The law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces. Psalm 119:72

In the beginning of history, Eve fell because she did not become one with God. If she had obeyed God's commandment, even at the cost of her life, and walked the road of death gladly, the fall would not have occurred. Accordingly, today women should pledge their lives, hold on to God, and march forward. SMM, Blessing and Ideal Family, Chapter 5: "The Formula Course for Perfection"

Greetings! In Sunday's Service Hyung Jin Nim praised state representative Stephanie Borowicz who prayed in the name of Jesus at the Capitol in Harrisburg. Leftists hate the name of Jesus because he represents a different Kingdom, that cannot be controlled. Wickedness must be punished or there is no justice. God is greater than those tyrannies. We carry (firearms) to defend life, not for boasting, but for saving lives. Christ brings freedom and responsibility, not socialism. Globalists fear that if the Rod of Iron Kingdom culture spreads, it could challenge their control, which is true, but we are also law-abiding and restrained.

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, March 31, 2019 Sanctuary Service, Newfoundland, PA The Book of Nahum describes God's judgment of the brutal and powerful Assyrian empire in 600 BC. The Assyrians would massacre people, even skinning people alive. Their prosperity was attractive to the Israelites, tempting them to also worship the Assyrian gods. In the Bible the chosen people repeatedly rejected God and were judged for it, but also given more chances for redemption. Centuries later, many found it hard to believe that Jesus would change the world. The Family Fed is cutting off brothers and sisters from the Bible and True Father's life course. On March 4, made the revealing statement that the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament no longer matter, saying "What is the benefit to keep studying what belongs to the past?"

3/4/2019: Hak Ja Han: NO BENEFIT to study OT, NT, & CT

Without connection to the root, it is easy for us to be seduced by heresies that seem "new" and liberating, but the Divine Principle itself was written based on the Bible and doesn't make any sense without it! In contrast, True Mother Kang was victorious because she venerated Christ and wanted us to do the same. By not glorifying her, we honor her. We do not need an intermediary. Hyung Jin Nim never had to go through the Han Mother in order to see True Father. Hyung Jin Nim invited Yeonah Nim to share her testimony about the "LionQueensTV" youtube channel. When she was struggling and even complaining in her heart about doing this, she opened the Bible for a rhema and read Ecclesiastes 2:26 which states that, "God gives wisdom, knowledge and joy," and Ecclesiastes 5, to return all the glory to Heavenly Father! She decided to trust her husband and to trust God no matter what. Hyung Jin Nim invited more brothers and sisters to launch their own youtube channels, explaining that when the body of Christ does not speak out, the Kingdom of God receives more attacks. Don't worry about negative comments. Others will defend you. You can influence nations if you step out in faith and prepare. Yeonah Nim gets emails that "I was planning to get an abortion but I changed my mind after watching your video." Many young women are realizing that they have been brainwashed. Marriage benefits both men and women and is much better than a resentful culture where they hate each other. Lionesses know how to hunt and kill. They cannot be wooed by lies. Satan's Kingdom fears Godly women.


True Mother's FINAL MESSAGE!


The Life Course of True Mother Hyun Shil Kang

True Mother Kang Hyun Shil Seonghwa Biography Video

True Mother Kang Hyun Shil was born as a first child on September 15, 1927 by the solar calendar. Her father was religious with a strong sense of responsibility. When the Japanese took over Korea, they forced the Koreans to go to the Japanese Shinto shrines and worship their gods. But Kang Hyun Shil's father refused to do this; he was taken to prison and was tortured. He died of his injuries after being released.

In March 1949, she joined Beomcheon Presbyterian Church in Busan. Three years later, she heard of a controversial young man in Bomnekol. She began to pray to God to know if she should visit him. On May 10, 1952, she received an answer from God that she should go and visit him.

She went there and was surprised to see a small hut built of cardboard and mud. She thought that anyone living in that poor house must have resentment at having to live so miserably. There she found Mrs. Se Hyun Ok who introduced her to True Father for the first time. He was wearing Korean style pants and a western-style top with American army socks.

True Father asked her, "Where are you from?" She replied that she was from a nearby church, and that she came to witness to him about Christ. Father said that she came on a timely day as he had just finished writing a book after escaping from . This was the day that he finished writing the Divine Principle and he had gone up the hill to pray.

