
An Effort under the NSDS April, 2011 CONTENTS

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………... i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………..….... iii

1.0 INTRODUCTION………………………………………… 1 1.1 The Legal and Strategic Context of Tourism Development in Sierra Leone……………………………………………………….. 1 1.2 The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (MoTCA)…………… 2 1.2.1 Policy Objectives of the Ministry……………………………………. 2 1.3 The National Tourist Board of Sierra Leone………………………. 3 1.3.1 Services Provided by the Board…………………………………….. 3 1.4 New Tourism Strategic Action Plan………………………………… 4 1.5 Strategic Policies/Regulations and Action Plan for the 4 Tourism Sector (2009 – 2014)………………………………………. 1.5.1 Key Government Policies & Regulations…………………………... 4 1.5.2 Strategies/Activities of the Tourism Sector (2009 – 2014)………. 5 1.6 Comparative Advantage of Sierra Leone as Unique Tourist Destination…………………………………………………… 5 1.7 The Private Sector and the Tourism Industry in Sierra Leone…... 7

2.0 TOURISTS/VISTIOR’S ARRIVALS (1988-2008)…… 9 2.1 Arrivals by Region……………………………………………………. 10 2.2 Overnight Stay In Hotels and Similar Establishments……………. 11 2.2.1 Hotel Occupancy Rates……………………………………………… 12 2.2.2 Registered/Licensed Establishments and Beds in Use (1999 to 2008)………………………………………………………… 13 2.2.3 Total Beds Available and Beds in Used in Hotels 14 (2006-2008)……………………………………………………………

3.0 TRENDS IN REVENUE GENERATED FROM LEVIES AND REGISTRATION FEES………………... 15 3.1 Employment in the Tourism Industry……………………………….. 16 3.2 Expenditure by Visitors……………………………………………… 17

LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1.1: Total Number of Visitors 1988-2008……………………………….. 9 Fig. 1.2: Total Numbers of Arrivals by Purpose (1998-2008)……………… 10 Fig. 1.3: Region of Origin of Visitors…………………………………………. 10 Fig. 1.4: Total Number of Tourists Accommodation Compared to Total Number of Nights Spent in Hotels…………………………… 11 Fig. 1.5: Average Occupancy Rates from 2000 to 2008…………………… 12 Fig. 1.6: Change in the Number of Registered Tourist Establishments (1999-2008)………………………………………... 13 Fig. 1.7: Percentage Distribution of Type of Registered Tourist Establishments in 2007 and 2008………………………………….. 14 Fig. 1.8: Number of Beds Available and Beds in Use in 2006 to 2008…... 14


Fig. 1.9: Trends in Revenue Generated from Levies and Registration/License Fees in Million Leones……………………… 15

Fig. 2.1: Trends in Total Employment in the Tourist Industry (1998-2008)…………………………………………………………... 16 Fig. 2.2: Total Employment in the Tourism Industry by Source of Employment……………………………………………… 17 Fig. 2.3: Total Expenditure in Million Leones by Arriving Visitors by Purpose of Visit………………………………………………………. 18

APPENDIX 1 - TABLES OF SELECTED TOURISM 19 INDICATORS………………………………………………………… Table 1.1: Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Purpose of Visit -2008……….. 20 Table 1.2: Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Purpose of Visit – 2007………. 20 Table 1.3: Summary of Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Purpose of Visit 1998-2008……………………………………………………. 21 Table 2.1: Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Place of Residence – 2008….. 22 Table 2.2: Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Place of Residence – 2007….. 23 Table 2.3: Summary of Visitor Arrivals by Air by Place of Residence – 1988-2008…………………………………………….. 24 Table 2.4: Total Overnight Stay of Arriving Visitors by Purpose of Visit (1998-2008)…………………………………………………………... 25 Table 2.5: Total Overnight Stay of Arriving Visitors by Place of Residence(1998-2008)……………………………………………… 25 Table 2.6: Type of Registered/Licensed Establishments……………………. 26 Table 2.6a: Number of Beds in Use in Hotels( 2006 -2008) by Region……… 27 Table 2.6b: Number of Beds in use Guest Houses( 2006 -2008) by Region…………………………………………………………….. 27 Table 2.7: Revenue generated from Levies, License /Registration Fees from Tourism Sector(1998-2008)………………………….. 27 Table 2.8: Visitor Expenditure by Purpose of Visit (2006-2008)…………….. 28 Table 2.8a: Visitor Expenditure by Purpose of Visit (2006-2008) in United Dollars…………………………………………………….. 28 Table 2.8b: Estimated Accommodation Expenditure by Type of Visitor (2006-2008)…………………………………………………………... 28 Table 2.9: Total Employment in Tourism Industry by Type of Establishment (1998-2008)…………………………………………. 29

APPENDIXES - DIRECTORY OF REGISTERED TOURIST ESTABLISHMENT FOR YEAR 2008 ……... 30 4.0: Hotels………………………………………………………………….. 31 5.0: Guest Houses………………………………………………………… 36 6.0: Restaurants…………………………………………………………… 46 7.0: Snack Bars……………………………………………………………. 52 8.0: Travel Agencies……………………………………………………… 54 9.0: Tourism Handling Agencies………………………………………… 56 10.0: Night Clubs…………………………………………………………… 57 11.0: Casinos……………………………………………………………….. 60



The production of this bulletin was made possible through a partnership between Statistics Sierra Leone and the Ministry of Tourism through the National Tourist Board (NTB) under the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS), with funds from the African Development (ADB). Statistics Sierra Leone thanks the National Tourist Board for providing the Office Space for the Statistician attached to the Ministry of Tourism and for providing the data used in this report. Particular thanks go to Mr. Cecil Williams (General Manager) of the National Tourist Board for actively participating in the writing of this report. We thank Mr. Abu Bakarr Turay, Offer-in-Charge of Economic Statistics Division, for coordinating and editing of the report Special thanks go to Messrs, Head External Trade Statistics Section, Head, Business and Industry Statistics Section, Samuel Turay, Head, Price and Labour Statistics Section and Mr. Momodu J Bundu, SSL Statistician attached to the Ministry of Tourism for writing portions of this report. However, the final responsibility for any technical mistakes in the report are those of Mr. Momodu J Bundu the Statistician attached to the Ministry of Tourism who coordinated the data collection and put together the final report.

Many thanks also go to the Administrative Manager, Mr. Ahmed Sayboum Kanu and the Finance Manager Mr. Babafemi Aaron-Johnson for their positive contributions to the production, publication and dissemination of the final output.

Finally, our thanks go to the African Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Sierra Leone for funding the exercise.

Mohamed King-Koroma Abu Bakarr Turay Acting Statistician General Officer-in-Charge, Economic Statistics Division


Tourism is arguably the largest industry and one of the fastest growing industries in the World today. It is estimated to represent over 4 trillion dollars, or 10 percent of the World’s Gross Domestic Product (WTTC Stat.2006). The industry supplies over 230 million jobs and over $800 billion in tax revenues internationally (UN/WTO Stat.2007). Tourism is a major generator of foreign exchange revenues and facilitates regional and international trade and investment linkages. It is the principal Foreign Exchange earner and the backbone of the economy of many small states and island states like the Gambia, Seychelles, Maldives, etc.

Sierra Leone has strong potentials for tourism industry. It has excellent beaches and islands, mountains and rich biodiversity, interesting wildlife, friendliness of the people and rich socio-cultural heritage; and it occupies a special place in the world history of anti-slavery movement as ‘the land of freedom’ – hence the name of it’s Capital City.

Since the 1980s, the country has been developing a small but, a thriving tourism industry. The end of the civil conflict in 2002 led to renewed arrivals by business travelers, as well as members of the Diaspora visiting friends and relatives. This in turn has stimulated some investment in the hotel and guesthouse infrastructure in Freetown. For example, the Chinese investment in Bintumani Hotel; the NASSIT investment in Tourism infrastructure and the construction of new hotels such as Hotel Bamoi, and Hotel Kimbima, etc by other domestic investors all form part of increased investment in the tourism sector in the country.

Within the framework of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS), the Government of Sierra Leone in 2008 approved the deployment of Statisticians from Statistics Sierra Leone (SSL) to eight line ministries including the Ministry of Tourism to help collect and compile statistical indicators in support of decision-making. This bulletin is part of the effort under the NSDS to provide data on the Tourism industry in Sierra Leone. This Bulletin is the first in a series of bulletins that will follow year after year. Consequently, data included in this bulletin have an official character. Therefore, any correction or changes received after this will be included in the next edition of the Bulletin. The main topics covered in this bulletin include data on tourist arrivals, country of origin of tourists, hotel occupancy rates, tourist expenditure etc.

1.1 The Legal and Strategic Context of Tourism Development in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone recognizing the importance of tourism development established the Hotels and Tourist Board in 1964. In these early years, the growth and development of the tourism industry in the country was relatively slow and lacked a specific direction. There was no Act or policy to guide tourism development in the country. Key industry actors were left wholly unregulated. This state of affairs continued for close to a

1 decade. In 1973, however, the GoSL decided to establish the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (MoTCA) in order to harness the immense tourism potential in Sierra Leone, ensuring further socio-economic growth in a regulated framework. The Hotels and Tourist Board became an integral part of MoTCA in 1975.

1.2 The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (MoTCA)

Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs is responsible for policy formulation on tourism and culture. The Ministry’s broad objectives are to promote sustainable tourism as a means of economic growth and socio-cultural integration and to promote Sierra Leone as an environmentally friendly tourist destination. It aims at building the image of Sierra Leone abroad as a country with a glorious past, and a vibrant future. It also aims at preserving, protecting and promoting cultural diversity with a view to reviving and strengthening national consciousness, understanding and appreciating the cultural heritage and Artistic creativity of the Sierra Leonean People.

1.2.1 Policy Objectives of the Ministry

The overall policy objectives of the Ministry of Tourism include the following:-

• Ensure that appropriate tourism policy including regulatory and legislative framework are put in place.

• Encourage the development of tourism activities that are geared towards enhancing Sierra Leone’s image as middle and up-market destination as well as protecting the environment for sustainable tourism development.

• Encourage the provision of adequately trained and qualified manpower to service the Tourism and Hospitality industry at all levels by developing a comprehensive human resource development programme for the sector.

• Encourage investment in the sector by indigenous and foreign entrepreneurs.

• To ensure the preservation and conservation of the physical and cultural heritage site of the country.

• To pursue an effective market strategy for promoting Sierra Leone as a Tourism Destination worldwide.

On February 21st 1991, Sierra Leone’s Parliament passed the Development of Tourism Act 1990 which aimed ‘to make new and better provisions for the promotion and development of tourism in Sierra Leone’. This Act established the National Tourist Board (NTB) as a corporate body to be supervised by the MoTCA


1.3 The National Tourist Board of Sierra Leone

On February 21st 1991, Sierra Leone’s Parliament passed the Development of Tourism Act 1990 which aimed ‘to make new and better provisions for the promotion and development of tourism in Sierra Leone’. This Act established the National Tourist Board (NTB) as a corporate body to be supervised by the MoTCA.

As articulated in Part II Section 9 of the Act, the general mandate of the NTB is to develop all aspects of the tourist industry in Sierra Leone, to promote its efficiency and a high international standard of facilities. The NTB is further responsible for undertaking a wide range of functions including research, experiments and operations to determine the impact of tourism policies, classifying tourist facilities including hotels, casinos and night clubs, registering and licensing of these tourist facilities, recommending the declaration of National Tourism Development Assets to the Government and providing or ensuring the provision of training for tourism industry employees, among others.

Importantly, the NTB serves as a bridge between the public and private sectors, and liaises with various institutions and key stakeholders in order to carry out its mandate effectively. Although no amendments have been made to the Act since it was approved by Parliament in 1991, critical recommendations were put forward in 2008 which indicate a pressing need to review and update the legislation.

The National Tourist Board began operating in November 1991. It is a semi- autonomous body and a professional arm of the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs. The European Commission (EC) through a Tourism Development Project provided financial support for the initial set-up and organization of the NTB.

1.3.1 Services Provided by the Board

The National Tourist Board plays a leading role in the promotion and development of Sierra Leone’s tourism industry, particularly given the low capacity of the private sector in providing tourism related services. In the absence of private sector services, the NTB is filling the gap by undertaking a wide range of activities from training (both technical and managerial) to producing top quality brochures, websites and other promotional marketing tools. The main services provided by the NTB in Sierra Leone are as follows:

• Implementing Government tourism policies • Developing and promoting sustainable tourism products • Developing and executing appropriate marketing campaigns • Designing and disseminating promotional materials • Facilitating private investment in the tourism industry • Assessing, licensing and classifying all tourist establishments

3 • Monitoring the operations of all tourist establishments to ensure quality services in compliance with ECOWAS Standards of Classification of Tourist Establishments.

1.4 New Tourism Strategic Action Plan

There are on-going policy review activities in the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs - for instance the Integrated Framework Tourism Project (IFTP) which has three components – 1). A Tourism Strategic Action Plan document has been developed and validated, 2). The Tour Guide Training Programme is on-going and 3). The Marketing Program implementation is also on-going, and is being sponsored by the World Bank, UNCTAD, UNDP, etc and being implemented by Ministry of Tourism and the National Tourist Board.

1.5 Strategic Policies/Regulations and Action Plan for the tourism Sector (2009 -2014)

1.5.1 Key Government Policies & Regulations

The government of Sierra Leone in its bid to develop the tourism industry in Sierra Leone has put in place the following strategic policies as enshrined in the 2009 Draft National Investment Policy:

1. 5 years exemption from corporate tax, limited to 150 percent of eligible expenditures of the original capital invested

2. Duty free for new construction, extension or renovation of existing tourism related facilities ; applicable to building materials, machinery, or equipment that is not easily available in Sierra Leone

3. Exemption from payroll taxes for 3 years for up to six non-citizen employees with skills not available in the country.

4. Attractive tax incentives and services are also provided by other sectors that will encourage investment in the tourism sector.

5. Stakeholders & investor coordination to restore Facilities

6. Develop exhibition on Slavery in Sierra Leone; networking with African-Americans in the Diaspora – Thus promoting ROOTS TOURISM

7. Market awareness – Increase knowledge about Sierra Leone Tourism potentials nationally and internationally through aggressive marketing campaign.


1.5.2 Strategies/Activities of the tourism sector (2009-2014)

In order to achieve the aforementioned policies, the following strategies/activities have been stipulated in the validated Strategic Tourism Action Plan:

1. Target Tourism Product and Market Development around the Western Area Peninsula – a platform for job creation and income generation, and environmental conservation drive;

2. Institutional Capacity Building within the Ministry of Tourism, National Tourist Board and the Hotel/Tourism School to improve service delivery;

3. Government reforms to ease difficulties of investing in Sierra Leone; so that the reform will stimulate investment opportunities within the Tourism Sector;

4. Review and upgrade tourism related regulations – review of the 1990 Tourism Development Act, establishment of a Land Adjudication Mechanism for Targeted Tourism Development Areas.

1.6 Comparative Advantage of Sierra Leone as Unique Tourist Destination

Sierra Leone enjoys several advantages, which augur well for the development of a leisure, adventure and cultural heritage tourism segments. Some of these advantages are:

• Its outstanding crystal white and golden beaches with dramatic tropical and mountainous backdrop;

• Tropical environment and scenery (mountains, forests, rivers, coastline, islands) and nature (birds, flora and fauna). Sierra Leone has interesting wildlife, and could tap into the rapidly growing bird-watching niche tourism market;

• Proximity to Northern Europe – a 5-6 hour flight, which puts it closer than the Caribbean, the Maldives and Mauritius;

• Warm and fairly dry weather during the European winter,

• Interesting heritage and tribal history, which can be built into an attractive ‘story’ for Europeans, African-Americans and the Diaspora;

• Diamonds, which offer a special ‘attraction’ as well as a potential buying opportunity.

Despite the country’s ‘touristic’ advantages particularly its proximity to Europe, tourism in Sierra Leone has developed relatively slowly, partly as a result of the relatively unstable political environment that has existed in much

5 of the post independence era. While other countries in the sub-region like Ghana, Senegal and the Gambia have a relatively viable tourism sector, Sierra Leone is still struggling with less than five hundred thousand visitors from Europe and America every year (NTB Stat.)

