufto-

diam caflri noftri de Dunvne, cum poteftate conftabularios, janitores,

carcerum cuftodes, vigiles, ac ceteros Officiarios ad difti Caftri cufto-

diam neceflarios, conftituendi, ac eofdem de fuis offieiis quotiens opus

fuerit remouendi, et alios eorum loco imponendi ; ac omnia alia et

fingula faciendi et perimplendi que ad difti caftri noftri euftodiam

neceflaria fuerunt feu etiam oportuna. Pro cuiufquidem caftri noftri

cuftodia conceffimus, et per prefentes concedimus, et donamus, et pro

perpetuo confirmamus eidem Colino, terras noftras de Bordlande cum pertinen, extenden, annuatim ad viginti feptem marcas vfualis mo-

nete Regni noftri, jacen. in balliatu de Cowale, cum ceteris feodis ad

euftodiam difti caftri fpeftan. Tenend. et habend. euftodiam difti caftri noftri de Dunvne, vnacum terris de Bordlande pro cuftodia —

56 APPENDIX. 1499. eiufdeni, dido Coliuo et heredibus fuis, de nobis heredibus et fuccel-

Ibribus noftris in feodo et hereditate imperpetiuun, cum omnibus et

Singulis libertatibvis, commoditatibus, et afiamentis, ac juftis fuis perti- nentiis quibuscunque, tarn non nominatis quam nominatis, ad diftum officium cuftodie caftri, et ad prefatas terras cum pertinen, fpedan,

leu quouifmodo jufte fpedare valen. in futurum, adeo libere, quiete,

jdonarie, intcgxe, bonorifice, bene et in pace, iine reucatione aut reti-

nemento noftri vel luccefforum noltrorum quorumcunque. Reddendo

inde anuuatim didus Colinus et heredes fui nobis, heredibus. et i'uc-

ceflToribus noftris, vnam rofam rubeam, apud didum caftrum, pro didis

terris et officio, in fefto natiuitatis beati Johannis Baptitte, nomine

albe firme, fi petatur. In cuius Rei teftimonium prefenti carte noftre

niao-num Sigillum noftrum apponi precipimus. Teftibus reuerendis in

Chrifto patribus Thonia Epilcopo Aberdonenfi, &c. Apud Edin-

burgh, decimo o6tauo die menfis Januarii Anno Domini millefimo

quadringentefimo teptuagefimo iecun

tertio. [JM/. Mof/. Si(/. vii. 189.]

2. Letter under the Privy Seal to Archibald Earl of Argyll of the

Office of Keeper of the Houfe of Tarbat.—Aug. 22, 1499.

A Lettir maid to Archibald Erie of Ergile, Lord Campbell &c. of the keping of the hous of Tarbat, togidder with the balyery of governans of

the landis of Knapdale pertening to the Kingis hienes, and als of the

proffitis and dewiteis pertening to the lamyn, to endur for our

Soveranis Lordis ^yill cvjc. —Aug. 22, 1499.— [-St^.y. Sec. Si

1529. APPENDIX. 57

3. Commiffion to Archibald Earl of Argyll of the office of Juflice

General within the bounds of the Lordfliipof the Ifles. —Apr. 26,1500.

Jacobus, &c. Omnibus probis hominibus fuis ad quos prefentes litere pervenerint, Salutem, Sciatis quod fecimus, conftituimus et ordinavi- mus, ac tenore prefentium facimus, conftituimus, et ordinamus dilec- tum confiliarium et Cancellarium Archibaldum coinitem de Ergile, dominum Campbell et Lome, noftrum Locumtenentem generalem infra bondas dominii noftri Infularum et terre firme ejufdem, olim

Johanni Domino Infularum pertinen. Infula de lie et duobus le

Kintiris exceptis. Dan. et conceden. eidem Arcliibaldo, noftro Lo- cumtenenti, noftram plenariam poteftatem, et mandatum fpeciale, infra didas bondas et partes, ac terras infra eafdem, necnon nollros ligeos et fubditos in eifdem commoran. et remanen. regulandi et gu- bernandi, ftatuta, ordinationes, et regimina inter eos pro gubernatione eorundem concedendi, &c. &c.—26 Apr. 1500 [Re(/. Sec. Siff i, 122.]

4. Letter imder the Privy Seal to Archibald Earl of Argyll, of the office of Juftice General, &c.—28 Oft. 1529.

Preceptuni Litere Archibaldi Comitis Ergadie conftituens eum Juf- ticiarium Generalem infra totum regnum Scocie,ac Magiftrum holpicii

5. D. N. Regis pro toto tempore vite fue. Dan, et conceden, &c.

Apud Drumfreis 28 Oft. 1529.—i^e^r. Sec. Si(). viii, 132. H —

58 APPENDIX. 1541.

5. Protc6lion to Archibald Earl of Argyll and his friends during his abfence M'ith the King in France and until his return. —28 Aug. 1 536.

Ane prote6tioun, refpitt, faufgard, and exeniptioun maid to Archibald

Erie of Ergile, Lord Campbell and Lornc, his kin, freyndis, and feruaudis, John Campbell of Caldour knycht, John Campbell of

Lundy knycht, &c. &c. &c. to the nowmer of ij^ perfonis, to Indure fra the day of our Soverane Lordis departing furth of his realme quhill his retuniyng agane within the famyn and xl dais therefter.

Exemand tliame and ilkane of thame fra all anfuering and compering before quhatfumever Juge or Jugeis fpirituale or temporale during

the faid fpace &c. At Stirling 28 Auguft 15.36 Per Siguaturam —

'iRey. Sec. Si;), x, 153, 157.]

6. Letter under the Privy Seal to Archibald Earl of Argyll, of the

office of principal Keeper of the foreft of Mammyllorne in Braidal-

bane.—Dec. 30, 1541.

Ane Letter maid to Archibald Eric of Ergile, JSIakand liini principale

kepar of our Soverane Lordis foreft of Mammyllorne in Braidalbane,

during our faid Soverane Lordis will ; ^^'ith power to him to mak and

depute under him fervandis and keparis of the fammyn, and thame

to remove, output and Input als oft as he plefis &'' At Edinburgh

the penult day of December the geir of God I™ V xli geris. Per

Signaturam \_Iie(/. Sec. Sicj. xv. 67-] 1573. APPENDIX. 59

7. The Testament Dative and Inventar of the Guidis, Geir &c. pertening to Archibald Earl of Argyll.—Sept. 1573.

The Teftament datiue and Inuentar of the guidis geir foumes of money and dettis pertening to vmquhile ane nobill and michtie lord Archi- bald erle of Argile Lord Campbell and Lome Chancellar of Scotland the tyme of his deceis Qulia deceift in the moneth of September the geir of Cod I™ V^ Ixxiijgeiris ffaithfullie maid and gevinvp be ane nobill and potent Lord Coline erle of Argile Lord Campbell and Lome his bruther and executour datiue decernit to him be decreit of the Com- miffaris of Edinburgh as the lame of the dait the viij day of May the geir of God I™ V*= Ixxvj geris at lenth proportis.

In the firft the faid vmquhile nobill and michtie Lord had the guidis geir Ibumes of money and dettis of the avale and prices efter follow- ing pertening to him the tyme of his deceis foirlaid viz. in vtencilis and domicilis with filuer wark by the airfchip eftimat to the foume of foure hundreth pundis.

Suma of the Inuentar iiij'^ lib.

Followis the dettis awand to the Deid.

