Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures: "'The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes'? Matthew 21:42

On May 20, 1948, True Father was transferred from prison in to a labor camp in Hungnam, an industrial city on the east coast of . There he endured a hellish existence until liberated by advancing UN forces on October 14, 1950. True Father's liberation by UN forces was by no means assured. As bombing of the Hungnam 1st built by True Father industrial complex became more intense, in 1952 guards began executing prisoners, calling out their numbers starting with those having the longest sentences. In his autobiography, True Father notes, "The night before my scheduled execution the bombs fell like rain in the monsoon season ... so intense that it seemed all of Hungnam had been turned into a sea of fire. The high walls around the prison began to fall and the guards ran for their lives. Finally, the gate of the prison that had kept us in that place opened. At around two o'clock in the morning of the next day, I walked calmly out of Hungnam Prison with dignity."

Many people went to the spirit world while following me. They infiltrated the Soviet Union's satellite countries and main cities. Sometimes I even received reports of them being sentenced to death due to their missionary activities. Receiving such reports, a leader's heart is serious. Even if his child is seriously ill, he has no time to worry about him. They respect me because I care for the world. I am in the position to shed tears for them and care for them. For that reason, I cannot live an easy life. Since I must surmount all the peaks I can and will do my best to fulfill my responsibilities. I cannot rest even if I want to, and I cannot stop even if I want to. Since I have spent my days that way, I now find myself advanced in age. However, my heart must start anew from now on. Then I will go to the spirit world while doing that. What will be left behind from my life? I must leave behind the fact that I loved humankind. Everything else regardless of what it is, except for the love of the nation and the Unification Church, will fall away in the ruins of history. SMM, CSG 698

Greetings! Before sharing Jim Stephens' eye-opening analysis of the 6 ways the Han Mother denies True Father/Christ, I'd like to discuss the content of the Sunday Service. Hyung Jin Nim explained that since the Han Mother is now suing us, she is being exposed for her heretical beliefs in court, which was the reason he begged her after Father's passing to repent. Now we have to defend ourselves. God will return what was stolen from True Father's anointed heir, even though that was not what I cared about. God blessed the Summer fundraising campaign and now is blessing the Defend and Build campaign to cover costs for legal defense and for renovations of the church. Sanctuary Director of General Affairs Gregg Noll showed the plans for a memorial for True Parents that will be built on the Kahr Arms property. A recently broadcast Danish Dorit Smith interviewed by Danish National TV National TV documentary about Sanctuary was shown, which focused on the family of Dorit Smith who grew up in Denmark and why they believe in the importance of self-defense as part of their faith. Next the guest speaker, Dr. Paul Williams' spoke about his courageous efforts to investigate Islamic Jihadist training camps in the United States, showing video clips from his interview with Neil Cavuto on the Fox News channel. These camps at 20-30 sites, were set up by Jaamat Ul Fuqra , whose members have been found to be involved in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, Richard Reid's attempt to blow up an airplane with explosives hidden in his shoe in 2001, the "Belt Way Sniper" John Allen Muhammed and attacks against Indian Societies and Hare Krishna.

Sunday Service - October 14, 2018 - Dr. Paul Williams Unification Sanctuary, Newfoundland PA

Dr. Williams made several visits to the "Islamberg" training camp in Hancock, NY, finding a number of unmarked graves, a vast underground bunker, and a chant recited by residents

"Come join my troops and army," Says our Sheikh Gilani (Muslims of America founder Sheikh Mubarak Gilani) "Prepare to sacrifice your head. A true believer is never dead. Say 'Victory is in the air,' The kafir's blood will not be spared."

The FBI discovered bomb-making equipment at a camp in Buena Vista, Colorado, which was never closed down. He explained that the camps were School bus used for target practice set up and funded by the American in Islamberg in Hancock, NY government starting in the 1980s as part of the effort to train jihadists to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. When asked "why did you bomb the World Trade Center," Clement Rodney Hampton-El said "I work for the CIA." One wonders what purpose these U.S. training camps are serving in the two decades AFTER the Soviet Union was defeated in Afghanistan and ceased to exist? Why are armed jihadists being trained on U.S. soil and what agenda do they serve?