SWOT Analysis of the Sierra Leone Tourism Industry General Tourism Product – Sierra Leone (Adapted from the World Bank Tourism Clusters Report)


• Diversity of the tourism product • Isolated due to limited air, water and • Pristine and high quality beaches, hills land transport and biodiversity • Lack of connectivity within country • Unspoiled natural scenery among various tourist sites Internal • Richness of cultural heritage and • Lack of basic physical infrastructure historical background • Lack of basic services including water, • Geographic proximity to market electricity and emergency healthcare • Pleasant weather during peak season • Historical legacies unpreserved due to • Navigable rivers for water-based encroachment or indifference exploration • Absence of a basic supply chain • Relatively secured environment • Somewhat disconnected from the • Wealth of social capital feedback from clients and markets • Hospitality and friendliness of citizenry • Low capacity to market regionally or • Low HIV/AIDS prevalence compared to internationally other African countries • Lack of coordination among • East of packaging with other nearby entrepreneurs and government destinations • Lack of technical manpower • Growing interest by international hotel • Incomplete and outdated legislative chains framework for tourism • Lack of adequate training in the area of tourism


• Successful peace-building process and • Extremely unfavorable (and unfair) sustained political stability gradually country image being recognized internationally • Regional image due to drug-trafficking • Global interest in the histories of anti- and petty crimes

slavery movement originating from the • Government and market failures External United States related to specific goods and services Environment • Recent recognition among sportsmen • Price levels too high compared to other about the excellence of specialized similar tourist destinations fishing potentials in Sierra Leone • Adverse environmental and social • Opportunity to shape image as a impacts if tourism is mismanaged, as newcomer especially with pristine and has been the experience with mining unspoiled tourist sites industry • Opportunity to capitalize on emerging • Underestimation of the potential of niche market of ecotourism sub-sectors in generating employment • Saturation of neighboring tourist and revenue destinations, e.g. The Gambia • Strong developmental interest locally and internationally, contributing towards the public goods and infrastructure • Formation of a new hotel owners’ association and other business forums • Strengthening local knowledge of and pride in national heritage through tourism higher education programs

6 1.7 The Private Sector and the Tourism Industry in Sierra Leone

The private sector in recognizing the tourism potential in Sierra Leone, has demonstrated keen interest in the sector by establishing hotels, guesthouses, tourism facilitating agencies etc. Given the urgent need for employment creation and the limited capacity of the country’s mining and manufacturing sectors to generate enough jobs, Sierra Leone would do better if it diversifies its economy through the development and promotion of a viable tourism industry.

The major opportunity for Sierra Leone is in the development of beach tourism. While there is considerable local entrepreneurship, there is a lack of capital for larger hotel projects, and a lack of experience in managing/marketing leisure hotels. Investment in this sector would probably have to involve some overseas investors; and could be stimulated by joint ventures in which the Government develops the site (the Western Peninsula offers the best prospects) and the local private sector provides some equity capital and local knowledge, while the foreign partner may bring expertise and additional capital, including the credibility needed to attract loan finance.

The substantial stock of existing hotel accommodation remains an issue for the future development of tourism as most of the stock requires improvement. Tax breaks, classification schemes and regulatory standards will help improve the stock, as well as taking some of it off the market. There is a substantial stock of small accommodation units, many operating with very low occupancies. There is a need for a scheme to help such units improve their standards, bring some of them together to gain economies in marketing, and help them appreciate where potential market segments exist, where they can be reached and what product they need to offer.

After many years of economic decline and civil war, there is a wide range of needs such as employment, revenue, quality infrastructure, electricity, water, etc. Some of these are gradually being improved as part of the general recovery program, while others will have to be managed by private investors. However, it will take a long time to tackle all the infrastructure problems, and in the meantime priorities have to be set. One recommendation to promote the tourism sector is to reflect the needs of the sector in the investment and maintenance programs of the relevant Ministries. For example, the construction of the road along the Western Peninsula will promote tourism. Although this project is a top priority for the tourism industry, its construction is largely out of the control of the tourism industry.


Specific Investment Opportunities in the Tourism Sector (2009 - 2014)

No. Project Name Brief Description Indicative Cost (US $)

1. Western Area Tourism identify tourism products with market Investment Plan potentials; organize the products into thematic products and circuits; indicate 150,000 cost implication to upgrade the thematic products into marketable packages]

2. Small Grants Program support 5-10 products development for Product through Small Grants Programs – development development of historic sites, nature 800,000 trails, bird watching, interpretation centers, craft markets, etc

3. Targeted Marketing to quality website design, production of Support Product promotional collateral materials- circuit Development maps, guide books, brochures, etc; for 700,000 promotional campaigns; organize local festivals]

4. Development of Small Hotel/Guest House Development, Tourism related iconic Restaurant Development in and 100,000 Amenities around Tourist Attraction Sites – Western Area and provincial towns and cities ]

5. Enhancing conducive Investing in providing Ferries, and reliable Hovercrafts, Helicopters, Catamarans Transportation and or Speed Boats/Jet Ski to facilitate Facilitation movement of tourists/visitors from Lungi More than International Airport to Freetown and 5,000,000 other tourist destinations within the country


The number of arrivals includes all those persons disembarking at the Freetown International Airport in Lungi, which includes non-Nationals as well as Sierra Leoneans who are holders of dual citizenship. This category however, excludes Sierra Leone nationals returning from conferences, workshops, studies, medical check-ups and business trips from abroad. The data also excludes arrivals by road or sea. The data is disaggregated by year, place of origin of arrivals and the purpose of visit to Sierra Leone.

Figure 1.1 below illustrates the trend in the total number of visitors over the period 1988 to 2010. As shown on the graph the number of visitors increased steadily since 2000 and reached a peak in 2004, when the highest number of visitors to Sierra Leone was recorded. The steady increase in the number of visitors since 2000 could be attributed to the peace that prevailed in the country following the signing of the Lome Peace Accord, which brought the civil war to an end. As a result, the arrival of UN Peace Keepers did not only boost the number of arrivals but also attracted many NGOs and other humanitarian workers into the country at that time.

Figure 1.1: Total Numbers of Visitors (1988 – 2010)

However, by the end of 2004 the phase withdrawal of the UN Peace Keepers began, and the activities of NGOs were scaled down as a result of the decline in the need for relief activities. These two factors accounted for the decline in the number of visitors into the country since 2005. The lowest recorded number of visitors was in 1997 mainly due to the May 27 coup of the Arm Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC), which attracted both regional and international sanctions, and hence restricted the movement of persons and goods to and from Sierra Leone. Since 2007 the number of visitors has been steadily increasing; the low recorded number of visitors in 2007 could be due to the uncertainty of violence surrounding the presidential and

9 parliamentary elections of that year.Since 2008 the number of arrivals increased significantly from year to year over the period.

Figure 1.2: Total Numbers of Arrivals by Purpose (1998 - 2010)

Figure 1.2 shows that between 1988 and 1993 holiday was the main reason why visitors came to Sierra Leone; while ‘business’ was also a popular reason over the period . ‘Other’ became a popular reason mostly between 2003 and 2008. However, ‘other’ as a reason comprises of a whole range of hidden reasons, including missing information on purpose of visit. Visiting friends and families is also a popular reason for visitors. However, among the expressed reasons for visiting the country, ‘conference’ is the least for the period under review. This could be attributed to a combination of factors including the insecurity created by the war, the lack of modern conference- related infrastructure, and the location of the main international airport in Lungi across the sea that limit access to Freetown, the capital city where most conference facilities are located. However, this reason improved in 2009 and 2010, which could be due to the rebranding effort of the government, which saw many international conferences been hosted in Freetown.

2.1 Arrivals by Region As shown on figure 1.3 below, there were more arrivals in 2008 than in 2009 and 2010.

10 Figure 1.3 Region of Origin of Visitors

In each case however, arrivals from European countries were far more than arrivals from other regions; the re-branding effort of the Sierra Leone Government since the end of the war in 2002 so that the country is seen as a tourist destination coupled with its closer proximity to Europe than America might be responsible for the higher proportion from this region. Arrivals from ECOWAS countries constitute the second largest bloc, followed by America and Asia.

2.2 Overnight Stay in Hotels and Similar Establishments The total number of overnights stayed in tourist establishments is the product of the number of nights spent by each tourist from the date of arrival to the date of departure and the total number of tourist accommodated in hotels or guest houses during the period. This information is important especially to the National Revenue Authority (NRA) because it is one of the key elements that determine how much revenue is generated from the tourism industry. 15 percent of the amount paid by each tourist per room per night as hotel fees is paid to the NRA as tax which form part of the revenue generated by the tourism industry. Therefore for the same number of tourists per year the longer the tourist stay in the hotel, the more revenue is generated by the tourism industry. During the period under review, the average number of nights spent per tourist increased from five nights in 2000 to seven nights in 2005 and has remained at seven nights per tourist up to 2010.

From Figure 1.4 below it can be estimated that the total number of nights spent increased over time from 205,375 tourist nights in 2000 to 334,520 nights in 2004 which was the highest recorded over the period under review declining annually to 225,561in 2007; but increase steadily to 270,305 in 2010. Similarly, total number of tourists accommodated increased gradually over the period from 15,713 in 2000 to 43,560 in 2004 declining to 32,223 in 2007, but increased steadily to 38,615 in 2010.

It should be noted that information in this section is limited to major/bigger hotels, motels and guest houses that have 15 or more rooms which are mostly concentrated in the regional headquarter towns.

11 Figure 1.4 Total Number of Tourists Accommodated Compared to Total number of nights Spent in Hotels

12 2.2.1 Hotel Occupancy Rates

It is also very important to measure the occupancy rate because it has implications for both income and employment in the tourism industry. Lower occupancy rate implies decline in demand for hotel rooms which means accommodating fewer guest. This trend will impact negatively on employment as hotel managers will likely cut down on payroll. The occupancy rate is calculated as total rooms sold divided by total number of rooms available in the hotel expressed as a percentage. Figure 1.5 illustrates occupancy rate for 2000 to 2010.

Figure 1.5: Average Occupancy Rates from 2000 - 2010

Figure 1.5 above shows that there have been four consecutive annual declines in the trend estimate of room occupancy rates for hotels, motels and guest houses from 2000 to 2004. On average, the occupancy rate dropped from 24.6% in 2000 to 20.9% in 2001 and further drop to 9.7% in 2004 due to the stigma of the country civil war. There was a further decline from 23.8% in 2007 to 10.2% due mainly to the 2008/2009 global financial crisis, which affected global incomes and hence tourism related travels all over the world.

Since 2005, the tourism industry began to pick up as shown by the increases in the trend estimate of room occupancy rate for hotels, motels and guest houses from 10.8% in 2005 to 22.96% in 2006 and marginally increase by 0.87 percentage point from 22.96% in 2006 to 23.83% in 2007.

In 2010, there was an improvement in the occupancy rate, which suggests a recovery of the tourism sector from the negative impact of the 2008/2009 global financial and economic crisis.


2.2.2 Registered/Licensed Establishments and Beds in Use (1999 to 2008)

The number of registered/licensed establishments operating in the tourist industry gives us an indication of the structure of the industry particularly if location factors and number of beds available are taken into consideration. The information is very important not only to the Ministry of Tourism and Culture but also to the general public and researchers. The information provided shows the rate at which tourism industry has expanded over the years. The end of the civil war in 2002 allowed for some investment in hotels and similar establishments not only in Freetown but in other parts of the country as well.

Figure 1.6 below shows the changes in the number of registered tourist establishments over the period 2000 to 2010. It could be seen that the number of registered tourist establishments increased from 120 establishments in 2000 to a peak of 244 establishments in 2005.

Figure 1.6: Changes in the Number of Registered Tourist Establishments (2000 – 2010)

When analysed by type of establishments, figure 1.7 below illustrates the structure of the tourist industry in Sierra Leone. As shown on the graph, there were more guest houses than hotels registered in 2009 and 2010 and this is characteristic of all the previous years. There are very few tourist handling agencies which is reflective of the volume of tourism related activities in the country. The number of registered night clubs and bars is low, probably due to the fact that many of these facilities operate in the informal sector.

14 Figure 1.7: Percentage Distribution of Type of Registered Tourist Establishments in 2009 to 2010

There are more guest houses than hotels likely because many of the tourist establishments that offer accommodation services do not meet the standards established by the National Tourist Board (NTB) to qualify for classification as hotels. This underscores the snail pace of significant private investment in the tourism sector of the economy.

2.2.3 Total Beds Available and Beds in Used in Hotels (2008-2010)

The total number of beds available in hotels and guest houses refer to all beds available for rent as accommodation for tourists or guests including those beds used by staff of these establishments and those temporally out of use. Beds in use refer to those beds available for the accommodation of guests or tourists. Figure 1.8 below shows total beds available and beds in use in hotels and guest houses 2008 to 2010.

Table 1.8: Number of Beds Available and Beds in use in 2008 – 2010

As shown on figure 1.8 above, the number of beds available increased gradually from 3,156 in 2008 to 4,829 in 2009 and further increased to 3,255 in 2010, mainly due to construction of new facilities and refurbishment of old ones . The number of bed in use also increased gradually during the period under review.


Tourism expenditure generates income to the host economy and can stimulate the investment necessary to finance growth in other economic sectors. Some countries seek to accelerate this growth by requiring visitors to bring in a certain amount of foreign currency for each day of their stay. Tourism is one of the top five export categories for as many as 83% of countries and is a main source of foreign exchange earnings for at least 38% of countries. Direct contributions are generated by taxes on incomes from tourism employment and tourism businesses, and by direct levies on tourists such as departure taxes. Indirect contributions come from taxes and duties levied on goods and services supplied to tourists.

For the purpose of this analysis, we present a picture of revenue generated from two sources: levies and licensees/registration. The National Revenue Authority (NRA) took over the collection of revenue generated from levies in July 2008 which data could only be captured from the entertainment tax. Figure 1.9 below illustrates trends in tourism revenue generated from levies and registration/licenses fees over the period 1998 t0 2010. Tourism revenue particularly revenue generated from levies sources increased significantly from year to year over the period except in 2008 when a decline was recorded. The global financial and food crisis in 2008 and 2009, which affected the global tourism trade may account for some part of the decline.

Figure 1.9: Trends in Revenue Generated from Levies and Registration/Licenses Fees in Million Leones

Over the eleven year period from 2000 to 2010, the total sum of Le 2,975,468,673 was generated as tourism revenue in the form of levies and registration fees/licenses. Of this, about 91% amounting to Le 2,928,094,000 was generated as revenue from Levies, while 11.8% amounting to Le 391,586,000 was generated as revenue from registration fees/licenses. (see appendix table 1.51)

16 3.1. Employment in the Tourism Industry

The rapid expansion of international tourism has led to significant employment creation all over the world. For example, the hotel accommodation sector alone provided around 11.3 million jobs worldwide in 1995 (World Tourism record, 1998). Tourism can generate jobs directly through hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, taxis, guest houses, casinos and souvenir sales, and indirectly through the supply of goods and services needed by tourism-related businesses. Tourism supports some 7% of the world's workers.

Figure 2.1 below illustrates the growth in employment in the tourism industry in Sierra Leone over the period 2000 to 2010. Over the eleven year period, total number of persons directly employed in all tourist establishments was 32,790 persons. On a year to year basis, total employment in the tourism industry increased substantially from 2000 to 2005 declined thereafter but picked up again in 2007 and in 2008, dipped in 2009 but picked up in 2010. Total employment was low in 2000, likely because the country was still politically unstable, but picked up as the country became more and more stable.

Figure 2.1: Trends in Total Employment in the Tourism Industry (2000 – 2010)

Figure 2.2 below shows that among the eight sources of employment in the tourism sector, restaurant, guest houses and hotels were the leading sources of employment in the Sierra Leone Tourism sector. What perhaps is missing from the data is further disaggregation into age, sex and a brief description of the type of jobs that are available in each source highlighted.