Item thair wes awand to the faid vmquhile nobill and michtie

Lord be his tennentis refpe6tiue eftir following for thair half fermes of the crope and geir of God I™ V'^ Ixxiij geris viz. be his tennentis of Lome for thair half fermes of the crope foirfaid Ivi bollis raele price of the boll xxiiij s. Summa Ivij lib. iiij s. Item awand be the tennentis of Argile for thair half fermes Ixxilij bollis mele price of the boll xxiiij s. Summa Ixxxviij lib. xvj s. Item awand be the ten- 60 APPENDIX. 1573. nentis within the bouiulis of Cowall Ix boUis mele price of the boll xxiiij s. Summa Ixxij lib. Item awand be the tennentis of the ten pund land of Campbell xxiiij boUis vittall price of the boll xxxiij s. iiij d. Summa xl lib. Item awand be the tennentis of Menftrie fex chalder malt price of the boll xl s. Summa j*^ Ixxxxij lib. Item mair xvj bollis ferme mele price of the boll xxiiij s. Summa xix lib. iiij s.

Item mair ane chalder quheit price of the boll xl s. Summa xxxij lib.

Item awand be the tennentis of Lome xv bollis beir price of the boll xxxiij s. iiij d. Summa xxv lib. Item be the tennentis of Argyle xx bollis beir price of the boll xxxiij s. iiij d. Summa 1 merkis Item awand be the tennentis of Cowall xl bollis beir price of the boll foir- faid Summa j<^ merkis Item awand be the tennentis of Lome Cowall and Argile for thair Witfounday termes male in anno foirfaid Ixvj lib.

xiij s. iiij d. Item awand of male martis and in the Bowhoufis fevin

Icoir martis price of the pece ourheid iiij lib. Summa y" Ix lib. Item

awand be the tennentis of Argile Cowall Lome and Campbell fex

Icoir ftanes cheis price of the ftane ourheid vj s. viij d. Summa xl lilj.

Item awand be the tennentis of the baroneis of Mukkert Dollour and

Menftrie for thair faid Witfounday males time fcoir nyne pundis fex

fchillingis audit penneis Item awand be Sehir James Hamrailtoun

for the efchete gudis and reftis of Robert fumtyme Bifchop of Dun-

keld the foume of twa hundreth and fourtie pundis.

Summa of the dettis awand to the deid I" j'^^ xij lib. iiij s.

Summa of the Inuentar with the dettis 11™ xij lib. iiij s.

To be deuidit in twa pairtis The deidis pairt is I™ vj lib. ij s.

Quhairof the quot is componit for xl lib. 1584. APPENDIX. 61

8. The Testament Testamentar and Inventar of the Guidis Geir &c.

pertening to umquhile Lord Colline Erie of Argyll &c. Juftice Ge- nerall of Scotland, and Latter Will of the faid Erie.— 5 Sept. 1584.

The Teftament Teftamentar and Inuentar of the guidis, geir, fowmes of money, and dettis pertening to vmquhile ane noble and potent

Lord, Collene Erie of Argyll, Lord Campbell and Lome, Chancellar and Juftice Generall of Scotland &c. at the tyme of his deceife, qiilia deceift in the place of Darneway, vjjoun the tent day of September, the geir of God I"" V*^ Ixxxiiij geiris ffaythfuUie maid and gevin vp be ane uobill and potent Lady, Dame Annas Keyth, Countes of

Argyle, his relift Ipous, quhome the faid vmquhile nobill and potent

Lord nominat and conftitut his onlie executrix and intromeffatrix, with his haill guidis and geir, &c. In his Latter Will vnderwritten, of the dait at Darneway the fyft day of September, the geir of

God foirfaid, as the lamyn, fubfcriuit be the faid vmquhile nobill

Lordis awin hand, witneffis, wnderwrittin at lenth proportis.

In the firft, the faid vmquhile noble and potent Lord Colene Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lome, Chancier and Juftice Generall of Scotland, &c. had the guidis, geir, foumes of money, and dettis of the awaill and prices efter following, pertening to him the tyme of his deceife foirfaid, viz. vpoun the ground and landis of within the bowhouflis of Argile, pertening to the faid vmquhile noble and potent Lord, xv fcoir ky, price of the pece ourheid v ti. yj s. viij d. Summa I"" vj'^ ti. Item, vpoun the ground and landis of 62 APPENDIX. 1584.

Campbell, thrie hundretli wedderis, price of the pece ourheid xx s.

Summa iij<^ Ix ii. Item, in filiier wark by the airfchipe, tua filuer baffingis, tua laweris, audit filuer coupis, thrie filuer faltfattis, tuelf

trunfcheouris of filuer, tua filuer flackonnes, faxtene filuer fpoynes, thrie homes fet with filuer, ane mal'cer, tua filuer fuitis with thair

coueris, extending in wecht to xx pund weclit of filuer wark, price

of the vnce wecht xl s. Summa vj<= xl ii money. Item, in Campbell,

auchtene pece of tapefl;rie, by the airfchipe, eftimat and extending to

the foume of tua hundreth ti. Item, in vtencilis and domiciles with

armour within the places of Darneway, Campbell, Denn\Tie, and In-

uerairray, with the abuilgementis and ornamentis of the faid \TJiquhile

nobill lordis body, by the airfchipe, efl;imat and extending be jufl; cal-

ctilatioun to the fowme of viij= Ixviti. xiiis. iiij d.

Summa of the Inuentar iij™ vj*^ Ixvj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Na dettis awand to the faid vmquhile noble and potent Lord.

FoUowis the dettis awand be the laid vmquhile nobill and

potent Lord.

Item, thair was awin be the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Lord

Colene Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lome, Chancellar and

.Juftice Generall of Scotland, &c., to vmquhile Dame Jane Cwnyng-

hame, auld Lady of Argyle, for ane annuelrent furth of the laid vm-

quhile nobill and potent Lordis landis of Baquhen and Boquhoppell,

refl;en the Mertymes terme in anno I"" "\'''= Ixxxiij geiris and Wit-

founday terme hi anno I™ V Ixxxiiij geiris, the fowme of iij*" iij ti.

vj s. viij d. Item, mair to Mr. Ncill Camjabell, bifchope of Argyle, for

the teynd of Dennvne in amio I™ V*" Ixxxiiij geiris, the fowme of j*^ ti.

Item, awin to the King his Majcfl;ie for the few male of Argyle in 1584. APPENDIX. 6S anno I™ V^ Ixxxxiiij geiris the Ibwme of j*^ ti. Item, awin to the King his Majeftie, for the few maill of Teilling in anno I"" ¥*= Ixxxiiij geiris, the fowme of thrielboir vi ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Summa of tlie dettis awin be the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Lord .... vj*^ ti.

Reftis of frie geir the dettis deducit, iij°^ Ixvj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

To be deuidit in thrie pairtis. The deidis

pairt is, . . . j'" xxij ti. iiij s. vd.

Quhairof the Quot is componit for xl ti.

Followis the faid vmquhile noble and potent Lordis Legacie

and Latter vill.

At Darneway, the fyft day of September, the geir of God I"* V' fourfcoir four geiris. The quhilk day ane noble and mychtie Lord

Colene Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lome, Chanceller and

Juftice Generall of this realme, maid his Legacie and Latter Will as efter followis. That is to fay, —I Colene Erie of Argyle, Lord Camp- bell and Lome, Chanceller and Juftice Generall of this realme, being feik in body and haill in mynd, lewis my fault to the eternall Fader of hevin, and my banes to be bureit be my fi-eindis in the College kirk of Kilmun. Nixt I leif my fone Archibald, with his haill kin and freindis, to the proteftioun and mentenance of my Maifter, the