(Rest of "Life Course of True Mother Hyun Shil Kang")


Petition for OPEN ACCESS to ALL Speeches of

Please sign this petition for access to the original recordings of the publicly spoken words of the founder, who proclaimed in the final years of his life:

"I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes. These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation."

It is important that we can listen to the original recording of his words! Go to Petition Now!


"Do you know how to fight? I need warriors!"

Reported by Rev. Thelma Mutala

There was an enormous amount of unusual spiritual activity in our home. We could not understand what was really going on and why. However, I acknowledged that there was an unusual spirit that invaded our home. It was an intense worldly and spiritual war zone. It was a vile spirit that I never encountered before. It was a bold evil spirit David and Thelma Mutala with that sought to devour one's the 2nd King and Queen soul. It was life and death at war with one another.

Then I heard a voice in the spirit saying, "Can you fight? "Do you know how to fight? I need warriors! I need to know if you can fight for the Kingdom. You must protect the blessing. This is the time to command and take authority."

During the course of this tremendous upheaval True Father appeared in my dream. His face penetrated through some sort of clear thin glass like film. True Father smiled at me as if to say, "don't worry, I am here, stay the course," and then he vanished.

(Rest of Rev. Thelma Mutala's Testimony)


Miho Panzer's Testimony about True Mother Kang

During these last few days of cold weather I have been thinking about True Mother Kang who arrived in Pennsylvania after traveling a long way from Korea in a cold December 2016. When I saw her, she was healthy with a beautiful smile. When she opened her mouth, Aumonim Kang always spoke about True Father. She read the Cheon Seong Gyeong many, many times and underlined what she thought were important sections with red lines. Then when she read the Cheon Seong Gyeong again she would realize that the other sections were also important, so almost every page was full of red lines! She asked us, "do you believe God? How much? If you think, "God doesn't listen to my prayers," then think about how much you believe God. If you believe 5% or 20% or 50% or 100% that will determine how much God can act. Sometimes we give up just before God is ready to fulfill our prayer request. That is why True Father emphasized absolute love, absolute faith and absolute obedience. I know that she followed those words. I would be surprised to hear her say, "I am in Jesus. I am in True Father." She would say, "I am praying with True Father." I realized how her level of prayer was a much higher standard than mine.

(Rest of Miho Panzer's Testimony)


Loving Our Neighbor Is How We Keep Our Kingdom

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? John 4:20 (KJV)

By Alex Gaigg

The Kingdom itself is governed by those who extend it. If you keep it to yourself, then you are a fool hiding in plain sight. If you allow others to have their kingdoms, then yours will surely be safeguarded. This is why Hyung Jin Nim will successfully reign as the Second King - because he allows us to have our own kingships. God intended that the Kingdom of Heaven shall be on earth, not only in Heaven. And He did not create it for just one person or one family or family line, but every person of the creator. We thank the Second King for giving us our anointings as kings and queens, because through them we can be connected to God.

(Rest of Alex Gaigg's essay)


New Resources for Matching and Blessing

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Rob and Gaia Carvell announced the release of ' From the Cross to the Crown and Beyond', the first book in the Gospel Family Trilogy, in October of 2018. The second book, 'He Has Come again with a New Name' is now available, completing the Trilogy as a wonderful present for family and friends. The trilogy explains the purpose of the Messiah, and the extent of salvation through the cross; how the second coming (with a new name, Rev3:12) has taken place; the accomplishments of the Lord at His seco nd coming; and government and lifestyle in the new Kingdom.

We Are the Kingsways

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"Since humankind has received satanic blood, people cannot return to God on their own. So the Messiah must accomplish absolute restoration of the lineage, renewing the bloodline that was defiled by Satan. This transition must be made. This is why the Messiah must surely come." January 7, 1988, Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 127, 172-53, 1988.1.7

Father's Words on the 2nd Advent, his heir, and Mother's Responsibility


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May God bless you and your families!

Sincerely, Richard Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

**TheKing'sReport** website, Rod of Iron Ministries Highlighted Interviews from the King's Reports Sanctuary on Vimeo Unification Sanctuary website, Sanctuary on Youtube, Spanish Sanctuary Sermons, Sanctuary on Facebook Korean Sermons on Youtube, Sanctuary Church - Japan "Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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