17 Figure 2.2: Total Employment in the Tourism Industry by Source of Employment

3.2 Expenditure by Visitors

Expenditures from international visitors more especially tourists generate income to the host economy and can stimulate the investment necessary to finance growth in other sectors of the economy. An important indicator of the role of international visitors is its generation of foreign exchange earnings.

Income from international visitors is one of the top five export categories for as many as four-fifth of countries and is a main source of foreign exchange earnings for almost two-fifth of countries world over.

Direct contributions by international visitors especially tourists are generated by taxes on incomes from international visitors’ related employment and businesses, and by direct levies on international visitors such as departure taxes.

Indirect contributions come from taxes and duties levied on goods and services supplied to foreign visitors. The World Trade Organisation estimates that travel and tourism's taxes alone (direct, indirect, and personal taxes) contributed over US$ 800 billion in 1998 and this figure it expected to double by 2010. This sector should never be underestimated by any government. Expenditure incurred by international visitors actually forms part of the income of that nation since the monies spent in that country become sources of income for most nationals connected to the international travel/tourist industry either by way of employment, business or otherwise.

Figure 2.3 below shows the total expenditure incurred by visitors who visited Sierra Leone from 2007-2009 classified by purpose of visit. Total expenditures comprised of expenses on accommodation, food, entertainment, transportation, souvenirs etc. The National Tourist Board

18 (NTB) estimated total expenditure as a product of average night spent per visitor and average expenditure on all components.

As shown on figure 2.3 below tourism expenditure increased from year to year during the period under review for all visitors. Total expenditure increased from USD 24.7 Million in 2007 to USD 27.2 Million in 2008 and declined slightly to USD 26.0 Million in 2009 partly due to the financial crisis of 2009.

Figure 2.3: Total Expenditure in Million Leones by Arriving Visitors by purpose of visit

From figure 2.3 above, we can see that visitors who came in for conferences spent the least followed by those who came in for holidays. The highest resources were spent by those visitors who are classified under the category ‘others’. This pattern cuts across 2007 and 2008. The category ‘others’ include those visitors arriving in the country who failed to provide information on their purpose of visits. For correct classification, immigration officers should make sure that immigrants clearly indicate their purpose of visits on entering the country. In 2009 however, those visiting for business spent the most, followed by those visiting for holiday.





Table 1.1: Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Purpose of Visit -2010

Month Holiday VFR Business Conference Other Total

January 697 307 1,377 295 1,013 3,689 February 492 341 933 268 567 2,601 March 631 434 1,205 288 897 3,455 April 626 429 846 328 761 2,990 May 564 405 1,063 418 945 3,395 June 291 158 480 188 423 1,540 July 331 108 598 118 477 1,632 August 520 277 864 343 606 2,610 September 527 297 957 281 677 2,739 October 379 164 1,113 111 614 2,381 November 1,048 1,063 1,733 803 867 5,514 December 1,622 1,173 1,634 767 873 6,069 Total 7,728 5,156 12,803 4,208 8,720 38,615

Source: National Tourist Board

Table1.2: Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Purpose of Visit - 2009 Month Holiday VFR Business Conference Other Total

January 1,035 215 947 120 224 2,541 February 925 265 1,103 190 135 2,618 March 751 348 1,695 335 250 3,379 April 862 562 1,096 520 899 3,939 May 469 310 758 268 814 2,619 June 456 178 155 612 463 1,864 July 469 168 608 120 435 1,800 August 262 95 418 91 489 1,355 September 206 77 439 87 446 1,255 October 356 172 865 200 607 2,200 November 1,339 983 1,705 1,030 1,530 6,587 December 1,497 1,262 1,625 1,004 1,230 6,618 Total 8,627 4,635 11,414 4,577 7,522 36,775

Source: National Tourist Board 21 Table1.3: Summary of Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Purpose of Visit 1998 - 2008 Year Holiday VFR Business Conference Other Total

1988 10,647 3,136 6,859 2,326 189 23,157

1989 13,387 3,138 6,848 2,253 232 25,858

1990 14,626 3,435 7,298 2,430 679 28,468

1991 13,500 3,138 6,224 2,416 881 26,159

1992 7,319 2,996 5,605 741 2,673 19,334

1993 5,722 3,529 5,868 811 5,301 21,231

1994 8,319 4,322 7,069 964 2,900 23,574

1995 2,519 3,124 5,246 532 2,344 13,765

1996 3,494 4,614 9,813 823 3,133 21,877

1997 1,395 1,492 3,035 357 1,224 7,503

1998 2,098 1,382 5,339 783 3,263 12,865

1999 1,259 868 3,692 209 4,587 10,615

2000 1,164 1,694 5,262 563 7,030 15,713

2001 4,209 2,395 8,486 1,052 7,925 24,067

2002 4,978 2,832 10,036 1,243 9,374 28,463

2003 7,932 9,130 15,941 4,197 0 37,200

2004 7,262 7,132 10,699 3,930 14,537 43,560

2005 4,892 4,114 10,053 3,598 17,367 40,024

2006 3,019 4,305 10,806 1,734 13,840 33,704

2007 3,842 4,154 9,571 1,812 12,844 32,223

2008 4,292 5,068 10,455 2,343 13,512 35,670

2009 8,627 4,635 11,414 4,577 7,522 36,775 2010 7,728 5,156 12,803 4,208 8,720 38,615 Total 142,230 85,789 188,422 43,902 140,077 600,420


Table 2.1: Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Place of Residence – 2010 Africa Rest of the World

Month Australia Non- Middle ECOWAS Asia America Europe & Total ECOWAS East Oceania January 747 266 273 719 180 1,112 387 3,684 February 557 214 223 478 128 833 163 2,596 March 639 219 241 622 190 1,194 345 3,450 April 803 153 326 643 168 681 211 2,985 May 734 224 364 713 213 737 405 3,390 June 290 144 216 411 240 415 309 2,025 July 348 193 163 348 166 640 226 2,084 August 712 195 282 354 231 709 327 2,810 September 484 300 334 443 261 815 302 2,939 October 556 248 271 452 137 871 301 2,836 November 967 462 481 989 407 1,067 456 4,829 December 1,001 350 342 1,234 346 1,221 493 4,987 Total 7,838 2,968 3,516 7,406 2,667 10,295 3,925 38,615

Source: National Tourist Board


Table 2.2: Monthly Visitor Arrivals by Air by Place of Residence - 2009 Africa Rest of the World Month Australi Non- Middle ECOWAS Asia America Europe a & Total ECOWAS East Oceania January 535 362 125 520 88 1,037 52 2,719 February 698 88 171 545 93 1,170 40 2,805 March 973 120 307 725 55 1,388 27 3,595 April 903 304 413 804 77 1,289 57 3,847 May 673 120 282 504 87 911 50 2,627 June 614 57 321 514 67 460 34 2,067 July 523 54 221 486 36 760 42 2,122 August 418 87 101 273 93 717 42 1,731 September 391 57 93 267 79 664 20 1,571 October 540 128 174 323 61 1,054 64 2,344 November 1,325 752 678 1,089 100 1,652 40 5,636 December 1,357 558 629 1,298 112 1,713 44 5,711 Total 8,950 2,687 3,515 7,348 948 12,815 512 36,775

Source: National Tourist Board


Table 2:3: Summary of Visitor Arrivals by Air by Place of Residence (1988-2010) Middle Year Africa Asia America Europe Other Total East 1988 5,826 582 3,031 792 7,765 5,174 23,175 1989 5,599 709 3,547 921 10,702 4,380 25,858 1990 7,403 1,092 3,745 2,563 9,231 4,563 28,465 1991 6,817 1,025 3,407 2,059 8,371 4,310 25,989 1992 5,030 989 2,543 1069 6,268 2,167 19,334 1993 7,068 1604 2,685 2,079 5,620 4,892 21,223 1994 6,862 604 3,163 545 7,508 2,926 23,574 1995 5,087 481 2,117 601 2,553 3,998 13,765 1996 7,313 1046 3,932 1,107 4,481 1,065 21,877 1997 2,264 361 1,248 476 2,089 50 7,503 1998 5,294 1119 1,410 1,005 3,967 - 12,845 1999 4,264 600 139 1,406 4,205 - 10,615 2000 4,810 1,923 2454 868 5,658 - 15,713 2001 11,427 1,812 3,211 1,367 6,250 - 24,067 2002 13,519 2,134 3,785 1,622 7,403 - 28,463 2003 23,341 1,995 4,699 1,612 6,460 - 38107 2004 24,446 2,257 4,790 2,591 9,476 - 43,560 2005 21,789 2,343 4,713 1,290 9,879 - 40,023 2006 10,122 4,780 6,669 1,545 10,470 118 33,704 2007 10,846 2,579 6,169 965 11,327 337 32,223 2008 11,915 3,142 6,684 888 12,713 328 35,670 2009 11,637 3,515 7,348 948 12,815 512 36,775 2010 10,806 3,516 7,406 2,667 10,295 3,925 38,615 Total 223,485 40,208 88,895 30,986 175,506 38,745 601,143

25 Table 2:4: Total Overnight Stay of Arriving Visitors by Purpose of Visit (2000-2010) Year Holiday VFR Business Conference Others Total

2000 15,198 22,181 68,801 7,394 92,419 205,993 2001 45,297 25,769 91,320 11,318 85,285 258,989 2002 49,826 28,346 100,450 12,449 93,813 284,884 2003 63,971 73,582 128,843 23936 10,002 300,334 2004 55,865 54,861 82,292 30,107 111,629 334,754 2005 34,244 28,798 70,364 25,186 121,568 280,160 2006 21,133 30,135 75,642 12,684 96,880 236,474 2007 26,894 29,078 66,997 12,684 89,908 225,561 2008 30,044 35,476 73,185 16,401 94,584 249,690 2009 60,389 32,445 79,898 32,039 52,654 257,425 2010 54,096 36,092 89,621 29,456 61,040 270,305 Total 456,957 396,763 927,413 213,654 909,782 2,904,569 Source: National Tourist Board

Table 2.5: Total Overnight Stay of Arriving Visitors by Place of Residence (2000-2010) Year Africa Asia America Middle Europe Others Total East 2000 24,050 9,615 12,270 4,340 28,290 127428 205,993 2001 57,135 9,060 16,055 6,835 31,250 138654 258,989 2002 67,595 10,670 18,925 8,110 37,015 142569 284,884 2003 116,705 9,975 23495 8,060 32,300 109799 300,334 2004 122,230 11,285 23,950 12,955 47,380 116954 334,754 2005 152,586 16,401 32,991 9,030 49,150 20002 280,160 2006 70,400 30,460 60,683 10,815 63,290 826 236,474 2007 75,922 18,053 43,183 6,755 79,289 2,359 225,561 2008 83,108 24,290 46,788 6,216 86,992 2,296 249,690 2009 81,459 24,605 51,436 6,636 89,705 3,584 257,425 2010 75,142 24,723 52,066 18,753 72,088 27,533 270,305 Total 926,332 189,137 381,842 98,505 616,749 692,004 2,904,569 26 Table 2.6: Type of Registered/Licensed Establishments

Tourism Guest Restau- Snack Night Travel Year Hotels Casinos Handling Total Houses rants Bars Clubs Agencies Agencies 2000 6 41 40 9 7 3 12 2 120

2001 6 44 42 10 8 4 14 2 130

2002 8 66 56 21 12 3 18 3 187

2003 11 81 79 26 14 3 17 3 234

2004 14 86 64 10 7 4 17 3 205

2005 19 96 59 29 15 4 18 4 244

2006 22 80 53 24 9 3 12 5 208

2007 25 87 47 15 14 4 8 4 204

2008 28 79 53 12 10 3 22 6 213

2009 27 82 52 9 8 4 15 4 200

2010 33 89 59 7 8 3 17 3 221

Total 199 831 604 172 112 38 170 40 2166

Source: National Tourist Board


Table 2.6a: Number of Beds in Use in Hotels (2008 -2010) by Region No. of Beds in No. of Beds in No. of Beds in REGION Used in Hotel Used in Hotel Used in Hotel 2008 2009 2010 Western Area 1,114 1000 1232

Southern Region 172 172 180

Northern Region 295 303 317

Eastern Region 45 45 40

Total 1,626 1,520 1,769

Table 2.6b: Number of Beds in use Guest Houses (2008 -2010) by Region No. of Beds in No. of Beds in No. of Beds in Used in Guest Used in Guest Used in Guest REGION House House House 2008 2009 2010 Western Area 595 670 663

Southern Region 207 261 229

Northern Region 299 300 333

Eastern Region 223 246 261

Total 1,324 1,477 1,486

Table: 2.7: Revenue generated from Levies, License/Registration Fees from Tourism Sector (2000-2010)-Le’000 Year Levies Licenses & Registration 2000 201,469 8,337 2001 208,463 945 2002 242,134 17,799 2003 281,070 22,835 2004 288,292 35,465 2005 346,080 39,955 2006 361,303 35,421 2007 457,323 37,685 2008 235,071.38 62,480 2009 120,137.61 64,525 2010 186,750.41 66,140

Total 2,928,094 391,586

28 Table 2.8: Visitor Expenditure by Purpose of Visit (2007-2009)

Type of Estimated Amount Arrivals Est. Acc. FTS Visitors Average $ by Air Exp.$ $ Night Spent Visitor Expenditure for Year 2009 Holiday 8,627 7 80 200 6,556,520 V.F.R 4,635 7 40 120 1,854,000 Business 11,414 7 90 250 10,044,320 Conference 4,577 7 70 230 3,295,440 Others 7,522 7 60 150 4,287,540 Total 36,775 26,037,820 Visitor Expenditure for Year 2008 Holiday 4,292 7 80 200 3,261,920 VFR 5,068 7 70 200 3,496,920 Business 10,455 7 90 200 8,677,650 Conference 2,343 7 90 200 1,944,690 Others 13,512 7 75 200 9,796,200 Total 35,670 27,177,380 Visitor Expenditure for Year 2007 Holiday 3,842 7 75 200 2,785,450 VFR 4,154 7 75 200 3,011,650 Business 9,571 7 85 200 7,608,945 Conference 1,812 7 90 200 1,503,960 Others 12,844 7 80 200 9,761,440 Total 32,223 24,671,445 Source: National Tourist Board

Table 2.8a: Visitor Expenditure by Purpose of Visit (2007-2009) in United Dollars Type of Visitors 2007 2008 2009 Holiday 2,785,450 3,261,920 6,556,520 VFR 3,011,650 3,496,920 1,854,000 Business 7,608,945 8,677,650 10,044,320 Conference 1,503,960 1,944,690 3,295,440 Others 9,761,440 9,796,200 4,287,540 Total 24,671,445 27,177,380 26,037,820 Exchange Rate (Le =USD) 2,985 2,981 3,1962


Table 2.9: Total Employment in Tourism Industry by Type of Establishment (1998-2010) Tourism Guest Snack Night Travel Year Hotels Restaurants Casinos Handling Total Houses Bars Clubs Agencies Agencies 1998 298 19 192 135 21 78 68 8 819

