Oust Genocidal Pol Pot Gang from UN! We Protest the Obscenity of the Own People

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Oust Genocidal Pol Pot Gang from UN! We Protest the Obscenity of the Own People WORKERS ,,IN(JU,I,, 25¢ No. 338 .~",#:~~ X.-523 23 September 1983 SFPfE\1BER 20--The war drum ,,'t' beaung in Washington Even pc who thought Ronaid Reaganjust ta1kcc loudly and waved (l rhetorical big stick now "orry that ;he "rough riders" in the White: House and the Pentagon might actually drop the bomb. Having cynical­ ly sent the passenger- of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 to their deaths in a demented antl-Smiet provocation. Reagan is now making his move to push through the Pentagon's two main first­ strike weapons: the construction of the MX missile and deployment of Pershing lIs in West Europe. The latter han' a night time of only eight minutes to MoscU\\. forcing the Russians to adopt a policy of "iaunch on warning." Make no mistake. Reagan, is dri'iing 1O\\ard thcrmci1uc\car war directed at the SO'let Union. hirthplace of the first workers revolution in history. Over and over. Reagan repeats that it is "the Soviets against the world"-or to turn it around, it's world war against the Soviets. Unlike Cold War liberals and New Right conservatives. this adminis­ tration isn't much interested in sanc­ tions which only hurt American capital­ ists, such as a grain boycott or the fiasco • last year of U.S. efforts (which foun­ ~ dered on interimperialist rivalries) to -.. halt the Soviet gas pipeline. What these AP Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov exposes Reagan's lies in Moscow press conference, September 9. Shaded area on map warh,,<wks want is not pinpricks but the indicates site of rendezvous between RC-135 spy plane and 007. Big Bang. Thus Reagan's successful appeal to use the 007 uproar to ram purpose of this elaborately orchestrated foreign minister Gromyko and any say the least. as the Russians tersely through his S187 billion "defense" war provocation against the Soviet other Soviet diplomats the right to land replied. the question arises whether the budget. includmg funds for the MX and Union. in :'>lew York aboard an At:ronot L nited States is a "suitable" location for binary poison gas weapons. was not a 1\'ow Washington is moving ever airliner. In times gone by such an V\ headquarters. Whereupon a petu­ "jarringly inappropriate" note, as Time closer to breaking off diplomatic rela­ outrage against a high official ofa major lant U.S. delegate taunted, we'll see you (19 September) claimed. but a central tions with the USSR by denying Soviet power could in itself have led to war. To,; continued on page 8 Defend Vietnam/USSR Against U.S. War Drive! Oust Genocidal Pol Pot Gang from UN! We protest the obscenity of the own people. the U. S. in alliance with Government, Real Government of and death across the globe. Criminal­ genocidal, ousted Pol Pot forces China has armed the terrorist bands of Kampuchea.' ly, the Peking government has eagerly holding the United Nations seat for the deposed dictator for attacks The U. S. attempt to strangle the backed this deadly imperialist policy, Kampuchea (Cambodia)! Even in the against Kampuchea. On September heroic Vietnamese, whose strategic repeatedly launching military attacks UN, whose predecessor Lenin aptly 21. 1979 and each year since the UN Cam Ranh Bay naval port is a against northern Vietnam in line with called "a den of thieves," even among has voted to seat the universally roadblock to American ambitions, is U.S. policy. China: Keep Out of bloody U.S.-backed Central American despised Pol Pot forces instead of the part of the U. S.' all-out war drive Indochina.' u.$.- You Lost! Yankee dictators, Pakistan's General Zia, or Heng Samrin government as part of against the Soviet Union. From Pol Imperialism Out of Southeast Asia! even compared to Idi Amin, the U.S. imperialism's unrelenting drive Pot to the deadly Flight 007 Cold War When the U.S. and its corrupt murderous Pol Pot and his number to punish the victorious Vietnamese provocation to Diego Garcia to Sri henchmen like Lon Nol ned Indochina two mass killer Ieng Sary are an Revolution and undo its own humil­ Lanka's Trincomalee, U,So efforts to after the triumph of the Vietnamese obscenity. Since early 1979, when the iating defeat. No UN Seat for Pol whip up war hysteria and encircle the Revolution, the Khmer Rouge occu­ Vietnamese toppled the Pol Pot Pot / leng Sary-Bloody Imperialist / USSR with a ring of nuclear launching pied Phnom Penh. Pol Pot's Khmer regime, which killed two million of its Chinese Toys.' Seat Heng Samrin pads have left a bloody trail of terror continued on page 2 Seat the Real Governm.ent of Cambodia-the People's RepUblic of Kampuch~a! _ '" J .•- ••.<.·.. f: ! " , .