Kingis Maieftie, quhome I maift humble craif to accept in his gra- tious mentinance, and that in refpe6t of the trew feruice my predi- ceflburis hes done, and that I Mas willing to do, gif God fpairit my

dayis, and ordanis my faid fone and his freindis, to remane trew aiid 64 APPENDIX. 1584. conftant fervvandes vnto liis hienes, as lie and thai will defcrue my bliffing. Item, I leif my fpous, Dame Annas Keytli, tutrix tefla- mentar vnto my fone Archibald, and that during liis minoritie, and alfe I leif my faid fpous, my onlie executrix and intromeflatrix with my haill guidis and geir. Item, I leif my fone Colene in the go- uernament of Dougall Campbell of Auchinbrek, and efter him to my faid fpous, induring the tyme of his minoritie, and fcho be intromef- fatrix with his haill leving, and to put the farnyn to his vtilitie and proffeit as fcho will anfuer unto God. Itcin, I leif my dochter Annas

in the gouernament of hir moder, and to be brocht vp be hir ; and gif it pleis God to bring hir to the perfedioun of mariage, to be fett

fordwart be my fone Archibald and his freindis, quhom I ordane to

pay hir tocher. Item, it is my will that my fone Colling haif na

pairtage of geir, infycht or outfyclit, except famekle as is vpoun his

awin rowmes plenefit, that is now in my poffeffion, nor git the faid

Annas to acclame ony pairtag of the faid geir, bot that the haill

A'ndeA'ydit, except my wifis pairt, remane Mith my fone Archibald,

and that in refped he man pay the tocher of my faid dochter Annas,

and help and raentene my faid fone CoUene, be adwyfe of his freindis

vnderwrittin. Item, becaus the burding wilbe havie to my faid fpous

to reull and governe the cuntrie of Argyll and Lome &c induring

the tyme of my fonis minoritie I will and ordane to be adjunit with

hir in that behalfe, the intromiffioun of geir allanerlie except, thir

perfounes following conjun&lie, that is to fay, Duncane Campbell of

Glenvrquhy, Dougall Campbell of Auchinbrek, Johne Campbell of

Calder, James Campbell of Arkinglafs comptrollar, Archibald Camj)-

bell of Lochingell, and Mr. Neill Campbell Bifchope of Argyll, quhais 1584. APPENDIX. G5 fouiilull my fail! Ijjous fall follow in all thingis concerning the weill

of my fone and his cuntre ; and that na fubfcriptioun be maid towart the reflaweing of tennentis, diflribution of geir, or vther mater of importance, but the fubfcriptioun of thir thrie of the faidis perfounes, or ony tua of thame, to wit, James Campbell of Ardkinglafs, Johne

Campljell of Calder, and JMr. Neill Campbell Bifchope of Argyll, as men maift eweift and acquent with the cffairis of the cuntrie. Item,

I leif and ordanes my fax freindis foirfaidis, with aduife of my faid

Ipous, to modifie ane lewing to Collene Cami^bell, gounger fone natu- rall to my broder vmquhile Archibald Erie of Argyll, and that the

faid Collene vfe and follow thar counfall in all thingis ; and ficlyke, that his filter Jane Campbell be fott fordwart to liir mariage, and hii- tocher payit, according to my promeis, be my fone Archibald and his freindis. And alfe I leif Elfpeth Campbell, naturall dochter to my

Ainquhile broder, Archibald Erie of Argyll, to my fone, and to l)e fett fordwart in hir mariage be him and my freindis foirfaidis. Item,

I leif my faid fpous to aflc and craif all maner of dettis awand to mc, and ficlyke to pay all maner of dettis that mycht be jufllie craifit of

me ; becaus I am nocht of memorie that is awand to me, nor quhat

I am awand to vtheris. Item, I leif my baill fervandis to be j^ayit

of tliair feallies and rewairdis honeftlie at the fycht of my wyff and

freindis foirfaid, as thai will anfuer to God at the latter day. And this,

my latter will and teftament, I mak manifeft. In witncs quhairof I haif

fubfcryvit tlie famyn with my awin hand, day, jeir and place foirfaid,

and befoir thir witnefTes, Sir James Campbell of Ardkinglafs knycht

Comptrollar to our Souerane Lord, Thomas Tutour of Louett, Thomas

Mailer of Boyd, Mr. Dougall Campbell Dene of Brichen, George

I 66 APPENDIX. 1584.

Dumbar of Aullek, Alexander Stewart of Ballochmertene, and Johne

Ogftoun feruitoiir to the faid noble lord, and Collene Leithe, with vtheris diuerfe. Sic fubfcribitur Argyle, Ja. C. Arkinglafs, Thomas

Frafer of Knoky witnes, M. D. Campbell witnefs, Thomas Boyd

Avituefs, Alex'' Stewart witnefs, George Dumbar, Collene M'^Cleithe

of Craiginterf, Johne Ogftoun witnefs.

At Darneway the viij day of September, the geir of God 1°' V*^

Ixxxiiij geiris in prefens of the AvitnefRs vnder writtin, thay ar to fay,

Duncane Campbell of Glenvrquhy, James Campbell of Ardkinglafs,

Collene Leithe, James Kcyth, ]Mr. Dougall Campbell Dene of

Brechen, and Johnne Ogftoun, I, Colene Erie of Argyle Lord Camp-

bell and Lome, Chancellar and Juftice Generall of this realme, being

feik in body and haill in mynd, ratifeis and appreuis my Latter will

and teftament, quhilk is maid and fubfcryvit be me at Darneway the

fyft day of September, the geir of God I™ V"^ Ixxxiiij geiris, in all

pointis and heidis contenit thairin, with this addiflioun to be eikit

thairto : That albeit, I haif left and ordanit my fpous, Danie Annas

Keyth, tutrix teftamentar vnto my fone Archibald induring his

minoritie, and alfua intromeflatrix with my haill guidis and geir,

gif it falhappin, as God forbid, my faid and executrix thairof ; git

fpous to inlaik induring the tyme of my fonnes faid minoritie, or that

fdio happin to marie or be cuppled to ane hufband, but the aduife

and confent of Duncane Campbell of Glenvrquhy, Dougall Campbell

of Auchinbrek, Johnne Campbell of Calder, James Campbell of

Ardinglafs, Archibald Campbell of Lochingell, and JNIr. Neill Camj)-

bell Bifchope of Argyle, or of the maift pairt of thame ; in that cace, 1584. APPENDIX. 67

I will that fcho haif na forder place to occupy the faidis offices of

tutrix and executrix, bot that the faid Mr. Neill Campbell Bilchope of Argyll enter as tutour teftamentar vnto my fone and exeeutour

vnto me, quhome I admit and chefis in hir place and rowme, and the faid Mr. Neill to mak compt and rakkining of all his intromiffioun to my freindis foirfaid, fua that the famyn may be furthcumand to

the vtilitie and proffeit of my fonne ; and gif it falhajipin that my faid fpous remane tutrix and intromeflatrix with my faid fonnes lewing, that fcho beftow the proffeit and excreflance thairof quhilk remanis over his awin chargis and the chargis of his effairis to his vtilitie and proffeit, aither be reparatioun of his houffis or vtherwayis, be adwyfe of the freindis foirfaid, as fcho will anfuer vnto God. Alfua, gif my laid fpous inlaik be deceife allanerlie, I will tliat the tutorie and governament of my fecund fonne Collene becum into the handis of

Alexander Bifchope of Brechen, quhome I admit and chefis tutour vnto him during the tyme of his minoritie, incafe of my faid fpous

inlaik as faid is, and to intromet with his leving ; and that he fall mak compt of his intromiffioun to my freindis foirfaid, quhilk falbe furthcumand to my faid fonne Collene his vtilitie and proffeit, and beftowit be adwyfe of my faidis freindis. Attour incace of inlaik of my wyf, as faid is, I leif the gouernament of my dochter Annas vnto the faid Johne Campbell of Calder, and to his wyf, hir modir fifter, with the intromiffioun of hir haill leving that fcho hes or may fall vnto hir, quhilk thai fall put to hir vtilitie and proffeit, as thai will anfuer to

God, and thai to be comptabill for the fame to the freindis foirfaid.