1999 225 185 131 - 28 - 42 10 621

2000 241 427 610 80 57 67 31 11 1524

2001 327 352 751 97 124 204 104 16 1975

2002 281 582 868 216 96 68 181 21 2313

2003 839 878 1,371 217 277 108 154 23 3867

2004 850 915 1,500 225 285 163 160 50 4148

2005 1,083 1,061 997 175 152 189 185 97 3939

2006 633 631 834 229 42 58 134 59 2620

2007 564 724 712 146 58 163 162 54 2583

2008 1,192 748 709 89 101 167 202 30 3238

2009 797 829 822 47 81 169 149 46 2940

2010 1040 846 1191 62 196 112 173 23 3643

Source: National Tourist Board



Directory of Registered Tourist Establishment for year 2010


HOTEL BARMOI 1 75c Cape Road, Tel,Fax,AC Rest/,Swim/ pool, Satellite TV, Wireless Comm, Dr. Sheku T. Kamara 236709 Aberdeen. Freetown Carpark, Sea View 033501999 / 076602999 [email protected] Mr. Yasin Kargbo THE COUNTRY LODGE 1 HS-51 Tel, satellite TV, AC, Fax, Swim/pool, Bar & Restaurant, Car Park, Mr. Jamal Shallop 076763873 / 235589/629 COMPLEX Hill Station, Freetown Hill View/Seaview 076691000 [email protected] Mr. Edward Shallop TAIA RESORT 1 Lumley Beach Road Tel, sat. TV, AC, Fax, S/pool, Bar& Rest, Car park, Mr. Wilfred Sam- King 076609595 / 033609595 HOTEL Aberdeen, Freetown Hill/Sea view, Wireless comm. etc 033437453 Mr. Ahmed Wurie BINTUMANI HOTEL 1 11 Aberdeen Hill, Aberdeen, Satellite TV, AC, Tel, Swim/pool,C/ Hall, Shops, Bar &Rest, Casino, Mr. Joseph Yang 233996 Freetown etc 076748407 / 030282464 [email protected] Miss. Thompson MAMMY YOKO HOTEL 2 Cape Road, Aberdeen, Rest, Satellite TV,S/pool, Tennis Lawn, AC, Tel, Fans, etc Mr. Roger Crooks 077876464 / 030218890 Freetown [email protected] Mr. Muda Habib 076721899 KIMBIMA HOTEL 2 Man of War Bay, Aberdeen, Satellite TV, Tel, Fans, C/park, Swim/pool, Conference Hall, Shops, Mr. Wilfred Sam-King 234658 / 076610695 Freetown Restaurant, 033408784 / 236681(Fax) [email protected] / Mr. Alieu T. Kokubaye SIERRA LIGHTHOUSE 2 5 Man of War Bay Satellite TV, AC Tel, Conference Hall, Rest & Bar-Sea view & Car Mr. Riyad Mualeem 236676 HOTEL Aberdeen, Freetown park 076818888 / 076613290 [email protected] THE FAMILY KINGDOM 3 Lumley Beach Road, Sat TV, AC, Tel, Gym, S/p, Hall, Shops, Internet café, Children Alhaji Jaward 076777947 / 030202770 RESORT Aberdeen Freetown Playground 236133 / 231136 [email protected] / Safwat Jaward AFRICANUS HOTEL 3 1 Frazer Davies Drive, Off king Satellite TV, AC, Tel, Gym, Entertainment hall, Mini Bar, Internet MR. Nasser Ayoub 033602027 / 033601168 Street, Freetown café Sea /Garden Views, Restaurant and Mini Car park 076601168 [email protected] / Harish Gidwani SOLAR HOTEL 3 66, Man-Of-War Bay Rest. AC, Tel, Sea food Swim/pool, Chalet/B, Satellite TV, Mr. James Sanford 033478400 / 030216846 Aberdeen, Freetown Gardenview Mr. Rogers 076625348

SIERRA NTERNATIONAL 3 27, Rawdon Street Rest. AC, Tel, Fans, City view, Bar&Rest, Mr. Mohamed Kamara 221266 / 076980480 HOTEL Freetown (City Centre) Internet facility, Business Centers & Sate TV& Con Hall, etc 077594749 / 076604499 [email protected] Ms. Isatu Alawiye 077424965 / 076606421 HILL VALLEY HOTEL 3 34 Signal Hill Road, off Congo Conference hall,Tel, AC, Fans, Satellite Car park, Restaurant/Bar Alhaji Umarr Jalloh 235582 / 076610439 Cross. Freetown [email protected] / [email protected] 078419520 / Fax: 234552 Mr. Victor Stevens HOTEL 5-10 3 Off Bai Bureh Road, Kissy Rest & Bar, Tel ,AC, Fans, Sea/hill View, Conference hall, Carpark Mrs. Liewellyn Allen 224040 / 030203447 (SLTU) Lowcost, Freetown facilities, etc 076810344

HOTEL MARIAM 3 5a Off Beach Road Aberdeen, Tel, AC, Fans, TV Hall, Conference, Bar Mr. Mohamed L. Sesay 234-932 / 229713 Freetown Swimming Pool, & Restaurant Facilities 076696364 / 076629156 [email protected] 32 HOTELS



RAKISH BEACH 5 Off Main Peninsular Road, Tel, Fans, TV, Ac, Sea Food, Satellite TV, email Restaurant & Mr. Haroun Savage 078441838 / 076670121 FRONT RESORT Bureh town Village. Snacks 033885556 [email protected]

FRANCO DIVING 4 2,Michael Street, Off Satellite TV, Ac, Restaurant/sea foods, Mini Bar, Sea View Mr. Franco Meri 076744406 / 030230354 RESORT Peninsular Road, Sussex 076642003 Mrs. Florence Ndulu HEDJAZI HOTEL 32/34 Rawdon Street, Tel, Fans, AC Satellite TV,E-mail [email protected] MR. Izat Hedjazi 229928 / 07622694 APARTMENTS 4 Freetown ANDY`S HOTEL 4 31Wilberforce Street Freetown Tel, Fans, T v, Ac, Fast Food Menu, Satellite Restaurant & Snacks MR. Mohamed Hedjazi 076744220 / 077744220 033744220 TITY HOTEL 4 Off Beach Road Tel, Fans, T v, Ac, Satellite, Snacks and Man groove view Mr. Jabbie Kawusu 077111990 / 033111990 Ghana, Compound 076111990 Aberdeen, Freetown CHARM’S BEACH 5 29Off Main Cape Road, Tel, AC, International & African Menu, Garden View, Car park Mr. Yousif Charm 076871577 / 033366080 HOTEL Aberdeen, Freetown Facility 076726097 Abdulai Charm



LUNGI AIRPORT HOTEL 1 Tulun Road, Lungi P.O. Box Satellite TV, AC Tel, Swim/pool, Hall, Shops, Rest.Casino,E-mail- Paolo D. Pelizzari 076680683 / 338272/273 54,Lungi [email protected] 338275(Fax) / 076660055 Guerriero Ricardo

WUSUM HOTEL 2 65 Teko Barrack Road Satellite TV, AC Tel, Swim/pool, Hall, Shops, Rest.Nightclub,E-mail Mr. Alpha Bangura 033293867 / 077480729 Makeni [email protected] Josephine Anderson 076341028

CATCO INTERNATIONAL 3 Airport Ferry Road, Lungi Tel, AC, Satellite TV, Bar, Boutique Rest., & Gift Shop Mr. Mohamed Kamara 076604499 / 076908480 HOTEL 076606421 MAHERA BEACH HOTEL 32 Airport Road, Mahera, Tel, AC Satellite TV,Bar & Rest/Bar Charles Whitfield 033622113 / 076611775 4 Lungi Seafoods, Seaview 076739814 [email protected]

KAMBIA AFRICANA Sierra Leone –Guinea Tel, AC, Satellite TV,s/pool, Bar/Restaurant, eco-tourism, Hon. N`jai 076918893 / 033758088 VILLAGE RESORT 4 High Way-Kambia Conference Hall &V.I.P Chalets 076654798

AMZA’S HOTEL 7 Stadium By-Pass, Fans, Ac, Satellite Tv, Tel, Restaurant, Nightclub/Disco Mohamed Salim Sesay 030840714 / 033673609 4 Field Road Makeni 078319577 / 088509653

HARMONY HOTEL 4 Off Airport-Ferry Road-Targrin- Tel,TV,Fans, Rest/Bar & Conference Hall , Sea Tours, massage hut Saidu Ahmed Turay 033598101 / 033598102 Lungi services / [email protected]

SIERRA PARADISE Yurika Village Lungi Dstv,Tel,Restaurant, Seafoods, Seaview Mr. Samuel Williams 076309613 / 033746995 RESORT 4 077209384 Madam Alexaridere

MENA HILLS HOTEL 4 135 Main Azzolini Tel, TV, Fans, Rest/Bar & Conf. Hall, hot/cold shower, Mr. Michael Kamara 033363140 / 077234327 Highway-Makeni Gardens/eco-friendly environment & Tour services Mrs Marie Suma 033531822

MAKAMBO VILLAGE 5 Main Magburaka Rd, Tel, TV, Fans, Rest/Bar & Conference Hall , chalet Gardens/eco- Mr. John Ken Fallah/ 077667570 / 076720638 RESORT Makambo Village, Makeni friendly environment & hut services Town [email protected] Mr. Osman .O. Sesay


IMPERIAL HOTEL 3 9 Pessima Street, Off Bo- Tel,Ac, Fans, Rest/Bar, Conference Hall, Garden View and Car Mohamed E. Conteh 033507772 / 078448494 Kenema, High Way - Bo park facilities 076682532 [email protected] FAIR VIEW LODGE 3 Kebbie Town-Bo/ Taiama Tel, TV, Fans, AC, Bar & Restaurant, conference hall Mr. Joan Angela B. Lavally 033326303 / 076639783 HOTEL COMPLEX Highway, Bo [email protected] 076615323 SAHARA HOTEL-2 3 2 Fattu lane, Off Prince Tel, TV, Fans, AC, Bar & Rest.Con/Hall Car park, Town View Mr. Alie B. Koroma 033719893 / 077536395 Williams Street, Bo Francis M. Koroma 030264779

HOTEL 4 6 Kissy Town Road, Bo AC, Fans, Rest. Tel Satellite TV, Lawrence Kamara/ 076600868 / 033454533 SIR MILTON Anthony Lahai

HOTEL MADAM WOKIE 4 25 Dambala Road, Fans,AC, Fans, Rest. Tel Satellite TV, Car Park Mr. Lawrence Kamara 076600868 / 076921774 Bo 076921774 Mr. Sallu Yokie SAHARA HOTEL-1 4 8a New Gerehun Road. Bo Tel, TV, Fans, AC, Bar & Rest.Con/Hall Mr. Alie B. Koroma 033271518 / 077536395 Car park, Town View 030264779 / 076-770073



CAPITOL HOTEL 3 51 Hanga Road, Kenema Tel, Sate- Rest/Bar, TV, Fans, AC, Shop, Swim/Pool, Casino, Hassan Hashim 033161616 / 033455554 [email protected], / 076609060 / 033350001

KONO HOTEL 3 210, Masinggbi Road Tel, TV, Fans, AC, Restaurant & Bar Glades Antoun El-Bahhah 076-666618 / 077-666618 Koaquima – Kono Casino, Car park 033-666618 Dyma Mohamed Z. El Bahhah


MAMBA POINT GUEST 1 4, Regent Road Wilberforce, Tel, Fax, AC, Rest. Fans, mini/swim/pool, Satellite, TV, Snooker/p Ziad Khalil Bsaibes 076618240 HOUSE Freetown [email protected] 232-872/ 231527 LAC’S VILLA GUEST 1 3a/9CantonmentRd, River Tel, Fans, Satellite TV, AC, Internet, Mr. & Mrs. Claudia During 242-185 HOUSE Side Drive, B/fields, Freetown [email protected] 076601762 / 033601762 CHINA TOWN 2 Lumley Beach, Aberdeen, Tel, Fans, AC, Rest, shop, Bar, Supper market Mr.& Mrs. Lanlan Jaffa 076625239 / 076647875 GUEST HOUSE Freetown [email protected] RAZA GUESTHOUSE 2 62, Sir Samuel Lewis Tel, Ac, Fans, Suites, Car Park & Satellite TV, Restaurant & Bar Mr.Alusine Lewally 076617316 / 033300086 Roa,Aberdeen services Mr.Bureh 033686526 SIMPLE GOAL 2 24 Cantonment Road Tel, AC, Fans, Satellite TV, Self/con Mr.& Mrs. Emerica Kaikai 076271224 / 033873790 GUEST HOUSE Brookfields, F/town 033717255 BANANA ISLAND 2 Banana Island, York Rural Tel, Fans, Bednet, fresh fruit,Sat TV,Sea view ,Sea foods, Fishing Miss Cordelia Macathy 076529072 / 076989906 GUEST HOUSE District, York games, water sport 033256519 [email protected] FREETOWN INN 2 21 Howe Street, Freetown Sat TV, Internet cafe, mosquito net, Tel, Fans, City /sea view, Mr. Assad R. Watfa 033350100 shopping facilities [email protected] NJALA VENUE 3 Lumley Beach Road, Sat TV,city/ Sea views, Internet facilities, mosquito net Mr. & Mrs. George Taylor 076602568 / 033398322 GUEST HOUSE Aberdeen, Freetown Tel, Fans, con/Hall, etc [email protected] JILIN GUEST HOUSE 3 Lumley Beach Road Sat TV, city/ Sea views, mosquito net,Tel,Fans, etc Mr. Edwin Michael 033880880 Aberdeen, Freetown Zhai Bi Yu CALMOND GUEST 3 152 Circular Road Freetown Satellite TV, Tel, Fans, City View Hon. Raymond Jones 077720475 HOUSE SAMUEL’S MOTEL 3 16 Ross Road, Cline Town, Tel, Fans, AC, Rest, Satellite TV Keni K.J.Fomolu 076661328 / 033347556 Freetown ELLY’S, GUEST HOUSE 3 4A Newton Drive, Road, Tel, Fans, AC, Satellite TV. Rev. Michael Samura 033351150 / 238848 Goderich, Freetown Mr.Ayo King 033541661 JABSON GUEST, HOUSE 3 Big Waterloo Street, Freetown Tel, Fans, AC, Satellite TV, Provisions Shop Mr. Patrick Siesay 033865021 / 076647867 Mohamed Bangura 078573267 GRAND REGENCY 3 10 Benjamin Drive, Babadorie, Tel, Fax, AC, Fans, TV. Mr. Brima N`doika 232201 GUEST HOUSE Lumley POSSEH’S RESIDENCE 3 Babadori Hill, Lumley, Tel, AC, Fans, Satellite TV, Rest, Email, Sea view, Garden Mrs.Isatu T. Bangura 076616634 / 033421126 Freetown [email protected] KINGTOM GUEST 3 8 Bolling Street, Kingtom, Tel, Fans, AC, Satellite TV, Car park Mr. Ethel Whitfield-Marke 076418325 / 225354 HOUSE Freetown [email protected] DIANA’S GUEST HOUSE- 3 19 Mudge Farm, Aberdeen Tel, AC, Fans, Satellite TV. Mini Bar facilities Fatmata B. Bangura / 076722366 / 033346867 1 Rd, F/Tow Mahmoud Bangura DIANA’S GUEST HOUSE 3 26C Spur Road, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans, Satellite TV Fatmata B. Bangura / 03367134 / 03346867 -2 Mahmoud Bangura


MALAMA INN 144 Regent Road Tel, Ac, Fans, Satellite, TV, Mini Restaurant Samuel Fornah 033766138 / 076906834 GUEST HOUSE 3 Lumley-Freetown [email protected] SENGBEH PIEH 3 3 Down Street, Kent Village Tel, Fans, Windsurf, Arts Snooker pools, Rest/Bar Mr. George Labour 076625830 / 033625830 VILLAGE RESORT SWEET MOTHER, 3 32 Beach Road, Lumley, Tel, AC. Fans, Beach Mrs. Ellen L. Bendu 076666038 / 272154 GUEST HOUSE Freetown Atlantic Sea view CENTRAL 3 23 Regent Street, Freetown Tel, Fans, AC Satellite TV, Panoramic City view Mr. Ahmed Zubairu 076755391 / 225011 GUEST HOUSE 033755391 A & F HOLIDAY 3 Mountain Cut, Off Provision Shop, Fans, Tel, Sate/T v, Mini Bar Augustine Tamba Kaibanja 076607862 / 077940332 INN/GUESTHOUSE Berry Street, Freetown David Michael Anderson 225324 COLEY PARK 3 25B Bath Street, Brook fields, Tel, AC, Fans, Mini-Bar, Carpark, Garden Mr. James Sandy 076629064 / 033326140 GUEST HOUSE Freetown Mr. Deen Sankoh 077252645 GOLDEN MEMORIS 3 8 Old Railway Line Tel, Fans, Satellite TV Eugene H.D. Sawyer 033939123 / 033704459 GUEST HOUSE Brook fields, Freetown City view, Mini bar LEONOR GUEST 3 Off Peninsular Road Kissy Fast Food menu, Sea Food, Sea breeze, Atlantic View Mrs. Adama Rognae 076637593 / 033293097 HOUSE Town-By-Tombo Y.M.C.A 3 32 Fort Street, Tel, Fans, City view and Mini Bar Christian Martyn Kamara 223608 GUEST HOUSE Freetown [email protected] CENTRAL GUEST 3 23 Regent Street, Freetown Tel, Fans, AC Satellite TV,Panoramic City view Ahmed Zubairu 076755391 / 033755391 HOUSE Ms. Esther Smart LEVUMA BEACH G/H 4 Levuma, via Russell, York Tel, Fans, Satellite TV, Agro-tourism farm Mr.Jessy. O. John 033324286 / 241604 Rural District. SIERRA LEONE 4 44,Lower Pipe Line, off Tel, AC, Fans, Satellite TV. City view Mohamed L. K. Kolleh 076641681 / 225-550 GUEST HOUSE Wilkinson Road, Freetown [email protected] / [email protected] 076647867 / 030246907 YAMOUSSOUKRO 4 Campbell Town African menu, Tel, Fans, DSTV ,land /sea tours, Showers, Bed & 234976 / 076601094 MOTEL Waterloo Village- Freetown Breakfast DALTON `S BANANA 4 Banana Island, Fans, Tel, sea tours, Mr. Dalton Macarthy 076570208 GUEST HOUSE Banjoko Beach showers, Bed & Break fast DUNN’S NEST 4 89 Campbell Street Tel, Fans & 231-016 / 076647959 GUEST HOUSE Freetown [email protected]

