Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. Proverbs 18:21

You get married not just for yourself, but for your spouse as well. Does that mean to say that marriage is more for your spouse than yourself? Since everything in heaven and earth is based on the principle of subject and object, for man and woman to get married is also a rule in heaven and earth. If man represents right, woman represents left, this is so that they can form a horizontal relationship in the universe. If man is subject, woman becomes his object; this forms a vertical, upper and lower relationship with God. Therefore marriage is not for the sake of just the man or just the woman. It is to conform to heavenly law. The reason man and woman are shaped differently is so they can come together according to heavenly law. CSG 1742

Greetings! At the beginning of his sermon, Hyung Jin Nim explained that we should resist the leftist media agenda to make the repugnant accusation that white people who voted for Trump are somehow responsible for the shootings in Texas and Ohio over the weekend.

He showed a video made by T. Rex Arms about how to contact elected officials about changing laws. "How to Kill a Tax" shows how average citizens can initiate new legislation. This is also how we can build the Kingdom culture right here. We know that the Kingdom has to be built here on earth, with our active involvement.

When governments have superior force, bad things can happen. We should all be prepared to defend life. It's important to carry firearms on a routine basis, as well as a trauma kit. Hyung Jin Nim always carries a tourniquet, trauma kit and pocket knife. Good people with arms give bad guys a bad day. These are serious times. He showed StyleMe Tactical website. It's important for girls also to be prepared to defend others. They can be beautiful AND lethal to predators, if needed. Pastor Sean Moon, Sanctuary Church Sunday Service 08/04/2019

Spend time with your children, especially one on one time. Teach them to show gratitude for each other and how not to be dominated by your emotions, which leads to low level parenting, nagging, etc. The Queen even makes appointments with her sons to show respect. She speaks very objectively and clearly. Principled parenting is a way to destroy Satan's sabotage network against your family. He suggested making a video of each child saying what they are grateful for about their parents and siblings through their younger to older years. And then giving that to each on their blessing days. How come they don't teach these things in government schools?

Jesse Lee Peterson warned a young man in the military to avoid the "poison of the mommy" by not adopting his mom's hatred for his father. That's what the Han mother did, always telling the True Children "Father's so hard on me, etc." playing a victim game and alienating them from their father.

Yes, there are low level men, but women could still choose not to speak ill of their husbands in front of the children. The Bible says life and death come from the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). EXPOSED: The Left's Pedophilia Agenda! | Louder with Crowder

He recommended a Steven Crowder video on how postmodern philosophers (Foucault, Sartre, Derrida, de Beauvoir) all supported pedophilia and signed a statement to eliminate age of consent laws, which would get rid of penalties for adults having sex with children.

Bestiality was legal in Denmark. Dogs with their front arms tied behind their backs were raped hundreds of times by sick men. The dogs often died within 3 months. In 2015 Denmark finally had to make bestiality illegal. That is why God in Leviticus prohibited sex with animals.

As discussed in last week's sermon, God's Sexual Revolution against paganist practices elevated the status of women and protected children. Women are to be the sole object of man's passion.