And ficlyke, I ordane that na fubfcriptioun of reffauyng of tennentis be maid, or diflributioun of geir, or ony vther mater of importance, 68 APPENDIX. 1584. but the advyifs of Duncane Campbell of Glenvrquhy, Johne Campbell of Calder, and James Campbell of Arkinglas. And now, laft of all,

I leif my fone Archibald to be brocht vp be his mother and my freindis in the feir of God ; and ordanis and "willis him and thame that thai neuer fuarf nor fchrink bak frome the treu religioun of Jefus Cryft profeffit and jirechit within this realme, bot that thai, with thair bodeyis and guidis, manteue and fett forward the famin to the vtter- meft of thair poweris in all places, fpecialie within the boundis of

Argyle and Lome ; and that thai bald hand to the Kirk and Minifteris in pvniffing of vices, according to the ordour admittit and reffauit in

the kirk within the faidis boundis, as thai will deferue the bliffing of

the eternale God, and myne. And this, my lattere and laft %\ill, I

mak manifeft. In witnes quhairof I and my faid fpous, with the witnelis

foirfaidis, hes fubfcriuit the famyn with our handis, day, geir and

place foirfaid. Sic fubfcribitur Argyle, Ja. C. Arkinglas, Duncane

Campbell of Glenvrquhy witnes, James Keyth witnes, Johne Ogftoun


We, Mr. Johne Preftoun, &c. be the tennour heirof, ratifies, appreuis,

and confermis this prefent Teftament or Inventar, infafar as the

lamyn is deuly and lauchfuUie maid, of the guidis and geir foirfaidis

allanerlie ; and geuis and committis the intromiflioun with the famin

to the laid Dame Annas Keyth, onlie executrix teftamentar uominat

be the faid vmqubill nobill Lord, referuand compt to be maid be

her thairof, as accordis of the law. And fcho being fworne maid faith

treulie to exerce the laid ofiice, and hes fundin cautioun, that the

gudis and geii- foirfaidis falbe furthcumand to all pairteis haifand

intres as law will, as ane a6t maid thairvpoun beiris. 1584. APPENDIX. 69

9. Letter under the Privy Seal by King James VI. Ratifying the above Teftament, &c.—2 Oaober 1584.

Ane Letter maid, Makand mention That cure fouerane Lord, re- membering the thankfull and gude feruice of vmquhile Coline Erie of

Ergile, Lord Campbell and Lome, Chancellare and Juflice Generall of this realme, continewit alwayis to his depairting from this lyfe in

Godis feir and his hienes trew obedience, leving fingulare taikines of his luif, affeftioun and treuth toAvard his Maieflie, and committing the

cair, faulfgaird, and protedioun of his goung fone, hous, and freindis

vnder God vnto his hienes his Maieftie, accepting in gude pairt, and

allowing of the latter will of his faid vmquhile coufing, and Ipeciall

confidence repofit in his Majeftie, Thairfore Ratifieand, apprevand,

and for his hienes and his fucceflbures pcrpetuallie confirmand, the

Teftament and Latter Will maid be the faid vmquhile Erie of Ergile,

the conftitutioun of the tutorie teftamentare to his bairnis and

pofteritie, and order left and appointit for governament of his hous

affairis, cuntreis and offices during the minoritie and left aige of his

lone and apperand air, and remanent bairnis ; and willis and grantis

and for his hienes and his fucceflburis decernis and declairis that

the faid Latter Will and Teftament, the faid tutorie teftamentare,

and the foirfaid order and direftioun x^ontenit thairin, fall remane

firrae and immutabill, according to the will and mynde of the defunft,

taikand his rycht traift coufing Archibald now Erie of Ergile, the

fone, air, and fucceffoure of his faid vmquhile rycht traift coufing.

Dame Annas Keith his relift, thair bairnis, counfallouris, and freindis,

appointit for the governament of his hous, thair affairis, adionis, 70 APPENDIX. 1584. cauffis, landis, heretageis, lionouris, offices, levingis, pofleffionis, guidis, and geir, vnder his bienes firme peax fupplie, mantenance, protec- tioun, defence, and faulfgaird, to be vnburt, vnbarmit, vnmoleftit, troubbt, or in ony wyfe perfewit vtberwyfe then be the ordinare

lawis and courfe of Juftice of the realme ; and gevis and coni- mittis vnto thame full power and authoritie to execute and fet furdwart his bienes authoritie in all tbingis tending to the gude and quiet governament of the cuntreis, boundis, and pepill being vnder the jurifdidioun and rewle of the faid Erie of Ergile, according to the lawis and lovable cuftomes of this realme, and the liberteis, priuilegeis, and commiffionis grantit to his foirbearis, and con- forme to the generall bandis and orders aggreed vnto, and fubfcriuit be the baronis and landit men of Ergile, and vtheris the faid Erlis boundis of auld, for the keiping of publift quietnes and ftancheing

of the infolence of lymmaris and malefa6bouris in tyme bygane ;

quhilkis his Iiienes willis and declaris to Hand in full effed and force

during the minoritie and lefs aige of the faid Archibald, now Erie of

Ergile, &c. With command thairin to officiaris of armes to mak publi-

catioun of the fame be oppin proclamatioun at thair mercat croces

of the heid burrowis of this realme, and vtheris places neidfuU ; and

to command and charge all and findrie his bienes liegis, that nane of

thame prefume or tak vpoun hand to do or attempt ony thing tending

to the violatioun or prejudice of this his bienes declairit ^Till, protec-

tioun, and faulfgaird, as thai will anfuer to his JNIaieftie at thair bettir

maift charge and perrell, and -vTider all hieaft pane, charge and offence

&c. At Halieruidhous, the fecund day of Oftober, I™ V*^ Ixxxiiij geiris. Per Signaturam. 1587. APPENDIX. 71

10. The Testament Testamentar and Inventar of the Guidis, Geir,

Sowmes of Money, and dettis pertening to umquhill Dame Jane

Stewart Countes of Argyle, relid of umquhile Archibald Erie of Argyle &c. &c.—7 Jan. 1587.

The Teftament Teftamentar and Inuentar of the guidis, geir, fowmes of money, and dettis pertening to vmquhile ane nobill and potent

Ladie Dame Jane Stewart Countes of Argyle, relift of vmquhile ane nobill and potent Lord Archibald Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lome &c. the tyme of hir deceis, quha deceiffit in the Cannogait befyd Edinburgh vpoun the fe-vint day of Januar the geir of God jm yc ixxxvij geiris, faythfuUie maid and gevin vp be Katrene Ham- miltoun hir feruitrix, fpous to Capitane James Bruce in the Canno- gait, quhome the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie nominat. maid, and conftitut hir onlie executrix teftamentar and onlie intro- meflatrix with hir haill guidis, geir, fowmes of money, and dettis &c. in hir latterwillis vnderwrittin, of the daitis at Edinburgh and the Cannogait the faxt day of May, the tuentie-fax day of December, and fyft day of Januar refpeftiue the geir of God foirfaid, as the famyn at lenth proportis.

In the firft, the faid vmquhile Dame Jane Stewart Countes of

Argyle, reli6t of vmquhile ane nobill and potent Lord Archibald Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lome &c. had the guidis, geir, fowmes of money, and dettis of the awaill and prices efter following perten- ing to hir as hir awin proper guidis and geir the tyme of hir deceis foirfaid viz. Item of cungeit gold in poife ij*^ and xxx crounes of the 72 APPENDIX. 1587.

foune, price of the pace ourheid 1 s. Summa vc Ixxv lib. Item mair

xvj angell nobillis, price of the pece ourheid iiij lib. Summa Ixiiij lib.

Item mair xvj doubill doucattis, price of the pece ourheid vj lib.

Summa Ixxxxvj lib. Item ane Portingall doucat, price thairof xxx lib.

Item tua rofe nobillis, price of the pece ourheid vij lib. Summa

xiiij lib. Item ane pece of gold callit ane fouerane, price thairof

xiiij lib. Item of reddy filuer the fowme of ij" vij lib. money. Item

in filuer wark thriefcoir ten vnce wecht, price of the vnce ourheid xl s.

Summa j<= xl lib. Item in gold fmyth wark ane cheingie of gold and

fyve fcoir fax buttounes of gold brokin wark weyand all xvj vnce wecht

of gold, price of the vnce ourheid xx lib. Summa iij*= xx lib. Item in

vtencilis and domicilis with the abuilgementis of hir bodie eftimat

and extending to the fowme of ane hundreth merkis money. Item

ane taiblet of gold and ane gold ring weyand ane vnce and ane half

vnce wecht, price of the vnce xx lib. Summa xxx lib.