S. K. GUEST HOUSE 4 59 Fourah Bay Road, Tel,& Fans, Mini bar Alhaji Sorie Kamara 033512442 / 077346285 Freetown Mr. Alhassan Kamara EDMA’S INN 4 55 Edma’s Drive, Lumley, Tel, Fan, Shops, Satellite TV, & Hill View 076610127 / 076622180 Freetown COCKLE BAY GUEST 4 36 Sir Samuel Lewis Rd., Tel, Fan, AC Satellite TV, Mrs. Regina Riddle Koroma, 076661346 / 030247712 HOUSE Freetown Denis Allan Collier HOLIDAY INN-GUEST 4 151b,Kissy Road, Freetown Tel ,Fans, Mini Bar, Restaurant 033351723 / 240831 HOUSE


MUK-MAY GUEST 4 35 Patton Street, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans & Bar , Provision Shop Martha Gbla 076872874 / 077757056 HOUSE AMISSA BRODIE 4 19A, Low cost Housing-Kissy Tel,Fans, Mini Bar,Restaurant Facilities Mrs. Linda Bah 076561344 / 225011 MENDSG/HOUSE Freetown [email protected] FIVE SISTERS 4 76 Kroo Town Road Freetown Tel, Fans, AC, Atlantic Sea View, Rev. Davies 076607862 / 076940832 GUEST HOUSE REGENTSQUARE 4 30 Regent Street, Freetown. Tel, Fans, TV & Mini, Bar Facility Mrs. Marian Pratt 033218629 / 030200975 GUEST HOUSE-1 076446191 CILLAL GUEST HOUSE 4 69D Old Motor Rd, Calaba Tel, Fans & Mini Bar Facility Mrs. Kadiatu Kamara 077743627 / 263-413 Town, AYAWOVA, GUEST 4 10G Off Regent Road, Lumley, Fans, Tel, TV. Mr. A .V. V Musa 077573391 / 238-992 HOUSE Freetown. PARADISE GUEST 4 15B O’Neil Street, Freetown Tel, Fans, TV, Mini Bar Mr. Mohamed T. Fulla 076906081 HOUSE 224-942 PAT-JUL GARDEN 4 26 Jones Street, Shop, Snack Bars Mrs. Emila 033520183 / 077406948 GUEST HOUSE Freetown. Tel, Fan, Mini Bar, 077285281 REGENTSQUARE 4 13 Pyne Street, Freetown. Conference Hall, Tel, Fan, Mini Bar Mrs. Marian Pratt 030200975 GUEST HOUSE -2 225453 DELU’S GUEST HOUSE 4 13D Hennesson Street, New Tel, Fan, Shop Mrs. Beatrice Luseni 076869621 England, Freetown 241541 AMIES GUEST HOUSE 4 4, Old Wharf Road, Wellington Fan, TV, Shop Komba S. Biango 264500 / 076602242 RELAX GUEST HOUSE 4 186 Bai Bureh Road Rokupa- Tel, Fans, Mini-Bar, Restaurant & Satellite 030223420 Freetown T V 077713459

KADGIBS PLAZA MOTEL 4 91 Bai Bureh Road, Kissy, Fan, TV, Provision Shop, Car park, Mini Bar Alhaji Gibril Koroma 077296684 Freetown 076767747 ETTA LEWIS Ent, 4 19 Lewis Street, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans, Mini-Bar, Carpark, Garden Miss. Etta Lewis 030603928 GUEST HOUSE 033343422 HILL TOP 4 100 Mayenkineh Road Calaba Tel, Fan, TV, Rest, Night club, bar etc Mr. Kuyateh 076664508 GUEST HOUSE town-Freetown 076601681 KASS KASS 4 23 Lower Allentown, Of Bai Tel, Fans, Satellite TV, Mini Bar & Restaurant Alhaji Kassim 077886926 GUEST HOUSE Bureh Road Freetown 076603007 AMADIOUS GUEST 4 90,Newtown Old Wharf W/ton Satellite TV, Tel, Fans, c/hall Mr. Amadu Kargbo 033831045 / 076610699 HOUSE 077610699 CADS GUEST 4 296 Bai Bureh Road Calaba Sea view, Garden View, Bar & Restaurant etc 077607363 HOUSE Town Freetown 076601893


PAUL’S BEACH 4 Off Peninsular Road Lakka Fast Food menu, Sea Food, Sea breeze, Atlantic View, Mr. Paul 076727377 GUEST HOUSE Beach 033433608 ARIRANG GUEST 4 82d Sir Samuel Lewis Road, Mini Restaurant, Satellite TV, Fan, AC, City view, Man groove View, Mr. Abubakarr Swarray 076684776 / 076691136 HOUSE Aberdeen, Freetown 076639529 / 033691136 ALPHONSO 5 30 Dockyard East- Mini Bar Facility, Fan, TV, Shop Idressa Turay /Madam Baindu 033992345 / 076633573 CLARKE MOTEL Kissy, Freetown M. Clerke 076895946 LUIGI ENTERPRISES 5 370A Bai Bureh Road Allen Tel, Fans Satellite TV& Mini Bar Claude Kelleh Faulkner 077709289 GUEST HOUSE Town, Freetown 088467482 OREMI REST 5 Freetown –Waterloo Tel, Restaurant/Bar, Hill view, Sea food, etc Mrs. Majorie Coker 076706507 GUEST HOUSE Highway Jui, Freetown 076859235 DE STATION 5 36 Sack Ville Street Tel, Fans, Satellite TV & Mini Bar Facility Boblyn G. Augustyn / 033412037 GUEST HOUSE Freetown Katherine Kadie Bah LES ZANDES 5 8 Humphrey Lane Tel, Fan, Mini Bar, Ds t v/ Sport, Fast food/ Cold Walton Trinity Davies/ 088893229 RELAXATION-G/H Clinetown, Freetown Mary Kamara 030982553 TOMMY’S PARADISE 4 10 Main Beach Road, Lakka Tel, Sea view, Seafood, Mini Bar/Restaurant, Mr. Tommy Douglas 033464908 ISLAND GUEST HOUSE Village off Peninsular Road WINIKON PLAZA 4 Off Main Waterloo Road, Satellite TV Tel, Fans, Conf/hall DSTV-Sport. 030344012 / 033344011 GUEST HOUSE Back of Police, Waterloo 076601405 Village, SHELLAC’S 4 3, Quaker Lane, Tel, Fans, Mini Bar & Local foods cuisine Mr.& Mrs. Davies 076636296 GUEST HOUSE Cline Town VENELLA BEACH 4 Lakka Beach, off Peninsular Tel, Seaview, Showers, Sea foods, Fans, 033179848 GUEST HOUSE Road-Lakka BAFOUR’S GUEST 4 Edwin Lane, Cline Town Fan, Tel, Mini Bar & African Menu 030223255 HOUSE 030205894 AGIE SURPLUS GUEST 4 27 Willoughby Lane, Tel, Fans, AC, Car Park, Facilities Mr. Harold Hedd 033766138 / 076906834 HOUSE Brookfield’s, Freetown SANKOFA ENTERTAIN- 6 Main Road No-2 River Off Rest & Bar, Sea Foods, Atlantic Sea View 076625830 MENT COMPLEX 4 Peninsular, Freetown Sand beach, Canoeing Daniel Macauley 033625830 JAY’S GUEST HOUSE 3 1ESir Samuel Lewis Tel, AC, Fans, Car park, Satellite TV, Mini Bar Mr. Ibrahim Jalloh 025232504 / 076610127 Road, Freetown Ms. Salamatu Kargbo 076622180 THE PLACE 3 42 Rawdon Street Freetown Tel, AC, Fans, Satellite TV. City view and Mini Bar Mr. Samuel Conteh 076622627 GUEST HOUSE 229241 VILLA INTERNA’L 3 11 Edward Lane, Freetown Tel, Fans, Satellite TV. Mini Bar Facility, Panoramic City view Mr. Claudius A .A. Anthony 033351723 GUEST HOUSE 030351723 FRANJIA 9k Carlton Carew Road, Tel, Kitchenette Mrs. Victoria O. Davies 30240426 GUEST HOUSE 3 Freetown Satellite TV, AC 230511


M.J MOTEL 1 14 Azzolini High Way-Makeni Tel, Satellite TV, AC, Fans, Rest & Bar, Car park, Cold & Hot Water Mr. Anderson 077601866 / 076601211 Facility Mr. Ernest B. Kamara 030601211 LUCIA GUESTHOUSE 1 5 Sesay Street off Mahera Tel, Satellite TV, AC, Fans, Rest & Bar, Car park, Mr. Humpa 033879714 / 076603692 Beach Rd, Lungi Cold & Hot Water Facility 033342307 GATE-WAY 3 Bangura Drive, off Tel, Fans, TV,Mini Bar, Restaurant,Carpark, Mr. Hassan B. Bangura 033376061 / 077425540 GUEST HOUSE Freetown Ferry Road,Lungi Garden View 076604458 THINKA’S GUEST 3 24 Laya Street, Tel, Fans, TV, Mini Bar, Restaurant, Carpark, Alpha Lalugba 077475337 HOUSE Makeni Garden View 076805542 POLARIS VENTURES 23 Loya Street Satellite TV, Fans Mini Bar,Carpark Mr.Kargbo 076843734 G/H 3 Makeni 033441780 VOYAGER MOTEL 3 Makeni-Kono Highway Satellite TV, Fans,African hut Tel,Restaurant Hon. M. Sufian Kargbo 076879442 Magburaka Carpark, Gardenview 076629176 [email protected] Mrs. Kadie Kargbo PAMPANA 3 24 Makeni Road Magburaka Satellite TV,A C,Tel,Fans Intl.& African Menu, Carpark, &Garden Hon. Okere Adams 033474760 / 076646598 GUEST HOUSE view 088649599 MUDANA GUEST HOUSE 3 Kalangba- Satellite TV, Fans Mini Bar, Car park Alfred Manso Sesay 076743765 / 033855314 Via Makeni Amara Kanu 077978336 HUL-COM - II 3 1 Water Works Road- Tel,Fans,Satellite TV Henery Rhoda Bangura 076909073 GUEST HOUSE Port Loko 077248061 SENBGEH GUEST 3 4 Shaw Drive Satellite TV, Fans Mini Bar, Car park Mohamed G. Shaw 077842643 / 077582043 HOUSE Yogomaia-Kabala KASONIC 4 11 Port Loko Road, Rotifunk Tel, Fan,Carpark 076693974 GUEST HOUSE Lungi 076762404 KAMBEES 4 Main Airport Ferry Road, Tel, Fans, Nightclub Mr. Kamara 076622871 / 076605874 GUEST HOUSE Rotifunk Lungi LIZMED GUEST HOUSE 4 62 Old Magburaka Road- Tel, Fans, TV Mr. Mohamed Sesay Makeni 076606639 YA MARYLANE GUEST 4 Kamakwie No.2 Tel, Fans, TV 076883176 / 076367139 HOUSE Kamakwie Town Rev. Marylane Fidawi 088827743 BUYA’S 4 25 Lady’s Mile, Satellite TV, Fans,Mini Hon. Alhaji Kamara 076751325 MOTEL Makeni Bar,Mini Car Park Badara Kamara 076731170 NORTHERN MOTEL 4 23 Paine Street, Satellite TV Fans,Mini Bar,Mini Car Park, Mr. Sampha 076608289 Makeni Garden /Town View HUL-COM - I 11 Mission Lane AC, Fans, Satellite TV, Garden View, Carpark, Mr. Rhoda Bangura 223194 GUEST HOUSE 4 Port Loko. Car Park, Hill View 077248061


PAY-GAY`S 4 2 Moneh Street Fans, Satellite TV, Mini Bar,Tel, Car Park Facilities Kondowulay P. Mansary 076994625 GUEST HOUSE Kabala 077842529 SUBA GUEST HOUSE 4 39 Bo Road Magburaka Tel, TV, Fans, Disco Ibrahim Sorie Kamara 076675825 Entertainment 076696598 WESTEEN GUEST 4 6 Tejan Lane, Tintafore Tel, Fans, Mini Bar Isata Kamara 076634026 HOUSE Lungi 033783227 DANKAMA 4 5 Mariatu Street Garden view, Satellite TV, Fans, Tel & Live music & Live Band Mr. Anthony 033176774 / 077623849 GUEST HOUSE Tintafore-Lungi show 033119879 KAY’S GUEST 4 Main Airport Ferry Satellite TV, Fans, Tel,Mini Bar Facility Mr. Kamara 076613920 HOUSE Road,Lungi CONNECTION GUEST 5 29 Albert Street, Makeni Tel, Fans, Mini Bar Facilities Chief Abdul Sesay 033772772 HOUSE -1 077393029 CONNECTION GUEST 5 Magbenteh- Lunsar/ Freetown Tel, Fans, Mini Bar , Facilities Chief Abdul Sesay 077393029 / 077597806 HOUSE -2 Highway, Makeni 077654942 LAMTECH -2 5 Main KSS Road Tel,Fans ,Satellite TV, Disco/Entertainment spot Mr. Lamin Bangura 076232796 GUEST HOUSE Gbawurria-Kabala 077232796 TINA’S GUEST Barmoi Lumor,Kambia/ Tel,Fans,Mini Bar Tina Kamara 076895576 HOUSE 5 Freetown Highway-Kambia Facilities, local goods 076705868 STYLE ONE 5B ,Wharf Road, Tel,Fans,Mini Bar Mr. Khallie Kamara 076706397 GUEST HOUSE 5 Port Loko SUFFYIAN ZAIN GUEST 1 Airport Ferry Road Tel,Fans,Mini Bar HOUSE 5 Lungi Zainab Sesay 076412811 LAKOYEMA 48 Yagala Road,Gbawuria- Tel,Fans,Mini Bar, Facilities, local goods Mr. Lamin .k Mansary 076966285 / 077966285 GUEST HOUSE 5 Kabala [email protected] 033789515 NEW SUGAR SHARG 20 Circular Road, Port-Loko Tel,TV,Fans,Takeaway, Night Club,Mini Bar & Mr. Zozo Kamara 076-601-199 G/HOUSE 4 Restaurant, Car Park MASELLEH GUEST 4 Cape Palmas-Road,Port-Loko Tel, Fans, TV 076-830-166 HOUSE AMDAN GUEST 4 74 Bo Road Tel,Fans,TV,Shop Mr. Kargbo 033640661 HOUSE Masiaka Town Mini Bar Services 076734565 COOL GUEST HOUSE 4 5 Tejan Lane Kingsway Lungi Tel, Fans, TV 076634026 / 076918807 STEPAMZAS MOTEL 4 7, Field Road,Makeni Tel,Fans,TV Issa Kamara 076707260 Mohamed Salim Sesay 078319577 LAMTECH -1 4 3 Kodakaya Street Kabala Tel,Fans ,Satellite TV, Nightclub/Disco Mohamed L. Bangura 078593782 / 077232796 GUEST HOUSE YAGALA GUEST HOUSE 4 27 Gbawuru 11 Street Kabala Self-contained, Hill view , Tel,Fans,Carpark Kondowulay G. Mansary 077618481 / 076964626


