Tongil Group News 2011 Inherit the true love of God! TToonnggiill GGrroouupp NNeewwsslleetttteerr Tongil Group Information:
[email protected] COPYRIGHTⓒ TONGIL GROUP ALL RIGHTS RESERVED True Parents’ Recent Activities ❇ Dedication Ceremony of the Ocean Cheonjeong Palace Hotel on Geomun Island on 8.15 by the heavenly calendar (Monday, September 12) The dedication ceremony of the Ocean Cheonjeong Palace Hotel on Geomun Island began at 10:30 AM on 8.15 (by the heavenly calendar) at the newly built hotel located in Deokchon Hamlet, Samsan Village in Yeosu City, South Jeolla Province. More than three thousand people attended, including members of the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC), church members, core members of the Tongil Group, chief executives of our providential organizations and corporations, ambassadors for peace, Japanese leaders, leading celebrities of the local Yeosu region, and local residents of Geomun Island. 1 / 18 The dedication ceremony proceeded in the order of 1) a tape-cutting ceremony, 2) the main event and 3) a commemorative luncheon. After the tape-cutting ceremony, True Parents personally sanctified the whole hotel, and then True Father wrote a blessing in calligraphy using the Chinese characters won, mo, pyeong and ae (an unofficial translation: harmonious mother’s peaceful love). 2 / 18 As a pioneer of ocean development who has dedicated himself to fulfilling God’s providence with his whole heart and effort, tirelessly, even during an intense storm, True Father frequently emphasized in his speech that the ocean would be a reservoir of food resources for the 6.5 billion people of the world in the 21st century.