-.. , Pringle/Newsweek Legacy of mass murderer Pol Pot (inset): mounds of skulls found near Suong. Vietnamese army saved Cambodians. Economic Review, 17 March) that "The tion and the driving out of capitalism Indochina. Despite the heroism of the Vietnamese, who occupied a totally from Indochina as a historic victory for Indochinese workers and peasants in disorganised, almost destitute land, the world's working people. Today, as defeating U. S. imperialism, that war­ have provided assistance of all sorts.... we call for military victory to the heroic torn and imperialist-blockaded but Practically starting from scratch, Cam­ leftist rebels in EI Salvador and Central Soviet-aided area faces great difficulties bodia has made an astonishing and America, we raise the slogan against the in holding out against the U.S.' war AP remarkable recovery." When the Viet­ bourgeois defeatists: Vietnam was a drive and unrelenting pressure. It is the namese army intervened in 1979, we Victory! Two, Three, Many Defeatsfor historic understanding of Marxism/ declared our opposition to a long-term U. S. Imperialism! Leninism/Trotskyism which can lead Genocidal occupation army, which could raise to The legitimate national rights of the the working class to the shattering of the the fore the national question for the Khmer people can only be fulfilled in a parasitic Stalinist bureaucracies and to Pol Pot... Khmer people, but did not demand genuine Soviet federation of Indochina placing the enormous economic re­ immediate withdrawal. We asked: (in which Vietnam would necessarily sources of the degenerated and de­ (continued from page 1) Given a choice, would the Khmer people playa leading role) based on revolution­ formed workers states from Peking to Rouge were led by a bunch of college prefer to retain the irrational peasant ary internationalism. The Stalinist Moscow to Hanoi fully in the service of boys who sat out the war against French xenophobia of the murderous Pol Pot bureaucracies from Peking to Moscow world revolution. For a Genuine Soviet colonialism in Paris, then returned to or to have schools, marriage of their have for decades sold out other people's Federation ofIndochina! Forward to a take over the Cambodian party by choice, food, children, medicine and revolutions for their own narrow na­ Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in murder and whipping up Khmer chau­ wages? The verdict is clearly now in. tionalistic interests and utopian reac­ Southeast Asia! For the Rebirth ofan vinism. The first to be wiped out by Pol Hail Liberation ofKhmer People! Hail tionary dreams of "coexistence" with Authentic Communist, Fourth Inter­ Pot's forces were the Cambodian Com­ Reconstruction-Kampuchean People capitalism, with bitter effects from national-World Party of Socialist munist cadres associated with the Now Have a Future! Central America to Sri Lanka to Revolution!- Vietnamese. Pol Pot Killed Real Though Pol Pot's murderous horror Khmer Communists, then Committed helped bring the Khmer people to the Genocide! edge of extinction, the mass murder was The logical extension of Pol Pot's starred long before-by the U.S. In 1969 Sto~ De~ortations Cambodia wasn't even Stalin's purges under Nixon and Kissinger the U.S. to Turkey.! and labor camps, it was Jonestown! Pol began four years of devastating secret Pot's abolition of cities, of factories, of carpetbombing of Cambodia, with at money and his massive reversion to least the passive acquiescence of then­ Turkish Leftist Driven to subsistence agriculture-a pre-feudal ruler Prince Sihanouk. From 1970 to program based on fantasies of recreat­ 1973, the U.S. rained down more than ing the barbaric Angkor Wat slave 100 tons of bcmbs for every person in Suicide in German Jail kingdoms-utterly shattered any ra­ Cambodia, shattering the fragile econo­ tional economic base for the regime, my. Probably more than a million died WEST BERLIN-On August 30, thus any restraints on the ruling clique. during the civil war against U.S. puppet West German authorities finally 'tM lt Just after the Khmer Rouge took power Lon Nol, and famine was raging when succeeded in hounding Kemal Altun in 1975, we denounced Pol Pot's brutal the U.S. brutally imposed a blockade in to death. Altun, a former leader of a depopulation of the capital, noting that 1975. Today U.S. imperialism tries to r2,mmcrJ11JfJ!)\ leftist student group in Turkey, had ~llimmcrs 'l "for Marxists, it is crucial to preserve starve Vietnam and Kampuchea via a spent 13 of his 18 months in West ~/t.(hiebe­ this economic infrastructure." The Washington-orchestrated blockade of Berlin languishing in jail, awaiting terror: mountain of skulls found in mass graves trade and credits. Most criminally, some deportation to certain death in the Kcmal at Cheoung Ek, the torture chambers in two and a half million Vietnamese have torture cells of the murderous Turk­ ALtun tof Phnom Penh, the stories from every had to be withdrawn from the desper­ ish junta.
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