COUNTRY SIDE GUEST 1 70 Bo/ Kenema Highway, Bo Satellite TV AC, Fans, Rest, Bar Swim/pool, Car Park Lawn Tennis, Mr. Pius George 076639851 HOUSE V/ Ball, 076261930 [email protected] J & E RESORT 2 Main Koribondo Tel,Fans,AC, Shops Conference, Restaurant, Car Park and Jonathan J. George 076760393 GUEST HOUSE High Way-Bo panoramic view Esther George 033760393 MOUNT PLEASANT 2 Main Koribondo Tel,Fans,AC,Car Park Shodankeh Johnson 076997070 GUEST HOUSE High Way, Bo S/Pool, Restaurant FEARS GUEST HOUSE 2 21Nikibu Section, Bo [email protected] Edward B. Sandy 076640351 MANJAMA INST. AGRIC. 3 Off Amara Street, Shell Mingo, Tel,Fans, Agric-Farm, Garden View Bosco Musa 076681594 G/HOUSE Bo 076909693 FAMILY GUEST HOUSE 3 6 Bo Tiama High Way, Bo Edward Sandy 033202007 GBENGETAE GUEST 3 Mskondae, Njala [email protected] Alie Lamin 033309251 HOUSE SALMIN GUEST HOUSE 4 Yemoh Street- Bo Tel, Fans, Mini Bar, Facilities 076646456 / 033476970 SAMMIE’S 2 Mahei Mboyawah Road, Tel, Satellite TV, Carp ark, Garden View, Fans & Bar 076608939 GUEST HOUSE 4 Moyamba 076933781 HEAT & COLD 4 20 Tikonko Road, Bo Tel, Fans, Satellite T v , Mini Bar facilities Samuel T. Kamara 033464781 GUEST HOUSE Mrs.Isatu Kamara 030245608 ONE WORLD LINK- 4 Mattru Road Tel, Fans, Satellite T v, 030841986 G/HOUSE Bo Mini Bar facilities 076744275 YEA KEMA 4 1 Kema Drive Tel, Fans, Mini Bar, Garden View Sulaiman Stevens 077210545 GUEST HOUSE Bo/Taiama Road-Bo [email protected] 033156700 GREEN LEAF 4 41, Fofanah Street, Fans, Satellite TV Emannuel .A. Okoli 033532664 GUEST HOUSE Bo Shop & Mini Bar John Paul Lappia 033629144 AFRICANA GUEST 4 3 Eight street, Njagboima ,Bo Mr. Gabriel sandy 076652911 HOUSE 033652911 FRONT LINE 4 8 Water Lane, Coronation Tel, Fans, Mini Bar, Garden View 076777784 GUEST HOUSE Fields, Bo 076725639 TWO STARS 4 14, Sillah Street, Fans, TV, Carpark, Tel, Samuel A. Goba 076643679 FOOD STORE Bo EXQUISITE 4 6 Mattru Road, Tel, TV, Fans 076641294 GUEST HOUSE New London, Bo CHRISTIAN BROTHERS 4 New Gerehun Road, Fans, AC Tel, Satellite TV 076602847 GUEST HOUSE Bo FLAMINGO 4 4 Mattru Road, Tel, Satellite TV 076664899 GUEST HOUSE New London, Bo


YOYEMA 4 Yoyema Road, Tel, Fans, TV 076922990 GUEST HOUSE Moyamba 033533331 DONMAY 4 1 Dr..Lebbie Street-Mogbamo Tel, Fans, TV 033569028 GUEST HOUSE 033566207 TWO BROTHER’S 4 Old Dredge Road Tel, Fans, TV 076624638 GUEST HOUSE Mogbamo 076659103 DE PARADISE 4 19B-Leslie Gombay Tel, Fans, Mini Bar & Restaurant facility 033814189 GUEST HOUSE St.Mogbamo-Rutile 076812604 FAMILY 4 Foyema Road. Tel, Fans, TV, Hill View, Car Park Facilities Tamba G. Gbetuwa 076638704 GUEST HOUSE Moyamba [email protected] 077590393 BUMPEH GUEST 4 Rotifunk Town Tel,Fans,TV,Hill View 033327005 HOUSE Via Moyamba & Garden View 076606653 RUPERTRIGE GUEST 4 125,Tikonko Road, Tel, Fans, Swim /Pool Aprilus K. Demba HOUSE Bo [email protected] 076644026

E-2 GUEST HOUSE 4 59,Abie Street, Bo Town Tel, Fans, Mini Bar, Car park, Shower/Bath 076573130 033565162 AFRO 4 30, Zomaligie Rd, Bonthe To be assessed Unknown GUEST HOUSE PENNY PENNY 4 Mission Rd, Mattru Jong To be assessed 076784862 GUEST HOUSE MADAM JENEBA Gbangama Road Mattru Jong Fan, Tel, Car park 076647634 LODGE-G/HOUSE 4 Self-Contained 076608106 CATHOLIC 4 Heddle Road, Bonthe To be assessed Unknown GUEST HOUSE THERESA KOROMA’S 4 2,Meddle Road , Bonthe To be assessed Unknown G/H HOME PRIDE 4 2, Kengegomeh St. Moyamba Tel, Fans, TV 033876591 GUEST HOUSE BLACK & WHITE 4 Water Works Salina Moyamba. Tel, Fans, TV Unknown GUEST HOUSE



ERICSION GUEST 1 48 Fofanah Street, Kenema Tel, Fax, AC, Rest/Bar Fans, Takeaway ,G/view Satellite TV, fast Mrs. Louisa R. Musa 076410722 HOUSE foods Mr. Soloman Musa 076725639 [email protected] ABAJEN 2 1-Abajen Drive Tel, AC, TV, Fans, Mini Bar &Restaurant Aloysious B. Ansumana 033563818 GUEST HOUSE Kenema [email protected] MISHEN KAY 2 13 Aruna Street, Tel, Fans, TV, Hill View Mr. Victor Sherman 033918506 / 076362959 GUEST HOUSE Kenema Car Park Facilities Restaurant, Bar, C/Hall YOU AND I MOTEL 2 231 Hanga Road Tel,TV,Fans, Disco,E-mail 076646535 / 076642824 (PABLIMO) Kenema [email protected] 077963317 SINAVA 2 9 Blama Road Tel, AC, TV ,Fans, Mini Bar & Restaurant Mr. Joseph Samba Keifala 076610589 / 033853659 GUEST HOUSE Kenema Facilities Mr. Amara Deen Jusu 077590720 UNCLE BEN’S 3 555 Spot-off Sahr Tel, Mini Bar, Rest, Car park facilities Mr. Benjamin Kamara 076599511 / 077210976 GUEST HOUSE George Street .Kono [email protected] 033899558 D & S V.I.P 3 36 Kainkordu Road Koidu Tel, Fans, TV, AC, Mobile Shop, Rest 076602793 GUEST HOUSE Town, Kono RIBBI 3 20 Mambu Street, Tel, Fans, AC, Shop, Garden view, c/hall 076726850 GUEST HOUSE Kenema SAO ABIE 3 2 Torkponbu Tel, TV, Fans, AC, Mini Bar 076589259 GUEST HOUSE Road-Kenema 076715213 RENDEZVOUS 3 2 Reservation Road Tel, TV, Fans, AC, Mini Bar/N/club, Rest 076796535 GUEST HOUSE Kenema 076527322 SWARRAY KUNDA 3 14 Swarray Kunda Street, Tel, TV, Fans, AC 076499579 LODGE Kenema Ds tv/sport facility, etc 033514682 3K’S GUEST HOUSE 3 15 Reservation Road Kenema Tel, Fans Satellite TV, AC & Mini Bar Facilities Mr. John G. Kamara 033364594 KENEMA CITY 3 Reservation Road Tel, Fans, Garden View & Mini Bar Facilities 076684673 COUNCIL G/H Kenema LAMBAYAMA GUEST 3 2 Aruna Street, Kenema Tel, Fans Satellite TV, AC, Mini Bar Facilities Mrs. Hannah S. Gandi 076784800 HOUSE 076639140 WYEEDAR’S 4 Howfordu Lorry Park Tel, TV, Fans, Mini Bar, Rest Mr. Mohamed Kamara 033579747 GUEST HOUSE Kenema Mrs. Miatta Kamara 076453650 UNCLE BEN GUEST 4 555 Sport, Kono Satellite TV, Tel, Fans, Rest,& bar 076599511 HOUSE 077210776 SAINT HILLARY 4 1-Tommy Street, Tel, Fans, TV. Mini Bar,African hut Facilities 076499579 GUEST HOUSE Kenema 033174154 SIERRA LEONE 4 20 Maxwell Khobie Tel, Fan, Mini Bar & Jumu Juliana B. Brima 076658792 REDCROSS G/H Street, Kenema Restaurant facilities 033453949



MOTEL 2.5 5 25 Salia Street, Kenema Tel, Fans, Abdulai kai kai 033554660 076770408 MARYLAND LODGE 5 3 Demby Street. Kenema Fans, Tel & Mini Bar, Facilities Mr. Joseph Tamba Nyuma 076419191

N.P LODGE/ GUEST HOUSE 5 N.P Filling Station. Kenema Tel, Fans &Mini Bar Facilities 076641494

HAJA FATMATA GUEST HOUSE 5 Bomie Area. Tongo Field Tel, Fans, Shop, Night Club/Entertainment 076797670 030897670 HUMBLE COTTAGE GUEST HOUSE 5 15 Kandeh Street, Kenema Tel, Fans, Car park, Mini Bar Facility Mr. Michael Kamara 033731755 076645559 SAMANYADEI GUEST HOUSE 5 Yoyema Road, Kenema Tel, Fan, Mini Bar & Restaurant facilities 033793201 033770694 MAMA MESSIE GUEST HOUSE 5 27 Dabundeh St. Koidu Town Satellite TV, Mini, Bar/Restaurant 076226430 076613207 077475134 O.A.U. VILLAGE GUEST HOUSE 4 1, Dama Road, Kenema Tel, Fans, Restaurant & Mini Bar Facilities Mr. Glen Robert Cudjoe 076642876 07663796 SAME DAY MINI MOTEL 4 1 Sahara Street, Kenema Tel, Fans, snacks, Restaurant, Night club 033189396 076723611 FRIENDS GUEST HOUSE 4 17B Kainkordu Rd. Hill Station, Kono Tel, Fans, AC, Satellite TV Joseph Senesis 076608106 076602586 033602586 MAKASA GUEST HOUSE 5 6 Humonya Street. Kenema Tel, Fans, Satellite T v & Mini Bar Facilities Mr. Alhaji M.K. Sannoh 033457157 076641494 ZUZU’S INN/GUEST HOUSE 112 Kaikordu Road, Koidu, Kono Fans, music, Tel, super sport TV, Mini Bar/Rest 088964179 5 033565433 076626507 NELEX GUEST HOUSE 5 2 Duwai Street, Kenema Tel, Fans, TV. Mini Bar, Facilities 076640278 076876380 SALAMIE‘S GUEST HOUSE 5 Ngombu Layout, Kenema Tel, Fans , Mini Bar & Satellite TV facilities 076658680



MAMBA POINT 1 4 Regent Road, (Bottom International & menu Bar, Tel, Satellite TV, AC & Snooker table Mr. Ziad Khalil Bsaibes 076618240 RESTAURANT Mango) Wilberforce, Freetown 232872 231527(Fax) CROWN BAKERY 1 5 Wilberforce Street, Freetown International menu, Tel, AC, Satellite Tv Mr. Fadi Kesserwani 030160081 / 076768769 RESTAURANT Take away Facilities 223411 EDEN RESTAURANT 1 HS 51-Hill Station International & Lebanese menu Hall Satellite TV Swim/pool Mr. Edward Shallop 076763873 / 07691000 (Country Lodge) Mr. John Shallop 077611611 INDOCHINE RESTAURANT 1 64 Sir Samuel Lewis Road International & Chinese menu Mr. Van Thanh Dao 076661768 Aberdeen, Freetown Tel, AC, Satellite TV 033661768 BALMAYA ARTS 1 32B Main Motor Congo Cross International & Oriental fast menu Tel, Art Gallery, Mrs. Joy Samake 076601209 / 230055/ RESTAURANT Freetown Fax 231108 BLISS PATISSERIE 1 110 Wilkinson Road International & Oriental menu Tel, Satellite TV, A /c Mr. Zouhair H. Kesrouani 033801717 RESTAURANT Freetown BINTUMANI WESTERN 1 Aberdeen Hill, Aberdeen, AC, International & Chines menu Mr. Yz Fei 076740350 / 030821111 RESTAURANT Freetown. Cordon Bleu service 233996 LAGOONDA 1 Cape Road, Aberdeen Sea view, AC, takeaway, VIP Lounge, Large Car Park, Satellite TV, Mr. Sam Hui 033998888 RESTAURANT/BAR Freetown Multiple Bars, Snookers, sea foods HOTEL BARMOI 1 75c Cape Road, Tel, Fax, AC, Rest/Bar Swim/pool, Satellite TV, Wire less Dr. Sheku T. Kamara 076918771 / 234933 RESTAURANT Aberdeen. Freetown Communication, car park, sea view, International menu. 236709 / 076602999 [email protected] Mr. sheik G. Tink THE MANGROVE 1 Lumley Beach Road International menu, Tel, satellite TV, AC, Fax, Swim/pool, Bar Mr. Wilfred Sam- King 076609595 / 033632400 RESTAURANT Aberdeen, Freetown Carpark, Hill View Mr. Ahmed Wurie 076632400 MONTANA GARDEN 1 38 Wilkinson Road, International & Lebanese menu, AC, Fans Mr. Aly Hachem 033911119 / 076643030 RESTAURANT Freetown. Ice Cream Shop 076613052 DELIGHTFUL-1 2 16 Howe Street, Freetown Continental & African meals, Air-Conditioner, Internet Café, Snacks Mrs. Chinyere Kalu 033303032 RESTAURANT Mr. Daniel Eze 033477100 SIERRA LIGHT HOUSE 2 No. 5 Man of War Bay, International menu, Bar, Satellite TV, Tel AC, Seaview & Garden Mr.Bert Cole 033613290 / 076613290 HOTEL RESTAURANT Aberdeen, Freetown Mrs. Lynda Lebby 076760303 / *033334488 Mr. David Carew @ THE OFFICE 2 64Cape Road Aberdeen, International menu, Bar, Satellite TV, Abdul Rahman T. Sankoh 033733886 BAR & GRILL Freetown Tel AC, sea View, VIP lounge CHINA TOWN RESTAURANT 2 Lumley Beach, Freetown Chinese & Fast Food Menu, Shops facility Mr. & Mrs. Lan Lan Jaffa 076625239 272731 SEA SWEET , ATISSERIE 2 98 Wilkinson Road AC, Tel, Satellite TV , International Menu, Bar, Mr. Emad Fawaz Kadijatu Bah 033370007 RESTAURANT Freetown 033301222