Summa of the Inuentar with the dettis 1"° v' Ivj lib. xiij s. iiij d.

^FoUowis the dettis awin to the faid vmquhile nobill and po-

tent Lady

Item thair was awin to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent

lady Dame Jane Stewart Countes of Argyle, reli6t of \anquhile ane

nobill and potent lord Archibald Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and

Lome &c. be George Home Laird of Broxmouth for his ferme and

dewtie of the faid vmquhile nobill Ladyis conjunft fie landis of Me-

kill and Littill Pincartounes of the crope and geir of God I™ "V=

Ixxxvij geiris xx chalderis widuall quhairof ten chalderis quheit at v 1587. APPENDIX. 73

lib. the boll, and ten chalderis beir at iiij lib. the boll. Summa I"" iiij<= xl lib. Item awin be James Lord Ogilwie for the fermes of the landis of Farnell of the crope and geii* of God I" V*^ Ixxxvij geiris xvi chal- deris of viftuall, half beir, half meill, jirice of the boll ourheid iiij lib.

Summa I"" xxiiijlib. money. Item mair awin be the faid George Home of Broxmouth for the dewtie of the faidis landis of Pinkartoun in anno foirlaid xxv bollis aittis, price of the boll iij lib. Summa Ixxv lib.

Summa of the dettis awin to the faid vmqnhile nobill and

potent Lady extendis to . ij'" v*= xxxix lib.

Summa of thelnuentar with the dettis iiij™ Ixxxxv lib. xiijs. 4 d.

Followis the dettis awin be the faid vmquhile nobill and po-

tent Lady.

Item thair was awin be the faid vmquhile nobill and potent

Lady Dame Jane Stewart Countes of Argyle, reli6l of vmquhile ane nobill and potent Lord Archibald Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and

Lome &c. to William Cockie goldfmyth burges of the Cannogait for ane geiris maill of the Ludgeing in the Cannogait occupyit be the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie in anno I™ V^ Ixxxvij geiris the fowme of Iiij lib. vj s. viij d. Item awin to Mathew Hammiltoun gentilman feruitour to the faid nobill Ladie for his geiris fie the fowme of xxvi lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item awin to Marioun Bruce ferui- trice to the faid vmquhile nobill Ladie for hir geiris fie the fowme of xxvj lib. xiij s. iiij d.

Summa of the dettis awin be the faid vmquhile nobill and

potent Ladie extendis to j*^ vj lib. xiij s. iiij d. 74 APPENDX. 1587.

Reftis of frie geir, the dettis deducit, iij™ ix' Ixxxix lib.

Na diuifioun.

Quhairof the quot is componit for j<^ merkis.

Followis the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladyis Legaeie

and Latter Will.

Be it Kend till all men be thir prefent lettres We Dame Jane Stewart

Countes of Argyle being now at the plefour of almychtie God feiklie and difeifit in our perfone, bot haill in fpreit, thankis to God thairfoir, and feing thair is nathing mair certane than deith nor mair uncertane nor the tyme, willing thairfoir in the meyne t)Tne to prowyd our warld-

lie effairis in caife of our deceiie at the gud plefour of God ; Thairfoir

to half nominat maid and conftitut, and be the tennour heirof nomi-

natis, makis, and conflitutis our weilbelouit feruitrice, and maift fpe-

ciall friend Katrene Hammiltoun, fpous to Capitane James Bruce, our

irreuocabill executrice, and onlie iutromeflatrix with all and fundrie

our guidis, geir, dettis, infycht plenneffing, and vtheris quhatfumewer

pertening to us be onie maner of way, leifand and difponand the famyn

to hir per ItheramDiffofitionem inter vivos, and that in recompence of hir

trew and faythfuU feruice done to ws thir monie geiris bygane, and

for fatiffaftioun of all maner of fowmes, dettis, fies, and vtheris that we

ar auchtand to hir for ony occafioun bygane, with power to hir to in-

tromet with, vptak, afk, craif, and reflaue the famyn, vfe and difpone

thairvpoun as hir awin proper guidis and geir at hir plefour. And this

to all and findrie quhome it eflfeiris we make it knawin be thir pre-

fentis, fubfcryvit with our handis at Edinburgh the faxt day of May

the geir of God I" Y" Ixxxvii geiris, befoir thir witneffes Mr. Henry 1587. APPENDIX. 75

M'^Calgean of Cliftounliall aduocat, Mathew Hammiltoune, and Mr.

George Makiefone noter publi6t heirto requyrit, Sic fubfcribitur

Countes of Argyle, Mr. Henry M'^Calgeane witnes, with my hand,

Mathew Hammiltoun of Achinlochane witnes. Eodem diefuprqfcript,

meri/eqtie et anno predi6i., et coram tejlibus prenominatis, di3. Katherina

Hammiltoun fuperJingulis premijjls a me notario fvhlico fubfcripto Jibi fieri peciit iti/irumentum in vberiori fm-ma extenden., liwam circiter

quartam pojl meridiem. Ita ejl Georgiv^s M'^Kiefcme tiotarius pvhlicus in

premijjls rogatus manufua.

Wpoun the xxvj day of December, the geir of God I™ V'' Ixxxvij

geiris, I noter publift vnderwi-ittin, at command of ane honorabill

Lady, Dame Jane Stewart, Countes of Argyle, in prefens of the wit-

neffis vnder fpecifeit, oppinlie red hir teftament, dewyfe, and Latter-

will, nominating and conftituand hir weilbelouit feruitrice Katrene

Hammiltoun fpous to Captane James Bruce, hir onlie executrix and

intromeflatrix, with all hir guidis and geir, as the faid teftament, fub-

fcrjrvit with the faid Dame Janes awin hand, of the dait at Edin-

burgh the faxt day of May, the geir of God I™ V* Ixxxvij geiris, at

mair lenth proportis ; And the faid Dame Jane appro ifit the faid tefta-

ment to be gTide, and to half irreuocabill ftrenth and effed : Thairfoir

the faid Dame Jane Stewart requyrit and commandit the faid Kat-

rene Hammiltoun to gif and delyuer to Dame Marie Stewart maiftres

of Gray tua gounes, viz. ane of clayth of gold, and the vther of blak

weluot, pafmentit with pafmentis of gold, and ane pair of muift beidis

of gold. For the whilkis the faid Dame Jane willit and commandit

the faid Dame Marie Stewart to be alfe gude, and to fatillfie the faid

Katrene Hammiltoun. Wharvpoun the faid Katrene Hammiltoun 76 APPENDIX. 1587- afkit inftrumentis ane or ma fra me, noter publift. vnderwrittin. And this was done in the faid Dame Jane Stewart hir awin Ludgeing in the

Cannogait, day and geir foirfaid, at nyne houris efternone or thairby of the faid day, befoir thir witneffes, Mr. John Lajmg keipar of our

Souerane Lordis fignet, and Eduard Kincaid his feruand, WiUiam

Cocky goldfmyth burges of Edinburgh, James Maitland vncle to

Johne Maitland of Auchincaffill, Mathew Hammiltoun of Auchin- lochane, and John Broun feruand to the faid Dame Marie, callit and requyrit heirto. Sic ftihfcribitur. Ita eft vt fremittitur Magifter

Jacolru^ Maitland notarius publicum, tejie ficjno meo et Ji^criptione


Wpoun the fyft day of Januar, the geir of God I"* V Ixxxvij geiris.

