BRIEFING PAPER Number 07250, 27 July 2020 By Robert Long, Shadi University Technical Danechi, Nerys Roberts, Philip Loft Colleges Inside: 1. The development and role of UTCs 2. Expenditure and Financial Position of UTCs 3. Pupil Profile 4. UTCs: Performance and Ofsted Reports 5. Commentary on UTCs 6. Policy Developments post- 2015 7. Reports on UTCs | |
[email protected] | @commonslibrary Number 07250, 27 July 2020 2 Contents Summary Briefing 3 1. The development and role of UTCs 5 1.1 Conception 5 1.2 What are UTCs? 6 1.3 Opening a New UTC 8 1.4 Closure/Conversion of UTCs 11 2. Expenditure and Financial Position of UTCs 14 3. Pupil Profile 18 3.1 Free School Meals 18 3.2 Special Educational Needs 18 3.3 Gender 18 4. UTCs: Performance and Ofsted Reports 20 4.1 Pupil Attendance 20 4.2 GCSE results 21 4.3 Pupil Outcomes: Destinations 21 4.4 Ofsted Reports 22 5. Commentary on UTCs 23 6. Policy Developments post-2015 26 6.1 2015 Pause in UTC Programme 26 6.2 Requirement to inform parents 26 6.3 ‘Baker Clause’ 26 6.4 Membership of Multi-Academy Trusts 28 6.5 Impact of EBacc 29 6.6 Introduction of T-Levels 30 7. Reports on UTCs 31 7.1 Public Accounts Committee (2020) 31 7.2 NAO Report (2019) 32 7.3 Education Policy Institute (2018) 33 7.4 IPPR (2017) 34 7.5 NFER Report (2017) 36 Cover page image copyright: Laboratory by biologycorner.