LILIE’S RESTAURANT/BAR 2 45 King Harman Road African & European, Fast Food menu, car park Fans, Satellite TV, Mr. Sulaiman S. Fofanah 076632848 Brookfields, Freetown JAKKAH’S CATERING 2 4 George Street, African & European, Fast Food menu, Fans, Satellite Ds TV & Mrs. Jakkah Kebbay 033328113 & RESTAURANT Freetown catering 030328113 [email protected] ACES RESTAURANT 2 72 Cape Road Aberdeen, International & Continental menu Tel, sea breeze, beach sand Madam Angela Campbell 033869145 Freetown Mr. Abioseh Griffin 033237318 BASHA RESTAURANT 2 70,Wilkinson,Road, Freetown Tel, Fans, AC, Satellite T V, European & Lebanese Ahmed Abess 076611000 / 033611000 235394 DOORWAY BAR & 3 67 Sir Samuel Lewis Road, African & European, Fast Food menu, Fans, Satellite Ds TV & Mr. Kaloko 033496363 / 033360474 RESTAURANT Aberdeen, Freetown catering snooker,Sea view ,takeaway 077832142 RAKAMA RESTAURANT 3 Babadori Hill, Lumley, Tel, AC, Fans, Sate TV, Rest, Email, Seaview, Garden Mrs. Isatu T. Bangura 076350240 / 033162304 Freetown [email protected] 076617634 THE ANGELS DELIGHT 2 Lumley beach Road International & Lebanese menu, AC, Fans Mr. Hussam Jawad 076929999 RESTAURANT Aberdeen, Freetown [email protected] DELICIOUS RESTAURANT 2 67 Siaka Stevens Street, International menu, Bar, Satellite TV, Mr. Habib Abess El-Ali 229185 Freetown Tel AC, Ice cream shop 076583311 / 033254702 THE ROYAL HALL 2 Family Kingdom, Aberdeen, International & Lebanese menu Hall Satellite TV Swim/pool Mrs. Theresa Obeid 078777204 / 273136 RESTAURANT Freetown 077777204 FLORENCE RESTAURANT 2 2 Michael Street, Sussex, Italian & International menu, sea view & Sea food Florence N`dulu 076744406 Freetown JOVANA RESTAURANT 2 16 Wallace Johnson Street, Tel, African & Int’nal Cuisine, TV, AC, Mrs. Gertrude Karimu 033450435 Freetown [email protected] PALLADIO 2 4,Lightfoot Boston Street, African & European, Fast Food menu, 033136590 / 033600768 BAR &RESTAURANT Freetown Fans, Satellite TV Marian A. Sesay 076600768 [email protected] BAMBOO HUT 3 70A Wilkinson Road, Freetown African & International menu Satellite TV, Tel Mrs. Abator Thomas 030227881 RESTAURANT 076767457 MARIAN ELLA 3 25 Kinsella Street, Brookfields, Fans, AC, Satellite TV, African & International Menu Ms. Marion Cowan 033707651 RESTAURANT Freetown. 240598 WORLD CAL’S 21 Murray Town Road Fans, AC, Satellite TV, African & International Menu, City/Sea View N/A BAR & RESTAURANT 3 Freetown



JILIN RESTAURANT 3 Lumley Beach Road, Aberdeen, International & Chinese Mr. Edwin Michael 030880880 Freetown Menu, Sea breeze, TV Zhai Bi Yu 033613643 HILL VALLEY HOTEL 3 34Signal Hill Road African & International Menu ,Fan, Satellite T v, Garden ,Sea Rebecca Moiba 076610439 RESTAURANT Freetown View& Breeze [email protected] NJALA VENUE 3 Lumley Beach Road Satellite, DSTV, International menu and fast food Internet Christopher George 076602568 GUEST HOUSE Aberdeen, Freetown facilities, Tel, Fans, facilities etc Mrs. Maria Taylor 033398322 [email protected] CHEZ-NOUS 4 Lumley Beach, Freetown International & Lebanese Henrietta P. Langley 076625227 RESTAURANT Menu, Sea breeze, TV 030232932 3D`s RESTAURANT & 4 91 Lower Personage Africa and International menu, Fans, Satellite TV, Internet café, Francis .W. Soya-Bongay 030228942 INTERNET CAFE Street Kissy, Freetown Ice Cream. Brima Alpha Sahid BEIJING RESTAURANT 4 112 Wilkinson Road, Cockerill, International &Chinese menu, AC, Tel, Satellite TV Lu Ming Lee 076604470 / 230695 Freetown MC DEE’S LABAMBA BAR 4 Lumley Beach Road African menu, shop, Satellite TV, AC, Tel, 077519109 / 033299395 & RESTAURANT Freetown. Live Ban Music 076503568 4 Lumley Beach Road Satellite, DSTV, Intl. Menu & fast food Internet facilities,Tel, Fans, ALAFIA POINT Aberdeen, Freetown facilities sea view Dr. Jimmy Pratt 033777772 RESTAURANT FRENZY VIEW 4 33 Wilkinson Road Fast Food, African Dish, Abdul Salaam Kallon 033400149 BAR & RESTAURANT Freetown Mrs. Bilgis Salam Kallon 033631221 WUVA BUSINESS 4 148 Circular Road African menu, shop, Satellite TV, AC,Tel, 076676848 BAR/RESTAURANT Freetown 076603969 ROOSTER RESTAURANT 4 Electricity House, Siaka Stevens Fast Food, AC, Satellite Television Mr. Amin D. Hudroge 076706424 Street, Freetown Fans 222624 STOP PRESS 4 14A George Street, Freetown African & International menu Satellite TV Mr. Pious George 229463 RESTAURANT H & Y ENTERPRISES 4 Parliament Building African & European, Fast Food menu, cafeteria, Fans, Satellite 076822505 RESTAURANT Tower Hill, Freetown TV/sport , Panoramic view of F/t 033136969 SENEGALEASE 4 68 Wilkinson Road Tel, TV, Fans, Bar, Int’l & African Menu Mr. Emile Bakilan 033305405 AFRICAN RESTAURANT Freetown 077860123 RAIN BOWL’S END 4 Rains Bowl End Drive Lakka Tel, TV, Fans, Bar, Int’l & African Menu Mr. Tunji & Doris Williams 033357199 RESTAURANT 030200861 BEACH NO.2 RIVER 4 6 Main Motor Road,No.2 River Tel, TV, Sea Breeze, Fast Food menu Fans, Sea Food, Mr. Daniel Macauley 033524407 RESTAURANT Guesthouse 033372703 FAMARIE RESTAURANT 5 2 Wallace Johnson Local & African menu, AC, TV, 076641735 Street, Freetown 033311208



TRIBES RESTAURANT 5 75 Sir Samuel Lewis Rd, Ftown Tel, African & International Cuisine, TV, AC Mr. Tommy 076620975 MET RESTAURANT 5 2 Wallace Johnson St, Freetown Fast Food, Tel, Fans, Shop 040403541 RAM JAM 5 31 Garrison Street, Freetown African menu, [Live Band Show] Music Mr. Harrid Sankoh 077795178 BAR/RESTAURANT 228366 JUDIES RESTAURANT 5 2 Wallace Johnson Street, Fans, Tel, Local menu 076788495 Freetown VIZA CAFÉ RESTAURANT 5 8 George Street, Freetown Tel, Fans, African,& Local menu 076762274 NORESKAR FOODS 5 106A Campbell Street Freetown Tel, Fans, Shop, Satellite T V Facilities Mrs. Esther Macauley 076660216 / 033371641 Mr. Timothy M. Macauly 23804 VALERIE VOUNGE 5 25 Sanders Street, Tel, Fans, African,& International menu 076318048 RESTAURANT/BAR Freetown ALEX’S BEACH BAR & 3 64 Cape Road, Aberdeen, International & Lebanese menu, Sea Breeze, Satellite TV Mrs. Nadia Mileris 076679272 / 272957 RESTAURANT Freetown [email protected] DELIGHTFUL -2- 3 41c’Wilkinson Road- Continental &African meals, Air-Conditioner, Internet Café, Mrs. Chinyere Kalu 076633114 / 033515964 RESTAURANT Freetown Snacks Satellite T v, Tel Mr. Daniel Eze 221326 KING DAVID’S FAST FOOD 3 Lumley Beach Road, Aberdeen, African & Fast Food menu, Fans, Satellite TV David Maroun 077669669 RESTAURANT Freetown [email protected] 076669669 D’S BAZAAR 3 38 Siaka Stevens Street, Tel, International & African menu, Satellite TV, Boutique, Snacks Mrs. Denisha Aubee 033544157 / 033460193 RESTAURANT Freetown Bar Mr. Femi Cole 224271 ATLANTIC RESTAURANT 3 Lumley Beach Road, Freetown. International & Continental menu Tel, sea breeze, beach sand Toufic Isaac 272400 / 076667677 BAILOR INTER’NAL 3 51 Bai Bureh Road Fans, AC, Satellite TV, African & International Menu, Nightclub Sheck Sesay 076637404 RESTAURANT Kissy-Freetown etc 076980328 BEACH APPLE 3 Lumley Beach Road, Aberdeen, African & International Menu, Tel, Fan, Satellite TV, Garden Mr. Kenneth M. Weeller 228179 RESTAURANT Freetown View, Sea Breeze/beach 033299366 PADDY’S BEACH BAR& 3 63 Sir Samuel Lewis Road, Tel, African & International Menu ,Fan, Satellite TV, Sea Breeze Alex Heroe 033855333 RESTAURANT Aberdeen & Night Club facility 273135 ROY RESTAURANT 3 Lumley Beach Road Aberdeen, Tel, African & International menu Satellite TV Fans Rajaa El-Jawhari 033405060 Freetown [email protected] 077628888 TROPICAL BAR & 3 152 Circular Road Tel, fans, Local & African menu, TV, ice cream machine RESTAURANT Freetown 076627040 PLAN B WINE BAR 3 Lumley Beach Road, Aberdeen, Fast Food menu, Fans, Satellite TV Miss. Maria Johnson 076619650 & RESTAURANT Freetown THE PRIDE RESTAURANT 3 N. P. Filling Station, Brookfields Tel, Fans, AC, TV Ibrahim M. Carew 033609625 [email protected] Alimamy Bangura 033140134 SPIRITUS, RESTAURANT 3 8 Howe Street, Freetown Local & African menu, TV, AC, Bar Kenei K.J. Fomolu 033347556 / 076661328 CAFÉ DE LA ROSE 3 2 Howe Street, Freetown African & International Menu ,Fan, Satellite T v, Garden View, Rose Marie Mends 076772909 RESTAURANT Sea Breeze 225-830 49 RESTAURANT


DOORWAY 1 Freetown International International & menu Bar, Tel, Satellite TV, AC & Snooker table James S. Kaloko 033360474 RESTAURANT/BAR Airport Terminal, Lungi etc Alie Baba Kamara 033590183 MIMOSA RESTAURANT 2 65 Teko Barrack Road ,Makeni Satellite TV, AC Tel, Swim/pool, conf/Hall, Shops, Nightclub, E- Mr.Vicent L.Kanu 076622222 / 033318608 &BAR mail [email protected] Francess V.Anderson 033600000 MAHERA BEACH HOTEL 3 32 Airport Road, African & International menu Satellite TV Charles Whitfield 025380/ RESTAURANT Mahera, Lungi 023507070 BULLOM ENTERTAINMENT 4 Freetown International Airport African menu, Satellite TV & Fans Facilities, take-away Ibrahim Kanu 076311071 COMPLEX-REST- Perimeter-Lungi 077616110 YEANE’S RESTAURANT 4 St. Claire Building, Azzolini African menu satellite TV & Fans Facilities, take-away 076831369 Highway,Makeni 033594932 SUBURBAN SERVICES 4 St. Claire Building African menu, Fans, Tel, Satellite TV, mini Bar 076607987 / 033499106 RESTAURANT Azzolini Highway-Makeni 076690616 CHOICES RESTAURANT & 4 17 Gbawuria Road-Kabala African menu, Fans, Tel, Satellite TV, Daniel A.G. Williams 077936349 BAR mini Bar 076697809 HIGHWAY RESTAURANT 5 Main Azzolini Highway,Makeni International &African menu, Fans, Tel, Satellite TV, mini Bar Ibrahim Zain 078835089 / 078349830




SABS RESTAURANT 2 7 Dambala Road Bo Town African & International menu AC, Satellite TV, Supermarket, Ice cream Mohamed Sabbagh 076631239 & BAR etc BO FRIENDSHIP 3 Bo/ Kenema High Way Bo Town African & International menu AC, Satellite TV, Night Club, Carpark 076602861 HOUSE RESTAURANT EVELYN`S RESTAURANT 3 18 Fenton Road, BO Mr. Dauda Lumeh 033246546 Mr. Ahmed Lumeh 033594932 IMPERIAL HOTEL 3 38 Pessima Street, African & International menu AC, Satellite TV Mohamed E. Conteh 033507772 RESTAURANT Bo/Kenema Highway ,BO [email protected] 078448494 VICANI RESTAURANT 3 170 Bo/ Tiama High way, Bo Satellite TV, AC, Fans, VIP Lounge Mr. Victor Sherman 033787903 / 033908080 SIR MILTON RESTAURANT 4 6 Kissy Town Road, Bo African & International menu AC, Satellite TV Lawrence Kamara 076600868 Jestina Koroma 033256898 MADAM WOKIE 4 25 Dambara Road, Bo African & International menu AC, Satellite TV Lawrence Kamara 076600868 RESTAURANT Fatty Turay 076642567 COOL ZONE RESTAURANT 5 17 Dambala Road, Bo African menu, AC, Fans, Shops 076678020 / 076658924 CENTRAL RESTAURANT 5 15 Dambara Road, Bo African & Fast Food menu 076646807



RECONCILE 3 1 Blama Road, Kenema African & International menu, Satellite TV, N/A BAR & GRILL AC CAPITOL SNACKS/ RESTAURANT 3 51 Hanga Road African & International menu Satellite TV 033161616 Kenema Hassan Hashim 077618888

ROY RESTAURANT 3 49 Hanga Road, Kenema Tel, Fans, Satellite TV, African & Raja El-Jahwari 033405060 International menu 033355553 Zaher El-Jawari KONO RESTAURANT & BAR 3 Main Massingbi Road Koidu Town African & International menu Glades Antoun El-Bahhah 076666618 033666618 Dyma Mohamed Z. El Bahhah ZUZU’S BAR & RESTAURANT 5 112 Main Kainkordu Road, Koidu Town African & International menu 033565433 / 088964179 076626507 FAT PEE RESTAURANT/BAR 5 3 Blama Road Tel, Fans, Satellite TV, African & 076667120 Kenema International menu 076720374 MOTHER’S HELP 5 13 Masingbi Road Tel, Fans, Satellite TV, African & 077852729 RESTAURANT Koidu Town-Kono International menu




SAMSO BEACH BAR & REST. Snacks 4 Dillet Street, Hamilton Village Sea Food ,Sea view, Beach side N/A DEES DELIGHT SNACKS Snacks 10Wilkinson Road, Freetown Fans, TV, Tel, Africa &International Mrs. Denisha Aubee 033544157 Menu EMBEES REST. & BAR Snacks 74 Main Regent Road,Hill Station Fans, TV, Internet Café Africa & Intl. Mrs. Bernadette Y. Kamara 076608497 Menu 076331410 DOWN TOWN SNACKS BAR Snacks 15 Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown Fans,AC, Satellite TV, African & 033133522 Inter. Menu 076611358 PICCADILLY’S SNACK BAR Snacks Campbell Street, Freetown Fast Food menu, Fans, Satellite TV Mr. Cole 242271 DIASPORA BOOKSHOP CAFE Snacks 2A Priscilla Street Freetown Fast Food menu, Fans, Satellite TV 076411144 Book Shop/Library 033471638 LAKE SIDE GARDEN BAR & Snacks 51 Upper Brook Street, Freetown Tel, Fans, TV, Shop ,Email 033431500 BARBEQUE QUICK TAKE SNACKS Snacks 8 Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown Fast Food menu, Satellite TV, Fans Mr. Monzer Hamdan 229504 Mohamed Hamdan 033322339 SAB FISHING COMPANY-SNACKS Snacks Lumley Beach Road Aberdeen, Freetown Fast Food menu, Satellite TV, Fans 033243309 033910636 GOLDEN FOOD SPOT Snacks 27 Pultney Street Freetown Fast-Food, Fan, Tel Menu 076677981 JEMNA CAFÉ & SNACKS BAR Snacks 125 Wilkinson Road Freetown Fast-Food menu, TV, 033466360 Fan, Tel ,Saloon, 078400295