True Father's Suffering and Our Time

I would like to say a few important things. First, I would like to thank the Second King and his followers for his and their efforts to correct the failure of the Han Mother. Actually, I am not qualified to speak here, but I have to say these things because True Father made me feel that I want to bow to Hyung Jin and to the brothers and sisters on his side. Let us remember that True Father experienced rejection he willingly took on himself. He himself did that many times in the early years of his mission. I have seen the miserable Ena Moon circumstances. I can only cry about it. Father was so often betrayed. Unfortunately, the same is now happening, even to Hyung Jin. Even for members total selflessness will demand great sacrifices. Even in my dreams at night I get attacked and have to fight a lot. Everyone is in danger of leaving Father and Hyung Jin. In Jesus' time Judas and Peter promised never to leave the Messiah but Satan invaded them. When extreme persecution comes, we are all in danger. Me too, I had so many aggressive challenges from others lately and I asked myself why I do need this? I've already started saying goodbye to various Facebook disputes. I am sorry that I am not strong enough. Unconditional love and absolute following are necessary to correct the present failure. I was ready to drop everything, but then True Father confronted me. He looked me in the eye and I saw that I had caused an unbelievable disappointment. I saw his tears in losing me. Nobody really takes me seriously and True Father gives me new weapons in my hand. I do not know how to handle this. From Father's point of view, dictatorial steps are necessary. Due to the failure of the Han Mother, Hyung Jin has to become more and more radical. In responding to the current world political situation, Hyung Jin is on the right track, China is on the way to take over Hong Kong. South Korea has more and more alignment with in building resentments against Japan. The curse for failure will require harsh payments. Difficult times are approaching us due to the failure of Han Mother. It should never have been this way, with Family Fed members closing their hearts. True Father is bombing me with his words. If I can change one person's mind, maybe I can give more hope to Father. Even church leaders in the spiritual world know my personally. I am not programmed by the FF policy. Some parents in the spiritual world tell me to contact their children. They tell me secrets that nobody knows except their own children. A number of the second generation are in danger. Their life is so miserable. So many young people have lost hope because of this failure. The separation between Father and Mother has caused the within the church, dividing the first and second generations, as well as the blessed couples from their ancestors. True Father is pushing me with many words. I have to concentrate because sometimes I forget something, then he is scolding me. True Father can see the reality of your life. I do not speak what Father has shown me openly. There are many who lead a double life, but there is an archive of every single person and True Father can retrieve everything. When that becomes visible it causes great shame, Sins cause incredible pain because God's heart suffers and you yourself feel deep regret and shame that you hurt God's heart.

********** July 2019 PBS documentary on Sanctuary Church

Rod of Iron KINGDOM Seong Hwa for Robert Chaumont 2019.8.2

Nigeria Sanctuary Church Building Project



In the original Cheon Seong Gyeong, Father left it in a form that can be easily studied. After each segment of Father's words, you will see the sources underneath that paragraph, so people can look up the original speeches, where they came from. In the "new" Cheon Seong Gyeong that and the FFWPU leaders produced, there are no references in the book itself. There is a separate small booklet called a reference guide. This contains numbers and speech dates that are supposed to refer to the chapters in the book, but because Father's words have been redacted it is virtually impossible to trace what the corresponding speeches are! Hak Ja Han and the FFWPU leaders chose the method of redacting Father's words, which means they shortened the phrases and combined them in a book with other sections of Father's words, making it virtually impossible to identify which part comes from which speech. This then becomes a "new" creation, what they call "true parents words". It is nonsensical, because Hak Ja Han doesn't have her own words, she just twists Father's words to her own advantage. For example, Father said that the 2000 year Christian history was a foundation for his birth as the Second Coming of Christ. Hak Ja Han, then says the 2000 year Christian history was a foundation for HER BIRTH as the Only Begotten Daughter. (3.16.18). So, we end up with something completely different "true parents words" which is a perverted form of Father's words, which in reality are no longer Father's words, because they were changed to fit Hak Ja Han's "new" false theology. For example, I looked at page 77 in Hak Ja Han's new Cheon Seng Gyeong and I saw the phrase with 'love, life, and hope' mentioned on that page five times. I thought it was odd for the same phrase repeated so much on one page. Anyway, because it was similar to what Father often said, 'love, life, and lineage', I tried to trace the source speech using the reference guide, and I could not trace it! Hak Ja Han and the FFWPU leaders decided to redact Father's words for that very reason, you will not be able to trace where Father's words come from. It makes it easy for them to airbrush out Father's words that Hak Ja Han doesn't like, and it is virtually impossible to identify what speech corresponds to the content in the "new" Cheon Seong Gyeong! It was made deliberately this way, so people would not be able to study it. It has been made like the Koran, a book just to recite not study! Biblical scholars would never accept the Bible to be redacted like that, they respect the words to be God's words, so because of their love and respect for the Bible over hundreds of years, we still have it today intact!


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"Since humankind has received satanic blood, people cannot return to God on their own. So the Messiah must accomplish absolute restoration of the lineage, renewing the bloodline that was defiled by Satan. This transition must be made. This is why the Messiah must surely come." January 7, 1988, Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 127, 172-53, 1988.1.7

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Sincerely, Richard Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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