In prefens of me noter publift, and witneffes vnder writtin. Dame

Jane Stewart Countes of Argyle, being as appeirit to me feik in

bodie and haill infpreit, and perfyt in rememberance, appreifit, affermit,

and baid at the frie gift and liberall difpofitioun of all hir guidis,

geir, and Latterwill, whairof the tennour followis : BE it Kend till all

men be thir prefent lettres, We Dame Jane Stewart Countes of Ar-

gyle, being now at the plefour of Almychtie God feiklie and difeifit

in our perfoune bot haill in fpreit, thankis be to God thairfoir;

And feing thair is nathing mair certane than deith, nor mair incertan

than the tyme ; Willing thairfoir, in the meane tyme, to prouyde our

wardlie effaires in caife of our deceife at the gude plefour of God, thair-

foir to haif maid, nominat, and conftitut, and be the tennour heirof

norainatis, makis, and conftitutis our weilbelouit feruitrice, and maift

fpeciall friend Katrene Hammiltoun, fpous to Capitane James Bruce,

irreuocabill executrix, and onlie intromeffatrix with all and findrie 1587. APPENDIX. 77

our guidis, geir, dettis, infycht plenefing, and vtheris quhatfumewer

pertening to ws be onie mauer of way, leifand and difponand the famyn

to hir per liberam difpofitionem inter vivos ; and that in recompence of

hir trew and thankfinll fe«uice done to ws thir mony geiris bygane,

and for fatiffaftioun of all maner of fowmes, dettis, lies, and vtheris

that we ar auchtand to hir for onie occafioun bygane ; with power to

hir to intromet with, vptak, a(k, craif, and reflaue the famyn, iife and

difpone thairvpoun as hir awin proper guidis and geir at hir plelbur.

And this to all and findrie quhome it effeiris we mak knawin be thir

prefentis, fubfcryvit with our hand at Edinburgh the faxt day of

May, the geir of God I™ V Ixxxvij geiris befoir thir witneffis, Mr. Henry M'^Calgean of Cliftounhall aduocat, Mathew Ham-

miltoun, and Mr. George Makiefoune noter publift, heirto requyrit.

Sic Juhjcribitur Countes of Argyle, Mr. Henry M'-Cdzane witnes with

my hand, Mailiew Hammiltoun of Auchinlochane witness. Eodem die

Juprcdid:, inenjeque et anno predid:., et coram tejUbus prenorninatis, di6ta

Katherina HammiltounfuperJingidis premijis a me notario publicoJ'uh-

Jcripto Jibi fieri peciit iii/trumentum in vberiori forma extenden., Im-am

circiter cjuartam pojl meridiem. Ita eft Georgius Makiefone notarius

pid)licus in premijfis rogatus manu Jua. Maid to Katrene Hammil-

toun hir weilbelouit feruitrice, and fpous to Capitane James Bruce,

to be gude, valid and eiFeduall, and wald on nawayis alter the

famyn nor na pairt theirof vtherwayis nor fcho had done vjjone

the fext and tuentie day of December in this inftant geir of God

jm yc Ixxxvij geiris, befoir me noter publi6t, conforme till hir vther

Latter Will than maid, quhilk fcho alfua ratifeit, and reuokit all

vtheris ; and theirfoir willit the faid Katrene to do as the faid Dame 78 APPENDIX. 1587-

Jane had commatidit. Quhairvpoun the faidKatrene alkit inftrumentis

ane or ma fra me noter publi6t \iider writtin. And this was done in

the laid Dame Janes ludgeing in William Cockyis foirland in the

Cannogait, day and geir foirfaid at xj houris befoir nvne of the faid day

or thairby, Befoir thir witneffis George Home of Broxmouth, Thomas

Flemyng burges of Edinburgh, William Nifbet of Newtoun-Leis

and William Clarkfone in Pincartoun, callit and requyrit heirto. Sic fubfci'ibitm: Ita eft ut p-emittitur magijler Jacobus Maitland notarius

publiais, tejlejigno meo etj^ubfcriptimie manuali.

We Mr. John Preftoun, &c. be the tennour heirof Ratifeis appreuis

and conferrals this prefent Teftament and Inuentav, in lafar as the

famyn is deulie and laufulie maid, of the guidis and geir aboue fpeci-

feit allanerlie, and geuis and committis the intromiffioun with the

famyn to the faid Katrene Hammiltoun onlie executrix teftamentar

to the faid umquhile Dame Jane Stewart Countes of Argyle, referuand

compt to be maid be hir tlierof as accordis of the law ; and fcho being

fworne, has maid fayth treulie to exerce the faid office, and hes fundin

cautioun that the gudis and geir foirfaidis falbe furthcumand to

all parteis haifand interes as law will, as ane aft maid therupoun

beiris. 1588. APPENDIX. 79

11. The Testament Dative, and Inventar of the Guidis, Geir &c. pertening to umquhile Dame Annas Keyth, Countas of Argyle and

Murray, relift of umqubile Colene Erie of Argyle &c-.—16 Jul. 1588.

The Teftament datiue, and Inuentar of the guidis, geir, fowmes of money, and dettis pertening to vmquhile ane rycht honourabill and potent Ladie Dame Annas Keyth, Countes of Argyle and Murray, reli6t of vmquhile ane nobill and potent Lord Colene Erie of Argyle,

Lord Campbell and Lome &c. the tyme of hir deceis, quha deceiffit in the toun of Edinburgh vpoun the xvj day of July the geir of God yc jm ixxxviij geiris, ffaythfuUie maid and gevin vp be ane nobill and potent Lord Archibald Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and

Lome, hir lauchfuU fone, Colene Campbell of Lundie hir fecund fone, and Maiftres Anna Campbell hir lauchfuU dochter, executouris datiues decemit to thair faid vmquhile moder be decreit of the Com- mifferis of Edinburgh, and onlie acceptaris of the faid office in and vpoun tham, with adwyfe of James Keyth their faftour and chalmer- lane, haifing commiffioun and power for his enterefs, as the famyn decreit of the dait at Edinburgh the tent day of November the geir of God I" V'= Ixxxix geiris at lenth proportis ; becaus Dame Eliza- beth Stewart Countes of Murray, lauchfuU dochter to the faid vmqu- hile nobill Ladie, the vther executrix datiue decemit to hir, is be decreit of the Commifferis of Edinburgh fecludit fra the faid office of executrie vpoun the xxvj day of Junij the geir of God 1" V Ixxxxi geii-is, as the famyn at lenth beiris.

In the firft, the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Lady Dame Annas 80 APPENDIX. 1588.

Keyth, Countes of Argyle and Mm-ray, relift of vmquhile ane nobill and potent Lord Colene Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lome

&c. had the guidis geir, fowmes of money, and dettis of the awaill and prices efter following pertening to hir as hir awin proper guidis and geir the tyme of hir deceis foirfaid viz. Item in vtencilis and do- raicilis with filuer wark and abuilgementis of the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladyis bodie eftimat and extending be juftcalcula- tioun to the fowme of thrie hundreth threttie thrie pundis yj s. viij d.

Summa of the Inuentar, iij<= xxxiij lib. vj s. viij d.

FoLLOWis the Dettis awin to the faid vmquhile nobill

and potent Lady.

"Item, ther was awin to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent

Ladie Dame Annas Keyth, Countes of Argyle and Murray, reli6k of

vmquhile ane nobill and potent Lord Colene Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lome, &c. be George Dunbar of Afklifk chamerlane

of the erledome of Murray for the half filuer maillis of the fifchings

of Spey, reften of the croppis and geii-is of God I™ V"^ Ixxxvj and

Ixxxvij geiris, reften the fowme of ij™ iiij'' xiiij lib. iiij s. x d. Item,

awin be William M'^Kendowie perfone of AlTent, chalmerlane to the

faid nobill Ladie, of the landis of Pettie, Braichlie, Stratherne, and

Stranarne, the fowme of iij*^ Ix lib. money. Item, awin to the faid

vmquhile nobill Ladie be Alexander Stewart of Ballachmertyne

hir feruand and takkifman for his tak of the toun and landis of

Quhytemyre, of the croppis and geiris of God I" V= Ixxxvj and

Ixxxvij geiris, and for his half ferme of the Ixxxviij geiris crope, and 1588. APPENDIX. 81 for his tak of the fifcheing of the Slewye Puill, and tak of Cockettfeall of the crope and geir of God 1°" V'' Ixxxvij geiris, and for the half filuer maillis of Coquetfeall and Slewye Puill of the crope and geir of God I°» V Ixxxviij geiris, according to the compt laid and ex- aminat the fowme of vj"^ Ixxxiij lib. money. Item, mair awin to the faid Tmquhile nobill and potent Ladie be the faid Alexander

Stewart of Ballachmertyne, be vertew of ane obligatioun maid be him of the dait at Darneway the penult day of November, the geir of God I™ V'= Ixxxvj geiris, the fowme of j*^ Ixvj lib. xj s. iiij d.