********* Denies Christ Six Times by Jim Stephens, October 12, 2018

Hak Ja Han gave testimony under oath back on July 13 and 14, 2018, in the lawsuit by FFWPU against Hyun Jin Preston Moon. So now you can know what she really believes and not just what we are told by the church leaders in America. You don't have to take my word for it or anybody else's. You can read and listen to her own words. This is pretty clear evidence that "True Parents" are NOT one. She won't even speak True Father's name. She won't even give him credit for his accomplishments. Contrast that to Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim. They proudly proclaim, both publicly and in personal meetings, to top religious, political, and community leaders that is the Second Coming of Christ. This article will show you what she believes using her own words. She believes she is a deity and she was born sinless. She believes her Han lineage is superior to the Moon lineage. She believes she had to raise True Father up to agree with her. She says True Father had to marry her or he could not become True Father. She presumes to take credit for all the works of Sun Myung Moon, even the ones before they were married. All the words below are her words from the official transcript of her sworn deposition taken in the lawsuit. To save you the time reading the whole transcript or watching the whole videos, I have collected her most revealing statements below. I provide the video links so you can verify it. You can watch it for yourself.

Denial #1 - No mention of who she married in 1960.

Hak Ja Han claims she became the True Mother of the universe in 1960 at the "wedding ceremony of the only begotten daughter." She omits any mention of the name of who she married or that he was the Second Coming of Christ, Sun Myung Moon. She says God made her the True Mother. It was not her husband. She was only 18 years old but she claims she was already the messiah and she knew God's providence. Note that when the interpreter asked her to clarify if it was a "holy" wedding, she would not say the adjective "holy."

Day 1, July 13, 2018, TIME: 10:04am BY MS. RUTTENBERG: 10:04:44 QUESTION. When did God recognize you as True Mother? 10:06:00 THE WITNESS (i. e. Hak Ja Han through the official interpreter): I was recognized by God in 1960, when I pledged -- 10:06:14 INTERPRETER NAM: Interpreter has to make a correction, I'm sorry. 10:06:17 THE WITNESS: I was recognized as True Mother, and mother of the universe in 1960, in the position of only begotten daughter. 10:06:31 INTERPRETER SUH: I was recognized by God in 1960 during the holy wedding, and God recognized me as the only begotten daughter, the True Mother, and the mother of the universe. 10:06:43 INTERPRETER NAM: Disagree with the correction. 10:06:45 MS. RUTTENBERG: In what respect? 10:06:47 INTERPRETER NAM: The witness never said "holy wedding." 10:06:57 Through speaking with the check interpreter, I'm going to have to clarify with the witness to make sure the translation was correct. 10:07:14 This is my final interpretation. 10:07:17 THE WITNESS: I was recognized by God as True Mother and mother of the universe in 1960 through wedding ceremony of the only begotten daughter. 10:07:35 INTERPRETER SUH: Not wedding, holy wedding. 10:07:38 BY MS. RUTTENBERG: 10:07:38 QUESTION. Okay. And when you say, as the only begotten daughter, you are the only begotten daughter of God; is that right? 10:08:10 THE WITNESS: Yes, that is correct. Video Segment 1: ------Later in the day. 13:11:15 BY MS. RUTTENBERG: 13:11:16 QUESTION. Your role as True Mother, is that a messianic role? 13:11:32 THE WITNESS: That is correct. Video Segment 2: ------

Denial #2 - She claims equal authority to True Father, but she had to raise him up. Read rest of Jim Stephens' essay "Hak Ja Han Denies Christ 6 Times"


True Father vs Han Mother- NEW Divine Principle!


Fall 2018 Holy Spirit University Courses! (Korean, Japanese, English and Russian)


"Since humankind has received satanic blood, people cannot return to God on their own. So the Messiah must accomplish absolute restoration of the lineage, renewing the bloodline that was defiled by Satan. This transition must be made. This is why the Messiah must surely come." January 7, 1988, Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 127, 172-53, 1988.1.7

Father's Words on the 2nd Advent, his heir, and Mother's Responsibility



by Marie Koh

Whether we like it or not, the hybrid age is already here. From genetic manipulation, to AI technology, to nano-technology, robotics, 3D printing, brain mapping, super computing, the list is literally endless. Futurists and Transhumanist philosophers believe that science and technology are limitless, and that humanity's current cultural traditions and mindset are the mechanisms in place that prohibit human development. Mankind has experienced formidable technological growth in the past from the early ancestors to the Agrarian Age, the Industrial Age in the 18th century, and the Information Age in the 1970s, from their point of view, we are simply going through another revolutionary leap into what they call, the Hybrid Age. The Transhumanist Movement, also known as H+ is an intellectual, cultural and political movement that supports technological enhancements in the human body through the use of genetics, robotics, synthetic biology, AI technology among others to modify the physiology, psyche, memory and progeny of a human being and ultimately achieve immortality on earth, (a procedure they believe can be reached within the next decade) whereby human consciousness can be uploaded into a robot, cyborg or possibly, a human clone. (Rest of Marie Koh's essay on "Transhumanism and Immortality")


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Sincerely, Richard Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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