7.2 NORTHERN PROVINCE Class NAME OF NORTHER PROVINCE ADDRESS/ FACILITIES/ PROPRIETOR/ SNACKS BAR LOCATION AMENITIES TEL/FAX MANAGER CABASLOT SNACK BAR Snacks Freetown International Tel, Fans, Satellite TV, Take away, Mr. Charles Whitfield 033622113 Airport Terminal, Lungi mini Bar 076611775 M.S SNACKS BAR & Snacks Makeni Road, Kabala African & Take away menu, Tel, 077494015 RESTAURANT Fans Bar HIGHWAY SNACKS/ Snacks Main Azzolini Highway, Makeni Fast Food menu Satellite TV, 078835089 RESTAURANT Shop, various parking stations 078347830 JUST-INN SNACKS BAR Snacks 7 Nfagie Street Fast-Food, Drinks and, African 076931225 &RESTAURANT Kabala Dishes 077284517 Snacks 33A, Gbawuru -2 Street, Kabala Fans, Tel, Bar, Snacks, Satellite 076995175 JAY KAY’S SNACKS TV-Sport 076787762 SAND BAR & SNACKS Snacks 62 Airport Ferry Road Tel, Fast-Food menu, snacks, Marian Bangura 076623027 Lungi African & European Dishes 033380347 [email protected] ELIZA SNACKS BAR Snacks Airport Ferry Road Tel, Fast-Food and African Dishes Mrs. Lauretta M. 076708301 Lungi kamara 076603725 ZAIN’S SNACKS BAR & Snacks Station Road, Makeni Tel, Fast-Food menu, snacks, RESTAURANT African & European Dishes



I. P. C. TRAVEL 1 22. Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans, Email, Online booking, Computerised, Mr. Daher Yazbeck 221481 or 82 or 83 AGENCY Reservation System 076611119 [email protected] / Fax: 227470 LION TRAVEL AGENCY 1 11 Siaka Stevens Street,Freetown,Emai Tel, AC, Fans, Email, Online booking, Mr. Allie Basma 076888888 / 226618 Computerised Reservation System 222870 [email protected] A. YAZBECK & SONS 1 32 Wilkinson Road, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans, Email, Online booking, Computerised, Mr. Joseph D. Yazbeck Tel: 232-324 TRAVEL AGENCY Reservation System 235-890 [email protected] Fax: (235-889 K.T.I. TRAVEL AGENCY 1 Santano House, 10 Howe Street, Tel, AC, Fans, Email, Online booking, Patricia Brown 033561883 / 076879148 Freetown. Computerised Reservation System 221344 Email: [email protected] / Fax: 221255 LAMAR TRAVEL 2 22 Howe Street Freetown Tel, AC, Fans, Email, Online booking, Computerised Mr. Hassan Halloway AGENCY Reservation System 224206 [email protected] 076614265 KAROU VOYAGE 2 Lamina Sankoh Street, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans, Email, Online booking, Mr. Lamin Bangura 222-297 / 076655900 TRAVEL AGENCY Computerised Reservation System 076609974 Email: [email protected] Mr. Timothy S.Nyuma Fax: 223631 KARL TRAVEL AGENCY 2 24 Rawdon Street, Freetown. Tel, AC, Fans, Email, Online booking Mr. Khalil Lakish 228405/ 221008/ Computerised Reservation System Fax:221008 / 033350352 [email protected] 033360065 AUREOL TRAVEL 2 18 Rawdon Street, Tel, AC, Fax Fans, Reservation System Miss.Delma Dove-Edwin 033860966 / 225571 AGENCY Freetown Fax: 225344 LANDMARK TRAVEL & 2 5, Walpole Street, Freetown Tel, Computers, vehicles, Email Mr. Francis Lamboi 033365196 / 076623582/ TOURS AGENCY [email protected] 076678930 FREETOWN 3 28 Walpole Street, Freetown: Tel, AC, Fans, Email, Satellite TV Réservation Desk Lamin M. Sumah 033185104 / 225850 TRAVEL AGENCY [email protected] 076962046 BUSINESS & LEISURE 3 10Wesley Street, Tel, Fans, AC, Booking, Reservation, System, tours 076656381 TRAVEL AGENCY Freetown [email protected] 033322083 CAS TRAVEL AGENCY 3 5 Percival Street, Tel, AC, Fans, Email Reservation Desk Crispy Cole 225-831 / 227-231 Freetown [email protected] Karimu Kamara 076600398 CAC HOLDINGS/ 3 4A,Lightfoot Boston Street, Freetown Tel, Fans, AC, Booking 076671782 TRAVEL AGENCY Reservation System


FRO INTERNATIONAL 3 21 Rawdon Street Freetown. Tel, AC, Fans, Fax- Reservation System, Foreign Exchange Kishin K. Bhavnani 076601944 LTD. Bureau 228818/ [email protected] 28/38 MAGS TRAVEL AGENCY 3 12 Lightfoot Boston Street, Tel, AC, Fans, Fax Email, Forwarding & Freetown Clearing services Mr. Umarr Jalloh 076615237 [email protected] 033320991 225800 MY WORLD TRAVEL & 3 29 Garrison Street, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans & Computerised Reservation System Mr. Abubakarr Kamara TOURS [email protected] 076601788 076688037 GLOBAL TRAVEL 3 11 Wilberforce Street, Freetown. Tel, AC, Fans, Fax Email &Reservation AGENCY System Mr. Patrick S. Gamanga 076620114 [email protected]

Matthew B. kpukumu 227342

Fax 228272 WEST COAST 3 7 Wilberforce Street, Tel, AC, Fans, Fax Email &Reservation System TRAVEL AGENCY Freetown Abass Khazem 076602030 SHAM INTERNATIONAL 3 49 Siaka Stevens Street Tel, AC, Fans & Computerised Reservation System Mohamed Alie Bawoh TRAVEL AGENCY Freetown [email protected] 076611664 076635566 GB`S TRAVEL AGENCY 3 25 Rawdon Street, Freetown Tel, Fan ,Email & Computerised Reservation System Vishal Kailash Satpute 033130620 077526033



RESTORMEL TRAVEL 3 5 Howe Street, Freetown Fans, Tel, Computerised Réservation System Mr. Ansumana Bangura AGENCY 228757 033812081 JAY’S TRAVEL,AGENCY 3 11 Percival Street, Freetown Fans, Tel, Computerised Réservation System Marilyn Jariatu Mahoi 227700 076848414 WILFAN TOURS 3 66 Sanders Street, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans, Fax Email & Reservation System Willfannette B. Kamara 076457413 033457413 JOY TRAVEL AGENCY 3 4 Campbell Street, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans, Fax Email & Reservation System Mr. Musa Kamara 229722 FAVOUR TRAVEL 3 34 God rich Street, Freetown Fans, Tel, Computerised Réservation System Mr. Mike Nelson 033370662 AGENCY TROPICAL HOLDING 3 11 College Road, Cline town, Freetown Tel, AC, Fans & Computerised Reservation System AIR SERVICES [email protected] Franklyn S. Atarrah 033404065 033514967 XPERIENCE SIERRA 3 49,Charles Street, Freetown Fans, Tel, Computerised Réservation System Mis. Edna Wai LEONE TRAVEL 033505920 AGENCY Ishameal Z.Sheriff 033128937


IPC TRAVEL & TOURS 1 22 Siaka Stevens Street, Tel, AC, Fans, Email, Online booking, Computerised Mr. Daher Yazbeck AGENCY Freetown. Reservation System 076611119 [email protected] 226860 227114/12 KTI TRAVEL & TOURS 1 Santano House, Coach services, Airport Transfers, Online Tours booking, Patricia Brown 221344 AGENCY 10 Howe Street, Computerised Hotel Reservation System 221345 Freetown. Email: [email protected] Fax: 221255 SATGURU TRAVEL 3 9 Howe Street, Freetown Tel, Fans, online Reservation Booking System &Tourism, Mr. Rathod Bharesn 227638 & TOURS AGENCY Handling facilities 077514715 [email protected] FACT FINDING TOURS 3 C/o National Tourist/T.I.O Lumley Bird Watching /Wild Life Tours, Tel & Tourism Handling Kai Kenneth Musa -Gbenda 076520122 Beach-Freetown facilities etc 229716 AFRIKA’S GEM 3 8 Beoku Lane, Off Main Motor Road, Hotel Reservation Tel, Email: Website Desmond L. Bishop 230478 TOURS & Mkt./ Mt-LION Congo Cross, Freetown [email protected] 033488310 EXCURSION 076692201 LEVUMA BEACH 3 Levuma Beach, Via Russell, York Rural Tel, Fans, Boats & Sea Excursion Mr. Jessy o. John 225986 GARDEN TOURS District 076605894 MANSTRAVEL TOURS 3 47 Wellington Street, Tel, Fans, AC, email, online Reservation System, Ensuite 076302589 Freetown [email protected] 033770433 030306944 076656381 VISIT SIERRA LEONE 3 28 Main Motor Road, Congo Cross, Tel, Fans, AC, email, online Reservation, Tel, Fans, Ac, Mr. Abimbola Carrol TOURS AGENCY Freetown Tours 033230981 076877618 BUSINESS & LEISURE 3 10,Wesley Street, Freetown, Sierra Tel, Fans, AC, email, online Reservation, Tel, Fans, Ac, 033322083 TRAVEL AGENCY Leone Tours 076656381


OLD SKOOL 1 Hill Station, Via OAU Village, Sound Proof, AC, Multiple club, VIP Lounge, Car Park, Mr. Mohamed Kallon 033575330 NIGHTCLUB Freetown Satellite TV, Snookers 033530090 Ibrahim M. Carew LAGOONDA 1 Cape Road, Aberdeen Sound Proof, AC, Multiple club, VIP Lounge, Car Park, Mr. Sam Hui 033998888 NIGHT CLUB Freetown Satellite TV, Multiple Bars, Snookers @ THE OFFICE NIGHT 1 64 Cape Road Aberdeen, AC, Multiple club, VIP Lounge, Car Park, Satellite TV, Abdul T.R Sankoh 033733886 CLUB Freetown Multiple Bars, Snookers DE VAULT NIGHTCLUB 2 Via Hill Station Club, Hill Station, VIP Lounge, Soundproof AC, Mountain Terrace TV, Hills 236610/11 Freetown and sea views, 033498784 ACES NIGHT CLUB & 2 72, Cape Road, Aberdeen VIP Lounge, Car Park, Satellite TV Multiple Bars, Angela Campbell 033320273 RESTAURANT Freetown Snookers& DSTV-Sport 033237318 Mr. Abioseh Griffin COMPANERO NIGHT 2 New Site, Rokel Village Tel, Fans, local Menu ,band show Satellite &Satellite TV Emmanuel Ferenkeh 076879367 CLUB York Rural District, Freetown CLUB GALAXY 3 5 Big Waterloo Street, Freetown Sound Proof, AC Satellite, TV, Restaurant 076648848 NIGHTCLUB DISCO PORSH 3 87 Bai Bureh Road, Kissy, Low cost, Ac, Fans, Recorded Tape, Reflector Light on stage 076767903 NIGHT CLUB Step, Freetown 076767836 RAN D’S NIGHT 3 50,Adelaide Street, AC, Fans, Recorded Tape. Reflector on stage 030219034 CLUB Freetown EASTERN PADDY’S 3 Old Road, Kissy Tel, Fans, local Menu, band show Satellite & Satellite TV Med Kay 076759043 NIGHT CLUB Freetown G-EMBASSY NIGHT 3 Mende Town-Kosso Town, Freetown Ac, Fans, Recorded/ Wiechea Y. Phebean 077290023 CLUB/DISCO Tape Reflector Light on stage BAILOR INTER’NAL 3 51 Bai Bureh Road Fans, AC, Satellite TV, Restaurant, African & International Sheik Sesay 076637404 NIGHT CLUB/ Kissy-Freetown Menu etc 076980328


COCONUT NIGHT 2 54 Lungi Airport Hotel-Lungi Tel, AC, Car Park, Satellite TV, Mini Bar/ slot machine 076680683 CLUB/ENTERTAINMENT CENTER APEX NIGHT CLUB 2 65 Teko Barrack Road Satellite TV, AC Tel, Swim/pool, Hall, Shops, Restaurant, Mr. Vicent L. Kanu 076318608 & ENTERTAINMENT Makeni eco-friendly 076341079 [email protected] Josephine Anderson 076341028 033315605 033600000 LAMVECAS 3 Teko Barrack Road Satellite TV, AC Tel, Dancing floor, friendly Relaxation 088861424 NIGHT CLUB Makeni Tower/Views 088302981 FLAMINGO NIGHTCLUB 3 32 Ladies Mile, Makeni Fans, Satellite TV, Sport, Dancing Stage 076880110

NEW SUGAR SHANG 3 20 Circular Road, Queen Arena, Port Satellite TV, AC, Shop 0766011991 NIGHTCLUB/DISCO Loko 076865990 HEART MINDS 3 60 Airport Ferry Road Live entertainment Dancing floor etc 033374120 ENTAINMENT CENTRE Lungi 076672238 GATE WAY NIGHT CLUB 3 Airport Ferry Road, Lungi Live entertainment Dancing floor etc Hassan B. Bangura 076604458 033376061 077425540 DISCO VIRGEM 3 11 Ladies Mile, Makeni. Fans, Satellite TV, AC, African Hut 076640034 NIGHTCLUB 030201428 B-SPOT NIGHTCLUB 3 Falaba Road, Port Loko Fans, Snacks, Satellite TV Ishameal K. Kamara 076454266 077599647 DISCO ARAMAC- 3 Kabala High Way, Kabala Tel,Fans, Snacks Satellite TV,VIP Nasser Mackie 076755313 NIGHTCLUB Lounge 077566661/2 076994621 SPY NIGHTCLUB 3 39 Bo Road, Magburaka Guesthouse, Fans, DSTV Sport & Shop 076675825 076650005 KAYS NIGHT CLUB 3 1 Port-Loko Road Rotifunk,Lungi Live entertainment Dancing floor etc 076612631

KAMANDA NIGHT 3 22 Free Gospel Street Live entertainment Dancing floor etc 076654968 CLUB/DISCO PUB Lungi SONFON REVIVAL 3 3 Siakie Bockarie Street, Kabala Dancing Floor, Tape/Recorded, 077241844 NIGHT CLUB 077219037



VICANI NIGHT 2 170 Bo/Tiama Highway.Bo Town Satellite TV, AC, Fans, VIP Lounge Mr. Victor Sherman 033787903 CLUB/DISCO 033908080 J.C NIGHTCLUB 3 2 Kissy Town Road,Bo Town Satellite TV, AC, Fans 076640577 076641389 DE HEART DISCO 3 3 Tikonko Road,Bo Fans, Satellite TV AC, Tel, Snacks COMPLEX 076642125 FRIENDSHIP HOUSE 3 Bo-Kenema Highway, VIP Lounge, AC, Satellite TV, Fans 076 602861 NIGHTCLUB Bo Restaurant & Bar KOMGBORA 3 21,Siaka Stevens Street VIP Lounge, AC, Satellite TV, Fans 033365336 ENTERPRISE- Moyamba Restaurant & Bar 076612459 N IGHT CLUB 033401997



RICHMOND 38 Main Kainkordu Road, Koidu Town VIP Lounge/DSTV NIGHTCLUB 3 Fans, TV, AC 076639056 REFLECTION VIPLounge/DSTV 077201346 NIGHT CLUB 3 6.Bona Street Kono Fans, TV, AC 076769805 ARIE`S 44 Kainkordu Road VIPLounge/DSTV 076604153 NIGHT CLUB 3 Kono Fans, TV, AC 077757545 LIPS 1-Amadu Street Tel, Live music, Dancing Floor, Fans, Ac 033406478 NIGHTCLUB 3 Kenema 076989045 076658542


CASINO ROYALE 1 C/O Bintumani Hotel Tel, AC, Car Park, Satellite TV, Mini Bar/Restaurant, Sea Mr. Raphael Israel 076749204 Man O’ War Bay, Aberdeen Hills, view, Poker Cards massage etc 030302666 Mr. Itshac Fleshel GRAND CASINO LEONE 1 72,Cape Road, Aberdeen, Freetown. AC, Car Park, Satellite TV, Multiple Bars, Poker Cards, Yong Yi NiNg 076922404 Body massage etc 076654043 272332 LAGOONDA CASINO 1 Cape Road, Aberdeen, AC, Car Park, Satellite TV, Multiple Bars, Poker Cards, Mr. Sam Hui 033998888 Freetown Body massage etc