Item, awin to the faid nobill Ladie be Hanife Wode hir officer and intromittour with hir leving of the landis and barronie of Fintres, the fowme of iij<^ Ixxxiiij lib. xj s. v d. Item, mair awin to the faid nobill

Ladie be Alexander Menteyth hir chalmerlane of Campbell, the fowme of j*^ Ixxxj lib. xij s. vj d. Item, mair awin to the faid nobill

Ladie be hir feruitour Chairlis Campbell of Kilbryde, hir chalmerlane of Calflayth and Skyi^anatfche, the fowme of vj<= Ixxvj lib. iij s. iiij d.

Item, awin be Artliour Stratoun of Myretoun, chalmerlane of Ilefgrig, conforme to his compt, the fowme of Ixxvj lib. iiij s. x d. money.

Item, mair awin to the faid nobill Ladie be George Baird of Auchin- madin, conforme to his compt fubfcryvit with his awin hand, the fowme of Iij lib. vij s. viij d. Item, awin be the laird of Pitmadin for the maillis and dewteis of his tak of the tonn and landis of

AUathan, reften the Witfounday and Mertymes termes in annis I™

V*^ Ixx, Ixxj, Ixxij, Ixxiij, Ixxiiij, Ixxv, Ixxvj, Ixxvij, Ixxviij, Ixxix,

Ixxx, Ixxxj, Ixxxij, Ixxxiij, Ixxxiiij, Ixxxv, Ixxxvj, Ixxxvij, and

Witfounday terme in anno I™ V Ixxxviij geiris, extending geirlie to XX lib., Summa iij*= Ixx lib. money. Item, mair awin to the faid L ;;

82 APPENDIX. 1588. vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie, be ane nobill and potent Lord

Johne Erie of Mars Lord Erfkine, &c. conforme to his obligatioun, the fowme of vj'' Ixvj lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item, mair awin to the faid nobill Ladie be Adame Bifchope of Orknay, commendatour of Haly- rudhous, and Dame Margaret Murray hir fpous, and Andi-o Stevin- fone merchand burges of Edinburgh, thair cautioner, the fowme of vj" Ixvj lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item, awin to the faid nobill Ladie be the

tennentis, takifmen, and parochinaris of the parochin of Ilifgrig, for

thair teindis of the faid parochin, pertening to the faid vmquhile

nobill and potent Ladie as takifwoman thairof, reften the crope and

geiris of God I™ V^ Ixxviij geiris, xxj bollis, tua firlottis quheit, price

of the boll iij lib. ; xiij boUis, tua firlottis beir, price of the boll xiij s.

and ixxj boUis, ane firlott teind meill, price of the boll xxxiij s. iiij d

Summa ij*^ Ixxij lib. x s. Item, mair awin to the faid nobill and potent

Ladie be the faidis tennentis, takifmen, and parochinaris of Ilifgrig,

for thair teindis of the faid parochin pertening to the faid vmquhile

nobill and potent Ladie as takifwoman thairof, reften the crope and

geir of God I" V Ixxix geiris, xxv boUis, ane furlett quheit, price

of the boll iij lib. ; Iviij bollis beir, price of the boll xl s. ; and fyve

fcoir ten bollis, tua firlottis meill, price of the boll xxxiij s. iiij d

Summa iij" Ixxvj lib. v s. money. Item, mair awin to the faid nobill

and potent Ladie be the faidis tennentis, takifmen, and parochineris of

Ilifgrig, for thair teindis of the faid parochin pertening to the faid vm-

quhile nobill and potent Ladie as takkifwoman thairof, reften tlie crope

and geir of God I"" V'= Ixxx geiris, xxviij bollis, thrie firlottis teind

quheit, price of the boll iiij lib. ; fyve fcoir four bollis ane furlett teind

beir, price of the boll Iiij s. iiij d ; and fyve fcoir ten bollis, thrie firlottis 1588. APPENDIX. 83

teind meill, price of the boll xl s ; Summa vj<= xiiij lib. x s. Item, awin to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie be the faidis tennentis, takifmen, and parochineris of Ilifgrig, for thair teindis of the faid parochin pertening to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent

Ladie as takkifwoman thairof, reften the crope and geir of God I™ V^

Ixxxj geiris, xxv bollis, tua firlottis teind quheit, price of the boll

liij s. iiij d ; Ixix bollis teind beir, price of the boll xl s ; and Ixij bollis

teind meill, price of the boll xxx s ; Summa ij*^ Ixxxxix lib. Item, awin to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie be the faidis ten- nentis, takifmen and parochineris of Ilifgrig, for thair teindis of the faid parochin pertening to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie as takifwoman thairof, reften the crope and geir of God I" V'^ Ixxxij

geiris, xxvilj bollis ane furlett quheit, price of the boll 1 s ; Ixxiiij

bollis, ane furlett teind beir, price of the boll xxxiij s. iiij d ; and fax fcoir bollis, tua firlottis XV teind meill, price of the boll xxvj s. viiij d ;

Summa iij'^ Ixxv lib. x d. Item, awin to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie be the faidis tennentis, takifmen, and parochineris of

Ilifgrig for thair teindis of the faid parochin pertening to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie as takifwoman thairof, reften the crope and geir of God I"" V^ Ixxxiij geiris xxvj bollis 3 firlottis quheit, price of the boll iij lib. ; Ixxv bollis tua firlottis teind beir, price of the boll xxx s ; and Ixxxxix bollis tua firlottis teind meilJ, price of the boll ourheid xxx s ; Summa iij'^ xlij lib. xv s. Item, awin be Cliarlis

Campbell of Kilbryd, chalmerlane to the faid nobill Ladie, of the landis of Skippinitfche and Killaflyd in Argyle for the half fermes of the faidis landis of the crope and geir of God I"" V« Ixxxviij geiris,

Ivj bollis, tua firlottis beir, price of the boll xl s ; and Ixv bollis ane ;

84 APPENDIX. 1588.

furlett meill, price of the boll ourheid xl s ; Summa ij' xliij lib. x s.

Item, mair awin to tlie faid \Tnquhile nobill and potent Ladie be the tennentis and occupiaris of the landis of the Erledome of Murray, for thair half ferme of the faidis landis of the crope and geir of God

I™ V^ Ixxxviij geiris, tuelf chalderis tuelf bollis quheit, price of the

boll liij s. iiij d ; Summa v" xliiij lib. Item, mair awin to the faid nobill Ladie be the tennentis and occupiaris of the landis of the

Erledome of Murray, for thair half ferme beir of the crope and geir of God I'" V"' Ixxxviij geiris, ten chalderis four bollis tua fu'lottis beir, price of the boll xl s ; Summa iij*^ xxviij lib. Item, reften awin to the faid \anquhile nobill and potent Ladie be the tennentis and occu- piaris of the landis of the biflioprick of Murray, for the half fermes of the crope and geir of God I™ V*^ Ixxxviij geiris, fevin chalderis,

xij bollis beir, price of the boll ourheid xl s ; Summa ij<^ xlviij lib.

money. Item, awin to the faid nobill and potent Ladie be the ten-

nentis and occupiaris of the landis of the bifchoprik of Murray, for

thair half fermes aittis of the crope and geir of God I" V" Ixxxviij

geiris, xxij bollis tua firlottis aittis, price of the boll xxvj s. viij d

Summa xxx lib. money. Item, mair awin to the faid vmquhile nobill

and potent Ladie be the tennentis and occupiaris of the landis of the

Erledome of Murray, for thair half fermes aittis of the crope and geir

of God I™ Y'^ Ixxxviij geiris, thrie chalderis fyve bollis thrie firlettis

aittis, price of the boll xxvj s. viij d ; Summa Ixxj lib. xiij s. iiij d.

Item, mair awin to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie be the

tennentis and occupiaris of the landis of Campbell, Muckkart, and

Kinnedder, for thair half ferme beir of the crope and geir of God

jm v'= Ixxxviij geiris, Ixxxxij bollis, tua peckis beir, price of the boll 1588. APPENDIX. 85

xl s ; Summa j^ Ixxxiiij lib. v s. Item, mair awin to the faid vm- quhile nobill and potent Ladie be the tennentis and occupiaris of the landis of Campbell, Muckkart, and Kinnedder, for thair half ferme meill of the crope and geir of God I"" V*^ Ixxxviij geiris, Ixviij boUis ferme meill, price of the boll ourheid xl s. Summa j« xxxvj lib. money. Item, awin be the tennentis and occupiaris of the landis of the manis of Campbell and Kynnedder, for thair half fermes of the crope and geir of God !" V'= Ixxxviij geiris, aucht fcoir thrie boUis ferme aittis, price of the boUxxvj s. viij d; Summa ij'= xvij lib. vj s. viij d.

Summa of the dettis awin to the laid vmquhile nobill and

potent Ladie . . x"" ix'= Ixxxj lib.

Summa of the Inuentar with tlie

dettis . . xj™ iijc xiiij lib. vj s. viij d.

FoLLOWis the Dettis awin to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Lady.

Item thair wes awin to the faid vmquhile nobill and potent Ladie,

Dame Annas Keyth, Countes of Argyle and Murray, relid of vm- quhile ane nobill and potent Lord, Colene Erie of Argyle, Lord

Campbell and Lome &c. to Jonet Cornuell, reli6b of vmquhile Gil- bert M'Quhirrie merchand burges of Edinburgh, for the reft of half ane geiris maill of hir ludgeing in Edinburgh, the fowTne of j<= xvj lib. xviij s. money. Item awin to Thomas Dikfoun apothecar burges of Edinburgh, for droggis and medicamentis beftowit vpoun the faid nobill and potent Ladie, and for his panes and trauellis takin on hir the tyme of hir feiknes immediatlie preceding hir deceife, the fowme 86 APPENDIX. 1588.

of jc lib. ix s. Item, awin to Gilbert Primroife, cbyrurgiane burges of Edinburgh, for his panes and trauellis taken on the faid nobill and potent Ladle, and droggis and medicamentis beftowit on hir the tyme of hir feiknes, immediatlie preceding hir deceis the fovvine of xxvj lib. xiij §. iiij d. Item, awin to Mr. Johnne Craig, doftour in medicine, for his panes and trauellis takin on the faid nobill and potent Ladie the tyme of hir feiknes immediatlie preceding hir deceis, the fowme

of xl lib. money. Item, awin to James Keyth, feruitour to the faid

nobill and potent Ladie for ane 3eiris fie, the fowme of j<^ lib. money.

Item, awin to Adam Archibald, hir feruitour, for ane 3eiris fie, the

fowme of xxxiij lib. vj s. viij d. Item, awin to George Kinrofs,

feruand for ane geiris fie, the fowme of xxvj lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item,

awin to Mariorie Gray, gentilwoman feruitrix to the faid nobill Ladie,

for ane geiris fie, the fowme of xxvj lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item, awin to

Katherine Duthie Laidinfter feruand, for ane geiris fie, the fowme

of xvj merkis. Item, awin to Annas Dumbar for hir geiris fie, the

fowme of xxvj lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item, awin to Adame Gairdner,

broufter and baxter, for his geiris fie, the fowme of xx lib. money.

Item, awin to Johnne M'^Kilandreis, cuik, for his geiris fie, the fowme

of XX lib. money. Item, awin to John M'Rayth, porter, for his geiris

fie, the fowme of xiiij lib. Item, awin to Dugall Campbell, feruitor,

for his fie ane geir, the fowme of xxvj lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item, awin

to John Ruflell, pantrie man, for his geiris fie, the fowme of xiij lib.

vj s. viij d. Item, awin to Alexander Meingeis, foirman in the

kitching, for his geiris fie, the fowme of x lib. money. Item, awin

to Robert the wefchell man, for his geiris fie, the fowme of

X lib. money. Item, awin to William Oyt, allacay to the laid 1588. APPENDIX. 87

nobill Ladie, for his 3eiris fie, the fowme of xiij lib. vj s. viij d. Item,

awin to Harie Hay, fchirtoun boy, for his geiris fie, the fowme of

xiij lib. vj s. viij d. Item, awin to Duncane Gauld, feiuand, for bis

geiris fie, the fowme of x lib. money. Item, awin to James Cunnyng-

hame, feruand, for his geiris fie, the fowme of xl lib. money. Item

awin to Alexander Monteyth, chalmerlane of Campbell, for ane geiris

fie, the fowme of xl lib. money. Item awin to John Bonar, leruand,

for his geiris fie, the fowme of xl lib. money. Item awin to George

Dunbar, chalmerlane of Murray, for ane geiris fie, the fowme of Ixvj lib.

xiij s. iiij d. Item awin to Johne Steill, perfone of Dolour, for his tak

of the teindfchauis of Dolour, reften tua termes, the fowme of Ixxx lib.

money. Item awin to the abbot of Dunfermeling, for the few maillis

of ouer and nether manis of Dolour, reften tua termes preceiding

the faid vmquhile nobill deceis, the fowme of Ixxxxiij lib. x s.

Item awin to the Bifchope of Dunkeld, for the few maillis of the

landis of Campbell, reften the termes of Witlbunday and Mertymes,

in the geir of God I" V'= Ixxxvij geiris, the fovrme of xx lib. money.

Item awin to the Bifchope of San6t Androis, for the few maillis of

the landis of Muckart, reften the Witfounday and Mertymes in anno jm yc Ixxxvij geiris, the fowme of j<' i lib. x s. viij d. Item awin to

the Bifchope of Murray, for the few maillis of the bifchroprik of

Murray, reften the Witfounday and Mertymes termes, in anno I"'

V'= Ixxxvij geiris the fowme of vij^ xlviij lib. money. Item awin to

William M'=Indowey, perfone of Affent, chalmerlane to the faid no- bill Ladie, of hir landis of Pettey, Strathnarne, and Strathairne, for ane geiris fie, the fowme of xl lib. money. 88 APPENDIX. 1588.

Summa of the dettis awin be the faid vmquhile nobill and

potent Ladie, . . j"' ix"^ Ixviij lib. vj s. viij d.

Reftis of fiie geir, the dettis de-

ducit . . ix™ iijc xlvj lib.

Na divifioun.

j*^ Ji_ Quhairof the quot is componit for lib.

We, Maifteris John Prefloun &c. vnderftanding that efter dew fum-

moning and lawful! warning maid be forme of edift oppinlie, as effeiris,

of the executouris and intromettouris with the gudis and geir of the

faid umquhile Dame Annas Keyth and of utheris haifand enteres to

conipeir judicialie befoir ws &c., We decernit therintill, as our de-

creit gevin therupoun beiris. Conforme to the quhilk, We in our fove-

. rane Lordis name and audoritie makis, conftitutis, ordanis, and con-

firmis the faidis Archibald Erie of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lome

&;c., and Coline Campbell of Lundie, and Maiftres Anna Campbell in

executouris datives to the faid umquhile Dame Annas Keyth, Countes

of Argyle and Murray, thair moder, as onlie acceptaris of the faid

office upoun thame, in refpeft that the faid Dame Elizabeth Mur-

ray, the feird of the faidis executouris, is be our decreit fecludit fra all

ufeinff of the faid office &c. &c.